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Austintown ER
Week 6 journal: Austintown Emergency Room

This week at clinical I was at the Austintown ER. This clinical site allowed me to see

many different patients with many different kind of problems. While I was there, I shadowed

Anne and a lot of the patients that I came in contact with had the same complications. A lot of

them had covid/ flu like symptoms or had pain in a certain part of their body. I started with

taking some of their vitals and then observed as she assessed and documented all of their

information. Along with patient care and assessments, I also got to observe what it was like to be

a charge nurse and how they admit and discharge patients. We took labs for many patients such

as troponin, CBC, and hemoglobin levels. We also did many covid/flu tests for the patients that

had these types of symptoms.

Describe the community as a setting for all levels of health care delivery from clinical

community experience.

The community we were in brought in a variety of different patients which proposed the

opportunity for me to see the different levels of health care. The different levels of health are

primary, secondary, and tertiary. The most prevalent level of health care that I observed during

my experience at the Austintown Emergency Room was tertiary. There were sick people there

presenting with a variety of diseases and they were being given treatments and education in order

to prevent further degeneration of the disease they had. An example of this is someone was given

a nebulizer breathing treatment to help with asthma complications. This medication was

transformed into a mist which made it easier for it to do its job and it ultimately reduced the

patient’s congestion and breathing problem. This is an example of tertiary because the patient

already has the condition and there is nothing, we can do to reverse it other than to use

treatments to halt the worsening of the disease.

Austintown ER

Examines health related issues that impact the individual client and his family and reflect

in weekly summary/journal.

When patients come in sick to the ER it wasn’t just affecting them it was affecting their

family as well. The ER allows you to see a glimpse into the support that individuals have from

their family. Most of the patients I saw had somebody with them and it helps to have support

from someone when you are in the ER like they were. The one patient I saw was an elderly lady

who fell and cracked her head open which really affected her daughter that was with her. Her

daughter was very nervous that she was going to have internal bleeding or other issues that could

cause a huge problem for her mother. Being in the community allows me to see how illness truly

affects individuals and their family.


I really liked being at the Austintown emergency room and I feel like I learned a lot. The

nurses there were great, and I enjoyed seeing how they worked in the setting that they were in.

They were able to help their patients and get them in and out in a timely fashion while balancing

other patients on top of that. I definitely would be interested in working in a setting like the

Austintown ER because I liked the environment and pace that they were able to work at. I like

how everything they needed was right there and I also thought it was cool that when they needed

to drop labs off, they just had to turn the corner unlike at the hospital they have to send it through

tubes and wait longer for the results. Overall, I had a great experience at the Austintown ER, and

I think it was a great learning opportunity.

Austintown ER
Austintown ER
Austintown ER
Austintown ER

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