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Hanna Kluesner

3 Teacher-Directed

1. Entry Ticket: “Pretest” to see how students are before starting the lesson

a. Grade Level: K-6

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Before lesson: Beginning of the day

e. How: Give students a question that has them recall information that was learned
yesterday, or on their homework. This is a great way for teachers to understand
what still needs to be taught. If a student does not understand, the teacher can then
give the student a little more support. Or, if we are teaching a new subject, it can
be used as a pretest. This can be beneficial so that teachers know how much
support they will need.

f. Reference:

2. Exit Ticket: Did they learn what I wanted them to learn?

a. Grade Level: K-6

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: After Lesson

e. How: Give students a question at the end of the lesson that asks them to recall
information that was taught to them. This is a great way for teachers to understand
what still needs to be taught. If a student does not understand, the teacher can give
them more support the next day.

f. Reference:
3. I do, We do, You do

a. Grade Level: K-6

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: End of the day: It will give students more focus.

e. How: I DO- Demonstrate what you want students to do. Make sure to model each
step that students are going to have to complete. The teacher demonstrates at the
front of the classroom so all of her students can see. WE DO- Students model
with the teacher. The teacher makes sure students understand what they are doing
before allowing them to do it by themselves. YOU DO- Students do the task by
themselves with minimal assistance.

f. Reference:

4. Bell-Ringer

5. Four Corners

3 Learner-Directed

1. K-W-L: Know, Want to know, Learned

a. Grade Level: K-6

b. What: Reading, Science, Math, Social Studies

c. Where: Classroom setting

d. When: Before starting the lesson: at the beginning of class

e. How: Have them create a T-Chart with K,W,&L. Explain that K means know, W
means want to know, L means Learned. They will be completing this before the
lesson, and after the lesson. First, students will write down what they know about
the topic being taught and write down what they want to know. Then, I will teach
the lesson and finally they will write down what they learned.

2. KUD: Knowledge-Understanding-Do

a. Grade Level: K-8

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Throughout Lesson

e. How: Students hear about what they are going to begin learning. They start to
understand the content. Finally, they do the content. This can be presented by a lesson
plan. Teachers introduce the topic, they teach the topic, and then students do some
activity related to the topic.

f. Reference:

3. PWL: Predict, Want to know, Learn

a. Grade Level: K-8

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Throughout Lesson

e. How: Have students create a T-chart with P, W, &L. Explain that P is predict. Have
students predict what the lesson might be about (this could be about a book or a
certain topic). Explain that W is want to know. Have students write down what they
hope to understand from the lesson. This would be a great time to have a discussion
with one another about what students want to learn. Finally, when the lesson is over
have students complete the L which means learned. This is a great way to assess how
well they understood the lesson.

f. Reference:

4. Quick Write then Turn and Talk

5. Snowball discussion

3 Motivational

1. Short-Term goals

a. Grade level: K-8

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Before the lesson

e. How: Students will get a piece of paper on which they will write their short-term
goals. They will keep this paper with them until they achieve their goal. This can
be used for anything. If a student achieves their goal they will receive some sort
of incentive. This is beneficial for them because it helps them understand how to
achieve goals and might enable them to achieve bigger goals. If students do not
achieve their goals, they will receive guidance on how to achieve their goals.

f. Reference:

2. Long-Term goals

a. Grade Level: K-8

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Before the lesson

e. How: Long-term goals will run the same as short-term goals. Students will get a
piece of paper on which they will write their long-term goals. They will keep this
paper with them until they achieve their goal. This can be used for anything. If a
student achieves their goal they will receive some sort of incentive. This is
beneficial for them because it helps them understand how to achieve goals and
might enable them to achieve bigger goals. If students do not achieve their goals,
they will receive guidance on how to achieve their goals.

f. Reference:

3. Rewards

a. Grade Level: Any grade

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: When students behave well.

e. How: If students are going above and beyond with their learning, they will receive
some sort of reward/incentive so that the behavior continues. I will also use this if
students are just being good humans. As teachers, we need to recognize students
for going above and beyond. I want to make sure all students receive rewards at
some point. Rewards could include fidget toys, homework passes, extra recess,

f. Reference:

4. Passes: Homework Passes,

3 Considering cultural differences

1. Cultural Holiday Calendar

a. Grade Level: K-8

b. Subject: Could be used in Social Studies or learn about it during morning


c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Anytime

e. How: It is important for students to understand the different holidays that happen
throughout every culture. I will incorporate the holidays into my classroom
meeting so that students understand that there are more holidays than the original
ones that they might have learned. I will have a calendar with all of the different
holidays hung up around my classroom.

