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Asian Issues 1

<Student book ISBN 978-1-78547-087-5>

Unit and Sections Unit Name Guide page
Teaching Asian Issues (English) 2-3
Teaching Asian Issues (Japanese) 4-5
Answer Key
Part A Yakushima, Japan 8 - 17
Unit 1: Places
Part B Tioman Island, Malaysia 18 - 27
Part A Intercultural Differences 28 - 36
Unit 2: Culture
Part B Cultural Similarities 37 - 45
Part A The Rainy Season 46 - 54
Unit 3: Seasons
Part B Autumn Colors 55 - 65
Part A Megacities 66 - 74
Unit 4: Cities
Part B Megacities: Problems 75 - 85
Part A Tourism: Advantages 86 - 94
Unit 5: Travel
Part B Tourism: Disadvantages 95 - 105
Part A Hot Pot 106 - 114
Unit 6: Food
Part B East Asian Food 115 - 125
Part A Hollywood Movies 126 - 134
Unit 7: Entertainment
Part B Asian Movies 135 - 143

Vol. 03 (as of January 23, 2021)

How to teach each section in Asian Issues

1. Warming-Up Warming-Up 1 & 2 by word. Rather, the idea is to have the student communicate the main
This is a quiet “heads down” warm-up that students can do at the start of points of the reading.
class. This can be done as per the instructions in the book. When you finish,
have students compare their answers.
5. Words & This can be done as per instructions in the book. As this is quite short, you
Warming-Up 3 6. Critical Reading can have students do Section 5 (Words) and Section 6 (Critical Reading) as a
The next activity is a “heads up” active warm-up where students ask and set. w
answer questions. This can be done as per instructions in the book. The
teacher can also make comments about these questions.
This section looks at how the information in the passage is presented. It’s
7. Critical Thinking obviously a complex subject, however, these activities are surface, entry
2. Main Reading & This can be taught in many different ways. level, critical thinking activities. Do as per instructions in the book.
3. Understanding the Story
Traditional: Have students read the article, given them about 5 minutes to
read the article, and also answer the questions on the next page (Section 3: This section focuses on grammar points that are used in the main articles.
Understanding the Story). 8. Learning Language It is designed to have students find out the language patterns rather than
Patterns introducing them. The first part of this section asks students to read some
Traditional + Added Pre-Reading Support: example sentences with one language pattern. Students are asked to find out
Have the students take out a piece of paper, and have them write down this language pattern. This is followed by a simple question to ask students
the numbers 1 to 5 (down, not across). Choose 5 key sentences from the to connect the pattern to the meaning of each sentence. The following part
reading. Dictate these sentences to the students. Have them check these of this section consists of writing or reading tasks to practice using these
sentences with a partner. Then, give them the answers. When finished, do as language patterns.
above. Give students 5 minutes to read the article and answer the questions
in Section 3.
These readings are “other genre” readings. This can be done using one of
Scanning: 9. Second Reading the methods mentioned in Sections 2 & 3 above.
Have students turn to Part 3. Give them 2 minutes to read the questions
carefully. After 2 minutes, tell them to answer the questions as quickly as
possible. Give them 1 minute, and 1 minute only to quickly scan through This is an output activity that often lends itself to homework.
the reading looking for answers. When they finish, have them check their 10. Output
answers by reading through more slowly.

Have students turn to Section 3. Give them 2 minutes to read the questions
carefully. After 2 minutes, read out the article on the previous page. The
students should listen and circle the answers that they hear. When they
finish, have them check their answers by reading through more slowly.

4. Summary Have students do this as per instructions in the book. However, as a follow-
up, have them work in pairs. Have them decide who goes first (rock-paper-
stone etc). Then, that student closes their book, and summarizes the article.
The other student listens and checks. NOTE: The idea is of course not to
render a perfect summary, that is, the student doesn’t need to do this word
How to teach each section in Asian Issues

1. Warming-Up Warming-Up 1 & 2 4. Summary テキストの指示に従い、学習者にアクティビティを行わせます。アクティ

このセクション内、最初の2つのウォームアップは、レッスンの導入部と ビティは個々に行いますが、フォローアップとしてペアワークを行うとよ
して学習者が各自静かに行うアクティビティです。テキストの指示に従っ いかもしれません。まず、ジャンケンをしてどちらが先に行うかを決めま
て行うことができます。終わったら、学習者同士で答え合わせをします。 す。最初の学習者は、テキストを閉じたままメイン・リーディングを口頭
Warming-Up 3 NOTE: このエクササイズを行う目的は、当然のことながら完璧な要約をす
3つ目のウォームアップは、学習者同士で質問をし合うアクティブなタス ること、つまりテキストに書いた要約を一字一句間違えずに言うことでは
クになっています。テキストの指示通りに行うことができますが、先生が ありません。大切なのは、記事の主旨を的確に伝えるということです。

5. Words & このセクションは、テキストの指示に従って行います。Section 5 (Words)

2. Main Reading & この2つのセクションは、様々な方法で指導することができます。 6. Critical Reading は短いので、次のセクション、6(Critical Reading) とセットで行うとよい
3. Understanding the Story でしょう。セクション6では、エッセイがどのように組み立てられている
従来の手法 かに焦点を当てます。段落の構成、エッセイ全体の構成、そしてディスコー
まず学習者に5分間時間を与え、テキスト内のメイン・リーディング スに関係するその他のポイントについても見ていきます。
Understanding the Story)に答えるよう指示します。
7. Critical Thinking このセクションでは、メイン・リーディングの中で情報がどのように提示
従来の手法 + プレ・リーディング されているかに焦点を当てます。これは確かに複雑な題材ではありますが、
学習者に紙を一枚用意させ、1から5までの番号を(上から下へ)書かせ 用意されているアクティビティは、表層的で入門レベルのクリティカル・
ます。先生がメイン・リーディング内から、その主旨にとって大切な文を シンキングのための課題になっています。テキストの指示に従って行いま
5つ選び、ディクテーションをします。自分の書いた文をペア同士でチェッ す。
読ませてから次ページの質問に答える、というステップです。 8. Learning Language このセクションは、メイン・リーディング内で使われている文法に焦点を
Patterns 当てます。アクティビティは、文法を提示して教えるのではなく、むしろ
スキャンニング 学習者にその言語パターンを見つけさせるような構成になっています。最
セクション3(Understanding the Story)
のページを開かせます。 初の部分では、学習者は目標とする言語パターンを使った例文をいくつか
学習者に2分間時間を与え、質問文を注意深く読むよう伝えます。2分経っ 読みます。続いて、そのパターンと各文の意味とを結びつけるための簡単
たら、前ページの記事を読んで各設問に答えるよう指示します。メイン・ な質問に答えます。セクションの後半には、言語パータンを練習するため
リーディングをできるだけ速くスキャンし、答えを探させるようにします。 のライティングやリーディングのタスクが用意されています。
認させます。 9. Second Reading このセクションに用意されているリーディングは、
リスニング を使うことができます。
セクション3(Understanding the Story)
たら、前ページのメイン・リーディングを先生が読み上げます。学習者は 10. Output これは、宿題として使うこともできるアウトプットのアクティビティです。

Theme: describing places

Critical reading:
- finding the main idea
- identifying support
Critical thinking
- fact vs opinion
- writer’s purpose
Language patterns
- plurals / there is vs there are
- there vs it
PART 1 Warming-Up 2 Main Reading TRACK 1

Look at the words in the box. Write the words under the pictures.

deer rain animals monkeys

Yakushima’s Ancient
tourists scientists plants islands


The Island of Woods, The Island of Water,

and The Island of Mountains are all names
for Yakushima. Yakushima is Japan’s ninth
largest island. It is south of Kyushu. It is one Yakushima
of the wettest places in Japan, as it rains
almost 180 days a year. The island is famous for its many plants and animals.
rain animals islands tourists Yakushima was the first place in Japan to become a World Natural Heritage Site,
and it is one of Japan’s most interesting islands.
There are many different kinds of plants and animals on Yakushima. There is a large
amount of water on the island, so it is easy for plants to live. As a result, there is a huge variety
of plant life on the island, and you can find more than 1,900 different kinds of plants on
Yakushima. There are also many kinds of animals, including the Yaku monkey and the Yaku
Perhaps the most famous thing about Yakushima is its great cedar trees. Yakushima’s
symbol is the Jomon-Sugi cedar tree. Scientists say this tree is between 3,000 and 7,000 years
old. Many tourists come to see this tree. It can be reached only on foot, and the hike takes
plants monkeys scientists deer
around 10 to 12 hours, round trip.
There are many things to see on Yakushima, and many tourists
visit the island each year. Yakushima is one of Asia’s most beautiful islands.
Warming-up 2
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.

• Which do you like better, big cities, or natural areas (e.g. forests, beaches, etc.)?
Japan has 21 World Heritage Sites. 17 are cultural and 4 are Natural. The four natural
• What do you like about big cities?
ones are Yakushima in Kagoshima, Shirakami-Sanchi in Aomori and Akita, Shiretoko in
Hokkaido and the Ogasawara Islands which are administered by Tokyo.
• What do you like about natural areas? The Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine is shown on pages 6-7, 10 and 13. It is famous because the
famous Anime artist Miyazaki Hayao used these forests as his inspiration to help him draw
• What wild animals have you seen? the forests in the anime Princes Mononoke.

またがる白神山地、北海道の知床、 そして東京都の小笠原諸島です。

「Asian Issues 1」
の白谷雲水峡を写したものです。 白谷雲水峡は、著名なアニメーション作家 宮崎駿による
のけ姫」 の舞台として一躍有名なりました。宮崎氏は、 「もののけ姫」に登場する森の場面を描く
にあたり、 この白谷雲水峡の森にインスピレーションを得たと言われています。 9
8 Unit 1 Places 9
3 Understanding the Story 4 Summary
Answer the following questions. Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
summary below.

1. How many days a year does it rain in Yakushima?

(A) 5
(B) 1,900
(C) nearly 180
(D) 10 to 12

2. Which of these sentences is true?

(A) Yakushima is famous for its apple trees.

(B) Yakushima is north of Kyushu.
(C) The Yaku deer are the island’s best-known symbol.
(D) Yakushima was Japan’s first World Natural Heritage Site.

3. What is the best way to see the Jomon-Sugi tree?

(A) Take a train

(B) Walk
(C) Ride a motorcycle
(D) Rent a truck
Yakushima is Japan’s ninth largest island . It is south of
4. Which of these sentences is NOT true?
Kyushu. The island is famous for its many plants and animals. There
(A) Yakushima is one of the wettest places in Japan. are many kinds of animals on Yakushima, for example the Yaku monkey and
(B) There are more than 1,900 different kinds of plants on Yakushima. the Yaku deer . Yakushima is also famous for its great cedar trees.
(C) Yakushima is one of Japan’s most interesting islands. Yakushima’s symbol is the Jomon-Sugi cedar tree. There are many things to see
on Yakushima, and many tourists visit the island each year.
(D) The trip to the Jomon-Sugi takes 10 to 12 hours one-way.

10 11
10 Places Unit 1
5 Words 6 Critical Reading
Choose the best words to complete the sentences. 1 Main Idea of the Essay

Look back at the reading. What is the main idea of the essay?
(A) Yakushima has many names.
1. In the title, the word splendor is closest in meaning to .
(B) Yakushima is interesting and beautiful.
a. ugliness
(C) Many deer live on Yakushima.
b. beauty
(D) Scientists say the Jomon-Sugi tree is between 3,000 and 7,000 years old.
c. sadness
d. intelligence 2 Main Ideas of the Paragraphs
In which paragraph do we find the following information? Circle the answers.
2. The word variety in the second paragraph means .
(A) About a tree : paragraph 1 2 3 4
a. number of
(B) About the kinds of plants and animals on the island : paragraph 1 2 3 4
b. garden of (C) About Yakushima’s weather : paragraph 1 2 3 4
c. forest of
d. problem of 3 Conclusion
Paragraph 4 is the conclusion. What main idea is in both paragraphs 1 and 4? Write a
3. If something is wet, it is . simple sentence below.
a. not sure Yakushima is one of Japan’s most interesting islands .
b. not dry
c. not interesting
d. not happy

4. The most famous tree on Yakushima can be on foot.

a. said
b. talked
c. reached
d. happened

5. The Jomon-Sugi cedar tree is of Yakushima.

a. a round
b. a symbol
c. a kind
d. an amount

12 Unit 1 Places Places Unit 1 13

7 Critical Thinking 8 Learning Language Patterns
Defining Facts from Opinions Read the following. Go back to page 8 and match each picture to the correct sentence.

• a fact e.g. Yakushima is an island. It is in Japan. a. There are two deer. e. There is a scientist looking into a microscope.
• an opinion e.g. Yakushima is beautiful. Everyone likes it. b. There are a lot of zebras. f. There is a map in the tourist’s hands.
c. There are three monkeys. g. There is no snow on the mountain.
d. There are many islands. h. There is much rain every year.
A Read the following. Write a check ( ) beside the sentences that are facts.

1. The Yaku Deer live on Yakushima. Work with a partner. Find some patterns in the sentences. Fill in the table below.
2. Deer are really cute. Pattern Sentences Number of Objects
3. Monkeys are very interesting animals.
There is a ... e,f only one
4. Monkeys live on Yakushima.
There is ... g,h can’t count the number
There are ... a,b, c, d more than one
B Read the following sentences from the article. Are they statements of fact or
statements of opinion? Write F for fact, O for opinion. Check your answer with another pair.

1. F Yakushima was the first place in Japan to be a World Natural Heritage Site.
Complete the conversations below. Then practice the conversations with a partner.
2. O It is one of Japan’s most interesting islands.
3. F You can find more than 1900 different kinds of plants on Yakushima. A: There is a monkey in the tree.
B: Is there a bird?
4. O Yakushima is one of Asia’s most beautiful islands.
A: No, there isn’t a bird.
5. F It rains almost 180 days a year. B: _________
Is _________
there a snake?
A: there
Yes, _________ is
_________ a
_________ snake.

A: There are many trees on the island.

B: Are _________
_________ there any flowers?
A: there _________
Yes, _________ are many _________
flowers .
B: Are
_________ there
_________ any bears?
A: there _________
No, _________ aren't any _________
bears on the island.

A: There is a large amount of water on the island.

B: _________
Is _________
there a lot of rain?
A: there _________
Yes, _________ is a lot of _________
rain in summer.
B: Is
_________ there
_________ any snow in summer?
A: No
_________ there
, _________ isn’t any snow in summer.

Read the following. There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct the sentences.
1. There is plant on the table.
2. Is there many flowers in the garden?
3. There are a lot of snow in winter.

14 15
14 Places Unit 1
9 Second Reading 10 Output

There are many benefits to studying abroad. Which of the reasons below do you think are the best?
Number from 1 (most important) to 10 (least important).
Is Studying Abroad your Dream?
Come to the _____ Travel to different countries

g e of Manila
Philippines! Internat anila, Philippines
io n a l C o ll e _____ Experience a different style of education

Metro M _____ Learn about a different culture

The International College of Manila -

_____ Improve your language skills
Number 1 for global careers. _____ Have more career opportunities

Make friends and have fun in the _____ Discover new interests
sun on our beautiful beaches.
_____ Make new friends
Need more information? Join us for a
Homestay programs, travel _____ Challenge yourself
opportunities, and scholarships are Campus Tour:
available. Tuesday, October 28 - 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. _____ Get experience
International Studies Building 5, Room 212 _____ Other ____________________________
The language of instruction is English.
There are undergraduate programs, Or visit our website
certificate programs and diploma
programs. And there is an intensive website: http://
English program. Or contact us directly at: Work with a partner:

International College of Manila

Your path to a Global 627 Mendiola, Metro Manila, Philippines 1002 What are some disadvantages of studying abroad? Make a list.
Career begins here! Phone +63 (2)-635-0953


Answer the following questions.
1. How can you learn more about studying at the International College of Manila?
join a tour visit the website contact them

Would you like to study abroad? Why/ Why not?

2. Classes are taught in what language? English

3. What opportunities does this program offer? Circle all that apply.

(A) home stay programs

(B) scholarships
(C) undergraduate degree programs
(D) sightseeing tours
(E) opportunities to travel

16 Unit 1 Places Places Unit 1 17

PART 1 Warming-Up 2 Main Reading TRACK 2

Look at the map below. Do you know where China is? How about Indonesia and

Tioman Island:

Malaysia? Work with a partner. Look at the list of countries below. Draw an arrow ( )

on the map to show where each country is.

