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World Digital Libraries 15(2): 151–166 (2022)

DOI: 10.18329/09757597/2022/15210

Artificial Intelligence and the Future Libraries

V. K. Verma
Assistant Librarian, Indian Institute of Technology
Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110016

S. Gupta
PhD Scholar, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007

The artificial intelligence (AI) offers a number of benefits including but not limited to scalability,
accuracy, efficiency, and data-driven decision-making. This has positively impacted several
industries and service sectors. Given the complex nature of operation in library services, there is
a significant scope for the application of AI services in the library operations. In this context, this
article examines the applications and potential impact of AI on the libraries, services, and library
professionals. The article first defines the scope of AI, followed by a review of contemporary policies
and initiatives related to AI at the international and national levels. The potential for applicability
of the AI in the library operations has been analysed through a SWOT analysis for understanding
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with AI applications in the libraries.
The article also discusses the significance of making library professionals aware of issues and
challenges related to AI. The data for the article has been sourced through systematic review of the
published literature. The results revealed that emerging AI technology has considerable potential for
integration with a library’s operations and can improve its services and functions. However, there
are several unexplored areas. The article gives insights that can be utilized to educate the library
professionals about leveraging and integrating AI technology in the library landscape to provide
adequate services to its patrons.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), Intelligent library, Smart library, Future library,
Automated system, Human–Machine interaction, Chatbots in libraries
152 Verma and Gupta

1955, and according to him, AI is to make

Introduction machines that can use their intellect as humans
Rapid development and transformation are do (Rajaraman 2014). To further extend, AI
occurring in various fields, attributed to the creates computer functions that reason, analyse,
continuous advancement in science and learn, and solve problems like human beings.
technology. Over the time, different technologies (Gupta and Dhawan 2018). AI is not a single
have made an impact on various domains entity. The AI encompasses big data, natural
of human civilization. Artificial intelligence language processing (NLP), machine learning,
(AI) is an emerging cutting-edge technology. deep learning, data visualization, and decision
The application of AI is already visible by the logic (Smith 2016). AI mainly relies on pattern
availability of different AI-enabled products and recognition, knowledge representation, and
services, such as Google applications, Siri, Alexa. reasoning. Simon (1991) referring to the genesis
They assist and respond to their customers by of AI mentioned that AI was born in close
recognizing their voice (Herron 2017). However, connection with management but is expanding
there are many issues and challenges associated beyond it and is forming links with the other
with AI. Brossard (2018) in her book Artificial subjects. The goal of AI is to implement human
Unintelligence: how computers misunderstand the intelligence in a machine and create an expert
world has discussed the inner working and outer system. Perez, et al. 2016. pointed out that AI
limitations of technologies and warned about the now has capabilities of both operational and
approach of computers to do the things right. social intelligence. With more dependency on
She has voiced against ‘techno-chauvinism’. the AI system soon, the AI market will grow by
Libraries are exploring ways to adapt AI 3 trillion by 2024. They also said that AI is set to
for multiple purposes. AI has already made its transform our society, life, living environment,
presence in search and discovery, and work and economy. Shabbir and Answer (2015)
related to text and data mining. Studies show discussing the role of AI, said that the ability
that AI implementation in the library makes of AI to perform even the narrower tasks with
the libraries technologically innovative and accuracy would improve as the dependency of
improves many services. Intelligent Libraries’ human beings increases on a machine.
concept is gradually emerging, and AI will have a
responsible role to play soon. Fernandez (2016) Artificial intelligence policies in national
pointed out that AI will make an effect on almost and international context
all technologies used by the libraries. The policy for AI is required to harness its
potential for social good and therefore it is
Literature Review emerging as a central policy issue in several
Scope of AI is multi-disciplinary, and the countries. The fundamental concerns for
literature of AI spreads through various policy makers are the rapid change in the AI’s
disciplines such as computer science, technology, absence of regulations, ethical issues,
mathematics, engineering, decision science, and economic impact. Many challenges, such as
management science, and social sciences. A brief openness of algorithms, accountability, oversight,
thematic literature review is discussed as below: prejudice, and privacy must be addressed before
a strategy for AI can be implemented. The
Definition and scope of ensuing section gives a brief overview of the
artificial intelligence ongoing national and international initiatives to
The concept of AI is not new. McCarthy design the strategies and formulate the
coined the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in AI policies.

