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Specifying topics and relations between ideas:

○ “In relation to”: In relation to climate change, renewable energy sources are
○ with regard to
○ in/within the context of
2. Drawing attention to something or focusing on it:
○ “To be taken into account”: When planning a trip, weather conditions should be
taken into account.
○ “It is important to recognize/be aware of/bear in mind”: When investing, bear
in mind the risks associated with the stock market.
○ “It is not surprising that”: Given the heavy rainfall, it’s not surprising that there
are floods.
3. Hedging and expressing degrees of certainty:
○ “Has/have the potential to”: This new technology has the potential to
revolutionize communication.
○ “Based on the assumption that”: The economic forecast is positive based on
the assumption that consumer spending will increase.
○ “There is no doubt that”: There is no doubt that exercise contributes to overall
○ “It is reasonable to assume that”: Given the data, it is reasonable to assume
that the trend will continue.
4. Explaining and defining:
○ “(Be) regarded as”: The Mona Lisa is widely regarded as a masterpiece.
○ “To account for”: Increased greenhouse gas emissions account for rising global
○ “The reason for this is that”: The reason for the traffic congestion is ongoing
road construction.
5. Giving examples or presenting evidence:
○ “Tend to”: People tend to choose healthier food options when they have easy
access to them.
○ “According to”: According to recent research, regular exercise improves
cognitive function.
○ “Characterized by”: The Renaissance period is characterized by its focus on
art, science, and humanism.
○ “In the light of”: In the light of recent developments, we need to revise our
6. Expressing aims, causes, and effects:
○ “(Be) due to the fact that”: The cancellation of the event was due to the fact
that the venue was unavailable.
○ “As a result (of)”: The company’s cost-cutting measures led to increased
profitability as a result of reduced expenses.
○ “Determined by”: The success of the project is determined by effective
collaboration among team members.
○ “The manner in which”: The manner in which employees communicate impacts
overall workplace productivity.
○ “On the basis of/that”: The decision was made on the basis of market research
○ “(Is/are/be) associated with”: High levels of stress are associated with various
health issues.
○ “Plays an important role (in)”: Proper nutrition plays an important role in
maintaining good health.
○ “Is the most common cause of”: Smoking is the most common cause of lung
7. Making contrasts:
○ “As opposed to”: Organic farming focuses on sustainability as opposed to
conventional farming practices.
○ “In contrast to”: In contrast to the bustling city life, rural areas offer tranquility
and open spaces.
○ “In contrast”: The warm colors of autumn leaves create a beautiful contrast
against the blue sky.
○ “On the other hand”: Some people prefer working independently; on the other
hand, others thrive in collaborative environments.
○ “Variation in”: There is significant variation in weather patterns across different
○ “On the other end of the spectrum”: While some people enjoy adventure
sports, others prefer the other end of the spectrum—quiet hobbies like reading.
○ “In spite of the fact that”: In spite of the fact that the economy is recovering,
unemployment rates remain high.
○ “With the exception of”: Everyone attended the meeting with the exception of
one team member who was on vacation.
8. Comparing:
○ “Compared to”: Compared to traditional classrooms, online learning offers
greater flexibility.
○ “Relative to”: The company’s revenue increased significantly relative to the
previous quarter.
○ “In the same way (as/that)”: The new software functions in the same way as
the old version.
9. Expressing quantity/degree and increase/decrease:
○ “The degree to which”: The degree to which employees are satisfied with their
work environment affects overall productivity.
○ “(In) a/the (wide) range of”: The conference covered a wide range of topics
related to artificial intelligence.
○ “The prevalence of”: The prevalence of smartphone usage has increased
dramatically in recent years.
10. Expressing the existence/non-existence of something:
○ “(Even) in the absence of (any)”: Even in the absence of clear evidence, some
theories gain popularity.
○ “In the presence of”: In the presence of strong leadership, teams perform
○ “The/a lack of”: The lack of proper infrastructure hinders economic

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