LAS 2 Rate of Chemical Reaction

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Quarter 2-Week 1

Rates of Chemical Reaction

Dennis H. Mores-Cararayan National High School


Rates of Chemical Reaction
Government Property
Name: Grade: Not for Sale
Subject: Scores:
Chemical reactions have been a part of this world ever since everything began. From Big bang to the
present day, everything happening around us has something to do with chemical reactions and chemical processes.
Chemical reactions are common in our daily lives: from cooking, eating, cleaning to the different chemical processes
like respiration, corrosion and fermentation. How our body lives and grows are results of many chemical reactions that
takes place, although you may not recognize them. This is the reason we need to understand how chemical processes
takes place, be it naturally occurring or not.
This Learning Activity Sheet, you will investigate how these changes occur, how fast or slow
these changes happen and what are the examples of these changes that we see in our daily lives.


Use simple collision theory to explain the effects of concentration, temperature, and
particle size on the rate of reaction. (S11/12PS-IIIf-23)
1. Define collision theory and describe how it affects the chemical reaction;
2. Discuss the effects of concentration, temperature, particle size and catalyst on the reaction rate;
3. Cite examples of chemical reactions in the household and in the community.

Directions: Identify what kind of change occurs by writing the word Physical change or
Chemical change. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____________1. Baking of pie. ______________6. Burning of papers
_____________2. Dissolving coffee in hot water ______________7. Dissolving sugar in water
_____________3. Mixing paint to make a new color ______________8. Crushing of can
_____________4. Iron rusting ______________9. Rotting of banana
_____________5. Mixing sand with water ______________10. Folding of papers
1. Investigate the effects of the different factors on the rate of a reaction.
2. Observe safety precautions in doing an investigation.
Materials and Equipment
Experiment 1:
a. 3 small sachets of coffee creamer
b. 3 cups of the same size
c. Water at different temperatures – with ice, at room temperature, and hot (from a thermal flask)

Experiment 2:
a. 3 tablespoons of baking soda (same amount)
b. 3 cups of the same size
c. 3 sets of different vinegar solutions (vinegar and water) - with 1 tablespoon, with 2 tablespoons, and 3

Experiment 3:
a. 2 pieces of chalk (one is in whole piece, the other one is pounded to pieces)
b. 2 cups of vinegar (same amount)

C. Procedure
Using the listed materials for each part of the experiment, devise your own procedure on how to
determine the effect of the different factors on reaction rates. You can use different references in the
development of your procedure. Observe safety precautions during the experiment.

D. Observation / Results: (Briefly describe what happened during your experiments)

Experiment 1:
Experiment 2:
Experiment 3:

E. Discussion (Based on your experiments, what are these factors and how do they affect the rate of
chemical reactions?)
F. Conclusion (Therefore, I conclude that…….)

A physical change is one that involves no change in the fixed composition of the substance in
question – only rearrangement of the molecules with respect to one another.
A chemical change or chemical reaction occurs when the composition of a substance is changed into
another substance. It involves change in color, odor, taste and release of gases.
Reactions proceed at different rates. Some are slow, while others are fast. When a reaction
occurs slowly, it is described to have a low rate of reaction. If a reaction occurs fast, it has a high rate of

The Collision Theory

All substances are comprised of millions of tiny particles in constant motion. These particles are
colliding with each other constantly in any substance. All collisions between particles do not result in a
reaction. The collision theory states that reacting substances must come into contact (collide) with enough
activation energy, and in the correct orientation (facing the correct way), so that their electron shells can
rearrange to form the products of the reaction. Therefore, any factor which changes the frequency or energy
of the collisions will change the rate of the reaction.
The energetics, mechanism, and rate of a chemical reaction are explained by the collision theory.
According to this theory, for a chemical reaction to proceed, there should be an effective collision between
the reactant particles. For this to happen, two requirements should be met.
 Reactants must be in their proper orientation. Proper orientation or alignment of the reactant
allows for effective bond formation during collision. Particles that are not properly oriented are likely to
bounce back unreacted; hence no products are formed.
 Molecules must possess enough energy to initiate a reaction. The minimum amount of energy that
the reactant particles must possess to initiate the reaction is referred to as activation energy. This energy is
associated to a hump in a path. For a reaction to occur, the reacting particles must possess enough energy to
jump over the hump. Each reaction has its own unique activation energy. A large activation energy results in
a slow reaction; a small activation energy gives a fast reaction.


