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Measuring the Effectiveness of Communication Strategies in Enhancing Student-

Teacher Interaction among first-year BA English Language (BAEL) students of Eastern

Visayas State University Main Campus

A Quantitative Research

Presented to Eastern Visayas State University Main Campus

Tacloban City

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Applied Course



Lorica, Wenche L.

Cayetano, Jane Christy

Mabini, Aicelle

Quintana, Mar Francis V.

April 2024

Background of the Study

Effective communication between BAEL first year students and teachers is pivotal for

fostering academic success and a supportive learning environment. This inquiry delves into

the efficacy of communication strategies tailored to enhance student teacher interaction,

recognizing the challenges faced by BAEL first-year students in transitioning to higher

education. Evaluating these strategies requires comprehensive assessment frameworks to

capture qualitative aspects. There are some different ways to assist learners to overcome these

difficulties, one of which is to apply a learning method that is proper to solve the problems

that learners generally come across in translation classes (Mannahal and Rijal, 2020).

Similarly, collaborative activities and discussions frequently occur within cooperative groups,

promoting constructive peer-to-peer communication and enhancing teacher-student

interactions (Xie and Derakhshan, 2021). These interactions are viewed as effective means to

boost student engagement (Derakhshan, 2021). These cooperative learning activities serve as

effective means to encourage active involvement and teamwork among students, ultimately

enriching the educational experience and promoting deeper engagement the subject matter.

Through this exploration, we aim to uncover effective strategies that promote inclusive,

supportive learning environments, leveraging communication as a catalyst for transformative

educational experiences.

Encouraging students to actively engage in social interactions within the classroom,

assuming roles as readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers, as suggested by

Alvermann and Phelps (2005) and Vacca, Vacca, and Mraz (2011), is a method to foster

student responsibility for learning. By creating an environment where students actively

participate in these roles, educators promote a sense of ownership and autonomy in their
learning process. This approach not only enhances students’ comprehension and

communication skills but also cultivates critical thinking and collaborative learning

experiences. Students engage in active learning strategies to enhance their involvement and

foster critical thinking skills (Baepler et al., 2014). Additionally, there has been a shift in the

roles of students, who now actively participate in classroom discourse under the guidance of

educators, rather than passively receiving knowledge (Yanhui and Yi, 2014). Implementing

problem-solving tasks in the classroom setting can significantly enhance student learning

experiences, as noted by Huang and Napier (2015). These tasks not only engage students

actively in class discussions but also cultivate a sense of responsibility for their learning

journey, promoting autonomy and self-reliance. Additionally, Munir et al. (2018) emphasize

the importance of designing activities that stimulate interaction between teachers and

students, fostering critical thinking and creativity among learners. By integrating these

strategies into teaching practices, educators create an environment conducive to collaborative

problem-solving and the development of essential skills necessary for students’ academic and

personal growth.

The current study closely measuring the effective communication strategies in

enhancing teacher and student interaction that can clearly identify what are the more and less

effective strategies to enhance the teacher and student interaction. Due to the gap between the

teacher and students, that resulted to many different communication strategies in there

interactions. It is necessary to measure the effective communication strategies in enhancing

the interaction of the teacher and student. Therefore, the study focuses on the BAEL first year

college students as participants who are currently adopting the new environment of learning.

By understanding the impact of various communication methods on fostering productive

interactions, institutions can refine their approaches to facilitate a supportive learning

environment conducive to student success. Additionally, insights gained from this study can
inform the development of tailored communication training programs for educators,

ultimately enhancing the overall educational experience and fostering stronger student-

teacher relationships.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the more and less effective communication strategies in

enhancing teacher-student interactions among BAEL first-year college students at Eastern

Visayas State University – Main campus during the academic year 2023-2024.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What are the effective communication strategies that promote productive teacher-

student interactions?

2. What are the less effective strategies that hinder effective communication between a

student and a teacher?

Significance of the Study

This study may be beneficial to the following individuals.

Students- this study will enhance the students learning experience, understanding, and

academic performance.

Instructors- this will enable them improve prompt interaction which in the students

becoming more active and attentive in teaching.

University Administrator- this study will generally help the university administrator in

making the rules and ways of doing things see a better way of helping in improving teaching

and learning settings.

Parents- this study will show the parents that improved interaction can lead to a better

understanding of their child’s educational needs and progress.

Future Researchers- this study will serve as a reference for future studies on communication

strategies and student-teacher interaction.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses only on the more and less effective communication strategies in

enhancing teacher-student interactions. It will be conducted in Eastern Visayas State

University Main Campus, Tacloban City during the academic year 2023-2024. The

respondents in this study are BAEL first year students.

Definition of Terms

All terms used in this study were all defined operationally.

Effective Communication- the good quality of interactions between teachers and students.

Communication Strategies- techniques or methods used to have either effective or

ineffective teacher-student interaction.

Collaborative Learning- includes activities within group of learners and discussions

frequently that enhance teacher-student interaction.

Teacher-Student Interaction- the communication that occurs between teachers and students.

Supportive Learning Environment- the diverse physical locations in which students learn.

Academic Success- achievement of a student or student satisfaction.

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