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BSAIS 2B APRIL 17, 2024

1. Clip one saying, a magazine ad, a song, or anything that

shows/depicts your view of what is beautiful.

I can't show you any pictures or videos, but I can try to

describe what I think is beautiful. Beautiful things can be found all
around me, like a colorful flower or a shiny rainbow. They can also
be in the things people make, like a painting or a piece of music
that makes me feel happy. Beauty means something that is nice to
look at or experience. It can make me feel good inside when I see

2. Try to answer these questions. Reflect on your answers.

A. What does the word beauty mean to you?

Beauty means something that is nice to look at or

experience. It can make me feel good inside when I see it.

B. What do you think makes a person attractive?

Things like having a kind face, nice hair, and a friendly smile.
But being a good person on the inside is also important.

C. Can you name someone you think is attractive and tell why?

I don't have a favorite person that I think is the most

attractive. But I really admire people who are kind, smart, and use
their talents to help others.

D. What's the best compliment you've ever received?

The best compliment is when someone says something nice

about me, like "You did a great job!" or "You're a good friend." It
makes me feel proud and happy.

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