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LF Applicant Code: C2-LF2019-G8

Session Title Life Skills

Duration Time allotment depends on the degree of importance of the topic/activity
with respect to others. This is done by ranking the topics based on their
relative importance. You can also assign the number of minutes for every
activity that you will do.
Target Participants Nominees for Learning Facilitators’ Certification
Learning Objectives Towards the end of the session, adult learners are expected to:
a. Identify life skills based on personal experiences of adult learners;
b. Appreciate importance of life skills in managing learning and coping
with difficulties; and
c. Share stories of successful use of life skills at home, in the workplace
and in the community.

Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time

materials/ Slide Allotment
Introduction: 1 10 minutes
Great day fellow learning
Before we formally proceed with
our session proper, I want to
break the ice that freezes our
nerves at this very moment.
We’ll do “FLEX KO LANG!”

Flash on the Screen: FLEX KO
Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
Activity: Human
body, Space
DO: Energizer and Activity for free
“FLEX KO LANG” As adult bodies become unyielding, learning movement
SAY: can tend to become easy or difficult DLP,
This activity learners realize depending on our ability to flex learning Computer
their capabilities and episodes from unlearning to relearning and and sound
limitations as adults. Diversity so on and so forth. system for
among them will surface out. audio (Mag
There are those whose at that Exercise
age can be flexible, and those Tayo
who are not. By funneling, Tuwing
participants would be directed Umaga by
and redirected to the main Yoyoy
course of the session. Villame)

Just follow the facilitator as 2
he/she says “FLEX KO LANG”
and do the flexi-movement of
their body parts. Participants
will say and do what the
facilitator does.


“FLEX KO LANG”. . . (See
a. aking ulo
b. ang aking mga kamay at

Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
c. ang aking bewang.
d. ang aking tuhod.
e. ang aking mga paa.

1. How do you find the
unfreezing activity?
2. More than aches and funs,
what does tell us as adults? Remember that adult learners are diverse.
They independently learn things that they
choose to learn. Thus if adult learners stop
flexing, they will stop learning.
3. What realization can we
generate from that activity? Learning is a lifelong process like what flexing
is doing when try to stretch our body parts. It
continuously grows, blood circulation
improves and keeps oxygen travel throughout
our body. These natural anatomical
processes keep us alive. It gives life us.
4. Can somebody bridge “FLEX
KO LANG” to our session for Like the slang word of the generation, “Flex”,
today, Life Skills? we can show off if we don’t have it. Same as
learning, we cannot help others learn if we
ourselves are not learning. We can only flex
in life if we have life skills.
Present the objectives: After the session, the participants will be able 3 1 minute

Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
 Identify life skills based on personal
experiences of adult learners;
 Appreciate importance of life skills in
managing learning and coping with DLP,
difficulties; and Computer,
 Share stories of successful use of life SD
skills at home, in the workplace and in
the community.
DO: Draw from the lots of Rolled 4 10 minutes
characters from ROLE PLAY 1 strips of
then ROLE PLAY 2. papers for
DO: Flash the instructions for ation (Draw
both the characters and the Lots)
SAY: DLP, Timer
You, audience will take note of
important life skills that the
characters would demonstrate
while they are playing their
roles on center stage.

You, role players are given a
situation at home or at the

Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
workplace. Think of your own
character and your dialogue
when you start doing the
“Extemporaneous Role Play”

DO: Flash on the screen the 2

minute time.

SAY: As I command you

“PASOK” Your character will
come in and you will speak up
your dialogue. Conversation
should start at once and end as
soon as the 2 minute time is

Role Play 1 (In the workplace)

1. Your character is a
trainer. You are about to
close a session when
there was another
annoying participant
argued with you about
making debts among
teachers. How can you
handle the situation with
effective communication

Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
and time management
given a limited time.
2. Your character is a very
difficult participant in a
training who keeps on
proving that you are right
and the facilitator is not.
The argument you will
raise is about the
position of many teachers
who resort to many debts
to manage their limited
financial resources.
3. Your character is a
participant who
intervenes with the
debating parties.

DO: Flash on the screen the 2

minute time.

SAY: As I command you

“PASOK” Your character will
come in and you will speak up
your dialogue. Conversation
should start at once and end as
soon as the 2 minute time is

Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment

ROLE PLAY 2: (At home)

1. You are a certified learning
facilitator of NEAP. In your
personal life, how can you
manage your resources
(time, money and people) at
home when your partner is
having trouble with his job
and getting messed up with
your kids (6 children: 2 in
college, 2 in high school
and 2 in elementary) and
your family finances
(heavily indebted)?
2. You are a troublesome
partner who argues with
your husband/wife. You
have just lost your job and
you feel that are going to be
inutile with the problems
that concern your schooling
children (2 in college, 2 in
high school and 2 in
elementary).and your debts
from different lending
3. You are one of the children
(Elem, HS and College).
DO: Facilitate the discussion by DLP and 5 10 minutes

Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
asking the following questions. SD

From the audience:
1. What characters in Answers will vary. Related terms and
Role Play 1 do you like concepts could be associated with the
most? Why? following broad concepts.
1. Communication
2. What characters in Learning communication skills is very
Role Play 2 do you like important in order to function well in
most? Why? today's society. Communication is a very
important component of life skills.
Teaching adults to communicate often
From the audience and includes how to manage anger or
the characters: frustrating situations, how to
communicate their own needs, and how to
1. What life skills can be deal with conflict.
observed in the role 2. Time Management
plays? In order to successfully exist in society,
proper time management is crucial.
Learning proper time management is also
DO: about learning how to make lists, plan
Harvest the gems. Take note of your day and even your week ahead, and
their answers. even how to say no to invitations.
3. Employment
Learning how to effectively work at a job is
a very important life skill. Learning to
communicate with co-workers and

Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
supervisors, dealing with conflict, learning
how to be on-time and work as part of a
team are all very important life skill
4. Managing Money
Some people live their whole lives without
learning how manage their money but it is
an extremely important skill to acquire.
5. Relationships
Making friends and having romantic
relationships is an important life skill for
adults. Knowing how to effectively
communicate and learning about loyalty in
relationships is imperative.

