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SCIENCE 2020-2021
1. Which statement describes a vector?

(a) It has magnitude but no direction

(b) It has direction but no magnitude
(c) It has both direction and magnitude
(d) It has constant magnitude but no direction

2. Is this a scalar quantity or a vector quantity?

Wind blowing at 20 knots
(a) Scalar
(b) Vector

3. If a boomerang is thrown 20 m in a straight line and returns exactly to the spot it

was thrown what is its displacement?
(a) 20m
(b) 40m
(c) 0m
(d) -20m

4. An object can be moving for 10 seconds and still have zero displacement.
(b) False

5. Speed is a __________ quantity and velocity is a __________ quantity.

(a) scalar, vector
(b) vector, scalar

6. An object is NOT accelerating if it is moving

(a) in a circle
(b) at constant velocity
(c) at increasing speed
(d) only as influenced by gravity

7. A car slows down from +32 m/s to +8 m/s in 4 s. The acceleration is

(a) 6 m/s/s opposite the motion
(b) 2m/s/s in the direction of motion
(c) 8 m/s/s opposite the motion

8. An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s/s

for 8 s until it finally lifts off the ground.
Determine the velocity at take-off.
(a) 0.4 m/s
(b) 25.6 m/s
(c) 2.5 m/s

9. A cheetah travels 75 m in 3 s. Her velocity of 25 m/s over the interval is

(a) instantaneous
(b) average

Question 1
Velocity–time graphs

Distance – Time graphs


1. Which type of force(s) will cause a change in an object's motion?

(a) gravity
(b) zero net force
(c) balanced forces
(d) unbalanced forces

2. friction is a force that acts

(a) in the same direction as the motion
(b) opposite to the direction of the motion
(c) opposite to the applied forces
(d) the same direction as the applied force

3. What Unit do we Measure Force in?

(a) Newtons
(b) Joules
(c) Force

4. Which has more Inertia?

(a) Truck
(b) Ant
(c) A cat
(d) A skateboard

5. In a tug of war the left team pulls with a force of 200N. The right team pulls with a
force of 150N.What is the net force?
(a) 50N to the left.
(c) 350N to the left.
(d) 350N to the right.
(e) 50N to the right.

6. the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion

(a) acceleration
(b) inertia
(c) mass
(d) frame of reference

7. What happens when two forces act in the same direction?

(a) They cancel each other out.
(b) The stronger one prevails.
(c) Their strengths are added.
(d) Their sum divided by the two is the total force.

8. During which interval is the object speeding up?

(a) A to B
(b) B to C
(c) D to E
(d) E to F

9. What is this graph showing?

(a) Constant Speed
(b) Acceleration (speeding up)
(c) Deceleration (slowing down)
(d) No motion

10. Why is it harder for the boy in Image B to get down the hill?
(a) Motion
(b) Friction
(c) Work
(d) Displacement

11. A magician pulls a tablecloth out from under dishes and glasses on a table
without disturbing them.
(a) Newton's 1st Law
(b) Newton's 2nd Law
(c) Newton's 3rd Law

12. A net force of 15 N is exerted on an encyclopedia to cause it to accelerate at a rate

of 5 m/s2. Determine the mass of the encyclopedia?
(a) m = 3.0 kg
(b) m = 4.0 kg
(c) m = 3.0 ml
(d) m = 30.0 g

Questions on Newton’s laws

(a) How do you calculate the weight of an object?
(b) What is the weight of a 40kg object?
(c) What would be the mass of an object that weighs 200N?
(d) What changes depending on location in the universe, weight or mass?
(e) State Newton’s First Law of Motion.
(f) State Inertia.

(a) If a net horizontal force of 130 N is applied to a person with mass 60.0 kg who
is resting on the edge of a swimming pool, what horizontal acceleration is
(b) What magnitude of net force is required to give a 135-kg refrigerator an
acceleration of magnitude 1.40 m/s2
(c) A box rests on a frozen pond, which serves as a frictionless horizontal surface.
If a fisherman applies a horizontal force with magnitude 48.0 N to the box and
produces an acceleration of magnitude 3.00 m/s2, what is the mass of the

For each stage of the dive, describe as much as possible about the
skydiver: the forces, the size of the forces, their speed, their
acceleration, etc.
Stage 1:

Stage 2:
Stage 3:

Stage 4:

Stage 5:

Why do you feel heavier when the elevator ascends and lighter when you are


1. What kind of wave is pictured below?

(a) compressional wave

(b) transverse wave
(c) sound wave
(d) mechanical wave

2. What can electromagnetic waves travel through?

(a) mediums
(b) empty space
(c) solely solids
(d) both mediums and empty space

3. What property of this wave is represented by the letter "A"

(a) Amplitude
(b) Crest
(c) Trough
(d) Wavelength

4. In what type of wave does the medium move perpendicular to the

movement of the wave?
(a) Transverse
(b) Longitudinal
(c) Electromagnetic
(d) Radio

5. Which type of wave does sound travel in?

(a) Transverse
(b) Longitudinal

6. Light is an example of which type of wave?

(a) Transverse
(b) Longitudinal
(c) Both
(d) Neither

7. Which wave travels parallel in relation to a medium?

(a) Transverse
(b) Longitudinal
(c) Both
(d) Neither

8. To calculate the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, you need to

know the speed of the wave and its
(a) wavelength.
(b) intensity.
(c) refraction.
(d) amplitude.

9. The waves with the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic

spectrum are
(a) Infrared rays.
(b) radio waves
(c) gamma rays
(d) X-rays

10. Select the correct order of waves on the EMS from low to high energy
(a) Radio, Micro, Infra, Visible, Ultra, X-ray, Gamma
(b) Gamma, X-ray, Ultra, Vis, Infra, Micro, Radio
(c) Vis, Micro, Infra, Ultra, X-ray, Gamma, Radio
(d) Micro, Radio, Vis, Infra, Ultra, X-ray, Gamma
11. Which has the LONGEST wavelength and, therefore, the LOWEST
(a) Gamma Rays
(b) Ultraviolet
(c) Visible Light
(d) Infrared rays

(a) Two waves, each with an amplitude of 0.5m are superimposed with
constructive interference such that they are in phase. What is the resultant
(b) Two waves, one with an amplitude of 1.2m and the other of 0.78m are
superimposed with destructive interference. What is the resultant
(c) Two identical waves are superimposed with destructive interference. What
will happen to the resulting wave?

(a) What happens to the speed of a water wave when it travels from shallow
to deep water?
(b) What happens to the wavelength of a water wave when it travels from
deep to shallow water?
(c) What happens to the frequency of a water wave when it travels from
shallow to deep water?
(a) Calculate the period of a wave with a frequency of 50 Hz
(b) Calculate the speed of a wave of frequency 20 Hz and wavelength 6m.
(c) Calculate the wavelength of a wave with speed 60m/s and frequency 10Hz?

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