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IEC61850 Pilot Project @ PPU Nada Alam: Tes ng & Discussion on SCADA Gateway & HMI with

Puan Ramlah

Date: 24/8/2023

Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Venue: PPU Nada Alam

Important Notes

No. Item Ac on
1. To document the following item in the drawing JET

a) all logics implemented in the SCADA Gateway and HMI

b) HMI Se ngs
c) HMI Display

2. HMI to display all signals from the substa on. JET

Refer to signal list

3. Control command windows shown below JET

a. To increase Windows dura on from 30s to 60s
b. To include BCU failed signal in the logic
c. To include CAS signal in the logic

4. To remove the wording highlighted in red below JET

5. To modify HMI main page JET
a. to display transformer current for all phases
b. to display P & Q only for every feeder
c. to display remote/sta on status for every feeder
d. to display 5 latest sta on alarm
6. To modify on the Bay page JET
a. To display the protec on pick up and operated signals for
every phases
b. On the Selector Switch, to rename as Switchgear & BCU
c. To display 5 latest sta on alarms
d. To display the specific bay 5 latest alarms
e. To make sure bay display is not blocked by the alarm display

7. Network page JET

a. To check on the display – when the communica on loss
b. The diagram took long me to be normalized a er
communica on restored

8. Alarm page and SOE page – the proposed solu on is not accepted JET
a. To proposed other solu on

9. 10. SGW – JET

a. should only send the IED fail signal to Master
b. should not send invalid signals of the IEDs to Master.

11. Signal list for Master TNBR

a) Individual control authority (Supervisory/Remote) for each
b) Individual signal for IED (Relay dan BCU) fails
c) Common signal for IED comm fails according to bay
d) Time sync fail alarm only for SGW

12. Signal list for HMI TNBR

a) To remove VSS Contact Status for 33kV feeder as per drawing
b) To remove DS in progress signal
c) To send all other signals to HMI
13. BCU LED display TNBR
a) to display switchgear status of local/remote instead of IED panel
Remote/Supervisory signal

14. To check BCU double bit processing se ngs TNBR

a) TNB standard se ng is 25s
b) This is to ensure the Intermediate state of the switchgear status is
not send to HMI during normal switchgear opera on

15. Panel Selector Switch “Remote / Supervisory”

a) To change the word SUPERVISORY with STATION on the Selector

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