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Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019

Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in view of future sea level rise for east coast Peninsular Malaysia N.A.
Awang, N.M. Anuar, M.R.A. Hamid, and M.F. Mohamad

Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in

view of future sea level rise for Terengganu Coast, Peninsular Malaysia
N.A. Awang1, N.M. Anuar2, M.R.A. Hamid1, and M.F. Mohamad1
National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia, Malaysia.
iCORE Consultant PLT, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

Global warming and climate change cause sea level to rise, which will result in the coastline being impacted
by higher waves and higher tide levels. The increase in waves and tide level will influence the design,
effectiveness and stability of the coastal structures. To ensure that the coastal structures are adequately
designed and perform satisfactorily during their design lifespan, it is necessary to have an understanding of
the extent of sea level rise (SLR) and the increased forces that the structures will be subjected to. A study was
carried out to assess the design parameters for the existing and the year 2100 conditions by means of
numerical models for the coast of Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia. A design comparison is then carried out
between previous sea level condition (assuming SLR=0) and that with the 2100 projected sea level rise
condition (SLR = 0.35m) at Kuala Terengganu, to represent the coast Terengganu. The results indicate that
the range of increase in the structure crest level is from 0.30 to 0.37 m, hence the structure crest level has to
rise by a magnitude that is larger than the corresponding increase in mean sea level. The increase crest level
is largely controlled by an increase in wave run up caused by the nearshore wave height increase due to SLR
The design comparison shows that the armour rock size will also need to be increased by 2 to 5 percent, to
withstand the increased in wave forces. Results from this study can be used by coastal engineers, planners,
and elected representatives at various levels of the government and interested community stakeholders in
coastal planning, design and sustainable risk management in adapting to future sea level rise impact.

Keywords: sea level, design, coastal structures

1. Introduction regarding climate changes and sea level rise (SLR)

Modern design practice places much emphasis on suggest that these natural processes will accelerate
attempting to hold a healthy beach on the shoreline during the 21st century and this will place greater
as the primary means of protection, since it is pressure on both available finance and engineering
considered as a ‘soft’ solution and environmentally solutions.
friendly. However, where human life may be at risk
and high density, high value conurbations exist, the Scientific understanding of observed and future
use of hard elements of a defence may be climate-induced SLR are suggested to advance the
unavoidable. Apart from the beach, hard elements, present uncertainties in protecting the coastline
as in structures are one of the dominant elements (Nicholls and Cazenav, 2010). It can be approached
within a coastal defence system (Thomas, 1994). either physically, numerically or theoretically.
However, rising sea levels will increase the Several studies have related coastline vulnerability
frequency of the most damaging coastal floods, during the last decades with SLR (Klein and
therefore increase the risk of coastal defence Nicholls, 1999; Sutherland and Gouldby, 2002;
vulnerability to failure (NRC, 2010). The stability of Yasuhara et al., 2007; Devoy, 2007; Sterr, 2008;
coastal defence structures is very likely to be at Smith, 2009; Sahin and Mohamed, 2012;
gradually increasing risk of damage from flooding, Mahapatra et al., 2013; Hunter et al., 2013; Boateng
hydrodynamic pressure from storm surge, and wave and Bray, 2014). Other relevant processes have
impact because of sea level rise (Klein et al., 1998; also been identified and these include oceanic
Sutherland and Wolf, 2002; Okayasu and Sakai, forcing by wave climate and storms (Sutherland and
2006; Torresan et al., 2008; Cheon and Suh, 2014; Gouldby, 2002; Thead, 2016; Enriquez et al., 2017).
Xie et al., 2019). In order to beat the circumstances, Rao et al., (2008) assessed the vulnerability of the
it will likely require hardening or elevation through coast of interest using Graphic Information System
retrofit, relocation, or even abandonment. Sea level (GIS) in the absence of available observation data.
rise (SLR) will stress this structure physically Sterr (2008) assessed the vulnerability of German
because the additional wave force induced by SLR coastline through analytical approach to suit their
may affect the structural integrity and/or national and regional economic agenda to improve
functionality, reducing its effective functional life and and/or maintain the defence structures.
may require accelerated maintenance or even
replacements. Since there will always be demands Over recent decades, amplification of SLR, has led
for coastal defence works to protect property, to a significant increase in coastal defence failures
natural processes are inevitably interrupted. Data either due to instability or under designed approach,
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019
Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in view of future sea level rise for east coast Peninsular Malaysia N.A.
Awang, N.M. Anuar, M.R.A. Hamid, and M.F. Mohamad