Tioman Island

Malaysia’s Pride

China Malaysia Japan Vietnam
Thailand Indonesia South Korea Singapore
Tioman Island is one of Asia’s most beautiful islands. It is on the
east side of the Malaysian peninsula. Tioman is the largest in a group
of 64 islands. All these islands have long, soft beaches and beautiful, clear
water. Under the sea, you can see many colorful fish. Tioman Island is popular
for scuba diving because of its clean water and beautiful fish. The forests on Tioman
Island are also interesting to visit. They have many waterfalls, flowers, plants, and tall trees.
These thick forests are home to many kinds of animals. The island’s forests are very popular
for rock climbing, hiking, and walking through nature.
Japan A long time ago, people said that Tioman Island was created by a beautiful princess. This
princess was flying from China to Singapore for her wedding. However, she became tired,
so she stopped to rest in the warm waters of the South China Sea. She soon fell in love with
South Korea the place. She decided to stay, and she became the island. So, Tioman Island is the body of
the beautiful princess!
Thailand Malaysia
Tioman Island is also famous for an old Hollywood movie called South Pacific. This
movie was made on Tioman Island in 1958. The Hollywood filmmakers chose Tioman
because it was so beautiful. After that movie, many people began to visit the island. Tioman
Island is now a popular resort.
e.g. Australia Truly, Tioman Island is the pride of Malaysia. Malaysia is a beautiful country with a large
variety of scenery and culture. Tioman is one of its pearls.

Warming-up 2
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever visited other countries in Asia?

2. Do you like to visit beaches? When did you last go to a beach? Note
3. Have you ever seen a waterfall? When? Where?
Tioman is famous for its coral reefs and beautiful beaches. A famous Hollywood movie,
4. Do you like going hiking in the forest? South Pacific (1958) was filmed here. Tourists come here for the beaches and for jungle

「南太平洋」 はこの島で撮影されました。観光客は、砂浜とジャングル・トレッキン

18 19
Unit 1 Places 19
3 Understanding the Story 5 Words
Answer the following questions. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. What is the purpose of the article? 1. In the article, the word peninsula in paragraph 1, line 2 means .
(A) To tell people why they shouldn’t visit the island. (A) land in the middle of the sea; an island
(B) To compare the kinds of food on Tioman. (B) land with water on three sides
(C) To persuade people to see movies on Tioman. (C) water that is near land
(D) To inform people about Tioman Island. (D) water that is near a waterfall

2. Why is Tioman Island popular with scuba divers? 2. In the article, the expression thick forests in paragraph 1, line 7 is closest in meaning to .
(A) Because of its thick forests (A) forests with no trees
(B) Because of its beautiful princess (B) forests with the trees far apart
(C) Because of its pearls (C) forests with the trees close together
(D) Because of its clean water and beautiful fish (D) forests covered by water

3. What did the princess in the story do? 3. In the article, the expression was created in paragraph 2, line 1 is closest in meaning to .
(A) She made everyone tired. (A) was put into a crate
(B) She made the water warm. (B) was made
(C) She became the island. (C) was damaged
(D) She became bored, and left quickly. (D) was taught

4 Summary 4. In the article, the word waterfall in paragraph 1 line 6 means .

(A) an island near a peninsula
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the (B) a wet forest with many plants and trees
summary below.
(C) a lake with clean water and many fish
(D) a river that falls from a high place to a low place

5. In the article, the word scenery in paragraph 4 line 2 means .

Tioman Island is one of Asia’s most beautiful islands. It is on the east
(A) a nice view of nature
side of the Malaysian peninsula. Tioman is the largest in a group of 64 islands.
(B) a sea that is warm
It is popular with scuba divers because of its clean water and
(C) an animal that lives in the sea
colorful fish. People said that Tioman was created by a beautiful princess .
(D) a resort that is popular
This princess was flying from China to Singapore for her wedding. But she
stopped for a rest . She loved the place, and her body became Tioman
Island. Tioman Island is also famous for an old Hollywood movie called South 6. The last word in the article, pearls, means .
Pacific. (A) something that is hard to find
(B) something that is very good
(C) something that has culture
(D) something that is clean

20 Unit 1 Places Places Unit 1 21

6 Critical Reading 7 Critical Thinking
Defining Facts from Opinions, Identifying Writer’s Purpose
1 Identifying Support

Look back at the reading. The first sentence says that Tioman Island is beautiful. Which Look at the following sentences from the article. Are they fact or opinion?
of the following phrases support the idea? Check the answers.
Write an F or an O.

O 1.
____ Tioman is one of Asia’s most beautiful islands.
____ (A) beautiful beaches O 2.
____ All these islands have long, soft beaches and beautiful clear water.
____ (B) fish of many colors O 3.
____ The forests on Tioman are also interesting to visit.
F 4.
____ Tioman is the largest in a group of 64 islands.
____ (C) tired tourists
F 5.
____ It is on the east side of the Malaysian peninsula.
____ (D) clean water

____ (E) lots of trash The article has both facts and opinions. However, is the article mainly facts? Or, is
it mainly opinion?
____ (F) dirty dishes
Mainly Facts Mainly Opinion
____ (G) many waterfalls

____ (H) rude waiters

C What is the writer’s purpose? Why do you think the writer wrote this article?
a. To inform (to tell the reader)
b. To entertain (to make the reader enjoy the article)
c. To persuade (to change the reader’s opinion)

Why do you think this?

8 Learning Language Patterns

Look at the following:

a. A fish is in the pond. There is a fish in the pond.

b. A coffee shop is near here. There is a coffee shop near here.
c. A lot of trees are on the island. There are a lot of trees on the island.
d. Moviemakers were on the island. There were moviemakers on the island.

Rewrite the following sentences using there.

There are many waterfalls on the island. .
1. Many waterfalls are on the island. .........................................................................................................................................................
2. A lot of animals are on the island. There are a lot of animals on the island.
......................................................................................................................................................... .
3. A shark is behind you! There is a shark behind you!
......................................................................................................................................................... .
4. Many forests are on Tioman Island. There are many forests on Tioman Island. .

22 23
22 Places Unit 1
Look at the following:
Answer the following questions.
a. A fish is in the pond. It is small. It is swimming. 1. Joseph calls Tioman Island wonderful because: (There is more than one answer.)
b. A coffee shop is near here. It is new and popular.
c. A lot of trees are on the island. They are tall. They are very old. a. The water is clean and clear.
d. Moviemakers were on the island. They were filming South Pacific. b. The fish and turtles are friendly.
c. The forest is cool and quiet.
Read the sentences. Write It or They to complete the sentence. d. The people are honest and kind.
1. Tioman is in Malaysia. It is on the east side of the Malaysian peninsula.
2. There are many fish around Tioman Island. They are all very beautiful. 2. What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited? What words would you use to describe
3. There are many forests on the island. They are very popular for hiking.
this place?
4. The movie South Pacific was made on Tioman Island. It was made in 1958.

Write it, they, or there, in the blank. Use a capital letter if you need to.
1. Is there a restaurant nearby?
10 Output
2. There is a shark behind you! Write a postcard about a trip. Write your postcard to your teacher.
3. There are three fish in the aquarium.
4. What is this? Is it a diamond?
5. It is a beautiful day today. Dear ,
6. There is a beautiful flower in the garden.
7. People like the beaches because they are very beautiful.
8. Are there any interesting places to visit?

9 Second Reading
Best wishes,

beautiful Preparation
and quiet. I saw so many
Dear Aunt Susan, n Island is
nd! It is birds and animals. Tioma i. Work alone. Think about a place that you have visited. What did you do? What did you enjoy?
You would love Tioman Isla
in Malaysia. wonderful!
the most beautiful Island man ii. Now write the postcard. Start your postcard with “Dear teacher’s name”.
ing. The water I hope that we can visit Tio
Yesterday, I went scuba div “hello” to
e fish and Island together. Please say
was so clean and clear. Th Next, get in groups of four. Read your postcard to the group. Who had the most
They will eat food Uncle Bill.
turtles are very friendly. interesting trip?
See you soon,
from your hand.
. I ate lunch Joseph
Today, I went to the forest
e forest is so cool
next to a big waterfall. Th

24 Unit 1 Places Places Unit 1 25


Theme: culture
Critical reading:
- finding the main idea
- identifying support
Critical thinking
- fact vs opinion
- evidence
Language patterns
- tense: future: ‘be going to...’
- much vs many
PART 1 Warming-Up 2 Main Reading TRACK 3

Look at the picture below. Do you know what these words mean?
Intercultural Differences
Namaste. Konnichiwa. Sawasdee. Xin chao. Halo. There are many different ways to say
hello if you travel around Asia. We live in a world with many different people and many
different cultures. In addition, the world is getting smaller. We can now communicate
with people around the world. However, technology is going to improve, and intercultural
communication is going to increase even more. So, we all need to understand cultural
differences. This will help us to understand other people.

Many schools have classes about intercultural communication. In these classes, students
learn about cultural differences. There are many differences. For example, body language
can be different. Also customs, for example holidays, weddings, or the way people do
business, can be different.
Warming-up 2 Today, there are more than 6,500 living languages in the world. Each language is its own
Look at the words below. Use a dictionary if you need to. Write the words in the culture, and each culture has its own way of thinking. Our culture is our way of life. We
sentences below. can see our culture in our thinking and in our ideas. Different cultures can have different
slang open mind customs intercultural ways of thinking. So, we need to have an open mind, and understand that there are cultural
technology way improve communicate differences in the world.

Intercultural communication can be difficult, but there are a few simple rules that we
1. Our technology is our use of science and engineering to do things. should remember. Don’t use slang words. These can be difficult to understand. Remember
2. Our way of thinking is how we think, our way of life is how we live. to listen carefully. Ask questions if you don’t understand. Different cultures have different
3. If something is going to improve , it is going to get better. ideas, and sometimes this causes problems. So, we need to be understanding.

4. Communicate is a verb that means to talk, write or express meaning to someone.

5. If you have an open mind you are happy to think about new or different ideas. Note
6. Slang words are very informal words. There are more than 6500 spoken languages in the world today. Around a quarter of them
have fewer than one thousand speakers. In Papua-New Guinea there are 832 languages
7. Intercultural is an adjective about things between people of different cultures. spoken.
8. A culture’s customs are the things that people do and have done for a long time.
Due to globalization, many languages “die” each year. A language is said to die when it is
no longer used in everyday life. Around half of the world’s current languages are expected
to die by the end of the 21st century.
Warming-up 3
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions. その言語を話す人の人口が1,000人に満たない言語です。パプアニューギニアでは、832の言語
1. Can you speak another language? が使われています。
2. Do you often speak with people from different cultures?
います。言語が「死ぬ」 というのは、
3. Do you like learning about other countries and other cultures? 日常生活で使われることが最早なくなった、
4. Have you travelled around your own country? Where? 界中で使われている言語のほぼ半分が失われるだろうと言われています。
5. Have you ever been to another country? Where?

28 29
Unit 2 Culture 29
3 Understanding the Story 5 Words
Answer the following questions. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. Which of these sentences are true? (There is more than 1 answer.) 1. In the article, body language in paragraph 2, line 2 means .
(A) Different cultures have different body language. (A) a special kind of medicine for the body
(B) Different cultures have different ideas. (B) using your body to communicate
(C) Not many schools teach intercultural communication. (C) words for parts of the body
(D) We should try to use slang words. (D) problems with the body

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cultural difference? 2. In the article, the expression living languages in paragraph 3, line 1 means .
(A) our customs (A) languages that have energy
(B) our body language (B) languages from a long time ago
(C) our gifts (C) languages that are difficult to understand
(D) our ideas (D) languages that people use in today’s world

3. According to the article, which of these sentences are true? (There is more than 1 answer.) 3. In the article, the word ideas in paragraph 3, line 3 means .
(A) Intercultural differences are not important. (A) communication
(B) Students don’t learn about intercultural communication. (B) cultures and society
(C) The way people do business can be different in different cultures. (C) thoughts, opinions and beliefs
(D) Learning about cultural differences helps us to understand other people. (D) language and expressions

4. The world is getting smaller, so communication with people from other cultures is
going to .
4 Summary (A) include
(B) increase
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
summary below. (C) influence
(D) instead

5. If we follow some rules, we can communicate better.

(A) simple
We live in a world with different people and different languages. We need (B) alone
to learn and understand cultural differences . There are over 6,500 living (C) almost
languages in the world. And each language is its own culture . So, we need to (D) today
have an open mind . Many schools have classes in intercultural communication .
And students learn about how customs can be different. There are some simple rules to
remember. Don’t use slang. Listen carefully and ask questions if you
don’t understand. Different cultures can have different ideas .

30 31
Unit 2 Culture
6 Critical Reading 7 Critical Thinking
Defining Facts from Opinions
1 Main Idea of the Article

Look back at the reading. What is the main idea of the article? A Read the following sentences. Are they statements of fact or statements of
opinion? Write F for fact, O for opinion.
(A) The world has over 6,500 living languages.
(B) People should not use slang.
1. ____ Today there are more than 6,500 living languages in the world.
(C) People in different cultures do business in different ways.
(D) It is important for us to understand cultural differences. F
2. ____ Many schools today teach classes in intercultural communication.

2 Main Ideas of the Paragraphs O

3. ____ My Intercultural Communication class is the best.
In which paragraph do we learn or get advice about the following? Circle the answers.
4. ____ Learning a language is a lot of fun.
(A) intercultural communication 1 2 3 4
5. ____ Namaste is a greeting in India and Nepal.
(B) intercultural communication classes 1 2 3 4
(C) language and culture 1 2 3 4
6. ____ Understanding cultural differences is very important in today’s multicultural world.

7. ____
O Everyone should study a foreign language.
3 Keywords
What word does the writer use many times? Circle the answer. F
8. ____ Different cultures have different customs.
This is the main keyword of the article.

idea(s) culture(s) custom(s) student(s)

4 Word Use
The word culture is used to make some other words. What other words are made from
the word culture?

1. cultural

2. intercultural

32 33
Unit 2 Culture 33
8 Learning Language Patterns 9 Second Reading
Read the following.
a. We live in a world with many people. d. You are going to contact many people.
b. I see my grandmother every Friday. e. I am going to see my cousin tomorrow.
c. She usually studies English at night. f. He is going to study at the library this weekend.

Underline the words/expressions about time.

Good Manners in Thailand
Work with a partner. Look at the sentences again. Look at the following. Draw a line
to answer the question.

Sentences a, b and c • • current situation, things you do regularly • Take off your shoes before going • Don’t touch anyone’s head or hair, even a child’s.
• things you did in the past into a house or a temple.
Sentences d, e and f • • Don’t wear short shorts, or clothes that show a
• things about the future • Wear long, clean clothing. lot of your body.
A Use “be going to”. Change the following sentences from the present to the future. • Show respect for the King and • Don’t point at anyone or anything. Point with
Queen. your head to show a direction.
1. I cook dinner once a week.
I am going to cook dinner tomorrow. • Call people Kuhn (Mr. or Ms.) • Don’t get angry. Children get angry, not adults.
2. Ji-yun plays tennis every weekend. followed by their first name, for
example Kuhn Wipa, Kuhn Pratya.
She is going to play tennis next Sunday.
3. My friends don’t play soccer. • Speak quietly and don’t argue.
They are not going to play soccer next weekend.
• Use the wai gesture when you
4. I study English for 4 hours every night.
meet people.
I am going to study English tonight.

B Change these sentences to present tense. the wai gesture

1. I’m going to study soon.

I study every weekend. Answer the following questions.
2. Jiang is going to call her mother soon.
1. In Thailand, is it good manners to:
She calls her mother every day.
(A) touch a child’s head? Yes / No
3. Ye-jun is going to play chess with Francisco.
(B) argue with someone? Yes / No
They play chess twice a month.
(C) talk loudly? Yes / No
4. It’s going to rain tonight.
(D) point at people? Yes / No
It rains almost every night.
(E) wear a bathing suit in a store? Yes / No
Write three sentences about your plans; tomorrow, next week and next month. (F) remove your shoes before entering a house? Yes / No

1. 2. If you meet a Thai person, what gesture should you use? The wai gesture

2. 3. What is the correct way to address Mr. Prawit Kitsuwan? Kuhn Prawit

34 Unit 2 Culture Culture Unit 2 35

10 Output PART 1 Warming-Up
Make a presentation about some do’s and don’ts. Look at pictures below. What nationality are these people? Circle your answers.

Preparation: Think about a city or a country. Do some research. Think of 5 do’s and
don’ts. Write them below:

Name of your country/culture:

Karen O Kristin Kreuk Olivia Munn Harjit Sajjan

Do’s Don’ts This person is: This person is: This person is: This person is:
Korean Chinese American Indian
Polish Dutch German Malaysian
American Canadian Vietnamese Canadian

When you finish, turn to page 143. Check your answers.

