038-pkm B.inggris (Versi Inggris) - M.Badrus (TMAB-2b)

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M.BADRUS SYAFA’ (33212201038)

Supporting Lecturer :Ratna Ayu Pawestri Kusuma

Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd.




The reason I chose the steamed veggie roll product is because this product can be a healthy menu
for anyone to consume, especially for the people of Kepuh village, where in fact the majority are children
who don't like to eat vegetables even though the area is also a vegetable producer, this is due to the
shortage. innovation in vegetable processing so as to reduce mint eating vegetables by the children there.
In my opinion, this product might taste less if it is not accompanied by chili sauce because I like spicy.
therefore, I serve this product with sauce. The sauce is made a little different than usual because I use
chili sauce as a complement to the steamed veggie roll product

In general, this steamed veggie roll is usually filled with meat, such aschicken, fish, shrimp, beef,
etc. However, in this product, I tried to make a different filling than usual, by using red kidney beans as
the filling as well as the main ingredient of this product. The reason why red kidney beans are used as the
main ingredient is because red kidney beans are also used in the “sambal”.Red kidney beans are one of
the food that are often found in Indonesia.This type of bean has a fairly high protein and is usually used as
protein for vegetarians because it has a low fat content. Another advantage is that red beansare free of
cholesterol, so they are safe for consumption by all groups of people from various age groups. Red bean
protein can also be used to reduce LDL cholesterol levels which are bad for human health, and increase
HDL cholesterol levels which are good for human health. (Made A, 2009) Red kidney beans are not good
for raw consumption because they still contain several anti-nutritional compounds, such as phytic acid,
oligosaccharides, hemagglutinins, anti-trypsin, and goitrogens which can inhibit the digestibility of
nutritional components. (Agranoff, 2001) Therefore, red kidney beans must go through the soaking stage
before being processed. The soaking stage in red kidney beans has a function that can help reduce anti-
nutrient compounds in kidney beans and increase protein digestibility. (Kanetro, 2005) Nutrition and
health benefits of red kidney bean are high antioxidants that are able to ward off free radicals and prevent
aging of the body, contain high fiber, prevent blood sugar from rising because it has a low glycemic
index, weight management, prevent the risk of cancer, lowering cholesterol, good for heart health, the
high folate content in red beans is good for pregnant women because itcan reduce the risk of birth defects
(Nadia F, 2021)Characteristics of steamed veggie roll is that it has a savory, spicy tasteand the sweetness
of red kidney beans that dominates the steamed veggie roll andthe “sambal”. Everyone has a different
level of spiciness. It means, steamedveggie roll can be consumed without the “sambal”.The filling of
steamed veggie roll is not only red kidney beans, but thereare white tofu and scallions that can strengthen
the taste of steamed veggie roll.The reason why I used white tofu as a supporting filling is because white
tofu hasa soft texture so that it is able to balance the texture of the filling between redkidney bean and
white tofu. I used chinese cabbage as a roll because it has an elongated shape and a light color. Chinese
cabbage can form a lot of rolls so thatthe product is not easily torn.


a) Identify the correct way to process red kidney beans to produce the new


b) Identify how to pack the producr to make it last longer.

c) Identify how to market this new product.

d) Determine the suitable product concept to be developed.

e) Determine and test the process to produce a new product.

f) Calculate the nutritional content in this product.

g) Calculate the exact cost and price range for these products.

h) Plan a market strategy for the final product.


1. Benefit for Student :

Researchers can discovered new variant of steamed veggies roll by using red

kidney beans as the main ingredients.

2. Benefit for Ottimmo :

Have a source reference for a new type of product.

3. Benefit for Readers :

Being a reference for the readers to try this new product



2.1 The Condition Of The Kepuh Village Environment

-lack of entrepreneurship

In the Kepuh village area, it is a village with a majority of farmers and the people there depend
on these livelihoods and result in a lack of public awareness in doing entrepreneurship to
improve their economy.