especially in the east coast Peninsular Malaysia Finally, a summary and some conclusions are
(ECPM). But the distressing findings mostly point to presented in Section 4.
under evaluating the consequences of SLR impact
on the design parameters. The reason being that
sea level rise impact varies depending, among other 2. Data and Method
factors such as the beach materials and coastline
geography. A coastline of sandy material responds 2.1 Description of study area
to two processes, namely inundation through waves Terengganu State is located on the east coast of
overtopping and run-up and erosion. Erosion rates Peninsular Malaysia, and has 244 km length of
is speculated to increase twice the rate of SLR for shoreline (EPU, 1985). Many settlements and
sandy beach due to SLR-induced waves and high industrial areas in Terengganu are located close to
surges penetrated further landward (Zhang et al., morphologically active areas [within 5 km from
2004). Although the ECPM is well equipped with Mean High Water Level (MHWL)] (NPP-CZ, 2010),
long sandy beaches, however, in this study the therefore vulnerable to erosion and storm surge
beach erosion has not been considered. What is especially during northeast monsoon (Ariffin et al,
assessed here is the percentage increase in 2017; NPP-CZ, 2010). Coastal protection structures
structural crest level and the increase in the size of have been built to defend some of these areas,
armour rock when subjected to the rise in water which are also prone to coastal flooding due to
level. This assumption is further discussed later. astronomical tides, storm surges, wave
Some earlier studies have explored the potential of overtopping, riverine flooding and sea level rise
future SLR on the protection structures via physical (NPP-CZ, 2010). Figure 1 shows the study area and
test (Harrison and Cox, 2015; van Gent et al., 2019), the ranking of coastal erosion index for the coast of
desk study approach (Esteban et al., 2011; Terengganu.
Burcharth et al., 2014; Sergent et al., 2015, Koftis et
al., 2015) and numerical model (Suh et al., 2013; 2.1.1 Tidal Climate
Arns et al., 2017). Overall, there is a great deal to Water level along the coast of Malaysia are mainly
understand about how to respond effectively without influenced by astronomical tides, which co-oscillate
creating serious unintended consequences and, from the Pacific and Indian Ocean basins. Thus, the
where possible, creating multiple co-benefits. Here, region has considerable variation of tide types. The
in line with works in Sutherland and Gouldby (2002) common tides are semi-diurnal and mixed type.
and Koftis et al. (2015), we address both effects on Northern and western coast of Peninsular Malaysia
the design parameters of coastal structures based have been spearheaded by the semi-diurnal tides,
on numerical model results and methodological while western Sabah is dominated by mixed tide
approach. To do so, we have used local tide level with dominant diurnal, Sarawak and east coast of
projection, combined with the increment of SLR for Sabah experience mixed tide with dominant
year 2100 retrieved from earlier study by National semidiurnal tide type (EPU, 1985). Most of the
Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) northern coast of Terengganu experiences mixed
(2010). A historical data of offshore hindcasted tide with dominant semi-diurnal, while some parts in
waves were also used as an input for wave the southern coast experience mixed tide with
propagation model simulations. dominant diurnal (EPU, 1985).