Warming-up 2
Look at the sentences below. Choose the word or expression from the box that com-
pletes the sentence.

individuals ethnic as a result

category mix similar

1. There are many ethnic groups in Vietnam.

2. Many Koreans have moved to China. As a result , there are now millions of
Koreans in China.
3. Lao, the language of Laos, is similar to Thai.
4. We should speak to people as individuals , not as members of a group.
5. As people move around, cultures start to mix together.
6. We can’t always put people into one simple category .

Warming-up 3
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.
1. Do you like to listen to music? What kind? Do you have any favorite artists? Where are they
2. Do you like to read books? What kind? Do you have any favorite authors? Where are they
Get into groups of four. Give a short presentation to your group.
3. Do you like to exercise or play sports? Which ones? Do you have any favorite athletes? Where
are they from?
4. What do you like to do in your free time?

36 Unit 2 Culture Culture Unit 2 37

2 Main Reading TRACK 4
3 Understanding the Story
Answer the following questions.
When we think about intercultural communication, we must remember that people
1. What do you think is the main point of the article?
are individuals. Within each culture there are many different kinds of people, for example,
(A) We need to understand what culture people come from.
people who like sports, people who like dancing, people who like books, and people who
(B) Humans have very different wants and needs.
like video games. That is, people are all different. The differences within cultures can be (C) We are individuals and we are human.
bigger than the differences between cultures. (D) We all move from one country to another.
Furthermore, countries often have many different ethnic groups. For example, in
2. In the first paragraph, which of the following is NOT mentioned?
Indonesia, people can be Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, Chinese and so on. Also, today,
(A) People are not simply members of a group, they are individuals.
people move around. People move to different cities to go to school or to work. As a result,
(B) Differences within cultures are always very small.
people from different ethnic groups live, work and study together. So, cultures often mix
(C) People are not all the same.
(D) Some people like sports, other people like dancing.
Moreover, it is not unusual for people to move to another country to live and work. As a
result, people often marry people from different ethnic groups. So, families mix together. 3. In the third paragraph, which of the following is NOT mentioned?
In Brazil, for example, there are over 1.4 million Brazilians whose families came from (A) Many people sometimes move to and live in a different country.
Japan. When families mix together, cultures mix together. So people are often a mix of (B) Families can be a mix of different ethnic groups.
many different ethnic groups. We can’t easily put such individuals into one simple ethnic (C) Many people in Brazil came from Japan.
(D) We can always put people into one ethnic category.

Lastly, we are far more similar than we are different. We are all human. We all want to live 4. Which idea would the author of this article probably agree with?
in peace. We all want to live happy lives. We all want our friends and family to be healthy (A) People within a culture are all the same.
and happy. Human wants are very much the same. That is, our basic needs are the same. (B) Our basic needs and desires are all different.
(C) We need to understand the large cultural differences.
Note (D) We should not put people into one ethnic category.

The largest Japanese community that is OUTSIDE Japan is in Brazil. And the first Japanese
immigrated there in 1908. Many became coffee farmers.

There are over 300 ethnic groups in Indonesia. However 40% of the population are
4 Summary
Javanese. More than 700 languages are spoken in Indonesia.
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
日本国外における最大の日本人コミュニティはブラジルにあります。 日本人が最初にブラジルに summary below.


People are individuals. There are many different kinds of people. And differences
within a culture can be bigger than differences between cultures. Furthermore,
many countries have many different ethnic groups. In addition, people
move to different countries. Families mix together. So, we can’t easily put
individuals into one simple ethnic group . Lastly, we all want peace, health
and happiness. We all have the same human needs .

3838 39
38 Culture Unit 2
5 Words 6 Critical Reading
Choose the best words to complete the sentences. 1 Non-supported ideas

1. In the article, the word wants in paragraph 4, line 3 is closest in meaning to . Look back at the reading. Which statement does NOT support the idea that we all
(A) our desires have the same human wants?
(B) our work (A) We all want peace.
(C) our family (B) We all want happiness.
(D) our health (C) We all use language.

2 Supported ideas
2. In the article, the word furthermore in paragraph 2, line 1 is closest in meaning to .
In the article, which of the following did the writer use to support the idea that
(A) In addition,
cultures mix together?
(B) However,
(A) 1.4 million Brazilians are from families that came from Japan.
(C) As a result,
(B) We have to be careful not to put people into one ethnic category.
(D) Lastly,
(C) We are far more similar than we are different.
3. In the article, the word mix in paragraph 3, line 4 is closest in meaning to .
3 How to support your idea
(A) an ethnic group How did the writer support the idea that countries often have many different ethnic
(B) a combination groups?
(C) a difficulty
(A) The writer mentioned that some people like dancing, while some people like sports.
(D) a plan
(B) The writer wrote that many people move around.
(C) The writer wrote about Indonesia.
4. In the article, the word simple in paragraph 3, line 5 is closest in meaning to .
(A) easy to do
(B) difficult to see
7 Critical Thinking
(C) clear and understandable
(D) hard to understand Giving evidence to support an idea

A In the second paragraph the writer wrote, “So, cultures often mix together.” How
5. In the sentence “We are all human”, what part of speech is “human”?
did the writer support this?
(A) verb
(B) noun (1) The writer told a story about how people move around.
(C) adjective (2) The writer gave the reader some numbers about how many people move to other places.
(D) adverb
B Do you think this is strong evidence or weak evidence?
6. There are many Malaysians _____________ families came from China. strong weak
(A) that
(B) who C Look at the statement, “We can’t easily put such individuals into one simple ethnic
(C) where category.” How did the writer support this?
(D) whose People are often a mix of different ethnic groups.

People often marry people from different ethnic groups, so families mix


40 Unit 2 Culture Culture Unit 2 41

8 Learning Language Patterns 9 Second Reading
Home School Travel Fashion Music About Me
Read the following.

a. There are many kinds of people.

b. We had so much fun!
c. I have many classes on Monday.
d. We don’t have much rain.
Bluemoon Girl’s Blog
July 16

Work with a partner. Look at the nouns in each category. Can you find the patterns? I am so excited! My friend Mei-ling from Taiwan is coming to visit
me here in Seoul! We both went to school together in Canada. She went to the
many much same school as me.
I went to Canada two years ago. I went for 1 month over the summer.
kinds customs fun news
I stayed with a family in Vancouver. And I went to a language school there. Mei-
classes drinks rain water ling was in the same class as me. I sat next to her, so we became friends.
languages cultures information bread Mei-ling is from Taiwan, so she speaks Chinese. But I can’t speak Chinese. So,
I was a little bit nervous. But we spoke to each other in English, so we became
friends. We went to many places on class trips, and we also went out to dinner
Complete the following sentences about how to use much and many. together quite often. She is a very kind and interesting person. She’s so funny!! I
had so much fun that summer!
• ........................................................................ is used with nouns that you can count. I learned that the best way to learn English is to talk! We understand people
by talking together. Mei-ling speaks Chinese and I speak Korean, but we are very
• ........................................................................ is used with nouns that you can not count. similar. I am looking forward to seeing her again. We have so much to talk about!

Complete the following sentences, using much or many.

Answer the following questions.
1. I don’t have much time.
1. Where is Mei-Ling from? __________________________________________________
She is from Taiwan.
2. I have too much energy.
She lives in Seoul.
2. Where does Bluemoon Girl live? ____________________________________________
3. Does the teacher give you much homework? They were in the same class.
3. How did they meet? ______________________________________________________
4. What is the best way to understand people, according to Bluemoon Girl?
4. No, I don’t have much homework, but I have many tests.
The best way to understand people is by talking together.
5. Does your friend have many classes?
6. We have problems.
10 Output
7. I don’t have any free time, because I have too much work.
Think of someone, a friend, family member, or someone you know well. Answer the
8. We visited many places, and took many pictures.
questions below in complete sentences.
1. What is the person’s name?
Write four sentences about yourself. Use much and many. When you finish, read your
2. Where does he/she live?
sentences to a partner.
3. What does he/she do?
1. ___________________________________________________________________________ . 4. How do you know this person?
2. ___________________________________________________________________________ . 5. What is this person like?

3. ___________________________________________________________________________ . Now write a short introduction below.

4. ___________________________________________________________________________ .

NOTE The expression a lot of can be used with both nouns that you can and can not count.

Work in groups. Introduce the person to the group.

42 Unit 2 Culture Culture Unit 2 43


Theme: the seasons

Critical reading:
- cause and effect
- guessing meaning
Critical thinking
- support
- explanations
Language patterns
- adverbs of frequency
- prepositions
PART 1 Warming-Up 2 Main Reading TRACK 5

Plum Rain – Rainy Season

Look at the picture below. What do you see? What are people doing? Write down some
words to describe the picture.

The East Asian region has four seasons, spring, summer, fall and winter. So, people in
China, Korea and Japan can enjoy the changing seasons. However, from late spring to early
summer, there is also a fifth season. It is called the East Asian rainy season. In Korea, it
is called jangma. In Chinese, it is called meiyu, and in Japan it is called tsuyu. The name
means plum rain. It is called plum rain because the rains always come when the plums
grow on the trees.

From the start of June to mid-July, it rains almost every day. It is seldom sunny during the
rainy season. This fifth season usually lasts for about fifty days. The air feels different from
the other times of year. The air is wet and humid. So it is difficult to wash and dry your
clothes. The rainy season is an uncomfortable time of the year.

What causes the rainy season? Every year around this time, cold air from the north meets
warm air from the south. The result is a month or more of bad weather. There are also
many floods during this season. So, it can also be quite dangerous.

Everyone complains about the rainy season. No one seems to like it. However, the rainy
season is very important for this region. The rainy season brings the water that rice needs
to grow. Without the rainy season, Japan, Korea, and China would have a very different
culture than they have today.
rain, umbrella,

Warming-up 2
Circle the words that are related to weather.

wet hot window umbrella rainy temperature

trees north humid freezing cold south

Warming-up 3
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.
1. What seasons do you like best? Why?
2. Is there a season you don’t like? Why? The largest producers of rice are (in order)China, India and Indonesia. The largest
consumers of rice per capita are (in order): Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam,
3. What seasonal holidays do you celebrate? Indonesia
4. What special foods do you eat in each season?
5. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
46 47
Unit 3 Seasons 47
3 Understanding the Story 5 Words
Answer the following questions. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1. What is the best title for this article? 1. In the article, the word region in paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to .
(A) Four Seasons (A) an area
(B) Five Seasons (B) a country
(C) Hot and Humid (C) a season
(D) The Rainy Season (D) the weather

2. According to the article, which statement is false? 2. In the article, the word plum in paragraph 1, line 5 is …
(A) The rainy season is around 50 days long. (A) something that causes the rainy season
(B) People don’t like the rainy season. (B) something that happens every day
(C) The rainy season is not important. (C) something that grows on trees
(D) The rainy season is not comfortable. (D) something that is wet and humid

3. According to the article, why can rainy season be dangerous? 3. In the article, the expression complains about in paragraph 4, line 1 is closest in meaning
(A) because it is difficult to dry your clothes to .
(B) because there can be floods (A) waits for
(C) because it rains almost every day (B) ignores
(D) because it is an uncomfortable time of year (C) says bad things about
(D) says good things about

4 Summary 4. Rain is important. It helps rice to _______ .

(A) eat
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the (B) grow
summary below. (C) make
(D) dry

5. If the weather is humid, the weather is _______.

(A) hot
The East Asian region has four seasons. However, there is also a fifth season . It
(B) cold
is called the East Asian rainy season. From the start of June to mid-July, it rains
(C) wet
almost every day . The air is wet and humid and it is an uncomfortable time of
(D) dry
the year. The rainy season is caused by cold air from the north meeting warm air
from the south. There are many floods during this season, so it can be dangerous.
However, the rainy season is important for growing rice .

48 Unit 3 Seasons Seasons Unit 3 49

6 Critical Reading 7 Critical Thinking
Defining Facts from Opinions
1 Defining Cause and Effects

Cause and effect tells us why something happens. Look at the A The reading says that the rainy season is a special season of its own. Read the following
example. supporting sentences. Which are facts and which are opinions? Write F for fact, O for
Cause Effect opinion.

cold air meeting warm air the rainy season

F From the start of June to mid-July, it rains almost every day in Japan.
1. ____

Look back at the reading. Complete the table below. F It’s a wet time of year, and it’s a humid time of year.
2. ____
Cause Effects
O To me, the air feels different from other times of year.
3. ____
wet and humid air
can’t dry clothes
F The rainy season is caused when cold air from the north meets warm air from the south.
4. ____

a month of bad weather floods
O The rainy season is the worst time of year.
5. ____
rainy season brings water
rice grows
F The rainy season lasts for a month or more.
6. ____

O The four seasons are an important part of the Japanese character.

7. ____
2 Causes and effects making a chain of events

Look at the following events. Complete the diagram below. F Other countries in the region share this weather.
8. ____
a. rainy season
b. water for rice
c. warm air from the south meets cold air from the north
d. uncomfortable for people

b. water for rice

warm air from the south
c. meets cold air from the a. rainy season
uncomfortable for

3 Keywords

Which of the following words/phrases can be used to show cause and effect
relationships? (There is more than one answer.).

a. The result is…

b. …causes…
c. They say…
d. …brings…

50 51
Unit 3 Seasons 51
8 Learning Language Patterns 9 Second Reading

Read the following.

a. She often goes to the park.

They seldom go for a walk in the winter.
I am sometimes sleepy at night.
Travel Tips: Traveling to Japan in June?
d. He is never sleepy in the morning. Try going north—or south
Work with a partner. Underline the verb, and circle the adverb in each sentence.
What pattern can you see?

Complete the following sentences using before or after.

• An adverb of frequency comes ........................................................................ a be-verb (am, is, are).
• An adverb of frequency comes ........................................................................ a general verb.

Read the sentences below. Look at the word on the left. Draw an arrow ( ) to show Visiting Japan? The weather in June is not very good. It’s hot. It’s wet. It’s humid.
where the word goes in the sentence. However, there are some good points about traveling in June…
Not so many people come to Japan in June. It’s often easier to make reservations. It’s
(often) She goes to the park.
easier to get tickets. It’s easier to find hotels.
Some sights look good in this kind of weather: a temple in the rain, the smell of wet trees.
1. (almost never) We listen carefully in class.
If you look carefully, you can find places that are beautiful in the wet weather.
2. (normally) I am in my office all afternoon.
If you want to get out of the rain, Japan does offer some choices.
3. (generally) She is a happy person.
Go north! There is no rainy season in Hokkaido. Japan’s northern island is a great place
4. (occasionally) I talk to people from foreign countries. to visit in June. You can visit Sapporo and enjoy fresh seafood. Or, you can enjoy some
5. (rarely) They are interested to learn about new things. outdoor activities.
6. (usually) I study English at night. Or go south! Japan’s southern island of Okinawa is also a great place to visit in June.
Okinawa has a rainy season, but it ends early. By mid-June the rain is over. So you can enjoy
How about you? Look at the sentences above. Write the same sentences, but Okinawa’s beautiful beaches.
now write these sentences about yourself.
Answer the following questions.

1. 1. This article is written for:

(A) foreigners living in Japan
(B) foreigners visiting Japan
3. (C) people in Hokkaido and Okinawa
4. (D) travel guides

2. According to the article, what is not good about Japan in June?
6. (A) the food
(B) the temple
(C) finding reservations
(D) the weather
52 Unit 3 Seasons Seasons Unit 3 53
10 Output PART 1 Warming-Up
Make a poster showing your hometown’s climate through the seasons. Present your
poster to the class. Work with a partner. Look at the picture below. What do you see in the picture?
What season is it? Write some words to describe the picture.
Preparation: Work with a partner. Look at the pictures below. Write down some
words to describe each picture.

cold, clouds, hot, sunny warm, cloud

cloudy, rain sun, clear cloudy, windy

cold, snow cold, cloud cold, storm

snowy tornado rain, windy autumn leaves, red,

Preparation: Work alone. Think about and answer the questions below.

1. Does your hometown have a lot of rain or snow? Warming-up 2

2. When is the wettest time of the year? When is the driest time? Match the words. Write the letters on the lines.
____ 1. destination a. plural of leaf
3. When does your hometown have the highest temperatures? The lowest?
____ 2. fall b. autumn colors
4. Does your hometown have a lot of sunshine? e
____ 3. fantastic c. a place people travel to
____ 4. energy d. another word for autumn
5. Do the winter temperatures in your hometown get below freezing? Do you have snow?
____ 5. leaves e. wonderful, impressive
6. What kinds of dangerous weather does your hometown have? b
____ 6. red, gold, orange f. strength and power
7. What kinds of seasonal activities do people in your hometown enjoy?
Warming-up 3
8. When is the best time to visit your hometown?
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.
1. Do the trees where you live change color in the autumn?
Make a simple poster about your hometown’s climate. 2. Have you ever been somewhere special to look at autumn leaves?
3. Do you know why the leaves change color?
Now, work in groups. Present your poster to the group.
4. What other kinds of changes happen in the autumn?
5. Would you like to live where the seasons are almost the same all year?

