Science Syllabus

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Course Statement

Mrs. Do Couto e-mail: School Year 2023-2024

This is your plan for success in science. It describes what you can expect from this course and
what is expected of you. This course includes scientific inquiry, discussion, and evaluation of
evidence to develop graphical representations and mathematical models to meet State and district
competencies. The concepts studied in this course are cumulative and build upon each other
throughout the year (all topics are interconnected, and every new topic is based on the concepts
studied in previous topics), for that reason it is extremely important for you to be in class every
During this school year, students will be exploring and investigating many different areas of
science including energy, Earth’s systems and human impact on our Earth, ecosystems,
biological change, and engineering and design. To supplement these units, students will be
participating in science labs as well as projects/presentations throughout the course. You can
expect at least one lab/project to be assigned each nine-week grading period. Students will
participate in a lab safety course within the first few days of school and will need a lab safety
contract signed by a parent/guardian before they are allowed to conduct any labs.
MATERIALS REQUIRED: Text is available online through Schoology. Notebook: Each student
is required to have a composition notebook (Class notes). Calculator: Each student is required to
bring a calculator. You must have your own calculator. Pencil, Pen, and ruler. (*) Each student is
required to bring his/her notebook, lined paper, calculator, pen, and pencil to class each day.
One of the major factors that contribute to poor grades is student absence. Absences often result
in missed activities or lessons. Students are responsible for coming to me to get makeup work for
the time they have missed immediately upon their return to class. This will be especially
important now that we are on a block schedule, and each missed day will cover more than 2
regular days of class. TARDIES: We expect all students to be prompt in each class session. Any
student that is not in his/her assigned seat when the last bell rings is considered tardy unless
he/she has a school-issued pass.

1. Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.
2. No food, gum, or beverages are allowed in the room (except water).
3. Bring required materials every day (see materials, above).
4. Follow teacher directions and lab procedures.
5. Pay attention and do your work (do not waste time in class).
6. No use of profanity in the classroom.
6. Respect yourself, your peers, and your teachers.
7. Students may not enter or exit the classroom during the first 10 or last 10 minutes of class
Violation of class rules will result in lower conduct grades, parents contact, or referrals.
1. Enter and sit down in your assigned seat. 2. Immediately begin doing your Bell Ringer
assignment. 3. Pay attention & do your work (do not waste time in class). 4. Bathroom
(emergency only) sign the bathroom log and use the bathroom pass. 5. Write down your
homework and stay in your seat until the bell rings. COMPLETING ASSIGNMENTS /
All class activities will be posted in Schoology. If you are absent or if you want to go over the
assignments at home, you can find everything there.
BRING YOUR STUDENT SUPPLIES TO CLASS: A student that does not have materials to
complete classroom assignments will be considered unprepared for class (see student supplies).
TAKING CLASS NOTES: This is a very important component of the learning process. Random
checks may be held during class time and will count as a classwork grade.
The single most important thing that you do is to complete assignments to the best of your ability
and on time. Any assignment that is turned in after the assigned date will not be accepted. The
only exception is if the student has an excused absence the day an assignment was to be turned
in, that work will be accepted if the student has it with him/her when he/she returns to class (see
Items Needed for Class Every Day
1. Computer
2. Pens, pencils, eraser, highlighter
3. Graphing Paper
4. Composition Book
5. 1 pair of headphones or earbuds
Lab coat and safety glasses are required for laboratory days.

Turn in to be used in the classroom:

2 reams of copy paper (turn in)
1 Ziplock 1-gallon bag (turn in)
1 Paper Towel (turn in)
1 Disinfectant wipes (turn in)

DOING YOUR OWN WORK: You are asked to do your own work on class activities because
that is the only way that we know whether you are learning. If you attempt to communicate in
any way during a quiz or test, then you will receive a zero. If a student is observed using
(copying) another’s paper, then both will earn zero credit
EXAMINATIONS: Tests will be given after each unit. Quarterly Exams will be given too.


100 - 90 -A 89 - 80 B 79 - 70 C 69 - 60 D 59 or less F Not turned
in Z “0” points

If you have any questions regarding this Course Statement, please email at

Please sign the portion below and submit it on Schoology.

Required Signatures

Student: My teacher discussed all the features of the Class Syllabus and Classroom Rules, and I
am fully aware of what is expected of me to be successful in Chemistry class. I will always bring
to class my composition book, materials, and assignments. The key to my success is for me to be
responsible, attend class daily, arrive at class on time, follow the school and classroom policies,
study and do my assignments, participate in all class activities for the duration of the class, and
try my best to be successful.

Print student's name & signature


Student’s e-mail here ___ ___ Date

Parents/Guardians: My child shared the information that was outlined in the Class Syllabus, and
Class Rules. I realize that my child’s academic success is the result of both School and Family
Involvement. I will monitor my child’s assignments and will assist him/her in attending school
regularly, following the school’s dress code and electronic device policies, arriving to class on
time, and being prepared for learning.
I will also keep well-informed of my child’s academic progress thru the parent portal
(Gradebook), interim reports, report cards, and parent-teacher communication.

Print Parent’s/Guardian's name here: ______ _

Sign (Parent/Guardian) here ______ _ Date

Parent’s/Guardian’s e-mail here ______ _

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