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The Renaissance, which literally means "rebirth" in French, was a period in European

history marking a major turning point between the Middle Ages and the modern era. It's
generally dated between the 14th and 17th centuries, though it started at different times
in different parts of Europe.

Here are some of the key characteristics of the Renaissance:

 Revival of classical learning: There was a renewed interest in the ideas and
achievements of ancient Greece and Rome. Scholars studied classical texts,
philosophers explored classical ideas, and artists drew inspiration from classical
 Focus on humanism: Humanism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes
the value and potential of human beings. Renaissance humanists believed that
individuals could achieve great things through reason, creativity, and education.
 Great artistic and intellectual achievements: The Renaissance produced
some of the greatest artists, writers, scientists, and thinkers in history. Some of
the most famous figures from the Renaissance include Leonardo da Vinci,
Michelangelo, Raphael, William Shakespeare, Niccolò Machiavelli, and Galileo
 Exploration and discovery: The Renaissance was a time of great exploration
and discovery. European explorers sailed to new lands, opening up new trade
routes and expanding European knowledge of the world.
 Shifting political and religious ideas: The Renaissance also saw a shift in
political and religious ideas. The rise of powerful monarchies challenged the
authority of the Catholic Church, and the Protestant Reformation led to a split in

The Renaissance is a fascinating period in history that had a profound impact on the
development of Western civilization. It's a time period worth learning more about!

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