f. Reference: Discussed in class- but this reference would be good.
2. Cultural Fair

a. Grade Level: K-8

b. Subject: Social Studies

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Throughout class/will be a unit so it will take a long time to complete.

e. How: Students will each have their own country and create a presentation about
the country they are assigned. They will spend a lot of time making their
presentation look neat. When presentation day comes, they will dress up like
people who reside in their certain country. We will have other students come learn
about this and parents will be invited to see their child present. This will be a
whole unit.

f. Reference: Discussed in class

3. “Map It”- Map of where students are from/where you traveled

a. Grade Level: K-8

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Morning Meeting

e. How: Teacher and students will mark on the map where they have all travelled.
This will spark conversation amongst everyone, because some people may have
been to the same places. It is important for students to share so that they can talk
about the differences in lifestyles they have encountered. I will buy a map and
pins online, or use a website online that is linked below.

f. Reference:

3 Considering students with special needs

1. Brain Breaks (Yoga)

a. Grade Level: K-8

b. Subject: During a transition period/when students need a break

c. Where: Classroom or gym

d. When: Throughout the day: Preferably in the middle of the day.

e. How: When I notice that students are getting antsy, I will take a pause on the
lesson and transition us to yoga. If students are not engaged in the lesson, they
will not grasp the information. So, I will make sure students get time throughout
the day for a brain break. I will have yoga mats in storage, and we will pull those
out. I will find a YouTube video for children’s yoga and we will follow through
with that. It will give students the break that they need in order to learn more.

f. Reference:

2. Voice levels: Have a chart with different voice levels and put a mark on the one
students need to be at.

a. Grade Level: K-8

b. Subject: Used throughout the day

c. Where: Classroom: It will be on the whiteboard

d. When: I will use it every day to maintain the volume I want in my classroom.

e. How: I have seen many different ways that this is done. My favorite is pressing a
certain button that lights up so students know what their volume level should be. I
have attached a link below that I will potentially use.

f. Reference:

3. Routines: Have routines on students’ desks so they know what is next.

a. Grade Level: K-8

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: On a students desk

d. When: On the desk constantly

e. How: Some students with special needs need some sort of visual aid to represent
their schedule throughout the day. I will make a bookmark that has visuals of the
student’s schedule. That way, students know what is to come and there are no

f. Reference:
3 Classroom management

1. Classroom jobs

a. Grade Level: K-6

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Depends on what job. It could be throughout the day, at the beginning
of the day, or at the end of the day.

e. How: Students will be chosen for a certain job for the week. Students will
make sure to do their job, so they are responsible. Some jobs could include
paper helper, door holder, line leader, lights helper, etc.

f. Reference:

2. Name Sticks

a. Grade Level: K-6

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Used when I need to make groups, call on students, etc.

e. How: Name sticks are a fun thing to do at the beginning of the year. Teachers
will let students decorate their name sticks that will be used all throughout the
year. Name sticks can be used to call on kids, make groups, etc. It is a great
way for teachers to call groups randomly.

f. Reference:

3. Student of the Month

a. Grade Level: K-6

b. Subject: NA

c. Where: Classroom
d. When: Morning meeting

e. How: We will pick 2 students of the month and one will present at the
beginning of the month and the other at the end. Every student will have the
opportunity. Students will bring pictures of themselves, have fun facts, and
complete a worksheet. Then, they will present themselves to the class. This is
a great way to get to know every student and have students find similarities
among them.

f. Reference:

4. Safe space

5. Creative Question Starts

6. Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light

3 Student positive redirections

1. Sandwich method- call home idea

a. Positive idea

b. Negative Idea

c. Way to fix it

i. Grade Level: K-6

ii. Subject: Any

iii. Where: Classroom

iv. When: Call home to parents

v. How: When I have to call home to a parent, I will make sure I ensure that I
use the sandwich method. The sandwich method consists of starting the
conversation with a positive comment, then I will need to break the news
about why I am calling (negative), and then finally we will discuss the
way to fix it. It is important to talk about the positives first, so that parents
understand that the student is good.

vi. Reference: Talked about in class

2. Class points
a. Grade Level: K-6

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Throughout the day

e. How: If a student is good, they receive a point and when they get a certain
number of points, they get a reward. This will make students want to behave well
because they are receiving a reward. If a student has a tough time with behavior, I
will make sure that I give them a point if I see excellent behavior.

f. Reference: Talked about in class

3. 3 for 10

a. Grade Level: Any

b. Subject: Any

c. Where: Classroom

d. When: Throughout the day/free time

e. How: Talk with a struggling student for 3 minutes, 10 days in a row. Just to keep
the student engaged. This ensures that I am making connections with students and
so that students know I am there for them.

f. Reference: Discussed in class

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