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Artificial Intelligence and the Future Libraries 153

International initiatives regulation with a risk-based approach (European

Commission 2022).
The United Nations is leading the efforts to
In 2018, during the G7 Summit in Charlevoix,
define and implement a common principle for
Canada; G7 leaders agreed on a unified vision for
the use and development of AI. In the November
the future of AI. The vision is composed of many
2021, all 193 member states of UN Educational,
pledges made by G7 leaders, including
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
(a) promoting human-centric AI and advancing
adopted an agreement that defines the common
suitable technical, ethical, and technologically
values and principles needed to ensure the
neutral methods; (b) stimulating investment in
healthy development of AI (United Nations
AI research and development that builds public
2020; 2021).
confidence; (c) supporting lifelong learning,
The European Union’s approach to AI
education, training, and reskilling; (d) promoting
is based on quality and trust to increase
active labour market policies, workforce
research and industrial capacity and protect
development, and reskilling programmes; and
fundamental rights. After publishing a white
(e) enabling multi-stakeholder conversation
paper on AI in 2020 and 2021, the European
(Digwatch 2018).
Commission released an AI package in the
month of April 2021, including new laws and
Artificial Intelligence Policy
initiatives to transform Europe into a worldwide
centre for reliable AI. The package included Initiatives of Some Countries
a communication on fostering a European The AI policy initiatives of some of the selected
approach to AI, a coordinated plan with the countries have been summarized in Table 1.
Member States, and a proposal for an AI

Table 1 AI policy initiatives of some selected countries

Country Policy initiatives
Australia The Australian Government is strengthening Australia’s capabilities through the $124.1
million Artificial Intelligence Action Plan to position Australia as a global leader in AI
technology. The Plan, released in June 2021, sets out the government’s mandates to
develop Australia’s AI capability to grow the economy, support industry competitiveness,
create jobs, and improve lives (Australian Government 2022).
Canada Canada’s AI strategy is primarily a research and talent strategy. Its initiatives are
geared towards enhancing Canada’s international profile as a leader in AI research and
training (India AI n.d.)
China China follows a multi-faceted approach towards AI policy initiatives. The three approaches
are: i. Cyberspace Administration of China focuses on rules for online algorithms with
a focus on public opinion. ii. China Academy of Information and Communications
Technology focuses on tools for testing and certification of “trustworthy AI” systems.
iii. Ministry of Science and Technology focuses on establishing AI ethics principles and
creating tech ethics review boards within companies and research institutions (Sheehan
Germany In 2018, Germany introduced a national AI strategy to foster growth and
competitiveness. The country has adopted a human-centred approach to AI, inclusive,
evidence-based, and capacity-building (Federal Government 2022).


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154 Verma and Gupta

Table 1 Contd...
Country Policy initiatives
Japan Japan aims to stay a prominent player in the high-tech sector with AI as one of its vital
components. Japan wants to utilize AI in its policies to address societal issues through its
envisioned society of the future named Society 5.0 (Dirksen and Takahashi 2020).
Russia Russia came up with a new approach policy for AI in 2019. It increased the budget
allocation from USD1.3 billion to USD6.7 billion. The Russia AI policy document sets out
some broad principles and Russia’s ambition to become one of the global leaders in AI
(Nocetti 2020).
Singapore The vision statement of the national AI strategy document, released by the Singapore
Government, says that by 2030, Singapore will be a leader in developing and deploying
scalable, impactful AI solutions in the key sectors of high value and relevance to their
citizens and businesses (Smart Nation Singapore n.d.)
United The new national AI strategy released by the UK Government in September 2021
Kingdom builds on the UK’s strengths. It represents the start of a step change for AI in the UK,
recognizing the power of AI to increase resilience, productivity, growth, and innovation
across the private and public sectors (HM Government 2021).
USA The United States of America has issued two executive orders to establish the American
AI Initiative and promote the use of reliable AI in the federal administration. Federal
committees, working groups, and other entities have been established to coordinate
operations, assist in setting objectives, and generate national strategic plans and reports. It
also includes an updated national AI research and development strategic plan and a plan
for federal engagement in the development of technical standards and related tools in AI
(Harris 2021).

