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Presidential Elections; Electoral


§ 1. In General; Electoral Certificates

§ 2. Joint Sessions to Count Electoral Votes
§ 3. Counting Votes; Objections to Count
§ 4. Presidential Nominations for Vice President


Certificates ascertaining electors Joint session to count electoral votes

generally, see § 3.5 —Cont.
transmittal of, to the House, § 1.l recesses in connection with, § § 2.2, 2.3
Certificates of electoral Votes statutory procedures relative to, § 2.6
conflicts relative to, § 3.5 Presidential nominations for Vice
objections to vote count, § 3.6 President
transmittal of, to the House, §§ 1.1 et confirmation of, § 4.3
seq. referral of, to committee, § 4.2
Joint session to count electoral votes transmission of, by message, § 4.1
concurrent resolution providing for, Tellers to count electoral votes
§ 2.1 appointment of, in the House, § § 3.1,
convening of, § 2.4 3.2
division of, to consider objections, § 3.6 appointment of, in the Senate, § 3.4
presiding officer for, § 2.5 substitution for, in the House, § 3.3

Commentary and editing by John R. Graham, Jr., J.D. and Roy Miller,

Presidential Elections; Electoral College
§ 1. In General; Electoral whether the President should be
Certificates chosen by popular vote, by the
Congress, or by some other meth-
Under the U.S. Constitution, od. Election by direct popular vote
both the House and Senate for- was rejected because it was be-
mally participate in the process by lieved that the people would have
which the President and Vice insufficient knowledge of the var-
President are elected. Congress is ious candidates, and because it
directed by the 12th amendment was assumed that the people
to receive and, in joint session, would be unable to agree on a sin-
count the electoral votes certified gle candidate. A plan that would
by the states. And if no candidate give Congress the power to select
receives a majority of the electoral the President was also rejected,
vote, the House of Representatives because of its potential threat to
is directed to elect the President, executive independence. Finding
while the Senate is directed to itself in disagreement on both
elect the Vice President.(1) plans, the convention adopted a
This method of selecting a compromise under which each
President, later to become known state was given the power to ap-
as the ‘‘electoral college,’’ came point electors to be chosen in a
about as the result of a com- manner specified by each state
promise after lengthy debate at legislature. The electors in each
the Constitutional Convention of state, who were to be equal to the
1787. The debate centered on total number of that state’s Rep-
resentatives and Senators, would
1. In the Presidential election of 1800, then meet and cast votes for
the electors produced a tie vote by President and Vice President.
casting an equal number of votes for Historically, the counting of
Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.
electoral votes has been for the
Thus the election had to be deter-
mined by the House of Representa-
most part a mere formality, be-
tives, which ultimately voted for Jef- cause the result of the electoral
ferson. See 3 Hinds’ Precedents vote has almost invariably been
§ 1931. For a general discussion of the same as the result of the pop-
early electoral-count procedures, see ular vote.(2)
3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1911–1980
and 6 Cannon’s Precedents §§ 438– 2. There have been rare instances in
446. which the result of the electoral vote


The electoral vote has generally states have met to cast votes for
followed the popular vote because President and Vice President, the
electors came to be chosen merely Congress, in accordance with the
as representatives of the political provisions of law,(3) convenes in
parties and because the state leg- joint session,(4) the Senate and
islatures adopted a unit-rule sys- House of Representatives meeting
tem under which all of a state’s in the Hall of the House, to exer-
electoral votes are to be cast for cise its constitutional responsi-
the party which wins a plurality bility for counting the electoral
of popular votes statewide. vote.
The 12th amendment states in
At one o’clock in the afternoon
on that day, the joint session of
The Electors shall meet in their re- the two Houses is called to order
spective states, and vote by ballot for
President and Vice-President . . . they
by the President of the Senate,(5)
shall name in their ballots the person the individual designated by stat-
voted for as President, and in distinct ute (6) to serve as the joint ses-
ballots the person voted for as Vice sion’s presiding officer. There-
President, and they shall make distinct upon, the tellers,(7) who have pre-
lists of all persons voted for as Presi-
dent, and of all persons voted for as viously been appointed on the
Vice-President, and the number of part of each House,(8) take their
votes for each, which lists they shall respective places at the Clerk’s
sign and certify, and transmit sealed to desk. According to the alphabet-
the seat of the government of the
United States, directed to the Presi- ical order of the states, all the
dent of the Senate; [t]he President of previously transmitted certificates
the Senate shall, in presence of the and papers purporting to be cer-
Senate and House of Representatives, tificates of votes given by the elec-
open all the certificates and the votes
shall then be counted.
tors are then opened by the Presi-
dent of the Senate and handed to
On the sixth day of January the tellers.(9) Each certificate so
after the electors of the several received is read by the tellers in
has differed from the result of the
3. 3 USC § 15.
popular vote. For example, in the
4. See § 2.4, infra.
Hayes-Tilden election of 1876, deter-
minations by the House and Senate 5. See § 2.5, infra.
with respect to certain disputed elec- 6. 3 USC 15.
toral votes resulted in the election of 7. See § § 3.1–3.4, infra, for appoint-
Hayes, although Tilden had received ment of tellers.
a majority of the popular vote. See 3 8. See § 2.1, infra.
Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1953–1956. 9. See § 2.1, infra.


the presence and hearing of the been so decided, or immediately

two Houses. After the reading of following the reading of such cer-
each certificate, the President of tificate or paper when no objec-
the Senate calls for objections, if tions thereto are raised, the tell-
any. ers make a list of the votes as
In the event that a written ob- they appear from the certifi-
jection should be raised, properly cates.(12) The result of the count is
signed by at least one Senator and then delivered to the President of
one Member of the House of Rep- the Senate who thereupon an-
resentatives, and when all objec- nounces the state of the vote. This
tions so made to any vote or paper announcement is deemed by law a
from a state have been received sufficient declaration of the per-
and read, the joint session divides, sons, if any, elected President and
the Senate repairing to the Senate Vice President of the United
Chamber, and all such objections States. The announcement, to-
are submitted to and considered gether with a list of the votes, is
by each House meeting in sepa- then entered in the Journals of
rate session.(10) the two Houses.(13)
Pursuant to the provisions of
In addition to its responsibil-
the U.S. Code, which govern the
ities in ascertaining and counting
procedures in both Houses in the
the electoral votes cast for Presi-
event they divide to consider an
objection, each Senator and Rep- dent and Vice President, the Con-
resentative may speak to such ob- gress has been delegated a further
jection for five minutes, and not constitutional duty relative to the
more than once; and after such selection of the Vice President.
debate has lasted two hours, the Pursuant to section 2 of the 25th
presiding officer of each House is amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
required to put the main question tion, whenever there is a vacancy
without further debate.(11) When in the Office of Vice President the
the two Houses have voted, they President nominates a Vice Presi-
immediately again meet in joint dent to take office upon confirma-
session, and the presiding officer tion by a majority vote of both
then announces the decision on Houses.(14)
the objections submitted. The House and Senate also
Once all objections to any cer- have important responsibilities
tificate or paper from a state have
12. See 3 USC § 15.
10. See § 3.6, infra. 13. 3 USC § 15.
11. 3 USC § § 15, 17. 14. See §§ 4.1–4.3, infra.


under the 20th and 25th amend- On Jan. 6, 1961,(15) the Speak-
ments of the U.S. Constitution er (16) laid before the House the
with respect to Presidential suc- following communication which
cession and disability. The 20th was read and, with accompanying
amendment sets forth the proce- papers, referred to the Committee
dure to be followed when the on House Administration:
President-elect and Vice Presi- GENERAL SERVICES
dent-elect fail to qualify at the Washington, D.C., January 6, 1961.
commencement of their terms. Hon. SAM RAYBURN,
Congress also has the duty, under Speaker of the House of Representa-
tives, Washington, D.C.
the 25th amendment, of deter-
DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Transmitted
mining disputes as to Presidential herewith is a copy of the certificate
disability. of ascertainment received today from
the State of Hawaii, in conformity
with the final clause of section 6,
title 3, United States Code.
Transmittal and Presentation Sincerely yours,
of Certificates Administrator.
§ 1.1 Copies of the certificates TO THE ADMINISTRATOR OF GENERAL
identifying the electors ap- SERVICES, PURSUANT TO THE
pointed in a state forwarded LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES.
by the Governor of each I, William F. Quinn, Governor of
the State of Hawaii, do hereby cer-
state to the Administrator of tify that the returns of votes cast for
General Services are, pursu- electors of President and Vice Presi-
ant to 3 USC § 6, transmitted dent of the United States of America,
for the State of Hawaii, at an elec-
in turn to the House; on one tion held therein for that purpose, on
occasion, where a certificate the Tuesday after the first Monday
in November, in the year of our Lord
was received on the day re- 1960, agreeably to the provisions of
served for the counting of the laws of the said State, and in
the electoral votes, the conformity with the Constitution and
laws of the United States, for the
Speaker, in order that the re- purpose of giving in their votes for
ceipt of the certificate would President and Vice President of the
United States, for the respective
appear in the Record before terms prescribed by the Constitution
the proceedings of the joint of the United States, to begin on the
session to count the electoral 20th day of January in the year of
votes, laid the communica- 15. 107 CONG. REC. 288, 87th Cong. 1st
tion before the House at the Sess.
beginning of the session. 16. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


our Lord 1961, were, ascertained by ing of the certificates and

judgment of the circuit court of the
first judicial circuit, State of Hawaii, ascertaining and counting of the
in proceedings entitled Herman T. F. votes of the electors of the several
Lum et al., v. Gavien A. Bush et al. states for President and Vice
(Civil No. 7029), entered on the 30th
day of December A.D. 1960, and that President, the presiding officer (18)
the list of persons voted for and the handed to the tellers, in the order
number of votes cast for each, pursu-
ant to said judgment, respectively, is in which they had been received,
as follows: certificates of electoral votes, with
Republican Party: Gavien A. Bush, all attached papers thereto, from
92,295; J. Howard Worrall, 92,295;
O. P. Soares, 92,295. different slates of electors from
Democratic Party: William H. the State of Hawaii. Without ob-
Heen, 92,410; Delbert E. Metzger, jection, the Chair instructed the
92,410; Jennie Wilson, 92,410.
And I further certify that: William tellers to count the votes of those
H. Heen, Delbert E. Metzger, and electors named in the certificate of
Jennie Wilson were appointed elec- the Governor of Hawaii dated Jan.
tors of President and Vice President
of the United States of America, for 4, 1961 (discussed more fully in
the State of Hawaii, at said election. § 3.5, infra).
Given under my hand and the seal
of the State, this 4th day of January,
in the year of our Lord 1961.
WILLIAM F. QUINN, § 2. Joint Sessions to
Governor of Hawaii. Count Electoral Votes
§ 1.2 Where certificates of elec-
Concurrent Resolution Pro-
toral votes had been received
viding for Joint Session
from different slates of elec-
tors from a state, and each § 2.1 A concurrent resolution
slate purported to be the providing for a joint session
duly appointed electors from to count the electoral votes
that state, the Vice President for President and Vice Presi-
presented the certificates, dent may be originated by
with all attached papers, in the Senate.
the order in which they had
On Jan. 3, 1973,(19) Mr. Thomas
been received.
P. O’Neill, Jr., of Massachusetts,
On Jan. 6, 1961,(17) during pro-
ceedings in the joint session of the 18. Richard M. Nixon (Calif.).
two Houses incident to the open- 19. 119 CONG. REC. 30, 93d Cong. 1st
Sess. For additional recent examples
17. 107 CONG. REC. 288–91, 87th Cong. see 115 CONG. REC. 36, 91st Cong.
1st Sess. 1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1969; 111 CONG.


called up and asked for the imme- nouncement shall be deemed a suffi-
diate consideration of a Senate cient declaration of the persons, if any,
elected President and Vice President of
concurrent resolution: the United States, and, together with a
list of the votes, be entered on the
S. CON. RES. 1
Journals of the two Houses.
Resolved by the Senate (the House of The Senate concurrent resolu-
Representatives concurring), That the
tion was agreed to.
two Houses of Congress shall meet in
the Hall of the House of Representa-
tives on Saturday, the 6th day of Janu-
ary 1973, at 1 o’clock postmeridian,
§ 2.2 The Speaker may be au-
pursuant to the requirements of the
Constitution and laws relating to the thorized to declare a recess
election of President and Vice Presi- in connection with the con-
dent of the United States, and the vening of the two Houses in
President of the Senate shall be their joint session to count the
Presiding Officer; that two tellers shall electoral vote for President
be previously appointed by the Presi-
dent of the Senate on the part of the
and Vice President.
Senate and two by the Speaker on the On Jan. 3, 1973,(20) the House
part of the House of Representatives, considered and agreed to a Senate
to whom shall be handed, as they are concurrent resolution (1) providing
opened by the President of the Senate, for the convening on Jan. 6, 1973,
all the certificates and papers pur- of a joint session of the two
porting to be certificates of the elec-
Houses to count the electoral vote.
toral votes, which certificates and pa-
pers shall be opened, presented, and
Mr. Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr., of
acted upon in the alphabetical order of Massachusetts, then made a
the States, beginning with the letter unanimous-consent request, as fol-
‘‘A’’; and said tellers, having then read lows:
the same in the presence and hearing MR. O’NEILL: Mr. Speaker, I ask
of the two Houses, shall make a list of unanimous consent that on Saturday,
the votes as they shall appear from the January 6, 1973, it may be in order for
said certificates; and the votes having the Speaker to declare a recess at any
been ascertained and counted in the time subject to the call of the Chair.
manner and according to the rules by
law provided, the result of the same 20. 119 CONG. REC. 30, 93d Cong. 1st
shall be delivered to the President of Sess. For further illustrations see
the Senate, who shall thereupon an- 115 CONG. REC. 36, 91st Cong. 1st
nounce the state of the vote, which an- Sess., Jan. 3, 1969; 111 CONG. REC.
26, 89th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 4,
REC. 26, 89th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 4, 1965; and 107 CONG. REC. 26, 87th
1965; and 107 CONG. REC. 26, 87th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1961.
Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1961. 1. S. Con. Res. 1.


THE SPEAKER: (2) Is there objection to Wednesday, January 3, 1973,(5) the

the request of the gentleman from Chair declares the House in recess
Massachusetts? until approximately 12:45 o’clock p.m.
There was no objection. Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 3 min-
utes p.m.), the House stood in recess
Parliamentarian’s Note: The subject to the call of the Chair.
Speaker declares a recess of the
House to enable the Members to Convening of the Joint Session
reconvene in joint session with the
Senate in the House Chamber. § 2.4 The two Houses convene
in joint session to open the
§ 2.3 On the day fixed by law certificates and ascertain
and concurrent resolution and count the votes cast by
for the convening of the joint the electors of the several
session to count the electoral states for President and Vice
votes for President and Vice President.
President, the Speaker de- On Jan. 6, 1973,(6) the Presi-
clined to recognize for one- dent of the Senate (7) called to
minute speeches or exten- order a joint session of the Senate
sions of remarks before and the House of Representatives,
recessing the House subject convened pursuant to the provi-
to the call of the Chair. sions of a Senate concurrent reso-
On Jan. 6, 1973,(3) the Speak- lution (8) to carry out Congress’
er (4) made an announcement to 5. 119 CONG. REC. 30, 93d Cong. 1st
the House: Sess.
THE SPEAKER: The Chair desires to 6. 119 CONG. REC. 378, 93d Cong. 1st
make a statement. Sess. For other examples of joint ses-
The Chair desires deferment of sions convened to count the electoral
unanimous-consent requests and also vote cast in recent elections see 115
1-minute speeches until after the for- CONG. REC. 145, 91st Cong. 1st
mal ceremony of the day, which is the Sess., Jan. 6, 1969; 111 CONG. REC.
counting of the electoral votes for 136, 89th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 6,
President and Vice President. There- 1965; and 107 CONG. REC. 288, 87th
fore, pursuant to the order adopted on Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 6, 1961.
7. Spiro T. Agnew (Md.).
2. Carl Albert (Okla.). 8. S. Con. Res. 1, agreed to by the
3. 119 CONG. REC. 378, 93d Cong. 1st House at 119 CONG. REC. 30, 93d
Sess. For an additional example see Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1973. For ad-
115 CONG. REC. 145, 91st Cong. 1st ditional examples of House agree-
Sess., Jan. 6, 1969. ment to concurrent resolutions pro-
4. Carl Albert (Okla.). viding for joint sessions to count


constitutional and statutory re- of the Senate (11) presided over the
sponsibilities relative to opening joint session to count the electoral
the certificates and ascertaining votes for President and Vice Presi-
and counting the votes of the elec- dent of the United States.
tors of the several states for Presi-
dent and Vice President. Procedure
Presiding Officer § 2.6 Where the two Houses
meet to count the electoral
§ 2.5 In the absence of the vote, a joint session is con-
President of the Senate, the vened pursuant to a concur-
President pro tempore of the rent resolution of the two
Senate presides over the Houses which incorporates
joint session to count the by reference the applicable
electoral votes for President provisions of the United
and Vice President. States Code; and the proce-
On Jan. 6, 1969,(9) in the ab- dures set forth in those pro-
sence of the President of the Sen- visions are in effect con-
ate, (10) the President pro tempore stituted as a joint rule of the
electoral votes, see 115 CONG. REC.
two Houses for the occasion
36, 91st Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 3, and govern the procedures
1969; 111 CONG. REC. 26, 89th Cong. in the joint session and in
1st Sess., Jan. 4, 1965; and 107 both Houses in the event
CONG. REC. 26, 87th Cong. 1st Sess., they divide to consider an
Jan. 3, 1961. objection.
9. 115 CONG. REC. 145, 91st Cong. 1st
Sess. See also 111 CONG. REC. 136, On Jan. 6, 1969,(12) the two
89th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 6, 1965. Houses convened in joint session
10. On Jan. 6, 1969, the President of the to count the electoral vote. The
Senate, Hubert H. Humphrey, joint session was convened pursu-
(Minn.), who was the incumbent Vice ant to a Senate concurrent resolu-
President and the losing candidate
tion (13) which incorporated the
for President in the 1968 election,
declined to preside over the joint ses- votecounting procedures set forth
sion to count the electoral votes. On in 3 USC §§ 15–18. A written ob-
Jan. 6, 1965, the office of the Presi- jection was made to the count of
dent of the Senate was vacant, the
former Vice President, Lyndon B. 11. Richard B. Russell (Ga.).
Johnson (Tex.), having ascended to 12. 115 CONG. REC. 145–47, 169–72,
the Presidency upon the death of his 91st Cong. 1st Sess.
predecessor, Nov. 22, 1963. 13. 13. S. Con. Res. 1.


North Carolina’s electoral vote. the House to count the electoral

Thereupon, pursuant to the provi- votes.
sions of 3 USC §§ 15–18, the joint
session divided, the Senate repair- § 3.2 The Speaker has ap-
ing to the Senate Chamber, and pointed the Chairman and
the objection was submitted to ranking minority member of
and considered in each House con- the Committee on House Ad-
vened in separate sessions. ministration as tellers on the
part of the House to count
the electoral votes.
§ 3. Counting Votes; Objec- On Jan. 3, 1969,(17) the Speak-
tions to Count er (18) appointed as tellers on the
part of the House to count the
House Tellers electoral votes Mr. Samuel N.
Friedel, of Maryland, and Mr.
§ 3.1 Tellers on the part of the Glenard P. Lipscomb, of Cali-
House to count the electoral fornia, who were, respectively, the
Chairman and ranking minority
vote are appointed by the
member of the Committee on
Speaker. House Administration.
On Jan. 3, 1973,(14) the House
had considered and agreed to a § 3.3 Where a Member des-
Senate concurrent resolution (15) ignated as a teller for count-
providing for the convening of a ing the electoral ballots was
joint session of the two Houses to unavoidably detained, the
count the electoral votes. The Speaker designated another
Speaker,(16) pursuant to the provi- Member to take his place.
sions of the concurrent resolution, On Jan. 6, 1949,(19) prior to the
appointed Mr. Wayne L. Hays, of announcement of the arrival of
Ohio, and Mr. Samuel L. Devine, the Senate for the meeting of the
of Ohio, as tellers on the part of joint session of the two Houses to
count the electoral vote, the
14. 119 CONG. REC. 30, 93d Cong. 1st Speaker (20) made an announce-
Sess. For further illustrations see ment to the House:
115 CONG. REC. 36, 91st Cong. 1st
Sess., Jan. 3, 1969; 111 CONG. REC. 17. 115 CONG. REC. 36, 91st Cong. 1st
26, 89th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 4, Sess.
1965; and 107 CONG. REC. 27, 87th 18. John W. McCormack (Mass.).
Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1961. 19. 95 CONG. REC. 89, 81st Cong. 1st
15. S. Con. Res. 1. Sess.
16. Carl Albert (Okla.). 20. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


THE SPEAKER: The gentleman from Conflicting Electoral Certifi-

New York [Mr. Ralph A. Gamble] is cates
unavoidably detained and is unable to
serve as teller. § 3.5 The two Houses, meeting
The Chair designates the gentleman in joint session to count the
from Pennsylvania [Mr. Louis E. electoral votes, may by unan-
Graham] to act as teller in his stead. imous consent decide which
of two conflicting electoral
Senate Tellers certificates from a state is
§ 3.4 Tellers on the part of the valid; and the tellers are
Senate to count the electoral then directed to count the
votes are appointed by the electoral votes in the certifi-
Vice President. cate deemed valid.
On Jan. 6, 1961,(4) during pro-
On Jan. 3, 1973,(1) following the
ceedings in the joint session of the
Senate’s consideration of and
two Houses incident to the open-
agreement to a concurrent resolu- ing of the certificates and count-
tion (2) providing for the convening ing of the votes of the electors of
of a joint session of the two the several states for President
Houses to count the electoral and Vice President, the President
votes, the Vice President,(3) in ac- of the Senate (5) handed to the tell-
cordance with the provisions of ers, in the order in which they
the concurrent resolution, ap- had been received, certificates of
pointed the Senator from Ken- electoral votes, with all attached
tucky, Marlow W. Cook, and the papers thereto, from different
Senator from Nevada, Howard W. slates of electors from the State of
Cannon, as the tellers on the part Hawaii. The certificates were re-
of the Senate to count the elec- ceived and considered by the tell-
toral votes. ers, whereupon, the following pro-
ceedings occurred:
1. 119 CONG. REC. 8, 93d Cong. 1st THE VICE PRESIDENT: . . . The Chair
Sess. For other recent examples see has knowledge, and is convinced that
115 CONG. REC. 8, 91st Cong. 1st he is supported by the facts, that the
Sess., Jan. 3, 1969; 111 CONG. REC. certificate from the Honorable William
15, 89th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 4, F. Quinn, Governor of the State of Ha-
1965; and 107 CONG. REC. 72, 87th
Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 4, 1961. 4. 107 CONG. REC. 288–91, 87th Cong.
2. S. Con. Res. 1. 1st Sess.
3. Spiro T. Agnew (Md.). 5. Richard M. Nixon (Calif.).


waii, dated January 4, 1961, received There was no objection.

by the Administrator of General Serv- The tellers then proceeded to read,
ices on January 6, 1961, and trans- count and announce the electoral votes
mitted to the Senate and the House of of the remaining States in alphabetical
Representatives on January 6, 1961, order.
being Executive Communication Num-
Parliamentarian’s Note: A re-
ber 215 of the House of Representa-
tives, properly and legally portrays the count of ballots in Hawaii, which
facts with respect to the electors cho- was concluded after the Governor
sen by the people of Hawaii at the elec- of that state had certified the elec-
tion for President and Vice President tion of the Republican slate of
held on November 8, 1960. As read electors, threw that state into the
from the certificates, William H. Heen, Democratic column; the Governor
Delbert E. Metzger, and Jennie Wilson
were appointed as electors of President
then sent a second communication
and Vice President on November 8, to the Administrator of General
1960, and did on the first Monday Services which certified that the
after the second Wednesday of Decem- Democratic slate of electors had
ber, 1960, cast their votes for John F. been lawfully appointed. Both
Kennedy of Massachusetts for Presi- slates of electors met on the day
dent and Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas prescribed by law, cast their
for Vice President.
votes, and submitted them to the
In order not to delay the further
count of the electoral vote here, the President of the Senate pursuant
Chair, without the intent of estab- to 3 USC § 11. When the two
lishing a precedent, suggests that the Houses met in joint session to
electors named in the certificate of the count the electoral votes, the votes
Governor of Hawaii dated January 4, of the electors were presented to
1961, be considered as the lawful elec- the tellers by the Vice President,
tors from the State of Hawaii.
and, by unanimous consent, the
If there be no objection in this joint
convention, the Chair will instruct the
Vice President directed the tellers
tellers—and he now does—to count the to accept and count the lawfully
votes of those electors named in the appointed slate.
certificate of the Governor of Hawaii
dated January 4, 1961—those votes Objections
having been cast for John F. Kennedy,
of Massachusetts, for President and § 3.6 A formal objection was
Lyndon B. Johnson, of Texas, for Vice made to the counting of the
President. electoral vote of a state, and
Without objection the tellers will ac-
the House and Senate di-
cordingly count the votes of those elec-
tors named in the certificate of the vided to separately consider
Governor of Hawaii dated January 4, the objection before pro-
1961. ceeding with the counting.

On Jan. 6, 1969,(6) the President the vote of North Carolina as

pro tempore of the Senate (7) read. The President pro tempore
called to order a joint session of directed the Clerk of the House to
the House and Senate for the pur- read the objection, which stat-
pose of counting the electoral ed: (9)
votes for President and Vice Presi- We object to the votes from the State
dent. When the tellers appointed of North Carolina for George C. Wal-
on the part of the two Houses (8) lace for President and for Curtis E.
LeMay for Vice President on the
had taken their places at the ground that they were not regularly
Clerk’s desk, the President pro given in that the plurality of votes of
tempore handed them the certifi- the people of North Carolina were cast
cates of the electors and the tell- for Richard M. Nixon for President and
for Spiro T. Agnew for Vice President
ers then read, counted, and an- and the State thereby appointed thir-
nounced the electoral votes of the teen electors to vote for Richard M.
states in alphabetical order. The Nixon for President and for Spiro T.
vote of North Carolina was stated Agnew for Vice President and ap-
pointed no electors to vote for any
to be 12 for Richard M. Nixon and other persons. Therefore, no electoral
Spiro T. Agnew for President and vote of North Carolina should be
Vice President respectively and counted for George C. Wallace for
one for George C. Wallace and President or for Curtis E. LeMay for
Vice President.
Curtis E. LeMay for President JAMES G. O’HARA, M.C.
and Vice President respectively. EDMUND S. MUSKIE, U.S.S.
Mr. James G. O’Hara, of Michi-
Following the President pro
gan, thereupon rose and sent to
tempore’s finding that the objec-
the Clerk’s desk a written objec- tion complied with the law (10) and
tion signed by himself and Ed- his subsequent inquiry as to
mund S. Muskie, the Senator from whether there were any further
Maine, protesting the counting of objections to the certificates from
the State of North Carolina, the
6. 115 CONG. REC. 145, 146, 91st Cong.
1st Sess. For further discussion and two Houses separated to consider
excerpts from the debate, see § § 3.7, the objection, the Senate with-
3.8, infra. drawing to the Senate Chamber.
7. Richard B. Russell (Ga.). The legal basis for the objection
8. Senator Carl T. Curtis (Neb.) and was contained in 3 USC § 15,
Senator B. Everett Jordan (N.C.) on which provided in relevant part:
the part of the Senate; Mr. Samuel
N. Friedel (Md.) and Mr. Glenard P. 9. 115 CONG. REC. 146, 91st Cong. 1st
Lipscomb (Calif.) on the part of the Sess., Jan. 6, 1969.
House. 10. 3 USC § 15.


. . . [A]nd no electoral vote or votes certified. Dr. Bailey did not reject that
from any State which shall have been election or that certification. So up to
regularly given by electors whose ap- that moment, so far as the people from
pointment has been lawfully certified North Carolina understood, he was
to according to section 6 of this title committed as an elector on the Repub-
from which but one return has been re- lican slate, riding under the names of
ceived shall be rejected, but the two Richard M. Nixon and Spiro T. Agnew,
Houses concurrently may reject the to vote for that presidential and vice-
vote or votes when they agree that presidential ticket.
such vote or votes have not been so On December 16, the electors of
regularly given by electors whose ap- North Carolina met in Raleigh to cast
pointment has been so certified. their votes. . . . It was at that point
that Dr. Bailey decided to cast his vote
Those supporting the objection
for the Wallace-LeMay ticket instead.
in the House and Senate con-
tended that the votes of one North In the House, Mr. Roman C.
Carolina elector had not been Pucinski, of Illinois, made a simi-
‘‘regularly given’’ and should lar presentation.(12)
therefore be rejected. During debate on the objection
The background of the objection in both the House and the Senate,
was explained by Senator Muskie proponents of the objection fo-
during his opening remarks in the cused on several key arguments in
Senate debate on the objection: (11) support thereof. It was argued
that the elector had at least a
In this case, a North Carolina elector
was nominated as an elector by a dis-
moral commitment to vote for the
trict convention of the Republican Republican candidates—a commit-
Party in North Carolina. He did not re- ment made more compelling in
ject that nomination. His name was the light of custom and practice
not placed on the ballot because under since the adoption of the Constitu-
North Carolina law, as in the case of tion,(13) and reliance by the voters
34 other States, only the names of the
party’s presidential and vice-presi-
on the elector’s conduct and ap-
dential candidates appear, and electors parent intentions.(14) Senator
are elected for the presidential and Muskie stated: (15)
vice-presidential candidates receiving
the plurality of the vote in North Caro- 12. Id. at pp. 159, 160.
lina. 13. See remarks of Mr. Edward P. Bo-
Dr. Bailey and 12 other North Caro- land (Mass.), id. at pp. 165, 166, and
lina Republican electors were so elect- remarks of Mr. O’Hara, id. at p. 169.
ed on November 5. The election was 14. See, for example, the remarks of
Senator Frank Church (Idaho),
11. 115 CONG. REC. 211, 91st Cong. 1st p. 214.
Sess., Jan. 6, 1969. 15. Id. at p. 212.


[A]s I understand it, the Constitu- ‘‘free agents’’ (16) under the Con-
tion, as interpreted by the debates in stitution,(17) permitted to vote for
the Constitutional Convention, clearly
whomever they pleased. According
makes an elector a free agent. How-
ever, from the beginning of the coun- to such view, Congress, under the
try’s history, political parties devel- Constitution and 3 USC § 15, ex-
oped, and the political parties arranged ercised only a ministerial function
for slates of electors assigned to their in counting the electoral ballots,
presidential and vice-presidential can- and such ballots could be dis-
didates. That political party slate of counted only if the certificates
candidates has always been regarded,
with but five other exceptions, as bind-
were not in regular form or were
ing upon those who are electors on not authentic.(18)
that slate. It was also noted that North
So I argue that in the light of that Carolina had not adopted a law,
tradition, when an elector chooses to as had a majority of states, re-
go on a party slate, he is indicating his quiring the electors to pledge to
choice for President.
support their party’s nominee; (1)
I say, secondly, that in the case of
North Carolina and this statute, which
this raised, in the view of some,
is found also in 34 other States, the an implication that North Caro-
fact that only the presidential and lina did not intend its electors to
vice-presidential names appear on the
ballot is confirmation of this tradition; 16. See the remarks of Mr. William M.
that when an elector accepts a place on McCulloch (Ohio), id. at p. 148; Mr.
a slate under these circumstances, in Richard H. Poff (Va.), id. at p. 158;
the light of this tradition, he knows Senator Ralph W. Yarborough (Tex.),
that to the public at large he is saying, id. at p. 217; Senator Robert C. Byrd
by his action, ‘‘I am for Nixon for (W. Va.), id. at p. 245.
President.’’ He is saying implicitly, in 17. Relevant provisions are art. II, § 1,
my judgment, ‘‘If I am elected an elec- clause 3; and the 12th amendment.
tor under these circumstances, I will 18. See remarks of Mr. John B. Ander-
vote for Richard Nixon for President.’’ son (Ill.), 115 CONG. REC. 151, 91st
I believe that is the tradition. I be- Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 6, 1969; Mr.
lieve that this undergirds the responsi- Bob Eckhardt (Tex.), id. at p. 164;
bility of an elector; and once he has set Senator Curtis, id. at pp. 219, 220;
that train of understanding in motion, Senator Herman E. Talmadge (Ga.),
he cannot, after election day, when it id. at p. 223.
is too late for the voters to respond to
1. See remarks of Mr. Alton A. Lennon
any change of mind on his part, say, ‘‘I
(N.C.), id. at pp. 149, 150. The Su-
changed my mind, and I am going to
preme Court in Ray v Blair, 343
vote for somebody else.’’ It is in the na-
ture of estoppel. U.S. 214 (1952), upheld the constitu-
tionality of state laws requiring an
Those opposed to the objection elector to pledge to support the
argued that the electors were nominee of his political party.


be bound to support particular In addition, however, there is a na-

party nominees. Senator Edward tional interest in removing so critical a
loophole in our constitutional system.
M. Brooke, of Massachusetts, If the electoral college is to remain an
made the following remarks: (2) element in our political life, surely we
In a system of constitutional govern- should move to design a constitutional
ment matters of procedure often be- amendment which, once and for all,
come vital issues of substance. I sub- binds electors to vote for the can-
mit that such a case is now before us. didates to whom they are pledged. I
There are strong constitutional hasten to add that this possible change
grounds for the authority of a State to in our electoral system will certainly
bind its electors to vote as they are not suffice. Indeed, one of the para-
pledged. If a State has so bound its mount tasks of this Congress will be to
electors, I would contend that the Con- examine the full range of constitu-
gress can properly act to see that the tional proposals to create a fair and se-
State’s legal requirements are fulfilled. cure procedure for presidential elec-
This would be a reasonable construc-
tion of the 1887 statute which provides In addition to the views stated
that Congress can reject an elector’s above by Senator Brooke, several
vote which has not been regularly of those speaking to the objection
expressed support for a constitu-
But it is my considered opinion that,
unless the State chooses to bind its tional amendment to reform the
electors, Congress cannot do so after electoral system, a remedy which,
the fact. it was argued, would be preferable
Among the many serious implica- to ‘‘piecemeal’’ changes to be
tions of this situation, one lesson in achieved under present law.(3)
particular stands out:
No official should ever be granted 3. See, for example, the remarks of Mr.
discretionary authority unless the peo- Hamilton Fish, Jr. (N.Y.), id. at p.
ple clearly understand that, under 168.
some circumstances, he may actually Among those Members and Sen-
use it. And if such authority, once ators who favored a constitutional
granted, is deemed excessive or un- amendment to revise the electoral
wise, the people should explicitly and system were Mr. Hale Boggs (La.),
promptly rescind it. id. at p. 151; Mr. Emanuel Celler
As I understand the relevant con- (N.Y.), id. at p. 149; Mr. Phillip Bur-
stitutional guidelines, the power to ton (Calif.), id. at p. 160; Mr.
remedy this particular problem lies Charles A. Vanik (Ohio), id. at p.
with the people of North Carolina act- 168; Senator Karl E. Mundt (S.D.),
ing through their representative insti- id. at p. 216; Senator Birch Bayh
tutions at the State level. . . . (Ind.), id. at p. 218; Senator Harry F.
Byrd, Jr. (Va.), id. at p. 221; and
2. Id. at p. 213. Senator Robert C. Byrd (W. Va.), id.


At the conclusion of debate in count of North Carolina’s electoral

each House, the yeas and nays vote, the joint session of the two
were ordered and the House and Houses divided (the Senate re-
Senate respectively rejected the pairing to the Senate Chamber),
objection.(4) Thereupon, the Sen- so that the objection could be con-
ate reassembled in the Chamber sidered by each House meeting in
of the House in joint session.(5)
The President pro tempore called separate session. The House was
the meeting to order and directed called to order by the Speaker(7)
the Secretary of the Senate and and debate on the objection en-
the Clerk of the House to report sued, at the conclusion of which a
the action taken by the two motion was made by Mr. Gerald
Houses. Following the report, the R. Ford, of Michigan, to lay the
President pro tempore directed objection on the table.
the tellers to record and announce A point of order against the mo-
the vote of the State of North tion was made by Mr. James G.
Carolina, and the counting of the
electoral votes proceeded. O’Hara, of Michigan, asserting
that the motion to table such an
§ 3.7 Under the statute pre- objection was inconsistent with
scribing the procedure for the requirement of 3 USC § 17,
consideration by the respec- that after two hours of debate in
tive Houses of an objection each House on the objection to the
to a state’s electoral vote count of a state’s electoral vote, ‘‘it
count, a motion to lay the ob- shall be the duty of the presiding
jection on the table is not in officer of each House to put the
order. main question without further de-
On Jan. 6, 1969,(6) following the bate.’’
raising of an objection to the After further debate, the Speak-
er sustained the point of order. He
at pp. 244, 245. It was pointed out stated:
by Senator Muskie, however, that
over 500 resolutions had been intro- It seems to the Chair that the law [3
duced to reform the electoral system USC § 17] is very plain with respect to
the 5-minute rule and time of debate.
by constitutional amendment during
With respect to the problem, the sec-
the history of the Republic. Id. at p.
tion states, and I quote:
4. See § 3.7, infra. It shall be the duty of the pre-
siding officer of each House to put
5. 115 CONG. REC. 171, 91st Cong. 1st the main question without further
Sess., Jan. 6, 1969. debate.
6. 115 CONG. REC. 145–47, 169–72,
91st Cong. 1st Sess. 7. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


In the opinion of the Chair the main for President and for Spiro T. Agnew
question is the objection filed by the for Vice President and appointed no
gentleman from Michigan (Mr. O’Hara) electors to vote for any other persons.
and the Senator from Maine, Senator Therefore, no electoral vote of North
Muskie. Carolina should be counted for George
C. Wallace for President or for Curtis
The Chair is of the opinion that the
E. LeMay for Vice-President.
law plainly governs the situation; that
the Chair must put the main question Following a statement by the
and that the motion to table is not in President pro tempore that this
order. was an unusual parliamentary sit-
Accordingly, the Chair sustains the uation in that it was the first time
point of order. an objection to an electoral vote
The question on agreeing to the had been filed,(9) and a reading by
objection was taken; the objection the Clerk of the provisions of 3
being rejected—yeas 170, nays USC § 17, the Senate agreed to a
228, not voting 32, not sworn 4. A unanimous-consent request by Ed-
mund S. Muskie,(10) the Senator
motion to reconsider was laid on
from Maine, that the time be di-
the table. vided equally between proponents
A similar situation arose in the and opponents of the objection,
Senate, during proceedings relat- with time for the proponents to be
ing to the objection to the North allotted under the direction of the
Carolina vote. The Senate had Majority Leader, Michael J. Mans-
been called to order by President field, of Montana, and time for the
pro tempore Richard B. Russell, of opponents to be allotted under the
Georgia, who then directed the direction of Senator Dirksen. De-
Clerk to read the objection, as fol- bate on the objection then pro-
lows: (8) ceeded.
During the debate on the objec-
We object to the votes from the State
tion, Edward M. Kennedy, the
of North Carolina for George C. Wal-
lace for President and for Curtis E.
Senator from Massachusetts, in-
LeMay for Vice President on the quired as to whether a motion to
ground that they were not regularly lay the objection on the table
given in that the plurality of votes of would be in order: (11)
the people of North Carolina were cast
for Richard M. Nixon for President and 9. According to Minority Leader Ever-
for Spiro T. Agnew for Vice President ett McK. Dirksen (Ill.), this was also
and the State thereby appointed 13 the first time the Senate had oper-
electors to vote for Richard M. Nixon ated under the five-minute rule. Id.
at p. 223.
8. 115 CONG. REC. 210, 91st Cong. 1st 10. Id. at p. 211.
Sess. 11. Id. at p. 223.


MR. KENNEDY: Mr. President, may I agreed to which qualified the

propound a parliamentary inquiry terms of the statute.
whether the motion to table is in order
or is not in order? During proceedings arising from
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The an objection to the count of elec-
Chair would rule that it is not in toral votes of North Carolina,(13)
order. The statute under which we are the following statutory provi-
now proceeding states the main ques-
tion shall be put. Let the Chair read
sion (14) was read in the Senate: (15)
the last clause of section 17 of title 3: When the two Houses separate to de-
But after such debate shall have cide upon an objection that may have
lasted two hours it shall be the duty been made to the counting of any elec-
of the presiding officer of each House toral vote or votes from any State, or
to put the main question without other question arising in the matter,
further debate. each Senator and Representative may
At the conclusion of the two speak to such objection or question five
hours of debate, the question on minutes, and not more than once; but
agreeing to the objection was after such debate shall have lasted two
hours it shall be the duty of the pre-
taken; and the objection was re- siding officer of each House to put the
jected (yeas 33 and nays 58). A main question without further debate.
motion to reconsider was laid on
the table.(12) Subsequently, at the Senator Edmund S. Muskie, of
resumption of the joint session, Maine, then made the following
the Presiding Officer directed the unanimous-consent request:
tellers to announce and record the . . . I ask unanimous consent that
electoral votes of North Carolina debate on objections to the electoral
vote of North Carolina for George C.
as submitted.
Wallace and Curtis LeMay shall be
limited to 2 hours, as provided by law
§ 3.8 During consideration of
in section 17, title 3, United States
an objection to the electoral Code, and that the time be equally di-
vote count of a state, unani- vided and controlled by the majority
mous consent was sought for leader and the minority leader.
purposes of modifying the Discussion ensued as to the ef-
procedures prescribed by fect of the request and the appro-
statute for consideration of priateness of adopting procedures
such objections; after discus- that, in the view of some Sen-
sion and rejection of such re-
quest, a subsequent unani- 13. See § 3.6, supra.
mous-consent request was 14. 3 USC § 17.
15. 115 CONG. REC. 210, 91st Cong. 1st
12. Id. at p. 246. Sess., Jan. 6, 1969.


ators, would constitute a depar- provisions such as those in ques-

ture from the terms of the statute. tion is in any event permissible if
As background to the discus- no point of order or objection is
sion, it may, of course, be noted raised.
that, under the Constitution,(16) The proceedings relating to Sen-
‘‘Each House may determine the ator Muskie’s unanimous-consent
Rules of its Proceedings,’’ so that request were in part as follows: (17)
there was no absolute legal obsta- Mr. [CARL T.] CURTIS [of Nebraska]:
cle to the Senate’s adoption of Is a unanimous-consent request in
whatever procedures seemed ap- order which, by its terms, is not in ac-
propriate at the time. It may also cord with a duly enacted statute?
be noted that the terms of the THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: (18)
The Chair will state that unanimous-
unanimous-consent request did consent requests can also be received
not on their face necessarily con- and entertained here that are in con-
travene the statute. But it will be flict with the statutes. Sometimes they
observed that the Chair declined are in conflict with the Constitution.
to pass upon the effect or legality We have three sets of rules in the
of the unanimous-consent request, Senate. Some of them are spelled out
in the Constitution, others are spelled
and stated that a single objection out in the Senate rule book, and the
to the request would preserve pro- great majority of them are embraced in
cedures under the statute. the precedents of the Senate.
The Chair did remark that For example, one of the constitu-
unanimous-consent requests are tional rules had to do with
ascertaining the presence of a quorum.
entertained that are seemingly ‘‘in
We see suggestions of the absence of a
conflict with’’ both statutes and quorum made several times during a
the Constitution. Citing the con- day, and withdrawn by unanimous
stitutional requirement of the consent. That can be done only by
quorum, he said: unanimous consent. If the proposal of
the Senator from Maine can be made
. . . We see suggestions of the ab- only by unanimous consent, any single
sence of a quorum made several times Senator who thinks it is improper, and
during the day and withdrawn by that we should follow the statute in
unanimous consent. . . . this particular case—has a right to de-
stroy it completely by uttering two
It may perhaps be implied from words—‘‘I object,’’ and the proposal will
the Chair’s remarks here and fall.
throughout the debate that a pro-
posed departure from statutory 17. 115 CONG. REC. 210, 211, 91st Cong.
1st Sess., Jan. 6, 1969.
16. U.S. Const. art. I, § 5. 18. Richard B. Russell (Ga.).


MR. [EDWARD W.] BROOKE [of Mas- tinguished Senator from Maine, under
sachusetts]: Mr. President, reserving the unanimous-consent request, con-
the right to object, do I understand the ceivably the distinguished Senator
only difference between the unani- might use 1 hour of the time, and one
mous-consent request and the statute Senator from the minority side use 1
to be that the time would be controlled hour of the time, which in my opinion
by the Chair and not by the majority would certainly frustrate the intent of
and minority leaders, under the stat- the statute. I feel so strongly about it,
ute? Mr. President, that as much as I dis-
MR. MUSKIE: As the unanimous-con- like to do so, I hereby object.
sent request is worded, time would be THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The
under the control of the majority and Senator from Massachusetts objects.
minority leaders. The Chair, having tolerated consider-
MR. BROOKE: That is the only thing able discussion and parliamentary in-
that was intended to be achieved by quiries, now asks of the Senate unani-
the unanimous-consent agreement? mous consent that that time not be
MR. MUSKIE: Plus liberalizing the 5- charged against the 2 hours. If there is
minute requirement. The statute re- no objection, it will not be charged; and
quires that each Senator may speak for that leaves the matter open for the
5 minutes, and not more than once. Chair to recognize Senators who wish
This was discussed quite extensively, to speak on this subject.
and it was felt that the ideal arrange- The Chair recognizes the Senator
ment would be to have full and free de- from Maine for 5 minutes.
bate, with the time controlled and free Mr. MUSKIE: Mr. President, I antici-
exchange between Senators. It was felt pated that this might result, and I
that this could be done, unless a Sen- fully understand the reservations ex-
ator objected; so we decided to make pressed by Senators. I have another
the effort. . . . unanimous-consent request to propose.
MR. [FRANK] CHURCH [of Idaho]: Mr. I ask unanimous consent that debate
President, I have no desire to object, be limited to 2 hours, as provided by
but I do not understand how this can statute, that the time be equally di-
be a proper proceeding. vided and controlled by the majority
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The leader and the minority leader, and
Chair is not permitted to enter any that the statutory limitation of 5 min-
ruling that purports to pass upon the utes per Senator be included, but that
legality of a unanimous-consent re- the 5 minutes available to any Senator
quest, any more than is any other may be used to ask or answer ques-
Member of this body. tions.
Is there objection? The purpose of this request, Mr.
MR. BROOKE: Mr. President, it seems President, is to do two things: First, to
to me that the intent of the statute is insure that both sides of the debate
to give as many Senators as possible shall have equal access to the attention
an opportunity to be heard on this im- of the Senate; second, that the use of
portant issue. As I understand the dis- the 5 minutes shall not be so rigid that


there cannot be the kind of exchange following message from the Presi-
that would permit the answering of
questions on the minds of Senators. dent of the United States:
The Parliamentarian has advised me To the Congress of the United States:
that, in his judgment, this is consistent
with the statute. It touches upon Pursuant to the provisions of Section
points not covered by the statute, and 2 of the Twenty-fifth Amendment to
it embraces the limitations of the stat-
ute. . . . the Constitution of the United States,
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: Is I hereby nominate Gerald R. Ford, of
there objection to the unanimous-con- Michigan, to be the Vice President of
sent request? The Chair hears none, the United States.
and the request is agreed to. RICHARD NIXON,
October 13, 1973.
§ 4. Presidential Nomina-
tions for Vice President Referral to Committee

Transmittal Message § 4.2 The Speaker referred the

President’s nomination of a
§ 4.1 When the President, pur- Vice President to the Com-
suant to section 2 of the 25th mittee on the Judiciary,
amendment to the Constitu- which has jurisdiction over
tion, nominates a Vice Presi- matters relating to Presi-
dent to take office upon con- dential succession.
firmation by a majority vote
On Oct. 13, 1973,(1) the Speak-
of both Houses, a message
transmitting his nomination er (2) referred to the Committee on
is laid before the House by the Judiciary a message from the
the Speaker.
1. 119 CONG. REC. 34032, 93d Cong. 1st
On Oct. 13, 1973,(19) the Speak- Sess. See 119 CONG. REC. 34111, 93d
er (20) laid before the House the Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 13, 1973,
where, in the Senate, the nomination
19. 119 CONG. REC. 34032, 93d Cong. 1st was referred to the Senate Com-
Sess. For proceedings incident to the mittee on Rules and Administration.
Senate’s receipt of a similar message
Similarly, on Aug. 20, 1974, the
see 119 CONG. REC. 34111, 93d
Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 13, 1973. nomination by President Gerald R.
See 120 CONG. REC. 29366, 93d Ford of Nelson A. Rockefeller as Vice
Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 1974, for President was referred in the House
similar proceedings relating to the to the Committee on the Judiciary.
nomination of Nelson A. Rockefeller See 120 CONG. REC. 29366, 93d
as Vice President. Cong. 2d Sess.
20. Carl Albert (Okla.). 2. Carl Albert (Okla.).


President of the United States Thereupon, the House received

nominating a Vice President. a message from the Senate an-
nouncing that body’s confirma-
Confirmation tion (5) of the nomination.
Similarly, on Dec. 19, 1974,(6)
§ 4.3 The House agreed to a
pursuant to a special order, House
resolution confirming a Pres-
Resolution 1519,(7) the House con-
idential nomination for Vice
sidered and agreed to a resolution
President of the United
States and then received a (H. Res. 1511) reported from the
message from the Senate an- Committee of the Whole House on
nouncing that body’s con- the state of the Union confirming
firmation of the nomination. a Presidential nomination for Vice
President of the United States:
On Dec. 6, 1973,(3) pursuant to
Resolved, That the House of Rep-
a special order,(4) the House con-
resentatives confirm the nomination of
sidered and agreed to a resolution Nelson A. Rockefeller, of the State of
(H. Res. 735) reported from the New York, to be Vice President of the
Committee of the Whole House on United States.
the state of the Union confirming A motion to reconsider was laid
a Presidential nomination for Vice on the table.
President of the United States:
Thereupon, the House received
Resolved, That the House of Rep- a message from the Senate an-
resentatives confirm the nomination of nouncing that body’s confirma-
Gerald R. Ford, of the State of Michi-
gan, to be Vice President of the United tion (8) of the nomination.
States. 5. For proceedings incident to the Sen-
A motion to reconsider was laid ate’s confirmation of the nomination
on the table. see 119 CONG. REC. 38224, 38225,
93d Cong. 1st Sess., Nov. 27, 1973.
3. 119 CONG. REC. 39899, 39900, 93d 6. 120 CONG. REC. 41516, 41517, 93d
Cong. 1st Sess. Cong. 2d Sess.
4. See 119 CONG. REC. 39807, 39812, 7. See id. at pp. 41419–516, for text of
39813, 93d Cong. 1st Sess., Dec. 6, H. Res. 1519 and debate on H. Res.
1973, for proceedings incident to the 1511.
House’s agreement to a resolution, 8. For proceedings incident to the Sen-
H. Res. 738, making in order consid- ate’s confirmation of the nomination,
eration of the confirmation resolu- see 120 CONG. REC. 38918–36, 93d
tion. Cong. 2d Sess., Dec. 10, 1974.


Questions of Privilege

A. Introductory
§ 1. In General

B. Privilege of the House

§ 2. In General; Definition
§ 3. Effecting Changes in House Rules or Orders
§ 4. Raising and Presenting the Question
§ 5. Time for Consideration; Precedence of the Ques-
§ 6. Recognition to Offer; Determinations as to Validity
§ 7. Consideration and Debate; Referral to Committee

C. Basis of Questions of Privilege of the House

§ 8. General Criticism of Legislative Activity
§ 9. Charges Involving Members
§ 10. Charges Involving House Officers or Employees
§ 11. Correcting the Record; Expungement of Words Ut-
tered in Debate
§ 12. Enforcement of Committee Orders and Subpenas
§ 13. Invasion of House Jurisdiction or Prerogatives
§ 14. Service of Process on Members
§ 15. Service of Grand Jury Subpena
§ 16. Service of Process on House, Its Officers, or Em-
§ 17. Service of Process on Committee Chairmen and
§ 18. Authorization to Respond to Process
§ 19. Providing for Legal Counsel
Commentary and editing by John R. Graham, Jr., J.D.


D. Personal Privilege of Member

§ 20. In General; Definition
§ 21. Raising the Question; Procedure
§ 22. Debate on the Question; Speeches
§ 23. Precedence of the Question; Interrupting Other

E. Basis of Questions of Personal Privilege

§ 24. Introductory; General Opinion or Criticism
§ 25. Charges Before a Governmental Agency or Com-
§ 26. Charges by Fellow Member
§ 27. Words Uttered in Debate; Charges Inserted in the
§ 28. Published Charges of Impropriety
§ 29. Published Charges of Illegality
§ 30. Published Charges Involving Legislative Conduct
§ 31. Published Charges Involving Patriotism
§ 32. Published Charges Impugning Veracity
§ 33. Criticism of Members Collectively


Abuse of House powers or institu- Character of Member, charges con-

tions, § 30.8 cerning—Cont.
Adjournment, questions of privilege making oneself a ‘‘damn fool’’ § 26.1
pending at, § 5.5 questionable business affiliations,
Alteration of official transcript, §§ 26.3, 28.3
charge of, § 25.2 ‘‘vote selling,’’ § 28.1
Appeal from Speaker’s ruling, § 6.3
Calendar Wednesday business, prec- Charges concerning Congress, reso-
lution for investigation of, § 8.3
edence of questions of privilege
Charges concerning the House, reso-
over, § 5.7
lution for investigation of, § 8.4
Character of Member, charges con- Charges made against other Mem-
cerning bers, § 9.2
atomic secrets, divulging, § 26.2 Charges or criticism involving
Communist Party affiliation, § 25.1 unnamed Members, §§ 26.1, 26.2,
ethnic slur, § 28.4 33.1, 33.2
hearing transcripts, altered, submit- Committee chairman, improprieties
ting, § 25.2 as, § 30.11


Committee employee, criticism of, Court orders

§ 10.3 publication of committee report re-
Committee of the Whole strained by, § 13.3
questions of personal privilege raised service of, on Members, §§ 14.9, 14.10
in, § 21.4 Criticism of Members
questions of the privilege of the House generally, § 8.2
raised in, § 4.3 resolution for investigation of, § 9.2
Committee reports relating to ques- Debate, offensive remarks uttered
tions of privilege during
applicability of three-day rule con- in relation to questions of personal
cerning, § 5.10 privilege, § 27.1
witness’ refusal to be sworn, § 12.2 Debate, scope of
witness’ refusal to respond to subpena in relation to questions of personal
privilege, § 22.5
duces tecum, § 12.3
response to Member who raises ques-
Committee responsibilities, avoid-
tion, § 22.2
ance of, § 30.14
Deceptive conduct, charge of, § 30.2
Committee witnesses, warrants de-
Deposition, notice of, served on
taining, § 12.1
Clerk, § 16.18
Communist Party affiliation, charge
Discovery orders
of, § 25.1
issuance of, for committee papers,
Congress, criticism of, § 8.1
§ 17.9
Congressional Record, expurgations
service of, on committee employees,
offensive articles, documents, or § 17.10
speech, inserted in, § § 11.4, 11.5 District of Columbia business, prece-
offensive House debate in, § § 11.2, 11.3 dence of question of privilege over,
offensive Senate debate in, § 11.1 § 5.8
remarks inserted in, through abuse of Doorkeeper, criticism of, § 10.2
leave to print, § 11.7 Employees, committee, service of in-
remarks inserted without authoriza- terrogatories on, § 17.10
tion in, § 11.8 Executive invasion of House prerog-
unparliamentary language inserted in, atives, § 13.2
under leave to extend, § 11.6 Executive officer, improper attempt
by, to influence Member, § 9.1
Congressional Record, resolution to
Fascist sympathies, charge of, § 31.4
correct inaccuracies in, § 11.9 Grounds for question of personal
Congressional Record, resolution to privilege, statement of, § 21.1
restore remarks previously ex- Hour rule on debate, applicability of
punged from, § 11.10
to questions of personal privilege,
Congressional Record, transcript of, § 22.1
submitted to the Speaker, § 21.2
to questions of the privilege of the
Counsel, appointment of House, § 7.1
by Clerk, § 19.3 House floor, control of, when ques-
by House committee, § 19.2 tions of personal privilege arise,
by Speaker, § 19.1 §§ 23.2, 23.3


House orders, collateral attack on, Official conduct of Members, charges

§ 3.2 concerning—Cont.
House rules, effecting changes in, ‘‘disgraceful’’ conduct, §§ 30.15, 30.16
§ 3.1 evidence, confiscating, § 30.4
Illegality, charges of, concerning improper conduct in agency dealings,
Members § 30.17
criminal conspiracy, perjury, and tax irresponsibility, § 30.12
evasion, § 29.5 making ‘‘intemperate, vituperative and
fees, receipt of, § 29.3 libelous’’ attack, § 27.9
forgery, § 29.2 ‘‘making suckers’’ out of the taxpayers,
sedition, § 29.6 § 27.8
tax irregularities, § 29.4 misuse of public funds, § 30.1
unspecified illegal acts, § 29.1 placing ‘‘scurrilous’’ matter in the
Innuendos as raising question of Record, § 27.4
privilege, § 31.1 ‘‘pork barrel’’ provisions, § 27.6
Interrogatories, service of, on com- promoting religious strife, § 27.5
mittee employees, § 17.10 ‘‘sneaking’’ something over on the
Journal House, § 30.2
interruption of reading of, for ques- war controls, actions detrimental to,
tions of privilege, § 5.6 § 30.5
precedence of reading of, over ques- Official conduct of Members, criti-
tions of personal privilege, § 23.1 cism of, §§ 8.2, 24.1 et seq.
Judicial invasion of House preroga- One-minute speech, use of, as related
tives, § 13.3 to questions of personal privilege,
Legislative actions or record, criti- § 22.4
cism of, § 24.1 Patriotism of Members, charges con-
Motion for adjournment, precedence cerning
of, over questions of privilege, activities detrimental to national secu-
§§ 5.1, 5.2 rity, §§ 31.12 et seq.
Motion for the previous question collaborating with a foreign enemy,
applicability of, to questions of the §§ 31.14 et seq.
privilege of the House, § 7.3 fascist sympathies, §§ 31.4 et seq.
precedence of questions of privilege generalized allegations, §§ 31.1–31.3
over, § 5.9
innuendos reflecting on patriotism,
Official conduct of Members, charges §§ 31.1 et seq.
sedition, § 29.6
abuse of franking privilege, § 30.18
Political influence, exercise of, as
abuse of powers or rank, §§ 30.8–30.10 improper, § 26.3
accusation of traitorous acts, § 26.5 Prima facie showing as to question
conflicts of interest, §§ 30.6, 30.7 of privilege, § 4.1
‘‘cynical politicking’’ and ‘‘shabby con- Procedure, effecting changes in, § 3.3
duct,’’ § 27.7 Process, response to, authorization
dereliction of duties, § 30.3 for, § 18.1


Questions of the privilege of the Subpena—Cont.

House modification of, after service, § 14.3
appeal from Speaker’s determination Subpena, issuance of, to
of, § 6.3 Clerk, §§ 16.7–16.9
consideration of, by House committee, committee chairmen, §§ 17.2–17.4
committee employees, §§ 17.5. 17.6
determination of, by Speaker, §§ 6.1,
6.2 Doorkeeper, § 16.10
prima facie showing necessary for, House employee, § 16.13
§ 4.1 Members, §§ 14.2 et seq.
Recognition of Member on question Sergeant at Arms, §§ 16.11, 16.12
of privilege, Speaker’s power as to, Subpenas issued by grand jury to
§ 6.1 Clerk, § 16.14
Religious strife, promotion of, § 27.5
committee chairman, § 17.7
Resolution, questions of the privi-
lege of the House raised by, § 4.2 committee employee, § 17.8
Resolutions relating to critical publi- House employee, § 16.16
cations, §§ 8.3, 8.4 Members, §§ 15.1, 15.2
Response to Member who raises Sergeant at Arms, § 16.15
question, § 22.2 Summons, service of, on
Revenue legislation, interference
Capitol Architect, § 16.6
with House power to originate,
§ 13.1 chairman of committee, § 17.1
Rude conduct, allegations of, on the Clerk, § 16.3
part of House employees, § 10.2 House, § 16.1
Security risk, charging Member as Member, § 15.2
being, § 31.12 Sergeant at Arms, § 16.4
Senate debate, expungement of. by
Speaker, § 16.2
House resolution, § 11.1
Senate invasion of House preroga- Traitorous acts, allegation of, § 26.5
tives, § 13.1 Unauthorized action by committee
Senator’s criticism of House Mem- employee, allegation of, § 10.3
ber, § 27.6 Unnamed Members. criticism of.
Special-order speech as alternative §§ 26.1. 33.1
to question of personal privilege, Veracity of Members, charges con-
§ 22.3 cerning
Strike-breaking activities, charge of, charge of distorting the President’s
§ 27.3
words, by fellow Member, § 27.10
echoing a fascist lie, § 27.11
authorization for response to, §§ 18.1–
18.4 misleading the public, § 33.1
court-martial issuance of, to Clerk, presenting falsehoods, § 32.1
§ 16.17 stating a ‘‘lie,’’ §§ 26.7, 27.12, 32.2
executive agency, issuance by, to Mem- Vote, improper attempt to influence,
ber, § 14.8 § 9.1

Questions of Privilege


§ 1. In General Pursuant to the rule, questions

of privilege are divided into two
The tradition of Anglo-American
parliamentary procedure recog- classes—the first pertaining to the
nizes the privileged status of House collectively, the second per-
questions related to the honor and taining to the Members individ-
security of a deliberative body and
ually. Whenever a question of
its members. The House has ac-
corded privileged status to such privilege is properly raised on the
questions by Rule IX,(1) which pro- floor by a Member, the Speaker
vides: must entertain the question and
Questions of privilege shall be, first,
those affecting the rights of the House rule on its admissibility. And the
collectively, its safety, dignity, and the disposition of such questions must
integrity of its proceedings; second, the
rights, reputation, and conduct of precede the consideration of any
Members, individually, in their rep- other question except the motion
resentative capacity only; and shall
have precedence of all other questions, to adjourn.(3)
except motions to adjourn.(2)
prevent the loss of time which had
1. House Rules and Manual § 661 theretofore resulted from Members’
(1973). For pre-1936 rulings on ques- obtaining the floor for a speech
tions of privilege, see 3 Hinds’ Prece- under the pretext of raising a ques-
dents § § 2521-2725, and 6 Cannon’s tion of privilege.
Precedents § § 553–622. 3. Precedence of the question, see § 5,
2. See 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2521, not- infra.
ing that the object of Rule IX was to



§ 2. In General; Definition ring instead to table or to commit

the matter to a designated House
Under Rule IX,(4) a question of committee for its study and rec-
the privilege of the House arises ommendations before debate be-
whenever its safety, dignity, or gins.(9)
the integrity of its proceedings, is
in issue. The question having
been properly raised by the offer- § 3. Effecting Changes in
ing of a resolution, the Speaker House Rules or Orders
initially decides whether the ques-
tion presented constitutes a ques- Change in House Rules
tion of the privilege of the House.
And, as the presiding officer of the § 3.1 A question of the privi-
House, it is customary for him to lege of the House may not be
make a preliminary determination raised to effect a change in
as to the validity of the question the rules of the House.
raised.(5) Appeal may be taken On May 24, 1972,(10) during pro-
from the Chair’s ruling, however, ceedings incident to the receipt of
since the final determination re- a report from the Committee of
garding the validity of such a the Whole House on the state of
question of privilege rests with the Union, Ms. Bella S. Abzug, of
the House.(6) New York, as a ‘‘question of privi-
Debate in the House on a ques- lege of rule IX’’ submitted the fol-
tion of privilege is limited to one lowing resolution:
hour(7) and may, like debate on
other matters, be terminated by H. RES. 1003
the adoption of a motion for the Resolved, That on May 24, 1972, at
previous question.(8) Of course, the the hour of three forty-five
House may choose not to under- postmeridian the House shall stand in
recess for fifteen minutes in order that
take consideration of a question of it may hear and receive petition for re-
the privilege of the House, prefer- dress of grievances relative to the war
in Indochina to be presented by a cit-
4. House Rules and Manual § 661
(1973). 9. See § 7.4, infra.
5. See § § 6.1, 6.2, infra. 10. 118 CONG. REC. 18675, 92d Cong. 2d
6. See § 6.3, infra. Sess. For an additional example see
7. See § 7.1, infra. 79 CONG. REC. 14667–69, 74th Cong.
8. See § 7.3, infra. 1st Sess., Aug. 24, 1935.


izen of the United States and further whereby such action was
resolved that in order to present such taken.
petition, the said citizen be permitted
on the floor of the House during such On Feb. 13, 1941,(12) Mr. Clare
recess. E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose to a
Mr. Hale Boggs, of Louisiana, question of the privilege of the
then made the point of order that House and submitted a resolution
the resolution was not a privi- requesting the restoration to the
Record of certain remarks made
leged resolution. Following debate
by him and Mr. Samuel Dickstein,
on the point of order, the Speak-
of New York, during the previous
er (11) in his ruling on the point of
day’s proceedings. Such remarks
order said: had been deleted by the House
The gentlewoman is out of order. pursuant to the adoption of a mo-
The Chair cannot permit the gentle- tion to expunge made by Mr. John
woman to speak out of order. E. Rankin, of Mississippi. Fol-
The Chair has been very lenient in lowing debate, an inquiry was
permitting the gentlewoman to debate
her point of order, but the point of
heard from Mr. Hoffman as to
order is obviously in order. whether the Chair had ruled on
The gentlewoman undertakes to the question of the privilege of the
change the rules of the House or to House. Responding to the inquiry,
make an exception without unanimous the Speaker (13) stated:
consent and without a special order of
The House would have to decide
the House. that, and, in the opinion of the Chair,
The point of order is sustained, and the House did decide the matter when
the gentlewoman is out of order. it expunged the remarks from the
Record. The Chair thinks, under the
Change in House Orders circumstances, that the proper way to
reopen the question would be by a mo-
§ 3.2 It is not in order by way tion to reconsider the vote whereby the
of a point of personal privi- motion of the gentleman from Mis-
sissippi [Mr. Rankin] was adopted. The
lege or by raising a question Chair is of the opinion that inasmuch
of the privilege of the House as the question raised by the gen-
to collaterally attack an tleman from Michigan was decided by
order properly adopted by a vote of the House on a proper mo-
tion, that he does not now present a
the House at a previous time, question of privilege of the House or of
the proper method of reopen- personal privilege.
ing the matter being by mo-
tion to reconsider the vote 12. 87 CONG. REC. 979, 980, 77th Cong.
1st Sess.
11. Carl Albert (Okla.). 13. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


Parliamentarian’s Note: On the tion that under the Constitution

legislative day of Oct. 8, 1968,(14) and rules the freedom of Members
after repeated quorum calls and who were present should not be
other delay pending approval of restricted, the specific argument
the Journal, a motion was adopted was not made that the order had
ordering a call of the House upon been agreed to by less than a
disclosure of the absence of a quorum or that it was directed
quorum. Thereupon another mo- only to the attendance of absen-
tion was adopted (before the tees and not to those present in
quorum call commenced) directing the Chamber. This precedent does
that those Members who were not not, then, stand for the propo-
then present be returned to the sition that an improper order of
Chamber and not permitted to the House or the manner of execu-
leave until the pending business tion of an order of the House can
(approval of the Journal) be com- never be collaterally attacked as a
pleted. No point of order was matter of the privilege of the
raised against that motion, al- House—it merely suggests that
though it was agreed to by less the proper contention was not
than a quorum, and no motion to made when the question of privi-
reconsider was subsequently en- lege was raised.
tered against the motion. Subse-
quently, during the continued Change in Conference Proce-
reading of the Journal, Mr. Robert dure
Taft, Jr., of Ohio, as a matter both § 3.3 A question of the privi-
of personal privilege and of the lege of the House may not be
privileges of the House, moved raised to criticize or effect a
that he and all other Members in change in conference proce-
the Chamber who had been there dure.
at the time of the last quorum call
be permitted to leave the Cham- On July 29, 1935,(16) Mr. George
ber at their desire. While the Huddleston, of Alabama, sub-
Speaker (15) declined to entertain 16. 79 CONG. REC. 12007–13, 74th Cong.
the motion as a question of privi- 1st Sess. For further examples see
lege based upon Mr. Taft’s conten- 104 CONG. REC. 12690, 12691, 85th
Cong. 2d Sess., June 30, 1958; 103
14. 114 CONG. REC. 30214, 30215, 90th CONG. REC. 14737–39, 85th Cong.
Cong. 2d Sess. (calendar day Oct. 9, 1st Sess., Aug. 14, 1957; and 84
1968). CONG. REC. 1367–70, 76th Cong. 1st
15. John W. McCormack (Mass.). Sess., Feb. 14, 1939.


mitted as a question of the privi- question, because that is not within

lege of the House, a resolution (17) the province of the Chair, but the
Chair thinks there is a distinction be-
instructing certain House con- tween an assault upon a member of a
ferees to insist upon the exclusion conference committee, as the gen-
from subsequent conference com- tleman from Alabama has suggested,
mittee meetings of several experts and the attendance at a session of a
and counsel who were present conference committee of an employee of
during a previous committee the Government upon the invitation of
the conferees of one House. The Chair
meeting at the insistence of the thinks that that is a matter of proce-
Senate conferees. A point of order dure that should be determined by the
was then made by Mr. John E. conferees. In the event that the con-
Rankin, of Mississippi, that the ferees are unable to agree, it seems to
resolution did not state a question the Chair that the remedy is provided
in rule XXVIII. The Chair does not be-
of the privilege of the House and lieve that under the facts stated a
further said: question of privilege is involved. The
To say that the Senate committee, Chair, therefore, sustains the point of
when it brings its experts to advise order.
them and to assist them in working
out the parliamentary or the legisla-
tive problems involved, is a matter
that goes to the integrity of the pro-
§ 4. Raising and Pre-
ceedings of the House of Representa- senting the Question
tives I submit does not meet the re-
quirement; and therefore the resolu- Prima Facie Showing
tion is not privileged. If they want to
come in and ask new instructions, and § 4.1 The mere statement that
give the House the right to vote on the
instructions or what those instructions
the privilege of the House
are to be, that might be a different has been violated and trans-
proposition, but that would not be a gressed, unsupported by a
question of the privilege of the House. further showing of a prima
Debate ensued, at the conclu- facie violation or breach of
sion of which the Speaker (18) in the privilege of the House,
sustaining the point of order, stat- does not properly present a
ed:(19) question of privilege.
The Chair does not wish to be under- On Feb. 18, 1936,(20) Mr. Mar-
stood as passing on the merits of the ion A. Zioncheck, of Washington,
17. H. Res. 311. 20. 80 CONG. REC. 2312, 2313, 74th
18. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.). Cong. 2d Sess. For further illustra-
19. 79 CONG. REC. 12013, 74th Cong. 1st tion see 88 CONG. REC. 2005, 77th
Sess. Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 6, 1942.


submitted as a question of privi- a question of the privilege of the

lege the following resolution: House, sought recognition to make
Resolved, That the gentleman from a statement. A point of order was
New York, Mr. Taber, violated and made by Mr. John E. Rankin, of
transgressed the privileges of the Mississippi, that in order to ob-
House Monday, February 17, 1936. tain recognition on a question of
A point of order was then made the privilege of the House a Mem-
by Mr. Frederick R. Lehlbach, of ber must first offer a resolution.
New Jersey, asserting that the Following the subsequent par-
resolution did not raise a question liamentary inquiry by Mr. Hoff-
of the privilege of the House. In man inquiring whether in fact he
his ruling, sustaining the point of was required to offer a resolution
order, the Speaker (21) stated: before stating his question, the
Speaker (1) stated:
The Chair thinks the point of order
is well taken. The resolution does not The gentleman must offer his resolu-
set out a question of privilege. tion first, under the rule.

Raised by Resolution In Committee of the Whole

§ 4.2 Questions of privilege of § 4.3 A question of the privi-

the House are raised by reso- lege of the House based upon
lution. proceedings in the House
On Sept. 5, 1940,(22) Mr. Clare may not be raised in the
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to Committee of the Whole.
On May 24, 1972,(2) after the
Note: The resolution quoted above House had gone into the Com-
was apparently in response to re-
marks by Mr. John Taber [N.Y.],
mittee of the Whole, the following
made on the preceding day, in which proceedings occurred:
he criticized an alleged abuse by Mr. THE CHAIRMAN: (3) For what purpose
Zioncheck of the privilege of extend- does the gentlewoman from New York
ing remarks in the Record. See 80 rise?
CONG. REC. 2201, 74th Cong. 2d MRS. [BELLA S.] ABZUG: Mr. Chair-
Sess., Feb. 17, 1936. man, I rise to make a resolution con-
21. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.).
22. 86 CONG. REC. 11552, 11553, 76th CONG. REC. 5454, 5455, 74th Cong.
Cong. 3d Sess. For further illustra- 1st Sess., Apr. 11, 1935.
tions see 86 CONG. REC. 5111, 5112, 1. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).
5114, 76th Cong. 3d Sess., Apr. 26, 2. 118 CONG. REC. 18675, 92d Cong. 2d
1940; 80 CONG. REC. 2201, 74th Sess.
Cong. 2d Sess., Feb. 17, 1936; 79 3. John M. Murphy (N.Y.).


cerning a question of privilege on rule § 5.2 The House may adjourn

THE CHAIRMAN: The gentlewoman is
pending a decision on a ques-
not in order. tion of privilege of the
MR. [JOHN J.] MCFALL [of Cali- House.
fornia]: Mr. Chairman, I make a point
of order against the resolution. On June 5, 1940,(7) Mr. Ham-
MRS. ABZUG: Mr. Chairman, a ques- ilton Fish, Jr., of New York, of-
tion of privilege under rule IX in my fered a resolution (8) raising a
understanding is in order at any time
and it takes precedence over any other. question of the privilege of the
THE CHAIRMAN: The Chair states the House. A point of order that a
gentlewoman is not correct. quorum was not present was then
Question[s] of privilege of the House made by Mr. William P. Cole, of
may not be raised in the Committee of
the Whole. Maryland. When the count of the
House by the Speaker (9) disclosed
the absence of a quorum, the
§ 5. Time for Consider- House agreed to a motion offered
ation; Precedence of the by Mr. Sam Rayburn, of Texas,
adjourning until the following
Question day.
Precedence of Motions to Ad-
Precedence of Question of
§ 5.1 A question of privilege is
not entertained pending a § 5.3 Parliamentarian’s Note: A
vote on a motion to adjourn. question of privilege has pri-
ority over all other questions
On Apr. 15, 1970,(4) following a
except motions to adjourn,(10)
point of order objecting to a vote
on a motion to adjourn based on and supercedes the consider-
the absence of a quorum, Mr. ation of the original question
Louis C. Wyman, of New Hamp-
shire, rose to a question of ‘‘privi- mandates that questions of privilege
‘‘shall have precedence of all other
lege.’’ The Speaker pro tempore (5)
questions, except motions to ad-
indicated that the pendency of the
motion to adjourn precluded the
7. 86 CONG. REC. 7633, 76th Cong. 3d
entertainment of the question.(6)
4. 116 CONG. REC. 11940, 11941, 91st 8. H. Res. 510.
Cong. 2d Sess. 9. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).
5. Charles M. Price (Ill.). 10. Rule IX, House Rules and Manual
6. By explicit provision Rule IX, House § 661 (1973), and 3 Hinds’ Prece-
Rules and Manual § 661 (1973), dents § 2521.


and must be disposed of Question of Privilege as Unfin-

first.(11) ished Business

Precedence of Prior Question § 5.5 A question of the privi-

of Privilege lege of the House pending at
the time of adjournment be-
§ 5.4 At a time when a question comes the unfinished busi-
of privilege is pending in the ness on the next day.
House, a Member will not be
On Aug. 27, 1940,(16) the House
recognized to present an- adjourned during debate on a res-
other question of privilege. olution involving the question of
On May 28, 1936,(12) Mr. C. Jas- the privilege of the House offered
per Bell, of Missouri, offered a by Mr. Jacob Thorkelson, of Mon-
privileged resolution (13) raising a tana. At the commencement of the
question of the privileges of the succeeding day’s business the
House. Thereafter, Mr. Joseph P. Speaker (17) stated:
Monaghan, of Montana, sought The unfinished business before the
recognition to raise a point of per- House is the question of the privilege
sonal privilege and of the privilege of the House raised by the gentleman
of the House. Declining to extend from Montana. Does the gentleman
recognition, the Speaker (14) stat- from Montana desire to be recognized?
ed: (15)
Precedence as to the Journal
The question now pending is a ques-
tion of the privilege of the House, and § 5.6 The Speaker indicated
that takes precedence over the ques-
tion of privilege of the gentleman from that, unlike a question of
Montana. There can be only one ques- personal privilege, a ques-
tion of privilege before the House at a tion of the privilege of the
time, and one is now pending.
House could interrupt the
11. House Rules and Manual, Jefferson’s reading of the Journal.
Manual § 458, and annotation to On the legislative day of Oct. 8,
Rule IX, § 664 (1973); and 3 Hinds’ 1968,(18) during the reading of the
Precedents § 2522.
12. 80 CONG. REC. 8222, 74th Cong. 2d 16. 86 CONG. REC. 11046–49, 76th Cong.
Sess. For a similar example see 80 3d Sess. For an additional example
CONG. REC. 5704–06, 74th Cong. 2d see 112 CONG. REC. 27641, 89th
Sess., Apr. 20, 1936. Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. 19, 1966.
13. H. Res. 532. 17. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).
14. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.). 18. 114 CONG. REC. 30214–16, 90th
15. 80 CONG. REC. 8222, 74th Cong. 2d Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. 9, 1968 (cal-
Sess., May 28, 1936. endar day).


Journal the following proceedings been disposed of, recognize the gen-
occurred: tleman if the gentleman seeks recogni-
MR. [ROBERT] TAFT [Jr., of Ohio]:
Mr. Speaker—— Precedence Over Calendar
THE SPEAKER: (19) For what purpose
does the gentleman from Ohio rise?
Wednesday Business
MR. TAFT: Mr. Speaker, I have a
§ 5.7 A matter involving the
privileged motion.
MR. [SIDNEY R.] YATES [of Illinois]: A privilege of the House takes
point of order, Mr. Speaker. That is precedence over the continu-
not in order until the reading of the ation of the call of commit-
Journal has been completed. tees under the Calendar
THE SPEAKER: Will the gentleman Wednesday rule.
from Ohio state his privileged motion?
MR. TAFT: Mr. Speaker, my motion On Feb. 8, 1950,(20) during the
is on a point of personal privilege. call of committees pursuant to the
THE SPEAKER: Will the gentleman Calendar Wednesday rule,(1) the
from Ohio state whether it is a point of following proceedings occurred:
personal privilege or a privileged mo-
tion? MR. [VITO] MARCANTONIO [of New
MR. TAFT: It is a privileged motion, York]: Mr. Speaker, a point of order.
and a motion of personal privilege. THE SPEAKER.(2) The gentleman will
Under rule IX questions of personal state it.
privilege are privileged motions, ahead MR. MARCANTONIO: Mr. Speaker,
of the reading of the Journal. this is Calendar Wednesday, and I ask
THE SPEAKER: The Chair will advise that the business of Calendar Wednes-
the gentleman that a question of per- day proceed. I submit that the regular
sonal privilege should be made later order is the continuation of the call of
after the Journal has been disposed of. committees by the Clerk.
If the gentleman has a matter of THE SPEAKER: The Chair at this
privilege of the House, that is an en- time is going to lay before the House a
tirely different situation. matter of highest privilege.
MR. TAFT: I believe, Mr. Speaker, The Speaker then laid before the
this involves not only personal privi- House as a matter involving the
lege as an individual, but also as a
Member of the House and also the
privileges of the House a commu-
privileges of all Members of the House. nication from the Clerk of the
THE SPEAKER: The Chair does not House reporting the receipt of a
recognize the gentleman at this time
on a matter of personal privilege. 20. 96 CONG. REC. 1695, 81st Cong. 2d
But the Chair will, after the pending Sess.
matter, the reading of the Journal has 1. Rule XXIV clause 7, House Rules
and Manual § 897 (1973).
19. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 2. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


subpena duces tecum from a U.S. Court for the District of Columbia to
district court. enjoin the filing, printing, publishing,
and dissemination of a report of the
House Committee on Internal Security
Precedence Over District of Co- (No. 91–1607), titled ‘‘Limited Survey
lumbia Business of Honoraria Given Guest Speakers for
Engagements at Colleges and Univer-
§ 5.8 A resolution involving a sities,’’ which I reported to the House
on October 14. On October 28, 1970, a
question of the privilege of single judge of that court . . . entered
the House takes precedence a final order permanently enjoining
over District of Columbia the Public Printer and the Super-
business under Rule XXIV intendent of Documents from printing
and distributing any copy of the report,
clause 8. or any portion, restatement, or fac-
On Dec. 14, 1970,(3) it being the simile thereof, and declared that any
day set aside by House rule (4) for publication of the report at public ex-
pense would be illegal. . . .
consideration of District of Colum- Never in the constitutional history of
bia business, the House neverthe- this Nation . . . has any court of the
less entertained a resolution (5) United States . . . sustained any such
concerning the printing and pub- final restraint upon the printing and
dissemination of a report of a com-
lishing of a report of the Com- mittee of the Congress.
mittee on Internal Security pre-
sented by Mr. Richard H. Ichord, Precedence Over Motion for the
of Missouri, as a matter involving Previous Question
the question of the privilege of the
House. Mr. Ichord stated in part § 5.9 A resolution properly as-
as follows: serting a question of the
privilege of the House could
I rise to a question of privilege in a
matter affecting the rights of the take precedence over a mo-
House collectively, the integrity of its tion for the previous ques-
proceedings, and the rights of the tion on a bill already re-
Members in their respective capacity. ported from the Committee
See House rule XI. As you know, this of the Whole.
question comes before us as a con-
sequence of proceedings instituted on On May 24, 1972,(6) the Com-
October 13, 1970, in the U.S. District mittee of the Whole House on the
state of the Union rose and re-
3. 116 CONG. REC. 41355, 41358, 91st ported to the House a bill (7) con-
Cong. 2d Sess.
4. Rule XXIV clause 8, House Rules 6. 118 CONG. REC. 18675, 92d Cong. 2d
and Manual § 899 (1973). Sess.
5. H. Res. 1306. 7. H.R. 15097.


cerning certain appropriations for On July 13, 1971,(11) Mr. Harley

the Department of Transportation. O. Staggers, of West Virginia, ris-
Thereafter, prior to consideration ing to a question of the privilege
of the motion for the previous of the House, sought to submit
question on the bill made by Mr. and call up for immediate consid-
John J. McFall, of California, Ms. eration a report (12) of the Com-
Bella S. Abzug, of New York, sub- mittee on Interstate and Foreign
mitted a resolution (8) asserting as Commerce on the contemptuous
a question of privilege of the conduct of a witness in refusing to
House that the House recess for respond to a subpoena duces
the purpose of receiving a petition tecum issued by the committee. A
for the redress of certain griev- point of order was then raised by
ances. After the resolution was Mr. Sam M. Gibbons, of Florida,
read, the Speaker (9) sustained a that consideration of the matter
point of order that the resolution violated a House rule (13) requiring
did not state a question of the committee reports to be available
privileges of the House.(10) to Members for at least three cal-
endar days prior to their consider-
Application of Three-day Rule ation. Following some debate, the
Regarding Committee Re- Speaker (14) in overruling the point
ports of order stated:
§ 5.10 A committee report sub- The Chair has studied clause
27(d)(4) of rule XI and the legislative
mitted as a matter involving history in connection with its inclusion
the privileges of the House, in the Legislative Reorganization Act
as distinguished from a re- of 1970. That clause provides that ‘‘a
port merely privileged under matter shall not be considered in the
the rules, may be considered House unless the report has been
on the same day reported available for at least 3 calendar days.’’
The Chair has also examined rule
notwithstanding the require-
IX, which provides that:
ment by House rule that
Questions of privilege shall be,
committee reports be avail- first, those affecting the rights of the
able to Members at least
three calendar days prior to 11. 117 CONG. REC. 24720–23, 92d Cong.
their consideration. 1st Sess.
12. H. REPT. NO. 92–349.
8. H. Res. 1003. 13. House Rules and Manual § 735
9. Carl Albert (Okla.). (1973).
10. See § 3.1, supra. 14. Carl Albert (Okla.).


House collectively, its safety, dignity, provision in rule IX that questions of

and the integrity of its proceedings privilege of the House shall have prec-
. . . and shall have precedence of all edence of all other questions; and the
other questions, except motions to
adjourn. fact that the report of the committee
has been filed by the gentleman from
Under the precedents, a resolution West Virginia as privileged—all refute
raising a question of the privileges of the argument that the 3-day layover
the House does not necessarily require requirement of clause 27(d)(4) applies
a report from a committee. Immediate in this situation.
consideration of a question of privilege The Chair holds that the report is of
of the House is inherent in the whole such high privilege under the inherent
concept of privilege. When a resolution constitutional powers of the House and
is presented, the House may then under rule IX that the provisions of
make a determination regarding its clause 27(d)(4) of rule XI are not appli-
disposition. cable.
When a question is raised that a wit- Therefore, the Chair overrules the
ness before a House committee has point of order.
been contemptuous, it has always been
recognized that the House has the im-
plied power under the Constitution to
deal directly with such conduct so far § 6. Recognition to Offer;
as is necessary to preserve and exer- Determinations as to Va-
cise its legislative authority. However,
punishment for contemptuous conduct lidity
involving the refusal of a witness to
testify or produce documents is now Speaker’s Power to Recognize
generally governed by law—Title II, Member
United States Code, sections 192–
194—which provides that whenever a § 6.1 Questions asserted to in-
witness fails or refuses to appear in re- volve the privilege of the
sponse to a committee subpoena, or House are addressed to the
fails or refuses to testify or produce
documents in response thereto, such
Speaker; and he may refuse
fact may be reported to the House. recognition if the resolution
Those reports are of high privilege. is not shown to be admissible
When a resolution raising a question as a question of privilege
of privilege of the House is submitted under the rule.
by a Member and called up as privi-
leged, that resolution is also subject to On the legislative day of Oct. 8,
immediate disposition as the House 1968,(15) Mr. Robert Taft, Jr., of
shall determine. Ohio, presented a resolution pur-
The implied power under the Con-
stitution for the House to deal directly 15. 114 CONG. REC. 30214, 30215, 90th
with matters necessary to preserve and Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. 9, 1968 (cal-
exercise its legislative authority; the endar day).


portedly involving a question of mitted a resolution purportedly

the privilege of the House. How- raising a question of the privilege
ever, the Speaker (16) ruled that of the House. Explaining his un-
the Member could not be recog- willingness to immediately enter-
nized for the purpose of calling up tain the resolution, the Speak-
er (19) said:20
such a resolution. (See § 3.2,
supra.) . . . For the moment at least the
Chair would hesitate to hold that the
A parliamentary inquiry was gentleman’s resolution is privileged.
then raised by Mr. Gerald R. The Chair assures the gentleman that
Ford, of Michigan, questioning he would like to look into it further.
He would hesitate to hold at this time
whether in fact the gentleman that the general criticism of Members
from Ohio had been recognized for of the House is a matter so involving
the purpose of offering the resolu- the privileges of the House that a reso-
lution of this kind would be in order.
tion. Answering in the negative, . . .
the Speaker stated:(17) The Chair desires to look into the
matter and will talk with the gen-
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman from tleman personally or recognize him in
Michigan is well aware of the fact that the House later in the day.
the question of recognition rests with
the Chair. The gentleman did not No further action was taken on
make a motion which was in order by the floor or by the Speaker.
reason of the action heretofore taken
by the House. Appeal From Speaker’s Ruling
§ 6.3 On one occasion when an
Preliminary Determinations;
appeal was taken from the
Deferral of Recognition
Speaker’s decision that a res-
§ 6.2 On one occasion, the olution did not state a ques-
Chair deferred ruling on the tion of the privilege of the
validity of a resolution pre- House, the House laid the ap-
sented as raising a question peal on the table, thereby
of the privilege of the House. sustaining the decision of the
On May 21, 1941,(18) Mr. Clare
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, sub- On the legislative day of Oct. 8,
1968,(21) Mr. Robert Taft, Jr., of
16. John W. McCormack (Mass.).
19. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
17. 114 CONG. REC. 30215, 90th Cong.
20. 87 CONG. REC. 4308, 77th Cong. 1st
2d Sess., Oct. 8, 1968 (calendar day Sess., May 21, 1941.
Oct. 9, 1968). 21. 114 CONG. REC. 30214, 30215, 90th
18. 87 CONG. REC. 4307, 4308, 77th Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. 9, 1968 (cal-
Cong. 1st Sess. endar day).


Ohio, presented a resolution his submission of a resolution

which he asserted raised a ques- raising a question of the privileges
tion involving the privilege of the of the House, inquired of the
House. However, the Speaker (22) Speaker (2) as to whether he was
ruled that the Member could not entitled to one hour of debate. In
be recognized for the purpose of response to the inquiry the Speak-
presenting such a resolution. (See er stated, ‘‘If it is a question of the
§ 3.2, supra.) Mr. Taft then ap- privilege of the House, the gen-
pealed the ruling of the Chair. Im- tleman would be.’’
mediately thereafter, Mr. Carl Al-
bert, of Oklahoma, moved that the Scope of Debate or Argument
appeal be laid on the table. The
§ 7.2 A Member having been
question was taken and, by a vote
recognized on a question of
of 136 yeas to 102 nays, the mo-
tion to lay the appeal on the table the privilege of the House
was agreed to. must confine himself to such
On Aug. 27, 1940,(3) Mr. Jacob
§ 7. Consideration and De- Thorkelson, of Montana, pre-
bate; Referral to Com- sented a resolution raising the
question of personal privilege and
mittee of the privilege of the House. At
issue were remarks inserted in
Hour Rule on Debate
the Congressional Record by Mr.
§ 7.1 The hour rule applies to Adolph J. Sabath, of Illinois. Mr.
debate on a question of the Thorkelson, in presenting the res-
privilege of the House. olution, stated:
It is of the utmost importance that
On Feb. 6, 1950,(1) Mr. Clare E.
the Congressional Record be a true
Hoffman, of Michigan, following record of the proceedings of the House.
The integrity of the Record is de-
22. John W. McCormack (Mass.). stroyed by the insertion of remarks
1. 96 CONG. REC. 1514, 81st Cong. 2d purporting to have been made on the
Sess. For further illustration, see floor of the House, but which were not
116 CONG. REC. 41358, 91st Cong. 2d so made, when no permission has been
Sess., Dec. 14, 1970; 113 CONG. REC. granted by the House to insert those
6041, 90th Cong. 1st Sess., Mar. 9, remarks.
1967; 92 CONG. REC. 5001, 79th
Cong. 3d Sess., May 14, 1946; and 86 2. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
CONG. REC. 5111, 5112, 5114, 76th 3. 86 CONG. REC. 11046, 76th Cong. 3d
Cong. 3d Sess., Apr. 26, 1940. Sess.


The remarks which have just been the question of privilege is con-
quoted as having been inserted in the cerned?. . .
Record by the gentleman from Illinois MR. THORKELSON: With regard to
[Mr. Sabath] were not made on the whether I have uttered truths or false-
floor of the House and violate the rules hoods. I believe that is part of my reso-
of the House in two particulars. lution.
First, the remarks charge that the
THE SPEAKER: The Chair does not
Member from Montana had inserted
find any language in the gentleman’s
210 pages of ‘‘scurrilous matter’’ in the
resolution where he is charged with an
Record. ‘‘Scurrilous,’’ among other
untruth or falsity. . . . The only ques-
things, means ‘‘grossly offensive,’’ ‘‘vul-
gar,’’ ‘‘opprobrious.’’ tion of privilege involved is whether or
Such remarks reflect upon the char- not the matter was put in without per-
acter, the reputation, of the Member mission of the House. . . . The Chair
from Montana; tend to hold him up to does not desire to interrupt the con-
ridicule; reflect upon his ability, his tinuity of the gentleman’s argument,
reputation, and his character in his but the Chair is under some obligation
representative capacity. to see that the gentleman conforms
They also charge him with having with the rules and discusses the mat-
inserted in the Record a forged letter. ter of privilege about which he com-
Subsequently, the Speaker (4)
stated that Mr. Thorkelson’s as- Applicability of Previous Ques-
sertions did not ‘‘raise a question tion
of veracity [but did] raise a ques-
tion in reference to the Record § 7.3 The previous question ap-
itself, as to whether or not such plies to a question of the
permission was obtained by the privilege of the House.
gentleman from Illinois.’’ (5)
On Apr. 26, 1940,(7) Mr. Clare
Later in the proceedings, when
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, pre-
Mr. Thorkelson sought to intro-
sented a resolution raising a ques-
duce matter relevant to the al-
leged imputation of untruthful- tion of the privilege of the House.
ness, the following exchange took Debate on the resolution then en-
place: (6) sued. Thereafter, the Member
moved the previous question on
THE SPEAKER: On what phase is the
his resolution, the previous ques-
gentleman addressing himself so far as
tion ultimately being rejected on a
4. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). division—ayes 102, noes 139.
5. 86 CONG. REC. 11049, 76th Cong. 3d
Sess. 7. 86 CONG. REC. 5111–14, 76th Cong.
6. Id. at p. 11156. 3d Sess.


Referral of Question to Com- § 7.5 The House by resolution

mittee may refer a matter to a des-
ignated committee for its de-
§ 7.4 The House may refer to termination as to whether
the Committee on Rules for the matter involves a ques-
consideration a question in- tion of the privilege of the
volving the privilege of the House.
On Mar. 26, 1953,(10) the House
On Jan. 23, 1940 (8) Mr. Clare adopted a resolution (11) submitted
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, sub- by Mr. Charles A. Halleck, of In-
mitted a resolution (9) involving a diana, authorizing and directing
question of the privilege of the the Committee on the Judiciary to
determine whether the service of
House. Immediately thereafter,
subpenas upon certain Members,
the House agreed to a motion former Members, and employees
which committed the resolution to of the House, relative to a civil
the Committee on Rules for its suit, constituted a question involv-
consideration. ing the privilege of the House.


§ 8. General Criticism of sonal privilege or the privi-

Legislative Activity lege of the House.
On Sept. 22, 1941,(12) Mr. Clare
Criticism of Congress E. Hoffman, of Michigan, sought
to submit, as a matter presenting
a question both of personal privi-
§ 8.1 A newspaper editorial lege and of the privilege of the
making a general criticism of House, the text of a newspaper
the Congress does not editorial charging Congress with
present a question of per- ‘‘inertia, cowardice, and political
8. 86 CONG. REC. 606, 76th Cong. 3d 8734–39, 77th Cong. 1st Sess., Nov.
Sess. 10, 1941.
9. H. Res. 366.
11. H. Res. 190.
10. 99 CONG. REC. 2356–58, 83d Cong.
1st Sess. For additional illustration 12. 87 CONG. REC. 7500, 77th Cong. 1st
of the same point, see 87 CONG. REC. Sess.


slickness,’’ thereby detracting House with demagoguery and

from the authority and respect be- willingness to punish the District
stowed by the Constitution. In his of Columbia to win votes back
ruling declining recognition to the home. In his ruling on the validity
Member for the purpose of sub- of the resolution as raising a ques-
mitting the editorial in question, tion of the privilege of the House,
the Speaker (13) stated: the Speaker (15) stated:
. . . The Chair does not think that an . . . For the moment at least the
editorial in a paper making general Chair would hesitate to hold that the
criticism of Congress raises a question gentleman’s resolution is privileged.
of the privileges of the House, and cer- The Chair assures the gentleman that
tainly no Member of the House in his he would like to look into it further.
individual capacity is attacked in this He would hesitate to hold at this time
resolution, and, therefore, the Chair that the general criticism of Members
must hold that this is not a question of of the House is a matter so involving
personal privilege or a question of the the privileges of the House that a reso-
privilege of the House. lution of this kind would be in order.
No further floor action was
Criticism of Members Gen- taken by the Speaker with respect
erally to this resolution.
§ 8.2 A newspaper editorial Resolutions Relating to Crit-
charging Members of the ical Publications
House with demagoguery
and willingness to punish the § 8.3 A resolution providing for
District of Columbia did not an investigation of news-
give rise to a question of the paper charges, including al-
privilege of the House. legations of criminal conduct
On May 21, 1941,(14) Mr. Clare by the Congress, was pre-
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, offered sented as a question of the
as a matter raising a question of privilege of the House.
the privilege of the House, a reso- On Nov. 28, 1941,(16) Mr. Clare
lution requesting the appointment E. Hoffman, of Michigan, pre-
of a committee to investigate and sented as a question of the privi-
report on a newspaper editorial lege of the House a resolution (17)
which charged Members of the
15. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
13. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 16. 87 CONG. REC. 9194, 9195,77th
14. 87 CONG. REC. 4307, 4308, 77th Cong. 1st Sess.
Cong. 1st Sess. 17. H. Res. 349.


seeking the factual basis for a ment of a committee to ascertain

newspaper article charging Con- the facts concerning and make
gress with lack of courage, with recommendations for action in re-
being ‘‘yellow,’’ with having ‘‘sold lation to a newspaper article
the country out for a few lousy charging that ‘‘mobs appear to
jobs,’’ with ‘‘protecting Com- have enough influence to reach
munists,’’ and with aiding in ‘‘the into the House of Representatives
robbery, extortion, physical bru- to kill probes into labor racket-
tality and arrogant suppression of eering.’’ Following some discussion
citizens’ plain rights by groups of of the resolution a motion was
thugs, thieves, and anti-American adopted referring the resolution to
conspirators in the service of the the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Hoffman then received the § 9. Charges Involving
consent of the House that consid- Members
eration of this resolution be re-
served until the next legislative Charges by a Member
day, Dec. 1.(18) At that time the
§ 9.1 A resolution providing for
resolution was referred to the
an investigation of charges
Committee on the Judiciary.
by a Member that an execu-
§ 8.4 A resolution calling for a tive officer improperly at-
committee investigation of tempted to influence the
newspaper charges that the Member’s vote presents a
House was being influenced question involving the privi-
by mobs was presented as a lege of the House.
question of the privilege of On July 2, 1935,(1) Mr. Ham-
the House. ilton Fish, Jr., of New York, pre-
On Mar. 29, 1954,(19) Mr. Clare sented as a question of the privi-
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, offered lege of the House a resolution (2)
as a matter raising a question of declaring that Mr. Ralph Brew-
the privilege of the House a reso- ster, of Maine, had stated that he
lution (20) requesting the appoint- had been approached by a federal
officer and told that if he (Brew-
18. 87 CONG. REC. 9256–60, 77th Cong. ster) did not vote against a provi-
1st Sess.
19. 100 CONG. REC. 3968–71, 83d Cong. 1. 79 CONG. REC. 10669–71, 74th Cong.
2d sess. 1st Sess.
20. H. Res. 482. 2. H. Res. 285.


sion in the so-called ‘‘Federal On May 5, 1952,(4) Mr. Clare E.

Power Act,’’ certain funds allo- Hoffman, of Michigan, submitted,
cated for public works in his home as a question involving the privi-
district would be withheld. lege of the House, a resolution (5)
A point of order was made by providing that Mr. Edwin Arthur
Hall, of New York, be given an op-
Mr. Thomas L. Blanton, of Texas, portunity to appear before the bar
that the resolution was not privi- of the House to explain or that a
leged. The Speaker (3) in his ruling committee be appointed to inves-
on the point of order, stated: tigate the authenticity of state-
. . . The gentleman from Maine [Mr. ments appearing in the press that
Brewster] has made certain serious Mr. Hall declared he ‘‘resents
charges. It is not necessary, of course, Congressmen who get soused and
for the Chair to pass on the charges. who in all probability are giving
That is a matter for the House to de- away atomic secrets to the enemy
termine. But the Chair does feel that while under the influence of liq-
in view of the statements made by the uor.’’ Pursuant to a motion au-
gentleman from Maine on his own re- thorizing the Speaker to refer this
sponsibility as a Member of this resolution to ‘‘a committee,’’ the
House, as well as those contained in Speaker (6) ordered it referred to
the pending resolution, that if such
the Committee on Rules.
statements are found to be correct,
then it seems to the Chair that the in-
tegrity of the proceedings of this House
Charges Concerning a Fellow
have been seriously interfered with. Member
The Chair, therefore, thinks that the
resolution presents a question of the § 9.3 A resolution alleging that
privilege of the House, and overrules a Member without authority
the point of order. addressed questionnaires to
school teachers requesting
Charges Concerning Member their opinion on communism
Generally does not present a question
of the privilege of the House.
§ 9.2 A resolution for the inves-
tigation of charges by a On June 18, 1936,(7) Mr. Kent
E. Keller, of Illinois, offered as a
Member concerning fellow
Members, accusing them of 4. 98 CONG. REC. 4787–97, 82d Cong.
giving away atomic secrets, 2d Sess.
raises a question of the privi- 5. H. Res. 631.
lege of the House. 6. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
7. 80 CONG. REC. 9947, 74th Cong. 2d
3. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.). Sess.


matter involving the privilege of § 10. Charges Involving

the House a resolution concerning House Officers or Em-
the alleged unauthorized action of
Mr. Thomas L. Blanton, of Texas,
whereby he addressed question- Criticism of Speaker
naires to school teachers in the
District of Columbia requesting § 10.1 A newspaper column al-
their opinions on communism. A leging that the Speaker took
point of order was then made by care to insure that only
Mr. Claude A. Fuller, of Arkansas, Members amenable to a cer-
that the offered resolution did not tain program were appointed
involve a question of the privilege to the House Ways and
of the House. In his ruling sus- Means Committee was held
taining the point of order, the not to give rise to a question
Speaker (8) said:
of the privilege of the House.
. . . The Chair is somewhat familiar
with the precedents involved in mat-
On May 2, 1956,(9) Mr. Clare E.
ters of this sort. The question of privi-
Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to a
lege under rule IX under which this question of the privilege of the
resolution is offered provides that House, presented a resolution (10)
questions of privilege shall be—— requesting the appointment of a
First, those affecting the rights of
committee to investigate and
the House collectively, its safety, dig- make recommendations con-
nity, and the integrity of its pro- cerning a newspaper column
ceedings. which charged that ‘‘Speaker Sam
The matter set up in the resolution Rayburn, of Texas, had carefully
constitutes an allegation of certain con- scrutinized the House Ways and
duct on the part of an individual Mem- Means Committee to make sure
ber of the House, who, it seems, wrote nobody was put on the committee
certain letters to school teachers or who might vote against the 271⁄2
other persons in the District of Colum- percent oil depletion allowance.’’
bia. Whether or not the subject matter The Speaker pro tempore,(11) in
of the letter was proper or not, wheth- ruling the claim of privilege in-
er it was a matter of propriety or not, valid, said:
whether it was a matter of good judg-
ment or not, is not one that involves The Chair rules that the gentleman
under this rule the question of the does not present a question of the
privileges of the House and its pro- privilege of the House.
ceedings, in the opinion of the Chair.
The Chair, therefore, sustains the 9. 102 CONG. REC. 3838, 3839, 84th
point of order. Cong. 2d Sess.
10. H. Res. 417.
8. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). 11. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


It is perfectly all right for the Speak- that the resolution be read. The
er or any Member to advocate a 271⁄2 Chair does not think the resolu-
percent depletion. The resolution does
not present a question which involves
tion is privileged.’’
the privilege of the House. By unanimous consent, the
reading of the resolution contin-
Criticism of Doorkeeper ued. Mr. Blanton then asked
unanimous consent for consider-
§ 10.2 A resolution proposing ation of the resolution, but objec-
to deny a newspaper report tion was heard.(14)
that the Doorkeeper of the
House acted rudely in accom- Improper or Unauthorized Ac-
plishing the removal of a vis- tions by Committee Employee
itor from the gallery was
held not to raise a question § 10.3 A resolution alleging
of the privilege of the House. that a committee employee
appeared in a court as spe-
On July 9, 1935,(12) Mr. Thomas
cial counsel for a committee
L. Blanton, of Texas, offered as a
matter raising a question of the of the House without the au-
privilege of the House a resolution thorization of the House was
proposing the denial of a news- presented as a question of
paper report which charged that the privilege of the House.
the Doorkeeper of the House rude- On July 1, 1952,(15) Mr. Clare E.
ly forced a mother who was Hoffman, of Michigan, presented
breast-feeding her child to leave as a matter involving a question
the gallery of the House. Mr. Earl of the privilege of the House a res-
C. Michener, of Michigan, inter- olution alleging that a committee
rupted the reading of the resolu- employee appeared in the United
tion to make the point of order States District Court for the
that the resolution did not give Southern District of California as
rise to a question of the privilege special counsel for a subcommittee
of the House. In his ruling sus- of the Committee on Executive
taining the point of order, the Expenditures without the author-
Speaker (13) stated: ‘‘The Chair ization of the House. Debate on
suggests that the gentleman from the resolution ensued, at the con-
Texas ask unanimous consent
14. 79 CONG. REC. 10906, 74th Cong. 1st
12. 79 CONG. REC. 10905, 74th Cong. 1st Sess.
Sess. 15. 98 CONG. REC. 8768, 8769, 82d Cong.
13. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.). 2d Sess.


clusion of which a motion to refer and a majority of the Members.

the resolution to the Committee Citing Rule XIV clause 5,(18)
on the Judiciary was agreed to. which provides for the taking
down of objectionable words, the
Speaker (19) ruled the Member out
§ 11. Correcting the of order in raising a question of
Record; Expungement of privilege under the circumstances.
Words Uttered in Debate
A resolution asking the Senate Senate Debate Reflecting on
to expunge from the Congressional House Integrity
Record language used in debate in
the Senate which is offensive or § 11.1 A resolution to expunge
otherwise improper may give rise from the Congressional
to a question of the privilege of Record Senate debate reflect-
the House since the remedy of de- ing on the integrity of the
manding that words be taken House presents a question of
down is not available.(16) However, the privilege of the House.
neither a question of personal On July 12, 1956,(1) Mr. Clare
privilege nor a question of the E. Hoffman, of Michigan, pre-
privilege of the House arises dur- sented as a matter giving rise to a
ing a debate in which offensive question of the privilege of the
language is used, the remedy House a resolution seeking the ex-
being a demand that the objec- purgation from the Record of Sen-
tionable words be taken down ate debate attributing improper
when spoken. Thus, on one occa- motives and influence to House
sion,(17) a Member, having risen to action on an education bill.
a question of personal privilege The resolution [H. Res. 588]
and of the privilege of the House, provided:
submitted a resolution to strike
Resolved, whereas in the Congres-
from the Congressional Record re- sional Record of July 9, 1956, certain
marks made by a Member in the articles appear which reflect upon the
course of floor debate reflecting on integrity of the House as a whole in its
the integrity of both the House
18. House Rules and Manual § 761
16. §§ 11.1 et seq., infra. (1973).
17. 96 CONG. REC. 1514, 81st Cong. 2d 19. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
Sess., Feb. 6, 1950. For further illus- 1. 102 CONG. REC. 12522, 12523, 84th
trations see Ch. 29, infra. Cong. 2d Sess.


representative capacity, and upon indi- question of the privilege of the

vidual Members of the House; and House:
Whereas such statements tend to
disgrace, degrade, and render ineffec- THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: (3) The
tive the actions of the Members of the gentleman will state the question of
House; and privilege.
Whereas the statements so made MR. HOFFMAN of Michigan: Mr.
and carried in the Record adversely af- Speaker, in the daily Congressional
fect the rights of the House collec- Record of Monday, May 22, 1950, on
tively, its safety, dignity, and the in- page A4071 under date of Thursday,
tegrity of its proceedings: Now, there- May 18, 1950, under the caption ‘‘We
fore, be it will meet the test,’’ there appears an
Resolved, That the House hereby by extension of remarks of the Honorable
the adoption of this resolution most re- Andrew J. Biemiller, of Wisconsin,
spectfully requests that the other body which is a violation of the rules of the
expunge from its records the rollcall House in that in those remarks and in
votes and remarks appearing on pages the editorial accompanying those re-
11016–11017 and the remarks appear- marks a Member of the other body is
ing on page A5384 of the daily Con- mentioned in such manner as to reflect
gressional Record of July 9, 1956, upon him in his representative capac-
under the caption ‘‘Ignoring the chil- ity. Such remarks and editorial as in-
dren’’; and be it further serted in the Congressional Record are
Resolved, That a copy of this resolu- made a part of this question of privi-
tion be transmitted to the Presiding lege, are a violation of the rules of the
Officer of the other body. House which prohibit any reference in
By vote of the House the resolu- the Congressional Record by a Member
tion was referred to the Com- of this body to a Member of the other
mittee on Rules.
The resolution which I offer is that
such remarks be stricken from the Ap-
House Debate Reflecting on the pendix.
Clerk will report the resolution.
§ 11.2 A resolution to expunge The Clerk read as follows:
from the Congressional
Whereas the remarks of the gen-
Record House debate reflect- tleman from Wisconsin, Mr.
ing on the Senate presents a Biemiller, which appear on page
question of the privilege of A4071 of the daily Congressional
Record of Monday, May 22, 1950,
the House. and which are captioned, ‘‘We will
meet the test,’’ are a violation of the
On May 24, 1950,(2) Mr. Clare rules of the House: Therefore be it
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose to a Resolved by the House, That said
remarks as so indicated be, and the
2. 96 CONG. REC. 7635–37, 81st Cong.
2d Sess. 3. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


same hereby are, stricken from the Whereas such words were a violation
Record. of the rules of the House and, as re-
Debate on the resolution en- printed in the Record, charge the
Member from Ohio with a lack of pa-
sued. Subsequently, on the
triotism, and with disloyalty to his
House’s agreement to a unani- country, reflect upon him in his rep-
mous-consent request by Mr. resentative capacity and upon the dig-
Biemiller that his remarks be de- nity of the House: Therefore, be it
leted from the permanent Record, Resolved, That the words, ‘‘I said I
the resolution was withdrawn. did not want to sit by a traitor to my
country,’’ be expunged from the Record.
House Debate Reflecting on Debate on the resolution ensued,
Members at the conclusion of which the res-
§ 11.3 On one occasion the olution was agreed to.
House agreed to a resolution Parliamentarian’s Note: No
which had been presented as point of order was raised against
a question of privilege of the the presentation of this resolution
House, and which expunged as a question of privilege of the
from the Congressional House. The proper remedy in such
Record House debate which a case is to have the offending
had impugned the integrity words taken down. Detailed cov-
of a Member. erage of this procedure is found in
chapter 29, infra.
On Sept. 5, 1940,(4) Mr. Clare E.
Hoffman, of Michigan, rose to a
Offensive or Unauthorized Ma-
question of the privilege of the
terial Inserted in the Record
House and offered a resolution (5)
as follows: § 11.4 A resolution to expunge
Whereas the gentleman from the from the Congressional
Second District of Kentucky [Mr. (Bev- Record several articles and
erly M.) Vincent], referring to the gen-
tleman from the Twentieth District of
documents criticizing a
Ohio [Mr. (Martin L.) Sweeney], stated House committee, inserted in
on the floor of the House on September the Record by a Member, was
4, 1940, as appears in the [daily] entertained as a question of
Record on page 17450, ‘‘I said I did not
the privilege of the House.
want to sit by a traitor to my country;’’
and On Mar. 10, 1948,(6) Mr. John
E. Rankin, of Mississippi, pre-
4. 86 CONG. REC. 11552, 76th Cong. 3d
Sess. 6. 94 CONG. REC. 2476–81, 80th Cong.
5. H. Res. 591. 2d Sess. For additional examples see


sented as a matter involving the official, assailing the integrity of

privilege of the House a resolution both the House and its Members.
requesting that several articles The resolution proposed that the
and documents alleging that ‘‘[the speech, which had been inserted
Committee on Un-American Ac- in the Congressional Record by
tivities] continue[s] the practice of Mr. Adolph J. Sabath, of Illinois,
Hitler and Himmler, which would be stricken therefrom. The resolu-
lead America . . . down the road tion was adopted on a roll call
toward fascism’’ which had been vote—yeas 247, nays 77, not vot-
inserted in the Congressional ing 106.
Record by Mr. Adolph J. Sabath,
of Illinois, be stricken therefrom. § 11.6 A resolution to expunge
Following some debate the resolu- from the Congressional
tion was agreed to. The Member’s Record unparliamentary lan-
entire speech, including the arti- guage inserted under leave
cles and documents, was stricken to extend is entertained as a
from the Record. question of the privilege of
the House.
§ 11.5 A resolution to expunge On Apr. 20, 1936,(9) Mr. Thomas
from the Congressional L. Blanton, of Texas, presented as
Record a speech inserted a question of the privilege of the
therein alleged to reflect on House a resolution (10) demanding
the integrity of the House the expurgation from the Record
and its Members is enter- of certain unparliamentary re-
tained as a question of privi- marks concerning the personal life
lege. of a Member. The material had
On May 13, 1946,(7) Mr. Clare been inserted on a preceding day
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, offered under leave to extend that had
as a matter involving a question been granted to Mr. Marion A.
of the privilege of the House a res- Zioncheck, of Washington. The
olution (8) concerning the text of a resolution was agreed to on a roll
speech delivered by August call vote.
Scholle, a Michigan labor union
§ 11.7 A resolution to expunge
93 CONG. REC. 2461–63, 80th Cong. certain remarks inserted
1st Sess., Mar. 24, 1947.
7. 92 CONG. REC. 4922–24, 79th Cong. 9. 80 CONG. REC. 5704–07, 74th Cong.
2d Sess. 2d Sess.
8. H. Res. 616. 10. H. Res. 490.


through an abuse of the Whereas said statements were not

grant of leave to print in the made upon the floor of the House; and
Whereas said statements reflect
Congressional Record gives
upon Members of Congress, are false,
rise to a question of the improper, and out of order, and in vio-
privilege of the House. lation of the privileges and rules of the
On July 13, 1942,(11) Mr. John House; and if they had been uttered
upon the floor of the House they would
E. Rankin, of Mississippi, pre- have been subject to a point of order:
sented as a matter of the privilege Therefore be it
of the House the following resolu- Resolved, That the said remarks be
tion: (12) stricken from the Record and the Pub-
Whereas in the daily Congressional lic Printer prohibited from issuing cop-
Record of July 9, 1942, on page A2877, ies thereof from the columns of the
A2878, and A2879 of the Appendix Congressional Record.
thereof, the remarks purporting to be Without debate, the resolution
made by the gentleman from New
was adopted.
York, Mr. Sol Bloom, and containing a
letter written by one Ralph Ingersoll
attacking draft board No. 44 of New
§ 11.8 A resolution to expunge
York for performing its official duties from the Congressional
in refusing to exempt the said Ralph Record certain remarks in-
Ingersoll from the draft on the flimsy serted without proper au-
pretext set out in said letter; and thorization is entertained as
Whereas said letter was inserted
under permission to insert an editorial
a matter of the privilege of
and not a letter from the said Ralph the House.
Ingersoll; and On Aug. 27, 1940,(13) Mr. Jacob
Whereas it is stated on page 6271 of Thorkelson, of Montana, offered
the Congressional Record of July 9,
1942, that the printing of this insertion as a question of the privilege of
in the Congressional Record was esti- the House a resolution demanding
mated to cost the Government of the that certain remarks inserted into
United States $157.50; and the Congressional Record by Mr.
Whereas said letter so inserted in Adolph J. Sabath, of Illinois, with-
lieu of the editorial for which permis-
sion was given contains language and
out first having obtained the per-
statements that are objectionable and mission of the House, be expunged
unparliamentary; and from the Record and declared not
to constitute a legitimate part of
11. 88 CONG. REC. 6102, 77th Cong. 2d
Sess. For a further example see 92 13. 86 CONG. REC. 11046, 76th Cong. 3d
CONG. REC. 1274, 79th Cong. 2d Sess. For an additional example see
Sess., Feb. 13, 1946. 80 CONG. REC. 7019, 74th Cong. 2d
12. H. Res. 518. Sess., May 11, 1936.


the official Record of the House. vote and the subsequent direction of
After some debate the resolution the Speaker to the gentleman from
Georgia to continue: Now, therefore, be
was adopted. it
Resolved, That the Record of the
Inaccuracies in the Congres- House be corrected and that the pro-
sional Record ceedings above referred to be printed
§ 11.9 A resolution to correct
Following agreement by unani-
inaccuracies in the report of
mous consent to the request of
proceedings as printed in the
Mr. Edward E. Cox, of Georgia,
Congressional Record is pre-
that the stricken matter in ques-
sented as a question of the tion be restored to the Record, the
privilege of the House. resolution was withdrawn.
On Apr. 26, 1940,(14) Mr. Clare
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, offered Restoration of Remarks Pre-
as a matter involving the question viously Deleted
of the privilege of the House the
following resolution: § 11.10 A resolution to restore
to the Record remarks pre-
Whereas the Congressional Record of
April 25, 1940, is not, on pages 5046 to viously deleted by House
5051, inclusive, a true and accurate adoption of a motion to ex-
record of the proceedings that took punge does not present a
place on the floor of the House on yes- question of the privilege of
terday, in that there is omitted there-
the House; the proper meth-
from a demand which was made on the
floor of the House by the gentleman od of reopening the matter
from the Twelfth Congressional Dis- being by motion to recon-
trict of Michigan that certain words ut- sider the vote whereby such
tered on the floor of the House by the action was taken.
gentleman from the Second District of
Georgia be taken down, and, there is On Feb. 13, 1941,(15), Mr. Clare
omitted therefrom, the ruling of the E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose to a
Speaker upon such demand, and there question of the privilege of the
is omitted therefrom a motion which House and submitted a resolution
was made by the gentleman from the
Twelfth District of Massachusetts, and
requesting the restoration to the
there is omitted therefrom the vote Record of certain remarks made
taken on said motion, and there is by him and Mr. Samuel Dickstein,
omitted therefrom the result of said of New York, during the previous
14. 86 CONG. REC. 5111, 5112, 76th 15. 87 CONG. REC. 979, 980, 77th Cong.
Cong. 3d Sess. 1st Sess.


day’s proceedings. Such remarks rant commanding the deten-

had been deleted by the House tion of a committee witness,
pursuant to the adoption of a mo- based on allegations that at-
tion to expunge made by Mr. John tempts had been made by the
E. Rankin, of Mississippi. Fol- Senate to deprive the com-
lowing debate, an inquiry was mittee of such witness’ pres-
heard from Mr. Hoffman as to ence, gave rise to a question
whether the Chair had ruled on of the privilege of the House.
the question of the privilege of the
On Aug. 15, 1935,(17) Mr. John
House. Responding to the inquiry, J. O’Connor, of New York, rose to
the Speaker (16) stated: a question of the privilege of the
The House would have to decide House and offered a resolution (18)
that, and, in the opinion of the Chair, authorizing the Speaker to issue a
the House did decide the matter when
warrant commanding the bodily
it expunged the remarks from the
Record. The Chair thinks, under the detention of a committee witness,
circumstances, that the proper way to it being alleged that attempts had
reopen the question would be by a mo- been made by the Senate to de-
tion to reconsider the vote whereby the prive the committee of such wit-
motion of the gentleman from Mis- ness’ presence. The resolution
sissippi [Mr. Rankin] was adopted. The stated:
Chair is of the opinion that inasmuch
as the question raised by the gen- Whereas the House did on July 8,
tleman from Michigan was decided by 1935, adopt a resolution, House Reso-
a vote of the House on a proper mo- lution 288, authorizing the Committee
tion, that he does not now present a on Rules to investigate any and all
question of privilege of the House or of charges of attempts or attempts to in-
personal privilege. timidate or influence Members of the
House of Representatives with regard
to the bill S. 2796 or any other bills af-
fecting public-utility holding companies
§ 12. Enforcement of Com- during the Seventy-fourth Congress by
mittee Orders and Sub- any person, partnership, trust, associa-
tion, or corporation;
penas Whereas under the authority con-
ferred upon said Committee on Rules
Warrants Detaining Committee by said House Resolution 288, the said
Witnesses committee had caused to be issued a
subpena directed to H.C. Hopson to ap-
§ 12.1 A resolution authorizing
the Speaker to issue a war- 17. 79 CONG. REC. 13289, 13290, 74th
Cong. 1st Sess.
16. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 18. H. Res. 340.


pear before said committee and to tes- . . . As the Chair construes the res-
tify concerning the matters committed olution, it involves the dignity and au-
to the said Committee on Rules for in- thority of the House. The House has
vestigation. . . . authority to protect its own agents and
Whereas agents of another body its own committees in the discharge of
have attempted to serve the said H.C. the duties vested in them. It seems to
Hopson at 11:30 a.m. on August 14 the Chair that this is distinctly a mat-
with a subpena in order to compel the ter of privilege for the consideration of
said H.C. Hopson to appear before an- the House. . . .
other body forthwith to give testi The Chair repeats that the resolu-
mony. tion is one which involves the dignity
. . . Whereas any interference with and authority of the House in pro-
the proper proceeding of the Com- tecting its committees, which in this
mittee on Rules in the investigation instance happens to be the Committee
committed to them by House Resolu- on Rules, in the investigation which it
tion 288 is an invasion of the preroga- has been authorized to make. The
tives and privileges of the House of
Chair overrules the point of order.
Representatives. . . .
. . . Therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Speaker of the Orders Relating to Refusal of
House of Representatives issue his Witness to Be Sworn
warrant commanding the Sergeant at
Arms of the House of Representatives, § 12.2 A committee report re-
or his deputy, to take into custody the lating the refusal of a wit-
body of H.C. Hopson wherever found;
ness to be sworn to testify
that the said Sergeant at Arms, or his
deputy, shall keep in custody the said before a House subcommittee
H.C. Hopson until such time as the involves a question of the
Committee on Rules shall discharge privilege of the House.
Provided, however, That the said On Sept. 10, 1973,(20) Mr.
witness may be available for examina- Lucien N. Nedzi, of Michigan, rose
tion by the Senate Committee at such to a question of the privilege of
times as his attendance is not required the House and offered a report (1)
by the House Committee.
from the Committee on Armed
A point of order was raised by Services informing the House of
Mr. John E. Rankin, of Mis- the refusal of George Gordon
sissippi, asserting that the resolu- Liddy to be sworn or to testify be-
tion did not give rise to a question fore its duly authorized sub-
of the privilege of the House. Fol- committee. Following the presen-
lowing some debate, the point of
order was overruled by the Chair, 20. 119 CONG. REC. 28951, 28952,
the Speaker (19) stating: 28959, 28960, 28962, 28963, 93d
Cong. 1st Sess.
19. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.). 1. H. REPT. No. 93–453.


tation of the committee report, the to a question of the privilege of

House agreed to a privileged reso- the House and submitted a re-
lution (2) offered by Mr. Nedzi di- port (6) from the Committee on
recting the Speaker (3) to certify to Interstate and Foreign Commerce
the appropriate United States at- informing the House of the refusal
torney the refusal of the witness of Frank Stanton, president of
to be sworn to testify before a sub- CBS, to respond to a subpena
committee of the Committee on duces tecum issued by a sub-
Armed Services. committee of the committee. Sub-
Parliamentarian’s Note: Based sequent to the presentation of the
upon the precedent in the 92d committee report, a privileged res-
Congress, first session, July 13, olution (7) was offered by Mr. Stag-
1971,(4) Representative Nedzi was
gers directing the Speaker (8) to
advised that a committee report
certify the report of the House
on the contempt of a witness could
committee on the contemptuous
be brought to the floor on the
same day as filed and that the re- conduct of the witness to the ap-
quirement for a three-day layover propriate United States attorney.
under Rule XI clause 27(d)(4) did Some debate on the resolution en-
not apply. sued, at the conclusion of which
the previous question on the reso-
Enforcement of Subpena Duces lution was moved by Mr. Stag-
Tecum gers. Thereupon, Mr. Hastings
Keith, of Massachusetts, asserting
§ 12.3 A committee report re- his opposition to the resolution,
lating the refusal of a wit- offered a motion to recommit the
ness to respond to a subpena resolution to the Committee on
duces tecum issued by a Interstate and Foreign Commerce.
House subcommittee gives The motion to recommit was
rise to a question of the
agreed to.
privilege of the House.
On July 13, 1971,(5) Mr. Harley see 112 CONG. REC. 27439–513,
O. Staggers, of West Virginia, rose 27641, 89th Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. 18
and 19, 1966; 80 CONG. REC. 8219–
2. H. Res. 536. 21, 74th Cong. 2d Sess., May 28,
3. Carl Albert (Okla.). 1936.
4. 117 CONG. REC. 24720–23. 6. H. REPT. No. 92–349.
5. 117 CONG. REC. 24720–23, 92d Cong. 7. H. Res. 534.
1st Sess. For additional examples 8. Carl Albert (Okla.).