54 Unit 3 Seasons Seasons Unit 3 55

2 Main Reading TRACK 6
3 Understanding the Story
Answer the following questions.
Autumn Colors 1. What is the article mostly about?
(A) the fantastic colors of autumn
Each year the autumn leaves make fantastic colors. We can see brilliant colors of red, (B) why leaves change color
orange, yellow, and gold. The autumn in East Asia is wonderful. You can see these beautiful (C) the Read Leaf Festival in China
autumn leaves in China, Korea, and Japan. During the autumn, millions of people enjoy (D) the mountains in Korea
the colors of the autumn leaves.
2. Why is hiking popular in Seoraksan National Park in autumn?
In Beijing, the capital of China, Fragrant Hill is a popular place to look at the autumn
(A) because you can climb a mountain
leaves. Fragrant Hill is the name of a park near Beijing. Every autumn, from mid-October,
(B) because is it near the coast
there is a festival. The festival is called the Red Leaf Festival at Fragrant Hill. Each year,
(C) because it is good exercise
thousands of visitors visit the park and take part in the festival.
(D) because the autumn leaves are beautiful
In Korea, there are many places to look at the autumn leaves. However, the best places are
in the mountains. A popular place to look at the autumn leaves is Seoraksan National Park. 3. What is the purpose of the article?
Seoraksan National Park is on the east side of the Korean peninsula and there are many (A) to tell readers about the autumn leaves
mountains with beautiful leaves. So, hiking is very popular in autumn. (B) to introduce places to see the autumn leaves
In Japan, Kyoto is famous for its autumn colors, and you can also enjoy the beautiful (C) to tell readers to go for a walk
autumn colors at night. Many of the temples and shrines around Kyoto turn on lights in (D) to introduce a place to see at night
the evening. For example, at the Jingoji Temple the leaves are illuminated at night, so many
people prefer to visit the temple at night.

In East Asia, the autumn is a good time to go for a walk!

4 Summary
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
summary below.


Fragrant Hills in Beijing was built in 1186 during the Jin dynasty.

In Mt. Seoraksan National Park, there is a natural hot spring at about 600 m above sea
level. There is a legend that the angels went to heaven after bathing in this hot spring. Each year the autumn leaves make fantastic colors. You can see the autumn
leaves in China, Korea and Japan. In Beijing, Fragrant Hill is a popular place to
Wikipedia - Frangrant Hills Park
look at the autumn leaves. In Korea, the best places are in the mountains . For
は、1186年、金王朝の時代に作られました。 example, a popular place is Seoraksan National Park. In Japan, Kyoto is
famous for its autumn colors. Many of the temples and shrines turn on lights in the
evening. In East Asia, autumn is a good time to go for a walk .

出典 ウィキペディア - Frangrant Hills Park

56 57
56 Seasons Unit 3
5 Words 6 Critical Reading
Choose the best words to complete the sentences. 1 Guessing meaning from context

1. In the article, the word fantastic in paragraph 1, line 1 is closest in meaning to . Read the sentences below. Guess the meaning of the italicized words.
(A) strange First, think what kind of word it is. Is it a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb?
(B) bright Then try to guess the meaning.
(C) different
1. They turn off the lights at night, so we can’t see.
(D) wonderful
turn off: verb noun adverb adjective
turn off: make dark, power off, opposite of turn on
2. In the article, the expression “are illuminated” in paragraph 4, line 3 is closest in meaning to
. 2. People visit the park to look at the brilliant autumn colors.
(A) have bright lights on them brilliant: verb noun adverb adjective
(B) are beautiful to look at brilliant: bright, colorful, beautiful
(C) have many colors
(D) are famous and well known 3. In Japan, many people visit temples to look at the autumn leaves.
temples: verb noun adverb adjective
3. Thousands of people _______ the festival each year. temples: traditional building
(A) take part in
(B) come over 4. Hiking is very popular in the autumn.
(C) get along with popular: verb noun adverb adjective
popular: enjoyed by many people
(D) take care of

5. They visited a shrine on New Year’s Day.

4. She _______ to look at the leaves in the morning.
shrine: verb noun adverb adjective
(A) prefers
shrine: traditional building
(B) makes
(C) takes
(D) tells 7 Critical Thinking
5. In the evening they turn _______ the lights, so people can see the leaves at night. Explanations: Reasons and Results

(A) at A The article explains why the autumn leaves are popular in East Asia. There are
(B) on many “reason and result” sentences. Complete the table below.
(C) in
(D) of Reason Result

You can see brilliant colors of red and yellow. The autumn in East Asia is wonderful.

There is a festival in Fragrant Park in October. Thousands of visitors visit the park.

There are many mountains with beautiful

leaves in Seoraksan National Park. So hiking is very popular.
Many people prefer to visit the temples at
The leaves are illuminated at night in Kyoto. night.

58 59
Seasons Unit 3
8 Learning Language Patterns 9 Second Reading
Read the following. Below is a poem about autumn by Ryokan.

a. It is busy on weekends. g. Some temples turn on the lights at night

b. We visit the shrine on New Year’s Eve. h. The train will arrive at the station at noon.
c. They are leaving for China on May 1st. i. You should be quiet at midnight.

d. They are there in the spring and in the summer.

e. The leaves change their colors in autumn.
f. She is having a baby in September. The wind gives me
Enough fallen leaves
Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition: on, in, or at. To make a fire
1. The leaves change their colors ................................. autumn.
2. Chinese New Year is ................................. February.
3. Our office will be closed ................................. February 3rd.
4. I have two French classes ................................. Friday.
5. What does she do ................................. the weekend?
6. Do you study ................................. night?
7. Our families get together ................................. Thanksgiving Day.
8. Do you like to watch movies ................................. the evening?
9. This machine was invented ................................. the 19th century.
10. My afternoon class starts ................................. 1 p.m.
11. What do you usually do ................................. (the) summer?

Write three sentences about yourself. Use on, in, or at in each sentence.
1. (on) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Answer the following question.
2. (in) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. What is this poem saying?
3. (at) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (A) We need wind to make a fire.
(B) A fire is a good thing.
(C) I was very lucky today.
Write three questions using on, in, or at. When you finish, ask a partner the questions. (D) Nature gives us what we need.
1. (on) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. (in) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. (at) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

60 Unit 3 Seasons Seasons Unit 3 61

Here is another poem about autumn leaves. This one is by e.e. cummings.
Read the poem and answer the questions. 10 Output
l(a Write a Diamante poem about autumn or winter. Look at the example below. Then
following the pattern.
af Winter Bonfire

one cold sharp
l freezing crunching stinging
warm laughter, shadows dancing, friends together
burning crackling leaping
Answer the following questions. red gold
1. What is true about this poem? Fire
(A) The letters go up.
(B) The letters go down.
(C) The letters are backwards.
(D) The letters are wrong.

2. What are the words inside the brackets ( ... ) ? Title:

(A) ale affalls
(B) a leaf falls
(C) one liness (noun)
(D) a falafel
(adjective) (adjective)
3. What word is outside the brackets ( ... ) ?
(A) one (participle) (participle) (participle)
(B) leaf
(C) oneliness
(sentence or phrase – the main idea of the poem)
(D) loneliness

4. The letters outside the brackets make one word. In this word, one letter is separate from the (participle) (participle) (participle)
other letters. This letter is:

(A) a (adjective) (adjective)
(B) f
(C) l
(D) s

5. Why is this letter separate? Because it looks like the number 1. NOTE A participle is a verb that ends in “ed” or “ing”.

62 Unit 3 Seasons Seasons Unit 3 63


Theme: cities
Critical reading:
- supporting evidence
- finding the main idea
Critical thinking
- inform vs persuade
- emotional words
Language patterns
- tense: past vs present
- adverbs vs adjectives

64 Unit 4 Cities Cities Unit 4 65

PART 1 Warming-Up 2 Main Reading TRACK 7

Look at the map below. Look at the sentences. Are the sentences true or false?
Global Era of Megacities
Today, more people than ever before are living in cities. In 1800, only 3% of the world’s
population lived in cities. Today, more than 50% of the world’s population lives in cities.
People move to the cities because there are jobs. As a result, the world’s cities are growing
New York Beijing Tokyo (Kanto)
Los Angeles
Delhi Osaka (Kansai)
Megacities are cities with more than 10 million people. Most of the world’s megacities
Mexico City
Mumbai Manila are in Asia. Tokyo in Japan, Shanghai and Beijing in China, Seoul in Korea, Manila in
the Philippines, Jakarta in Indonesia, and Delhi and Mumbai in India are all megacities.
Lima Jakarta
> 20,000,000 Megacities are important for the country’s economy. They are a big part of Asian life. By
Rio de Janeiro
>10,000,000 Sao Paulo 2050, two billion Asian people will live in megacities.
> 5,000,000
People come to megacities for a better life. Big cities usually have better jobs with higher
salaries. Many important companies have their head offices in the bigger cities. Megacities
1. The population of the greater Tokyo area is over 20,000,000. true false also have many good schools and universities. If you want a great education, it is good to
2. The population of the greater Seoul area is over 10,000,000. true false be in a big city. Life in a megacity is also very convenient. The best restaurants are in the
3. The population of Jakarta is bigger than the population of Bangkok. true false big cities. The best hospitals are in the big cities. The houses are modern. Plus, the buses,
subways and trains are fast and easy to use.
4. China has many cities with over 20,000,000 people. true false
5. There are many very large cities in Asia. true false Megacities are also good for entertainment. New movies usually come to megacities first.
Megacities are centers of culture, with many museums, theaters, shops and art galleries.
City life has few difficulties.
Warming-up 2
Match each word on the left with its correct definition.
d 1. megacity a. money that you get for working
f 2. population b. a train that runs below the roads
a 3. salary c. something that is fun; something to enjoy
b 4. subway d. a city with more than 10 million people
c 5. entertainment e. a building with interesting things, often old things
e 6. museum f. the number of people who live in a place Nine of the ten largest cities in the world are in Asia. The only city outside of Asia in the
h 7. economy g. easy to get to; easy to do top ten is New York City, at number ten. Tokyo has the largest population, more than 38
million. China has three cities in the top ten, Shanghai(2), Guangzhou (6), and Beijing (7).
g 8. convenient h. the system of business, the system of money India has two, Delhi (4) and Mumbai (9). The remaining three cities are Jakarta, Indonesia
(3), Seoul, South Korea (5) and Manilla, Philippines (8).

Warming-up 3 世界の大都市トップ10のうち、 9つはアジアにあります。

Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions. で、ランクは第10位です。東京の人口は3800万人以上、世界最大の人口を有する都市となっ
ています。中国には10位以内の都市が3つあります。 2位の上海、 6位の広州、7位の北京です。
1. Are you from a big city or a small town?
また、インドには4位のデリーと9位のムンバイ、という2つの大都市があります。 そのほかの都市
2. What large cities have you visited? は、インドネシアのジャカルタ(3位)、韓国のソウル
3. What do you like to do when you are in a big city?
4. Which do you like better, city life or country life?

66 Unit 4 Cities Cities Unit 4 67
3 Understanding the Story 5 Words
Answer the following questions. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. Megacities are cities with more than _________ people. 1. In the article, the expression few difficulties in paragraph 4, line 3 is closest in meaning to
(A) 10,000,000 (B) 10,000,000,000 .
(C) one billion (D) one million (A) new problems
(B) a lot of bad problems
2. Which of the following cities is NOT mentioned in the article? (C) the same number of problems as before
(A) Tokyo (B) New York (D) not many problems
(C) Manila (D) Delhi
2. In the article, the word culture in paragraph 4, line 2 is closest in meaning to .
3. Only 3% of the world’s population lived in cities __________ . (A) the beliefs and traditions of different groups of people
(A) at the end of the 21st century (B) at the end of the 20th century (B) growth
(C) in 1800 (D) in 1900 (C) good manners
(D) creative works such as art, music, and literature
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of living in a big city, according to
the reading? 3. In the article, the word economy in paragraph 2, line 4 is closest in meaning to .
(A) more convenience (B) more parks (A) system of business
(C) better education (D) higher pay (B) system of life
(C) system of food
(D) system of culture

4 Summary 4. There are many shops and restaurants, so life is very ________. You can get anything that you
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the (A) expensive
summary below.
(B) difficult
(C) crowded
(D) convenient

5. There are many good schools. So you can get a good _______.
Today, more people are living in cities . More than 50% (half) of the world’s
(A) museum
population lives in cities. And these cities are growing quickly. Megacities
(B) subway
are cities with more than ten million people, and most of the world’s megacities (C) education
are in Asia . They are a big part of Asian life. People come to megacities for a (D) modern
better life. Big cities have better jobs and good schools. Life in megacities is also
convenient. City life has few difficulties . 6. Many large companies have their ______ office in
(A) branch
(B) small
(C) tree
(D) head

68 Unit 4 Cities 69
6 Critical Reading 7 Critical Thinking
1 Type of Evidence Writer’s Purpose: Inform vs Persuade

Read the supporting statements below. What kind of evidence does the writer use? A Based on the title of the article, “Global Era of Megacities,” what was the writer’s
Write the letter for the correct type of evidence in the blank. purpose for writing?
a. To give readers information about megacities
a. names or numbers b. examples c. expert opinions d. quotation b. To persuade readers to think about megacities in a certain way

1. By 2025, the UN predicts that 64% of Asians will live in megacities.
B Look back at the article. Answer the following questions.
2. Tokyo is an exciting city to visit because of the nightlife, the art galleries, and all of the
excellent restaurants. 1. Which paragraphs have the most facts about megacities?
c 3. According to Singapore’s city planner, Liu Li-nah, people need more trees and parks.
Paragraph 1 2 3 4
b 4. Other large Asian cities are Shanghai, Manila, Jakarta, Delhi, and Mumbai.
d 5. “By 2025, we will see 136 new cities enter the global market.” - Global 2. Which paragraphs tell you the writer’s thoughts and feelings about megacities?
Institute. Paragraph 1 2 3 4

2 Identifying the Evidence

C Look back at the article. Answer the following questions.
Underline the supporting evidence in the paragraph below.
1. Which do you think was the writer’s purpose?
a. To give readers information about megacities
b. To persuade readers to think about megacities in a certain way
Many megacities are preparing for bad weather, such as typhoons, and heavy rain. For
2. Find three sentences that tell us how the writer feels about megacities. Write them below.
example, Tokyo built many large pipes under the city. These pipes take water from the

city to the sea when there is a storm. Also, Jakarta built a large sea wall to protect the city.
1. They (Megacities) are a big part of Asian life.
This large sea wall was built beside the sea, and it stops water from coming into the city 2. People come to megacities for a better life.
during large storms. 3. City life has few difficulties.

3. Did the article change your thinking about megacities? Why/ why not?

70 Unit 4 Cities Cities Unit 4 71

9 Second Reading
8 Learning Language Patterns
Read the following. From: The Association of Asian Nations (AAN)
Date: March 2
a. Today, more than 50% of the world’s d. In 1880, only 3% of the world’s
AAN International Competition: Building Green Cities for Tomorrow
population lives in cities. population lived in cities.
b. I go to school every day. e. She went to school yesterday.
c. He plays soccer on Saturdays. f. We had lots of homework last week. Applications are now open for the Asian Green City Challenge. Cities around Asia are
invited to join. The goal is to help cities create a green future and improve people’s lives.
Underline the words/expressions about time in the above sentences.
The AAN will provide money to help cities:
Work with a partner. Look at the following. Draw lines to answer the question. - Build more parks
- Build more environmentally friendly buses, trains and subways
Sentences a, b and c • • current situation, things people do regularly - Build houses that use less energy
• things in the past
Sentences d, e and f • There will be three winners. Cities must submit their plans by October 31st.
• things in the future

Look at the words in the brackets. Complete the sentences with the present tense or For more information, go to:
past tense.

1. My friend never eats breakfast. (eat)

2. A bird flew by the window a little while ago. (fly) Answer the following questions.

3. I saw a beautiful bird a little while ago. (see) 1. What is the Asian Green City Challenge?
(A) a new city design
4. My friend didn't see the bird when it flew by the window. (not see) (B) an essay on Asian life
5. Mayang watches the sunset every evening. (watch) (C) a report on quality of city life
(D) an international contest
6. I am not very tall. (be)
2. Circle all the ways that the Asian Green City Challenge will help cities.
7. Liang doesn't usually like to play baseball. (not usually like)
(A) better housing
8. At the baseball game yesterday, Ken hit the ball, but Yun-seo didn't catch it. (not catch) (B) better transportation
(C) better sports facilities
9. My friend bought a new car last week. (buy)
(D) a higher quality of life
10. She taught a new class last week. (teach)
3. What is the goal of the Asian Green City Challenge?
11. When I was young, I woke up a lot at night because I had bad dreams. (wake up) (A) to make people’s lives better
don't usually
12. Now, I remember my dreams. (not usually remember). (B) to help people find better jobs
(C) to help cities work together
Write three sentences about what you did; yesterday, last weekend and last month. (D) to help cities grow

1. 4. Where can cities get more information?

