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Science Worksheet 2

1. Using your own words define a law.



2. Using your own words define a theory.

An explanation of some part of the natural world that has been thoroughly tested and is supported by significant evidence.


Determine whether the following statement is a law or a theory.

3. states that energy can't be created or destroyed. It can only be changed into a different form or
transferred to another object. ______________

4. that an object will stay in its current state (rest or motion) unless affected by a force. _____________

5. Indicates that all matter is made up of atoms, which are microscopic particles that cannot be divided,
created or destroyed. It explains why substances composed of one element (such as pure gold) are different
from items that consist of multiple elements (such as a metal alloy). ______________

6. States that every action produces a reaction that is equivalent and opposite. _____________

7. Suggests that the universe began many billions of years in the past as a result of an expansion event of
great magnitude. This universal expansion is continuing on an ongoing basis. _____________

8. Many diseases are caused by germs. These pathogens are tiny microorganisms that find their way into the
body. _____________

9. Indicates that planets move around the sun in an elliptical manner. This means that the planets follow a
set, oval-shaped pattern around the sun. ______________

10. Indicates that everything in the universe that has mass is attracted toward the center of the Earth. This
attraction is called gravity. ____________

11-15 Enumerate the steps of Scientific Method and explain briefly

11. _____________________________________________________________________________________

12. _____________________________________________________________________________________

13. _____________________________________________________________________________________

14. _____________________________________________________________________________________

15. _____________________________________________________________________________________

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