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Lab 9:Dive Response

Table 1: Lab Activity 1 – Simulated Dive

Condition Group Avg. HR 0-15 s Avg HR 15-30 s Avg HR 0-30 s

Air Breathing 1

4 19 18 37

5 21 17 38

6 22 23 45

Class Average

Apnea in 1
Cold Water

4 13 12 25

5 22 25 47

6 16 17 33

Class Average

Average HR

Table 2: Lab Activity 2 – Effects of Apnea

Condition Group Avg. HR 0-15 s Avg HR 15-30 s Avg HR 0-30 s

Air Breathing 1

2 22 23 45

Exp Average

Apnea in Air 1

2 24 22 46

Exp Average

Average HR

Snorkel Cold 1
2 20 17 37

Exp Average

Snorkel Cold 1
Dive (apnea)
2 22 16 38

Exp Average

Average HR

Table 3: Lab Activity 3 – Effects of Facial Immersion

Condition Group Avg. HR 0-15 s Avg HR 15-30 s Avg HR 0-30 s

Snorkel Breathing 1
in Air
2 15 14 29

Exp Average

Snorkel Cold Dive 1

2 15 15 30

Exp Average

Average HR

Apnea in Air 1

2 21 21 42

Exp Average

Apnea in Cold 1
Water (enter
simulated dive data 2 13 12 25
Exp Average

Average HR

Apnea in Air 1

(from above) 2 21 21 42

Exp Average

Apnea in RT 1
2 14 14 28

Exp Average

Average HR

Table 4: Lab Activity 4 – Effects of Temperature

Condition Group Avg. HR 0-15 s Avg HR 15-30 s Avg HR 0-30 s

RT gel pack in Air 1

2 20 18 38

Exp Average

Cold gel pack in 1

2 16 18 34

Exp Average

Average HR

Apnea in Warm 1
2 16 19 35

Exp Average

Apnea in Cold 1
Water (enter
simulated dive data 2 22 23 45
Exp Average

Average HR

Homework: Assignment 9—Dive Response (10 pts)

Work independently. Write a report summarizing your experiments on the dive

response. You should include the baseline data from your group, your assigned dive
parameter data, and class data for the other class parameters tested. Follow the lab
report guidelines posted on Canvas.
Cite your sources in the body of the text by including the first author’s last name, then the year
in parentheses. Eg. (Reese, 2011). The complete citation for each source should appear in
alphabetical order in the Literature Cited section. For example:
Reese et al. 2011. Biology 9th ed., Pearson/Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co., pg. 146.

Name________________________________ Section_______

Dive Response Grading Rubric

Format Score Content Score

Title (0.25 pts.)

Reflects purpose/meaning of

Omits unnecessary items like “Lab 9”

Abstract (0.25 pts.)

Brief summary of each section

Addresses key points of each section

Introduction (1 pt.) Introduction (1 pt.)

States purpose of the experiment Background info relevant to

States hypothesis and null hypothesis
Hypothesis and predictions in line with
Provides background purpose of experiment

Methods (0.5 pts.) Methods (0.5 pts.)

Written in past tense State techniques and procedures

Cites source material for methods Thorough enough to be duplicated

Results (1 pt.) Results (1.5 pts.)

Raw data tables converted to graphs Data accurate and summarized in text

Graphs/tables are accurate, correctly Descriptions of results are valid and

labeled, and numbered logical

Describe results in the text

Discussion (1.5 pts.) Discussion (1.5 pts.)

Discuss results Accurate interpretation of results

Point out unexpected results Appropriate conclusions drawn

Summarize evidence for conclusion Was the hypothesis supported?

Summarize significance of results

Literature Cited (0.25 pts.) Literature Cited (0.25 pts.)

Text citations used correctly Listed correctly, alphabetically by


Mechanics of Report (0.5 pts.)

Section headings present

Grammatically correct and proofread

Followed TA/LI instructions

Total Total

Comments: Final

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