§ 13. Invasion of House Ju- House. The language of the Sen-

risdiction or Preroga- ate bill was as follows:
tives That when the Secretary of the Inte-
rior determines that the fishing vessels
Senate Invasion of House Pre- of a country are being used in the con-
duct of fishing operations in a manner
or in such circumstances which dimin-
§ 13.1 Invasion of the House ish the effectiveness of domestic fish-
ery conservation programs, the Presi-
prerogative to originate rev- dent . . . may increase the duty on
enue-raising legislation any fishery product in any form from
granted by article I, section 7 such country for such time as he
of the Constitution raises a deems necessary to a rate not more
question of the privilege of than 50 percent above the rate existing
on July 1, 1934.
the House.
On May 20, 1965,(9) Mr. Wilbur The House resolution was
D. Mills, of Arkansas, offered as a agreed to.
matter involving the privilege of
the House a resolution (10) pro- Executive Invasion of House
viding for the return to the Senate Prerogatives
of a messaged bill. The bill au-
thorized the President to raise the § 13.2 Alleged infringement by
duty on fishery products and was the executive branch,
deemed to infringe on the rev- through its treatymaking
enue-raising prerogatives of the power, on the constitutional
right of Congress under arti-
9. 111 CONG. REC. 11149, 11150, 89th cle IV section 3 to exercise
Cong. 1st Sess. For further instances
control over the territory
where invasion of the House’s rev-
enue-raising prerogative gave rise to and other property belong-
a question of the privilege of the ing to the United States, pre-
House, see 111 CONG. REC. 23632, sents a question of the privi-
89th Cong. 1st Sess., Sept. 14, 1965; lege of the House.
108 CONG. REC. 23014, 87th Cong.
2d Sess., Oct. 10, 1962; 106 CONG. On Feb. 17, 1944,(11) Mr. Carl
REC. 15818, 15819, 86th Cong. 2d Hinshaw, of California, presented
Sess., July 2, 1960; 99 CONG. REC. as a question involving the privi-
1897, 1898, 83d Cong. 1st Sess., lege of the House a resolution (12)
Mar. 12, 1953; 92 CONG. REC. 5001–
12, 79th Cong. 2d Sess., May 14, 11. 90 CONG. REC. 1836, 78th Cong. 2d
1946. Sess.
10. H. Res. 397. 12. H. Res. 446.


instructing the Committee on the of the House a resolution (H. Res.

Judiciary to investigate the action 1306) ordering the Public Printer
of the President in sending to the to publish a report of the Com-
Senate for ratification a treaty re- mittee on Internal Security and
lating to the utilization by the enjoining all persons from inter-
United States and Mexico of cer- fering therewith, it being alleged,
tain southwestern rivers. The res- inter alia, that the prior issuance
olution declared that the Constitu- of a temporary order by a United
tion (art. IV, § 3) vests regulatory States District Court restraining
power over U.S. territory in the the publication of the committee
report constituted an invasion of
Congress, and that the action of
the House’s prerogatives granted
the President constituted an inva-
by the U.S. Constitution (art. I,
sion of the House’s prerogatives § 6, clause 3). After lengthy debate
relating to the control of United the resolution was agreed to on a
States’ territory and property. roll call vote.(15)
Without debate, a motion to refer
the resolution to the Committee
on the Judiciary was agreed to.(13) § 14. Service of Process on
Judicial Invasion of House Members
Prerogatives The service of process on the
§ 13.3 A resolution declaring House or those associated with it,
that the constitutional pre- or the exercise of authority over it
by another coordinate and coequal
rogatives of the House had
branch of government, including
been invaded by the issuance
any mandate of process which
of a court order restraining commands a Member’s presence
the publication of a com- before another branch of govern-
mittee report presents a ment during sessions of the
question of the privilege of House, has historically been per-
the House. ceived by the House as a matter
On Dec. 14, 1970,(14) Mr. Rich- intimately related to its dignity
ard H. Ichord, of Missouri, offered and the integrity of its pro-
as a matter involving the privilege ceedings, and as constituting an
occasion for the raising of the
13. 90 CONG. REC. 1841, 78th Cong. 2d question of the privilege of the
Sess. House.
14. 116 CONG. REC. 41355, 91st Cong. 2d
Sess. 15. Id. at P. 41374.


The rules and precedents of the the House in his official ca-
House require that no Member, pacity as a defendant in a
official, staff member, or employee civil action brought in a fed-
of the House may, either volun- eral court raises a question
tarily or in obedience to a sub- of the privilege of the House
pena, testify regarding official and the matter is laid before
functions, documents, or activities the House for its consider-
of the House without the consent ation.
of the House being first obtained.
On July 8, 1965,(17) the Chair
Likewise, information on papers
recognized Mr. Carl Albert, of
obtained by Members, officers,
Oklahoma, who rose to a question
and staff employees of the House
of the privilege of the House:
pursuant to their official duties
may not be revealed in response MR. ALBERT: Mr. Speaker, I rise to a
to a subpena without the consent question of the privilege of the House.
THE SPEAKER: (18) The gentleman will
of the House. Accordingly, when a
state the question of privilege.
House Member, officer, or em- MR. ALBERT: Mr. Speaker, in my offi-
ployee is subpenaed on a matter cial capacity as a Representative and
relating to House business, the as majority leader of this House, I
privilege of the House arises; he have been served with a summons
or his supervisor therefore advises issued by the U.S. District Court for
the Speaker, who lays the facts the District of Columbia to appear in
connection with the case of the All-
before the House for its consider- American Protectorate, Inc. against
ation.(16) Lyndon B. Johnson, and others.
Under the precedents of the House, I
am unable to comply with this sum-
Service of Federal Court Sum- mons without the consent of the
House, the privileges of the House
being involved. I therefore submit the
matter for the consideration of this
§ 14.1 The receipt of a sum- body.
mons naming a Member (who I send to the desk the summons.
was also Majority Leader) of THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will read
the subpena.
16. See 113 CONG. REC. 29374–76, 90th
Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 25, 1967. For Thereupon the summons was
instances where the receipt of judi- read to the House.
cial process by a House officer or
Member has resulted in the presen- 17. 111 CONG. REC. 15978, 15979, 89th
tation of a question of the privilege Cong. 1st Sess.
of the House, see §§ 15–17, infra. 18. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


The Speaker and the Minority Service of Federal Court Sub-

Leader, Gerald R. Ford, of Michi- pena
gan, had been named in the sum-
§ 14.2 Where a Member re-
mons, and both respectively sub-
ceives a subpena to appear
mitted the matter to the House. as a witness in a federal
The following proceedings then court during a session of the
took place: House, a question of the
THE SPEAKER: The Chair has ad- privilege of the House arises
dressed a letter to the Attorney Gen- and the matter is laid before
eral of the United States. The Clerk the House for its consider-
will read the letter. ation.
The Clerk read as follows:
On Nov. 17, 1969,(19) Mr. Henry
July 8, 1965. B. Gonzalez, of Texas, rose to a
The Honorable the Attorney General, question of the privilege of the
Department of Justice.
DEAR SIR: I did on July 6, 1965,
accept service of a summons in the MR. GONZALEZ: . . . Mr. Speaker, I
case of The All-American Protec- have been subpenaed to appear before
torate, Incorporated v. Lyndon B. the U.S. District Court for the Western
Johnson et al., civil action file No. District of Texas to testify on Wednes-
1583–65, pending in the U.S. Dis- day, November 19, 1969, in San Anto-
trict Court for the District of Colum- nio, Tex., in the criminal case of the
bia. The complaint filed in this ac- United States of America against Al-
tion names me, individually and as bert Fuentes, Jr., and Edward J.
Speaker of the House of Representa-
tives, as a defendant in this pro- Montez.
ceeding. Under the precedents of the House, I
The majority leader of the House am unable to comply with this subpena
of Representatives, the Honorable without the consent of the House, the
Carl Albert, and the minority leader, privileges of the House being involved.
the Honorable Gerald R. Ford, both I, therefore, submit the matter for the
of whom are named as defendants in consideration of this body.
this same proceeding, accepted serv-
ice of summons on July 7, 1965. 19. 115 CONG. REC. 34301, 34302, 91st
I am including herewith the sum-
mons served upon me, and those Cong. 1st Sess. For additional exam-
served upon Representatives Albert ples see 107 CONG. REC. 5844, 87th
and Ford, individually and in their Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 13, 1961; 107
official capacities as majority and CONG. REC. 2481, 87th Cong. 1st
minority leaders, respectively, in Sess., Feb. 21, 1961; 107 CONG. REC.
order that you may proceed in ac-
cordance with the law. 2480, 2481, 87th Cong. 1st Sess.,
Sincerely, Feb. 21, 1961; 107 CONG. REC. 2000,
JOHN W. MCCORMACK, 87th Cong. 1st Sess., Feb. 9, 1961;
Speaker of the House and 106 CONG. REC. 6131, 86th
of Representatives. Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 21, 1960.


Mr. Speaker, I send the subpena to ments. A motion to quash that portion
the desk. of the subpena duces tecum requiring
THE SPEAKER: (20) The Clerk will the presentation of documents was
read the subpena. granted by Mr. Justice Edward M.
Curran on February 3, 1961.
There followed a reading of the
Under the precedents of the House, I
subpena to the House. am unable to appear and testify with-
Parliamentarian’s Note: Mr. out the consent of the House, the privi-
Gonzalez had no information rel- leges of the House being involved. I
evant to the case and the House therefore submit the matter to the
did not authorize his appearance. House for its consideration.
The subpena was sent to the
Service of Modified Federal desk and the Speaker (2) in-
Court Subpena structed the Clerk to read it to the
House. At the conclusion of the
§ 14.3 Where a federal court
Clerk’s reading, the House agreed
subpena directed to a Mem-
to a privileged resolution (3) of-
ber was modified after serv-
fered by Mr. John W. McCormack,
ice by court order, the Mem-
of Massachusetts, authorizing the
ber informed the House of
Member to appear in response to
the modification when he
the subpena as modified.
presented the subpena to the
House. Service of State Court Subpena
On Feb. 9, 1961,(1) Mr. Francis
E. Walter, of Pennsylvania, rose § 14.4 Where a Member re-
to a question of the privilege of ceives a subpena from a state
the House and addressed the fol- court, he lays the matter be-
lowing remarks to the Chair: fore the House for action.
MR. WALTER: Mr. Speaker, I have On Oct. 18, 1971,(4) Mr. Don H.
been subpenaed to appear before the Clausen, of California, rising to a
U.S. District Court for the District of
Columbia, to testify on February 20, 2. 2. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
1961, in the case of the United States 3. H. Res. 155.
of America against Martin Popper. 4. 117 CONG. REC. 36494, 92d Cong. 1st
The subpena, as originally served Sess. For further illustrations, in-
upon me, required that I appear and cluding some instances where the
testify and bring with me certain docu- House adopted resolutions, see 116
CONG. REC. 11863, 91st Cong. 2d
20. John W. McCormack (Mass.). Sess., Apr. 15, 1970; 113 CONG. REC.
1. 107 CONG. REC. 2000, 87th Cong. 1st 35129, 90th Cong. 1st Sess., Dec. 6,
Sess. 1967; 113 CONG. REC. 28406, 90th


question of the privilege of the pena, without the consent of the

House, informed the House that House, the privileges of the House
being involved. I therefore submit the
he had been served with a sub- matter for the consideration of this
pena from the Superior Court of body.
the State of California. Upon the The subpena was sent to the
delivery of the subpena to the desk, and the Speaker (7) in-
desk, the Speaker (5) instructed structed the Clerk to read it to the
the Clerk to read the subpena to House. The House did not adopt a
the House. The House took no fur- resolution permitting him to at-
ther action in the matter. tend.
§ 14.5 A Member having been Service of Subpena Issued by
subpenaed to testify at a pre- District of Columbia Court
liminary hearing in an action
pending in the state court § 14.6 The receipt by a Member
rose to a question of the of a subpena to appear be-
privilege of the House. fore a court of the District of
On Sept. 23, 1971,(6) Mr. Joshua Columbia gave rise to a ques-
Eilberg, of Pennsylvania, rose to a tion of the privilege of the
question of the privilege of the House.
House and addressed the fol- On Jan. 19, 1972,(8) the Chair
lowing remarks to the Chair: recognized Mr. George P. Miller,
MR. EILBERG: Mr. Speaker, yester- of California, on a question of the
day afternoon, after the House had ad- privilege of the House:
journed, I was subpenaed to appear be- MR. MILLER of California: Mr.
fore the Court of Common Pleas of Speaker, I rise to a question of the
Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Penn- privileges of the House.
sylvania, to testify this morning, Sep- Mr. Speaker, I have been subpenaed
tember 23, 1971, at 9 a.m., at a pre- to appear before the criminal assign-
liminary hearing in an action des- ment branch of the District of Colum-
ignated as Commonwealth against Pat- bia Court of General Sessions on Janu-
rick McLaughlin. ary 28, 1972, in the case of the United
Under the precedents of the House, I States of America against Ernest Long.
was unable to comply with this sub-
7. Carl Albert (Okla.).
Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 10, 1967; and 8. 118 CONG. REC. 318, 92d Cong. 2d
111 CONG. REC. 17002, 89th Cong. Sess. Additional illustrations may be
1st Sess., July 15, 1965. found at 115 CONG. REC. 26008, 91st
5. Carl Albert (Okla.). Cong. 1st Sess., Sept. 18, 1969, and
6. 117 CONG. REC. 33114, 92d Cong. 1st 110 CONG. REC. 1510, 88th Cong. 2d
Sess. Sess., Jan. 31, 1964.


Under the precedents of the House, I Virginia. The summons was sent
am unable to comply with the subpena to the desk, whereupon the
without the consent of the House, the
Speaker (12) instructed the Clerk
privileges of the House being involved.
I therefore submit the matter for the to read it to the House. At the
consideration of this body. conclusion of the Clerk’s reading,
I send the subpena to the desk. a resolution (13) was offered by Mr.
THE SPEAKER: (9) The Clerk will re- Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, author-
port the subpena. izing the Member to appear in re-
After the reading of the sub- sponse to the summons. The reso-
pena, a privileged resolution (10) lution was agreed to.
was offered by Mr. Hale Boggs, of
Service of Executive Agency,
Louisiana, authorizing the Mem-
ber to appear in response to the
subpena. The resolution was § 14.8 The receipt by a Member
agreed to. of a subpena to appear and
testify before a federal exec-
Service of Municipal Court utive agency gives rise to a
Subpena question of the privilege of
§ 14.7 A Member having re- the House.
ceived a summons to appear On Mar. 18, 1963,(14) after the
before a municipal court Chair’s recognition of Mr. Alvin E.
rose to a question of the O’Konski, of Wisconsin, on a ques-
privilege of the House. tion of privilege, the following pro-
On June 9, 1964,(11) Mr. John E. ceedings occurred:
Moss, Jr., of California, rose to a MR. O’KONSKI: Mr. Speaker, I rise to
question of the privilege of the a question of privilege of the House.
. . .
House and informed the House
Mr. Speaker, I have been subpenaed
that he had been summoned to to appear before the Federal Commu-
appear and testify before the Ju- nications Commission or Charles J.
venile and Domestic Relations Frederick, hearing examiner, at the
Court of the city of Alexandria, new Post Office Building, Pennsylvania
Avenue and 13th Street NW., Wash-
9. Carl Albert (Okla.). ington, D.C., to testify on March 20,
10. H. Res. 767.
11. 110 CONG. REC. 13017, 13018, 88th 12. John W. McCormack (Mass.).
Cong. 2d Sess. For an additional ex- 13. H. Res. 743.
ample see 99 CONG. REC. 3013, 3014, 14. 109 CONG. REC. 4392, 88th Cong. 1st
83d Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 13, 1953. Sess.


1963, at 10 a.m., in the matter of Cen- Parliamentarian’s Note: The

tral Wisconsin Television, Inc., Federal Member had been served with a
Communications Commission docket
No. 14933–14934. Under the prece- subpena duces tecum by a state
dents of the House, I am unable to court to appear as a witness for
comply with this subpena without the the plaintiff and to bring with him
consent of the House, the privileges of certain documents in his posses-
the House being involved. I therefore sion. He appeared in response to
submit the matter for the consider-
ation of this body. the subpena, but refused to bring
THE SPEAKER:(15) The Clerk will re- the requested documents and re-
port the subpena. fused to answer oral interrog-
The House then heard the re- atories propounded by counsel for
port of the Clerk. plaintiff. He was then served with
The House took no further ac- an order to show cause why he
tion in the matter. should not be compelled to answer
the interrogatories which had
Service of Court Orders To Ap- been propounded to him. Because
pear and Show Cause the court order requested him to
appear while Congress was in ses-
§ 14.9 A Member, having been sion, he raised the question of the
served by a state court with privilege of the House. He did not
an order to appear and show request the House to authorize his
cause, rose to a question of appearance, and no further action
the privilege of the House. was taken in the matter.
On May 19, 1970,(16) Mr. Sam
Steiger, of Arizona, rose to a ques- Service of Order To Appear
tion of the privilege of the House and Answer Interrogatories
and informed the House that he § 14.10 A Member, having been
had been served with an order to served by a state court with
appear and to show cause issued
an order to appear and an-
by the Superior Court of the State
swer oral interrogatories,
of Arizona. The order was sent to
rose to a question of the
the desk, whereupon the Speak-
privileges of the House.
er (17) instructed the Clerk to read
it to the House. On July 22, 1970,(18) Mr. Sam
Steiger, of Arizona, rising to a
15. John W. McCormack (Mass.). question of the privilege of the
16. 116 CONG. REC. 16165, 91st Cong. 2d
Sess. 18. 116 CONG. REC. 25333, 25334, 91st
17. John W. McCormack (Mass.). Cong. 2d Sess.


House, informed the House that Edmondson, of Oklahoma, on a

he had been served with an order question of the privilege of the
to appear and answer oral inter- House:
rogatories issued by the Superior MR. EDMONDSON: Mr. Speaker, I rise
Court of the State of Arizona. The to a question of the privilege of the
order was sent to the desk where- House.
upon the Speaker (19) instructed THE SPEAKER: (2) The gentleman will
state it.
the Clerk to read it to the House.
MR. EDMONDSON: Mr. Speaker, I
At the conclusion of the reading, have received a summons to appear be-
the House agreed to a privileged fore the grand jury of the U.S. District
resolution (20) offered by Mr. Carl Court for the District of Columbia on
Albert, of Oklahoma, authorizing Tuesday, July 16, 1963, at 9 o’clock
the Member to appear in response a.m., to testify in the case of the
United States against Jessie Lee Bell.
to the order at any time when the Under the precedents of the House, I
House had adjourned to a day cer- am unable to comply with this sum-
tain for a period in excess of three mons without the consent of the
days. House, the privileges of the House
being involved. I, therefore, submit the
matter for the consideration of this
§ 15. Service of Grand Mr. Speaker, I send to the desk the
Jury Subpena summons.
THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will report
Federal Grand Jury Subpena the summons.
At the conclusion of the Clerk’s
§ 15.1 The receipt by a Member report, a resolution (3) offered by
of a subpena to appear be- Mr. Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, au-
fore a federal grand jury thorizing the Member to appear in
gives rise to a question of the response to the summons, was
privilege of the House. agreed to.
On July 15, 1963,(1) the Chair
State Grand Jury Subpoena
recognized Mr. Edmond
19. John W. McCormack (Mass.).
§ 15.2 A subpoena to a Member
20. H. Res. 1155. requiring his appearance be-
1. 109 CONG. REC. 12488, 88th Cong. fore a state grand jury gives
1st Sess. For additional examples rise to a question of the
see 95 CONG. REC. 5544, 5545, 81st privilege of the House.
Cong. 1st Sess., May 3, 1949; and 88
CONG. REC. 1267, 77th Cong. 2d 2. John W. McCormack (Mass.).
Sess., Feb. 16, 1942. 3. H. Res. 436.


On May 9, 1962,(4) Mr. Frank as the defendant in a civil ac-

W. Boykin, of Alabama, rising to a tion pending in a federal
question of the privilege of the court raises a question of the
House, informed the House that privilege of the House.
he had been subpoenaed to appear On Dec. 13, 1973,(7) the Speak-
before the grand jury of the Cir- er (8) laid before the House as a
cuit Court for Montgomery Coun- matter giving rise to a question of
ty, Maryland. The subpoena was the privilege of the House the fol-
sent to the desk whereupon, the lowing summons:
Speaker (5) instructed the Clerk to
read it to the House. At the con- SUMMONS IN A CIVIL ACTION
clusion of the Clerk’s reading, the [In the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of California, civil
House agreed to a privileged reso-
action file No. C 73 2092GBH]
lution (6) offered by Mr. Carl Al-
bert, of Oklahoma, authorizing Earle Ray Esgate, Plaintiff, v. Don-
ald E. Johnson, Board of Veterans Ap-
the Member to appear in response
peals, the United States House of Rep-
to the subpoena. resentatives, the United States Senate,
the President of the United States, as
Commander in Chief of the Armed
§ 16. Service of Process on Forces of the United States, and as Co-
Defendant United States Army and
House, Its Officers, or United States Army Medical Corps.
Employees To the above named Defendant: You
are hereby summoned and required to
Service of Process Naming the serve upon The plaintiff; acting as his
House own attorney and whose address is
below: plaintiff’s attorney, whose ad-
dress Earle Ray Esgate, 1099 Topaz
§ 16.1 The receipt of a sum-
Ave. Apt. 6, San Jose, California,
mons and complaint naming 95117, Phone 296–8182 an answer to
the House of Representatives the complaint which is herewith served
upon you within 60 days after service
4. 108 CONG. REC. 8006, 87th Cong. 2d of this summons upon you, exclusive of
Sess. For further illustrations see
108 CONG. REC. 7945, 87th Cong. 2d 7. 119 CONG. REC. 41258, 93d Cong. 1st
Sess., May 8, 1962; 108 CONG. REC. Sess. For additional examples see
7816, 7817, 87th Cong. 2d Sess., 118 CONG. REC. 29136, 92d Cong. 2d
May 7, 1962; and 105 CONG. REC. Sess., Aug. 18, 1972; 118 CONG. REC.
1623, 86th Cong. 1st Sess., Feb. 2, 17398, 92d Cong. 2d Sess., May 16,
1959. 1972; and 117 CONG. REC. 1503, 92d
5. John W. McCormack (Mass.). Cong. 1st Sess., Feb. 3, 1971.
6. H. Res. 630. 8. Carl Albert (Okla.).


the day of service. If you fail to do so, complaint in Civil Action No. C 73
judgment by default will be taken 2092GBH filed against the United
against you for the relief demanded in States House of Representatives and
others in the United States District
the complaint. Court for the Northern District of
Date: December 5, 1973. California, and served upon me
F. R. PETTIGREW, through the U.S. Marshal by cer-
Clerk of Court. tified mail No. 197884 on December
C. COWNE, 11, 1973.
Deputy Clerk. In accordance with 2 U.S.C. 118 I
[Seal of Court.] have sent a certified copy of the
Summons and Complaint in this ac-
Along with the summons, the tion to the U.S. Attorney for the
Northern District of California re-
Speaker presented two letters questing that he take appropriate ac-
written by the Clerk, W. Pat Jen- tion under the supervision and direc-
nings, relating to the summons: tion of the Attorney General. I am
also sending you a copy of the letter
WASHINGTON, D. C., I forwarded this date to the U.S. At-
December 12, 1973. torney.
Hon. CARL ALBERT, With kind regards, I am,
The Speaker, Sincerely,
House of Representatives. W. PAT JENNINGS,
DEAR MR. SPEAKER: On December Clerk, House of Representatives.
11, 1973 I have been served a sum- Under the provisions of 2 USC
mons and copy of the complaint in a
Civil Action through the United § 118, the United States Attorney
States Marshal by certified mail is obliged to appear and defend,
number 197884 that was issued by
the U.S. District Court for the upon request of an officer of either
Northern District of California. House of Congress, actions
The Summons requires the Con- brought against such officer on ac-
gress of the United States to answer
the complaint within sixty days after count of anything done in dis-
service. charge of official duties. There-
The Summons and complaint in after, the defense of the case is
question are attached, and the mat-
ter is presented for such action as under the supervision and direc-
the House in its wisdom may see fit tion of the Attorney General.
to take.
With kind regards, I am, Service of Process on House Of-
Clerk, House of Representatives. ficers
December 12, 1973. § 16.2 The receipt of a sum-
Hon. ROBERT H. BORK, mons and complaint naming
Acting Attorney General of the the Speaker in his official ca-
United States, U.S. Department
of Justice, Washington, D.C. pacity as a defendant in a
DEAR MR. BORK: I am sending you civil action brought in a fed-
a certified copy of a summons and eral court raises a question

of the privilege of the House, Date: January 5, 1973.

and the matter is laid before Following the presentation of
the House for its consider- the summons, the Speaker ad-
ation. vised the House that he had, pur-
On Feb. 5, 1973,(9) the Speak- suant to 2 USC § 118, requested
er (10) laid before the House as a the U.S. Attorney to represent
matter giving rise to a question of him in the action. (11)
the privilege of the House the fol-
§ 16.3 The receipt of a sum-
lowing summons:
mers and complaint naming
SUMMONS the Clerk of the House of
The Regent Cecil J. Williams Plain- Representatives in his offi-
tiff v. Carl Albert, M.C. Speaker, et al. cial capacity as a defendant
Defendants. in a civil action brought in a
To the above named Defendant: Carl federal court gives rise to a
Albert, M.C., Speaker. question of the privilege of
You are hereby summoned and re-
the House, and the matter is
quired to serve upon the Regent Cecil
J. Williams, P.P., whose address is laid before the House for its
1417 N Street, N.W., Washington, D. consideration.
C. 20005, an answer to the complaint On Mar. 26, 1973,(12) the Speak-
which is herewith served upon you,
er (13) laid before the House as a
within 60 days after service of this
summons upon you, exclusive of the matter involving a question of the
day of service. If you fail to do so, judg- privilege of the House a commu-
ment by default will be taken against nication from the Clerk of the
you for the relief demanded in the House advising that he had been
complaint. served with a summons and com-
Clerk of Court.
RUBIN CUELLAR, 11. Civil Action File No. 27–73 (U.S.D.C.
Deputy Clerk. D. D.C.).
12. 119 CONG. REC. 9452, 93d Cong. 1st
9. 119 CONG. REC. 3207, 93d Cong. 1st Sess. For further examples see 119
Sess. For additional illustrations see CONG. REC. 29, 93d Cong. 1st Sess.,
119 CONG. REC. 29, 93d Cong. 1st Jan. 3, 1973; 118 CONG. REC. 34040,
Sess., Jan. 3, 1973; 118 CONG. REC. 92d Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. 5, 1972; 118
17398, 92d Cong. 2d Sess., May 16, CONG. REC. 15311, 92d Cong. 2d
1972; 115 CONG. REC. 24002 91st Sess., May 2, 1972; 118 CONG. REC.
Con. 1st Sess., Sept. 3, 1969; and 5025, 92d Cong. 2d Sess., Feb. 22,
111 CONG. REC. 2645, 89th Cong. 1st 1972; and 116 CONG. REC. 31182,
Sess., Feb. 11, 1965. 91st Cong. 2d Sess., Sept. 10, 1970.
10. Carl Albert (Okla.). 13. Carl Albert (Okla.).


plaint as a defendant in a civil ac- District Court for the District of

tion (14) brought in the Federal Columbia and further advising
District Court for the District of that he had, pursuant to 2 USC
Columbia and further advising § 118, requested the U.S. Attorney
that he had pursuant to 2 USC to represent him in the action.
§ 118, requested the U.S. Attorney
for the District of Columbia to Service of Supplemental Peti-
represent him in the action. tion on House Officers

§ 16.4 The receipt of a sum- § 16.5 The receipt of a supple-

mons and complaint naming mental petition naming
the Sergeant at Arms of the House officers as individual
House of Representatives in defendants in a civil action
his official capacity as a de- already pending in federal
fendant in a civil action court against the House and
brought in a federal court other of its officers and Mem-
raises a question of the privi- bers raises a question of the
lege of the House, and the privilege of the House, and
matter is laid before the the matter is submitted to
House for its consideration. the House for its consider-
On July 16, 1973,(15) the Speak-
er (16) laid before the House as a On Oct. 10, 1972,(18) the Speak-
question of the privilege of the er (19) laid before the House as a
House a communication from the matter involving a question of the
Sergeant at Arms advising that he privilege of the House a commu-
had been served with a summons nication from the clerk advising
and complaint as a defendant in a that he had received an amending
civil action (17) brought in the U.S. and supplemental petition in con-
nection with a case (20) pending be-
14. Mauro v Jennings et al., Civil Action fore the U.S. District Court for the
File No. 447–73 (U.S.D.C. D. D.C.).
15. 119 CONG. REC. 23961, 23962, 93d Sergeant at Arms of the House of
Cong. 1st Sess. For additional exam- Representatives et al., Civil Action
ples see 116 CONG. REC. 28502, 91st File No. 1328–73 (U.S.D.C. D. D.C.).
Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 12, 1970; and 18. 118 CONG. REC. 34583, 92d Cong. 2d
109 CONG. REC. 10359, 88th Cong. Sess.
1st Sess., June 6, 1963. 19. Carl Albert (Okla.).
16. Carl Albert (Okla.). 20. Hillary v U.S. House of Representa-
17. Consumers Union of the United tives, Albert, Colmer, et al., Civil Ac-
States, Inc. v Kenneth R. Harding, tion File No. 72–1126.


Eastern Division of Louisiana and advising the House that he

naming the Clerk and Sergeant at had, pursuant to 28 USC § 516,
Arms of the House of Representa- requested the Department of Jus-
tives as additional defendants in tice to represent him in the ac-
the action and further advising
that he had, pursuant to 2 USC Service of Process on the Clerk
§ 118, requested the U.S. Attorney
for the Eastern Division of Lou- § 16.7 The Clerk having been
isiana to represent them in the served with process, includ-
action. ing a subpoena duces tecum
issued by a federal court in a
Service on Capitol Architect civil action, informed the
Speaker who laid the matter
§ 16.6 The receipt of a sum- before the House.
mons and complaint naming
On Nov. 15, 1973,(4) the Speak-
the Acting Architect of the er (5) laid before the House as a
Capitol in his official capac- matter involving a question of the
ity as a defendant in a civil privilege of the House a commu-
action brought in a federal nication from the Clerk of the
court gives rise to a question House advising that he had been
of the privilege of the House served with a subpena and a no-
and the matter is laid before tice of the taking of a deposition
issued by the U.S. District Court
the House for its consider- for the District of Columbia com-
ation. manding his appearance for the
On Aug. 12, 1970,(1) the Speak- purpose of testifying and pro-
er (2) laid before the House a com- ducing certain House documents
munication from the Acting Archi- and records in connection with the
case of Nader et al. v Butz et al. (6)
tect of the Capitol informing the
House that he had been served 4. 119 CONG. REC. 37136, 37137, 93d
with a summons and complaint as Cong. 1st Sess. For additional exam-
a defendant in a civil action (3) ples see 118 CONG. REC. 6326, 92d
Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 1, 1972; 117
brought in the Federal District CONG. REC. 47667, 92d Cong. 1st
Court for the District of Columbia Sess., Dec. 17, 1971; 117 CONG. REC.
47185, 92d Cong. 1st Sess., Dec. 15,
1. 116 CONG. REC. 28502, 91st Cong. 2d 1971; and 117 CONG. REC. 39512,
Sess. 92d Cong. 1st Sess., Nov. 5, 1971.
2. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 5. Carl Albert (Okla.).
3. Civil Action File No. 2296–70 6. Civil Action File No. 148–72
(U.S.D.C. D. D.C.). (U.S.D.C. D. D.C.).


Following the presentation of House of Representatives, to appear

the communication, the House before said court as a witness in the
case of Anna Mae Allen et al. v. South-
agreed to a privileged resolution (7) ern Railway Company et al., and to
offered by Mr. Thomas P. O’Neill, bring with me certain and sundry pa-
Jr., of Massachusetts, authorizing pers therein described in the files of
the Clerk or his designated agent the House of Representatives.
to appear in response to the sub- The rules and practice of the House
pena but permitting the produc- of Representatives indicates that the
Clerk may not, either voluntarily or in
tion of certified copies of only obedience to a subpena duces tecum,
those subpenaed House papers produce such papers without the con-
and documents subsequently de- sent of the House being first obtained.
termined by the court to be mate- It is further indicated that he may not
rial and relevant. supply copies of certain of the docu-
ments and papers requested without
§ 16.8 The Clerk of the House such consent.
of Representatives, having The subpena in question is herewith
attached, and the matter is presented
received a subpena duces for such action as the House in its wis-
tecum from a state court, re- dom may see fit to take.
ported the matter to the Very truly yours,
Speaker who laid it before RALPH R. ROBERTS,
Clerk, United States
the House. House of Representatives.
On Apr. 24, 1958,(8) the Speak- Following the presentation of
er (9) laid before the House as a the communication and the read-
matter involving the question of ing of the subpena to the House, a
the privilege of the House the fol- resolution (10) was offered by Mr.
lowing communication from the John W. McCormack, of Massa-
Clerk of the House: chusetts, authorizing the Clerk to
APRIL 17, 1958. appear in response to the subpena
The Honorable the SPEAKER, but permitting the production of
House of Representatives. certified copies of only those sub-
SIR: From the Superior Court of the
penaed House papers and docu-
26th Judicial District of North Caro- ments subsequently determined
lina I have received a subpena duces by the court to be material and
tecum, directed to me as Clerk of the relevant.
7. H. Res. 705. § 16.9 The Clerk of the House
8. 104 CONG. REC. 7262, 7263, 85th of Representatives, having
Cong. 2d Sess.
9. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 10. H. Res. 547.


received a subpena to appear district court he reports the

and testify before a court of facts to the Speaker who lays
the District of Columbia in a the matter before the House.
criminal case, informed the On Apr. 13, 1961,(15) the Speak-
Speaker who laid the matter er (16) rose to a question of the
before the House. privilege of the House and laid be-
On July 13, 1965,(11) the Speak- fore the House a communication
er (12) laid before the House as a from the Doorkeeper of the House
matter raising the question of the advising that he had received a
privilege of the House, a commu- subpena directing his appearance
nication from the Clerk of the as a witness and the production of
House advising that he had re- certain described papers before
ceived a subpena commanding his the U.S. District Court for the
appearance for the purpose of tes- District of Columbia in connection
tifying before the criminal bench with U.S. v Taylor. (17) Following
of the District of Columbia Court the presentation of the commu-
of General Sessions in connection
nication, the House agreed to a
with U.S. v Washington. (13) Fol-
privileged resolution (18) offered by
lowing the presentation of the
communication and the reading of Mr. John W. McCormack, of Mas-
the subpena, the House agreed to sachusetts, authorizing the Door-
a resolution (14) offered by Mr. keeper to appear in response to
John E. Moss, Jr., of California, the subpena, but permitting the
authorizing the Clerk to appear production of certified copies of
and testify. only those subpenaed House pa-
pers and documents subsequently
Service of Subpena on the determined by the court to be ma-
Doorkeeper terial and relevant.

§ 16.10 When the Doorkeeper Service of Subpena on the Ser-

of the House of Representa- geant at Arms
tives receives a subpena
duces tecum from a federal § 16.11 The Sergeant at Arms
of the House of Representa-
11. 111 CONG. REC. 16592, 89th Cong.
1st Sess. 15. 107 CONG. REC. 5851, 5852, 87th
12. John W. McCormack (Mass.). Cong. 1st Sess.
13. Criminal Case No. U.S. 5379–65, 16. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
U.S. 5380–65. 17. Criminal Case No. 965–60.
14. H. Res. 469. 18. H. Res. 256.


tives, having received a sub- resolution (1) offered by Mr. Carl

pena from a federal court, re- Albert, of Oklahoma, authorizing
ported the facts to the the Sergeant at Arms to appear in
Speaker who laid the matter response to the subpena was
before the House. agreed to.
On Mar. 3, 1960,(19) the Speaker
§ 16.12 The Sergeant at Arms
pro tempore (20) laid before the
of the House of Representa-
House as a matter raising the
question of the privilege of the tives, having received a sub-
House a communication from the pena to appear and testify
Sergeant at Arms, as follows: before a criminal court of the
MARCH 3, 1960. District of Columbia, in-
The Honorable SAM RAYBURN, formed the Speaker who laid
Speaker of the House of the matter before the House.
Washington, D.C. On July 13, 1965,(2) the Speak-
er (3) laid before the House as a
DEAR MR. SPEAKER: From the Dis-
trict Court of the United States for the matter involving a question of the
Southern District of New York, I have privilege of the House a commu-
received a subpena directing the Ser- nication from the Sergeant at
geant at Arms to appear before said Arms advising that he had re-
court as a witness in the case of the
United States v Adam Clayton Powell,
ceived a subpena directing his ap-
Jr. (No. 35–208). pearance to testify before the
The subpena in question is herewith criminal branch of the District of
attached, and the matter is presented Columbia Court of General Ses-
for such action as the House in its wis- sions in connection with U.S. v
dom may see fit to take.
Washington.(4) After the reading
ZEAKE W. JOHNSON, Jr., of the subpena by the Clerk, a res-
Sergeant at Arms. olution (5) was offered by Mr. Hale
The Speaker pro tempore then in- Boggs, of Louisiana, authorizing
structed the Clerk to read the the Sergeant at Arms to appear
subpena to the House. At the con- and testify. The resolution was
clusion of the reading, a privileged
1. H. Res. 465.
19. 106 CONG. REC. 4393, 86th Cong. 2d 2. 111 CONG. REC. 16529, 89th Cong.
Sess. An additional example sup- 1st Sess.
porting this point may be found at 3. John W. McCormack (Mass.).
100 CONG. REC. 1162, 83d Cong. 2d 4. Criminal Case No. U.S. 5379–65,
Sess., Feb. 2, 1954. U.S. 5380–65.
20. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 5. H. Res. 456.


agreed to, and a motion to recon- tation of the communication, the

sider was laid on the table. House agreed to a resolution (9) of-
fered by Mr. Carl Albert, of Okla-
Service of Subpenas on House homa, authorizing the employee to
Employees appear in response to the subpena
but permitting the production of
§ 16.13 An employee of the certified copies of only those sub-
House having received a sub- penaed House papers and docu-
pena duces tecum in a fed- ments subsequently determined
eral civil action seeking his by the court to be material and I
testimony and the produc- relevant.
tion of House records in his
possession, his superior in- Service of Grand Jury Sub-
formed the Speaker who laid penas on House Officers
the matter before the House.
§ 16.14 The Clerk of the House
On Apr. 25, 1966,(6) the Speak-
of Representatives having re-
er (7) laid before the House as a
ceived a subpena duces
matter involving a question of the
privilege of the House a commu- tecum from a federal grand
nication from the Clerk of the jury, informed the Speaker
House advising that an employee who laid the matter before
under his authority had been the House.
served with a subpena duces On Feb. 20, 1973,(10) the Speak-
tecum commanding his appear- er (11) laid before the House as a
ance for the purpose of testifying matter involving a question of the
and producing certain House privilege of the House a commu-
records before the U.S. District nication from the Clerk of the
Court for the District of Columbia House advising that he had been
in connection with Siamis v served with a subpena duces
Chizzo.(8) Following the presen- tecum commanding his appear-
6. 112 CONG. REC. 8786, 89th Cong. 2d 9. H. Res. 825.
Sess. For further illustrations see 10. 119 CONG. REC. 4490, 93d Cong. 1st
102 CONG. REC. 7588, 84th Cong. 2d Sess. For further illustrations see
Sess., May 7, 1956; and 101 CONG. 118 CONG. REC. 28285, 92d Cong. 2d
REC. 1215, 84th Cong. 1st Sess., Feb. Sess., Aug. 15, 1972; 115 CONG. REC.
7, 1955. 32005, 91st Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 29,
7. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 1969; and 113 CONG. REC. 29374–76,
8. Civil Action File No. 1471–63 90th Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 19, 1967.
(U.S.D.C. D. D.C.) 11. Carl Albert (Okla.).


ance and the production of certain advising that he had received a

House records before the grand subpena duces tecum directing his
jury of the U.S. District Court for appearance and the production of
the Western District of Texas. Fol- certain original records before the
lowing the Speaker’s insertion of grand jury of the U.S. District
the subpena in the Record, the Court for the District of Columbia.
House agreed to a privileged reso- After the reading of the subpena
lution (12) offered by Mr. Thomas by the Clerk, a privileged resolu-
P. O’Neill, Jr., of Massachusetts, tion (15) was offered by Mr. Carl
authorizing the Clerk to appear in Albert, of Oklahoma, authorizing
response to the subpena but per- the Sergeant at Arms to appear
mitting the production of certified and deliver the requested papers
copies of only those subpenaed and documents in response to the
House papers and documents sub- subpena. The resolution was
sequently determined by the court agreed to, and a motion to recon-
to be material and relevant. sider was laid on the table.
§ 16.15 The Sergeant at Arms Service of Grand Jury Sub-
of the House of Representa- penas on House Employees
tives having been served
with a subpena duces tecum § 16.16 Where an employee of
from a federal grand jury, in- the House received a sub-
formed the Speaker who laid pena duces tecum issued by
the matter before the House. a federal grand jury, his su-
On Jan. 16, 1968,(13) the Speak- perior informed the Speaker
er (14) laid before the House as a who laid the matter before
question of the privilege of the the House.
House a communication from the On Oct. 19, 1967,(16) the Speak-
Sergeant at Arms of the House er (17) laid before the House as a
question of the privilege of the
12. H. Res. 221.
13. 114 CONG. REC. 80, 81, 90th Cong.
House a communication from the
2d Sess. For additional examples see Clerk advising that an employee
113 CONG. REC. 17561, 90th Cong. under his jurisdiction had been
1st Sess., June 27, 1967; 111 CONG. served with a subpena duces
REC. 5338, 89th Cong. 1st Sess.,
Mar. 18, 1965; and 99 CONG. REC. 15. H. Res. 1022.
5523, 83d Cong. 1st Sess., May 25, 16. 113 CONG. REC. 29375, 29376, 90th
1953. Cong. 1st Sess.
14. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 17. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


tecum commanding his appear- the Speaker’s instruction the sub-

ance for the purpose of testifying pena was then read by the Clerk
before the grand jury of the U.S. to the House.
District Court for the District of Parliamentarian’s Note: The
Columbia. The House then agreed Clerk’s office was advised (1) that
to a privileged resolution (18) of- the Committee on Armed Serv-
fered by Mr. Carl Albert, of Okla- ices, and not the Clerk, was the
homa, authorizing the Speaker to proper custodian of executive ses-
permit the employee to appear in sion testimony taken before its
response to the subpena. subcommittee and that an em-
ployee of that committee should
Service of Court-martial Sub- have been the recipient of the sub-
pena penas; and (2) that the requested
§ 16.17 The Clerk of the House executive session testimony could
of Representatives, having not, under the provisions of House
received a subpena duces Resolution 15 (91st Congress) be
tecum from a general court- released by any officer or em-
martial, informed the Speak- ployee of the House during an ad-
er who laid the matter before journment; but that (3) the Com-
the House. mittee on Armed Services could
meet and, pursuant to the House
On Nov. 17, 1970,(19) the Speak- rules, order the testimony to be
er (20) laid before the House as a made public.
matter involving a question of the
The House took no further ac-
privilege of the House a commu-
tion on the subpenas.
nication from the Clerk advising
that he was in receipt of a sub- Service of Notice of Taking of
pena duces tecum commanding Deposition
his appearance as a witness and
the production of certain House § 16.18 The Clerk of the House,
subcommittee executive session having been served with a
transcripts before a general court- notice of taking of a deposi-
martial of the United States con- tion in a civil action in which
vened at Ft. Benning, Georgia. At he had been named as a de-
fendant in his official capac-
18. H. Res. 950.
ity, informed the Speaker
19. 116 CONG. REC. 37652–54, 91st
Cong. 2d Sess. who laid the matter before
20. John W. McCormack (Mass.). the House.


On Mar. 15, 1973,(1) the Speak- a civil action brought in a

er (2) laid before the House as a federal court raises a ques-
matter involving the question of tion of the privilege of the
the privilege of the House a com- House, and the matter is laid
munication from the Clerk advis- before the House for its con-
ing that he had been served with sideration.
a notice of the taking of a deposi-
On May 16, 1972,(6) the Speak-
tion in connection with a civil ac-
er (17) laid before the House as a
tion (3) pending in the U.S. District
Court for the District of Columbia. matter involving a question of the
Subsequently, on Mar. 19, 1973,(4) privilege of the House a commu-
the House agreed to a privileged nication from the Chairman of the
resolution (5) offered by Mr. John Committee on Rules advising that
J. McFall, of California, author- he had been served with a sum-
izing the Clerk to respond to the mons and complaint as a defend-
notice. ant in a civil action (8) brought in
the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of Louisiana. At
§ 17. Service of Process on the same time, the Speaker, who
stated that he and the Clerk of
Committee Chairmen the House had received summons
and Employees and complaint in the same action,
inserted copies of the following
Service of Summons and Com- letters in the Record:
plaint on Committee Chair- MAY 16, 1972.
Acting Attorney General, Department of
§ 17.1 The receipt of a sum- Justice, Washington, D.C.
mons and complaint naming
the chairman of a House 1972, I received by certified mail a
committee as a defendant in Summons and complaint in Civil Ac-
tion No. 72-1126 in the United States
1. 119 CONG. REC. 7955, 7956, 93d District Court for the Eastern District
Cong. 1st Sess. of Louisiana. A copy of the Summons
2. Carl Albert (Okla.). and complaint is enclosed herewith.
3. Common Cause v W. Patrick Jen-
nings et al., Civil Action File No. 6. 118 CONG. REC. 17398, 92d Cong. 2d
2379–72 (U.S.D.C. D. D.C.). Sess.
4. 119 CONG. REC. 8485, 93d Cong. 1st 7. Carl Albert (Okla.).
Sess. 8. Civil Action File No. 72–1126 (§ H,
5. H. Res. 313. U.S.D.C. E.D. La.).


Representative William M. Colmer, deemed necessary, under the super-

Chairman of the Committee on Rules vision and direction of the Acting At-
of the House of Representatives, and torney General, in defense of this suit
the Clerk of the House of Representa- against the Speaker, the Chairman of
tives, Hon. W. Pat Jennings, have also the Committee on Rules of the House
received Summons and complaint in of Representatives, and the House of
the action. Representatives. I am also sending you
In accordance with the provisions of a copy of the letter that I forwarded
2 U.S.C. 118, I have sent a copy of the this date to the Acting Attorney Gen-
Summons and complaint in this action eral of the United States.
to the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern Sincerely,
District of Louisiana requesting that Speaker of the House
he take appropriate action under the of Representatives.
supervision and direction of the Acting
Attorney General. I am also sending Subpenas Served on Committee
you a copy of the letter I forwarded
this date to the U.S. Attorney.
CARL ALBERT, § 17.2 The chairman of a House
Speaker of the House committee, having received a
of Representatives. subpena duces tecum from a
MAY 16, 1972. federal court, reported the
facts to the speaker who laid
U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District
of Louisiana, New Orleans, La. the matter before the House.
DEAR MR. GALLINGHOUSE: I am On Feb. 21, 1961,(9) the Chair-
sending you a copy of a Summons and man of the Committee on Un-
complaint in Civil Action No. 72-1126 American Activities, Francis E.
in the United States District Court for Walter, of Pennsylvania, rose to a
the Eastern District of Louisiana, question of the privilege of the
against me in my official capacity as House and informed the House
Speaker of the House of Representa-
that he had been subpenaed to ap-
tives, received by certified mail on May
15, 1972. pear and testify in connection
Representative William M. Colmer, with a case (10) pending before the
Chairman of the Committee on Rules U.S. District Court for the South-
of the House of Representatives, and ern District of New York. Fol-
the Clerk of the House of Representa- lowing the presentation of the
tives, Hon. W. Pat Jennings, have also
received by certified mail copies of the 9. 107 CONG. REC. 2481, 87th Cong. 1st
Summons and complaint. Sess.
In accordance with the provisions of 10. U.S. v Seeger, Criminal Case No. C
2 U.S.C. 118, I respectfully request 152–240, Cr. 800 (U.S.D.C. S.D.
that you take appropriate action, as N.Y.).


subpena to the House, a resolu- penaed to appear and testify

tion,(11) authorizing the chairman before a state court, rose to a
to appear and testify, offered by question of the privilege of
Mr. John W. McCormack, of Mas- the House.
sachusetts, was agreed to. On July 7, 1971,(14) the Chair-
man of the Committee on Internal
§ 17.3 When the chairman of a
Security, Richard H. Ichord, of
House committee receives a
Missouri, rose to a question of the
subpena duces tecum from privilege of the House and ad-
the Tax Court of the United dressed the Chair:
States, a question of the
MR. ICHORD: Mr. Speaker . . . I
privilege of the House arises. have been subpenaed to appear before
On Aug. 12, 1969,(12) the Chair- the Superior Court of the District of
man of the Committee on Banking Columbia on the 7th day of July 1971
at 2 p.m. in the case of United States
and Currency, Wright Patman, of v. Margaret Butterfield (docket No.
Texas, rose to a question of the 27078–71) and to bring with me cer-
privilege of the House and in- tain papers under the control of the
formed the House that he had Committee on Internal Security.
been served with a subpena duces Under the precedents of the House, I
am unable to comply with this subpena
tecum requesting the production duces tecum without the consent of the
of certain documents before the House, the privileges of the House
Tax Court of the United States. being involved. I therefore submit the
The subpena was sent to the desk, matter for the consideration of this
and the Speaker (13) instructed the body.
I send the subpena duces tecum to
Clerk to read it to the House. the desk.
Parliamentarian’s Note: Chair-
man Patman stated that the docu- The subpena was sent to the
ments called for in the subpena desk, and the Speaker pro tem-
pore (15) instructed the Clerk to
were not in his possession or con-
read it to the House.
trol, and the House took no action
thereon. 14. 117 CONG. REC. 23813, 92d Cong. 1st
Sess. On the same day a similar sub-
§ 17.4 The chairman of a House pena served on the Chairman of the
committee, having been sub- Committee on Ways and Means, Wil-
bur D. Mills (Ark.), by the same
11. H. Res. 178. court in connection with the same
12. 115 CONG. REC. 23354, 91st Cong. case was also presented to the
1st Sess. House.
13. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 15. Hale Boggs (La.).


Service of Subpenas on Com- The portion of the subpena duces

mittee Employees tecum requiring the production of doc-
uments was, on the 3d day of February
§ 17.5 Where a House com- 1961, quashed by Mr. Justice Edward
M. Curran.
mittee employee had been
The subpena in question is trans-
subpenaed by a federal mitted herewith and the matter is pre-
court, in a matter related to sented for such action as the House, in
committee business, the its wisdom, may see fit to take.
chairman of the committee Sincerely yours,
advised the Speaker of this Chairman.
fact by letter and the Speak-
After the Clerk’s reading of the
er then laid the matter be-
subpena, the House agreed to a
fore the House for its consid-
resolution (18) offered by Mr. John
eration. W. McCormack, of Massachusetts,
On Feb. 21, l961,(16) the Speak- authorizing the committee em-
er (17) laid before the House as a ployee to appear in response to
matter giving rise to a question of the subpena duces tecum as modi-
the privilege of the House a com- fied.
munication from the Chairman of
the Committee on Un-American § 17.6 When an employee of a
Activities: House committee had been
FEBRUARY 20, 1961. served with a subpena from
Hon. SAM RAYBURN, a state court, in a matter re-
Speaker, House of Representatives, lated to committee business,
Washington, D.C.
the chairman of the com-
DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Frank S. mittee informed the Speaker
Tavenner, Jr., an employee of the
House, while serving at my direction
who laid the matter before
as counsel for the Committee on Un- the House.
American Activities, received a sub- On May 21, 1962,(19) the Speak-
pena duces tecum directing him to ap-
er pro tempore,(20) rising to a
pear as a witness before the U.S. Dis-
trict Court for the District of Colum- question of the privilege of the
bia, in the case of the United States of House, laid before the House the
America v. Martin Popper (No. 1053–
59). The return date of the subpena 18. H. Res. 181.
has been extended to April 15, 1961. 19. 108 CONG. REC. 8823, 8824, 87th
Cong. 2d Sess. For a further illustra-
16. 107 CONG. REC. 2482, 87th Cong. 1st tion see 105 CONG. REC. 5858, 86th
Sess. Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 14, 1959.
17. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 20. Carl Albert (Okla.).


following communication from the vestigator. The resolution was

Chairman of the Committee on agreed to.
Un-American Activities:
MAY 21, 1962. Service of Grand Jury Subpena
Hon. JOHN MCCORMACK, on Committee Chairman
Speaker, House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C. § 17.7 The chairman of a House
committee, having received a
Appell, an employee of the House, subpena duces tecum from a
while serving at my direction as an in- federal grand jury, rose to a
vestigator on the Committee on Un- question of the privilege of
American Activities, received a sub- the House.
pena directing him to appear as a wit-
ness in the Supreme Court of the State On Aug. 15, 1972,(2) the Chair
of New York, New York County, on the recognized Mr. Charles M. Price,
23d day of May 1962, in the case of of Illinois:
John Henry Faulk, plaintiff v. Aware,
MR. PRICE of Illinois: Mr. Speaker, I
Inc., Laurence A. Johnson and Vincent
rise to a question of the privileges of
Hartnett, defendants.
the House.
The subpena in question is trans- THE SPEAKER:(3) The gentleman will
mitted herewith and the matter is pre- state the question of privilege of the
sented for such action as the House, in House.
its wisdom, may see fit to take. MR. PRICE of Illinois: Mr. Speaker,
Sincerely yours, in my capacity as chairman of the
Chairman. Committee on Standards of Official
Conduct, I have been subpenaed to ap-
After a reading of the subpena pear before the grand jury of the U.S.
by the Clerk, a resolution (1) was District Court for the Western District
offered by Mr. Francis E. Walter, of Pennsylvania, on August 22, 1972,
and to bring with me certain records of
of Pennsylvania, authorizing the the Committee on Standards of Official
employee’s appearance to testify Conduct. Under the rules and prece-
to any matter determined by the dents of the House, I am unable to
court to be material and relevant comply with the subpena duces tecum
to the identification of any pub- without the permission of the House
[the privileges of the House] being in-
licly disclosed document, but pro- volved.
hibiting his testimony as to any I therefore submit the matter for the
matter that may be based on consideration of the House.
knowledge acquired by him in his
official capacity as committee in- 2. 118 CONG. REC. 28286, 92d Cong. 2d
1. H. Res. 650. 3. Carl Albert (Okla.).


THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will read pena duces tecum commanding
the subpena. his appearance for the purpose of
After the reading of the sub- testifying and producing certain
pena, a privileged resolution (4) original records before the grand
was offered by Mr. Hale Boggs, of jury of the U.S. District Court for
Louisiana, authorizing the chair- the District of Columbia. Fol-
man to appear in response to the lowing the presentation of the
subpena but permitting the pro- communication and the reading of
duction of certified copies of only the subpena to the House, a privi-
those subpenaed House papers leged resolution (7) was offered by
and documents subsequently de- Mr. Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, au-
termined by the court to be mate- thorizing the committee clerk to
rial and relevant. appear and produce the requested
original papers and documents in
Service of Grand Jury Sub- response to the subpena. The res-
penas on Committee Employ- olution was agreed to.
Service of Discovery Orders
§ 17.8 A House committee em-
ployee, having received a § 17.9 Where a federal district
subpena duces tecum from a court, pursuant to the Fed-
federal grand jury, informed eral Rules of Criminal Proce-
the Speaker who laid the dure, issued a discovery
matter before the House. order for the inspection and
On Jan. 16, 1968,(5) the Speak- copying of certain original
er (6) laid before the House as a papers and documents in the
matter involving the privilege of possession and under the
the House a communication from control of a House com-
the clerk of the Committee on mittee, a question of the
House Administration advising privilege of the House arose.
that he was in receipt of a sub- On July 1, 1969,(8) the Chair-
4. H. Res. 1092. man of the Committee on Internal
5. 114 CONG. REC. 81, 90th Cong. 2d Security, Richard H. Ichord, of
Sess. For further examples see 113 Missouri, rose to a question of the
CONG. REC. 29374–76, 90th Cong. privilege of the House and offered
1st Sess., Oct. 19, 1967; and 113
CONG. REC. 17562, 90th Cong. 1st 7. H. Res. 1023.
Sess., June 27, 1967. 8. 115 CONG. REC. 17948, 91St Cong.
6. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 1st Sess.


a resolution (9) for the consider- ternal Security to testify and

ation of the House. The resolution produce certain documents in re-
authorized him to make available sponse to discovery orders and
to the U.S. attorney, in response written and oral interrogatories
to a discovery order issued by a served on them as parties defend-
federal district court pursuant to ant in a civil action (13) pending
Rule 16 of the Federal Rules of before the U.S. District Court for
Criminal Procedure, for the pur- the Northern District of Illinois.
pose of inspection and copying by The previous question was imme-
parties in a pending criminal ac- diately moved on the resolution.
tion,(10) certain enumerated com- Mr. Abner Mikva, of Illinois, ob-
mittee papers and documents. The jected to the vote because a
resolution was agreed to. quorum was not present. On a call
§ 17.10 Where certain employ- of the roll pursuant to Rule XV,
ees and former employees of the resolution was agreed to.
a House committee were
named parties defendant in a
federal civil action and had
§ 18. Authorization to Re-
received discovery orders spond to Process
and interrogatories, a ques-
When the Clerk or other officer
tion of the privilege of the
of the House is served with a sub-
House was invoked.
pena duces tecum when the House
On Mar. 2, 1971,(11) Mr. Richard is in session, the House ordinarily
H. Ichord, of Missouri, rising to a deals with each subpena by reso-
question of the privilege of the lution on an individual basis. Dur-
House, offered a resolution (12) for ing periods of adjournment, how-
the consideration of the House. ever, the current practice is to au-
The resolution authorized speci- thorize the officer in receipt of
fied employees and former em- such a court order to appear (but
ployees of the Committee on In- not to take original documents of
9. H. Res. 459. the House) pursuant to a resolu-
10. U.S. v Stamler, Hall, and Cohen, tion providing continuing author-
Criminal Action No. 67 CR 393, 67 ity to respond during that period.
CR 394, 67 CR 395 (U.S.D.C. No. 1). The court may be provided with
Ill ). copies of House documents except
11. 117 CONG. REC. 4584–93, 92D Cong.
1st Sess. 13. Civil Action File No. 65 C 800, 65 C
12. H. Res. 264. 2050 (U.S.D.C. No. D. Ill.).


those taken in executive session, the 83d Congress, the House

upon the court’s determination of adopted a similar resolution which
their relevancy. could be invoked during any pe-
Prior to the 80th Congress, it riod of adjournment of that Con-
was not the custom for the House
to agree to resolutions providing
continuing authority for the Clerk In the 84th and subsequent
or other House officers to respond Congresses, the House approved
to subpenas duces tecum during of resolutions that provided that
periods of adjournment. From the when documentary evidence
80th through the 83d Congresses, under the control of the House
resolutions were adopted pro- was needed in any court of justice
viding for continuing authority to
during any recess or adjournment
respond to subpenas duces tecum
where the court issuing the sub- of that Congress, the Clerk or
pena required the documents for other House officer was author-
use in cases relating to the refusal ized to appear in answer to a sub-
of witnesses to testify before con- pena duces tecum but not to take
gressional committees. These reso- documents. The courts were given
lutions pertained only to subpenas permission to make copies of docu-
issued by courts of the United ments (except for executive ses-
sion materials) upon the issuance
For example, the 80th Congress
approved a resolution which pro- of a court order declaring their
vided that when, during that Con- relevancy.(16)
gress, a subpena duces tecum was
directed to the Clerk or any officer See also H. Res. 864, 96 CONG. REC.
15636, 81st Cong. 2d Sess., Sept. 22,
or employee of the House from
1950: H. Res. 481, 97 CONG. REC.
any court of the United States 13777, 82d Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 20,
considering a case based on the 1951; and H. Res. 391, 99 CONG.
refusal of a witness to appear or REC. 11132, 83d Cong. 1st Sess.,
testify before a congressional com- Aug. 3, 1953.
mittee, the Clerk or other officer 15. H. Res. 711, 100 CONG. REC. 15547,
was authorized to appear but not 83d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 1954.
with any documents. The courts 16. H. Res. 341, 101 CONG. REC. 13063,
were, however, given permission 84th Cong. 1st Sess., Aug. 2, 1955.
to make copies of relevant docu- See also H. Res. 416, 103 CONG.
ments.(14) In the second session of REC. 16759, 16760, 85th Cong. 1st
Sess., Aug. 30, 1957; and H. Res.
14. H. Res. 584, 94 CONG. REC. 5433, 224, 105 CONG. REC. 5260, 86th
80th Cong. 2d Sess., May 6, 1948. Cong. 1st Sess., Mar. 25, 1959.


Speaker’s Power to Authorize on October 23, 1967, to testify in con-

Response to Process nection with matters under investiga-
tion by the grand jury; and
§ 18.1 On one occasion, the Whereas other officers and staff em-
ployees of the House of Representa-
House by resolution author- tives have received, or may receive,
ized the Speaker to permit subpenas ad testificandum to appear
House officers and employ- before the said grand jury in connec-
ees to appear in response to tion with the before-mentioned inves-
subpenas issued by a U.S. tigation; and
District Court in connection Whereas information secured by offi-
cers and staff employees of the House
with an investigation being of Representatives pursuant to their
conducted by a grand jury. official duties as such officers or em-
On Oct. 19, 1967,(17) commu- ployees may not be revealed without
the consent of the House: Therefore be
nications from the Clerk of the
House and the chairman of a Resolved, That W. Pat Jennings,
House committee were presented Clerk of the House of Representatives,
to the House advising that they is authorized to appear in response to
were in receipt of subpenas issued the subpena before-mentioned as a wit-
by the U.S. District Court for the ness before the grand jury; and be it
District of Columbia. Mr. Carl Al- further
Resolved, That the Speaker of the
bert, of Oklahoma, offered a reso- House of Representatives is authorized
lution (18) giving the Speaker au- to permit any other officer or employee
thorization to permit certain offi- of the House who is in receipt of or
cers and employees to respond to shall receive a subpena ad
the subpenas. The resolution pro- testificandum in connection with the
vided: proceedings conducted by the grand
jury before-mentioned to appear in re-
Whereas in the investigation of pos- sponse thereto; and be it further
sible violations of Title 18, United Resolved, That a copy of these reso-
States Code, Sections 201, 287, 371, lutions be transmitted to the said
641, 1001 and 1505, a subpena ad court.
testificandum was issued by the
United States District Court for the The resolution was agreed to.
District of Columbia and addressed to A motion to reconsider was laid
W. Pat Jennings, Clerk of the House of on the table.
Representatives, directing him to ap- Parliamentarian’s Note: The
pear before the grand jury of said court
U.S. attorney had advised the
17. 113 CONG. REC. 29374–76, 90th Speaker that several officers and
Cong. 1st Sess. employees of the House might be
18. H. Res. 950. subpenaed to appear and testify


before the federal grand jury in THE SPEAKER: (20) The gentleman will
connection with its investigation state it.
MR. ROOSEVELT: Mr. Speaker, dur-
into possible violations of the
ing the 86th Congress, the House au-
Criminal Code. Rather than have thorized me to appear in response to a
each officer and employee author- subpena issued by the U.S. District
ized by separate resolution, the Court for the District of Columbia, di-
Speaker was given the authority recting me to appear in Washington,
to authorize such appearances. D.C., to testify in the case of the
United States of America against Mar-
Each officer and employee who
tin Popper.
thereafter received a subpena in The case was originally scheduled for
connection with the grand jury trial on June 21, 1960, but was ad-
proceedings informed the Speaker journed and is now scheduled to begin
who then responded with a writ- on April 25, 1961.
ten authorization. Under the precedents of the House, I
am unable to comply with this subpena
Duration of Authorization without the consent of this House, the
privileges of the House being involved.
§ 18.2 Where one Congress has, I, therefore, submit the matter for the
consideration of this body.
by resolution, authorized a
Mr. Speaker, I send to the desk the
Member to appear in re- subpena.
sponse to a subpena issued THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will read
by a federal court, and the the subpena.
court’s proceedings extend After the Clerk read the sub-
into the next Congress, the pena, the House agreed to a reso-
Member must again obtain lution (21) offered by Mr. John W.
permission of the House if he McCormack, of Massachusetts,
still wishes to respond to the authorizing the Member to appear
subpena. in response to the subpena.
On Apr. 13, 1961,(19) the Chair
recognized Mr. James Roosevelt, § 18.3 The Clerk having noti-
of California, on a question of fied the House that he had
privilege: been authorized by the pre-
ceding Congress to appear as
MR. ROOSEVELT: Mr. Speaker, I rise
to a question of the privilege of the
a witness and to produce
House. specified documents in a cer-
tain case and that the case
19. 107 CONG. REC. 5844, 87th Cong. 1st
Sess. See also 107 CONG. REC. 2480, 20. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
87th Cong. 1st Sess., Feb. 21, 1961. 21. H. Res. 254.


was still in progress, the Respectfully yours,

House passed a resolution Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives.
permitting his further ap- After a reading of the subpena
pearance as a witness. to the House, Mr. John W. McCor-
mack, of Massachusetts, offered a
On Mar. 27, 1961,(22) the Speak- resolution (2) authorizing the Clerk
er (1) laid before the House as a to appear in response to the sub-
matter involving a question of the pena but permitting the produc-
privilege of the House the fol- tion of certified copies of only
lowing communication from the those subpena House papers and
Clerk: documents subsequently deter-
mined by the court to be material
MARCH 24, 1961.
and relevant.
The Honorable the SPEAKER,
House of Representatives.
Authorization During Recesses
SIR: As the Clerk of the House of the and Adjournments
86th Congress I received, from the U.S.
District Court for the Southern District § 18.4 The House may, by reso-
of New York, two subpenas duces lution, authorize court ap-
tecum, one in the case of Peter Seeger pearances while prohibiting
(criminal No. C–152–240), and the the disclosure of minutes or
other in the case of Elliott Sullivan
(criminal No. C–152–238). Both sub-
transcripts of committee ex-
penas directed me to appear before ecutive sessions in response
said court as a witness in these cases to subpenas served upon
and to bring with me certain and sun- Members, officers, or employ-
dry papers therein described in the ees during recesses and ad-
files of the House of Representatives. journments.
This matter was brought to the at-
tention of the last House, as a result of On Jan. 13, 1973,(3) Mr. Thomas
which House Resolutions 476 and 477 P. O’Neill, Jr., of Massachusetts,
were adopted on March 15, 1960. offered for immediate consider-
Since the development of these cases ation the following resolution: (4)
has extended into the 87th Congress
2. H. Res. 234.
and it is well recognized that each
3. 119 CONG. REC. 30, 31, 93d Cong.
House controls its own papers, this
1st Sess. For similar authorizing res-
matter is presented for such action as olutions adopted by recent Con-
the House, in its wisdom, may see fit gresses see 117 CONG. REC. 16, 92d
to take. Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 21, 1971; 115
CONG. REC. 37, 91st Cong. 1st Sess.,
22. 107 CONG. REC. 4917–19, 87th Cong. Jan. 3, 1969; and 113 CONG. REC. 35,
1st Sess. 90th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 10, 1967.
1. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 4. H. Res. 12.


Whereas, by the privileges of this Resolved, That when any said court
House no evidence of a documentary determines upon the materiality and
character under the control and in the the relevancy of the papers or docu-
possession of the House of Representa- ments called for in the subpena or
tives can, by the mandate of process of other order, then said court, through
the ordinary courts of justice, be taken any of its officers or agents, shall have
from such control or possession except full permission to attend with all prop-
by its permission: Therefore be it er parties to the proceedings before
Resolved, That when it appears by said court and at a place under the or-
the order of any court in the United ders and control of the House of Rep-
States or a judge thereof, or of any resentatives and take copies of the said
legal officer charged with the adminis- documents or papers and the Clerk of
tration of the orders of such court or the House is authorized to supply cer-
judge, that documentary evidence in tified copies of such documents that
the possession and under the control of the court has found to be material and
the House is needful for use in any relevant, except that under no cir-
court of justice or before any judge or cumstances shall any minutes or tran-
such legal officer, for the promotion of scripts of executive sessions, or any
justice, this House will take such ac- evidence of witnesses in respect there-
tion thereon as will promote the ends to, be disclosed or copied, nor shall the
of justice consistently with the privi- possession of said documents and pa-
leges and rights of this House; be it pers by any Member, officer, or em-
further ployee of the House be disturbed or re-
Resolved, That during any recess or moved from their place of file or cus-
adjournment of its Ninety-third Con- tody under said Member, officer, or
gress, when a subpena or other order employee; and be it further
for the production or disclosure of in- Resolved, That a copy of these reso-
formation is by the due process of any lutions be transmitted by the Clerk of
court in the United States served upon the House to any of said courts when-
any Member, officer, or employee of ever such writs of subpena or other or-
the House of Representatives, directing ders are issued and served as afore-
appearance as a witness before the said.
said court at any time and the produc- The resolution was agreed to.
tion of certain and sundry papers in
A motion to reconsider was laid
the possession and under the control of
the House of Representatives, that any on the table.
such Member, officer, or employee of
the House, be authorized to appear be-
fore said court at the place and time § 19. Providing for Legal
named in any such subpena or order,
but no papers or documents in the pos-
session or under the control of the
House of Representatives shall be pro- Legal counsel, through the De-
duced in response thereto; and be it partment of Justice, is made
further available to the officers—but not

the Members—of the House pur- On Mar. 9, 1967,(5) the Speak-

suant to 2 USC § 118, which pro- er (6) announced as a matter in-
vides in part: volving a question of the privilege
of the House, that he and certain
In any action brought against any
person for or on account of anything other Members and officers of the
done by him while an officer of either House had been served with a
House of Congress in the discharge of summons issued by the U.S. Dis-
his official duty, in executing any order trict Court for the District of Co-
of such House, the district attorney for lumbia in connection with an ac-
the district within which the action is tion (7) brought by Adam Clayton
brought, on being thereto requested by Powell, Jr. Following the reading
the officer sued, shall enter an appear- of the summons by the Clerk, Mr.
ance in behalf of such officer . . . and
Hale Boggs, of Louisiana, rose to
the defense of such action shall thence-
forth be conducted under the super-
a question of the privilege of the
vision and direction of the Attorney House and offered a resolution (H.
General. Res. 376) as follows:
However, the Attorney General Whereas Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.,
et al., on March 8, 1967, filed a suit in
has recommended that the House
the United States District Court for
retain other legal counsel in cases the District of Columbia, naming as
where he had determined that a defendants certain Members, and offi-
conflict may have existed between cers of the House of Representatives,
the legislative and executive inter- and contesting certain actions of the
House of Representatives; and
Whereas this suit raises questions
concerning the rights and privileges of
the House of Representatives, the sep-
Appointment of Special Coun- aration of powers between the legisla-
sel by the Speaker tive and judicial branches of the Gov-
ernment and fundamental constitu-
tional issues: Now, therefore, be it
§ 19.1 On one occasion the
Resolved, That the Speaker of the
House, by resolution, author- House of Representatives of the United
ized the Speaker to appoint States is hereby authorized to appoint
and fix the compensation for and fix the compensation of such spe-
a special counsel to rep-
resent the House and those 5. 113 CONG. REC. 6035–48, 90th Cong.
1st Sess.
Members named as defend-
6. John W. McCormack (Mass.).
ants in a suit brought by a 7. Civil Action File No. 559–61
former Member. (U.S.D.C.D. D.C.).


cial counsel as he may deem necessary Appointment of Special Coun-

to represent the House of Representa- sel for Members and Employ-
tives, its Members and officers named ees
as defendants, in the suit filed by
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., et al. in the § 19.2 The House may, by reso-
United States District Court for the
lution, authorize a committee
District of Columbia, as well as in any
similar or related proceeding brought
to arrange for the legal de-
in any court of the United States; and fense of certain committee
be it further members and employees who
Resolved, That any expenses in- are named in their official
curred pursuant to these resolutions, capacities as defendants in a
including the compensation of such civil action.
special counsel and any costs incurred
On Aug. 1, 1953,(9) Mr. Charles
thereby, shall be paid from the contin-
gent fund of the House on vouchers au-
A. Halleck, of Indiana, offered a
thorized and signed by the Speaker of resolution (10) authorizing the
the House of Representatives and ap- Committee on the Judiciary to file
proved by the Committee on House Ad- appearances, to provide counsel
ministration; and be it further and to provide for the defense of
Resolved, That the Clerk of the certain members and employees of
House of Representatives transmit a the Committee on Un-American
copy of these resolutions to the afore- Activities who had been named as
mentioned court and to any other court parties defendant in a civil ac-
in which related legal proceedings may
tion (11) brought in the Superior
be brought.
Court for the State of California.
Debate on the resolution en- The resolution stated:
sued, after which the resolution Whereas Harold H. Velde, of Illinois,
was agreed to.(8) Donald L. Jackson, of California, Mor-
gan M. Moulder, of Missouri, Clyde
8. Parliamentarian’s Note: On Mar. 14, Doyle, of California, and James B.
1967, the Speaker announced the ap- Frazier, Jr., of Tennessee, all Rep-
pointment of special counsel pursu- resentatives in the Congress of the
ant to H. Res. 376. 113 CONG. REC. United States; and Louis J. Russell,
6603, 90th Cong. 1st Sess. The and William Wheeler, employees of the
House, on Feb. 17, 1969, by simple House of Representatives, were by sub-
resolution (H. Res. 243) continued
the authority granted the Speaker by 9. 99 CONG. REC. 10949, 10950, 83d
the provisions of H. Res. 376, 90th Cong. 1st Sess.
Congress, to retain special counsel, 10. H. Res. 386.
115 CONG. REC. 3359, 91st Cong. 1st 11. Michael Wilson et al. v Loew’s Inc., et
Sess. al.


poenas commanded to appear on Mon- Whereas the case of Michael Wilson,

day and Tuesday, March 30 and 31, et al. v. Loew’s Incorporated, et al. in
1953 in the city of Los Angeles, Calif., which the aforementioned Members,
and to testify and give their deposi- former Members, and employees of the
tions in the case of Michael Wilson, et House of Representatives are named
al. v. Loew’s, Incorporated, et al., an parties defendant is still pending; and
action pending in the Supreme Court Whereas the summonses with re-
of California in and for the County of spect to Donald L. Jackson, Clyde
Los Angeles; and . . . Doyle, and William Wheeler and the
Whereas Harold H. Velde, Donald L. subpoena with respect to William
Jackson, Morgan M. Moulder, Clyde Wheeler in the case of Michael Wilson,
Doyle, James B. Frazier, Jr., Louis J. et al. v. Loew’s Incorporated, et al.
Russell, and William Wheeler ap- have not been quashed:
peared specially in the case of Michael Resolved, That the House of Rep-
Wilson, et al. versus Loew’s Incor-
resentatives hereby approves of the
porated, et al., for the purpose of mov-
special appearances of Harold H.
ing to set aside the service of sum-
Velde, Donald L. Jackson, Morgan M.
monses and to quash the subpoenas
Moulder, Clyde Doyle, James B.
with which they had been served; and
Frazier, Jr., Louis J. Russell, and Wil-
Whereas on July 20, 1953, the Supe-
liam Wheeler heretofore entered in the
rior Court of the State of California in
case of Michael Wilson, et al. v. Loew’s
and for the County of Los Angeles
Incorporated, et al.; and be it further
ruled that the aforesaid summonses
Resolved, That the Committee on the
served upon Harold H. Velde, Morgan
M. Moulder, James B. Frazier, Jr., and Judiciary, acting as a whole or by sub-
Louis .J. Russell should be set aside committee, is hereby authorized to di-
for the reason that it was the public rect the filing in the case of Michael
policy of the State of California ‘‘that Wilson, et al. v. Loew’s Incorporated, et
nonresident members and attachés of a al. of such special or general appear-
congressional committee who enter the ances on behalf of any of the Members,
territorial jurisdiction of its courts for former Members, or employees of the
the controlling purpose of conducting House of Representatives named as de-
legislative hearings pursuant to law fendants therein, and to direct such
should be privileged from the service of other or further action with respect to
process in civil litigation’’; and the aforementioned defendants in such
. . .Whereas on July 20, 1953, the Su- manner as will, in thejudgment of the
perior Court of the State of California Committee on the Judiciary, be con-
in and for the County of Los Angeles sistent with the rights and privileges
further ruled that the subpoenas of the House of Representatives; and
served on Clyde Doyle and Donald be it further
Jackson should be recalled and Resolved, That the Committee on the
quashed because such service was in- Judiciary is also authorized and di-
valid under the aforementioned article rected to arrange for the defense of the
I, section 6, of the Constitution of the Members, former Members, and em-
United States; and ployees of the Committee on Un-Amer-


ican Activities in any suit hereafter On Feb. 22, 1972,(13) the Speak-
brought against such Members, former er (14) laid before the House a com-
Members, and employees, or any one
munication from the Clerk advis-
or more of them, growing out of the ac-
tions of such Members, former Mem- ing that a civil action (15) had been
bers, and employees while performing filed in the U.S. District Court for
such duties and obligations imposed the District of Columbia naming,
upon them by the laws of the Congress among others, the Clerk of the
and the rules and resolutions of the House as a party defendant. The
House of Representatives. The Com- Clerk in his communication also
mittee on the Judiciary is authorized
advised that pursuant to 2 USC
to incur all expenses necessary for the
purposes hereof. . . . § 118 he had on Feb. 18, 1972,
written to the Acting Attorney
The resolution was agreed to, General of the United States and
and a motion to reconsider was to the U.S. Attorney for the Dis-
laid on the table.(l2) trict of Columbia requesting that
they carry out their assigned stat-
Authorizing the Clerk to Ap- utory responsibilities in defending
point Special Counsel the Clerk in this matter.
§ 19.3 On one occasion the On Mar. 15, 1972,(16) the Speak-
House, by resolution, author- er laid before the House a commu-
ized the Clerk to appoint and nication from the Clerk advising
fix compensation for counsel that in response to his request of
to represent him in any suit Feb. 18, 1972, he was in receipt of
replies from the Department of
brought against him as su-
Justice and the U.S. Attorney for
pervisory officer under the
the District of Columbia in which
Corrupt Practices Act of 1925
they agreed, pursuant to 2 USC
or the Federal Election Cam-
§ 118, to furnish representation
paign Act of 1971. for the Clerk in the civil action
12. Parliamentarian’s Note: On Sept. 6, unless a ‘‘divergence of interest’’
1961, the House, by resolution (H. developed between the positions of
Res. 417), continued the authority of
the Committee on the Judiciary 13. 118 CONG. REC. 5024, 92d Cong. 2d
granted by the provisions of H. Res. Sess.
386, 83d Cong., to arrange for the 14. Carl Albert (Okla.).
legal defense of members, former 15. Nader et al. v Jennings et al., Civil
members and employees of the Com- Action File No. 243–72 (U.S.D.C. D.
mittee on Un-American Activities. D.C.).
107 CONG. REC. 18240, 87th Cong. 16. 118 CONG. REC. 8470, 92d Cong. 2d
1st Sess. Sess.


the Clerk and the Justice Depart- gent fund of the House on vouchers ap-
ment. proved by the Committee on House Ad-
On May 3, 1972, the Clerk re- ministration.
ceived a letter from the Attorney The House agreed to the resolu-
General stating that a ‘‘divergence tion.
of interest’’ had developed be- On Jan. 6, 1973,(18) the House,
tween the positions of the Clerk by unanimous consent, agreed to
and the Justice Department and a resolution (19) continuing the au-
requesting the Clerk to obtain
thority of the Clerk to appoint and
other counsel. The letter was not
fix compensation for legal counsel
communicated to the Speaker or
laid before the House. Pursuant to in suits brought against him
the authority granted the Clerk in under the Corrupt Practices Act of
House Resolution 955 the Clerk 1925 or the Federal Election Cam-
obtained other counsel. paign Act of 1971.
On May 3, 1972,(17) Mr. Wayne Parliamentarian’s Note: The
L. Hays, of Ohio, offered the reso- provision for payment of such ex-
lution below (H. Res. 955) as a penses is now permanent law [see
matter involving the question of 87 Stat. 527 at p. 537, Pub. L. No.
the privilege of the House: 93–145 (Nov. 1, 1973)], but the
Resolved, That the Clerk of the statute authorizes compensation
House of Representatives is hereby au- only for attorneys who represent
thorized to appoint and fix the com- the Clerk in suits brought against
pensation of such special counsel as he
may deem necessary to represent the him in the performance of his offi-
Clerk and the interests of the House in cial duties as mandated by either
any suit now pending or hereafter the Federal Corrupt Practices Act
brought against the Clerk arising out of 1925 or the Federal Election
of his actions while performing duties
or obligations imposed upon him by the Campaign Act of 1971. There is no
Federal Corrupt Practices Act, 1925, or comparable provision of law which
the Federal Election Campaign Act of authorizes the payment by the
1971; and be it further House of attorneys’ fees for Mem-
Resolved, That any expenses in-
bers indicted, sued, or subpoenaed
curred pursuant to these resolutions,
including the compensation of such as witnesses either in their official
special counsel and any costs incurred or individual capacities.
thereby, shall be paid from the contin-
18. 119 CONG. REC. 379, 93d Cong. 1st
17. 118 CONG. REC. 15627, 15628, 92d Sess.
Cong. 2d Sess. 19. H. Res. 92.



§ 20. In General; Defini- § 21. Raising the Question;

tion Procedure
Under Rule IX,(20) the House is Statement of Grounds
deemed to be presented with
aquestion of personal privilege § 21.1 In raising a question of
whenever a question arises as to personal privilege a Member
the rights, reputation, and con- in the first instance must
duct of a Member, individually, in state to the Chair for his de-
his representative capacity.(l) cision the grounds upon
While a question of personal which he bases his question.
privilege need not be raised in the On Apr. 11, 1935,(6) Mr. Joseph
form of a resolution, a Member
P. Monaghan, of Montana, rose to
raising such a question must in
a question of personal privilege
the first instance state to the
and stated, with reference to Rule
Chair the grounds upon which the
IX, ‘‘under the question of per-
question is based.(2) Once a Mem-
ber is recognized for the purpose sonal privilege I cite the integrity
of raising a question of personal of the proceedings of the House. I
privilege, the scope of his argu- cannot see that this rule ade-
ment is limited to the question quately protects this House so far
raised.(3) Accepted practice also as giving it and the public ade-
precludes the question being quate information as to the rule.’’
raised either during the time of A point of order was then made
another Member’s control of the by Mr. John J. O’Connor, of New
floor (4) or while another question York, that the gentleman had not
of privilege is pending before the stated a question of personal
House.(5) privilege.
In his ruling sustaining the
20. House Rules and Manual § 661 point of order, the Speaker (7) stat-
1. Basis of questions of personal privi-
lege, see §§ 24 et seq., infra. 6. 79 CONG. REC. 5454, 5455, 74th
2. See § 21.1, infra. Cong. 1st Sess. For additional illus-
3. See §§ 22.5, 22.6, infra. trations see 118 CONG. REC. 13491–
4. See §§ 23.2, 23.3, infra. 97, 92d Cong. 2d Sess., Apr. 19,
5. 80 CONG. REC. 8222, 74th Cong. 2d 1972; and 84 CONG. REC. 5033–35,
Sess. See § 5.4, supra, for a detailed 76th Cong. 1st Sess., May 2, 1939.
discussion of this precedent. 7. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.).


It is necessary for the gentleman was stated by the gentleman and it is

first to state his question of personal not reflected accurately in the Record.
privilege as a basis for any argument Furthermore, the gentleman made
that he may desire to submit. The the statement that I was the Jewish
Chair has no desire other than to see gentleman from New York; and on that
that the gentleman and every Member score I rise to a question of personal
of the House is protected under the
rules. The rules provide that a gen-
tleman who raises a question of per- THE SPEAKER: The Chair wants to
sonal privilege must first state his see the original transcript of the re-
question before he proceeds to argue marks of the gentleman from Mis-
with reference to it. sissippi.
MR. CELLER: I can read more; there
Submission of Material Con- is more in that Record, Mr. Speaker,
which was not uttered on the floor of
taining Objectionable Re- the House. I shall be very brief, Mr.
marks Speaker.
THE SPEAKER: The Chair is not going
§ 21.2 When a Member raises a to rule on this question without seeing
question of personal privi- the original transcript and it is not
lege based on the alleged in- here. If there is no objection, the gen-
sertion in the Record of un- tleman may proceed for 10 minutes.
parliamentary language, he § 21.3 On one occasion a Mem-
must submit the transcript of ber was recognized to raise a
the Record to the Chair. question of personal privi-
On Apr. 7, 1943,(8) Mr. Emanuel lege, based on comments ap-
Celler, of New York, rose to a pearing in a local newspaper,
question of personal privilege, although the Record does not
stating that certain remarks of a
Member not made on the floor but show that the material was
inserted in the Record for Apr. 2, first submitted to the Chair
1943, reflected upon his integrity. for examination.
The following exchange then en- On June 22, 1966,(10) the Chair
sued: recognized Mr. Charles E. Cham-
THE SPEAKER: (9) Will the gentleman berlain, of Michigan, on a ques-
send that Record up to the chair? Does tion of privilege:
the gentleman from New York have
the transcript and know that that was MR. CHAMBERLAIN: Mr. Speaker, I
inserted? rise as a matter of personal privilege.
MR. CELLER: I have not the tran- THE SPEAKER: (11) The gentleman will
script with me, but I remember what state his matter of personal privilege.

8. 89 CONG. REC. 3065, 78th Cong. 1st 10. 112 CONG. REC. 13907, 89th Cong.
Sess. 2d Sess.
9. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 11. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


MR. CHAMBERLAIN: Mr. Speaker, I § 22. Debate on the Ques-

rise with respect to an article which
appeared in the Washington Post this tion; Speeches
morning entitled ‘‘Question: Do Con-
gressmen Steal,’’ by the columnists
Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson.
Applicability of Hour Rule
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman from
Michigan is recognized under the ques- § 22.1 The hour rule applies to
tion of personal privilege. debate on a question of per-
Debate on the question then en- sonal privilege of a Member.
sued. On Apr. 19, 1972,(15) Mr.
In the Committee of the Whole Cornelius E. Gallagher, of New
Jersey, rose to a question of per-
§ 21.4 Under the modern prac- sonal privilege. After hearing Mr.
tice, a question of personal Gallagher’s statement of the ques-
privilege may not be raised tion, the Speaker (16) recognized
in the Committee of the him for one hour.
On Dec. 13, 1973,(12) during con- Response to Member Raising
sideration by the Committee of Question
the Whole of amendments to H. R.
11450, the Energy Emergency Act, § 22.2 On one occasion, a Mem-
Mr. John D. Dingell, of Michigan, ber asked for a special order
rose to a question of personal
which he used to respond to
privilege. In refusing to grant rec-
ognition to the Member for that a question of personal privi-
purpose, the Chairman pro tem- lege raised by another Mem-
pore (13) stated that a question of ber, in order to deny any in-
personal privilege could not be en- tention to impugn the mo-
tertained in the Committee of the tives or veracity of that
Whole.(14) Member.
12. 119 CONG. REC 41271, 93d Cong. 1st
Sess. For further illustrations see question of personal privilege may
115 CONG. REC. 24372, 91st Cong. not be raised in the Committee of
1st Sess., Sept. 4, 1969; 105 CONG. the Whole, early precedent suggests
REC. 11289, 86th Cong. 1st Sess., that such a question could be raised
June 18, 1959; and 95 CONG. REC. if the matter in issue arose during
2652, 81st Cong. 1st Sess., Mar. 16, the Committee proceedings. See 3
1949. Hinds’ Precedents § 2540.
13. John J. McFall (Calif.). 15. 118 CONG. REC. 13491, 92d Cong. 2d
14. Parliamentarian’s Note: Although Sess.
pursuant to the modern practice a 16. Carl Albert (Okla.).


On July 29, 1970,(17) the Speak- nized Mr. H. Carl Andersen, of

er pro tempore (18) announced Minnesota, for the purpose of
that, under a previous order of the seeking unanimous consent that
House, Mr. Philip M. Crane, of Il- he be permitted to proceed for five
linois, was recognized for 45 min- minutes to revise and extend his
utes. Mr. Crane then took the remarks. There being no objection
floor to respond to a question of to the request, the Member pro-
ceeded to refute a newspaper
personal privilege raised by Mr.
charge of improper conduct which
Augustus F. Hawkins, of Cali- had been made against him.(4)
fornia, and denied any intention
to impugn the motives or veracity § 22.4 On one occasion, in lieu
of that Member.(1) of raising a question of per-
sonal privilege, a Member
Special-order Speech as Alter- took the floor for a one-
native to Raising the Ques- minute speech to respond to
tion a newspaper article which
included an unfavorable ref-
§ 22.3 Rather than raising the
erence to his congressional
question of personal privi-
lege, a Member obtained
unanimous consent to pro- On Nov. 22, 1967,(5) Mr. Paul A.
ceed for five minutes—to re- Fino, of New York, asked and was
given permission to address the
fute a newspaper’s criti- House. He then delivered a one-
cism—during that part of the minute speech responding to a
day when he would normally newspaper article which included
have been recognized for derogatory comments on his con-
only a one-minute speech. gressional service.(6)
On June 29, 1962,(2) during pro- 4. Parliamentarian’s Note: Mr. Ander-
ceedings when Members were sen had requested, before the open-
being recognized for one-minute ing of the session, that he be recog-
nized on the point of personal privi-
speeches, the Speaker (3) recog- lege. Since the House had a busy
schedule, the Speaker suggested that
17. 116 CONG. REC. 26436–39, 91st the business of the House could be
Cong. 2d Sess. expedited if Mr. Andersen would
18. Harley O. Staggers (W. Va.). simply ask to proceed for five min-
1. See 116 CONG. REC. 26002, 91st utes rather than take an hour under
a point of personal privilege.
Cong. 2d Sess., July 28, 1970.
5. 113 CONG. REC. 33693, 90th Cong.
2. 108 CONG. REC. 12297, 87th Cong. 1st Sess.
2d Sess. 6. Parliamentarian’s Note: Mr. Fino
3. John W. McCormack (Mass.). had asked the Speaker to recognize


§ 22.5 Although in stating a so that it does not come within the def-
question of personal privi- inition of personal privilege, on which
grounds he sought the floor.
lege a Member is required to
confine his remarks to the In his decision overruling the
question involved, he is enti- point of order the Speaker pro
tled to discuss related mat- tempore (8) said:
ters necessary to challenge The Chair might state that he feels
the charge against him. that the gentleman from California is
very close to the line where the Chair
On Feb. 28, 1956,(7) during his
may sustain a point of order. As the
statement of a question of per- Chair understands it, the gentleman
sonal privilege based on a news- has the right to discuss the facts in-
paper article assailing his integ- volved in the pending bill insofar as
rity, Mr. Craig Hosmer, of Cali- that is necessary in order for the gen-
fornia, made reference to certain tleman to express his views with ref-
extraneous matters, including in- erence to the charge of falsehood con-
formational tables. A point of tained in the editorial, and to answer
that charge, and make his record in
order against the statement of the that respect. The Chair again suggests
question was raised by Mr. Byron to the gentleman from California, hav-
G. Rogers, of Colorado, as follows: ing in mind the observations of the
. . . For the last 5 minutes the gen- Chair, particularly those just made,
tleman has made no reference to the that he proceed in order and confine
truth or falsity of the charge that he his discussion of the bill at this time
raised under his question of personal only to that which is necessary to chal-
privilege. On the contrary, he has lenge the charge of falsehood contained
placed before the Members of the in the editorial.
House a chart, and from that he now
proceeds to discuss the bill. It has no
relation to the truth or falsity of the
charge. The gentleman has refused to
§ 23. Precedence of the
permit anyone to ask him any ques- Question; Interrupting
tions and proceeds to discuss this bill, Other Business
him on a point of personal privilege,
Precedence as to the Journal
but it was suggested that a one-
minute speech would serve his pur-
§ 23.1 A Member rising to a
pose equally well, since there was no
business scheduled for the day, and question of personal privi-
he could be recognized following the lege may not interrupt the
reading of the Journal. reading of the Journal.
7. 102 CONG. REC. 3477, 3479, 3480,
84th Cong. 2d Sess. 8. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


On the legislative day of Oct. 8, THE SPEAKER: The Chair does not
recognize the gentleman at this time
1968,(9) Mr. Robert Taft, Jr., of on a matter of personal privilege.
Ohio, rose to obtain recognition But the Chair will, after the pending
during the reading of the Journal: matter, the reading of the Journal has
been disposed of, recognize the gen-
MR. TAFT: Mr. Speaker—— tleman if the gentleman seeks recogni-
THE SPEAKER:(10) For what purpose tion.
does the gentleman from Ohio rise?
Subsequently, the gentleman
MR. TAFT: Mr. Speaker, I have a
privileged motion.
was recognized to raise a question
MR. [SIDNEY R.] YATES [of Illinois]: A
of the privilege of the House.
point of order, Mr. Speaker. That is
not in order until the reading of the Interruption of Member Hold-
Journal has been completed. ing the Floor
THE SPEAKER: Will the gentleman
from Ohio state his privileged motion? § 23.2 A Member may not be
MR. TAFT: Mr. Speaker, my motion deprived of the floor by an-
is on a point of personal privilege. other Member raising a ques-
THE SPEAKER: Will the gentleman tion of personal privilege.
from Ohio state whether it is a point of
On May 17, 1946,(11) during the
personal privilege or a privileged mo-
consideration of House Resolution
MR. TAFT: It is a privileged motion,
624, concerning further expenses
and a motion of personal privilege. for the House Committee on Un-
Under rule IX questions of personal
American Activities, Mr. Sol
privilege are privileged motions, ahead Bloom, of New York, sought rec-
of the reading of the Journal. ognition for a question of personal
THE SPEAKER: The Chair will advise privilege. In his response declin-
the gentleman that a question of per- ing recognition to the Member for
sonal privilege should be made later that purpose, the Speaker (12) stat-
after the Journal has been disposed of. ed:
If the gentleman has a matter of The gentleman from South Dakota
privilege of the House, that is an en- has the floor. Unless he yields the
tirely different situation. Chair cannot recognize the gentleman.
MR. TAFT: I believe, Mr. Speaker,
this involves not only personal privi- 11. 92 CONG. REC. 5216, 79th Cong. 2d
lege as an individual, but also as a Sess. For additional examples see 91
Member of the House and also the CONG. REC. 7221–25, 79th Cong. 1st
privileges of all Members of the House. Sess., July 5, 1945; 84 CONG. REC.
8467, 8468, 76th Cong. 1st Sess.,
9. 114 CONG. REC. 30214–16, 90th June 30, 1939; and 80 CONG. REC.
Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. 9, 1968 (cal- 3720, 74th Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 13,
endar day). 1936.
10. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 12. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


§ 23.3 A Member may not rise the remarks of the last speaker, and
to a question of personal ask for 1 hour.
privilege while another Mem- MR. COX: Mr. Speaker, I did not
yield to the gentleman for that pur-
ber controls the time for de- pose.
bate even though the Mem- MR. HOOK: Then, Mr. Speaker, I ask
ber in control of the time unanimous consent that I be allowed to
may yield him time for de- proceed for 5 minutes.
bate on the merits of the THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE:(14) Is
proposition then pending. there objection to the request of the
gentleman from Michigan?
On Apr. 8, 1937,(13) during
House debate on House Resolution Vermont]: Mr. Speaker, I object.
162, concerning an investigation MR. HOOK: Mr. Speaker, I then in-
of sitdown strikes, the following sist upon my right to rise to a question
proceedings transpired: of personal privilege. The gentleman
MR. [EDWARD E.] COX [of Georgia]: threatened us.
. . . Mr. Speaker, I yield 30 seconds to THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
the gentleman from Michigan [Mr. gentleman from Michigan cannot take
(Frank E.) Hook]. the gentleman from Georgia off the
MR. HOOK: Mr. Speaker, I rise to a floor by raising a question of personal
question of personal privilege based on privilege.


§ 24. Introductory; Gen- sonal privilege, a criticism must

eral Opinion or Criti- reflect directly on the Member’s
integrity or reputation.(16) Mere
cism statements of opinion about or
general criticism of his voting
Rule IX defines questions of record or views do not constitute
personal privilege as those that adequate grounds for a question of
affect the ‘‘rights, reputation, and personal privilege.(17)
conduct’’ of individual Members in It is not in order by way of a
their representative capacity.(15) point of personal privilege or by
To give rise to a question of per- raising a question of the privilege
13. 81 CONG. REC. 3295, 75th Cong. 1st 15. House Rules and Manual § 661
Sess. (1973).
14. Fred M. Vinson (Ky.). 16. § 24.1, infra.
17. § 24.2, infra.


of the House to collaterally attack tleman may, of course, appeal to those

an order previously adopted by who have charge of the time for time,
but there are 435 Members of the
the House.(18) Similarly, the re- House, and the gentleman must appre-
fusal of Members in charge of ciate, as the Chair does, that it is im-
time for general debate on a bill possible for those gentlemen to yield to
to allot time therefor to a Member everyone. However, the Chair is very
sure that opportunity will be afforded
does not give such Member the gentleman sometime during the
grounds for a question of personal discussion of the bill to express his
privilege. Thus, in one in- views.
stance,(19) a Member claimed the The Chair fails to see where the gen-
tleman has been denied any right that
floor for a question of personal has not been denied to every Member
privilege and proceeded to discuss of this House. The gentleman has his
the fact that the Member in right of appeal to get time, as the
charge of time for general debate Chair stated, if this rule is adopted. If
the rule is not adopted and the bill is
on a bill had refused to assign taken up, then the gentleman may pro-
him any time for that purpose. ceed under the rules of the House. The
However, the Speaker (20) ruled Chair fails to see where the gentleman
that the Member’s request for has raised a question of personal privi-
time could not be brought up by lege.
way of a question of personal
privilege. Said the Speaker:
Criticism of Member’s Legisla-
The rules provide that a Member
may rise to a question of personal tive Activity or Position
privilege where his rights, reputation,
and conduct individually, in his rep- § 24.1 Ordinarily, a Member
resentative capacity, is assailed or re- may not rise to a question of
flected upon. The Chair fails to see personal privilege merely be-
where the gentleman has presented a cause there has been some
question of personal privilege which criticism of his legislative ac-
will bring himself within that rule. The
rules provide for the conduct of the tivity. A question of personal
business of the House. . . . privilege ordinarily involves
. . . They provide the method of pro- a reflection on a Member’s
cedure. If this rule is adopted the gen- integrity or reputation. Thus,
it was ruled that a Member
18. 114 CONG. REC. 30214, 30215, 90th
Cong. 2d Sess. See § 3.2, supra, for a
could not rise to a question
detailed discussion of this precedent. of personal privilege where
19. 79 CONG. REC. 5454, 5455, 74th he had been criticized mere-
Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 11, 1935. ly for certain questionnaires
20. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.). he had distributed.

On June 18, 1936,(1) Mr. Kent MR. BLANTON: Mr. Speaker, of

E. Keller, of Illinois, offered as a course, one objection can prevent it, so
I rise to a question of personal privi-
matter involving a question of the lege.
privilege of the House a resolution THE SPEAKER: (2) The gentleman will
deploring the allegedly unauthor- state it.
ized action taken by Mr. Thomas MR. BLANTON: I submit the last four
L. Blanton, of Texas, whereby he clauses of the resolution just read,
which was filed here by the gentleman
addressed questionnaires to school from Illinois [Mr. Keller], without any
teachers in the District of Colum- notice whatever to me, at a time when
bia requesting their opinions on I was in a Senate conference, working
communism. A point of order was for this House, and did get an agree-
ment with the Senate conferees on an
raised by Mr. Claude A. Fuller, of important appropriation bill, will be
Arkansas, asserting that the of- used by ‘‘red’’ newspapers as a reflec-
fered resolution did not involve a tion upon me, although, as a matter of
question of the privilege of the fact, it cannot hurt me or my good
name in any way. I had no notice that
House. When the Chair sustained this resolution was to be offered, and I
the point of order, Mr. Blanton was called out of that conference with
sought to address the House on Senate managers after the resolution
the ground that the resolution had been sent to the Clerk’s desk for
consideration. While under a strict in-
gave rise to a point of personal
terpretation of the rules I realize full
privilege: well that because the resolution does
MR. BLANTON: Mr. Speaker, since not reflect upon me, and will not hurt
this ridiculous resolution has been me, it does not constitute privilege, but
read into the Record and will go in the I feel that I should raise the question
press, and every fair-minded man in to show what a great injustice was
done me by it being presented. I sub-
the House knows that votes for it here
mit that, as a matter of personal privi-
would be negligible and it could not be lege, I should have a right to be heard.
passed, I think it is only fair that the
THE SPEAKER: The Chair stated that
House should give me 5 minutes, and in his opinion the subject matter stat-
I ask unanimous consent to proceed for ed in the resolution was not of such
5 minutes. nature as reflected upon the gentleman
THE SPEAKER: Is there objection? from Texas.
Mr. [Martin J.] Kennedy of New The Chair is of the opinion that the
York: I object. matter stated by the gentleman from
Texas does not constitute a question of
1. 80 CONG. REC. 9947, 9948, 74th personal privilege.
Cong. 2d Sess. See also 86 CONG.
REC. 11046–49, 11150–58, 76th § 24.2 The mere statement of
Cong. 3d Sess., Aug. 27, 1940; and opinion by a group of news-
79 CONG. REC. 494, 495, 74th Cong.
1st Sess., Jan. 16, 1935. 2. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).


paper correspondents with Rule IX provides:

reference to a Member’s QUESTIONS OF PRIVILEGE
record or position in the Questions of privilege shall be,
House does not present a first, those affecting the rights of the
question of personal privi- House collectively, its safety, dignity,
and the integrity of its proceedings;
lege. second, the rights, reputation, and
conduct of Members, individually, in
On Mar. 27, 1939,(3) Mr. Clare their representative capacity only;
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to and shall have precedence of all
a question of personal privilege, other questions except motions to ad-
called the attention of the House
to a magazine article in which it The gentleman from Michigan takes
the position that this newspaper criti-
was stated that a poll of newsmen cism, if the Chair may call it that,
revealed their opinion that Mr. states a question of personal privilege.
Hoffman was among the least use- While the Chair is inclined to give the
ful Members of the House. In rul- greatest elasticity and liberality to
questions of personal privilege when
ing on the question of personal raised, the Chair is of the opinion that
privilege, the Speaker (4) made the in this particular instance the mere
following statement: statement of opinion by a group of
newspaper correspondents with ref-
The gentleman from Michigan rises erence to a Member’s record or position
to A question of personal privilege, in the House of Representatives does
which question is based upon the lan- not present in fact, or under the rules
guage he has just read from a paper he of the House, a matter of personal
held in his hand. It seems that the privilege.
gravamen of the matter relates to a Therefore, the Chair is constrained
to rule that the gentleman has not pre-
newspaper poll that was purported to
sented a question of personal privilege.
have been made with reference to the
usefulness, standing, and so forth, of § 24.3 A newspaper statement
Members of the House of Representa-
tives. asserting that all House
Of course, there are sometimes bor- Members from a specific del-
der-line cases in which it is rather dif- egation support a certain bill
ficult for the Chair to reach, for him- was held not to give rise to a
self, a definite conclusion on the ques- question of personal privi-
tion of personal privilege, but the
lege to a Member of such del-
Chair thinks the rule should again be
stated because this question is fre- egation opposed to the bill.
quently stated. On Mar. 31, 1938,(5) Mr. Mi-
chael J. Stack, of Pennsylvania,
3. 84 CONG. REC. 3361, 3362, 76th
Cong. 1st Sess. 5. 83 CONG. REC. 4473, 75th Cong. 3d
4. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). Sess.


rising to a question of personal mittee. In his decision on the

privilege, read a newspaper state- question, the Speaker (8) stated:
ment which asserted that it was . . . The Chair, of course, can well
understood that all members of understand the indignation of any
the Philadelphia delegation fa- Member of the House at a newspaper
vored an effective reorganization article that appears to be absolutely
bill. In fact, the Member was un- unfair or critical of his conduct as a
committed regarding such a bill. Member of the House, but on this
At the conclusion of the Member’s question of personal privilege the
Chair is of course compelled to follow
statement of the question, the the precedents of the House, very few
Speaker (6) said: of which were established by the
The gentleman has very cleverly present occupant of the Chair.
gained recognition to make a state- The Chair has read the newspaper
ment stating his attitude on the bill article which the gentleman from New
which is to come before the House, but York has read, to see if under the
the Chair is of the opinion the gen- precedents and under the philosophy of
tleman does not state a matter of per- the rule, the gentleman would be enti-
sonal privilege. tled to present this matter as a ques-
tion of personal privilege. The Chair,
§ 24.4 A newspaper article al- within the past few days, has upon
leging that a minority report several occasions read into the Record
filed by a Member had been the rule affecting this question of per-
sonal privilege. There are several
written by employees of a po-
precedents upon this particular ques-
litical party was held not to tion of newspaper criticism. One of
involve a question of per- them is found in section 2712 of Hinds’
sonal privilege. Precedents, volume 3:
On Mar. 30, 1939,(7) Mr. Wal- A newspaper article in the nature
lace E. Pierce, of New York, sub- of criticism of a Member’s acts in the
House does not present a question of
mitted as a question of personal personal privilege.
privilege a statement from a That is the syllabus of the decision.
newspaper article alleging that a
Another decision holds that a news-
minority report which Mr. Pierce
paper article criticizing Members gen-
had filed as a member of the Com- erally involves no question of privilege.
mittee on the Judiciary had been Having recourse again to the prece-
written by several employees of dents the Chair finds the following:
the Republican National Com- ‘‘The fact that a Member is misrepre-
sented in his acts or speech does not
6. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). constitute a matter of personal privi-
7. 84 CONG. REC. 3552–54, 76th Cong.
1st Sess. 8. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).


lege, nor does misrepresenting a Mem- jectionable article the Speaker (10)
ber’s vote.’’
in his ruling on the question stat-
The Chair personally would be de-
lighted to have the gentleman from ed:
New York given the opportunity to ad- What the gentleman has read so far
dress himself to the membership of the is hardly sufficient to entitle the gen-
House on the question presented by tleman to recognition on a question of
him. The Chair, however, is con- personal privilege.
strained to rule in this instance as well
as all others according to the prece- § 24.6 Language in a news-
dents of the House and therefore rules paper stating that a Member
that the matter complained of does was ‘‘very generous with gov-
not, in the opinion of the Chair, con-
stitute a matter of personal privilege. ernment money,’’and that he
had introduced bills which
§ 24.5 A newspaper article as- would cost the government
serting that a Congressman’s $125 billion, was held not to
staff greeted a labor union give rise to a question of per-
delegation with copies of a sonal privilege.
pamphlet critical of the On Jan. 30, 1950,(11) Mr. John
union and questioning the E. Rankin, of Mississippi, sub-
use of a Congressman’s office mitted as involving the question
as a distribution center for
of personal privilege a newspaper
such material was held not
article which stated in part
to give rise to a question of
that ‘‘Representative Rankin is
personal privilege.
very generous—with Government
On Mar. 23, 1945,(9) Mr. Clare money,’’ and declaring that he had
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, pre- introduced bills which would cost
sented as involving a question of
the government $125 billion. The
personal privilege a newspaper ar-
Speaker (12) ruled that the re-
ticle asserting that his office staff
had greeted a CIO delegation with marks referred to did not involve
copies of ‘‘Join the CIO and help a question of personal privilege.
build a Soviet America,’’ and ques- However, the Member was grant-
tioning the use of a Congress- ed recognition for one minute to
man’s office as a distribution cen- answer the allegations.
ter for such material. After the
Member’s presentation of the ob- 10. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
11. 96 CONG. REC. 1093, 81st Cong. 2d
9. 91 CONG. REC. 2665, 79th Cong. 1st Sess.
Sess. 12. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


§ 25.Charges Before a of the House, thus impugning

Governmental Agency or the integrity of those Mem-
Committee bers responsible for its prep-
aration, gave rise to a ques-
Communist Party Affiliation tion of personal privilege.
On May 21, 1959,(15) Mr. Clar-
§ 25.1 Testimony by a govern-
ence Cannon, of Missouri, pre-
ment witness before a gov- sented as involving a question of
ernment agency charging a personal privilege a statement
Member of the House as made before a Senate committee
being a Communist gave rise inferring that he had provided the
to a question of personal committee with an altered tran-
privilege. script of a hearing held before a
On Oct. 18, 1951,(13) Mr. Franck committee of the House. There-
R. Havenner, of California, rising upon, the Speaker (16), recognized
to a question of personal privilege, Mr. Cannon on a question of per-
read, from the transcript of depor- sonal privilege.
tation hearing proceedings, cer-
tain testimony by a government
witness in which he [Havenner] § 26. Charges by Fellow
was identified as a former mem- Member
ber of the Communist Party. Upon
hearing the objectional matter, Charges Involving Unnamed
the Speaker (14) ruled that the Members
transcript gave rise to a question
of personal privilege. § 26.1 A statement on the floor
by the Majority Leader
Alteration of Official Tran- ‘‘there is nothing to stop a
script man from making a damn
fool of himself if he wants to’’
§ 25.2 A statement before a which was carried in the
Senate committee which press as referring to a par-
challenged the integrity of ticular Member, gave rise to
an official transcript of a
hearing before a committee 15. 105 CONG. REC. 8868, 86th Cong. 1st
Sess. See also 105 CONG. REC.
13. 97 CONG. REC. 13483, 82d Cong. 1st 11587, 11588, 86th Cong. 1st Sess.,
Sess. June 23, 1959.
14. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 16. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


a question of personal privi- atomic secrets to the enemy

lege. while under the influence of
On Mar. 19, 1945,(17) Mr. Earl liquor, which the Member de-
Wilson, of Indiana, rose to a ques- nied having made, gave rise
tion of privilege: to a question of personal
THE SPEAKER: (18) For what purpose
does the gentleman from Indiana rise? On May 5, 1952,(19) Mr. Edwin
MR. WILSON: Mr. Speaker, I rise to a Arthur Hall, of New York, pre-
point of personal privilege. sented as involving a question of
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will personal privilege several news-
state the ground for the question of paper articles in which he was at-
personal privilege.
tributed as a source of the state-
MR. WILSON: Mr. Speaker, the
ground on which I make my request is
ment that other Members ‘‘were
the report which has gone all over the in all probability giving away
land through the press, leaving the in- atomic secrets to the enemy while
ference that the distinguished majority under the influence of liquor.’’
leader referred to me in his remarks There ensued some discussion as
that there is nothing to stop a man to the validity of the question of
making a damn fool of himself if he
wants to.
personal privilege, during the
Also, Mr. Speaker, the concluding course of which Mr. Hall denied
sentence in which the majority leader having made the statement. The
is quoted as saying, now that it has Speaker (20) then recognized him
served its purpose, he agrees to erase to debate the question of personal
his remarks from the Record. privilege.
THE SPEAKER: If the gentleman from
Indiana is certain that the gentleman Improper Political Influence
from Massachusetts was referring to
him, the Chair thinks he has a right to § 26.3 A newspaper article
proceed on the question of personal which stated that one Mem-
ber had involved the name of
The Chair recognizes the gentleman
from Indiana. another Member as secretary
of a corporation, reported to
§ 26.2 Statements in the press be a party to a government
that a Member had said contract in relation to which
other Members were giving ‘‘gross political interference
17. 91 CONG. REC. 2415, 2416, 79th 19. 98 CONG. REC. 4787, 4788, 82d Cong.
Cong. 1st Sess. 2d Sess.
18. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 20. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


and influence’’ were alleged, ical smear show. In ruling on the

gave rise to a question of question of personal privilege, the
personal privilege. Speaker (3) stated:
On July 16, 1958,(1) Mr. Perkins The Chair has read the statement of
the gentleman from Michigan [Mr.
Bass, of New Hampshire, rose to a Hoffman], and upon examination the
question of personal privilege and Chair feels that the words ‘‘disgraceful
was recognized to reply to a news- abuse of personal power,’’ and also
paper article which stated that where it is stated that ‘‘political smear
show’’ justify the establishment of the
Mr. Oren Harris, of Arkansas, had point made by the gentleman.
involved the name of Mr. Bass as The Chair recognizes the gentleman
secretary of a corporation reported for one hour.
to be a party to a government con-
tract in relation to which ‘‘gross Traitorous Acts
political interference and influ- § 26.5 A Member was recog-
ence were alleged.’’ nized on a question of per-
Abuse of Power sonal privilege to answer a
newspaper article which pur-
§ 26.4 A Member’s press re- portedly quoted him as im-
lease charging another Mem- plying that three Members of
ber with an abuse of per- the House may have been
sonal power and of spon- guilty of traitorous acts.
soring a political smear was On Jan. 28, 1944,(4) Mr. Samuel
held to give rise to a ques- A. Weiss, of Pennsylvania, rose
tion of personal privilege. and presented as a matter of per-
sonal privilege a newspaper arti-
On Mar. 30, 1953,(2) Mr. Clare
cle in which he was quoted as say-
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to ing ‘‘if the grand jury that in-
a question of personal privilege, dicted thirty for traitorous acts re-
called the attention of the House cently had gone another step they
to a press release distributed by would have indicted three Mem-
another Member in which he [Mr. bers of Congress.’’ At the conclu-
Hoffman] was charged with a dis- sion of the Member’s statement of
graceful abuse of personal power the question, the Speaker pro
and accused of sponsoring a polit- tempore (5) stated:
1. 104 CONG. REC. 13989, 85th Cong. 3. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (Mass.).
2d Sess. 4. 90 CONG. REC. 876, 877, 78th Cong.
2. 99 CONG. REC. 2468, 2469, 83d Cong. 2d Sess.
1st Sess. 5. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


The Chair has read the news item a question of personal privi-
referred to by the gentleman from lege.
Pennsylvania [Mr. Weiss]. The Chair
feels it raises a matter of personal On Mar. 4, 1942,(8) Mr. Martin
privilege. Dies, Jr., of Texas, rising to a
The gentleman from Pennsylvania is question of personal privilege,
recognized. read from a newspaper article
§ 26.6 A newspaper statement which quoted Mr. Thomas H.
quoting a Member of the Eliot, of Massachusetts, as
House as saying that a col- ‘‘issuing the direct lie charge’’ to
league was a ‘‘pimp of Joe Mr. Dies. The Speaker (9) granted
Mr. Dies recognition on a question
Stalin’’ gave rise to a ques-
of personal privilege
tion of personal privilege.
On Jan. 13, 1949,(6) Mr. Clare § 26.8 A press release issued by
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose to a a Member containing allega-
question of personal privilege to tions impugning the motives
call attention to a newspaper that and veracity of another
purported to quote another Mem- Member gave rise to a ques-
ber of the House as saying that tion of personal privilege.
Mr. Hoffman was a ‘‘pimp of Joe
On July 28, 1970,(10) Mr. Augus-
Stalin.’’ At the conclusion of Mr.
tus F. Hawkins, of California, rose
Hoffman’s preliminary statement,
to a question of personal privilege:
the Speaker (7) said:
MR. HAWKINS: Mr. Speaker, I rise to
The Chair believes the gentleman
a question of personal privilege.
from Michigan has stated grounds for
addressing the House on a question of THE SPEAKER: (11) The gentleman will
personal privilege. The gentleman from state his question of personal privilege.
Michigan is recognized. Mr. HAWKINS: Mr. Speaker, the gen-
tleman from Illinois (Mr. Crane), in a
recent press release which I send to
Impugning Veracity
the desk, has made certain allegations
with respect to the additional views
§ 26.7 An article in a news-
which I filed to accompany the report
paper quoting a Member of of the Select Committee To Investigate
the House as ‘‘issuing the di-
rect lie charge’’ to another 8. 88 CONG. REC. 1920, 77th Cong. 2d
Member was held to present Sess.
9. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
6. 95 CONG. REC. 266, 81st Cong. 1st 10. 116 CONG. REC. 26002, 91st Cong. 2d
Sess. Sess.
7. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 11. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


U.S. Military Involvement in South- Remarks Made Under Leave to

east Asia. His allegations include Revise and Extend
charges which directly impugn my mo-
tives and veracity in submitting those
additional views. I therefore rise to a
§ 27.2 Although a question of
question of personal privilege to re- personal privilege may not
spond to the statement of the gen- be raised to words uttered in
tleman from Illinois. debate at the time, such a
THE SPEAKER: The Chair has exam- question may be based on ob-
ined the press release sent to the desk
by the gentleman from California (Mr. jectionable remarks inserted
Hawkins), and the Chair is of the opin- by a Member in his speech
ion that the gentleman from California under leave to revise and ex-
has stated a question of personal privi- tend his remarks.
lege under rule IX of the rules of the
House. On June 24, 1937,(13) Mr. Clare
The gentleman from California (Mr. E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose to
Hawkins) is recognized. question of personal privilege,
stating as the grounds for his ac-
tion not only certain statements
§ 27. Words Uttered in De- made by a Member during House
bate; Charges Inserted debate, but also a statement in-
in the Record serted in the Record of the same
day by another Member under
Floor Debate as Basis for leave to revise and extend his re-
Privilege marks. In his ruling granting rec-
ognition to Mr. Hoffman, the
§ 27.1 A question of personal Speaker (14) made the following
privilege may not be based clarifying statement:
upon language uttered upon
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman from
the floor of the House in de- Michigan [Mr. Hoffman] has presented
bate, the remedy being the a question of personal privilege, based
demand that the objection- upon two propositions. The first is to
able words be taken down language inserted in the Record pur-
when spoken. ported to have been uttered by the
gentleman from Texas [Mr. Maverick],
This precedent was occasioned which language appears on page 6162
during certain House proceedings
on Feb. 6, 1950.(12) 13. 81 CONG. REC. 6309, 6310, 75th
Cong. 1st Sess. For an additional il-
12. 96 CONG. REC. 1514, 81st Cong. 2d lustration see 92 CONG. REC. 5000,
Sess. See § 11, supra, for a discus- 79th Cong. 21 Sess., May 14, 1946.
sion of this precedent. 14. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).


of the Record of June 22, which the Record of the same date the gentleman
gentleman from Michigan [Mr. Hoff- from Illinois [Mr. Sabath] made certain
man] has quoted. statements, as published in the Record,
The rule is—and it has been sus- of which the gentleman from Michigan
tained and supported by the practice [Mr. Hoffman] complains.
and precedents for many years—when If, as a matter of fact, the gentleman
offensive language is uttered upon the from Illinois inserted in the Record
floor by a Member reflecting in any- matters not actually stated by him
wise on a fellow Member, or language upon the floor at the time which gave
is uttered to which the offending Mem- offense to the gentleman from Michi-
ber desires to take exception, it is the gan, it was then the privilege of the
duty of such Member instantly to exer- gentleman from Michigan to raise that
cise his privilege and demand that the question, as he has now raised it, as a
offending words be taken down. This matter of personal privilege when his
would give the House an opportunity attention was called to the offending
to pass judgment upon whether the language.
language should be retained in the
Record, expunged, or other action Strike-breaking Activities
By confession, the gentleman from § 27.3 A letter inserted in the
Michigan did not avail himself of that Congressional Record by a
opportunity, explaining he did not do Senator alleging that a Mem-
so probably because he was tempo- ber was gathering arms and
rarily absent from the floor when the
gentleman from Texas used said lan-
assembling a private army to
guage. Under such circumstances, of march against workers on
course, the absence of the Member strike was held to give rise
from the floor would be no justification to a question of personal
for him to be made an exception to the privilege.
rule. It is to be assumed that he is on
the floor of the House at all times dur- On Apr. 11, 1938,(15) Mr. Clare
ing the session of the House. E. Hoffman, of Michigan, pre-
The Chair is therefore of the opinion sented as involving a question of
that on that point of personal privilege personal privilege a letter inserted
the gentleman from Michigan [Mr. in the Congressional Record by
Hoffman] is not entitled to the floor on Senator Alben W. Barkley, of Ken-
a question of personal privilege under
the rules and practices of the House.
tucky, which contained the fol-
. . . lowing statement:
The Chair stated there are two When men like Congressman Clare
grounds upon which the gentleman E. Hoffman, of Michigan, openly boast
from Michigan [Mr. Hoffman] bases his
question of personal privilege. The sec- 15. 83 CONG. REC. 5235, 75th Cong. 3d
ond ground is that on page 6161 of the Sess.


that they will assemble a strike- marks that another Member

breaking private arsenal and private had placed in the Record
army to march against workers in this
country, it seems to me that lovers of ‘‘scurrilous’’ matter was held
democracy and friends of workingmen to give grounds for a ques-
must no longer remain silent. tion of personal privilege.
In his ruling granting recogni- On Aug. 27, 1940,(17) Mr. Jacob
tion to the Member, the Speak- Thorkelson, of Montana, rising to
er (16) said: a question of personal privilege,
The gentleman from Michigan rises read a statement inserted in the
to a question of personal privilege Congressional Record by Mr. Ad-
based upon language he has already olph J. Sabath, of Illinois, under
quoted and which will appear in the an extension of remarks, which
Record, as taken from the Appendix of accused him of ‘‘placing 210 full
the Congressional Record, page 1256. pages of scurrilous matter’’ in the
Of course, the question of whether or Record. Protracted debate on the
not a matter constitutes a basis for ris- question ensued, at the conclusion
ing to address the House on a question
of personal privilege under the rules is
of which the Speaker,(18) on hear-
in many instances in what may be ing objection to a unanimous-con-
called the twilight zone of parliamen- sent request of Mr. Sabath that
tary discretion on the part of the the remarks be expunged from the
Speaker, but the Chair has read the Record, recognized Mr. Thorkelson
quotation to which the gentleman from on a question of personal privi-
Michigan refers, and the Chair is of lege.
the opinion that, at least by liberal
construction of the rights of Members, Promoting Religious Strife
which the Chair is always disposed to
grant, the gentleman from Michigan is § 27.5 An insertion in the
within his rights in rising to a question
of personal privilege, because the al- Record in an extension of re-
leged language might bring into ques- marks of a charge that a
tion the rights, reputation, and conduct Member seeks to promote re-
of a Member of the House. ligious strife, gave rise to a
Therefore, the Chair recognizes the
gentleman from Michigan on a ques-
question of personal privi-
tion of privilege. lege.
On Apr. 7, 1943,(19) Mr. John E.
Placing ‘‘Scurrilous’’ Matter in Rankin, of Mississippi, rose and
the Record
17. 86 CONG. REC. 11046–49, 11150–58,
§ 27.4 A statement by a Mem- 76th Cong. 3d Sess.
ber in his extension of re- 18. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).
19. 89 CONG. REC. 3062, 78th Cong. 1st
16. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). Sess.


proposed as a question of personal tion of personal privilege, called

privilege to call attention to cer- the attention of the House to Sen-
tain language inserted in the Con- ate remarks appearing in the Con-
gressional Record by Mr. Emanuel gressional Record implying that as
Celler, of New York, in an exten- Chairman of the Committee on
sion of remarks charging him (Mr. Naval Affairs he had engaged in a
Rankin) with promoting religious ‘‘disgraceful effort to cram down a
strife, demonstrating thereby his
number of ‘pork barrel’ provisions’’
contempt for the spirit and tradi-
tions of America. Upon hearing in a pending river and harbor bill
the objectionable remarks the by including in it a meritorious
Speaker (20) said: proposal, for purposes of obtaining
votes for the other items. In rul-
. . . The Chair believes that the lan-
guage not being spoken on the floor ing on the question of personal
and no recourse being had at that privilege, the Speaker (2) stated:
time, is a reflection on the gentleman
from Mississippi [Mr. Rankin] and the The Chair is convinced that the
Chair recognizes the gentleman for 1 question is a very close one, but the
hour. Chair is going to hear the gentleman
from Texas.
Criticism of House Members by
a Senator § 27.7 A Senator’s action in in-
serting in the Record certain
§ 27.6 Insertion in the Record roll call votes of the House
of Senate remarks charging a together with critical com-
chairman of a House com- ment and an editorial critical
mittee with making a ‘‘dis- of the House gave rise to a
graceful effort to cram down question of personal privi-
on a number of ‘pork barrel’ lege, where the inserted ma-
provisions’’ by insisting on a terial identified individual
meritorious provision in an Members and their votes.
omnibus bill to get votes for On July 12, 1956,(3) the Speak-
the other items, gave rise to er (4) recognized Mr. Clare E. Hoff-
a question of personal privi- man, of Michigan, on a question of
lege. personal privilege to call the at-
On Mar. 3, 1942,(1) Mr. Joseph tention of the House to a news-
J. Mansfield, of Texas, on a ques-
2. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
20. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 3. 102 CONG. REC. 12522, 12523, 84th
1. 88 CONG. REC. 1880, 77th Cong. 2d Cong. 2d Sess.
Sess. 4. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


paper editorial and certain re- piece of tax legislation Congress ever
marks by Senator Hubert Hum- enacted.’’
phrey, of Minnesota, in the Con- In his decision granting recogni-
gressional Record, which described tion to the Member, the Speak-
House action on a particular bill
er (6) said:
as ‘‘cynical politicking’’ and which
alleged that the House was guilty The Chair feels that under the cir-
of ‘‘shabby conduct.’’ The material cumstances the charges and allusions
also gave rise to a question of the made in the article just read by the
privilege of the House. gentleman from Missouri are a reflec-
tion on him to such an extent that he
§ 27.8 A newspaper column in may claim the right of personal privi-
which a bill to exempt a lege.
Member’s educational foun-
dation from tax laws was de- § 27.9 A Senator’s accusation,
scribed as coming ‘‘as near to reported in the Record,
making suckers out of all the charging that a Member of
rest of us as any piece of tax the House inserted in the
legislation Congress ever en- Record an intemperate, vitu-
acted,’’ reprinted in the Ap- perative, and libelous attack
pendix of the Record at the on an individual, was held to
request of a Senator, gave give rise to a question of per-
rise to a question of personal sonal privilege.
privilege in the House. On June 30, 1939,(7) Mr. Clare
On Jan. 28, 1958,(5) Mr. Clar- E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose to a
ence Cannon, of Missouri, pre- question of personal privilege to
sented as involving a question of call attention to a statement made
personal privilege a newspaper in the Senate by Senator Joel
column inserted in the Congres- Bennett Clark, of Missouri, charg-
sional Record by Senator Albert ing Mr. Hoffman with having in-
A. Gore, of Tennessee. The column
referred to a bill to exempt Mr. serted in the Record an intem-
Cannon’s educational foundation perate, vituperative, and libelous
from the tax laws in the following attack on an individual. The
language: Speaker (8) then recognized Mr.
. . . ‘‘It came as near to making
suckers out of all the rest of us as any 6. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
7. 84 CONG. REC. 8468, 8469, 76th
5. 104 CONG. REC. 1202, 85th Cong. 2d Cong. 1st Sess.
Sess. 8. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).


