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Self and Stakeholder Management - Module Assessment


Module Assessment Brief

Module Title: Self and Stakeholder Management

Assessment Title: Individual Portfolio

Individual/Group: Individual
Weighting: 100%
3,000 words, +/- 10%
Markers will stop reading after the +10% point and the grade will be
Word Count: based on what the marker has read up to this point. Tables and
Appendices should be used to provide data and information as
reference points. They should not be used to present new information.

Submission Date: 25 April 2024 @3.00pm

Instructions to Students for Submission of this Assessment Coursework

Sheffield Business School operates a deadline time of 3:00pm for all coursework
submissions. Submissions should be online via:
1) the Blackboard submission point and
2) Turnitin submission area.
Please be aware that if you do not submit both of these via the Blackboard it will be deemed a
non-submission and therefore receive a mark of zero.

Task Details

Introduction (c.150 words) - Provide some background information about yourself as you would
do in an online blog.
o Name.
o Course of study.
o Background e.g. any work experience, sports teams, voluntary work from which you
can draw upon in this assessment task.
o Something about yourself.

Your 3 Blog Topics (2700-3000 words) - Drawing on your weekly Private Blogs and using the
formative feedback from the tutor given within the seminar, write about 3 blog topics which
reflect on your skills as you develop through the module. For each blog area / topic you should:

1. Outline the task you completed in the module seminar and other relevant activities, and
any relevant theory linked to the tasks/activities.

2. Outline which skills you currently have and which skills you need to develop further,
including any relevant theory linked to your skills. Use the skills audit from Seminar #2 to
help with this.

3. Explain - using theory - how this helps you in managing yourself, managing stakeholders, or
managing others.

You are required to write about three of your blogs on three different topics. The topics relate to
the lecture on that topic and the seminar activities which follow it.
The compulsory topic is Working in teams (topic 5)
You can choose two other topics from the following 6 topics:
- Reflective practice and learning from experience - Skills audit and reflective practice
exercises (topic 2)
- Managing self and time (topic 3)
- Change and conflict (topic 4)
- Diversity, Equality & Inclusion and working with university and other colleagues
(topic 6)
- Building resilience and emotional intelligence (topic 7)
- Communication and communicating with others (topic 8)

You should only discuss one topic in each (blog) section as a focus but can draw upon other
relevant concepts from the module content.

Conclusion (c.150 words) – Draw the work together, summarise main points you have made.

Particular instructions to students

 Convert and expand on your weekly blog in a word document and submit this.
 You should provide a full reference list at the end of the work (before appendices).
 Appendices should include the skills audit, copies of the activities and tasks from the
relevant week/topic area.
 Structure is simple: cover page, introductions, 3 blog topics, conclusion, references,
 Your tutor will view your blogs and word document assessment during the in-class tutorial
sessions only. You should attend in order to receive formative feedback on your developing
ideas and draft work.
 In-module Retrieval - This module does not offer In-module retrieval as it is 100%
summative assessment, which is due at the end of the module. If you would fail, there is a
re-assessment task, capped at 40% due in the summer. See Re-Assessment tab on Bb site.
 Further assessment guidance will be provided on the module site and in the class.

Individual portfolio blogs assessment matrix against module learning outcomes


(Unsatisfactory) (Satisfactory) (Good) (Very good) (Excellent)
+ Weighting
1/2/3 4/5/6 7/8/9 10/11/12 13/14/15/16

Topics are not well Topics are outlined Topics are generally Topics are outlined in a Topics are outlined in a
1. Topic Review
explained and lack although not always in a outlined in a professional professional manner, professional manner,
Review of 3 of topics, including
professionalism, with professional manner, manner, showing showing good insight showing excellent use of
theory (and references)
poor use of theory. showing some insight reasonable insight through theory. theory.
through theory. through theory.

2. Outline of the skills that you Limited outline of the

Average outline of the Reasonable outline of Excellent outline of the
need to develop further skills you have and which Good outline of the skills
skills you have and which the skills you have and skills you have and which
Summary of your skills and which you need to develop you have and which you
you need to develop which you need to you need to develop
you need to develop further further. need to develop further.
further. develop further. further.

Good reflection on how Excellent reflection on

Limited reflection on Some, although limited Reasonable reflection on
3. Link to managing self and others this will help you in how this will help you in
how this will help you in reflection on how this how this will help you in
Explanation of how this helps you in managing yourself, managing yourself,
managing yourself, will help you in managing managing yourself,
managing yourself, stakeholders or stakeholders and others, stakeholders and others,
stakeholders and others, yourself, stakeholders stakeholders and others,
others including some examples including examples as
including very few and others, with a few including a few examples
20% as evidence. evidence.
examples as evidence. examples as evidence. as evidence.

