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TOPIC: Special Education in MAPEH

1. An Act providing for the rehabilitation, self-development, and self-reliance of disabled persons
and their integration in to the mainstream of society is known as:
A. RA 7277
B. RA 7394
C. RA 8749
D. RA 344

2. Mrs. Pablo handles a regular class with one mainstreamed blind student. What can she do during
PE class?
A. Exempt the student
B. Modify instruction
C. Modify activity
D. Give other classroom work

3. A MAPEH teacher happens to handle an ADHD student. What can the teacher do during the PE
period when he starts to bully other classmates?
A. Reprimand him and take him out of the activity
B. Make him in-charge of the distribution and retrieval of sports equipment
C. Group him with other bullies
D. Make him a leader of a group

4. A partially sighted student would like to join the dance club. What could the dance adviser do to
accommodate the special student
A. Allow the student to audition together with the other normal students
B. Give special consideration to a special student
C. Do not allow him to join the club because it will difficult for him to adjust
D. Let other dancers tutor him

5. Teacher Joyce is a MAPEH teacher who has five students with special needs in her Art class.
One of the students has emotional and behavior disorders and has difficulty staying on task, not
disrupting others and raising his hand when he has something to say. Unfortunately, several stu-
dents seemed to be learning his “bad” behavior instead of him learning the good behavior of the
other students. Which of the following measures should teacher Joyce use to solve the problem:
A. use peer recognition
B. Ignore the situation on purpose
C. use punishment
D. time out

6. An important factor that positively affects students with physical and health handicapping situation
in Music and Art class is the extent to which they are busy in purposeful, authentic activities.
Which of the following does not describe adapting for instruction?
A. Look for opportunities for rewards and punishments
A. Use different groupings to give students the opportunity to acquire the skills
B. Modify instruction or the activity
C. Get students interests in accomplishing the task

7. Severe disabilities are often described as a condition in which typical life activities are significantly
affected. Which of the following is not a severe disability?

A. deaf-blind
B. autisms
C. hard of hearing
D. speech disorder

8. Tests are a way to find out what students have learned. The best way to discover what students
have learned is ________________.
A. to use standardized test
B. to use teacher-made tests
C. to use assessment portfolio
D. to use student-friendly tests

9. This law aims to fully integrate differently-abled persons into the mainstream of Philippine society.
It reinforces the rights and privileges of PWDs, who are now entitled to a minimum of 20 percent
discount on various services such as hotel and lodging, restaurants, recreation centers, theaters,
cinemas, carnivals, and concerts, among others.
A. RA 9442
B. RA 344
C. RA 9165
D. RA 772

10. Accessibility law is an act that enhances the following except:

A. mobility of disabled persons
B. establishment of public utilities
C. Installation of Devices
D. twenty percent discount for products and services

11. All of the following statements pertaining to mainstreaming are correct except.
A. Mainstreaming allows special students to interact with regular class peers and reduces the
effects of labeling.
B. Most special students receive the majority of their education in the special school.
C. Regular class teacher contributes to the success of mainstreaming by participating in the
assessment, program planning, IEP development and placement decisions
D. Most special students can succeed in the mainstream.

12. Students are referred to special education if they have special needs which interfere with their
school performance and if their needs cannot be adequately met within the regular educational
program. If a student has difficulty with one or more senses and mobility, what need must be
addressed by the special school?
A. Classroom behavior needs
B. Physical needs
C. Academic needs
D. Social needs

13. These students are characterized by above average performance on measures of intellectual
performance; they may excel academically in all subjects or be particularly advanced in one.
A. Talented students
B. Gifted students
C. Excellent students
D. Advanced students

14. Reinforcements have strong effects upon a preferred behavior if done in appropriate timing. What
type of reinforcement makes use of hugs, positive comments, and a pat on the back?
A. Tangible reinforcement
B. Edible reinforcement
C. Social reinforcement
D. Activity reinforcement

15. Many special students encounter difficulty in social interactions with regular class peers and
teachers. Most common sources of the problem are the following except:
A. The behavior of the special student
B. The attitudes and behavior of the regular students
C. School staff and administration’s lack of knowledge about special students
D. Parents of special students who are overly protective

16. The following statements about disabilities and handicaps are correct except:
A. A student may be disabled without being handicapped.
B. A disability is some sort of impairment.
C. Male students with special needs are more common than female students.
D. Physical disability is directly related to intelligence.