Hoffman on a question of personal nized the Member on a question of

privilege. personal privilege.

Charges Impugning Veracity § 27.11 A Member’s insertion in

the Record of a statement
§ 27.10 A statement in an ex- charging that another Mem-
tension of remarks of a Mem- ber echoed in the House a
ber asserting that another ‘‘typical fascist lie,’’ was held
Member had brought dis- to give rise to a question of
honor and discredit on his personal privilege.
office by his use of scurrilous On Apr. 25, 1944,(11) Mr. Clare
language and alleging that E. Hoffman, of Michigan, pre-
he had distorted the words of sented as involving a question of
the President was held to personal privilege a statement in-
present a question of per- serted in the Congressional
sonal privilege. Record by Mr. Herman P.
On June 19, 1940,(9) Mr. Clare Eberharter, of Pennsylvania, al-
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, on a leging that Mr. Hoffman had
question of personal privilege, echoed in the House a ‘‘typical fas-
called the attention of the House cist lie.’’ In his ruling granting
to certain language (set out below) recognition to Mr. Hoffman, the
inserted in the Congressional Speaker (12) observed:
Record by Mr. Donald L. O’Toole, The Chair thinks the statement in
of New York, under permission to the Record which makes charges
extend his remarks: against the gentleman from Michigan
amounts to a question of personal
It is not enough that the Member privilege.
from Michigan should bring dishonor
and discredit upon the high position § 27.12 A letter printed in the
that he occupies by his scurrilous lan- Congressional Record Appen-
guage in regard to the highest office in dix, in which certain state-
the land, but he also feels compelled to ments made by a Member
distort the words of the President.
were said to be untruthful,
Upon hearing the objectionable gave rise to a question of
remarks, the Speaker (10) recog- personal privilege.

9. 86 CONG. REC. 8642, 76th Cong. 3d 11. 90 CONG. REC. 3696, 78th Cong. 2d
Sess. Sess.
10. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). 12. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


On June 18, 1958,(13) the Speak- Congress of selling his vote, and this is
carried forward in the second para-
er (14) recognized Mr. Clarence graph.
Cannon, of Missouri, on a ques- The Chair thinks the gentleman has
tion of personal privilege after Mr. stated a question of personal privilege
Cannon directed attention to a let- and therefore, recognizes the gen-
tleman from Minnesota [Mr. H. Carl
ter appearing in the Appendix to Andersen].
the Congressional Record which
described certain material attrib- Implying Reprehensibility
uted to him as a ‘‘lie.’’
§ 28.2 A newspaper article re-
ferring to a Member as ‘‘rep-
§ 28. Published Charges of rehensible’’ or ‘‘punk’’ gave
rise to a question of personal
‘‘Vote Selling’’ On Jan. 25, 1944,(17) Mr. John
E. Rankin, of Mississippi, rose to
§ 28.1 A newspaper article ac- a question of personal privilege
cusing a Member of selling and was recognized to reply to a
his vote gave rise to a ques- newspaper article in which he was
tion of personal privilege. referred to as ‘‘reprehensible’’
Rankin and ‘‘punk’’ Rankin.
On July 24, 1957,(15), Mr. H.
Carl Andersen, of Minnesota, on a Questionable Business Associa-
question of personal privilege, tions
called the attention of the House
to a newspaper article which in- § 28.3 Newspaper articles ac-
cluded allegations of his involve- cusing a Member of pro-
ment in a conflict-of-interest case. moting and participating in
After receipt of the objectionable an organization being inves-
articles, the Speaker (16) stated: tigated by a Senate inves-
tigating committee gave rise
The Chair has read the headline, to
which the gentleman refers, and it
to a question of personal
does, in effect, accuse a Member of privilege.
On July 8, 1946,(18) Mr. Andrew
13. 104 CONG. REC. 11609, 85th Cong. J. May, of Kentucky, presented as
2d Sess.
14. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).1 17. 90 CONG. REC. 751, 78th Cong. 2d
15. 103 CONG. REC. 12583, 85th Cong. Sess.
1st Sess. 18. 92 CONG. REC. 8391, 79th Cong. 2d
16. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Sess.


involving a question of personal This precedent was occasioned

privilege certain newspaper arti- by certain House proceedings on
cles which were submitted to the Nov. 22, 1967.(20)
Speaker’s desk. Thereupon, the
Speaker (19) stated as follows:
§ 29. Published Charges of
THE SPEAKER: The Chair has looked
over these papers and headlines, as
well as the body of the articles. One Unspecified Illegal Acts
headline states ‘‘Documents show May
had financial stake in Garsson’s em- § 29.1 A newspaper article
pire.’’ charging that a Member did
The article further states: something illegal in his rep-
Documentary evidence that Rep- resentative capacity gave
resentative May, Democrat, of Ken- rise to a question of personal
tucky, chairman of the House Mili-
tary Committee, had a financial in- privilege.
terest in the Illinois munitions em-
pire he is said to have promoted at On Jan. 18, 1954,(1) the Chair
the War Department and his vehe- recognized Mr. Clare E. Hoffman,
ment denial featured explosive devel- of Michigan:
opment yesterday before the Senate
War Investigation Committee. MR. HOFFMAN of Michigan: Mr.
The Chair thinks that these entitle Speaker, I rise to a question of per-
sonal privilege. I have previously sub-
the gentleman to the question of per-
mitted the question to the Speaker.
sonal privilege in his Representative
THE SPEAKER: (2) The Chair may say
capacity, therefore, it recognizes the
that the gentleman from Michigan [Mr.
gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. May]. Hoffman] has very kindly given him
the opportunity of looking over the
Ethnic Slur question of personal privilege. In one
instance it is stated that the gen-
§ 28.4 On one occasion, a Mem- tleman did something illegal in his
ber took the floor for a one- representative capacity, so therefore
minute speech to respond to the gentleman qualifies to present his
question of personal privilege.
a newspaper article which
included a reference to him 20. 113 CONG. REC. 33693, 90th Cong.
as ‘‘one of the few Italian 1st Sess. See § 22.4, supra, for a de-
American undesirables in tailed discussion of this precedent.
Congress.’’ 1. 100 CONG. REC. 388, 83d Cong. 2d
19. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 2. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (Mass.).


Forgery tion to a newspaper article charg-

ing that he had received an illegal
§ 29.2 A statement in a news- fee in a matter connected with his
paper accusing a Member of work as a Member. After exam-
forgery constituted sufficient ining the article, the Speaker (6)
grounds for raising a ques- recognized Mr. Wood to proceed
tion of personal privilege. on a question of personal privi-
On June 8, 1950,(3) Mr. Clare E.
Hoffman, of Michigan, offered as a Tax Irregularities
question of personal privilege a
statement appearing in a news- § 29.4 A newspaper article
paper alleging that the Member charging a Member with in-
had ‘‘stooped to using outright for- volvement in a tax scandal
gery in a strikebreaking attempt.’’ gave rise to a question of
In his ruling granting recognition, personal privilege.
the Speaker (4) stated that suffi- On Feb. 4, 1954,(7) Mr. Emanuel
cient grounds to constitute a ques- Celler, of New York, sought the
tion of personal privilege had been floor on a question of personal
privilege, and read to the Chair
headlines from several newspaper
articles charging him (Mr. Celler)
Receipt of Illegal Fees with involvement in a tax scandal.
§ 29.3 A newspaper article After the presentation of the ob-
jectionable articles to the Chair,
charging that a Member of
the Speaker pro tempore (8) stated:
the House received an illegal
The Chair has examined the head-
fee in a matter connected lines and the newspaper articles and
with his work as a Member believes the gentleman has stated a
was held to give rise to a question of personal privilege. The gen-
question of personal privi- tleman is recognized.
Criminal Conspiracy, Perjury,
On June 15, 1950,(5) Mr. John and Tax Evasion
S. Wood, of Georgia, rose to a
question of privilege to call atten- § 29.5 Newspaper accounts of a
grand jury indictment of a
3. 96 CONG. REC. 8331, 81st Cong. 2d
Sess. 6. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
4. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 7. 100 CONG. REC. 1353, 1354, 83d
5. 96 CONG. REC. 8653, 81st Cong. 2d Cong. 2d Sess.
Sess. 8. Charles A. Halleck (Ind.).


Member for alleged criminal question of personal privilege and

conspiracy, perjury, and tax presented a publication in which
evasion gave rise to a ques- he was accused of sedition. In rul-
tion of personal privilege. ing on the question, the Speak-
er (12) said:
On Apr. 19, 1972,(9) Mr.
Cornelius E. Gallagher, of New THE SPEAKER: . . . [T]he Chair
Jersey, rising to a question of per- states that any pamphlet or newspaper
or document that accuses the gen-
sonal privilege, stated that he tleman from Michigan [Mr. Hoffman]
wished to answer charges stem- of being seditious certainly presents a
ming from published accounts of a question of personal privilege.
grand jury indictment brought The gentleman is recognized.
against him for alleged criminal
conspiracy, perjury, and tax eva-
sion. At the conclusion of his § 30. Published Charges
statement, the Speaker (10) grant- Involving Legislative
ed Mr. Gallagher recognition for Conduct
one hour on a question of personal
privilege. Misuse of Public Funds
Sedition § 30.1 A newspaper article to
the effect that certain union
§ 29.6 Any pamphlet, news- delegates ‘‘left for home de-
paper, or document which termined to raise hell about
accuses a Member of being the misuse of government
seditious presents a question funds’’ by a Member gave
of personal privilege. rise to a question of personal
On Mar. 26, 1946,(11) Mr. Clare privilege.
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose to a On Feb. 22, 1945,(13) Mr. Clare
9. 118 CONG. REC. 13491–97, 92d Cong. E. Hoffman, of Michigan, on a
2d Sess. question of personal privilege,
10. Carl Albert (Okla.). called the attention of the House
11. 92 CONG. REC. 2624, 79th Cong. 2d to a newspaper article which stat-
Sess. For additional illustrations in- ed that certain union delegates
volving accusations of sedition, see
91 CONG. REC. 12456, 79th Cong. 1st 90 CONG. REC. 816, 78th Cong. 2d
Sess., Dec. 20, 1945; 90 CONG. REC. Sess., Jan. 27, 1944.
2908, 78th Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 22, 12. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
1944; 90 CONG. REC. 2519, 78th 13. 91 CONG. REC. 1368, 79th Cong. 1st
Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 13, 1944; and Sess.


from Mr. Hoffman’s district left Dereliction of Duties

for home ‘‘determined to raise hell
about [his] misuse of government § 30.3 A newspaper editorial
funds.’’ The Speaker pro tem- implying nonperformance by
pore (14) stated his belief that Mr. a Member of his representa-
Hoffman had presented a question tive duties in relation to the
of personal privilege and recog- poor people of his constitu-
nized him for that purpose. ency gave rise to a question
of personal privilege.
Deceptive Conduct On June 14, 1938,(17) Mr. John
J. Boylan, of New York, presented
§ 30.2 An advertisement in a as involving a question of personal
newspaper charging that a privilege a newspaper editorial
Member ‘‘sneaked’’ a perma- which stated ‘‘Isn’t it about time
nent committee through the for the poor people of the 15th dis-
House gave rise to a question trict of New York to ask them-
of personal privilege. selves just whom Mr. Boylan rep-
On Mar. 15, 1946,(15) Mr. John resents. He surely doesn’t rep-
E. Rankin, of Mississippi, claim- resent them.’’ After the editorial
ing the floor on a question of per- had been submitted to the Speak-
sonal privilege, read a newspaper er (18) for his inspection, he ruled:
advertisement charging that, ‘‘In The Chair finds in one of the marked
the confusion of the first day of paragraphs of the editorial an implica-
the 1945 Congress, Rankin tion which the Chair thinks involves
sneaked over a permanent House the gentleman’s dignity, standing, and
reputation as a Member of the House.
Committee on Un-American Ac-
The Chair recognizes the gentleman
tivities.’’ In his ruling recognizing from New York on a question of per-
the Member on the question, the sonal privilege.
Speaker (16) stated:
The Chair thinks that the gentleman Confiscation of Evidence
states a question of personal privilege
in that the paper charges that he § 30.4 Newspaper headlines
sneaked something over on the House. circulated through the mails
The gentleman is recognized. indicating that a Member
had confiscated evidence
14. John W. McCormack (Mass.).
15. 92 CONG. REC. 2328, 79th Cong. 2d 17. 83 CONG. REC. 9234, 75th Cong. 3d
Sess. Sess.
16. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 18. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).


needed to prosecute certain was held to give rise to a

individuals was held to in- question of personal privi-
volve a question of personal lege.
privilege. On June 7, 1944,(1) Mr. Howard
On Sept. 29, 1941,(19) Mr. Ham- W. Smith, of Virginia, rose to a
ilton Fish, Jr., of New York, rose question of personal privilege and
to a question of personal privilege read from a newspaper article
and sent to the desk extracts from charging him with leading a
certain newspapers. The following ‘‘raid’’ in the House which could
exchange then occurred: leave price stabilization adminis-
THE SPEAKER: (20) The Chair sees trators helpless to combat rising
here what seems to be the front page prices and which could cripple
of some newspaper. but it is not identi-
fied here.
war controls. In his ruling on Mr.
MR. FISH: It is PM, a newspaper in Smith’s question of personal privi-
New York. The Chair can see it on the lege, the Speaker (2) stated:
front of the page. The Chair is of the opinion that the
THE SPEAKER: Does this paper cir- language read is a sufficient reflection
culate through the mails?
on the gentleman to raise the question
MR. FISH: It does circulate through of personal privilege, and the Chair
the mails, Mr. Speaker.
will recognize the gentleman.
THE SPEAKER: In large headlines
covering more than half of the front
page appear these words: Conflicts of Interest
Ham Fish snatches evidence want- § 30.6 A newspaper article al-
ed in U.S. Nazi hunt.
leging improper lobbying ac-
The Chair thinks the gentleman tivities by a Member to pre-
states a question of personal privilege.
serve his financial interests
Crippling War Controls in a relative’s estate gave
rise to a question of personal
§ 30.5 During World War II, a privilege.
newspaper article charging a On June 6, 1962,(3) Mr. H. Carl
Member with actions which Andersen, of Minnesota, rose to a
could leave certain adminis- question of privilege regarding a
trators helpless and which
could cripple war controls 1. 90 CONG. REC. 5460, 78th Cong. 2d
19. 87 CONG. REC. 7576, 77th Cong. 1st 2. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
Sess. 3. 108 CONG. REC. 9792–97, 87th Cong.
20. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 2d Sess.


newspaper article which alleged Abuse of Powers or Rank

improper lobbying activities on his
part to preserve his own financial § 30.8 A newspaper story to the
interests in his brother’s estate. effect that a Member sullied
The Speaker (4) then recognized congressional honor and
held a congressional hearing
Mr. Andersen on a question of
for the political purpose of
personal privilege.
influencing a local election
§ 30.7 A Member was recog- gave rise to a question of
nized on a question of per- personal privilege.
sonal privilege following On July 20, 1953,(7) Mr. Clare
publication of a newspaper E. Hoffman, of Michigan, as a
column implying that he had question of personal privilege, of-
introduced legislation to re- fered a newspaper editorial cap-
peal excise taxes on cars and tioned ‘‘Representative Hoffman
trucks at a time when the cli- Sullies Congressional Honor,’’ and
ents of his law firm included which stated in part:
a trucking firm. The immorality of holding a congres-
sional hearing for the political purpose
On June 22, 1966,(5) Mr. of influencing a local election gave off
Charles E. Chamberlain, of Michi- such a stench that the full committee
gan, rose to a question of privilege apparently wanted no part of it.
to call attention to a newspaper The Speaker (8) then ruled on the
column in which it was alleged question, observing:
that he had introduced legislation The gentleman does not have to pro-
to repeal excise taxes on cars and ceed any further. He has stated a ques-
trucks but failed to list the name tion of personal privilege and is recog-
nized for 1 hour.
of his law firm or its clients, in-
cluding a trucking firm, in the § 30.9 A newspaper article to
Congressional Directory. After the the effect that a committee
Member’s statement of the ques- chairman used a sub-
tion, the Speaker (6) recognized committee for an improper
him on a question of personal purpose was held to give rise
privilege. to a question of personal
4. John W. McCormack (Mass.).
5. 112 CONG. REC. 13907, 13908, 89th 7. 99 CONG. REC. 9242, 9243, 83d Cong.
Cong. 2d Sess. 1st Sess.
6. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 8. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (Mass.).


On July 21, 1953,(9) Mr. Clare ciary Committee to attempt personal

E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose on reprisals against those whom he dis-
likes. . . .
a question of personal privilege to
A man with so little capacity for gov-
call attention to a newspaper arti-
ernment himself seems scarcely fit for
cle which asserted that he had the governing of his countrymen.
used a subcommittee which he
After hearing the objectionable
had chaired to investigate the Air
words, the Speaker (12) stated that
Force for refusing to award a con-
a question of personal privilege
tract to certain constituents. The
Speaker (10) was of the opinion had been stated.
that Mr. Hoffman had stated a
Improprieties as Committee
question of personal privilege and
recognized him for one hour.
§ 30.11 A newspaper article
§ 30.10 A newspaper editorial
charging that the chairman
charging a Member with hav-
of a committee had ‘‘rammed
ing no scruples about using
through’’ a resolution pend-
the power which seniority
ing before his committee
had brought him for per-
gave rise to a question of
sonal reprisals, and that he
personal privilege.
seemed unfit to govern, gave
rise to a question of personal On July 16, 1962,(13) Mr. Clar-
privilege. ence Cannon, of Missouri, sought
the floor for a question of personal
On July 12, 1955,(11) Mr.
privilege and proceeded to discuss
Francis E. Walter, of Pennsyl-
a newspaper article charging that,
vania, claiming the floor on a
as Chairman of the Committee on
question of personal privilege,
Appropriations, he had ‘‘rammed
read from a newspaper editorial
which referred to him in the fol- through’’ a resolution pending be-
lowing language: fore his committee, without allow-
ing debate and without expla-
He seems to have no scruples about nation. After the submission of
using the power which seniority has
brought him as a member of the Judi-
the article to the Chair, the
Speaker (14) recognized Mr. Can-
9. 99 CONG. REC. 9412–14, 83d Cong.
1st Sess. 12. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
10. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (Mass.). 13. 108 CONG. REC. 13681, 13682, 87th
11. 101 CONG. REC. 10304, 84th Cong. Cong. 2d Sess.
1st Sess. 14. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


non on a question of personal ‘‘stale lies and shabby cal-

privilege. umnies’’ and inferring that
the chairman of the com-
§ 30.12 A newspaper editorial mittee failed to give minority
to the effect that a chairman members an opportunity to
of a committee so discredited file minority views was held
himself by irresponsible ac- to present a question of per-
tions that his committee sonal privilege.
voted to strip him of power
to name subcommittees gave On Jan. 16, 1941,(17) Mr. How-
rise to a question of personal ard W. Smith, of Virginia, pre-
privilege. sented as involving a question of
privilege a magazine article which
On July 29, 1953,(15) Mr. Clare stated, ‘‘We do not have the space
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to at this time to disentangle and
a question of personal privilege, answer all the stale lies and shab-
read from a newspaper editorial by calumnies rehashed in the
which asserted that he, as Chair- final report of the Smith com-
man of the Committee on Govern- mittee’’ and which alleged that
ment Operations, had so discred-
the chairman of the committee
ited himself by irresponsible ac-
had failed to give minority Mem-
tions that the committee voted to
bers an opportunity to file minor-
strip him of power to name sub-
ity views with the majority report.
committees. In his ruling granting
The Speaker (18) then granted rec-
the Member recognition on his
ognition to Mr. Smith on the ques-
question of personal privilege, the
tion of personal privilege.
Speaker (16) stated:
The Chair believes that the gen- Avoidance of Committee Re-
tleman is justified in rising to a ques- sponsibilities
tion of personal privilege on the
ground that the matter to which he § 30.14 A newspaper article to
has referred is a reflection on him in
his representative capacity. the effect that certain named
Members of the House, who
§ 30.13 A statement in a maga- originally accused an indi-
zine article asserting that a vidual of communistic affili-
committee report contained ations, had ducked the com-
15. 99 CONG. REC. 10351, 83d Cong. 1st 17. 87 CONG. REC. 158, 77th Cong. 1st
Sess. Sess.
16. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (Mass.). 18. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


mittee session in which the so disgraceful as to reflect

individual was cleared of upon the membership of the
such charges, was held to in- House was held to be suffi-
volve a question of personal cient grounds for a question
privilege. of personal privilege.
On Dec. 17, 1941,(19) Mr. Ever- On Feb. 18, 1936,(1) Mr. Thomas
ett M. Dirksen, of Illinois, rose L. Blanton, of Texas, on a ques-
and proposed as a question of per- tion of personal privilege, called
sonal privilege to call attention to the attention of the House to a
a newspaper article which as- newspaper editorial which read in
serted that Mr. Dirksen and two part:
other Members, who had origi- The case of the people of Washington
nally accused David Lasser of against Thomas L. Blanton is clearly
communistic affiliations, had posed. It is one of ignorant and preju-
failed to attend the committee ses- diced domination over local appropria-
tions by a Congressman whose chief
sion when Lasser was cleared of reliance in an argument seems to be
the charges. In his ruling granting epithets and fists. It is an important
recognition to the Member, the case for Congress as well as for the
Speaker (20 stated: voteless Capital City. . . .
Indeed, the disgrace that such tactics
The rule covering this matter states:
bring upon the National Legislature—
Questions of privilege shall be, aside from their deplorable effects
first, those affecting the rights of the upon Washington—should result in a
House collectively, its safety, dignity, speedy transfer of Mr. Blanton.
and the integrity of its proceedings;
second, the rights, reputation, and The Speaker (2) ruled that the
conduct of Members individually in
their representative capacity only. editorial gave rise to a question of
personal privilege, observing:
The Chair thinks the gentleman
states a question of personal privilege. . . . Without entering into a discus-
sion of the language which has been
‘‘Disgraceful’’ Conduct Reflect- read by the gentleman from Texas, the
Chair clearly thinks that the publica-
ing on the House tion which charges that his conduct
has been so disgraceful as to reflect
§ 30.15 An insertion in a news- upon the Members of the House enti-
paper editorial that the con- tles the gentleman to be heard on the
duct of a Member had been question of privilege, and the Chair

19. 87 CONG. REC. 9913, 77th Cong. 1st 1. 80 CONG. REC. 2320, 74th Cong. 2d
Sess. Sess.
20. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 2. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.).


therefore recognizes the gentleman see him, was held to give rise
from Texas for 1 hour. to a question of personal
§ 30.16 A newspaper article privilege.
charging that a Member of On Apr. 16, 1943,(5) Mr. Paul
Congress had long disgraced Stewart, of Oklahoma, claimed
himself by being ‘‘anti-United the floor for a question of personal
Nations, antiSemitic, anti- privilege and proceeded to discuss
Negro, [and] antilabor’’ was the contents of a notation on the
held to involve a question of margin of a letter sent to two
personal privilege. newspapers which asserted that
the Member had visited the office
On Jan. 8, 1945,(3) Mr. John E.
of the director of the Office of
Rankin, of Mississippi, on a ques-
Price Administration ‘‘half drunk’’
tion of personal privilege, called
and had ‘‘cussed out’’ the clerks
the attention of the House to a
there in such a manner that the
newspaper article which repeated
charges as described above. The director refused to see him. The
Speaker (4) then ruled: Speaker (6) then ruled that a ques-
tion of personal privilege had been
The Chair believes that the gen- stated.
tleman from Mississippi has stated a
question that involves the privileges of
the House, it being an attack on his in- Abuse of Franking Privilege
tegrity as a Member of the House.
§ 30.18 A newspaper article
Improper Conduct in Agency quoting a book containing an
Dealings accusation that a Member
permitted the use of his
§ 30.17 A notation on the mar- frank by one of questionable
gin of a letter sent to the character gave rise to a ques-
press to the effect that a tion of personal privilege.
Member had visited the of- On Jan. 28, 1944,(7) Mr. Clare
fice of the director of an E. Hoffman, of Michigan, on a
agency while intoxicated and question of personal privilege,
had ‘‘cussed out’’ the direc- called the attention of the House
tor’s clerks in such a manner
that the director refused to 5. 89 CONG. REC. 3471, 78th Cong. 1st
3. 91 CONG. REC. 107, 108, 79th Cong. 6. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
1st Sess. 7. 90 CONG. REC. 879, 78th Cong. 2d
4. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Sess.


to a newspaper article quoting a statement, the Speaker (10) recog-

book which asserted that the nized him for one hour.
Member had permitted the use of
his frank by a man of question- § 31.2 An article in a news-
able character. The Speaker pro paper charging a Member of
tempore (8) then recognized the the House as being ‘‘the most
Member on the question of per- un-American politician’’ was
sonal privilege. held to present a question of
personal privilege.
On Jan. 29, 1941,(11) Mr. Clare
§ 31. Published Charges E. Hoffman, of Michigan, on a
Involving Patriotism question of personal privilege,
called the attention of the House
Generalized Allegations and to a newspaper article in which he
Innuendos was identified as being ‘‘about the
most un-American politician that
§ 31.1 A letter addressed to ever went to Congress.’’ The
several newspapers and to Speaker (12) granted the Member
Members of the House to the recognition, saying:
effect that in Russia a cer- The Chair thinks that the gentleman
tain Congressman would has stated a question of personal privi-
have been liquidated long lege. . . .
ago as an enemy of his coun- The Chair bases his opinion upon
the words that the gentleman from
try, gave rise to a question of Michigan refers to in this article,
personal privilege. which refer to his un-Americanism.
On July 3, 1947,(9) Mr. Clare E. The Chair thinks those words present
a charge which entitles the gentleman
Hoffman, of Michigan, offered as to rise to a question of personal privi-
involving a question of personal lege.
privilege a letter addressed to sev-
eral newspapers and Members of § 31.3 Language in a news-
the House which stated that, ‘‘In paper asserting that a Mem-
Russia, Congressman Hoffman ber was among those who
would have been liquidated long would divide the Nation and
ago as an enemy of his country.’’ that he was a spokesman for
Upon hearing Mr. Hoffman’s
10. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (Mass.).
8. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 11. 87 CONG. REC. 348, 77th Cong. 1st
9. 93 CONG. REC. 8260, 80th Cong. 1st Sess.
Sess. 12. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


the forces of betrayal was being one of the most influ-

held to involve a question of ential spokesmen for Amer-
personal privilege. ica’s fascists, isolationists
On June 3, 1943,(13) Mr. Clare and labor baiters gave rise to
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to a question of personal privi-
a question of personal privilege, lege.
called the attention of the House On Jan. 13, 1948,(15) Mr. Clare
to a newspaper article which stat- E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to
ed: a question of personal privilege,
Because labor recognizes this for read the statement below from a
what it is, the fatal policy of defeat and news paper:
disaster, labor too has been the target All during the war and since its end,
of the slander of those who would di- Hoffman’s record has been one of con-
vide our Nation in its hour of crisis stant support for the crackpot fringe of
and peril. The Hoffmans, the Dieses, native fascism. A report on his activi-
the Rickenbackers, and the forces of ties by the Friends of Democracy (vol.
betrayal for whom they speak, have 3, No. 20) says:
conspired against and viciously at-
tacked the millions of men and women America’s Fascists, pro-Fascists,
who are today providing the weapons isolationists, and labor-baiters have
long recognized Representative Hoff-
needed by the armed forces of democ- man as one of their most influential
racy. spokesmen. The sharp-tongued Con-
In his ruling on the question of gressman first gained attention from
Fascist circles in 1937 when he had
personal privilege, the Speaker 14 served in Congress 3 years. From
stated: that time on, Hoffman, whose arch
enemies have been Roosevelt, Stalin,
The Chair must assume some lati- Britain, world cooperation, labor,
tude. It is only by implication, the and aliens, has steadily risen to top
Chair may say, that this impugns the prominence with the Nazi lovers.
honor and integrity of the gentleman . . .
from Michigan [Mr. Hoffman]. It is a
Today, this same Congressman is
very close question. The Chair will rec-
embarked on the boldest campaign of
ognize the gentleman, but he wants it intimidation of newspapermen yet un-
understood that it is a very close ques- dertaken by any individual or group in
tion. the Congress, including the Committee
on Un-American Activities. With few
Fascist Sympathies exceptions, the press whose freedom he
would curb maintains a monumental
§ 31.4 Language in a publica- silence.
tion accusing a Member of After hearing the objectionable
remarks, the Speaker pro tem-
13. 89 CONG. REC. 5294, 78th Cong. 1st
Sess. 15. 94 CONG. REC. 121, 80th Cong. 2d
14. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Sess.


pore (16) granted the Member rec- sented as involving a question of

ognition. personal privilege a newspaper ar-
ticle which contained statements
§ 31.5 A Member having been
to the effect that he ‘‘had repeated
charged in a newspaper arti-
a dirty insinuation of Fascist
cle with seeking to pave the
propaganda concerning liberated
way for fascism rose to a
Poland’’ and that ‘‘from the trib-
question of personal privi-
une of the House of Representa-
tives he spoke like Goebbels.’’ The
On Mar. 9, 1944,(17) Mr. Martin Speaker (20) granted the Member
Dies, Jr., of Texas, claiming the recognition, saying, ‘‘The Chair
floor on a question of personal thinks the gentleman is entitled
privilege, read from a newspaper
to speak on the question of per-
article in which he was accused of
sonal privilege under the state-
seeking to pave the way for fas-
cism in the United States. Inter- ment made by him.’’
rupting the Member’s recitation of § 31.7 Language in a pamphlet
the article, the Speaker (18) inter-
charging a Member of the
jected, ‘‘The Chair thinks the gen-
tleman has gone far enough to es- House with being a fascist
tablish a question of privilege.’’ was held to give rise to a
question of personal privi-
§ 31.6 A statement in a news- lege.
paper article to the effect On Apr. 30, 1949,(1) the Speak-
that a Member had repeated er (2) recognized Mr. Clare E. Hoff-
an ‘‘insinuation of Fascist man, of Michigan, on a question of
propaganda concerning lib- personal privilege following the
erated Poland’’ and that he Member’s presentation, as the
‘‘spoke like Goebbels’’ was basis for raising the question, of a
held to give rise to a ques- pamphlet identifying him as a fas-
tion of personal privilege. cist.
On Feb. 21, 1945,(19) Mr. Alvin
E. O’Konski, of Wisconsin, pre- § 31.8 A newspaper article
charging a Member with
16. Charles A. Halleck (Ind.). being a fascist and asserting
17. 90 CONG. REC. 2434, 78th Cong. 2d
Sess. 20. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
18. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 1. 91 CONG. REC. 3955, 79th Cong. 1st
19. 91 CONG. REC. 1323, 79th Cong. 1st Sess.
Sess. 2. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


that he stands for the violent has indicted George Sylvester Vierick,
overthrow of the government Nazi propagandist; George Hill, Fish’s
former secretary-clerk; and several oth-
by force was held grounds ers for helping spread the gospel ac-
for a question of personal cording to Hitler in the United States
privilege. of America.
On Jan. 27, 1944,(3) Mr. Clare The Speaker,(6) observing that
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, on a the statement as read presented a
question of personal privilege, question of personal privilege, rec-
called the attention of the House ognized Mr. Hoffman for one hour.
to a newspaper article which re-
ferred to him as a fascist and as- § 31.10 Newspaper remarks
serted that he stands for the vio- that a Congressman by his
lent overthrow of the government actions in Congress was ren-
by force. The Speaker (4) then rec- dering a service to nazism
ognized him on a question of per- was held to challenge the
sonal privilege. Member’s patriotism and to
raise a question of personal
§ 31.9 A newspaper article as- privilege.
serting that a Member was
wanted for questioning by a On May 28, 1942,(7) Mr. Clare
federal grand jury that al- E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose to a
ready had indicted several question of personal privilege to
Nazi sympathizers was held call attention to a newspaper arti-
to give rise to a question of cle which stated ‘‘Congressman
personal privilege. Hoffman, by his present actions in
Congress, is rendering a service to
On Apr. 13, 1942,(5) Mr. Clare nazi-ism.’’ On hearing the objec-
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, on a tionable language, the Speaker (8)
question of personal privilege, stated:
called the attention of the House
to a newspaper article which stat- The Chair holds that the language
printed in the Michigan paper, which
ed: contains the words ‘‘Congressman Hoff-
Hoffman is wanted for questioning man, by his present actions in Con-
by the Federal grand jury that already gress, is rendering a service to nazi-
ism,’’ challenges the patriotism of the
3. 90 CONG. REC. 816, 78th Cong. 2d
Sess. 6. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
4. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). 7. 88 CONG. REC. 4724, 77th Cong. 2d
5. 88 CONG. REC. 3449, 77th Cong. 2d Sess.
Sess. 8. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


gentleman from Michigan and raises a gave rise to a question of

question of personal privilege. personal privilege.
§ 31.11 A pamphlet charging On July 14, 1953,(11) Mr. Robert
that for four years a Member L. Condon, of California, on a
and his committee have ob- question of personal privilege,
scured activities of the Nazi called the attention of the House
network, that their tactics to two newspaper articles which
have been the tactics of asserted that not only was he
Goebbels and that they jeop- barred from witnessing an atom
ardized national unity, gave bomb test as a security risk but
rise to a question of personal also that the Navy notified the
privilege. commandants of all naval districts
that he was to be considered per-
On Sept. 24, 1942,(9) Mr. Martin
sona non grata. The Speaker,(12)
Dies, Jr., of Texas, claiming the
after ruling that Mr. Condon had
floor as a question of personal
presented a question of personal
privilege, read from a pamphlet
privilege, recognized him for one
which asserted that for four years
Mr. Dies and his committee had
obscured activities of the Nazi § 31.13 Newspaper editorials
network, that their tactics had charging that a Member was
been the tactics of Goebbels and of playing low-grade politics
seditionists, jeopardizing national and that he had participated
unity. Upon concluding his state-
in wrecking the country’s de-
ment, the Member was recognized
fense gave rise to a question
by the Speaker (10) on a question
of personal privilege.
of personal privilege.
On July 1, 1955,(13) Mr. Adam
Conduct Inimical to National C. Powell, of New York, rose to a
Security question of personal privilege and
presented two newspaper edi-
§ 31.12 A newspaper story to torials charging that he was play-
the effect that a Member was ing lowgrade politics and that he
barred as a security risk clearly had a part in wrecking the
from all naval districts and
from witnessing nuclear tests 11. 99 CONG. REC. 8790, 83d Cong. 1st
9. 88 CONG. REC. 7441, 77th Cong. 2d 12. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (Mass.).
Sess. 13. 101 CONG. REC. 9741, 84th Cong. 1st
10. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Sess.


country’s defense. In his ruling Member was ‘‘working with

granting the Member recognition, Hitler and his agents in this
the Speaker (14) stated: country’’ was held to give
The Chair thinks that the editorials rise to a question of personal
indicate that the gentleman from New privilege.
York [Mr. Powell] is trying to wreck
the defense program and entitles him On Jan. 22, 1945,(17) Mr. Clare
to the floor on the question of personal E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to
privilege. a question of personal privilege,
read from a publication which
Collaboration With a Foreign stated that he ‘‘was working with
Enemy Hitler and his agents in this coun-
§ 31.14 A statement in a news- try to defeat the President’s policy
of preparing America in the time
paper implying that a Mem-
of dangerous world conditions.’’ In
ber collaborated with con-
ruling on the question, the Speak-
victed Nazi agents and in-
er (18) gave his opinion that Mr.
dicted fifth columnists gave
Hoffman had stated a matter
rise to a question of personal upon which he deserved recogni-
privilege. tion on a question of personal
On Mar. 27, 1944,(15) Mr. Clare privilege.
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rose and
proposed as a question of personal § 31.16 A newspaper article
privilege to call attention to a containing the statement
newspaper article in which it was that a labor union required
implied that he had collaborated no defense against a Con-
with convicted Nazi agents and gressman ‘‘who would cover
indicted fifth columnists. Having up for a gang of conspirators
presented a matter of personal against our Nation’’ was held
privilege, the Member was recog- to give rise to a question of
nized by the Speaker pro tem-
personal privilege.
pore (16) to address the House on
the question. On Mar. 23, 1945,(19) Mr. Clare
E. Hoffman, of Michigan, claiming
§ 31.15 A publication stating the floor as a question of personal
among other things that a
17. 91 CONG. REC. 417, 79th Cong. 1st
14. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Sess.
15. 90 CONG. REC. 3128, 78th Cong. 2d 18. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
Sess. 19. 91 CONG. REC. 2665, 79th Cong. 1st
16. John W. McCormack (Mass.). Sess.


privilege, read from a newspaper Nazi propaganda ring was

article a statement which in ref- held to give rise to a ques-
erence to him said: ‘‘The C.I.O. re- tion of personal privilege.
quires no defense against a Con- On Mar. 2, 1943,(3) Mr. Clare E.
gressman who would cover up for Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to a
a gang of conspirators against our question of personal privilege,
Nation.’’ On hearing the objection- read from a newspaper editorial
able words, the Speaker (20) recog- the following statement:
nized the Member on a question of Representative Clare Hoffman, of
personal privilege. Michigan . . . who cooperated with the
Nazi propaganda ring before Pearl
§ 31.17 A pamphlet identifying Harbor, wants to investigate us.
a Member and his committee In his ruling granting recogni-
as ‘‘the secret weapon with tion to the Member, the Speak-
which Adolf Hitler hopes to er (4) declared, ‘‘The Chair thinks
soften up our Nation’’ gave the gentleman states a point of
rise to a question of personal personal privilege and he may
privilege. proceed.’’
On Feb. 1, 1943,(1) Mr. Martin
Dies, Jr., of Texas, presented as
involving a question of personal § 32. Published Charges
privilege a pamphlet which de- Impugning Veracity
scribed the Member and his com-
mittee as ‘‘the secret weapon with Presenting Falsehoods
which Adolf Hitler hopes to soften
up our Nation for military con- § 32.1 A newspaper editorial
quest.’’ Upon his presentation of charging a Member with
the objectionable material, the falsehoods gave rise to a
Member was recognized by the question of personal privi-
Speaker (2) for one hour. lege.
On Feb. 28, 1956,(5) Mr. Craig
§ 31.18 A newspaper editorial Hosmer, of California, claiming
referring to a Member as one the floor on a question of personal
who cooperated with the
3. 89 CONG. REC. 1490, 78th Cong. 1st
20. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Sess.
1. 89 CONG. REC. 474, 78th Cong. 1st 4. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
Sess. 5. 102 CONG. REC. 3477, 84th Cong. 2d
2. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Sess.


privilege, read from a newspaper § 33. Criticism of Members

editorial charging him with false- Collectively
hoods during House consideration
of a certain bill. Following the Criticism of Unnamed Mem-
submission of the editorial to the bers
Chair, the Speaker pro tempore (6) § 33.1 A statement in a radio
stated: address by a cabinet officer
The Chair thinks the gentleman
that persons advocating a
raises a question of personal privi-
certain measure were delib-
lege.The gentleman from California is
erately misleading the public
recognized. was held not to give grounds
for a question of personal
Stating Lies privilege to a Member who
had advocated the measure,
§ 32.2 A newspaper article in but who had not been named
which a statement of a Mem- in the address.
ber was characterized as ‘‘an On Apr. 17, 1935,(9) Mrs. Edith
outright lie,’’ gave rise to a Nourse Rogers, of Massachusetts,
question of personal privi- as an advocate of the repeal of a
lege. certain textile processing tax, pre-
sented as involving a question of
On Mar. 11, 1957,(7) Mr. Frank personal privilege the statement
T. Bow, of Ohio, submitted as in- made during a radio address by a
volving a question of personal cabinet officer that persons advo-
privilege a newspaper article in cating the repeal of the tax were
deliberately misleading the public.
which a statement he had made
A point of order was made by Mr.
was characterized as ‘‘an outright Hampton P. Fulmer, of South
lie.’’ The Speaker (8) said: Carolina, that she had not stated
a question of personal privilege.
In the opinion of the Chair the gen-
In his ruling sustaining the point
tleman has stated a question of per-
of order, the Speaker (10) stat-
sonal privilege.
ed: (11)
The gentleman is recognized.
9. 79 CONG. REC. 5854, 5855, 74th
6. John W. McCormack (Mass.). Cong. 1st Sess.
7. 103 CONG. REC. 3395, 85th Cong. 1st 10. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.).
Sess. 11. 79 CONG. REC. 5855, 74th Cong. 1st
8. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Sess.


The Chair will state that the rule MR. HOFFMAN: It does not so refer,
provides that a Member may rise to a but it refers to all those Members of
question of personal privilege where the House who voted in opposition to
the rights, reputation, and conduct of that bill. . . .
Members in their individual capacity THE SPEAKER: The Chair will read
only are assailed. that part of the rule which affects
The name of the gentlewoman from Members, so far as personal privilege
Massachusetts was not mentioned, in is concerned:
the first place, and the Chair fails to
see where there is a question of per- Second, the rights, reputation, and
sonal privilege involved in the state- conduct of Members individually in
ment referred to by the gentlewoman their representative capacity only.
from Massachusetts, and therefore There is nothing in this matter that
must, of course, rule that she has not refers to the gentleman from Michigan
raised a question of personal privilege. [Mr. Hoffman] either individually or in
his official capacity. The Chair would
§ 33.2 A newspaper article hesitate to hold a question of personal
charging Members of the privilege of Members of the House lies
House with demagoguery in a general criticism of the action of
and willingness to punish the the House. Therefore, the Chair is in-
clined to hold that the gentleman has
District of Columbia was
not stated a question of personal privi-
held a criticism of the House lege.
and not to constitute a ques-
tion of personal privilege. § 33.3 A newspaper article in-
On May 21, 1941,(12) Mr. Clare corporating the statement
E. Hoffman; of Michigan, rose to a that anyone who charged the
question of personal privilege and CIO with communistic con-
read from a newspaper article trol was ‘‘a knave, a liar, and
which charged the Members of the a poltroon,’’ was held not to
House with demagoguery and give rise to a question of per-
with a willingness to punish the sonal privilege.
District of Columbia to win votes
at home. After the submission of On Mar. 27, 1939,(14) Mr. Clare
the article for the Chair’s inspec- E. Hoffman, of Michigan, rising to
tion, the following exchange oc- a question of personal privilege,
curred: called the attention of the House
to a newspaper article quoting
THE SPEAKER: (13) Where does the ar-
ticle refer to the gentleman from labor union leader John L. Lewis
Michigan personally? as saying that anyone who
charged the CIO with com-
12. 87 CONG. REC. 4307, 4308, 77th
Cong. 1st Sess. 14. 84 CONG. REC. 3362, 76th Cong. 1st
13. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Sess.


munistic control was ‘‘a knave, a Communists, saying that anyone

who charged such communistic con-
liar, and a poltroon,’’ it being ac- trol was a knave, a liar, and a pol-
knowledged that the Member had troon.
made such charges in debate on
The gentleman from Michigan takes
June 1, 1937. After the Member’s the position that because of something
presentation of the question, the that he may have said heretofore on
Speaker (15) made the following the floor of the House, brings him
statement: within the purview of the definition
The Chair is ready to rule on this given by Mr. Lewis. But in the lan-
question of personal privilege pre- guage quoted there is certainly no ref-
sented by the gentleman from Michi- erence to any particular individual.
gan. The gentleman is not named, and for
The question now raised is the fol- aught appearing in this statement that
lowing language that was purported to has been made, the gentleman who is
have been quoted in the March 23, quoted may have been referring en-
1939, issue of the New York Times as tirely to some other individual or some
coming from John L. Lewis, chairman
other group of individuals rather than
of the Congress of Industrial Organiza-
tions: the gentleman from Michigan.
The Chair is clearly of the opinion
Maintaining that the C.I.O. was
an American institution, Mr. Lewis that it would be stretching the rule too
denied that it was controlled by far to construe the general statement
here made as giving the gentleman
15. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). from Michigan a question of privilege.


Conduct or Discipline of
Members, Officers, or Employees

A. Introductory; Particular Kinds of Misconduct

§ 1. In General; Codes of Conduct
§ 2. Committee Functions
§ 3. Violations of Statutes
§ 4. Violations of House Rules
§ 5. Abuse of Mailing or Franking Privileges
§ 6. Absences From the House; Indebtedness
§ 7. Misconduct in Elections or Campaigns
§ 8. Financial Matters; Disclosure Requirements
§ 9. Abuses in Hiring, Employment, and Travel
§ 10. Communications With Federal Agencies
§ 11. Acceptance of Foreign Gifts and Awards

B. Nature and Forms of Disciplinary Measures

§ 12. In General; Penalties
§ 13. Expulsion
§ 14. Exclusion
§ 15. Suspension of Privileges
§ 16. Censure; Reprimand
§ 17. Imposition of Fine
§ 18. Deprivation of Seniority Status

Commentary and editing by Robert L. Tienken, LL.B.



Alford, Dale, pre-election irregu- Hoffman, Clare E., committee chair-

larity by, § 7.2 man, restrictions on, § 12.4
Apology, effect on censure pro- Immigration bills, abuses in intro-
ceedings, § 16 duction of, § 8.2
Apology, requirement of, as dis- Imprisonment of Member, authority
cipline, § 12 of House to direct, § 12
Arrest, privilege from, § 3.1 Investments, disclosure of, § 8.4
Auto-leasing agreements, impropri- Long, Edward V., improper fees by,
eties in, § 8.3 receipt of, § 8.1
Campaign literature, unauthorized McCarthy, Joseph R., censure of,
distribution of, § 7.2 § 16.2
Censure of Member, administration Powell, Adam Clayton
by Speaker, § 16 censure of, § 16.1
Censure of Senators, §§ 16.2, 16.3 chairman of committee, actions affect-
Clerk-hire guidelines, § 9.1 ing powers as, §§ 12.2, 12.3
Committee chairmen, disciplinary exclusion from House, § 14.1
actions against, §§ 12.2–12.4 fine, imposition of, § 17.1
Conflicts of interest, § 8.4 penalties, multiple, § 12.1
Corrupt practices laws, violations of, seniority status, deprivation of, § 18.2
§ 7.3 travel funds, misuse of, §§ 9.2, 9.3
Criminal conduct, § 3.1 Privilege from arrest, § 3.1
Debate on exclusion proceedings, Relatives, employment of, § 9
§ 14 Resignation of Member pending ex-
Debate on expulsion of Member, § 13 pulsion proceedings, § 13
Debate on resolution of censure, § 16 Resolution initiating expulsion pro-
Dodd, Thomas J., censure of, § 16.3 ceedings, § 13
Dowdy, John, abstention from House Seniority status, deprivation of, for
business by, § 15.3 acts committed in prior Congress,
Ethics, code of, § 1 § 18.2
Exclusion, § 14 Seniority status of committee mem-
ber, reduction of, § 18.1
Expulsion of Member, authority of
Shoemaker, Francis H., felony con-
House, § 13
viction as affecting right to take
Expulsion proceedings, initiation of,
oath, § 14.2
§ 13 Suspension of privileges, §§ 15.1, 15.2
Fees, improper, receipt of, § 8.1 Travel funds, misuse of, §§ 9.2, 9.3
Felony conviction, exclusion of Mem- Vote required to exclude Member,
ber after, § 14.2 § 14
Financial records, negligence in pre- Vote required to expel Member, § 13
paring, § 7.1 Williams, John Bell, seniority of, pro-
Fine of Member-elect for acts com- cedure in reducing, § 18.1
mitted in prior Congress, § 17.1 Withdrawal from participating in
Hinshaw, Andrew J., expulsion pro- voting and from committee busi-
ceedings relating to, § 13.1 ness, § 15.3

Conduct or Discipline of Members, Officers,
or Employees


§ 1. In General; Codes of The Code of Official Conduct re-

Conduct quires that each Member, officer,
or employee conduct himself so as
to reflect creditably on the House
Prior to the 90th Congress,(1) and to adhere to the spirit and
there was no rule setting forth a letter of the rules of the House
formal code of conduct for Con- and the rules of its committees.
gressmen. However, in 1967 and The code also contains provisions
1968 the rules of the House were governing the receipt of com-
amended to (1) make the Com- pensation, gifts, and honorariums,
mittee on Standards of Official as well as the use of campaign
Conduct a standing committee of funds.(3)
the House; (2) establish, as a new The 85th Congress adopted by
Rule XLIII, a Code of Official Con- concurrent resolution a Code of
duct for Members, officers, and Ethics to be adhered to by all gov-
ernment employees, including of-
employees of the House; (3) re-
quire Members, officers, and cer-
tain key aides to disclose financial CODE OF ETHICS FOR GOVERNMENT
interests pursuant to procedures SERVICE
outlined in new Rule XLIV.(2) Any person in Government service
1. Pre-1936 precedents on the punish-
ment and expulsion of Members may 3. As used in the Code of Official Con-
duct, the term ‘‘Member’’ includes
be found at 2 Hinds’ Precedents
the Resident Commissioner from
§§ 1236–1289 and 6 Cannon’s Prece- Puerto Rico and each Delegate to the
dents §§ 236–239. House; and the term ‘‘officer or em-
This chapter includes precedents ployee of the House of Representa-
through the 94th Congress, 2d Ses- tives’’ means any individual whose
sion. compensation is disbursed by the
Clerk of the House of Representa-
2. 114 CONG. REC. 8802, 90th Cong. 2d
tives. Rule XLIII, House Rules and
Sess., Apr. 1, 1968 [H. Res. 1099, Manual § 939 (1973).
amending H. Res. 418]; Rule XLIII, 4. 72 Stat. Pt. 2, B12, July 11, 1958.
Rule XLIV, House Rules and Manual This Code of Ethics is a guideline for
§§ 939, 940 (1973). those in government.


1. Put loyalty to the highest moral House Committee on Standards of

principles and to country above loyalty Official Conduct, ‘‘In the matter of
to persons, party, or Government de-
partment. a Complaint against Representa-
2. Uphold the Constitution, laws, tive Robert L. F. Sikes,’’ July 23,
and legal regulations of the United 1976, the committee indicated
States and of all governments therein that the Code of Ethics was an ex-
and never be a party to their evasion. pression of traditional standards
3. Give a full day’s labor for a full of conduct which continued to be
day’s pay; giving to the performance of
his duties his earnest effort and best applicable even though the code
thought. was enacted in the form of a con-
4. Seek to find and employ more effi- current resolution in 1958 (pp. 7–
cient and economical ways of getting 8):
tasks accomplished.
5. Never discriminate unfairly by the The Committee believes that these
dispensing of special favors or privi- standards of conduct traditionally ap-
leges to anyone, whether for remunera- plicable to Members of the House are
tion, or not; and never accept, for him- perhaps best expressed in the Code of
self or his family, favors or benefits Ethics for Government Service em-
under circumstances which might be bodied in House Concurrent Resolution
construed by reasonable persons as in- 175, which was approved on July 11,
fluencing the performance of his gov- 1958. Although the Code was adopted
ernmental duties. as a concurrent resolution, and, as
6. Make no private promises of any such, may have no legally binding ef-
kind binding on the duties of office, fect, the Committee believes the Code
since a Government employee has no of Ethics for Government Service none-
private word which can be binding on theless remains an expression of the
public duty. traditional standards of conduct appli-
7. Engage in no business with the cable to Members of the House prior
Government, either directly or indi- both to its adoption and the adoption
rectly, which is inconsistent with the of the Code of Official Conduct in 1968.
conscientious performance of his gov- As is explained in House Report No.
ernmental duties. 1208, 85th Congress, 1st Session, Au-
8. Never use any information coming gust 21, 1957:
to him confidentially in the perform- House Concurrent Resolution 175
ance of governmental duties as a is essentially a declaration of funda-
means for making private profit. mental principles of conduct that
9. Expose corruption wherever dis- should be observed by all persons in
covered. the public service. It spells out in
clear and straight forward language
10. Uphold these principles, ever long-recognized concepts of the high
conscious that a public office is a pub- obligations and responsibilities, as
lic trust. well as the rights and privileges, at-
tendant upon services for our Gov-
In House Report No. 94–1364, ernment. It reaffirms the traditional
94th Congress second session, standard—that those holding public


office are not owners of authority but The rules of the House were
agents of public purpose—concerning
which there can be no disagreement amended in the 90th Congress to
and to which all Federal employees make the Committee on Stand-
unquestionably should adhere. It is ards of Official Conduct a stand-
not a mandate. It creates no new
crime or penalty. Nor does it impose ing committee of the House.(6) In
any positive legal requirement for that Congress, the House adopted
specific acts or omissions. (Emphasis a resolution (7) which provided
that measures relating to the
Thus, even assuming that House Code of Official Conduct or to fi-
Concurrent Resolution 175 may have nancial disclosure be referred to
‘‘died’’ with the adjournment of the the committee. It also authorized
particular Congress in which it was the committee to recommend to
adopted, as one commentator seems to
suggest, the traditional standards of
the House appropriate legislative
ethical conduct which were expressed and administrative actions to es-
therein did not. tablish or enforce standards of of-
ficial conduct for Members, offi-
cers, and employees; to investigate
§ 2. Committee Functions alleged violations of the Code of
Official Conduct, or of any appli-
Prior to the 90th Congress, cable law, rule, regulation, or
there was no standing or perma- 39th Cong. (1865); Committee on
nent committee in the House to House Administration (misuse of
investigate and report on im- contingency funds), 112 CONG. REC.
proper conduct of Members, offi- 27711, 89th Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. 19,
cers, and employees. Prior to that 1966 [H. Res. 1047], and (congres-
time, select temporary committees sional conflict of interest), 109 CONG.
REC. 4940, 88th Cong. 1st Sess.,
were ordinarily created to con- Mar. 28, 1963.
sider allegations of improper con- 6. The House Committee on Standards
duct against Members, although of Official Conduct was created in
in some instances such questions the 90th Congress, 113 CONG. REC.
were considered by standing com- 9448, 90th Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 13,
mittees.(5) 1967 [H. Res. 418]; jurisdiction rede-
fined, 114 CONG. REC. 8802, 90th
5. For example, House Committee on Cong. 2d Sess., Apr. 3, 1968 [H. Res.
Military Affairs, 2 Hinds’ Precedents 1099, amending H. Res. 418]. Rule X
§ 1274, 41st Cong. (1870); House clause 1(s) and Rule XI clause 19,
Committee on the Judiciary, 3 House Rules and Manual (1973).
Hinds’ Precedents § 2652, 37th Cong. 7. 114 CONG. REC. 8777 et seq., 90th
I (1861); House Committee on Elec- Cong. 2d Sess., Apr. 3, 1968 [H. Res.
tions, 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2653, 1099, amending H. Res. 418].


other standard of conduct, and, the House, and (2) raising, report-
after a notice and hearing, rec- ing, and use of campaign contribu-
ommend to the House, by resolu- tions for candidates for the House;
tion or otherwise, appropriate ac- and the committee was given au-
thority to investigate those mat-
tion; to report to the appropriate
ters and report its findings to the
federal or state authorities, with House.(8)
approval of the House, any sub- The Committee on Standards of
stantial evidence of a violation of Official Conduct is authorized,
any applicable law disclosed in a under Rule XI clause 19, to issue
committee investigation. The com- and publish advisory opinions
mittee was also authorized to give with respect to the general pro-
advisory opinions respecting cur- priety of any current or proposed
rent or proposed conduct. Thus, in conduct of a Member, officer, or
employee of the House, upon re-
the 91st Congress, second session
quest of any such person.(9)
[116 CONG. REC. 1077, Jan. 26, The Senate, in 1964, created a
1970] the Committee on Stand- permanent committee designated
ards of Official Conduct published as the Select Committee on Stand-
Advisory Opinion No. 1, on the ards and Conduct to receive com-
role of a Member of the House of plaints and investigate allegations
Representatives in communicating of improper conduct which may
with executives and independent reflect upon the Senate, violations
federal agencies either directly or of law, and violations of rules and
regulations of the Senate.(10) In
through the Member’s authorized
1968 the Senate amended its
employee. See § 10, infra. rules to preclude certain business
Resolutions recommending ac- activities of its officers and em-
tion by the House as a result of an ployees, to regulate certain as-
investigation by the committee re- pects of campaign financing, and
lating to the official conduct of a to require the disclosure of Sen-
Member, officer, or employee, ators’ financial interests.(11)
were made privileged. For a dis- 8. 116 CONG. REC. 23136–41, 91st
cussion of sanctions which may be Cong. 2d Sess., July 8, 1970 [H. Res.
invoked against a Member, see 1031].
§§ 12–18, infra. 9. See, for example, the advisory opin-
In 1970, Rule XI was amended ion in § 10, infra.
10. 110 CONG. REC. 16938, 88th Cong.
to confer upon the Committee on 2d Sess., July 24, 1964 [S. Res. 338,
Standards of Official Conduct ju- amended].
risdiction over measures relating 11. 114 CONG. REC. 7406, 90th Cong. 2d
to (1) lobbying activities affecting Sess., Mar. 22, 1968 [S. Res. 266, to


§ 3. Violations of Statutes of penal statutes, the enforcement

of which rests in the executive
The Constitution provides that and judicial branches. The stat-
a Member is to be privileged from utes below are cited by way of ex-
arrest during sessions except for ample:
‘‘Treason, Felony, and Breach of
2 USC § 441—Failure to file federal
the Peace.’’ (12) However, with re- campaign financing reports.
spect to the application of crimi- 18 USC § 201(c)—Soliciting or receiv-
nal statutes, the Members of Con- ing a bribe.
gress, unless immunized by the 18 USC § 201(g)—Soliciting or re-
Speech or Debate Clause of the ceiving anything of value for or be-
Constitution,(13) are subject to the cause of any official act performed or
same penalties under the criminal to be performed.
laws as are all citizens.(14) Indeed, 18 USC § 203(a)—Soliciting or re-
ceiving any outside compensation for
the Members are specifically or
particular services.
impliedly referred to in a number
18 USC § 204—Practice in the Court
provide standards of conduct for of Claims.
Members, officers, and employees of 18 USC § 211—Acceptance or solici-
the Senate]. tation of anything of value for prom-
Parliamentarian’s Note: In 1967 ising to obtain appointive public office
(90th Cong. 1st Sess.) the Senate se- for any person.
lect committee investigated allega- 18 USC § 287—False, fictitious, or
tions of misuse for personal purposes fraudulent claims against the United
of campaign and testimonial funds States.
by Senator Thomas J. Dodd (Conn.). 18 USC § 371—Conspiracy to commit
It reported a resolution of censure an offense against the United States.
against the Senator which was 18 USC § § 431, 433—Prohibits con-
adopted. See § 16.3, infra. tracts with the government by Mem-
12. U.S. Const. art. I, § 6. Generally see bers of Congress, with certain excep-
Ch. 7, supra. tions.
13. U.S. Const. art. I, § 6, clause 1. See 18 USC § 599—Promise of appoint-
U.S. v Brewster, 408 U.S. 501 (1972); ment to office by a candidate.
Gravel v U.S., 408 U.S. 606 (1972); 18 USC § 600—Promise of employ-
Powell v McCormack, 395 U.S. 486 ment or other benefit for political ac-
(1969); U.S. v Johnson, 383 U.S. 169 tivity.
(1966); Doe v McMillan, 412 U.S. 18 USC § 601—Deprivation of em-
306 (1973). See Ch. 7, supra, for im- ployment or other benefit for political
munities generally. activity.
14. See U.S. v Johnson, 337 F2d 180 18 USC § 602—Solicitation of polit-
(C.A. Md., 1964), affirmed 383 U.S. ical contributions from U.S. officers or
169, certiorari denied, 385 U.S. 846. employees, or persons receiving salary


or compensation for services from Criminal Conduct; Privilege

money derived from the U.S. Treasury. From Arrest
18 USC § 612—Publication or dis-
tribution of political statements with- § 3.1 The privilege of the Mem-
out names of persons and organiza- ber from arrest does not
tions responsible for same.
apply to situations where the
18 USC § 613—Solicitation of polit-
ical contributions from foreign nation- Member himself is charged
als. with a crime referred to in
18 USC § 1001—False or fraudulent the Constitution.
statements or entries in any matter The United States Supreme
within the jurisdiction of any depart-
ment or agency of the U.S.
Court,(16) in construing article I,
31 USC § 231—Liability of persons section 6, clause 1, ‘‘they [the Sen-
making false claims against the gov- ators and Representatives] shall
ernment. in all cases except treason, felony,
The statutes cited above are and breach of the peace, be privi-
also expressly or by implication leged from arrest . . .’’ has de-
applicable in many instances to clared that the terms of the provi-
the officers and employees of the sion exclude from the operation of
House. Again, the enforcement the privilege all criminal offenses.
thereof is not left to internal Thus, it may be concluded that
means in either House (although the privilege only applies in the
each House could impose internal case of civil arrest.(17)
sanctions), but rests in the execu- See also the proceedings on
tive and judicial branches. Nov. 17, 1941,(18) wherein Mr.
The House rules authorize the Hatton W. Sumners, of Texas, in
Committee on Standards of Offi- discussing a resolution granting
cial Conduct to report to the ap- permission of the House to a
Member to appear before a grand
propriate federal or state authori-
jury in response to a summons,
ties, with approval of the House,
referred to the power of the House
any substantial evidence of a vio-
to refuse to yield to a court sum-
lation of an applicable law by a
mons ‘‘except as the Constitution
Member, officer, or employee of
the House, which may have been 16. See Williamson v United States, 207
disclosed in a committee inves- U.S. 425 (1908).
tigation.(15) 17. See Long v Ansell, 293 U.S. 76
15. Rule XI clause 19(e), House Rules 18. 87 CONG. REC. 8956, 77th Cong. 1st
and Manual § 720 (1973). Sess.


provided with reference to § 4. Violations of House

crimes.’’ Rules
Similarly, in earlier remarks,
Mr. Sumners had stated: As shown in the summary
It is important that the House of below, many of the rules of the
Representatives control the matter of
the attendance of Members of the House contain provisions under
House upon the business of the House. which a Member may be dis-
It ought not to control, of course, when ciplined or penalized for certain
the Member commits a crime, and it acts or conduct:
has no power to control.(l9)
19. Id. at p. 8954.
See also H. REPT. NO. 30, 45th Rule I clause 2—Speaker shall pre-
Cong. 2d Sess., 1878 (House Com- serve order and decorum.
mittee on the Judiciary), and 3 Rule VIII clause 1—Disqualification
Hinds’ Precedents § 2673, as to from voting on floor on question where
whether there had been any invasion Member has a direct personal and pe-
of the rights and privileges of the cuniary interest.
House in the alleged arrest and im- Rule XIV clause 1—Obtaining the
prisonment of Representative Robert floor, and method of address (‘‘confine
Smalls (S.C.). The report concluded: himself to the question under debate,
‘‘Upon principle, therefore, as well avoiding personality’’).
as in view of the precedents, your Rule XIV clause 4—Call to order of
committee are clearly of the opinion Member on his transgressing the rules
that the arrest of Mr. Smalls, upon during sessions.
the charge (of having accepted a Rule XIV clause 5—Words taken
bribe while a state officer of South down if Member is called to order.
Carolina) and under the cir- Rule XIV clause 7—Prohibition on
cumstances hereinbefore set forth, exiting while Speaker is putting the
was in no sense an invasion of any of question; prohibition on passing be-
the rights or privileges of the House tween a Member who has the floor,
of Representatives; and that, so far and the Chair, while the Member is
as any supposed breach of privilege speaking; prohibition against wearing
is concerned, his detention by the a hat or smoking while on the floor.
authorities of South Carolina for an Rule XIV clause 8—Prohibition
alleged violation of the criminal law against introducing persons in the gal-
of that State was legal and justifi- leries to the House or calling the atten-
able; and having arrived at that con- tion of the House, during a session, to
clusion they have deemed it not only people in the galleries.
unnecessary but improper for them Requiring a Member to withdraw
to make any suggestion here as to where he has persisted despite re-
what course the House should have
pursued had the arrest been a viola- See Ch. 7, supra, on arrest and im-
tion of its privileges.’’ munity of Members.


peated calls to order (Jefferson’s Man- decisions on facts are final. If the
ual, see House Rules and Manual § 366 commission finds that a serious
and willful violation has occurred
No criticism of the Senate (Jeffer-
son’s Manual, see House Rules and or is about to occur, it refers the
Manual § 372 [1973]), nor personal matter to the House Committee
abuse, innuendo or ridicule of the on Standards of Official Con-
President (Jefferson’s Manual, see duct.(3)
House Rules and Manual § 370 [1973]).
Punishment by House of a Member
for things of which the House has cog-
nizance (Jefferson’s Manual, see House § 6. Absences From the
Rules and Manual § § 303 et seq. House; Indebtedness
Congress has enacted statutes
(a) directing the Sergeant at Arms
§ 5. Abuse of Mailing or of the House to deduct from the
Franking Privileges monthly payment to a Member
the amount of his salary for each
The House Commission on Con- day that he has been absent from
gressional Mailing Standards pro- the House unless such Member
vides guidance and assistance on assigns as the reason for such ab-
the use of franking privileges by sence the illness of himself or of
Members. The commission is au- some member of his family; (4) (b)
thorized to prescribe regulations directing the deduction from the
governing the proper use of the salary of a Member for each day
franking privilege.(1) that he withdraws without leave
Complaints respecting alleged from his seat; (5) (c) directing the
misuse of the franking provisions deduction by the Sergeant at
in title 39 of the United States Arms from any salary or expense
Code (2) are considered by the com- money due a Member for his de-
mission for the Members, and its linquent indebtedness to the
1. 2 USC § § 501 et seq., Pub. L. No.
93–191, 87 Stat. 742 (1973), Pub. L. If an employee of the House be-
No. 93–255, 88 Stat. 52 (1974). comes indebted to the House or to
The Select Committee on Stand- the trust fund account in the of-
ards and Conduct of the Senate per-
forms the same function for the Sen- 3. 2 USC § 501(e).
ate (2 USC § 502). 4. 2 USC § 39 (1856).
2. 39 USC §§ 3210–3213(2), 3215, 3218, 5. 2 USC § 40 (1862).
3219. 6. 2 USC § 40a (1934).


fice of the Sergeant at Arms, and Allegations in election contests

fails to pay such indebtedness, the pertaining to violations of federal
chairman of the committee or the and state corrupt practices acts
elected officer of the House having are considered by the Committee
jurisdiction of the activity under
on House Administration.(11)
which indebtedness arose, is au-
thorized to certify to the Clerk the Prior to the Supreme Court de-
amount of the indebtedness, and cision in Powell v McCormack,
the Clerk is authorized to with- 395 U.S. 486 (1969) in which the
hold the amount from any funds Court held that qualifications of a
which are disbursed by him to or Member-elect other than age, citi-
on behalf of such employee.(7) zenship, and inhabitancy may not
be judged by the House in connec-
tion with the initial or final right
§ 7. Misconduct in Elec- to a seat of such person, both
tions or Campaigns Houses had adopted the premise
that violation of a Corrupt Prac-
Elections and election contests tices Act, federal or state, con-
are treated comprehensively else-
where in this work.(8) However, it stituted grounds for exclusion of a
should be pointed out here that Member-elect (see Frank L.
disputes involving alleged mis- Smith, of Illinois, ‘‘Senate Elec-
conduct of a Member may be initi- tion, Expulsion and Censure
ated in the House by the defeated Cases from 1793 to 1972,’’ p. 133;
candidate pursuant to the Federal Farr v McLane, 6 Cannon’s Prece-
Contested Elections Act.(9) Such dents 75; Gill v Catlin, 6 Can-
contests may also be instituted by non’s Precedents § 79). Although
means of (a) a protest or memorial
such violations are not grounds
filed in the House by an elector of
the district involved, (b) a protest for disqualification, evidence
or memorial filed by any other thereof may still be given to ap-
person, or (c) a motion made by a propriate prosecuting attorneys
Member of the House.(10) for use in an investigation of
fraud, misconduct, or irregular-
7. 2 USC § 89a (1958). ities affecting election results.
8. See Chs. 8, 9, supra.
9. 2 USC §§ 318 et seq., Pub. L. No. 91- 11. Rule XI, House Rules and Manual
138, 83 Stat. 284 (1969). See also § 693 (1973). Prior to the adoption of
Chs. 8, 9, supra. the Legislative Reorganization Act of
10. H. REPT. NO. 91–569, 91st Cong. 1st 1946, 60 Stat. 812, ch. 455, contests
Sess., Oct. 14, 1969, ‘‘Federal Con- were considered by several House
tested Elections Act,’’ p. 2. elections committees.


Negligence in Preparing Fi- contributions and expenditures by

nancial Records two independent campaign com-
mittees for the contestee. The
§ 7.1 An elections committee committees were not required to
ruled that mere negligence file the accounts under the federal
in preparing expenditure ac- act, and the funds handled by
counts to be filed with the them unbeknownst to the
Clerk should not, absent contestee were not subject to ex-
penditure limitations in the fed-
fraud, deprive one of his seat
eral act. The contestee actually
in the House when he has re- should have filed a federal state-
ceived a substantial majority ment showing no receipts or dis-
of votes. bursements.(14)
In a report on an election con- The report stated, ‘‘There is no
test in the 78th Congress, the evidence to show that any effort
Committee on Elections No. 3 was made to conceal any receipts
ruled that the negligence of the or expenditures’’ made on behalf
contestee, Howard J. McMurray, of the candidacy of Mr.
and his counsel, in preparing ex- McMurray. ‘‘Under these cir-
penditure accounts to be filed cumstances,’’ the report continued,
‘‘. . . contestee should not be de-
with the Clerk should not, absent
nied his seat in the House of Rep-
fraud, deprive the contestee of his resentatives on account of this
seat in the House when he has re- error made in the statement filed
ceived a substantial majority of by [contestee] with the Clerk of
votes.(12) The contestant had the House of Representatives.’’
charged that the contestee had re- The committee, ‘‘. . . did not find
ceived contributions and made ex- any evidence of fraud.’’ (15)
penditures in violation of the Fed- A resolution dismissing the con-
eral Corrupt Practices Act.(l3) test was agreed to by the
The statement filed by the House.(16)
contestee with the Clerk had been
prepared by an attorney and the Unauthorized Distribution of
figures contained therein reflected Campaign Literature

12. 90 CONG. REC. 962, 78th Cong. 2d § 7.2 A pre-election irregu-

Sess., Jan. 31, 1944. H. REPT. No. larity such as unauthorized
1032 [H. Res. 426] (contested elec-
tion case of Lewis D. Thill against 14. Id.
Howard J. McMurray, Fifth Congres- 15. Id.
sional District of Wisconsin). 16. 90 CONG. REC. 933, 78th Cong. 2d
13. H. REPT. No. 1032. Sess., Jan. 31, 1944 [H. Res. 426].


distribution of campaign lit- which occurred, but over which he had

erature will not be attributed no control and in which he did not par-
ticipate. The investigation revealed
to a particular candidate many irregularities which could erro-
where he did not participate neously be attributed to either can-
therein. didate, but the mere existence of an ir-
regularity in any campaign should not
In House Report No. 1172, on be attributed to a particular candidate
the right of Dale Alford, of Arkan- where he did not participate therein.
sas, to a seat in the 86th Con- The subcommittee felt this to be a
gress, the Committee on House sound and equitable rule, and it was
followed throughout the investigation
Administration determined that a
with respect to both candidates.
pre-election irregularity such as
unauthorized distribution of cam- A resolution holding that Mr.
paign literature should not be at- Alford was duly elected was
tributed to a particular candidate agreed to by the House on Sept. 8,
Where he did not participate 1959.(18)
therein. The committee report
Violation of Corrupt Practices
stated: (17)
The subcommittee conducted an in-
§ 7.3 An elections committee
tensive investigation of the unsigned ruled that contestant had not
pre-election circular used in the cam- established by a fair prepon-
paign. This circular was used in viola- derance of the evidence that
tion of both Arkansas and Federal law. contestee had violated the
The person responsible for this circular
admitted that he used it without the
California Corrupt Practices
knowledge of either the write-in can- Act or the Federal Corrupt
didate or his campaign manager. This Practices Act.
person was interrogated by the Federal In a report in the 76th Con-
grand jury then sitting at Little Rock
and no indictment was brought in.
gress, the Committee on Elections
The distribution of unsigned cam- No. 2, with reference to a contest
paign material is strongly condemned, for a seat from California,(19) stat-
but there is no evidence showing that
the write-in candidate was even aware 18. 105 CONG. REC. 18610, 86th Cong.
of the existence of such material. This 1st Sess. [H. Res. 380].
is one of the several instances wherein 19. H. REPT. No. 1783, 76th Cong. 3d
the write-in candidate is sought to be Sess., Mar. 14, 1940, on the con-
held responsible for an irregularity tested election case of Byron N.
Scott, contestant, versus Thomas M.
17. H. REPT. No. 1172, p. 19, 86th Cong. Eaton, contestee, from the 18th Dis-
1st Sess. trict of California.


ed that the pleadings presented port admonished a contestee who

several main issues, namely: signed under oath an expenditure
Did the Contestee [Thomas M. statement to be filed with the
Eaton] violate the Corrupt Practices Clerk of the House when he was
Act of the State of California? not familiar with its contents or
Did the Contestee violate the Fed- the irregularities therein.(4) Said
eral Corrupt Practices Act? Did the the committee:
violation of either or both acts directly
or indirectly deprive the contestant Neither does it (Committee on Elec-
from receiving a majority of the votes tions No. 3) attempt to condone the ac-
cast at [the] election? (20) tion of the contestee, Mr. McMurray, in
signing under oath the statement filed
The committee summarily ruled with the Clerk of the House of Rep-
that the contestant had failed to resentatives, without being familiar
meet the burden of proof and to with the contents of the statement or
establish by a fair preponderance the irregularities which it contained.(5)
of the evidence the issues
A resolution declaring that the § 8. Financial Matters; Dis-
contestee was elected was re- closure Requirements
ported to the House but was not
acted upon.(2) Mr. Eaton had been The House rules (Rule XLIV)
sworn in at the convening of the require the disclosure, each year,
Congress.(3) of certain financial interests by
Members, officers, and principal
§ 7.4 An elections committee assistants. They must file a report
admonished a contestee who disclosing the identity of certain
signed under oath an ex- business entities in which they
penditure statement to be have an interest, as well as cer-
filed with the Clerk when the tain professional organizations
contestee did not know its from which they derive an in-
contents or the irregularities come.(6)
4. 90 CONG. REC. 962, 78th Cong. 2d
In the 78th Congress, the Com- Sess., Jan. 31, 1944. H. REPT. No.
mittee on Elections No. 3 in a re- 1032 [H. Res. 426]; (contested elec-
tion case of Lewis D. Thill against
20. H. Rept. No. 1783. Howard J. McMurray, Fifth Congres-
1. Id. sional District of Wisconsin). See
2. 86 CONG. REC. 2885, 76th Cong. 3d also § 7.1, supra.
Sess., Mar. 14, 1940. 5. H. REPT. No. 1032.
3. 84 CONG. REC. 12, 76th Cong. 1st 6. Rule XLIV, House Rules and Manual
Sess., Jan. 3, 1939. § 940 (1973)


Rule XLIV of the rules of the subcommittee chairman to

House was amended to require attempt to aid a labor leader
disclosure of: (1) honorariums re- in avoiding a prison sentence
ceived from a single source total- and had received fees for his
ing $300 or more, and (2) each
creditor to whom was owed any efforts were investigated in
unsecured loan or other indebted- the 90th Congress by a Sen-
ness of $10,000 or more which ate select committee; the
was outstanding for a, least 90 committee determined that
days in the preceding calendar the payments that had been
year.(7) made were not related to the
The financial statements re- labor leader or his union.
quired by Rule XLIV must be
filedannually by Apr. 30.(8) In the 90th Congress, the Sen-
ate Select Committee on Stand-
ards and Conduct investigated
charges that a Senator—Edward
Improper Fee
V. Long, of Missouri—had used
§ 8.1 Charges that a Senator his position as a subcommittee
had used his position as a chairman to attempt to aid a labor
leader in staying out of prison and
7. 116 CONG. REC. 17012, 91st Cong. 2d had accepted fees for his efforts
Sess., May 26, 1970 [H. Res. 796]. from one of the labor leader’s law-
A resolution reported by the Com-
mittee on Standards of Official Con- yers.(9) Statements appeared in
duct, amending Rule XLIV to revise several magazines and news-
the financial disclosure requirements papers that the payments made to
of that rule, is not a privileged reso- the Senator by Morris Shenker, a
lution under Rule XI clause 22. 116 practicing attorney in St. Louis,
CONG. REC. 17012, 91st Cong. 2d
Sess., May 26, 1970 [H. Res. 971,
Missouri, were made to influence
providing for consideration of H. Res. the hearings on invasions of pri-
796]. vacy conducted by the Senate Ju-
The loans disclosure provision was diciary Subcommittee on Adminis-
included following allegations in trative Practice and Procedure, of
1969 that a member of the House which the Senator was Chairman,
Committee on Banking and Cur-
rency had owed banks more than
for the purpose of assisting James
$75,000. See H. REPT. No. 91–938, Hoffa of the International Team-
91st Cong. 2d Sess., and ‘‘Congress sters Union.(10)
and the Nation’’ vol. III, 1969–1972,
p. 426, Congressional Quarterly, Inc. 9. 113 CONG. REC. 30096–98, 90th
8. Rule XLIV, House Rules and Manual Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 25, 1967.
§ 940 (1973). 10. Id. at p. 30096.


The select committee conducted Committee on Standards and Con-

an investigation and concluded duct discussed on the Senate floor
that the payments made to the a report of the committee which
Senator by Mr. Shenker between had been submitted that day deal-
1961 and 1967 were for profes- ing with an investigation of the
sional legal services, and that introduction of private immigra-
they had no relationship to Mr. tion bills in the Senate for the re-
Hoffa or to the Teamsters Union. lief of Chinese crewmen during
The committee also concluded the 90th and 91st Congresses.(14)
that the payments had no connec- Statements had been made in the
tion with the Senator’s ‘‘duties or media that some Senators or their
activities as Chairman of the Sub- aides received gifts and campaign
committee on Administrative contributions for introducing bills
Practice and Procedure, the Sub- to enable Chinese ship-jumpers to
committee hearings or Senator escape deportation as the result of
Long’s duties or activities as a illegal stays in this country.
Member of the Senate.(11) The chairman stated that more
than 600 such bills had been in-
Abuses in Introducing Immi- troduced during the two Con-
gration Bills gresses, a great increase over the
average number that had been in-
§ 8.2 Charges that bribes were troduced in prior Congresses. He
paid to Senate employees for pointed out that when the matter
the introduction of private had first come to the committee’s
immigration bills to help attention in September 1969, he
Chinese seamen avoid depor- communicated with the majority
tation were investigated by a and minority leadership about
Senate select committee in strict enforcement of procedures
the 91st Congress; the com- for the introduction of bills. ‘‘. . .
mittee found no evidence of [T]he leadership responded imme-
misconduct by any Senator diately,’’ he said, ‘‘by invoking the
or Senate employee. practice that for future bills to be
In the 91st Congress,(12) the introduced, they had to have the
Chairman (13) of the Senate Select actual signature and the presence
of a sponsoring Senator.’’ (l5)
11. Id. at p. 30098.
12 116 CONG. REC. 17361, 17362, 91st 14. 116 CONG. REC 17360, 91st Cong. 2d
Cong. 2d Sess., May 28, 1970. Sess., S. REPT. No. 91–911.
13. 13. John Stennis (Miss.). 15. Id. at p. 17362.


The committee and its staff in- use of Senators. A Senator receiv-
vestigated the more than 600 bills ing a car paid the amount of the
to ascertain if any abuses had lease at a price less than that of-
taken place. The chairman con- fered the general public. Appro-
cluded: ‘‘. . . I can safely summa- priated funds were not used.(18)
rize . . . by saying that we found The chairman said that the leas-
no evidence of any misconduct by ing arrangements were made for
any Senator or any Senate em- promotional purposes by the com-
ployee, nor did we believe from pany, without intent to exercise
the information we obtained that improper influence. He added that
there was any reason for further the committee had concluded that
proceedings.’’ (16) the leasing arrangements with
Senators violated no law nor any
Auto-leasing Agreements Senate rule,(19) but declared:
§ 8.3 A Senate select committee . . . [T]he practice of the one com-
pany of making an agreement directly
determined that it was im-
with a Senate committee for the leas-
proper for a company to ing of cars for the private use of Sen-
make an agreement with a ators clearly is improper. A Senate
Senate committee for the committee by itself does not have the
leasing of cars for the pri- authority to make such a contract,
which in our opinion is void and
vate use of Senators.
unenforcible. Although these lease
On Aug. 24, 1970, the Chair- agreements do not bind the Senate or
man (17) of the Senate Select Com- any of its committees, we believe this
mittee on Standards and Conduct practice by the committees should be
terminated at once.
reported to the Senate the results
After carefully considering the bene-
of the committee’s investigation fits and the implications of the leasing
and recommendations respecting of cars to Senators, our committee
the leasing by certain Senators of makes the following advisory rec-
automobiles from an automobile ommendation for the guidance of the
manufacturing company under various Senators involved: Existing
specially favorable terms. The private leases of automobiles to Sen-
ators at favorable rates should be ter-
chairman declared that one com- minated at or before the end of the
pany had made an agreement di- current model year. These leases
rectly with a Senate committee for should not be renewed. In making pri-
the leasing of cars for the private
18. 116 CONG. REC. 29880, 91st Cong. 2d
16. Id. Sess.
17. John Stennis (Miss.). 19. Id.


vate agreements in the future for the vestment in a Navy bank while
leasing of automobiles, Senators should actively promoting its establish-
not accept any favorable terms and
conditions that are available to them
ment, in violation of the Code of
only as Senators.(20) Ethics for Government Service.
The report also declined to punish
Investments the Member for his sponsorship of
legislation in 1961 in which he
§ 8.4 The House reprimanded a had a direct financial interest,
Member for certain conduct since an extended period of time
occurring during prior Con- had elapsed, and the Member had
gresses involving conflicts of been continually re-elected by con-
interest (in violation of a stituents with apparent knowl-
generally accepted standard edge of the circumstances.
of ethical conduct applicable
to all government officials
but not enacted into perma- § 9. Abuses in Hiring, Em-
nent law at the time of the ployment, and Travel
violation), as well as failure
to make proper financial dis- The Code of Official Conduct
closures in accordance with provides that a Member may not
a House rule then in effect, retain anyone on his clerk-hire al-
but declined to punish the lowance who does not perform du-
Member for other prior con- ties commensurate with the com-
duct under the cir- pensation he receives.(1)
cumstances of the case. By statute, employees of the
House may not divide any portion
On July 29, 1976,(21) the House of their salaries or compensation
agreed to a resolution adopting with another,(2) nor may they sub-
the report (H. Rept. No. 94–1364) let part of their duties to an-
of the Committee on Standards of other.(3) Violation of these provi-
Official Conduct which rep- sions is deemed cause for removal
rimanded a Member (1) for failing from office.(4)
to disclose, in violation of Rule
XLIV (requiring financial disclo- 1. Rule XLIII clause 8, House Rules
sure of Members) his ownership of and Manual § 939 (1973).
certain stock; and (2) for his in- 2. 2 USC § 86.
3. 2 USC § 87.
20. Id. 4. 2 USC § 90.
21. See the proceedings relating to H. No employee of either House of
Res. 1421, 94th Cong. 2d Sess. Congress shall sublet to or hire an-


Professional staff members of Campaign Activities and

standing committees may not en- Clerk-hire Guidelines
gage in any work other than com-
mittee business, and may not be § 9.1 Guidelines have been
assigned duties other than those issued relative to the use of
pertaining to committee busi- clerical personnel in the
ness.(5) campaign activities of Mem-
A statute prohibits the employ-
ment, appointment, or advance-
ment by a public official of a rel- In 1973, the Committee on
ative to a civilian position in the Standards of Official Conduct pro-
agency in which the official is mulgated an advisory opinion es-
serving or over which he exercises tablishing clerk-hire guidelines. It
jurisdiction or control.(6) This stat- stated in part: (8)
ute, sometimes called the
antinepotism law, became effec- This Committee is of the opinion
tive on Dec. 16, 1967; it has no that the funds appropriated for Mem-
retroactive effect and is inappli- bers’ clerk-hire should result only in
cable to those appointed prior payment for personal services of indi-
thereto.(7) viduals, in accordance with the law re-
lating to the employment of relatives,
other to do or perform any part of employed on a regular basis, in places
the duties or work attached to the as provided by law, for the purpose of
position to which he was appointed. performing the duties a Member re-
2 USC § 101. quires in carrying out his representa-
5. Rule XI clause 29 (a)(3)(B), House tional functions.
Rules and Manual § 737(a) (1973). The Committee emphasizes that this
6. 5 USC § 3110, Pub. L. No. 90–206, opinion in no way seeks to encourage
81 Stat. 640 (1967). the establishment of uniform job de-
‘‘Public official’’ includes a Member scriptions or imposition of any rigid
of Congress. ‘‘Relative’’ means an in- work standards on a Member’s clerical
dividual who is related to the public staff. It does suggest, however, that it
official as father, mother, son, is improper to levy, as a condition of
daughter, brother, sister, uncle, employment, any responsibility on any
aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, clerk to incur personal expenditures
husband, wife, father-in-law, mother- for the primary benefit of the Member
in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or of the Member’s congressional office
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, step- operations. . . .
father, stepmother, stepson, step- The opinion clearly would prohibit
daughter, stepbrother, stepsister, any Member from retaining any person
half brother or half sister. 5 USC from his clerk-hire allowance under ei-
§ 3110(a).
7. Pub. L. No. 90–206 § 221(c), 81 Stat. 8. 119 CONG. REC. 23691, 23692, 93d
640 (1967). Cong. 1st Sess., July 12, 1973.


ther an express or tacit agreement that In 1967, a party caucus re-

the salary to be paid him is in lieu of moved a Member (9) from his posi-
any present or future indebtedness of
the Member, any portion of which may
tion as Chairman of the Com-
be allocable to . . . campaign obliga- mittee on Education and Labor
tions, or any other nonrepresentational after a subcommittee of the Com-
service. mittee on House Administration
In a related regard, the Committee had reported improprieties in cer-
feels a statement it made earlier, in re- tain of his travel expenses during
sponding to a complaint, may be of in-
terest. It states: ‘‘As to the allegation the 89th Congress, and in the
regarding campaign activity by an in- clerk-hire status of his wife.(10)
dividual on the clerk-hire rolls of the Subsequent to the report of the
House, it should be noted that, due to subcommittee and prior to the or-
the irregular time frame in which the ganization of the 90th Congress,
Congress operates, it is unrealistic to
impose conventional work hours and the Democratic Party Members-
rules on congressional employees. At elect, meeting in caucus, voted to
some times, these employees may work remove him from his office as
more than double the usual work Chairman of the House Com-
week—at others, some less. Thus em- mittee on Education and Labor.(11)
ployees are expected to fulfill the cler-
ical work the Member requires during
§ 9.3 In an attempt to curb the
the hours he requires and generally
are free at other periods. If, during the misuse of travel funds, the
periods he is free, he voluntarily en- cancellation of all airline
gages in campaign activity, there is no credit cards which had been
bar to this. There will, of course, be issued to a committee was
differing views as to whether the spirit
of this principle is violated, but this
ordered by the Committee on
Committee expects Members of the House Administration.
House to abide by the general propo- In September 1966, as the re-
sition.’’ sult of protests made by certain
Members on the Committee on
Misusing Travel Funds
Education and Labor, the Com-
§ 9.2 A party caucus removed a mittee on House Administration,
Member from his office as acting through its Chairman, di-
chairman of a committee rected the cancellation of all air-
based on a report disclosing 9. Adam Clayton Powell (N.Y.).
certain improprieties con- 10. H. REPT. NO. 2349, 89th Cong. 2d
cerning his travel expenses Sess.
as well as an abuse of clerk- 11. H. REPT. NO. 27, 90th Cong. 1st
hiring practices. Sess.


line credit cards which had been made by a Member to a federal

issued to the Committee on Edu- agency on behalf of a constituent
cation and Labor and notified its have been issued by the Com-
Chairman (12) that all future travel mittee on Standards of Official
must be specifically approved by Conduct: (15)
the Committee on House Adminis-
tration prior to undertaking the
travel.(13) This Committee is of the opinion
The reason for the action was that a Member of the House of Rep-
resentatives, either on his own initia-
set forth in a report prepared by a tive or at the request of a petitioner,
select committee in the 90th Con- may properly communicate with an
gress: (14) Executive or Independent Agency on
During the 89th Congress open and any matter to:
widespread criticism developed with Request information or a status re-
respect to the conduct of Representa- port;
tive Adam Clayton Powell, of New Urge prompt consideration;
York. This criticism emanated both Arrange for interviews or appoint-
from within the House of Representa- ments;
tives and the public, and related pri- Express judgment;
marily to Representative Powell’s al- Call for reconsideration of an admin-
leged contumacious conduct toward the istrative response which he believes is
courts of the State of New York and not supported by established law, Fed-
his alleged official misconduct in the eral Regulation or legislative intent;
management of his congressional office Perform any other service of a simi-
and his office as chairman of the Com- lar nature in this area compatible with
mittee on Education and Labor. There
the criteria hereinafter expressed in
were charges Representative Powell
was misusing travel funds and was this Advisory Opinion.
continuing to employ his wife on his PRINCIPLES TO BE OBSERVED
clerk-hire payroll while she was living
in San Juan, P.R., in violation of Pub- The overall public interest, natu-
lic Law 89–90, and apparently per- rally, is primary to any individual mat-
forming few if any official duties.
15. The Chairman (Melvin Price [Ill.]) of
the Committee on Standards of Offi-
cial Conduct inserted in the Congres-
§ 10. Communications sional Record an advisory opinion,
With Federal Agencies promulgated by that committee pur-
suant to Rule XI clause 19(e)(4), es-
Guidelines relative to commu- tablishing guidelines for Members
nications that may properly be and employees in communicating
with departments and agencies of
12. Adam Clayton Powell (N.Y.). the executive branch on constituent
13. H. REPT. NO. 27, 90th Cong. 1st matters. 116 CONG. REC. 1077, 1078,
Sess. 91st Cong. 2d Sess., Jan. 26, 1970
14. Id. at p. 1. [H. Res. 796].


ter and should be so considered. There Shall be fined not more than $10,000
are also other self-evident standards of or imprisoned for not more than two
official conduct which Members should years, or both; and shall be incapable
uphold with regard to these commu- of holding any office of honor, trust, or
nications. The Committee believes the profit under the United States.’’
following to be basic: The Committee emphasizes that it is
1. A Member’s responsibility in this not herein interpreting this statute but
area is to all his constituents equally notes that the law does refer to any
and should be pursued with diligence compensation, directly, or indirectly,
irrespective of political or other consid- for services by himself or another. In
erations. this connection, the Committee sug-
2. Direct or implied suggestion of ei- gests the need for caution to prevent
ther favoritism or reprisal in advance the accrual to a Member of any com-
of, or subsequent to, action taken by pensation for any such services which
the agency contacted is unwarranted may be performed by a law firm in
abuse of the representative role.
which the Member retains a residual
3. A Member should make every ef- interest.
fort to assure that representations
It should be noted that the above
made in his name by any staff em-
statute applies to officers and employ-
ployee conform to his instruction.
ees of the House of Representatives as
CLEAR LIMITATIONS well as to Members.
Attention is invited to United States In 1970, Martin Sweig, who had
Code, Title 18, Sec. 203(a) which states served as administrative assistant
in part: ‘‘Whoever . . . directly or indi- to Speaker John W. McCormack,
rectly receives or agrees to receive, or
asks, demands, solicits, or seeks, any
of Massachusetts, until October
compensation for any services rendered 1969, was acquitted in federal dis-
or to be rendered either by himself or trict court in New York of con-
another— spiracy in connection with certain
(1) at a time when he is a Member activities conducted from the
of Congress . . . or
Speaker’s office. Mr. Sweig and
(2) at a time when he is an officer or
employee of the United States in the
Nathan Voloshen had allegedly
. . . legislative . . . branch of the gov- been engaged in a practice where-
ernment . . . in relation to any pro- by Mr. Voloshen, in exchange for
ceedings, application, request for a rul- the receipt of fees from persons
ing or other determination, contract, with matters before government
claim, controversy, charge, accusation,
arrest, or other particular matter in
agencies, promised to exert the in-
which the United States is a party or fluence of the Speaker’s office in
has a direct and substantial interest, respect to such agencies.(16)
before any department, agency, court-
martial, officer, or any civil, military, 16. U.S. v Sweig, 316 F Supp 1148 (D.C.
or naval commission . . . S.N.Y. 1969).


§ 11. Acceptance of For- to accept or retain such a gift if of

eign Gifts and Awards minimal value.(18) In addition, an
employee may accept a gift of
The Constitution prohibits any more than minimal value when
person holding federal office from refusal would cause offense or em-
accepting a gift from a foreign barrassment to the foreign rela-
state without the consent of the tions of the United States; in that
Congress.(17) However, Congress case, the gift is deemed to be
has provided by statute for em- property of the United States and
ployees of the federal government not of the donee.(19)


§ 12. In General; Penalties Member is carried out under its

rulemaking power.(20)
The authority of the House of There are several different
Representatives over the internal kinds of disciplinary measures
discipline of its Members flows that have been invoked by the
from the Constitution, and the en- House against one of its Members.
forcement of disciplinary pro- These include (1) expulsion, (2)
ceedings by the House against a exclusion,(21) (3) censure, (4) sus-
17. U.S. Const. art. I, § 9, clause 8. Judge of the Elections, Returns, and
18. 5 USC § 7342(c)(1). See also § 515 of Qualifications of its own Mem-
Pub. L. No. 95-105 for revision of bers. . . .’’
this statute. The Select Committee U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, clause 2 pro-
on Ethics [See CONG. REC. (daily
vides: ‘‘Each House may determine
ed.), 95th Cong. 1st Sess., May 18,
1977] and the Committee on Stand- the Rules of its Proceedings, punish
ards of Official Conduct have pro- its Members for disorderly Behavior,
mulgated regulations and advisory and, with the Concurrence of two-
opinions applicable to the acceptance thirds, expel a Member.’’
of foreign gifts and decorations. 21. Exclusion is apparently no longer a
19. 5 USC § 7342(c)(2). ‘‘Employee’’ is de- disciplinary procedure to be invoked
fined for the purpose of this section
in cases involving the misconduct of
to include a Member of Congress and
members of his family and household Members but is invoked only for fail-
[5 USC 7342(a)(1) (E) and (F)]. ure to meet qualifications of Mem-
20. U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, clause 1 bers as defined by the Constitution.
states: ‘‘Each House shall be the The United States Supreme Court in


pension of voting rights and other law, rule, regulation, or other

privileges, (5) imposition of a fine, standard of conduct applicable in
(6) deprivation of seniority status, the performance of his duties or
and (7) requiring an apology.(1) the discharge of his responsibil-
Imprisonment is a form of pun- ities. The committee in such
ishment that is theoretically with- cases, after notice and hearing, is
in the power of the House to im- directed to recommend to the
pose, but such action has never House by resolution or otherwise
been taken by the House against such action as the committee may
a Member.(2) deem appropriate in the cir-
Jurisdiction over alleged mis- cumstances.(3)
conduct rests with the Committee Each elected officer of the
on Standards of Official Conduct. House (who is not a Member) with
The committee is charged with supervisory responsibilities is au-
thorized to remove or otherwise
the responsibility of investigating
discipline any employee under his
alleged violations of the Code of
supervision.(4)Clerks to Members
Official Conduct by a Member, of- are subject to removal at any time
ficer, or employee of the House, or with or without cause.(5)
violations by such person of any
1963, in Powell v McCormack, 395
U.S. 486, held that the power of the Multiple Penalties
House to judge the qualifications of
its Members (art. I, § 5, clause 1) § 12.1 A House committee rec-
was limited to the constitutional ommended a resolution pro-
qualifications of age, citizenship, and
inhabitancy (art. I, § 2, clause 2). For 3. Rule XI clause 19, House Rules and
further discussion of exclusion, see Manual § 720 (1973).
§ 14, infra. The Senate created a Select Com-
1. See §§ 13 et seq., infra. mittee on Standards and Conduct,
2. The U.S. Supreme Court has stated, 110 CONG. REC. 16938, 88th Cong.
‘‘[T]he Constitution expressly em- 2d Sess., July 24, 1964 [S. Res. 338,
powers each House to punish its own amended], and adopted a Code of
Members for disorderly behavior. We Conduct, 114 CONG. REC. 7406, 90th
see no reason to doubt that this pun- Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 22, 1968 [S.
ishment may in a proper case be im- Res. 266], Rules XLI, XLII, XLIII,
prisonment, and that it may be [for] XLIV, Senate Manual. 93d Cong. 1st
refusal to obey some rule on that Sess. (1973).
subject made by the House for the 4. 2 USC § 60–1, 84 Stat. 1190, Pub. L.
preservation of order.’’ Kilbourn v No. 91–510 (1970). See also 2 USC
Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 189, 190 § 85.
(1880). 5. 2 USC § 92.


viding for the imposition of Disciplinary Actions Against

multiple forms of punish- Committee Chairmen
ment on a Member-elect, in-
cluding censure, fine, and § 12.2 The authority of the
loss of seniority; subse- chairman of a committee of
quently the House adopted a the House was curtailed by
resolution providing for a the House through adoption
of a resolution that re-
fine and loss of seniority.
stricted the power of the
At the commencement of the chairman to provide for
91st Congress, the House agreed funds for investigations by
to a resolution (1) authorizing the subcommittees of that com-
Speaker to administer the oath to mittee.
Representative-elect Adam Clay- In the 88th Congress, the
ton Powell, of New York, but (2) Chairman (7) of the House Com-
providing for a fine of $25,000 to mittee on Education and Labor
be deducted on a monthly basis was disciplined by the House
from his salary, (3) reducing his through adoption of a resolution
seniority to that of a first-term providing that funds for sub-
Congressman (thus eliminating
Member-elect was proposed and
consideration of any prior service adopted (113 CONG. REC. 5037,
in the computation of seniority), 5038).
and (4) specifying that Mr. Powell With respect to the committee’s
must take the oath before Jan. 15, recommendation, the committee
1969, or his seat would be de- Chairman, Emanuel Celler (N.Y.),
clared vacant.(6) stated: ‘‘You will note that we went
beyond censure. Never before has a
6. 115 CONG. REC. 29, 34, 91st Cong. committee devised such punishment
1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1969 [H. Res. 2]. short of exclusion which went beyond
Similar recommendations plus a censure.’’ (113 CONG. REC. 4998).
recommendation of censure had been In opposing the multiple punish-
considered and rejected in the pre- ment, Representative John Conyers,
vious Congress. See H. Res. 278, Jr. (Mich.) stated: ‘‘A fine and a loss
90th Cong. 1st Sess., 113 CONG. REC. of seniority is a completely unprece-
4997, Mar. 1, 1967, for the resolution dented procedure for the House to
embodying the recommendations of use in punishing a Member. There is
the select committee pursuant to H. simply no precedent whatsoever for
Res. 1. The motion for the previous the House to punish its Members
question on this resolution was de- other than by censuring or expel-
feated (113 CONG. REC. 5020), and a ling.’’ (113 CONG. REC. 5007).
substitute amendment excluding the 7. Adam Clayton Powell (N.Y.).


committee investigations be made tion; in the case of the committee, such

directly available to the sub- amount shall be paid on vouchers au-
thorized and signed by the chairman of
committees.(8) the committee and approved by the
The chairman of the committee Committee on House Administration.’’
had requested authorization to
There had been alleged abuses
withdraw $697,000 from the con-
in the hiring of committee staff,
tingent fund of the House for ex-
and one of the members of the
penses of committee investiga-
committee reported to the House
tions. However, the authorizing
that, ‘‘we (the members of the
resolution, as amended, provided
Committee on Education and
only $200,000, of which $150,000
Labor) had a bipartisan front in
was made available to each of the
the House Administration Com-
committee’s six subcommittees (at
mittee to try to control the ex-
$25,000 each).(9) The amendment
penditure of these funds.’’ (10)
(offered by the Committee on
House Administration) read: Mr. John M. Ashbrook, of Ohio,
a member of the Committee on
. . . Page 1, line 5, strike out Education and Labor, explained
‘‘$697,000’’ and insert ‘‘$200,000’’.
the reason for the action: (11)
Page 1, line 11, after ‘‘House’’ insert
a period and strike out all that follows MR. ASHBROOK: Mr. Speaker, I wish
down through and including the period to commend the Committee on House
on page 2, line 1 and insert in lieu Administration for this action in which
thereof the following: ‘‘Of such amount it has vindicated the entire member-
$25,000 shall be available for each of ship of this House. Because of the
six subcommittees of the Committee on manner in which the affairs of the
Education and Labor, and not to ex- Committee on Education and Labor
ceed $50,000 shall be available to the have been conducted during the past 2
Committee on Education and Labor. years, I feel that each Member of this
All amounts authorized to be paid out body was in the position of deciding
of the contingent fund by this resolu- whether or not we should condone and
tion shall, in the case of each sub- continue the policies which will now be
committee, be paid on vouchers author- held in close check due to the timely
ized and signed by the chairman of the action of this watchdog committee.
subcommittee, cosigned by the chair- Some will say that the cuts are too
man of the committee and approved by deep. I think not. As the gentleman
the Committee on House Administra- from Georgia [Mr. Landrum] so well
put it, it will very definitely mean cut-
8. 109 CONG. REC. 3525–31, 88th Cong. ting back on some of the employees
1st Sess., Mar. 6, 1963, H. REPT. NO. whom we never saw, rarely heard of,
61 [H. Res. 254].
9. 109 CONG. REC. 3525, 88th Cong. 1st 10. Id. at p. 3526.
Sess. 11. Id. at p. 3530.


and little benefited by. It will mean § 12.3 The membership of a

fewer opportunities for lavish spend- House committee, in a move
ing, fewer trips, and without doubt,
less waste of taxpayers’ money. The
to discipline its chairman,
basic work of our committee will be ac- amended the rules of the
complished on the fourth floor suite of committee so as to transfer
the Old House Office Building. It will authority from the chairman
be accomplished by Members of Con- to the membership and the
gress whose pay is not charged against
this committee. If we buckle down and
subcommittee chairmen.
proceed expeditiously, we can do as On Sept. 22, 1966, the member-
much or more with less costly expendi- ship of the House Committee on
ture. The effort of the committee mem- Education and Labor, in a move to
bers and not the dollars expended will discipline Chairman Adam Clay-
be the true test of accomplishment. ton Powell, of New York, amended
Mr. Joe D. Waggonner, Jr., of the rules of the committee so as to
Louisiana, gave further reasons transfer authority from the chair-
for the action taken: (12) man to the membership and the
subcommittee chairmen. A copy of
MR. WAGGONNER: Mr. Speaker, as a
member of the House Administration
the newly adopted rules was
Committee and a member of the Sub- printed in the Congressional
committee on Accounts of that com- Record.(13)
mittee, I have consistently opposed the Mr. Glenn Andrews, of Ala-
granting of Chairman Powell’s budget bama, described the occasion to
request for $697,000. I have main- the House: (14)
tained that his budget should be cut to
the bare essential needed for his com- . . . [A]s a member of the House
Education and Labor Committee of
mittee to function because of the unac-
this body, I was present at this morn-
ceptable manner in which he has ing’s historic meeting [which was in-
served in his capacity as chairman. I strumental] in the action which was
would advocate even greater cuts in taken to limit the powers of the chair-
his budget except for the fact that I do man of the Education and Labor Com-
not want to cripple the good men who mittee.
are members of his committee and who
have consistently done a good job. With
Mr. John M. Ashbrook, of Ohio,
the addition of further restrictions as stated to the House reasons set
to how and by whom this money is forth for the action: (15)
spent and for what purpose it is spent,
I hope we can by this action, restore 13. 112 CONG. REC. 23797, 23798, 89th
the faith of the people in this com- Cong. 2d Sess., Sept. 26, 1966.
mittee and in the Congress. Certainly 14. 112 CONG. REC. 23722, 89th Cong.
that is my desire. 2d Sess., Sept. 22, 1966.
15. 112 CONG. REC. 23308, 89th Cong.
12. Id. 2d Sess., Sept. 20, 1966.


. . . I for one will vote to strip him The chairman had created some
[Mr. Powell] of all powers or for any
partial limitations on his powers be-
12 or 13 special subcommittees,
cause, on the merits, he has exercised and it was alleged that ‘‘these
them in such a manner as to bring dis- subcommittees were undertaking
credit on the entire House of Rep- to operate outside the jurisdiction
resentatives. . . .
. . . [O]ur chairman has been openly of the committee and there was a
accused of 3 number of violations of suggestion made that they were
House Rules. . . . It is rumored that infringing on the jurisdiction of
Mr. Powell’s wife gave him a power of
attorney to sign [her House of Rep- the regularly established sub-
resentatives salary] checks. A House committees.’’ (20) It was also al-
rule apparently makes it illegal for leged that the chairman had not
Mrs. Powell to be paid for work in consulted with the ranking minor-
Puerto Rico.
ity member or the committee
§ 12.4 The members of a House membership in creating the sub-
committee took action committees, and that he ap-
against the chairman of that pointed some minority members
committee by restricting his to the special subcommittees with-
authority to appoint special out consulting the Democratic (mi-
subcommittees. nority) members of the com-
In the 83d Congress, first ses- mittee.(21)
sion,(16) during debate on a resolu- The committee membership, in
tion (17) relating to expenditures July 1953, reacquired the power
by the House Committee on Gov- to authorize special subcommit-
ernment Operations, mention was tees. The committee rules were
made of the fact that the com- changed to provide that sub-
mittee had recently disciplined its committees could be created upon
chairman (18) by withdrawing from motion of the chairman but sub-
him authority to appoint special
ject to the approval of the com-
subcommittees, a blanket author-
ity which it had granted to him at mittee.(22)
the beginning of the session.(19) In addition, the Committee on
House Administration reported
16. 99 CONG. REC. 10360–63, July 29, out a resolution (H. Res. 339),
17. H. Res. 339, amending H. Res. 150, 20. Id.
83d Cong. 1st Sess. [H. REPT. NO. 21. 99 CONG. REC. 10362, remarks of
1020]. Mr. John McCormack, of Massachu-
18. Clare Hoffman, of Michigan. setts.
19. 99 CONG. REC. 10362, remarks of 22. 99 CONG. REC. 10362, remarks of
Mr. Charles Halleck, of Indiana. Mr. Charles Halleck, of Indiana.


after a hearing on July 22, 1953, Constitution. It provides that each

at which all members of the Com- House may ‘‘with the concurrence
mittee on Government Operations of two thirds, expel a Member.’’ (26)
were invited to be present. The Expulsion is the most severe
resolution was declared to be sanction that can be invoked
‘‘. . . a solution of a situation against a Member. The Constitu-
which was described as intoler- tion provides no explicit grounds
able by a considerable number of for expulsion, but the courts have
the members of the Committee on set forth certain guidelines that
Government Operations.’’ (23) may be applied in such cases.
The resolution allotted specific Thus, the U.S. Supreme Court has
funds to all but one of the regular remarked: ‘‘The right to expel ex-
subcommittees, to be drawn on tends to all cases where the of-
the voucher of the subcommittee fense is such as [to be] incon-
chairman, and allotted the re- sistent with the trust and duty of
mainder for committee expenses, a Member.’’ (27)
expenses of special subcommittees One judge of the United States
and the expenses of one regular Court of Appeals for the District
subcommittee.(24) (Note: Under H. of Columbia said in describing the
Res. 150, which was amended by elements of an analogous pro-
H. Res. 339, provision had been ceeding: ‘‘That action was rooted
made for having all vouchers in the judgment of the House as
to what was necessary or appro-
signed by the committee chair-
priate for it to do to assure the in-
man.) (25)
tegrity of its legislative perform-
ance and its institutional accept-
ability to the people at large as a
§ 13. Expulsion serious and responsible instru-
ment of government.’’ (28)
The House has the power to
expel a Member under article I, 26. See House Rules and Manual §§ 62
section 5, clause 2 of the U.S. et seq. (1973). See also Powell v
McCormack, 395 U.S. 486, 507, foot-
23. 99 CONG. REC. 10360, remarks of note 27 (1969).
Mr. Karl M. LeCompte, of Iowa. 27. In re Chapman, 166 U.S. 661, 669
24. 99 CONG. REC. 10360, H. Res. 339. (1897).
25. Mr. Hoffman had raised a question 28. Powell v McCormack, 395 F2d 577,
of personal privilege and had ad- concurring opinion of Judge
dressed the matter prior to House McGovan, p. 607 (C.A., D.C. 1968),
consideration of H. Res. 339. See 99 reversed on other grounds, 395 U.S.
CONG. REC. 10351–59, July 29, 1953. 486.


Expulsion is described by Cush- particular case, a legislative body

ing as ‘‘. . . in its very nature dis- should be governed by the strict-
cretionary, that is, it is impossible est justice; for if the violence of
to specify beforehand all the party should be let loose upon an
causes for which a member ought obnoxious member, and a rep-
to be expelled and, therefore, in resentative of the people dis-
the exercise of this power, in each charged of the trust conferred on
‘‘[A Member might be expelled] for
him by his constituent, without
that behavior which renders him good cause, a power of control
unfit to do his duties as a Member of would thus be assumed by the
the House or that present conditions representative body over the con-
of mind or body which makes it un- stituent, wholly inconsistent with
safe or improper for the House to the freedom of election.’’ (29)
have him in it.’’ 2 Hinds’ Precedents Expulsion is generally adminis-
§ 1286. tered only against Members, i.e.,
In the 63d Congress (1913) the those who have been sworn in.(30)
House Committee on Elections No. 1 However, in one case, at the be-
stated in its report (H. REPT. NO.
ginning of the Civil War, a Mem-
185; 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 78)
that the power of the House to expel
ber-elect to the House who did not
one of its Members is unlimited—a appear and who had taken up
matter purely of discretion to be ex- arms against the United States,
ercised by a two-thirds vote from was ‘‘expelled,’’ no one having
which there is no appeal. However, raised the point that he had not
in 1900, the majority report of the been sworn in.(1)
House special committee in the ex-
clusion case of Brigham H. Roberts, 29. Cushing, Elements of the Law and
Member-elect from Utah, 56th Cong., Practice of Legislative Assemblies in
H. REPT. NO. 85, Pt. II, 1 Hinds’ the United States of America, 2d ed.,
Precedents § 476 stated: ‘‘1. Neither 1866, § 625.
House of Congress has ever expelled 30. See Powell v McCormack, 395 U.S.
a Member for acts unrelated to him 486, 507 (1969) in which the court
as a Member or inconsistent with his said: ‘‘Powell was ‘excluded’ from the
public trust and duty as such. 2. 90th Congress, i.e., he was not ad-
Both Houses have many times re- ministered the oath of office and was
fused to expel where the guilt of the prevented from taking his seat. If he
Member was apparent; where the re- had been allowed to take the oath
fusal to expel was put upon the and subsequently had been required
ground that the House or Senate, as to surrender his seat, the House’s ac-
the case might be, had no right to tion would have constituted an ‘ex-
expel for an act unrelated to the pulsion’.’’
Member as such, or because it was 1. 2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1262. For a
committed prior to his election.’’ discussion of the power to expel a


The House has expelled only Expulsion proceedings are initi-

two Members and one Member- ated by the introduction of a reso-
elect. All instances occurred dur- lution containing explicit
ing the Civil War and in each the (5)
charges and which may provide
person was in rebellion against for a committee to investigate and
the United States or had taken up
arms against it.(2) report on the matter.(6) While re-
The constitutional power of ex- ferral has been to the Committee
pulsion has been applied to the on the Judiciary or to a select
conduct of Members during their committee,(7) such a resolution
terms of office and not to action now would be referred to the
taken by them prior to their elec- Committee on Standards of Offi-
tion.(3) cial Conduct [see Rule XI clause
Where a Member of Congress 19, House Rules and Manual
has been convicted of a crime, nei- (1973)].
ther the House nor the Senate In proceedings for expulsion,
will normally act to consider ex-
pulsion until the judicial processes the House, having declined to per-
have been exhausted.(4) mit a trial at the bar, may allow
a Member to be heard on his own
Member-elect, see 1 Hinds’ Prece- defense by unanimous consent, or
dents § 476. through time yielded by the Mem-
2. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1261, 1262. ber calling up the resolution, and
The Senate has expelled 15 Sen-
to present a written defense, but
ators, most of them for activities re-
lated to the Civil War. not to appoint another Member to
Senator William Blount (Tenn.) speak on his behalf.(8)
was expelled in 1797 on charges of A resolution of expulsion should
conspiracy. 2 Hinds’ Precedents be limited in its application to one
§ 1263. For the Civil War cases, see
2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1266–1270. 5. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1261, 1262.
In 1877, the Senate annulled its 6. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1649, 1650; 3
action in expelling a Senator during Hinds’ Precedents § 2653; 6 Cannon’s
the Civil War. 2 Hinds’ Precedents Precedents § 400.
§ 1243. 7. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1621, 1656; 3
3. 6 Cannon’s Precedents §§ 56, 238; 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1831, 1844.
Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1284–1286, In one recent Congress, however, a
1288; 1 Hinds’ Precedents § 481. See resolution to expel was referred to
also Powell v McCormack, 395 U.S. the Committee on the Judiciary, 115
486, 508, 509 (1969). CONG. REC. 41011, 91st Cong. 1st
4. Burton v U.S., 202 U.S. 344 (1906); Sess., Dec. 23, 1969 [H. Res. 772].
2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1282; 6 Can- 8. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1273, 1275
non’s Precedents § 258. 1286.