Apart from the countries listed in Table 1, that may boost economic development and social
there are countries that have taken initiatives for impact, and (iii) scale Indian-made AI solutions
AI policy formulation. Some European countries to the rest of the developing world. On 4 June
like France, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, and Poland 2018, the NITI Aayog released India’s AI
have strategy documents for harnessing the strategy plan, demonstrating how AI can be
power of AI. Brazil, Uruguay, and Mexico have effectively applied to five key areas in India:
their strategy documents in South American i. health care, ii. Agriculture, iii. Education,
countries. In African countries, Tunisia, and iv. smart cities, and v. infrastructure (smart
Kenya have created a task force for AI. mobility and transportation), to benefit citizens.
To promote AI, Internet of Things (IoT),
Artificial Intelligence Policy big data, cybersecurity, machine learning,
Initiatives in India and robotics, the Government of India had
India’s national AI policy is unique because it boosted the budget for Digital India to $477
focuses on ways of utilizing AI for economic million in 2020. The Ministry of Electronics
growth and social inclusion. This strategy is and Information Technology’s (MeitY) policy
named #AIforAll by the NITI Aayog. As a result, efforts and The National Association of
the plan intends to: (i) improve and empower Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM)
Indians with the skills they need to find suitable and the Defence Research and Development
employment; (ii) invest in research and sectors Organization’s (DRDO) AI programmes have

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built the foundation for future developments transportation and its planning. AI is also playing
and provided a road map for AI in India. The a significant role in the health sector. The surgical
National Council of Educational Research and robots, robots supporting hospital operations,
Training (NCERT) is working on a new National and personal monitoring devices are using
Curriculum Framework for School Education the concept of AI to upgrade and modernize
to implement an AI fundamentals course at the their services (Grosz 2016). AI provides more
secondary level (Shanthi 2021). personalized guidance in the education sector in
A strategy paper entitled ‘Responsible AI’ interactive machine tutors and other allied tools.
for India under the #AIforAll was issued by AI is also helping communities and society to
NITI Aayog in February 2021. The document solve many societal problems. AI is also being
presents a set of principles for the appropriate used for public safety and security. Devices like
administration of AI systems by all stakeholders, drones, improved cameras, and surveillance
including researchers, commercial companies devices are being used to prevent fraud and crime
and the government, standard-setting agencies, and enhance safety and security. There are many
and regulators (NITI Aayog 2021). other applications of AI in different domains.
According to current estimates, AI has the The concept of smart cities, smart home, IoT,
potential to boost India’s GDP by 15% worth and data analytics all are associated with AI. For
$957 billion of its present gross value added by enterprise-level AI solutions, Watson is IBM’s
2035. According to projections, the AI software suite of enterprise-ready AI services, applications,
industry is expected to grow from USD10.1 and tooling, which unlock the value of data and
billion in 2018 to USD126 billion by 2025 (NITI predicts and shapes the future business outcome.
Aayog 2021). It handles the repetitive tasks and empowers the
The Union Budget 2022 acknowledged the employees for more creative work (IBM 2019).
need for sustainable development. To make It is used for various purposes like assistance,
growth more inclusive, the government has discovery, machine learning, knowledge
emphasized utilization of technologies in which catalogue, language translator, natural language
AI tops the list. The government’s long-term classifier, tone analyser, speech to text and text
strategy to modernize India includes encouraging to speech conversion. AI is gradually and slowly
“digital economy and fintech, technology- making an impact on our daily life, businesses,
enabled development, energy transition, and and office.
climate action” (Siva Gopal 2022).
Artificial Intelligence and Libraries
Applications of Artificial Intelligence The available literature discusses AI applications
Artificial intelligence has been continuously in various automated services and creation
incentivizing various domains of human life. of automated systems in the library and
The AI is being used in medical diagnosis, information sector. Morris (1991) and Matheson
speech recognition, automatic cars, marketing (1995) explained the evolution and progress in
advice, virtual assistance, and writing (Arlitsch the library and information science in the age
and Newell 2017). It is already changing the of information technology, and newly emerging
way human beings live, communicate, and technologies. Morris discussed the development
perform different tasks. The auto-drive car started in the classification, retrieval, cataloguing,
concept is evolving in the transportation sector, reference, and indexing services with an expert
and gradually other segments of vehicles are system’s help. The libraries’ mundane and
also developing on the same platform. There repetitive work can be done by the expert system
is more significant role of AI in on-demand and enable librarians to focus more on engaging