17. Which of the following statement best explains modification for special students?
A. When regular students have questions regarding the mainstreamed students, the teacher
must answer them promptly and honestly.

B. Before a special student becomes a member of the class, the regular teacher prepares the
other students by not only talking about the special student’s disability but also about his/her
interests, hobbies and talents.
C. Regular classroom teachers must group students with special needs with other students with
learning needs.
D. Call special attention to mainstreamed students. There should be a special treatment, special
assignment and must be given privately.

18. Identify the correct sequence of activities when a regular classroom teacher wants an
individualized instruction.
1. selection of the learning task
2. apply skills from the previous concepts
3. present the materials for the task
4. master the learning task
5. practice the learning task
A. 1,2,3,4,5
B. 1,3,4,5,2
C. 1,3,5,4,2
D. 1,2,4,3,5

19. Which of the following is not true about the use of drugs in management of hyperactivity?
A. Drug treatment should be considered a permanent solution to a youngster’s problem.
B. During the course of drug treatment, the child should periodically be drug free.
C. Drugs should be considered only when there is a demonstration of inordinately inappropriate
D. Before drug treatment is implemented, behavior modification procedures or remedial
techniques should be attempted.

20. When is the right time to prepare the IEP?

A. When the resource room is ready
B. When assessment is complete
C. When remediation is completed
D. When the child is enrolled

21. Special students can earn time to use media such as film, film strips, videotapes, and television
as ________________________.
A. Rewards for appropriate behavior
B. Direct instruction in interpersonal skill
C. An aid in the presentation
D. An aid to monitor independent practice

22. Mildly retarded students have special needs in academic, classroom behavior, physical needs
and social performance. Which of the following are indicators of mild retardation?
A. Acting out or withdrawn behavior
B. Sensory impairment
C. Slow rate of learning
D. Excels in one or two areas

23. The following are descriptions of language disorder except:

A. The inability to communicate using symbols
B. Inability to use appropriate grammatical pattern
C. Difficulty in producing sounds
D. Proper use of speech sounds

24. Which of the following government agencies is in-charge of the special education program in the
A. Commission on Higher Education
B. Bureau of Elementary Education
C. Bureau of Secondary Education
D. Department of Education

25. The following classification of special students have physical needs except:
A. Learning disabilities
B. Mental retardation
C. Vision/Hearing Impaired
D. Speech/Language disorder

26. Which of the following statements is true about special students?

A. Children with special needs can be effectively integrated in the regular PE program.
B. Children with special needs are educated in the least restrictive environment.
C. Students with mental retardation, physical and health disabilities, and autism are admitted in
the mainstream.
D. The Bureau of Secondary Education takes care of the SPED prog-rams in the DepEd.

27. Children with the following disability constitute the greatest percentage of exceptional children in
the public school.
A. Learning disability
B. Mental retardation
C. Physical and Health handicapped
D. Visual Impairment

28. Students with mild mental retardation has an IQ of ____________________.

A. 40-50
B. 50-70
C. 70-80
D. 80-90

29. Ten percent of all persons with mental disability are born with a chromosomal abnormality which
results to ______________.
A. Cerebral Palsy
B. Hearing Impairment
C. Down Syndrome
D. Epilepsy

30. It is a condition of recurring seizures that is initiated by abnormal electrical charges in the brain.
A. Cerebral Palsy
B. Down Syndrome
C. Seizure Disorder
D. Perceptual-Motor Deficiencies

31. Sensory impairment and neurological disorders include all of the following except
A. Perceptual-Motor Deficiencies
B. Hearing Impairment
C. Seizure Disorders
D. Visual Impairment