The aim of this study is to instigate some worthy In this study, a series of tide level data acquired from
reflections to national policy makers and Malaysian Survey and Mapping Department
implementer to seriously develop more effective (JUPEM) span over five (5) years have been used
responses to SLR and its risks to coastal protection to generate tidal constituents for tide stations
structures. This paper examines the physical located in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
components of coastal vulnerability in ECPM under This is to identify if there are any difference or trends
sea-level rise, coupled with the influences of waves, in the major constituents (M2, S2, K1 and O1) which
both in existing and future year 2100 SLR may indirectly influence the changes in tide levels
projections using numerical models. that will exert wide range implications to coastal
flooding, navigation, sediment dynamics and
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is ecology. Table 1 shows the Tidal Constituents
devoted to the description of the study areas, the analysed for data collected from JUPEM Station in
characteristics of the wave climate, the data the East Coast Peninsular Malaysia from Jan 2008
available and the numerical approach. Section 3 to Jan 2014.
describes the wave propagation model results
under existing and future year 2100 scenarios.
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019
Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in view of future sea level rise for east coast Peninsular Malaysia N.A.
Awang, N.M. Anuar, M.R.A. Hamid, and M.F. Mohamad

Figure 1: The location of the study area and the coastal erosion index of Terengganu coast (Source from RFN3, 2017).

Table 1: Tidal Constituents analysed for data collected from JUPEM Station in the East Coast Peninsular Malaysia
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019
Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in view of future sea level rise for east coast Peninsular Malaysia N.A.
Awang, N.M. Anuar, M.R.A. Hamid, and M.F. Mohamad

2.1.2 Wave Climate In contrast, during the SW monsoon, the main

The predominant waves acting along the east coast offshore wave direction is 160 o N with a maximum
of Peninsular Malaysia is governed by the Northeast height of about 1.5 m. The wave transformation
(NE) Monsoon (EPU, 1985). Wave heights during process tends to bend the waves to become slightly
the NE Monsoon are generally less than 1.8 m but more perpendicular to the shoreline with reduced
they can go up to 3.7 to 4.8 m during severe storm wave heights as the higher waves tend to break
with average period of 6 to 9 seconds. A deep-water offshore. The main nearshore wave (Figure 3)
significant wave height of 5.33 m has been direction for the NE monsoon is between 50 - 70o N
determined to have a 100-year occurrence interval with a maximum height of more than 3.5 m. For the
for this area (EPU, 1985). Storm waves affect the SW monsoon, the main nearshore wave directions
east coast of Peninsular Malaysia regularly, causing are between 150 to 160o N with a maximum height
damage of various magnitudes to the beaches and of more than 1.0 m.
whatever features and structures within its vicinity,
be it coconut or pine trees, fishing jetties, boats, and

On the other hand, during the Southwest Monsoon

around April to September, the South China Sea is
generally calm since the winds have been
weakened by Banjaran Barisan of Sumatera and
Banjaran Titiwangsa of Peninsular Malaysia.
However, winds from south of the Equator that
blows south-easterly across Kalimantan do
generate north-westerly propagating waves off the
coast of Johor and Pahang and up to Terengganu.
This is readily noticeable when one observes the Figure 2: Offshore Wave rose for significant wave height
approaching waves, coming from the south- for sea only (Hm0, sea)
southeast or south (150o to 180o N); whilst during the
inter-monsoons periods the weather is rather

Wave data at specific area are collected and

analysed statistically in order to determine the wave
characteristics for various directions and return
periods. These data are then used as input to the
numerical models to determine the nearshore wave