Member only, though several may does not automatically result in

be involved. Separate resolutions loss of office for a Member, how-
(and separate reports) should be ever; he must be expelled by the
prepared on each Member.(9) House or Senate, as the case may
The expulsion of a Member be.(15)
gives rise to a question of privi-
lege.(10) Floor debate is under the
hour rule.(11) In re Hinshaw
Where a Member resigns while
expulsion proceedings against him § 13.1 A resolution (H. Res.
are being considered, the com- 1392) calling for the expul-
mittee may be discharged from sion of a Member was re-
further action thereon, the pro- ported adversely by the Com-
ceedings discontinued,(12) or the mittee on Standards of Offi-
House may adopt a resolution cen- cial Conduct where the Mem-
suring the resigned Member.(13) ber had been convicted of
The penalty for conviction bribery under California law
under certain statutes applicable for acts occurring while he
to Members sometimes includes a served as a county tax asses-
prohibition against holding any of-
sor and before his election to
fice of honor, trust, or profit under
the United States.(14) Conviction the House, and where his ap-
peal from the conviction was
9. 2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1275. still pending; the committee
10. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2648; 6 Can- found that although the con-
non’s Precedents § 236. viction related to Mr.
11. 8 Cannon’s Precedents § 2448. Hinshaw’s moral turpitude, it
12. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 238; 2 did not relate to his official
Hinds’ Precedents § 1275.
13. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1239, 1273. 18 USC § 2381—Treason.
14. See, for example, the statutes listed 18 USC § 2385—Advocating over-
below: throw of government.
18 USC § 201—Soliciting or receiv- 18 USC § 2387—Activities ad-
ing a bribe or anything of value for versely affecting armed forces.
or because of any official act per- 15. U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, clause 2; see
formed or to be performed. Burton v U.S., 202 U.S. 344 (1906).
18 USC § 203—Soliciting or receiv- It is questionable under the doctrine
ing any outside compensation for of Powell v McCormack, 395 U.S.
particular services. 486 (1969), that such conviction
18 USC § 204—Prohibition against could prevent a person from running
practice in Court of Claims by Mem- for the House or Senate, subse-
ber. quently.


conduct while a Member of The committee believes that the

Congress. House of Representatives, when con-
sidering action against a Member who
On Sept. 7, 1976, the Com- is currently involved in an active, non-
mittee on Standards of Official dilatory, criminal proceeding against
Conduct submitted its report (H. him, such as the Hinshaw case, ordi-
Rept. 94–1477), In the Matter of narily should follow a policy of taking
no legislative branch action until the
Representative Andrew J. conviction is finally resolved. The com-
Hinshaw. The report was referred mittee wishes to express clearly, how-
to the House Calendar and or- ever, that in this case its conclusion is
dered printed. Excerpts from the based entirely on the instant set of
report are set out below: facts and in no way implies that dif-
ferent circumstances may not call for a
The Committee on Standards of Offi- different conclusion.
cial Conduct, to which was referred the
Having considered the facts of this
resolution (H. Res. 1392), resolving
particular case and recognizing that
that Representative Andrew J.
Representative Hinshaw has been con-
Hinshaw be expelled from the House of
victed under a State law that, while re-
Representatives, having considered the
flecting on his moral turpitude, does
same, reports adversely, thereupon,
and recommends that the resolution be not relate to his official conduct while
not agreed to. a Member of Congress, it is the rec-
ommendation of the Committee on
PART I.—SUMMARY OF REPORT Standards of Official Conduct that
House Resolution 1392 be not agreed
House Resolution 1392 seeks the ex-
pulsion of Representative Andrew J.
Hinshaw of California from the U.S. * * * * *
House of Representatives pursuant to
article I, section 5, clause 2 of the Con- PART III.—COMMITTEE ACTION
stitution. Representative Hinshaw has On September 1, 1976, the com-
been convicted of bribery under Cali- mittee met in executive session to con-
fornia law for acts occurring while he sider House Resolution 1392. This re-
served as assessor of Orange County,
port was adopted on that date by a
such acts having been committed prior
vote of 10 to 2, a quorum being
to his election to Congress. An appeal
of the conviction is currently pending
before the Fourth Appellate District, PART IV.—STATEMENT OF FACTS
Court of Appeal, State of California.
Since his conviction, Representative Andrew J. Hinshaw is a Member of
Hinshaw has complied with House the House of Representatives rep-
Rule XLIII, paragraph 10 and has not resenting the 40th District of Cali-
participated in voting either in com- fornia. He was first elected to Congress
mittee or on the floor of the House. on November 7, 1972, and was sworn
in as a Member of the 93d Congress in
* * * * * January 1973. He was reelected in No-


vember 1974 to the 94th Congress and On February 25, 1976, Representa-
assumed the seat he now occupies on tive Hinshaw was sentenced to the
January 14, 1975. Prior to his first term provided by law on each count,
election to Congress, Representative the terms to run concurrently. Cali-
Hinshaw served for 8 years as the fornia law provides that the crime of
elected assessor of Orange County, bribery is punishable by imprisonment
Calif. in the State prison for a term of 1 to
Public accusations that Representa- 14 years and, if an elected official be
tive Hinshaw had taken bribes while convicted of bribery, the additional
assessor of Orange County first ap- penalty of forfeiture of office and per-
peared in local newspapers in May manent disqualification from holding
1974. However, it was not until May 6, other elective office in California may
1975, that a California State grand be imposed. The trial judge refused to
jury returned an 11-count indictment impose the forfeiture and disqualifica-
against Representative Hinshaw tion penalty in Representative
charging him with various felonies, all Hinshaw’s case, holding that it applied
relating to his official conduct as asses- only to State officials.
sor for Orange County. Eight of the Representative Hinshaw has ap-
eleven counts were dismissed upon mo- pealed his conviction, and the appeal is
tion prior to trial. A jury trial was had
now pending before the Fourth Appel-
on Representative Hinshaw’s ‘‘not
late District, Court of Appeal of Cali-
guilty’’ plea to the three remaining
fornia. The time for filing of appellant’s
brief has been extended until Sep-
On January 26, 1976, a jury found tember 12, 1976. No date has yet been
Representative Hinshaw guilty of two
set for oral argument. After his convic-
of the remaining counts and not guilty
tion, Representative Hinshaw filed for
of the third. The jury found as true
reelection to Congress. In the primary
that on May 18, 1972, Representative
election held on June 8, 1976, Rep-
Hinshaw, then the duly elected asses-
resentative Hinshaw was defeated.
sor for Orange County, Calif., and a
candidate for Congress in a primary PART V.—ANALYSIS OF PRECEDENTS
election, solicited and received a cam- AND POLICIES
paign contribution of $1,000 for the
purpose of influencing his official con- The right to expel may be invoked
duct as assessor of Orange County; whenever in the judgment of the body
and that on December 13, 1972, after a Member’s conduct is inconsistent
Representative Hinshaw’s election to with the public trust and duty of a
Congress but prior to being seated as a Member. But, the broad power of the
Member thereof, he solicited and re- House to expel a Member has been in-
ceived certain stereo equipment as con- voked only three times in the history of
sideration for official action theretofore Congress, all three cases involving
taken by him as assessor of Orange treason.
County. The two acts proved constitute Historically, when a criminal pro-
the crime of bribery under California ceeding is begun against a Member, it
law. has been the custom of the House to


defer action until the judicial pro- stem from acts taken while county as-
ceeding is final. The committee recog- sessor, and allege bribery as defined by
nized the soundness of this course of California statute. The committee,
action when it reported House Resolu- while not taking a position on the mer-
tion 46 (94th Cong. 1st Sess., H. Rept. its of this case, concludes that no ac-
No. 94–76) adopting rule XLIII, para- tion should be taken at this time. We
graph 10. cannot recommend that the House risk
In its report, the committee stated it placing itself in a constitutional di-
would act ‘‘where an allegation is that lemma for which there is no apparent
one has abused his direct representa- solution.
tional or legislative position—or his ’of- We further realize that resolution of
ficial conduct’ has been questioned’’— the appeal may extend beyond the ad-
but where the allegation involves a vio- journment sine die of the 94th Con-
lation of statutory law, and the charges gress. In fact, no future action may be
are being expeditiously acted upon by required since Representative
Hinshaw’s electorate chose not to re-
the appropriate authorities, the policy
nominate him and he has stated, in
has been to defer action until the judi-
writing, that he will resign if the ap-
cial proceedings have run their course.
peal goes against him.
A ‘‘crime,’’ as defined by statutory
This committee cannot be indifferent
law, can cover a broad spectrum of be-
to the presence of a convicted person in
havior, for which the sanction may the House of Representatives; it will
vary. Due to the divergence between not be so. The course of action we rec-
criminal codes, and the judgmental ommend will uphold the integrity of
classification of crimes into mis- the House while affording respect to
demeanors and felonies, no clear-cut the rights of the Member accused. We
rule can be stated that conviction for a recognize that under another set of cir-
particular crime is a breach of ‘‘official cumstances other courses of action
conduct.’’ Therefore, rather than speci- may be in order; but, in the matter of
fy certain crimes as rendering a Mem- Representative Andrew Hinshaw, we
ber unfit to serve in the House, the believe we have met the challenge and
committee believes it necessary to con- our recommendation is well founded.
sider each case on facts alone.
Due process demands that an ac-
When House Resolution 1392
cused be afforded recognized safe- was called up as privileged on
guards which influence the judicial Oct. 1, 1976, by its sponsor, Mr.
proceedings from its inception through Charles E. Wiggins, of California,
final appeal. Although the presumption it was laid on the table without
of innocence is lost upon conviction, debate.
the House could find itself in an ex-
tremely untenable position of having
punished a Member for an act which
legally did not occur if the conviction is § 14. Exclusion
reversed or remanded upon appeal.
Such is the case of Representative The power of the House to ex-
Hinshaw. The charges against him clude a Member rests upon Article

I, section 5, clause 1 of the Con- though a two-thirds vote is re-

stitution, which provides: ‘‘Each quired to expel a Member, only a
House shall be the judge of the majority is required to exclude a
elections, returns, and qualifica- Member who has been permitted
tions of its own Members. . . .’’ to take the oath of office pending
The qualifications referred to are a final determination by the
House of his right to the seat.(19)
those set forth in Article I, section
The vote necessary to exclude on
2, clause 2, of the Constitution, the ground of failure to meet one
‘‘No person shall be a Representa- of the constitutional qualifications
tive who shall not have attained is a majority of those voting, a
to the age of twenty-five years, quorum being present, regardless
and have been seven years a cit- of whether a final determination
izen of the United States, and by the House of a Member’s right
who shall not, when elected, be an to a seat has been made.(20) A vote
inhabitant of that state in which on an amendment in the nature of
he shall be chosen.’’ (l6) Neither a substitute proposing exclusion is
the Congress nor the House can not a vote to expel, and therefore
add to these qualifications, nor does not require a two-thirds vote
of the Members present.(1)
can a state.(17)
A resolution proposing the ex-
A Member-elect may be ex- clusion of a Member-elect presents
cluded from the House pending an
investigation as to his initial and 19. 113 CONG. REC. 17, 90th Cong. 1st
final right to the seat.(18) And al- Sess., Jan. 10, 1967.
20. See the ruling by Speaker John W.
16. Powell v McCormack, 395 U.S. 486 McCormack (Mass.), 113 CONG. REC.
(1969). See also § 12, supra. 17, 90th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 10,
17. See Powell v McCormack, 395 U.S. 1967; see also 1 Hinds’ Precedents
486 (1969); Hellman v Collier, 217 §§ 420, 429, 434.
Md. 93, 141 A.2d 908 (1958); Rich- 1. See 113 CONG. REC. 5020 90th Cong.
ardson v Hare, 381 Mich. 304, 160 1st Sess., Mar. 1, 1967.
N.W. 2d 883 (1968); State ex rel. Parliamentarian’s Note: In the
Chavez v Evans, 29 N. M. 578, 446 Powell case the Speaker responded
P.2d 445 (1968). And see H. REPT. to a parliamentary inquiry as to the
No. 90–27, 90th Cong. 1st Sess., ‘‘In vote required on an amendment in
Re Adam Clayton Powell, Report of the nature of a substitute proposing
Select Committee Pursuant to H. exclusion, stating that only a major-
Res. 1’’ (1967) p. 30. ity vote was required to adopt the
18. 113 CONG. REC. 24–26, 90th Cong. amendment, but the Speaker was
1st Sess., Jan. 10, 1967 [H. Res. 1, not called upon to rule whether the
relating to the right of Adam Clay- resolution as so amended would like-
ton Powell to take the oath]. wise require only a majority vote.


a question of privilege.(2) Debate lect committee questions as

thereon is under the hour rule.(3) to the right of a Member-
A Member-elect has been per- elect to be sworn and to take
mitted by unanimous consent to his seat, permitting him the
address the House during the de-
pay and allowances of the of-
bate on the question of whether
he should be sworn in.(4) fice pending a final deter-
The House has authorized its mination by the House and
committee to take testimony in a requiring the committee to
case where the qualifications of a report back to the House
Member were in issue.(5) Begin- within a prescribed time.(8)
ning in the 94th Congress, the Subsequently, the House
Committee on House Administra- agreed to a resolution ex-
tion was granted general subpena cluding him from member-
authority in all matters within its ship on the ground, among
jurisdiction. Furthermore, a com-
mittee investigating the qualifica- others, that he had wrong-
tions of a Member-elect may allow fully diverted House funds to
his presence and permit sugges- his own use. However, the
tions from him during the discus- U.S. Supreme Court ruled
sion of the plan and scope of the that a Member-elect can be
inquiry.(6) It may also give him excluded from the House
the opportunity to testify in his only for a failure to meet the
own behalf and to be present and constitutional qualifications
to cross-examine witnesses.(7)
of age, citizenship, and in-
Exclusion of Adam Clayton On Mar. 1, 1967, the House
Powell agreed to a resolution excluding
Member-elect Adam Clayton Pow-
§ 14.1 The House adopted a ell, from the House, on the
resolution referring to a se- ground, among others, that he
had wrongfully diverted House
2. See 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2594.
funds to his own use.(9)
3. See 113 CONG. REC. 15, 90th Cong.
1st Sess., Jan. 10, 1967. 8. 113 CONG. REC. 24–26, 90th Cong.
4. 113 CONG. REC. 15, 90th Cong. 1st 1st Sess., Jan. 10, 1967 [H. Res. 1,
Sess., Jan. 10, 1967. See also 1 relating to the right of Adam Clay-
Hinds’ Precedents § 474. ton Powell (N.Y.) to take his seat].
5. 1 Hinds’ Precedents § 427. 9. See H. REPT. NO. 90–27, 90th Cong.
6. 1 Hinds’ Precedents § 420. 1st Sess. (1967), ‘‘In Re Adam Clay-
7. 1 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 420, 475. ton Powell, Report of Select Com-


On Mar. 9, 1967, Mr. Powell The action was dismissed by the

filed suit in the U.S. District district court for want of jurisdic-
Court, District of Columbia, ask- tion and by the court of appeals
ing (inter alia) that the Speaker for lack of justiciability.(11) The
and other defendants be enjoined Supreme Court reviewed the two
from enforcing the resolution by lower court opinions, holding that
which he was excluded from the the courts had jurisdiction, that
the issue was justiciable, and that
House, and seeking a writ of man-
damus directing the Speaker to have provided that (1) Mr. Powell be
administer him the oath of office censured, (2) that he be fined $1,000
as a Member of the 90th Con- a month from his salary until
gress.(10) $40,000 of misused funds had been
paid back, and (3) that his seniority
mittee Pursuant to H. Res. 1,’’ p. 33; would commence as from the day he
see also H. Res. 278, 90th Cong. 1st took the oath as a Member of the
Sess., 113 CONG. REC. 4997, Mar. 1, 90th Congress. 113 CONG. REC. 4998
1967. The motion for the previous et seq.
question on this resolution con- A point of order that a substitute
taining the select committee rec- amendment providing for the exclu-
ommendation was defeated (113 sion by the House of Member-elect
CONG. REC. 5020), and an amend- Adam Clayton Powell would forbid
ment in the nature of a substitute the Member-elect from serving in the
excluding the Member-elect was pro- Senate during the 90th Congress, a
posed and adopted (113 CONG. REC. power said to be beyond that of the
5037, 5038). House, and that it would forbid a
10. 113 CONG. REC. 6035–42, 6048, 90th later voting of the Member-elect if he
Cong. 1st Sess., Mar. 9, 1967. Mr. were elected to fill the vacancy
Powell had been requested to stand caused by his own exclusion, another
aside on the opening day of the Con- power beyond the House, was over-
gress. He was not sworn in, but in- ruled by the Chair as having been
stead a resolution was adopted refer- made too late in the proceedings. 113
ring the question of his prima facie CONG. REC. 5037, 90th Cong. 1st
and his final right to a seat to a se- Sess., Mar. 1, 1967.
lect committee [H. Res. 1, 90th Cong. 11. In the suit, Powell v McCormack,
1st Sess., Jan. 10, 1967, 113 CONG. 266 F Supp 354 (D.C., D.C. 1967),
REC. 26, 27]. The House, on Mar. 1, the district court granted a motion to
1967, defeated a motion for the pre- dismiss for want of jurisdiction. On
vious question relating to the select appeal to the United States Court of
committee resolution [H. Res. 278] Appeals for the District of Columbia,
which would have admitted the the judgment was affirmed on
Member-elect as having met the con- grounds of lack of justiciability, Pow-
stitutional qualifications of age, citi- ell v McCormack, 395 F2d 577
zenship, and inhabitancy, but would (C.A.D.C. 1968).


the power of the House under the Speaker (14) was authorized, by
U.S. Constitution in judging the resolution,(15) to administer the
qualifications of its Members was oath of office to a Member-elect
limited to the qualifications of whose right to a seat in the House
age, citizenship, and inhabitancy, was questioned by a Member who
as set forth in article I, section 2, asserted that the Member-elect
clause 2.(12) had forfeited his rights as a cit-
On May 1, 1967, the Speaker izen by reason of conviction of a
laid before the House a letter from felony.
the Clerk advising receipt of a cer-
tificate showing the election of Member-elect Francis H. Shoe-
Mr. Powell to fill the vacancy cre- maker, of Minnesota, was asked
ated when the House excluded to stand aside during the swear-
Mr. Powell from membership and ing in after a resolution was of-
declared his seat vacant. Mr. Pow- fered by Mr. Albert E. Carter, of
ell did not appear to claim the California, providing that the
seat.(13) prima facie and final right to a
seat for Mr. Shoemaker be re-
Effect of Felony Conviction ferred to the Committee on Elec-
tions No. 1.(16)
§ 14.2 The Speaker was author-
Mr. Shoemaker had been con-
ized to administer the oath
victed in a federal district court in
of office to a Member-elect
Minnesota in 1930 of an offense
whose right to a seat in the
involving the mailing of defama-
House was challenged on the
tory literature, and had been put
ground that he had forfeited
on probation for five years. After a
his rights as a citizen by rea-
verbal altercation with the judge,
son of conviction of a felony.
he was sentenced to imprisonment
On Mar. 9, 1933, at the con- for a year and a day. He served
vening of the 73d Congress, the the sentence in the federal peni-
12. Powell v McCormack, 395 U.S. 486 tentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas,
(1969). prior to his election to the House
13. In response to a parliamentary in- in 1932.(17)
quiry, the Speaker indicated that if
Mr. Powell appeared to take the oath 14. Henry T. Rainey (Ill.).
and was again challenged, the House 15. 77 CONG. REC. 139, 73d Cong. 1st
would have to determine at that Sess. [H. Res. 6].
time what action it should take. 113 16. 77 CONG. REC. 71, 73, 73d Cong. 1st
CONG. REC. 11298, 90th Cong. 1st Sess.
Sess., May 1, 1967. 17. Id. at pp. 74, 132, 133, 135.


It was alleged that under the § 15. Suspension of Privi-

constitution of Minnesota, Mr. leges
Shoemaker, after the felony con-
viction, had become ineligible to At one time, the view was ex-
vote or hold any office. Neverthe-
pressed by a select committee that
less, it was pointed out that he
had voted in the 1932 election, the House may impose a punish-
had run for federal office, and ment upon a Member, when ap-
that the state could not disqualify propriate, other than censure or
him in the latter capacity.(18) expulsion. The select committee in
On Mar. 10, 1933, Mr. Paul J. the case of Adam Clayton Powell,
Kvale, of Minnesota, offered an of New York, stated: (21)
amendment in the nature of a Although rarely exercised, the power
substitute providing that the of a House to impose upon a Member
Speaker be authorized and di- punishment other than censure but
rected to administer the oath to short of expulsion seems established.
Mr. Shoemaker and that the ques- There is little reason to believe that
tion of his final right to a seat be the framers of the Constitution, in em-
referred to the Committee on powering the Houses of Congress to
Elections No. 2. Debate ensued as ‘‘punish’’ Members for disorderly be-
havior and to ‘‘expel’’ (art. I, sec. 5,
to the responsibility of the House
clause 2), intended to limit punishment
to bar the Member-elect at the to censure. Among the other types of
door before giving him a hearing, punishment for disorderly behavior
as some precedents of the House mentioned in the authorities are fine
suggested, or to follow other and suspension.
precedents and administer the In the case of Senators Tillman and
oath initially and then, at a later McLaurin in 1902, during the 57th
date, consider his final right to a Congress, the Senate specifically con-
seat. sidered the question of punishment
At the conclusion of debate the other than expulsion or censure. The
amendment was adopted on a di- case arose on February 22, 1903, and
vision vote, 230 to 75.(19) The reso- involved a heated altercation on the
floor of the Senate in which the two
lution as amended was agreed to, men came to blows. The Senate went
and its preamble, which referred immediately into executive session and
to charges against Mr. Shoe- adopted an order declaring both Sen-
maker, was stricken by unani- ators to be in contempt of the Senate
mous consent.(20)
21. H. REPT. NO. 90–27, 90th Cong. 1st
18. Id. at p. 74. Sess., 1967, ‘‘In Re Adam Clayton
19. Id. at pp. 132–139. Powell, Report of Select Committee
20. Id. at p. 139. Pursuant to H. Res. 1,’’ pp. 28, 29.


and referring the matter to a com- The Senate may punish the Sen-
mittee. The President pro tempore ators from South Carolina by fine, by
ruled that neither Senator could be reprimand, by imprisonment, by sus-
recognized while in contempt and sub- pension by a majority vote, or by ex-
pulsion with the concurrence of two-
sequently directed the clerk to omit the thirds of its members.
names of McLaurin and Tillman from The offense is well stated in the
a rollcall vote on a pending bill. On majority report. It is not grave
February 28, the committee to which enough to require expulsion. A rep-
the matter had been referred rec- rimand would be too slight a punish-
ommended a resolution of censure, ment. The Senate by a yea and-nay
which the Senate adopted, stating that vote has unanimously resolved that
the said Senators are in contempt. A
Tillman and McLaurin are ‘‘censured reprimand is in effect only a more
for the breach of the privileges and formal reiteration of that vote. It is
dignity of this body, and from and not sufficiently severe upon consider-
after the adoption of this resolution the ation of the facts.
order adjudging them in contempt of A minority of four committee
the Senate shall be no longer in force members, however, dissented ‘‘from
so much of the report of the com-
and effect’’ (2 Hinds, sec. 1665). ‘‘The mittee as asserts the power of the
penalty,’’ according to ‘‘Senate Election, Senate to suspend a Senator and
Expulsion and Censure Cases’’ (p. 96), thus deprive a State- of its vote . . .’’
‘‘thus, was censure and suspension for (p. 1141).
6 days—which had already elapsed
since the assault.’’ However, by its adoption of
In the committee report on the Till- Rule XLIII clause 10 (22) in the
man-McLaurin case, three of the 10 94th Congress, relating to the vol-
member majority submitted their untary abstention from voting and
views on the issue of suspension (2
Hinds, pp. 1141–1142): from participating in other legisla-
. . . The Senate has not like
tive business by Members who
power with Parliament in punishing have been convicted of certain
citizens for contempt, but it has like crimes, the House indicated its
power with Parliament in punishing
Senators for contempt or for any dis- more recent view that a Member
orderly behavior or for certain like could not be deprived involun-
offenses. Like Parliament, it may im-
prison or expel a member for of- tarily of his right to vote in the
fenses. ‘‘The suspension of members House. The constitutional impedi-
from the service of the House is an-
other form of punishment.’’ (May’s ments to such deprivation were
Parliamentary Practice, 53.) This au- discussed in the debate on the
thor gives instances of suspension in
the seventeenth century and shows proposed change in the rule.(23)
the frequent suspension of members
under a standing order of the House 22. See House Rules and Manual § 939
of Commons, passed February 23, (1977) .
23. 23. For discussion of the debate and
* * * * * adoption of the rule, see § 15.1, infra.


Grounds; Duration of Suspen- serve the right to representation

sion of the constituents of the Mem-
ber’s district.(3) Several of the pro-
§ 15.1 In the 94th Congress, ponents of the resolution empha-
Rule XLIII was amended to sized the voluntary nature of com-
provide that a Member con- pliance with the rule:
victed of certain crimes
MR. [JOHN J.] FLYNT [Jr., of Geor-
‘‘should refrain from partici- gia]: . . . Let me emphasize that there
pation in the business of is nothing mandatory or compulsory in
each committee of which he this resolution, nor is there any spe-
is a member and should re- cific enforcement authority. However, a
frain from voting on any Member who ignored the stated policy
of the House would do so at the risk of
question at a meeting of the subjecting himself to disciplinary pro-
House, or of the Committee cedures provided under House rules.
of the Whole House.. . .’’ The . . .
conviction must be by a MR. [MELVIN] PRICE [of Illinois]: . . .
court of record and the Let me point out that there is nothing
crime must be one for which mandatory about the procedure rec-
ommended, but it would be expected
a sentence of two or more that any Member affected would abide
years’ imprisonment may be by the spirit of the policy. The policy
imposed. The period of ab- could be waived by the House in spe-
stention continues until the cific cases if it deemed such a waiver
Member is subsequently re- would be in the public interest.
elected or until juridical or The reason for the voluntary
executive proceedings result nature of the Member’s abstention
in the ‘‘reinstatement of the was also made clear:
presumption of his inno- MR. [ROBERT C.] ECKHARDT [of
cence.’’ (1) Texas]: Mr. Speaker, it would seem to
It is clear from the debate on me that to deprive a person
House Resolution 46,(2) which mandatorily of his right to vote and
participate on the committee would be
added clause 10, to Rule XLIII tantamount to making him stand aside
that the amendment was drafted altogether in his function as a Con-
to safeguard the reputation of the gressman and would go to the question
House and at the same time pre- of his qualifications to serve. As I un-
derstand, the Powell case said that
1. Rule XLIII clause 10, House Rules may only be for one of three reasons:
and Manual § 939 (1977).
2. H. Res. 46, 94th Cong. 1st Sess. 3. 121 CONG. REC. 10339–45, 94th
(1975). Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 16, 1975.


The question of age, the question of Such an action undermines the basic
citizenship, and the question of resi- interest of a constituency in their rep-
dency within the State from which a resentative government. Any constitu-
man comes. ency has a legitimate interest in being
So the only way that there could be represented by its preferred choice who
a mandatory exclusion from the exer- possesses all the constitutional eligi-
cise of the right of any Congressman to bility requirements, even though ob-
represent his district, it would seem to jected to on other grounds, such as his
me, would be on a two-thirds vote on unwillingness to support existing laws.
expulsion. Would the gentleman agree? A resolution such as this could put
the House in the position of encour-
MR. FLYNT: Mr. Speaker, the gen-
aging the loss of representation to a
tleman from Texas is correct.
constituency whose representative may
The committee felt—and I believe have committed an act of civil disobe-
that the committee was unanimous— dience as a matter of conscience, per-
that to have attempted to make this haps even with the approval of that
mandatory would have been unconsti- constituency.
tutional. It would have deprived the The Constitution has already pro-
district, which the Member was elected vided this body with the remedy of ex-
to represent, of representation, as well pelling a Member for misconduct.
as invoking a sanction upon the Mem- Under that clause, the expelled Mem-
ber himself. . . . ber may be immediately replaced by
MR. ECKHARDT: Mr. Speaker, I may another person to represent the con-
say, to a certain extent practically, one stituency. However, under the provi-
may be depriving his district of rep- sions of the measure before us, there
resentation when one tells him that he can be no replacement for the pun-
shall only participate at his peril on ished Member. By the terms of the res-
grounds of certain further action, olution a constituency would be left
which I suppose might include expul- without a voice in the House of Rep-
sion. resentatives for the duration of the
Congress or until the disciplined Mem-
The constitutionality of depriv- ber was acquitted.
ing a Member’s constituents of I feel that the problems raised by
their representative vote troubled this measure go to the heart of our
several Members: form of government. One of the most
fundamental principles of this rep-
MR. [DON] EDWARDS [of California]: resentative democracy is, in the words
. . . The measure before us punishes a of Alexander Hamilton, ‘‘that the peo-
Member of the House by attempting to ple should choose whom they please to
deprive that person of the right to vote govern them.’’
and participate in the legislative proc- The argument was also ad-
ess. However, in our effort to so dis-
vanced that the amendment ex-
cipline a Member of Congress, we
would effectively disenfranchise the ceeded the powers of the House:
nearly one-half million Americans who MR. [ROBERT F.] DRINAN [of Massa-
elected that person to represent them. chusetts]: Mr. Speaker, on November


14, 1973, this House debated and Several other issues were raised
passed a resolution nearly identical to during the debate. In response to
the one now before us. It expressed the
a question concerning the omis-
sense of this body that Members con-
victed of a crime punishable by more sion of the effect of guilty pleas,
than 2 years in prison should refrain Mr. Flynt, who had introduced the
from participating in committee busi- resolution, stated that a guilty
ness and from voting on the floor. plea was identical to a conviction,
On that occasion, I strongly opposed which was the term employed in
the resolution because, in my judg- the resolution. Similarly, Mr. Phil-
ment, it exceeded the powers of the lip Burton, of California, ex-
House. The Constitution is quite plain
on the matter of disciplining Members.
pressed concern as to whether an
Article I, section 5, clause 2 provides: indeterminate sentence might re-
sult in House sanctions. Again,
Each House may . . . punish its
Members for disorderly Behaviour, Mr. Flynt responded that it was a
and, with the Concurrence of two purpose of the Committee on
thirds, expel a Member. Standards of Official Conduct to
That provision marks the limits of have these sanctions ‘‘triggered by
permissible action; no other sanction a conviction on a count in an in-
against an elected Representative is al- dictment which amounted to a fel-
lowed. The resolution we debate today
intrudes into the prohibited sphere.
Under the Constitution, the House
Mr. Flynt further clarified sev-
may discipline its Members only for eral anticipated consequences of
disorderly behavior. The sanction of ex- the adoption of the amendment:
pulsion, while authorized, is reserved During the period of nonvoting, the
for outrageous conduct which effec- Member would not be barred from at-
tively disrupts the orderly workings of tending sessions of the House or from
the legislative process, in short, a seri- carrying on normal representational
ous violation of the Member’s oath of activities, other than voting. His salary
office. and other benefits would continue. . . .
It seems to me that an elected Rep- As the report points out, the com-
resentative is entitled to the full privi- mittee does not intend to deprive a
leges of the House, unless suspended Member of his right to attend sessions
or expelled. There is no middle ground. of the House or committees or to pre-
We cannot have two classes of Mem- clude him from recording himself
bers: one with all the rights, and the ‘‘present’’ on a yea-and-nay vote or
other with only partial powers. Such from responding to a quorum call. A
bifurcation in our body is at variance Member thus could protect his attend-
with the constitutional scheme which ance record without affecting the out-
guides our actions. Yet that is what come of the vote.
this resolution, if passed, would accom- However, I do feel that a Member af-
plish. fected by the rule should not be a


party to a live pair, since such a pair Resolved, That it is the sense of the
could affect the outcome by offsetting House of Representatives that any
the vote of the individual with whom Member of, Delegate to, or Resident
he is paired. Commissioner in, the House of Rep-
The House could at any time waive resentatives who has been convicted by
application of the resolution as to spe- a court of record for the commission of
cific legislation or issues, thereby re- a crime for which a sentence of two or
storing the Member’s full voting rights more years’ imprisonment may be im-
in such instances without violating the posed should refrain from participation
spirit of the rule. in the business of each committee of
which he is then a member and should
§ 15.2 The House, in the 93d refrain from voting on any question at
Congress, adopted a resolu- a meeting of the House, or of the Com-
tion expressing the sense of mittee of the Whole House, unless or
the House that Members con- until judicial or executive proceedings
victed of certain crimes result in reinstatement of the pre-
sumption of his innocence or until he is
should refrain from partici- re-elected to the House after the date
pation in committee business of such conviction. This resolution
and from voting in the House shall not affect any other authority of
until the presumption of in- the House with respect to the behavior
nocence is reinstated or until and conduct of its Members.
re-elected to the House. In its report on the resolution,
On Nov. 14, 1973,(4) the House the Committee on Standards of
agreed to the following resolution: Official Conduct, stated, in part,
at page 2: (5)
4. 119 CONG. REC. 36946, 93d Cong. 1st
Sess. [H. Res. 700, providing for con- they do not recommend action by the
sideration of H. Res. 128], H. REPT. House with respect to an individual
NO. 93–616, Committee on Stand- Member.
ards of Official Conduct. 5. H. REPT. NO. 93–616, 93d Cong. 1st
Parliamentarian’s Note: A similar Sess., Oct. 31, 1973.
resolution (H. Res. 933, 92d Cong.) Parliamentarian’s Note: In the de-
had been reported in the preceding bate on the resolution the question
Congress but had not been called up was raised that even though it was a
by the House. That resolution had sense-of-the-House resolution, would
been prompted by the conviction of it, if followed in a specific case, de-
former Representative Dowdy for re- prive the voters in the Member’s dis-
ceiving a bribe, but when he volun- trict of a constitutional right to be
tarily agreed not to participate in fully represented? ( See the remarks
House or committee proceedings, the of Representative Robert F. Drinan
resolution was not called up in the [Mass.], 119 CONG. REC. 36945, 93d
House. Such resolutions are not priv- Cong. 1st Sess.) For an opposite
ileged under Rule XI clause 22, as point of view see, Luther Stearns


To the question of when to act, the any other means of dealing with such
committee adopted a policy which es- cases short of reprimand, or censure,
sentially is: where an allegation is that or expulsion (which would be totally
one has abused his direct representa- inappropriate until final judicial reso-
tional or legislative position—or his lution of the case), public opinion could
‘‘official conduct’’—the committee con- well interpret inaction as indifference
cerns itself forthwith, because there is on the part of the House.
no other immediate avenue of remedy. The committee recognizes a very dis-
But where an allegation involves a pos- tinguishable link in the chain of due
sible violation of statutory law, and the process—that is the point at which the
committee is assured that the charges defendant no longer has claim to the
are known to and are being expedi- presumption of innocence. This point is
tiously acted upon by the appropriate reached in a criminal prosecution upon
authorities, the policy has been to conviction by judge or jury. It is to this
defer action until the judicial pro- condition and only to this condition
ceedings have run their course. This is that the proposed resolution reaches.
not to say the committee abandons The committee reasons that the
concern in statutory matters—rather, preservation of public confidence in the
it feels it normally should not under- legislative process demands that notice
take duplicative investigations pending be taken of situations of this type.
judicial resolution of such cases.
The implementation of this policy
has shown, through experience, only
Voluntary Withdrawal
one need for revision. For the House to
withhold any action whatever until ul- § 15.3 Following a conviction
timate disposition of a judicial pro- for bribery and related of-
ceeding, could mean, in effect, the bar- fenses, a Member refrained
ring of any legislative branch action, from voting on the floor or in
since the appeals processes often do, or
can be made to, extend over a period
committee and from partici-
greater than the 2-year term of the pating in committee busi-
Member. ness.
Since Members of Congress are not Parliamentarian’s Note: Rep-
subject to recall and in the absence of
resentative John Dowdy, of Texas,
Cushing, Elements of the Law and was convicted under federal stat-
Practice of Legislative Assemblies in utes of bribery, perjury, and con-
the United States of America, 2d ed. spiracy on Dec. 31, 1971, in a fed-
(1866) § 626. Cushing conceded that eral district court in Baltimore,
during suspension, the voters would Maryland. On Jan. 23, 1972, the
be deprived of the service of their
court sentenced Mr. Dowdy to 18
Representative, but contended that
the rights of the voters would be no
months in prison and a fine of
more infringed by this proceeding $25,000.
than by an exercise of the power to On June 21, 1972, Mr. Dowdy
imprison. filed a letter with Speaker Carl


Albert, of Oklahoma, promising to considering the matter is at lib-

refrain from voting on the floor or erty to act on his sound discretion
in committee and from partici- and vote according to the dictates
pating in committee business of his own judgment and con-
pending an appeal of his convic- science.
tion.(6) The conduct for which censure
may be imposed is not limited to
acts relating to the Member’s offi-
§ 16. Censure; Reprimand cial duties. See In re Chapman
(166 U.S. 661 [1897]). The com-
In the House, the underlying mittee considering censure of Sen-
concept governing the censure of a ator Joseph McCarthy stated (S.
Member for misconduct is that of Rept. No. 2508, 83d Cong., p. 22):
breach of the rights and privileges ‘‘It seems clear that if a Senator
of the House.(7) As indicated in a should be guilty of reprehensible
report of a select committee of the conduct unconnected with his offi-
House,(8) the power of each House
cial duties and position, but which
to censure its Members ‘‘for dis-
conduct brings the Senate into
orderly behavior’’ is found in arti-
disrepute, the Senate has the
cle I section 5 clause 2 of the U.S.
power to censure.’’
Constitution. It is discretionary in
character, and upon a resolution During its history, through the
for censure of a Member for mis- 94th Congress, the House of Rep-
conduct each individual Member resentatives has censured 17
Members and one Delegate and
6. See Congressional Quarterly Weekly has reprimanded one Member in
Report, July 8, 1972, p. 1167. the 94th Congress. All but one of
See also 6 Cannon’s Precedents the instances of censure occurred
§§ 402, 403, wherein a select com-
during the 19th century, 13 Mem-
mittee assumed that a Member in-
dicted under federal law would take bers being censured between 1864
no part whatever in any of the busi- and 1875. The last censure in the
ness of the House or its committees House was imposed in 1921. In
until final disposition of the case was the Senate, there are four in-
made. stances of censure, including the
7. 2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1644. censure of Senator Joseph McCar-
8. H. REPT. NO. 90–27, 90th Cong. 1st
thy in 1954.
Sess., Feb. 23, 1967, ‘‘In Re Adam
Clayton Powell, Report of the Select Most cases of censure have in-
Committee Pursuant to H. Res. 1,’’ volved the use of unparliamentary
pp. 24–30. language, assaults upon a Mem-


ber or insults to the House by in- In 1873, during the 42d Con-
troduction of offensive resolu- gress, a special investigating com-
tions,(9) but in five cases in the mittee was appointed to inquire
House and one in the Senate cen- into charges that Representatives
sure was based on corrupt acts by Oakes Ames and James Brooks
had been bribed in connection
a Member, and in another Senate with the Credit Mobilier Co. and
case censure was based upon non- the Union Pacific Railroad.(11) Al-
cooperation with and abuse of
Senate committees.(10) placed on the Senate payroll, and
used as a consultant on a pending
9. See 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1246– tariff bill, one Charles L. Eyanson,
1249, 1251, 1256, 1305, 1621, 1656; who was simultaneously in the em-
6 Cannon’s Precedents § 236. ploy of the Manufacturers Associa-
10. See 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1239, tion of Connecticut. The Senate
1273, 1274, 1286; 6 Cannon’s Prece- adopted a resolution of censure pro-
dents § 239; ‘‘Senate Election, Expul- viding that Senator Bingham’s con-
sion and Censure Cases,’’ S. Doc. No. duct regarding Eyanson ‘‘while not
71, 87th Cong., pp. 125–27, 152–54. the result of corrupt motives on the
In 1870, during the 41st Congress, part of the Senator from Con-
the House censured John T. necticut, is contrary to good morals
DeWeese, B. F. Whittemore, and and senatorial ethics and tends to
Roderick R. Butler for the sale of ap- bring the Senate into dishonor and
pointments to the U. S. Military and disrepute, and such conduct is here-
Naval Academies. In Butler’s case, by condemned.’’ 6 Cannon’s Prece-
the Member had appointed to the dents § 239.
Military Academy a person not a 11. The committee reported that Rep-
resident of his district and subse- resentative Oakes Ames ‘‘has been
quently received a political contribu- guilty of selling to Members of Con-
tion from the cadet’s father. Censure gress shares of stock in the Credit
of DeWeese and Whittemore was Mobilier of America for prices much
voted notwithstanding that each had below the true value of such stock,
previously resigned. A resolution to with intent thereby to influence the
expel Butler was defeated upon fail- votes and decisions of such Members
ure to obtain a two-thirds vote, in matters to be brought before Con-
whereupon a resolution of censure gress for action.’’ With regard to
was voted in which the House Representative James Brooks, the
‘‘declare[d] its condemnation’’ of his committee found that he ‘‘did pro-
conduct, which it characterized as cure the Credit Mobilier Co. to issue
‘‘an unauthorized and dangerous and deliver to Charles H. Neilson,
practice’’ (2 Hinds’ Precedents for the use and benefit of said
§§ 1239, 1273, 1274). Brooks, 50 shares of the stock of said
In 1929 Senator Hiram Bingham company at a price much below its
(Conn.) was censured for having real value, well knowing that the


though the committee rec- the electorate at the previous elec-

ommended that both Members be tion and to the prior House, and
expelled, the House adopted sub- the extent to which they directly
stitute censure resolutions in involve the authority, integrity,
which it ‘‘absolutely condemn[ed]’’ dignity, or reputation of the
the conduct of Ames and Brooks House.(12)
(2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1286). Censure, like other forms of dis-
Although there has been a di- cipline except expulsion, is by a
vergence of views concerning the majority of those voting, a quorum
power of a House to expel a Mem- being present. (6 Cannon’s Prece-
ber for acts committed during a dents § 236.) The House itself
preceding Congress, the right of a must order the censure. The
Speaker cannot, of his own au-
House to censure a Member for
thority, censure a Member.(13)
such prior acts is supported by
clear precedent in both Houses of A censure resolution may call
for direct and immediate action by
Congress—namely, the case of
the House; (14) or it may rec-
Ames and Brooks in the House of
ommend that a committee be ap-
Representatives and the case of pointed to investigate and report
Senator McCarthy in the Senate. to the House.l5 A House select
In Ames and Brooks the acts for committee may recommend cen-
which censure was voted occurred sure of a Member along with
more than five years prior to cen- other forms of punishment in re-
sure and two congressional elec- sponse to a resolution to inves-
tions had intervened. tigate and recommend as to the
Thus, the broad power of the initial and final right to a seat.(16)
House to censure Members ex-
tends to acts occurring during a 12. H. REPT. No. 90–27, 90th Cong. 1st
Sess., Feb. 23, 1967. See also § 8.4,
prior Congress. Whether such
powers should be invoked in such 13. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1344, 1345; 6
circumstances is a matter com- Cannon’s Precedents § 237.
mitted to the discretion and judg- 14. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1246–1251,
ment of the House upon consider- 1254–1258; 6 Cannon’s Precedents
ation of the nature of the prior §§ 236, 239.
acts, whether they were known to 15. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1649–1651,
1655 1656.
same was so issued and delivered 16. 113 CONG. REC. 4997, 90th Cong. 1st
with intent to influence the votes Sess., Mar. 1, 1967; see 113 CONG.
and decisions of said Brooks as a REC. 24, 26, 27, 90th Cong. 1st Sess.,
Member of the House.’’ Jan. 10, 1967.


Floor debate on a resolution of House, whereas a reprimand is

censure is under the hour rule.(17) administered to the Member
The House has permitted the ‘‘standing in his place’’ (23) or
Member to be heard in debate as merely by way of the adoption of
a matter of course without per- a committee report. Thus in
mission being asked or given,(18) 1976,(24) the House administered a
or by unanimous consent.(19) And reprimand to Mr. Robert L. F.
the Member controlling debate Sikes, of Florida, by adopting by a
under the hour rule can yield time vote of 381 yeas to 3 nays a reso-
to the Member being censured. In lution (H. Res. 1421) which pro-
one instance, after a Member had vided that the House adopt the re-
explained, the House reconsidered port of the Committee on Stand-
its vote of censure and reversed ards of Official Conduct on the in-
it.(20) In some situations where vestigation of a complaint against
Members have apologized fol- Mr. Sikes. The Speaker adminis-
lowing the initiation of censure tered no oral reprimand. The re-
proceedings, the House has ac- port (1) declared that (a) failure of
cepted the apology and terminated Mr. Sikes to report certain
the proceedings.(21) stockholdngs as required by
After the House has ordered House Rule XLIV was deserving
censure, it is normally adminis- of a reprimand, and (b) that the
tered by the Speaker to the Mem- investment by him in the stock of
ber at the bar of the House.(22) a bank at a naval base in Florida
The House has on occasion and activities in promoting its es-
made a distinction between cen- tablishment was deserving of a
sure and reprimand, the latter reprimand. The report provided
being a somewhat lesser punitive that in each instance, ‘‘the adop-
measure than censure. A censure tion of this report by the House
is administered by the Speaker to shall constitute such rep-
the Member at the bar of the rimand.’’ (2)

17. See 5 Hinds’ Precedents § 4990. 23. Luther Sterns Cushing, Elements of
18. 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1246, 1253. the Law and Practice of Legislative
19. 2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1656. Assemblies in the United States of
20. 2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1653. America, 2d ed. (1866), § 682.
21. See, for instance, 2 Hinds’ Prece- 24. CONG. REC. (daily ed.), 94th Cong. 2d
dents §§ 1250, 1257, 1258, 1652; 6 Sess., July 29, 1976.
Cannon’s Precedents § 7006. 1. H. REPT. NO. 94–1364, 94th Cong. 2d
22. See 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1251, Sess., July 23. 1976.
1259; 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 236. 2. Id. at p. 4.


Censure of Adam Clayton Pow- maintained on his clerk-hire payroll Y.

ell Marjorie Flores (Mrs. Adam C. Powell)
from August 14, 1964, to December 31,
§ 16.1 A House select com- 1966, during which period either she
performed no official duties whatever
mittee recommended cen-
or such duties were not performed in
sure, along with other pen- Washington, D. C. or the State of New
alties, against a Member- York as required by law.
elect. Fourth, as Chairman of the Com-
On Mar. 1, 1967,(3) the House mittee on Education and Labor, Adam
Clayton Powell permitted and partici-
considered a resolution censuring
pated in improper expenditures of gov-
Adam Clayton Powell, of New ernment funds for private purposes.
York, for, INTER ALIA, ignoring the Fifth, the refusal of Adam Clayton
processes and authority of the Powell to cooperate with the Select
New York state courts and for im- Committee and the Special Sub-
proper use of government funds. committee on Contracts of the House
The resolution provided: Administration Committee in their
lawful inquiries authorized by the
House of Representatives was con-
The Select Committee appointed
temptuous and was conduct unworthy
pursuant to H. Res. 1 (90th Congress)
has reached the following conclusions: of a Member; Now, therefore be it
First, Adam Clayton Powell pos- Resolved,
sesses the requisite qualifications of 1. That the Speaker administer the
age, citizenship and inhabitancy for oath of office to the said Adam Clayton
membership in the House of Rep- Powell, Member-elect from the Eight-
resentatives and holds a Certificate of eenth District of the State of New
Election from the State of New York. York.
Second, Adam Clayton Powell has 2. That upon taking the oath as a
repeatedly ignored the processes and Member of the 90th Congress the said
authority of the courts in the State of Adam Clayton Powell be brought to
New York in legal proceedings pending the bar of the House in the custody of
therein to which he is a party, and his the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House and
contumacious conduct towards the
be there publicly censured by the
court of that State has caused him on
Speaker in the name of the House.
several occasions to be adjudicated in
contempt thereof, thereby reflecting 3. That Adam Clayton Powell, as
discredit upon and bringing into disre- punishment, pay to the Clerk of the
pute the House of Representatives and House to be disposed of by him accord-
its Members. ing to law, Forty Thousand Dollars
Third, as a Member of this House, ($40,000.00). The Sergeant-at Arms of
Adam Clayton Powell improperly the House is directed to deduct One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per
3. H. Res. 278, 113 CONG. REC. 4997, month from the salary otherwise due
90th Cong. 1st Sess. the said Adam Clayton Powell and pay


the same to said Clerk, said deductions Senate committees during an

to continue while any salary is due the investigation of his conduct
said Adam Clayton Powell as a Mem-
ber of the House of Representatives
as a Senator.
until said Forty Thousand Dollars In 1951, during the 82d Con-
($40,000.00) is fully paid. Said sums gress, a resolution had been intro-
received by the Clerk shall offset to the
duced calling for an investigation
extent thereof any liability of the said
Adam Clayton Powell to the United to determine whether expulsion
States of America with respect to the proceedings should be instituted
matters referred to in the above para- against Senator Joseph McCarthy,
graphs Third and Fourth of the pre- of Wisconsin, by reason, inter alia,
amble to this Resolution. of his activities in the 1950 Mary-
4. That the seniority of the said
land senatorial election; the reso-
Adam Clayton Powell in the House of
Representatives commence as of the lution was referred to the Sub-
date he takes the oath as a Member of committee on Privileges and Elec-
the 90th Congress. tions, whose Chairman was Sen-
5. That if the said Adam Clayton ator Guy M. Gillette, of Iowa. Sen-
Powell does not present himself to take ator McCarthy rejected invitations
the oath of office on or before March
13, 1967, the seat of the Eighteenth
to attend the hearings of the Gil-
District of the State of New York shall lette subcommittee, termed the
be deemed vacant and the Speaker charges against him a Communist
shall notify the Governor of the State smear, and stated that the hear-
of New York of the existing vacancy. ings were designed to expel him
The House voted down the mo- ‘‘for having exposed Communists
tion for the previous question on in Government.’’ In 1954, during
the resolution and substituted an the succeeding 83d Congress, a
amendment to exclude, which was censure resolution against Sen-
adopted.(4) ator McCarthy was introduced
and referred to a select committee
Censure of Joseph R. McCarthy headed by Senator Arthur V. Wat-
kins, of Utah. The Watkins com-
§ 16.2 The Senate, by resolu- mittee recommended censure in
tion reported by a select part on the ground that Senator
committee, censured a Sen- McCarthy’s conduct toward the
ator for his noncooperation Gillette subcommittee, its mem-
with and abuse of certain bers and the Senate ‘‘was con-
4. 113 CONG. REC. 5020, 5037, 90th temptuous, contumacious, and de-
Cong. 1st Sess., Mar. 1, 1967. See nunciatory, without reason, or jus-
also § 14.1, supra. tification, and was obstructive to


legislative processes.’’ (5) After de- vember 13, 1954, that the chairman of
bate, the Senate adopted a resolu- the select committee (Mr. Watkins)
was guilty of ‘‘the most unusual, most
tion (S. Res. 301, as amended)
cowardly thing I’ve heard of’’ and stat-
censuring Senator McCarthy on ing further: ‘‘I expected he would be
two counts: afraid to answer the questions, but
Resolved, That the Senator from didn’t think he’d be stupid enough to
Wisconsin, Mr. McCarthy, failed to co- make a public statement’’; and in char-
operate with the Subcommittee on acterizing the said committee as the
Privileges and Elections of the Senate ‘‘unwitting handmaiden,’’ ‘‘involuntary
Committee on Rules and Administra- agent,’’ and ‘‘attorneys in fact’’ of the
tion in clearing up matters referred to Communist Party and in charging that
that subcommittee which concerned his the said committee in writing its re-
conduct as a Senator and affected the port ‘‘imitated Communist methods—
honor of the Senate and, instead, re- that it distorted, misrepresented, and
peatedly abused the subcommittee and omitted in its effort to manufacture a
its members who were trying to carry plausible rationalization’’ in support of
out assigned duties, thereby obstruct- its recommendations to the Senate,
ing the constitutional processes of the which characterizations and charges
Senate, and that this conduct of the were contained in a statement released
Senator from Wisconsin, Mr. McCar- to the press and inserted in the Con-
thy, is contrary to senatorial traditions gressional Record of November 10,
and is hereby condemned. 1954, acted contrary to senatorial eth-
Sec. 2. The Senator from Wisconsin, ics and tended to bring the Senate into
Mr. McCarthy, in writing to the chair- dishonor and disrepute, to obstruct the
man of the Select Committee To Study constitutional processes of the Senate,
Censure Charges (Mr. Watkins) after and to impair its dignity; and such
the select committee had issued its re- conduct is hereby condemned.
port and before the report was pre-
sented to the Senate charging three
As noted above, one of the
members of the select committee with counts on which censure was
‘‘deliberate deception’’ and ‘‘fraud’’ for voted in 1954 concerned his con-
failure to disqualify themselves; in duct toward the Gillette sub-
stating to the press on November 4, committee in 1952 during the pre-
1954, that the special Senate session
that was to begin November 8, 1954,
ceding Congress. The report of the
was a ‘‘lynch party’’; in repeatedly de- select committee discussed at
scribing this special Senate session as length the contention by Senator
a ‘‘lynch bee’’ in a nationwide television McCarthy that since he was re-
and radio show on November 7, 1954; elected in 1952, the committee
in stating to the public press on No-
lacked power to consider, as a
5. 100 CONG. REC. 16392, 83d Cong. 2d basis for censure, any conduct on
Sess., Dec. 2, 1954 [S. Res. 301, his part occurring prior to Jan. 3,
amended], S. REPT. No. 83–2508. 1953, when he took his seat for a


new term (S. REPT. NO. 2508, 83d they cannot forgive an attack by a Sen-
Cong., pp. 20–23, 30, 31). The ator upon the integrity of the Senate’s
processes and its committees. That is
committee stated (p. 22): the business of the Senate.
While it may be the law that one
who is not a Member of the Senate Censure of Thomas J. Dodd
may not be punished for contempt of
the Senate at a preceding session, this § 16.3 The Senate, by resolu-
is no basis for declaring that the Sen- tion reported by its Select
ate may not censure one of its own
Committee on Standards and
Members for conduct antedating that
session, and no controlling authority or Conduct, censured a Senator
precedent has been cited for such posi- for exercising the power and
tion. influence of his office to ob-
The particular charges against Sen- tain and use for his personal
ator McCarthy, which are the basis of benefit funds from the public
this category, involve his conduct to-
ward an official committee and official
raised through political
committee members of the Senate. testimonials and a political
The reelection of Senator McCarthy campaign.
in 1952 was considered by the select The Senate, by resolution re-
committee as a fact bearing on this ported by its Select Committee on
proposition. This reelection is not
deemed controlling because only the
Standards and Conduct,(6) cen-
Senate itself can pass judgment upon sured Senator Thomas J. Dodd, of
conduct which is injurious to its proc- Connecticut, for exercising the
esses, dignity, and official committees. power and influence of his office
Elaborating on its view that to obtain and use for his personal
only the Senate can pass judg- benefit funds from the public
ment upon conduct adverse to its raised through political
processes and committees, the se- testimonials and campaigns.
lect committee added (pp. 30–31): The committee conducted hear-
ings from June, 1966 through
Nor do we believe that the reelection March, 1967 on allegations that
of Senator McCarthy by the people of
Wisconsin in the fall of 1952 pardons
the Senator had misused cam-
his conduct toward the Subcommittee paign funds for personal pur-
on Privileges and Elections. The charge poses.(7) From its investigations
is that Senator McCarthy was guilty of the committee concluded in its re-
contempt of the Senate or a senatorial
committee. Necessarily, this is a mat- 6. 113 CONG. REC. 17073, 90th Cong.
ter for the Senate and the Senate 1st Sess., June 23, 1967 [S. Res.
alone. The people of Wisconsin can 112], S. REPT. NO. 90–193.
only pass upon issues before them; 7. S. REPT. NO. 90–193, p. 9.


port that seven fund-raising and the contributions to the 1964 polit-
events were held for the Senator ical campaign, Senator Dodd or his
for the period 1961 through 1965, representatives received funds totaling
at least $450,273. From these funds,
and that the receipts from these Senator Dodd authorized the payment
totaled some $203,983. All but one of at least $116,083 for his personal
of the events was represented as purposes. The payments included Fed-
being held for political campaign eral income tax, improvements to his
purposes, either to raise funds for Connecticut home, club expenses,
the Senator’s 1964 campaign or to transfers to a member of his family,
pay off debts from his 1958 and and certain other transportation, hotel,
1964 campaigns for a seat in the restaurant and other expenses in-
Senate.(8) The report stated: curred by Senator Dodd outside of Con-
necticut or by members of his family or
From the circumstances of all the his representatives outside of the polit-
fund-raising events, including the ex- ical campaign period. Senator Dodd
clusive control of the funds by mem- further authorized the payment of an
bers of Senator Dodd’s staff, the exten- additional amount of at least $45,233
sive participation by members of Sen- from these proceeds for purposes which
ator Dodd’s staff, the close political re-
are neither clearly personal nor polit-
lationship between Senator Dodd and
ical. These payments were for repay-
the sponsors of the fund-raising events,
the preoccupation of the organizers ment of his loans in the sum of
with Senator Dodd’s apparently polit- $41,500 classified by Senator Dodd as
ical indebtedness, and the partisan po- ‘‘political-personal’’ and $3,733 for bills
litical nature of the printed programs, for food and beverages.
Senator Dodd’s knowledge of the polit- In addition, after the 1964 cam-
ical character of these events must be
presumed.(9) paign, Senator Dodd received a
campaign contribution of $8,000
In addition to the $203,983, from the International Latex
Senator Dodd and the political
Corp., and, for a period of 21
committees supporting his re-elec-
months, he accepted as gifts the
tion to the Senate in 1964 re-
ceived campaign contributions of loans of three automobiles in suc-
at least $246,290. The expendi- cession from a constituent and
ture of these funds was summa- used them for personal transpor-
rized by the committee, as fol- tation.(11)
lows: (10) 11. On seven trips from 1961 through
From the proceeds of the seven fund- 1965, Senator Dodd requested and
raising events from 1961 through 1965 accepted reimbursement from both
the Senate and private organizations
8. Id. at p. 24 for the same travel. Id. at p. 25. This
9. Id. at p. 24. was a charge which the committee
10. Id. at p. 25. included in its censure resolution,


The committee found Senator Resolved, That it is the judgment of

the Senate that the Senator from Con-
Dodd’s conduct censurable, as fol- necticut, Thomas J. Dodd, for having
lows: (12) engaged in a course of conduct over a
Senator Dodd exercised the influence period of five years from 1961 to 1965
of exercising the influence and power
and power of his office as a United of his office as a United States Sen-
States Senator to directly or indirectly ator, as shown by the conclusions in
obtain funds from the public through the investigation by the Select Com-
testimonials which were political in mittee on Standards and Conduct
character, over a period of five years (a) to obtain and use for his personal
from 1961 to 1965. The notices of these benefit, funds from the public through
fund-raising events received by the political testimonials and a political
public either stated that the funds campaign, and
were for campaign expenses or deficits (b) to request and accept reimburse-
or failed to state for what purposes the ments for expenses from both the Sen-
funds were to be used. Not one solicita- ate and private organizations for the
same travel (13) deserved the censure of
tion letter, invitation, ticket, program,
the Senate; and he is so censured for
or other written communication in- his conduct, which is contrary to ac-
formed the public that the funds were cepted morals, derogates from the pub-
to be used for personal purposes. Sen- lic trust expected of a Senator, and
ator Dodd used part of the proceeds tends to bring the Senate into dishonor
from these political testimonials and and disrepute.(14)
part of the contributions from his polit-
Debate on the resolution (15)
ical campaign of 1964 for his personal
benefit. These acts, together with his
began on June 13, 1967.(16) Sen-
requesting and accepting reimburse-
ator John Stennis, of Mississippi,
ments from 1961 through 1965 for ex- chairman of the committee, stated
penses from both the Senate and pri- to the Senate that the censure
vate organizations for the same travel, resolution was not bottomed upon
comprise a course of conduct which de- any one specific action or viola-
serves the censure of the Senate, is tion, nor on one expenditure or a
contrary to accepted morals, derogates few expenditures and not on one
from the public trust expected of a matter which could have been an
Senator, and tends to bring the Senate error. He said:
into dishonor and disrepute
. . . It is based on the fact that the
The committee reported a reso- practice happened over and over and
lution of censure, as follows:
13. See footnote 11, supra.
but which was deleted by an amend- 14. S. Res. 112, 90th Cong. 1st Sess.
ment offered by Senator Allen J. 15. The resolution, S. Res. 112, was in-
Ellender (La.). See 113 CONG. REC. troduced Apr. 27, 1967; see 113
17020, 90th Cong. 1st Sess., June 23, CONG. REC. 10977.
1967. 16. 113 CONG. REC. 15663, 90th Cong.
12. S. REPT. NO. 90–193, p. 25. 1st Sess.


over again, so much so, and over a long ant to its constitutional authority
period of time, as to become a pattern to punish its Members (Art. I, § 5,
of operation.
The words used in the charge itself clause 2).(1)
are ‘‘course of conduct.’’ It amounted to
a course of conduct that was wrong on
its face, and therefore brought the Sen-
ate into disrepute.(17)
Fine of Member For Acts Com-
mitted in Prior Congress
On June 22, Senator John
Tower, of Texas, offered an § 17.1 The House agreed to a
amendment to delete ‘‘censure’’ resolution providing for the
and substitute therefor ‘‘rep- imposition of a fine against a
rimand.’’ He declared that: (18) Member-elect charged with
This proposal would give us the op- misuse of appropriated funds
portunity to express our displeasure,
our disapproval, and our disassocia-
in a prior Congress.
tion, but at the same time avoid the In 1967, the recommendation of
severity of censure . . . inasmuch as a House committee that Member-
there is no precedent for censure on
the basis of means of raising funds for elect Adam Clayton Powell, of
private political use, in the absence of New York, be fined was consid-
an existing rule or code on the subject. ered and rejected in favor of a res-
The amendment was defeated, 9 olution that he be excluded.(2) Two
to 87.(19)
1. See H. REPT. NO. 90–27, 90th Cong.
After debate, which continued 1st Sess. (1967), ‘‘In Re Adam Clay-
until June 23, 1967, the Senate ton Powell, Report of Select Com-
adopted the resolution, by a vote mittee Pursuant to H. Res. 1,’’ pp.
of yeas 92, nays 5, after first 28, 29.
striking the second charge relat- See also, 2 Hinds’ Precedents
ing to double-billing for several 1665, p. 1142, for the Senate censure
trips.(20) case of McLaurin and Tillman, both
Senators from South Carolina, 57th
Cong.; see also remarks of Senator
Mills (Tex.) in debate on charges
§ 17. Imposition of Fine against Senator Roach (N.D.), 25
CONG. REC. 162, 53d Cong. 1st Sess.,
A fine may be levied by the Apr. 15, 1893.
House against a Member pursu- 2. See H. REPT. NO. 90–27, 90th Cong.
1st Sess. (1967), ‘‘In Re Adam Clay-
17. Id. at p. 15664. ton Powell, Report of Select Com-
18. Id. at p. 16979. mittee Pursuant to H. Res. 1,’’ p. 33.
19. Id. at p. 16986. The committee recommended that
20. Id. at p. 17020. ‘‘(3) Adam Clayton Powell, as pun-


years later, however, on Jan. 3, for a fine of $25,000 to be de-

1969,(3) the House agreed to a res- ducted on a monthly basis from
olution which included a provision Mr. Powell’s salary.
ishment (for improper expenditure of
House funds for private purposes,
and for maintaining a person on his § 18. Deprivation of Se-
clerk-hire payroll who performed no niority Status
official duties whatever or did not
perform them in Washington, D.C., Under the U.S. Constitution,
or in the Member’s district), pay the the House is authorized to deprive
Clerk of the House, to be disposed of
by him according to law, $40,000;
a Member of his seniority status
that the Sergeant at Arms of the as a form of disciplinary action.(4)
House be directed to deduct $1,000
per month from the salary otherwise
due Mr. Powell and pay the same to Procedure
the Clerk, said deductions to con-
tinue until said sum of $40,000 is § 18.1 A Member may be re-
fully paid; and that said sums re-
duced in committee seniority
ceived by the Clerk shall offset any
civil liability of Mr. Powell to the as a result of party discipline
United States of America with re- enforced through the ma-
spect to the matters referred to in chinery of his party—the
paragraphs second and third above caucus and the Committee
(matter in parentheses).’’ on Committees.
See also H. Res. 278, 90th Cong.
1st Sess. The motion for the previous Parliamentarian’s Note: In
question on this resolution con- 1965, two Democratic Members
taining the select committee rec- who had refused to support the
ommendation was defeated (113 Presidential candidate of their
CONG. REC. 5020, Mar. 1, 1967), and party were reduced in committee
a substitute amendment excluding
the Member-elect was proposed and
seniority as the result of party
adopted (113 CONG. REC. 5037, 5038, discipline enforced through the
Mar. 1, 1967). See also § 14.1, supra. machinery of the party-the caucus
3. 115 CONG. REC. 29, 34, 91st Cong. and the Committee on Commit-
1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1969 [H. Res. 2]. tees.(5)
After having been excluded from the
90th Congress (see 14, supra), Mr. 4. See § 18.2, infra.
Powell won re-election to the 91st 5. One Member (Albert Watson [S.C.])
Congress, but was required to pay a resigned from the House, 111 CONG.
fine for improper expenditures made REC. 805, 806, 89th Cong. 1st Sess.,
prior to the 90th Congress. Jan. 15, 1965, and was then re-elect-


As a matter of party discipli- Deprivation of Seniority Status

nary policy, the Democratic Cau- For Acts Committed in Prior
cus instructed the Committee on Congress
Committees to assign the ‘‘last po-
sition’’ on a committee to a par- § 18.2 Deprivation of seniority
ticular Member. But other Mem- status is a form of discipli-
bers subsequently elected to the nary action that may be in-
same committee were junior to voked by the House against a
him in committee seniority.(6) Member, pursuant to a com-
In 1967, the Democratic Com- mittee’s recommendation,
mittee on Committees reported to under article I, section 5,
the House a resolution leaving va- clause 2 of the U.S. Constitu-
cancies on certain standing com- tion, for acts committed in a
mittees pending further consider- prior Congress.
ation by the caucus of committee In the 90th Congress, a com-
assignments and seniority thereon mittee of the House recommended
of a Member who had, in the pre- that a Member-elect, Adam Clay-
ceding Congress, been stripped of ton Powell, of New York, be de-
his committee seniority (at the di- prived of his seniority status and
rection of the caucus) and as- subjected to certain other pen-
signed to the last position on the alties for his conduct in a prior
committees, and who had asked
that he not be assigned to any assignment of committee positions of
committee pending a final deter- John Bell Williams (Miss.).
mination by the caucus.(7) 8. See H. REPT. NO. 90–27, 90th Cong.
1st Sess. (1967), ‘‘In Re Adam Clay-
ed as a member of the other political ton Powell, Report of Select Com-
party in a special election called to mittee Pursuant to H. Res. 1,’’ p. 33;
fill the vacancy. The other (John B. see also H. Res. 278, 90th Cong. 1st
Williams [Miss.]) was voted to the Sess., 113 CONG. REC. 4997, Mar. 1,
bottom of two committees, 111 CONG. 1967. The motion for the previous
REC. 809, 89th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. question on this resolution con-
15, 1965. taining the select committee rec-
6. See 112 CONG. REC. 27486, 89th ommendation was defeated (113
Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. 18, 1966, where- CONG. REC. 5020, Mar. 1, 1967), and
in committee member John Bell Wil- a substitute amendment excluding
liams (Miss.) was advised that a the Member-elect was proposed and
newly elected Member would rank adopted (113 CONG. REC. 5037, 5038,
below Mr. Williams in seniority. Mar. 1, 1967). See § 14.1, supra.
7. 113 CONG. REC. 1086, 90th Cong. 1st The recommendation of the select
Sess., Jan. 23, 1967, relating to the committee was characterized by a


In the 91st Congress, the House prior service in the computation of

agreed to a resolution which, seniority).(9)
among other things, reduced the
9. 9. 115 CONG. REC. 29, 34, 91st Cong.
seniority of Mr. Powell to that of
1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1969 [H. Res. 2]. r.
first-term Congressman (thus Powell had been excluded by the
eliminating consideration of any House in the 90th Congress, but had
been reelected to the 91st Congress.
Member: ‘‘Never before has any The resolution [H. Res. 2] also pro-
Member of the Congress been vided for a fine of $25,000 against
stripped of his seniority in the course Mr. Powell to be deducted on a
of (punishment) proceedings.’’ 113 monthly basis from his salary, and
CONG. REC. 5006, Mar. 1, 1967, re- specified that Mr. Powell had to take
marks by Representative John Con- the oath before Jan. 15, 1969, or his
yers, Jr. (Mich.). seat would be declared vacant.


Opinions of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct

Communications with Federal agencies ..................................................... 1
Clerk-hire allowance .................................................................................... 2
Travel at expense of foreign governments ................................................. 3
Acceptance of nonpaid transportation ........................................................ 4

ADVISORY OPINION NO. 1 citizens find it more difficult to obtain re-

dress by direct communication with ad-
(Issued January 26, 1970) ministrative agencies. As a result. the in-
dividual turns increasingly to his most
ON THE ROLE OF A MEMBER OF THE proximate connection with his Govern-
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN COM- ment, his Representative in the Con-
MUNICATING WITH EXECUTIVE AND gress, as evidenced by the fact that con-
INDEPENDENT FEDERAL AGENCIES gressional offices devote more time to
Reason for Issuance.—A number of re- constituent requests than to any other
quests have come to the Committee for single duty.
its advice in connection with actions a The reasons individuals sometimes fail
Member of Congress may properly take to find satisfaction from their petitions
in discharging his representative func- are varied. At the extremes, some griev-
tion with respect to communications on ances are simply imaginary rather than
constituent matters. This advisory opin- real, and some with merit are denied for
ion is written to provide some guidelines lack of thorough administrative consider-
in this area in the hope they will be of ation.
assistance to Members. Sheer numbers impose requirements to
Background.—The first Article in our standardize responses. Even if mechan-
Bill of Rights provides that ‘‘Congress ical systems function properly and time-
shall make no law . . . abridging the ly, the stereotyped responses they
. . . right of the people . . . to petition produce suggest indifference. At best, re-
the Government for a redress of griev- sponses to grievances in form letters or
ances.’’ The exercise of this Right in- by other automated means leave much to
volves not only petition by groups of citi- be desired.
zens with common objectives, but in- Another factor which may lead to peti-
creasingly by individuals with problems tioner dissatisfaction is the occasional
or complaints involving their personal re- failure of legislative language, or the ad-
lationships with the Federal Govern- ministrative interpretation of it, to cover
ment. As the population has grown and adequately all the merits the legislation
as the Government has enlarged in scope intended. Specific cases arising under
and complexity, an increasing number of these conditions test the legislation and


provide a valuable oversight disclosure to irrespective of political or other consid-

the Congress. erations.
Further, because of the complexity of 2. Direct or implied suggestion of ei-
our vast Federal structure, often a cit- ther favoritism or reprisal in advance
izen simply does not know the appro- of, or subsequent to, action taken by
priate office to petition. the agency contacted is unwarranted
For these, or similar reasons, it is log- abuse of the representative role.
ical and proper that the petitioner seek 3. A Member should make every ef-
the assistance of his Congressman for an fort to assure that representations
early and equitable resolution of his made in his name by any staff em-
problem. ployee conform to his instruction.
Representations.—This Committee is of Clear Limitations.—Attention is in-
the opinion that a Member of the House vited to United States Code, Title 18,
of Representatives, either on his own ini- Sec. 203(a) which states in part: ‘‘Who-
tiative or at the request of a petitioner, ever . . . directly or indirectly receives or
may properly communicate with an Exec- agrees to receive, or asks, demands, solic-
utive or Independent Agency on any mat- its, or seeks, any compensation for any
ter to: services rendered or to be rendered ei-
—request information or a status re- ther by himself or another
port; (1) at a time when he is a Member
—urge prompt consideration; of Congress . . .; or
—arrange for interviews or appoint- (2) at a time when he is an officer or
ments; employee of the United States in the
—express judgment; . . . legislative . . . branch of the gov-
—call for reconsideration of an admin- ernment . . .
istrative response which he believes in relation to any proceeding, application,
is not supported by established law, request for a ruling or other determina-
Federal regulation or legislative in- tion, contract, claim, controversy, charge,
tent; accusation, arrest, or other particular
—perform any other service of a simi- matter in which the United States is a
lar nature in this area compatible party or has a direct and substantial in-
with the criteria hereinafter ex- terest, before any department, agency,
pressed in this Advisory Opinion. court-martial, officer, or any civil, mili-
Principles To Be Observed.—The over- tary, or naval commission . . .
all public interest, naturally, is primary Shall be fined not more than $10,000
to any individual matter and should be or imprisoned for not more than two
so considered. There are also other self- years or both; and shall be incapable of
evident standards of official conduct holding any office of honor, trust, or prof-
which Members should uphold with re- it under the United States.’’
gard to these communications. The Com- The Committee emphasizes that it is
mittee believes the following to be basic: not herein interpreting this statute but
1. A Member’s responsibility in this notes that the law does refer to any com-
area is to all his constituents equally pensation, directly or indirectly, for serv-
and should be pursued with diligence ices by himself or another. In this connec-


tion, the Committee suggests the need clerical assistance to a Representative

for caution to prevent the accrual to a ‘‘in the discharge of his official and rep-
Member of any compensation for any resentative duties . . .’’. The same phra-
such services which may be performed by seology is used today in each Legislative
a law firm in which the Member retains Appropriations bill and by the Clerk of
a residual interest. the House in his testimony before the
It should be noted that the above stat- Subcommittee on Legislative Appropria-
ute applies to officers and employees of tions. An exact definition of ‘‘official and
the House of Representatives as well as representative duties’’ was not found in
to Members. the extensive materials researched. Re-
marks concerning various bills, however,
ADVISORY OPINION NO. 2 usually refer to ‘‘clerical service’’ or terms
of similar import, thus implying a con-
(Issued July 11, 1973) sistent perception of the term as pay-
ment for personal services.
ON THE SUBJECT OF A MEMBER’S CLERK Summary Opinion.—This Committee
HIRE is of the opinion that the funds appro-
priated for Members’ clerk hire should
Reason for issuance.—A number of re-
result only in payment for personal serv-
quests have come to the Committee for
ices of individuals, in accordance with
advice on specific situations which, to
the law relating to the employment of
some degree, involve consideration of
relatives, employed on a regular basis, in
whether moneys appropriated for Mem-
places as provided by law, for the pur-
bers’ clerk hire are being properly uti-
pose of performing the duties a Member
lized. requires in carrying out his representa-
A summary of the responses to these tional functions.
requests forms the basis for this Advi- The Committee emphasizes that this
sory Opinion which, it is hoped, will pro- opinion in no way seeks to encourage the
vide some guidelines and assistance to establishment of uniform job descriptions
all Members. or imposition of any rigid work standards
Background.—The Committee re- on a Member’s clerical staff. It does sug-
quested the Congressional Research gest, however, that it is improper to levy,
Service to examine in depth the full as a condition of employment, any re-
scope of the laws and the legislative his- sponsibility on any clerk to incur per-
tory surrounding Members’ clerk hire. sonal expenditures for the primary ben-
The search produced little in the way of efit of the Member or of the Member’s
specific parameters in either case law or congressional office operations, such as
congressional intent, concluding that subscriptions to publications, or purchase
‘‘. . . no definitive definition was found of services, goods or products intended
. . .’’. It is out of this absence of other for other than the clerk’s own personal
guidance the Committee feels con- use.
strained to express its views. The opinion clearly would prohibit any
Clerk hire allowance for Representa- Member from retaining any person from
tives was initiated in 1893 (27 Stat. 757). his clerk hire allowance under either an
The law providing it spoke of providing express or tacit agreement that the sal-


ary to be paid him is in lieu of any ance of trips to foreign countries, the ex-
present or future indebtedness of the penses of which are borne by the host
Member, any portion of which may be al- country or some agent or instrumentality
locable to goods, products, printing costs, of it.
campaign obligations, or any other non- The Committee is advised that similar
representational service. inquiries recently have been put to the
In a related regard, the Committee Department of State with respect to
feels a statement it made earlier, in re- other Federal employees.
sponding to a complaint, may be of inter- In order to provide widest possible dis-
est. It states: ‘‘As to the allegation re- semination to views expressed in re-
garding campaign activity by an indi- sponse to the requests, and to coordinate
vidual on the clerk hire rolls of the with statements likely to be forthcoming
House, it should be noted that, due to from other areas of the Federal govern-
the irregular time frames in which the ment in this regard, this general advi-
Congress operates, it is unrealistic to im- sory opinion is respectfully offered.
pose conventional work hours and rules Background.—The United States Con-
on congressional employees. At some stitution, at Article I, Section 9, Clause
times, these employees may work more 8, holds that:
than double the usual workweek—at oth-
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by
ers, some less. Thus employees are ex-
the United States: And no Person hold-
pected to fulfill the clerical work the
ing any Office of Profit or Trust under
Member requires during the hours he re-
them, shall without the Consent of the
quires and generally are free at other pe-
Congress, accept of any present, Emolu-
riods. If, during the periods he is free, he
ment, Office, or Title, of any kind what-
voluntarily engages in campaign activity,
ever, from any King, Prince, or foreign
there is no bar to this. There will, of
course, be differing views as to whether
the spirit of this principle is violated, but This provision, described as stemming
this Committee expects Members of the from a ‘‘just jealousy of foreign influence
House to abide by the general propo- of every sort,’’ is extremely broad as to
sition.’’ whom it covers, as well as to the ‘‘pre-
sents’’ or ‘‘emoluments’’ it prohibits—
speaking of the latter as of any kind
ADVISORY OPINION NO. 3 whatever. (emphasis provided)
It is narrow only in the sense that the
(Issued June 26, 1974)
framers, aware that social or diplomatic
protocols could compel some less than ab-
solute observance of a prohibition on the
receipt or exchange of gifts, provided for
specific exceptions with ‘‘the consent of
the Congress.’’
Reason for Issuance.—The Committee Congress dealt from time to time with
has received a number of requests from these exceptions through public and pri-
Members and employees of the House for vate bills addressed to specific situations,
guidance and advice regarding accept- and dealt generally, commencing in 1881,


with the overall question of management (1) ‘‘employee’’ means—

of foreign gifts. (A) an employee as defined by sec-
In 1966 Congress passed the latest and tion 2105 of this title;
the existing Public Law 89–673, ‘‘an Act (B) an individual employed by, or
to grant the consent of Congress to the occupying an office or position in, the
acceptance of certain gifts and decora- government of a territory or posses-
tions from foreign governments.’’ That sion of the United States or of the
law is presently codified at Title 5, District of Columbia;
United States Code, Section 7342, a copy (C) a member of a uniformed serv-
of which is attached. ice;
The law is quite explicit in virtually all (D) the President;
particulars, save whether the expense of (E) a Member of Congress as de-
a trip paid for by a foreign government is fined by section 2106 of this title;
a ‘‘. . . present or thing, other than a and
decoration, tendered by or received from (F) a member of the family and
a foreign government; . . .’’ household of an individual described
It is on this point that this Opinion in subparagraphs (A)–(E) of this
lies. paragraph;
Basis of Authority for Opinion.—Since (2) ‘‘foreign government’’ means a
this matter impinges equally on all Fed- foreign government and an official
eral employees, the Committee sought agent, or representative thereof;
advice from the Comptroller General as (3) ‘‘gift’’ means a present or thing,
legal adviser to the Congress, and from other than a decoration, tendered by or
the Secretary of State as the imple- received from a foreign government;
menting authority over 5 U.S.C. 7342. and
Copies of their official responses are (4) ‘‘decoration’’ means an order, de-
attached to this Opinion. vice, medal, badge, insignia, or emblem
tendered by or received from a foreign
Summary Opinion.—It is the opinion
of this Committee, on its own initiative
(b) An employee may not request or
and with the advice of the Comptroller
otherwise encourage the tender of a gift
General and the Assistant Secretary of
or decoration.
State, that acceptance of travel or living
(c) Congress consents to—
expenses in specie or in kind by a Mem-
(1) the accepting and retaining by an
ber or employee of the House of Rep-
employee of a gift of minimal value
resentatives from any foreign govern-
tendered or received as a souvenir or
ment, official agent or representative mark of courtesy; and
thereof is not consented to in 5 U.S.C.
(2) the accepting by an employee of a
7342, and is, therefore, prohibited. This
gift of more than minimal value when
prohibition applies also to the family and
it appears that to refuse the gift would
household of Members and employees of be likely to cause offense or embarrass-
the House of Representatives. ment or otherwise adversely affect the
§ 7342. Receipt and disposition of foreign relations of the United States.
foreign gifts and decorations However, a gift of more than minimal
(a) For the purpose of this section— value is deemed to have been accepted on


behalf of the United States and shall be State on a number of occasions in behalf
deposited by the donee for use and dis- of their employees who have received but
posal as the property of the United not yet acted on offers of such trips. It
States under regulations prescribed has been the Department’s consistent po-
under this section. sition that the offer of an expenses-paid
(d) Congress consents to the accepting, trip is an offer of a gift and that, there-
retaining, and wearing by an employee of fore, if tendered by a foreign government
a decoration tendered in recognition of or any representative thereof to a Fed-
active field service in time of combat op- eral employee, the Foreign Gifts and
erations or awarded for other out- Decorations Act of 1966 would require its
standing or unusually meritorious per- refusal. A trip cannot qualify under the
formance, subject to the approval of the special provision permitting acceptance
agency, office or other entity in which of a gift of more than minimal value on
the employee is employed and the con- the ground that to refuse it would appear
currence of the Secretary of State. With- likely to ‘‘cause offense or embarrass-
out this approval and concurrence, the ment or otherwise adversely affect the
decoration shall be deposited by the foreign relations of the United States’’.
donee for use and disposal as the prop- This follows from the requirement that
erty of the United States under regula- the donee, being deemed to have accept-
tions prescribed under this section. ed such a gift on behalf of the United
(e) The President may prescribe regu- States, deposit it for use and disposal as
lations to carry out the purpose of this property of the United States in accord-
section. Added Pub. L. 90–83 § 1(45)(C), ance with the implementing regulations,
Sept. 11, 1967, 81 Stat. 208. since the recipient of a trip could not ful-
fill that requirement.
—— Precisely because of the impossibility
of surrendering the gift of a trip once it
has been accepted and taken, we believe
Washington, D.C., May 9, 1974.
it would be highly advisable for your
Committee to issue the briefing paper on
the subject which Congressman Kemp
Chairman, Committee on Standards of
has suggested. In this connection the
Official Conduct, House of Representa-
Committee may be interested to know
that the Department is planning a new
DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am replying to informational program designed to im-
your letter of April 17 to Mr. Hampton prove understanding and compliance
Davis, of the Office of the Chief of Pro- with the Foreign Gifts and Decorations
tocol, requesting comment on Congress- Act and the implementing regulations.
man Kemp’s suggestion that your Com- The program will be aimed not only at
mittee issue a briefing paper on the pro- those within the Federal establishment
priety of acceptance by Congressional who might become donees or who may
Members and staff of trips offered them have responsibility for briefing potential
at the expense of foreign governments. donees, but also at the foreign govern-
Various Federal agencies have put ments that appear to be less than fully
similar questions to the Department of aware of the stringent legal restrictions


that we operate under in this area. We onymous with the term ‘gift’,’’ denoting
shall be happy to see that the Committee ‘‘something voluntarily given, free from
is included in the distribution of the ma- legal compulsion or obligation.’’ 34 Comp.
terial being developed. Gen. 331, 334 (1955); 37 Comp. Gen. 138,
I hope that we have been helpful in 140 (1957). ‘‘Emolument’’ has been de-
this matter and that you will feel free to fined as profit, gain, or compensation re-
call upon us at any time you think we ceived for services rendered. 49 Comp.
can be of assistance. Gen. 819, 820 (1970); B–180472, March
4, 1974. Accordingly, and in view of the
Sincerely yours, emphatic language of the Constitution
(i.e., present or emolument ‘‘of any kind
Assistant Secretary for whatever’’), we see no basis whereby
Congressional Relations. trips paid for by foreign governments
may be accepted by Members of Congress
COMPTROLLER GENERAL or members of their staffs without the
OF THE UNITED STATES, consent of the Congress. If payment of
Washington, D.C., May 9, 1974. the cost of a trip in a particular case be
B–180472. considered as an emolument for services
Hon. MELVIN PRICE, to be rendered acceptance thereof would
Chairman, Committee on Standards of be categorically prohibited by the above-
Official Conduct, House of Representa- cited constitutional provision unless con-
tives. sented to by the Congress.
DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Your letter of If on the other hand the payment of
April 17, 1974, with attachments, re- travel costs in a particular circumstance
quests our comments on the advisability constitutes a gift, by enactment of section
of issuing a briefing paper on the legal 7342 of title 5, United States Code, enti-
ramifications of the acceptance by Mem- tled ‘‘Receipt and disposition of foreign
bers of Congress, or staff, of trips abroad gifts and decorations,’’ the Congress has
that are paid for by foreign governments. given its consent to (quoting the Code
We are not aware of any decision by provision in part)—
any forum as to the legality of such trips. ‘‘(1) the accepting and retaining by
The question arises because of the prohi- an employee of a gift of minimal value
bition contained in article I, section 9, tendered or received as a souvenir or
clause 8, of the United States Constitu- mark of courtesy; and
tion, which reads as follows: ‘‘(2) the accepting by an employee of
‘‘No Title of Nobility shall be granted a gift of more than minimal value
by the United States: And no Person when it appears that to refuse the gift
holding any Office of Profit or Trust would be ]ikely to cause offense or em-
under them, shall, without the Consent barrassment or otherwise adversely af-
of the Congress, accept of any present, fect the foreign relations of the United
Emolument, Office, or Title of any kind States.
whatever, from any King, Prince, or for- ‘‘However, a gift of more than mini-
eign State.’’ mal value is deemed to have been ac-
In connection with this provision, we cepted on behalf of the United States
have viewed the term ‘‘present’’ as ‘‘syn- and shall be deposited by the donee for


use and disposal as the property of the Reason for Issuance.—The Committee
United States under regulations pre- has been requested in writing to express
scribed under this section.’’ an opinion on the propriety of Members
The term ‘‘employee’’ is defined in sec- and staff of the U.S. House of Represent-
tion 7342 as including members of Con- atives accepting non-paid transportation
gress. provided under a number of cir-
By Executive Order 11320, the Presi- cumstances. In order that all may be on
dent delegated to the Secretary of State notice, the response to that request is
the authority to issue regulations imple- made in this Committee Advisory Opin-
menting this statute. These regulations ion.
are contained in part 3 of title 22, Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR). A ‘‘gift of Background.—It is necessary and de-
minimal value’’ is defined as ‘‘any sirable that Members and employees of
present or other thing, other than a deco- the U.S. House of Representatives, being
ration, which has a retail value not in public officials, maintain maximum con-
excess of $50 in the United States.’’ 22 tact with the public at large to provide
CFR § 3.3(e). The statute and regulations information on the work of the House
do not specifically cover trips, and the and to gain citizen input into the legisla-
legislative history of the Foreign Gifts tive process. To accomplish this, consid-
and Decorations Act of 1966, of which erable travel is required. Under some cir-
section 7342 is a part, indicates that the cumstances, such travel may be appro-
statute contemplated gifts of tangible priately provided by other than commer-
items. In any event, the intent seems cial means. Conversely, in some cir-
clear that, although a gift of more than cumstances non-paid transportation of-
minimal value may be ‘‘accepted’’ in the fers should be declined. It is the intent of
limited situations indicated, the value of
this Advisory Opinion to address both
such gift is not to inure to the benefit of
the individual recipient. Accordingly, it is situations.
our view that section 7342 would not The distinction turns on the purpose of
permit the acceptance of gifts of trips the transportation. At times, it will be
abroad by Members of Congress or mem- clear that there is a single identifiable
bers of their staffs that are paid for by purpose. At other times there may be
foreign governments. more than one purpose involved. The
We see no objection to the issuance of Committee stresses that the opinions
a briefing paper, setting forth the above hereafter stated deal with the principal
views of our Office, in order to provide purpose for taking the trip, such purpose
guidance to Members of the Congress re- to be fairly determined by the person in-
garding this matter. volved, before acceptance of any nonpaid
Sincerely yours, Non-Paid Transportation Offers To Be
Acting Comptroller General Declined.—If the principal purpose of the
of the United States. trip is political campaign activity, and
the host carrier is one who would be pro-
ADVISORY OPINION NO. 4 hibited by law from making a campaign
contribution, such non-paid transpor-
(Issued May 14, 1975) tation would amount to a political con-
ON THE PROPRIETY OF ACCEPTING CER- tribution in kind, and should not be ac-


If the trip is principally for noncam- construed as accruing to the benefit of

paign purposes, and the person involved the audience—not the passenger—and it
were to request the host carrier to sched- would not be improper to accept such
ule transportation expressly for the con- transportation.
venience of the congressional passenger, The above principle can be similarly
such request could be interpreted as applied to situations in which a congres-
abuse of one’s public position and should sional passenger is transported in con-
be avoided. nection with the receipt of an hono-
Non-Paid Transportation Offers Which rarium. Under such circumstances, the
may be Accepted.—If the purpose of the transportation may be accepted in lieu of
trip is principally representational or monetary reimbursement for travel to
even personal, and if the host carrier’s which the passenger would otherwise be
purpose in scheduling the transportation entitled.
is solely for the general benefit of the Congressional officials, like other pub-
host, and the transportation is furnished lic officials and private persons, are on
on a space-available basis with no addi- occasion invited as guests on scheduled
tional costs incurred in providing the ac- airlines’ inaugural flights. Specific au-
commodation, it would not be improper thority to provide such non-paid trans-
to accept such transportation. portation is contained in 14 CFR 223.8
If the purpose of the transportation is and 399.34. Assuming that the condi-
to enable the congressional passenger, in tions of these sections are strictly met,
his role as a public official, to be present the Committee finds that there would be
at an event for the general benefit of an nothing improper in the acceptance of
audience, the accommodation should be such inaugural flights.


Powers and Prerogatives of the


A. Generally
§ 1. Scope
§ 2. Admitting States to the Union

B. War Powers
§ 3. In General
§ 4. War Powers Act
§ 5. Declarations of War
§ 6. —House Action
§ 7. —Senate Action
§ 8. Legislation Authorizing Military Action Prior to
War Powers Act
§ 9. Pre-World War II Legislative Restrictions on Mili-
tary Activity
§ 10. Vietnam Era Restrictions on Military Activity
§ 11. Receipt of Presidential Messages
§ 12. Presidential Proclamations

C. House Prerogative to Originate Revenue Bills

§ 13. In General
§ 14. Consideration of Objections
§ 15. Return of Senate Legislation
§ 16. Tabling Objection to Infringement
§ 17. Referring Objection to Committee
§ 18. Action on House Bill in Lieu of Senate Bill
Commentary and editing by Thomas J. Nicola, J.D.


§ 19. Senate Action on Revenue Legislation

§ 20. Authority to Make Appropriations

D. Congress and the Budget; Impoundment

§ 21. In General; Congressional Budget Act

E. Relations With Executive Branch

§ 22. In General; Confirmation of Nomination for Vice
§ 23. Executive Reorganization Plans



ACTION agency reorganization plan, Army, Navy, and Air Force, Depart-
§§ 23.1, 23.2 ments of, reorganization plan af-
Agriculture and Interior, Depart- fecting, § 23.9
ments of, reorganization plan af- Backdoor spending, controls on, § 21
fecting, § 23.8 Bases, exchange of destroyers for,
Air Force, Army, and Navy, Depart- § 11.7
ments of, reorganization plan af- Berlin, resolution to protect, § 8.9
fecting, § 23.9 Buckley v Valeo, § 22.2
Alaska, admission of, to Union, § 2.1 Budget, Bureau of, reorganization
American forces in Iceland, an- plan affecting, § 23.3
nouncement of arrival of, § 11.8 Budget Committee, § 21
American ports, proclamation re-
Budget, congressional procedure to
garding use of, by belligerent na-
establish, Legislative Reorganiza-
tions, § 12.5
Appropriate, resolution regarding tion Act of 1946 as affecting, § 21.1
Senate authority to, § 20.1 Budget control by Congress, § 21
Appropriation for Department of Ag- Bulgaria, House declaration of war
riculture, Senate, § 20.2 as to, § 6.4
Appropriation for District of Colum- Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania, re-
bia, Senate, §§ 20.3, 20.4 quest for declaration of war on,
Approval, by committee, of House § 11.3
bill in lieu of Senate bill, §§ 18.4, Bulgaria, Senate declaration of war
18.5 as to, § 7.4
Approval, on floor, of House bill in Cambodia and Laos, prohibition of
lieu of Senate bill, §§ 18.1–18.3 military support for, § 10.2


Cambodia, Laos, and North and Embargo on trade with Cuba, procla-
South Vietnam, prohibition of mation of, § 12.2
funds for military activities in, Emergency, proclamation of, regard-
after fixed date, § 10.4 ing Korea, § 12.1
Cambodia, North and South Viet- Environmental Protection Agency
nam, and Laos, prohibition of reorganization plan, § 23.16
funds for military activity in, after Executive Office of the President
fixed date, § 10.5 and federal agencies, reorganiza-
Cambodia, prohibition of American tion plan affecting, § 23.15
ground forces from, § 10.3 Federal agencies and Executive Of-
Chair, constitutional issue not de- fice of the President reorganiza-
cided by, § 19.1 tion plan, § 23.15
Civil Aeronautics Board reorganiza- Federal Communications Commis-
tion plan, § 23.6 sion reorganization plan, §§ 23.17,
Commerce, Department of, reorga- 23.18
nization plan affecting, § 23.10 Federal Home Loan Bank Board re-
Committee approval of House bill in organization plan, § 23.19
Federal maritime functions reorga-
lieu of Senate bill, §§ 18.4, 18.5
nization plan, § § 23.20, 23.21
Committee jurisdiction of bill inci-
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
dentally producing revenue, Sen-
Corporation reorganization plan,
ate, § 19.2
§ 23.22
Community Relations Service reor-
Federal Security Agency, Social Se-
ganization plan, § 23.7
curity Board, and United States
Concurrent resolutions on budget,
Employment Service reorganiza-
§ 21 tion plan, § 23.23
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, Federal Trade Commission reorga-
§ 21 nization plan, § 23.24
Congressional Budget Office, § 21 Floor approval of House bill in lieu
Congressional session, proclamation of Senate bill, §§ 18.1–18.3
convening extraordinary, for neu- Forces, see military forces
trality legislation, § 12.3 Ford, Gerald R., confirmation of, as
Constitutional issue decided by Sen- Vice President, § 22.1
ate, § 19.1 Foreign nations and Germany, proc-
Cuba missile crisis, authorization to lamation regarding war between,
activate reserves during, § 8.11 § 12.4
Cuba, proclamation of embargo on Formosa and Pescadores, request for
trade with, § 12.2 authority to protect, § 11.5
Cuba, resolution regarding Soviet Formosa and Pescadores, resolution
weapons in, §§ 8.7, 8.8 to protect, §§ 8.3, 8.4
Deletion of tariff schedule amend- Funds, prohibition of, for military
ments by Senate, § 19.5 activities in North and South Viet-
Destroyers for bases, announcement nam, Laos, and Cambodia, § 10.4
of exchange of, § 11.7 Germany and foreign nations, proc-
District of Columbia government re- lamation regarding war between,
organization plan, § 23.14 § 12.4


Germany and Italy, request for dec- Italy, House declaration of war on,
laration of war on, § 11.2 § 6.3
Germany, House declaration of war Italy, Senate declaration of war on,
on, § 6.2 § 7.3
Germany, Senate declaration of war Japan, House declaration of war on,
on, § 7.2 § 6.1
Germany, termination of state of Japan, request for declaration of
war with, § 3.1 war on, § 11.1
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, §§ 8.1, 8.2 Japan, Senate declaration of war on,
Hawaii, admission of, to Union, § 2.2 § 7.1
Health, Education, and Welfare reor- Jurisdiction of bill incidentally pro-
ganization plan, acceleration of ef- ducing revenue, Senate committee,
fective date for, §§ 23.33, 23.34 § 19.2
Housing, Department of Urban Af- Korea, proclamation of national
fairs and, reorganization plan af- emergency regarding, § 12.1
fecting, § 23.13 Labor, Department of, reorganiza-
Housing, lending, and insuring agen- tion plan, §§ 23.11, 23.12
cies reorganization plan, § 23.25 Laos and Cambodia, prohibition of
Hungary, Bulgaria, and Rumania, re- military support for, § 10.2
quest for declaration of war on, Laos and Thailand, prohibition of
§ 11.3 American ground forces from,
Hungary, House declaration of war § 10.1
on, § 6.5 Laos, Cambodia, and North Vietnam,
Hungary, Senate declaration of war prohibition of funds for military
on, § 7.5 activities in, after fixed date, § 10.4
Iceland, announcement of arrival of Laos, North and South Vietnam, and
American forces in, § 11.8 Cambodia, prohibition of military
Impoundment Act of 1974, § 21 activity in, after fixed date, § 10.5
Impoundment controls by Congress, Lebanon, announcement of deploy-
§ 21 ment of Marines to, § 11.9
Infringement of House revenue pre- Lending, housing, and insuring
rogative, Senate amendment to agencies reorganization plan,
House bill as, § 19.4 § 23.25
Infringement of House revenue pre- Lend-lease Act, § 9.3
rogative, Senate amendment to Marines, announcement of deploy-
Senate bill as, § 19.3 ment of, to Lebanon, § 11.9
Insuring, lending, and housing agen- Maritime functions, reorganization
cies reorganization plan, § 23.25 plan for federal, §§ 23.20, 23.21
Interior and Agriculture, Depart- Middle Eastern nations, request for
ments of, reorganization plan af- authority to protect, § 11.4
fecting, § 23.8 Middle Eastern nations, resolution
Internal Revenue, Bureau of, and to protect, §§ 8.5, 8.6
Department of the Treasury reor- Military activities, prohibition of
ganization plan, § 23.4 funds for, in North and South Viet-
Italy and Germany, request for dec- nam, Laos, and Cambodia, after
laration of war on, § 11.2 fixed date, § 10.4


Military assistance to American Re- military activities in, after fixed

publics, § 9.2 date, § 10.4
Military forces (American), an- North and South Vietnam, Laos, and
nouncement of arrival of, in Ice- Cambodia, prohibition of military
land, § 11.8 involvement in, after fixed date,
Military forces (American), prohibi- § 10.5
tion of, from Cambodia, § 10.3 Objection to Senate general surtax
Military forces (American), prohibi- amendment to House excise tax
tion of, from Thailand and Laos, bill, tabling, § 16.1
§ 10.1 Pescadores and Formosa, request for
Military forces, inducted, limited to authority to protect, § 11.5
western hemisphere, § 9.5 Pescadores and Formosa, resolution
Military forces (Marines), announce- to protect, §§ 8.3, 8.4
ment of deployment of, to Leb- Ports (American), proclamation re-
anon, § 11.9 garding use of, by belligerent na-
Military forces, reserve, authoriza- tions, § 12.5
Postponing vote on reorganization
tion to activate, §§ 8.10, 8.11
plan, § 23.35
Military forces, reserve, limited to
Prerogative to raise revenue, Senate
western hemisphere, § 9.4
amendment to House bill as in-
Military involvement, prohibition of,
fringement of, § 19.4
in North and South Vietnam, Laos,
Prerogative to raise revenue, Senate
and Cambodia after fixed date, amendment to Senate bill as in-
§ 10.5 fringement of, § 19.3
Military support for Cambodia and Prerogatives of House, infringement
Laos prohibited, § 10.2 of, as privileged matter, § 14.1
Narcotics, Bureau of, reorganization Prerogatives of House, timeliness of
plan, § 23.5 objection to alleged Senate in-
National emergency, proclamation fringement of, § 14.2
of, regarding Korea, § 12.1 President, Executive Office of, and
National Labor Relations Board re- federal agencies, reorganization
organization plan, §§ 23.26, 23.27 plan affecting, § 23.15
National Oceanic and Atmospheric President’s authority to exchange
Administration reorganization ships for bases, opinion of Attor-
plan, § 23.28 ney General on, § 3.2
Navy, Army, and Air Force, Depart- Privileged matter, infringement of
ments of, reorganization plan af- House prerogative as, § 14.1
fecting, § 23.9 Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Neutrality Act, § 9.1 reorganization plan, § 23.30
Neutrality legislation, extraordinary Referral to committee of objection to
congressional session convened Senate authorization to use securi-
for, § 12.3 ties proceeds as debt, § 17.1
Neutrality legislation, request for, Reorganization plans
§ 11.6 ACTION, §§ 23.1, 23.2
North and South Vietnam, Laos, and Agriculture and Interior, Departments
Cambodia, prohibition of funds for of, § 23.8


Reorganization plans—Cont. Reorganization plans—Cont.

Army, Navy, and Air Force, Depart- postponing vote on, § 23.35
ments of, § 23.9 priority of consideration, § 23.36
Budget, Bureau of, § 23.3 Reconstruction Finance Corporation,
Civil Aeronautics Board, § 23.6 § 23.30
Commerce, Department of, § 23.10 Science, Office of, § 23.29
Community Relations Service, § 23.7 Securities and Exchange Commission,
District of Columbia government, §§ 23.31, 23.32
§ 23.14 Social Security Board, Federal Security
Environmental Protection Agency, Agency, and United States Employ-
§ 23.16 ment Service, § 23.23
Executive Office of the President and United States Employment Service,
federa1 agencies, § 23.15 Federal Security Agency, and Social
Federal Communications Commission, Security Board, § 23.23
§§ 23.17, 23.18 Urban Affairs and Housing, Depart-
Federal Home Loan Bank Board, ment of, § 23.13
§ 23.19 Reserve forces, authorization to acti-
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance vate, §§ 8.10, 8.11
Corporation, § 23.22 Reserve forces limited to Western
Federal Security Agency, United Hemisphere, § 9.4
States Employment Service, and So-
Return of Senate measure
cial Security Board, § 23.23
adding another tax to House bill, § 15.8
Federal Security, Federal Works, and
loan agencies and Executive Office of amending Firearms Act, § 15.7
the President, § 23.15 amending Silver Purchase Act, § 15.1
Federal Trade Commission, § 23.24 amending Tariff Act of 1930, § 15.2
Health, Education, and Welfare, De- amending tariff provisions, § 15.6
partment of, acceleration of effective exempting olympic game receipts from
date for, §§ 23.33, 23.34 taxation, § 15.3
insuring, housing, and lending agen- raising duty on fishery products, § 15.5
cies, § 23.25 redetermining sugar quota, § 15.4
Internal Revenue, Bureau of, and De- Revenue-raising prerogative, Senate
partment of the Treasury, § 23.4 amendment to House bill as in-
Labor, Department of, §§ 23.11, 23.12 fringement of, § 19.4
lending, housing, and insuring agen- Revenue-raising prerogative, Senate
cies, § 23.25 amendment to Senate bill as in-
maritime functions, §§ 23.20, 23.21 fringement of, § 19.3
Narcotics, Bureau of, § 23.5 Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, re-
National Labor Relations Board, quest for declaration of war on,
§§ 23.26, 23.27 § 11.3
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- Rumania, House declaration of war
ministration, § 23.28 on, § 6.6
Navy, Army, and Air Force, Depart- Rumania, Senate declaration of war
ments of, § 23.9 on, § 7.6


Science, Office of, reorganization Timetable for budget preparation,

plan affecting, § 23.29 § 21
Securities and Exchange Commis- Treasury, Department of, and Bu-
sion reorganization plan, § § 23.31, reau of Internal Revenue reorga-
23.32 nization plan, § 23.4
Senate appropriation for Depart- United States Employment Service,
ment of Agriculture, § 20.2 Federal Security Agency, and So-
Senate appropriation for District of cial Security Board reorganization
Columbia, §§ 20.3, 20.4 plan, § 23.23
Senate authority to appropriate, res- Urban Affairs and Housing, Depart-
olution regarding, § 20.1 ment of, reorganization plan,
Senate bill, committee approval of § 23.13
House bill in lieu of, §§ 18.4, 18.5 Veto of War Powers Resolution, § 4.1
Senate bill, floor approval of House Vice President, confirmation of Ger-
bill in lieu of, §§ 18.1-18.3
ald R. Ford as, § 22.1
Senate bill, return of, see Return of
Vietnam, North and South, Cam-
Senate measure
bodia and Laos, prohibition of
Senate committee jurisdiction of bill
incidentally producing revenue, funds for military activities in,
§ 19.2 after fixed date, § 10.4
Senate deletion of tariff schedule Vietnam, North and South, Cam-
amendments, § 19.5 bodia and Laos, prohibition of
Senate infringement of House pre- military activity in, after fixed
rogatives, timeliness of objection date, § 10.5
to, § 14.2 War
Senate withdrawal of Internal Rev- Bulgaria, declaration of war on, by
enue Code amendments, § 19.6 House, § 6.4
Social Security Board, Federal Secu- Bulgaria, declaration of war on, by
rity Agency, and United States Em- Senate, § 7.4
ployment Service reorganization Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania, re-
plan, § 23.23 quest for declaration of war on,
South and North Vietnam, Laos, and § 11.3
Cambodia, prohibition of funds for
Germany and foreign nations, procla-
military activities in, after fixed
mation regarding war between,
date, § 10.4
§ 12.4
States, admission of, to Union
Alaska, § 2.1 Germany and Italy, request for dec-
laration of war on, § 11.2
Hawaii, § 2.2
Germany, declaration of war on, by
Tabling objection to Senate general
House, § 6.2
surtax amendment to House excise
tax bill, § 16.1 Germany, declaration of war on by
Thailand and Laos, prohibition of Senate, § 7.2
American ground forces from, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Rumania, re-
§ 10.1 quest for declaration of war on,
Timeliness of objection to alleged § 11.3
Senate infringement of House pre- Hungary, declaration of war on, by
rogatives, § 14.2 House, § 6.5


War—Cont. War—Cont.
Hungary, declaration of war on, by Rumania, declaration of war on, by
Senate, § 7.5 House, § 6.6
Italy and Germany, request for dec-
laration of war on, § 11.2 Rumania, declaration of war on, by
Italy, declaration of war on, by House, Senate, § 7.6
§ 6.3 War Powers Resolution
Italy, declaration of war on, by Senate,
§ 7.3 passage of, § 4.2
Japan, declaration of war on, by veto of, § 4.1
House, § 6.1
Western Hemisphere, inducted land
Japan, declaration of war on, by Sen-
ate, § 7.1 forces limited to, § 9.5
Japan, request for declaration of war Western Hemisphere, reserve forces
on, § 11.1 limited to, § 9.4
Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, re-
quest for declaration of war on, Withdrawal of Internal Revenue
§ 11.3 Code amendments by Senate, § 19.6

Powers and Prerogatives of the House


§ 1. Scope states concerned as well as the

This chapter does not exhaus-
tively treat the powers of Con-
gress enumerated in the Constitu- Alaska
tion. It is intended, rather, as a
discussion of selected areas, in- § 2.1 The House and Senate
cluding some in which issues have agreed to a bill admitting
arisen, or may arise, as to the rel- Alaska into the Union.
ative scope of authority of Con-
gress and other branches of gov- The House on May 28, 1958,(3)
ernment.(1) and the Senate on June 30,
1958,(4) agreed to H.R. 7999, ad-
mitting Alaska into the Union.
§ 2. Admitting States to The measure was approved on
the Union July 7, 1958.(5)

Article IV, section 3, clause 1, Hawaii

empowers Congress to admit new
states to the Union. No new state § 2.2 The Senate and House
may be formed within the jurisdic- agreed to a bill admitting
tion of any other state or by the Hawaii into the Union.
junction of two or more states, or
parts of states, without the con- 2. See House Rules and Manual § 216
sent of the legislatures of the two (1973); and Constitution of the
United States of America: Analysis
1. See Ch. 11, supra, for a discussion of and Interpretation, S. Doc. No. 9282,
the related subject, privilege of the 92d Cong. 2d Sess., pp. 842–845
House, and Ch. 24, infra, for a dis- (1973) for discussion of this provi-
cussion of congressional vetoes. sion.
See also 2 Hinds’ Precedents 3. 104 CONG. REC. 9756, 9757, 85th
§§ 1480–1561; and 6 Cannon’s Prece- Cong. 2d Sess.
dents §§ 314–329, for treatment of 4. Id. at p. 12650.
precedents arising prior to 1936. 5. 572 Stat. 339 (Pub. L. No. 85–508).


The Senate on Mar. 11, 1959,6 to S. 50 in lieu of H.R. 4221.8 S.

and the House on Mar. 12, 1959,7
50 was approved on Mar. 18,
agreed to S. 50 admitting Hawaii
into the Union. The House agreed 1959.9


§ 3. In General essary and proper for carrying into

Execution the foregoing Powers, and
all other Powers vested by this Con-
Article I, section 8, clauses 11– stitution in the Government of the
14 of the Constitution describe the United States, or in any Department
fundamental war powers of Con- or Officer thereof.
gress, including: A more general grant of authority
To declare War, grant Letters of appears in article I, section 8,
Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules clause 1, ‘‘Congress shall have
concerning Captures on Land and Power to lay and collect Taxes,
Water; (10) Duties, Imposts and Excises, to
To raise and support Armies, but no pay the Debts and provide for the
Appropriation of Money to that Use
shall be for a longer Term than two
common Defense and general Wel-
Years; fare of the United States. . . .’’
To provide and maintain a Navy; In addition to these powers, ar-
To make Rules for the Government ticle I, section 8, clauses 15 and
and Regulation of the land and naval 16 grant Congress power over the
Forces. . . . militia, including:
Like all powers of Congress, the To provide for calling forth the Mili-
war power must also be under- tia to execute the Laws of the Union,
stood in light of the general grant suppress Insurrections and repel Inva-
of legislative authority of article I, sions;
section 8, clause 18: To provide for organizing, arming,
and disciplining, the Militia, and for
The Congress shall have Power . . . governing such Part of them as may be
To make all Laws which shall be nec- employed in the Service of the United

6. 105 CONG. REC. 3890, 86th Cong. 1st the unanimous-consent agreement to
Sess. consider S. 50 in lieu of H.R. 4221.
7. Id. at pp. 4038, 4039. 9. 73 Stat. 4 (Pub. L. No. 86–3).
8. See 105 CONG. REC. 4005, 86th 10. See § 5, infra, for a discussion of au-
Cong. 1st Sess., Mar. 12, 1959, for thority to declare war.


States, reserving to the States respec- the Army and Navy of the United
tively, the Appointment of the Officers, States, and of the Militia of the
and the Authority of training the Mili-
several States, when called into
tia according to the discipline pre-
scribed by Congress. . . . the actual Service of the United
States. . . .’’
Closely related to authority to The precedents in this division
protect the states is article IV, focus primarily on congressional
section 4, which imposes duties on authorization of and limitations
the United States without speci- on use of force by the Commander
fying a particular political depart- in Chief.(13)
ment: Although the Supreme Court
The United States shall guarantee to has declined to pass on the con-
every State in this Union a Republican stitutionality of the ‘‘peacetime’’
Form of Government, and shall protect draft, lower courts have uniformly
each of them against Invasion; and on
Application of the Legislature, or of the
held that the congressional power
Executive (when the Legislature can- to raise armies is not limited by
not be convened) against domestic vio- the absence of a declaration of
lence. war.(14) In upholding a statute
Significant among constitutional prohibiting destruction of a selec-
grants of authority are provisions tive service registrant’s registra-
relating to raising and supporting tion certificate, Chief Justice War-
an army and providing and main- ren, speaking for the court major-
ity, observed that, ‘‘. . . the power
taining a navy. Pursuant to this
of Congress to classify and con-
authority Congress prohibited use
script manpower for military serv-
of conscripts and reserves beyond
the Western Hemisphere prior to 13. See §§ 5, 8, infra, for discussion of
World War II(11) and prohibited the authorization of use of force by
expenditure or obligation of funds declaration of war and by statute, re-
for military purposes in certain spectively; and §§ 9, 10, infra, for
countries of Indochina during the precedents relating to restrictions on
use of force.
conflict in Vietnam.(12)
14. Constitution of the United States of
Article II, section 2, clause 1 America: Analysis and Interpreta-
provides that, ‘‘The President tion, S. Doc. No. 92–82, 92d Cong. 2d
shall be Commander in Chief of Sess., p. 331 (1973). See, for exam-
ple, Hart v United States, 382 F2d
11. See §§ 9.4, 9.5, infra, for illustrations 1020 (3d Cir. 1967), cert. denied, 391
of these restrictions. U.S. 956 (1968); and United States v
12. See the precedents in § 10, infra, for Holmes, 387 F2d 781 (7th Cir. 1967),
these restrictions. cert. denied, 391 U.S. 936 (1968).


ice is ‘beyond question.’ ’’ (15) In a committing troops to hostilities,

dissent, Justice Douglas denied and include discussion of institu-
that the question of peacetime tional means to insure congres-
conscription was settled.(16) sional judgment in such cir-
Wartime conscription does not cumstances; (19) declarations of
deprive the states of the right to a war; (20) authorization of use of
well-regulated militia or violate force and activation of reserves by
the 13th amendment which pro- legislation short of declarations of
hibits involuntary servitude.(17) In
making this determination, the war; (1) restrictions on use of force
Supreme Court rejected the con- and deployment of troops before
tention that congressional power World War II (2) and during the
to exact compulsory service was Vietnam era; (3) receipt of Presi-
limited to calling forth the militia dential messages; (4) and publica-
for the three purposes specified in tion of Presidential proclama-
the Constitution,(18) despite the tions.(5)
fact that none of these purposes
Collateral References (6)
explicitly comprehend service
abroad. Berdahl, Clarence Arthur. War Powers of
The sections in this division the Executive in the United States.
focus on the role of Congress in Johnson Reprint Corp., New York 1970
15. United States v O’Brien, 391 U.S. Berger, Raoul. War-making by the Presi-
367, 377 (1967). The internal dent. 121 U. of Pa. L. Rev. 29–86 (Nov.
quotation was taken from Lichter v 1972). See 119 CONG. REC. 4568–84,
United States, 334 U.S. 742, 756 93d Cong. 1st Sess., Feb. 20, 1973, for
(1948) which upheld the wartime re- a reprint of this article.
negotiation Act as a constitutional Bickel, Alexander. Congress, the Presi-
exercise of the authority of Congress dent and the Power to Wage War. 48
to ‘‘make all Laws which shall be
necessary and proper for carrying 19. § 4, infra.
into Execution the foregoing Pow- 20. §§ 5–7, infra.
ers.’’ 1. § 8, infra.
16. United States v O’Brien, 391 U.S. 2. § 9, infra.
367, 389 (1967). See his dissent to 3. § 10, infra.
the denial of certiorari in Holmes v 4. § 11, infra.
United States, 391 U.S. 936 (1968). 5. § 12, infra.
17. Selective Draft Law Cases, 245 U.S. 6. The articles in this section relate to
381 (1918). war powers generally. See collateral
18. Id. These purposes are to execute the references in § 4, infra, War Powers
laws of the Union, suppress insurrec- Act, and § 10, infra, Vietnam Era Re-
tions, and repel invasions. See U.S. strictions on Military Activity, for ar-
Const. art. I, § 8, clause 15. ticles relating to these areas.