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156 Verma and Gupta

and relevant library areas and efficiently serve and indexing the documents. TDM and Chatbots
them. Matheson pointed out that the 19th would help in providing better library services by
century libraries were not technology-driven, understanding user behaviour and requirements.
and only the physical resources were available The Cox, et al., also discussed the challenges
such as the textbooks, the journal articles, associated with AI implementations. Massis
monographs, and encyclopaedias. The 20th examined the potential role of AI in libraries and
century libraries started moving towards this as concluded that various institutions are using
the repository of second-hand knowledge led AI-designed devices, this would improve services
to the library as the owner and the librarian as provided by academic libraries. Hammais and
the second-hand knowledge manager. Over the Ketamo (2019) discussed the mobile application
decades, the roles of librarians have drastically with AI-driven technology created for the
changed. In the future, libraries may transform Helsinki Central Library, which guides the users
into online knowledge servers, and there would to search new books by different parameters like
be a more significant role for technology to play. voice, location, and popularity. Wenborn,
Liu (2011) and Fernandez (2016) highlighted the et al. (2019) highlighted the power of technology
various issues and challenges associated with the to bring innovation in libraries. Studies also
implementation of AI in libraries. Liu has been emphasize that library professionals must learn
analysing the research papers since the 1990s on new skills and there is a need to redesign library
the applications of intelligent system technologies and information science courses.
in digital libraries. The findings revealed that
various models were proposed, however, only a Potential Applications and Impacts
few were implemented. He also has pointed out of Artificial Intelligence in Libraries
that the smart system’s libraries’ application is
still in a very nascent stage. Fernandez believes Libraries are the social institutions that provide
that various concerns have emerged over AI and services to society for their development and
its role in reshaping the libraries. upliftment. It is the intellectual hub where a
Several scholars have explored the potential person comes and gathers knowledge embedded
role of AI in libraries (Allison 2012; Fernandez in information resources. Over time, the role
2016; Oyelude 2017; Cox, Pinfield, and Rutter of libraries and the nature of services offered
2018; Massis 2018). Allison (2012) demonstrated by them are changing. Libraries are adopting
the implementation of AI-powered chatbots at new and emerging technologies to make their
the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Fernandez products and services better to serve their users
(2016) discussed AI applications in various efficiently. AI is gradually making its appearance
fields and its major impacts on computing, in the libraries. The potential areas in the
robotics, and big data. Oyelude (2017) examined libraries in which AI has the potential to make its
how emerging technologies like AI can be used mark are discussed here:
in libraries. Cox, et al. (2018) have analysed 1. Personalized services to users: Based on
the potential impact of AI in the academic pattern recognition, AI can offer various
libraries and its outcomes and consequences customized and personalized services to
on the functioning of libraries. The study has the library users. AI can study the pattern
been conducted by interviewing the experts in of issue, return, library visit, search history,
library science, computer science, and other and interest of a library user. Based on this
related fields. According to them, AI tools would information, libraries can suitably offer
improve the search discovery and better retrieval various personalized services. By processing
of information by filling the gaps of metadata the gathered information with respect to

