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2024/03/19 10:14:38-373 - [DEBUG] Not on Electron

2024/03/19 10:14:38-374 - [INFO] eQRH build version: 3.5.3

2024/03/19 10:14:38-374 - [INFO] eQRH build date: January 18th 2024, 8:41:30 am
2024/03/19 10:14:38-374 - [DEBUG] Not on Electron
2024/03/19 10:14:38-374 - [DEBUG] Enable touch events.
2024/03/19 10:14:38-386 - [DEBUG] Reset homePageTabsHistory of navigation
2024/03/19 10:14:38-393 - [DEBUG] Before entering in the splashscreen.
2024/03/19 10:14:38-393 - [INFO] Select the right install partition
2024/03/19 10:14:38-402 - [DEBUG] main/assets/xsl/template.xsl file has been found
2024/03/19 10:14:38-409 - [DEBUG] After entering in the splashscreen
2024/03/19 10:14:38-409 - [INFO] Prepare all the data needed for MyAircraft screen
2024/03/19 10:14:38-414 - [DEBUG] main/assets/xsl/template_clone.xsl file has been
2024/03/19 10:14:38-453 - [INFO] Starting clean of EQRH-DATA-flip device memory ...

2024/03/19 10:14:38-454 - [DEBUG] flop partition has been selected

2024/03/19 10:14:38-454 - [INFO] Check if auto update is enabled
2024/03/19 10:14:38-455 - [INFO] Prepare data for my aircraft state
2024/03/19 10:14:38-455 - [INFO] Getting all QRHs installed on the device
2024/03/19 10:14:38-458 - [INFO] Default configuration file has been found
2024/03/19 10:14:38-458 - [DEBUG] Read file path configuration.json
2024/03/19 10:14:38-462 - [DEBUG] Read file path logo.png
2024/03/19 10:14:38-463 - [DEBUG] Read file path efb-state.json
2024/03/19 10:14:38-464 - [INFO] No customized logo found, using default logo
2024/03/19 10:14:38-466 - [INFO] EFB VERSION: QRH_DEMO
2024/03/19 10:14:38-466 - [DEBUG] HistoryServ: State change to state myaircraft
with params {}
2024/03/19 10:14:38-467 - [INFO] fetching preference for sleep mode: true
2024/03/19 10:14:38-467 - [INFO] fetching preference for report recipient:
2024/03/19 10:14:38-482 - [DEBUG] [my-aircraft-ctrl] (beforeEnter): Before entering
in my flight state
2024/03/19 10:14:38-483 - [INFO] Retrieve data previously loaded
2024/03/19 10:14:38-483 - [INFO] Initialisation of checking the license file
2024/03/19 10:14:38-483 - [INFO] Initialize avionics connection
2024/03/19 10:14:38-483 - [INFO] Update AVIONICS connection
2024/03/19 10:14:38-483 - [INFO] Wifi is connected
2024/03/19 10:14:38-483 - [INFO] Request connected AID
2024/03/19 10:14:38-484 - [DEBUG] isB2bApplication
2024/03/19 10:14:38-503 - [INFO] AID is not available
2024/03/19 10:14:38-503 - [DEBUG] EQRH is not an b2b application
2024/03/19 10:14:38-503 - [DEBUG] Can access to AppGroup
2024/03/19 10:14:38-504 - [DEBUG] readLogicalBus
2024/03/19 10:14:38-504 - [DEBUG] [ios-com-serv] (canAccessToLogicalBus) - check
the access with the logical bus
2024/03/19 10:14:38-504 - [DEBUG] Read file path efb-state.json
2024/03/19 10:14:38-513 - [DEBUG] [ios-com-serv] (canAccessToLogicalBus) - Cannot
access to logical bus because mode is: DEMO
2024/03/19 10:14:38-513 - [INFO] A318/A319/A320/A321 family has been auto-selected
2024/03/19 10:14:38-515 - [DEBUG] [ios-com-serv] (canAccessToLogicalBus) - Can
access to AppGroup
2024/03/19 10:14:39-121 - [DEBUG] [my-aircraft-ctrl] (afterEnter)
2024/03/19 10:14:39-122 - [DEBUG] [my-aircraft-ctrl]
2024/03/19 10:14:39-122 - [DEBUG] Read file path efb-state.json
2024/03/19 10:14:39-142 - [DEBUG] ## getAppGroupURL
2024/03/19 10:14:39-143 - [DEBUG] ## AppGroup URL =
2024/03/19 10:14:58-588 - [INFO] AID polling... interval of 20 seconds has been
2024/03/19 10:14:58-588 - [INFO] Request connected AID
2024/03/19 10:14:58-590 - [INFO] AID is not available
2024/03/19 10:15:07-11 - [DEBUG] readLogicalBus
2024/03/19 10:15:07-11 - [DEBUG] [ios-com-serv] (canAccessToLogicalBus) - check the
access with the logical bus
2024/03/19 10:15:07-11 - [DEBUG] Read file path efb-state.json
2024/03/19 10:15:07-12 - [INFO] eQRH has resumed
2024/03/19 10:15:07-12 - [INFO] Update AVIONICS connection
2024/03/19 10:15:07-12 - [INFO] Wifi is connected
2024/03/19 10:15:07-12 - [INFO] Request connected AID
2024/03/19 10:15:07-12 - [DEBUG] [my-aircraft-ctrl]
2024/03/19 10:15:07-12 - [DEBUG] [my-aircraft-ctrl]
(checkEfbAndNewReleaseAvailable) Resumed
2024/03/19 10:15:07-12 - [DEBUG] Read file path efb-state.json
2024/03/19 10:15:07-15 - [DEBUG] Can access to AppGroup
2024/03/19 10:15:07-15 - [INFO] AID is not available
2024/03/19 10:15:07-15 - [INFO] fetching preference for sleep mode: true
2024/03/19 10:15:07-16 - [INFO] fetching preference for report recipient:
2024/03/19 10:15:07-19 - [DEBUG] [ios-com-serv] (canAccessToLogicalBus) - Cannot
access to logical bus because mode is: DEMO
2024/03/19 10:15:07-20 - [DEBUG] ## getAppGroupURL
2024/03/19 10:15:07-20 - [DEBUG] [ios-com-serv] (canAccessToLogicalBus) - Can
access to AppGroup
2024/03/19 10:15:07-20 - [DEBUG] ## AppGroup URL =

2024/03/19 10:15:18-585 - [INFO] AID polling... interval of 20 seconds has been

2024/03/19 10:15:18-585 - [INFO] Request connected AID
2024/03/19 10:15:18-587 - [INFO] AID is not available
2024/03/19 10:15:34-751 - [DEBUG] isB2bApplication
2024/03/19 10:15:34-753 - [DEBUG] EQRH is not an b2b application
2024/03/19 10:15:34-757 - [INFO] Open Flysmart app with following url:
2024/03/19 10:15:34-758 - [DEBUG] handleOpenURL
2024/03/19 10:15:34-758 - [INFO] eQRH open through x-callback-url: aibinflight://x-
2024/03/19 10:15:38-584 - [INFO] AID polling... interval of 20 seconds has been
2024/03/19 10:15:38-585 - [INFO] Request connected AID
2024/03/19 10:15:38-588 - [INFO] AID is not available

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