-S. Ayers
What is life skills training for adults?
Abstraction Internet 6 5 minutes
Word Cloud
1. What does it take for adults to Possible answers: App, DLP,
learn life skills? It takes so much pain in order to gain more Laptop,
knowledge, skills and attitude. Adult learners
need to be open to new ways of doing things.
They should be open and flexible enough with
current trends in the society. Tolerance must
always be observed among adult learners.

Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
Life skills are the skills that a person must
2. Based on your answers, how possess in order to successfully live in today's
can we define life skills? world. These include knowing how to work at
a job and be part of a team, manage money,
manage time, live as part of a family and
DO: learning effective communication skills.
Harvest the gems by typing the Unfortunately, many people grow to
answers to the questions. adulthood lacking necessary life skills to
Use word cloud app and successfully thrive in their own lives.
publish the image. Therefore, life skills training for adults may
become necessary.

Flash and explain the life skills According to the Center on the Developing 7-11 8 minutes
presented in role play using Child, Harvard University, we all need a set of
slide decks. core life skills to manage work, family, and
relationships successfully. These include:
Being able to make plans, Carry them out,
and set and meet goals (PLANNING);
Concentrating on what’s most important at
any given time (FOCUS); Having the ability to
control how we respond to our emotions and
stressful situations (SELF-CONTROL);
Noticing people and situations around us and
how we all fit into the picture (AWARENESS);
Being able to adapt to changing situations

10 | P a g e
Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
Application: Internet 12 3 minutes
DO: to use the
Let the words in the Word link for
Cloud be a source of Mission
application activity. Matrix
Sheet i.e.
On the screen is the word cloud In today’s world where situations are volatile, SION
formed by your imaginative and uncertain, complex and ambiguous, life skills
Hard copies
creative minds pooled together. are essential weapons to combat adversities
of Mission
From this cloud, choose at in life.
least one that you think could
be inspiring for you to pursue
by accomplishing our MISSION
For each
DO: 13
Laptop/ or
Flash on the screen the
shortened link for the
application activity:
to the
Distribute copies of Mission
Matrix, otherwise

In two minutes, use the
Mission Matrix and identify

11 | P a g e
Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
your focus (can be your
strength or areas of
improvement) that can be
enhanced by enumerating
doable actions. These actions
can lead you to form a
development pattern. (See
Sample on the Screen)
DO: Softly play 14 6 minutes
Have somebody to share your Sharing your mission to change a behavior the music
Mission Matrix and establish a and having somebody to support you in this of Bruno
communication with him or change process will help enhance one’s life Mars,
her to help you remind skills. “Today My
yourself of your mission for Life Begins”
developing such skills.
Closure SD and
DO: Audio: 15 2 minutes
Flash on the screen the self- “We are never too old to learn life skills, only “Today My
made thought about Life Skills. those who stop learning become old.” Life Begins”
Sir Mark
Play the Song “Today My Life
Begins” and end the session.

With all our shared ideas and
experiences that make this
session a precious one,
THANK YOU! (Sing out loud.)

12 | P a g e
Methodology Key Points Tools/ Time
materials/ Slide Allotment
References 16
“What is life skills training for adults?”
About the Author
Based in Richmond, Va., Susan Ayers is a senior learning
associate for a financial organization. She previously
developed web-based training for Circuit City and spent a
number of years creating eLearning courses for a not-for-
profit law enforcement organization. Ayers graduated magna
cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English from Virginia
Commonwealth University and holds a master's in education
from St. Joseph's College.
Center on the Developing Child, Harvard
See Sample Mission Matrix

13 | P a g e
Or Before engaging into computer
works in the office, I must Or
THINGS THAT I DO NOT HAVE BUT religiously do the following
Word Cloud). 1. Shine my desk, computer, SKILLS
printer and stuffs in my
2. Sort papers in my drawer.
ORAGANIZATION (being 3. Set aside those papers not
organized saves time, in current use and get those
improves efficiency and which should be prioritized.
contributes to effectiveness in 4. Check on my calendar
the workplace) (Google Calendar or One Note)
to see priority tasks for the day
5. Before leaving the office,
check on the tasks done and
In order for me to help influence others left undone.
effectively and best, I must prove to me 6. Set priorities for the next
and others that a NEAP Certified
Learning Facilitator is an authentic coming days in a week or a
catalyst of change by: month.
1. Engaging in more learning and
development sessions across all i want others to chenge the way they treat me by

governance levels; changing myself to become an example of an effectie

2. Taking every opportunity as a and competent employee in the office and consider
learning experience, be it formal or me as an asset of the organization.
3. Sharing those learning experiences
that others may be inspired
WAYS TO HELP OTHER ADULT 4. Helping other adults appreciate their CHANGE THAT I WANT TO SEE
own potentials and discover life skills
LEARNERS DEVELOP OR they have never developed before. AFTER (Describe the change that
DISCOVER LIFE SKILLS you want others see in you. How
long would it take for them to see
such change or development?)

14 | P a g e

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