-lack of creative farmers

The farmers in the kepuh area include farmers who can be said to be less creative because most
of the farmers there only plant and sell to middlemen at harvest time, the farmers there lack the
awareness to increase use value and added value by developing products made from these crops

-Children don't like to eat vegetables

Most of the children there started to dislike eating vegetables because of the many instant snacks
in the shops, and also the penchant of the village community to shop for goods in the city.

2.2 Food Processing Innovation


the process of creating a new existing food product in order to increase the economic value of its


breaking the economy of the Kepuh village community, creating children's interest in vegetables

- all kinds of processed food

Fried ice cream


Noodle burgers
Tempe steaks

Steamed viggie roll

2.3 Steamed Vigie Roll From Vegetables And Red Bean Sauce

_understanding vegetables

Vegetables or vegetables is a general designation for plant-based foodstuffs which usually

contain a high water content, which can be consumed after being cooked or processed using
certain techniques, or in a fresh state.

- the benefits and content of vegetables contained in these products

Vegetable salad contains many vitamins and minerals that are important for the immune system
such as vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin A is important for eye health and maintains healthy skin,
while vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system and helps overcome oxidative stress.

-understanding red beans

Jogo beans or red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) are not Indonesian native plant. This plant
originates from Southern Mexico,South America and mainland China. Furthermore, these plants
spread to other areas such as Indonesia, areas that are widely planted with jogo beans or Red
beans are Lembang (Bandung), Pacet (Cipanas), Batu City (Bogor) and Lombok Island
(Astawan, 2009)The seeds of jogo beans or red beans are red or red with white spots. For this
reason, jogo nuts are also used in everyday life referred to as red beans (red kidney bean).
Another name for nuts red is galling beans. Kidney beans are only eaten in seed form aged, both
fresh and dried (Astawan, 2009).

- the benefits and content of red beans

Red beans contain lots of protein and carbohydrates. Superiority

Another thing is that red beans are free of cholesterol, so they are safe for consumption

consumed by all groups of people from various 11 groups

age. Red bean protein can also be used to lower levels

LDL cholesterol which is bad for human health, as well as

Increases HDL cholesterol levels which are good for health

humans (Astawan, 2009)

2.4 Ingridients

1. Red Kidney Bean

Red Kidney Bean is the main ingredients for the product.

2. Chinese Cabbage

Chinese Cabbage is used to cover the filling.

3. White Tofu

White Tofu is one of the ingredients in the filling.

4. Scallion

Scallion is one of the ingredients in the filling.

5. Egg

Egg is one of the ingredients in the filling.

6. Tapioca Starch

Tapioca Starch is one of the ingredients in the filling.

7. Red Chili

Red Chili is one of the ingredients to make the sambal.

8. Shallot

Shallot is one of the ingredients to make the sambal.

9. Garlic

Garlic is one of the ingredients to make the sambal and gives flavor to the


10. Oyster Sauce

Oyster Sauce is used as a flavoring for the filling.

11. Salt

Salt is the seasoning for the filling and sambal.

12. Pepper

Pepper is the seasoning for the filling and sambal.

13. Sugar

Sugar is the seasoning for the sambal.


Agranoff. 2001. The Complete Handbook of Tempe: The Unique Fermented

Soyfood of Indonesia 2nd ed. December 9th. 2021

Kanetro. 2005. Karakteristik Trypsin Inhibitor dan Penjajagan Sebagai Komponen

Makanan Fungsional Penderita Diabetes (IIDM). Agritech. 25(4):186-194.
December 9th. 2021
Made, A. 2009. Kandungan Gizi Kacang Merah .http://repository.unimus.ac.id/.
November 20th. 2021
Nadia, F. 2021. Manfaat Kacang Merah, Si Kacang Manis Yang Kaya
November 1st. 2021 Panganku. 2018. Data Komposisi Pangan I
Astawan, M. 2009. Sehat Dengan Hidangan Kacang dan Biji-Bijian. Penebar Swadaya.

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