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Name: Ashley Inniss

Class: Form 4B
Lab #: 2
Title: Standardization of Sodium Hydroxide
Aim: To neutralize a Sodium Hydroxide mixture
Apparatus/ Materials:

Apparatus: Materials:
- Triple beam balance - Distilled water
- Weighing tray - Sodium hydroxide pellets
- 25 cm³ measuring cylinder
- 250 cm³ beaker
- Spatula or glass rod
- 250 cm³ volumetric flask
- Funnel
- Wash bottle with distilled water


(i) The mass of sodium hydroxide required to make the solution was calculated.
(ii) The tray was weighed on the triple beam balance.
(iii) The mass of sodium hydroxide determined in the calculation was weighed in the weighing tray.
(iv) All the sodium hydroxide was carefully transferred to the beaker.
(v) 25cm³ of distilled water was added to the beaker, and the solution was stirred with the glass rod until
all the sodium hydroxide had dissolved completely.
(vi) The solution was transferred to the volumetric flask using a funnel.
(vii)The glass rod was rinsed with distilled water over the beaker, and the washings were (viii) transferred
to the flask. The beaker was washed with distilled water twice, and these washings were transferred to the
flask each time.
(viii) Distilled water was added to just below the line in the volumetric flask. The final quantity of
distilled water was added using a wash bottle, drop by drop, until the bottom of the meniscus was on the
(ix) The stopper was placed on the flask. Holding the stopper in place, the flask was inverted three times
to mix the solution.

In the experiment aimed at standardizing a sodium hydroxide solution through titration with
hydrochloric acid, the balanced chemical equation
played a crucial role in understanding the reaction process. This equation illustrates the
one-to-one ratio between sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid, indicating that the moles of
the acid will be equal to the moles of the base at the equivalence point. By carefully titrating the
sodium hydroxide solution with a known concentration of hydrochloric acid, the volume of acid
required to neutralize the base was determined. From this data, the concentration of the sodium
hydroxide solution could be calculated. This process demonstrates the principles of
stoichiometry in chemical reactions.


- When transferring the solution to the volumetric flask, a funnel should be used to prevent
spillage and ensure accurate transfer without any loss of solution.

Source of error

- Incomplete reaction or endpoint detection during titration. This could occur due to factors
such as inadequate mixing, impurities, or errors in endpoint detection techniques.

- The presence of impurities in the solutions which can interfere with the accuracy of the
titration results by affecting the reaction process or introducing errors in volume


The experiment to standardize a sodium hydroxide solution through titration with hydrochloric
acid holds significant relevance to society and real life, particularly in various scientific,
industrial, and everyday applications. In fields such as chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and
environmental science, precise measurements and standardized solutions are essential for
conducting accurate experiments, synthesizing medications, and analyzing pollutants. By
understanding the principles of titration and stoichiometry, scientists and researchers can develop
effective strategies for quality control, ensuring the reliability and consistency of products and

In conclusion, our experiment centered on achieving precise measurements of sodium hydroxide

to create a standardized solution. With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to safety,
including the use of protective gear, we successfully synthesized a reliable sodium hydroxide
solution for future experiments. This hands-on experience underscored the importance of
accuracy and caution in scientific endeavors, offering valuable lessons in experimental
methodology within the realm of chemistry.


★ Preparing standard sodium hydroxide solution*. (n.d.).


★ VintessentialAdmin, & VintessentialAdmin. (2012, March 23). Standardizing sodium

hydroxide solutions. Vintessential Wine Laboratories.
( )

★ Eddy, D. (n.d.). Chemistry 104: Standardization of acid and base solutions.


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