(A) They can write the AAN.
2. (B) They can reply to this notice.
3. (C) They can look online.
(D) They can ask a member of the AAN.

72 Unit 4 Cities Cities Unit 4 73

10 Output PART 1 Warming-Up
Think of a city. Make a poster. Show the good things about the city. Present your city
Look at the image below. Which words do you know?
to the class.

Preparation: Think of 5 special things about your city. For example:

• Are there any big companies there? Where do people work?
• Are there many buses, trains or subways?
• Are there many parks?
• Are there many theaters, museums, shops or art galleries?


Make a simple poster. Work with a partner. What feelings do you get from these words?

Work in groups. Present your poster to your group.

Warming-up 2
Match each word on the left with its correct meaning.
f 1. traffic a. a mixture of fog and dirty air
a 2. smog b. very bad
b 3. terrible c. taking other people’s money or property
c 4. robbery d. to be poor; to have little money
d 5. poverty e. a bad dream; a bad experience; a bad situation
e 6. nightmare f. cars and trucks driving along the roads

Warming-up 3
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.
1. Have you ever lived in a big city?
2. What big cities would you like to visit?
3. What are some problems of big cities?
4. Are big cities better for family life or for single life?
5. Would you like to live in a big city in the future? Why/ why not?

74 Unit 4 Cities Cities Unit 4 75

2 Main Reading TRACK 8
3 Understanding the Story
Answer the following questions.
Megacities: Tomorrow’s Global Nightmare
1. What is the main point of the article?
Every year, millions of Asians leave rural areas and move to Asia’s megacities. The cities (A) There are too many megacities in Asia.
get bigger every day and so do the problems. In many of the big cities, there aren’t enough (B) Megacities are growing quickly.
jobs. There aren’t enough houses. There isn’t enough food, or clean water. Lastly, many of (C) There are many problems with megacities.
the big cities can be dangerous. (D) Megacities are too dirty.

One of the biggest problems is poverty. People come to the city for jobs, but often there
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem in megacities?
is not enough work. As a result, thousands of poor people live on the streets. They do not
(A) not enough work
have a place to sleep, enough food, or clean drinking water. No one helps them when they (B) pollution
are sick. (C) robbery
Every day, in megacities, a mountain of garbage is thrown away. Some garbage is thrown (D) drug use
on the streets. Some is thrown into rivers or the sea. This garbage can make people sick.
3. According to the article, what is happening in the streets and rivers around megacities?
Air pollution is another big problem. With so many people driving trucks and cars around
(A) The streets and rivers are getting larger.
the city, the air is filled with poisons. This makes it difficult for people to breathe. Serious
(B) People are throwing garbage into the streets and rivers.
health problems are caused by garbage and air pollution.
(C) The streets and rivers are getting cleaner.
Megacities have high crime rates. With so many people living together, crime is difficult (D) There are not enough jobs to clean the streets.
to stop. Robbery is a big problem. Also, terrible crimes such as murder happen every day.
4. What does the author suggest at the end of the story?
These problems are facts of megacity life. Maybe it’s time to move some jobs back to the (A) Megacities have many advantages.
countryside. (B) Megacity lifestyles are unhealthy.
(C) Jobs should move to the countryside.
(D) There are too many megacities in Asia.

4 Summary
Today 55% of the world’s people live in cities. By 2050, 70% of the world’s people will
live in cities. Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
summary below.

Many people are moving from rural areas to Asia’s megacities. However,
megacities are growing too fast. So, there are many problems. Poverty is a problem
because there is not enough work for people. There is so much garbage
and people throw it into the sea and rivers . Air
pollution is also a problem, so it is sometimes difficult to breathe. Also,
megacities have high crime rates. Maybe jobs should move back to the
countryside .

76 Unit 4 Cities Cities Unit 4 77

5 Words 6 Critical Reading
Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1 Main Idea of the Essay
1. In paragraph 3, line 3, the word pollution is closest in meaning to . Look back at the reading. Write the sentence in paragraph 1 that gives the main idea
(A) dirty and unsafe air, water or land of the story.
(B) garbage from houses
(C) too many trucks and cars
(D) dangerous traffic conditions The cities get bigger every day and so do the problems.

2. In paragraph 3, line 4, the word poison is closest in meaning to .

(A) something that makes you sick
2 Location of the Topic Sentence
(B) something that helps people breathe
(C) something in the sky Look back at each paragraph in the reading. Where is the topic sentence in each
paragraph, at the beginning, middle or end of the paragraph? Circle the answers.
(D) something on the street

3. In paragraph 4, line 1, the word crime is closest in meaning to .

(A) against the law
(B) too few jobs
Paragraph 1 Beginning Middle End
(C) too much dirt
(D) terrible traffic Paragraph 2 Beginning Middle End

Paragraph 3 Beginning Middle End

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Paragraph 4 Beginning Middle End
4. Often, garbage is away on the city streets or into rivers or the sea.
(A) given Paragraph 5 Beginning Middle End
(B) thrown
(C) passed
(D) sailed

5. Bad air makes it difficult for people to .

(A) work
(B) live
(C) breathe
(D) rest

6. There is not enough , so many people live on the streets.

(A) poverty
(B) work
(C) garbage
(D) water

78 Unit 4 Cities Cities Unit 4 79

7 Critical Thinking 8 Learning Language Patterns
Descriptive words vs Emotional words Look at the sentences. Circle the adjectives, and underline the adverbs.

Underline the words and phrases that give us a good feeling about megacities. The a. Serious health problems are caused by pollution. d. We should look into it seriously.
b. He wasn’t bad when she was a student. e. He behaved badly at the game.
first two are done for you.
c. She is quiet. f. She played with her dog quietly.
People come to megacities for a better life. Megacities have many opportunities for jobs with high
salaries. Many important companies have their head offices in megacities. Megacities also have better
Look at the example sentences.
schools and universities. If you want a good education, you need to be in a megacity. Megacities offer
many conveniences, too, such as restaurants, transportation, hospitals, and modern housing. City life has • She is quiet. • She speaks quietly. • She is a quiet girl.
few difficulties.
Now, complete the sentences with quiet or quietly.
1. She listened to me quietly . 4. She lives quietly in the countryside.
Underline the words and phrases that give us a bad feeling about life in megacities.
2. She lives in a quiet area. 5. She has a quiet voice.
Every day, in megacities, a mountain of garbage is thrown away. Some garbage is thrown on the
3. My neighborhood is quiet 6. She left the room quietly .
streets. Some is thrown into rivers or the sea. This garbage can make people sick. Air pollution is .

another big problem. With so many people driving trucks and cars around the city, the air is filled with
poisons. This makes it difficult for people to breathe. Serious health problems are caused by these kinds of D Read the following. Circle the correct word.

pollution. 1. She shut the door very (angry/angrily).

2. She studied for the test, so she was able to finish it (easy/easily).
Replace the descriptive word on the left with a word that creates a stronger
feeling. Choose from the words below. The first one is done for you. 3. Can you give me (clear/clearly) instructions, so that I know what to do?

4. He drove too (quick/quickly) and had an accident.

delightful gigantic beautiful delicious terrible tiny 5. This painting is (wide/widely) known.
fantastic nightmare terrified adore hate 6. My family was very (poor/poorly) when I was a child.

7. The river is not (safe/safely) to swim. Don’t go in there.

Descriptive words Emotional words
8. Sorry, but that’s a (wrong/wrongly) answer.
Check your answers with a partner.
nice delightful
bad terrible E Think of a family members or a friend. Look at the words in the box. Write four
good fantastic sentences. Use the adjectives or change the adjectives to adverbs.
large gigantic
small tiny 1.

tasty delicious 2.
bad dream nightmare 3.
pretty beautiful 4.
frightened terrified
like adore awful quiet serious happy
dislike hate usual beautiful different sad
healthy terrible easy great

80 Unit 4 Cities Cities Unit 4 81

9 Second Reading 10 Output
With a partner or a small group, research one of the cities mentioned in the article or

Our Shanghai Life another megacity of your choice.

A Family’s Adventures in China Make a short report to the class about that city’s biggest environmental problem. Tell
what the city is doing (or not doing) to correct the problem.
You can eat the air!
December 15 Include the following information in your report:

Yesterday, we had another terrible

City’s name, location and size
day of smog. The TV news said to stay
indoors. They said the air was dangerous. Describe the problem.
At first, my children were happy because What are the causes?
they didn’t have to go to school. But, by What are the effects?
the end of the day, they were bored and What steps is the city taking to correct the problem?
wanted to play outside. What is the outlook for the future?
The air tastes terrible on smoggy
days. If you go outside, your eyes burn and
your throat hurts. People feel sick. A grey
smoggy cloud covers everything. We can’t
see the buildings across the road. A few
weeks ago, the airport stopped all flights
because of the smog. The pilots could not
see the runway.
Still, Shanghai is not as bad as Beijing.
A Beijing news reporter said that he does
not eat on smoggy days - he just chews the
air! I hope Shanghai solves this problem
before we all are eating smog for lunch.

Answer the following questions.

1. How did the family feel about staying inside all day?
(A) They were happy to have a holiday.
(B) They grew tired of staying inside.
(C) They liked staying inside because of the rain.
(D) They wanted to go shopping.

2. What happens when people go outside on smoggy days? Mark all that apply.
(A) They feel sick.
(B) They can’t start their airplanes.
(C) They can eat the air for lunch.
(D) Their eyes burn and their throats hurt.

82 Unit 4 Cities 83

Theme: travel
Critical reading:
- main idea vs topic
- identifying support
Critical thinking
- causation
- correlation
Language patterns
- infinitives vs gerunds
- should
PART 1 Warming-Up 2 Main Reading TRACK 9

Look at the pictures below.

Advantages of Tourism
Do you like traveling? According to the World Tourism Organization, the travel industry
is growing at an average annual rate of 4% worldwide. Tourism today offers many choices,
from wildlife safaris to the interesting night-life in large, modern cities. People like to visit
new places and try new things. They enjoy experiencing new cultures and meeting new

This is good news for many places, because tourism can bring a lot of money into an area.
When tourism grows, new resort hotels are needed. So, when companies build new hotels,
workers are needed. This creates new jobs for the local people. In addition, tourists spend a
lot of money at restaurants and shops, which helps local businesses. So, tourism is good for
economic growth.

Tourism is also a great opportunity. Tourists and locals can learn about each other’s
culture. Locals can teach tourists about the history and culture of their country. Tourists
can learn about the local food, the local arts, the local holidays, and many other things.
Tourists can also share their stories about life in their home countries. So, everyone can
Write some words to describe these pictures. learn something.

Tourism is good for everyone. Tourists can see some amazing sights and learn about life
in another town or country. In addition, when people spend money, the local economy
Warming-up 2 improves. Lastly, tourism helps us to understand the world a bit better.

Match each word on the left with its correct meaning.

c 1. bungalow a. the speed of growth; the amount of growth
e Japan has been experiencing a tourism boom since 2013. In 2018 more than 30 million
2. industry b. something that is bad
tourists visited Japan. The top 4 nationalities to visit Japan are China, South Korea, Taiwan
d 3. adventure c. a small house and Hong Kong, in that order.
g 4. positive d. an unusual and exciting activity
Wikipedia - Tourism in Japan
b 5. negative e. a group of businesses
a 6. rate f. nearby 日本は2013年以来、観光ブームに湧いています。2018年には、3,000万人以上の観光客が訪
f 7. local g. something that is good 日しました。日本への観光客数トップ4の国は、多い方から順に中国、韓国、台湾、次いで香港と
Warming-up 3
出典 ウィキペディア - Tourism in Japan
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.
1. Where have you traveled? What countries and cities have you visited?
2. What is your favorite vacation location (beaches, mountains, cities, etc.)?
3. What activities do you enjoy on your vacations?
4. Do you like to visit national monuments and museums?
5. What new foods have you discovered on your travels?
6. What was your best vacation? Why?

86 8787
Unit 5 Travel 87
3 Understanding the Story 5 Words
Answer the following questions. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. According to the World Tourism Association, at what rate is tourism growing? 1. In paragraph 3, line 1, the word opportunity is closest in meaning to .
(A) idea
(A) It is NOT growing. It is staying the same.
(B) It is growing at an average rate of four percent a month. (B) chance
(C) It is growing at an average rate of four percent a year. (C) reasoning
(D) It is growing at an average rate of forty percent a month. (D) need

2. According to the article, why is it good news that tourism is growing?

2. In the article, the word locals in paragraph 3, line 2 is closest in meaning to .
(A) It helps with economic growth, which creates jobs. (A) people with no money
(B) It prevents people from finding work. (B) people who do not live in that town or area
(C) It forces people to work in hotels.
(C) people who live in that town or area
(D) It creates more pollution.
(D) people who are tourists
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of tourism?
(A) Local people teach tourists about the history of their country. 3. In paragraph 4, line 1, the word amazing is closest in meaning to .
(B) Tourists can share stories about life in their home countries. (A) wonderful
(C) Tourists learn about the local food. (B) expensive
(D) Tourists can buy houses and land. (C) natural
(D) cultural
4. What is the author’s opinion about tourism?
(A) It’s positive because it helps people gain an understanding of the world. 4. When people spend money, the local grows.
(B) It’s negative because tourism hurts local economies. (A) economy
(C) It’s positive because tour companies can make a lot of money. (B) economic
(D) It’s negative because the local culture will be lost. (C) economics
(D) economical
4 Summary
5. The tourists can also stories about life in their home countries.
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the (A) expel
summary below.
(B) share
(C) make up
(D) listen to

Tourism is growing worldwide. People like to visit new places and try new 6. Tourism helps us to understand the world a better.
things . Tourism creates jobs for local people. Tourism is good for (A) much
economic growth. Tourism is also good for learning about other cultures. Local (B) many
people teach tourists about the history and culture of their (C) part
country. Tourists tell locals people about life in their country. Tourism is (D) bit
good for everyone . Tourism helps us to understand the world a bit

88 Unit 5 Travel 89
6 Critical Reading 7 Critical Thinking

1 Topic and Main Idea Causation

If and then are used to show cause and effect.

• Topic of the story = What is the story about?
• Main idea of the story = What is the writer’s opinion about the topic? Read the following. According to the article, what are the causes and effects? Choose
the correct answers. There may be more than one answer.
Look back at the reading. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the topic of the story? 1. If tourism increases, then...
The advantages of tourism a. new jobs are created.
2. What is the main idea of the story? b. new hotels are built.
Tourism is good for everyone. c. people can learn about different cultures.
d. the cost of travel will go up.
2 Main Ideas of the Paragraphs
2. If more tourists come, then...
Match each paragraph with its main idea.
a. more hotels and restaurants are needed.
Paragraph 1 • • a. Tourism is good for economic growth. b. chefs will cook better food.
Paragraph 2 • • b. The tourism industry is growing. c. local people will have to leave the city.
Paragraph 3 • • c. Tourism is a chance to learn about other cultures. d. local people will share their culture.
Paragraph 4 • • d. Tourism helps us to understand the world.
3. If local people and tourists share their stories, then...
a. hotels and restaurants will make more money.
b. locals and tourists will understand each other better.
c. tourists will spend more money.
d. tourists will come back.

4. The travel industry is doing well because...

a. the cost of airfares is low.
b. people are traveling for business.
c. people have more holidays.
d. people like to visit new places.

90 91
8 Learning Language Patterns 9 Second Reading

a. People like to visit new places. c. Do you like traveling to other countries?
b. I love to have lunch outside on sunny days.

Work with a partner. Complete the following sentences using the example above.
d. I hate writing long reports.
TRAVELER’S WORLD Reviews by real people about real places

Reviews for Paradise Island Bungalows Koh Samui, Thailand

• I prefer to ................................................................. at home rather than eat
................................................................. at a restaurant.
• I love ................................................................. books on the train.
do eat / do / cook / read
• I hate to ................................................................. laundry.
Overall rating:
Twenty air-conditioned bungalows
For each picture, say whether you like, love, or hate the activity. (You may use do not
Close to beach
or don’t for some answers.) Restaurant and Bar
Infinity pool

Best positive review

Paradise Island is a low-cost hotel in a beautiful
reading studying running dancing
area. The bungalows are clean and comfortable.
The staff is very friendly. The food is ok, but
better restaurants are nearby. The pool is great,
and drinks are cheap. We will come back again!
A family resort with wi-fi, a pool,
riding cleaning my room playing video games cooking a garden and a restaurant.
Most negative review
Free airport shuttle. Free shuttle
1. I like reading books. to Bo Phut Village.
The price is right, but there is nothing to do!
It is 20 minutes away from town. The last
Bungalows from $24.00. shuttle returns at 10:30 pm. This place is for
(Breakfast included.) honeymooners! If you like action, stay at
Chaweng Beach!