 Temperature – if the temperature of a reaction system is increased, the average speed of the
is also increased. This means that at higher temperatures, more collisions can happen between and among
particles with an energy that is sufficient enough to surpass the activation energy of the reaction. More
collisions mean a higher possibility for successful reactions, resulting in a faster reaction.
 Concentration – increasing the concentration means increasing the amount of reacting species per
unit volume. This increases the probability of collision between the reactant particles because they are closer
 Surface Area – in chemical reactions, if one of the reactants is solid, the surface area of the solid
affect the rate of chemical reaction. The greater the surface area, the greater frequency of collisions between
reacting particles; hence, the faster
the reaction.
 Catalyst – is a substance that increases the rate of a reaction by providing an alternative pathway for
the reaction to occur; that is, one with a lower activation energy. A catalyst remains chemically unchanged
at the end of the reaction.

Directions: Complete the group of words to form relevant ideas about the lesson.
1-3. According to the collision theory, there are three (3) requirements for a reaction to occur these are
________________________________________, __________________________________ and
4-7. The factors that can affect the rate of reaction are _________________________,
_________________________, _________________________ and _________________________.
8. Increasing the concentration of reactants in a solution ______________________ the frequency of
collision of particles and the rate of reaction.
9. Increasing the concentration means, there is more of _________________________ in the solution.
10. Increasing the temperature _________________________ the collision of particles.
11. Increasing the temperature _________________________ the kinetic energy of particles.
12. The greater the size of particles, the _________________________ is the surface area.
13. The smaller the size of particles, the _________________________ is the surface area.
14-15. Remember, not all reactions happen at the same speed. Some are _________________________
while others are _________________________.

B. Write at least 5 chemical changes that you observe in your household and community.

Answer briefly.
Now is the time for you to explore your knowledge about collision theory and the
factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction. Only short answers are needed.
1. Use the collision theory to explain why a lump of sugar is better to use in hot cup of tea, but
granulated sugar is better to use in iced tea.

2. Suppose you held a lighted match to a solid piece of wood and another match to a pile of wood
shavings. Which form of wood would catch fire more easily and why?
Scoring Rubrics

1 point per correct answer.

5- Ideas are well presented and correctly answer the questions.
3- Thoughts expressed are insufficient.
1- Shared ideas in his/her best effort.

Religioso, Teresita F., and Navasa – Cordero, Delia. You and the Natural World
Series PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 2017
Bayquen, Aristea V. CHEMISTRY. Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 2007
Sams, Aaron., TED – Ed., Accesed July 12, 2020.,
“Activation Energy and Temperature Dependence.” https://courses.lumenlearning. com/boundless-
chemistry/chapter/ activation -energy-and-temperature-dependence/. Accessed May 24, 2020.
“Activation Energy. What do you want to activate?” The Mazemaster Blog. May 14, 2012. Davidson,
Ashlie. “Collision Theory of Reactions” slide/7517587/. Accessed May 25, 2020.
King, Lorin. “Chemical and Physical Reactions” Reactions Power Point. April 29, 2011.
Klepner, Jackie. “What is the correct equation for photosynthesis?” January 28,
“Rate of Reaction” 2018.http://www.chem4kids.comfiles/react_rates.html. Accessed May 25, 2020.
Rodgers, Elia. 2020. Reaction Rate and Equilibrium-Power point Presentation.
Villar, Amy B.t, Alternative Delivery Mode-Physical Science, Module 7 (2020), Department
of Education Region IVA-Calabarzon.
Region Five Self-Learning Module.

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