In Your Opinion

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In your opinion, do your university grades accurately reflect your ability? If not, why not?

Yes, I believe that my grades are an accurate reflection of my academic development to date,
especially since they were accomplished while working a part-time job to financially support
myself and while completing my Design Research internship. I am proud of my
accomplishments and want to be given the opportunity to further my learning and pursue my
career goals.

If there is any other information you feel would be helpful to us in making a decision,
please use this space.

I would like to emphasize my interest in the program, as I believe passion to be the best
foundation and motivation for research. We now know exponentially more about technology
than ever before and the same could be said about engineering. If the final frontier of design is to
breathe life into the products and services around us, then it is through designers like myself that
these cross-functional fields will be unified. I am extremely interested in leveraging design to
improve health and wellness, cultivate community growth, and create opportunities for our most

Why do you wish to come to McMasters to obtain a McMaster of Engineering Design


While completing my thesis in Industrial Design, my love and interest for design relating to
health grew immensely. As previously mentioned, my thesis focused on the effects the sense of
smell has on recalling memories, specifically on patients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s.
During the ideation step, as I explored different ideas and experimented with different tools and
materials, I discovered my eagerness to learn and advance my technical knowledge. I am
interested in using design thinking and engineering methodologies to bring my ideas to life.

I am intrigued by the program’s previous projects, such as The Finbyte Project which focused on
‘optimizing food growth using data analytics and machine learning,’ the Business Out Of The
Box Project which ‘designed venues for local entrepreneurs to launch their retail businesses,’ and
the ‘Coiner’ initiative to help people living with fine motor control challenges, unlock shopping
carts. Having read about these inventive and diverse projects, I believe that this program’s
flexibility will allow me to tailor the projects to advance my objectives and interests.

Furthermore, I look forward to having direct access to primarily stakeholders, whose input is
significant and influential. I am particularly interested in delving deep into solving salient
problems in the healthcare system in collaboration with patients, physicians, nurses, and key
medical personnel.

Thus, for the reasons mentioned above and after much research and discussion with professors
regarding this program, I am convinced that the school’s academic excellence and culture of
learning is what will foster my academic goals, career possibilities, and lifelong aspirations.
List any professional qualifications, academic or other honours, significant achievements,
extra-curricular activities, etc.

For a majority of my childhood, traveling, art, music and sports have been predominant and
powerful forces of influence on the particular way I approach life. I cherish the time I spend
learning a new hobby, meeting new people or simply discovering life.

Since my graduation, I have been working as a UX/UI Designer at Bezalel Management

Corporation, which focuses on observing, finding gaps, consulting and providing management
within the engineering field. My responsibilities include facilitating collaborations between
design and engineering; designing, iterating and delivering digital marketing and brand identity;
and identifying flaws in existing spaces and user-testing alternative solutions.

During my summers as a student, I travelled to Kenya, Egypt, and India. I was given the
opportunity to work with the local communities in extreme poverty in these countries, to advance
their social well-being and offer them a better future through social innovation design. This was
a crucial factor in developing my interest in working alongside the vulnerable. Moreover, to
afford travelling as a student, I started teaching piano lessons on the side for kids between the
ages 7-14.

Furthermore, I co-founded a Christian University club called SHIP, the purpose of which is to
provide students with a fellowship community, facilitating a safe space to address issues students
may face, and hosting social and dynamic events. Gatherings are held in downtown Toronto,
brining together students from OCAD, UofT and Ryerson.

Moreover, to foster my love for languages and desire for meeting new people, I participated in a
French Immersion program called Explore. I spent two months learning French by being fully
immersed in classes, ateliers, and events in Nova Scotia. Meanwhile, I am also volunteering at a
research lab where I conducted research on artificial yet nutritious replacement to Lobster bait,
both in English and French.

I believe that my life experiences and achievements are the reasons for the person that I am
today. I look forward to indulge in McMaster’s community that will provide me the expertise
and ingenuity I will need to reach my goals and ambitions.

UX/UI Designer at Bezalel Management Corporation, which focuses on observing, finding gaps,
consulting and providing management within the engineering field. My responsibilities include
facilitating collaborations between design and engineering; designing, iterating and delivering
digital marketing and brand identity; and identifying flaws in existing spaces and user-testing
alternative solutions.

UX/UI Designer

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