Chicago-Kent L. Rev. 131 (Fall-Winter Moore, John Norton. The National Exec-
1971). utive and the Use of Armed Forces
Campisi, Dominic J. Honored in the Abroad. 21 Naval War Coll. Rev. 28
Breech: Presidential Authority to Exe- (1969), reprinted in The Vietnam War
cute the Laws with Military Force. 83 and International Law, Princeton Uni-
Yale L.J. 130 (1973). versity Press, Princeton, N.J. 808
Coolidge, Francis L., Jr., and Sharrow, (1969).
Joel David. The War-Making Powers: Pusey, Merlo John. The Way We Go to
The Intentions of the Framers in Light War. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston
of Parliamentary History. 50 Boston (1969).
U.L.R. 4 (Spring 1970). Ratner, Leonard G. The Coordinated
Deutsch, Eberhard P. The President as War-Making Power—Legislative, Exec-
Commander in Chief. 57 A.B.A.J. 27 utive, and Judicial Roles. 44 So. Calif.
(1971). L. Rev. 461–89 (Winter 1971).
Emerson, J. Terry. War Powers: An Inva- Rehnquist, William H. The Constitu-
sion of Presidential Prerogative. 58 tional Issues—Administration Position.
A.B.A.J. 809 (1972). 45 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 628–39 (June 1970).
Fulbright, J. W. Congress, the President Reveley, W. Taylor, III. Presidential
and the War Power. 25 Ark. L. Rev. War-Making: Constitutional Preroga-
71–84 (Spring 1971). tive or Usurpation? 55 Va. L. Rev.
Goldwater, Barry M. The President’s 1243–305 (Nov. 1969).
Constitutional Primacy in Foreign Re- Rogers, William P. Congress, the Presi-
lations and National Defense. 13 Va. dent, and the War Powers. 59 Calif. L.
Jour. of International Law 463–89 Rev. 1194–214 (Sept. 1971).
(Summer 1973). Round Table: The Role of Congress. 65
Keown, Stuart S. The President, the American Journal of International Law
Congress, and the Power to Declare 168 (Sept. 1971) [proceedings of the
War. 16 U. of Kansas L.R. 82 (Nov. American Society of International Law
1967). at its 65th annual meeting, Wash.,
Lofgren, Charles A. War-Making Under D.C., Apr. 29, May 1, 1971 (partici-
the Constitution: The Original Under- pants: Jacob Javits, Paul Findley,
standing. Yale L.J. 672 (1972). George Ball, and McGeorge Bundy)].
May, Ernest. The Ultimate Decision: The Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. Congress and
President as Commander in Chief. G. the Making of American Foreign Pol-
Braziller (1960). icy. 5 Foreign Affairs 78 (Oct. 1972).
McKay, Robert B. The Constitutional Shaffer, Lewis A. Presidential Power to
Issues—the Opposition Position. 45 Make War. 7 Ind. L. Rev. 900–24
N.Y.U.L.R. 640 (1970) [reply to (1974).
Rehnquist, William H., The Constitu- Velvel, L. R. Constitution and the War:
tional Issues—Administration Position, Some Major Issues. 49 Jour. of Urban
45 N.Y.U.L.R. 628 (1970)]. Law—U. of Detroit 231–95 (Nov.
Monaghan, Henry P. Presidential War- 1971).
Making. 50 Boston U.L.R. 19 (Spring Wright, Quincy. The Power of the Execu-
1970). tive to Use Military Forces Abroad. 10


Va. Jour. of International Law 42–57 America in Congress assembled, That

(Dec. 1969). the state of war declared to exist be-
tween the United States and the Gov-
ernment of Germany by the joint reso-
lution of Congress approved December
Termination of State of War
11, 1941, is hereby terminated and
With Germany such termination shall take effect on
the date of enactment of this resolu-
§ 3.1 The House and Senate tion: Provided, however, That notwith-
agreed to a House joint reso- standing this resolution and any proc-
lution terminating the state lamation issued by the President pur-
of war between the United suant thereto, any property or interest
States and the government of which prior to January 1, 1947, was
Germany. subject to vesting or seizure under the
provisions of the Trading With the
On July 27, 1951,(7) the House Enemy Act of October 6, 1917 (40 Stat.
by a vote of yeas 379, present 1, 411), as amended, or which has here-
not voting 53, agreed to a House tofore been vested or seized under that
joint resolution, terminating the Act, including accruals to or proceeds
state of war between the United of any such property or interest, shall
States and the Government of continue to be subject to the provisions
Germany. On Oct. 18, 1951,(8) the of that Act in the same manner and to
Senate by voice vote passed the the same extent as if this resolution
measure (9) which was approved had not been adopted and such procla-
by the President in the following mation had not been issued. Nothing
form: (10) herein and nothing in such proclama-
tion shall alter the status, as it existed
immediately prior hereto, under that
To terminate the state of war between
Act, of Germany or of any person with
the United States and the
respect to any such property or inter-
Government of Germany.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Approved October 19, 1951.
Representatives of the United States of

7. 97 CONG. REC. 9036, 9049, 9050, 82d

Attorney General’s Opinion Re-
Cong. 1st Sess. garding President’s Authority
8. 97 CONG. REC. 13438, 13443, 82d to Exchange Ships for Bases
Cong. 1st Sess.
9. See 97 CONG. REC. 13785, 82d Cong. § 3.2 The House received an
1st Sess., Oct. 20, 1951, for notifica- opinion of the Attorney Gen-
tion to the Clerk of Presidential ap- eral outlining the President’s
10. This excerpt is taken from 65 Stat.
authority to acquire offshore
451, 82d Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub. L. No. naval and air bases from
82–181). Great Britain and transfer

American destroyers to British Guiana, such rights to endure

Great Britain. for a period of 99 years and to include
adequate provisions for access to and
On Sept. 3, 1940,(11) the House defense of such bases and appropriate
received an opinion from the At- provisions for their control.
torney General (12) as to the au- (b) In consideration it is proposed to
thority of the President to enter transfer to Great Britain the title and
possession of certain over-age ships
into agreements for the acquisi- and obsolescent military materials now
tion of offshore military bases (see the property of the United States and
below). The opinion accompanied certain other small patrol boats which,
the President’s message regarding though nearly completed, are already
the agreements in question.(13) obsolescent.
AUGUST 27, 1940. (c) Upon such transfer all obligation
The PRESIDENT, of the United States is discharged. . . .
The White House. [Our Government] undertakes no de-
fense of the possessions of any country.
MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: In accord- In short, it acquires optional bases
ance with your request, I have consid- which may be developed as Congress
ered your constitutional and statutory appropriates funds therefor, but the
authority to proceed by Executive United States does not assume any
agreement with the British Govern- continuing or future obligation, com-
ment immediately to acquire for the mitment, or alliance.
United States certain offshore naval The questions of constitutional and
and air bases in the Atlantic Ocean statutory authority, with which alone I
without awaiting the inevitable delays am concerned, seem to be these:
which would accompany the conclusion First. May such an acquisition be
of a formal treaty. concluded by the President under an
The essential characteristics of the Executive agreement, or must it be ne-
proposal are: gotiated as a treaty, subject to ratifica-
(a) The United States to acquire tion by the Senate?
rights for immediate establishment Second. Does authority exist in the
and use of naval and air bases in New- President to alienate the title to such
foundland, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Ja- ships and obsolescent materials; and if
maica, Santa Lucia, Trinidad, and so, on what conditions?
Third. Do the statutes of the United
11. 86 CONG. REC. 11355–57, 76th Cong. States limit the right to deliver the so-
3d Sess. called mosquito boats now under con-
12. See Borchard, The Attorney Gen- struction or the over-age destroyers by
eral’s Opinion on the Exchange of reason of the belligerent status of
Destroyers for Naval Bases, 34 Great Britain? . . .
American Journal of International Accordingly you are respectfully ad-
Law 690 (1940). vised:
13. See § 11.7, infra, for the text of the (a) That the proposed arrangement
President’s message. may be concluded as an Executive


agreement, effective without awaiting The conferees resolved a major

ratification. difference in the two measures
(b) That there is Presidential power
to transfer title and possession of the which related to defining the au-
proposed considerations upon certifi- thority of the Commander in
cation by appropriate staff officers. Chief to deploy troops. S. 440, sec-
(c) That the dispatch of the so-called tion 3, provided that in the ab-
mosquito boats would constitute a vio-
lation of the statute law of the United sence of a congressional declara-
States, but with that exception there is tion of war armed forces could be
no legal obstacle to the consummation introduced only in certain cir-
of the transaction, in accordance, of cumstances, including repulsion of
course, with the applicable provisions
of the Neutrality Act as to delivery. an armed attack, protection of
Respectfully submitted. American citizens being evacuated
ROBERT H. JACKSON, in situations of danger abroad,
Attorney General.
and pursuant to specific statutory
authorization. Sections of the Sen-
ate bill which related to reporting,
§ 4. War Powers Act
period of commitment, termi-
To ensure proper legislative nation dates, and congressional
branch participation in decisions procedures were expressly tied to
to deploy American forces, legisla- section 3. House Joint Resolution
tion on war powers was intro- 542 did not contain a similar pro-
duced in the 91st and 92d Con- vision.
gresses.(14) Section 2(c) in the ‘‘Purpose and
In 1973 the House approved Policy’’ provisions of the resolution
House Joint Resolution 542. The agreed to by the conferees states:
Senate struck all after the enact-
ing clause and inserted in lieu The constitutional powers of the
thereof the language of S. 440. President as Commander in Chief to
introduce United States Armed Forces
Following a conference, a com-
into hostilities, or into situations
promise between the House and where imminent involvement in hos-
Senate versions was agreed to.(1) tilities is clearly indicated by the cir-
cumstances, are exercised only pursu-
14. See, for example, H.J. Res. 1355,
ant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) spe-
91st Cong. 2d Sess. (1970); S. 2956,
cific statutory authorization, or (3) a
92d Cong. 1st Sess. (1971); H.J. Res.
national emergency created by attack
1, 92d Cong. 1st Sess. (1971); S. 731,
upon the United States, its territories
92d Cong. 1st Sess. (1971).
or possessions, or its armed forces.
1. See § 4.2, infra, for the vote over-
riding the President’s veto of the Unlike the Senate bill, no subse-
compromise, H.J. Res. 542. quent section of the resolution re-

fers to section 2(c), the description case with a similar provision of the
of war powers of the Commander Senate bill (section 3).
in Chief. Much of the debate on This statement supports an infer-
the conference report focused on ence that section 2(c) does not ex-
whether the President could intro- haustively define all cir-
duce troops only in the situations cumstances in which the Presi-
described in section 2(c) and in no dent may deploy troops.
other situation (2) or whether that A nonrestrictive interpretation
section merely stated his author- of the three situations described
ity in a manner which did not in section 2(c) avoids the question
limit his authority to deploy whether Congress may define the
troops.(3) The most revealing ex- constitutional authority of the
pression of the intent of the con- Commander in Chief by statute
ferees on this controversy appears rather than constitutional amend-
in two sentences in the conference ment. The President in his veto
report: (4) message asserted that a constitu-
Section 2(c) is a statement of the au- tional amendment is the only way
thority of the Commander in Chief re- in which constitutional authorities
specting the introduction of United of another branch of government
States Armed Forces into hostilities. may be altered. A statutory at-
. . . Subsequent sections of the joint
resolution are not dependent upon thc
tempt to make such alterations is
language of this subsection, as was the ‘‘clearly without force.’’ (5) The con-
gressional view on this matter is
2. Section 2(a) of the act states that in- expressed in section 2(b) of the
suring the collective judgment of act. Citing and interpreting article
Congress and the President in the I, section 8, clause 11, of the Con-
introduction of American forces into stitution, section 2(b) states the
hostilities is a purpose of the act.
constitutional provision:
3. In his veto message the President,
applying the restrictive interpreta- . . . [P]rovided that the Congress
tion of § 2(c), stated that America’s shall have power to make all laws nec-
effective response in the Berlin crisis essary and proper for carrying into
of 1961, Cuban missile crisis of 1962, execution, not only its own powers but
Congo rescue operation of 1964, and also all other powers vested by the
the Jordanian crisis of 1970, would Constitution in the Government of the
have been ‘‘vastly complicated or United States or in any department or
even made impossible.’’ (See 119 officer thereof.
CONG. REC. 34990, 34991, 93d Cong. Section 3 of the resolution im-
1st Sess., Oct. 25, 1973.) poses on the President a duty ‘‘in
4. H. REPT. No. 93–547, 2 U.S. Code
legis. and Adm. News, p. 2364 (1973) 5. See § 4.1, infra, for the veto message.


every possible instance’’ to consult propriate action by the Congress,

with Congress before introducing and requires the President to ter-
troops and to consult regularly minate use of armed forces within
after such introduction until 60 days after submission of the re-
armed forces are no longer en- port, unless Congress (1) has de-
gaged in hostilities or have been clared war or enacted specific au-
removed from such situations. The thorization, (2) has by law ex-
conferees explained that this pro- tended the 60-day period, or (3) is
vision is not a limitation upon or physically unable to meet. The 60-
substitute for other provisions of day period may be extended not
the resolution. The conferees in- more than 30 days. Notwith-
tended that consultations take standing the 60-day provision,
place even when advance con- forces engaged in hostilities out-
sultation is not possible.(6) side the United States, its posses-
Section 4 provides that in the sions, and territories must be re-
absence of a declaration of war, in moved by the President if Con-
any case in which United States gress so directs by concurrent res-
Armed Forces are introduced in olution.(7)
certain circumstances, the Presi- Section 6 mandates that a joint
dent must submit within 48 hours resolution or bill declaring war or
to the Speaker and President pro
tempore specified information as 7. Id. Statutes have been adopted
which authorize the use of concur-
well as any other information
rent resolutions to achieve congres-
Congress requests. The President sional purposes and which apply pro-
must continue to make reports pe- cedures patterned after the War
riodically as long as troops are en- Powers Act. Thus, the statute imple-
gaged in hostilities but not less menting the United States proposal
often than once every six months. for an early warning system in Sinai
The objective of this section, ex- empowers Congress by concurrent
plained the conferees, is to insure resolution to remove U.S. civilian
personnel from Sinai if it determines
that Congress by right and as a
that their safety is jeopardized or
matter of law will be provided that continuation of their role is no
with all the information it needs longer necessary. 22 USC § 2441
to carry out its responsibilities. note, Pub. L. No. 94–110, 89 Stat.
Section 5 relates to referral of 572, Oct. 13, 1975. The National
the report to committee and ap- Emergencies Act authorizes Con-
gress by concurrent resolution to ter-
6. See H. REPT. No. 93–547, 2 U.S. minate a national emergency. 50
Code Legis. and Adm. News, p. 2364 USC § 1622, Pub. L. No. 94–412, 90
(1973). Stat. 1255, Sept. 14, 1976.


authorizing use of armed forces President to remove forces en-

introduced at least 30 days prior gaged in hostilities be referred to
to the 60-day period specified in the House Committee on Foreign
section 5 be referred in the House Affairs or to the Senate Com-
to the Committee on Foreign Af- mittee on Foreign Relations, as
fairs (renamed the Committee on the case may be. Such committee
International Relations on Mar. must report with recommenda-
19, 1975). When reported by the tions within 15 calendar days un-
committee, the measure becomes less otherwise determined by the
the pending business and is voted yeas and nays. Such resolution be-
on within three calendar days comes the pending business of the
thereafter unless otherwise deter- House in question. After passage
mined by the yeas and nays. After in one House, the resolution is to
passage in one House, the meas- be referred to the counterpart
ure is to be referred to the coun- committee in the other House,
terpart committee of the other and is to be reported out with rec-
House and reported out not later ommendations within 15 calendar
than 14 calendar days before the days, at which time it becomes the
expiration of the 60-day period pending business of that House.
and then voted on. In the case of In the case of disagreement be-
disagreement between the two tween the two Houses, conferees
Houses, conferees are appointed, must be promptly appointed. The
and the conference committee conference committee must report
must report on the measure no on the measure within six cal-
later than four calendar days be- endar days after referral to the
fore the expiration of the 60-day committee of conference. Such re-
period. If conferees cannot agree port must be acted on by both
within 48 hours, they report back Houses not later than six calendar
to their respective Houses in dis- days after the report is filed.
agreement. Notwithstanding any Section 8, relating to interpreta-
rule concerning printing or delay tion of the joint resolution, states
of consideration of conference re- that authority to introduce troops
ports, the report must be acted on shall not be inferred from any pro-
by both Houses not later than the vision of law unless such provision
expiration of the 60-day period. specifically authorizes introduc-
Section 7 provides that a con- tion of forces, or from any treaty
current resolution introduced pur- unless it is implemented by legis-
suant to section 5 directing the lation specifically authorizing in-


troduction of forces. The joint res- Powers. 35 Albany L. Rev. 632–37

olution does not necessitate fur- (1971).
ther specific statutory authoriza- Jenkins, Gerald L. The War Powers Res-
olution: Statutory Limitation on the
tion to permit American participa-
Commander in Chief. 11 Harv. Jour.
tion in headquarters operations on Legislation 181–204 (Feb. 1974).
with armed forces of one or more Rostow, Eugene V. Great Cases Make
foreign countries. The term ‘‘intro- Bad Law: The War Powers Act. 50 Tex.
duction of United States Armed L. Rev. 833–900 (May 1972).
Forces’’ is clarified. The joint reso- Scribner, Jeffrey L. The President Versus
lution does not alter constitutional Congress on War-Making Authority. 52
authority of the President or Con- Military Rev. 87 (Apr. 1972).
gress. It does not grant any au- Spong, W. B., Jr. Can Balance Be Re-
stored in the Constitutional War Pow-
thority to the President which he
ers of the Prcsident and Congress? 6
would not have had in the ab- U. of Richmond L. Rev. 1–47 (Fall
sence of the joint resolution. 1971).
Sections 9 and 10 relate to Wallace, Don, Jr. War-making Powers: A
separability of provisions and the Constitution Flaw? 57 Cornell L. Rev.
effective date, respectively. 719–76 (May 1972).
War Powers Legislation, Hearings before
Collateral References (8) the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
Congress, the President, and War Pow- mittee, 92d Cong. 1st Sess. (1971).
ers, hearings before the Subcommittee Wooters, Garry J. The Appropriations
on National Security Policy and Sci- Power as a Tool of Congressional For-
entific Developments of the House eign Policy Making, 50 Boston U.L.R.
Committee on Foreign Affairs 91st 34; reprinted in The Vietnam War and
Cong. 2d Sess. (1970). International Law: The Widening Con-
Congress and the War Powers. 37 Mo. L. text, Princeton University Press,
Rev. 1–32 (Winter 1972). Princeton, N.J., 606 (1972).
Eagleton, Thomas F. August 15 Com-
promise and the War Powers of Con-
gress. 18 St. Louis U.L. Jour. 1–11
(Fall 1973). Veto of War Powers Resolution
Emerson, J. T. War Powers Legislation,
74 W. Va. L.R. 53 (Nov.–Jan. 1971– § 4.1 The War Powers Resolu-
1972). tion was vetoed by the Presi-
Javits, Jacob K. Congress and the Presi- dent.
dent: A Modern Delineation of the War
On Oct. 25, 1973,(9) the Presi-
8. See also the collateral references in dent’s veto message outlining his
§ 3, supra, and § 10, infra, relating to
war powers generally and Vietnam 9. 119 CONG. REC. 34990, 34991, 93d
era restrictions on military activity. Cong. 1st Sess.


objections to the War Powers Res- other would allow the Congress to
eliminate certain authorities merely
olution was laid before the House. by the passage of a concurrent reso-
The Speaker (10) laid before the lution—an action which does not
House the following veto message from normally have the force of law, since
the President of the United States: it denies the President his constitu-
tional role in approving legislation.
To the House of Representatives: I believe that both these provisions
I hereby return without my ap- are unconstitutional. The only way
proval House Joint Resolution 542— in which the constitutional powers of
the War Powers Resolution. While I a branch of the Government can be
am in accord with thc desire of the altered is by amending the Constitu-
Congress to assert its proper role in tion—and any attempt to make such
the conduct of our foreign affairs the alterations by legislation alone is
restrictions which this resolution clearly without force.
would impose upon the authority of While I firmly believe that a veto
the President are both unconstitu- of House Joint Resolution 542 is
tional and dangerous to the best in- warranted solely on constitutional
terests of our Nation. grounds, I am also deeply disturbed
The proper roles of the Congress by the practical consequences of this
and the Executive in the conduct of resolution. For it would seriously un-
foreign affairs have been debated dermine this Nation’s ability to act
since the founding of our country. decisively and convincingly in times
Only recently, however, has there of international crisis. . . .
been a serious challenge to the wis- I am particularly disturbed by the
dom of the Founding Fathers in fact that certain of the President’s
choosing not to draw a precise and constitutional powers as Commander
detailed line of demarcation between in Chief of the Armed Forces would
the foreign policy powers of the two terminate automatically under this
branches. resolution 60 days after they were
The Founding Fathers understood invoked. No overt Congressional ac-
the impossibility of foreseeing every tion would be required to cut off
contingency that might arise in this these powers—they would disappear
complex area. They acknowledged automatically unless the Congress
the need for flexibility in responding extended them. . . .
to changing circumstances. They rec- This Administration is dedicated
ognized that foreign policy decisions to strengthening cooperation be-
must be made through close coopera- tween the Congress and the Presi-
tion between the two branches and dent in the conduct of foreign affairs
not through rigidly codified proce- and to preserving the constitutional
dures. . . . prerogatives of both branches of our
House Joint Resolution 542 would Government. I know that the Con-
attempt to take away, bv a mere leg- gress shares that goal. A commission
islative act, authorities which the on the constitutional roles of the
President has properly exercised Congress and the President would
under the Constitution for almost provide a useful opportunity for both
200 years. One of its provisions branches to work together toward
would automatically cut off certain that common objective.
authorities after sixty days unless RICHARD NIXON,
the Congress extended them. An-
10. Carl Albert (Okla.). October 24, 1973.


Passage of War Powers Resolu- affirmative, agreed to override the

tion President’s veto of House Joint
Resolution 542, the War Powers
§ 4.2 By a two-thirds vote in Resolution, which became law on
each body, the House and Nov. 7, 1973, in the following
Senate overrode the Presi- form: (l3)
dent’s veto of the War Pow-
ers Resolution. SHORT TITLE
On Nov. 7, 1973, the House by Section 1. This joint resolution may
a vote of yeas 284, nays 135, not be cited as the ‘‘War Powers Resolu-
voting 14,(11) and the Senate by a tion’’.
vote of yeas 75, nays 18,(12) two-
thirds in each body voting in the
Sec. 2. (a) It is the purpose of this
11. 119 CONG. REC. 36202, 36221, joint resolution to fulfill the intent of
36222, 93d Cong. 1st Sess. See also the framers of the Constitution of the
119 CONG. REC. 24707, 24708, 93d United States and insure that the col-
Cong. 1st Sess., July 18, 1973, for lective judgment of both the Congress
initial House approval of this joint and the President will apply to the in-
resolution (H. Rept. No. 93–287, 93d troduction of United States Armed
Cong. 1st Sess. [1973]); and 119 Forces into hostilities, or into situa-
CONG. REC. 33858, 33873, 33874, tions where imminent involvement in
93d Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 12, 1973, hostilities is clearly indicated by the
for consideration and approval of the circumstances, and to the continued
conference report (H. Rept. No. 93– use of such forces in hostilities or in
547) by a vote of yeas 238, nays 123, such situations.
not voting 73. (b) Under article I, section 8, of the
12. 119 CONG. REC. 36175, 36197, Constitution, it is specifically provided
36198, 93d Cong. 1st Sess. See also that the Congress shall have the power
119 CONG. REC. 25120, 93d Cong. 1st to make all laws necessary and proper
Sess., July 20, 1973, for unanimous- for carrying into execution, not only its
consent agreement to strike from own powers but also all other powers
H.J. Res. 542 all after the resolving vested by the Constitution in the Gov-
clause and substitute therefor the ernment of the United States, or in
text of the Senate version of the War any department or officer thereof.
Powers Resolution, S. 440, which the (c) The constitutional powers of the
Senate had just approved (p. 25119) President as Commander-in-Chief to
by a vote of yeas 72, nays 18 (S. introduce United States Armed Forces
Rept. No. 220, 93d Cong. 1st Sess.
[1973]); and 119 CONG. REC. 33569, 13. This excerpt is taken from 87 Stat.
93d Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 10, 1973, 555, 93d Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub. L. No.
for Senate approval of the conference 93–148). It is codified at 50 USC
report by a vote of yeas 75, nays 20. §§ 1541 et seq.


into hostilities, or into situations pro tempore of the Senate a report in

where imminent involvement in hos- writing, setting forth—
tilities is clearly indicated by the cir- (A) the circumstances necessi-
cumstances, are exercised only pursu- tating the introduction of United
ant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) spe- States Armed Forces;
cific statutory authorization, or (3) a (B) the constitutional and legisla-
national emergency created by attack tive authority under which such in-
troduction took place; and
upon the United States, its territories (C) the estimated scope and dura-
or possessions, or its armed forces. tion of the hostilities or involvement.
CONSULTATION (b) The President shall provide such
other information as the Congress may
Sec. 3. The President in every pos-
request in the fulfillment of its con-
sible instance shall consult with Con-
stitutional responsibilities with respect
gress before introducing United States
to committing the Nation to war and to
Armed Forces into hostilities or into
the use of United States Armed Forces
situations where imminent involve-
ment in hostilities is clearly indicated
(c) Whenever United States Armed
by the circumstances, and after every
Forces are introduced into hostilities or
such introduction shall consult regu-
into any situation described in sub-
larly with the Congress until United
section (a) of this section, the President
States Armed Forces are no longer en-
shall], so long as such armed forces
gaged in hostilities or have been re-
continue to be engaged in such hos-
moved from such situations.
tilities or situation, report to the Con-
REPORTING gress periodically on the status of such
hostilities or situation as well as on
Sec. 4. (a) In the absence of a dec- the scope and duration of such hos-
laration of war, in any case in which tilities or situation, but in no event
United States Armed Forces are shall he report to the Congress less
introduced— often than once every six months.
(1) into hostilities or into situa-
tions where imminent involvement CONGRESSIONAL ACTION
in hostilities is clearly indicated by Sec. 5. (a) Each report submitted
the circumstances;
(2) into the territory, airspace or pursuant to section 4(a) (1) shall be
waters of a foreign nation, while transmitted to the Speaker of the
equipped for combat, except for de- House of Representatives and to the
ployments which relate solely to sup- President pro tempore of the Senate on
ply, replacement, repair, or training the same calendar day. Each report so
of such forces; or transmitted shall be referred to the
(3) in numbers which substantially
enlarge United States Armed Forces Committee on Foreign Affairs of the
equipped for combat already located House of Representatives and to the
in a foreign nation; Committee on Foreign Relations of the
the President shall submit within 48 Senate for appropriate action. If, when
hours to the Speaker of the House of the report is transmitted, the Congress
Representatives and to the President has adjourned sine die or has ad-


journed for any period in excess of CONGRESSIONAL PRIORITY PROCEDURES

three calendar days, the Speaker of the FOR JOINT RESOLUTION OR BILL
House of Representatives and the
President pro tempore of the Senate, if Sec. 6. (a) Any joint resolution or bill
they deem it advisable (or if petitioned introduced pursuant to section 5(b) at
by at least 30 percent of the member- least thirty calendar days before the
ship of their respective Houses) shall expiration of the sixty-day period speci-
jointly request the President to con- fied in such section shall be referred to
vene Congress in order that it may the Committee on Foreign Affairs of
consider the report and take appro- the House of Representatives or the
priate action pursuant to this section. Committee on Foreign Relations of the
Senate, as the case may be, and such
(b) Within sixty calendar days after
a report is submitted or is required to committee shall report one such joint
be submitted pursuant to section 4(a) resolution or bill, together with its rec-
(1), whichever is earlier, the President ommendations, not later than twenty-
shall terminate any use of United four calendar days before the expira-
States Armed Forces with respect to tion of the sixty-day period specified in
which such report was submitted (or such section, unless such House shall
required to be submitted), unless the otherwise determine by the yeas and
Congress (1) has declared war or has nays.
enacted a specific authorization for (b) Any joint resolution or bill so re-
such use of United States Armed ported shall become the pending busi-
Forces, (2) has extended by law such ness of the House in question (in the
sixty-day period, or (3) is physically case of the Senate the time for debate
unable to meet as a result of an armed shall be equally divided between the
attack upon the United States. Such proponents and the opponents), and
sixty-day period shall be extended for shall be voted on within three calendar
not more than an additional thirty days thereafter, unless such House
days if the President determines and shall otherwise determine by yeas and
certifies to the Congress in writing nays.
that unavoidable military necessity re- (c) Such a joint resolution or bill
specting the safety of United States passed by one House shall be referred
Armed Forces requires the continued to the committee of the other House
use of such armed forces in the course named in subsection (a) and shall be
of bringing about a prompt removal of reported out not later than fourteen
such forces. calendar days before the expiration of
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), the sixty-day period specified in section
at any time that United States Armed 5(b). The joint resolution or bill so re-
Forces are engaged in hostilities out- ported shall become the pending busi-
side the territory of the United States, ness of the House in question and shall
its possessions and territories without be voted on within three calendar days
a declaration of war or specific statu- after it has been reported, unless such
tory authorization, such forces shall be House shall determine by yeas and
removed by the President if the Con- otherwise nays.
gress so directs by concurrent resolu- (d) ln the case of any disagreement
tion. between the two Houses of Congress


with respect to a joint resolution or bill to the committee of the other House
passed by both Houses, conferees shall named in subsection (a) and shall be
be promptly appointed and the com- reported out by such committee to-
mittee of conference shall make and gether with its recommendations with-
file a report with respect to such reso- in fifteen calendar days and shall
lution or bill not later than four cal- thereupon become the pending busi-
endar days before the expiration of the ness of such House and shall be voted
sixty-day period specified in section 5 upon within three calendar days, un-
(b). In the event the conferees are un- less such House shall otherwise deter-
able to agree within 48 hours, they
mine by yeas and nays.
shall report back to their respective
Houses in disagreement. Notwith- (d) In the case of any disagreement
standing any rule in either House con- between the two Houses of Congress
cerning the printing of conference re- with respect to a concurrent resolution
ports in the Record or concerning any passed by both Houses, conferees shall
delay in the consideration of such re- be promptly appointed and the com-
ports, such report shall be acted on by mittee of conference shall make and
both Houses not later than the expira- file a report with respect to such con-
tion of such sixty-day period. current resolution within six calendar
days after the legislation is referred to
CONGRESSIONAL PRIORITY PROCEDURES the committee of conference. Notwith-
standing any rule in either House con-
Sec. 7. (a) Any concurrent resolution cerning the printing of conference re-
introduced pursuant to section 5(c) ports in the Record or concerning any
shall be referred to the Committee on delay in the consideration of such re-
Foreign Affairs of the House of Rep- ports, such report shall be acted on by
resentatives or the Committee on For- both Houses not later than six cal-
eign Relations of the Senate, as the endar days after the conference report
case may be, and one such concurrent is filed. In the event the conferees are
resolution shall be reported out by unable to agree within 48 hours, they
such committee together with its rec- shall report back to their respective
ommendations within fifteen calendar Houses in disagreement.
days, unless such House shall other-
wise determine by the yeas and nays. INTERPRETATION OF JOINT RESOLUTION
(b) Any concurrent resolution so re-
ported shall become the pending busi- Sec. 8. (a) Authority to introduce
ness of the House in question (in the United States Armed Forces into hos-
case of the Senate the time for debate tilities or into situations wherein in-
shall be equally divided between the volvement in hostilities is clearly indi-
proponents and the opponents) and cated by the circumstances shall not be
shall be voted on within three calendar inferred—
days thereafter, unless such House (1) from any provision of law (wheth-
shall otherwise determine by yeas and er or not in effect before the date of the
nays. enactment of this joint resolution), in-
(c) Such a concurrent resolution cluding any provision contained in any
passed by one House shall be referred appropriation Act, unless such provi-


sion specifically authorizes the intro- or of the President, or the provisions

duction of United States Armed Forces of existing treaties; or
into hostilities or into such situations (2) shall be construed as granting
and states that it is intended to con- any authority to the President with
respect to the introduction of United
stitute specific statutory authorization States Armed Forces into hostilities
within the meaning of this joint resolu- or into situations wherein involve-
tion; or ment in hostilities is clearly indi-
(2) from any treaty heretofore or cated by the circumstances which
hereafter ratified unless such treaty is authority he would not have had in
implemented by legislation specifically the absence of this joint resolution.
authorizing the introduction of United SEPARABILITY CLAUSE
States Armed Forces into hostilities or
into such situations and stating that it Sec. 9. If any provision of this joint
is intended to constitute specific statu- resolution or the application hereof to
tory authorization within the meaning any person or circumstance is held in-
of this joint resolution. valid, the remainder of the joint resolu-
(b) Nothing in this joint resolution tion and the application of such provi-
shall be construed to require any fur- sion to any other person or cir-
ther specific statutory authorization to cumstance shall not be affected there-
permit members of United States by.
Armed Forces to participate jointly
with members of the armed forces of EFFECTIVE DATE
one or more foreign countries in the Sec. 10. This joint resolution shall
headquarters operations of high-level take effect on the date of its enact-
military commands which were estab- ment.
lished prior to the date of enactment of
this joint resolution and pursuant to
the United Nations Charter or any
treaty ratified by the United States § 5. Declarations of War
prior to such date.
(c) For purposes of this joint resolu- Article I, section 8, clause 11 of
tion, the term ‘‘introduction of United the Constitution authorizes Con-
States Armed Forces’’ includes the as- gress to declare war. Granting
signment of members of such armed
forces to command, coordinate, partici-
Congress this authority and mak-
pate in the movement of, or accompany ing the President the Commander
the regular or irregular military forces in Chief of the Army and Navy
of any foreign country or government represents a compromise between
when such military forces are engaged, the views of delegates to the Con-
or there exists an imminent threat
that such forces will become engaged,
stitutional Convention who want-
in hostilities. ed to grant Congress authority to
(d) Nothing in this joint resolution— ‘‘make’’ war and delegates who
(1) is intended to alter the con- wanted to grant such authority to
stitutional authority of the Congress the President alone, the Senate

alone, or the President and Senate The House Committee on For-

together.(14) eign Affairs has jurisdiction over
All declarations of war since legislation declaring war.(l7)
1936 have been made by adoption Despite the constitutional provi-
of joint resolutions approved by sion authorizing Congress to de-
the President.(15) Either House clare war, American forces have
may originate a joint resolution to been committed to protracted land
declare war. In all cases during wars in Korea and Indochina in
this period, the House suspended the absence of such declarations.
the rules and promptly agreed to
After North Korea attacked South
these joint resolutions.
Korea in June of 1950, the Presi-
The provision of the House
rules which requires that matters dent without consulting Congress
reported by committees not be ordered air and sea forces to re-
considered in the House until the spond. He committed ground
third calendar day on which the troops when the United Nations
report has been available to Mem- Security Council requested assist-
bers does not apply to declara- ance from United Nations mem-
tions of war.(16) bers. Although the President
never requested a declaration of
14. Constitution of the United States of war, he proclaimed the existence
America: Analysis and Interpreta- of a national emergency in Decem-
tion, S. Doc. No. 92–82, 92d Cong. 2d
Sess., p. 325 (1973). Delegates Madi-
ber of 1950, six months after the
son and Gerry, who introduced the outbreak of hostilities.(1) Congres-
amendment substituting ‘‘declare sional acquiescence in the Amer-
war’’ in place of ‘‘make war,’’ which ican involvement in the Indochina
appeared in an early draft of the war was originally found in the
Constitution, noted that the change
would, ‘‘leav[e] to the Executive the
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution ap-
power to repel sudden attacks.’’ 2 M. proved by the House and Senate
Farrand, The Records of the Con- in August of 1964.(2) Following ex-
stitutional Convention of 1787 (New press repeal of this resolution in
Haven: rev. ed. 1937) 318; and Con- January of 1971, Congress in
stitution of the United States of most instances (3) approved au-
America: Analysis and Interpreta-
tion, S. Doc. No. 92–82, 92d Cong. 2d 17. Rule XI clause 7(f), House Rules and
Sess., n. 9, p. 326 (1973).
Manual § 689 (1973).
15. See 4 Hinds’ Precedents § 3368; and
7 Cannon’s Precedents § 1038 for 1. See § 12.1, infra, for the text of this
earlier precedents relating to dec- proclamation.
larations of war on Spain and Ger- 2. See §§ 8.1, 8.2, infra, for discussion
many, respectively. of this resolution.
16 Rule XI clause 27(d)(4)(A), House 3. See the precedents in § 10, infra, for
Rules and Manual § 735(d)(4) (1973). restrictions on use of forces.


thorizations and appropriations to Congress on several occasions

support troops in the field. The has empowered the President to
Second Circuit Court of Appeals, introduce United States Armed
applying the test ‘‘whether there Forces into hostilities by specific
is any action by the Congress suf- statutory authorization short of
ficient to authorize or ratify the formal declaration of war.(6)
military activity’’ in Vietnam in
the absence of a declaration of
war or express statutory sanction, § 6. House Action
held that congressional authoriza-
tion could be implied from ap- On Japan
proval of legislation to furnish § 6.1 The House by yea and
manpower and materials of war.(4) nay vote suspended the rules
The court observed that. ‘‘. . . nei- and approved a House joint
ther the language nor the purpose resolution formally declaring
underlying that provision [the
a state of war between the
declaration clause] prohibits an
United States and the Impe-
inference of the fact of authoriza-
rial Government of Japan
tion from such legislative action
as we have in this instance’’ (5) and then vacated the pro-
ceedings and tabled the
4. Orlando v Laird, 443 F2d 1039 House joint resolution after
(1973), cert. denied, 404 U.S. 869. agreeing to an identical Sen-
Accord, Da Costa v Laird, 448 F2d ate joint resolution.
1369 (2d Cir. 1971). Contra, Mottola
v Nixon, 318 F Supp 538 (N.D. Calif. On Dec. 8, 1941,(7) the House by
1970), reversed for lack of standing, a vote of yeas 388, nays 1, not vot-
464 F2d 26 (9th Cir. 1972). The Su- ing 41, approved a motion made
preme Court summarily affirmed a by Mr. John W. McCormack, of
decision of a three judge district Massachusetts, to suspend the
court dismissing a challenge to the rules (8) and approve House Joint
constitutionality of the war on polit-
ical question grounds. Attlee v Rich- was drafted as a direct result of Or-
ardson, 411 U.S. 911 (1973), aff’g., lando v Laird. See S. REPT. No. 220,
347 F Supp 689 (D.D.Pa. 1972). 93d Cong. 1st Sess., at 25 (1973).
5. Orlando v Laird, supra, at p. 1043. 6. See § 8, infra.
Section 8 of the War Powers Resolu- 7. 87 CONG. REC. 9520, 9536, 9537,
tion (see § 4.1, supra, for the text) 77th Cong. 1st Sess.
which states that authority to intro- 8. Earlier that day the Speaker was au-
duce armed forces cannot be inferred thorized by unanimous consent to
from any provision of law or treaty recognize Members for suspension of
unless sanction is expressly stated the rules. Id. at p. 9519.


Resolution 254, formally declaring The SPEAKER: This is no unanimous-

a state of war between the United consent request. No objection is in
States and the Imperial Govern-
Is a second demanded?
ment of Japan.(9) Mr. [JOSEPH W.] MARTIN of Massa-
Mr. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I chusetts: Mr. Speaker, I demand a sec-
move to suspend the rules and pass ond.
House Joint Resolution 254, which I The SPEAKER: Without objection, a
send to the desk. second is considered as ordered.
The SPEAKER: (10) The Clerk will read There was no objection.
the joint resolution.
After debate:
The Clerk read as follows:
Mr. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I ask
Declaring that a state of war ex-
ists between the Imperial Govern- for a vote, and on that I demand the
ment of Japan and the Government yeas and nays.
and the people of the United States Miss RANKIN of Montana: Mr.
and making provisions to prosecute Speaker——
the same. The SPEAKER: The gentleman from
Whereas the Imperial Government Massachusetts demands the yeas and
of Japan has committed repeated nays. Those who favor taking this vote
acts of war against the Government
and the people of the United States by the yeas and nays will rise and re-
of America: Therefore be it main standing until counted.
Resolved, etc., That the state of The yeas and nays were ordered.
war between the United States and Miss RANKIN of Montana: Mr.
the Imperial Government of Japan Speaker, I would like to be heard.
which has thus been thrust upon the The SPEAKER: The yeas and nays
United States is hereby formally de-
clared; and that the President be, have been ordered. The question is,
and he is hereby, authorized and di- Will the House suspend the rules and
rected to employ the entire naval pass the resolution?
and military forces of the United Miss RANKIN of Montana: Mr.
States and the resources of the Gov- Speaker, a point of order.
ernment to carry on war against the The SPEAKER: A roll call may not be
Imperial Government of Japan; and interrupted.
to bring the conflict to a successful
termination all of the resources of The question was taken; and there
the country are hereby pledged by were-yeas 388, nays 1, not voting 41,
the Congress of the United States. as follows: . . .
So (two-thirds having voted in favor
The SPEAKER: Is a second de-
thereof) the rules were suspended, and
the joint resolution was passed.
The result of the vote was an-
tana: I object.
nounced as above recorded.
9. See § 11.1, infra, for the text of the A motion to reconsider was laid on
the table.
President’s request for a declaration
of war. After receiving a message that
10. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). the Senate had approved Senate


Joint Resolution 116, which was Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts: Mr.

identical to House Joint Resolu- Speaker, reserving the right to object—
tion 254, the House by unanimous and, of course, I am not going to ob-
consent passed the Senate meas- ject—this is the same declaration that
ure and vacated the proceedings we just passed?
by which the House had approved The SPEAKER: The same.
the House measure, and tabled Mr. MCCORMACK: Yes.
the House joint resolution.(11) The SPEAKER: Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from
FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Massachusetts [Mr. McCormack]?
A further message from the Senate There was no objection.
by Mr. Frazier, its legislative clerk, an- The Senate joint resolution was or-
nounced that the Senate had passed a dered to be read a third time, was read
joint resolution (S.J. Res. 116) declar- the third time, and passed, and a mo-
ing that a state of war exists between tion to reconsider was laid on the
the Imperial Government of Japan and
the Government and the people of the
United States and making provisions Mr. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I ask
to prosecute the same, in which the unanimous consent that the pro-
concurrence of the House is re- ceedings by which the House passed
quested. . . House Joint Resolution 254 be vacated
Mr. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I ask and that the resolution be laid on the
unanimous consent to take from the table.
Speaker’s table Senate Joint Resolu- The SPEAKER: Is there objection to
tion 116, and agree to the same. the request of the gentleman from
The Clerk read the Senate joint reso- Massachusetts [Mr. McCormack]?
lution, as follows:
There was no objection.
Whereas the Imperial Government
of Japan has committed unprovoked
acts of war against the Government On Germany
and the people of the United States
of America: Therefore be it § 6.2 The House by yea and
Resolved, etc., That the state of nay vote suspended the rules
war between the United States and
the Imperial Government of Japan and approved a House joint
which has thus been thrust upon the resolution formally declaring
United States is hereby formally de-
clared . . . a state of war between the
United States and the Gov-
The SPEAKER: Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from ernment of Germany and
Massachusetts [Mr. McCormack]? then by unanimous consent
vacated the proceedings and
11. 87 CONG. REC. 9537, 77th Cong. 1st tabled the House measure
Sess., Dec. 8, 1941. See § 7.1, infra,
for Senate proceedings on the Senate
after agreeing to an identical
joint resolution. Senate joint resolution.


On Dec. 11, 1941,(12) the House The SPEAKER: (15) The question is,
by a vote of yeas 393, present 1, Will the House suspend the rules and
pass the joint resolution?
not voting 36, agreed to a motion Mr. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, on
made by Mr. John W. McCor- that I demand the yeas and nays. The
mack, of Massachusetts, to sus- yeas and nays were ordered. The ques-
pend the rules (13) and approve tion was taken; and there were—yeas
393, answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting
House Joint Resolution 256, for- 36, as follows: . . .
mally declaring a state of war be- So (two-thirds having voted in favor
tween the United States and the thereof) the rules were suspended and
Government of Germany.(14) the resolution was agreed to.
A motion to reconsider was laid on
Mr. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I the table.
move to suspend the rules and pass
House Joint Resolution 256, which I After receiving a message that
send to the desk and ask to have read. the Senate had approved Senate
The Clerk read as follows: Joint Resolution 119, which was
Whereas the Government of Ger- identical to House Joint Resolu-
many has formally declared war tion 256, the House by unanimous
against the Government and the peo- consent passed the Senate meas-
ple of the United States of America:
Therefore be it ure and vacated the proceedings
Resolved, etc., That the state of by which the House had approved
war between the United States and the House measure, and tabled
the Government of Germany which
has thus been thrust upon the the House joint resolution.(16)
United States is hereby formally de-
clared; and the President is hereby MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE
authorized and directed to employ A message from the Senate, by Mr.
the entire naval and military forces Frazier, its legislative clerk, an-
of the United States and the re-
sources of the Government to carry nounced that the Senate had passed
on war against the Government of joint resolutions of the following titles,
Germany; and, to bring the conflict in which the concurrence of the House
to a successful termination, all of the is requested:
resources of the country are hereby
pledged by the Congress of the S.J. Res. 119. Joint resolution de-
United States. claring that a state of war exists be-
tween the Government of Germany
and the Government and the people
12. 87 CONG REC. 9665, 9666, 77th of the United States and making
Cong. 1st Sess. provision to prosecute the same. . . .
13. Earlier that day the Speaker was au-
thorized by unanimous consent to 15. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
recognize Members for suspension of 16. 87 CONG. REC. 9666, 77th Cong. 1st
the rules. Id. at p. 9665. Sess., Dec. 11, 1941. See § 7.2, infra,
14. See § 11.2, infra, for the President’s for Senate proceedings on the joint
request for a declaration of war. resolution.


Mr. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I ask not voting 30, suspended the rules
unanimous consent to take from the and passed Senate Joint Resolu-
Speaker’s table Senate Joint Resolu- tion 120, declaring a state of war
tion 119, which is identical with the between the United States and
resolution just adopted by the House,
the Government of Italy, after re-
and pass the Senate resolution.
ceiving a message that the Senate
The Clerk read the title of the reso-
had agreed to the measure.(18)
The SPEAKER: Is there objection to MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE
the request of the gentleman from
A message from the Senate, by Mr.
Massachusetts? Frazier, its legislative clerk, an-
There was no objection. nounced that the Senate had passed
The Senate joint resolution was read joint resolutions of the following titles,
a third time, and passed. in which the concurrence of the House
A motion to reconsider was laid on is requested: . . .
the table. S.J. Res. 120. Joint resolution de-
Mr. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I ask claring that a state of war exists be-
unanimous consent that the action just tween the Government of Italy and
the Government and the people of
taken by the House in the passage of the United States and making provi-
House Joint Resolution 256 be vacated sion to prosecute the same. . . .
and that the resolution be laid on the
table. MR. [JOHN W.] MCCORMACK [of Mas-
sachusetts]: Mr. Speaker, I move to
The SPEAKER: Without objection, it is suspend the rule and pass Senate Joint
so ordered. Resolution 120, which I have sent to
There was no objection. the Clerk’s desk.
The Clerk read as follows:
On Italy Whereas the Government of Italy
has formally declared war against
§ 6.3 After receiving a message the Government and the people of
that the Senate had passed the United States of America: There-
fore be it
the measure, the House by Resolved, etc., That the state of
yea and nay vote suspended war between the United States and
the Government of Italy, which has
the rules and agreed to a thus been thrust upon the United
Senate joint resolution de- States, is hereby formally declared.
claring a state of war be- . . .
tween the United States and THE SPEAKER: (19) The question is,
the Government of Italy. Will the House suspend the rules and
pass the resolution?
On Dec. 11, 1941,(17) the House
by a vote of yeas 399, present 1, 18. See § 11.2, infra, for the President’s
request for a declaration of war; and
17. 87 CONG. REC. 9666, 9667 77th § 7.3, infra, for Senate approval.
Cong. 1st Sess. 19. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, on MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I

this vote I ask for the yeas and nays. move to suspend the rules and pass
The yeas and nays were ordered. the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 319) de-
The question was taken; and there claring that a state of war exists be-
were—yeas 399, answered ‘‘present’’ 1, tween the Government of Bulgaria and
not voting 30, as follows: . . . the Government and the people of the
So, two-thirds having voted in favor United States and making provisions
thereof, the rules were suspended and to prosecute the same.
the resolution was agreed to. The Clerk read as follows:
A motion to reconsider was laid on Whereas the Government of Bul-
the table. garia has formally declared war
against the Government and the peo-
On Bulgaria ple of the United States of America:
Therefore be it
Resolved, etc., That the state of
§ 6.4 The House by yea and war between the United States and
nay vote suspended the rules the Government of Bulgaria, which
and unanimously approved a has thus been thrust upon the
United States, is hereby formally de-
House resolution formally clared. . . .
declaring a state of war be- MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, on
tween the United States and that motion I demand the yeas and
the Government of Bulgaria. nays.
On June 3, 1942,(20) the House The yeas and nays were ordered.
by a vote of yeas 357, nays 0, not THE SPEAKER: (3) The question is,
Will the House suspend the rules and
voting 73, agreed to a motion by pass the joint resolution.
Mr. John W. McCormack, of Mas- The question was taken; and there
sachusetts, to suspend the rules (1) were—yeas 357, nays 0, not voting 73,
and pass House Joint Resolution as follows: . . .
319, declaring a formal state of So (two-thirds having voted in favor
war between the United States thereof) the rules were suspended and
and Bulgaria.(2) the joint resolution was passed.
The result of the vote was an-
20. 88 CONG. REC. 4816, 4817, 77th nounced as above recorded.
Cong. 2d Sess. A motion to reconsider was laid on
1. The Speaker had been authorized by the table.
unanimous consent to recognize
Members for suspension of the rules. On Hungary
88 CONG. REC. 4799, 77th Cong. 2d
Sess., June 2, 1942. § 6.5 The House by yea and
2. See § 11.3, infra, for the President’s nay vote suspended the rules
request for a declaration of war; and and unanimously approved a
§ 7.4, infra, for Senate approval of
this measure. 3. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


House joint resolution for- Government of Hungary which has

thus been thrust upon the United
mally declaring a state of States is hereby formally declared.
war between the United . . .
States and the Government MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, on
of Hungary. that motion I demand the yeas and
On June 3, 1942,(4) the House The yeas and nays were ordered.
by a vote of yeas 360, nays 0, not THE SPEAKER: (7) The question is,
voting 70, agreed to a motion Will the House suspend the rules and
made by Mr. John W. McCor- pass the joint resolution?
mack, of Massachusetts, to sus- The question was taken; and there
were—yeas 360, nays 0, not voting 70,
pend the rules (5) and pass House as follows: . . .
Joint Resolution 320, declaring a So (two-thirds having voted in favor
formal state of war between the thereof) the rules were suspended and
United States and the Govern- the joint resolution was passed.
ment of Hungary.(6) The result of the vote was an-
nounced as above recorded.
MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I A motion to reconsider was laid on
move to suspend the rules and pass the table.
the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 320) de-
claring that a state of war exists be-
tween the Government of Hungary and
On Rumania
the Government and the people of the
United States and making provisions
§ 6.6 The House by yea and
to prosecute the same. nay vote suspended the rules
The Clerk read as follows: and unanimously agreed to a
Whereas the Government of Hun- House joint resolution de-
gary has formally declared war claring a formal state of war
against the Government and the peo-
ple of the United States of America: between the United States
Therefore be it and the Government of Ru-
Resolved, etc, That the state of war mania.
between the United States and the
On June 3, 1942,(8) the House
4. 88 CONG. REC. 4817, 4818, 77th by a vote of yeas 361, nays 0, not
Cong. 2d Sess. voting 69, agreed to a motion
5. The Speaker had been authorized by made by Mr. John W. McCor-
unanimous consent to recognize mack, of Massachusetts, to sus-
Members for suspension of the rules. pend the rules (9) and pass House
See 88 CONG. REC. 4799, 77th Cong.
2d Sess., June 2, 1942. 7. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).
6. See § 11.3, infra, for the President’s 8. 88 CONG. REC. 4818, 77th Cong. 2d
request for the declaration of war; Sess.
and § 7.5, infra, for Senate approval 9. The Speaker had been authorized by
of this joint resolution. unanimous consent to recognize


Joint Resolution 321, declaring a The result of the vote was an-
formal state of war between the nounced as above recorded.
United States and the Govern- A motion to reconsider was laid on
ment of Rumania.(10) the table.

MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I

move to suspend the rules and pass
the joint resolution ( H.J. Res. 321) de- § 7. Senate Action
claring that a state of war exists be-
tween the Government of Rumania On Japan
and the Government and the people of
the United States, and making provi-
sions to prosecute the same. § 7.1 The Senate by yea and
The Clerk read as follows: nay vote unanimously agreed
Whereas the Government of Ru- to a Senate joint resolution
mania has formally declared war declaring a state of war be-
against the Government and the peo- tween the United States and
ple of the United States of America:
Therefore be it the Imperial Government of
Resolved, etc., That the state of Japan.
war between the United States and
the Government of Rumania which On Dec. 8, 1941,(12) the Senate
has thus been thrust upon the by a vote of yeas 82, nays 0,
United States is hereby formally de-
clared. . . . agreed to Senate Joint Resolution
116, declaring a state of war be-
MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, on
that motion I demand the yeas and tween the United States and the
nays. Imperial Government of Japan.(13)
The yeas and nays were ordered. MR. [TOM T.] CONNALLY [of Texas]:
THE SPEAKER: 11 The question is, Mr. President, I introduce a joint reso-
Will the House suspend the rules and
lution, and ask for its immediate con-
pass the joint resolution?
sideration without reference to a com-
The question was taken; and there
were—yeas 361, nays 0, not voting 69, mittee.
as follows: . . . THE VICE PRESIDENT: (14) The joint
So (two-thirds having voted in favor resolution will be read.
thereof) the rules were suspended and The joint resolution (S.J. Res. 116)
the joint resolution was passed. declaring that a state of war exists be-
tween the Imperial Government of
Members for suspension of the rules.
See 88 CONG. REC. 4799, 77th Cong. 12. 87 CONG. REC. 9505, 9506, 77th
2d Sess., June 2, 1942. Cong. 1st Sess.
10. See § 11.3, infra, for the President’s 13. See 11. 1, infra, for the President’s
request for a declaration of war, and request for this declaration, and
§ 7.6, infra, for Senate approval of § 6.1, supra, for House approval of
this measure. the joint resolution.
11. Sam Rayburn ( Tex.). 14. John N. Garner (Tex.).


Japan and the Government and the The result was announced—yeas 82,
people of the United States and mak- nays 0, as follows: . . .
ing provision to prosecute the same, So the joint resolution was passed.
was read the first time by its title, and
the second time at length, as follows: On Germany
Whereas the Imperial Government
of Japan has committed unprovoked § 7.2 The Senate by yea and
acts of war against the Government
and the people of the United States nay vote unanimously agreed
of America: Therefore be it to a Senate joint resolution
Resolved, etc., That the state of declaring a state of war be-
war between the United States and
the Imperial Government of Japan tween the United States and
which has thus been thrust upon the the Government of Germany.
United States is hereby formally de-
clared. . . . On Dec. 11, 1941,(15) the Senate
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Is there objec-
by a yea and nay vote of yeas 88,
tion to the present consideration of the nays 0, agreed to Senate Joint
joint resolution? Resolution 119, declaring a state
There being no objection, the Senate of war between the United States
proceeded to consider the joint resolu- and the Government of Ger-
tion. many.(16)
MR. CONNALLY: Mr. President, on
the passage of the resolution I ask for Mr. Connally, from the Committee
the yeas and nays. on Foreign Relations, reported an
The yeas and nays were ordered. original joint resolution ( S.J. Res. 119)
. . . declaring that a state of war exists be-
MR. CONNALLY: . . . I therefore ask tween the Government of Germany
for the yeas and nays on the passage of and the Government and the people of
the joint resolution. the United States, and making provi-
THE VICE PRESIDENT: If there be no sion to prosecute the same, which was
amendment proposed, the question is read the first time by its title, and the
on the engrossment and third reading second time at length, as follows:
of the joint resolution. Whereas the Government of Ger-
The joint resolution was ordered to many has formally declared war
be engrossed for a third reading and against the Government and the peo-
ple of the United States of America:
was read the third time. Therefore be it
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The joint reso- Resolved, etc., That the state of
lution having been read three times, war between the United States and
the question is, Shall it pass? On that
question the yeas and nays have been 15. 87 CONG. REC. 9652, 9653, 77th
demanded and ordered. The clerk will Cong. 1st Sess.
call the roll. 16. See § 11.2, infra, for the President’s
The Chief Clerk proceeded to call the request for a declaration of war, and
roll. § 6.2, supra, for House approval.


the Government of Germany, which state of war exists between the Gov-
has thus been thrust upon the ernment of Germany and the Govern-
United States, is hereby formally de- ment and the people of the United
clared. . . . States, and making provision to pros-
ecute the same.
MR. [TOM T.] CONNALLY [of Texas]:
Mr. President, I shall presently ask is on the engrossment and third read-
unanimous consent for the immediate ing of the joint resolution.
consideration of the joint resolution The joint resolution was ordered to
just read to the Senate. Before the re- be engrossed for a third reading, and
quest is submitted, however, I desire to was read the third time.
say that, being advised of the declara- THE VICE PRESIDENT: The joint reso-
tion of war upon the United States by lution having been read the third time,
the Governments of Germany and the question is, Shall it pass?
Italy, and anticipating a message by MR. CONNALLY: On that question I
the President of the United States in ask for the yeas and nays.
relation thereto, and after a conference The yeas and nays were ordered, and
with the Secretary of State, as chair- the Chief Clerk proceeded to call the
man of the Committee on Foreign Re-
The result was announced—yeas 88,
lations, I called a meeting of the com- nays 0, as follows: . . .
mittee this morning and submitted to So the joint resolution(S.J. Res. 119)
the committee the course I expected to was passed.
pursue as chairman and the request The preamble was agreed to.
which I expected to make.
I am authorized by the Committee On Italy
on Foreign Relations to say to the Sen-
ate that after consideration of the text § 7.3 The Senate by yea and
of the joint resolution which I have re-
nay vote unanimously agreed
ported and after mature consideration
of all aspects of this matter, the mem- to a Senate resolution for-
bership of the Committee on Foreign mally declaring a state of
Relations unanimously approve and war between the United
agree to the course suggested. One States and the Government
member of the committee was absent,
of Italy.
but I have authority to express his
views. On Dec. 11, 1941,(18) the Senate
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- by a vote of yeas 90, nays 0,
sent for the present consideration of agreed to Senate Joint Resolution
the joint resolution. 120, declaring a state of war be-
THE VICE PRESIDENT: (17) Is there ob- tween the United States and the
jection? Government of Ita1y.(19)
There being no objection, the Senate
proceeded to consider the joint resolu- 18. 87 CONG. REC. 9653, 77th Cong. 1st
tion (S.J. Res. 119) declaring that a Sess.
19. See § 11.2, infra, for the President’s
17. John N. Garner (Tex.). request for a declaration of war, and


MR. [TOM T.] CONNALLY [of Texas], agreed to House Joint Resolution
from the Committee on Foreign Rela-
tions, reported an original joint resolu- 319, declaring a formal state of
tion (S.J. Res. 120) declaring that a war between the United States
state of war exists between the Gov- and the Government of Bulgaria.
ernment of Italy and the Government
and the people of the United States The House had approved the
and making provision to prosecute the measure the previous day.(1)
same, which was read the first time by
its title and the second time at length, The message also announced that
as follows: the House had passed the following
bills and joint resolutions, in which it
Whereas the Government of Italy
has formally declared war against requested the concurrence of the Sen-
the Government and the people of ate: . . .
the United States of America: there- H.J. Res. 319. Joint resolution de-
fore be it claring that a state of war exists be-
Resolved, etc., That the state of tween the Government of Bulgaria and
war between the United States and
the Government of Italy which has the Government and the people of the
thus been thrust upon the United United States and making provisions
States is hereby formally declared. to prosecute the same: . . .
. . . THE VICE PRESIDENT: (2) The joint
The result [of the vote] was an- resolution having been read three
nounced—yeas 90, nays 0, as follows: times, the question is, Shall it pass?
. . . MR. [TOM T.] CONNALLY [of Texas]: I
So the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 120) ask for the yeas and nays.
was passed.
The yeas and nays were ordered, and
the Chief Clerk proceeded to call the
On Bulgaria roll. . . .
§ 7.4 After receiving a message The result was announced—yeas 73,
nays 0, as follows: . . .
that the House had approved
So the joint resolution (H.J. Res.
the measure, the Senate by 319) was passed.
yea and nay vote unani- The preamble was agreed to.
mously agreed to a House
joint resolution formally de- On Hungary
claring a state of war be-
tween the United States and § 7.5 After receiving a message
the Government of Bulgaria. that the House had approved
On June 4, 1942,(20) the Senate the measure, the Senate
by a vote of yeas 73, nays 0,
1. See § 11.3, infra, for the President’s
§ 6.3, supra, for House approval of request for a declaration of war, and
the Senate joint resolution. § 6.4, supra, for House approval of
20. 88 CONG. REC. 4851–54, 77th Cong. this joint resolution.
2d Sess. 2. John N. Garner (Tex.).


unanimously agreed to a immediate consideration of the joint

House joint resolution for- resolution.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: (5) Consent has
mally declaring a state of
been given for the immediate consider-
war between the United ation of the joint resolution.
States and the Government The Senate proceeded to consider the
of Hungary. joint resolution (H.J. Res. 320) declar-
ing that a state of war exists between
On June 4, 1942,(3) the Senate
the Government of Hungary and the
by a vote of yeas 73, nays 0, Government and people of the United
agreed to House Joint Resolution States and making provisions to pros-
320, declaring a formal state of ecute the same, which was read, as fol-
war between the United States lows:
and the Government of Hungary. Whereas the Government of Hun-
The House had approved the gary has formally declared war
against the Government and the peo-
measure the previous day.(4) ple of the United States of America:
The message also announced that Therefore be it. . . .
the House had passed the following THE VICE PRESIDENT: The joint reso-
bills and joint resolutions, in which it lution having been read three times,
requested the concurrence of the Sen- the question is, Shall it pass?
ate: . . . MR. CONNALLY: I ask for the yeas
H.J. Res. 320. Joint resolution de- and nays.
claring that a state of war exists be-
The yeas and nays were ordered, and
tween the Government of Hungary and
the legislative clerk proceeded to call
the Government and the people of the
the roll. . . .
United States and making provisions
to prosecute the same. . . . The result was announced—yeas 73,
nays 0, as follows: . . .
MR. [TOM T.] CONNALLY [of Texas]:
Mr. President, with reference to House So the joint resolution (H.J. Res.
Joint Resolution 320, declaring the fact 320) was passed.
that a state of war exists between the The preamble was agreed to.
Government of Hungary and that of
the United States, I am authorized by On Rumania
the Committee on Foreign Relations to
report the resolution to the Senate § 7.6 After receiving a message
with a recommendation that it pass. that the House had approved
Consent has already been given for the
the measure, the Senate
3. 88 CONG. REC. 4851, 4852, 4854, 4855, unanimously agreed to a
77TH CONG. 2D SESS. House joint resolution for-
4. See § 11.3, infra, for the President’s mally declaring a state of
request for a declaration of war, and war between the United
§ 6.5, supra, for House approval of
the joint resolution. 5. John N. Garner (Tex.).


States and the Government § 8. Legislation Author-

of Rumania. izing Military Action
On June 4, 1942,(6) the Senate Prior to War Powers Act
by a vote of yeas 73 to nays 0,
agreed to House Joint Resolution In several instances prior to the
321, declaring a formal state of War Powers Act, Congress, usu-
war between the United States ally in response to Presidential re-
and the Government of Rumania. quests,(9) granted the Chief Execu-
The House had approved the tive express statutory authority to
measure the previous day.(7) use force he deemed necessary in
The message also announced that specific areas. These so-called
the House had passed the following ‘‘area resolutions’’ were short of
bills and joint resolutions, in which it formal declarations of war, but
requested the concurrence of the Sen- constituted either prior or subse-
ate: . . .
H.J. Res. 321. Joint resolution de-
quent acquiescence to Presidential
claring that a state of war exists be- use of force.
tween the Government of Rumania A question arose in such situa-
and the Government and the people of tions as to whether, if Congress
the United States and making provi- could authorize the President to
sions to prosecute the same. . . .
use force by approving a statute
resolution having been read three short of a declaration of war, it
times, the question is, Shall it pass? could divest the President of that
MR. [TOM T.] CONNALLY [of Texas]: I authority merely by repealing the
ask for the yeas and nays. statute. The answer to that ques-
The yeas and nays were ordered, and tion depended on other congres-
the Chief Clerk proceeded to call the sional actions. Only one area reso-
roll. . . .
The result was announced—yeas 73,
lution, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolu-
nays 0, as follows: . . . tion,(10) was repealed. Following
So the resolution (H.J. Res. 321) was repeal, the President continued to
passed. direct military operations and
The preamble was agreed to. send troops to Vietnam, and Con-
6. 88 CONG. REC. 4851, 4852, 4855, 9. The exception is the Cuba resolution
4856, 77th Cong. 2d Sess. which was not requested by the
7. See § 11.3, infra, for the President’s President. See §§ 8.7, 8.8, infra, for
request for a declaration of war, and discussion of this resolution.
§ 6.6, supra, for House approval of 10. See §§ 8.1, 8.2, infra, for a discussion
this joint resolution. of approval and repeal of this resolu-
8. John N. Garner (Tex.). tion.


gress continued to approve legisla- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

tion providing manpower and sup-
plies for the war effort. § 8.1 The House by yea and
nay vote suspended the rules
Groups of servicemen who had
and agreed to a House joint
received orders to fight in Viet- resolution (known as the
nam filed suit contending that re- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution)
peal of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolu- supporting the President’s
tion had divested the President actions to repel aggression
and other executive branch offi- by North Vietnam.
cials of authority to prosecute the
On Aug. 7, 1964,(12) the House
war. Ruling on this challenge, the by a vote of yeas 416, nays 0,
Court of Appeals for the Second present 1, not voting 14, sus-
Circuit held that authorization pended the rules and agreed to
could be inferred from congres- House Joint Resolution 1145,
sional approval of authorizations known as the Gulf of Tonkin Res-
and appropriations for war sup- olution, supporting the President’s
plies and personnel. (11) action to repel aggression by
The following precedents com- North Vietnam. The resolution
prise some examples of congres- was approved by the President on
sional action prior to the War Aug. 10, 1964, in the following
form: (13)
Powers Act, taken in most in-
stances in response to Presi- JOINT RESOLUTION
dential requests for such action. To promote the maintenance of inter-
national peace and security in south-
11. DaCosta v Laird, 448 F2d 1368 east Asia.
(1971); see also Orlando v Laird, 443 Whereas naval units of the Com-
F2d 1039 (2d Cir. 1971), cert. denied munist regime in Vietnam, in violation
404 U.S. 869. Contra, Mottola v of the principles of the Charter of the
Nixon, 318 F Supp 538 (N.D. Calif. United Nations and of international
1970) which found no ratification [re- law, have deliberately and repeatedly
versed on grounds of lack of stand- attacked United States naval vessels
ing, 464 F2d 26 (9th Cir. 1972)]. The
Supreme Court summarily affirmed 12. 110 CONG. REC. 18538–55, 88th
a three-judge district court opinion Cong. 2d Sess.
which dismissed a challenge to the 13. This excerpt is taken from 78 Stat.
constitutionality of the war on polit- 384, 88th Cong. 2d Sess. (Pub. L. No.
ical question grounds. Altee v Rich- 88–408).
ardson, 411 U.S. 911 (1973, aff’g. See § 8.2, infra, for Senate ap-
347 F Supp 689 (E.D.Pa. 1972). proval of this measure.


lawfully present in international wa- Sec. 3. This resolution shall expire

ters, and have thereby created a seri- when the President shall determine
ous threat to international peace; and that the peace and security of the area
Whereas these attacks are part of a is reasonably assured by international
deliberate and systematic campaign of conditions created by action of the
aggression that the Communist regime United Nations or otherwise, except
that it may be terminated earlier by
in North Vietnam has been waging
concurrent resolution of the Congress.
against its neighbors and the nations
joined with them in the collective de- Parliamentarian’s Note: After
fense of their freedom; and conferring with the congressional
Whereas the United States is assist- leadership and others with respect
ing the peoples of southeast Asia to to attacks by North Vietnamese
protect their freedom and has no terri- torpedo boats against U.S. de-
torial, military or political ambitions in stroyers, President Johnson or-
that area, but desires only that these
peoples should be left in peace to work
dered retaliation against the
out their own destinies in their own bases from which the torpedo
way: Now, therefore, be it boats operated. In an address to
Resolved by the Senate and House of the nation on radio and TV, late
Representatives of the United States of on Monday, Aug. 3, he stated that
America in Congress assembled, That he had requested the Congress to
the Congress approves and supports support his action by a resolution.
the determination of the President, as On Aug. 5, the President trans-
Commander in Chief, to take all nec- mitted to the Congress a message
essary measures to repel any armed
attack against the forces of the United
on the developing situation in
States and to prevent further aggres- Southeast Asia and a draft of a
sion. resolution. The Committee on For-
Sec. 2. The United States regards as eign Affairs, to which the message
vital to its national interest and to was referred (H. Doc. 333), asked
world peace the maintenance of inter- for and was granted permission to
national peace and security in south- sit during the session of the
east Asia. Consonant with the Con- House on Aug. 6.
stitution of the United States and the
Authority granted by this reso-
Charter of the United Nations and in
accordance with its obligations under
lution was repealed by approval,
the Southeast Asia Collective Defense on Jan. 12, 1971, of section 12 of
Treaty, the United States is, therefore, an act to amend the Foreign Mili-
prepared, as the President determines, tary Sales Act.(14)
to take all necessary steps, including
the use of armed force, to assist any § 8.2 The Senate by yea and
member or protocol state of the South- nay vote agreed to a House
east Asia Collective Defense Treaty re-
questing assistance in defense of its 14. 84 Stat. 2053, 2055,91st Cong. 1st
freedom. Sess. (Pub. L. No. 91–672).


joint resolution known as the voting 21, agreed to House Joint

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Resolution 159,(19) which was ap-
supporting the President’s proved by the President on Jan.
actions to repel aggression 29, 1955, in the following form: (20)
by North Vietnam. JOINT RESOLUTION
On Aug. 7, 1964,(15) the Senate Authorizing the President to employ
by a vote of yeas 88, nays 2, the Armed Forces of the United
agreed to House Joint Resolution States for protecting the security of
1145, known as the Gulf of Ton- Formosa, the Pescadores and related
kin Resolution, supporting the positions and territories of that area.
President’s actions to repel ag-
Whereas the primary purpose of the
gression by North Vietnam.(16) United States, in its relations with all
Authority granted by this reso- other nations, is to develop and sustain
lution was repealed by approval, a just and enduring peace for all; and
on Jan. 12, 1971, of section 12 of Whereas certain territories in the West
an act to amend the Foreign Mili- Pacific under the jurisdiction of the Re-
tary Sales Act.(17) public of China are now under armed
attack, and threats and declarations
Resolution to Protect Formosa have been and are being made by the
and Pescadores Chinese Communists that such armed
attack is in aid of and in preparation
§ 8.3 The House by yea and for armed attack on Formosa and the
nay vote agreed to a House Pescadores. . . . Therefore be it
joint resolution authorizing Resolved by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
the President to employ America in Congress assembled, That
armed forces to protect the the President of the United States be
security of Formosa, the Pes- and he hereby is authorized to employ
cadores, and related posi- the Armed Forces of the United States
tions and territories of that as he deems necessary for the specific
purpose of securing and protecting For-
area. mosa and the Pescadores against
On Jan. 25, 1955,(18) the House armed attack, this authority to include
by a vote of yeas 410, nays 3, not the securing and protection of such re-
lated positions and territories of that
15. 110 CONG. REC. 18470, 18471, 88th area now in friendly hands and the
Cong. 2d Sess. taking of such other measures as he
16. See § 8.1, supra, for the House vote
and text of this measure.
19. See § 8.4, infra, for Senate approval
17. 84 Stat. 2053, 2055 (Pub. L. No.
91672) H.R. 15628, 91st Cong. 1st of this measure.
Sess. 20. This excerpt is taken from 69 Stat.
18. 101 CONG. REC. 659, 669, 680, 681, 7, 84th Cong. 1st Sess., Ch. 4 (Pub.
84th Cong. 1st Sess. L. No. 84–4).


judges to be required or appropriate in the President to cooperate

assuring the defense of Formosa and with and assist any nation or
the Pescadores.
This resolution shall expire when the
group of nations in that area
President shall determine that the in the development of eco-
peace and security of the area is rea- nomic strength, and to un-
sonably assured by international condi- dertake programs of military
tions created by action of the United assistance; the resolution
Nations or otherwise, and shall so re-
port to the Congress.
further stated congressional
intent with respect to using
§ 8.4 The Senate by yea and armed forces of the United
nay vote agreed to a House States to secure and protect
joint resolution authorizing the territorial integrity and
the President to employ political independence of any
armed forces to protect the nation which requests aid
security of Formosa, the Pes- from armed aggression by
cadores, and related posi- any nation controlled by
tions. communism.
On Jan. 28, 1955,(1) the Senate On Mar. 7, 1957,(3) the House
by a vote of yeas 85, nays 3, by a vote of 350 yeas, 60 nays, not
agreed to House Joint Resolution voting 23, agreed to House Reso-
159, directing the President to lution 188, to accept House Joint
employ armed forces to protect the Resolution 117, autllorizing the
security of Formosa, the Pesca- President to cooperate with na-
dores, and related positions in the tions of the Middle East in the de-
area.(2) velopment of economic strength,
to undertake programs of military
Resolution to Protect Middle assistance, and to employ armed
Eastern Nations forces.(4)
The joint resolution was ap-
§ 8.5 The House by yea and proved by the President in the fol-
nay vote agreed to a House lowing form on Mar. 9, 1957: (5)
joint resolution to promote
peace and stability in the 3. 103 CONG. REC. 3250, 3265, 3266,
Middle East by authorizing 85th Cong. 1st Sess.
4. See § 8.6, infra, for the Senate vote
1. 101 CONG. REC. 994, 995, 84th Cong. on the House joint resolution.
1st Sess. 5. This language is taken from 71 Stat.
2. See § 8.3, supra, for the text of and 5, 85th Cong. 1st Sess. [Pub. L. No.
House vote on this measure. 85–7] (footnotes omitted).


Resolved by the Senate and House of thority of section 401(a) of the Mutual
Representatives of the United States of Security Act of 1954, as amended (ex-
America in Congress assembled, That: cept that the provisions of section
The President be and hereby is au- 105(a) thereof shall not be waived),
thorized to cooperate with and assist and without regard to the provisions of
any nation or group of nations in the section 105 of the Mutual Security Ap-
general area of the Middle East desir- propriation Act, 1957. . . .
ing such assistance in the development Sec. 5. The President shall within
of economic strength dedicated to the the months of January and July of
maintenance of national independence. each year report to the Congress his
Sec. 2. The President is authorized action hereunder.
to undertake, in the general area of Sec. 6. This joint resolution shall ex-
the Middle East, military assistance pire when the President shall deter-
programs with any nation or group of mine that the peace and security of the
nations of that area desiring such as- nations in the general area of the Mid-
sistance. Furthermore, the United dle East are reasonably assured by
States regards as vital to the national international conditions created by ac-
interest and world peace the preserva-
tion of the United Nations or otherwise
tion of the independence and integrity
except that it may be terminated ear-
of the nations of the Middle East. To
lier by a concurrent resolution of the
this end, if the President determines
two Houses of Congress.
the necessity thereof, the United
States is prepared to use armed forces
to assist any such nation or group of
§ 8.6 The Senate agreed to a
such nations requesting assistance House joint resolution to pro-
against armed aggression from any mote peace and stability in
country controlled by international the Middle East by author-
communism: Provided, That such em- izing the President to assist
ployment shall be consonant with the
treaty obligations of the United States
nations in that area in the
and with the Constitution of the development of economic
United States. strength, and to undertake
Sec. 3. The President is hereby au- programs of military assist-
thorized to use during the balance of ance; the resolution also en-
fiscal year 1957 for economic and mili- dorsed the concept of em-
tary assistance under this joint resolu-
tion not to exceed $200,000,000 from
ploying armed forces of the
any appropriation now available for United States to secure and
carrying out the provisions of the Mu- protect the territorial integ-
tual Security Act of 1954, as amended, rity and political independ-
in accord with the provisions of such ence of any nation which re-
Act: Provided, That, whenever the
quests aid from armed ag-
President determines it to be impor-
tant to the security of the United gression by any nation con-
States, such use may be under the au- trolled by communism.


On Mar. 5, 1957,(6) the Senate § 8.8 After rejecting a motion

by a vote of 72 yeas to 19 nays, to recommit the measure, the
agreed to House Joint Resolution House by yea and nay vote
117,(7) authorizing the President agreed to a Senate joint reso-
to cooperate with and assist any lution expressing the posi-
nation or group of nations in that tion of the United States
area in the development of eco- with respect to Soviet build-
nomic strength, to undertake pro- up of weapons in Cuba.
grams of military assistance, and
On Sept. 26, 1962,(10) the House
to employ American Armed Forces
by a vote of yeas 384, nays 7, not
to resist aggression as stated
voting 44, agreed to a Senate joint
above. This House joint resolution resolution which was approved by
was approved in lieu of Senate the President on Oct. 3, 1962, in
Joint Resolution 19. the following form: (11)
Resolution Regarding Soviet Whereas President James Monroe,
announcing the Monroe Doctrine in
Weapons in Cuba 1823, declared that the United States
would consider any attempt on the
§ 8.7 The Senate agreed to a part of European powers ‘‘to extend
Senate joint resolution ex- their system to any portion of this
pressing the position of the hemisphere as dangerous to our peace
and safety’’; and
United States with respect to
Whereas in the Rio Treaty of 1947
Soviet buildup of weapons in the parties agreed that ‘‘an armed at-
Cuba. tack by any State against an American
State shall be considered as an attack
On Sept. 20, 1962,(8) the Senate against all the American States . . .
by a vote of 86 yeas, 1 nay, agreed one of the said contracting parties un-
to Senate Joint Resolution 230, dertakes to assist in meeting the at-
expressing the position of the tack in the exercise of the inherent
United States with respect to right of individual or collective self de-
fense recognized by article 51 of the
buildup of Soviet weapons in Charter of the United Nations’’; and
Cuba.(9) . . .
Whereas the international Com-
6. 103 CONG. REC. 3127, 3129, 3130, munist movement has increasingly ex-
85th Cong. 1st Sess.
7. See § 8.5, supra, for the text of and 10. 108 CONG. REC. 20859, 20909–11,
House vote on this measure. 87th Cong. 2d Sess.
8. 108 CONG. REC. 20024, 20058, 87th 11. See § 8.7, supra, for Senate approval
Cong. 2d Sess. of this measure. This excerpt is
9. See § 8.8, infra, for the text of and taken from 76 Stat. 697, 87th Cong.
House vote on this measure. 2d Sess. (Pub. L. No. 87–733).


tended into Cuba its political, eco- arms, Soviet violation of

nomic, and military sphere of influ- American, British, and
ence; Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of
French rights to Berlin, in-
Representatives of the United States of cluding ingress and egress,
America in Congress assembled, That and to fulfill the American
the United States is determined— commitment to the people of
(a) to prevent by whatever means Berlin.
may be necessary, including the use of
arms, the Marxist-Leninist regime in On Oct. 5, 1962, the House by a
Cuba from extending, by force or the vote of yeas 312, nays 0, not vot-
threat of force, its aggressive or sub- ing 123,(12) and on Oct. 10, 1962,
versive activities to any part of this the Senate by voice vote,(13)
hemisphere; agreed to House Concurrent Reso-
(b) to prevent in Cuba the creation
lution 570, expressing the sense of
or use of an externally supported mili-
tary capability endangering the secu- the Congress with respect to Ber-
rity of the United States; and lin in the following language:
(c) to work with the Organization of Whereas the primary purpose of the
American States and with freedom- United States in its relations with all
loving Cubans to support the aspira- other nations is and has been to de-
tions of the Cuban people for self-de- velop and sustain a just and enduring
termination. peace for all; and
Passage of the Senate joint res- Whereas it is the purpose of the
olution followed rejection by a United States to encourage and sup-
port the establishment of a free, uni-
vote of yeas 140, nays 251, not fied, and democratic Germany; and
voting 46, of a motion to recommit Whereas in connection with the ter-
with instructions which had been mination of hostilities in World War II
offered by Mr. William S. Broom- of the United States, the United King-
field. of Michigan. dom, France, and the Soviet Union
freely entered into binding agreements
Parliamentarian’s Note: This under which the four powers have the
resolution was approved prior to right to remain in Berlin, with the
the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. right of ingress and egress, until the
conclusion of a final settlement with
Resolution to Protect Berlin the Government of Germany; and
Whereas no such final settlement
§ 8.9 The House and Senate has been concluded by the four powers
agreed to a House concur- and the aforementioned agreements
continue in force: Now, therefore, be it
rent resolution expressing
the determination of Con- 12. 108 CONG. REC. 22618–38, 87th
gress to prevent by whatever Cong. 2d Sess.
means, including the use of 13. Id. at pp. 22964–66.


Resolved by the House of Representa- resolution, passed by the Senate

tives (the Senate concurring), That it is on a vote of yeas 75, nays 0, on
the sense of the Congress—
July 28, 1961,(15), and approved by
(a) that the continued exercise of
United States, British, and French
the President on Aug. 1, 1961,(16)
rights in Berlin constitutes a funda- reads as follows: (17)
mental political and moral determina- JOINT RESOLUTION
To authorize the President to order
(b) that the United States would re-
units and members in the Ready Re-
gard as intolerable any violation by the
serve to active duty for not more
Soviet Union directly or through others
than twelve months, and for other
of those rights in Berlin, including the
right of ingress and egress;
(c) that the United States is deter- Resolved by the Senate and House of
mined to prevent by whatever means Representatives of the United States of
may be necessary, including the use of America in Congress assembled, That
arms, any violation of those rights by notwithstanding any other provision of
the Soviet Union directly or through law, until July 1, 1962, the President
others, and to fulfill our commitment may, without the consent of the per-
to the people of Berlin with respect to sons concerned, order any unit, and
their resolve for freedom. any member not assigned to a unit or-
ganized to serve as a unit, in the
Authorization to Activate Re- Ready Reserve of an armed force to ac-
tive duty for not more than twelve con-
serve Forces secutive months. However, not more
than two hundred and fifty thousand
§ 8.10 The House agreed to a members of the Ready Reserve may be
Senate joint resolution au- on active duty (other than for train-
thorizing the President to ing), without their consent, under this
order units and members of section at any one time.
the Ready Reserve to active Sec. 2. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, until July 1, 1962, the
duty for not more than 12 President may authorize the Secretary
months. of Defense to extend enlistments, ap-
On July 31, 1961,(14) the House pointments, periods of active duty, pe-
riods of active duty for training, peri-
by a vote of yeas 403, nays 2, not
voting 32, agreed to Senate Joint 15. Id. at pp. 13930, 13942.
Resolution 120, authorizing the 16. See 107 CONG. REC. 14370, 87th
President to order units and mem- Cong. 1st Sess., Aug. 2, 1961, for an-
bers of the Ready Reserve into ac- nouncement in the Senate of Presi-
tive military service. The joint dential approval.
17. This excerpt is taken from 75 Stat.
14. 107 CONG. REC. 14051, 14061, 242, 87th Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub. L.
14062, 87th Cong. 1st Sess. No. 87–117).


ods of obligated service, or other mili- JOINT RESOLUTION

tary status, in any component of an To authorize the President to order
armed force or in the National Guard units and members in the Ready Re-
that expire before July 1, 1962, for not serve to active duty for not more
more than twelve months.
than twelve months, and for other
Parliamentarian’s Note: In an purposes.
address to the Nation on July 25, Resolved by the Senate and House of
1961, President John F. Kennedy Representatives of the United States of
requested authority to call up the America in Congress assembled, That,
Ready Reserves to respond to the notwithstanding any other provision of
Berlin crisis.(18) law, until February 28, 1963, the
President may, without the consent of
§ 8.11 During the Cuban mis- the persons concerned, order any unit,
or any member, of the Ready Reserve
sile crisis, the Senate and
of an armed force to active duty for not
House agreed to a Senate more than twelve consecutive months.
joint resolution authorizing However, not more than one hundred
the President to activate and fifty thousand members of the
units and members of the Ready Reserve may be on active duty
(other than for training), without their
Ready Reserve, for not more consent, under this section at any one
than 12 months. time.
On Sept. 13, 1962, the Senate Sec. 2. Notwithstanding any other
by a vote of 76 yeas, 0 nays,(19) provision of law until February 28,
1963, the President may authorize the
and on Sept. 24, 1962, the House
Secretary of Defense to extend enlist-
by a vote of 342 yeas, 13 nays, 80 ments, appointments, periods of active
not voting,(20) agreed to Senate duty, periods of active duty for train-
Joint Resolution 224, authorizing ing, periods of obligated service or
the President to activate units other military status, in any compo-
and members of the Ready Re- nent of an armed force or in the Na-
serve. The measure was approved tional Guard that expire before Feb-
ruary 28, 1963, for not more than
on Oct. 3, 1962, in the following
twelve months. However, if the enlist-
form: (1) ment of a member of the Ready Re-
serve who is ordered to active duty
18. This address is reprinted at 107
under the first section of this Act
CONG. REC. 13460–62, 87th Cong. would expire after February 28, 1963,
1st Sess., July 26, 1961. but before he has served the entire pe-
19. 108 CONG. REC. 19349, 19365, 87th riod for which he was so ordered to ac-
Cong. 2d Sess. tive duty, his enlistment may be ex-
20. Id. at pp. 20489, 20521, 20522 tended until the last day of that pe-
1. This excerpt is taken from 76 Stat. riod.
710, 87th Cong. 2d Sess. (Pub. L. No. Sec. 3. No member of the Ready Re-
87–736). serve who was involuntarily ordered to


active duty or whose period of active plies to American republics.(5) The

duty was extended under the Act of concept of providing assistance to
August 1, 1961, Public Law 87–117 (75
other nations which originated in
Stat. 242), may be involuntarily or-
dered to active duty under this Act. the joint resolution making mili-
tary assistance available to Amer-
ican republics was extended be-
§ 9. Pre-World War II Leg- yond the Western Hemisphere.
The Lend-Lease Act authorized
islative Restrictions on the President to direct the manu-
Military Activity facture, lease, or loan of military
and naval supplies to ‘‘the govern-
The German invasion of Poland ment of any country whose de-
in September of 1939 and the sub- fense the President deems vital to
sequent declarations of war on the defense of the United
Germany by Britain and France States.’’ (6) This act permitted the
intensified the public debate over United States to supply Britain
United States involvement or sup- and other nations in their strug-
port for its traditional allies in the gle against Germany.
conflict. At the request of the President,
Shortly after the German inva- Congress approved the first peace-
sion, the President by proclama- time draft in the nation’s history,
tion convened an extraordinary the Selective Service Act of 1940,
session of Congress to act on neu- but prohibited the employment of
trality legislation.(2) Accepting the inducted land forces outside the
President’s request,(3) Congress Western Hemisphere.(7) An iden-
repealed provisions of the Neu- tical restriction had been imposed
trality Acts of 1935 and 1937 a month earlier in a joint resolu-
which prohibited shipments of tion authorizing the President to
arms and ammunition to bellig- activate reserve and retired mili-
erent nations.(4) tary personnel.(8) Protecting the
Congress later authorized the Western Hemisphere became sig-
President to provide military sup-
5. See § 9.2, infra, for a discussion of
2. See § 12.3, infra, for this proclama- this measure. The Neutrality Act of
tion. 1939 did not apply to American re-
3. See § 11.6, infra, for a discussion of publics.
the President’s address to a joint ses- 6. See § 9.3, infra, for a discussion of
sion. the Lend-Lease Act.
4. Sec § 9.1, infra, for the discussion of 7. See § 9.5, infra, for this restriction.
the Neutrality Act of 1939. 8. See § 9.4, infra, for this resolution.


nificant in actions preceding War Production Board.(13) Under

American involvement in World the Emergency Price Control
War II. The President justified his Act,(14) the Office of Price Admin-
actions as in the interest of West- istration regulated the price of al-
ern Hemisphere defense when he most all commodities, as well as
acted to acquire British territory the rentals for housing accom-
in Newfoundland, Bermuda, and modations in scores of defense
certain Caribbean islands for rental areas. The War Labor Dis-
bases in exchange for out-of-date putes Act (15) permitted the Presi-
American destroyers,(9) and sent dent to commandeer plants which
American troops to replace British were closed by strikes. The Re-
forces in Iceland.(10) negotiation Act,(16) which the Su-
Legislation regulating thc econ- 13. Constitution of the United States of
omy was enacted prior to and dur- America: Analysis and Interpreta-
ing World War II. The Priorities tion, S. Doc. No. 92–82, 92d Cong. 2d
Act of May 31, 1941,(11) empow- Sess. 337 (1973).
ered the President to allocate any 14. 56 Stat. 23, 77th Cong. 2d Sess.
(Pub. L. No. 77–421).
material where necessary to facili-
15. 57 Stat. 163, 78th Cong. 1st Sess.
tate the defense effort. The Sec- (Pub. L. No. 78–89).
ond War Powers Act (12) extended 16. The Supreme Court in Lichter v
this authority. These two acts fur- United States, 334 U.S. 742, 745
nished the statutory foundation (1948) stated that the term ‘‘the Re-
for the extensive system of con- negotiation Act’’ included 56 Stat.
sumer rationing administered by 226, 77th Cong. 2d Sess. (Pub. L. No.
the Office of Price Administration, 77–528), the Sixth Supplemental Na-
tional Defense Appropriation Act,
as well as for the comprehensive sometimes called the First Renegoti-
control of industrial materials and ation Act; 56 Stat. 798, 801, 77th
output which was exercised by the Cong. 2d Sess. (Pub. L. No. 77–753),
the Revenue Act of 1942, Title VIII,
9. See § 11.7, infra. See also § 3.2, Renegotiation of War Contracts; 57
supra, for an opinion of the Attorney Stat. 347, 78th Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub.
General as to the constitutionality of L. No. 78–108), Military Appropria-
this action taken without consulting tions Act of 1944; 57 Stat. 564, 78th
Congress. Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub. L. No. 78–149),
10. See § 11.8, infra, for an announce- an act to prevent payment of exces-
ment of this action. sive fees or compensation in connec-
11. 55 Stat. 236, 77th Cong. 1st Sess. tion with the negotiation of war con-
(Pub. L. No. 77–92). tracts; 58 Stat. 21, 78–93, 78th
12. 56 Stat. 176, 77th Cong. 2d Sess. Cong. 2d Sess. (Pub. L. No. 78–235),
(Pub. L. No. 77–507). Revenue Act of 1943, Title VII, Re-


preme Court found to be a proper The act, which did not apply to
exercise of the war powers by any American republic engaged in
Congress,(17) authorized the gov- war against a non-American state
ernment to recover excessive prof- or states, authorized the President
its realized on war contracts. to issue a proclamation naming
foreign states as belligerents
whenever he or the Congress by
concurrent resolution found that a
Neutrality Act
state of war existed between for-
§ 9.1 The House and Senate eign states.(1) He was also author-
agreed to the conference re- ized to require a bond from the
port on the Neutrality Act of owner or person in command of
1939. any domestic or foreign vessel
which he had reason to believe
On Nov. 3, 1939, the House by was about to carry out of a port or
a vote of yeas 243, nays 172, not from the jurisdiction of the United
voting 14,(18) and the Senate by a States, fuel, men, arms, ammuni-
vote of yeas 55, nays 24,(19) agreed tion, implements of war, supplies,
to the conference report (H. Rept. dispatches, or information to any
No. 1475) on House Joint Resolu- warship, tender, or supply ship of
tion 306, the Neutrality Act of a belligerent state; and to promul-
1939, to preserve the neutrality gate rules and regulations.(2)
and peace of the United States It was further provided that
and secure the safety of its citi- where states and areas are named
zens and their interests.(20) as being at war in a Presidential
proclamation issued pursuant to
negotiation of War Contracts, and
Title VIII, Repricing of War Con- proved on Aug. 31, 1935 (Pub. Res.
tracts. No. 67, 49 Stat. 1081, S.J. Res. 173,
17. Lichter v United States, 334 U.S. 742 74th Cong. 1st Sess.), and amended
(1948). on May 1, 1937 (Pub. Res. No. 27, 50
18. 85 CONG. REC. 1389, 76th Cong. 2d Stat. 121, S.J. Res. 251, 75th Cong.
Sess. See also pp. 1381–86, for the 1st Sess.).
conference report and statement of 1. See § 12.4, infra, for an example of
the conferees. this kind of proclamation.
19. Id. at p. 1356. 2. This provision effectuated a request
20. 22 USC §§ 441, 444, 445, 447–451, of the President to repeal embargo
453–457; Pub. Res. No. 54, 54 Stat. provisions of earlier Neutrality Acts.
4, Ch. 2, H.J. Res. 306, 76th Cong. See § 11.6, infra, for a discussion of
2d Sess., approved Nov. 4, 1939. the President’s message requesting
Neutrality legislation had been ap- the Neutrality Act of 1939.


authority granted in the act, no The act also provided that no

American vessels may lawfully person within the United States
carry passengers or articles to may solicit or receive any con-
such states.(3) Similarly, the terms tribution for or on behalf of a gov-
of the act provided that no Amer- ernment, agency, or instrumen-
tality of such states. Whenever
ican citizen or vessel may lawfully the President places special re-
proceed into an area designated strictions on the use of ports and
by the President as a combat territorial waters of the United
zone.(4) Moreover, no American States, submarines and armed
citizen may lawfully travel on any merchant vessels of a foreign
vessel of any such state and no state may not enter or depart
American merchant vessel en- from those ports or territorial wa-
gaged in commerce with any for- ters.(7)
eign state may lawfully be The act also established the Na-
tional Munitions Control Board.(8)
armed.(5) And no person in the
United States may lawfully en- Military Assistance to Amer-
gage in certain financial trans- ican Republics
actions with any government or
any political subdivision of such § 9.2 The Senate and House
states or person acting for or on agreed to a joint resolution
behalf of such governments.(6) authorizing the Secretaries
of War and of the Navy to as-
3. This provision, § 2 of the Neutrality sist the governments of
Act of 1939, was repealed by 55 Stat.
764, Ch. 473 § 1, 77th Cong. 1st
American republics to in-
Sess. (Pub. L. No. 77–294), approved crease their military and
on Nov. 17, 1941. naval establishments.
4. This provision, § 3 of the Neutrality On May 28, 1940, the Senate
Act of 1939, was repealed by 55 Stat. amended and passed,(9) and on
764, Ch. 473 § 1, 77th Cong. 1st
Sess. (Pub. L. No. 77–294), approved 77th Cong. 2d Sess. (Pub. L. No. 77–
on Nov. 17, 1941. 459), approved on Feb. 21, 1942.
5. This provision, § 6 of the Neutrality 7. See § 12.5, infra, for such restric-
Act of 1939, was repealed by 55 Stat. tions.
764, Ch. 473 § 2, 77th Cong. 1st 8. This provision, § 12 of the Neutrality
Sess. (Pub. L. No. 77–294), approved Act of 1939, was repealed by 68 Stat.
861, Ch. 937, title V § 542(a) (12),
Nov. 17, 1941. 83d Cong. 2d Sess. (Pub. L. No. 83–
6. This provision, § 7 of the Neutrality 665, H.R. 9678), approved on Aug.
Act of 1939, was amended to be inop- 26, 1954.
erative when the United States en- 9. 86 CONG. REC. 6977, 76th Cong. 3d
gages in war. 56 Stat. 95, Ch. 104, Sess.


June 5, 1940, the House agreed to ments and passed, H.R. 1776, fur-
Senate amendments and ther to promote the defense of the
passed,(10) House Joint Resolution United States, known as the
367, authorizing the President in Lend-Lease Act, which authorized
his discretion to direct the Sec- the President to direct manufac-
retary of War to manufacture or ture of defense articles for the
otherwise procure coast-defense government of any country whose
and antiaircraft materiel, includ- defense the President deemed
ing ammunition therefor, and to vital to the def ense of the United
direct the Secretary of the Navy States, and to direct the lease or
to construct vessels of war on be- loan of defense articles. The act
half of any American republic.(11) was approved in the following lan-
guage: (14)
Lend-Lease Act
Be it enacted by the Senate and
§ 9.3 The Senate and House House of Representatives of the United
agreed to a bill further to States of America in Congress assem-
bled, That this Act may be cited as ‘‘An
promote the defense of the Act to Promote the Defense of the
United States, known as the United States’’.
Lend-Lease Act, which au- Sec. 2. As used in this Act—
thorized the President to di- (a) The term ‘‘defense article’’
rect manufacture, lease, and means—
(1) Any weapon, munition, aircraft,
loan of war supplies to for-
vessel, or boat;
eign governments. (2) Any machinery, facility, tool, ma-
On Mar. 8, 1941, the Senate by terial, or supply necessary for the man-
a vote of yeas 60, nays 31, not vot- ufacture, production, processing, re-
ing 4, amended and agreed to,(12) pair, servicing, or operation of any arti-
cle described in this subsection. . . .
and the House by a vote of yeas
Sec. 3. (a) Notwithstanding the pro-
317, nays 71, present 1, not voting visions of any other law, the President
40,(13) agreed to Senate amend- may, from time to time, when he
deems it in the interest of national de-
10. Id. at p. 7616. See 85 CONG. REC. fense, authorize the Secretary of War,
9861, 76th Cong. 1st Sess., July 24, the Secretary of the Navy, or the head
1939, for initial House approval of of any other department or agency of
this joint resolution. the Government—
11. Pub. Res. No. 83, 54 Stat. 396 (June
15, 1940). 1941, for initial House approval of
12. 87 CONG. REC. 2097. 77th Cong. 1st this bill by a vote of yeas 260, nays
Sess. 165, not voting 6.
13. Id. at p. 2178. See 87 CONG. REC. 14. The text is taken from 55 Stat. 31
815, 77th Cong. 1st Sess., Feb. 8, (Pub. L. No. 77–11), Mar. 11, 1941.


(1) To manufacture in arsenals, fac- the President nor the head of any de-
tories, and shipyards under their juris- partment or agency shall exercise any
diction, or otherwise procure, to the ex- of the powers conferred by or pursuant
tent to which funds are made available to subsection (a); except that until July
therefor, or contracts are authorized 1, 1946, any of such powers may be ex-
from time to time by the Congress, or ercised to the extent necessary to carry
both, any defense article for the gov- out a contract or agreement with such
ernment of any country whose defense a foreign government made before July
the President deems vital to the de- 1, 1943, or before the passage of such
fense of the United States. concurrent resolution, whichever is the
(2) To sell, transfer title to, ex- earlier. . . .(17)
change, lease, lend, or otherwise dis- Sec. 5. (a) The Secretary of War, the
pose of, to any such government any Secretary of the Navy, or the head of
defense article, but no defense article any other department or agency of the
not manufactured or procured under Government involved shall, when any
paragraph (1) shall in any way be dis- such defense article or defense infor-
posed of under this paragraph, except mation is exported, immediately in-
form the department or agency des-
after consultation with the Chief of
ignated by the President to administer
Staff of the Army or the Chief of Naval
section 6 of the Act of July 2, 1940 (54
Operations of the Navy, or both.
Stat. 714), of the quantities, character,
. . .(15)
value, terms of disposition, and des-
(3) To test, inspect, prove, repair, tination of the article and information
outfit, recondition, or otherwise to so exported.
place in good working order, to the ex- (b) The President from time to time,
tent to which funds are made available but not less frequently than once every
therefor, or contracts are authorized ninety days, shall transmit to the Con-
from time to time by the Congress, or gress a report of operations under this
both, any defense article for any such Act except such information as he
government, or to procure any or all deems incompatible with the public in-
such services by private contract. terest to disclose. Reports provided for
. . .(16) under this subsection shall be trans-
(c) After June 30, 1943, or after the mitted to the Secretary of the Senate
passage of a concurrent resolution by or the Clerk of the House of Represent-
the two Houses before June 30, 1943, atives, as the case may be, if the Sen-
which declares that the powers con- ate or the House of Representatives, as
ferred by or pursuant to subsection (a) the case may be, is not in session.
are no longer necessary to promote the Sec. 6. (a) There is hereby author-
defense of the United States, neither ized to be appropriated from time to

15. See 57 Stat. 2], 25, 78th Cong. 1st 17. See 59 Stat. 52, 79th Cong. 1st Sess.
Sess. (Pub. L. No. 78–11), for an (Pub. L. No. 79–31); 58 Stat. 222,
amendment to this section. 223, 78th Cong. 2d Sess. (Pub. L. No.
16. See 58 Stat. 222, 223, 78th Cong. 2d 78–304); and 57 Stat. 20, 78th Cong.
Sess. (Pub. L. No. 78–304), for an 1st Sess. (Pub. L. No. 78–9), for
amendment to this provision. amendments to this provision.


time, out of any money in the Treasury stricting employment of re-

not otherwise appropriated, such serve components of the
amounts as may be necessary to carry
out the provisions and accomplish the United States Army beyond
purposes of this Act. the limits of the Western
(b) All money and all property which Hemisphere in a Senate joint
is converted into money received under resolution authorizing the
section 3 from any government shall,
with the approval of the Director of the President to activate the re-
Budget, revert to the respective appro- serves.
priation or appropriations out of which
funds were expended with respect to
On Aug. 15, 1940,(19) the House
the defense article or defense informa- by a vote of yeas 342, nays 34, not
tion for which such consideration is re- voting 54, agreed to Senate Joint
ceived, and shall be available for ex- Resolution 286, authorizing the
penditure for the purpose for which President to order members and
such expended funds were appro-
priated by law, during the fiscal year units of reserve components and
in which such funds are received and retired personnel of the Regular
the ensuing fiscal year; but in no event Army into active military service.
shall any funds so received be avail- The joint resolution, which was
able for expenditure after June 30,
passed by the Senate by a vote of
1946. . . . (18)
Sec. 11. If any provision of this Act yeas 71, nays 7, on Aug. 8,
or the application of such provision to 1940,(20) and signed by the Presi-
any circumstance shall be held invalid, dent on Aug. 27, 1940, as Public
the validity of the remainder of the Act
and the applicability of such provision 19. 86 CONG. REC. 10429, 10448, 10449,
to other circumstances shall not be af- 76th Cong. 3d Sess. See also 86
fected thereby. CONG. REC. 10763, 76th Cong. 3d
Sess., Aug. 22, 1940, for House ap-
Reserve Forces Limited to West- proval of the conference report.
ern Hemisphere 20. Id. at p. 10068. The Senate by a vote
of yeas 31, nays 45, rejected a mo-
§ 9.4 The House and Senate tion to recommit the joint resolution
agreed to a provision re- with instructions to report it back
forthwith with an amendment sub-
18. See 61 Stat. 449, 450, 80th Cong. 1st stituting ‘‘continental United States
Sess. (Pub. L. No. 80–123), for repeal and Territories and possessions of
of this provision which had been the United States’’ in place of the re-
amended by 59 Stat. 52, 79th Cong. mainder of section 1 beginning with
1st Sess. (Pub. L. No. 79–31); 58 ‘‘Western Hemisphere.’’ Id. at pp.
Stat. 222, 223, 78th Cong. 2d Sess. 10067, 10068. See also 86 CONG.
(Pub. L. No. 78–304); and 57 Stat. REC. 10791, 76th Cong. 3d Sess.,
20, 78th Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub. L. No. Aug. 23, 1940, for Senate voice vote
78–9). approval of this measure.


Resolution No. 96,(1) contained the present 2, not voting 70, agreed to
following restriction on use of re- a conference report on S. 4164,
serves: (2) the Selective Training and Service
. . . [T]he members and units of the Act of 1940. This measure, passed
reserve components of the Army of the
United States ordered into active Fed- as a conference report by the Sen-
eral service under this authority shall ate on a vote of yeas 47, nays 25,
not be employed beyond the limits of
the Western Hemisphere except in the on Sept. 14, 1940,(5) and signed by
territories and possessions of the the President on Sept. 16, 1940,
United States, including the Philippine as Public Law No. 783,(6) con-
tained the following restriction on
After commencement of World
War II, this provision was re- use of inducted land forces: (7)
pealed.(3) (e) Persons inducted into the land
forces of the United States under this
Inducted Land Forces Limited Act shall not be employed beyond the
to Western Hemisphere limits of the Western Hemisphere ex-
cept in the Territories and possessions
§ 9.5 The House and Senate of the United States, including the
agreed to a provision re- Philippine Islands.
stricting employment of in-
ducted land forces beyond After the commencement of
the limits of the Western World War II, this provision was
Hemisphere in a conference repealed.(8)
report on the Selective
5. Id. at pp. 12156–61.
Training and Service Act of
6. See 86 CONG. REC. 12290, 76th
1940. Cong. 3d Sess., Sept. 19, 1940, for
On Sept. 14, 1940,(4) the House announcement in the Senate of Pres-
by a vote of yeas 233, nays 124, idential approval.
7. This excerpt is taken from 54 Stat.
1. See 86 CONG. REC. 11089, 76th 885, 886, 76th Cong. 3d Sess.
Cong. 3d Sess., Aug. 28, 1940, for 8. See 55 Stat. 799, 77th Cong. 1st
announcement in the Senate of Pres- Sess. (Pub. L. No. 77–338) approved
idential approval. Dec. 13, 1941. The House by a vote
2. This excerpt is taken from 54 Stat. of 203 yeas, 202 nays, had agreed to
858, 859, 76th Cong. 3d Sess. H.J. Res. 222, extending the period
3. See 55 Stat. 799, 77th Cong. 1st of conscription beyond the 12 months
Sess. (Pub. L. No. 77–338), approved established in the Selective Training
Dec. 13, 1941. and Service Act of 1940. 87 CONG.
4. 86 CONG. REC. 12207, 12227, 12228, REC. 6995, 7074, 7075, 77th Cong.
76th Cong. 3d Sess. 1st Sess., Aug. 12, 1941.


§ 10. Vietnam Era Restric- Dvorin, Eugene, ed. The Senate’s War
Powers; Debate on Cambodia from the
tions on Military Activ- Congressional Record. Markham Pub.
ity Co., Chicago [c1971].
Faulkner, S. War in Vietnam: Is it Con-
As debate over American in- stitutional? 56 Georgetown U.L.J.1132
volvement in Indochina intensified (1968).
Goldman, Eric F. The President, the Peo-
following the 1968 elections, Con-
ple and the Power to Make War. 21
gress, exercising its constitutional American Heritage 4 (1970), reprinted
authority to raise and support ar- in The Vietnam War and International
mies,(9) imposed restrictions on Law: The Widening Context, Princeton
the obligation and expenditure of University Press, Princeton, N.J. 489
funds relating to military activity (1972).
in Vietnam and neighboring Katzenbach, Nicholas deB. Congress and
Foreign Policy. 3 Cornell International
areas. These restrictions, which L.J. (1970), reprinted in The Vietnam
were placed in authorization (10) as War and International Law: The Wid-
well as appropriation bills,(11) in ening Context, Princeton University
some instances prohibited obliga- Press, Princeton, N.J. 595 (1972).
tion or expenditure of funds in Malawer, Stuart S. The Vietnam War
particular countries after a fixed Under the Constitution: Legal Issues
Involved in the United States Military
date,(12) and in other instances did Involvement in Vietnam. 31 U. of Pitt.
not specify such a date.(13) L.R. 205 (Winter 1969).
The precedents in this section Meeker, Leonard C. The Legality of
comprise a few examples of the United States Participation in the De-
many initiatives undertaken by fense of Vietnam. 54 Dept. of State
Congress in response to the Viet- Bulletin 474 (Apr. 28, 1966).
Moore, John Norton, James L. Under-
nam crisis. wood, and Myres S. McDougall The
Collateral References (14) Lawfulness of United States Assist-
ance to the Republic of North Vietnam.
Bickel, Alexander M. The Constitution 112 CONG. REC. 15519–67, July 13,
and the War. 54 Commentary 49 (July 1966.
1972). Moore, John Norton. Law and the Indo-
China War. Princeton University
9. U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, clause 12.
Press, Princeton, N.J. (1972).
10. §§ 10.2, 10.3, infra.
Moore, John Norton. Legal Dimensions of
11. §§ 10.1, 10.4, infra. the Decision to Intercede in Cambodia.
12. §§ 10.4, 10.5, infra.
13. §§ 10.1–10.3, infra. erences in § 3, supra, war powers
14. The articles in this section relate to generally, and § 4, supra, War Pow-
military involvement during the ers Act, for other articles relating to
Vietnam era. See collateral ref- those subjects.


65 American J. of International Law ending June 30, 1970. The provi-

38 (Jan. 1971). sion appeared in the bill approved
Norton, Patrick M. Constitutional Law—
by the President in the following
Justicabi1ity—Veto Power—Stand-
ing—No Judicially Discoverable and form: (16)
Manageable Standards Exist by Which Sec. 643. In line with the expressed
to Ascertain Whether Bombing of Cam- intention of the President of the
bodia Required New Congressional Au- United States, none of the funds ap-
thorization. 15 Harv. International L. propriated by this Act shall be used to
Jour. 143–17 (Winter 1974). finance the introduction of American
Van Alstyne, William. Congress, the ground combat troops into Laos or
President, and the Power to Declare Thailand.
War: A Requiem for Vietnam. 121 U.
of Pa. L. Rev. 1–28 (Nov. 1972). Because it was a substitute for
Wenner, Scott J. The Indochina War an amendment offered by Senator
Cases in the United States Court of John Sherman Cooper, of Ken-
Appeals for the Second Circuit: The tucky, this provision came to be
Constitutional Allocation of War Pow- known as the Cooper-Church
ers. 7 N.Y.U. Jour. of International
Law and Politics 137–61 (Spring 1974).

Prohibition of Military Sup-

port for Cambodia and Laos
Prohibition of American Forces
in Laos or Thailand § 10.2 A bill authorizing appro-
priations for military pro-
§ 10.1 The Department of De- curement for fiscal year 1971
fense appropriations bill for was amended to prohibit use
fiscal year 1970 was amended of funds to support Viet-
to prohibit use of funds to fi- namese or other freeworld
nance introduction of ground forces in actions designed to
combat troops into Laos or provide military support and
Thailand. assistance to the Govern-
On Dec. 15, 1969,(15) the Senate ment of Cambodia or Laos.
by a vote of yeas 73, nays 17, On Aug. 21, 1970,(17) the Senate
agreed to an amendment offered
by voice vote agreed to amend-
by Senator Frank Church, of
Idaho, to House bill 15090, mak- 16. 83 Stat. 469, 487, 91st Cong. 1st
ing appropriations for the Depart- Sess. (Pub. L. No. 91–171).
ment of Defense for the fiscal year 17. 116 CONG. REC. 29686, 29688, 91st
Cong. 2d Sess. See also 116 CONG.
15. 115 CONG. REC. 39168, 39172, 91st REC. 29572–83, 91st Cong. 2d Sess.,
Cong. 1st Sess. Aug. 20, 1971, for debate on amend-


ment No. 812, ordered by Senator AN ACT

To authorize appropriations during the
J. William Fulbright, of Arkansas, fiscal year 1971 for procurement of
aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, and
to H.R. 17123, to authorize appro-
tracked combat vehicles, and other
priations for military procurement weapons, and research, development,
test, and evaluation for the Armed
for the fiscal year 1971. The provi- Forces, and to authorize real estate
acquisition and construction at cer-
sion appeared in the form passed tain installations in connection with
by the Senate (18) in the bill ap- the Safeguard anti-ballistic missile
system, and to prescribe the author-
proved by the President on Oct. 7, ized personnel strength of the Se-
lected Reserve of each Reserve com-
1970.(19) ponent of the Armed Forces, and for
other purposes.
ment No. 812; and 116 CONG. REC.
34580–602, 91st Cong. 2d Sess., Oct. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the United
1, 1970, for debate on and approval
States of America in Congress assem-
of the conference report in the Sen- bled . . .
ate. Sec. 502. Subsection (a) of section
18. See 116 CONG. REC. 33924, 33925, 401 of Public Law 89–367, approved
33933, 91st Cong. 2d Sess., Sept. 28, March 15, 1966 (80 Stat. 37), as
1970, for the text of the House con- ‘‘(a) (1) Not to exceed $2,800,000,000
ference report, H. Rept. No. 91–1473, of the funds authorized for appropria-
which states that the House con- tion for the use of the Armed Forces of
ferees agreed to the Senate amend- the United States under this or any
other Act are authorized to be made
ment and deleted the words ‘‘in Viet-
available for their stated purposes to
nam’’ after the words ‘‘and other free
support: (A) Vietnamese and other free
world forces’’ and before the words world forces in support of Vietnamese
‘‘and local’’; and 116 CONG. REC. forces, (B) local forces in Laos and
34149, 34161, 34162, 91st Cong. 2d Thailand; and for related costs, during
Sess., Sept. 29, 1970, for House ap- the fiscal year 1971 on such terms and
proval of the conference report by a conditions as the Secretary of Defense
vote of yeas 341, nays 11, not voting may determine. None of the funds ap-
77. propriated to or for the use of the
Armed Forces of the United States
19. This excerpt is taken from 84 Stat.
may be used for the purpose of paying
905, 910, 91st Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub. any overseas allowance, per diem al-
L. No. 91–441). The italicized sen- lowance, or any other addition to the
tence is the Fulbright amendment. regular base pay of any person serving
amended, is hereby amended to read with the free world forces in South
as follows: Vietnam if the amount of such pay-


ment would be greater than the agreed to strike out all after the
amount of special pay authorized to be enacting clause of the Special For-
paid, for an equivalent period of serv-
ice, to members of the Armed Forces of
eign Assistance Act of 1971, H.R.
the United States (under section 310 of 19911, which had been approved
title 37, United States Code) serving in by the House, and insert an
Vietnam or in any other hostile fire amendment, described above, re-
area, except for continuation of pay- ported from the Committee on
ments of such additions to regular base Foreign Relations. The provi-
pay provided in agreements executed sions (1) became law when ap-
prior to July 1, 1970. Nothing in clause
(A) of the first sentence of this para- proved by the President on Jan. 5,
graph shall be construed as author- 1971, in the same form as the
izing the use of any such funds to sup- Senate amendment: (2)
port Vietnamese or other free world
forces in actions designed to provide AN ACT
military support and assistance to the To provide additional foreign assist-
Governments of Cambodia or Laos.’’ ance authorizations, and for other
Prohibition of American Be it enacted by the Senate and
Ground Forces From Cam- House of Representatives of the United
bodia States of America in Congress assem-
bled, That this Act may be cited as the
‘‘Special Foreign Assistance Act of
§ 10.3 The Special Foreign As-
1971’’. . . .
sistance Act of 1971 was Sec. 7. (a) In line with the expressed
amended to prohibit use of intention of the President of the
funds to finance introduction
of United States ground com- 91st Cong. 2d Sess., Dec. 15, 1970,
bat troops into Cambodia, or for the text of the amendment from
the Committee on Foreign Relations;
to provide United States ad- and 116 CONG. REC. 43221–23, 91st
visers to or for Cambodian Cong. 2d Sess., Dec. 22, 1970, for
military forces in Cambodia, Senate approval of the conference re-
and to assert that American port by a vote of yeas 41, nays 20.
military and economic assist- 1. See 116 CONG. REC. 43133, 43134,
ance should not be construed 91st Cong. 2d Sess., Dec. 21, 1970;
and 116 CONG. REC. 43342, 43343,
as a commitment by the
91st Cong. 2d Sess., Dec. 22, 1970,
United States to Cambodia. for the text of and House approval of
On Dec. 16, 1970,(20) the Senate the conference report in the House,
by a vote of yeas 72, nays 22, respectively.
2. This excerpt is taken from 84 Stat.
20. 116 CONG. REC. 41788, 91st Cong. 2d 1942, 1943, 91st Cong. 2d Sess.
Sess. See also 116 CONG. REC 41616, (Pub. L. No. 91–652).


United States, none of the funds au- tion 636, the Senate agreed to an
thorized or appropriated pursuant to amendment, described above, of-
this or any other Act may be used to fi-
fered by Senator J. William Ful-
nance the introduction of the United
States ground combat troops into Cam- bright, of Arkansas, on behalf of
bodia, or to provide United States ad- the Committee on Foreign Rela-
visers to or for Cambodian military tions. The joint resolution as
forces in Cambodia. amended (4) was approved by the
(b) Military and economic assistance President on July 1, 1973.(5)
provided by the United States to Cam- Joint Resolution making continuing
bodia and authorized or appropriated appropriations for the fiscal year
pursuant to this or any other Act shall 1974, and for other purposes.
not be construed as a commitment by
Resolved by the Senate and House of
the United States to Cambodia for its
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That:
The following sums are appropriated
Prohibition of Military Funds out of any money in the Treasury not
After Fixed Date otherwise appropriated and, out of ap-
plicable corporate or other revenues,
§ 10.4 A House joint resolution receipts, and funds, for the several de-
continuing appropriations
for the fiscal year 1974 was priated . . .’’ in the version which
originally passed the Senate to ‘‘. . .
amended to prohibit after a no funds herein or heretofore appro-
fixed date obligation or ex- priated . . .’’ in the version approved
penditure of funds to finance by the President.
combat activities by United 4. See 119 CONG. REC. 21306, 21309,
States military forces in, 21315, 21319, 21320, 93d Cong. 1st
over, or off the shores of Sess., June 26, 1973, for House ap-
proval of a substitute amendment of-
North Vietnam, South Viet-
fered by Mr. George H. Mahon
nam, Laos, or Cambodia. (Tex.), as amended by an amend-
On June 29, 1973,(3) during con- ment offered by Mr. Clarence D.
sideration of House Joint Resolu- Long (Md.), prohibiting expenditure
of funds under H.J. Res. 636 to sup-
3. 119 CONG. REC. 22305, 22325, port combat activities in, over, or off
22326, 93d Cong. 1st Sess. See also the shores of Cambodia or Laos. See
119 CONG. REC. 22603, 22604, 93d also 119 CONG. REC. 22632–37, 93d
Cong. 1st Sess., June 30, 1973, for Cong. 1st Sess., June 30, 1973, for
Senate agreement to the conference House approval of the conference re-
report. Senate and House conferees port, H. Rept. No. 93–364.
agreed to modify the language of this 5. This excerpt is taken from 87 Stat.
amendment from ‘‘. . . no funds 130, 93d Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub. L. No.
herein, heretofore or hereafter appro- 93–52).


partments, agencies, corporations, and to the conference report (H. Rept.

other organizational units of the Gov- No. 93–563) to H. R. 7645, the De-
ernment for the fiscal year 1974,
partment of State Appropriations
Sec. 108. Notwithstanding any other Act of 1973. The report included a
provision of law, on or after August 15, provision prohibiting, after Aug.
1973, no funds herein or heretofore ap- 15, 1973, obligation or expendi-
propriated may be obligated or ex- ture of funds as described above.
pended to finance directly or indirectly This provision, which originated
combat activities by United States
military forces in or over or from off
in the Senate as an amendment
the shores of North Vietnam, South by the Committee on Foreign Re-
Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia. lations to S. 1248,(8) was approved
by the President on Oct. 18, 1973,
Prohibition of Military Involve- in the following form:(9)
§ 10.5 The Senate and House
agreed to a conference re- *****
An Act to authorize appropriations for
port (on the Department of
the Department of State, and for
State Appropriations Author- other purposes.
ization Act of 1973) which in-
Be it enacted by the Senate and
cluded a provision prohib- House of Representatives of the United
iting, after a fixed date, obli- States of America in Congress assem-
gation or expenditure of bled, That:
funds to finance involvement
and 119 CONG. REC. 33413–15, 93d
of United States military Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 9, 1973, for text
forces in hostilities in, over, of the conference report.
or off the shores of North 8. See 119 CONG. REC. 18901–03, 93d
Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cong. 1st Sess., June 8, 1973, for the
Laos, or Cambodia, or to pro- text of this amendment, which did
vide assistance to North Viet- not set a date certain but instead
made the prohibition effective ‘‘. . .
nam, unless specifically au- upon enactment of this Act. . . .’’
thorized by Congress. The date was established in con-
On Oct. 10, 1973, the Senate (6) ference. On June 14, 1973, the Sen-
and House (7) by voice vote agreed ate struck all after the enacting
clause of H.R. 7645, and substituted
6. See 119. 33577, 33578, 93d Cong. 1st the provisions of S. 1248 (119 CONG.
Sess., for Senate approval of the con- REC. 19648, 93d Cong. 1st Sess.).
ference report. 9. This excerpt is taken from 87 Stat.
7. See 119 CONG. REC. 33609, 93d 451, 93d Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub. L. No.
Cong. 1st Sess., for House approval; 93–126).


This Act may be cited as the ‘‘De- Request for Declaration of War
partment of State Appropriations Au- on Japan
thorization Act of 1973’’. . . .
§ 11.1 The President addressed
a joint session of Congress to
MENT OF AMERICAN FORCES IN FUR- announce the Japanese at-
tack on Pearl Harbor and re-
TO NORTH VIETNAM quest a declaration of war.
Sec. 13. Notwithstanding any other On Dec. 8, 1941,(10) President
provision of law, on or after August 15, Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed a
1973, no funds heretofore or hereafter joint session of Congress to an-
appropriated may: be obligated or ex- nounce the Japanese attack on
pended to finance the involvement of
Pearl Harbor and request a dec-
United States military forces in hos-
laration of war.(11)
tilities in or over or from off the shores ADDRESS BY THEPRESIDENT (H. DOC.
of North Vietnam, South Vietnam, NO. 453)
Laos, or Cambodia, unless specifically The address delivered by the Presi-
authorized hereafter by the Congress. dent of the United States to the joint
Notwithstanding any other provision of meeting of the two Houses of Congress
law, upon enactment of this Act, no held this day is as follows:
funds heretofore or hereafter appro- To the Congress of the United States:
priated may be obligated or expended Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a
for the purpose of providing assistance date which will live in infamy—the
United States of America was sud-
of any kind, directly or indirectly, to or denly and deliberately attacked by
on behalf of North Vietnam, unless naval and air forces of the Empire of
specifically authorized hereafter by the Japan. . . .
Congress. I believe I interpret the will of the
Congress and of the people when I
assert that we will not only defend
ourselves to the uttermost but will
make very certain that this form of
§ 11. Receipt of Presi- treachery shall never endanger us
dential Messages again.
Hostilities exist. There is no blink-
ing at the fact that our people, our
The precedents in this section
are limited exclusively to written 10. 87 CONG. REC. 9519, 9520, 77th
or oral statements officially re- Cong. 1st Sess. The message was re-
ceived by Congress. Presidential ferred to the Committee on Foreign
statements made to the public at 11. See § 6.1, supra (House declaration),
large through the media are not and § 7.1, supra ( Senate declara-
included. tion).


territory, and our interests are in President of the United States, which
grave danger. . . . was read:
I ask that the Congress declare
that since the unprovoked and das- To the Congress of the United States:
tardly attack by Japan on Sunday,
December 7, a state of war has ex- On the morning of December 11,
isted between the United States and the Government of Germany, pur-
the Japanese Empire. suing its course of world conquest,
declared war against the United
THE WHITE HOUSE, The long known and the long ex-
December 8, 1941. pected has thus taken place. . . .
Italy also has declared war against
Request for Declaration of War the United States.
on Germany and Italy I, therefore, request the Congress
to recognize a state of war between
the United States and Germany, and
§ 11.2 The House received a between the United States and Italy.
written message from the FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT,
President announcing that THE WHITE HOUSE,
Italy and Germany had de- December 11, 1941.
clared war on the United
States, and requesting the MR. [JOHN W.] MCCORMACK [of Mas-
Congress to recognize a state sachusetts]: Mr. Speaker, I move that
of war between the United the message of the President be re-
States and Germany and the ferred to the Committee on Foreign Af-
United States and Italy. fairs, and ordered printed.
On Dec. 11, l941, (12) the House The motion was agreed to.
received a message, as follows,
from President Franklin D. Roo- Request for Declaration of War
sevelt.(13) on Bulgaria, Hungary, and
(H. DOC. NO. 454) § 11.3 The House received a
written message from the
The Speaker (14) laid before the
House the following message from the President announcing that
the Governments of Bulgaria,
12. 87 CONG. REC. 9665, 77th Cong. 1st Hungary, and Rumania had
Sess. declared war on the United
13. See §§ 6.2, 6.3, supra (House action), States and requesting that
and §§ 7.2, 7.3, supra (Senate action),
Congress recognize a state of
for declarations of war on Germany
and Italy. war between the United
14. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). States and these nations.


