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1. Which psychoanalyst developed the concept of the id, ego, and superego?

A. Sigmund Freud B. Carl Jung C. Alfred Adler D. Erik Erikson

2. Rational choice theory suggests that individuals make decisions based on:
A. Emotional impulses C. Calculated costs and benefits.
B. Instinctual drives D. Social norms

3. According to psychoanalysis, unconscious conflicts often arise from:

A. Rational decision-making processes

B. Superego dominance

C. Repressed desires and memories

D. Rational self-interest

4. The "rational actor" assumption is central to which theory?

A. Psychoanalysis

B. Rational choice theory

C. Institutionalism

D. Behaviorism

5. The principle of bounded rationality suggests that individuals:

A. Always make optimal decisions

B. Have limited cognitive capacities for decision-making

C. Rely solely on intuition

D. Act irrationally in all circumstances

6. Which theorist is associated with the concept of "path dependence" within institutionalism?

A. Douglas North

B. Max Weber

C. Michel Foucault

D. Karl Marx

7. Psychoanalysis emphasizes the significance of which component of personality?

A. Rational thinking
B. Conscious mind

C. Unconscious mind

D. Social conditioning

8. Rational choice theory assumes individuals seek to maximize:

A. Emotional satisfaction

B. Social approval

C. Utility or benefits

D. Cultural norms

9. According to institutionalism, institutions:

A. Are immutable and unchangeable

B. Shape individual behavior and choices

C. Have no impact on societal functioning

D. Are irrelevant in modern societies

10. Who proposed the concept of "symbolic interactionism" within the context of institutionalism?

A. Erving Goffman

B. Emile Durkheim

C. Talcott Parsons

D. Anthony Giddens

11. In psychoanalytic theory, defense mechanisms are used to:

A. Suppress unconscious desires

B. Enhance rational decision-making

C. Strengthen the superego

D. Express conscious desires

12. Rational choice theory posits that individuals:

A. Always make decisions based on self-interest

B. Are primarily motivated by altruism

C. Ignore costs and benefits in decision-making

D. Act randomly without any calculation

13. Institutionalism emphasizes the role of which factor in shaping behavior?

A. Genetic predispositions

B. Social norms and structures

C. Unconscious drives

D. Individual preferences

14. Which psychoanalytic concept refers to transferring emotions from one person or object to another?

A. Projection

B. Regression

C. Displacement

D. Sublimation

15. Rational choice theory is often criticized for:

A. Ignoring the role of emotions

B. Overestimating human rationality

C. Being too deterministic

D. Focusing too much on group dynamics

16. According to institutionalism, institutions can be:

A. Changed easily without resistance

B. Independent of cultural values

C. Overridden by individual preferences

D. Durable and resistant to change

17. The psychoanalytic term "Oedipus complex" is associated with:

A. Carl Jung

B. Sigmund Freud
C. Erik Erikson

D. Karen Horney

18. Rational choice theory assumes that individuals:

A. Are always rational

B. Act randomly

C. Make decisions based on emotions

D. Weigh costs and benefits before making decisions

19. Which theorist is associated with the concept of "institutional isomorphism"?

A. Mary Douglas

B. Erving Goffman

C. Meyer and Rowan

D. Talcott Parsons

20. The main focus of institutionalism is on:

A. Individual decision-making

B. Economic factors

C. Social norms and structures

D. Psychological motivations

1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. D
17. B
18. D
19. C
20. C

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