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Canfield Fair

Canfield Fair


The experience at the canfield fair was overall a great experience. We began by taking

seats in the medical building. We all had our own blood pressure cuff and had brought our

stethoscopes. We also had small cards to write our findings on and give to the people. Once we

were situated in our spots, people signed up and came to each of us to get their blood pressure

taken. I personally took at least 15 blood pressures, likely more. It was very interesting to see all

the different types of people receiving blood pressures screenings. Many of the individuals had

high blood pressures and many of them reported already being on a medication for hypertension.

It was also almost 80 degrees and most of the people had been walking for a while, which may

have contributed to the high readings. Many had also been eating fair food which could have

contributed as well. Overall, it was a very good experience to see the many different individuals

getting screened.


This experience taught me many things and met a variety of learning objectives for this nursing

in the community course. One of the objectives met was describing the community as a setting

for all levels of health care delivery from clinical community experience. This clinical met this

objective by allowing us to see a large variety of individuals. Working in a doctor’s office or

even at a hospital, limits the individuals you see. When you go into a public event, such as the

fair, it allows you to see more variety. Many of these individuals may not see their doctors

regularly. They may not know that blood pressure is such an important element of their health.

There are some individuals who only check their blood pressure yearly at the fair and then there

are others at this event who check their blood pressure multiple times a day. Another objective
Canfield Fair

met was applying educational theories, principles and strategies when teaching individuals, and

families at health fairs, health screenings and home care. After screening, it was important to

educate the individual on what a normal reading is. It is also important to tell them what they can

and should do if they have an extremely high or low reading. With that being said, is also

important to know the level of education the individual has. You may need to alter your teaching

strategies to fit the individual’s level of education. We did this a lot at the fair, given it is such a

large event. Some people understood what they should do for high blood pressure and were even

on medications already, others we had to advise to see their doctors.


Overall, I learned a lot from this experience. I was very surprised to learn how little some

individuals know about blood pressure. It is so important for one’s health and they should be

educated so they can help themselves stay healthy. I also relearned some of the old techniques I

had used when taking blood pressures. Since we had not been in class for a while, it was a great

way to freshen up on blood pressures and get comfortable again. I also learned the importance of

screenings in the public like this. Many of these individuals do not seek medical treatment aside

from this, so I am happy events like this occur. This screening helped to promote wellness and

good health in our community. It also offers individuals a free place to learn about the

importance of a good blood pressure. It is inclusive to those of any economic background.

Overall, it was a very rewarding experience and I am happy I got to help people in our


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