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Artificial Intelligence and the Future Libraries 157

issue, return and search history of the users, would be a worthy feature. For example,
AI can suggest the reading materials and can CiteSeerX, Microsoft Academic, Semantic
also send proactive alert messages in case of Scholar, Yewno, and Sparrho are AI-enabled
any user’s preferred collection is added in the search engines that bring more efficiency in
library. It also solves users’ queries, resolves searching and discovering information.
issues and minimizes the rate of complaints. 4. Effective information retrieval (IR): It plays
Owing to the unprecedented proliferation of a vital role in knowledge management. The
information, AI would make it possible to users formulate a query using a specific
analyse the big data, anticipate users’ needs, keyword relevant to their search. Information
and draw conclusions to provide library is extracted based on the way the document
services effectively. Text and data mining is represented and its similarity with the
can be done by AI, as it examines extensive question. AI methods in IR will be the
data in less time and presents only relevant context-specific adaptation of retrieval
information promptly to the users (Cox, methods where machine learning can be
Pinfield, and Rutter 2018). applied to find optimized functions for
2. Finding library resources: It has been found collections or queries (Ramón, et al. 2011).
that despite classification and cataloguing, 5. Assistance to differently-abled people in
users face problems in locating physical the library: AI can diminish or eliminate the
materials in the library. In this direction, technological barriers faced by differently-
AI can help in locating the place of physical abled people and can democratize the
books in the library (Van Otterlo, 2016). information. It can help in speech to text
Robots can help locate the books from a shelf conversion and vice versa, apart from text
and make it available to the users in real-time. recognition, face recognition, and assistive
3. Enhanced role in search and discovery: AI technology (Cahalane 2017).
would impact search and resource discovery
6. Library ambience control: With the
(Cox, Pinfield, and Rutter 2018). By limiting
intelligent system, atmospheric features
search time and offering better results, AI-
like temperature, lighting, and moisture
based search and discovery will give more
can be controlled. The intelligent agents
precise results. Issues pertaining to metadata
can automatically detect the changes in the
and indexing can be both identified and
atmospheric parameters of the library and
resolved by utilizing AI, thus ensuring better
act accordingly. Personalized ambience
discoverability. Apart from this, AI can
can also be provided in the library with the
also capture the pattern and behaviour of a
applications of AI.
searcher. AI can predict users’ needs, based
on pattern recognition and neural networks 7. Automatic document classification: With
and automatically provide results (Abbattista, deep neural network models, the similarity
Semeraro, and Bordoni 2003). As the libraries between document vectors is calculated, and
are witnessing a decline in the live reference then AI technology is applied on documents
interviews, soon, AI may replace library to classify them automatically.
professionals’ role in answering reference 8. Guide in collection development: AI
queries. AI can pave new ways of interacting facilitates strategic planning in acquiring
with content. AI may play a prominent role documents for a library. Based on the users’
in making the circulation system of a library searching behaviour, availability of the
automated. The use of robot and drone in resources, publication trends, denial report,
finding and delivery of requested documents budget availability, pattern recognition, AI