Since the beach regime is seasonal, which is

affected by each rough and calm conditions that
occur within four to six months repetitively, this
seasonal regime of the waves is an important factor Figure 2: Nearshore wave rose
to note in design. To represent the wave climate
along Terengganu coast, an almost 15 years (1999 2.2 Numerical approach
- 2014) of wave data taken from UKMO offshore The processes involved in two-dimensional
Kuala Terengganu is derived. numerical modelling works for this study are:
a) General modelling concepts and
From the wave rose plot in Figure 2, the main procedure;
offshore wave direction for the NE monsoon is b) Defining the hydrodynamic model;
between 50 - 80o N with a maximum height of more c) Data collection and field investigation;
than 3.5 m. However, a wave height of more than d) Setting up the hydrodynamic (HD) model;
4.5 m is recorded two years in a row, at the end of and
2005 and 2006. Thus, it is likely that a projected e) Calibrating and verifying the HD model.
100-yr Return Period could easily reach up to more
than 5.0 m wave in offshore areas. Upon reaching The foremost important element in modelling work
nearshore where open coast such as southern is to define the model area that needs to be set up.
Terengganu and Kelantan has no offshore islands This is to ensure that simulation runs can be
acted as wave barriers, these waves shall likely undertaken in conformity with the numerical model
impose serious coastal hazard if coupled with requirements and also taking into consideration the
higher tide and sea level rise. availability of the computer hardware, project
requirement and the time schedule. This includes
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019
Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in view of future sea level rise for east coast Peninsular Malaysia N.A.
Awang, N.M. Anuar, M.R.A. Hamid, and M.F. Mohamad

specifying the grid spacing and time steps required in this model have a Manning’s Coefficient, M = 50
for the simulation works. The numerical model has (i.e. n = 0.02). Figures 4 and 5 show the calibration
to be set up within the area of interest to represent plots for water level and current speed at P1 – Kuala
the real hydrodynamic conditions to simulate tidal Terengganu, respectively.
currents and changes in water levels. In this study,
the task was accomplished by modelling the These modelling works were carried out for the
designated boundary areas using the MIKE 21 present conditions and compared with that in the
model. year 2100. The numerical model for the present
conditions were simulated based on a mean sea
All input data required for the modelling works have level value of 0.0 m, whereas the numerical model
to be collected so that the model can be calibrated for the year 2100 uses a higher Mean Sea Level
and verified. The coarse model is first calibrated and (MSL) value based on the sea level rise projections
verified from the predicted tide table and the by NAHRIM (2010) i.e. 0.35m. Figure 6 shows the
predicted water level data. The process is repeated maximum current speed plots for the present
for the medium, fine and local grid model. In this condition; future Scenario (year 2100); and the
study, two levels of model i.e. the coarse grid and difference in maximum current speed along
medium grid level have been used. Kelantan and Terengganu coast

"Setting up the model" means transforming real 2.2.2 Wave modelling

world events and data into a format which can be MIKE 21 NSW was used to transform the offshore
represented by the numerical model MIKE 21. All waves into the nearshore environment. The model
data collected have to be resolved on the spatial takes into account the effects of refraction and
grid selected including the time step required. The shoaling due to varying depth, local generation of
modelling setup has to be carried out for both the wind waves, the influence of directional spreading
NSW wave model as well as the hydrodynamic (HD) and energy dissipation due to wave breaking and
model. bottom friction.

2.2.1 Hydrodynamic (HD) Modelling The MIKE 21 NSW model inputs include
The HD model is the basic module of the entire bathymetry, wave conditions along the offshore
MIKE 21 system. It provides the hydrodynamic boundary of the model, wind speed and direction,
basis for the computations performed in most of the bottom roughness, water level, and wave breaking
other modules. It simulates water level fluctuations parameters. The model output comprises of wave
and flows in response to a variety of forcing heights, mean directions, directional spreading,
functions in lakes, estuaries, bays and coastal mean period, and radiation stresses for generating
areas. The water levels and flows are resolved on a wave driven currents in MIKE 21 HD (optional).
rectangular grid covering the area of interest when
provided with the bathymetry, bed resistance Figure 7 shows the numerical model wave
coefficients, wind and wave field and hydrographic propagation from the north-east towards
boundary conditions. Terengganu and Kelantan coastlines. The
simulations indicated an agreement with the
The grid size for the coarse model used for this offshore and nearshore wave rose projection with
study is 555 x 2,100 with 90 m grid spacing and dominant wave directions coming from north-
oriented to 310°N. The bathymetry data was easterly directions. Presence of islands offshore
digitized from Admiralty Charts No. 1374, 3691, Terengganu coasts provide mild protection against
MAL5 and MAL664 and Mike C-Map. The numerical high waves especially during NE monsoon hence
modelling works have been carried out to cover the erosion is an ongoing threat along the Terengganu
state of Kelantan and Terengganu coastline. and Kelantan coastlines.
However, description of the model results will only
be focused on the Terengganu coast. Figure 8 shows the difference in wave height
between the present and the future at Kuala
The calibration was carried out by tuning the Terengganu (P1) indicating that there would be an
Manning roughness coefficient until the simulated increase in wave height of about 0.1 to 0.2m in
water levels in the model agree (within the limits set future scenario.
by the acceptance criteria) with the water levels
predicted from tidal constituents at the Chendering
Station shown in Table 1. The bed roughness used
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019
Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in view of future sea level rise for east coast Peninsular Malaysia N.A.
Awang, N.M. Anuar, M.R.A. Hamid, and M.F. Mohamad

