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The secrets of the Zacatépetl Archaeological Zone in

Ariadna Lira - March 10, 2023

The secrets of the Zacatépetl Archaeological Zone in Coyoacán/Photo: “Mexico City in Time”/Talpan Historia.

Coyoacán, Mexico City.- When passing through Periférico beyond Perisur and looking up to
the right, you can see the protruding Zacatépetl hill. This place houses a little-known
Archaeological Zone.

This is because access to the general public is prohibited. According to the National Institute of
Anthropology and History , the site “has several forms of protection that were granted over time.
The first was granted by nature itself that, during the eruption of Xitle , the lava surrounded the hill
without covering the evidence located at its summit. The others were the result of the implementation
of legal instruments promoted by different actors. “They all make up a connubial that protects the site
and that is now worth analyzing.”
Google Maps

It is known that the Zacatépetl hill, which in the Nahuatl language means “hill of dry grass,” was a
ritual hunting area for the Mexica people.

The place, located southwest of the Basin of Mexico , was associated in pre-Hispanic times with the
deity Tlaltecuhtli , “lord of the Earth,” although the place was also known as Ixillan Tonan , “womb
of our Mother.”

In a text from the UNAM Gazette, Alfredo López Austin (IIA, UNAM) is quoted, who pointed out
that “the temples in Mesoamerica were replicas of the sacred hills. Hence, the model of the Templo
Mayor of Tenochtitlan could have been Zacatépetl, which is the hill whereHuitzilopochtli was
conceived ."
UNAM and PAOT Gazette.

Mysterious and full of legends

It was in the 1930s, archaeologist Pablo Martínez del Río identified Zacatépetl as the site where
the hunt for everytwenty Quecholli took place .

For his part, archaeologist Eduardo Noguera carried out limited excavations. Studies were carried
out that revealed the discovery of three teocaltin or sacred temples.

The first is 6 meters high, the second is five and the third is a smaller plinth. The first and second are
connected by a path more than 100 meters long.

This place was of enormous importance for the ancient settlers, due to its altitude and was preserved,
surviving the eruptions of the Xitle volcano.

Its relevance is such that some researchers associate it with the legend of Coatlicue and
Huitzilopochtli , being a place where representations were made of how the deity became pregnant
and gave birth to the warrior god, who fought his brothers the Centzon Huitznáhuac , who
reproached the pregnancy . of his mother.

Later in the 70s, more studies were done to find out the secrets that this place keeps, which is truly
mysterious. In those years, researcher Jeffrey Parsons made a reconnaissance and prepared a
detailed map of the site.
Tlalpan History

The place is located in the Coyoacán Mayor's Office , Mexico City , within the polygon of the
Partial Program of the Jardines del Pedregal de San Ángel Subdivision, East Extension. It is limited for
the most part by Montaña Street, and a small portion on the northwest side by Cataratas Boulevard
and approximately 1.4 km. northwest of the Cuicuilco Archaeological Zone .

Ariadna Lira

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