Answer the following questions.
1. What do both reviewers like about this resort?
(A) It is quiet and restful
(B) The price is right
7. (C) The restaurant has good food
(D) The night life

NOTE Some verbs can only be used with an infinitive.

2. What does this resort not offer?
e.g. want, plan, decide, etc. If you want ( to see / seeing ) amazing sights, you can.
(A) a pool
(B) a beach
Some verbs can only be used with a gerund.
(C) swimwear
e.g. dislike, finish, stop, etc. They enjoy ( to experience / experiencing ) another culture.
(D) breakfast

92 93
Unit 5 Travel 93
10 Output PART 1 Warming-Up
Work with a partner. Create a travel brochure for a special place you have visited or a Compare the two pictures. How do you feel about tourism at Mount Everest? Write
place you would like to visit. some words to describe each picture.
• Work with a partner.
• Get a piece of paper, fold it into 3 parts.
• Look at the list of “Things to include”.
• Make a brochure.

Things to include:

Brief summary, including highlights of the area

Location/ map
Compare your words with a partner.
Sightseeing spots
Activities and recreation Warming-up 2
Local foods/local culture Match each word on the left with its correct meaning.

Special events c 1. community a. to go away completely; to be impossible to see; to die

d 2. traditional b. to take something old out, and put something new in
Climate/ best travel months
a 3. disappear c. a group of people who live in the same area, or same town
Transportation b 4. replace d. something that has been done by a group of people for a long time
Pictures g 5. chain store e. something that is made by hand
e 6. handicrafts f. to badly damage; to break something so it can’t be used
h 7. trekking g. a group of shops that are the same; owned by the same company
f 8. destroy h. walking long distances for fun, often in the mountains

Warming-up 3
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions below.
1. What popular tourist spots have you visited?
2. Would you rather stay at a big resort or at a small local hotel?
Put your brochure on a table. The class will then decide who has the best brochure. 3. Have you ever been on a cruise ship?
4. Would you like to go on a trekking tour?
5. When you travel, do you eat in local restaurants?
6. Have you ever seen tourists behave in a bad way?

94 Unit 5 Travel Travel Unit 5 95

2 Main Reading TRACK 10
3 Understanding the Story
Answer the following questions.
1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem caused by tourism?
People are starting to use the word “overtourism”. For example, Barcelona in Spain is
(A) economic growth
a city with 1,625,000 people. And in 2017 30,000,000 tourists visited it. Many cities
in other countries also have a problem of too many tourists. For example, some people (B) pollution
in Kyoto feel that there are too many tourists. However, as one Kyoto resident said, yes, (C) small, local businesses being pushed out
overtourism is a problem, but so is no tourism.
(D) destruction of farms and forests
1,625,000人の街ですが、2017年には三千万人の観光客が訪れました。 スペイン以外の国で 2. According to the article, how are local guest houses hurt by tourism?
は観光客が多すぎると感じている人々もいます。 しかし、ある京都市民によれば、確かに過剰な
(A) They are bought by large restaurants.
観光は問題だが、観光がないこともまた問題であるということです。 (B) They are pushed out by large resort hotels.
(C) They are replaced by chain stores.
(D) They are not allowed to go to shopping malls.

3. According to the article, what is the problem with cruise ships?

Disadvantages of Tourism (A) They destroy forests.
(B) They do not let passengers eat at local restaurants.
Tourism brings a lot of money into the host country. So, many local businesses and (C) They are too good for the economy.
residents think that tourism is good – at first. However, tourism causes economic and (D) They leave garbage behind.
environmental problems for the local community and changes the way local people live.
4. In the article, the author’s tone is mostly .
When tourism grows, large international hotel chains come in and build more resorts, (A) positive (B) hopeful
golf courses, and shopping malls. Resort hotels push out local guest houses. Large (C) negative (D) neutral
restaurants push out local restaurants. Local shops are replaced by international chain
stores. The local people may have to move to another city or village. They lose their
businesses, their jobs and their homes. 4 Summary
Tourism also damages the environment. Farms and forests are destroyed. Tourist resorts
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
create lots of garbage. The ocean around large resorts often becomes polluted by the used summary below.
water from the hotels. Trekking adventures and cruise ships leave huge amounts of garbage
behind. This garbage destroys the natural environment, and the location becomes less
popular with tourists.

Finally, tourism changes the local culture. Handicrafts are changed to please tourists, and money
Tourism brings in a lot of ______________, economic
but it also causes ______________
traditional styles are lost. Restaurants change their menus, and traditional cooking is lost. push
and environmental problems. Large international businesses ______________
People move away from rural areas, and their traditional way of life is lost. small
out ______________ garbage
businesses. Tourist resorts create a lot of ______________,
environment Finally tourism changes the local
which destroys the natural ______________.
Yes, tourism brings in needed money, but at a very high price. Local cultures disappear
______________ life
and traditional ways of ______________ are lost. We should think
and are lost forever. Perhaps we should think more about the costs of tourism.
more about the ______________ of tourism.

96 Unit 5 Travel Travel Unit 5 97

5 Words 6 Critical Reading
Choose the best words to complete the sentences. Identifying Support

1. The words at first in paragraph 1, line 2 are closest in meaning to . Look back at the reading. Answer the following questions. There may be more than
(A) in the number one position one answer.
(B) in the beginning; before other things happen 1. Which statements support the idea that tourism has negative economic effects?
(C) at the end
(A) Local shops are replaced by large international chain stores.
(D) with a closed hand
(B) People no longer follow their traditional customs.
(C) Large restaurants push out smaller local restaurants.
2. In paragraph 3, line 1, the word destroyed is closest in meaning to .
(D) Local people lose their jobs and their houses.
(A) are put into a place
(B) are damaged and disappear
2. Which statements support the idea that tourism has negative environmental effects?
(C) are made to work
(A) Young people eat more fast-food.
(D) are repaired
(B) Tourist resorts create large amounts of garbage.
(C) The sea around resorts becomes polluted by the resort’s waste water.
3. Resorts work hard to tourists.
(D) People enjoy buying native handicrafts.
(A) please
(E) Traditional handicrafts are changed to sell to tourists.
(B) offer
(C) learn
3. Which statements support the idea that tourism is good.
(D) spend
(A) Local cultures disappear.
(B) Restaurants change their menus.
4. This is also a problem with large cruise ships that leave garbage .
(C) Local shops are replaced by international shops.
(A) behind
(D) Tourism brings in a lot of money.
(B) replaced
(E) Traditional cooking is lost.
(C) because
(D) needed

5. The sea near the resort became because of the dirty water.
(A) environmental
(B) damage
(C) polluted
(D) natural

98 99
98 99
7 Critical Thinking 8 Learning Language Patterns
Correlation Read the following
Correlation means that two things are connected. For example, a study reports that students who
spend more time in the library have higher grades. However, correlation does not mean that one a. Tourism damages the environment. Tourist resorts create lots of garbage.
thing causes another thing to happen. For example, you won’t get better grades just by sitting in the We should think more about the costs of tourism.
library, you need to study! That is, correlation and cause and effect are different. b. Gwen got a bad mark on her math test.
She should study more.
Correlation: time in the library better grades
Cause and Effect: study time better grades Work with a partner. What is the purpose of the sentences in orange? Circle the answer.
• asking for help • telling a problem • giving an advice
Read the following sentences. Write C beside the statements that show a correlation.
Write CE beside the statements that show cause and effect.
Read the sentences on the left. Write what you would say on the right.

C When a place becomes popular with tourists, big hotels build resorts.
1. _____
She always gets perfect scores on tests. She should become an engineer.
CE As wind speed increases, the sail boat moves faster.
2. _____
C The happier you are, the longer you will live.
3. _____

CE The train was stopped by the rain, so we missed our flight.

4. _____ She wants to become a scientist. She should study hard.

C There were two traffic accidents last week and they were both on Thursday.
5. _____

CE Cruise ships throw their garbage in the water, and the beaches become dirty.
6. _____
He wants to work on a ship. He should learn how to swim.
C The train left from platform four and it started to rain.
7. _____
C Most people who like trekking also like scuba diving.
8. _____
He doesn’t know which way to go. He should decide.

The alien is angry. We should run away.

Tom doesn’t have any money. He should get a job.

My car won’t start. You should go to a mechanic.

I’m getting fat. You should exercise more.

100 101
9 Second Reading 10 Output
Responsible Tourism
The Bhutan Heritage Association NGO Annual Report
Work with a partner. Make a poster presentation that explains how tourists can show
respect for local people and protect the environment when traveling.
Last year 8,000 tourists visited Bhutan. Bhutan now has a major airport, good roads,
and many tourist hotels, so tourism is increasing. However, tourism is changing our
culture and environment.
1. Work with a partner. Make a list 5 do’s and 5 don’ts for tourists. Write them below.
Cultural effects 2. Get in groups of four. With your partner, make a presentation to the group.
1. People are leaving rural life to work in the tourist industry.
2. Fewer people wear traditional dress.
3. Religious festivals have become tourist events.

Environmental effects
1. Trekking destroys the mountain paths.
2. Garbage is left behind in streets and rivers.
3. Farms and forests are being destroyed to make roads and airports.

Other considerations
1. Tourism raises prices for local people.
2. Jobs created by tourism don’t pay well.
3. International companies are taking over local tours. Do’s Don’ts

The Future
Bhutan must find a better balance between tourism and the needs of Bhutanese

Answer the following questions.

1. Look at the sentences. Are they true or false? Write T if they are true, write F if they are false.
____ 1. Bhutan has built new roads for the tourists.
____ 2. Local people like to wear traditional clothing.
____ 3. There are fewer farms.
____ 4. Jobs created by tourism pay high wages.
____ 5. Things are becoming more expensive for local people. My main message for tourists
____ 6. Bhutan needs a new airport.

2. Look at the report. From the report, write two “cause and effect” sentences below.
Bhutan has a major airport, good roads, and many hotels, so tourism is increasing.
Bhutan makes new roads and airports, so farms and forests are destroyed.

102 Unit 5 Travel Travel Unit 5 103


Theme: food
Critical reading:
- finding the main idea
- ‘yes, but...’ structure
Critical thinking
- cause and effect
- degree of certainty
Language patterns
- want vs would like
- tense: present progressive vs
PART 1 Warming-Up 2 Main Reading TRACK 11

Do you and your family ever

cook and eat a meal together?
What kinds of foods can people
Hot Pot
make or cook at the table?
Hot pot is an East Asian stew, cooked while people eat. A large metal pot with boiling stock is
Write them down below.
put in the middle of the table. The stock is made from chicken, pork, seaweed, or fish. People add
thin slices of meat, vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, or dumplings to the boiling stock. When a
piece of food is cooked, people take it out, dip it in sauce, and eat it.

Almost everywhere in East Asia people gather together to enjoy a local version of this food.
Japanese versions are shabu shabu and nabe. In Korea, people eat jjigae and, in Malaysia,
steamboat. Thai people enjoy Thai suki. Hot pot was first cooked in China. There it’s called hu gu,
or in English, Chinese hot pot.

Warming-up 2 People usually eat hot pot in winter. Cooking heats the room, and the hot food warms the body.
Hot pot is a very social food. Everybody cooks together. Everybody eats together. Because it’s easy
Look at the words in the box. Write the correct word under each picture.
to make, anyone can do it, and every visitor should try it. It’s really good!
• pot It is interesting that nomadic Asian cultures do not have a hot pot tradition. Nomadic people
• slice move from place to place with all their belongings. Mongolian culture is nomadic. There was no
• dumpling hot pot in traditional Mongolian cooking. It came to Mongolia from China. The reason is simple.
• dip pot You need a large pot to make hot pot. People who move around a lot don’t want to carry heavy
slice dip sauce dumpling
• sauce
Two of these words are also commonly used as verbs. Which ones?
Would you like to have hot pot tonight?
slice, dip

Match each word on the left with its correct meaning.

c 1. version a. a clear soup made by cooking meat, fish, or vegetables in water
d 2. traditionally b. done with other people for fun, for enjoyment
e 3. belongings c. a certain style or type
b 4. social d. done in a way that it has been done for a long time
a 5. stock e. the things that belong to a person; your things
f 6. boil f. heating water until bubbles come to the top

Warming-up 3 Note
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. The earliest records of soup go back more than 20,000 years. The word “soup” comes
1. What special food do you and your family enjoy eating together? from the latin word suppa which mean “bread soaked in broth”. Soup was an easy way
of cooking, and was a way for many people to get the flavor of meats and fish even if the
2. Have you ever been to a restaurant where the food is cooked at the table? quantities were small.
3. Do you and your friends sometimes cook and eat together?
4. What special foods do you like to eat in winter? スープに関する最古の記録は、2万年前以上にまで遡ります。 「soup」
という意味を持つ、 ラテン語の
5. Do you know how to cook hot pot?
す。スープはその調理法が簡単で、また多くの人々にとってほんの少しだったとはいえ、 肉や魚を
106 Unit 6 Food 107
3 Understanding the Story 5 Words
Answer the following questions. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. What is the purpose of the article? 1. In the article, the expression gather together in paragraph 2, line 1 is closest in meaning to
(A) to compare the different flavors of hot pot .
(B) to tell people about a style of cooking (A) meet
(C) to talk about Mongolia (B) pick up
(D) to describe nomadic life (C) order
(D) heat
2. According to the article, why is hot pot a social food?
(A) because hot pot is popular in many countries 2. In the article, the word nomadic in paragraph 4, line 1, is closest in meaning to .
(B) because people can make and eat hot pot together (A) not living in one place
(C) because there are many different types of hot pot (B) living in East Asia
(D) because people use special tools to make hot pot (C) living a traditional life
(D) not using tools
3. According to the article, why is there no hot pot in Mongolian cooking?
(A) because Mongolia is an East Asian country 3. People who move around don’t want to_______ heavy things.
(B) because people can make and eat hot pot together (A) boil
(C) because there are many different types of hot pot (B) call
(D) because the people moved from place to place (C) carry
(D) come

4. Jjigae is a Korean _______ of hot pot. It is quite spicy.

(A) dip
4 Summary (B) sauce
(C) stew
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
summary below. (D) version

5. A Japanese style of hot pot is shabu-shabu. In this hot pot, thin _______ of beef are
added to the pot.
(A) slices
Hot pot is an East Asian stew . It is cooked while people eat . Many
Asia (B) reasons
places in East enjoy hot pot. People usually eat hot pot in winter . It
(C) stocks
is a social food because everyone cooks together . Nomadic cultures in Asia do not
(D) versions
have a hot pot tradition , because people who moved around did not want to carry
heavy pots.

108 Unit 6 Food Food Unit 6 109

6 Critical Reading 8 Learning Language Patterns
Read the following.
1 Main Ideas of the Paragraphs

Look back at the reading. Match each paragraph with its main idea. a. People don’t want to carry heavy pots. e. Would you like to have hot pot tonight?
b. Do you want some help? f. Would you like some help?
c. I want to go to Tahiti someday. g. I would like to go to Tahiti someday.
d. Do you want to dance? h. Would you like to dance?

Paragraph 1 • • a. Hot pot is good for many reasons. Work with a partner. Look at the following. Can you find the patterns?
Paragraph 2 • • b. Hot pot is a stew from East Asia.
Paragraph 3 • • c. Hot pot is not part of nomadic culture. Would you like some water? Do you want some water?
Paragraph 4 • • d. There are many different kinds of local hot pot dishes Would you like to sit down? Do you want to sit down?

teachers, grandparents, friends, brothers, sisters,

bosses, customers etc. classmates etc.

2 Main Ideas of the Essay Complete the following sentences about how to use want, and would like.
What is the main idea of the reading? Circle the answer. want
• ........................................................................ is used when you speak casually.
a. People enjoy coming together to prepare and eat special foods. would like
• ........................................................................ is used when you speak politely.
b. Hot pot is a special food in Asian culture.
c. Nomadic cultures don’t like hot pot.
d. It is easy to make your own hot pot meal. Make the following sentences more polite.
1. I want some ketchup with my potatoes. I would like some ketchup with my potatoes.

2. Do you want to go to the circus with me? Would you like to go to the circus with me?

7 Critical Thinking 3. Yukina wants to become a doctor. Yukina would like to become a doctor.

4. Wei wants to go to Seoul next year. Wei would like to go to Seoul next year.
Connecting Cause and Effects

A What are two things that happen when people eat hot pot in cold weather?
If a sentence is correct, write C in front of the question. If it is incorrect, write the
sentence again correctly. More than one word may be wrong or missing.

a. I would like visit a museum today. I would like to visit a museum today.
1. Cooking heats the room.
b. I don’t want going to the beach. I don't want to go to the beach.