Figure 4: Water level comparison at point P1 – Kuala Terengganu

Figure 5: Current speed level comparison at Point P1 – Kuala Terengganu

Figure 6: HD Model result plots for Maximum current speed: A- Present condition; B-Future Scenario; and C-Difference in
Maximum Current (Present – Future) along Kelantan and Terengganu coast
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019
Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in view of future sea level rise for east coast Peninsular Malaysia N.A.
Awang, N.M. Anuar, M.R.A. Hamid, and M.F. Mohamad

Table 2: Hydraulic parameters obtained from the models

Parameters Kuala Terengganu
Present water level (mCD*) 3.23
Future water level (mCD*) 3.54
Difference (%) 8.8
Present wave heights (m) 3.08
Future wave heights (m) 3.14
Difference (%) 1.9
Present tidal flows (m/s) 0.50
Future tidal flows (m/s) 0.42
Difference (%) -16.0
*meter relative on Chart Datum

Isobe (2013) as reported by Diab et al. (2017)

summarizes the effects of sea-level rise on the
design standards of facilities, including wave run-
Figure 7: Modelled maximum wave height in present up, overtopping, weight of amour blocks, and
condition for Kelantan and Kuala Terengganu
stability of breakwaters. A primary effect of sea-level
rise is an increase in the water depth in front of the
structures, which, in turn, increases the wave height
and makes the wave breaking point closer to the

Terengganu coastline has a conglomeration of

various facilities, including ports, fishery harbors,
and tourism facilities. The existing coastal
structures were designed based on the local mean
sea level, design storm surges and waves. Although
previous design processes have already made
allowance for sea level rise, the earlier allowances
were too small in hindsight. Therefore, when these
conditions change, it is logical to revise the design
standards to reflect this. These changes in design
conditions could have enormous effects on both
social safety and economic burden. It is also
worthwhile to consider that there will be further
Figure 8: Difference in wave height between present and revision of sea level rise allowance in the future
future at Kuala Terengganu (P1) indicates increase in which could increase these risks even further
wave height of about 0.1 to 0.2m in future scenario.
In the model area, the extraction point (P1 represent
3. Results and Discussion Kuala Terengganu) is located in between two
From model simulation, one location has been
prominent artificial headlands or breakwater heads;
chosen to represent the tide changes for one is the extended runway of Kuala Terengganu
Terengganu coast. Table 2 shows the results of
Airport in the north and the other is Kuala
water level, wave height and tidal flow in Kuala
Terengganu breakwater in the south (Figure 9).
Terengganu. The first two results of water level and
These two prominent breakwaters though widely
wave height show an increment in magnitude from spaced out (around 6 km apart) are likely to alter the
present to future hydraulic conditions. However, a
current profiles and littoral trappings within the gap.
decrease in current speed is found in Kuala
Terengganu as water level rises.
Investigation conducted by Muller et al. (2006)
indicated that sediment and beach profile changes
Terengganu coast is facing an open sea (South
within an embayment and do not occur
China Sea) making the increment in water level and simultaneously which some area will gain and some
wave height are likely simultaneous to the increase
will lose. This phenomenon is true in the span
in sea level (see Figure 7). Though offshore islands
between both headlands in Terengganu. An
are present along Terengganu coastline, the
accretion is experienced at the southern side of the
sheltering effect provided by the islands are airport whilst the northern side of breakwater is
insufficient due to the wide distance from the
eroded and presently still active with each
mainland. monsoonal event. Thus shown that the beach within
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019
Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in view of future sea level rise for east coast Peninsular Malaysia N.A.
Awang, N.M. Anuar, M.R.A. Hamid, and M.F. Mohamad