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158 Verma and Gupta

may suggest documents’ acquisition. It may Library, China, Edogawa City Library
also suggest discarding off the documents not Shinozaki Library, Japan and University
in use regularly. The nature of the collection of Electro-Communications, Japan are
building will also be changed. The focus will some of the libraries using robots to bring
be to build a collection in machine-readable more efficiency in their services and reduce
form so that data and text mining can be done duplication of work.
for various services. 12. A virtual assistant (intelligent chatbots):
9. Security of library material: Security of It acts like a machine that decodes human
documents available in the library is an speech, face recognition, and character
area of high concern amongst the library recognition using natural language
professionals. The existing known security processing. Chatbots can solve the users’
options like RFID tag and EM strips can be complex information query and provide its
compromised by the users and have many service on 24×7 basis even when a library
issues. AI can help to solve this long-pending is closed; hence, users will receive response
issue of the security of library materials. The against their questions. Chatbots have
entry in the library can be validated by the potential to offer tailor-made notifications
chip containing biometric and other personal and alert messages to users so that the
information. Every document may have a libraries can deliver selective dissemination
unique identity and place. In case of any of information (SDI) and alert services
compromise with the identity, the security to their users (Nawaz and Gomes 2020;
robot may become active, and the act can be Herron 2017). Applications like Alexa
prevented. The interconnected system may and Siri may find a place in the library as
a reference assistant for answering basic
take the appropriate steps as programmed.
reference questions and guide users in
10. Capturing users’ data for effective services: the library. “The National Library Board
AI can map the students’ reading habits and in Singapore is working with researchers
capture the reaction during learning. This to design a robot using intelligent agent-
reaction will help in many future aspects based software to-read shelves and create
like determining the optimal time, place of reports for library staff regarding missing
reading, and choosing the areas where more and out-of-place books” (Herron 2017).
attention is required. AI may also suggest By performing these activities, AI may
reading materials to the students based on help enhance interaction between user
the captured data if the same is available in and staff, and user and information thus
the library. If the material is not available in allowing the librarians to investigate the
the library, the system may have a feature to areas that require improvements (Guliciuc,
procure it and make it available or alert the et al. 2018). Chatbots cannot replace every
library staff for the procurement. function of library staff but could be a value
11. Reduce duplication of work in library addition to the library.
operations: Libraries can start using 13. Metadata creation and problem
robots instead of humans for those pieces identification: AI-based tools can
of work which are time-consuming and automatically create metadata of materials
duplicate. A few libraries have already by recognizing different fields and reducing
started using robots in their operations the library staff’s burden. Repetitive tasks
(Yao, Zhang, and Chen 2015; Babu 2019). can also be performed using it. AI can also
Temasek Polytechnic Library, Shanghai identify problems in metadata and produce

World Digital Libraries 15(2): 151–166

Artificial Intelligence and the Future Libraries 159

metadata accurately and efficiently. With the risks. The same holds true for AI. While
AI, the indexing materials’ approach will presenting AI’s strength, the author has discussed
also get changed with periodic index review, AI’s capacity to empower people, deliver fast
which will lead to the precise result. and efficient services, and achieve broader social
14. Scholarly communication: AI technologies good. AI can provide better-personalized services
and tools may change the nature of scholarly with the help of big data. Johnson (2018) pointed
communication process. The way peer out the changing shape of libraries and library
reviews are done today, and research articles professionals after AI revolution. He predicts that
are published will be changed. Based on there would be a significant shift in library users’
text mining, the peer review can be done habit and the library profession. A machine can
by AI-enabled machines. It may also play replace many intellectual works. Although the
a prominent role in many areas, such as overall prediction is not possible till the time AI
statistics validity, figure, and table coherence gets evolved. However, devices may have more
(Cox, Pinfield, and Rutter 2018). considerable interference in library services, and
there would be the threat of data security, privacy,
SWOT Analysis of Artificial job security. There would also be a shift in the
role of libraries and they would not be the centre
Intelligence in the Library
of information anymore, and there would be the
Artificial intelligence has been moving forward emergence of new players, but the new players
from fantasy to reality. There is plenty of hangs- do not always share the values of libraries. IFLA
up with AI, but AI will change how we generate, highlighted the concerns over data ethics and the
process, and analyse information. The most use of the algorithm in searching and retrieval,
regularly voiced concern is that AI will change the leading to a risk of bias and discrimination
dimension of information on librarians’ expense. (IFLA 2018). Phillips (2017) advocates the more
People see AI as a potential threat as compared control of human over machines and puts IA
to opportunity. Elon Musk, Tesla CEO stresses (intelligence augmentation) as the relevant term
the need to closely regulate AI development instead of AI. He says IA is about to give more
as our biggest existential threat (Kumparak human control of AI, automation, robotics. He
2014). Discussing the potentials and perils of says that IA puts humans in control and leverages
AI for academic librarians, Bell, points out that AI’s computing power to enhance human beings’
in the future AI, devices would majorly carry capability. He argues that AI lacks in emotion and
out interactions with humans and thus would predicts AI and IA’s coexistence, with a limited
threaten the existing jobs. Even the job security role of the former. Bourg (2017) expressed the
of academic librarians would not be at the same various concerns in applying AI in the libraries
level. However, taking the optimistic views and says that AI and machine learning in the
about AI, he also says that AI could potentially libraries depend on the extent of AI consistently
lead us to make the new knowledge discovery. helping a library improve work performance and
Pointing out the weakness of AI, Bell says that supporting a library’s mission. AI can be used for
soft skills that require emotional intelligence are fast and efficient services and better search and
challenging to delegate or automate. Empathy discovery, providing personalized services with
cannot be replaced by AI (Bell 2016). Mulgan limitations like algorithm bias.
(2018) says that 41% of the British public views Experts have different opinions about the
AI as a threat equivalent to nuclear weapons. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
According to him, as any new technology has of AI for the libraries. Table 2 depicts the SWOT
associated risks, but benefits overweighed of AI.