2. The hot food warms the body. C

c. Would you like to go to a restaurant tonight? ....................................................................................................................................................
d. I would learning about the stars and planets. I would like to learn about the stars and planets.

B Write the letter of each idea into the correct space below.
Complete the conversation in polite form.
a. Everybody cooks and eats hot pot together.
b. Hot pot is a very social food. A: Would you _________
_________ like to
_________ go out with me this weekend?
B: Sure. Where _________ you
would _________ like
_________ to
_________ go?
c. Mongolians didn’t traditionally eat hot pot
A: How about a movie? _________ you
Would _________ like
_________ to see the new action movie?
d. Mongolians carried everything they owned B: would _________
That sounds good. Where _________ you like
_________ to meet?
A: How about at the station?
B: Sure.
b because a . c because d .

110 Unit 6 Food Food Unit 6 111

9 Second Reading

Sichuan Hot Pot!

Vegetables and other
The Soup ingredients
(check one) (check as many as you like)

Not spicy (white) Lotus root

A little spicy (white) Potato
Medium spicy (red) Bean sprouts
Spicy (red) Chinese cabbage
The Dipping sauce Spinach
(check one) Enoki mushrooms
Shiitake mushrooms
Sesame sauce Yellow mushrooms
Garlic sauce Radish
Bamboo shoots
Meat and Seafood Fried tofu
(check as many as you like) Konyaku
Answer the following questions.
Shrimp dumplings FOR THE POT:
White fish (Cod) Rice and Noodles 1. What is its purpose?
Oysters (check one) (A) to advertise a hot pot restaurant
Chicken meatballs Rice cake (Mochi) (B) to describe Chinese hot pot
Pork Sweet potato noodles (C) to help customers order hot pot
Salmon Bean thread noodles (D) to tell people how to make hot pot
Beef Udon noodles
Beef meatballs
2. What statement is true?
(A) No one in the group likes seafood.
How to eat: Add the meat and vegetables to the soup. When they are cooked, take
(B) Everyone in the group wants a spicy hot pot.
them out, dip them in the dipping sauce, and eat! After eating the meat and vegetables,
add noodles or rice to the soup. (C) The group didn’t order any meatballs.
(D) The group didn’t order any green vegetables.
Customer Name: Lee
Table Number: 7 3. What statement about the restaurant is probably true?
(A) Many customers order two or three soups.
How many customers: 4
(B) Some customers don’t know how to eat hot pot.
(C) All the customers are vegetarians.
(D) All the customers like spicy food.

112 113
112 113
10 Output PART 1 Warming-Up
Order your own hot pot.
Look at the picture below.
1 Check the items you want on the menu below. Which foods should you eat every day? Which foods are okay to eat once a week?
Write E for every day, write 1 for once a week in the table.

The soup FOR THE POT:


(check one)
Vegetables and other ingredients Sweets
Not spicy (white) (check as many as you like) fruit
Egg and Poultry
A little spicy (white) rice
Lotus root
Medium spicy (red) eggs
Potato Fish and Dairy
Spicy (red) Shellfish
Bean sprouts sweets
Chinese cabbage Vegetable Oil
The dipping sauce Tomato Seeds, Nuts chicken
Seaweed Vegetables and Fruits
(check one) Shiitake mushrooms vegetables
Sesame oil Yellow mushrooms meat
Oyster sauce Radish
Rice, Noodles, Bread, Corn and other Whole Grains
Bamboo shoots
FOR THE POT: Soft tofu
Fried tofu Warming-up 2
Meat and fish
(check as many as you like) FOR THE POT:
Choose the word from the box that best completes each sentence.

Shrimp dumplings Rice and Noodles fiber overweight illness

White fish (Cod) (check one) stir-frying dairy cholesterol
Chicken Rice cake 1. Stir-frying means to fry meat or vegetables over high heat while stirring quickly.
Chicken meatballs Sweet potato noodles
Bean thread noodles 2. An illness is a sickness or a period of poor health.
3. Dairy products are made from milk.
4. Fiber is in fruits and vegetables and is good for your heart.
5. If you are overweight , your body is too heavy.
6. Cholesterol is a kind of fat that is found in our blood.

2 Now, take turns with your partner. Order your hot pot.
Warming-up 3
Useful phrases:
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.
Server Customer 1. What do you usually eat for lunch?
2. Do you ever eat fast food?
Are you ready to order?
Yes, I am.
3. Do you cook your own meals? What do you cook?
What soup would you like? I would like .
4. Do you think your diet is healthy?
Would you like or ? Please bring me . 5. What is more important to you?
Anything to drink?
I’ll have . a. Eating healthy food.
Anything else?
That’s all, thanks. b. Eating delicious food.
c. Both, of course!

114 Unit 6 Food Food Unit 6 115

2 Main Reading TRACK 12
3 Understanding the Story
Answer the following questions.

1. What is the best title for this article?

(A) Asian Cooking: Tasty and Healthy
(B) Fast Food is the Key to Health
(C) Don’t Eat Too Much Meat
(D) East Asians Eat Healthy Foods

Healthy foods can mean longer lives. So, what people live the longest? 1. Japan 2. 2. According to the article, which statement is not true?
Switzerland, 3. Singapore, 4. Australia, 5. Spain
(A) More East Asians are becoming overweight.
(B) Traditional Asian cooking is good for people.
(C) East Asians are less healthy than Europeans.
(D) Asians have fewer food-related diseases than Europeans.

3. According to the article, too much of what is bad for you?

(A) fiber
(B) cholesterol
(C) vegetables
Food is a very important part of Asian culture. Eating is an important part of each day. (D) tofu
Perhaps this is why Asian food is so tasty. However, taste is not the only good thing about
Asian food. Most Asian food is also good for you. 4. According to the article, why are people becoming less healthy?
(A) They eat too much meat.
East Asian people are quite healthy. They have less heart disease and other food- (B) They stir-fry their food.
related illnesses than Europeans or North Americans. They live longer, too. One reason (C) They eat more fast food and processed foods.
is the food. Most East Asian food can be quite healthy. Another reason is the way Asians (D) They steam a lot of their food.

Most Asians do not eat much meat or animal fat. Meat may be part of a meal, but meat is 4 Summary
usually not the main dish. Also, many Asians eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and tofu. Fruits
and vegetables have a lot of fiber. Fiber protects against heart disease. Tofu can lower Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
cholesterol, which is a kind of fat in your blood, and too much cholesterol can be bad for summary below.

Stir-frying and steaming are the most popular ways to cook because they keep the flavor
in the food. Also, stir-frying and steaming don’t use much oil or animal fat. However, this Food is an important part of Asian culture. It is tasty and it is good for
healthy diet is changing. Many Asians today are eating more meat. People are also eating
you. East Asian people are quite healthy and so is East Asian food. Most Asians
more fast food and processed foods. So, some people are becoming less healthy. meat
do not eat much or animal fat. They eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and
In China and Japan, the number of overweight people is increasing by 1% every year. tofu , which are all good for you, and they cook in a healthy way. However, this
Heart disease, and other food-related diseases are increasing. However, some East Asians healthy diet is changing. More Asians are eating fast food and processed food. So the
are choosing to go back to a more traditional Asian diet. number of overweight people is increasing. However, some East Asians are choosing
to go back to a more traditional diet.

116 Unit 6 Food Food Unit 6 117

5 Words 6 Critical Reading
Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
1 Yes, but... structure

1. In the article, the word diet in paragraph 5, line 3 is closest in meaning to . Look back at each paragraph.
(A) not eating food
(B) ways of making food Some paragraphs have a yes, but... structure. That is, some paragraphs start with an
(C) eating good food idea, but finish with an opposite idea.
(D) choice of food
Which paragraphs have one viewpoint? Which paragraphs have a yes, but... structure?
2. In the article, the expression protects against in paragraph 3, line 3, is closest in meaning Circle the answers.
to .
(A) keep safe from Paragraph 1 One idea Yes, but
(B) make better Paragraph 2 One idea Yes, but
(C) choose Paragraph 3 One idea Yes, but
(D) produce Paragraph 4 One idea Yes, but
Paragraph 5 One idea Yes, but
3. Almonds, walnuts and cashew nuts can your cholesterol.
(A) lower 2 Keywords

(B) keep What word is used to introduce the opposite point in the yes, but... structure
(C) put paragraphs?
(D) give _____________________

4. foods are not natural foods.

(A) Stir-fried
(B) Fresh
(C) Processed
(D) Steamed

5. Eating too much red meat is to heart disease.

(A) taking
(B) related
(C) part
(D) much

118 119
Unit 6 Food 119
7 Critical Thinking 8 Learning Language Patterns
Degree of Certainty Read the following.
1. Sometimes we know that something is not 100% true. For example, Asian food
a. They have less heart disease d. This way of life is changing.
is healthy. However, some Asian food is not healthy. That is, not all Asian food is
b. Most Asians do not eat much meat. e. Asians today are eating more meat.
healthy. The following words are used to show this. c. Yan owns a nice condo in the city. f. Please be quiet. I am watching this show.

• some • many • most • almost all

Underline the verbs in each sentence.

Example: East Asian food is good for you. Most East Asian food is good for you. Work with a partner. Look at the sentences again. Look at the following. Draw lines
to complete the sentences.
A Look back at the reading. Underline the sentences that use one of these words.
Sentences a, b and c • • describe a current situation, a regular action.
How many are there? (Red underlines)
• describe an action in future
Paragraph 1 0 1 2 3 Paragraph 4 0 1 2 3
Sentences d, e and f •
Paragraph 2 0 1 2 3 Paragraph 5 0 1 2 3 • describe an action now
Paragraph 3 0 1 2 3 Circle the correct form in the following sentences.

B Write two sentences about the food culture of your country using the words in 1. I usually take/am taking a walk in the morning.

the box. 2. Can you answer the phone? I do/am doing the dishes.

3. They study/are studying at the library every Friday.

4. He never eats/is never eating breakfast.

5. AJ likes/is liking hot pot.

2. Sometimes we don’t know if something is 100% true or not. We use the words in
6. She has/is having a meeting right now.
the box below to show this.
7. Grace and Jessie go/are going to a restaurant once a month.
Example: East Asian food is good for you. Perhaps East Asian food is good for you.
Look at the picture on pages 64-65. What do you think the people in the apartments
• perhaps • maybe • may • might • can
are doing? Use your imagination and write five sentences.

C Look back at the reading. Underline the sentences that use one of these words. Example: Maybe the people are sleeping.
How many are there? (Blue underlines)
Paragraph 1 0 1 2 3 Paragraph 4 0 1 2 3
Paragraph 2 0 1 2 3 Paragraph 5 0 1 2 3
Paragraph 3 0 1 2 3 2.

D Write two sentences about the food culture of your country 4.
using the words in the box. 5.

Read your sentences to a partner. Are they the same or different?

120 Unit 6 Food Food Unit 6 121

9 Second Reading 10 Output

Fresh farm produce Vitamins Natural Beauty 100% Organic

Take-out Specials Everyday Good Buys

Hot or cold soba noodles Adzuki beans- low fat, high fiber.
Thai vegetable curry Avocados - balances blood sugar Make a presentation about one of the healthy
Banana muffins diets below. Work with a partner or a small
Non GMO tofu- protein, iron, calcium group.
Sea vegetable salad
Miso- perfect nutritional balance

Daily Specials Protein smoothies - fight cancer Okinawan diet

Non-GMO peanut butter Organic brown rice- reduces cholesterol
Mediterranean diet
Non-dairy soy cheese Free-range eggs – nature’s perfect food
Vanilla rice milk
Green tea - weight-loss, strong teeth and bones New Nordic diet
Coconut oil- No trans-fat
Free-range chicken Vegetarian diet or vegan diet

Raw foods diet

Macrobiotic diet/ Asian macrobiotic diet

Answer the following questions.
Traditional Asian diet
1. What kinds of products can you buy at this health food store? Cirlce the answers.
(A) beef Other (your choice)
(B) beauty products
(C) organic vegetables
(D) vitamins

2. What product is good for weight loss?

(A) coffee
(B) protein smoothies
(C) green tea Your presentation should have the following information:
(D) free-range eggs a. What is the diet?
3. How does brown rice protect our health? b. Who follows this diet?
c. When and where did the diet start?
(A) balances blood sugar
(B) reduces cholesterol d. What are some special foods in this diet?
(C) fights cancer e. What are special cooking methods?
(D) makes strong teeth and bones f. Why is this a healthy diet?

122 Unit 6 Food Food Unit 6 123


Theme: entertainment
Critical reading:
- finding the main idea
- identifying support
Critical thinking
- generalizations
- exaggeration
Language patterns
- tense: present vs present perfect
- tense: past vs present perfect
PART 1 Warming-Up 2 Main Reading TRACK 13

Look at the movie posters below.

[1] [2] [3] Everyone Loves Hollywood Movies
For many people living outside the U.S.A., our first impressions of America come
from Hollywood. For many people, Hollywood is America, and America is Hollywood.
Hollywood movies are America’s most famous export. Yes, America exports many other
things. However, movies are what we like the best. Everyone loves Hollywood.

Moviegoers want quality entertainment. The movie studios know this, and Hollywood
delivers. Hollywood studios make a lot of money. They use this money to make films with
What kind of movie is this? Circle the correct answer. wonderful special effects and fast-moving action. Using computer graphics and sound
Poster #1 is: action/ adventure/ comedy/ drama/ fantasy/ horror
effects, film makers can take you down into the deepest oceans, or far out into space.
Poster #2 is: action/ adventure/ comedy/ drama/ fantasy/ horror
Hollywood movies turn fantasy into reality!
Poster #3 is: action/ adventure/ comedy/ drama/ fantasy/ horror
People of all ages enjoy Hollywood movies. One reason is because Hollywood studios
Which movie would you like to see? Why?
produce so many different kinds of stories and films. There are realistic movies about
disasters and exciting stories about adventures and heroes. There are heart-warming
stories about families and romance. Hollywood introduces us to new worlds with wizards
and witches. They give us a look into the future with fantastic science fiction movies.
Warming-up 2 Hollywood offers something for everyone.
Look at the sentences below. Choose the word from the box to complete each sentence. People watch Hollywood movies in every corner of the world. We learn a lot about life
from these films. We also learn about the world. Hollywood has the money and the talent
heroes disaster impression
fantasy reality heart-warming to make our experience exciting and realistic. Hollywood movies are the best.

1. Something that causes feelings of happiness is heart-warming

2. A disaster is a sudden event that causes damage or loss of life.
3. Your first impression is what you first think about something.
4. Fantasy is something that comes from imagination. It is not real.
5. Reality is something that is real, or true to life. Note
6. People who are admired for their courage, strength, or good actions are heroes . Today around 60% of the money that Hollywood movies make comes from outside the
US. In 1990, 30% of the money came from outside the US.
Warming-up 3
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions. 3割でした。
1. What kinds of films do you like?
2. What kinds don’t you like?
3. When you were a child, what was your favorite movie?
4. Where do you usually watch movies (in the theater, at home, etc.)?
5. Do you usually watch movies alone or with friends?
6. What Hollywood films do you like? What Hollywood stars do you like?

126 127127
Unit 7 Entertainment 127
3 Understanding the Story 5 Words
Answer the following questions. Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. According to the writer, are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. In the article, the word export, paragraph 1, line 3, means .
(A) F People do not want movies with special effects and action.
a. to watch a movie from another country
(B) F Hollywood movies are mostly for children.
b. to change a computer file
(C) F Great stories have police, witches and wizards.
c. to travel to a place to learn more about it
(D) T Everyone in the world loves Hollywood movies.
d. to send a product to another country for sale
(E) T Hollywood spends a lot of money on special effects.

2. In the article, the word quality, paragraph 2, line 1, means .

2. Which kind of story is NOT mentioned in the third paragraph?
a. what we think and feel about something
(A) love stories (B) adventure stories
b. the top, the best, the first
(C) science fiction stories (D) mystery stories
c. a feeling of excitement
d. a great many or a lot of something
3. Which is NOT mentioned as a feature of Hollywood movies?
(A) great actors (B) wonderful special effects
3. In the article, the word delivers, paragraph 2, line 2, means .
(C) good stories (D) computer graphics
a. to fall in love
b. to send a movie to your house
4. According to the writer, Hollywood films make a lot of money, so .
c. to do what people expect you to do
(A) directors can spend more money on computer graphics and special effects
d. a really great movie
(B) movie tickets are more expensive for Hollywood movies
(C) Hollywood film makers can hire better actors
4. Hollywood introduces us to new worlds with and witches.
(D) Hollywood actors get paid very well
a. buzzards
b. whizzers
c. wizards
4 Summary d. lizards

Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the 5. People watch Hollywood movies in every of the world.
summary below. a. learner
b. corner
c. corn
d. parts
Everyone loves Hollywood . Many people’s first impression of America
comes from Hollywood movies. Hollywood studios spend a lot of money on
movies with wonderful special effects and fast-moving action . Hollywood
turns fantasy into reality right in front of our eyes! People everywhere love
Hollywood movies because of the many kinds of stories and films . We
can learn a lot about life and the world from these

128 129
Unit 7 Entertainment 129
B Choose a word or phrase from the box below to make the generalizations more
6 Critical Reading accurate. (Answers may be used more than once.)