may not have reached equilibrium yet although both • H is the design wave height at the toe of the
headlands have been built for more than 5 years structure (m)
(Kuala Terengganu Airport extension was • KD is a dimensionless stability coefficient,
completed in 2009 while the Breakwater was deduced from laboratory experiments for
completed in 2006). different kinds of armour blocks and for very
small damage (a few blocks removed from the
armour layer) (-):
KD = around 3 for natural quarry rock
KD = around 10 for artificial interlocking
concrete blocks
• Δ is the dimensionless relative buoyant
density of rock, i.e. (ρr / ρw - 1) = around 1.58
for granite in sea water
• ρr and ρw are the densities of rock and
(sea)water (-)
• θ is the angle of revetment with the horizontal

3.2 Adopted Design Approach

The adopted design procedure is as follows:
i) Determination of Design Water Level (DWL)
- DWL = MHHW + Wind Set-up + Wave Set-up
ii) Determination of rock armour size using Hudson's
Formula with the following assumptions:
Figure 9: Modelled Current Speed – difference in
- Design Wave Height is based on H10 = 1.27 Hs
maximum flows between present and future (left) and
maximum flows in present condition (right) – K. - The slope of rock revetment is assumed as 1:3
Terengganu (P1). Map shows the location of the Kuala - Kd = 2.0
Terengganu Airport in the north and Kuala Terengganu - Density of rock = 2,640 kg /m3
breakwater in the south. iii) Determine Armour thickness and Crest Width
- The armour thickness is given by 2 x armour
As wave and current play important roles in size (2 layers)
transporting sediments to or away from the beach, - The minimum crest width is given 3 x armour
the increase in both parameters likely encouraged size
changes in coastal bed levels and triggered iv) Determine the Crest Level
unstable tidal current, be it lower or higher current - Crest Level = DWL + Wave Run Up
flows. In this case, the surge in water level decrease
the current flows and the higher wave would likely The significant wave height (Hs) is extracted from
exaggerate the erosion problem at more serious the numerical model at 10 m depth contour.
The design is carried out for two cases, i.e.:
3.1 Design Comparison i) SLR = 0, to represent present condition
ii) SLR = 0.3m to represent the 2100 condition
Sea level rise would result in the coastline being
impacted by higher waves and higher tide levels. In The differences in the design of coastal rock
return, it will adversely affect the design of coastal revetment works are now compared to obtain the
structures as they would have to withstand optimum design parameters for Kuala Terengganu.
increased wave forces and increased overtopping. The main design parameters and design output that
In this section, the difference in design of a simple will be the main focus of the comparison are the
coastal rock revetment are compared for the current DWL, Design Wave Height, Crest Level and Armour
condition and that in the year 2100. Stone Size.
The design is carried out using the Hudson Formula
given by: The changes in the design parameters and design
output at Kuala Terengganu are as shown in Table
W= ɣr H3
KD Δ3 cot θ (1) Table 3: Changes to Design Parameters and Design
Output at Terengganu Coast
Where: No. Description Current Year Difference
Condition 2100
• W is the design weight of the riprap armour (m) (m)
(Newton) 1 MSL 1.45 1.75 0.30
• ɣr is the specific weight of the armour blocks (mCD*)
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019
Modification of design parameters for coastal protection structures in view of future sea level rise for east coast Peninsular Malaysia N.A.
Awang, N.M. Anuar, M.R.A. Hamid, and M.F. Mohamad

2 MHHW 2..67 2.97 0.30 increased by 2 to 5 percent, to withstand the

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3 DWL 3.49 3.79 0.30 5. References
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