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5E Lesson Plan Template

Your name or Samantha Wison

teacher name
(if needed)

Date(s) taught April 17th-19th, 2024

Subject English/Language Arts

Grade level 11

Materials ChromeBook, internet access

Standards State Standards

(State and DL.11.17 Use images, sound, animation, and other modes of expression to create or
ISTE enhance individual or collaborative digital and multimodal texts that are suitable in
Standards for purpose and tone for their intended audience and occasion.
LL.11.25 Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate credible sources.

ISTE Standard
3. Knowledge Constructor - Students critically curate a variety of resources using
digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful
learning experiences for themselves and others.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of migrant worker experiences during the
Great Depression and their ability to use technology for research and creative
presentation by completing the following objectives:

DL. 11. 17:

Creating an Interactive Map: Students will collaboratively create an interactive map
using Google My Maps that traces a plausible route for George and Lennie's journey in
"Of Mice and Men." The map will incorporate the following multimedia elements:
o Historical photos: Images depicting migrant worker camps, transportation
methods, and landscapes relevant to the time period
o Audio clips: Recordings of migrant worker experiences, music from the era
o Informative text overlays: Descriptions of locations, historical context, and
quotes from the novel that connect to specific points on the map

LL. 11.25:
Researching Migrant Worker Travel: Students will utilize various research strategies
to locate credible sources about migrant worker travel patterns during the Great
Depression Sources can include the following items:
o Historical websites: Websites of historical societies, museums, or government
o Academic journals: Scholarly articles exploring migrant worker experiences
o Credible online documentaries: Films that depict the realities of migrant
worker life

3. Knowledge Constructor
Curating Resources
o Curating Multimedia Elements: Students will select and curate appropriate
multimedia elements (photos, audio clips) that enhance their web maps and
accurately portray the historical context.
o Building Knowledge: Through research and collaboration, students will gain a
deeper understanding of the challenges faced by migrant workers during the
Depression era.

Differentiation Visual Learners

The project relies heavily on visuals: the interactive map itself and historical photos.
Strategies  Differentiation: I will provide graphic organizers to help students plan the
information for the map’s text overlays.

Auditory Learners
The project incorporates audio clips from migrant worker’s experiences or music from
the time period.
 Differentiation: I will allow students to create short audio narrations for
different sections of the map, explaining the historical context or quotes from
the novel.

Kinesthetic Learners
While the project is primarily research and technology-based, students might move
around to discuss their processes with peers in other groups/to receive peer-support.
 Differentiation: I will allow students to present their web maps and act out the
routes represented in the maps.

Special Needs Learners

The project offers opportunities for individualized pacing and choice of tasks.
 Differentiation: I will provide scaffolding and support for research and
technology use by breaking down tasks into smaller steps.

All Learners
I will strategically group students based on their learning styles so that each student’s
contributions align with his or her learning style.
The 5 Es
E Description

Engagemen Activity
t 1. Students will brainstorm ideas using Jamboard, a collaborative online whiteboard, about what
they already know about migrant workers and the challenges they faced while traveling.
2. I will show a short clip to students about migrant worker camps during the Great Depression.
- The Great Depression & American Farmers
- Migrant Workers Jamboard

Engagemen Assessment
t 1. I will observe student participation in the Jamboard.
Assessment 2. After the video clip about migrant workers, I will ask students the following questions to gauge
their understanding:
- What kinds of jobs did migrant workers typically have?
- What were some of the difficulties migrant workers faced while traveling?
- Why do you think it was important for migrant workers to travel during this time?

Exploration Activity
1. Student will work in pairs to research possible travel routes for migrant workers during the
Depression era. They can utilize online databases or reputable historical society websites to
find information about the following:
 Typical travel routes for migrant workers on the West Coast
 Modes of transportation used by migrant workers
 Locations of migrant worker camps
2. Students will record their findings under Research Notes in their digital planning documents.
 Google Document: Web Map Planning Document

Exploration Assessment
Assessment  I will evaluate the Research Notes section of students’ Web Map Planning Documents. See
E Description

Explanation Presentation
I will present a slideshow that includes the following:
 An introduction to the Dust Bowl
 Effects of the Dust Bowl
 A map of the United States during the Great Depression highlighting migrant worker travel
 Images of migrant worker camps, workers, and housing
 Challenges faced by migrant workers while traveling
Slideshow presentation: Migrant Workers Presentation

Explanation Discussion Questions

Assessment Following the presentation, I will present the following questions to students:
 How did the Dust Bowl influence migrant worker travel patterns?
 Why do you think Steinbeck chose to focus on migrant workers in his novella?
 How does understanding the challenges of migrant worker travel enrich our understanding of
Of Mice and Men?
1. Students will discuss the following question with a partner:
How will the information you learned today help you create a more accurate map of George
and Lennie's journey?
E Description

2. The pairs will then share their ideas with the class.

Elaboration Activity
1. I will show students a sample web map that meets the guidelines of the acitivty,
walking them through how it was created.
2. Students will collaboratively create an interactive map using Google Maps. They will
incorporate the following elements:
- Route: A designated route for a migrant worker, including potential stops and detours
- Historical photos: Images depicting migrant worker camps, transportation, and landscapes
- Audio clips: Recordings of migrant worker experiences or music from the era
- Informative text overlays: Descriptions of locations, historical context, and quotes from John
Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men that connect to specific points on the map
 Students who struggle with writing can choose to create short audio narrations for different
sections of the map, explaining the historical context or quotes from the novel.
 Artistic students can create sketches of migrant worker camps or character profiles to add a
visual element to the map.
Google Map Sample: George and Lennie's Journey

Evaluation Assessment Process

 Students will insert a link to their web maps in their digital planning documents.
 I will assess students using the checklist within their planning documents.
E Description

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National Center for
Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford:
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A
guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided
inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

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