(Unsatisfactory) (Satisfactory) (Good) (Very good) (Excellent)
+ Weighting
1/2/3 4/5/6 7/8/9 10/11/12 13/14/15/16

Evidence of directed
Limited evidence of Evidence of directed Excellent evidence of
4. Use of Resources and reading and
Evidence of minimal reading and use of reading and some wider reading and
Referencing appropriate / current
reading only. Little in- additional resources / supplementary resources appropriate / current
The appropriate use of referenced supplementary resources
text referencing with data used. Very limited used. Limited in-text supplementary resources
materials, and the accuracy of / data used. Very few
errors and a very limited in-text referencing with referencing with some / data used. Accurate in-
referencing skills errors in in-text
reference list. some errors. Limited errors and complete text referencing and
10% referencing and
reference list. reference list. complete reference list.
complete reference list.

Poor presentation, Weak presentation and

Excellent presentation,
structure. Writing is structure. Writing is Very orderly
5. Presentation and Structure logically structured.
unclear & disorganised. unclear and/or Good presentation, and presentation,
Your essay should be written in an Writing is mostly clear,
Thoughts are rambling & disorganised. Thoughts structure. Has a competently structured.
appropriate academic style. You concise & well organised.
make little sense. are not expressed in a business-like feel to the Has a strong business-
must use APA referencing. Professional and
Not business-like or logical manner. Weak communication. like feel to the
10% business-like
professional in business-like feel to the communication.
communication. communication.

Level 0 (Foundation Year) - Generic Grade Descriptor: relationship between indicative
outcome to Grade Point and equivalent percentage

Outcome Grade % General Characteristics
Exceptional knowledge, understanding and confidence to deal with advanced terminology, principles and concepts;
worked autonomously whilst also evidencing a much broader breadth and depth of reading/research than was
16 93 - 100 96 required; has used additional material to go beyond the requirements of the given brief; exceptional demonstration of
relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied knowledge to critically evaluate/synthesis/analyse in the
pursuit to solve complex problems; exceptional communication/presentation; performance in all areas beyond
PASS expectation.
(Excellent) 15 85 - 92 89 Excellent knowledge, understanding and confidence to deal with terminology, (and more advanced) basic principles
and concepts; taken direction very well whilst also evidencing a broader breadth and depth of reading/research; has
14 78 - 84 81 used set material and additional material to address all of the requirements of the given brief; excellent demonstration
13 70 - 77 74 of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied knowledge and attempted to solve basic and complex
problems set; excellent communication/presentation.
12 67 - 69 68 Very good knowledge and understanding to deal with terminology, basic principles and concepts; taken direction well;
11 64 -66 65 used set material and additional material to address almost all of the requirements of the given brief; very good
(Very good) demonstration of relevant core skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied knowledge and attempted to
10 60 - 63 62 solve basic problems with some complexity; very good communication/presentation.
9 57 - 59 58 Good knowledge and understanding to deal with terminology, basic principles and concepts; taken direction; used set
8 54 - 56 55 material and limited additional material to address almost all of the requirements of the given brief; competent
(Good) demonstration of relevant core skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied basic knowledge and attempted
7 50 - 53 52 to solve basic problems; good communication/presentation.
6 47 - 49 48 Basic knowledge and understanding to deal with terminology, basic principles and concepts; taken some direction;
5 44 - 46 45 used set material and addressed the basic requirements of the given brief; adequate demonstration of relevant core
(Satisfactory) skills in preparation for undergraduate study; applied some basic knowledge and attempted to solve basic problems;
4 40 - 43 40 basic communication/presentation.
FAIL 3 30 - 39 35 Very basic knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; taken little direction naively
follows or does not engage with set material; largely fails to address any requirements of the brief; insufficient
demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; limited knowledge applied in attempt to solve
2 20 - 29 25
basic problems; communication shows limited clarity, poor presentation.
Insufficient or no evidence of knowledge and understanding of the subject and its underlying concepts; taken little
1 6-19 10 direction, naively follows or does not engage with set material; largely fails to address any requirements of the brief;
little or no demonstration of relevant skills in preparation for undergraduate study; no knowledge applied and or
attempt to solve basic problems; communication shows no clarity, poor presentation, structure not coherent.
ZERO 0 0-5 0 Work absent, work not submitted, penalty in some misconduct cases.

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