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160 Verma and Gupta

Table 2 SWOT analysis of the application of AI in the library

Strengths Weaknesses
• Fast and efficient • No empathy
• Reliable search and discovery • Undefined accountability
• Better resources utilization • Chances of bias
• Personalised services • The algorithm can be compromised
• Better collection building
• Emotions free

Opportunities Threats
• Possibilities to combine with other technologies • Security- and privacy-related issues
to solve various problems • Job stealing
• New and emerging roles of LIS professionals • Chance to outsmart human being
• Curriculum modification • What if when AI gets wrong
• Unpredictable limits
• Ethical concerns

There is no doubt that AI implementation services (Cox, Pinfield, and Rutter 2018). It is
would reduce library professionals’ requirement, not clear to what extent the different services
and the role and skills needed would also would be affected by AI and how, in turn, they
change. The development in AI has paved the will affect the LIS professionals. As AI will
way for many opportunities, but the uncertainty impact many areas of product and services,
associated with it has also possessed threats. LIS professionals’ role will be redefined. Text
There are public worries that the AI will steal and data mining will be an essential part of AI
the librarians’ job or AI cannot fulfil the implications in the libraries where algorithm
human touch of library services, which is an analyses a large body of content for the pattern
essential part of the library. One cannot stop and information. With the growing information,
the development of AI tools and technology. the content will also grow. AI will redefine and
Still, the only need is to keep one’s eyes open expand the role of library professionals. Their
and adapt to the developments so that library role will be redefined to negotiate about licence
professionals grasp the opportunities created by content and software needed for text and data
AI and utilize its strength to make their services mining with the provider. They can also play
better and efficient. an important role in imparting training to use
the tool. LIS professionals should acquire the
Artificial Intelligence and Redefining knowledge to handle the changes initiated by AI.
the Role of Library Professionals The role of LIS professionals in understanding
The very purpose of the library is to provide the various aspects of the contents will be crucial.
effective services to its users. There would be a Their role will be much critical in procurement
significant change in work performed by library and monetization of the contents. They will be
professionals in the wake of AI implementation. instrumental in data stewardship, data curation,
However, it is imperative to understand the data quality control, data analysis, and designing
behaviour of users towards AI. The users usually data infrastructure. With the predictable
do not take advantage of the technology at full changing nature of scholarly communication due
extent. Despite the availability, self-check-in to AI, library professionals may have a significant
and check-out services in the library, maximum role in designing the different services with the
users still go to the physical librarians to do these available contents.

