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AREA: Individuals and societies

SUBJECT: Social Studies

GRADE: Seventh grade
TEACHER: Daniela Pereira Villarreal

Name: ________________________________________________ Grade: _________ Date: __________

Second term

Formative Assessment 3

MYP/DP Command terms for Social Studies Instructions

 Reflect: Think about deeply; consider. 1. Reach carefully each activity and develop it
 Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a following the instructions.
situation, event, pattern or process. 2. The comparative chart can be delivered in a
 Document: To credit sources of information used different sheet, but with this form attached.
by referencing (or citing) following a recognized 3. All the activity is handwritten.
referencing system. References should be 4. All the texts must be original, written in your own
included in the text and also at the end of the words. Otherwise, won’t be considered.
piece of work in a reference list or bibliography. 5. Two or more identical works will be cancelled
and graded on ten.
6. The presentation is not an item, but a bad one will
take off until 5 points.
7. Remember to check the rubric.

1. Reflect in a short paragraph (Three sentences between 15 and 20 words articulated by connectors following
the grammar rules) about the consequences of the Agricultural Revolution in the human history (10 points).

2. Describe the four ancient civilizations in the following comparative chart. Each description corresponds to
a square and must be composed by three complete sentences between 15 and 20 words
(Subject+Verb+Complement) with accurate information and following the grammar rules. Remember to
write in your own words.

Mesopotamia Egypt India China

Social organization
3. Document the resources that you used in the comparative chart (5 points).

Remember to follow the structure:

Author or Website name (Date) Title


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GA-F_NCS-21 V1 29.08.2023

Item Low performance Basic performance High performance Score
Reflect about the The student doesn’t The student presents a text The student presents a text
consequences of present a text or it is not but it is incomplete or complete and related.
Agricultural related at all. There are partially related. There are There are few or none
Revolution huge grammar mistakes some grammar mistakes grammar mistakes
(10 points) (0-4 points) (5-7 points) (8-10 points)
Describe accurately The student describes The student describes The student describes
the main features of accurately from 0 to 5 accurately from 6 to 11 accurately from 12 to 16
each civilization features about the features about the features about the
(80 points) civilizations civilizations civilizations
(0-25 points) (30-55 points) (60-80 points)
The description is The student never or The student sometimes or The student normally or
grammatical correct occasionally follows the frequently follows the usually follows the
(5 points) grammar rules grammar rules grammar rules
(0-1 point) (2-3 points) (4-5 points)
Document the The student doesn’t The student documents at The student documents at
resources document any resources or least two resources least four resources
(5 points) just one and doesn’t following the structure following the structure
follow the structure (2-3 points) (4-5 points)
(0-1 point)
Final Score


Author: Approved by:

Daniela Pereira Villarreal Alejandro Aguirre

Date: Approved date:

February 1st, 2024

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GA-F-NCS-21 V1 29.08.2023

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