1 Main Idea of the Article For many people / most / many / some / a few / usually / often / almost

Look back at the reading. What is the main idea of the article? a. For many people , Hollywood is America, and America is Hollywood.
b. Most moviegoers want quality entertainment.
(A) We can learn a lot about the world from Hollywood movies.
c. Hollywood offers something for almost everyone.
(B) Hollywood makes the best movies in the world. many
d. Hollywood makes fantastic films with wonderful special effects and fast-
(C) Hollywood movies are great because of the stories. moving action.
(D) The special effects are the best thing about Hollywood movies. e. Hollywood makes some of the greatest movies in the world.
f. Most people of all ages enjoy Hollywood movies.

2 Main Ideas of the Paragraphs

Match each paragraph with its main idea.
8 Learning Language Patterns
Paragraph 1 • • a. Hollywood movies have many different kinds of stories.
Read the following.
Paragraph 2 • • b. Hollywood spends a lot of money to make good entertainment.
Paragraph 3 • • c. America’s image comes from Hollywood movies. a. Reiko has studied English for 4 years. e. Hollywood studios make a lot of money.
Paragraph 4 • • d. Hollywood movies are popular around the world because they are the best. b. He has been to the restaurant before. f. He goes to the restaurant on the weekend.
c. I have worked here since I was 20. g. I work here.
d. Have you watched this drama? h. Do you watch this drama?

7 Critical Thinking Work with a partner. Look at the sentences again. Look at the following. Draw lines
A generalization is something said to be true about a group of people or things. to complete the sentence. This should be regularly.

Sentences a and c • • describe things you do regulary

Example: Everyone loves Hollywood. / Children everywhere love Disney. / All dogs chase cats.
• describe your experience
A Read the following sentences. Write F for statements of fact, G for statements of Sentences b and d •
• describe things you did and still do
Change the verb into the correct form in the following sentences.

G 1. America’s most famous exports are its movies. (be)

1. Hollywood is America, and America is Hollywood.
2. G Moviegoers want quality entertainment. 2. Andrew never goes to the beach because he gets sunburned easily. (go)

3. G Action movies are the best kind of movies. 3. I have seen too many bad movies in my lifetime. (see)
4. G Using computer graphics and sound effects, film makers can take has loved
4. Sujin movies since she was young. (love)
us down into the deepest oceans, or far out into space. come
5. New technologies always first from Hollywood. (come)
5. F Hollywood studios make a lot of money.
6. Jun goes to the movies every Sunday. (go)
6. G Hollywood offers something for everyone.
7. Mari and Wan have learned two foreign languages by watching foreign films. (learn)
7. F Hollywood produces science fiction movies.
8. Prasert wants to learn French. (want)

9. Yujin can speak only one language. (speak)

10. Lulu has lived in Japan for 6 years. (live)

130 131
Entertainment Unit 7
9 Second Reading
Answer the following questions.

1. Which movie(s) is (are) for teenagers?

The Summer of Fun
Session times for Wednesday, 25 February- Star City Cineplex
2. Which movie(s) is (are) an action movie?
More Over
Move Over (104 mins) 1pm 3:45pm 6:35pm 9:25pm
Based on true events. Michael Sargent plays a soldier who is lost in a war.
3. Which movie(s) is (are) romantic?
Donna's Getting Married
No Doubt (116 mins) 12:25pm 3:45pm 6:30pm
It is 1964. John Bravner is a high school basketball coach. His team of black and white players 4. Which movie is a good family movie?
is winning games, but the parents aren’t happy. Brook's Farm

5. Which movie(s) is (are) not from Hollywood?

City of Ghosts (113 mins) 10:45am 2:45pm 4:55pm 7:05pm 9:15pm
Brook's Farm, The Slammer
Krystall Myers plays a police officer followed by ghosts in this funny film about life in New
6. Which movie is the longest?
No Doubt
The Slammer (128 mins) 11am 1:30 pm 6:55pm
This British movie follows Mike Seymore, a young criminal sent to jail. 7. Which movie is the shortest?
Brook's Farm

The Summer of Fun (95 mins) 10:45am 1pm 3:50pm 6:40pm 9:30pm 8. Which movie(s) is (are) shown 5 times each day?
Teenage sensation Tim McGuthry stars in this great movie about a summer camp full of
City of Ghosts, The Summer of Fun
strange people.

9. Which movie has the latest showing?

The Summer of Fun
Donna’s Getting Married (101 mins) 11am 1:30pm 6:35pm 9:05pm
Rachel’s sister Donna is getting married, but Rachel is still single. See Rachel find love!

Brook’s Farm (86 mins) 1:30 pm 3:30pm 5:30 pm

Beautiful animated movie from Japan. Bring the whole family! Great animal characters.

132 133
Unit 7 Entertainment 133
10 Output PART 1 Warming-Up
Preparation: Think about your favorite movie. Answer the questions below in Look at the picture below.
complete sentences.

What is the title of your movie?

What is the movie about?

Who is your favorite character? Why?

What is your favorite part of the movie?

Would you recommend this movie to your friends? Why/ why not?

1. Now write a paragraph about your movie.

One of my favorite movies is
What do you see in the picture? Write some words to describe the picture.

Warming-up 2

Match each word on the left with its correct meaning.

d 1. technique a. an exciting story with adventure, fear, and suspense
g 2. tragedy b. the art or science of motion picture photography
2. Share your review with the class. Did anyone choose the same movie?
a 3. thriller c. a way to make actors look like they are flying
h 4. morality d. a way of doing something
f 5. stunt e. always honoring and supporting someone or something
c 6. wire work f. a dangerous action or trick by an actor in a movie
e 7. loyalty g. something very bad that causes people to suffer
b 8. cinematography h. beliefs about good and bad behavior

Warming-up 3
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.
1. What Asian films do you like? Who is your favorite Asian movie star?
2. What Asian movies are popular in your country?
3. Which do you like better, movies with lots of special effects, or movies with no special effects?
4. What is one thing you do not like about movies these days?
5. Would you rather see an Asian movie or a Hollywood movie? Why?
134134 135
134 Entertainment Unit 7
2 Main Reading TRACK 14
3 Understanding the Story
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the best title for this article?
(A) Asian Movies: Better than Hollywood
(B) Similarities between Asian and Hollywood Movies
(C) East meets West
(D) Poor Quality of Asian Movies

2. According to the article, which statement is NOT true?

(A) Asian movie studios are producing high quality movies.
(B) Asian films give moviegoers total satisfaction.
Note (C) Asian movies are mostly about the martial arts.
(D) Asian movies are reflections of Asian culture.
Asian Movies
Studio Ghibli, the famous animation studio draws most of their animations by hand. Only
10% of the movies use computer graphics, the rest are all drawn by hand. 3. According to the article, what is NOT mentioned as a reason to watch Asian movies?
「スタジオジブリ」では、ほとんどのアニメーションが手描 (A) Asian movies teach values that Asian people should have.
コンピュータグラフィックを使用した映画は、作品の約一割にしか過ぎず、 あとは (B) Asian movies show the beauty of natural cinematography.
全て手描きによるものです。 (C) The stories are lost in all the special effects and action.
(D) Asian movie studios are world leaders in certain film-making techniques.
Today, Asian film studios are producing many great movies. Japanese animation, Korean
4. According to the article, what is true about movie viewers these days?
dramas, and action movies from Hong Kong are best-sellers around the world. Viewers
(A) They are much noisier than they used to be.
love the high quality of the stories, the acting, and the film-making techniques.
(B) They are demanding.
Asian film studios do not have as much money to spend on movies as Hollywood does. (C) They do not enjoy beauty.
As a result, Asian studios take great care to make movies with wonderful, realistic stories. (D) They do not have values like morality and loyalty.
They tell about families, love, hard work, and tragedy from an Asian point of view. They
show many sides of Asian culture, and they teach Asian values like morality and loyalty.
4 Summary
Movie fans also enjoy the performances of Asian actors and the beautiful
Look back at the reading for one minute. Then fill in the blanks to complete the
cinematography. Hollywood movies use too many special effects. As a result, the stories
summary below.
get lost in all the noise and action. Asian movies focus upon acting and realistic scenes. So,
moviegoers care more about the characters.

Asian studios have become world leaders in certain film-making techniques. Look at
the fantastic martial arts movies from China! Asians were the first to produce movies that animation Korean __________,
Japanese ____________, dramas and action movies from Hong Kong have
make use of wire works and realistic stunts. Now these amazing techniques are copied best-sellers around the world. Asian movies have wonderful __________.
become ____________ stories
around the world. special effects are more important than the _____________.
In Hollywood, _______________ stories
Asian films teach Asian culture and _____________. realistic
Asian films have ___________
From comedy to action, from thriller to horror, Asian films have given moviegoers total
leaders in certain film-making
scenes and good acting. Asian studios are world ___________
satisfaction for many years. Today, we have so many choices of entertainment. Viewers are
satisfaction so they are a good ___________
techniques. Asian films give total _______________, choice
more demanding. Asian movies are becoming popular because they are the best.
for today’s moviegoers.

136 Unit 7 Entertainment Entertainment Unit 7 137

5 Words 6 Critical Reading
Choose the best words to complete the sentences. 1 Identifying Support

Look back at the reading. Answer the following questions.

1. In paragraph 2, line 2, take great care means .
a. to prevent someone from being hurt 1. Which statements support the idea that Asian studios make good films?
b. to move slowly (A) Asian films are best-sellers around the world.
c. to like someone a lot (B) Viewers love the high-quality stories, the acting, and the film techniques.
d. to give something a lot of thought and attention (C) Asian studios do not have as much money to spend as Hollywood studios.
(D) Asian movies have given viewers satisfaction for many years.
2. In paragraph 2, line 3, point of view means .
a. the person who tells a story 2. Which statement supports the idea that Asian films have good stories?
b. a place to stop and take pictures (A) Asian films tell realistic stories about families, love, hard work, and tragedies.
c. the way a group of people think and feel about something (B) Asian films have good acting and beautiful cinematography.
d. the purpose of something (C) Asian films teach Asian values like morality and loyalty.
(D) Chinese martial arts actors perform exciting stunts.
3. In paragraph 3, line 3, get lost in means .
a. to not be able to find one’s way home 3. Which statements support the idea that Asian film studios are leaders in film techniques?
b. to not be seen or noticed (A) Asian studios were the first to use wire works.
c. to be confused about something (B) Asian film makers focus on good stories.
d. to tell someone to go away (C) Asian techniques are copied by film studios all over the world.
(D) Today, we have many choices in entertainment.
4. As viewers become more , movies become better.
2 Giving reasons to support an idea
a. complaining
b. hungry The writer gives three main reasons why Asian movies are great. Write these reasons
c. demanding into the diagram below. Use complete sentences.
d. sleepy

5. Martial arts actors are famous for the dangerous they can do.
a. acting a. Asian studios make movies with
b. dances wonderful stories.

c. scenes b. Fans enjoy the

d. stunts performances of Asian

actors and the beautiful

MOVIES cinematography.

c. Asian studios have become

leaders in some film-making


138 Unit 7 Entertainment Entertainment Unit 7 139

7 Critical Thinking 8 Learning Language Patterns
Exaggeration Read the following.

A In the passage below, underline the words and phrases that give a very positive a. Asian films have given moviegoers total d. Asians were the first to make use of wire works.
impression of Asian movies. The first is done for you. satisfaction for many years. e. The actor was hurt when he performed the stunt.
b. I have seen many Korean dramas. f. The movie received so many awards last year.
c. He has never seen a movie.
Today, Asian film studios are producing many great movies. Japanese animation, Korean
dramas, and action movies from Hong Kong are best-sellers around the world.
Work with a partner. Look at the sentences again. Look at the following. Draw lines
Viewers love the high-quality of Asian films. Asian studios take great care to make movies
to complete the sentences.
with wonderful, realistic stories. Movie fans also love the beautiful cinematography. Asian studios
are world leaders in film-making techniques. Look at the fantastic martial arts movies from
Sentences a, b and c • • tell us about something that happened at a certain time in the past
China! Now these amazing techniques are copied around the world. Asian films have given
moviegoers total satisfaction for many years. Asian movies are becoming popular because they are Sentences d, e and f • • tell us about experiences that happened sometime before now, or
the best. unfinished actions that have continued until now.

Circle the correct form in the following sentences.

B Have you ever been disppointed by a movie? Why do you think that happened?
has studied
1. She ___________________ English for many years. (study)
Think of some reasons with a partner.
2. She ________________________ English from 2013 until 2015. (study)
C Look back at the passage above. What words or phrases might be used to visited
3. She ________________________ Australia last year. (visit)
advertise a movie? Choose five.
have been
4. Kim and Lee _________________ here since last year. (be)

5. Kim and Lee ___________ here for two years, but then they moved. (be)
didn't study
6. Junko ___________________ hard when she was in junior high school. (not study)
has studied
7. Junko __________________ hard since she came to this country. (study)
c. 8. Jan and Jun ___________________a
have changed lot since they came here. (change)

d. enjoyed
9. Julio ______________ watching animation when he was a child. (enjoy)

10. I ___________________a Korean drama for the first time last year. (watch)

Write four sentences about yourself. Write two sentences about your experience and
two sentences about things you are continuously doing.





Read your sentences to a partner. Are they the same or different?

140 141
9 Second Reading 10 Output
About me New films Classics Events Reviews
1. Make a poster for a movie you like.

Jae-P’s Cinema Watch The poster should have:

Seoul Searching in Title of the movie

Hong Kong Director and starring actors
This year’s Hong Kong International Film Festival was
Outstanding features (Winner of 6 Golden Awards; Best special-effects, etc.)
the best yet! The films by young Asian-American filmmakers Quotes by critics (“Exciting!”- Japan Times: “Best comedy ever!”)
were outstanding. My favorite film was Seoul Searching, a Date of film
teen comedy set in Korea during the 1980’s, just when I was A few sentences telling what the movie is about
growing up in Canada.
The story is about a summer camp for Korean teenagers
living abroad. Parents send their kids to learn about Korean
culture. As you can imagine, the kids are more interested 2. Share your poster with the class.
Jaden Park in parties, drinking, and falling in love. The characters and
Seoul Searching brings back my events are based on film maker Benson Lee’s (Planet B-boy;
own memories of Seoul. Even the Battle of the Year) real-life experience of the camp. Answers from page 37:
green taxis are the same!
What makes Seoul Searching special? Well, the fantastic
Rema Kim 80’s music, for one thing. Another thing is my personal
Benson Lee found the actors for connection with Korean kids growing up in two cultures.
Seoul Searching on Facebook and Anyone who has ever felt “different” will enjoy this film.
YouTube. That is way cool!!!

Karen O Kristin Kreuk Olivia Munn Harjit Sajjan

Answer the following questions. This person is: This person is: This person is: This person is:
1. The summer camp is for . Korean Chinese American Indian
(A) Korean teenagers
Polish Dutch German Malaysian
(B) American and Korean children
(C) Children of Korean parents who live around the world. American Canadian Vietnamese Canadian
(D) American teenagers who live in Korea
Note: Karen O Note: Kristen Kruek Note: Olivia Munn Note: Harjit Sajjan
2. Benson Lee is probably one of the first directors to . was born in South was born in Canada. was born in America. was born in India.
(A) find actors on social media Korea. Her father is Her mother’s family Her mother’s family He moved to Canada
(B) make a comedy about teenagers Polish. She moved to is from China and is from Vietnam. Her when he was six
(C) use 80’s music in a movie America. She went to her mother was born father’s family is from years old. He became
(D) hire Asian actors school there and lives in Indonesia. Her England, Ireland and Canada’s Minsister of
there now. father’s family is from Germany. Defences in 2015
3. Jae-P’s culture is probably .
(A) Chinese
(B) Korean Many people in the world are multicultural. That is, they come from many cultures.
(C) Korean - Canadian So, sometimes the question “where are you from?” is difficult.
(D) Chinese - Korean

142 Unit 7 Entertainment Entertainment Unit 7 143

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