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Artificial Intelligence and the Future Libraries 161

Issues and Challenges of US employability is at risk. In the case of

libraries, the estimated probability is that,
Artificial Intelligence
99% ‘library technicians’ and 95% of ‘library
Artificial intelligence is an evolving field. It assistant, clerical’ jobs will be replaced by
is being used in many sectors for providing the computers. Since most of the activities
different services, however, there are many issues from acquisition to technical processing to
and challenges associated with AI. Some of these circulation to answering reference queries
are discussed here: will be done by machine, what would be the
1. Privacy: Privacy is the central concern with AI. future of the current jobs. The employability
Many incidents of privacy breach in the digital scenario of library professionals is not precise.
world have been reported. With AI technology, The may change the way they work and
there would be a considerable number of practice. AI would let LIS professionals to
users’ data with the companies, and there do many new emerging things. They may
would be data privacy, data manipulation, redefine themselves to manage the process of
personal privacy, and consent. However, the introducing AI to avoid different concerns like
extent of the threat is not clear. Still, looking privacy, data security, text, and data mining.  
on the present incidents related to a data
5. Patch solution: The library is not a prime
privacy breach, the danger could be more far
consumer of new and emerging technologies.
reaching because of the variety and volume of
The technologies are developed for various
data and information involved with AI.
applications in different sectors. In most cases,
2. Biases: Trust is an important area of the developed technologies are implemented
concern. It is not known to what extent in the libraries with modification. This might
AI can be trusted for a fair and impartial be the case of AI application in the library also.
decision. The complexity involved in the The library might not be the lead sector for AI
process of decisions is not clear. AI builds development, and there would be issues at the
upon algorithms using unbiased data and implementation level and risk it possesses after
programme for accuracy in decision making. that.
Hence, AI can act bias and promote racism,
6. Lack of policy formulation: At present, Al is at
hate speeches, misinformation, gender
the emerging stage, but the governments need
inequality. (Omehia 2020). There would be a
to formulate a definite and transparent policy
question of accountability and transparency.
to unleash its potential. The policy should be
3. Expensive: Cost is a significant barrier to futuristic, capable of taking care of various
AI implementation. AI is a costly tool (Cox, risks associated with AI.
Pinfield, and Rutter 2018). Since AI is the
7. Acceptance of users: The users’ acceptance
basket of different technologies involved,
of AI would be an essential issue to tackle. AI
hence price would be a significant concern.
would diminish the interpersonal relation, as
The AI systems would mostly be proprietary,
the machines would replace many functions
which will add further cost to it.
of humans. The libraries have seen that
4. Employability: There is a daunting nightmare users are reluctant to use various online and
for library professionals that AI would take automated library services despite having
away their jobs. Most of the repetitive jobs various online and automated library services.
may be taken care of by the AI, giving LIS Hence acceptability of users is an important
professionals time for other work types. issue.
A study conducted by Frey and Osborene
(2017) estimates that about 47% of the total

World Digital Libraries 15(2): 151–166

162 Verma and Gupta

8. Infrastructure: Infrastructure is a crucial However, the growth and potential impact of

component for implementing any system. AI is still not evident. It is also not clear how
A robust infrastructure is an essential computers will understand the world. Whether
requirement for implementing the AI they know or ‘misunderstand’ the world and
not only in the library sector but also in whether they will be actual intelligence. The
any other sector. Lack of fund and non- experts have divided opinion on the potential
availability of robust infrastructure are effects of AI on libraries. Although AI is no
significant challenges. immediate threat, AI in libraries can be viewed
9. High dependence on commercial both as exciting and disruptive. AI will come at
organization: The role of librarians is to the cost of weakening interpersonal relationships
implement AI by reshaping it according to in the libraries. Although with the impact of
the library’s requirement. Still, for the AI AI, the library collection, nature of services,
tools and techniques, their dependency on search and discovery of materials and role of
the commercial organization will be more, librarian will be changed, however, the extent
this will add cost to the library budget (Cox, of change is unclear. There are many issues
Pinfield, and Rutter 2018). and challenges associated with the application
10. Accountability: If the algorithm goes of AI in the libraries. Societal adaptability is an
wrong or takes any wrong decision who essential aspect of the future of AI. Although it
will be accountable for the same? As per is relatively early to predict the future libraries,
available legal provisions a machine cannot there are many areas where libraries should
be held responsible. Fixing responsibility prepare themselves to adapt to changes. The
on the developer (as now the case in some world would be a better place by leveraging AI
incidents) will also not be a rational decision. efficiently and strategically, however, it should be
borne in the mind, every technology has its own
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