On June 2, 1942, (15) the House thorization to cooperate with

received a message, as follows, and assist any Middle East-
from President Franklin D. Roo- ern nation or group of na-
sevelt. (16) tions in the development of
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF economic strength, under-
THE UNITED STATES (H. Doc. No. take military assistance, and
761) employ American Armed
The Speaker (17) laid before the Forces to secure and protect
House the following message from the the territorial integrity and
President of the United States, which
was read, and, with the accompanying
political independence of na-
papers, referred to the Committee on tions which request aid
Foreign Affairs and ordered to be against armed aggression
printed: from any nation controlled
To the Congress of the United States: by communism.
The Governments of Bulgaria, On Jan. 5, 1957,(18) President
Hungary, and Rumania have de-
clared war against the United Dwight D. Eisenhower addressed
States. . . . a joint session of the House and
Therefore I recommend that the Senate to request authorization to
Congress recognize a state of war be- deal with aggression in the Mid-
tween the United States and Bul-
garia, between the United States dle East.(19)
and Hungary, and between the THE PRESIDENT: Mr. President, Mr.
United States and Rumania. Speaker, and Members of Congress,
FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, first may I express to you my deep ap-
THE WHITE HOUSE, preciation of your courtesy. . . .
June 2, 1942.
The action which I propose would
have the following features:
Request for Authority to Pro- It would, first of all, authorize the
tect Middle Eastern Nations United States to cooperate with and
assist any nation or group of nations in
§ 11.4 The President person- the general area of the Middle East in
the development of economic strength
ally addressed a joint session dedicated to the maintenance of na-
of Congress to request au- tional independence.
It would, in the second place, author-
15. 88 CONG. REC. 4787, 77th Cong. 2nd ize the Executive to undertake in the
Sess. The message was referred to
the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 18. 103 CONG. REC. 224–27, 85th Cong.
16. See §§ 6.4–6.6, supra (House action), 1st Sess. The message was referred
and §§ 7.4–7.6, supra (Senate action), to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
for declarations of war on Bulgaria, 19. See §§ 8.5, 8.6, supra, for House and
Hungary, and Rumania. Senate approval of the requested res-
17. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). olution, respectively.


same region programs of military as- On Jan. 24, 1955,(1) the House
sistance and cooperation with any na-
tion or group of nations which desires
received a written message, as fol-
such aid. lows, from President Dwight D.
It would, in the third place, author- Eisenhower. (2)
ize such assistance and cooperation to
include the employment of the armed The Speaker (3) laid before the House
forces of the United States to secure the following message from the Presi-
and protect the territorial integrity dent of the United States, which was
and political independence of such na- read, referred to the Committee on
tions requesting such aid, against overt Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be
armed aggression from any nation con- printed:
trolled by international communism. To the Congress of the United States:
These measures would have to be
consonant with the treaty obligations The most important objective of
of the United States, including the our Nation’s foreign policy is to safe-
guard the security of the United
Charter of the United Nations and States by establishing and pre-
with any action or recommendations of serving a just and honorable peace.
the United Nations. They would also, if In the Western Pacific, a situation is
armed attack occurs, be subject to the developing in the Formosa Straits
overriding authority of the United Na- that seriously imperils the peace and
tions Security Council in accordance our security.
with the charter. Since the end of Japanese hos-
The present proposal would, in the tilities in 1945, Formosa and the
Pescadores have been in the friendly
fourth place, authorize the President to hands of our loyal ally, the Republic
employ, for economic and defensive of China. We have recognized that it
military purposes, sums available was important that these islands
under the Mutual Security Act of 1954, should remain in friendly hands.
as amended, without regard to existing . . .
limitations. What we are now seeking is pri-
marily to clarify present policy and
to unite in its application. . . .
Request for Authority to Pro- For the reasons outlined in this
tect the Pescadores and For- message, I respectfully request that
mosa the Congress take appropriate action
to carry out the recommendations
contained herein.
§ 11.5 The House received a DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER,
message from the President THE WHITE HOUSE,
announcing military activi- January 24, 1955.
ties by the People’s Republic
1. 101 CONG. REC. 625, 626, 84th Cong.
of China against Formosa 1st Sess.
and the Pescadores and re- 2. See §§ 8.3, 8.4, supra, for approval of
questing a congressional res- the requested resolution by the
olution to authorize a Presi- House and Senate, respectively.
dential response. 3. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


Request for Neutrality Legisla- Announcement of Exchange of

tion Destroyers for Bases
§ 11.6 The President addressed § 11.7 The House received a
a joint session of the House written message from the
and Senate to explain that he President announcing that
had convened an extraor- the United States had ac-
dinary session to permit Con- quired from Great Britain
gress to act on neutrality leg- the right to lease naval and
islation. air bases in Newfoundland,
On Sept. 21, 1939,(4) the Presi- Bermuda, certain Caribbean
dent addressed a joint session of Islands, and British Guiana.
the House and Senate to explain Notes between the British
that he had convened an extraor- Ambassador outlining the
dinary session to permit Congress terms of the lease and the
to act on neutrality legislation. He American Secretary of State
specifically asked Congress to re- accepting the terms and an-
peal embargo provisions, restrict nouncing transfer of Navy
American ships from entering war destroyers were also re-
zones, prevent Americans from
traveling on belligerent vessels or
in danger areas, and require a for- On Sept. 3, 1940,(6) the House
eign buyer to take transfer of title received a message from the
in the United States to commod- President announcing that the
ities purchased by belligerents. He United States had acquired from
also requested that Congress pro- Great Britain the right to lease
hibit war credits to belligerents, naval and air bases.
regulate collection of funds in the The Speaker (7) laid before the House
United States, and maintain a li- the following message from the Presi-
cense system for import and ex- dent of the United States, which was
read, and, with the accompanying pa-
port of arms, ammunition, and pers, referred to the Committee of the
implements of war.(5) Whole House on the State of the Union
and ordered to be printed, as follows:
4. 85 CONG. REC. 9–12, 76th Cong. 2d
To the Congress of the United
Sess. States:
5. See § 9.1, supra, and § 12.3, infra, I transmit herewith for the infor-
for the congressional response to this mation of the Congress, notes ex-
address (the Neutrality Act of 1939),
and the President’s proclamation 6. 86 CONG. REC. 11354, 76th Cong. 3d
convening a special congressional Sess.
session, respectively. 7. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).


changed between the British Ambas- Announcement of Arrival of

sador at Washington and the Sec-
retary of State on September 2, American Forces in Iceland
1940, under which this Government
has acquired the right to lease naval § 11.8 The House received a
and air bases in Newfoundland, and written message from the
in the islands of Bermuda, the Baha-
mas, Jamaica, Santa Lucia, Trini- President announcing the ar-
dad, and Antigua, and in British rival in Iceland of forces of
Guiana; also a copy of an opinion of
the Attorney General, dated August the United States Navy to
27, 1940, regarding my authority to supplement and eventually
consummate this arrangement. . . . replace British forces.
This is not inconsistent in any
sense with our status of peace. Still On July 7, 1941,(10) the House
less is it a threat against any nation. received a message from the
It is an epochal and far-reaching act
of preparation for continental de- President (H. Doc. No. 307) an-
fense in the face of grave danger. nouncing the arrival in Iceland of
. . .
The value to the Western Hemi-
United States Navy forces.
sphere of these outposts of security The Speaker (11) laid before the
is beyond calculation. . . .(8) House the following message from the
FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, President of the United States, which
September 3, 1940. was read, and together with the accom-
panying papers, referred to the Com-
An opinion of the Attorney Gen-
mittee on Foreign Affairs and ordered
eral outlining Presidential author- to be printed:
ity to acquire British offshore
naval and air bases and transfer To the Congress of the United
destroyers to Britain accompanied I am transmitting herewith for the
the President’s message.(9) information of the Congress a mes-
sage I received from the Prime Min-
8. 8. A Sept. 2, 1940, letter from the ister of Iceland on July 1 and the
British Ambassador to Washington, reply I addressed on the same day to
and the Sept. 2, 1940, response of the Prime Minister of Iceland in re-
sponse to this message.
the Secretary of State, Cordell Hull,
In accordance with the under-
are omitted. The British Ambassador standing so reached, forces of the
outlined the terms of the 99-year United States Navy have today ar-
rent-free lease. The Secretary of rived in Iceland in order to supple-
State declared that the Government ment, and eventually to replace, the
of the United States ‘‘gladly accepts British forces which have until now
been stationed in Iceland in order to
the proposals’’ and as consideration insure the adequate defense of that
for the plan ‘‘will immediately trans- country.
fer to His Majesty’s Government 50
United States Navy destroyers. . . .’’ 10. 87 CONG. REC. 5868, 5869, 77th
9. See § 3.2, supra, for the text of this Cong. 1st Sess.
opinion. 11. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


As I stated in my message to the On July 15, 1958,(13) a message

Congress of September 3 last regard-
ing the acquisition of certain naval was received from the President,
and air bases from Great Britain in
exchange for certain over-age de- as follows:
stroyers, considerations of safety
from overseas attack are funda- The Speaker (14) laid before the
mental. . . .(12) House the following message from the
This Government will insure the President of the United States, which
adequate defense of Iceland with full
recognition of the independence of was read and referred to the Com-
Iceland as a sovereign state. mittee on Foreign Affairs and ordered
In my message to the Prime Min-
ister of Iceland I have given the peo- to be printed:
ple of Iceland the assurance that the
American forces sent there would in To the Congress of the United States:
no way interfere with the internal
and domestic affairs of that country. On July 14, 1958, I received an ur-
. . . gent request from the President of
the Republic of Lebanon that some
FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, United States forces be stationed in
July 7, 1941. Lebanon. . . .
United States forces are being sent
to Lebanon to protect American lives
Messages between the Prime and by their presence to assist the
Minister and President accom- Government of Lebanon in the pres-
panied the President’s message to ervation of Lebanon’s territorial in-
tegrity and independence, which
the Congress. have been deemed vital to United
States national interests and world
peace. . . .
Announcement of Deployment It is clear that the events which
of Marines to Lebanon have been occurring in Lebanon rep-
resent indirect aggression from with-
out, and that such aggression endan-
§ 11.9 The House received a gers the independence and integrity
of Lebanon. . . .
written message in which the
Our Government has acted in re-
President announced that he sponse to an appeal for help from a
had dispatched American small and peaceful nation which has
long had ties of closest friendship
Marines to Lebanon to pre- with the United States. . . .
serve that nation’s independ-
ence and protect Americans.
12. See § 11.7, supra, for the message of July 15, 1958.
Sept. 3, 1940, announcing acquisi-
tion of British territory for naval and 13. 104 CONG. REC. 13865, 85th Cong.
air bases and transfer of American 2d Sess.
destroyers to Great Britain. 14. Sam Rayburn (Tex.).


§ 12. Presidential Procla- threat to the peace of the world and

imperil the efforts of this country
mations and those of the United Nations to
prevent aggression and armed con-
The precedents in this section flict; and
Whereas world conquest by Com-
include Presidential proclamations munist imperialism is the goal of the
which relate to national security forces of aggression that have been
matters and appear in the Con- loosed upon the world . . .
gressional Record. Now, therefore, I, Harry S. Tru-
man, President of the United States
of America, do proclaim the existence
of a national emergency, which re-
quires that the military, naval, air,
National Emergency Regard- and civilian defenses of this country
ing Korea be strengthened as speedily as pos-
sible to the end that we may be able
§ 12.1 During the conflict in to repel any and all threats against
our national security. . . .
Korea, the President pro- In witness whereof, I have here-
claimed a national emer- unto set my hand and caused the
seal of the United States of America
gency which required to be affixed.
strengthening of defenses to Done at the city of Washington
repel threats to the national this 16th day of December in the
year of our Lord 1950, and of the
security and fulfill respon- independence of the United States of
sibilities to the United Na- America the one hundred and sev-
tions. enty-fifth.
On Dec. 21, 1950,(15) Mr. John By the President:
W. McCormack, of Massachusetts,
inserted in the Record the fol- DEAN ACHESON,
Secretary of State.
lowing proclamation made by the
President on Dec. 16, 1950: Embargo on Trade With Cuba
MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker,
under leave to extend my remarks in § 12.2 A Presidential proclama-
the Record, I include the following text tion relating to an embargo
of President. Truman’s proclamation of
the existence of a national emergency, of all trade with Cuba was
issued today, taken from the New York inserted in the Congressional
Times of December 17, 1950: Record in the Senate.
TEXT OF EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION On Sept. 20, 1962,(16) the fol-
Whereas recent events in Korea lowing proclamation was inserted
and elsewhere constitute a grave in the Record in the Senate:
15. 96 CONG. REC. A7844, 81st Cong. 2d 16. 108 CONG. REC. 20034, 87th Cong.
Sess. 2d Sess.


EMBARGO ON ALL TRADE WITH CUBA Extraordinary Session (Neu-

STATES OF AMERICA—A PROCLA- trality Legislation)
§ 12.3 A Presidential proclama-
Whereas the eighth meeting of con- tion convening an extraor-
sultation of Ministers of Foreign Af-
dinary session of Congress to
fairs, serving as organ of consultation
in application of the Inter-American act on neutrality legislation
Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, in its was inserted in the Congres-
final act resolved that the present Gov- sional Record.
ernment of Cuba is incompatible with On Sept. 21, 1939,(17) the fol-
the principles and objectives of the lowing proclamation convening
inter-American system; and, in light of the Congress in extraordinary ses-
the subversive offensive of Sino-Soviet
sion was read to the House:(18)
communism with which the Govern-
ment of Cuba is publicly alined, urged THE SPEAKER:(19) The Clerk will read
the member states to take those steps the proclamation of the President of
the United States convening this ex-
that they may consider appropriate for
traordinary session of the Seventy-
their individual and collective self-de- sixth Congress.
fense. . . . The Clerk read as follows:
. . . Now, therefore, I, John F. Ken-
nedy, President of the United States of CONVENING THE CONGRESS IN EXTRA
America, acting under the authority of SESSION BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE
section 620(a) of the Foreign Assist- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
ance Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 445), as A PROCLAMATION
amended, do—
Whereas public interests require
1. Hereby proclaim an embargo upon that the Congress of the United
trade between the United States and States should be convened in ex-
Cuba in accordance with paragraphs 2 traordinary session at 12 o’clock
noon on Thursday, the 21st day of
and 3 of this proclamation. September, 1939, to receive such
2. Hereby prohibit, effective 12:01 communication as may be made by
a.m., eastern standard time, February the Executive: Now, therefore,
7, 1962, the importation in the United
States of all goods of Cuban origin . . . 17. 85 CONG. REC. 7, 8, 76th Cong. 2d
Done at the city of Washington 18. This proclamation was read in the
this third day of February in the
year of our Lord 1962, and of the Senate, id. at p. 3.
Independence of the United States of See §§ 9.1, 11.6, supra, for a dis-
America the 186th. cussion of the Neutrality Act of 1939
John F. Kennedy. and the President’s message request-
By the President: ing neutrality legislation, respec-
DEAN RUSK, tively.
Secretary of State. 19. William B. Bankhead (Ala.).


I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President On Nov. 3, 1939,(1) the following

of the United States of America, do
hereby proclaim and declare that an
Presidential proclamation relating
extraordinary occasion requires the to a state of war between Ger-
Congress of the United States to con- many and several nations as au-
vene in extraordinary session at the thorized by the Neutrality Act of
Capitol in the City of Washington on
Thursday, the 21st day of Sep- 1939,(2) was placed in the Con-
tember, 1939, at 12 o’clock noon, of gressional Record:
which all persons who shall at that
time be entitled to act as Members MR. [ALBEN W.] BARKLEY [of Ken-
thereof are hereby required to take tucky]: Mr. President, under permis-
notice. sion granted on November 3, 1939,
In witness whereof, I have here- page 1358, I wish to insert in the Con-
unto set my hand and caused to be gressional Record two proclamations
affixed the great seal of the United issued by the President of the United
States. States, as provided under House Joint
Done at the city of Washington Resolution 306, passed at the extra
this 13th day of September, in the session of Congress, relating to neu-
year of our Lord 1939, and of the trality, as follows:
independence of the United States of DEPARTMENT OF STATE,
America the one hundred and sixty- November, 1939.
By the President:
Secretary of State.
War Between Germany and A PROCLAMATION
Foreign Nations
Whereas section 1 of the joint resolu-
tion of Congress approved November 4,
§ 12.4 A Presidential proclama- 1939, provides in part as follows:
tion relating to a state of war ‘‘That whenever the President, or the
between Germany and Congress by concurrent resolution,
France, Poland, the United shall find that there exists a state of
war between foreign states, and that it
Kingdom, India, Australia, is necessary to promote the security or
Canada, New Zealand, and preserve the peace of the United States
the Union of South Africa,
authorized by the Neutrality 1. 85 CONG. REC. A787, 76th Cong. 2d
Act of 1939, was inserted in
2. See § 9.1, supra, for a discussion of
the Record. the Neutrality Act of 1939.


or to protect the lives of citizens of the or territorial waters of the

United States, the President shall
issue a proclamation naming the states
United States by submarines
involved; and he shall, from time to of foreign belligerent na-
time, by proclamation, name other tions, authorized by the Neu-
states as and when they may become trality Act of 1939, was in-
involved in the war.’’ . . .
Now, therefore, I, Franklin D. Roo-
serted in the Record.
sevelt, President of the United States On Nov. 3, 1939,(3) the following
of America, acting under and by virtue Presidential proclamation relating
of the authority conferred on me by the
said joint resolution, do hereby pro- to use of ports or territorial wa-
claim that a state of war unhappily ex- ters of the United States by sub-
ists between Germany and France, Po- marines of foreign belligerent
land, and the United Kingdom, India, states was inserted in the Record:
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and
the Union of South Africa, and that it Whereas section 11 of the joint reso-
is necessary to promote the security lution approved November 4, 1939,
and preserve the peace of the United provides:
States and to protect the lives of citi- ‘‘Whenever, during any war in which
zens of the United States. . . . the United States is neutral, the Presi-
And I do hereby revoke my procla- dent shall find that special restrictions
mations Nos. 2349, 2354, and 2360 placed on the use of the ports and ter-
issued on September 5, 8, and 10, ritorial waters of the United States by
1939, respectively, in regard to the ex- the submarines or armed merchant
port of arms, ammunition, and imple- vessels of a foreign state, will serve to
ments of war to France, Germany, Po- maintain peace between the United
land, and the United Kingdom, India, States and foreign states, or to protect
Australia, and New Zealand, to the the commercial interests of the United
Union of South Africa, and to Can- States and its citizens, or to promote
ada. . . . the security of the United States, and
Done at the city of Washington shall make proclamation thereof, it
this fourth day of November, in the shall thereafter be unlawful for any
year of our Lord nineteen hundred such submarine or armed merchant
and thirty-nine, and of the independ- vessel to enter a port or the territorial
ence of the United States of America waters of the United States or to de-
the one hundred and sixty-fourth.
FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. part therefrom, except under such con-
ditions and subject to such limitations
By the President: as the President may prescribe. . . .
CORDELL HULL, Whereas there exists a state of war
Secretary of State.
between Germany [and other nations];
Use of American Ports by Bel-
ligerent Nations 3. 85 CONG. REC. A787, 76th Cong. 2d
§ 12.5 A Presidential proclama- See § 9.1, supra, for a discussion of
tion relating to use of ports the Neutrality Act of 1939.


Whereas the United States of Amer- its citizens, and to promote the secu-
ica is neutral in such war; rity of the United States;
Now, therefore, I, Franklin D. Roo- And I do further declare and pro-
sevelt, President of the United States claim that it shall hereafter be unlaw-
of America, acting under and by virtue ful for any submarine of [specified na-
of the authority vested in me by the
tions] to enter ports or territorial wa-
foregoing provision of section 11 of the
ters of the United States. . . .
joint resolution approved November 4,
1939, do by this proclamation find that Done at the city of Washington this
special restrictions placed on the use of fourth day of November in the year of
the ports and territorial waters of the our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-
United States, exclusive of the Canal nine, and of the Independence of the
Zone, by the submarines of a foreign United States of America the one hun-
belligerent state, both commercial sub- dred and sixty-fourth.
marines and submarines which are FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT.
ships of war, will serve to maintain
peace between the United States and By the President:
foreign states, to protect the commer- Cordell Hull,
cial interests of the United States and Secretary of Stale.


§ 13. In General Because questions relating to

the prerogative of the House to
The precedents in sections 15– originate revenue legislation (6) in-
18, infra, relate to the constitu- volve interpretation of the Con-
tional prerogative of the House to stitution (7) rather than House
originate bills to raise revenue.(4) See also Constitution of the United
Article I, section 7, clause 1, pro- States of America: Analysis and In-
vides that, ‘‘All Bills for raising terpretation, S. Doc. No. 92–82, 92d
Revenue shall originate in the Cong. 2d Sess. 125, 126 (1973), for
House of Representatives; but the discussion of this provision. And see
Senate may propose or concur §§ 19, 20, infra, for a discussion of
Senate authority to amend revenue
with Amendments as on other bills and make appropriations.
Bills.’’ (5) 6. For one view on what is com-
prehended by the phrase ‘‘bills for
4. See 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1480– raising revenue,’’ see J. Story, Com-
1501; 6 Cannon’s Precedents §§ 314– mentaries on the Constitution of the
322; and 8 Cannon’s Precedents United States § 880, vol. 1, Boston
§ 2278, for earlier precedents. (1833).
5. See House Rules and Manual § 99 7. See, for example, the discussion and
(1973). cases cited in § 19.2, infra.


rules, they are decided by the opinion of the House the Senate
House rather than the Chair.(8) A measure contravenes or infringes
question alleging that the Senate upon the House prerogative and
has invaded this prerogative is directs that the measure be re-
privileged (9) under Rule IX,(10) turned to the Senate with a mes-
and may be raised at any time sage communicating the resolu-
when the House is in possession tion. After debate the resolution
of the bill and related papers in may be approved,(15) tabled, (16) or
question.(11) The question may be referred to committee.(17)
raised pending the motion to call On several occasions, the House
up a conference report on a bill (12) has chosen to pass a House bill in-
and may be committed to con- stead of a pending Senate meas-
ference if raised prior to con- ure where the attention of the
ference.(13) House was called to the impro-
A Senate bill or joint resolu- priety of a revenue measure being
tion (14) which the House deter- included in a Senate bill.(18)
mines infringes upon its preroga- When a Senate bill or joint reso-
tives may be returned to the Sen- lution which arguably infringes
ate. When such a measure is re- upon the House prerogative has
ceived by, or is in possession of been referred to committee, the
the House, a Member may rise to committee may refuse to act on it
a question of privilege and intro- and may report out its own bill in
duce a resolution. Such resolution lieu of the Senate measure.(l9)
normally declares that in the The latter two procedures,
8. 2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1490. See also vacating proceedings whereby the
§ 19.1, infra, for an analogous Senate Senate measure had passed the
precedent. House and massaging a similar
9. § 14.1, infra. House bill to the Senate, and re-
10. House Rules and Manual §§ 661, 662 porting a House bill out of com-
11. § 14.2, infra. 15. See § 15, infra, for illustrations of ap-
12. Id. proval.
13. 2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1487. 16. See § 16.1, infra, for a discussion of
14. There is precedent for the propo- tabling such a resolution.
sition that a Senate concurrent reso- 17. See § 17.1, infra, for an illustration
lution may also be held to infringe of referral to committee.
upon the prerogative of the House, 18. See §§ 18.1–18.3, infra which illus-
notwithstanding the fact that such a trate this procedure.
resolution does not have the force of 19. See §§ 18.4, 18.5, infra, which illus-
law. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 319. trate this procedure.


mittee, effectively resolve issues prerogative of the House to ini-

relating to the prerogative of the tiate revenue measures (art. I, § 7)
House, because courts do not look was raised in the House as a mat-
behind the bill number. Notwith- ter of privilege.
standing the fact that a House
revenue measure may have been MR. [WILBUR D.] MILLS [of Arkan-
substantially changed by Senate sas]: Mr. Speaker, I offer a resolution
amendments, a bill with a House (H. Res. 414) which involves the privi-
number will not be challenged in leges of the House, and ask for its im-
court or on the House floor on the mediate consideration.
ground that it infringes upon the The Clerk read the resolution as fol-
prerogative of the House to origi- lows:
nate bills for raising revenue.(20)
But the House will assert its pre- H. RES. 414
rogative and return a House bill Resolved, That the bill of the Sen-
(not raising revenue) with a Sen- ate (S. 860) relating to the Trust
ate revenue amendment to the Territory of the Pacific Islands in the
opinion of this House contravenes
Senate.(21) the first clause of the seventh section
of the first article of the Constitution
of the United States, and is an in-
fringement of the privileges of this
§ 14. Consideration of Ob- House, and that the said bill be re-
jections spectfully returned to the Senate
with a message communicating this
Infringement of House Prerog-
THE SPEAKER: (2) The Chair recog-
ative as Privileged Matter nizes the gentleman from Arkansas
(Mr. Mills).
§ 14.1 Infringement by the Sen- MR. [H.R.] GROSS [of Iowa]: Mr.
ate on the constitutional pre- Speaker, will the gentleman yield?
rogative of the House to ini- MR. MILLS: I will be glad to yield to
tiate revenue measures may the gentleman from Iowa.
be raised in the House as a MR. GROSS: Mr. Speaker, may we
matter of privilege. have a brief explanation of the reason
for the action that is proposed?
On May 3, 1971,(1) infringement MR. MILLS: Mr. Speaker, I will be
by the Senate of the constitutional glad to explain why I have offered this
resolution. It is because the privileges
20. See Hubbard v Lowe, 226 F 135 of the House are actually being vio-
(S.D.N.Y. 1915) which is discussed at lated by title IV of the bill S. 860. That
§§ 19.2, 20.4, infra. title includes an amendment of the
21. See § 15.8, infra. Tariff Schedules of the United States,
1. 117 CONG. REC. 12991, 92d Cong. 1st
Sess. 2. Carl Albert (Okla.).


and all bills which include such rates on communication services and
amendments must originate in the on automobiles, and to apply more gen-
House.(3) erally the provisions relating to pay-
ments of estimated tax by corporations,
and ask unanimous consent that the
Timeliness of Objection to Al- statement of the managers on the part
of the House be read in lieu of the re-
leged Senate Infringement of port.
House Prerogatives
The Clerk read the title of the bill.
The Speaker Pro Tempore: (5) Is
§ 14.2 A question of constitu- there objection to the request of the
tional privilege relating to gentleman from Arkansas?
the sole power of the House
to originate revenue meas- PRIVILEGE OF THE HOUSE
ures and alleging that the
Senate, by its amendment to MR. GROSS: Mr. Speaker, I rise to a
a House bill, has violated ar- question of privilege of the House and
offer a resolution.
ticle I, section 7 of the Con-
stitution, may be raised at THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
Clerk will report the resolution.
any time when the House is
in possession of the papers; The Clerk read the resolution, as fol-
and the question has been
presented pending the read- H. RES. 1222
ing of a conference report.
Resolved, That Senate amend-
ments to the bill, H.R. 15414, in the
On June 20, 1968,(4) a Member, opinion of the House, contravene the
H.R. Gross, of Iowa, raised a ques- first clause of the seventh section of
the first article of the Constitution of
tion of constitutional privilege the United States, and are an in-
when a conference report was fringement of the privileges of this
called up. House, and that the said bill, with
amendments be respectfully re-
MR. [WILBUR D.] MILLS [of Arkan- turned to the Senate with a message
communicating this resolution.
sas]: Mr. Speaker, I call up the con-
ference report on the bill (H.R. 15414) THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
to continue the existing excise tax gentleman from Iowa [Mr. Gross] is
recognized for 1 hour. (6)
3. See §§ 15.6, 19.5, infra, for House
and Senate disposition of this mat-
ter, respectively. 5. Charles M. Price (Ill.).
4. 114 CONG. REC. 17970, 90th Cong. 6. See § 16.1, infra, for a precedent re-
2d sess. lating to this point of order.


§ 15. Return of Senate with a message communicating this

The resolution was agreed to, and a
motion to reconsider was laid on the
Bill Amending Silver Purchase
§ 15.1 The House by voice vote Bill Amending Tariff Act of
returned to the Senate a Sen- 1930
ate bill which proposed to § 15.2 The House by voice vote
amend the Silver Purchase returned a Senate bill pur-
Act, on the ground that the porting to amend the Tariff
bill affected the revenue and Act of 1930, on the ground
therefore was an infringe- that it invaded the preroga-
ment of the prerogatives of tives of the House.
the House.
On Jan. 29, 1936,(8) the House
On Jan. 15, 1936,(7) the House returned S. 1421 to the Senate on
agreed to a resolution returning S. the ground that it invaded the
3260 to the Senate, on the ground prerogatives of the House.
that it affected revenue.
MR. [JERE] COOPER of Tennessee:
MR. [JERE] COOPER of Tennessee: Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of the
Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of privilege of the House and present a
privilege of the House and offer the fol-
resolution and ask for its immediate
lowing resolution.
The Clerk read as follows:
The Clerk read the resolution, as fol-
Resolved, That the bill (S. 3260) to HOUSE OF RESOLUTION 406
amend Public Law No. 438, Seventy-
third Congress, entitled ‘‘An act to Resolved, That the bill (S. 1421) to
authorize the Secretary of the Treas- amend subsection (a) of section 313
ury to purchase silver, issue silver of the Tariff Act of 1930, in the opin-
certificates, and for other purposes’’, ion of this House, contravenes that
in the opinion of this House con- clause of the Constitution of the
travenes that clause of the Constitu- United States requiring revenue bills
tion of the United States requiring to originate in the House of Rep-
revenue bills to originate in the resentatives, and is an infringement
House of Representatives, and is an on the prerogatives of the House,
infringement of the prerogatives of and that said bill be respectfully re-
this House, and that said bill be re- turned to the Senate with 3 message
spectfully returned to the Senate communicating this resolution.

7. 80 CONG. REC. 448, 74th Cong. 2d 8. 80 CONG. REC. 1183, 1184, 74th
Sess. Cong. 2d Sess.


THE SPEAKER:(9) The question is on resentatives, and is an infringement

agreeing to the resolution. of the prerogative of this House, and
The resolution was agreed to, and a that said bill be respectfully re-
turned to the Senate with a message
motion to reconsider was laid on the communicating this resolution.
THE SPEAKER:(11) The question is on
Bill Exempting Olympic Game agreeing to the resolution.
The resolution was agreed to.
Receipts From Taxation
On motion of Mr. Cooper of Ten-
nessee, a motion to reconsider the vote
§ 15.3 The House by voice vote by which the resolution was agreed to
returned a Senate bill which was laid on the table.
exempted from taxation re-
ceipts from the operation of Measure to Redetermine Sugar
the Olympic games, on the Quota
ground that it invaded pre-
rogatives of the House. § 15.4 On the ground that it in-
fringed upon the prerogative
On Feb. 21, 1936,(10) the House
of the House to originate
agreed to a resolution returning S.
bills for raising revenue, the
3410 to the Senate on the ground
House ordered the return of
that it infringed upon House pre-
a Senate joint resolution au-
thorizing the President to
MR. [JERE] COOPER of Tennessee: make a redetermination of
Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of the
the Cuban sugar quota for
privileges of the House and present a
resolution for immediate consideration. 1960 [which involved a tariff
The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- as well as an incentive pay-
lows: ment].
HOUSE, RESOLUTION 425 On July 2, 1960,(12) the House
Resolved, That the bill (S. 3410) to
by voice vote agreed to House Res-
exempt from taxation receipts from olution 598, returning to the Sen-
the operation of Olympic games if ate Senate Joint Resolution 217
donated to the State of California,
the city of Los Angeles, and the which, notwithstanding the provi-
county of Los Angeles, in the opinion sion of the Quota Act of 1948, as
of this House contravenes that amended, authorized the Presi-
clause of the Constitution of the
United States requiring revenue bills dent to determine the quota for
to originate in the House of Rep- Cuba under that act for the bal-
9. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.). 11. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.).
10. 80 CONG. REC. 2583, 74th Cong. 2d 12. 106 CONG. REC. 15818, 15819, 86th
Sess. Cong. 2d Sess.


ance of the calendar year 1960 in The resolution was agreed to.
such amounts as he found to be in A motion to reconsider was laid on
the national interest. The joint the table.
resolution was returned because it
infringed upon the prerogative of Bill Raising Duty on Fishery
the House to originate bills for Products
raising revenue.
§ 15.5 A Senate-passed bill au-
MR. [JOHN W.] MCCORMACK [of Mas- thorizing the President to
sachusetts]: Mr. Speaker, I offer a res-
olution based on the privileges of the raise the duty on fishery
House and ask for its immediate con- products was held to be an
sideration. infringement of the privilege
The Clerk read as follows: of the House, and was re-
HOUSE RESOLUTION 598 turned to the Senate.
That Senate Joint Resolution 217 On May 20, 1965,(14) the House
in the opinion of this House con- by voice vote agreed to House Res-
travenes the first clause of the sev-
enth section of the first article of the olution 397, returning S.1734 to
Constitution of the United States, the Senate, on the ground that it
and is an infringement of the privi-
leges of this House, and that the infringed the privileges of the
said resolution be respectfully re- House.
turned to the Senate with a message
communicating this resolution. MR. [WILBUR D.] MILLS [of Arkan-
sas]: Mr. Speaker, I rise on a question
MR. [CHARLES A.] HALECK [of Indi- of the privileges of the House, send a
ana]: Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman resolution to the desk, and ask for its
yield? immediate consideration.
The Clerk read as follows:
MR. HALLECK: Will the gentleman
explain the resolution? HOUSE RESOLUTION 397
MR. MCCORMACK: This resolution
Resolved, That the bill of the Sen-
has the effect of sending back to the ate (S. 1734) to conserve and protect
Senate the Senate resolution in rela- domestic fishery resources in the
tion to the sugar legislation. It states opinion of this House contravenes
that the House respectfully declines to the first clause of the seventh section
receive it on the ground that it in- of the first article of the Constitution
volves revenue or affects revenue; and, of the United States, and is an in-
under the Constitution, such legisla- fringement of the privileges of this
House, and that the said bill be re-
tion should originate in the House of spectfully returned to the Senate
Representatives. with a message communicating this
THE SPEAKER: (13) The question is on resolution.
the resolution.
14. 111 CONG. REC. 11149, 11150, 89th
13. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). Cong. 1st Sess.


THE SPEAKER:(15) The question is on olution 414, returning S. 860 to

the resolution. the Senate because it contravened
The resolution was agreed to.
A motion to reconsider was laid on
article I, section 7 of the Constitu-
the table. tion and infringed upon the privi-
leges of the House.
The objectionable portion of S.
1734 stated: MR. [WILBUR D.] MILLS [of Arkan-
sas]: Mr. Speaker, I offer a resolution
That when the Secretary of the Inte- (H. Res. 414) which involves the privi-
rior determines that the fishing vessels leges of the House, and ask for its im-
of a country are being used in the con- mediate consideration.
duct of fishing operations in a manner
or in such circumstances which dimin- The Clerk read the resolution as fol-
ish the effectiveness of domestic fish- lows:
ery conservation programs, the Presi- H. RES. 414
dent. . . may increase the duty on any
fishery product in any form from such Resolved, That the bill of the Sen-
country for such time as he deems nec- ate (S. 860) relating to the Trust
essary to a rate not more than 50% Territory of the Pacific Islands in the
above the rate existing on July 1, opinion of this House contravenes
the first clause of the seventh section
1934.’’ ( Emphasis supplied.) of the first article of the Constitution
of the United States, and is an in-
Bill Amending Tariff Sched- fringement of the privileges of this
ules House, and that the said bill be re-
spectfully returned to the Senate
with a message communicating this
§ 15.6 The Senate having resolution.
passed a bill relating to the THE SPEAKER: (17) The Chair recog-
Trust Territory of the Pacific nizes the gentleman from Arkansas
Islands containing one title (Mr. Mills).
amending the tariff sched- MR. [H.R.] GROSS [of Iowa]: Mr.
ules of the United States, the Speaker, will the gentleman yield?
House held that the Senate’s MR. MILLS: I will be glad to yield to
the gentleman from Iowa.
action constituted a violation MR. GROSS: Mr. Speaker, may we
of article I, section 7 of the have a brief explanation of the reason
Constitution, and adopted a for the action that is proposed?
resolution returning the bill MR. MILLS: Mr. Speaker, I will be
to the Senate. glad to explain why I have offered this
resolution. It is because the privileges
On May 3, 1971, (16) the House of the House are actually being vio-
by voice vote agreed to House Res- lated by title IV of the bill S. 860. That
title includes an amendment of the
15. John W. McCormack (Mass.). Tariff Schedules of the United States,
16. 117 CONG. REC. 12991, 92d Cong. 1st
Sess. 17. Carl Albert (Okla.).


and all bills which include such and that said bill be respectfully re-
amendments must originate in the turned to the Senate with a message
House. . . . communicating this resolution.
The resolution was agreed to. The resolution was agreed to.
A motion to reconsider was laid on
the table.(18) Substitute Adding Tax to
House Bill
Bill Amending Firearms Act
§ 15.8 The House held that a
§ 15.7 The House returned a
Senate amendment in the na-
Senate bill to amend the Na-
ture of a substitute imposing
tional Firearms Act, on the
an additional tax, offered to
ground that it contravened
a House bill to amend the
the constitutional preroga-
Railroad Retirement Act, was
tive of the House to originate
an infringement upon the
bills to raise revenue.
privileges of the House; and
On Mar. 30, 1937,(19) the House the House bill, as amended,
by voice vote agreed to House Res- was returned to the Senate.
olution 170, returning S. 1905 to
the Senate because the Senate bill On Sept. 14, 1965,(20) the House
contravened the constitutional by voice vote agreed to House Res-
prerogative of the House under olution 578, returning H.R. 3157
article I, section 7. to the Senate because Senate
amendments to that bill con-
MR. [JERE] COOPER [of Tennessee]:
travened the constitutional pre-
Mr. Speaker, I offer a resolution for
immediate consideration. rogative of the House to originate
The Clerk read as follows: revenue bills.
Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of the
Resolved, That the bill (S. 1905) to privilege of the House and offer a reso-
amend the National Firearms Act, lution.
passed June 26, 1934, in the opinion
of this House contravenes that The Clerk read the resolution, as fol-
clause of the Constitution of the lows:
United States requiring revenue bills
to originate in the House of Rep- H. RES. 578
resentatives and is an infringement
of the prerogatives of this House, Resolved, That the amendment in
the nature of a substitute added by
the Senate to the House bill (H.R.
18. See § 19.5, infra, for Senate disposi- 3157) to amend the Railroad Retire-
tion of this matter.
19. 81 CONG. REC. 2930, 75th Cong. 1st 20. 111 CONG. REC. 23632, 89th Cong.
Sess. 1st Sess.


ment Act of 1937 in the opinion of bill relating to excise tax rates)
this House contravenes the first
clause of the seventh section of the along with Senate amendments
first article of the Constitution of the which added a surtax on income.
United States and is an infringe- The resolution was based on a
ment of the privileges of this House,
and that the said bill, with the contention that the Senate
amendments, be respectfully re- amendments contravened the con-
turned to the Senate with a message stitutional prerogative of the
communicating this resolution.
House to originate revenue bills.
The resolution was agreed to.
A motion to reconsider was laid on MR. [WILBUR D.] MILLS [of Arkan-
the table. sas]: Mr. Speaker, I call up the con-
ference report on the bill (H.R. 15414)
to continue the existing excise tax
rates on communication services and
§ 16. Tabling Objection to on automobiles, and to apply more gen-
Infringement erally the provisions relating to pay-
ments of estimated tax by corporations,
Senate Surtax Amendment and ask unanimous consent that the
statement of the managers on the part
§ 16.1 The Senate having of the House be read in lieu of the re-
amended a House bill relat- port.(2)
The Clerk read the title of the bill.
ing to excise tax rates by
adding a general surtax on there objection to the request of the
income, the House during gentleman from Arkansas?
consideration of the con-
ference report refused to PRIVILEGE OF THE HOUSE
hold that the Senate’s action
constituted a violation of ar- MR. [H. R.] GROSS [of Iowa]: Mr.
Speaker, I rise to a question of privi-
ticle I, section 7 of the Con- lege of the House and offer a resolu-
stitution, and laid on the tion.
table a resolution raising the THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
matter as a question of the Clerk will report the resolution.
privileges of the House. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol-
On June 20, 1968,(1) the House
by a vote of yeas 257, nays 162, H. RES. 1222
not voting 14, tabled House Reso- Resolved, That Senate amend-
lution 1222 which sought to re- ments to the bill, H.R. 15414, in the
turn to the Senate H.R. 15414 (a
2. See § 14.2, supra, for a further dis-
1. 114 CONG. REC. 17970–78, 90th cussion of this precedent.
Cong. 2d Sess. 3. Charles M. Price (Ill.).


opinion of the House, contravene the had no power to amend a money bill by
first clause of the seventh section of varying the objects of that bill.
the first article of the Constitution of I do not claim, of course, that the
the United States, and are an in-
fringement of the privileges of this Senate has no power whatsoever to
House, and that the said bill, with amend a revenue bill of the House. But
amendments, be respectfully re- I do say it cannot, under the guise of
turned to the Senate with a message an amendment, propose new revenue
communicating this resolution. legislation. . . .
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The MR. MILLS: . . . If the Members of
gentleman from Iowa [Mr. Gross] is the House will turn to the Constitution
recognized for 1 hour. . . . to refresh their recollection of article I,
section 7, clause 1, they will observe
REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE CONTROL that it reads as follows:
All bills for raising revenue shall
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The originate in the House of Represent-
gentleman from Iowa [Mr. Gross] has atives; but the Senate may propose
the floor. or concur with amendments as on
other bills.
MR. GROSS: . . . Mr. Speaker, the
legislation now before us, H.R. 15414, There have been several instances
represents one of the most direct at- where the question of the constitu-
tempts in the history of the Republic to tionality involving this issue has been
cut away and destroy one of the most argued before the Supreme Court and
fundamental privileges and rights of where the Court has rendered deci-
this House—the right, the responsi- sions. Let me go back in history for
bility, and the duty, under the Con- two instances—and in these cases not
stitution, to initiate revenue measures. as far back as the gentleman from
Section 7 of article I of the Constitu- Iowa went for his precedents in sup-
tion conferred this privilege on the port of his argument.
Members of this body, and there are I would like to point out how the Su-
numerous precedents upholding the preme Court has ruled on this matter.
right of the House—and the House In Flint v. Stone Tracy Co., 220 U.S.
alone—to originate revenue bills. 107, 143, in 1911, the court held that
For example, in 1807 the House re- the substitution of a corporate tax by
fused to agree to Senate amendments the Senate for an inheritance tax
that greatly enlarged the scope of a passed by the House was constitu-
revenue bill. The record of the debate tional. . . .
in the House on that day shows that In another case also the Supreme
John Randolph of Virginia, assailed Court upheld an amendment by the
the Senate amendments because they Senate of a tax bill. In this case the
went far beyond merely amending the Senate added a section imposing an ex-
details of the bill as passed by the cise tax upon the use of foreign-built
House. pleasure yachts. The Supreme Court in
Randolph believed, and rightly so, this case, Rainey v. United States, 232
that under the Constitution the Senate U.S. 310 (1914), decided that the


amendment did not contravene article There was no objection.

I, section 7, clause 1 of the Constitu-
tion. . . .
MR. GROSS: Mr. Speaker, I move the
previous question on the resolution. § 17. Referring Objection
MR. MILLS: Mr. Speaker, I move to to Committee
lay the resolution offered by the gen-
tleman from Iowa on the table. Senate Authorization to Use
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The Securities Proceeds as Debt
question is on the motion offered by
the gentleman from Arkansas. Transaction
The question was taken; and the
Speaker pro tempore announced that § 17.1 The House agreed to
the noes appeared to have it. refer to the Committee on
MR. MILLS: Mr. Speaker, on that the Judiciary a resolution
question I demand the yeas and nays. which alleged that a Senate
The yeas and nays were ordered.
MR. [HALE] BOGGS [of Louisiana]:
joint resolution ‘‘authorizing
Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. the Secretary of the Treasury
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The to use as a public-debt trans-
gentleman will state it. action certain proceeds of se-
MR. BOGGS: Am I correct in under- curities hereafter issued
standing that a vote ‘‘yea’’ is in favor of
the motion offered by the gentleman under authority of the Sec-
from Arkansas, which would mean we ond Liberty Loan Act . . . to
would go back to orderly debate on this effectuate [an Anglo-Amer-
conference report? ican debt agreement]’’ in-
gentleman is correct. The motion is to
fringed upon the constitu-
lay the resolution on the table. tional powers of the House in
The question was taken; and there the matter of revenue.
were—yeas 257, nays 162, not voting On May 14, 1946,(5) the House
14 . . . .
So the motion to table the resolution
by voice vote agreed to a motion
was agreed to. . . . to refer to the Committee on the
A motion to reconsider was laid on Judiciary a resolution alleging
the table. that Senate Joint Resolution 138
MR. MILLS: Mr. Speaker, I renew my infringed upon the constitutional
request that the statement of the man- prerogative of the House to origi-
agers on the part of the House be read
nate revenue-raising bills.
in lieu of the report.
THE SPEAKER: (4) Is there objection to MR. [HAROLD] KNUTSON [of Min-
the request of the gentleman from Ar- nesota]: Mr. Speaker, I rise to present
5. 92 CONG. REC. 5000–12, 79th Cong.
4. John W. McCormack (Mass.). 2d Sess.


a question of the privilege of the in amendments to a revenue measure,

House. . . . but on the contrary it has initiated a
THE SPEAKER: (6) The gentleman bill the sole purpose of which is the
from Minnesota is recognized. . . . raising of revenue through the
MR. KNUTSON: Mr. Speaker, the issuance of bonds or notes of the
question of the privilege of the House United States. . . .
is set forth in a resolution, which I . . . The rates of duty on goods im-
send to the Clerk’s desk; and on that I ported from Great Britain in the future
ask for recognition. will be fixed in an amount which the
The Clerk read as follows: State Department determines to be
consistent with the terms of the finan-
Resolution offered by Mr. Knutson:
cial agreement which this bill brings
‘‘Resolved, That Senate Joint Resolu- into existence.
tion 138, authorizing the Secretary of The Senate report, on page 17, says:
the Treasury to use as a public-debt The proposed credit is to enable
transaction certain proceeds of securi- Britain to participate in world trade
ties hereafter issued under authority of without currency and trade discrimi-
the Second Liberty Loan Act, as nation, while she reconverts her in-
amended, to effectuate a certain debt dustries to peacetime production and
agreement between the United States resumes her place in world trade.
and the United Kingdom of Great Brit- Tariff duties are, in their very na-
ain, extending the purposes for which ture, trade discriminations.
securities may be issued under that act The bill amends the Second Liberty
and requiring payments of interest to Loan Act by adding to and expanding
the United States to be covered into the purposes for which securities may
the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, be issued under the authority of that
is a bill to raise revenue within the act. It does not merely refer to similar
meaning and intent of article I, section authority contained in some other act
7, of the Constitution of the United of Congress but explicitly authorizes
States requiring all such bills to origi- bonds to be issued under authority of
nate in the House of Representatives; that act and expressly extends the
‘‘That Senate Joint Resolution 138 scope of that act to include such bonds.
therefore is an infringement of the The purposes for which bonds may be
prerogatives and privileges of this issued, and the authority for issuing
House and that said bill be taken them are strictly revenue matters.
from the Speaker’s table and respect-
fully returned to the Senate with a Responding to Mr. Knutson, Mr.
message communicating this resolu- John W. McCormack, of Massa-
chusetts, cited 2 Hinds’ Prece-
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman from dents § 1490, in which the House
Minnesota is recognized.
rejected a motion to return to the
MR. KNUTSON: . . . In this case the
Senate has not proposed or concurred Senate a bill fixing the maximum
amount of United States notes
6. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). and providing for issuance of an


additional amount in circulation Senate Joint Resolution 138 does pro-

in national banks. Mr. McCor- vide for the raising of funds through
the sale of Government obligations.
mack inserted a memorandum Such a conclusion would be illogical.
supporting his position that the Under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as
pending bill did not infringe upon amended, the Secretary of the Treas-
the prerogatives of the House.(7) ury is already authorized for certain
purposes to issue public debt obliga-
MEMORANDUM tions of the United States up to a spec-
Senate Joint Resolution 138, ‘‘to im- ified maximum. Senate Joint Resolu-
plement further the purposes of the tion 138 merely instructs the Secretary
Bretton Woods Agreements Act by au- of the Treasury how to use funds
thorizing the Secretary of the Treasury which he is already authorized to raise
to carry out an agreement with the under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as
United Kingdom, and for other pur- amended. The resolution would not in-
poses,’’ has originated in the Senate. crease the limit of public-debt issues, it
The question arises, therefore, whether would not authorize the Secretary of
there is reasonable ground for sus- the Treasury to issue any securities
taining a question of privilege which not already provided for by the Second
might be raised under article I, section Liberty Bond Act, as amended, and it
7, clause l of the Constitution which would not vary in any way the type of
states: ‘‘All bills for raising revenue security which may be issued at the
shall originate in the House of Rep- present time under existing law. . . .
resentatives; but the Senate may pro- Senate Joint Resolution 138 is not a
pose or concur with amendments as on bill providing for the raising of revenue
other bills.’’ An examination of the ju- within the meaning of article I, section
dicial decisions, congressional deci- 7, clause 1, of the Constitution. But
sions, and precedents in the form of even if it did provide for the raising of
similar bills leads to the conclusion revenue it would fall within the class
that there is not sufficient basis for of legislation where revenue-raising
sustaining a question of privilege. provisions are only incidental to broad-
. . . [I]t appears to be clear that a er general purposes.(8) The primary
bill to raise funds through the sale of purpose of Senate Joint Resolution 138
Government obligations does not vio- is to authorize the execution of the fi-
late the privilege of the House as set nancial agreement between the United
forth in article I, section 7, clause 1 of States and the United Kingdom dated
the Constitution. Even if it should be December 6, 1945. It is, accordingly,
concluded, however, that a bill to raise
funds by selling Government bonds 8. See § 13, supra, for discussion of the
violates the privilege of the House, it distinction between bills which pri-
would be necessary for the House to marily raise revenue and would
reach the additional conclusion that therefore infringe on the prerogative
if they originated in the Senate, and
7. 92 CONG. REC. 5004, 5005, 79th those which incidentally raise rev-
Cong. 2d Sess. enue and do not so infringe.


legislation to make effective agree- Thc Clerk read as follows:

ments between the two Governments Mr. McCormack moves to refer the
regarding exchange controls, monetary resolution to the Committee on the
policies, import controls, participation Judiciary.
in the International Monetary Fund
and the International Bank for Recon- MR. KNUTSON: Mr. Speaker, I move
struction and Development and partici- the previous question on the motion.
pation in efforts to bring into being an The previous question was ordered.
international trade organization for the THE SPEAKER: The question is on the
purpose of eliminating restrictive prac- motion offered by the gentleman from
tices detrimental to world trade.. . . Massachusetts [Mr. McCormack].
In view of the fact that Senate Joint The motion was agreed to.
Resolution 138 authorizes the expendi-
ture of funds by the Secretary of the Parliamentarian’s Note: The un-
Treasury, an examination has also numbered House resolution was
been made of the practice of Congress
not reported back to the House.
with respect to appropriation bills.
This purpose is stated in Cannon’s Pro- Senate Joint Resolution 138, after
cedure in the House of Representatives referral to the Committee on
(4th ed. 1945), as follows: (9) Banking and Currency, eventually
‘‘Under immemorial custom the gen- was passed by the House and ap-
eral appropriation bills (as distin-
guished from special bills appro- proved by the President.
priating for single, specific purposes)
originate in the House of Representa-
tives and there has been no deviation § 18. Action on House Bill
from that practice since the establish-
ment of the Constitution.’’. . . in Lieu of Senate Bill
He also states that: (10)
[B]ills providing special appropria- Floor Approval
tions for specific purposes are not gen-
eral appropriation bills. . . .’’ § 18.1 The House amended a
It is clear, therefore, that a resolu- Senate bill to insert provi-
tion appropriating funds for the exten- sions of a similar House-
sion of a line of credit to the United passed bill which included a
Kingdom is not a general appropria-
tion and can originate either in the
tax provision, but subse-
House or in the Senate. . . . quently vacated proceedings
MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I whereby the House bill had
offer a motion. been laid on the table and
the Senate bill approved,
9. This passage appears on p. 20 of the
passed the House bill again,
1959 edition of Cannon’s Procedure.
10. This passage appears on p. 22 of the
and messaged it to the Sen-
1959 edition of Cannon’s Procedure. ate.


On May 4, 1959,(11) the House THE SPEAKER: Is there objection to

by unanimous consent vacated the the request of the gentleman from Ar-
proceedings whereby the House kansas [Mr. Harris]?
had tabled H.R. 5610, then There was no objection.
amended and passed the bill MR. HARRIS: Mr. Speaker, I move to
strike out all after the enacting clause
again, and messaged it to the Sen-
and insert an amendment, which I
ate. The proceedings whereby a send to the Clerk’s desk.
Senate bill, S. 226, had been THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will report
amended by the House to strike the amendment. . . .
out Senate language and insert in THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will read
lieu thereof the language of H.R. the amendment.
5610, were vacated by unanimous The Clerk read as follows:
consent. Strike out all after the enacting
MR. [OREN] HARRIS [of Arkansas]: clause and insert the following: . . .
Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent
MR. HARRIS: Mr. Speaker, for the in-
that the proceedings whereby the bill
H.R. 5610 was laid on the table, the formation of the Members of the
amendment agreed to, the bill en- House, I have asked unanimous con-
grossed and read a third time, and sent that the proceedings whereby the
passed, be vacated for the purpose of bill H.R. 5610 was laid on the table,
offering an amendment. the amendment agreed to, the bill en-
The Clerk read the title of the bill. grossed and read a third time and
THE SPEAKER: (12) Is there objection passed, be vacated, for the purpose of
to the request of the gentleman from offering an amendment.
Arkansas? The unanimous consent request was
MR. [JOHN B.] BENNETT of Michigan: agreed to, and I have offered an
Reserving the right to object, Mr. amendment, which has just been read.
Speaker, will the chairman of our com- The amendment to the bill H.R. 5610
mittee explain the purpose of this re- which I have just offered strikes out all
quest? after the enacting clause and inserts
MR. HARRIS: The purpose of this the provisions of the bill that passed
unanimous consent request is that the
the Senate last week.
bill H.R. 5610 be reconsidered, after
the vacating of the proceedings of the You will recall that H.R. 5610, to
House of last week in connection there- amend the Railroad Retirement Act of
with, for the purpose of agreeing to an 1937, the Railroad Retirement Tax Act,
amendment. and the Railroad Unemployment In-
MR. BENNETT of Michigan: I with- surance Act, was considered in the
draw my reservation of objection, Mr. House last Wednesday. A substitute
Speaker. . . . was offered by the distinguished gen-
tleman from West Virginia [Mr. Stag-
11. 105 CONG. REC. 7310–13, 86th Cong. gers]. The substitute was practically
1st Sess. the same bill that was considered and
12. Sam Rayburn (Tex.). passed by the other body, with the ex-


ception of one amendment, which had as income for purposes of section 522
to do with section 4. Under this of title 38, United States Code. Under
amendment pensions and annuities that section, pension for non-service-
under this act or the Railroad Retire- connected permanent and total dis-
ment Act of 1935 will not be consid- ability is not paid to a veteran whose
ered as income for the purposes of sec- annual income exceeds $1,400 if he has
tion 522 of title 38 of the United States no dependents or $2,700 if he has one
Code. The Senate had considered that or more dependents. Under existing
amendment, which is not out of line law, certain items are disregarded in
with other provisions of law in other determining whether a veteran has ex-
matters of this kind. So that is the ceeded the income limitations, and the
matter that is before us now. amendment will add to the list of such
The necessity for this action is that items payments under the Railroad Re-
last week after the House had taken tirement Act of 1937.
the action it did, we, as usual, when The cost of this amendment is neg-
we have a bill from the other body on ligible.
the same subject on the Speaker’s The amendment was sponsored in
table, asked that that bill be taken the other body by Senator Hill, of Ala-
from the Speaker’s desk, that all after bama. I was happy to sponsor it in the
the enacting clause be stricken out, House.
and that the House-passed bill be in- THE SPEAKER: The question is on the
serted. That was the usual procedure amendment.
we followed, and I made the request The amendment was agreed to.
after the House had taken its action THE SPEAKER: The question is on the
last week. It later developed that that engrossment and third reading of the
was not the correct action that should bill.
have been taken because there are tax The bill was ordered to be engrossed
provisions in this legislation. The Con- and read a third time, and was read
stitution provides, as you know, that the third time.
all legislation relating directly to tax THE SPEAKER: The question is on the
measures, revenues, must originate in passage of the bill.
the House of Representatives. There- The bill was passed.
fore, this action to vacate that pro- A motion to reconsider was laid on
ceeding is in order to comply with the the table.
constitutional provision by passing this MR. HARRIS: Mr. Speaker, I ask
legislation in order to accomplish what unanimous consent that the pro-
the House intended last week after it ceedings whereby S. 226, an act to
considered this matter rather exten- amend the Railroad Retirement Act of
sively. 1937, the Railroad Retirement Tax Act,
MR. [KENNETH A.] ROBERTS [of Ala- and the Railroad Unemployment In-
bama]: Mr. Speaker, the amendment to surance Act, so as to provide increases
section 20 of the Railroad Retirement in benefits, and for other purposes, as
Act of 1937 made by section 4 of the amended, was read a third time, and
amendment provides that payments passed, be vacated, and the bill be in-
under such act shall not be considered definitely postponed.


THE SPEAKER: Is there objection to House passed bill which in-

the request of the gentleman from Ar- cluded a revenue-raising
title, vacated the proceedings
There was no objection.
whereby the House bill had
Parliamentarian’s Note: On Apr. been laid on the table,
29, 1959, while the House had passed the bill again, and
under consideration H.R. 5610, messaged it to the Senate.
the Senate messaged to the House
S. 226, a measure differing in only On Dec. 7, 1970,(13) the House
by unanimous consent vacated the
one respect from the House bill as
proceedings whereby the House
it had been amended on the floor.
had tabled H.R. 19504, then
After passage of H.R. 5610, a mo-
passed the bill again, and mes-
tion was adopted to strike out all
saged it to the Senate.
after the enacting clause in S. 226
and insert the language of the MR. [GEORGE H.] FALLON [of Mary-
land]: Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous
House bill; the House bill was
consent that the proceedings whereby
then laid on the table. The fol- the bill (H.R. 19504) to authorize ap-
lowing day, shortly before the propriations for the construction of cer-
Senate bill was to be messaged to tain highways in accordance with title
the Senate, a question was raised 23, United States Code, and for other
as to the constitutionality of the purposes, was read a third time,
passed, and the motion to reconsider
Senate-passed bill because it in- laid on the table and the bill then laid
cluded a tax feature, and the de- on the table, be vacated.
livery of the message to the Sen- THE SPEAKER: (14) Is there objection
ate was stopped. The proceedings to the request of the gentleman from
of the House on May 4, 1959, Maryland?
were necessitated by the require- MR. [H. R.] GROSS [of Iowa]: Mr.
Speaker, reserving the right to object,
ment under the Constitution that I am at a loss to understand why this
all bills raising revenue originate request is being made. What is the
in the House. Following the reason therefor?
amendment of the House bill and MR. FALLON: Mr. Speaker, I will say
the indefinite postponement of the to the gentleman from Iowa, we should
Senate bill, the House bill, H. R. not have vacated the House number
and substituted the Senate bill, since
5610, was messaged to the Senate title III of the bill is a revenue meas-
on May 5, 1959. ure and must originate in the House.
§ 18.2 The House, after it had 13. 116 CONG. REC. 40096, 91st Cong. 2d
amended a Senate bill to in- Sess.
sert provisions of a similar 14. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


MR. GROSS: Mr. Speaker, I withdraw striking out all after the enacting
my reservation of objection. clause and inserting in lieu there-
THE SPEAKER: Is there objection to of the language of H.R. 17138, a
the request of the gentleman from
similar measure which, unlike the
There was no objection. Senate bill, included a provision
The engrossed House bill (H.R. (title V) to impose new taxes. The
19504) was ordered to be read a third House bill, H.R. 17138, was ta-
time, was read the third time, and bled.
MR. [DON] FUQUA [of Florida]: Mr.
A motion to reconsider was laid on
Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that
the table.
the Committee on the District of Co-
Parliamentarian’s Note: The lumbia be discharged from further con-
House did not ask for the return sideration of S. 2694, to amend the
District of Columbia Police and Fire-
to the House of the amended Sen-
men’s Salary Act of 1958 and the Dis-
ate bill, S. 4418. That bill never trict of Columbia Teachers’ Salary Act
emerged from conference. It was of 1955 to increase salaries, and for
the House measure which was fi- other purposes, a Senate bill similar to
nally enacted as Public Law No. that passed by the House, and ask for
91–605. its immediate consideration.
The Clerk read the title of the Sen-
§ 18.3 The House vacated the ate bill.
proceedings by which it THE SPEAKER: (16) Is there objection
to the request of the gentleman from
added a revenue-raising Florida?
amendment to a pending There was no objection.
Senate bill, preferring to The Clerk read the Senate bill, as
postpone further consider- follows:
ation of the Senate bill while S. 2694
sending a House bill, con-
Be it enacted by the Senate and
taining the revenue provi- House of Representatives of the
sion, to the Senate. United States of America in Congress
On May 11, 1970,(15) the House
agreed to amend S. 2694, amend- TITLE I.—SALARY INCREASES FOR
ing the District of Columbia Police AND FIREMEN
and Firemen’s Salary Act of 1958
and the District of Columbia * * * * *
Teachers’ Salary Act of 1955, by MR. FUQUA: Mr. Speaker, I offer an
15. 116 CONG. REC. 14951–60, 91st
Cong. 2d Sess. 16. John W. McCormack (Mass.).


The Clerk read as follows: to amend the District of Columbia Po-

Amendment offered by Mr. Fuqua: lice and Firemen’s Salary Act of 1968,
Strike out all after the enacting and the District of Columbia Teachers’
clause of S. 2694 and insert in lieu Salary Act of 1955 to increase salaries,
thereof the language of H.R. 17138, and for other purposes, was read a
as passed, as follows: third time and passed and laid on the
table be vacated.
AND FIREMEN the request of the gentleman from
* * * * * There was no objection.
TRICT OF COLUMBIA REVENUE unanimous consent for the immediate
LAWS consideration of the engrossed bill.
THE SPEAKER: Is there objection to
Sec. 501. Section 3 of title VI of
the District of Columbia Income and the request of the gentleman from
Franchise Tax Act of 1947 (D.C. Florida?
Code, sec. 47–1567b(a)) is amended There was no objection.
to read as follows: The Clerk read the engrossed bill.
‘‘Sec. 3. Imposition of Tax.—In the . . .
case of a taxable year beginning
after December 31, 1969, there is It then vacated the proceedings
hereby imposed on the taxable in-
come of every resident a tax deter- of May 11, 1970, whereby S. 2694,
mined in accordance with the fol- as amended by insertion of the
lowing table: . . .’’ language of the House bill, was
The amendment was agreed to. approved, and indefinitely post-
The Senate bill was ordered to be poned further action on the Sen-
read a third time, was read the third ate bill.
time, and passed.
A motion to reconsider was laid on VACATING PROCEEDINGS ON S. 2694,
A similar House bill (H.R. 17138) MEN, AND FIREMEN
was laid on the table.
MR. FUQUA: Mr. Speaker, I ask
On May 12, 1970,(17) the House unanimous consent that the pro-
vacated the proceedings whereby ceedings whereby the House consid-
H.R. 17138 was tabled and subse- ered, amended, and passed the bill of
quently passed the House bill. the Senate (S. 2694) to amend the Dis-
trict of Columbia Police and Firemen’s
MR. FUQUA: Mr. Speaker, I ask Salary Act of 1958 and the District of
unanimous consent that the pro- Columbia Teacher’s Salary Act of 1955
ceedings whereby the bill (H.R. 17138) to increase salaries, and for other pur-
poses, be vacated and that further pro-
17. 116 CONG. REC. 15145–50, 91st ceedings on that bill be indefinitely
Cong. 2d Sess. postponed.


THE SPEAKER: Is there objection to subject, which passed the

the request of the gentleman from House and Senate and be-
came a public law.
There was no objection.
On June 6, 1946,(18) the Com-
Parliamentarian’s Note: S. 2694
mittee on Ways and Means, after
as passed by the Senate did not
deciding not to recommend that
contain a revenue provision. Title
the House return to the Senate a
V of the House passed bill (H.R.
Senate bill which had been re-
17138) did, however, contain a
ferred to it, and which sought to
provision amending the D.C. rev-
decrease the debt limit, reported
enue laws to impose new taxes on
out a bill (H.R. 2404) on the same
D.C. residents. S. 2694 was
subject, which passed the House
amended on May 10 to include the
and Senate and became Public
provisions of the House-passed
Law No. 79–28 (59 Stat. 47).
bill. On the morning of May 12,
before the Senate bill had been A bill of the Senate of the following
title was taken from the Speaker’s
messaged back to the Senate, it table and, under the rule, referred as
was discovered that the House follows:
amendment to the Senate bill con- S. 1760. An act to decrease the
tained the revenue feature, which debt limit of the United States from
constituted a violation of article I, $300,000,000,000 to
$275,000,000,000; to the Committee
section 7 of the Constitution (re- on Ways and Means.
quiring bills for raising revenue to
originate in the House). For this § 18.5 Where the Senate had
reason, the House vacated the passed a bill which possibly
proceedings of May 11 and mes- infringed upon the House’s
saged the House bill to the Sen- constitutional prerogative to
ate. originate revenue legisla-
tion—a bill to authorize the
Committee Decision President to extend certain
privileges and immunities
§ 18.4 The Committee on Ways
(including exemptions from
and Means, having voted not
customs duties and importa-
to recommend to the House
tion taxes) to the Organiza-
the return of a Senate bill
tion of African Unity—the
decreasing the debt limit as
House passed an identical
infringing on the preroga-
tives of the House, reported 18. 92 CONG. REC. 6436, 79th Cong. 2d
out a House bill on the same Sess.


bill reported from the Com- THE SPEAKER: (1) Is a second de-
mittee on Ways and Means. manded?
On Nov. 6, 1973,(19) the House Pennsylvania: Mr. Speaker, I demand
by a vote of yeas 340, nays 39, not a second.
voting 54, approved H.R. 8219, a THE SPEAKER: Without objection, a
bill identical to a Senate-passed second will be considered as ordered.
bill which arguably infringed upon There was no objection.
the constitutional prerogative of MR. ULLMAN: Mr. Speaker, I yield
myself such time as I may consume.
the House to originate revenue
Mr. Speaker, the purpose of the
legislation. pending bill, as reported to the House
MR. [ALBERT C.] ULLMAN [of Or- by the Committee on Ways and Means,
egon]: Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend is to provide the President with au-
the rules and pass the bill (H.R. 8219) thority to extend to the Organization of
to amend the International Organiza- African Unity and its office, officials,
tions Immunities Act to authorize the and employees in the United States
President to extend certain privileges those privileges and immunities speci-
and immunities to the Organization of fied in the International Organizations
African Unity. Immunities Act.
The Clerk read as follows: Under the bill, at the discretion of
the President the Organization of Afri-
H.R. 8219 can Unity—OAU—may be designated
Be it enacted by the Senate and by the President as an international
House of Representatives of the organization for purposes of the Inter-
United States of America in Congress national Organizations Immunities
assembled, That the International Act. Upon such a designation the orga-
Organizations Immunities Act (22
U.S.C. 288–288f) is amended by add- nization, to the extent so provided by
ing at the end thereof the following the President, will be exempt from cus-
new section: toms duties on property imported for
‘‘Sec. 12. The provisions of this the activities in which it engages, from
title may be extended to the Organi- income taxes, from withholding taxes
zation of African Unity in the same
manner, to the same extent, and on wages, and from excise taxes on
subject to the same conditions, as services and facilities. In addition, the
they may be extended to a public employees of the international organi-
international organization in which zation, to the extent not nationals of
the United States participates pur- the United States, may not be subject
suant to any treaty or under the au-
thority of any Act of Congress au- to U.S. income tax on the income they
thorizing such participation or mak- receive from OAU. OAU is an organi-
ing an appropriation for such partici- zation composed of 41 member states,
pation.’’ representing all the independent Afri-
can nations—except the Republic of
19. 119 CONG. REC. 36006–08, 93d Cong.
1st Sess. 1. Carl Albert (Okla.).


South Africa—and acts to further the Senate to propose or concur with

goals of political and economic develop- amendments as on other bills.
ment of Africa. It presently has a mis-
sion in New York. . . .
Senate authority to amend rev-
THE SPEAKER: The question is on the enue bills is broad, but not unlim-
motion of the gentleman from Oregon ited. A principle frequently ap-
(Mr. Ullman) that the House suspend plied is that the Senate may sub-
the rules and pass the bill H.R. 8219. stitute one kind of tax for a tax
The question was taken. that the House has proposed, but
MR. [JOHN R.] RARICK [of Louisiana]: may not impose a tax if one had
Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote on the not originally been proposed by
ground that a quorum is not present
and make the point of order that a
the House. Thus, the Supreme
quorum is not present. Court has held that a Senate
THE SPEAKER: Evidently a quorum is amendment which substituted a
not present. corporate tax in place of an inher-
The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- itance tax which had been pro-
sent Members. posed in the original House
The vote was taken by electronic de- version did not contravene the
vice, and there were—yeas 340, nays constitutional provision; for the
39, not voting 54, as follows: . . .
bill had properly originated in the
The result of the vote was an-
nounced as above recorded.
House as a revenue-raising meas-
A motion to reconsider was laid on ure and the Senate amendment
the table. could constitutionally be added
Parliamentarian’s Note: Al-
In a similar case, the House
though it did not directly ‘‘raise’’
without debate and by voice vote
revenue, the Senate bill clearly
held that a Senate amendment in
‘‘affected’’ revenue, because it the nature of a substitute in-
granted an immunity from tax- fringed upon the House preroga-
ation. tive and returned the bill, as
amended, to the Senate.(4) In this
case, the substitute, which was of-
§ 19. Senate Action on fered to a House bill to amend the
Revenue Legislation Railroad Retirement Act, sought
to impose a tax.
In addition to its mandate that On the other hand, as a further
the House originate all revenue application of the above principle,
bills, article I, section 7 of the
Constitution (2) authorizes the 3. Flint v Stone Tracy Co., 220 U.S. 107
(1911). See also Rainey v United
2. See annotation following article I, States, 232 U.S. 310 (1914).
section 7, House Rules and Manual. 4. See § 15.8, supra.


the House tabled a resolution to Constitutional Issue Submitted

return to the Senate a House ex- to Senate
cise tax bill, which the Senate had
§ 19.1 Because it requires in-
amended by provision for a gen-
terpretation of the Constitu-
eral surtax.(5)
tion rather than the rules of
When the issue has been raised, the Senate, an issue as to
the Senate has generally re- whether a Senate amend-
spected the House prerogative. ment to a House bill in-
Thus, the Senate rejected a com- fringes upon the prerogative
mittee amendment changing a of the House to originate
definition in the Internal Revenue bills raising revenue is de-
Code which was added to a Senate cided by the Senate, not the
bill granting independence to the Chair.
Philippine Islands.(6) On another On Mar. 28, 1935,(10) a question
occasion, the Senate sustained a of order as to the propriety of a
point of order that a Senate Senate amendment to a House bill
amendment affecting the Revenue was submitted to the Senate.(11)
Act, offered to a House bill di- The Senate resumed the consider-
rected to administrative purposes ation of the bill (H.R. 6359) to repeal
certain provisions relating to publicity
rather than raising revenue, in- of certain statements of income.
fringed on the prerogative.(7) THE VICE PRESIDENT: (12) The ques-
Moreover, after the House re- tion is on the amendment offered by
turned a Senate bill to the Senate the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. La
on the ground that certain tariff The amendment offered by Mr. La
schedule amendments infringed Follette is after line 5 insert a new sec-
upon the House prerogative, the tion reading as follows:
Senate deleted the amendments.(8) Sec. 2. (a) Section 11 of the
Revenuc Act of 1934, relating to the
And the Senate has deleted normal tax on individuals, is amend-
amendments to the Internal ed bv striking out ‘‘4 percent’’ and in-
Revenur Code that appeared in a serting in lieu thereof ‘‘6 percent.’’
Senate bill.(9) 10. 79 CONG. REC. 4583, 4584, 4586,
4587, 74th Cong. 1st Sess.
5. See § 16.1, supra. 11. See also 84 CONG. REC. 6339–49,
6. See § 19.3, infra. 76th Cong. 1st Sess., May 31, 1939,
7. See § 19.4, infra. for submission of a similar issue to
8. See § 19.5, infra. the Senate.
9. See § 19.6, infra. 12. John N. Garner (Tex.).


(b) Section 12(b) of the Revenue ate to act, the Chair has universally
Act of 1934, relating to rates of sur- submitted the question to the Senate.
tax, is amended to read as follows: The Chair thinks the logic of that
‘‘(b) Rates of surtax: There shall be
levied, collected, and paid for each rule is correct, the reasoning of it is
taxable year upon the surtax net in- good, because the Chair might under-
come of every individual a surtax as take to interpret the Constitution
follows: when a majority of the Senators would
‘‘Upon a surtax net income of have a different viewpoint. So the
$4,000 there shall be no surtax; upon Chair is going to follow a long line of
surtax net incomes in excess of
$4,000 and not in excess of $8,000, 6 precedents and submit to the Senate
percent of such excess. . . .’’ the question whether or not it is con-
stitutional for the Senate to propose
MR. [PAT] HARRISON [of Mississippi]: this amendment; and it occurs to the
Mr. President, I make a point of order Chair that the only question involved
against the amendment offered by the is, Is this a bill to raise revenue?
Senator from Wisconsin. I do not think
So the Chair is going to submit to
I formally made it yesterday, because
the Senate of the United States the
the Senator from Wisconsin said he de-
question as to whether or not the Sen-
sired to make a brief statement. He
ate, under the Constitution, has a
made that statement yesterday after-
right to propose this amendment.
noon, and I now make the point of
order that the pending bill is not, in a MR. [WILLIAM E.] BORAH [of Idaho]:
strict sense, a revenue bill, and that Mr. President, must that question be
for the Senate to attach a tax proposal determined without debate?
to the bill at this time would be con- MR. [HUEY P.] LONG [of Louisiana]:
trary to that provision of the No: it is subject to debate.
ConstitutiOII requiring all bills for THE VICE PRESIDENT: The point of
raising revenue to originate in the order has been made by the Senator
House of Representatives. . . . from Mississippi [Mr. Harrison] to the
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The point of amendment of the Senator from Wis-
order is well taken. The Chair is ready consin [Mr. La Follette]. The question
to rule. before the Senate is whether or not the
The present occupant of the chair point of order shall be sustained. That
has at no time declined to construe the question is debatable.(15)
rules of the Senate; and if this were a In connection with his ruling on the
matter of the rules of the Senate, he point of order made by the Senator
would not hesitate for a moment to ex- from Mississippi, the Chair asks unan-
press his opinion about it and make a imous consent to insert in the Record
ruling. some decisions and precedents pre-
It seems to the Chair, however, that pared by the parliamentary clerk. Is
this is purely a constitutional question; there objection? The Chair hears none.
and under the rulings and under the The matter referred to is as follows:
precedents for more than a hundred
years, where constitutional questions 13. See also § 19.4, infra, for further de-
are involved as to the right of the Sen- bate on this question.


[FROM THE CONSTITUTION OF THE pass upon the question of whether bills
UNITED STATES, AS REVISED AND are or are not in violation of the Con-
ANNOTATED, 1924] stitution.
ARTICLE I SECTION 7, CLAUSE 1, After further argument, the Presi-
REVENUE BILLS dent pro tempore (Albert B. Cummins,
of Iowa) made the following ruling:
All bills for raising revenue shall ‘‘The Chair is of the opinion that he
originate in the House of Represent-
atives; but the Senate may propose has no authority to declare a proposed
or concur with amendments as on act unconstitutional. The only prece-
other bills. dent which the Chair has been able to
‘‘All bills for raising revenue.’’ find since the question arose was pre-
‘‘The construction of this limitation sented to the Senate in 1830, and the
is practically settled by the uniform Vice President then in the chair ruled
action of Congress confining it to in accordance with the suggestion
bills to levy taxes in the strict sense which the Chair has just made, hold-
of the word, and it has not been un- ing that it was a question which must
derstood to extend to bills for pur- be submitted to the Senate and one
poses which incidentally create rev-
enue.’’ which could not be ruled upon by the
U.S. v. Norton (91 U.S. 566) Chair, which entirely concurs with the
[1875]. views of the present occupant of the
Twin City Bank v. Nebeker (167 chair in the matter. The question be-
U.S. 196) [1897]. fore the Senate, therefore, is, Shall the
Millard v. Roberts (202 U.S. 429) point of order which is made by the
[1906]. Senator from Tennessee [Mr.
McKellar], which is that the bill now
QUESTIONS INVOLVING CONSTITU- under consideration is unconstitutional
TIONALITY OF BILLS ARE SUBMITTED and should have originated in the
TO SENATE House of Representatives, be sus-
tained? [Putting the question.] The
Wednesday, January 16, 1924 ayes have it, and the point of order is
The Senate, in a call of the calendar sustained. The bill will be indefinitely
under rule VIII, reached the bill (S. postponed.’’
120) to provide for a tax on motor vehi- January 22, 1925 (14)
cle fuels sold within the District of Co-
lumbia, and for other purposes. The Senate had under consideration
the bill (S. 3674) reclassifying the sala-
Mr. McKellar made a point of order
ries of postmasters and employees of
against the bill on the ground that it
the Postal Service, readjusting their
was a revenue measure and that under salaries and compensation on an equi-
the Constitution of the United States table basis, increasing postal rates to
all revenue-raising measures must provide for such readjustment, and for
originate in the House of Representa- other purposes.
tives, and that the bill had no place on Pending debate,
the Senate Calendar.
The question was argued, and Mr. 14. The incident of Jan. 22, 1925, is dis-
Lenroot made the contention that it cussed at 6 Cannon’s Precedents
was not the function of the Chair to § 317.


Mr. Swanson raised a question of oil, and to limit the importation there-
order, viz, that that portion of the bill of, and for other purposes.
dealing with increased postal rates Mr. Ashurst made the point of order
proposed to raise revenue, and, under that the bill was a revenueraising
the Constitution, must originate in the measure, and, under the Constitution,
House of Representatives, and was should originate in the House of Rep-
therefore in contravention of the Con- resentatives.
stitution. The Vice President submitted the
The Presiding Officer (Mr. Jones of point of order to the Senate.
Washington) held that the Chair had Mr. Capper’s motion was subse-
no authority to pass upon the constitu- quently laid on the table, and the point
tionality of a bill, and submitted to the of order was not passed upon.
Senate the question, Shall the point of
order be sustained? December 17, 1932
On the following day the Senate, by The Senate had under consideration
a vote of 29 yeas to 50 nays, overruled the bill (H.R. 7233) to enable the peo-
the point of order. ple of the Philippine Islands to adopt a
The bill was subsequently passed constitution and provide a government
and transmitted to the House of Rep- for the Philippine Islands, to provide
resentatives. On February 3 the House for the independence of the same, and
returned the bill to the Senate with for other purposes.
the statement that it contravened the Mr. Dickinson offered an amendment
first clause of the seventh section of imposing on imports of pearl buttons
the first article of the Constitution and or shells, in excess of 800,000 gross in
was an infringement of the privileges
a year, the same rates of duty imposed
of the House.
on like articles imported from foreign
The message and bill were referred countries.
to the Committee on Post Offices and
Mr. Walsh of Montana raised a ques-
Post Roads, and no further action
tion of order, viz, that the amendment
taken. A House bill, H.R. 11444, of an
proposed to raise revenue and could
identical title, was subsequently
not, under the Constitution, originate
passed by both Houses and became a
with the Senate.
law. . . .
The Vice President submitted to the
March 2, 1931 (15) Senate the question, Is the point of
Mr. Capper moved that the Senate order well taken? and
proceed to the consideration of the bill It was determined in the affirmative.
(S. 5818) to regulate commerce be- Subsequently, Mr. Dickinson stated
tween the United States and foreign that the amendment above indicated
countries in crude petroleum and all was identical, except as to the com-
products of petroleum, including fuel modity, with the language in the bill
dealing with sugar and coconut oil;
15. The incident of Mar. 2, 1931, is dis- when
cussed at 6 Cannon’s Precedents The President pro tempore ruled
§ 320. that in view of the language contained


in the House text, the amendment was On June 9, 1958, (18) the Pre-
in order.
siding Officer, William Proxmire,
After debate, and other pro- of Wisconsin, held that the Senate
ceedings, the following oc- Committee on Banking and Cur-
curred: (l6) rency did not exceed its jurisdic-
MR. HARRISON: Mr. President, I ask tion in reporting S. 3651 with a
for a vote on the point of order raised revenue producing measure to
by me.
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: (17) The amend the Internal Revenue
question is, Shall the Senate sustain Code, because that measure was
the point of order raised by the Sen- incidental to the main purpose of
ator from Mississippi [Mr. Harrison]
against the amendment proposed by
the bill. (19)
the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. La MR. [JOHN J.] WILLIAMS [of Dela-
Follette] on the ground that it con- ware]: Mr. President, I should like to
travenes the constitutional provision? have the attention of the chairman of
[Putting the question.] The ‘‘ayes’’ have
the committee. The text of the bill, be-
it, and the point of order is sustained.
ginning on page 50, line 10, and ex-
tending to page 52, through line 17,
Committee Jurisdiction of Bill embraces a proposed amendment to
Incidentally Producing Rev- the Internal Revenue Code. I am won-
enue dering if the committee did not make a
mistake when it placed this provision
§ 19.2 The Presiding Officer of in the bill, because, in the first place,
the Senate held that the Sen- measures of such nature should be con-
ate Committee on Banking sidered by the Senate Finance Com-
and Currency did not exceed mittee. Secondly, revenue measures
should originate in the House. . . .
its jurisdiction in reporting
Mr. President, I call attention to the
an original bill with a rev- fact that, under paragraph (d) of rule
enue-producing measure to XXV, the Committee on Banking and
amend the Internal Revenue Currency may not deal with any rev-
Code therein, because that enue-producing measure. . . .
measure was incidental to I next invite the attention of the
the main purpose Of the bill, Senate to the fact that in this bill the
attempt is not made to amend an ordi-
making equity capital and nary House bill; nor even a bill which
long-term credit more read- deals with a revenue-raising provision;
ily available for small busi- nor a bill which had been reported by
ness concerns. the Committee on Finance; nor one

16. 79 CONG. REC. 4613, 74th Cong. 1st 18. See the proceedings at 104 CONG.
Sess. REC. 10522-25, 85th Cong. 2cl Sess.
17. Harry S Truman (Mo.). 19. Id. at pp. 10524, 10525.


which had been considered by the The Supreme Court held that that
Committee on Ways and Means of the act was not valid, because they could
House. What is attempted is an not go behind the number of the bill.
amendment of the Revenue Code on a Even though in that instance the rev-
Senate bill which has been considered enue feature was added by the House
only by the Banking and Currency of Representatives, the Supreme Court
Committee. I shall make the point of held that the origin of the bill was de-
order that the Committee on Banking termined by the number it carried.
and Currency has exceeded its jurisdic- That bill carried a Senate number. So
tion, and this section of the bill should the Supreme Court invalidated the
be stricken. . . . Cotton Futures Act because section 7
MR. [FRANCIS H.] CASE of South Da- of the Constitution provides that all
kota: Mr. President the distinguished bills for raising revenue shall originate
Senator from Delaware has raised a in the House of Representatives.
very important question. He has raised On the basis of that Supreme Court
two questions, in fact. He has raised ruling, which the Parliamentarian
the question of a possible violation of called to my attention, the Committee
the rule of the Senate with respect to on Public Works decided that it should
the jurisdiction of the Committee on not risk the validity of the highway bill
Banking and Currency in reporting the by reporting revenue features. In fact,
pending bill. He has also raised the in 1956, when the question of a high-
constitutional question as to whether a way act again was before the Senate,
bill carrying tax provisions must origi- because the House had failed to pass a
nate in the House of Representatives. highway bill in 1955, the Committee
I should like to have the attention of on Public Works decided it would defer
the Parliamentarian while I am speak- to the action of the House, and wait
ing on this point. The question first until a bill could come over from the
came up in 1955, when the Committee House carrying revenue features or
on Public Works was considering the carrying a House bill number, so that
interstate highway bill. we would not run into danger. The
At that time I consulted the Parlia- Committee on Public Works did not
mentarian as to whether the Com- want to risk invalidating the proposed
mittee on Public Works could report a legislation by placing a Senate number
bill which would raise revenue for the on a bill which included revenue fea-
purpose of defraying the cost of the tures.
highway program, particularly the Under that decision of the Supreme
standard interstate program. The Par- Court, cited to me by the Parliamen-
liamentarian called my attention to a tarian, I cannot understand why mem-
decision [Hubbard v Lowe 226 F 135 bers of the Committee on Banking and
(S.D.N.Y.), appeal dismissed, 242 U.S. Currency would want to risk the fate
654 (1916)] in the so-called Cotton Fu- of this bill by having it continue to
tures Act, which held that a bill which carry tax provisions. The Senator from
had originated in the Senate, but Delaware [Mr. Williams] has already
which had a revenue item added to it pointed them out. For emphasis, I in-
in the House of Representatives. vite the committee’s attention to the


fact that section 308 specifically refers the point of order, it is my position and
to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 that of the committee that the revenue
and then, in parentheses, reads: ‘‘relat- provision of the bill is strictly of a sub-
ing to deduction of losses.’’It amends sidiary and incidental nature to the
section 165 of the Internal Revenue main purpose of the bill itself; that this
Code relating to the deduction of is a very common practice; and that
losses. the point of order is invalid.
Further, in section 308, subpara- THE. PRESIDING OFFICER: The Chair
graph (c), there is an amendment of has been informed by the Parliamen-
section 243 of the Internal Revenue tarian that in the case of Millard v.
Code, ‘‘elating to dividends received by Roberts (202 U.S. 429) decided in 1906,
corporations’’ the Supreme Court of the United
In other words, the language of the States made a decision which has a
bill before us very clearly changes the bearing on the present situation.
Revenue Code, by changing the provi- In that case, a bill which had origi-
sions which raise revenue and the pro- nated in the Senate provided for the
visions relating to deductions. Cer- construction of a Union Station in the
tainly it must be considered a bill to District of Columbia, and contained a
raise revenue or a bill to change the
small incidental tax provision. The con-
code relating to revenue. Based on the
stitutionality of the bill was attacked
opinions which the Parliamentarian
on the ground that revenue bills must
gave in 1955 and 1956, I do not see
originate in the House.
how this bill, S. 3651, could carry those
provisions and still be considered a The Court, after citing the case of
valid bill. . . . Twin City Bank v. Nebeker (167 U.S.
MR. WILLIAMS. Mr. President, before 203) [1897], which quoted Mr. Justice
I raise the question of constitu- Story as holding that ‘‘revenue bills are
tionality, my first point of order is that those that levy taxes in the strict sense
the committee exceeded its jurisdiction. of the word, and are not bills for other
It had no authority at all to report a purposes, which may incidentally cre-
bill dealing with the Revenue Code. ate revenue,’’ said, ‘‘here was no pur-
Therefore, I make the point of order pose, by the act or any of its provi-
against that section of the bill on that sions, to raise revenue to be applied in
basis. meeting the expenses or obligations of
The question is, Does the Senate the Government.’’
Committee on Banking and Currency That situation applies to the bill in
have jurisdiction to report measures question. The Committee on Banking
relating to the Revenue Code? If they and Currency has jurisdiction over the
have such jurisdiction, other commit- pending bill and may report some pro-
tees likewise have the jurisdiction to visions incidental to carrying out the
report similar bills. main purposes of the bill.
I confine my point of order, first, to There are numerous precedents for
that phase of the question. . . the establishment of the Small Busi-
Mr. [J. WILLIAM] FULBRIGHT [of Ar- ness Administration and the method of
kansas]: Mr. President, in regard to its financing, against which no point of


order was made when bills estab- ippine Islands, to provide for the adop-
lishing those corporations or adminis- tion of a constitution and a form of
trations similar in their financing were government for the Philippine Islands,
under consideration in the Senate. and for other purposes.’’ . . .
This is the opinion of the Parliamen- The next amendment was, on page
tarian as given to the Chair. The Chair 19, after line 23, to insert a new para-
graph, as follows:
makes it his own opinion and, there-
fore, the Chair overrules the point of ‘‘(f) Subsection (a)(1) of section
order.(20) 2470 of the Internal Revenue Code
(I.R.C., ch. 21, sec. 2470(a)(1)), is
hereby amended by striking out the
Amendment to Senate Bill as comma after the words ‘coconut oil,’
Infringement and inserting in lieu thereof the fol-
lowing: ‘(except coconut oil rendered
unfit for use as food or for any but
§ 19.3 The Senate rejected a mechanical or manufacturing pur-
committee amendment to a poses as provided in paragraph 1732
Senate bill granting inde- of the Tariff Act of 1930), and upon
the first domestic processing of.’ ’’
pendence to the Philippines,
MR. [TOM T.] CONNALLY [of Texas]:
on the ground that the Mr. President, I make a point of order
amendment invaded the pre- against the amendment.
rogative of the House to THE PRESIDING OFFICER: (22) The
originate bills to raise rev- Senator from Texas will state his point
of order.
enue. MR. CONNALLY: I make the point of
On May 31, 1939,(21) the Senate order that the amendment proposed is
by a vote of yeas 8, nays 54, de- a revenue measure, and, under the
Constitution, must originate in the
cided that a committee amend- House of Representatives. If the Chair
ment to S. 2390 was out of order desires argument, I can make an argu-
because it invaded the prerogative ment; but it is so patent that I feel no
argument is necessary.
of the House to originate bills to
raise revenue. will state to the Senator from Texas
MR. [MILLARD E.] TYDINGS [of Mary- that the present occupant of the chair
land]: Mr. President, I ask unanimous is always delighted to hear arguments
from the Senator from Texas, but,
consent for the immediate consider-
under the long-established usage, prac-
ation of Senate bill 2390, to amend an tice and precedents of the Senate, a
act entitled ‘‘An act to provide for the constitutional point is not decided by
complete independence of the Phil- the Chair, but is submitted to the Sen-
ate, and the present occupant of the
20. See § 19.6, infra, for a discussion of chair will follow that practice. . . .(1)
withdrawing revenue amendments
from this bill. 22. Edwin C. Johnson (Colo.).
21. 84 CONG. REC. 6331, 6339, 6348–50, 1. See § 19.1, supra, for a discussion of
76th Cong. 1st Sess. authorities supporting the principle


MR. [HIRAM W.] JOHNSON of Cali- Senate to remove from a revenue col-
fornia: Mr. President, I wish to fortify, lection bill originating in the House
if I can, the position of the Senator a plan of inheritance taxation and
substitute therefor a corporation tax.
from Arizona. . . .
The latest edition of the Constitution The following cases are cited: Flint v.
of the United States of America, anno- Stone Tracy Co. (220 U.S. 107) [1911],
tated—oh, it is a presumptuous thing Rainey v. United States (232 U.S. 310)
to be referring to the Constitution [1914].
here—contains notes under the various That is all.
headings. I will read the notes for MR. CONNALLY: Mr. President, I
what they are worth. I shall not at- have not had the opportunity to read
tempt to comment upon them in any the decisions cited by the Senator from
way, shape, form, or manner. Other California; but there is no difficulty in
Senators can understand them as well that regard. As I understand the rule
as I can, although they may under- and the precedents, the language of
stand them differently: the Constitution provides that all bills
Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue for raising revenue shall originate in
shall originate in the House of Rep- the House. However, the Senate, of
resentatives; but the Senate may course, may amend them. When a rev-
propose or concur with amendments
as on other bills. enue bill comes to the Senate, the Sen-
ate is at liberty, if it desires, to adopt
The note says: a new tax which is not even contained
All bills for raising revenue: The in the House bill, because it has com-
construction of this limitation is plete legislative powers, except for the
practically settled by the uniform ac- prohibition that it shall not originate
tion of Congress confining it to bills the bill.
to levy taxes in the strict sense of
the word, and it has not been under- If the doctrine asserted by Senators
stood to extend to bills having some on the floor is sound, then the Senate
other legitimate and well defined need never pay attention to the con-
general purpose but which inciden- stitutional provision about revenue
tally create revenue.
measures, because when any bill comes
Under that particular text the fol- over from the House a Senator may
lowing cases are cited: United States v. offer on the floor of the Senate an
Norton (91 U.S. 566) [1875], Twin City amendment cutting down the taxation,
National Bank v. Nebeker (167 U.S. as this bill does, and say that it does
196) [1897], Millard v. Roberts (202 not raise any revenue, and is therefore
U.S. 429) [1906]. in order. The bill immediately becomes
Amendments by Senate: It has subject to amendment, and another
been held within the power of the Senator may offer an amendment rais-
ing the revenue, or adding a new tax,
that the Senate and not the Chair thus rendering absolutely nugatory the
decides the constitutional question constitutional provision.
relating to the prerogative of the There was a reason for the constitu-
House. tional provision that revenue bills


should originate in the House. The the- Texas raised the point of order that
ory was that the Members of the the committee amendment is itself a
House of Representatives are rep- revenue measure and may not origi-
resentatives of the people, and that nate in the Senate. The question now
Senators are representatives of the occurs, Is the committee amendment in
States, formerly being elected by the order? Those Senators who think it is
legislatures of the States. The old the- in order will vote ‘‘aye’’; those who
ory, upon which the Revolution itself think the point of order is well taken
was founded, was that taxation with- will vote ‘‘no.’’
out representation was cause for revo-
lution. Therefore, the makers of the
tucky]: Mr. President, a parliamentary
Constitution wisely provided that no
tax should be laid upon the backs of
the people unless their Representatives THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The Sen-
in the House of Representatives should ator will state it.
propose the bill seeking to levy the tax; MR. BARKLEY: Is not the question
but the Constitution says that when whether the point of order is well
that bill comes to the Senate the Sen- taken, on which those who believe it
ate may amend it, or change it, or do well taken will vote ‘‘aye’’?
what it pleases with it, once the House THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The
has opened the door. present occupant of the chair will say
We have before us a bill which did that he entertains the same idea as
not even originate in the House. The that of the Senator from Kentucky, but
whole bill originated in the Senate. It he submitted the question to the Par-
is now proposed to take off a tax. It liamentarian, and the Parliamentarian
does not make any difference whether advised the occupant of the chair that
the bill raises or lowers the tax; it is the better practice is to submit the
still a revenue measure. It still relates question, ‘‘Is the committee amend-
to the revenue. I could offer in a mo- ment in order?’’ Therefore, so that it
ment an amendment raising the tax, may be understood, the Chair will re-
instead of repealing the 3-cent tax, as peat the question, Is the committee
is proposed. I could offer an amend- amendment in order? Those who think
ment to make it 5 cents. Such an it is in order will vote ‘‘aye,’’ and those
amendment would be in order. Then who think it is not in order will vote
we should unquestionably have a bill
‘‘no’’. [Putting the question.] By the
raising revenue.
sound, the ‘‘noes’’ appear to have it.
Mr. President, we ought not to adopt
MR. [CARL] HAYDEN [of Arizona]: Mr.
the pending amendment. I think every-
President, I ask for a division.
one ought to know that it is violative of
the spirit of comity, good will, and re- Mr. Harrison, Mr. Barkley, and Mr.
spect for the prerogatives of the two La Follette called for the yeas and
Houses. We ought not to add a revenue nays.
measure by a committee amendment. The yeas and nays were ordered.
. . . . . .
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: To the com- The result was announced—yeas 8,
mittee amendment the Senator from nays 54, as follows: . . .


So the Senate decided the committee (b) Section 12(b) of the Revenue
amendment to be out of order. Act of 1934, relating to rates of sur-
tax, is amended to read as follows:
‘‘(b) Rates of surtax: There shall be
Amendment to House Bill as levied, collected, and paid for each
Infringement taxable year upon the surtax net in-
come of every individual a surtax as
§ 19.4 The Senate sustained a follows:
‘‘Upon a surtax net income of
point of order that a Senate $4,000 there shall be no surtax; upon
amendment to a House bill to surtax net incomes in excess of
repeal certain provisions re- $4,000 and not in excess of $8,000, 6
percent of such excess. . . .’’
lating to publicity of certain
statements of income in- MR. [PAT] HARRISON [of Mississippi]:
Mr. President, I make a point of order
vaded the constitutional pre- against the amendment offered by the
rogative of the House to Senator from Wisconsin. I do not think
originate revenue-raising I normally made it yesterday, because
bills. the Senator from Wisconsin said he de-
sired to make a brief statement. He
On Mar. 28, 1935,(2) the Senate made that statement yesterday after-
by voice vote sustained a point of noon, and I now make the point of
order that a Senate amendment to order that the pending bill is not, in a
H.R. 6359 invaded the constitu- strict sense, a revenue bill, and that
tional prerogative of the House to for the Senate to attach a tax proposal
originate revenue-raising bills. to the bill at this time would be con-
trary to that provision of the Constitu-
The Senate resumed the consider- tion requiring all bills for raising rev-
ation of the bill (H.R. 6359) to repeal enue to originate in the House of Rep-
certain provisions relating to publicity resentatives. . . .
of certain statements of income.
Mr. President, I was of the opinion
THE VICE PRESIDENT:(3) The question
that perhaps the question was so clear
is on the amendment offered by the
Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. La upon its face that it would require no
Follette]. argument to convince anyone that we
The amendment offered by Mr. La would be violating precedents and not
Follette is after line 5 insert a new sec- acting in accordance with the Constitu-
tion reading as follows: tion if we should attempt to write a
revenue amendment upon a bill which
Sec. 2. (a) Section 11 of the Rev- seeks merely to repeal the ‘‘pink slip’’
enue Act of 1934, relating to the nor-
mal tax on individuals, is amended provision of the law.
by striking out ‘‘4 percent’’ and in- It will be noted that the title of
serting in lieu thereof ‘‘6 percent.’’ House bill 6359 is ‘‘To repeal certain
provisions relating to publicity of cer-
2. 79 CONG. REC. 4583–87, 4613, 74th tain statements of income.’’ Those pro-
Cong. 1st Sess. visions deal solely with administrative
3. John N. Garner (Tex.). purposes and features of the existing


law; in no way, not by the wildest The case is not one that requires
stretch of the imagination, can they be either an extended examination of
construed to affect the raising of rev- precedents, or a full discussion as to
enue. the meaning of the words in the
Mr. Story, in section 880 of his Constitution, ‘‘bills for raising rev-
works on the Constitution, makes this enue.’’ What bills belong to that class
statement with reference to the con- is a question of such magnitude and
stitutional provision: importance that it is the part of wis-
dom not to attempt, by any general
What bills are properly ‘‘bills for statement, to cover every possible
raising revenue’’, in the sense of the phase of the subject. It is sufficient
Constitution, has been matter of in the present case to say that an act
some discussion. A learned commen- of Congress providing a national cur-
tator supposes that every bill which rency secured by a pledge of bonds of
indirectly or consequently may raise the United States and which, in the
revenue is, within the sense of the furtherance of that object, and also
Constitution, a revenue bill. He to meet the expenses attending the
therefore thinks that the bills for es- execution of the act, imposed a tax
tablishing the post office and the on the notes in circulation of the
mint, and regulating the value of for- banking associations organized
eign coin, belong to this class, and under the statute, is clearly not a
ought not to have originated—as in revenue bill which the Constitution
fact they did—in the Senate. But the declares must orginate in the House
principal construction of the Con- of Representatives. Mr. Justice Story
stitution has been against his opin- has well said that the practical con-
ion. And, indeed, the history of the struction of the Constitution and the
origin of the power already sug- history of the origin of the constitu-
gested abundantly proves that it has tional provision in question proves
been confined to bills to levy taxes in that revenue bills are those that levy
the strict sense of the words, and taxes in the strict sense of the word,
has not been understood to extend to and are not bills for other purposes
bills for other purposes, which may which may incidentally create rev-
incidentally create revenue. No one enue (1 Story on Constitution, sec.
supposes that a bill to sell any of the 880). The main purpose that Con-
public lands, or to sell public stock, gress had in view was to provide a
is a bill to raise revenue, in the national currency based upon United
sense of the Constitution. Much less States bonds, and to that end it was
would a bill be so deemed which deemed wise to impose the tax in
merely regulated the value of foreign question.
or domestic coins, or authorized a
discharge of insolvent debtors upon Throughout the decisions the same
assignments of their estates to the construction of the constitutional provi-
United States, giving a priority of sion has been given by the courts.
payment to the United States in I desire to cite a few precedents rel-
cases of insolvency, although all of ative to what has been done with ref-
them might incidentally bring rev- erence to bills which originated in the
enue into the Treasury. House which were not revenue bills,
In one of the most important cases upon which some revenue amendment
decided by the courts of the United was tacked by the Senate, and the
States, the case of Twin City Bank v. House later refused to accept the
Nebeker (167 U.S. 202) [1897], the amendment, returning the bill to the
court said: Senate.


In the Sixty-fourth Congress, second namely, the pink-slip provision, affects

session, February, March 1917, the in no way the revenues of the Govern-
Senate added an amendment to the ment.
naval appropriation bill (H.R. 20632) Mr. Justice Story and the courts say
authorizing the Secretary of the Treas- a bill must go further than incidentally
ury to borrow certain sums on the to affect the revenues of the Govern-
credit of the United States and to pre- ment and must deal directly with the
pare and issue bonds therefor (pro- revenues before the Senate may take
posed by Mr. Swanson). cognizance to the extent of adding rev-
The House, on March 2, 1917, re- enue provisions.
turned the bill and amendment to the It seems to me it is without question
Senate with the statement that it con- that the Senate ought to sustain the
travened the first clause of section 7 of point of order, if submitted, or, if the
article I of the Constitution and was Chair desires to rule without submit-
an infringement of the privileges of the
ting the question to the Senate, he
should sustain the point of order. Cer-
The Senate subsequently reconsid- tainly the Senate of the United States
ered the vote on the passage and en-
ought not to assume, in view of the
grossment of the bill and amendments,
provision of the Constitution to which
and a motion was agreed to whereby
I have invited attention, the privilege
the amendment providing for the bond
and the right of writing a revenue bill
issue was stricken from the bill. . . .
in this way.
On June 30, 1864,(4) the bill (H.R.
Sooner or later at the present ses-
549) further to regulate and provide
for the enrolling and calling out of the sion of Congress we may be forced to
national forces was passed by the Sen- consider a revenue bill which might
ate with an amendment, among others, have a tendency to increase taxes or to
providing for a 5-percent duty on in- extend the application of those taxes
comes. The House ordered the bill re- which by operation of law would other-
turned to the Senate with the state- wise lapse on June 30. Certainly, when
ment that the amendment in question that time comes the House ought to be
contravened the first clause of section given its privilege and right, which it
7 of article I of the Constitution and has always exercised, to construct its
was an infringement of the privileges own revenue bill without the Senate
of the House. assuming in the beginning to write a
The Senate on the same day recon- revenue bill and send it to the House.
sidered the bill and eliminated the ob- I think the House would have just
jectionable amendment. cause to feel it was an abuse of their
Mr. President, so it goes on down the privilege, and, so far as I am con-
line. I submit that the bill now before cerned, I am not willing to go that far.
us, which deals solely with the repeal Therefore, I have made the point of
of an administrative provision of law, order. . . .
4. This instance is discussed at 2 order is well taken. The Chair is ready
Hinds’ Precedents § 1486. to rule.


The present occupant of the chair taining a provision which in-

has at no time declined to construe the
rules of the Senate; and if this were a fringed upon the constitu-
matter of the rules of the Senate, he tional power of the House to
would not hesitate for a moment to ex- originate revenue measures,
press his opinion about it and make a
ruling. . . .(5) the Senate, by unanimous
The . . . Chair is going to follow a consent, reconsidered the
long line of precedents and submit to vote by which the bill had
the Senate the question whether or not
it is constitutional for the Senate to passed, adopted an amend-
propose this amendment; and it occurs ment deleting the objection-
to the Chair that the only question in- able provision, and then
volved is, Is this a bill to raise rev-
enue? . . . passed the bill as so amend-
MR. [WILLIAM E.] BORAH [of Idaho]: ed.
Mr. President, must that question be
determined without debate? On May 4, 1971,(7) the Senate recon-
MR. [HUEY P.] LONG [of Louisiana]: sidered the vote on S. 860, deleted title
No; it is subject to debate. 4, a tariff schedule which contravened
the prerogatives of the House, and
After debate, and other pro- passed the bill as so amended.
ceedings, the following occurred: MR. [MICHAEL J.] MANSFIELD [of
MR. HARRISON: Mr. President, I ask Montana]: Mr. President, I ask that
for a vote on the point of order raised the Chair lay before the Senate a mes-
by me. sage from the House on S. 860.
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: (6) The The President pro tempore laid be-
question is, Shall the Senate sustain fore the Senate a message from the
the point of order raised by the Sen-
ator from Mississippi [Mr. Harrison] House of Representatives that the bill
against the amendment proposed by of the Senate (S. 860) relating to the
the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. La Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Follette] on the ground that it con- in the opinion of this House con-
travenes the constitutional provision? travenes the first clause of the seventh
[Putting the question.] The ‘‘ayes’’ have section of the first article of the Con-
it, and the point of order is sustained. stitution of the United States, and is
an infringement of the privileges of
Deletion of Tariff Schedule this House, and that the said bill be
Amendments respectfully returned to the Senate
with a message communicating this
§ 19.5 After the House re- resolution.(8)
turned a Senate bill con- MR. MANSFIELD: Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the Senate re-
5. See § 19.1, supra, for the full text of
the ruling regarding the submission 7. 117 CONG. REC. 13273, 92d Cong 1st
of the question for decision by the Sess.
Senate on constitutional issues. 8. See § 15.6, supra, for House disposi-
6. Harry S Truman (Mo.). tion of this matter.


consider the vote by which S. 860 was On June 9, 1958,(10) the Chairman of
passed, together with third reading. the Committee on Banking and Cur-
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: (9) Is rency, J. William Fulbright, of Arkan-
there objection? Without objection, it is sas, moved to delete proposed amend-
so ordered. The bill is open to amend- ments to the Internal Revenue Code
ment. from S. 3651, a bill to make equity
MR. MANSFIELD: Mr. President, I capital and long-term credit more read-
send to the desk an amendment to ily available for small business con-
strike title 4 of the bill.
amendment will be stated. MR. [JOHN J.] WILLIAMS [of Dela-
The amendment was read, as fol- ware]: I now make the point of order
lows: on the ground that it is not constitu-
tional for the Senate to originate rev-
Beginning on page 15, line 1, enue measures. Certainly this point of
strike all language through line 10,
page 17. order should be sustained. I suggest
the absence of a quorum.
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The The clerk proceeded to call the roll.
question is on agreeing to the amend- . . .
ment of the Senator from Montana
(Mr. Mansfield). THE PRESIDING OFFICER:(11) A
The amendment was agreed to. quorum is present. The Senator from
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The Delaware has raised a point of order
bill is open to further amendment. If that the bill is not constitutional in its
there be no further amendment to be tax provision at page 50. . . .
proposed, the question is on the en- . . . Does the Senator from Dela-
grossment and third reading of the bill. ware wish to make an observation?
The bill (S. 860) was ordered to be MR. WILLIAMS: I understand the
engrossed for a third reading, was read Committee on Banking and Currency
the third time, and passed. has decided that it will withdraw the
disputed section of the bill, and strike
Withdrawal of Internal Rev- it out. With that understanding I with-
enue Code Amendments draw my point of order.
§ 19.6 Amendments to the In- ana]: Mr. President, will the Senator
ternal Revenue Code, incor- yield?
porated in a Senate bill de- MR. WILLIAMS: I yield.
signed to make equity capital MR. CAPEHART: As I understand, the
and long-term credit more Senator from Delaware is withdrawing
his point of order, with the under-
readily available for small
business concerns, were on 10. 104 CONG. REC. 10525–27, 85th
motion deleted from the bill Cong. 2d Sess. See also § 19.2, supra,
during debate. for a precedent relating to committee
jurisdiction of this bill.
9. Allen J. Ellender (La.). 11. William Proxmire (Wis.).


standing that the complete section will (b) Subchapter P of the Internal Rev-
be taken out. . . . enue Code of 1954 is amended by add-
MR. WILLIAMS: Mr. President, I ing at the end thereof the following
withdraw the point of order. . . . new sections:
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: Will the ‘‘Sec. 1242. Losses on small business
Senator from Arkansas inform the investment company stock.
Chair how much of the language he ‘‘In the case of a taxpayer if—
wishes to have stricken? . . . ‘‘(1) A loss is on stock in a small
MR. FULBRIGHT: All the tax provi- business investment company oper-
sions which are involved in this matter ating under the Small Business Invest-
are included in section 308, beginning ment Act of 1958, and
at page 50, and continuing to section ‘‘(2) Such loss would (but for this sec-
309. That is the part which, as the tion) be treated as a loss from the sale
manager of the bill, I ask to have or exchange of a capital asset, then
stricken. such loss shall be treated as a loss
MR. [JOSEPH S.] CLARK [of Pennsyl- from the sale or exchange of an asset
vania]: And that the subsequent sec- which is not a capital asset.
tions be renumbered. ‘‘Sec. 1243. Loss of small business in-
MR. FULBRIGHT: Yes. . . . vestment company.
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The ques- ‘‘In the case of a small business in-
tion is on agreeing to the motion of the vestment company, if—
Senator from Arkansas [Mr. Fulbright] ‘‘(1) A loss is on convertible deben-
to strike out section 308, beginning in tures (including stock received pursu-
line 10, on page 50, and down to and ant to the conversion privilege) ac-
including line 17, on page 52. quired pursuant to section 304 of the
The motion was agreed to. Small Business Investment Act of
Parliamentarian’s Note: The 1958, and
portion of the bill, relating to the ‘‘(2) Such loss would (but for this sec-
tion) be treated as a loss from the sale
Internal Revenue Code, which or exchange of a capital asset, then
was stricken by the Senate, was such loss shall be treated as a loss
as follows: from the sale or exchange of an asset
which is not a capital asset.’’
(c) Section 243 of the Internal Rev-
Sec. 308. (a) Section 165 of the Inter- enue Code of 1954 (relating to divi-
nal Revenue Code of 1954 (relating to dends received by corporations) is
deduction for losses) is amended by amended as follows:
adding at the end of subsection (h) the (1) by striking from subsection (a)
following new paragraphs: the following language ‘‘In the case of
‘‘(3) For special rule for losses on a corporation’’ and inserting in lieu
stock in a small business investment thereof the following language ‘‘In the
company, see section 1242. case of a corporation (other than a
‘‘(4) For special rule for losses of a small business investment company
small business investment company, operating under the Small Business
see section 1243.’’ Investment Act of 1958)’’.


(2) By adding at the end thereof the the House of Representatives and
following new subsection: there has been no deviation from that
‘‘(c) Small business investment com- practice since the establishment of the
pany. In the case of a small business Constitution.
investment company, there shall be al-
Following the view expressed by
lowed as a deduction an amount equal
to 100 percent of the amount received Mr. Cannon, the House has re-
as dividends (other than dividends de- turned Senate-passed general ap-
scribed in paragraph (1) of section 244, propriation bills.(16)
relating to dividends on preferred stock
The Senate has not always ac-
of a public utility) from a domestic cor-
poration which is subject to taxation cepted the view that the House
under this chapter.’’ has the exclusive right to origi-
(d) Section 246(b)(1) of the Internal nate appropriation measures.(17)
Revenue Code of 1954 (relating to limi-
tation on aggregate amount of deduc-
tions for dividends received) is amend-
ed by striking ‘‘243’’ wherever appear- Resolution Regarding Author-
ing and inserting in lieu thereof ‘‘243 ity to Appropriate
(a) and (b)’’.
§ 20.1 The Senate has adopted
a resolution asserting that
§ 20. Authority to Make the power to originate appro-
priation bills is not exclu-
sively in the House of Rep-
The precedents in this section resentatives but is shared by
relate to the efforts of the Senate the Senate, and suggesting
to originate appropriation meas- that an appropriate commis-
ures.(12) Mr. Clarence Cannon has sion be established to study
observed: (13) article I, section 7, clause 1,
of the Constitution.
Under immemorial custom the gen-
eral appropriation bills, providing for a On Oct. 13, 1962,(18) the Senate
number of subjects (14) as distinguished by voice vote agreed to Senate
from special bills appropriating for sin- Resolution 414, asserting the
gle, specific purposes,(15) originate in
16. See § 20.3, infra.
12. See 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1500, 17. See § 20.1, infra. See also Authority
1501; and 6 Cannon’s Precedents of the Senate to Originate Appro-
§§ 319–322, for earlier precedents. priation Bills, S. Doc. No. 17, 88th
13. Cannon’s Procedure (1959) p. 20. Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 30, 1963.
14. 4 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 3566–3568. 18. 108 CONG. REC. 23470, 87th Cong.
15. Cannon’s Precedents § 2285. 2d Sess.


power of the Senate to originate THE ACTING PRESIDENT PRO TEM-

bills appropriating money.(19) PORE: (20)
The resolution will be read.
The resolution (S. Res. 414) sub-
ASSERTION OF THEPOWER OF THE SEN- mitted by Mr. Russell was read, as fol-
Whereas the House of Representa-
OF THE GOVERNMENT tives has adopted House Resolution
MR. [RICHARD B.] RUSSELL [of Geor- 831 alleging that Senate Joint Reso-
gia]: Mr. President, I submit and send lution 234, a resolution continuing
to the desk a privileged resolution, for the appropriations for the Depart-
which I request immediate consider- ment of Agriculture, to be in con-
ation. travention of the first clause of the
seventh section of the Constitution
and an infringement of the privileges
19. See 108 CONG. REC. 12898, 12899, of the House; and
12904–11, 87th Cong. 2d Sess., July Whereas this clause of the Con-
9, 1962, for a resolution of the Sen- stitution provides only that ‘‘All bills
ate Committee on Appropriations, for raising revenue shall originate in
setting forth areas of dispute be- the House of Representatives,’’ and
tween it and the House Committee does not in anywise limit or restrict
the privileges and power of the Sen-
on Appropriations, and resolving ate with respect to any other legisla-
that among the issues to be dis- tion; and
cussed or negotiated between them Whereas the acquiescence of the
was the power of the Senate to origi- Senate in permitting the House to
nate appropriation bills; a resolution first consider appropriation bills can-
not change the clear language of the
of the House Committee on Appro- Constitution nor affect the Senate’s
priations suggesting negotiations on coequal power to originate any bill
conference procedures between spe- not expressly ‘‘raising revenue’’; and
cial committees of the House and Whereas the Committee on the Ju-
Senate Committees on Appropria- diciary of the House of Representa-
tions; and the text of a report of the tives, pursuant to a directive of the
House of Representatives, reported
Committee on the Judiciary (H. to the House in 1885 that the power
Rept. No. 147, 46th Cong. 3d Sess., to originate bills appropriating
Feb. 2, 1881), in which the majority money from the Treasury did not re-
recommended adoption of a resolu- side exclusively in the House: There-
tion stating that the Senate may fore be it
originate appropriation bills and that Resolved, That the Senate respect-
fully asserts its power to originate
the power to originate bills appro- bills appropriating money for the
priating money is not exclusive in support of the Government and de-
the House. 2 Hinds’ Precedents clares its willingness to submit the
§ 1500 discusses this report. issue either for declaratory judgment
For a recent discussion of this sub- by an appropriate appellate court of
the United States or to an appro-
ject, see Authority of the Senate to priate commission of outstanding
Originate Appropriation Bills, S. educators specializing in the study of
Doc. No. 17, 88th Cong. 1st Sess.,
Apr. 30, 1963. 20. Lee Metcalf (Mont.).


the English language to be chosen in privileges of the House. The Sen-

equal numbers by the President of
the Senate and the Speaker of the ate joint resolution provided in
House; and be it further part as follows:
Resolved, That a copy of this reso-
lution be transmitted to the House of That there is appropriated out of any
Representatives. money in the Treasury not otherwise
appropriated, and out of the applicable
THE ACTING PRESIDENT PRO TEM- corporate and other revenue . . . such
PORE: Without objection, the Senate amounts as may be necessary for con-
will proceed to the immediate consider- tinuing, during . . . 1963 . . . projects
ation of the resolution. of the Department of Agriculture.
MR. RUSSELL: Mr. President, this MR. [CLARENCE] CANNON [of Mis-
resolution is just as self-explanatory, I souri]: Mr. Speaker, I offer a privileged
believe, as the clause of the Constitu- resolution (H. Res. 831) and ask for its
tion which is involved. I see no neces- immediate consideration.
sity for laboring it. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol-
I move the adoption of the resolu- lows:
tion. . . .
Resolved, That Senate Joint Reso-
THE ACTING PRESIDENT PRO TEM- lution 234, making appropriations
PORE: The question is on agreeing to for the Department of Agriculture
the resolution. and the Farm Credit Administration
The resolution was agreed to. for the fiscal year 1963, in the opin-
ion of the House, contravenes the
first clause of the seventh section of
Department of Agriculture Ap- the first article of the Constitution
propriation and is an infringement of the privi-
leges of this House, and that the
said joint resolution be taken from
§ 20.2 A Senate joint resolution the Speaker’s table and be respect-
making an appropriation out fully returned to the Senate with a
of the general funds of the message communicating this resolu-
Treasury was held to be an
infringement of the privi- MR. CANNON: Mr. Speaker, on Octo-
ber 4, 1962, the other body messaged
leges of the House, and was to the House Senate Joint Resolution
returned to the Senate. 234, now on the Speaker’s table. This
On Oct. 10, 1962,(1) the House joint resolution is an infringement on
the privileges of the House, as stated
by a vote of yeas 245, nays 1, not
in section 7 of article I of the Constitu-
voting 188, agreed to House Reso- tion, under which the House of Rep-
lution 831, returning to the Sen- resentatives has always maintained
ate Senate Joint Resolution 234, the right to originate the appropriation
because it infringed upon the bills.
The priority of the House in the ini-
1. 108 CONG. REC. 23014–16, 87th tiation of appropriation bills is but-
Cong. 2d Sess. tressed by the strongest and most im-


pelling of all rules, the rule of imme- 176, to return to the Senate Senate
morial usage. As Mr. Asher Hinds re- Joint Resolution 52, appropriating
lates in section 1500 of volume II of money from the District of Columbia
‘‘Hinds’ Precedents’’ at page 973— general fund.
while the issue has been raised a num-
MR. [JOHN] TABER [of New York]:
ber of times—‘‘there has been no devi-
ation from the practice.’’ . . . Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: (2) The privilege of the House and offer a reso-
question is on the resolution. lution (H. Res. 176).
MR. CANNON: Mr. Speaker, on that The Clerk read the resolution, as fol-
ask for the yeas and nays. lows:
The yeas and nays were ordered. Resolved, That Senate Joint Reso-
MR. [JOHN J.] ROONEY [of New lution 52, making an appropriation
York]: Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary out of the general fund of the Dis-
inquiry. trict of Columbia, in the opinion of
THE SPEAKER: (3) The gentleman will the House, contravenes the first
state it. clause of the seventh section of the
MR. ROONEY: Would a yea vote be a first article of the Constitution and
vote to send Senate Joint Resolution is an infringement of the privileges
of this House, and that the said joint
234 back to the Senate? resolution be taken from the Speak-
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The er’s table and be respectfully re-
gentleman has correctly stated the sit- turned to the Senate with a message
uation. communicating this resolution.
The question was taken; and there
were—yeas 245, nays 1, not voting MR. TABER: Mr. Speaker, Senate
188, as follows: . . . Joint Resolution 52 was passed on
So the resolution was agreed to. Monday, providing an appropriation
out of the general fund of the District
District of Columbia Appro- of Columbia. It was not referred, as
the rules require, to the Committee on
Appropriations of the Senate, but was
§ 20.3 The House returned a passed direct. This infringes the privi-
leges of the House as set forth in sec-
Senate joint resolution which tion 7 of article I of the Constitution
appropriated money from which gives the House of Representa-
the District of Columbia gen- tives the privilege of initiating all ap-
eral funds, on the ground propriation bills.
that it invaded the preroga- This question was thoroughly dis-
cussed by the Honorable John Sharp
tives of the House. Williams when he was a Member of
On Mar. 12, 1953,(4) the House by the Senate back in 1912. He analyzed
voice vote agreed to House Resolution the authorities on that subject. The ar-
ticle was printed as a Senate document
2. Carl Albert (Okla.). on July 15, 1919. The article discusses
3. John W. McCormack (Mass.). the situation in great detail, and there
4. 99 CONG. REC. 1897, 1898, 83d Cong. is no question about it. I hope that the
1st Sess. resolution will be promptly adopted.