32. The following are contents of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) except:
A. Summary of present level performance
B. Annual goals
C. IEP committee members Agreement
D. Daily goals
33. The following are symptoms of perceptual-motor deficiencies except
A. Body image
B. Balance
C. Hand-eye and foot-eye coordination
D. Tactile awareness

34. Eating disorders associated with obesity among special students include anorexia nervosa and
bulimia. The criteria for obesity depend upon the assessment approach used which is
A. Physical Fitness test
B. Skinfold caliper
C. Treadmill test
D. Food Intake Analysis

35. This type of impairment denotes any congenital or acquired impairment that has produced a
motor disability.
A. Traumatic brain injury
B. Orthopedic impairments
C. Postural deviations
D. Cardio-respiratory disorders

36. The term physically awkward refers to children who do not suffer from a known neurological or
physical disability, yet have difficulty learning and performing basic motor skills. The following are
common warning signs except:
A. Late in walking
B. Poor catching skills
C. Difficulty coping with friends
D. Dislike of climbing equipment

37. The following descriptors are inherent in physically awkward children except:
A. Poor school achievement
B. Reading difficulties
C. Low self-esteem and self-concept
D. Balance and spatial orientation

38. Parents, teachers, and school officials have always been concerned about children’s posture
because it has something to do with a child’s personality. Which of the following is the primary
cause postural problems?
A. Chronic television watching
B. Inadequate daily exercise
C. Slanting desks
D. Poor lighting

39. The organizational structure of station work for special students in physical education is more
effective with the use of ___________.
A. Task cards
B. Peer tutor
C. Circuit training
D. Obstacle course

40. Stations are particularly useful when attempting to individualized the instruction program for the
different physical activities. Which of the following activities is appropriate for three children with
moderate limitations and cannot participate in rigorous activities?
A. Rope climbing
B. Small equipment use
C. Mat activities
D. Vaulting box

41. One major challenge in the field of special education program is inclusion. Inclusion is originally
called _________________.
A. Streamlining
B. Mainstreaming
C. Integration
D. Individualizing

42. Students with rheumatic fever can be dealt with which of the following guidelines?
A. The amount and type of physical activity must be prescribed by a physician.
B. Teachers should not allow students to participate in physical activities.
C. Parents should report to the teachers the early signs of fatigue.
D. Take the child’s pulse before any physical activity is started.

43. Two most common respiratory impairments are asthma and cystic fibrosis. Most asthmatic
children can participate in the regular activities except when any of these situations is present
A. Heavy coughing
B. Heavy wheezing
C. Tightening of chest
D. High Fever

44. The State shall therefore promote and maintain equality of access to education as well as the
enjoyment of benefits of education by all its citizens. Which is the legal basis for this?
A. RA 9165
B. BP 232
C. BP 344
D. RA 7277

45. Studies of the most accommodating teaching and participation effects for various children with
special needs who require great amounts of assistance emphasize the use of _______.
A. Individualized instruction
B. Peer tutor
C. Collaborative work
D. Group approach
46. In terms of the public school system, students who possess this level of mental disability are
classified as educable.
A. Mild or moderate
B. Moderate or severe
C. Mild or profound
D. Profound or moderate

47. The following guidelines will help teachers integrate students with visual impairments into the
regular physical education program except:
A. Use bright colored objects to encourage children to use their residual vision
B. Use tactile and auditory boundary
C. Use peers to guide children with visual impairment
D. Use children with visual impairments as posts in the given activity

48. Which of the following can be done to help children with special needs?
A. Early identification of the disability
B. Consultation with parents
C. Consultation with medical practitioners
D. Early intervention for the disability

49. Which of the following types of postural defects belong to the first type of functional deviation?
A. Kyphosis (Round upper back)
B. Lordosis (hollow back)
C. C-shaped Scoliosis (lateral curvature)
D. S-shaped Scoliosis (Lateral curvature)

50. The intramural program provides an excellent opportunity to integrate children with special needs.
This can be accomplished by ______________.
A. Modifying games
B. Modifying instruction
C. Modifying equipment
D. Modifying facilities

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