Pursuant to the consent granted me, I what occurred later and not of what
submit herewith certain parts of Sen- was in the minds of the framers of
ator Williams’ treatise: the Constitution. I believe it is not
too much to say that, in the minds of
Mr. President, if the Senate can the framers of the Constitution, a
constitutionally originate general ap- bill to raise revenue was a budget;
propriation bills when money is in that is, a bill levying taxes and at
the Treasury, then it can do the the same time appropriating the pro-
same thing when there is no money ceeds of the levy, because such was
in the Treasury; and thus this body, the contemporaneous practice.
representing the States and not the Mr. Sumner, of Massachusetts,
people, representing chiefly the said that he regarded the Senate
smaller States, could force either origination of general appropriation
Federal insolvency, not to be thought bills as ‘‘a departure from the spirit
of, or else could force the House to of the Constitution’’ (ibid.).
levy new or additional taxes; thus Mr. Hinds, in his incomparable
force the House to originate tax bills. work, in a note at the bottom of page
The two things hang together. If this 973, volume 2 [§ 1500], concerning
Senate could originate general sup- the question of the right of the
ply bills, then it could commit the House to originate general appro-
Government to a course of expendi- priation or supply bills, says: ‘‘But
ture that would coerce the House not while there has been a dispute as to
only into originating but into passing the theory, there has been no devi-
tax bills. ation from the practice that the gen-
As Seward well says, speaking of eral appropriation bills originate in
the long practice under which the the House of Representatives.’’ He
House always insisted upon and the expressly uses this phrase as contra-
Senate always conceded, the right of distinguished from special bills ap-
the House to originate general ap- propriating for single, specific pur-
propriation bills: poses.
‘‘This [practice] could not have It is well to remember in this con-
been accidental; it was therefore de- nection the Hurd resolution of Janu-
signed. The design and purpose were ary 13, 1885,(5) which was laid on
those of the contemporaries of the the table in the House. The fact that
Constitution itself. It evinces their it was laid upon the table has been
understanding of the subject, which quoted very frequently, but the reso-
was that bills of a general nature for lution was directed at Senate bill
appropriating the public money or 398 (the Blair educational bill). It
for laying of taxes or burdens on the was not a supply bill, but a bill of
people, direct or indirect in their op- specific appropriation; not a bill for
eration, belonged to the province of carrying on the Government any
the House of Representatives.’’ (See more than a bill making appropria-
Congressional Record, vol. 16, pt. 2, tion for a public building would be a
p. 959.) bill for carrying on the Government.
He added: Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gen-
‘‘If this power be confined to the tleman from Missouri [Mr. Cannon].
one and not to the other, that is, to MR. [CLARENCE] CANNON: Mr.
the levying of taxes to get money, Speaker, this is not an inconsequential
but not to its expenditure, then the
right is useless, because we change
revenue laws so seldom.’’ 5. See 2 Hinds’ Precedents § 1501 for
This criticism of Seward’s is cor- discussion of this incident, which ac-
rect, although it was made in view of tually occurred on Jan. 23, 1885.


matter. It is fundamental in the prac- is the primary prerogative of democ-

tice of the House and is supported by racy and the one effective weapon in
the strongest rule known in parliamen- defense of rights and liberties of a free
tary procedure, the rule of immemorial nation.
usage. A great many precedents could . . . The Representatives in the
be recited, but the whole matter is House, elected by the people every 2
summed up in a comment by the years, should have exclusive rights in
former Parliamentarian of the House, the origination of appropriation bills. I
Asher Hinds, who knew more about hope the resolution of the gentleman
from New York will be agreed to.
procedure and had more to do with es-
tablishing the orderly procedures of
sachusetts]: Mr. Speaker, will the gen-
the House than any man in American
tleman yield?
history with the single exception of
MR. TABER: I yield.
Vice President Jefferson. . . .
MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, I am
In summing up the whole question sure when my friend, the gentleman
Asher Hinds said: from New York [Mr. Taber] and my
There has been some debate about friend, the gentleman from Missouri
the theory of restricting the origin of [Mr. Cannon] agree that the House of
appropriation bills to the House but Representatives must, indeed, have a
there has been no deviation in the sound case. But will the gentleman, for
practice. the record, state just what part of this
As Mr. Hinds pointed out, this rule resolution, which has come from the
is one of the rules which came down to other body, violates the long standing
custom and usage and practice of the
us from the English Parliament. . . .
[The House of] Commons through
MR. TABER: This resolution, Mr.
the years began to assert and eventu- Speaker, in its entirety, violates the
ally maintained through debate and by practice. There is no part of it which
the sword the primacy of the House in could be construed as covering any-
the origin of money bills, the levying of thing else or any other subject matter.
taxes, and the appropriation and ex- MR. MCCORMACK: Mr. Speaker, the
penditure of revenues. gentleman’s statement satisfies me.
Whenever the Commons became too MR. TABER: Mr. Speaker, I move the
insistent on the redress of grievances previous question.
and began to protest too vigorously the The previous question was ordered.
chronic denial of justice, the King THE SPEAKER: (6) The question is on
would prorogue Parliament and send the resolution.
them home. But inevitably the forced The resolution was agreed to.
loans, the sale of privileges, and the A motion to reconsider was laid on
money borrowed at usurious rates of the table.
interest dwindled and as a last resort
the King would be compelled to con- § 20.4 After receiving a Senate
vene Parliament. In that day, as now, joint resolution which had
the control of the purse strings was the
only recourse of the people. It was and 6. Joseph W. Martin. Jr. (Mass.).


been returned on the ground travened the constitutional provision

that it infringed upon the referred to in House Resolution 176.
It is suggested that the issue thus
prerogative of the House to
raised on two occasions within the past
originate revenue-raising year by the House of Representatives
bills, the Senate entertained involves not only a parliamentary
a discussion of its preroga- question but a constitutional question
tive to originate bills affect- as well.
ing the revenue of the Dis- Indeed, these recent House actions
trict of Columbia. appear to constitute a challenge to the
concept that home rule may be
On Mar. 16, 1953,(7) the prerogative achieved in the District of Columbia by
of the Senate to originate bills affect- means short of a constitutional amend-
ing the revenue of the District of Co- ment.
lumbia was discussed. The issue of whether such legislation
MR. [ROBERT C.] HENDRICKSON [of can originate in the Senate was one as-
New Jersey]: Mr. President, on Mon- pect of the routine analyses the Repub-
day, March 9, the Senate passed by lican calendar committee gave to these
unanimous consent Senate Joint Reso- bills. Their consideration of the bills
lution 52, which was thereafter trans- included a routine discussion of the
mitted to the House. This resolution parliamentary question with the Par-
appropriated $17,000 out of the gen- liamentarian of the Senate, Mr.
eral fund of the District of Columbia Charles L. Watkins. He stated that ar-
for the operation of the Office of Rent ticle I, section 7 of the Constitution
Control in the District of Columbia. does not apply to such bills. He rea-
On March 12 the House passed soned that the bills do not contemplate
House Resolution 176, returning Sen- the raising of Federal revenue; that
ate Joint Resolution 52 to the Senate they are limited in their application to
on the ground that it ‘‘contravenes the
the District of Columbia; and that, as
first clause of the seventh section of
such, like any other bill affecting the
the first article of the Constitution and
District, the Senate may initiate such
is an infringement of the privileges of
legislation. . . .
this House.’’
Article I, section 7, paragraph 1, of
I invite the attention of the Senate
the Constitution provides as follows:
to a similar situation which obtained
during the 82d Congress. On May 7, All bills for raising revenue shall
1952, the Senate considered and originate in the House of Represent-
passed S. 2703 which would increase atives; but the Senate may propose
or concur with amendments as on
the District of Columbia gasoline tax other bills.
from 4 to 5 cents per gallon. At that
time the House refused to consider S. Article I, section 8, paragraph 17,
2703, also on the ground that it con- provides Congress with power—
To exercise exclusive legislation in
7. 99 CONG. REC. 1978, 1979, 83d Cong. all cases whatsoever, over such dis-
1st Sess. trict (not exceeding 10 miles square)


as may, by cession of particular House version was the one which was
States, and the acceptance of Con- ultimately enacted. The court in that
gress, become the seat of the Govern- case threw out the statute as being un-
ment of the United States. constitutional, since prior to enactment
It is well established that the var- it had a Senate number—S. 1107. The
ious provisions of the Constitution question became moot because of the
must be harmonized. enactment shortly thereafter of a rev-
enue bill which dealt with the problem
In expounding the Constitution of
the United States every word must of cotton futures.
have its due force, and appropriate It will be recalled that some years
meaning; for it is evident from the ago the Congress provided by statute
whole instrument, that no word was for the establishment of local govern-
unnecessarily used, or needlessly ment in the District of Columbia. The
added. The many discussions which
have taken place upon the construc- legislative body of that government
tion of the Constitution, have proved passed revenue and appropriation
the correctness of this proposition; measures. In this connection, attention
and shown the high talent, the cau- is directed to an 1885 decision in the
tion, and the foresight of the illus- case of the District of Columbia v.
trious men who framed it. Every Waggaman (4 Mackey 328). The fol-
word appears to have been weighed
with the utmost deliberation, and its lowing is quoted from that decision:
force and effect to have been fully We have to consider first, then,
understood. (Holmes v. Jennison the validity of the act of the legisla-
((1840) 14 Peters 540, 570); see also tive assembly which imposed this tax
Cohens v. Virginia ((1821) 6 Wheat on commissions earned by real-es-
264).) tate agents, and required a semi-
annual return of those commissions
There is no conflict whatever be- and a bond to secure the perform-
tween the two provisions of the Con- ance of these and other acts pre-
stitution cited above, and where Con- scribed by law.
gress exercises exclusive legislative In Roach v. Van Riswick (7 Wash.
power over the District of Columbia, L. Rep., 496), this court held that the
article I, section 7, of the Constitution very broad terms in which the or-
ganic act of 1870 granted legislative
does not apply. powers to the legislative assembly
Only one case comes to hand that had the effect to clothe that body
construes article I, section 7 of the with only such powers as might be
Constitution. In Hubbard v. Lowe given to a municipal corporation,
((1915) 226 Fed. 135), the District and that it was not competent for
Congress to delegate the larger pow-
Court for the Southern District of New ers of general legislation which it
York had before it a challenge to the had itself received from the Con-
validity of a statute dealing with con- stitution. We are still satisfied with
tracts for cotton futures. A bill which that decision; but we hold, on the
originated in and passed the Senate other hand, that the provision re-
called for their exclusion from the ferred to had the effect to bestow
every power of municipal legislation
mails. The House struck out all after which could be given to a municipal
the enacting clause and inserted a sub- corporation, and especially the power
stitute by way of a prohibitive tax. The of taxation and implied or included


power to provide measures by which body can pass valid revenue legislation
taxes may be enforced and collected. for the District of Columbia, it appears
Section 49 of the organic act pro- equally clear that the Senate of the
vided that ‘‘the legislative power of
the District shall extend to all right- United States has authority to initiate
ful subjects of legislation within the a revenue bill concerning the District
District, consistent with the Con- of Columbia. That conclusion certainly
stitution of the United States and would be consistent with the Senate’s
the provisions of this title’’; and sec-
tion 57 provided that ‘‘the legislative share of responsibility in exercising ex-
assembly shall not have power to tax clusive legislative power over the Dis-
the property of the United States, trict under article I, section 8, para-
nor to tax the lands or other prop- graph 17, of the Constitution.
erty of nonresidents higher than the
lands or other property of residents.’’ There is a further aspect to the issue
raised by the House last week in con-
The court referred to the legal ten- nection with Senate Joint Resolution
der cases and then went on to state 52. This is the question whether an ap-
that ‘‘the general grant of power to leg- propriation bill comes within the pur-
islate on all rightful subjects, and so
view of article I, section 7, paragraph 1
forth, is by inclusion, an express grant
of the Constitution, relating to the
of power to legislate on this subject of
taxation, except as limited in section raising of revenue. However, the issue
57.’’ There is another case which bears of whether a general appropriation bill
on the subject, namely, Welsh v. Cook may originate in the Senate, notwith-
(97 U.S. 541, 542) [1879]. standing long established custom to
It can thus be seen that a local legis- the contrary, warrants much fuller dis-
lative body in the District of Columbia cussion than will here be made. As a
was given authority to enact revenue Member of the Senate, I categorically
legislation affecting the District of Co- dispute the House’s contention in re-
lumbia; that pursuant to such author- spect to Senate Joint Resolution 52.
ity that local legislative body enacted
such revenue legislation; and the cited
The Senate did not take further
cases established judicial sanction for action on Senate Joint Resolution
such enactment. If a local legislative 52.


§ 21. In General; Congres- Legislative Reorganization Act of

sional Budget Act 1946. Under this procedure, the
House Committee on Ways and
Concern about escalating fed- Means and Committee on Appro-
eral spending immediately after priations, and the Senate Com-
World War II resulted in enact- mittee on Finance and Committee
ment of a budget procedure in the on Appropriations or their sub-


committees were required to meet mained fragmented throughout

jointly, report out a legislative the Congress. Both taxing and
budget, and submit a concurrent spending actions were taken over
resolution adopting the budget.(8) a period of many months and by
This procedure was designed to way of many different legislative
coordinate revenue with expendi- measures. The size of the budget,
and whether it should be in sur-
tures and thereby more readily
plus or deficit, were not subject to
identify and limit deficits.(9) effective controls. The budget
However, until the adoption of process was, in fact, merely the
the Congressional Budget and Im- sum of dozens of isolated and usu-
poundment Control Act of 1974, ally unrelated actions. Backdoor
the Congress lacked a comprehen- spending—that is, spending out-
sive uniform mechanism for estab- side the regular appropriation
lishing priorities among its budg- process—represented a significant
etary goals and for determining percentage of all spending. And
national economic policy regarding outlays (that is, actual expendi-
the federal budget. Despite peri- tures) were not always controlled
by Congress, since congressional
odic efforts to centralize budget
budget actions often reached only
authority in appropriations com- to the authority to obligate funds,
mittees, budget responsibility re- resulting in little direct relation-
8. See § 21.2, infra, for an illustration ship in some cases between con-
of this concurrent resolution. gressional budget actions and ac-
9. For discussion of the role of Congress tual expenditures in any given
in the budget process, see, Fenno, year.
Richard F., Jr., The Power of the In 1972, the Congress estab-
Purse, Little, Brown and Co., Inc. lished a Joint Study Committee
(1966); Pressman, Jeffrey L., House on Budget Control and directed it
v Senate, Yale University Press, to study:
New Haven, Conn. (1966); Wallace,
Robert Ash, Congressional Control of . . . [T]he procedures which
should be adopted by the Congress
Federal Spending, Wayne State Uni- for the purpose of improving congres-
versity Press, Detroit, Mich. (1960). sional control of budget outlay and
This section has been compiled by receipt totals, including procedures
Norah Schwarz, J.D., and has been for establishing and maintaining an
drawn in part from a report of the overall view of each year’s budgetary
outlays which is fully coordinated
House Committee on the Budget en- with an overall view of anticipated
titled ‘‘The Congressional Budget revenues for that year.(10)
and Impoundment Control Act of
1974: A General Explanation,’’ No- 10. Pub. L. No. 92–599, 92d Cong. 2d
vember 1974. Sess.


The joint committee issued its Title VIII provides for standardiza-
tion of budget terminology and avail-
final report in April 1973,(11) and ability of information to Congress,
legislation was introduced in both while title IX sets out the effective
Houses to implement the report’s date for various provisions of the
recommendations, including the Title X establishes procedures for
addition of anti-impoundment pro- congressional review of Presidential
cedures. Both Houses overwhelm- impoundment actions.
ingly approved the measure,
which became known as the Con- Budget Committees
gressional Budget and Impound- The Act establishes a new
ment Control Act of 1974 (herein- standing committee in each House
after referred to as ‘‘the Act’’). The known as the Committee on the
bill was signed into law July 12, Budget. The rules of the House
1974, as Public Law No. 93–344. were amended to provide for the
Committee on the Budget and
Summary of the Act
membership thereon.(13) The
The Act (12) consists of 10 titles House Budget Committee was
which, for purposes of expla- originally composed of 23 mem-
nation, can be grouped into cat- bers: five from the Committee on
egories (to be discussed more fully
Appropriations, five from the
below), as follows:
Committee on Ways and Means,
Title I and title II established new
committees on the budget in both 11 from other House standing
the House and the Senate, and a committees and one member each
Congressional Budget Office de- from the majority and minority
signed to improve Congress’ informa-
tional and analytical resources with leadership.(14) Membership on this
respect to the budgetary process. committee was increased to 25,
Title III and title IV set forth a pursuant to a resolution of the
timetable and new procedures for
various phases of the congressional House (15) which provided for 13
budget process. Title V provides for a members to be elected from other
new fiscal year.
Title VI spells out the information standing committees of the House.
to be included in the President’s
budget submissions and amends sec- 13. This committee was established pur-
tion 201 of the 1921 Budget and Ac- suant to the Act (§ 101) in the 93d
counting Act to so provide. The pro-
cedures for program review and eval- Congress effective July 12, 1974 (88
uation are explained in title VII. Stat. 299).
14. Rule X clause I(e)1, House Rules and
11. See 119 CONG. REC. 13162, 13163, Manual (1975).
93d Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 18, 1973. 15. H. Res. 5, 121 CONG. REC. 20–22,
12. See 31 USC §§ 1301 et seq. 94th Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 14, 1975.


Budget Timetable process, prescribing the actions to

Title III of the Act (16) estab- take place at each stage under the
lishes a timetable for various
phases of the congressional budget new procedure:
On or before Action to be completed

November 10 .............................. President submits current services budget.

15th day after Congress meets President submits his budget.
March 15 .................................... Committees and joint committees submit reports to
Budget Committees.
April 1 ......................................... Congressional Budget Office submits report to
Budget Committees.
April 15 ....................................... Budget Committees report first concurrent resolu-
tion on the budget to their Houses.
May 15 ........................................ Committees report bills and resolutions authorizing
new budget authority.
May 15 ........................................ Congress completes action on first concurrent reso-
lution on the budget.
7th day after Labor Day ........... Congress completes action on bills and resolutions
providing new budget authority and new spend-
ing authority.
September 15 ............................. Congress completes action on second required con-
current resolution on the budget.
September 25 ............................. Congress completes action on reconciliation bill or
resolution, or both, implementing second required
concurrent resolution.
October 1 .................................... Fiscal year begins.

November 10: Current Services the budget for the forthcoming

Budget year. Budget projections are then
The first element in the time- made by the Congressional Budg-
table is the President’s submission et Office and the House and Sen-
by Nov. 10 of the current services ate Budget Committees based on
budget which estimates the out- the current fiscal year’s levels. To
lays needed to carry on existing facilitate evaluation of the Presi-
programs and activities for the dent’s projections, the Joint Eco-
following fiscal year. Its purpose nomic Committee is required by
is to provide Congress with de- the terms of the Act (17) to report
tailed information with which to to the budget committees on the
begin analysis and preparation of estimates and economic assump-
16. 31 USC §§ 1321 et seq. 17. 15 USC § 1024.


tions on the current services first concurrent resolution on the

budget. budget.(20)
The purpose of these reports is
15th Day After Convening: to provide the budget committees
President Submits Budget with an early and comprehensive
The President’s budget is due to indication of spending plans for
be submitted 15 days after Con- the coming fiscal year. The re-
gress convenes.(18) This date re- ports contain the views and esti-
mains unchanged from previous mates of the committees and joint
practice. Shortly after its submis- committees on budgetary matters
sion, the budget committees of within their jurisdiction, and their
both Houses begin hearings on the estimates of new budget outlays
President’s budget, the economic to be authorized by legislation
assumptions on which it is based, within their jurisdiction during
the national budget priorities, and the following fiscal year.
the budget in general. Testimony
is taken from Members of Con- April 1: Congressional Budget
gress, administration officials, Office Submits Report to
representatives of national inter- Budget Committees
est groups, and the general public,
such as the committee deem fit.(19) The Congressional Budget Of-
fice is required to submit its re-
March 15: Committee Reports port to the budget committees on
Submitted to Budget Commit- or before Apr. 1.(21) This report is
tees primarily concerned with alter-
native budget levels and national
A new aspect of the budget
budget priorities. It is the first of
process is the requirement that
several required of the Congres-
each of the standing committees
of the House and Senate submits sional Budget Office. It is most
its recommendations on the pro- significant, however, in that it is
posed budget as viewed by the timed for use in the budget com-
particular committee. These views mittees’ deliberations on the first
are given to the budget commit- concurrent resolution on the budg-
tees of the House or Senate and et, particularly with respect to
are due on Mar. 15, one month committee discussions of national
prior to the reporting date of the budget priorities.

18. 31 USC § 1321. 20. 31 USC 1322(c).

19. 31 USC § 1322(d). 21. 31 USC § 1321.


April 15: First Concurrent Res- et. It also identifies recommended

olution Reported sources of revenues, makes five-
year budget projections, and spells
The budget committees must re- out the economic assumptions and
port the first concurrent resolu- objectives of the resolution.(4)
tion on the budget to Congress by The Act provides special proce-
Apr. 15.(1) This allows each House dures for House consideration of
a maximum of one month for floor budget resolutions and conference
consideration, conferences, and reports on such resolutions. The
the adoption of conference re- Act also provides for important
ports.(2) material to be included in the
The first concurrent resolution joint statement of managers ac-
on the budget provides estimates companying the conference report.
The joint statement must dis-
and preliminary budget targets tribute the allocations of total
for fiscal year beginning on Oct. 1. budget authority and outlays con-
It must set forth: (1) the appro- tained in the resolution among
priate level of total budget outlays the appropriate committees. For
and of total new budget authority; example, if the conference report
(2) an estimate of budget outlays allocates $7 billion in budget au-
and an appropriate level of new thority and $6 billion in outlays
budget authority in various cat- for the functional category ‘‘Com-
egories; (3) the amount, if any, of munity and Regional Develop-
appropriate budget surplus or def- ment,’’ the statement of managers
icit; and (4) the recommended must divide those amounts among
the various committees with juris-
level of federal revenues and the
diction over programs and au-
amount, if any, by which the ag- thorities covered by that func-
gregate level of federal revenues tional category. Each committee to
should be increased or decreased which an allocation is made must,
by bills and resolutions to be re- in turn, further subdivide its allo-
ported by the appropriate commit- cation among its subcommittees or
tees.(3) programs.
The report of the budget com-
mittee on the resolution compares May 15: Reporting New Budget
its revenue estimates and outlay Authority; Completion of Ac-
levels with the estimates and tion on First Concurrent Res-
amounts in the President’s budg- olution
May 15 is the deadline for com-
1. 31 USC § 1321. mittees to report legislation au-
2. 31 USC § 1322(d).
3. 31 USC § 1322. 4. 31 USC § 1322(d).


thorizing new budget authority.(5) Debate on the conference report

It is also the deadline for the on the resolution is limited to five
adoption of the first budget reso- hours.(10)
lution by Congress.(6)
Consideration of bills or resolu- Seventh Day After Labor Day;
tions authorizing new budget au- Action on Measures Pro-
thority reported after May 15 is viding New Budget or Spend-
permitted in the House only if an ing Authority
emergency waiver reported by the
Committee on Rules is adopted.(7) The seventh day after Labor
The Budget Act sets forth spe- Day is the recommended deadline
cial procedures by which the for completing action on regular
House is to consider budget reso- budget authority and entitlement
lutions and conference reports re- bills.(11) The only exception to this
lating thereto. Such resolutions requirement is for appropriation
are initially considered in the bills whose consideration has been
Committee of the Whole. General delayed because necessary author-
debate is limited to 10 hours, and izing legislation has not been
motions to further limit debate timely enacted.(12)
are not debatable. Under the The Congressional Budget Of-
original statute, the resolution fice issues periodic reports on the
was read for amendment under status of measures providing new
the five-minute rule by sections.(8) budget authority and revenue and
After the Committee of the debt legislation.(13)
Whole has reported the resolution
to the House, the previous ques- September 15, 25; Action on
tion is considered as ordered on Second Concurrent Resolu-
the resolution and amendments tion
thereto to final passage without
intervening motion. The only Sept. 15 and 25 are the dates
amendment in order under the for the adoption of the second res-
Act prior to final passage is one olution and completion of the rec-
effecting changes necessary to onciliation process, the final legis-
achieve mathematical consist- lative phase of the new budget
ency.(9) process under the Act.(14)
5. 31 USC § 1352. 10. Id.
6. 31 USC § 1322. 11. 31 USC § 1330.
7. 31 USC § 1352. 12. Id.
8. 31 USC § 1326. 13. 31 USC § 1329.
9. Id. 14. 31 USC § 1331.


The completion of reconciliation measure that would reduce total

actions on Sept. 25 brings the revenues below the levels in the
budget timetable to within five resolution.(17)
days of the new fiscal year—Oct. It should be pointed out, how-
1. ever, that Congress may adopt a
The importance of the timely revision of its most recent resolu-
completion of this phase of the tion at any time during the fiscal
budget process is underlined by year. In addition to the May and
the provision of the Act which September resolutions, Congress
states that Congress may not ad- may adopt at least one additional
journ sine die unless such action resolution each year, either in
is completed.(15) conjunction with a supplemental
The second resolution reflects appropriations bill or in the event
changed economic circumstances, of sharp revisions in revenue or
spending estimates brought on by
taking into consideration the
major changes in the economy.(18)
spending authority exercised by
Congress and the matters con- Program Review and Evalua-
tained in the first resolution, tion
namely the ‘‘target’’ levels of
budget authority and outlays, The budget committees of the
total revenues, and the public- House and Senate are directed to
debt limit. In addition, the com- study budget proposals, including
mittees with jurisdiction over the program analysis and evaluation
and time limits on program au-
recommended changes are di-
thorizations.(19) These committees
rected to determine and rec-
also make continuing studies of
ommend such changes to the
‘‘off budget’’ agencies and periodi-
House.(16) cally report their findings and rec-
After adoption of the second res- ommendations. An ‘‘off budget’’
olution and completion of the rec- agency is an agency of the federal
onciliation process, it is not in government which is exempt from
order in either House to consider the President’s budget under the
any new spending legislation that Budget and Accounting Act of
would cause the aggregate levels 1921, section 201.(20)
of total budget authority or out-
lays adopted in that resolution to 17. 31 USC § 1332.
be exceeded, nor to consider a 18. 11. Rept. No. 93–658, 93d Cong. 1st
Sess. (1973).
15. Id. 19. 31 USC § 1303.
16. Id. 20. 31 USC 11b.


Impoundment Controls Rescissions must be proposed by

Impoundment control is a com- the President whenever he deter-
panion feature of the new budget mines that (1) all or part of any
control system. In the words of budget authority will not be need-
the House Committee on Rules’ ed to carry out the full objectives
report on the budget reform legis- of a particular program; (2) budg-
lation: et authority should be rescinded
One without the other would leave
for fiscal reasons; or (3) all or part
the Congress in a weak and ineffective of budget authority provided for
position. No matter how prudently only one fiscal year is to be re-
Congress discharges its appropriations served from obligation for that
responsibility, legislative decisions year. In such cases, the President
have no meaning if they can be unilat-
erally abrogated by executive impound- is to submit a special message to
ments. On the other hand, if Congress the Congress requesting rescission
appropriates funds without full aware- of the budget authority, explain-
ness of the country’s fiscal condition, ing fully the circumstances and
its actions may be used by the Presi-
reasons for the proposed action.
dent to justify [his] withholding of
funds. By joining budget and impound- Unless both Houses of the Con-
ment control in a complete overhaul of gress complete action on a rescis-
the budget process [the bill], seeks to sion bill within 45 days of the
assure that the power of appropriation President’s submission, the budget
assigned to the Congress is responsibly
authority must be made available
and effectively exercised.(21)
for obligation.(3)
Impoundment is a term used to Deferrals must be proposed by
describe situations wherein the the President whenever any exec-
executive branch declines to enter utive action or inaction effectively
into obligations or commitments precludes the obligation or ex-
for the full amount of funds ap- penditure of budget authority. In
propriated therefor by Congress.(1)
such cases, the President is to
The statute recognizes two submit a special message to the
types of impoundment actions by
Congress recommending the defer-
the executive branch: rescissions
ral of that budget authority. The
and deferrals.(2)
President is required to make
21. H. Rept. No. 93–658, 93d Cong. 1st such budget authority available
Sess. (1973). for obligation if either House
1. Levinson and Mills, Budget Reform passes an ‘‘impoundment resolu-
and Impoundment Control, 27 Vand. tion’’ disapproving the proposed
L. Rev. 615 (1974).
2. 31 USC §§ 1400 et seq. 3. 31 USC § 1402.


deferral at any time after receipt thority and borrowing authority

of the special message.(4) legislation, to be in order for con-
Rescission and deferral mes- sideration in either House, must
sages are also to be transmitted to contain a provision that such new
the Comptroller General who authority is to be effective only to
must review each message and the extent or in such amounts as
advise the Congress of the facts are provided in appropriations
surrounding the action and its acts. In this manner, the Act pro-
probable effects. In the case of de- hibits the consideration of bills ob-
ferrals, he must state whether the ligating certain types of new gov-
deferral is, in his view, in accord- ernment spending in advance of
ance with existing statutory au- the appropriations process. The
thority.’’ (5) Speaker has ruled, however, that
If budget authority is not made such prohibition may be waived
available for obligation by the by a resolution reported as privi-
President as required by the im- leged from the Committee on
poundment control provisions, the Rules. The Speaker’s ruling, on
Comptroller General is authorized Mar. 20, 1975,(7). was based on the
to bring a civil action to bring fact that the provisions of the Act
about compliance. However, such in question were intended to state
action may not be brought until a rule of proceeding, and could
25 days after the Comptroller therefore be waived or changed by
General files an explanatory the House at any time pursuant
statement with the House and to its constitutional authority to
Senate.(6) ‘‘determine the Rules of its Pro-
‘‘Backdoor’’ Spending
The provisions of the Act de-
Under the Act new procedures scribed above do not apply to con-
were established for the enact- tract or borrowing authority in ef-
ment of contract and borrowing fect prior to January 1976, unless
authority in order to promote a specifically implemented earlier,
more comprehensive and con- pursuant to section 906 of the
sistent control over spending ac- Act.(9)
tions. The Act states that effective
January 1976, new contract au- 7. 121 CONG. REC. 7677, 94th Cong. 1st
Sess., Mar. 20, 1975 (ruling by
4. 31 USC § 1403. Speaker Carl Albert [Okla.]).
5. 31 USC § 1404. 8. U.S. Const. art. I, section 5.
6. 31 USC § 1406. 9. See 31 USC § 1351.


Legislative Reorganization Act Be it enacted by the Senate and

of 1946 House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assem-
§ 21.1 The House and Senate bled,
agreed to a provision of the SHORT TITLE
Legislative Reorganization
That (a) this Act, divided into titles
Act of 1946 which authorized and sections according to the following
certain House and Senate table of contents, may be cited as the
committees to meet jointly, ‘‘Legislative Reorganization Act of
report out a legislative budg- 1946’’: . . .
et, and submit a concurrent LEGISLATIVE BUDGET
resolution adopting the
Sec. 138. (a) The Committee on
budget. This provision was
Ways and Means and the Committee
repealed by the Legislative on Appropriations of the House of Rep-
Reorganization Act of 1970. resentatives, and the Committee on Fi-
On July 25, 1946, the House by nance and the Committee on Appro-
voice vote agreed to (10) and on priations of the Senate, or duly author-
July 26, 1946, the Senate by voice ized subcommittees thereof, are au-
vote concurred in,(11) a House sub- thorized and directed to meet jointly at
the beginning of each regular session
stitute to S. 2177, the Legislative
of Congress and after study and con-
Reorganization Act of 1946. Sec- sultation, giving due consideration to
tion 138 of the substitute directed the budget recommendations of the
certain Senate and House commit- President, report to their respective
tees to meet jointly, report out a Houses a legislative budget for the en-
legislative budget, and submit a suing fiscal year, including the esti-
concurrent resolution adopting the mated over-all Federal receipts and ex-
budget. The text of the provision penditures for such year. Such report
follows:(12) shall contain a recommendation for the
maximum amount to be appropriated
10. 92 CONG. REC. 10047, 10051–53, for expenditure in such year which
10075, 10077–80, 10104, 79th Cong. shall include such an amount to be re-
2d Sess. served for deficiencies as may be
11. Id. at p. 10152. See also 92 CONG. deemed necessary by such committees.
REC. 6442 (text of section 130, the If the estimated receipts exceed the es-
budget provision of the Senate bill), timated expenditures, such report shall
and 6577, 6578 (vote), 79th Cong. 2d contain a recommendation for a reduc-
Sess., June 7, and June 10, 1946, re- tion in the public debt. Such report
spectively. shall be made by February 15.
12. This excerpt is taken from 60 Stat. (b) The report shall be accompanied
812, 832, 833 (Pub. L. No. 79–601). by a concurrent resolution adopting
It was codified as 2 USC § 190e. such budget, and fixing the maximum


amount to be appropriated for expendi- agreed to Senate Concurrent Res-

ture in such year. If the estimated ex- olution 42, expressing the sense of
penditures exceed the estimated re-
ceipts, the concurrent resolution shall
Congress as to the amount of rev-
include a section substantially as fol- enues and expenditures for fiscal
lows: ‘‘That it is the sense of the Con- year 1949.
gress that the public debt shall be in-
Resolved by the Senate (the House of
creased in an amount equal to the
Representatives concurring), That it is
amount by which the estimated ex-
penditures for the ensuing fiscal year the judgment of the Congress, based
exceed the estimated receipts, such upon presently available information,
amount being $ .’’ that revenues during the period of the
fiscal year 1949 will approximate
Section 138 was repealed by ap- $47,300,000,000 and that expenditures
proval of the Legislative Reorga- during such fiscal year should not ex-
nization Act of 1970.(13) ceed $37,200,000,000, of which latter
amount not more than $26,600,000,000
Concurrent Resolution would be in consequence of appropria-
tions hereafter made available for obli-
§ 21.2 Pursuant to the Legisla- gation in such fiscal year.
tive Reorganization Act of Senate Concurrent Resolution
1946, the Senate and House 42 was considered under a special
agreed to a concurrent reso- order of the Committee on Rules
lution expressing the judg- (H. Res. 485), which provided for
ment of Congress regarding consideration in the Committee of
levels of revenues and ex- the Whole and waiver of all points
penditures for the fiscal year of order. After general debate,
1949. which was confined to the concur-
On Feb. 18, 1948, the Senate by rent resolution and limited to two
voice vote,(14) and on Feb. 27, hours, the concurrent resolution
1948, the House by a vote of 315 was considered as having been
yeas, 36 nays, 79 not voting,(15) read for amendment.

13. 84 Stat. 1140, 1172 [see 2 USC § 242 276 nays, not voting 81, a motion to
(b) (1970)]. recommit it to the Joint Committee
14. 94 CONG. REC. 1398, 1399, 1408, on the Legislative Budget with in-
80th Cong. 2d Sess.
structions to strike out expenditures
15. Id. at pp. 1875, 1885–87. The House
agreed to this concurrent resolution of $37.2 billion and insert in lieu
after rejecting by a vote of 73 yeas, thereof $36.7 billion.



§ 22. In General; Con- On Dec. 6, 1973,(17) after adopt-

firmation of Nomination ing House Resolution 738 (the
rule for consideration which
for Vice President waived the three-day layover re-
quirement), the House by voice
Amendment 25, section 2, of the vote agreed to House Resolution
Constitution (16) provides: 735, confirming the nomination of
Mr. Gerald R. Ford to be Vice
Whenever there is a vacancy in the President, pursuant to the 25th
office of the Vice President, the Presi- amendment.
dent shall nominate a Vice President
who shall take office upon confirmation MR. [JAMES J.] DELANEY [of New
York]: Mr. Speaker, by direction of the
by a majority vote of both Houses of
Committee on Rules I call up House
Congress. Resolution 738 and ask for its imme-
diate consideration.
The Clerk read the resolution as fol-
Gerald R. Ford
H. RES. 738
§ 22.1 After adopting a rule Resolved, That upon the adoption
of this resolution it shall be in order
which waived the three-day to move, clause 27(d) (4) of rule
layover requirement for com- XI (18) to the contrary notwith-
mittee reports and provided standing, that the House resolve
itself into the Committee of the
for Committee of the Whole Whole House on the State of the
consideration under general Union for the consideration of the
resolution (H. Res. 735) confirming
debate, the House agreed to the nomination of Gerald R. Ford, of
a resolution confirming the the State of Michigan, to be Vice
nomination of House Minor- President of the United States. After
general debate, which shall be con-
ity Leader Gerald R. Ford, of fined to the resolution and shall con-
Michigan, as Vice President tinue not to exceed six hours, to be
equally divided and controlled by the
of the United States, pursu- chairman and ranking minority
ant to the 25th amendment, member of the Committee on the Ju-
and then received a message diciary, the Committee shall rise and
report the resolution to the House,
announcing the Senate’s con-
firmation of the nomination. 17. 119 CONG. REC. 39807, 39812,
39813, 39899, 93d Cong. 1st Sess.
16. See House Rules and Manual § 282c 18. House Rules and Manual § 735(d)(4)
(1973). (1973).


and the previous question shall be The vote was taken by electronic de-
considered as ordered on the resolu- vice, and there were—yeas 389, nays
tion to final passage. 15, not voting 29, as follows: . . .
THE SPEAKER: (19) The gentleman The result of the vote was an-
from New York is recognized for 1 nounced as above recorded.
hour. A motion to reconsider was laid on
MR. DELANEY: Mr. Speaker, I yield the table.
30 minutes of that hour to the gen- MR. [PETER W.] RODINO [Jr., of New
tleman from Illinois (Mr. Anderson) Jersey]: Mr. Speaker, I move that the
pending which I now yield myself such House resolve itself into the Com-
time as I may consume. mittee of the Whole House on the
Mr. Speaker, this resolution makes State of the Union for the consider-
in order consideration of House Resolu- ation of the resolution (H. Res. 735)
tion 735, a simple resolution providing confirming the nomination of Gerald R.
for the confirmation of the Honorable Ford, of the State of Michigan, to be
Gerald R. Ford of the State of Michi- Vice President of the United States.
gan to be Vice President of the United THE SPEAKER: The question is on the
States. The resolution provides for 6 motion offered by the gentleman from
hours of general debate. It also pro- New Jersey (Mr. Rodino).
vides that points of order against The motion was agreed to. . . .
clause 27(d)(4) of rule XI of the Rules MR. RODINO: Mr. Chairman, I have
of the House of Representatives be no further requests for time.
waived. That simply means that we MR. [EDWARD] HUTCHINSON [of
are waiving the 3-day rule. Michigan]: Mr. Chairman, I have no
Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of further requests for time.
House Resolution 738 in order that we THE CHAIRMAN: (1) Under the rule
may discuss and debate House Resolu- the Committee rises.
tion 735. . . . Accordingly the Committee rose; and
THE SPEAKER: The question is on the the Speaker having resumed the chair,
resolution. Mr. Patman, Chairman of the Com-
The question was taken; and the mittee of the Whole House on the
Speaker announced that the ayes ap- State of the Union, reported that that
peared to have it. Committee, having had under consid-
MS. [ELIZABETH] HOLTZMAN [of New eration the resolution (H. Res. 735)
York]: Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote confirming the nomination of Gerald R.
on the ground that a quorum is not Ford, of the State of Michigan, to be
present and make the point of order Vice President of the United States,
that a quorum is not present. pursuant to House Resolution 738, he
THE SPEAKER: Evidently a quorum is reported the resolution back to the
not present. House.
The Sergeant at arms will notify ab- THE SPEAKER: Under the rule, the
sent Members. previous question is ordered.

19. Carl Albert (Okla.). 1. Wright Patman (Tex.).


The question is on the resolution. Buckley v Valeo; Effect on Con-

MR. HUTCHINSON: Mr. Speaker, on gressional Appointment Au-
that I demand the yeas and nays.
The yeas and nays were ordered. thority
The vote was taken by electronic de-
vice, and there were—yeas 387, nays § 22.2 Parliamentarian’s Note:
35, not voting 11, as follows: . . . In reviewing the Federal
So the resolution was agreed to.(2) Election Campaign Act
Following this action, the House Amendments of 1974 (Pub. L.
received a message from the Sen- No. 93–443, 83 Stat. 1263), the
ate announcing that body’s con- United States Supreme Court
firmation.(3) held that the procedure for
A further message from the Senate appointing members of the
by Mr. Arrington, one of its clerks, an-
nounced that the Senate did, on No-
Federal Election Commission
vember 27, 1973, pursuant to section 2 by the Speaker of the House
of the 25th amendment to the Con- and President pro tempore of
stitution of the United States, confirm the Senate violated article II,
the nomination of the Honorable Ger-
ald R. Ford of Michigan to be Vice section 2, clause 2, the Ap-
President of the United States.(4) pointments Clause, which
provides that the President
2. President Nixon’s nomination was
referred to the Committee on the Ju- shall nominate, and with the
diciary, chaired by Mr. Rodino, on advice and consent of the
Oct. 13, 1973 (119 CONG. REC. Senate, appoint all ‘‘Officers
34032, 93d Cong. 1st Sess.). That of the United States.’’ In
committee reported out H. Res. 735 reaching this holding, the
(H. Rept. No. 93–695) on Dec. 4,
Court found that members of
1973 (119 CONG. REC. 39419, 93d
Cong. 1st Sess.). the commission were ‘‘Offi-
See also 120 CONG. REC. 41516, cers of the United States’’
41517, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Dec. 19, whom only the President
1974, for House approval, 287 yeas could nominate and, with the
to 128 nays, of H. Res. 1511, con- advice and consent of the
firming the nomination of Nelson A.
Senate, appoint. This finding
Rockefeller to be Vice President, and
120 CONG. REC. 38936, 93d Cong. 2d was based on the fact that
Sess., Dec. 10, 1974, for Senate ap- the Federal Election Com-
proval, 90 yeas to 7 nays, of this mission was granted not only
nomination. investigatory and informa-
3. 119 CONG. REC. 39900, 93d Cong. 1st tion-gathering functions
Sess., Dec. 6, 1973.
4. See 119 CONG. REC. 38225. 93d Senate confirmation by a vote of 92
Cong. 1st Sess., Nov. 27, 1973, for yeas, 3 nays.


which may constitutionally crease efficiency; group, coordi-

be exercised by Congress, nate, and consolidate agencies; re-
but also rulemaking and en- duce the number of agencies by
forcement powers which consolidation; and eliminate over-
have been delegated to other lapping and duplication of ef-
branches of government. The fort.(6) These purposes could be
Speaker and President pro achieved by transferring all or
tempore may appoint mem- part of an agency or the function
bers to commissions whose thereof to another agency; abol-
authority is restricted to in- ishing all or part of the functions
vestigation and information- of an agency; consolidating or co-
gathering. Buckley v Valeo, ordinating the whole or part of an
424 U.S. 1 (1976). agency with another agency or the
same agency; authorizing an offi-
cer to delegate any of his func-
§ 23. Executive Reorga- tions; or abolishing the whole or
nization Plans part of an agency which did not
have or would not, as a con-
The President was, prior to sequence of the reorganization,
1973, authorized to reorganize an have any functions.(7) Under this
agency or agencies of the execu- statute a reorganization plan
tive department if he submitted a could not create, abolish, or trans-
plan to each House of Congress. A fer an executive department or
provision contained in a reorga- consolidate two or more executive
nization plan could take effect departments.
only if the plan was transmitted A reorganization plan accom-
before Apr. 1, 1973,(5) since the panied by a declaration that the
authority of the President to reorganization was necessary to
transmit reorganization plans had accomplish a recognized purpose
not been extended beyond that must be delivered to both Houses
date. A reorganization could be or- on the same day and to each
dered to promote better execution House while in session.(8) A plan
of laws; reduce expenditures; in-
6. 5 USC § 901.
5. 5 USC § 903, 5 USC § 905(b). Reorga- 7. 5 USC § 903. See also 5 USC § 904,
nization authority was again ex- for other provisions of, and 5 USC
tended, with certain procedural § 905, for limitations on, reorganiza-
changes, in the 95th Congress. Pub. tion plans.
L. No. 95–17. 8. 5 USC § 903(a), (b), 5 USC § 905(b).


submitted before Apr. 1, 1973, of the committee and procedure

would become effective at the end for debate is clearly stated:
of the first period of 60 calendar (a) When the committee has re-
days of continuous congressional ported, or has been discharged from
session after the transmittal date further consideration of, a resolution
unless, during that period, either with respect to a reorganization plan,
it is at any time thereafter in order
House passed a resolution stating
(even though a previous motion to the
in substance that it did not favor same effect has been disagreed to) to
the plan.(9) move to proceed to the consideration of
As an exercise of the rule- the resolution. The motion is highly
making power of the Senate and privileged and is not debatable. An
amendment to the motion is not in
House of Representatives and
order, and it is not in order to move to
with full recognition of the con- reconsider the vote by which the mo-
stitutional right of either House to tion is agreed to or disagreed to.
change its rules,(10) Congress pro- (b) Debate on the resolution shall be
vided for the form of resolutions limited to not more than 10 hours,
disapproving reorganization which shall be divided equally between
(11) those favoring and those opposing the
plans, reference of such resolu- resolution. A motion further to limit
tions to committees,(12) discharge debate is not debatable. An amend-
of committees considering such ment to, or motion to recommit, the
resolution after 20 days,(13) as resolution is not in order, and it is not
well as procedure after report or in order to move to reconsider the vote
by which the resolution is agreed to or
discharge of committee and debate
disagreed to.
on such resolutions.(14) The proce-
dure after reporting or discharge Congress a]so provided that mo-
tions to postpone relating to such
9. 5 USC § 906. The form of the resolu- resolutions, or to proceed to other
tion is outlined in 5 USC § 909. business, should be decided with-
Congress could accelerate the ef- out debate.(15) Appeals from deci-
fective date; see §§ 23.33, 23.34,
sions of the Chair applying House
infra, for a discussion of House and
Senate approval of a joint resolution or Senate rules to the consider-
to accelerate a reorganization plan ation of resolutions disapproving
establishing the Department of reorganization plans were also to
Health, Education, and Welfare. be decided without debate.(16)
10. 5 USC § 908. Most of the precedents in this
11. 5 USC § 909. section discuss substantive as-
12. 5 USC § 910.
13. 5 USC § 911. 15. 5 USC § 913.
14. 5 USC § 912. 16. Id.


pects of Presidential reorganiza- 1965,(9) 1969,(10) and 1971.(11) In

tion plans.(17) Congress may also addition to the above legislation,
reorganize executive agencies by title I of the War Powers Act of
statute.(18) 1941,(12) granted the President
Statutes authorizing the Presi- emergency reorganization powers
dent to promulgate reorganization to make such redistribution of
plans were approved in 1939,(1) functions among executive agen-
1945,(2) 1949,(3) and 1966.(4)
Amendments to the major reorga- cies as he deemed necessary dur-
nization acts were approved in ing World War II.
1953,(5) 1957,(6) 1961,(7) 1964,(8)
17. The exceptions are §§ 23.33–23.36, ACTION
infra. See also Ch. 24, infra, for a
discussion of certain procedural mat-
ters relating to resolutions of dis- § 23.1 The House by yea and
approval generally and House Rules nay vote rejected a resolu-
and Manual § 1013 (1975) for a com- tion disapproving a Presi-
pilation of statutory ‘‘legislative veto’’
provisions. § 23.1, infra, discusses
dential reorganization plan
the procedure for consideration of to consolidate a number of
the Presidential reorganization plan volunteer programs into one
which consolidated a number of pro-
grams into one agency, ACTION.
agency, ACTION.
18. See House Committee on Govern- On May 25, 1971,(13) the House
ment Operations, Reorganization by under the procedures prescribed
Plan and by Statute, 1946–1956
(May 1957) for examples of both by the Reorganization Act of 1966,
kinds of reorganization. rejected by a vote of yeas 131,
1. 53 Stat. 561, 76th Cong. 1st Sess. nays 224, not voting 77, House
(Pub. L. No. 76–19). Resolution 411, disapproving Re-
2. 59 Stat. 613, 79th Cong. 1st Sess.
(Pub. L. No. 79–263).
organization Plan No. 1 (consoli-
3. 63 Stat. 203, 81st Cong. 1st Sess. dating a number of volunteer pro-
(Pub. L. No. 81–109).
4. 80 Stat. 378, 89th Cong. 2d Sess. 9. 79 Stat. 135, 89th Cong. 1st Sess.
(Pub. L. No. 89–554). Note: Title 5 of (Pub. L. No. 89–43).
the United States Code includes re- 10. 83 Stat. 6, 91st Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub.
organization plans. L. No. 91–5). See also Pub. L. No.
5. 67 Stat. 4, 83d Cong. 1st Sess. (Pub. 95–17.
L. No. 83–3).
11. 85 Stat. 574, 92d Cong. 1st Sess.
6. 71 Stat. 611, 85th Cong. 1st Sess.
(Pub. L. No. 92–179).
(Pub. L. No. 85–286).
7. 75 Stat. 41, 87th Cong. 1st Sess. 12. 55 Stat. 838, 77th Cong. 1st Sess.
(Pub. L. No. 87–18). (Pub. L. No. 77–354).
8. 78 Stat. 240, 88th Cong. 2d Sess. 13. 117 CONG. REC. 16803, 16804, 16832
(Pub. L. No. 88–351). 16833, 92d Cong. 1st Sess.


grams into one agency, ACTION, The Clerk read the title of the reso-
and transmitted by the President lution.
on Mar. 24, 1971). By unanimous consent, the first
reading of the resolution was dis-
The Chairman of the Committee pensed with.
on Government Operations, Chet THE CHAIRMAN: Under the unani-
Holifield, of California, moved mous consent agreement, the gen-
that the House resolve itself into tleman from California (Mr. Holifield)
the Committee of the Whole for will be recognized for 11⁄2 hours, and
consideration of the resolution dis- the gentleman from New York (Mr.
approving the plan and pro- Horton) will be recognized for 11⁄2
ceedings ensued as indicated
The Chair recognizes the gentleman
from California.
MR. HOLIFIELD: Mr. Speaker, I move
that the House resolve itself into the Mr. Holifield described the plan
Committee of the Whole House on the in the Committee of the Whole:
State of the Union for the consider- Mr. Chairman, I yield myself such
ation of the resolution (H. Res. 411) time as I may consume.
disapproving Reorganization Plan No.
Mr. Chairman, House Resolution 411
1, transmitted to the Congress by the
is a resolution to disapprove Reorga-
President on March 24, 1971; and
pending that motion, Mr. Speaker, I nization Plan No. 1 of 1971 submitted
ask unanimous consent that debate on to the Congress by President Nixon on
the resolution may continue not to ex- March 24. Both the plan and the reso-
ceed 3 hours, the time to be equally di- lution were referred to the Committee
vided and controlled by the gentleman on Government Operations under the
from New York ( Mr. Horton) and my- rules of the House. The committee has
self. . . . reported back the resolution with a
THE SPEAKER: (14) Is there objection recommendation that it not be ap-
to the request of the gentleman from proved. This is in effect an endorse-
California? ment of the plan itself which we hope
There was no objection. will be supported by the House. The
THE SPEAKER: The question is on the vote, however, will be on the resolution
motion offered by the gentleman from itself. Those who favor the plan should
California. vote ‘‘no’’ on the resolution. Those who
The motion was agreed to. oppose the plan should vote ‘‘aye’’ on
Accordingly the House resolved itself the resolution.
into the Committee of the Whole The President proposes in the reor-
House on the State of the Union for ganization plan to create a new agency
the consideration of House Resolution called Action to which would be trans-
411, with Mr. [John] Brademas [of In- ferred:
diana] in the chair. First, Volunteers in Service to Amer-
ica, now in the Office of Economic Op-
14. Carl Albert (Okla.). portunity;


Second, auxiliary and special volun- Accordingly the Committee rose; and
teer programs, now in the Office of the Speaker having resumed the chair,
Economic Opportunity; Mr. Brademas, Chairman of the Com-
Third, Foster Grandparents, now in mittee of the Whole House on the
the Department of Health, Education, State of the Union, reported that that
and Welfare; Committee having had under consider-
Fourth, the retired senior volunteer ation House Resolution 411, to dis-
program, now in the Department of approve Reorganization Plan No. 1 of
Health, Education, and Welfare; and 1971, had directed him to report the
Fifth, the Service Corps of Retired resolution back to the House with the
Executives and Active Corps of Execu- recommendation that the resolution be
tives, both now in the Small Business not agreed to.
Administration. The Clerk reported the resolution;
The President intends later to trans- MR. GERALD R. FORD [of Michigan]:
fer the Peace Corps to the new agency Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry.
by executive order and to similarly THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will
transfer the Office of Volunteer Action. state his parliamentary inquiry.
The President advised in his mes- MR. GERALD R. FORD: Mr. Speaker,
sage that he also intends to submit for the information of the Members of
legislation to Congress to transfer the the House, is it true that a vote ‘‘aye’’
Teacher Corps from HEW to Action. on the resolution is a vote against Re-
Following this description and organization Plan No. 1, and that a
debate the Clerk read the resolu- vote of ‘‘nay’’ is a vote to approve the
President’s reorganization plan?
tion; the Committee of the Whole
agreed to rise with the rec- The inquiry having been an-
ommendation that the resolution swered in the affirmative, the vote
of disapproval not be agreed to: was taken:
THE CHAIRMAN: The Clerk will re- THE SPEAKER: The question is on the
port the resolution. resolution.
The Clerk read as follows: MR. HOLIFIELD: Mr. Speaker, on that
I demand the yeas and nays.
H. RES. 411 The yeas and nays were ordered.
Resolved, That the House of Rep- The question was taken; and there
resentatives does not favor the Reor- were—yeas 131, nays 224, not voting
ganization Plan Numbered 1 trans- 77, as follows: . . .
mitted to the Congress by the Presi-
dent on March 24, 1971. So the resolution was rejected.

MR. HOLIFIELD: Mr. Chairman, I § 23.2 The Senate by yea and

move that the Committee do now rise
and report the resolution back to the
nay vote rejected a resolu-
House with the recommendation that tion disapproving a Presi-
the resolution be not agreed to. dential reorganization plan
The motion was agreed to. to consolidate a number of

volunteer programs into one Bureau of Internal Revenue

agency, ACTION. and Department of the Treas-
On June 3, 1971,(15) the Senate ury
by a vote of yeas 29, nays 54, re-
jected Senate Resolution 108, dis- § 23.4 The House by voice vote
approving Reorganization Plan rejected a resolution dis-
No. 1, consolidating a number of approving a Presidential re-
volunteer programs into one agen- organization plan relating to
cy, ACTION, submitted by the the Bureau of Internal Rev-
President on Mar. 24,1971. enue and Department of the
Bureau of the Budget
On Jan. 30, 1952,(18) the House
§ 23.3 The House by a yea and by voice vote rejected House Reso-
nay vote rejected a resolu- lution 494 disapproving Reorga-
tion disapproving a Presi- nization Plan No. 1, relating to
dential reorganization plan the Bureau of Internal Revenue
and Department of the Treasury
relating to reorganization of (transmitted by the President on
the Bureau of the Budget. Jan. 14, 1952), after the Com-
On May 13, 1970,(16) the House mittee of the Whole approved a
by a vote of yeas 164, nays 193, motion to rise and report the reso-
not voting 73, rejected House Res- lution back to the House with the
olution 960, disapproving Reorga- recommendation that it not be
nization Plan No. 2, relating to agreed to.
the Bureau of the Budget (trans-
mitted by the President on Mar. Bureau of Narcotics
12, 1970), after the Committee of
the Whole by voice vote approved § 23.5 The House by a yea and
a motion that the Committee rise nay vote rejected a resolu-
and report the resolution back to tion disapproving a Presi-
the House with the recommenda- dential reorganization plan
tion that it be agreed to.(17) relating to the creation of a
new Bureau of Narcotics in
15. 117 CONG. REC. 17801–04, 92d Cong.
1st Sess. See also 117 CONG. REC. the Department of Justice.
17645–72, 92d Cong. 1st Sess., June On Apr. 2, 1968,(19) the House
2, 1971, for debate on this resolution. by a vote of yeas 190, nays 200,
16. 116 CONG. REC. 15297, 15298,
15331, 15332, 91st Cong. 2d Sess. 18. 98 CONG. REC. 642, 643, 671, 82d
17. The name of the Bureau of the Cong. 2d Sess.
Budget has been changed to the Of- 19. 114 CONG. REC. 8601, 8628, 8629,
fice of Management and Budget. 90th Cong. 2d Sess.


present 2, and not voting 41, re- Community Relations Service

jected House Resolution 1101 dis-
approving Reorganization Plan § 23.7 The House by yea and
No. 1, creating a new Bureau of nay vote rejected a resolu-
Narcotics in the Department of tion disapproving a Presi-
Justice (transmitted by the Presi- dential reorganization plan
dent on Feb. 7, 1968), after the relating to the transfer of the
Community Relations Serv-
Committee of the Whole by voice
ice from the Department of
vote approved a motion that the
Commerce to the Depart-
Committee rise and report the
ment of Justice.
resolution back to the House with
the recommendation that it not be On Apr. 20, 1966,(1) the House
agreed to. by a vote of yeas 163, nays 220,
not voting 49, rejected House Res-
Civil Aeronautics Board olution 756 disapproving Reorga-
nization Plan No. 1, relating to
§ 23.6 The House by a yea and the transfer of the Community Re-
nay vote rejected a resolu- lations Service from the Depart-
tion disapproving a Presi- ment of Commerce to the Depart-
dential reorganization plan ment of Justice (transmitted by
relating to the Civil Aero- the President on Feb. 10, 1966),
nautics Board. after the Committee of the Whole
On June 20, 1961,(20) the House by voice vote approved a motion to
by a vote of yeas 178, nays 213, rise and report the resolution to
not voting 46, rejected House Res- the House with the recommenda-
olution 304 disapproving Reorga- tion that it not be agreed to.
nization Plan No. 3, relating to
the Civil Aeronautics Board Departments of Agriculture
(transmitted by the President on and Interior
May 3, 1961), after the Committee § 23.8 The House agreed to a
of the Whole approved a motion resolution disapproving a
that the Committee rise and re- Presidential reorganization
port the resolution back to the plan relating to the Depart-
House with the recommendation ment of Agriculture and De-
that it not be agreed to. partment of the Interior.
20. 107 CONG. REC. 10839–44, 87th 1. 112 CONG. REC. 8498–516, 89th
Cong. 1st Sess. Cong. 2d Sess.


On July 7, 1959,(2) the House by Navy, and Air Force, transmitted

a vote of yeas 266, nays 124, not by the President on May 16, 1956.
voting 44, agreed to House Reso-
lution 295, disapproving Reorga- Department of Commerce
nization Plan No. 1, transferring
from the Department of the Inte- § 23.10 The House by voice
rior to the Department of Agri- vote rejected a resolution
culture functions relating to min- disapproving a Presidential
erals and forest lands. The plan reorganization plan relating
had been transmitted by the to the Department of Com-
President on May 22, 1959. This merce.
House action followed approval by On May 18, 1950,(5) the House
the Committee of the Whole of a by voice vote rejected House Reso-
motion to report the resolution lution 546, disapproving Reorga-
back to the House with the rec- nization Plan No. 5, transferring
ommendation that it pass.(3) all functions of all other officers of
the Department of Commerce to
Departments of Army, Navy, the Secretary (with the exception
and Air Force of hearings examiners employed
§ 23.9 The House as in Com- by the Department of Commerce,
mittee of the Whole by voice Civil Aeronautics Board, Inland
vote agreed to a resolution Waterways Corporation, and the
disapproving a Presidential Advisory Board of the Inland Wa-
reorganization plan relating terways Corporation), after the
Committee of the Whole approved
to the Departments of Army,
a motion to rise and report the
Navy, and Air Force.
resolution back to the House with
On July 5, 1956,(4) the House as the recommendation that it not be
in Committee of the Whole agreed agreed to.(6)
to House Resolution 534, dis-
approving Reorganization Plan Department of Labor
No. 1, relating to new offices in
the Departments of the Army, § 23.11 The House by voice
vote rejected a resolution
2. 105 CONG. REC. 12856, 86th Cong.
1st Sess. 5. 96 CONG. REC. 7266–74, 81st Cong.
3. 105 CONG. REC. 12740–46, 86th 2d Sess.
Cong. 1st Sess., July 6, 1959. 6. Reorganization Plan No. 5 was
4. 102 CONG. REC. 11886, 84th Cong. transmitted by the President on
2d Sess. Mar. 13, 1950.


disapproving a Presidential the Committee rise and report the

reorganization plan relating resolution back to the House with
to the Department of Labor. the recommendation that it not be
On Aug. 11, 1949,(7) the House agreed to.
by voice vote rejected House Reso-
Department of Urban Affairs
lution 301, disapproving Reorga-
and Housing
nization Plan No. 2, transferring
the Bureau of Employment Secu- § 23.13 The House by yea and
rity, Veterans’ Placement Service nay vote agreed to a resolu-
Board, and Federal Advisory tion disapproving a Presi-
Council to the Department of dential reorganization plan
Labor (transmitted by the Presi- relating to the Department of
dent on June 20, 1949), after the Urban Affairs and Housing.
Committee of the Whole by voice
vote approved a motion that the On Feb. 21, 1962,(9) the House
Committee rise and report back to by a vote of 264 yeas, 150 nays, 1
the House with a recommendation present, 20 not voting, agreed to
that the resolution not pass. House Resolution 530, dis-
approving Reorganization Plan
§ 23.12 The House by voice No. 1, establishing a Department
vote rejected a resolution of Urban Affairs and Housing
disapproving a Presidential (transmitted by the President on
reorganization plan relating Jan. 30, 1962). The Committee of
to the Department of Labor. the Whole had recommended that
the resolution not be agreed to.(10)
On May 18, 1950,(8) the House
by voice vote rejected House Reso- District of Columbia Govern-
lution 522, disapproving Reorga-
nization Plan No. 6, centralizing
authority for all Department of § 23.14 The House by a yea and
Labor functions in the Secretary nay vote rejected a resolu-
of Labor (transmitted by the tion disapproving a Presi-
President on Mar. 13, 1950) after dential reorganization plan
the Committee of the Whole by
voice vote approved a motion that 9. 108 CONG. REC. 2630–80, 87th Cong.
2d Sess.
7. 95 CONG. REC. 11296–314, 81st 10. The Department of Housing and
Cong. 1st Sess. Urban Development was approved
8. 96 CONG. REC. 7241, 7266, 81st on Sept. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 667 (Pub.
Cong. 2nd Sess. L. No. 89–174).


relating to the District of Co- tion Plan No. 1, relating to the

lumbia government. Executive Office of the President,
Federal Security Agency, Federal
On Aug. 9, 1967,(11) the House Works Agency, and Federal Loan
by a vote of yeas 160, nays 244, Agency (transmitted by the Presi-
not voting 28, rejected House Res- dent on Apr. 25, 1939), after the
olution 512, disapproving Reorga- Committee of the Whole approved
nization Plan No. 3, relating to a motion to rise and report the
the Government, of the District of resolution back to the House with
Columbia (transmitted by the the recommendation that it not be
President on June 1, 1967), after agreed to.
the Committee of the Whole by
Environmental Protection
voice vote approved a motion that
the Committee rise and report
back to the House with the rec- § 23.16 The House by voice
ommendation that the resolution vote rejected a resolution
not be agreed to. disapproving a Presidential
reorganization plan estab-
Executive Office of the Presi- lishing the Environmental
dent; Federal Agencies Protection Agency.
§ 23.15 The House by a yea and On Sept. 28, 1970,(13) the House
nay vote rejected a concur- by voice vote rejected House Reso-
rent resolution disapproving lution 1209, disapproving Reorga-
nization Plan No. 3, establishing
a Presidential reorganization the Environmental Protection
plan relating to the Execu- Agency (transmitted by the Presi-
tive Office of the President, dent on July 9, 1970), after the
Federal Security Agency, Committee of the Whole by voice
Federal Works Agency, and vote approved a motion to rise
Federal Loan Agency. and report the resolution back to
the House with the recommenda-
On May 3, 1939,(12) the House tion that it be rejected.
by a vote of yeas 128, nays 265,
present 2, and not voting 35, re- Federal Communications Com-
jected House Concurrent Resolu- mission
tion 19, disapproving Reorganiza-
§ 23.17 The House by yea and
11. 113 CONG. REC. 21941–76, 90th nay vote agreed to a resolu-
Cong. 1st Sess.
12. 84 CONG. REC. 5085, 5086, 76th 13. 116 CONG. REC. 33871–84,91st Cong.
Cong. 1st Sess. 2d Sess.


tion disapproving a Presi- McClellan, of Arkansas, made an

dential reorganization plan announcement regarding Senate
relating to the Federal Com- disposition of a Presidential reor-
munications Commission. ganization plan.
On June 15, 1961,(14) the House MR. MCCLELLAN: Mr. President, on
by a vote of yeas 323, nays 77, not June 13, 1961, the Committee on Gov-
ernment Operations, in executive ses-
voting 36, agreed to House Reso- sion, ordered reported, without rec-
lution 303 disapproving Reorga- ommendation, S. Res. 142, expressing
nization Plan No. 2, relating to disapproval of Reorganization Plan No.
the Federal Communications 2 of 1961.
Commission (transmitted by the Under section 6 of the Reorganiza-
tion Act of 1949, as amended, a reorga-
President on Apr. 27, 1961), after nization plan may not become effective
the Committee of the Whole ap- if a resolution of disapproval is adopt-
proved a motion that the Com- ed by a simple majority of either
mittee rise and report the resolu- House. On June 15, 1961, the House of
tion back to the House with the Representatives adopted House Resolu-
tion 303, to disapprove Reorganization
recommendation that it be agreed Plan No. 2 of 1961.(17) Since this action
to.(l5) results in the final disposition of the
matter, it is no longer necessary either
§ 23.18 The House having for the Committee on Government Op-
agreed to a resolution dis- erations to file a report on S. Res. 142,
approving a Presidential re- or for the Senate to take any further
organization plan relating to
I call attention to the fact, however,
the Federal Communications that hearings on that resolution have
Commission, the Senate been held and will be available shortly
Committee on Government for the information of Members of the
Operations ordered reported, Senate. Legislation to enact certain
provisions of Reorganization Plan No.
without recommendation, a 2 is now pending before the Senate
resolution to the same effect. Committee on Commerce—S. 2034—
On June 16, 1961,(16) the Chair- and the House Committee on Inter-
state and Foreign Commerce—H. R.
man of the Senate Committee on 7333—and the House committee has
Government Operations, John L. now completed hearings on H.R. 7333.
I thought it proper to make this an-
14. 107 CONG. REC. 10448–62, 87th nouncement in view of the fact that
Cong. 1st Sess. the committee had voted to report the
15. See § 23.18, infra, for Senate disposi- resolution as I have indicated.
16. 107 CONG. REC. 10628, 87th Cong. 17. See § 23.17, supra, for House disposi-
1st Sess. tion.


Federal Home Loan Bank discharge the Committee on

Board Government Operations from
further consideration of a
§ 23.19 The House by voice resolution disapproving a re-
vote rejected a motion to dis- organization plan relating to
charge the Committee on federal maritime functions.
Government Operations from
further consideration of a On July 20, 1961,(20) the House
resolution disapproving a re- by a vote of yeas 184, nays 208,
organization plan, relating to not voting 35, rejected a motion to
the Federal Home Loan Bank discharge the Committee on Gov-
Board. ernment Operations from further
consideration of House Resolution
On Aug. 3, 1961,(18) the House 336, disapproving Reorganization
by voice vote rejected a motion to
discharge the Committee on Gov- Plan No. 7, relating to the Federal
ernment Operations from further Maritime Administration, Federal
consideration of House Resolution Maritime Board, and the Federal
335, disapproving Reorganization Maritime Commission (1) (trans-
Plan No. 6, relating to the Federal mitted by the President on June
Home Loan Bank Board (trans- 12, 1961). The motion was offered
mitted by the President on June by Mr. H. R. Gross, of Iowa, who
12, 1961). The motion was offered qualified as favoring the resolu-
by Mr. H. R. Gross, of Iowa, who tion of disapproval.
qualified as being in favor of the
resolution.(19) § 23.21 The Senate on a roll
call vote rejected a resolu-
Federal Maritime Functions
tion disapproving a Presi-
§ 23.20 The House by yea and dential reorganization plan
nay vote rejected a motion to relating to maritime func-
18. 107 CONG. REC. 14548–54, 87th
Cong. 1st Sess. On Aug. 10, 1961,(2) the Senate
19. See 63 Stat. 203, 207, 81st Cong. 1st by a vote of yeas 35, nays 60, re-
Sess. (Pub. L. No. 81–109, § 204b), jected Senate Resolution 186, dis-
for the requirement that the Member
making the motion to discharge 20. 107 CONG. REC. 13084–97, 87th
must qualify as favoring the resolu- Cong. 1st Sess.
tion of disapproval. This provision 1. See § 23.21, infra, for Senate disposi-
was later codified as 5 USC § 911(b) tion of this plan.
(1970), 80 Stat. 397, Sept. 6, 1966 2. 107 CONG. REC. 15460, 15461, 87th
(Pub. L. No. 89–554). Cong. 1st Sess.


approving Reorganization Plan Security Agency, Social Secu-

No. 7, relating to the Federal rity Board, and United States
Maritime Administration, Federal Employment Service.
Maritime Board, and Federal On June 10, 1947,(5) the House
Maritime Commission.(3) by voice vote agreed to House
Concurrent Resolution 49, dis-
Federal Savings and Loan In-
approving Reorganization Plan
surance Corporation
No. 2, relating to the Federal Se-
§ 23.22 The House as in Com- curity Agency, Social Security
mittee of the Whole agreed to Board, and United States Employ-
a resolution disapproving a ment Service (transmitted by the
Presidential reorganization President on May 1, 1947), after
plan creating the Federal the Committee of the Whole ap-
Savings and Loan Insurance proved a motion to rise and report
Corporation. back to the House with the rec-
ommendation that it be agreed to.
On July 5, 1956,(4) the House as
in Committee of the Whole by Federal Trade Commission
voice vote agreed to House Resolu-
tion 541, disapproving Reorga- § 23.24 The House by yea and
nization Plan No. 2, creating the nay vote rejected a resolu-
Federal Savings and Loan Insur- tion disapproving a Presi-
ance Corporation (transmitted by dential reorganization plan
the President on May 17, 1956). relating to the Federal Trade
Federal Security Agency, So-
cial Security Board, and On June 20, 1961,(6) the House
United States Employment by a vote of yeas 178, nays 221,
not voting 38, rejected House Res-
olution 305, disapproving Reorga-
§ 23.23 The House by voice
5. 93 CONG. REC. 6722–40, 80th Cong.
vote agreed to a concurrent 1st Sess. See appendix, infra, which
resolution disapproving a indicates that concurrence of both
Presidential reorganization Houses was required to disapprove
plan relating to the Federal reorganization plans prior to June
20, 1949, the effective date of the rel-
3. See § 23.20, supra, for House disposi- evant provision of the Congressional
tion of this resolution. Reorganization Act of 1949.
4. 102 CONG. REC. 11886, 84th Cong. 6. 107 CONG. REC. 10844–56, 87th
2d Sess. Cong. 1st Sess.


nization Plan No. 4, relating to National Labor Relations

the Federal Trade Commission Board
(transmitted by the President on
May 9, 1961), after the Committee § 23.26 The House by a yea and
of the Whole approved a motion nay vote agreed to a resolu-
that the Committee rise and re- tion disapproving a Presi-
port the resolution back to the dential reorganization plan
House with the recommendation relating to the National
that it not be agreed to. Labor Relations Board.
On July 20, 1961,(8) the House
Housing, Lending, and Insur- by vote of yeas 231, nays 179,
ing Agencies present 2, not voting 25, agreed to
House Resolution 328, dis-
§ 23.25 The House as in Com-
approving Reorganization Plan
mittee of the Whole by voice
vote agreed to a concurrent No. 5, relating to the National
resolution disapproving a Labor Relations Board (trans-
Presidential reorganization mitted by the President on May
plan relating to housing, 24, 1961), after the Committee of
lending, and insuring agen- the Whole by voice vote approved
cies. a motion that the Committee rise
On June 18, 1947,(7) the House and report the resolution back to
as in Committee of the Whole by the House with the recommenda-
voice vote agreed to House Con- tion that it not be agreed to.(9)
current Resolution 51, dis-
§ 23.27 The Senate indefinitely
approving Reorganization Plan postponed further consider-
No. 3, relating to housing, lend- ation of a resolution dis-
ing, and insuring agencies, trans- approving a reorganization
mitted by the President on May plan relating to the National
27, 1947. Labor Relations Board, after
the House agreed to a resolu-
7. 93 CONG. REC. 7252, 80th Cong. 1st
Sess. See appendix, infra, which in- tion of disapproval (thereby
dicates that concurrence of both terminating the plan).
Houses was required to disapprove
reorganization plans prior to June 8. 107 CONG. REC. 13069–78, 87th
20, 1949, the effective date of the rel- Cong. 1st Sess.
evant provision of the Congressional 9. See § 23.27, infra, for Senate disposi-
Reorganization Act of 1949. tion.


On July 20, 1961,(10) the Senate the House with the recommenda-
indefinitely postponed Calendar tion that it be rejected.
No. 545, Senate Resolution 158,
disapproving Reorganization Plan Office of Science
No. 5, relating to the National
Labor Relations Board (trans- § 23.29 The House by voice
mitted by the President on May vote rejected a resolution
24, 1961), after the House agreed disapproving a Presidential
to disapprove the plan.(11) reorganization plan relating
to the Office of Science after
National Oceanic and Atmos- the Committee of the Whole
pheric Administration adversely reported the meas-
§ 23.28 The House by voice
On May 16, 1962,(13) the House
vote rejected a resolution
by voice vote rejected House Reso-
disapproving a Presidential lution 595, disapproving Reorga-
reorganization plan creating nization Plan No. 2 of 1962 estab-
the National Oceanic and At- lishing the Office of Science and
mospheric Administration Technology in the Executive Office
within the Department of of the President (transmitted by
Commerce. the President on Mar. 29, 1962),
On Sept. 28, 1970,(12) the House after the Committee of the Whole
by voice vote rejected House Reso- by voice vote approved a motion to
lution 1210 disapproving Reorga- rise and report the resolution
nization Plan No. 4, creating the back to the House with the rec-
National Oceanic and Atmos- ommendation that it not be
pheric Administration within the agreed to.
Department of Commerce (trans-
mitted by the President on July 9, Reconstruction Finance Cor-
1970), after the Committee of the poration
Whole by voice vote approved a
§ 23.30 The House by a yea and
motion that the Committee rise
nay vote rejected a resolu-
and report the resolution back to
tion disapproving a Presi-
10. 107 CONG. REC. 13027, 87th Cong. dential plan reorganizing the
1st Sess. Reconstruction Finance Cor-
11. See § 23.26, supra, for House disposi- poration.
12. 116 CONG. REC. 33885–96, 91st 13. 108 CONG. REC. 8468–73, 87th Cong.
Cong. 2d Sess. 2d Sess.


On Mar. 14, 1951,(14) the House olution 302, disapproving Reorga-

by a vote of yeas 200, nays 198, nization Plan No. 1, relating to
not voting 35,(15) failed to agree to the Securities and Exchange Com-
House Resolution 142, dis- mission (transmitted by the Presi-
approving Reorganization Plan dent on Apr. 27, 1961), after the
No. 11, relating to the Reconstruc- Committee of the Whole approved
tion Finance Corporation (trans- a motion to rise and report the
mitted to the Congress on Feb. 19, resolution back to the House with
1951), after the Committee of the the recommendation that it not be
Whole by voice vote approved a agreed to.(17)
motion that the Committee rise
and report the resolution back to § 23.32 The Senate by roll call
the House with the recommenda- vote agreed to a resolution
tion that it not be agreed to. disapproving a Presidential
reorganization plan relating
Securities and Exchange Com- to the Securities and Ex-
mission change Commission.
§ 23.31 The House by yea and On June 21, 1961,(18) the Senate
nay vote rejected a resolu- by a vote of yeas 52, nays 38,
tion disapproving a Presi- agreed to Senate Resolution 148,
dential reorganization plan disapproving Reorganization Plan
relating to the Securities and No. 1, relating to the Securities
Exchange Commission. and Exchange Commission (trans-
mitted by the President on Apr.
On June 15, 1961,(16) the House 27, 1961).(19)
by a vote of yeas 176, nays 212,
not voting 48, rejected House Res- Acceleration of Effective Date
14. 97 CONG. REC. 2409–18, 82d Cong. for Department of Health,
1st Sess. Education, and Welfare Reor-
15. Parliamentarian’s Note: Under 5 ganization Plan
USC §§ 1332–1334 an affirmative
vote of a majority of the authorized § 23.33 Instead of following the
membership of the House was re- procedure prescribed by the
quired to adopt a resolution dis-
approving a Presidential reorganiza- 17. See § 23.32, infra, for Senate disposi-
tion plan. This requirement was de- tion of this plan.
leted on Sept. 4, 1957, by approval of 18. 107 CONG. REC. 11003, 87th Cong.
71 Stat. 611 (Pub. L. No. 85–286). 1st Sess.
16. 107 CONG. REC. 10463–71, 87th 19. See § 23.31, supra, for House disposi-
Cong. 1st Sess. tion of this plan.


Reorganization Act of 1949 to 12, 1953, shall take effect 10 days after
vote on a resolution dis- the date of the enactment of this joint
resolution and its approval by the
approving a Presidential re- President, notwithstanding the provi-
organization plan, the House sions of the Reorganization Act of 1949
approved a House joint reso- as amended, except that section 9 of
lution effectuating a plan to such act shall apply to such reorga-
nization plan and to the reorganization
create the Department of made thereby. . . .
Health, Education, and Wel- Amendment offered by Mr. [William
fare 10 days after enactment C.] Lantaff [of Florida]: Page 1, line 4,
of the joint resolution, rather after the numbers ‘‘1953’’ insert the
than 60 days after submis- words ‘‘except the words in section 7
thereof which read: ‘The Secretary may
sion of the plan as provided from time to time establish central ad-
in the act. ministrative services in the field of
On Mar. 13, 1953,(20) the House procurement, budgeting, accounting,
agreed to House Joint Resolution personnel, library, legal, and services
and activities common to the several
223, effectuating Presidential Re- agencies of the Department’.’’ . . .
organization Plan No. 1, creating THE SPEAKER: (1) Under the rule the
the Department of Health, Edu- previous question is ordered.
cation, and Welfare from the Fed- The question is on the amendment.
eral Security Agency, 10 days The amendment was agreed to.
after enactment of the joint reso- THE SPEAKER: The question is on the
lution. Approval of this joint reso- engrossment and third reading of the
lution did not follow the proce- joint resolution.
The joint resolution was ordered to
dures prescribed by the Reorga-
be engrossed and read a third time,
nization Plan of 1946, which pro- and was read the third time.
vided that a Presidential reorga- THE SPEAKER: The question is on the
nization plan would become effec- passage of the joint resolution.
tive 60 days after its submission MR. [CHARLES A.] HALLECK [of Indi-
to Congress unless either House ana]: Mr. Speaker, on that I demand
agreed to a resolution dis- the yeas and nays.
approving the plan. The following The yeas and nays were ordered.
House joint resolution and amend- The question was taken; and there
were—yeas 291, nays 86, answered
ment were approved: ‘‘present’’ 3, not voting 51, as follows:
Resolved, etc., That the provisions of So the House joint resolution was
Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953, passed.(2)
submitted to the Congress on March
1. Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (Mass.).
20. 99 CONG. REC. 2086–2113, 83d Cong. 2. The report on this joint resolution is
1st Sess. H. Rept. No. 166. See § 23.34, infra,


House Joint Resolution 223, joint resolution and amendments

was considered under the fol- thereto to final passage without inter-
vening motion except one motion to re-
lowing rule (H. Res. 179): (3)
Resolved, That upon the adoption of
this resolution it shall be in order to § 23.34 Instead of following the
move that the House resolve itself into procedure prescribed in the
the Committee of the Whole House on
the State of the Union for the consider-
Reorganization Act of 1949,
ation of House Joint Resolution 223, to vote on a resolution dis-
providing that Reorganization Plan approving a Presidential re-
Numbered 1 of 1953 shall take effect organization plan, the Senate
10 days after the date of the enact- approved a House joint reso-
ment of this joint resolution. After gen-
lution effectuating a plan to
eral debate, which shall be confined to
the joint resolution, and shall continue create the Department of
not to exceed 2 hours, to be equally di- Health, Education, and Wel-
vided and controlled by the chairman fare 10 days after enactment
and ranking minority member of the of the joint resolution rather
Committee on Government Operations,
than 60 days after submis-
the joint resolution shall be read for
amendment under the 5-minute rule. sion of the plan as provided
At the conclusion of the consideration in the act.
of the joint resolution for amendment, On Mar. 30, 1953,(4) the Senate
the Committee shall rise and report
the joint resolution to the House with agreed to House Joint Resolution
such amendments as may have been 223, as amended by the House,(5)
adopted, and the previous question creating the Department of
shall be considered as ordered on the Health, Education, and Welfare
from the Federal Security Agen-
for Senate approval of this joint reso-
lution. cy.(6)
See Pub. Res. No. 75, 76th Cong.
3d Sess. (H.J. Res. 551) for a joint Postponing Vote
resolution providing that Reorga-
nization Plan No. 5, relating to the § 23.35 The House may post-
Immigration and Naturalization pone voting on a resolution
Service and the Department of Labor to disapprove a reorganiza-
and transmitted by the President on
May 22, 1940, should take effect on 4. 99 CONG. REC. 2448–59, 83d Cong.
the 10th day after enactment of the 1st Sess.
joint resolution. The joint resolution 5. See § 23.33, supra, for the text of the
was approved on June 4, 1940. joint resolution and amendment.
3. 99 CONG. REC. 2086, 83d Cong. 1st 6. The report on this resolution is S.
Sess. Rept. No. 126.


tion plan by disagreeing to such a motion, but it has not been re-
the highly privileged motion ported.
MR. HALLECK: Mr. Speaker, a fur-
that the House resolve itself
ther parliamentary inquiry.
into the Committee of the THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
Whole for consideration of gentleman will state it.
such resolution. MR. HALLECK: The majority leader,
On June 8, 1961,(7) the House the gentleman from Massachusetts
[Mr. McCormack], talked to me yester-
postponed voting on a resolution
day about scheduling this matter for
to disapprove a reorganization the consideration of the House of Rep-
plan by disagreeing to the motion resentatives and indicated to me that
that the House resolve itself into it would be scheduled in due time upon
the Committee of the Whole for agreement between the majority and
consideration of such resolution. the minority Members. In view of this
I would like to inquire whether or not
MR. [H.R.] GROSS [of Iowa]: Mr. we could have any assurance from the
Speaker, is it in order and proper at leadership on the Democratic side, in-
this time to submit a highly privileged cluding the acting majority leader and
motion? the chairman of the Committee on
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: (8) If the Government Operations, as to when
matter to which the gentleman refers this matter might be called, if this mo-
is highly privileged, it would be in tion now does not prevail.
order. MR. [HALE] BOGGS [of Louisiana]:
MR. GROSS: Then, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, in reply to the gen-
under the provisions of section 205(a) tleman, in the absence of the majority
Public Law 109, the Reorganization leader, I can only say that I can give
Act of 1949, I submit a motion. . . . the assurance that the plan will be
MR. [CHARLES A.] HALLECK [of Indi- called up. It is my understanding that
ana]: Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary in- the chairman of the committee has in-
quiry. dicated that he will confer with the
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The majority leader on calling it up next
gentleman will state it. Thursday. In the absence of the major-
MR. HALLECK: As I understand, ity leader I cannot give a date positive,
there is a motion pending to call up but I can give assurance that it will be
what is known as Reorganization Plan called up. . . .
No. 2. MR. HALLECK: Mr. Speaker, a fur-
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The ther parliamentary inquiry.
chair would state that the gentleman THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
from Iowa indicated he would submit gentleman will state it.
MR. HALLECK: If the pending motion
7. 107 CONG. REC. 9775–77, 87th Cong. is voted down, would it still be in order
1st Sess. at a subsequent date to call up a mo-
8. Oren Harris (Ark.). tion rejecting plan No. 2 for another


vote? I ask that because I am opposed THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
to plan No. 2. The committee has re- gentleman is correct. . . .
ported adversely in respect to plan No. The Chair feels that this matter has
2. I am going to vote against that plan probably gone far enough.
and in support of the resolution of the The Clerk will report the motion of-
committee. But under my responsi- fered by the gentleman from Iowa.
bility as the minority leader and under The Clerk read as follows:
my agreement with the majority lead-
er, I do not see how I could vote today Mr. Gross moves that the House
resolve itself into the Committee of
unless, under the situation as it exists, the Whole House on the State of the
that vote today would be conclusive as Union for the consideration of H.
to plan No. 2. . . . Res. 303 introduced by Mr. Monagan
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: In the disapproving Reorganization Plan
opinion of the Chair, under the Reorga- No. 2 transmitted to the Congress by
the President on April 27, 1961.
nization Act, it could be called up at a
subsequent date. THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
MR. HALLECK: In other words, the question is on the motion.
action that would be taken today MR. [CLARE E.] HOFFMAN of Michi-
would not be final? gan: Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary in-
gentleman is correct. . . . THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
MR. [CLARENCE J.] BROWN [of Ohio]: gentleman will state it.
Mr. Speaker, a further parliamentary MR. HOFFMAN of Michigan: Mr.
inquiry. Speaker, if I vote to postpone this; am
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The I then on record as approving the
gentleman will state it. plan?
parliamentary situation the motion course, that is not a parliamentary in-
would be to take up the resolution of quiry.
rejection; is that correct? MR. [BYRON G.] ROGERS of Colorado:
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry.
Chair would like to state that the mo- THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
tion has not yet been reported; but the gentleman will state it.
Chair understands that the motion is MR. ROGERS of Colorado: Mr. Speak-
for the House to go into Committee of er, is a motion to lay this motion on
the Whole House for the consideration the table in order?
MR. BROWN: If that should be de- would not be in order at this time.
feated, of course, we would not have The question is on the motion offered
the resolution of rejection before us. by the gentleman from Iowa [Mr.
gentleman is correct. The motion was rejected.(9)
MR. BROWN: And therefore the vote
would be simply on whether we want 9. See § 23.17, supra, for a discussion of
to take it up today or take it up later? the House vote on this plan to reor-


Priority of Consideration is a highly privileged motion, to make

the motion that the House proceed to
§ 23.36 The House having the consideration of House Resolution
agreed that consideration of 516.
The gentleman from Michigan being
the general appropriation
on his feet to present this highly privi-
bill of 1951 take priority over leged motion, the regular order is that
all business except con- he be recognized for that purpose that
ference reports, it was held the motion be entertained and the
that such agreement gave a question put before the House, and my
higher privilege to the ap- motion is that the House proceed to
the consideration of House Resolution
propriation bill than consid-
eration of resolutions dis- THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: That is
approving reorganization the resolution disapproving one of the
plans of the President. reorganization plans?
On May 9, 1950,(10) Speaker pro MR. HOFFMAN of Michigan: That is
right, House Resolution 516 dis-
tempore John W. McCormack, of
approving plan No. 12.(11)
Massachusetts, ruled that a unan- And, Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous
imous-consent agreement that consent to revise and extend my re-
consideration of the general ap- marks in connection with the point of
propriation bill of 1951, a bill order. . . .
combining all appropriations Mr. Speaker, may I be heard further
measures, take priority of all busi- on the point of order?
ness except conference reports, THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
gave a higher priority to the ap- Chair is glad to hear the gentleman
from Michigan.
propriation bill than consideration
MR. HOFFMAN: . . . [O]n the 3d of
of resolutions disapproving Presi-
April the gentleman from Missouri
dential reorganization plans. [Mr. Cannon] asked unanimous con-
MR. [CLARE E.] HOFFMAN of Michi- sent ‘‘that time for general debate be
gan: Mr. Speaker, I make the point of equally divided, one-half to be con-
order that the House is not proceeding trolled by the gentleman from New
in the regular order because under sec- York [Mr. Taber] and one-half by my-
tion 205a of the Reorganization Act, self [Mr. Cannon]; that debate be con-
which is Public Law 109 of the Eighty- fined to the bill and that following the
first Congress, first session, any Mem- reading of the first chapter of the bill,
ber of the House is privileged, and this not to exceed 2 hours of general debate
be had before the reading of each sub-
ganize the Federal Communications sequent chapter, one-half to be con-
10. 96 CONG. REC. 6720–24, 81st Cong. 11. This plan related to the National
2d Sess. Labor Relations Board.


trolled by the chairman and one-half Cannon] on either the 3d, the 5th, or
by the ranking minority member of the the 6th of April, even though the cor-
subcommittee in charge of the chap- rected request states ‘‘that the general
ter.’’ appropriation bill shall be a special
The gentleman from Texas [Mr. order privileged above all other busi-
ness of the House under the rule until
Mahon] cites page 4835 of the daily final disposition,’’ have priority over
Record of April 5, which reads as fol- Public Law No. 109, Eighty-first Con-
lows: gress, when, under title II, we find the
Mr. Cannon. I ask unanimous con- following:
sent that the general appropriation Sec. 201. The following sections of
bill for the fiscal year 1951 have this title are enacted by the Con-
right-of-way over all other privileged gress:
business under the rules until dis- (a) As an exercise of the rule-
position, with the exception of con- making power of the Senate and the
ference reports. House of Representatives, respec-
Still later and on April 6, the gen- tively, and as such they shall be con-
sidered as part of the rules of each
tleman from Missouri [Mr. Cannon] House, respectively, but applicable
asked unanimous consent that the only with respect to the procedure to
Record be corrected. His request was be followed in such House in the
as follows—pages 4976–4977 of the case of resolutions (as defined in sec-
daily Record: tion 202); and such rules shall super-
sede other rules only to the extent
Mr. Cannon. Mr. Speaker, on page that they are inconsistent therewith;
4835 of the Record of yesterday, the and
first column carrying the special (b) With full recognition of the con-
order made by the House last night stitutional right of either House to
reads that the general appropriation change such rules (so far as relating
bill shall be a special order privi- to the procedure in such House) at
leged above all other business of the any time, in the same manner and to
House under the rule until disposi- the same extent as in the case of any
tion. The order made was until final other rule of such House. . . .
disposition. I ask unanimous consent Sec. 205. (a) When the committee
that the Record and Journal be cor- has reported, or has been discharged
rected to conform with the pro- from further consideration of, a reso-
ceedings on the floor of the House lution with respect to a reorganiza-
yesterday. tion plan, it shall at any time there-
after be in order (even though a pre-
There was no objection. . . . vious motion to the same effect has
Furthermore, while appropriation been disagreed to) to move to pro-
bills have a privileged status, but ceed to the consideration of such res-
under the subsequent rule of the olution. Such motion shall be highly
House, adopted in the reorganization privileged and shall not be debat-
bill, a motion to consider a resolution able. No amendment to such motion
shall be in order and it shall not be
is highly privileged. Certainly that has in order to move to reconsider the
priority over this ordinary privilege or vote by which such motion is agreed
special privilege which the gentleman to or disagreed to. . . . (12)
from Missouri [Mr. Cannon] secured.
How can unanimous consent secured 12. Subsequent material—several Con-
by the gentleman from Missouri [Mr. gressional Record excerpts from the


THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The meet a particular situation or to carry

Chair is prepared to rule. out its will.
The gentleman from Michigan On April 5, the gentleman from Mis-
makes a point of order, the substance souri [Mr. Cannon], chairman of the
of which is that the motion he desires Committee on Appropriations, sub-
to make or that someone else should mitted a unanimous-consent request to
make in relation to the consideration the House, which was granted, which
of a disapproving resolution of one of has the force of a rule, and which re-
the reorganization plans takes prece- lates to the rules of the House gov-
dence over the appropriation bill inso- erning the consideration of the omni-
far as recognition by the Chair is con- bus appropriation bill while it is before
cerned. The gentleman from Michigan the House and, of course, incidentally
raises a very serious question and the affecting other legislation. The consent
Chair feels at this particular time that request submitted by the gentleman
it is well that he did so. from Missouri was ‘‘that the general
The question involved is not a con- appropriation bill for the fiscal year
stitutional question but one relating to 1951 have right-of-way over all other
the rules of the House and to the Leg- privileged business under the rules
islative Reorganization Act of 1949 until disposition, with the exception of
which has been alluded to by the gen- conference reports.’’
tleman from Michigan and other Mem- That request was granted by unani-
bers when addressing the Chair on mous consent. On the next day, the
this point of order. The Chair calls at- gentleman from Missouri [Mr. Can-
tention to the language of paragraph non], in correcting and interpreting the
(b) of section 201 of title II of the Reor- consent request granted on April 5,
ganization Act of 1949 which reads as submitted a further unanimous-con-
follows: ‘‘with full recognition of the sent request.
constitutional right of either House to The daily Record shows, on page
change such rules so far as relating to 4976, April 6, that the gentleman from
procedure in such House at any time Missouri [Mr. Cannon] said:
in the same manner and to the same
Mr. Speaker, on page 4835 of the
extent as in the case of any other rule daily Record of yesterday, the first
of such House.’’ column carrying the special order
It is very plain from that language made by the House last night reads
that the intent of Congress was to rec- that the general appropriation bill
ognize the reservation to each House of shall be a special order privileged
above all other business of the House
certain inherent powers which are nec- under the rule until disposition. The
essary for either House to function to order made was until final disposi-
tion. I ask unanimous consent that
debate on reorganization plan provi- the Record and Journal be corrected
sions of the Reorganization Act of to conform with the proceedings on
the floor of the House yesterday.
1949, which indicate that the intent
of the framers was to ensure a con- The Record further shows that the
gressional veto power over such Speaker put the request and there was
plans—is omitted here. no objection.


MR. [JOHN E.] RANKIN [of Mis- consider the appropriation bill, that
sissippi]: Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary motion has preference over any other
inquiry. preferential motion. It is a matter that
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: Let the the House decides when the motion is
Chair finish. made as to what it wants to do and it
MR. RANKIN: Mr. Speaker, I would has an opportunity when that motion
like to propound a parliamentary in- is made to carry out its will.
quiry at this time. MR. [ARTHUR L.] MILLER of Ne-
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The braska: Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary
Chair is in the process of making a rul- inquiry.
MR. RANKIN: That is the reason I gentleman will state it.
want to propound the inquiry right at MR. MILLER of Nebraska: I under-
this point. stood the statement of the gentleman
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The from Missouri on April 6 was that the
Chair recognizes the gentleman. appropriation bill would take prece-
MR. RANKIN: We for the first time dence over all legislation and special
this year have all the appropriations in orders until entirely disposed of. Does
one bill. Now, if they drag out consid- that include conference reports?
eration under the 5-minute rule be- THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: A con-
yond the 24th, would that not shut the ference report is in a privileged status
Congress off entirely from voting on in any event.
any of these recommendations? So we MR. [JOHN] TABER [of New York]:
do have a constitutional right to con- They were specifically exempted.
sider these propositions without having THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: They
them smothered in this way. were specifically exempted. In relation
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The to the observation made by the gen-
Chair will state that the House always tleman from Michigan [Mr. Hoffman]
has a constitutional right and power to that because other business has been
refuse to go into the Committee of the brought up and that therefore con-
Whole on any motion made by any stitutes a violation of the unanimous-
Member, so that the House is capable consent request, the Chair, recognizing
of carrying out its will whatever may the logic of the argument, disagrees
be the will of the majority of the with it because that action was done
House. through the sufferance of the Appro-
Continuing, the Chair will state that priations Committee and, in the opin-
in the opinion of the present occupant, ion of the Chair, does not constitute a
in view of the unanimous-consent re- violation in any way; therefore does
quest made by the gentleman from not obviate the meaning and effect of
Missouri and granted by the House, if the unanimous-consent request here-
any member of the Appropriations tofore entered into, and which the
Committee moves that the House re- Chair has referred to.
solve itself into the Committee of the For the reasons stated, the Chair
Whole on the State of the Union to overrules the point of order.


MR. HOFFMAN of Michigan: Mr. olution 546, that is, that the House
Speaker, a further point of order. proceed to the consideration of each of
THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The those resolutions in the order named,
gentleman will state it. assuming, of course, that the ruling
MR. HOFFMAN of Michigan: The will be the same, but making a record.
point of order is the same as I raised
before; but, to keep the Record clear, I THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
wish to make the same point of order Chair will reaffirm his ruling in rela-
regarding House Resolution 522, tion to the several resolutions the gen-
House Resolution 545, and House Res- tleman has referred to.


On Apr. 3, 1939, the President signed into law H.R. 4425 [Pub. L. No. 76–19] which
authorized the President to submit plans for reorganization of the executive branch
of the government to the Congress. Section 5(a) of that law provided that such plans
would become effective after expiration of 60 calendar days unless Congress, by con-
current resolution, disapproved such plan. This law was in effect until June 20, 1949,
when the Reorganization Act of 1949, H.R. 2361 [Pub. L. No. 109] was approved.
Until that date, the concurrence of both Houses was required to disapprove plans.
After that date, plans could be disapproved by agreeing to a simple resolution of dis-
approval by either House.

Reorganization Plans From 1939 to 1973

Reorganization Allowed to become Department or agency affected Disapproval resolutions
Plan effective

No. 1 of 1939 ... Yes (53 Stat. 1423) Executive Office of President, H. Con. Res. 19—adverse report
Federal Security Agency, Fed- from Select Committee on
eral Works Agency, and lend- Government Organization;
ing agencies. disagreed to May 3,1939.
No. 2 of 1939 ... Yes (53 Stat. 1431) Department of State, Depart- S. Con. Res. 16—adverse report;
ment of the Treasury, Depart- disagreed to May 12, 1939, in
ment of Justice, Department Senate.
of the Interior, Department of
Agriculture, Department of
Commerce, and Executive Of-
fice of President.
No. 3 of 1940 ... Yes (54 Stat. 1231) Department of the Treasury, No action.
Department of the Interior,
Department of Agriculture,
Department of Labor, and
Civil Aeronautics Authority.
No. 4 of 1940 ... Yes (54 Stat. 1234) Department of State, Depart- H. Con. Res. 60—Select Com-
ment of the Treasury, Depart- mittee discharged by unani-
ment of Justice, Post Office mous consent May 7, 1940;
Department, Department of agreed to in House May 8,
the Interior, Department of 1940. S. Con. Res. 43—re-
Commerce, Department of ported adversely in Senate; no
Labor, Maritime Commission, Senate action.
and Federal Security Agency.
No. 5 of 1940 ... Yes (54 Stat. 1238) Immigration and Naturalization H.J. Res. 551—passed House
Service. May, 27, 1940. Pub. Res. 76–


Reorganization Plans From 1939 to 1973—Continued

Reorganization Allowed to become Department or agency affected Disapproval resolutions
Plan effective

No. 1 of 1946 ... No .......................... Department of State, Office of H. Con. Res. 155—reported and
Inter-American Affairs, U.S. agreed to in House, June 28,
High Commissioner to the 1946; agreed to in Senate,
Philippine Islands, Depart- July 15, 1946.
ment of the Treasury, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Office of
War Mobilization and Recon-
version, National Housing
Agency, and Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation..
No. 2 of 1946 ... Yes (60 Stat. 1095) Federal Security Agency, De- H. Con. Res. 151—reported and
partment of Labor. agreed to in House, June 28,
1946; disagreed to in Senate,
July 15, 1946.
No. 3 of 1946 ... Yes (60 Stat. 1097) Department of the Treasury, H. Con. Res. 154—reported and
U.S. Coast Guard, Bureau of agreed to in House, June 28,
Customs, Departments of War 1946; disagreed to in Senate,
and Navy, Department of the July 13, 1946.
Interior, Department of Agri-
culture, Department of Com-
merce, National Labor Rela-
tions Board, Smithsonian In-
stitution, and U.S. Employ-
ment Service.
No. 1 of 1947 ... Yes (61 Stat. 951; Alien Property Custodian, Presi- No action.
amended, 63 dent, Office of Contract Settle-
Stat. 399). ment, Department of Justice,
Bureau of Internal Revenue,
Department of Agriculture,
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, and War Assets
No. 2 of 1947 ... No .......................... Department of Labor, Federal H. Con. Res. 49—reported and
Security Agency. agreed to in House, June 10,
1947; agreed to in Senate,
June 30, 1947.
No. 3 of 1947 ... Yes (61 Stat. 954) Housing and Home Finance H. Con. Res. 51—disapproval re-
Agency. ported June 12, 1947; agreed
to June 18, 1947; disagreed to
in Senate, July 22, 1947.
No. 1 of 1948 ... No .......................... Department of Labor, Federal H. Con. Res. 131—reported Feb.
Security Agency. 9, 1948; passed House Feb.
25, 1948; passed Senate Mar.
16, 1948.
No. 1 of 1949 ... No .......................... Federal Security Agency (De- S. Res. 147 (disapproval)—
partment of Welfare). passed Senate Aug. 16, 1949.

APPENDIX Ch. 13 App.

Reorganization Plans From 1939 to 1973—Continued

Reorganization Allowed to become Department or agency affected Disapproval resolutions
Plan effective

No. 2 of 1949 ... Yes (63 Stat. 1065) Department of Labor, Federal H. Res. 301 (disapproving)—re-
Security Agency, and Vet- ported—failed of passage Aug.
eran’s Placement Service 11, 1949; S. Res. 151—failed
Board. of passage Aug. 17, 1949.
No. 3 of 1949 ... Yes (63 Stat. 1066) Post Office Department .............. No action.
No. 4 of 1949 ... Yes (63 Stat. 1067) Executive Office of the Presi- No action.
dent (National Security Coun-
cil, National Security Re-
sources Board).
No. 5 of 1949 ... Yes (63 Stat. 1067) U.S. Civil Service Commission .. No action.
No. 6 of 1949 ... Yes (63 Stat. 1069) Maritime Commission ................ No action.
No. 7 of 1949 ... Yes (63 Stat. 1070) Federal Works Agency, Depart- S. Res. 155—reported and failed
ment of Commerce (Public of passage, Aug. 17, 1949.
Roads Administration).
No. 8 of 1949 ... No .......................... National Military Establishment Congress adjourned before plan
became effective.
No. 1 of 1950 ... No .......................... Department of the Treasury ...... S. Res. 246—agreed to May 11,
No. 2 of 1950 ... Yes (64 Stat. 1261) Department of Justice ................ No action.
No. 3 of 1950 ... Yes (64 Stat. 1262) Department of the Interior ........ No action.
No. 4 of 1950 ... No .......................... Department of Agriculture ......... S. Res. 263—agreed to May 18,
No. 5 of 1950 ... Yes (64 Stat. 1263; Department of Commerce .......... H. Res. 546—reported and dis-
amended, 68 agreed to May 18, 1950; S.
Stat. 430). Res. 259—reported and dis-
agreed to May 23, 1950.
No. 6 of 1950 ... Yes (64 Stat. 1263) Department of Labor .................. H. Res. 522—reported and dis-
agreed to May 18, 1950.
No. 7 of 1950 ... No .......................... Interstate Commerce Commis- H. Res. 545—reported; no action
sion. in House; S. Res. 253—re-
ported and agreed to May 17,
No. 8 of 1950 ... Yes (64 Stat. 1264) Federal Trade Commission ........ S. Res. 254—reported and dis-
agreed to May 22, 1950.
No. 9 of 1950 ... Yes (64 Stat. 1265) Federal Power Commission ........ S. Res. 255—reported and dis-
agreed to May 22, 1950.
No. 10 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1265) Securities and Exchange Com- No action.
No. 11 of 1950 No .......................... Federal Communications Com- S. Res. 256—reported and
mission. agreed to May 17, 1950.
No. 12 of 1950 No .......................... National Labor Relations Board H. Res. 516—reported; no ac-
tion; S. Res. 248—reported
and agreed to May 11, 1950.
No. 13 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1266) Civil Aeronautics Board ............. No action.
No. 14 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1267) Department of Labor .................. No action.
No. 15 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1267) General Services Administra- No action.
tion, Department of the Inte-


Reorganization Plans From 1939 to 1973—Continued

Reorganization Allowed to become Department or agency affected Disapproval resolutions
Plan effective

No. 16 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1268) General Services Administra- No action.
tion, Federal Security Agency.
No. 17 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1269) General Services Administra- S. Res. 271—reported and dis-
tion, Housing and Home Fi- agreed to May 23, 1950.
nance Agency.
No. 18 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1270) General Services Administration H. Res. 539—reported; no Action
in House; S. Res. 270—re-
ported and disagreed to May
23, 1950.
No. 19 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1271) Federal Security Agency, De- No action.
partment of Labor.
No. 20 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1272) Department of State, General No action.
Services Administration.
No. 21 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1273) U.S. Maritime Commission, De- S. Res. 265—reported and dis-
partment of Commerce. agreed to May 19, 1950.
No. 22 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1277) Reconstruction Finance Corp., S. Res. 299—reported and dis-
Housing and Home Finance agreed to July 6, 1950.
No. 23 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1279) Reconstruction Finance Corp., No action.
Housing and Home Finance
No. 24 of 1950 No .......................... Reconstruction Finance Corp., H. Res. 648—reported and dis-
Department of Commerce. agreed to June 30, 1950; S.
Res. 290—reported and
agreed to July 6, 1950.
No. 25 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1280) National Security Resources No action.
No. 26 of 1950 Yes (64 Stat. 1280) Department of the Treasury ...... No action.
No. 27 of 1950 No .......................... Federal Security Agency (De- H. Res. 647—reported and
partment of Health, Edu- agreed to July 10, 1950; S.
cation, and Welfare). Res. 302—reported, no action.
No. 1 of 1951 ... Yes (65 Stat. 773) Reconstruction Finance Corp ..... H. Res. 142—reported and dis-
agreed to Mar. 14, 1951; S.
Res. 76—reported and dis-
agreed to Apr. 13, 1951.
No. 1 of 1952 ... Yes (66 Stat. 823; Department of the Treasury H. Res. 494—reported and dis-
amended, 69 (Bureau of Internal Revenue). agreed to Jan. 30, 1952; S.
Stat. 182). Res. 285—reported and dis-
agreed to Mar. 13, 1952.
No. 2 of 1952 ... No .......................... Post Office Department .............. S. Res. 317—reported; Congress
adjourned July 7, 1952, before
plan became effective.
No. 3 of 1952 ... No .......................... Department of the Treasury S. Res. 331—reported; Congress
(Bureau of Customs). adjourned July 7, 1952, before
plan became effective.
No. 4 of 1952 ... No .......................... Department of Justice ................ S. Res. 330—reported; Congress
adjourned July 7, 1952, before
plan became effective.

APPENDIX Ch. 13 App.

Reorganization Plans From 1939 to 1973—Continued

Reorganization Allowed to become Department or agency affected Disapproval resolutions
Plan effective

No. 5 of 1952 ... Yes (66 Stat. 824; District of Columbia Govern- No action.
amended, 69 ment.
Stat. 182).
No. 1 of 1953 ... Yes (67 Stat. 631) Federal Security Agency, De- H.J. Res. 223—passed House
partment of Health, Edu- Mar. 18, 1953; passed Senate
cation, Welfare. Mar. 30, 1953, Pub. L. No.
No. 2 of 1953 ... Yes (67 Stat. 633) Department of Agriculture ......... H. Res. 236—motion to dis-
charge not agreed to June 3,
1953; S. Res. 100—reported
and disagreed to June 27,
No. 3 of 1953 ... Yes (67 Stat. 634) Office of Defense Mobilization No action.
(National Security Resources
Board), Departments of Army,
Navy, and Air Force, Depart-
ment of the Interior, General
Services Administration, and
Department of Defense.
No. 4 of 1953 ... Yes (67 Stat. 636) Department of Justice ................ No action.
No. 5 of 1953 ... Yes (67 Stat. 637) Export-Import Bank of Wash- No action.
No. 6 of 1953 ... Yes (67 Stat. 638) Department of Defense ............... H. Res. 295—reported and dis-
agreed to June 27, 1953.
No. 7 of 1953 ... Yes (67 Stat. 639) Foreign Operations Administra- H. Res. 261—adverse report;
tion, Institute of Inter-Amer- disagreed to July 17, 1953.
ican Affairs, and Department
of State.
No. 8 of 1953 ... Yes (67 Stat. 642; United States Information H. Res. 262—adverse report;
amended, 69 Agency, Department of State. disagreed to July 17, 1953.
Stat. 183).
No. 9 of 1953 ... Yes (67 Stat. 644) Executive Office of the Presi- H. Res. 263—adverse report; no
dent (Council of Economic Ad- action in House.
No. l0 of 1953 .. Yes (67 Stat. 644) Civil Aeronautics Board, Post H. Res. 264—adverse report; no
Office Department. action in House.
No. 1 of 1954 ... Yes (68 Stat. 1279) Foreign Claims Settlement No action.
Commission, War Claims
Commission, International
Claims Commission, and De-
partment of State.
No. 2 of 1954 ... Yes (68 Stat. 1280) Reconstruction Finance Corp., No action.
Export-Import Bank of Wash-
ington, and Federal National
Mortgage Association.
No. 1 of 1956 ... No .......................... Departments of Army, Navy, H. Res. 534—reported and
and Air Force. agreed to July 5, 1956.


Reorganization Plans From 1939 to 1973—Continued

Reorganization Allowed to become Department or agency affected Disapproval resolutions
Plan effective

No. 2 of 1956 ... No .......................... Federal Savings and Loan In- H. Res. 541—reported and
surance Corporation, Federal agreed to July 5, 1956.
Home Loan Bank Board.
No. 1 of 1957 ... Yes (71 Stat. 647) Reconstruction Finance Corp ..... No action.
No. 1 of 1958 ... Yes (72 Stat. 1799; Office of Civil and Defense Mo- No action.
amended 72 bilization.
Stat. 535, 72
Stat. 861; 75
Stat. 630 (1961);
75 Stat. 788
No. 1 of 1959 ... No .......................... Department of the Interior, De- H. Res. 295—reported and
partment of Agriculture. agreed to July 7, 1959.
No. 1 of 1961 ... No .......................... Securities and Exchange Com- H. Res. 302—reported and dis-
mission. agreed to June 15, 1961; S.
Res. 148—reported and
agreed to June 21, 1961.
No. 2 of 1961 ... No .......................... Federal Communications Com- H. Res. 303—reported and
mission. agreed to June 15, 1961.
No. 3 of 1961 ... Yes (75 Stat. 837) Civil Aeronautics Board ............. H. Res. 304—reported and dis-
agreed to June 20, 1961; S.
Res. 143—reported and dis-
agreed to June 29, 1961.
No. 4 of 1961 ... Yes (75 Stat. 837) Federal Trade Commission ........ H. Res. 305—reported and dis-
agreed to June 20, 1961; S.
Res. 147—reported and dis-
agreed to June 29, 1961.
No. 5 of 1961 ... No .......................... National Labor Relations Board H. Res. 328—reported and
agreed to July 20, 1961.
No. 6 of 1961 ... Yes (75 Stat. 838) Federal Home Loan Bank Board No action.
No. 7 of 1961 ... Yes (75 Stat. 840) Federal Maritime Commission .. H. Res. 336—motion to dis-
charge not agreed to July 20,
No. 1 of 1962 ... No .......................... Housing and Home Finance H. Res. 530—adverse report;
Agency, Federal National agreed to Feb. 21, 1962.
Mortgage Association.
No. 2 of 1962 ... Yes (76 Stat. 1253) Office of Science and Tech- H. Res. 595—adverse report;
nology, National Science disagreed to May 16, 1962.
No. 1 of 1963 ... Yes (77 Stat. 869) Secretary of the Interior, Ad- H. Res. 372—reported; no action
ministrator of General Serv- in House.
No. 1 of 1965 ... Yes (79 Stat. 1317) Bureau of Customs, Secretary of H. Res. 347—adverse report; no
the Treasury. action in House; S. Res. 102—
adverse report; disagreed to in
Senate, May 24, 1965.

APPENDIX Ch. 13 App.

Reorganization Plans From 1939 to 1973—Continued

Reorganization Allowed to become Department or agency affected Disapproval resolutions
Plan effective

No. 2 of 1965 ... Yes (79 Stat. 1318) Weather Bureau (Chief), Coast No action.
and Geodetic Survey (Direc-
tor), Secretary of Commerce,
and Environmental Science
Services Administration (Ad-
No. 3 of 1965 ... Yes (79 Stat. 1320) Interstate Commerce Commis- No action.
sion, Director of Locomotive
No. 4 of 1965 ... Yes (79 Stat. 1321) National Housing Council, Na- No action.
tional Advisory Council on
International Monetary and
Financial Problems, Board of
Foreign Service, Board of Ex-
aminers for the Foreign Serv-
ice, Civilian-Military Liaison
Commission,. Civil Service
Commission, Advisory Council
on Group Insurance, Small
Business Administration,
Loan Policy Board, Depart-
ment of the Interior, Bonne-
ville Power Advisory Board,
Attorney General, Atomic
Weapons Awards Board, and
Department of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare.
No. 5 of 1965 ... Yes (79 Stat. 1323) National Science Foundation ..... No action.
No. 1 of 1966 ... Yes (80 Stat. 1607) Department of Commerce (Com- H. Res. 756—adverse report;
munity Relations Service), De- disagreed to Apr. 20, 1966; S.
partment of Justice. Res. 220—adverse report; dis-
agreed to Apr. 6, 1966.
No. 2 of 1966 ... Yes (80 Stat. 1608) Department of Health, Edu- H. Res. 827—adverse report; no
cation, and Welfare, Secretary action in House.
of the Interior, Federal Water
Pollution Control Administra-
tion, Water Pollution Control
Advisory Board, Surgeon Gen-
eral, Assistant Secretary of
the Interior, and Assistant
Secretary of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare.


Reorganization Plans From 1939 to 1973—Continued

Reorganization Allowed to become Department or agency affected Disapproval resolutions
Plan effective

No. 3 of 1966 ... Yes (80 Stat. 1610) Department of Health, Edu- No action.
cation, and Welfare, Public
Health Service, Bureau of
Medical Services, Bureau of
State Services, National Insti-
tutes of Health, and Office of
Surgeon General.
No. 4 of 1966 ... Yes (80 Stat. 1611) Board of Commissioners of the No action.
District of Columbia, Smithso-
nian Institute.
No. 5 of 1966 ... Yes (80 Stat. 1611) National Capital Regional Plan- No action.
ning Council.
No. 1 of 1967 ... Yes (81 Stat. 947) Secretary of Commerce, Sec- No action.
retary of Transportation.
No. 2 of 1967 ... No .......................... U.S. Tariff Commission, Chair- H. Res. 405—adverse report; no
man of the U.S. Tariff Com- action in House; S. Res. 114—
mission. reported and agreed to May
15, 1967.
No. 3 of 1967 ... Yes (81 Stat. 948) District of Columbia (local self H. Res. 512—adverse report;
Government). disagreed to Aug. 9, 1967.
No. 1 of 1968 ... Yes (82 Stat. 1367) Attorney General, Department H. Res. 1101—adverse report;
of the Treasury, Department disagreed to Apr. 2, 1968.
of Health, Education, and
Welfare, Department of Jus-
tice (Bureau of Narcotics and
Dangerous Drugs), and Bu-
reau of Narcotics.
No. 2 of 1968 ... Yes (82 Stat. 1369) Secretary of Transportation, De- No action.
partment of Housing and
Urban Development, and
Urban Mass Transportation
No. 3 of 1968 ... Yes (82 Stat. 1370) Commissioner of the District of No action.
Columbia, District of Colum-
bia Recreation Board.
No. 4 of 1968 ... Yes (82 Stat. 1371) Commissioner of the District of No action.
Columbia, District of Colum-
bia Redevelopment Land
No. 1 of 1969 ... Yes (83 Stat. 859) Interstate Commerce Commis- No action.
No. 1 of 1970 ... Yes (84 Stat. 2083) Office of Telecommunications H. Res. 841—reported; no action
Policy, Director of Tele- in House.
communications, and Execu-
tive Office of the President.

APPENDIX Ch. 13 App.

Reorganization Plans From 1939 to 1973—Continued

Reorganization Allowed to become Department or agency affected Disapproval resolutions
Plan effective

No. 2 of 1970 ... Yes (84 Stat. 2085) Bureau of the Budget, Domestic H. Res. 960—reported; dis-
Council, Office of Manage- agreed to May 13, 1970.
ment and Budget, Executive
Office of the President.
No. 3 of 1970 ... Yes (84 Stat. 2086) Council on Environmental Qual- H. Res. 1209—adverse report;
ity, Department of Agri- disagreed to Sept. 28, 1970.
culture, Environmental Pro-
tection Agency, Department of
the Interior, Department of
Health, Education, and Wel-
fare, Atomic Energy Commis-
sion, and Federal Aviation
No. 4 of 1970 ... Yes (84 Stat. 2090) Department of Commerce, Na- H. Res. 1210—adverse report;
tional Oceanic and Atmos- disagreed to Sept. 28, 1970; S.
pheric Administration, De- Res. 433—reported and dis-
partment of the Interior, Sec- agreed to Oct. 1, 1970.
retary of Defense, Environ-
mental Science Service Ad-
ministration and Bureau of
Commercial Fisheries.
No. 1 of 1971 ... Yes (85 Stat. 819) Executive Office of the Presi- H. Res. 411—reported and dis-
dent, ACTION, Office of Eco- agreed to May 25, 1971.
nomic Opportunity, Depart-
ment of Health, Education,
and Welfare, and Small Busi-
ness Administration.
No. 1 of 1973 ... Yes (87 Stat. 1089) Executive Office of the Presi- No action.
dent, Office of Emergency Pre-
paredness, National Science
Foundation, Office of Science
and Technology, and Civil De-
fense Advisory Council.
No. 2 of 1973 ... Yes (87 Stat. 1091) Bureau of Narcotics and Dan- H. Res. 382—reported and dis-
gerous Drugs, Drug Enforce- agreed to June 7, 1973.
ment Administration, Bureau
of Customs, Department of
the Treasury, Department of
Justice, Office of Drug Abuse
Law Enforcement, and Office
of National Narcotics Intel-
NOTE.—‘‘Adverse report’’ means adverse report on disapproval resolution, not on plan.


Impeachment Powers

A. Generally
§ 1. Constitutional Provisions; House and Senate Func-
§ 2. Who May Be Impeached; Effect of Resignation
§ 3. Grounds for Impeachment; Form of Articles
§ 4. Effect of Adjournment

B. Investigation and Impeachment

§ 5. Introduction and Referral of Charges
§ 6. Committee Investigations
§ 7. Committee Consideration; Reports
§ 8. Consideration and Debate in the House
§ 9. Presentation to Senate; Managers
§ 10. Replication; Amending Adopted Articles

C. Trial in the Senate

§ 11. Organization and Rules
§ 12. Conduct of Trial
§ 13. Voting; Deliberation and Judgment

D. History of Proceedings
§ 14. Charges Not Resulting in Impeachment
§ 15. Impeachment Proceedings Against President
§ 16. Impeachment of Judge English
§ 17. Impeachment of Judge Louderback
§ 18. Impeachment of Judge Ritter

Commentary and editing by Peter D. Robinson. J.D.



Adjournment sine die, effect on im- Charges not resulting in impeach-

peachment proceedings ment—Cont.
authority of managers following expi- Perkins, Frances, Secretary of Labor,
ration of Congress, § 4.2 adverse report by committee, § 14.9
impeachment in one Congress and trial Truman, Harry, President, charges not
in the next, § 4.1 acted on, §§ 14.11, 14.12
investigation in one Congress and im- Watson, Albert, judge, charges not
peachment in the next, §§ 4.3, 4.4 acted on, § 14.10
Amending articles of impeachment Committee consideration and report
privilege of resolution reported by broadcast of committee meeting, § 7.3
managers, § 10.5 order of business, § 7.2
procedure, §§ 10.4–10.6 report submitted without resolution of
right to amend articles reserved by impeachment, § 7.7
House, § 10.1 reports as to discontinuation of im-
Senate notified of amendments, § 10.6 peachment, §§ 7.8–7.10
Censure as related to impeachment, reports authorizing investigations as
§ 1.3 privileged, §§ 5.8, 6.2, 6.3
Charges not resulting in impeach- reports recommending impeachment,
ment calendaring and printing of, § 7.6
Agnew, Spiro, Vice President, request resolution and articles of impeachment
for investigation not acted upon, considered together, § 7.1
§ 14.17
Committee investigations
Alschuler, Samuel, judge, adverse re-
evidence in impeachment inquiry,
port by investigating committee,
§§ 6.7–6.10
§ 14.7
hearing procedures, §§ 6.5, 6.6
committee reports as to discontinu-
ation of impeachment, §§ 7.8–7.10 privilege of House as to impeachment
evidence, § 6.13
Douglas, William, Supreme Court Jus-
tice, investigation of charges and ad- resolutions authorizing, consideration
verse report, §§ 14.14–14.16 of, § 6.2
Federal Reserve Board members, resolutions authorizing, referral of,
charges not acted on, § 14.5 § 6.1
Hoover, Herbert, President, charges resolutions authorizing, reported by in-
not acted on, § 14.3 vestigating committee, § 6.2
Johnson Albert, judge, charges not subcommittee, creation and powers of,
acted on, § 14.10 § 6.11
Lowell, James, judge, adverse report subpenas, failure to comply with, § 6.12
by investigating committee, § 14.4 witnesses, interrogation of, §§ 6.3, 6.4
Mellon, Andrew, Secretary of the Committee jurisdiction
Treasury, investigation discontinued Judiciary Committee, over resolutions
following resignation, § 14.2 proposing impeachment, § 5.10
Molyneaux, Joseph, judge, charges not Rules Committee, over resolutions au-
acted on, § 14.6 thorizing investigations, § 5.11


Consideration and debate Grounds for impeachment and form

as to resolution and articles of im- of articles—Cont.
peachment, §§ 8.5–8.10 President, grounds for impeachment of,
broadcast of proceedings, § 8.11 §§ 3.6–3.8
control of time for, § 8.1 Judgment
division of the question, § 8.10 division of the question, § 13.8
motion for previous question, § 8.8 notification of, to House, § 13.12
privilege for consideration of committee order of, not debatable, § 13.7
reports, § 8.2 removal from office after conviction,
question of consideration, § 5.12 § 13.9
question of privilege to present Louderback, Harold, judge, impeach-
charges, §§ 5.6, 5.7 ment of
resolution and articles of impeachment committee report adverse to impeach-
considered together, § 8.1 ment, § 17.1
unanimous-consent agreements gov- consideration in the House and adop-
erning, § 8.1 tion of substitute resolution of im-
peachment, §§ 17.1, 17.2
voting, excuse or disqualification from,
continuation of proceedings into next
§ 13.4
Congress, § 17.4
Courts and the power of impeach-
election of managers, § 17.3
ment, §§ 1.1, 1.2
Managers to conduct trial on part of
Dismissal of proceedings in Senate
pursuant to House request, § 2.2
answer of respondent referred to man-
English, George, judge, impeachment
agers, § 10.2
appearance in Senate to present arti-
consideration and debate in House, cles, §§ 9.5, 11.4
§ 16.2
appointed by resolution, §§ 9.1, 9.3
impeachment by the House, §§ 16.1– authority of, following expiration of
16.4 Congress, § 4.2
motion to recommit resolution, § 16.3 authority to prepare and submit rep-
report by investigating committee rec- lication, § 10.3
ommending impeachment, § 16.1 composition and number of, § 9.2
separate vote on articles, § 16.3 excused from attending House ses-
trial discontinued following resignation sions, § 9.4
of respondent, § 16.4 jurisdiction of, over related matters,
Grounds for impeachment and form §§ 9.6, 9.7
of articles powers and funds granted by resolu-
cumulative and duplicatory articles, tion, § 9.1
§§ 3.3–3.5 supplemental Senate rules referred to,
form of resolutions and articles of im- § 10.2
peachment, §§ 3.1, 3.2 withdrawal of, while Senate delib-
judges, federal, grounds for impeach- erates, § 13.1
ment of, §§ 3.9–3.13 Motions relating to impeachment
offenses not committed during term of proposals
office, § 3.14 for the previous question, § 8.8


Motions relating to impeachment Privilege of impeachment propo-

proposals—Cont. sitions—Cont.
to discharge, § 8.3 questions incidental to impeachment,
to lay on table or to refer, §§ 5.12, 5.13 §§ 5.8, 5.9
to recommit, § 8.9 Resignation of accused, discontinu-
Nixon, Richard M., President, pro- ance of proceedings, §§ 2.1–2.3
ceedings against Ritter, Halsted, judge, impeachment
authority for investigation by Com- of
mittee on Judiciary, § 15.2 amendment of articles by the House,
broadcasting House and Senate pro- §§ 18.10, 18.11
ceedings, resolutions authorizing, answer of respondent, § 18.15
§§ 15.10, 15.11
appearance of respondent before the
confidentiality of inquiry materials,
Senate, § 18.8
§ 15.3
conduct of trial, § 18.16
consideration by committee of articles
of impeachment, § 15.7 consideration of resolution and articles
consideration by House of articles of by the House, § 18.4
impeachment, § 15.12 conviction of, § 18.17
evidence in House inquiry, subpenaed deliberation of Senate behind closed
by court, § 15.14 doors, § 18.17
introduction of impeachment charges, election of managers and their author-
§ 15.1 ity, § 18.5
pardon following resignation, § 15.15 final arguments, § 18.16
procedures for presenting evidence and House notified of order and judgment,
examining witnesses, § 15.6 § 18.18
report of committee, acceptance by judgment ordered, § 18.17
House, § 15.13 motions to strike articles and specifica-
report of committee following resigna- tions, §§ 18.12–18.14
tion of President, § 15.13 organization of Senate for trial, §§ 18.6,
reports by inquiry staff, §§ 15.4, 15.5 18.7
resignation of President, § 15.13 presentation of articles to Senate,
Senate review of impeachment trial § 18.7
rules, § 15.8 replication to respondent’s answer,
Senate select committee, evidence re- § 18.15
leased by, § 15.9
report of Judiciary Committee recom-
Presentation of articles to Senate mending impeachment, § 18.3
appearance of managers to present ar-
Trial in the Senate
ticles, §§ 9.5, 11.4
appearance of managers to present ar-
date for, messaged to House from Sen-
ate, § 9.5 ticles, § 11.4
managers authorized to present arti- appearance of respondent, § 11.9
cles to Senate, § 9.1 debate on organizational questions,
Privilege of impeachment propo- § 11.11
sitions deliberation behind closed doors, § 13.1
charges and resolutions directly im- House notified of order and judgment,
peaching, §§ 5.1–5.3 § 13.12


Trial in the Senate—Cont. Trial procedure—Cont.

oath and organization, §§ 11.5, 11.6 supplemental rules to govern, §§ 11.7,
opinions of individual Senators, filing 11.8
of, § 13.11 suspension of trial for messages and
presiding officer, appointment of, legislative business, §§ 12.5, 12.6
§ 11.12 witness, respondent as, § 12.11
privileges of Senate floor during, Voting on conviction and judgment
§ 11.13
excuse or disqualification from, § 13.4
Trial procedure
majority vote for judgment of disquali-
evidence, presiding officer rules on ad-
fication, § 13.10
missibility of, § 12.7
evidence returned at close of trial, on removal following conviction, § 13.9
§ 12.9 orders governing, § 13.2
exhibits offered in evidence, § 12.8 pairs not recognized, § 13.3
final arguments, § 12.12 points of order against vote on convic-
motions to strike articles, §§ 12.2–12.4 tion, §§ 13.5, 13.6
opening arguments, § 12.1 putting the question, § 13.2
rules for trial, nature and amendment two-thirds vote required for conviction
of, §§ 11.1–11.3 § 13.5

Impeachment Powers


§ 1. Constitutional Provi- nevertheless be liable and subject to

Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Pun-
sions; House and Senate ishment, according to Law. Article I,
Functions Section 3, clause 7.
Two other sections of the U.S.
The impeachment power is de- Constitution also mention im-
lineated and circumscribed by sev- peachment:
eral provisions of the U.S. Con-
stitution. They state: The President . . . shall have Power
to grant Reprieves and Pardons for
The President, Vice President and Offences against the United States, ex-
all civil Officers of the United States, cept in Cases of Impeachment. Article
shall be removed from Office on Im- II, section 2, clause 1.
peachment for, and Conviction of, The Trial of all Crimes, except in
Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes Cases of Impeachment, shall be by
and Misdemeanors. Article II, Section Jury. . . . Article III, section 2, clause
4. 3.
. . . and [the House of Representa-
Since the First Congress of the
tives] shall have the sole Power of Im-
peachment. Article I, Section 2, clause United States, the House of Rep-
5. resentatives has impeached 13 of-
The Senate shall have the sole ficers of the United States, of
Power to try all Impeachments. When whom 10 were federal judges, one
sitting for that Purpose, they shall be was a cabinet officer, one a U.S.
on Oath or Affirmation. When the Senator, and one the President of
President of the United States is tried,
the United States.
the Chief Justice shall preside: And no
Person shall be convicted without the Conviction has been voted by
Concurrence of two thirds of the Mem- the Senate in four cases, all in-
bers present. Article I, Section 3, volving federal judges. The judges
clause 6. so convicted were John Pickering
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment in 1804, West H. Humphreys in
shall not extend further than to re-
1862, Robert W. Archbald in 1912,
moval from Office, and disqualification
to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, and Halsted L. Ritter in 1936.
Trust or Profit under the United On numerous other occasions,
States: but the Party convicted shall the impeachment process has


been initiated in the House as to tion. The Court of Claims dis-

civil officers and judges but has missed the claim for want of juris-
not resulted in consideration by diction, holding that the Senate’s
the House of a report recom- power to try impeachments was
mending impeachment. In the two exclusive under the Constitution.
most recent cases where inves- The court cited the Supreme
Court case of Mississippi v John-
tigations have been conducted by
son, wherein Chief Justice Samuel
the Committee on the Judiciary Chase had stated in dictum that
and its subcommittees, in relation the impeachment process was not
to Supreme Court Associate Jus- subject to judicial review.(1) The
tice William O. Douglas in 1970 Court of Claims opinion read in
and in relation to President Rich- part:
ard M. Nixon in 1974, the pro- While the Senate in one sense acts
ceedings have occasioned intense as a court on the trial of an impeach-
congressional and national debate ment, it is essentially a political body
and in its actions is influenced by the
as to the scope of the impeach- views of its members on the public wel-
ment power, the grounds for im- fare. The courts, on the other hand,
peachment and for conviction, the are expected to render their decisions
analogy if any between the im- according to the law regardless of the
consequences. This must have been re-
peachment process and the judi- alized by the members of the Constitu-
cial criminal process, and the tional Convention and in rejecting pro-
amenability of the impeachment posals to have impeachments tried by
a court composed of regularly ap-
process to judicial review. pointed judges we think it avoided the
It should be noted at this point possibility of unseemly conflicts be-
that of the four judges convicted tween a political body such as the Sen-
ate and the judicial tribunals which
and removed from office, none has might determine the case on different
directly sought to challenge principles.(2)
through the judicial process his Cross References
impeachment by the House and
Discussions of the impeachment process
conviction by the Senate. Judge generally, see §§ 3.6–3.14 and appen-
Halsted L. Ritter, convicted by the dix, infra.
Senate in 1936, indirectly chal-
lenged his conviction by filing suit 1. Ritter v United States, 84 Ct. Cls.
293 (1936), cert. denied, 300 U.S.
for back salary in the U.S. Court
668 (1937), citing Mississippi v John-
of Claims, where he alleged that son, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 475, 501
the Senate had tried him on (1867).
grounds not constituting impeach- 2. Ritter v United States, 84 Ct. Cls.
able offenses under the Constitu- 293, 300 (1936).


High privilege of impeachment propo- dence in an Impeachment Trial); Ch.

sitions, see §§ 5, 8, infra. 200 (Impeachment and Trial of Robert
Pardon of officer who has resigned before W. Archbald); Ch. 201 (Impeachment
his impeachment by the House, see and Trial of Harold Louderback); Ch.
§ 15.15. infra. 202 (Impeachment Proceedings not Re-
sulting in Trial).
Collateral References The impeachment power under par-
For early precedents on the impeachment liamentary law, see House Rules and
power and process, see the following Manual §§ 601–620 (Jefferson’s Man-
chapters in Hinds’ Precedents: Ch. 63 ual) (1973).
(Nature of Impeachment); Ch. 64 Impeachment, Selected Materials, Com-
(Function of the House in Impeach- mittee on the Judiciary, H. Doc. No.
ment); Ch. 65 (Function of the Senate 93–7, 93d Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 1973
in Impeachment); Ch. 66 (Procedure of (constitutional provisions and histor-
the Senate in Impeachment); Ch. 67 ical precedents and debate).
(Conduct of Impeachment Trials); Ch. Impeachment, Selected Materials on Pro-
68 (Presentation of Testimony in an cedure, Committee on the Judiciary,
Impeachment Trial); Ch. 69 (Rules of Committee Print, 93d Cong. 2d Sess.,
Evidence in an Impeachment Trial); Jan. 1974 (relevant extracts from
Ch. 70 (Impeachment and Trial of Wil- Hinds’ and Cannon’s Precedents of the
liam Blount); Ch. 71 (Impeachment House of Representatives).
and Trial of John Pickering); Ch. 72
(Impeachment and Trial of Samuel
Chase); Ch. 73 (Impeachment and
Trial of James H. Peck); Ch. 74 (Im-
Impeachment and the Federal
peachment and Trial of West H. Hum- Courts
phreys); Ch. 75 (First Attempts to Im-
peach the President); Ch. 76 (Impeach- § 1.1 The Speaker laid before
ment and Trial of President Andrew the House a communication
Johnson); Ch. 77 (Impeachment and from the Clerk, informing
Trial of William W. Belknap); Ch. 78 the House of the receipt of a
(Impeachment and Trial of Charles
summons and complaint
Swayne); Ch. 79 (Impeachment Pro-
ceedings not Resulting in Trial). naming the House as a de-
fendant in a civil action, in-
See also the following chapters in
stituted in a U.S. District
Cannon’s Precedents: Ch. 193 (Nature
of Impeachment); Ch. 194 (Function of Court, seeking to enjoin im-
the House in Impeachment); Ch. 195 peachment proceedings
(Function of the Senate in Impeach- pending in the House.
ment); Ch. 196 (Procedure of the Sen-
ate in Impeachment); Ch. 197 (Conduct
On May 28, 1974, Speaker Carl
of Impeachment Trials); Ch. 198 (Pres- Albert, of Oklahoma, laid before
entation of Testimony in an Impeach- the House a communication from
ment Trial); Ch. 199 (Rules of Evi- the Clerk, advising of his receipt

of a summons and complaint or its sole power of impeach-

issued by the U.S. District Court ment under the U.S. Con-
for the Eastern District of Vir- stitution.
ginia, in connection with Civil Ac- On Aug. 22, 1974,(4) Speaker
tion No. 74–54–NN, The National Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, laid be-
Citizens’ Committee for Fairness to fore the House certain subpenas
the President v United States issued by a U.S. District Court in
House of Representatives.(3) a criminal case, requesting certain
Parliamentarian’s Note: The evidence gathered by the Com-
plaintiff in this action sought to mittee on the Judiciary and its
enjoin the impeachment pro- subcommittee on impeachment, in
ceedings pending in the House the inquiry into the conduct of
against President Richard M. President Richard Nixon. The
Nixon. The Clerk did not request House adopted House Resolution
representation by the appropriate 1341, which granted such limited
U.S. Attorney, under 2 USC § 118, access to the evidence as would
because the House has the sole not violate the privileges or con-
power of impeachment under the stitutional powers of the House.
U.S. Constitution and because of The resolution read as follows:
the application of the doctrine
under the Constitution of the sep- H. RES. 1341
aration of powers of the executive, Whereas in the case of United States
legislative, and judicial branches of America against John N. Mitchell et
of government. al. (Criminal Case No. 74–110), pend-
ing in the United States District Court
§ 1.2 Where a federal court for the District of Columbia, subpenas
duces tecum were issued by the said
subpenaed in a criminal case
court and addressed to Representative
certain evidence gathered by Peter W. Rodino, United States House
the Committee on the Judici- of Representatives, and to John Doar,
ary in an impeachment in- Chief Counsel, House Judicial Sub-
quiry, the House adopted a committee on Impeachment, House of
resolution granting such lim- Representatives, directing them to ap-
pear as witnesses before said court at
ited access to the evidence,
10:00 antemeridian on the 9th day of
except executive session ma- September, 1974, and to bring with
terials, as would not violate them certain and sundry papers in the
the privileges of the House possession and under the control of the

3. 120 CONG. REC. 16496, 93d Cong. 2d 4. 120 CONG. REC. 30026, 93d Cong. 2d
Sess. Sess.


House of Representatives: Therefore be memoranda and notes, in the files of

it the Committee on the Judiciary, of
Resolved, That by the privileges of interviews with those persons who sub-
this House no evidence of a documen- sequently appeared as witnesses in the
tary character under the control and in proceedings before the full Committee
the possession of the House of Rep- pursuant to House Resolution 803,
resentatives can, by the mandate of such limited access in this instance not
process of the ordinary courts of jus- being an interference with the Con-
tice, be taken from such control or pos- stitutional impeachment power of the
session but by its permission; be it fur- House, and the Clerk of the House is
ther authorized to supply certified copies of
such documents and papers in posses-
Resolved, That the House of Rep-
sion or control of the House of Rep-
resentatives under Article I, Section 2 resentatives that the court has found
of the Constitution has the sole power to be material and relevant (except
of impeachment and has the sole that under no circumstances shall any
power to investigate and gather evi- minutes or transcripts of executive ses-
dence to determine whether the House sions, or any evidence of witnesses in
of Representatives shall exercise its respect thereto, be disclosed or copied)
constitutional power of impeachment; and which the court or other proper of-
be it further ficer thereof shall desire, so as, how-
Resolved, That when it appears by ever, the possession of said papers,
the order of the court or of the judge documents, and records by the House
thereof, or of any legal officer charged of Representatives shall not be dis-
with the administration of the orders turbed, or the same shall not be re-
of such court or judge, that documen- moved from their place of file or cus-
tary evidence in the possession and tody under any Members, officer, or
under the control of the House is need- employee of the House of Representa-
ful for use in any court of justice, or tives; and be it further
before any judge or such legal officer, Resolved, That a copy of these reso-
for the promotion of justice, this House lutions be transmitted to the said court
will take such action thereon as will as a respectful answer to the subpenas
promote the ends of justice consistently aforementioned.
with the privileges and rights of this
House; be it further Censure of Federal Civil Offi-
Resolved, That when said court de- cers
termines upon the materiality and the
relevancy of the papers and documents § 1.3 In the 72d Congress, the
called for in the subpenas duces tecum, House amended a resolution
then the said court, through any of its abating impeachment pro-
officers or agents, have full permission
to attend with all proper parties to the
ceedings against a federal
proceeding and then always at any judge where the committee
place under the orders and control of report censured him for im-
this House and take copies of all proper conduct, and voted to

impeach him by adopting the let me make this observation. The pur-
resolution as amended. pose of referring a matter of this kind
to the Committee on the Judiciary is to
On Feb. 24, 1933, a resolution determine whether or not in the opin-
(H. Res. 387) was called up by Mr. ion of the Committee on the Judiciary
Thomas D. McKeown, of Okla- there is sufficient evidence to warrant
impeachment by the House. If the
homa, at the direction of the Com-
Committee on the Judiciary finds those
mittee on the Judiciary; the reso- facts exist, then the Committee on the
lution stated that the evidence Judiciary makes a report to the House
against U.S. District Court Judge recommending impeachment, and that
Harold Louderback did not war- undoubtedly is privileged. However, a
rant impeachment. The committee custom has grown up recently in the
Committee on the Judiciary of includ-
report (H. Rept. No. 2065), cen- ing in the report a censure. I do not be-
sured the judge as follows: lieve that the constitutional power of
The committee censures the judge impeachment includes censure. We
for conduct prejudicial to the dignity of have but one duty, and that is to im-
the judiciary in appointing incom- peach or not to impeach. Today we find
petent receivers, for the method of se- a committee report censuring the
lecting receivers, for allowing fees that judge. The resolution before the House
seem excessive, and for a high degree presented by a majority of the com-
of indifference to the interest of liti- mittee is against impeachment. The
gants in receiverships.(5) minority members have filed a minor-
ity report, recommending impeach-
The House rejected the rec- ment. I am making this observation
ommendation of the committee by with the hope that we may get back to
adopting an amendment in the the constitutional power of impeach-
nature of a substitute impeaching
the judge for misdemeanors in of- Parliamentarian’s Note: On sev-
fice. During debate on the resolu- eral past occasions, the resolution
tion, Mr. Earl C. Michener, of reported to the House by the com-
Michigan, addressed remarks to mittee investigating impeachment
the power of censure in relation to has proposed the censure of the
civil officers under the United officer involved.(6) Such resolu-
States: 6. See, for example, 3 Hinds’ Prece-
MR. MICHENER: Mr. Speaker, in an- dents §§ 2519, 2520.
swer to the gentleman from Alabama, When a subcommittee report rec-
ommended against the impeachment
5. 76 CONG. REC. 4913, 4914, 72d Cong. of Associate Judge William O. Doug-
2d Sess. See, generally, 6 Cannon’s las in the 91st Congress, the minor-
Precedents § 514, and §§ 17.1, 17.2, ity views of Mr. Edward Hutchinson
infra. (Mich.) indicated the view that Jus-


tions were not submitted as privi- § 2. Who May Be Im-

leged and were not considered by peached; Effect of Res-
the House. Although censure of a
Member by the House is a privi- ignation
leged matter,(7) censure of an ex-
ecutive official has not been held Article II, section 4 of the U.S.
privileged for consideration by the Constitution subjects the Presi-
House and has on occasion been dent, Vice President, and all civil
held improper.(8) officers of the United States to im-
peachment, conviction, and re-
tice Douglas could have been cen- moval from office. It has been set-
sured or officially rebuked for mis- tled that a private citizen is not
conduct by the House (see § 14.16, subject to the impeachment proc-
infra). ess except for offenses committed
7. See 3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 2649– while a civil officer under the
2651. United States.(9)
Members of the House are not sub- In one case, it was determined
ject to impeachment under the Con- by the Senate that a U.S. Senator
stitution (see § 2, infra) but are sub- (William Blount [Tenn.]) was not
ject to punishment for disorderly be- a civil officer under article II, sec-
havior. See U.S. Const. art. I, § 5, tion 4, and the Senate disclaimed
clause 2.
jurisdiction to try him.(10)
8. See 2 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1569–
In view of the fact that the Con-
The issue whether a proposition to
stitution provides not only for
censure a federal civil officer would automatic removal of an officer
be germane to a proposition for his upon impeachment and conviction,
impeachment has not arisen, but it but also for the disqualification
is not in order to amend a pending from holding further office under
privileged resolution by adding or the United States (art. I, § 3,
substituting a matter not privileged clause 7), the House and Senate
and not germane to the original have affirmed their respective
proposition. 5 Hinds’ Precedents power to impeach and try an ac-
§ 5810. cused who has resigned.(11)
See 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 236
for the ruling that a proposition to 9. 3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 2315, 2007.
censure a Member of the House is A commissioner of the District of
not germane to a proposition for his Columbia was held not to be a civil
expulsion. Speaker Frederick H. Gil- officer subject to impeachment under
lett (Mass.) ruled in that instance the Constitution. 6 Cannon’s Prece-
that although censure and expulsion dents § 548.
of a Member were both privileged 10. 3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 2310, 2316.
propositions, they were ‘‘intrinsi- 11. The question whether the House
cally’’ different. may impeach a civil officer who has


The latter question first arose Impeachment Proceedings Fol-

in the Blount case, where the Sen- lowing Resignation
ate expelled Senator Blount after
his impeachment by the House § 2.1 President Richard Nixon
but before articles had been draft- having resigned following
ed and before his trial in the Sen- the decision of the Com-
ate had begun. The House pro- mittee on the Judiciary to re-
ceeded to adopt articles, and it port to the House recom-
was conceded in the Senate that a mending his impeachment,
person impeached could not es- the report without an accom-
cape punishment by resignation; panying resolution of im-
the Senate decided that it had no peachment was submitted to
jurisdiction, however, to try the the House, and further pro-
former Senator since he had not ceedings were discontinued.
been a civil officer for purposes of
impeachment.(12) On Aug. 20, 1974, Peter W. Ro-
William W. Belknap, Secretary dino, Jr., of New Jersey, Chair-
of War, resigned from office before man of the Committee on the Ju-
his impeachment by the House diciary, submitted a privileged re-
and before his trial in the Senate. port (H. Rept. No. 93–1305) rec-
The House and Senate debated ommending the impeachment of
the power of impeachment at President Nixon, following a full
length and determined that the investigation by the committee,
former Secretary was amenable to and after its consideration and
impeachment and trial; at the adoption of articles of impeach-
conclusion of trial the respondent ment.
was acquitted of all charges by The committee had previously
the Senate.(13) (in July 1974) decided to rec-
Cross References ommend articles of impeachment
against President Nixon. The
Members of Congress not subject to im-
peachment but to punishment, cen-
President resigned his office
sure, or expulsion, see Ch. 12, supra. shortly thereafter—on Aug. 9,
Powers of the House as related to the ex- 1974—by submitting his written
ecutive generally, see Ch. 13, supra. resignation to the office of the
Secretary of State. (14)
resigned is a constitutional issue for
the House and not the Chair to de- 14. 3 USC § 20 provides that the only
cide (see § 2.4, infra). evidence of the resignation of the of-
12. 3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 2317, 2318. fice of the President of the United
13. 3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 2007, 2467. States shall be an instrument in


Upon submission of the report charges of impeachment, and

of the Committee on the Judici- the Senate dismissed the im-
ary, Speaker Carl Albert, of Okla- peachment proceedings.
homa, ordered it referred to the On Dec. 11, 1926, the House
House Calendar. No separate ac- adopted the following resolution
companying resolution of im- in relation to the impeachment
peachment was reported to the proceedings against Judge George
House. W. English:
The House adopted without de- Resolved, That the managers on the
bate a resolution (H. Res. 1333), part of the House of Representatives in
offered by Mr. Thomas P. O’Neill, the impeachment proceedings now
Jr., of Massachusetts, under sus- pending in the Senate against George
pension of the rules on Aug. 20, W. English, late judge of the District
Court of the United States for the
accepting the report. No further Eastern District of Illinois, be in-
action was taken on the proposed structed to appear before the Senate,
impeachment of the President. (15) sitting as a court of impeachment in
said cause, and advise the Senate that
§ 2.2 A federal judge having re- in consideration of the fact that said
signed from the bench pend- George W. English is no longer a civil
officer of the United States, having
ing his impeachment trial in ceased to be a district judge of the
the Senate, the House adopt- United States for the eastern district
ed a resolution instructing of Illinois, the House of Representa-
the managers to advise the tives does not desire further to urge
the articles of impeachment heretofore
Senate that the House de- filed in the Senate against said George
clined to further prosecute W. English.(16)

writing, signed, and delivered into On Dec. 13, 1926, the Senate
the office of the Secretary of State. adjourned sine die as a court of
15. 120 CONG. REC. 29361, 29362, 93d impeachment after agreeing to the
Cong. 2d Sess. For the text of H. following order, which was mes-
Res. 1333 and the events sur- saged to the House:
rounding its adoption, see § 15.13, Ordered, That the impeachment pro-
infra. ceedings against George W. English,
For a memorandum prepared for late judge of the District Court of the
Senate Majority Leader Michael J. United States for the Eastern District
Mansfield (Mont.) and inserted in of Illinois, be and the same are, duly
the Record, concluding that Congress dismissed.(17)
could impeach and try the President
after he had resigned, see 120 CONG. 16. 68 CONG. REC. 297, 69th Cong. 2d
REC. 31346–48, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Sess.
Sept. 17, 1974. 17. Id. at p. 344.


§ 2.3 The House discontinued MINORITY VIEWS

further investigation and We cannot join in the majority views
proceedings of impeachment and findings. While we concur in the
against a cabinet official who conclusions of the majority that section
had resigned his post, after 243 of the Revised Statutes, upon
which the proceedings herein were
his nomination and con- based, provides for action in the nature
firmation to hold another of an ouster proceeding, it is our view
governmental position. that the Hon. Andrew W. Mellon, the
On Feb. 13, 1932, the House former Secretary of the Treasury, hav-
ing removed himself from that office,
adopted House Resolution 143 of- no useful purpose would be served by
fered by Hatton W. Sumners, of continuing the investigation of the
Texas, Chairman of the Com- charges filed by the Hon. Wright Pat-
mittee on the Judiciary. The reso- man. We desire to stress that the ac-
lution, which discontinued certain tion of the undersigned is based on
impeachment proceedings due to that reason alone, particularly when
the prohibition contained in said sec-
resignation of the officer charged, tion 243 is not applicable to the office
read as follows: now held by Mr. Mellon.(18)
Whereas Hon. Wright Patman, Mem- FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA.
ber of the House of Representatives, GORDON BROWNING.
filed certain impeachment charges
against Hon. Andrew W. Mellon, Sec-
retary of the Treasury, which were re-
ferred to this committee; and
§ 2.4 Where a point of order
Whereas pending the investigation of was raised that a resolution
said charges by said committee, and of impeachment was not
before said investigation had been com- privileged because it called
pleted, the said Hon. Andrew W. Mel- for the impeachment of per-
lon was nominated by the President of sons no longer civil officers
the United States for the post of am-
bassador to the Court of St. James and
under the United States, the
the said nomination was duly con- Speaker stated that the ques-
firmed by the United States Senate tion was a constitutional
pursuant to law, and the said Andrew issue for the House and not
W. Mellon has resigned the position of the Chair to decide.
Secretary of the Treasury: Be it
Resolved by this committee, That the On May 23, 1933, Mr. Louis T.
further consideration of the said McFadden, of Pennsylvania, rose
charges made against the said Andrew to a question of constitutional
W. Mellon, as Secretary of the Treas-
ury, be, and the same are hereby, dis- 18. 75 CONG. REC. 3850, 72d Cong. 1st
continued. Sess.


privilege and offered a resolution for impeachment and conviction

(H. Res. 158) impeaching numer- as ‘‘treason, bribery, or other high
ous members and former members crimes and misdemeanors.’’ A fur-
of the Federal Reserve Board. ther provision of the Constitution
During the reading of the resolu- which has been construed to bear
tion, a point of order against it upon the impeachment of federal
was raised by Mr. Carl E. Mapes, judges is article III, section 1,
of Michigan: which provides that judges of the
I wish to submit the question to the supreme and inferior courts ‘‘shall
Speaker as to whether or not a person hold their offices during good be-
who is not now in office is subject to
impeachment? This resolution of the
gentleman from Pennsylvania refers to When the House determines
several people who are no longer hold- that grounds for impeachment
ing any public office. They are not now exist, and they are adopted by the
at least civil officers. The Constitution
provides that the ‘‘President, Vice House, they are presented to the
President, and all civil officers shall be Senate in ‘‘articles’’ of impeach-
removed from office on impeachment’’, ment.(20) Any one of the articles
and so forth. I have had no opportunity may provide a sufficient basis or
to examine the precedents since this
ground for impeachment. The im-
matter came up, but it occurs to me
that the resolution takes in too much peachment in 1936 of Halsted L.
territory to make it privileged. Ritter, a U.S. District Court
Speaker Henry T. Rainey, of Il- Judge, was based on seven arti-
linois, ruled as follows: cles of impeachment as amended
by the House. The first six articles
That is a constitutional question
which the Chair cannot pass upon, but
charged him with several in-
should be passed upon by the House. stances of judicial misconduct, in-
cluding champerty, corrupt prac-
The resolution was referred on
motion to the Committee on the tices, violations of the Judicial
Judiciary.(19) Code, and violations of criminal
law. Article VII charged actions
and conduct, including a restate-
§ 3. Grounds for Impeach- ment of some of the charges con-
ment; Form of Articles 20. Jefferson’s Manual states that: [B]y
the usage of Parliament, in impeach-
Article II, section 4 of the U.S. ment for writing or speaking, the
Constitution defines the grounds particular words need not be speci-
fied in the accusation. House Rules
19. 77 CONG. REC. 4055, 73d Cong. 1st and Manual (Jefferson’s Manual)
Sess. § 609 (1973).


tained in the preceding articles, The various grounds for im-

‘‘the reasonable and probable con- peachment and the form of im-
sequence’’ of which was ‘‘to bring peachment articles have been doc-
his court into scandal and disre- umented during recent investiga-
pute,’’ to the prejudice of his tions. Following the inquiry into
court, of public confidence in his charges against President Nixon,
court, and of public respect for the Committee on the Judiciary
and confidence in the federal judi- reported to the House a report
ciary.(1) However, in the Senate, recommending impeachment,
Judge Ritter was convicted only which report included the text of a
on the seventh article. The re- resolution and articles impeaching
spondent had moved, before com- the President.(4) As indicated by
mencement of trial, to strike arti- the articles, and by the conclu-
cle I, or in the alternative to re- sions of the report as to the spe-
quire election as to articles I and cific articles, the Committee on
II, on the ground that the articles the Judiciary determined that the
duplicated the same offenses, but grounds for Presidential impeach-
the presiding officer overruled the ment need not be indictable or
motion and his decision was not criminal; articles II and III im-
challenged in the Senate. The re- peached the President for a course
spondent also moved to strike ar- of conduct constituting an abuse
ticle VII, the ‘‘general’’ article, on of power and for failure to comply
the ground that it improperly cu- with subpenas issued by the com-
mulated and duplicated offenses mittee during the impeachment
already stated in the preceding inquiry.(5) The committee also con-
articles, but this motion was re- cluded that an article of impeach-
jected by the Senate.(2) ment could cumulate charges and
At the conclusion of the Ritter facts constituting a course of con-
trial, and following conviction only duct, as in article II.(6)
on article VII, a point of order was
4. See § 3.1, infra.
raised against the vote in that the
5. See § 3.7, infra, for the majority
article combined the grounds that views and § 3.8, infra, for the minor-
were alleged for impeachment. ity views on the articles of impeach-
The President pro tempore over- ment.
ruled the point of order.(3) 6. See § 3.3, infra, for the majority and
minority views on article II.
1. See § 3.2, infra. In its final report the Committee
2. See § 3.4, infra. on the Judiciary cited a staff report
3. See § 3.5, infra. by the impeachment inquiry staff on


The grounds for impeachment of that a federal judge could be im-

federal judges were scrutinized in peached for judicial conduct which
1970, in the inquiry into the con- is either criminal or a serious
duct of Associate Justice Douglas abuse of public duty, or for non-
of the Supreme Court. Concepts of judicial conduct which is crimi-
impeachment were debated on the nal.(8)
floor of the House, as to the ascer-
Cross References
tainability of the definition of an
impeachable offense, and as to Amendments to articles adopted by the
whether a federal judge could be House, see § 10, infra.
Charges not resulting in impeachment,
impeached for conduct not related
see § 14, infra.
to the performance of his judicial Grounds for conviction in the Ritter im-
function or for judicial conduct not peachment trial, see § 18, infra.
criminal in nature.(7)
Collateral Reference
A special subcommittee of the
Committee on the Judiciary was Articles of Impeachment Voted by the
created to investigate and report House of Representatives, see Im-
on the charges of impeachment peachment, Selected Materials, Com-
mittee on the Judiciary, H. Doc. No.
against Justice Douglas, and sub- 93–7, 93d Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 1973.
mitted to the committee a final re-
port recommending against im-
peachment, finding the evidence
insufficient. The report concluded Form of Resolution and Arti-
cles of Impeachment
the grounds for presidential im-
peachment, prepared before the com- § 3.1 Articles of impeachment
mittee had proceeded to compile all are reported from the Com-
the evidence and before the com- mittee on the Judiciary in
mittee had proceeded to consider a the form of a resolution.
resolution and articles of impeach-
ment. While the report and its con- On Aug. 20, 1974,(9) the Com-
clusions were not intended to rep- mittee on the Judiciary submitted
resent the views of the committee or to the House a report on its inves-
of its individual members, the report
is printed in part in the appendix to 8. See § 3.13, infra.
this chapter as a synopsis of the his- 9. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, Committee on
tory, origins, and concepts of the im- the Judiciary, printed in the Record
peachment process and of the at 120 CONG. REC. 29219, 29220, 93d
grounds for impeachment. See § 3.6, Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 1974. For
infra, and appendix, infra. complete text of H. REPT. NO. 93–
7. See § § 3.9–3.12, infra. 1305, see id. at pp. 29219–361.


tigation into charges of impeach- lawful entry of the headquarters of the

able offenses against President Democratic National Committee in
Washington, District of Columbia, for
Richard Nixon. The committee in- the purpose of securing political intel-
cluded in the text of the report a ligence. Subsequent thereto, Richard
resolution and articles of impeach- M. Nixon, using the powers of his high
ment which had been adopted by office, engaged personally and through
the committee: his subordinates and agents, in a
course of conduct or plan designed to
Impeaching Richard M. Nixon, Presi- delay, impede, and obstruct the inves-
dent of the United States, of high tigation of such unlawful entry; to
crimes and misdemeanors. cover up, conceal and protect those re-
Resolved, That Richard M. Nixon, sponsible; and to conceal the existence
President of the United States, is im- and scope of other unlawful covert ac-
peached for high crimes and mis- tivities.
demeanors, and that the following arti- The means used to implement this
cles of impeachment be exhibited to course of conduct or plan included one
the Senate: or more of the following:
Articles of impeachment exhibited by
(1) making or causing to be made
the House of Representatives of the false or misleading statements to
United States of America in the name lawfully authorized investigative of-
of itself and of all of the people of the ficers and employees of the United
United States of America, against States;
Richard M. Nixon, President of the (2) withholding relevant and mate-
United States of America, in mainte- rial evidence or information from
lawfully authorized investigative of-
nance and support of its impeachment ficers and employees of the United
against him for high crimes and mis- States;
demeanors. (3) approving, condoning, acqui-
escing in, and counseling witnesses
ARTICLE I with respect to the giving of false or
misleading statements to lawfully
In his conduct of the office of Presi- authorized investigative officers and
dent of the United States, Richard M. employees of the United States and
Nixon, in violation of his constitutional false or misleading testimony in duly
oath faithfully to execute the office of instituted judicial and congressional
President of the United States and, to proceedings;
the best of his ability, preserve, pro- (4) interfering or endeavoring to
interfere with the conduct of inves-
tect, and defend the Constitution of the tigations by the Department of Jus-
United States, and in violation of his tice of the United States, the Federal
constitutional duty to take care that Bureau of Investigation, the Office of
the laws be faithfully executed, has Watergate Special Prosecution Force,
prevented, obstructed, and impeded and Congressional Committees;
the administration of justice, in that: (5) approving, condoning, and ac-
quiescing in, the surreptitious pay-
On June 17, 1972, and prior thereto, ment of substantial sums of money
agents of the Committee for the Re- for the purpose of obtaining the si-
election of the President committed un- lence or influencing the testimony of


witnesses, potential witnesses or in- ard M. Nixon, in violation of his con-

dividuals who participated in such stitutional oath faithfully to execute
unlawful entry and other illegal ac- the office of President of the United
States and, to the best of his ability,
(6) endeavoring to misuse the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency, an agency preserve, protect, and defend the Con-
of the United States; stitution of the United States, and in
(7) disseminating information re- disregard of his constitutional duty to
ceived from officers of the Depart- take care that the laws be faithfully
ment of Justice of the United States executed, has repeatedly engaged in
to subjects of investigations con-
ducted by lawfully authorized inves- conduct violating the constitutional
tigative officers and employees of the rights of citizens, impairing the due
United States, for the purpose of aid- and proper administration of justice
ing and assisting such subjects in and the conduct of lawful inquiries, or
their attempts to avoid criminal li- contravening the laws governing agen-
ability; cies of the executive branch and the
(8) making false or misleading
public statements for the purpose of purposes of these agencies.
deceiving the people of the United This conduct has included one or
States into believing that a thorough more of the following:
and complete investigation had been
conducted with respect to allegations (1) He has, acting personally and
of misconduct on the part of per- through his subordinates and agents,
sonnel of the executive branch of the endeavored to obtain from the Inter-
United States and personnel of the nal Revenue Service, in violation of
Committee for the Re-election of the the constitutional rights of citizens,
President, and that there was no in- confidential information contained in
volvement of such personnel in such income tax returns for purposes not
misconduct; or authorized by law, and to cause, in
(9) endeavoring to cause prospec- violation of the constitutional rights
tive defendants, and individuals duly of citizens, income tax audits or
tried and convicted, to expect favored other income tax investigations to be
treatment and consideration in re- initiated or conducted in a discrimi-
turn for their silence or false testi- natory manner.
mony, or rewarding individuals for (2) He misused the Federal Bu-
their silence or false testimony. reau of Investigation, the Secret
Service, and other executive per-
In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has sonnel, in violation or disregard of
acted in a manner contrary to his trust the constitutional rights of citizens,
as President and subversive of con- by directing or authorizing such
stitutional government, to the great agencies or personnel to conduct or
prejudice of the cause of law and jus- continue electronic surveillance or
tice and to the manifest injury of the other investigations for purposes un-
people of the United States. related to national security, the en-
Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by forcement of laws, or any other law-
such conduct, warrants impeachment ful function of his office; he did di-
and trial, and removal from office. rect, authorize, or permit the use of
information obtained thereby for
ARTICLE II purposes unrelated to national secu-
rity, the enforcement of laws, or any
Using the powers of the office of other lawful function of his office;
President of the United States, Rich- and he did direct the concealment of


certain records made by the Federal stitutional government, to the great

Bureau of Investigation of electronic prejudice of the cause of law and jus-
surveillance. tice and to the manifest injury of the
(3) He has, acting personally and people of the United States.
through his subordinates and agents,
in violation or disregard of the con- Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by
stitutional rights of citizens, author- such conduct, warrants impeachment
ized and permitted to be maintained and trial, and removal from office.
a secret investigative unit within the
office of the President, financed in ARTICLE III
part with money derived from cam-
paign contributions, which unlaw- In his conduct of the office of Presi-
fully utilized the resources of the dent of the United States, Richard M.
Central Intelligence Agency, engaged Nixon, contrary to his oath faithfully to
in covert and unlawful activities, and execute the office of President of the
attempted to prejudice the constitu- United States and, to the best of his
tional right of an accused to a fair ability, preserve, protect, and defend
trial. the Constitution of the United States,
(4) He has failed to take care that and in violation of his constitutional
the laws were faithfully executed by
failing to act when he knew or had duty to take care that the laws be
reason to know that his close subor- faithfully executed, has failed without
dinates endeavored to impede and lawful cause or excuse to produce pa-
frustrate lawful inquiries by duly pers and things as directed by duly au-
constituted executive, judicial, and thorized subpoenas issued by the Com-
legislative entities concerning the mittee on the Judiciary of the House of
unlawful entry into the headquarters
of the Democratic National Com- Representatives on April 11, 1974,
mittee, and the cover-up thereof, and May 15, 1974, May 30, 1974, and June
concerning other unlawful activities, 24, 1974, and willfully disobeyed such
including those relating to the con- subpoenas. The subpoenaed papers
firmation of Richard Kleindienst as and things were deemed necessary by
Attorney General of the United the Committee in order to resolve by
States, the electronic surveillance of direct evidence fundamental, factual
private citizens, the break-in into the
offices of Dr. Lewis Fielding, and the questions relating to Presidential di-
campaign financing practices of the rection, knowledge, or approval of ac-
Committee to Reelect the President. tions demonstrated by other evidence
(5) In disregard of the rule of law, to be substantial grounds for impeach-
he knowingly misused the executive ment of the President. In refusing to
power by interfering with agencies of produce these papers and things, Rich-
the executive branch, including the ard M. Nixon, substituting his judg-
Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
Criminal Division, and the Office of ment as to what materials were nec-
Watergate Special Prosecution Force, essary for the inquiry, interposed the
of the Department of Justice, and powers of the Presidency against the
the Central Intelligence Agency, in lawful subpoenas of the House of Rep-
violation of his duty to take care that resentatives, thereby assuming to him-
the laws be faithfully executed. self functions and judgments necessary
In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has to the exercise of the sole power of im-
acted in a manner contrary to his trust peachment vested by the Constitution
as President and subversive of con- in the House of Representatives.


In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has ate in the following words and figures,
acted in a manner contrary to his trust to wit:
as President and subversive of con- Articles of impeachment of the
stitutional government, to the great House of Representatives of the United
prejudice of the cause of law and jus- States of America in the name of them-
tice, and to the manifest injury of the selves and of all of the people of the
people of the United States. United States of America against Hal-
Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by sted L. Ritter, who was appointed, duly
such conduct, warrants impeachment qualified, and commissioned to serve,
and trial, and removal from office. during good behavior in office, as
United States district judge for the
§ 3.2 Articles impeaching southern district of Florida, on Feb-
Judge Halsted L. Ritter were ruary 15, 1929.
reported to the House in two ARTICLE I
separate resolutions. That the said Halsted L. Ritter, hav-
In March 1936, articles of im- ing been nominated by the President of
peachment against Judge Ritter the United States, confirmed by the
Senate of the United States, duly
were reported to the House: 10 qualified and commissioned, and while
[H. RES. 422] acting as a United States district judge
for the southern district of Florida, was
Resolved, That Halsted L. Ritter, and is guilty of misbehavior and of a
who is a United States district judge high crime and misdemeanor in office
for the southern district of Florida, be in manner and form as follows, to wit:
impeached for misbehavior, and for On or about October 11, 1929, A. L.
high crimes and misdemeanors; and Rankin (who had been a law partner of
that the evidence heretofore taken by said judge immediately before said
the subcommittee of the Committee on judge’s appointment as judge), as solic-
the Judiciary of the House of Rep- itor for the plaintiff, filed in the court
resentatives under H. Res. 163 of the of the said Judge Ritter a certain fore-
Seventy-third Congress sustains arti- closure suit and receivership pro-
cles of impeachment, which are herein- ceeding, the same being styled ‘‘Bert E.
after set out; and that the said articles Holland and others against Whitehall
be, and they are hereby, adopted by Building and Operating Company and
the House of Representatives, and that others’’ (Number 678–M–Eq.). On or
the same shall be exhibited to the Sen- about May 15, 1930, the said Judge
Ritter allowed the said Rankin an ad-
10. H. Res. 422, 80 CONG. REC. 3066–68, vance of $2,500 on his fee for his serv-
74th Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 2, 1936 ices in said case. On or about July 2,
(Articles I–IV); H. Res. 471, 80 1930, the said Judge Ritter by letter
CONG. REC. 4597–99, 74th Cong. 2d requested another judge of the United
Sess., Mar. 30, 1936 (amending Arti- States district court for the southern
cle III and adding new Articles IV– district of Florida, to wit, Honorable
VII). Alexander Akerman, to fix and deter-


mine the total allowance for the said same day privately paid and delivered
Rankin for his services in said case for to the said Judge Ritter the sum of
the reason as stated by Judge Ritter in $2,500 in cash; $2,000 of said $2,500
said letter, that the said Rankin had was deposited in bank by Judge Ritter
formerly been the law partner of the on, to wit, December 29, 1930, the re-
said Judge Ritter, and he did not feel maining $500 being kept by Judge Rit-
that he should pass upon the total al- ter and not deposited in bank until, to
lowance made said Rankin in that case wit, July 10, 1931. Between the time of
and that if Judge Akerman would fix such initial payment on said additional
the allowance it would relieve the writ- fee and April 6, 1931, the said receiver
er, Judge Ritter, from any embarrass- paid said Rankin thereon $5,000. On
ment if thereafter any question should or about April 6, 1931, the said Rankin
arise as to his, Judge Ritter’s, favoring received the balance of the said addi-
said Rankin with an exorbitant fee. tional fee allowed him by Judge Ritter,
said balance amounting to $45,000.
Thereafterward, notwithstanding the
Shortly thereafter, on or about April
said Judge Akerman, in compliance 14, 1931, the said Rankin paid and de-
with Judge Ritter’s request, allowed livered to the said Judge Ritter, pri-
the said Rankin a fee of $15,000 for his vately, in cash, an additional sum of
services in said case, from which sum $2,000. The said Judge Halsted L. Rit-
the said $2,500 theretofore allowed the ter corruptly and unlawfully accepted
said Rankin by Judge Ritter as an ad- and received for his own use and ben-
vance on his fee was deducted, the said efit from the said A. L. Rankin the
Judge Ritter, well knowing that at his aforesaid sums of money, amounting to
request compensation had been fixed $4,500.
by Judge Akerman for the said Wherefore, the said Judge Halsted L.
Rankin’s services in said case, and not- Ritter was and is guilty of misbehavior
withstanding the restraint of propriety and was and is guilty of a high crime
expressed in his said letter to Judge and misdemeanor.
Akerman, and ignoring the danger of
embarrassment mentioned in said let- ARTICLE II
ter, did fix an additional and exorbi- That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
tant fee for the said Rankin in said while holding the office of United
case. On or about December 24, 1930, States district judge for the southern
when the final decree in said case was district of Florida, having been nomi-
signed, the said Judge Ritter allowed nated by the President of the United
the said Rankin, additional to the total States, confirmed by the Senate of the
allowance of $15,000 theretofore al- United States, duly qualified and com-
lowed by Judge Akerman, a fee of missioned, and while acting as a
$75,000 for his services in said case, United States district judge for the
out of which allowance the said Judge southern district of Florida, was and is
Ritter directly profited. On the same guilty of misbehavior and of high
day, December 24, 1930, the receiver crimes and misdemeanors in office in
in said case paid the said Rankin, as manner and form as follows, to wit:
part of his said additional fee, the sum On the 15th day of February 1929
of $25,000, and the said Rankin on the the said Halsted L. Ritter, having been


appointed as United States district ises in the court of said Halsted L. Rit-
judge for the southern district of Flor- ter, by which means the said Richard-
ida, was duly qualified and commis- son, Rankin, Metcalf, Sweeney, and
sioned to serve as such during good be- Ritter were to continue said property
havior in office. Immediately prior in litigation before said Ritter. On the
thereto and for several years the said 30th day of August 1929, the said Wal-
Halsted L. Ritter had practiced law in ter S. Richardson, in furtherance of
said district in partnership with one A. said arrangement and understanding,
L. Rankin, which partnership was dis- wrote a letter to the said Martin
solved upon the appointment of said Sweeney, in New York, suggesting the
Ritter as said United States district desirability of contacting as many first-
judge. mortgage bondholders as possible in
On the 18th day of July 1928 one order that their cooperation might be
Walter S. Richardson was elected secured, directing special attention to
trustee in bankruptcy of the Whitehall Mr. Bert E. Holland, an attorney,
Building and Operating Company, whose address was in the Tremont
which company had been adjudicated Building in Boston, and who, as co-
in said district as a bankrupt, and as trustee, was the holder of $50,000 of
such trustee took charge of the assets first-mortgage bonds, the amount of
of said Whitehall Building and Oper- bonds required to institute the con-
ating Company, which consisted of a templated proceedings in Judge Rit-
hotel property located in Palm Beach ter’s court.
in said district. That the said Richard- On October 3, 1929, the said Bert E.
son as such trustee operated said hotel Holland, being solicited by the said
property from the time of his said ap- Sweeney, requested the said Rankin
pointment until its sales on the 3d of and Metcalf to prepare a complaint to
January 1929, under the foreclosure of file in said Judge Ritter’s court for
a third mortgage thereon. On the 1st foreclosure of said first mortgage and
of November and the 13th of December the appointment of a receiver. At this
1929, the said Judge Ritter made or- time Judge Ritter was holding court in
ders in said bankruptcy proceedings al- Brooklyn, New York, and the said
lowing the said Walter S. Richardson Rankin and Richardson went from
as trustee the sum of $16,500 as com- West Palm Beach, Florida, to Brook-
pensation for his services as trustee. lyn, New York, and called upon said
That before the discharge of said Wal- Judge Ritter a short time previous to
ter S. Richardson as such trustee, said filing the bill for foreclosure and ap-
Richardson, together with said A. L. pointment of a receiver of said hotel
Rankin, one Ernest Metcalf, one Mar- property.
tin Sweeney, and the said Halsted L. On October 10, 1929, and before the
Ritter, entered into an arrangement to filing of said bill for foreclosure and re-
secure permission of the holder or ceiver, the said Holland withdrew his
holders of at least $50,000 of first authority to said Rankin and Metcalf
mortgage bonds on said hotel property to file said bill and notified the said
for the purpose of filing a bill to fore- Rankin not to file the said bill. Not-
close the first mortgage on said prem- withstanding the said instructions to


said Rankin not to file said bill, said appointed the said Richardson receiver
Rankin, on the 11th day of October of the said hotel property, notwith-
1929, filed said bill with the clerk of standing that objection was made to
the United States District Court for Judge Ritter that said Richardson had
the Southern District of Florida but been active in fomenting this litigation
with the specific request to said clerk and was not a proper person to act as
to lock up the said bill as soon as it receiver.
was filed and hold until Judge Ritter’s On October 15, 1929, said Rankin
return so that there would be no news- made oath to each of the bills for inter-
paper publicity before the matter was venors which were filed the next day.
heard by Judge Ritter for the appoint- On October 16, 1929, bills for inter-
ment of a receiver, which request on vention in said foreclosure suit were
the part of the said Rankin was com- filed by said Rankin and Metcalf in the
plied with by the said clerk. names of holders of approximately
On October 16, 1929, the said Hol- $5,000 of said first-mortgage bonds,
land telegraphed to the said Rankin, which intervenors did not possess the
referring to his previous wire request- said requisite $50,000 in bonds re-
ing him to refrain from filing the bill quired by said first mortgage to bring
and insisting that the matter remain foreclosure proceedings on the part of
in its then status until further instruc- the bondholders.
tion was given; and on October 17, The said Rankin and Metcalf ap-
1929, the said Rankin wired to Holland peared as attorneys for complainants
that he would not make an application and intervenors, and in response to a
on his behalf for the appointment of a suggestion of the said Judge Ritter, the
receiver. On October 28, 1929, a hear- said Metcalf withdrew as attorney for
ing on the complaint and petition for complainants and intervenors and said
receivership was heard before Judge Judge Ritter thereupon appointed said
Halsted L. Ritter at Miami, at which Metcalf as attorney for the said Rich-
hearing the said Bert E. Holland ap- ardson, the receiver.
peared in person before said Judge Rit- And in the further carrying out of
ter and advised the judge that he said arrangement and understanding,
wished to withdraw the suit and asked the said Richardson employed the said
for dismissal of the bill of complaint on Martin Sweeney and one Bemis, to-
the ground that the bill was filed with- gether with Ed Sweeney, as managers
out his authority. of said property, for which they were
But the said Judge Ritter, fully ad- paid the sum of $60,000 for the man-
vised of the facts and circumstances agement of said hotel for the two sea-
herein before recited, wrongfully and sons the property remained in the cus-
oppressively exercised the powers of tody of said Richardson as receiver.
his office to carry into execution said On or about the 15th day of May
plan and agreement theretofore ar- 1930 the said Judge Ritter allowed the
rived at, and refused to grant the re- said Rankin an advance on his fee of
quest of the said Holland and made ef- $2,500 for his services in said case.
fective the champertous undertaking of On or about July 2, 1930, the said
the said Richardson and Rankin and Judge Ritter requested Judge Alex-


ander Akerman, also a judge of the Rankin $12,500 in addition to the

United States District Court for the $2,500 theretofore allowed by Judge
Southern District of Florida, to fix the Ritter, making a total of $15,000 as
total allowance for the said Rankin for the fee of the said Rankin in the said
his services in said case, said request case.
and the reasons therefor being set But notwithstanding the said re-
forth in a letter by the said Judge Rit- quest on the part of said Ritter and the
ter, in words and figures as follows, to compliance by the said Judge Akerman
wit: and the reasons for the making of said
JULY 2, 1930. request by said Judge Ritter of Judge
Hon. ALEXANDER AKERMAN, Akerman, the said Judge Ritter, on the
United States District Judge, Tampa, 24th day of December 1930, allowed
Fla. the said Rankin an additional fee of
MY DEAR JUDGE: In the case of Hol- $75,000.
land et al. v. Whitehall Building & Op- And on the same date when the re-
erating Co. (No. 678–M–Eq.), pending ceiver in said case paid to the said
in my division, my former law partner, Rankin as a part of said additional fee
Judge A. L. Rankin, of West Palm the sum of $25,000, said Rankin pri-
Beach, has filed a petition for an order vately paid and delivered to said Judge
allowing compensation for his services Ritter out of the said $25,000 the sum
on behalf of the plaintiff. of $2,500 in cash, $2,000 of which the
I do not feel that I should pass, said Judge Ritter deposited in a bank
under the circumstances, upon the and $500 of which was put in a tin box
total allowance to be made Judge and not deposited until the 10th day of
Rankin in this matter. I did issue an July 1931, when it was deposited in a
order, which Judge Rankin will exhibit bank with an additional sum of $600.
to you, approving an advance of $2,500 On or about the 6th day of April
on his claim, which was approved by 1931, the said Rankin received as a
all attorneys. part of the $75,000 additional fee the
You will appreciate my position in sum of $45,000, and shortly thereafter,
the matter, and I request you to pass on or before the 14th day of April
upon the total allowance which should 1931, the said Rankin paid and deliv-
be made Judge Rankin in the premises ered to said judge Ritter, privately and
as an accommodation to me. This will in cash, out of said $45,000 the sum of
relieve me from any embarrassment $2,000.
hereafter if the question should arise The said Judge Halsted L. Ritter cor-
as to my favoring Judge Rankin in this ruptly and unlawfully accepted and re-
matter by an exorbitant allowance. ceived for his own use and benefit from
Appreciating very much your kind- the said Rankin the aforesaid sums of
ness in this matter, I am, $2,500 in cash and $2,000 in cash,
Yours sincerely, amounting in all to $4,500.
Of the total allowance made to said
In compliance with said request the A.L. Rankin in said foreclosure suit,
said Judge Akerman allowed the said amounting in all to $90,000, the fol-


lowing sums were paid out by said ceived free rooms, and some or all of
Rankin with the knowledge and con- them received from said hotel free
sent of said Judge Ritter, to wit: to meals and free valet service; all of
said Walter S. Richardson, the sum of which expenses were borne by the said
$5,000; to said Metcalf, the sum of receivership to the loss and damage of
$10,000; to Shutts and Bowen, also at- the creditors whose interests were in-
torneys for the receiver, the sum of volved therein.
$25,000; and to said Halsted L. Ritter, The said judge willfully failed and
the sum of $4,500. neglected to perform his duty to con-
In addition to the said sum of $5,000 serve the assets of the Whitehall
received by the said Richardson as Building and Operating Company in
aforesaid, said Ritter by order in said receivership in his court, but to the
proceedings allowed said Richardson a contrary, permitted waste and dissipa-
fee of $30,000 for services as such re- tion of its assets, to the loss and dam-
ceiver. age of the creditors of said corporation,
The said fees allowed by said Judge and was a party to the waste and dis-
Ritter to A.L. Rankin (who had been a sipation of such assets while under the
law partner of said judge immediately control of his said court, and person-
before said judge’s appointment as ally profited thereby, in the manner
judge) as solicitor for the plaintiff in and form hereinabove specifically set
said case were excessive and unwar-
ranted, and said judge profited person-
Wherefore, the said Judge Halsted L.
ally thereby in that out of the money
Ritter was and is guilty of mis-
so allowed said solicitor he received
personally, privately, and in cash behavior, and was and is guilty of a
$4,500 for his own use and benefit. high crime and misdemeanor in office.
While the Whitehall Hotel was being Articles III and IV in House
operated in receivership under said Resolution 422 are omitted be-
proceeding pending in said court (and cause House Resolution 471,
in which proceeding the receiver in
charge of said hotel by appointment of adopted by the House on Mar. 30,
said Judge was allowed large com- 1936, amended Article III, added
pensation by said judge) the said judge new Articles IV through VI after
stayed at said hotel from time to time Article III, and amended former
without cost to himself and received Article IV to read as new Article
free rooms, free meals, and free valet
service, and, with the knowledge and
VII. Articles III through VII in
consent of said judge, members of his their amended form follow:
family, including his wife, his son, ARTICLE III
Thurston Ritter, his daughter, Mrs.
M.R. Walker, his secretary, Mrs. Lloyd That the said Halsted L. Ritter, hav-
C. Hooks, and her husband, Lloyd C. ing been nominated by the President of
Hooks, each likewise on various occa- the United States, confirmed by the
sions stayed at said hotel without cost Senate of the United States, duly
to themselves or to said judge, and re- qualified and commissioned, and, while


acting as a United States District would carry through further pro-

judge for the southern district of Flor- ceedings in the case, but that he,
ida, was and is guilty of a high crime Judge Ritter, would be consulted about
and misdemeanor in office in manner the matter until the case was all closed
and form as follows, to wit: up; and that ‘‘this matter is one among
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, very few which I am assuming to con-
while such judge, was guilty of a viola- tinue my interest in until finally closed
tion of section 258 of the Judicial Code up’’; and stating specifically in said let-
of the United States of America ter:
(U.S.C., Annotated, title 28, sec. 373) ‘‘I do not know whether any appeal
making it unlawful for any judge ap- will be taken in the case or not but, if
pointed under the authority of the so, we hope to get Mr. Howard Paschal
United States to exercise the profes- or some other person as receiver who
sion or employment of counsel or attor- will be amenable to our directions, and
ney, or to be engaged in the practice of the hotel can be operated at a profit, of
the law, in that after the employment course, pending the appeal. We shall
of the law firm of Ritter and Rankin demand a very heavy supersedeas
(which at the time of the appointment bond, which I doubt whether D’Esterre
of Halsted L. Ritter to be judge of the can give’’; and further that he was ‘‘of
United States District Court for the course primarily interested in getting
Southern District of Florida, was com- some money in the case’’, and that he
posed of Halsted L. Ritter and A.L. thought ‘‘$2,000 more by way of attor-
Rankin) in the case of Trust Company neys’ fees should be allowed’’, and
of Georgia and Robert G. Stephens, asked that he be communicated with
trustee, against Brazilian Court Build- direct about the matter, giving his
ing Corporation, and others, numbered post-office-box number. On to wit,
5704, in the Circuit Court of the Fif- March 13, 1929, said Brodek replied
teenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, and favorably, and on March 30, 1929, a
after the fee of $4,000 which had been check of Brodek, Raphael, and Eisner,
agreed upon at the outset of said em- a law firm of New York City, rep-
ployment had been fully paid to the resenting Mulford Realty Corporation,
firm of Ritter and Rankin, and after in which Charles A. Brodek, senior
Halsted L. Ritter had, on, to wit, Feb- member of the firm of Brodek, Raphael
ruary 15, 1929, become judge of the and Eisner, was one of the directors,
United States District Court for the was drawn, payable to the order of
Southern District of Florida, Judge Rit- ‘‘Honorable Halsted L. Ritter’’ for
ter on, to wit, March 11, 1929, wrote a $2,000 and which was duly endorsed
letter to Charles A. Brodek, of counsel ‘‘Honorable Halsted L. Ritter. H. L.
for Mulford Realty Corporation (the cli- Ritter’’ and was paid on, to wit, April
ent which his former law firm had 4, 1929, and the proceeds thereof were
been representing in said litigation), received and appropriated by Judge
stating that there had been much Ritter to his own individual use and
extra and unanticipated work in the benefit, without advising his said
case, that he was then a Federal former partner that said $2,000 had
Judge; that his partner, A.L. Rankin, been received, without consulting with


his former partner thereabout, and Senate of the United States, duly
without the knowledge or consent of qualified and commissioned, and, while
his said former partner, appropriated acting as a United States district judge
the entire amount thus solicited and for the southern district of Florida, was
received to the use and benefit of him- and is guilty of a high crime and mis-
self, the said Judge Ritter. demeanor in office in manner and form
as follows to wit:
At the time said letter was written
That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
by Judge Ritter and said $2,000 re-
while such judge, was guilty of a viola-
ceived by him, Mulford Realty Cor- tion of section 258 of the Judicial Code
poration held and owned large inter- of the United States of America
ests in Florida real estate and citrus (U.S.C., Annotated, title 28, sec. 373),
groves, and a large amount of securi- making it unlawful for any judge ap-
ties of the Olympia Improvement Cor- pointed under the authority of the
poration, which was a company orga- United States to exercise the profes-
nized to develop and promote Olympia, sion or employment of counsel or attor-
Florida, said holdings being within the ney, or to be engaged in the practice of
territorial jurisdiction of the United the law, in that Judge Ritter did exer-
States District Court, of which Judge cise the profession or employment of
Ritter was a judge from, to wit, Feb- counsel or attorney, or engage in the
ruary 15, 1929. practice of the law, representing J.R.
After writing said letter of March 11, Francis, with relation to the Boca
Raton matter and the segregation and
1929, Judge Ritter further exercised
saving of the interest of J.R. Francis
the profession or employment of coun- herein, or in obtaining a deed or deeds
sel or attorney, or engaged in the prac- to J.R. Francis from the Spanish River
tice of the law, with relation to said Land Company to certain pieces of re-
case. alty, and in the Edgewater Ocean
Which acts of said judge were cal- Beach Development Company matter
culated to bring his office into disre- for which services the said Judge Rit-
pute, constitute a violation of section ter received from the said J.R. Francis
258 of the Judicial Code of the United the sum of $7,500.
States of America (U.S.C., Annotated, Which acts of said judge were cal-
title 28, sec. 373), and constitute a culated to bring his office into disre-
high crime and misdemeanor within pute constitute a violation of the law
the meaning and intent of section 4 of above recited, and constitute a high
article II of the Constitution of the crime and misdemeanor within the
meaning and intent of section 4 of arti-
United States.
cle II of the Constitution of the United
Wherefore, the said Judge Halsted L. States.
Ritter was and is guilty of a high mis- Wherefore, the said Judge Halsted L.
demeanor in office. Ritter was and is guilty of a high mis-
demeanor in office.
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, hav- ARTICLE V
ing been nominated by the President of That the said Halsted L. Ritter, hav-
the United States, confirmed by the ing been nominated by the President of


the United States, confirmed by the tion of section 146(b) of the Revenue
Senate of the United States, duly Act of 1928, making it unlawful for
qualified and commissioned, and, while any person willfully to attempt in any
acting as a United States district judge manner to evade or defeat the payment
for the southern district of Florida, was of the income tax levied in and by said
and is guilty of a high crime and mis- Revenue Act of 1928, in that during
demeanor in office in manner and form the year 1930 the said Judge Ritter re-
as follows, to wit: ceived gross taxable income—over and
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, above his salary as judge—to the
while such judge, was guilty of viola- amount of to wit, $5,300, yet failed to
tion of section 146(h) of the Revenue report any part thereof in his income-
Act of 1928, making it unlawful for tax return for the year 1930 and paid
any person willfully to attempt in any no income tax thereon.
manner to evade or defend the pay- Two thousand five hundred dollars
ment of the income tax levied in and of said gross taxable income for 1930
by said Revenue Act of 1928, in that was that amount of cash paid Judge
during the year 1929 said Judge Ritter Ritter by A. L. Rankin on December
received gross taxable income—over
24, 1930, as described in article I.
and above his salary as judge—to the
Wherefore the said Judge Halsted L.
amount of some $12,000, yet paid no
income tax thereon. Ritter was and is guilty of a high mis-
demeanor in office.
Among the fees included in said
gross taxable income for 1929 were the ARTICLE VII
extra fee of $2,000 collected and re-
ceived by Judge Ritter in the Brazilian That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
Court case as described in article III, while holding the office of United
and the fee of $7,500 received by Judge States district judge for the southern
Ritter from J.R. Francis. district of Florida, having been nomi-
Wherefore the said Judge Halsted L. nated by the President of the United
Ritter was and is guilty of a high mis- States, confirmed by the Senate of the
demeanor in office. United States, duly qualified and com-
missioned, and, while acting as a
ARTICLE VI United States district judge for the
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, hav- southern district of Florida, was and is
ing been nominated by the President of guilty of misbehavior and of high
the United States, confirmed by the crimes and misdemeanors in office in
Senate of the United States, duly manner and form as follows, to wit:
qualified and commissioned, and, while The reasonable and probable con-
acting as a United States district judge sequence of the actions or conduct of
for the southern district of Florida, was Halsted L. Ritter, hereunder specified
and is guilty of a high crime and mis- or indicated in this article, since he be-
demeanor in office in manner and form came judge of said court, as an indi-
as follows, to wit: vidual or as such judge, is to bring his
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, court into scandal and disrepute, to the
while such judge, was guilty of viola- prejudice of said court and public con-


fidence in the administration of justice such resolution, recused himself from

therein, and to the prejudice of public sitting as judge in said power suit,
respect for and confidence in the Fed- thereby bartering his judicial authority
eral judiciary, and to render him unfit in said case for a vote of confidence.
to continue to serve as such judge: Nevertheless, the succeeding judge al-
1. In that in the Florida Power Com- lowed said Hutchinson as special mas-
pany case (Florida Power and Light ter in chancery in said case a fee of
Company against City of Miami and $5,000, although he performed little, if
others, numbered 1138–M–Eq.) which any, service as such, and in the order
was a case wherein said judge had making such allowance recited: ‘‘And it
granted the complainant power com- appearing to the court that a minimum
pany a temporary injunction restrain- fee of $5,000 was approved by the
ing the enforcement of an ordinance of court for the said Cary T. Hutchinson,
the city of Miami, which ordinance pre- special master in this cause.’’
scribed a reduction in the rates for 2. In that in the Trust Company of
electric current being charged in said Florida cases (Illick against Trust
city, said judge improperly appointed Company of Florida and others num-
one Cary T. Hutchinson, who had long bered 1043–M–Eq., and Edmunds
been associated with and employed by Committee and others against Marion
power and utility interests, special Mortgage Company and others, num-
master in chancery in said suit, and bered 1124–M–Eq.) after the State
refused to revoke his order so appoint- banking department of Florida,
ing said Hutchinson. Thereafter, when through its comptroller, Honorable Er-
criticism of such action had become nest Amos, had closed the doors of the
current in the city of Miami, and with- Trust Company of Florida and ap-
in two weeks after a resolution (H. pointed J.H. Therrell liquidator for
Res. 163, Seventy-third Congress) had said trust company, and had inter-
been agreed to in the House of Rep- vened in the said Illick case, said
resentatives of the Congress of the Judge Ritter wrongfully and erro-
United States, authorizing and direct- neously refused to recognize the right
ing the Judicial Committee thereof to of said State authority to administer
investigate the official conduct of said the affairs of the said trust company
judge and to make a report concerning and appointed Julian E. Eaton and
said conduct to said House of Rep- Clark D. Stearns as receivers of the
resentatives an arrangement was en- property of said trust company. On ap-
tered into with the city commissioners peal, the United States Circuit Court
of the city of Miami or with the city at- of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit re-
torney of said city by which the said versed the said order or decree of
city commissioners were to pass a reso- Judge Ritter and ordered the said
lution expressing faith and confidence property surrendered to the State liq-
in the integrity of said judge, and the uidator. Thereafter, on, to wit, Sep-
said judge recuse himself as judge in tember 12, 1932, there was filed in the
said Dower suit. The said agreement United States District Court for the
was carried out by the parties thereto, Southern District of Florida the
and said judge, after the passage of Edmunds Committee case, supra. Mar-


ion Mortgage Company was a sub- properties, Judge Ritter wrongfully

sidiary of the Trust Company of Flor- and improperly approved their ac-
ida. Judge Ritter being absent from his counts without notice or opportunity
district at the time of the filing of said for objection thereto to be heard.
case, an application for the appoint- With the knowledge of Judge Ritter,
ment of receivers therein was pre- said receivers appointed the sister-in-
sented to another judge of said district, law of Judge Ritter, namely, Mrs. G.M.
namely, Honorable Alexander Wickard, who had had no previous
Akerman. Judge Ritter, however, prior hotel-management experience, to be
to the appointment of such receivers, manager of the Julia Tuttle Hotel and
telegraphed Judge Akerman, request- Apartment Building, one of said trust
ing him to appoint the aforesaid Eaton properties. On, to wit, January 1, 1933,
and Stearns as receivers in said case, Honorable J.M. Lee succeeded Honor-
which appointments were made by able Ernest Amos as comptroller of the
Judge Akerman. Thereafter the United State of Florida and appointed M.A.
States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Smith liquidator in said Trust Com-
Fifth Circuit reversed the order of pany of Florida cases to succeed J.H.
Judge Akerman, appointing said Eaton Therrell. An appeal was again taken to
and Stearns as receivers in said case. the United States Circuit Court of Ap-
In November 1932, J.H. Therrell, as peals for the Fifth Circuit from the
liquidator, filed a bill of complaint in then latest order or decree of Judge
the Circuit Court of Dade County, Ritter, and again the order or decree of
Florida—a court of the State of Flor- Judge Ritter appealed from was re-
ida—alleging that the various trust versed by the said circuit court of ap-
properties of the Trust Company of peals which held that the State officer
Florida were burdensome to the liqui- was entitled to the custody of the prop-
dator to keep, and asking that the erty involved and that said Eaton and
court appoint a succeeding trustee. Stearns as receivers were not entitled
Upon petition for removal of said cause to such custody. Thereafter, and with
from said State court into the United the knowledge of the decision of the
States District Court for the Southern said circuit court of appeals, Judge Rit-
District of Florida, Judge Ritter took ter wrongfully and improperly allowed
jurisdiction, notwithstanding the pre- said Eaton and Stearns and their at-
vious rulings of the United States Cir- torneys some $26,000 as fees out of
cuit Court of Appeals above referred to, said trust-estate properties and en-
and again appointed the said Eaton deavored to require, as a condition
and Stearns as the receivers of the precedent to releasing said trust prop-
said trust properties. In December erties from the control of his court, a
1932 the said Therrell surrendered all promise from counsel for the said State
of the trust properties to said Eaton liquidator not to appeal from his order
and Stearns as receivers, together with allowing the said fees to said Eaton
all records of the Trust Company of and Stearns and their attorneys.
Florida pertaining thereto. During the 3. In that the said Halsted L. Ritter,
time said Eaton and Stearns, as such while such Federal judge, accepted, in
receivers, were in control of said trust addition to $4,500 from his former law


partner as alleged in article I hereof ment of President Richard

other large fees or gratuities, to wit, M. Nixon, such views relating
$7,500 from J.R. Francis, on or about
April 19, 1929, J.R. Francis at this
to Article II, containing an
time having large property interests accumulation of acts consti-
within the territorial jurisdiction of the tuting a course of conduct.
court of which Judge Ritter was a
On Aug. 20, 1974, the Com-
judge; and on, to wit, the 4th day of
April 1929 the said Judge Ritter ac- mittee on the Judiciary rec-
cepted the sum of $2,000 from Brodek, ommended in its final report to
Raphael and Eisner, representing the House, pursuant to its inquiry
Mulford Realty Corporation, as its at- into charges of impeachable of-
torneys, through Charles A. Brodek, fenses against President Nixon,
senior member of said firm and a di-
rector of said corporation, as a fee or
three articles of impeachment. Ar-
gratuity, at which time the said ticle II charged that the President
Mulford Realty Corporation held and had ‘‘repeatedly engaged in con-
owned large interests in Florida real duct’’ violative of his Presidential
estate and citrus groves, and a large oath and of his constitutional duty
amount of securities of the Olympia to take care that the laws be
Improvement Corporation, which was
a company organized to develop and
faithfully executed. The article set
promote Olympia, Florida, said holding forth, in five separate paragraphs,
being within the territorial jurisdiction five patterns of conduct consti-
of the United States District Court of tuting the offenses charged.
which Judge Ritter was a judge from, The conclusion of the commit-
to wit, February 15, 1929.
tee’s report on Article II read in
4. By his conduct as detailed in arti-
cles I, II, III, and IV hereof, and by his part as follows:
income-tax evasions as set forth in ar- In recommending Article II to the
ticles V and VI hereof. House, the Committee finds clear and
Wherefore, the said Judge Halsted L. convincing evidence that Richard M.
Ritter was and is guilty of mis- Nixon, contrary to his trust as Presi-
behavior, and was and is guilty of high dent and unmindful of the solemn du-
crimes and misdemeanors in office. ties of his high office, has repeatedly
used his power as President to violate
Cumulative and Duplicatory the Constitution and the law of the
Articles of Impeachment land.
In so doing, he has failed in the obli-
§ 3.3 Majority views and mi- gation that every citizen has to live
under the law. But he has done more,
nority views were included
for it is the duty of the President not
in the report of the Com- merely to live by the law but to see
mittee on the Judiciary rec- that law faithfully applied. Richard M.
ommending the impeach- Nixon has repeatedly and willfully


failed to perform that duty. He has and further usurpations of the power
failed to perform it by authorizing and of other branches of our government.
directing actions that violated or dis- By adopting this Article, the Com-
regarded the rights of citizens and that mittee seeks to prevent the recurrence
corrupted and attempted to corrupt the of any such abuse of Presidential
lawful functioning of executive agen- power.
cies. He has failed to perform it by The Committee finds that, in the
condoning and ratifying, rather than performance of his duties as President,
acting to stop, actions by his subordi- Richard M. Nixon on many occasions
nates that interfered with lawful inves- has acted to the detriment of justice,
tigations and impeded the enforcement right, and the public good, in violation
of the laws. . . . of his constitutional duty to see to the
The conduct of Richard M. Nixon has faithful execution of the laws. This
constituted a repeated and continuing conduct has demonstrated a contempt
abuse of the powers of the Presidency for the rule of law; it has posed a
in disregard of the fundamental prin- threat to our democratic republic. The
ciple of the rule of law in our system Committee finds that this conduct con-
of government. This abuse of the pow- stitutes ‘‘high crimes and mis-
ers of the President was carried out by demeanors’’ within the meaning of the
Richard M. Nixon, acting personally Constitution, that it warrants his im-
and through his subordinates, for his peachment by the House, and that it
own political advantage, not for any le- requires that he be put to trial in the
gitimate governmental purpose and Senate.(11)
without due consideration for the na- Opposing minority views were
tional good. . . .
included in the report on the ‘‘du-
The Committee has concluded that,
to perform its constitutional duty, it plicity’’ of offenses charged in Ar-
must approve this Article of Impeach- ticle II. The views (footnotes omit-
ment and recommend it to the House. ted) below are those of Messrs.
If we had been unwilling to carry out Hutchinson, Smith, Sandman,
the principle that all those who govern, Wiggins, Dennis, Mayne, Lott,
including ourselves, are accountable to
Moorhead, Maraziti, and Latta:
the law and the Constitution, we
would have failed in our responsibility Our opposition to the adoption of Ar-
as representatives of the people elected ticle II should not be misunderstood as
under the Constitution. If we had not condonation of the presidential conduct
been prepared to apply the principle of alleged therein. On the contrary, we
Presidential accountability embodied
in the impeachment clause of the Con- 11. H. REPT. No. 93–1305, at pp. 180–
stitution, but had instead condoned the 183, Committee on the Judiciary,
conduct of Richard M. Nixon, then an- printed in the Record at 120 CONG.
other President, perhaps with a dif- REC. 29270, 29271, 93d Cong. 2d
ferent political philosophy, might have Sess., Aug. 20, 1974. For complete
used this illegitimate power for further text of H. REPT. No. 93–1305, see id.
encroachments on the rights of citizens at pp. 29219–361.


deplore in strongest terms the aspects by the evidence; or whether he must

of presidential wrongdoing to which believe in the sufficiency of all five; or
the Article is addressed. However, we whether it is enough if he believes in
could not in conscience recommend the sufficiency of more than half of the
that the House impeach and the Sen- charges. The only clue is the sentence
ate try the President on the basis of which states, ‘‘This conduct has in-
Article II in its form as proposed, be- cluded one or more of the following
cause in our view the Article is [five specifications]’’. This sentence im-
duplicitous in both the ordinary and plies that a Member may—indeed,
the legal senses of the word. In com- must—vote to impeach or to convict if
mon usage, duplicity means belying he believes in the sufficiency of a sin-
one’s true intentions by deceptive gle specification, even though he be-
words; as a legal term of art, duplicity lieves that the accusations made under
denotes the technical fault of uniting the other four specifications have not
two or more offenses in the same count been proved, or do not even constitute
of an indictment. We submit that the grounds for impeachment. Thus Article
implications of a vote for or against Ar- II would have unfairly accumulated all
ticle II are ambiguous and that the guilty votes against the President, on
Committee debate did not resolve the whatever charge. The President could
ambiguities so as to enable the Mem- have been removed from office even
bers to vote intelligently. Indeed, this though no more than fourteen Senators
defect is symptomatic of a generic believed him guilty of the acts charged
problem inherent in the process of in any one of the five specifications.
drafting Articles of impeachment, and Nor could the President have de-
its significance for posterity may be far fended himself against the ambiguous
greater than the substantive merits of charges embodied in Article II. Inas-
the particular charges embodied in Ar- much as five specifications are in-
ticle II. . . . cluded in support of three legal theo-
We do not take the position that the ries, and all eight elements are
grouping of charges in a single Article phrased in the alternative, Article II
is necessarily always invalid. To the actually contains no fewer than fifteen
contrary, it would make good sense if separate counts, any one of which
the alleged offenses together comprised might be deemed to constitute grounds
a common scheme or plan, or even if for impeachment and removal. In addi-
they were united by a specific legal tion, if the President were not in-
theory. Indeed, even if there were no formed which matters included in Arti-
logical reason at all for so grouping the cle II were thought to constitute ‘‘high
charges (as is true of Article II), the Crimes and Misdemeanors,’’ he would
Article might still be acceptable if its have been deprived of his right under
ambiguous aspects had been satisfac- the Sixth Amendment to ‘‘be informed
torily resolved. For the chief vice of of the nature and cause of the accusa-
this Article is that it is unclear from tion’’ against him.
its language whether a Member should This defect of Article II calls to mind
vote for its adoption if he believes any the impeachment trial of Judge Hal-
one of the five charges to be supported sted Ritter in 1936. Ritter was nar-


rowly acquitted of specific charges of [W]here different crimes and mis-

bribery and related offenses set forth demeanors were alleged it was the
in the first six Articles. He was con- duty of the House to have voted
victed by an exact two-thirds majority, whether each class of matter re-
ported was impeachable before de-
however, under Article VII. That Arti- bating that resolution of impeach-
cle charged that because of the specific ment, and that the committee was
offenses embodied in the other six Arti- entitled to the vote of a majority on
cles, Ritter had ‘‘[brought] his court each branch, and that now for the
into scandal and disrepute, to the prej- first time the real question of im-
udice of said court and public con- peachment has come before this
House to be determined—not by five
fidence in the administration of jus- men on one charge, fifteen on an-
tice. . . .’’ The propriety of convicting other, and twenty on another coming
him on the basis of this vague charge, in generally and saying that for one
after he had been acquitted on all of or another of the charges Judge
the specific charges, will long be de- Swayne should be impeached, but on
bated. Suffice it to say that the puta- each particular branch of the case.
tive defect of Article VII is entirely dif- When we were asked to vote upon
ferent from that of Article II in the ten charges at once, that there was
something impeachable contained in
present case, and the two should not one or another of those charges we
be confused. have already perhaps stultified our-
A more relevant precedent may be selves in the mode of our proce-
found in the House debates during the dure. . . .
impeachment of Judge Charles Swayne In order to extricate the House from
in 1905. In that case the House had its quandary, Representative Powers
followed the earlier practice of voting urged that the earlier vote to impeach
first on the general question of wheth- should be construed to imply that a
er or not to impeach, and then drafting majority of the House felt that each of
the Articles. Swayne was impeached in the separate charges had been proved;
December 1904, by a vote of 198–61,
on the basis of five instances of mis- At that time the committee urged
conduct. During January 1905 these the impeachment upon five grounds,
and those are the only grounds
five grounds for impeachment were ar- which are covered by the articles
ticulated in twelve Articles. In the . . . and we had assumed that when
course of debate prior to the adoption the House voted the impeachment
of the Articles, it was discovered that they practically said that a probable
although the general proposition to im- cause was made out in these five
peach had commanded a majority, in- subject-matters which were dis-
cussed before the House.
dividual Members had reached that
conclusion for different reasons. This Powers’ retrospective theory was ul-
gave rise to the embarrassing possi- timately vindicated when the House
bility that none of the Articles would approved all twelve Articles.
be able to command a majority vote. If the episode from the Swayne im-
Representative Parker regretted that peachment is accorded any preceden-
the House had not voted on each tial value in the present controversy
charge separately before voting on im- over Article II, it might be argued by
peachment: analogy that the Committee’s vote to


adopt that Article must be construed to § 3.4 The Senate, sitting as a

imply that a majority believed that all Court of Impeachment, re-
five specifications had been proved. Be-
cause the Committee did not vote sepa- jected a motion to strike arti-
rately on each specification, however, it cles of impeachment on the
is impossible to know whether those ground that certain articles
Members who voted for Article II were duplicatory and accu-
would be willing to accept that con- mulative.
struction. If so, then one of our major
objections to the Article would vanish. On Apr. 3, 1936,(13) Judge Hal-
However, it would still be necessary to sted L. Ritter, respondent in an
amend the Article by removing the impeachment trial, moved in the
sentence ‘‘This has included one or Senate to strike certain articles on
more of the following,’’ and sub-
stituting language which would make the grounds of duplication and ac-
it plain that no Member of the House cumulation of changes.
or Senate could vote for the Article un- The motion as duly filed by
less he was convinced of the inde- counsel for the respondent is as
pendent sufficiency of each of the five follows:
specifications. In the Senate of the United States of
However, there remains another and America sitting as a Court of Impeach-
more subtle objection to the lumping ment. The United States of America v.
together of unrelated charges in Article Halsted L. Ritter, respondent
There is indeed always a danger
when several crimes are tied to- THE ALTERNATIVE, TO REQUIRE
gether, that the jury will use the evi- ELECTION AS TO ARTICLES I AND II;
dence cumulatively; that is, that al- AND MOTION TO STRIKE ARTICLE VII
though so much as would be admis-
sible upon any one of the charges The respondent, Halsted L. Ritter,
might not have persuaded them of moves the honorable Senate, sitting as
the accused’s guilt, the sum of it will a Court of Impeachment, for an order
convince them as to all. striking and dismissing article I of the
It is thus not enough protection for articles of impeachment, or, in the al-
an accused that the Senate may choose ternative, to require the honorable
to vote separately upon each section of managers on the part of the House of
an omnibus article of impeachment: Representatives to elect as to whether
the prejudicial effect of grouping a di- they will proceed upon article I or
verse mass of factual material under
one heading, some of it adduced to printed in the Record at 120 CONG.
prove one proposition and another to REC. 29332–34, 93d Cong. 2d Sess.,
prove a proposition entirely unrelated, Aug. 20, 1974.
would still remain.(12) 13. 80 CONG. REC. 4898, 74th Cong. 2d
Sess. The motion was submitted on
12. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at pp. 427– Mar. 31, 1936, 80 CONG. REC. 4656,
431, Committee on the Judiciary, 4657, and reserved for decision.


upon article II, and for grounds of such should be required to abide by the
motion respondent says: judgment of the Senate rendered upon
1. Article II reiterates and embraces such prior articles and the Senate
all the charges and allegations of arti- ought not to countenance the arrange-
cle I, and the respondent is thus and ment of pleading designed to procure a
thereby twice charged in separate arti- second vote and the collection or accu-
mulation of adverse votes, if any, upon
cles with the same and identical of-
such matters.
fense, and twice required to defend
3. The presentation in article VII of
against the charge presented in article
more than one subject and the charges
I. arising out of a single subject is unjust
2. The presentation of the same and and prejudicial to respondent.
identical charge in the two articles in 4. In fairness and justice to respond-
question tends to prejudice the re- ent, the Court ought to require separa-
spondent in his defense, and tends to tion and singleness of the subject mat-
oppress the respondent in that the ar- ter of the charges in separate and dis-
ticles are so framed as to collect, or ac- tinct articles, upon which a single and
cumulate upon the second article, the final vote of the Senate upon each arti-
adverse votes, if any, upon the first ar- cle and charge can be had.
ticle. FRANK P. WALSH,
3. The Constitution of the United Of Counsel for Respondent.
States contemplates but one vote of the
Senate upon the charge contained in Presiding Officer Nathan L.
each article of impeachment, whereas Bachman, of Tennessee, overruled
articles I and II are constructed and that part of the motion to strike
arranged in such form and manner as relating to Articles I and II, find-
to require and exact of the Senate a ing that those articles presented
second vote upon the subject matter of distinct and different bases for im-
article I. peachment. This ruling was sus-
MOTION TO STRIKE ARTICLE VII tained. With respect to the appli-
cation of the motion to Article VII,
And the respondent further moves
the honorable Senate, sitting as a the Presiding Officer submitted
Court of Impeachment, for an order the question of duplication to the
striking and dismissing article VII, Court of Impeachment for a deci-
and for grounds of such motion, re- sion. The motion to strike Article
spondent says: VII was overruled on a voice
1. Article VII includes and embraces vote.(14)
all the charges set forth in articles I,
II, III, IV, V, and VI. § 3.5 During the Ritter im-
2. Article VII constitutes an accumu- peachment trial in the Sen-
lation and massing of all charges in
preceding articles upon which the 14. For a summary of the arguments by
Court is to pass judgment prior to the counsel on the motions, and citations
vote on article VII, and the prosecution thereto, see § 18.12, infra.


ate, the President pro tem- THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: A

pore overruled a point of point of order is made as to article VII,
in which the respondent is charged
order against a vote of con- with general misbehavior. It is a sepa-
viction on the seventh arti- rate charge from any other charge, and
cle, where the point of order the point of order is overruled.(15)
was based on an accumula-
tion or combination of facts Use of Historical Precedents
and circumstances.
§ 3.6 With respect to the con-
On Apr. 17, 1936, President pro duct of President Richard
tempore Key Pittman, of Nevada, Nixon, the impeachment in-
stated that the Senate had by a quiry staff of the Committee
two-thirds vote adjudged the re- on the Judiciary reported to
spondent Judge Halsted L. Ritter the committee on ‘‘Constitu-
guilty as charged in Article VII of tional Grounds for Presi-
the articles of impeachment. He dential Impeachment,’’ which
over-ruled a point of order against included references to the
the vote, as follows: value of historical prece-
MR. [WARREN R.] AUSTIN [of dents.
Vermont]: The first reason for the
point of order is that here is a com- During an inquiry into impeach-
bination of facts in the indictment, the able offenses against President
ingredients of which are the several ar- Nixon in the 93d Congress by the
ticles which precede article VII, as Committee on the Judiciary, the
seen by paragraph marked 4 on page committee’s impeachment inquiry
36. The second reason is contained in
staff reported to the committee on
the Constitution of the United States,
which provides that no person shall be grounds for impeachment of the
convicted without the concurrence of President. The report discussed in
two-thirds of the members present. detail the historical bases and ori-
The third reason is that this matter gins, in both English parliamen-
has been passed upon judicially, and it tary practice and in the practice of
has been held that an attempt to con-
the U.S. Congress, of the impeach-
vict upon a combination of
circumstances—— ment power, and drew conclusions
MR. [GEORGE] MCGILL, [of Kansas]: as to the grounds for impeach-
Mr. President, a parliamentary in- ment of the President and of other
quiry. federal civil officers from the his-
MR. AUSTIN: Of which the respond- tory of impeachment proceedings
ent has been found innocent would be
monstrous. I refer to the case of An- 15. 80 CONG. REC. 5606, 74th Cong. 2d
drews v. King (77 Maine, 235). . . . Sess.


and from the history of the U.S. [ARTICLE I]

Constitution.(16) CONCLUSION

Grounds for Presidential Im- After the Committee on the Judici-

ary had debated whether or not it
peachment should recommend Article I to the
House of Representatives, 27 of the 38
§ 3.7 The Committee on the Ju- Members of the Committee found that
diciary concluded, in recom- the evidence before it could only lead
mending articles impeaching to one conclusion; that Richard M.
President Richard Nixon to Nixon, using the powers of his high of-
the House, that the President fice, engaged, personally and through
his subordinates and agents, in a
could be impeached not only course of conduct or plan designed to
for violations of federal delay, impede, and obstruct the inves-
criminal statutes, but also tigation of the unlawful entry, on June
for (1) serious abuse of the 17, 1972, into the headquarters of the
powers of his office, and (2) Democratic National Committee; to
cover up, conceal and protect those re-
refusal to comply with prop- sponsible; and to conceal the existence
er subpoenas of the com- and scope of other unlawful covert ac-
mittee for evidence relevant tivities.
to its impeachment inquiry. This finding is the only one that can
explain the President’s involvement in
In its final report to the House a pattern of undisputed acts that oc-
pursuant to its impeachment in- curred after the break-in and that can-
quiry into the conduct of Presi- not otherwise be rationally explained.
dent Nixon in the 93d Congress, . . .
the Committee on the Judiciary President Nixon’s course of conduct
set forth the following conclusions following the Watergate break-in, as
(footnotes omitted) on the three described in Article I, caused action
not only by his subordinates but by the
articles of impeachment adopted agencies of the United States, includ-
by the committee and included in ing the Department of Justice, the
its report:(17) FBI, and the CIA. It required perjury,
destruction of evidence, obstruction of
16. The report is printed in full in the justice, all crimes. But, most impor-
appendix to this chapter, infra. The tant, it required deliberate, contrived,
staff report was printed as a com- and continuing deception of the Amer-
mittee print, and the House author- ican people.
ized on June 6, 1974, the printing of
3,000 additional copies thereof. H. See the articles and conclusions
Res. 935, 93d Cong. 2d Sess. printed in the Record in full at 120
17. H. REPT. No. 93–1305, at pp. 133 et CONG. REC. 29219–79, 93d Cong. 2d
seq., Committee on the Judiciary. Sess., Aug. 20, 1974.


President Nixon’s actions resulted in 1972, Richard M. Nixon, acting person-

manifest injury to the confidence of the ally and through his subordinates and
nation and great prejudice to the cause agents, made it his plan to and did di-
of law and justice, and was subversive rect his subordinates to engage in a
of constitutional government. His ac- course of conduct designed to delay,
tions were contrary to his trust as impede and obstruct investigation of
President and unmindful of the solemn the unlawful entry of the headquarters
duties of his high office. It was this se- of the Democratic National Committee;
rious violation of Richard M. Nixon’s to cover up, conceal and protect those
constitutional obligations as President, responsible; and to conceal the exist-
and not the fact that violations of Fed- ence and scope of other unlawful covert
eral criminal statutes occurred, that activities. . . .
lies at the heart of Article I.
The Committee finds, based upon
clear and convincing evidence, that CONCLUSION
this conduct, detailed in the foregoing
In recommending Article II to the
pages of this report, constitutes ‘‘high
House, the Committee finds clear and
crimes and misdemeanors’’ as that
convincing evidence that Richard M.
term is used in Article II, Section 4 of
Nixon, contrary to his trust as Presi-
the Constitution. Therefore, the Com-
dent and unmindful of the solemn du-
mittee recommends that the House of
ties of his high office, has repeatedly
Representatives exercise its constitu-
used his power as President to violate
tional power to impeach Richard M.
the Constitution and the law of the
Nixon. land.
On August 5, 1974, nine days after In so doing, he has failed in the obli-
the Committee had voted on Article I, gation that every citizen has to live
President Nixon released to the public under the law. But he has done more,
and submitted to the Committee on the for it is the duty of the President not
Judiciary three additional edited White merely to live by that law but to see
House transcripts of Presidential con- that law faithfully applied. Richard M.
versations that took place on June 23, Nixon has repeatedly and willfully
1972, six days following the DNC failed to perform that duty. He has
break-in. Judge Sirica had that day re- failed to perform it by authorizing and
leased to the Special Prosecutor tran- directing actions that violated or dis-
scripts of those conversations pursuant regarded the rights of citizens and that
to the mandate of the United States corrupted and attempted to corrupt the
Supreme Court. The Committee had lawful functioning of executive agen-
subpoenaed the tape recordings of cies. He has failed to perform it by
those conversations, but the President condoning and ratifying, rather than
had refused to honor the subpoena. acting to stop, actions by his subordi-
These transcripts conclusively con- nates that interfered with lawful inves-
firm the finding that the Committee tigations and impeded the enforcement
had already made, on the basis of clear of the laws.
and convincing evidence, that from Article II, section 3 of the Constitu-
shortly after the break-in on June 17, tion requires that the President ‘‘shall


take Care that the Laws be faithfully of the government, from the highest
executed.’’ Justice Felix Frankfurter to the lowest, are creatures of the
described this provision as ‘‘the em- law, and are bound to obey it.
bracing function of the President’’; It is the only supreme power in
our system of government, and every
President Benjamin Harrison called it man who by accepting office partici-
‘‘the central idea of the office.’’ ‘‘[I]n a pates in its functions is only the
republic,’’ Harrison wrote, ‘‘the thing to more strongly bound to submit to
be executed is the law, not the will of that supremacy, and to observe the
the ruler as in despotic governments. limitations upon the exercise of the
The President cannot go beyond the authority which it gives.
law, and he cannot stop short of it.’’ Our nation owes its strength, its sta-
The conduct of Richard M. Nixon has bility, and its endurance to this prin-
constituted a repeated and continuing ciple.
abuse of the powers of the Presidency
In asserting the supremacy of the
in disregard of the fundamental prin-
rule of law among the principles of our
ciple of the rule of law in our system
government, the Committee is enun-
of government. This abuse of the pow-
ciating no new standard of Presidential
ers of the President was carried out by
conduct. The possibility that Presi-
Richard M. Nixon, acting personally
dents have violated this standard in
and through his subordinates, for his
the past does not diminish its cur-
own political advantage, not for any le-
rent—and future—applicability. Re-
gitimate governmental purpose and
peated abuse of power by one who
without due consideration for the na-
holds the highest public office requires
tional good.
prompt and decisive remedial action,
The rule of law needs no defense by
for it is in the nature of abuses of
the Committee. Reverence for the laws,
power that if they go unchecked they
said Abraham Lincoln, should ‘‘become
will become overbearing, depriving the
the political religion of the nation.’’
people and their representatives of the
Said Theodore Roosevelt, ‘‘No man is
strength of will or the wherewithal to
above the law and no man is below it;
nor do we ask any man’s permission resist.
when we require him to obey it.’’ Our Constitution provides for a re-
It is a basic principle of our govern- sponsible Chief Executive, accountable
ment that ‘‘we submit ourselves to rul- for his acts. The framers hoped, in the
ers only if [they are] under rules.’’ ‘‘De- words of Elbridge Gerry, that ‘‘the
cency, security, and liberty alike de- maxim would never be adopted here
mand that government officials shall that the chief Magistrate could do no
be subjected to the same rules of con- wrong.’’ They provided for a single ex-
duct that are commands to the citizen,’’ ecutive because, as Alexander Ham-
wrote Justice Louis Brandeis. The Su- ilton wrote, ‘‘the executive power is
preme Court has said: more easily confined when it is one’’
and ‘‘there should be a single object for
No man in this country is so high
that he is above the law. No officer the . . . watchfulness of the people.’’
of the law may set that law at defi- The President, said James Wilson,
ance with impunity. All the officers one of the principal authors of the Con-


stitution, ‘‘is the dignified, but account- lic office in the land in air of secrecy
able magistrate of a free and great and concealment.
people.’’ Wilson said, ‘‘The executive The abuse of a President’s powers
power is better to be trusted when it poses a serious threat to the lawful
has no screen. . . . [W]e have a re- and proper functioning of the govern-
sponsibility in the person of our Presi- ment and the people’s confidence in it.
dent . . . he cannot roll upon any For just such Presidential misconduct
other person the weight of his crimi- the impeachment power was included
nality. . . .’’ As both Wilson and Ham- in the Constitution. The impeachment
ilton pointed out, the President should provision, wrote Justice Joseph Story
not be able to hide behind his coun- in 1833, ‘‘holds out a deep and imme-
sellors; he must ultimately be account- diate responsibility, as a check upon
able for their acts on his behalf. James arbitrary power; and compels the chief
Iredell of North Carolina, a leading magistrate, as well as the humblest
proponent of the proposed Constitution citizen, to bend to the majesty of the
and later a Supreme Court Justice, law.’’ And Chancellor James Kent
said that the President ‘‘is of a very wrote in 1826:
different nature from a monarch. He is If . . . neither the sense of duty,
to be . . . personally responsible for the force of public opinion, nor the
any abuse of the great trust reposed in transitory nature of the seat, are suf-
him.’’ ficient to secure a faithful exercise of
the executive trust, but the Presi-
In considering this Article the Com- dent will use the authority of his sta-
mittee has relied on evidence of acts tion to violate the Constitution or
directly attributable to Richard M. law of the land, the House of Rep-
Nixon himself. He has repeatedly at- resentatives can arrest him in his
tempted to conceal his accountability career, by resorting to the power of
for these acts and attempted to deceive impeachment.
and mislead the American people The Committee has concluded that,
about his own responsibility. He gov- to perform its constitutional duty, it
erned behind closed doors, directing must approve this Article of Impeach-
the operation of the executive branch ment and recommend it to the House.
through close subordinates, and sought If we had been unwilling to carry out
to conceal his knowledge of what they the principle that all those who govern,
did illegally on his behalf. Although including ourselves, are accountable to
the Committee finds it unnecessary in the law and the Constitution, we
this case to take any position on would have failed in our responsibility
whether the President should be held as representatives of the people, elect-
accountable, through exercise of the ed under the Constitution. If we had
power of impeachment, for the actions not been prepared to apply the prin-
of his immediate subordinates, under- ciple of Presidential accountability em-
taken on his behalf, when his personal bodied in the impeachment clause of
authorization and knowledge of them the Constitution, but had instead con-
cannot be proved, it is appropriate to doned the conduct of Richard M.
call attention to the dangers inherent Nixon, then another President, per-
in the performance of the highest pub- haps with a different political philos-


ophy, might have used this illegitimate peachment by the House, and that it
power for further encroachments on requires that he be put to trial in the
the rights of citizens and further Senate. . . .
usurpations of the power of other
branches of our government. By adopt- [ARTICLE III]
ing this Article, the Committee seeks CONCLUSION
to prevent the recurrence of any such
abuse of Presidential power. The undisputed facts, historic prece-
In recommending Article II to the dent, and applicable legal principles
House, the Committee finds clear and support the Committee’s recommenda-
convincing evidence that Richard M. tion of Article III. There can be no
Nixon has not faithfully executed the question that in refusing to comply
executive trust, but has repeatedly with limited, narrowly drawn sub-
used his authority as President to vio- poenas—issued only after the Com-
late the Constitution and the law of mittee was satisfied that there was
the land. In so doing, he violated the other evidence pointing to the exist-
obligation that every citizen has to live ence of impeachable offenses—the
under the law. But he did more, for it President interfered with the exercise
is the duty of the President not merely of the House’s function as the ‘‘Grand
to live by the law but to see that law Inquest of the Nation.’’ Unless the defi-
faithfully applied. Richard M. Nixon ance of the Committee’s subpoenas
repeatedly and willfully failed to per- under these circumstances is consid-
form that duty. He failed to perform it ered grounds for impeachment, it is
by authorizing and directing actions difficult to conceive of any President
that violated the rights of citizens and acknowledging that he is obligated to
that interfered with the functioning of supply the relevant evidence necessary
executive agencies. And he failed to for Congress to exercise its constitu-
perform it by condoning and ratifying, tional responsibility in an impeach-
rather than acting to stop, actions by ment proceeding. If this were to occur,
his subordinates interfering with the the impeachment power would be
enforcement of the laws. drained of its vitality. Article III,
The Committee finds that, in the therefore, seeks to preserve the integ-
performance of his duties as President, rity of the impeachment process itself
Richard M. Nixon on many occasions and the ability of Congress to act as
has acted to the detriment of justice, the ultimate safeguard against im-
right, and the public good, in violation proper presidential conduct.(18)
of his constitutional duty to see to the
faithful execution of the laws. This 18. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at p. 213,
conduct has demonstrated a contempt Committee on the Judiciary. See 120
for the rule of law; it has posed a CONG. REC. 29279, 93d Cong. 2d
threat to our democratic republic. The Sess., Aug. 20, 1974.
Committee finds that this conduct con- See also, for the subpena power of
stitutes ‘‘high crimes and mis- a committee conducting an impeach-
demeanors’’ within the meaning of the ment investigation, § 6, infra. The
Constitution, that it warrants his im- House has declined to prosecute for


§ 3.8 In the report of the Com- The offenses for which a President may
mittee on the Judiciary rec- be impeached are limited to those enu-
merated in the Constitution, namely
ommending the impeach- ‘‘Treason, Bribery, or other high
ment of President Richard Crimes and Misdemeanors.’’ We do not
Nixon, the minority took the believe that a President or any other
view that grounds for Presi- civil officer of the United States gov-
dential impeachment must ernment may constitutionally be im-
peached and convicted for errors in the
be criminal conduct or acts administration of his office.
with criminal intent.
On Aug. 20, 1974, the Com- OTHER HIGH CRIMES AND MIS-
mittee on the Judiciary submitted DEMEANORS’’ AT CONSTITUTIONAL
a report recommending the im- CONVENTION
peachment of President Nixon. In The original version of the impeach-
the minority views set out below ment clause at the Constitutional Con-
(footnotes omitted), Messrs. vention of 1787 had made ‘‘malpractice
Hutchinson, Smith, Sandman, or neglect of duty’’ the grounds for im-
Wiggins, Dennis, Mayne, Lott, peachment. On July 20, 1787, the
Moorhead, Maraziti, and Latta Framers debated whether to retain
this clause, and decided to do so.
discussed the grounds for presi-
Gouverneur Morris, who had moved
dential impeachment: (19) to strike the impeachment clause alto-
B. MEANING OF ‘‘TREASON, BRIBERY OR gether, began by arguing that it was
OTHER HIGH CRIMES AND MIS- unnecessary because the executive
‘‘can do no criminal act without Coad-
jutors who may be punished.’’ George
The Constitution of the United Mason disagreed, arguing that ‘‘When
States provides that the President great crimes were committed he [fa-
‘‘shall be removed from Office on Im- vored] punishing the principal as well
peachment for, and Conviction of, as the Coadjutors.’’ Fearing recourse to
Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes assassinations, Benjamin Franklin fa-
and Misdemeanors.’’ Upon impeach- vored impeachment ‘‘to provide in the
ment and conviction, removal of the Constitution for the regular punish-
President from office is mandatory. ment of the executive when his mis-
conduct should deserve it, and for his
contempt of Congress officers honorable acquittal when he should be
charged with impeachable offenses unjustly accused.’’ Gouverneur Morris
and refusing to comply with sub- then admitted that ‘‘corruption & some
penas (see § 6.12, infra). few other offenses’’ should be impeach-
19. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at pp. able, but thought ‘‘the case ought to be
362372, Committee on the Judiciary, enumerated & defined.’’
printed at 120 CONG. REC. 29312–15, Rufus King, a co-sponsor of the mo-
93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 1974. tion to strike the impeachment clause,


pointed out that the executive, unlike rupting his electors, and incapacity
the judiciary, did not hold his office were other causes of impeachment.
during good behavior, but during a For the latter he should be punished
not as a man, but as an officer, and
fixed, elective term; and accordingly punished only by degradation from
ought not to be impeachable, like the his office. . . . When we make him
judiciary, for ‘‘misbehaviour:’’ this amenable to Justice however we
would be ‘‘destructive of his independ- should take care to provide some
ence and of the principles of the Con- mode that will not make him de-
stitution.’’ Edmund Randolph, how- pendent on the Legislature.
ever, made a strong statement in favor On the question, ‘‘Shall the Execu-
of retaining the impeachment clause: tive be removable on impeachments,’’
Guilt wherever found ought to be the proposition then carried by a vote
punished. The Executive will have of eight states to two.
great opportunitys of abusing his A review of this debate hardly leaves
power, particularly in time of war the impression that the Framers in-
when the military force, and in some tended the grounds for impeachment to
respects the public money will be in be left to the discretion, even the
his hands. ‘‘sound’’ discretion, of the legislature.
. . . He is aware of the necessity On a fair reading, Madison’s notes re-
of proceeding with a cautious hand, veal the Framers’ fear that the im-
and of excluding as much as possible peachment power would render the ex-
the influence of the Legislature from ecutive dependent on the legislature.
the business. He suggested for con- The concrete examples used in the de-
sideration . . . requiring some pre- bate all refer not only to crimes, but to
liminary inquest of whether just
grounds for impeachment existed. extremely grave crimes. George Mason
mentioned the possibility that the
Benjamin Franklin again suggested President would corrupt his own elec-
the role of impeachments in releasing tors and then ‘‘repeat his guilt,’’ and
tensions, using an example from inter- described grounds for impeachment as
national affairs involving a secret plot ‘‘the most extensive injustice.’’ Frank-
to cause the failure of a rendezvous be- lin alluded to the beheading of Charles
tween the French and Dutch fleets—an I, the possibility of assassination, and
example suggestive of treason. the example of the French and Dutch
Gouverneur Morris, his opinion now fleets, which connoted betrayal of a na-
changed by the discussion, closed the tional interest. Madison mentioned the
debate on a note echoing the position ‘‘perversion’’ of an ‘‘administration into
of Randolph: a scheme of peculation or oppression,’’
Our Executive . . . may be bribed or the ‘‘betrayal’’ of the executive’s
by a greater interest to betray his ‘‘trust to foreign powers.’’ Edmund
trust; and no one would say that we Randolph mentioned the great oppor-
ought to expose ourselves to the dan- tunities for abuse of the executive
ger of seeing the first Magistrate in power, ‘‘particularly in time of war
foreign pay without being able to
guard agst. it by displacing him. . . . when the military force, and in some
The Executive ought therefore to be respects the public money will be in
impeachable for treachery; Cor- his hands.’’ He cautioned against ‘‘tu-


mults & insurrections.’’ Gouveneur a significant purpose of impeachment.

Morris similarly contemplated that the The changes in language made by the
executive might corrupt his own elec- Committee on Detail can be taken to
tors, or ‘‘be bribed by a greater interest reflect a consensus of the debate that
to betray his trust’’—just as the King (1) impeachment would be the proper
of England had been bribed by Louis remedy where grave crimes had been
XIV—and felt he should therefore be committed, and (2) adherence to this
impeachable for ‘‘treachery.’’ standard would satisfy the widely rec-
After the July 20 vote to retain the ognized need for a check on potential
impeachment clause, the resolution excesses of the impeachment power
containing it was referred to the Com- itself.
mittee on Detail, which substituted The impeachment clause, as amend-
‘‘treason, bribery or corruption’’ for ed by the Committee on Detail to refer
‘‘malpractice or neglect of duty.’’ No to ‘‘treason, bribery or corruption,’’ was
surviving records explain the reasons reported to the full Convention on Au-
for the change, but they are not dif- gust 6, 1787, as part of the draft con-
ficult to understand, in light of the stitution. Together with other sections,
floor discussion just summarized. The it was referred to the Committee of
change fairly captured the sense of the Eleven on August 31. This Committee
July 20 debate, in which the grounds further narrowed the grounds to ‘‘trea-
for impeachment seem to have been son or bribery,’’ while at the same time
such acts as would either cause danger substituting trial by the Senate for
to the very existence of the United trial by the Supreme Court, and re-
States, or involve the purchase and quiring a two-thirds vote to convict. No
sale of the ‘‘Chief of Magistracy,’’ which
surviving records explain the purpose
would tend to the same result. It is not
of this change. The mention of ‘‘corrup-
a fair summary of this debate—which
tion’’ may have been thought redun-
is the only surviving discussion of any
dant, in view of the provision for brib-
length by the Framers as to the
ery. Or, corruption might have been re-
grounds for impeachment—to say that
garded by the Committee as too broad,
the Framers were principally con-
because not a well-defined crime. In
cerned with reaching a course of con-
any case, the change limited the
duct whether or not criminal, generally
grounds for impeachment to two clear-
inconsistent with the proper and effec-
tive exercise of the office of the presi- ly understood and enumerated crimes.
dency. They were concerned with pre- The revised clause, containing the
serving the government from being grounds ‘‘treason and bribery,’’ came
overthrown by the treachery or corrup- before the full body again on Sep-
tion of one man. Even in the context of tember 8, late in the Convention.
that purpose, they steadfastly reiter- George Mason moved to add to the
ated the importance of putting a check enumerated grounds for impeachment.
on the legislature’s use of power and Madison’s Journal reflects the fol-
refused to expand the narrow defini- lowing exchange:
tion they had given to treason in the COL. MASON. Why is the provision
Constitution. They saw punishment as restrained to Treason & bribery


only? Treason as defined in the Con- lished by the Constitution. Absent the
stitution will not reach many great element of danger to the State, we be-
and dangerous offenses. Hastings is lieve the Delegates to the Federal Con-
not guilty of Treason. Attempts to
subvert the Constitution may not be vention of 1787, in providing that the
Treason as above defined—as bills of President should serve for a fixed elec-
attainder which have saved the Brit- tive term rather than during good be-
ish Constitution are forbidden, it is havior or popularity, struck the bal-
the more necessary to extend: the ance in favor of stability in the execu-
power of impeachments. He movd. to
add after ‘‘bribery’’ ‘‘or maladmin- tive branch. We have never had a Brit-
istration.’’ Mr. Gerry seconded him— ish parliamentary system in this coun-
MR. MADISON. So vague a term try, and we have never adopted the de-
will be equivalent to a tenure during vice of a parliamentary vote of no-con-
pleasure of the Senate. fidence in the chief executive. If it is
MR. GOVR. MORRIS., it will not be thought desirable to adopt such a sys-
put in force & can do no harm—An tem of government, the proper way to
election of every four years will pre-
vent maladministration. do so is by amending our written Con-
Col. Mason withdrew ‘‘maladmin- stitution—not by removing the Presi-
istration’’ & substitutes ‘‘other high dent.
crimes and misdemeanors’’ agst. the
On the question thus altered, the
motion of Colonel Mason passed by a a. Language of the Constitution
vote of eight states to three. The language of the Constitution in-
Madison’s notes reveal no debate as dicates that impeachment can lie only
to the meaning of the phrase ‘‘other for serious criminal offenses.
high Crimes and Misdemeanors.’’ All
First, of course, treason and bribery
that appears is that Mason was con-
were indictable offenses in 1787, as
cerned with the narrowness of the defi-
they are now. The words ‘‘crime’’ and
nition of treason; that his purpose in
proposing ‘‘maladministration’’ was to ‘‘misdemeanor’’, as well, both had an
reach great and dangerous offenses; accepted meaning in the English law of
and that Madison felt that ‘‘maladmin- the day, and referred to criminal acts.
istration,’’ which was included as a Sir William Blackstone’s Commentaries
ground for impeachment of public offi- on the Laws of England, (1771), which
cials in the constitutions of six states, enjoyed a wide circulation in the Amer-
including his own, would be too ican colonies, defined the terms as fol-
‘‘vague’’ and would imperil the inde- lows:
pendence of the President. I. A crime, or misdemeanor is an
It is our judgment, based upon this act committed, or omitted, in viola-
constitutional history, that the Fram- tion of a public law, either forbidding
ers of the United States Constitution or commanding it. This general defi-
nition comprehends both crimes and
intended that the President should be misdemeanors; which, properly
removable by the legislative branch speaking, are mere synonymous
only for serious misconduct dangerous terms: though, in common usage, the
to the system of government estab- word ‘‘crimes’’ is made to denote


such offenses as are of a deeper and all Crimes is by Jury, ‘‘except in cases
more atrocious dye; while smaller of Impeachment.’’ The President is
faults, and omissions of less con- given power to grant ‘‘Pardons for Of-
sequence, are comprised under the
gentler name of ‘‘misdemeanors’’ fenses against the United States, ex-
only. cept in Cases of Impeachment.’’
This constitutional usage, in its to-
Thus, it appears that the word ‘‘mis-
tality, strengthens the notion that the
demeanor’’ was used at the time Black-
words ‘‘Crime’’ and ‘‘Misdemeanor’’ in
stone wrote, as it is today, to refer to
the impeachment clause are to be un-
less serious crimes.
derstood in their ordinary sense, i.e.,
Second, the use of the word ‘‘other’’ as importing criminality. At the very
in the phrase ‘‘Treason, Bribery or least, this terminology strongly sug-
other high Crimes and Misdemeanors’’ gests the criminal or quasi-criminal
seems to indicate that high Crimes and nature of the impeachment process.
Misdemeanors had something in com- b. English impeachment practice
mon with Treason and Bribery—both
of which are, of course, serious crimi- It is sometimes argued that officers
nal offenses threatening the integrity may be impeached for non-criminal
of government. conduct, because the origins of im-
peachment in England in the four-
Third, the extradition clause of the
teenth and seventeenth centuries show
Articles of Confederation (1781), the
that the procedure was not limited to
governing instrument of the United
criminal conduct in that country.
States prior to the adoption of the Con-
stitution, had provided for extradition Early English impeachment practice,
from one state to another of any per- however, often involved a straight
son charged with ‘‘treason, felony or power struggle between the Parliament
other high misdemeanor.’’ If ‘‘high mis- and the King. After parliamentary su-
demeanor’’ had something in common premacy had been established, the
with treason and felony in this clause, practice was not so open-ended as it
so as to warrant the use of the word had been previously. Blackstone wrote
‘‘other,’’ it is hard to see what it could (between 1765 and 1769) that
have been except that all were re- [A]n impeachment before the
garded as serious crimes. Certainly it Lords by the commons of Great Brit-
would not have been contemplated that ain, in parliament, is a prosecution
a person could be extradited for an of- of the already known and established
law. . . .
fense which was non-criminal.
Finally, the references to impeach- The development of English im-
ment in the Constitution use the lan- peachment practice in the eighteenth
guage of the criminal law. Removal century is illustrated by the result of
from office follows ‘‘conviction,’’ when the first major nineteenth century im-
the Senate has ‘‘tried’’ the impeach- peachment in that country—that of
ment. The party convicted is ‘‘never- Lord Melville, Treasurer of the Navy,
theless . . . liable and subject to In- in 1805–1806. Melville was charged
dictment, Trial, Judgment and Punish- with wrongful use of public moneys.
ment, according to Law.’’ The trial of Before passing judgment, the House of


Lords requested the formal opinion of of parliamentary uses of the impeach-

the judges upon the following question: ment power, cut back on that power in
Whether it was lawful for the several respects in adapting it to an
Treasurer of the Navy, before the American context. Congressional bills
passing of the Act 25 Geo. 3rd, c. 31, of attainder and ex post facto laws,
to apply any sum of money which had supplemented the impeach-
[imprested] to him for navy ment power in England, were ex-
[sumpsimus] services to any other pressly forbidden. Treason was defined
use whatsoever, public or private,
without express authority for so in the Constitution—and defined nar-
doing; and whether such application rowly—so that Congress acting alone
by such treasurer would have been a could not change the definition, as Par-
misdemeanor, or punishable by infor- liament had been able to do. The con-
mation or indictment? sequences of impeachment and convic-
The judges replied: tion, which in England had frequently
meant death, were limited to removal
It was not unlawful for the Treas-
urer of the Navy before the Act 25 from office and disqualification to hold
Geo. 3rd, c. 31 . . . to apply any sum further federal office. Whereas a ma-
of money impressed to him for navy jority vote of the Lords had sufficed for
services, to other uses . . . without conviction, in America a two-thirds
express authority for so doing, so as vote of the Senate would be required.
to constitute a misdemeanor punish- Whereas Parliament had had the
able by information or indictment.
power to impeach private citizens, the
Upon this ruling by the judges that American procedure could be directed
Melville had committed no crime, he only against civil officers of the na-
was acquitted. The case thus strongly tional government. The grounds for im-
suggests that the Lords in 1805 be- peachment—unlike the grounds for im-
lieved an impeachment conviction to peachment in England—were stated in
require a ‘‘misdemeanor punishable by the Constitution.
information or indictment.’’ The case In the light of these modifications, it
may be taken to cast doubt on the vi- is misreading history to say that the
tality of precedents from an earlier, Framers intended, by the mere ap-
more turbid political era and to point proval of Mason’s substitute amend-
the way to the Framers’ conception of ment, to adopt in toto the British
a valid exercise of the impeachment grounds for impeachment. Having
power in the future. As a matter of pol- carefully narrowed the definition of
icy, as well, it is an appropriate prece- treason, for example, they could scarce-
dent to follow in the latter twentieth
ly have intended that British treason
precedents would guide ours.
The argument that the President
c. American impeachment practice
should be impeachable for general mis-
behavior, because some English im- The impeachment of President An-
peachments do not appear to have in- drew Johnson is the most important
volved criminal charges, also takes too precedent for a consideration of what
little account of the historical fact that constitutes grounds for impeachment
the Framers, mindful of the turbulence of a President, even if it has been his-


torically regarded (and probably fairly . . . Judge him politically, we

so) as an excessively partisan exercise must condemn him. But the day of
of the impeachment power. political impeachments would be a
sad one for this country. Political
The Johnson impeachment was the unfitness and incapacity must be
product of a fundamental and bitter tried at the ballot-box, not in the
split between the President and the high court of impeachment. A con-
Congress as to Reconstruction policy in trary rule might leave to Congress
the Southern states following the Civil but little time for other business
than the trial of impeachments.
War. Johnson’s vetoes of legislation, . . . [C]rimes and misdemeanors
his use of pardons, and his choice of are now demanding our attention.
appointees in the South all made it im- Do these, within the meaning of the
possible for the Reconstruction Acts to Constitution, appear? Rest the case
be enforced in the manner which Con- upon political offenses, and we are
gress not only desired, but thought ur- prepared to pronounce against the
President, for such offenses are nu-
gently necessary. merous and grave . . . [yet] we still
On March 7, 1867, the House re- affirm that the conclusion at which
ferred to the Judiciary Committee a we have arrived is correct.
resolution authorizing it The resolution recommending im-
to inquire into the official conduct of peachment was debated in the House
Andrew Johnson . . . and to report on December 5 and 6, 1867, Rep.
to this House whether, in their opin- George S. Boutwell of Massachusetts
ion, the said Andrew Johnson, while speaking for the Committee majority
in said office, has been guilty of acts
which were designed or calculated to in favor of impeachment, and Rep. Wil-
overthrow or corrupt the government son speaking in the negative. Aside
of the United States . . . and wheth- from characterization of undisputed
er the said Andrew Johnson has facts discovered by the Committee, the
been guilty of any act, or has con- only point debated was whether the
spired with others to do acts, which, commission of a crime was an essential
in contemplation of the Constitution, element of impeachable conduct by the
are high crimes and misdemeanors,
requiring the interposition of the President. Rep. Boutwell began by say-
constitutional powers of this House. ing, ‘‘If the theory of the law submitted
by the minority of the committee be in
On November 25, 1867, the Com- the judgment of this House a true the-
mittee reported to the full House a res- ory, then the majority have no case
olution recommending impeachment, whatsoever.’’ ‘‘The country was dis-
by a vote of 5 to 4. A minority of the appointed, no doubt, in the report of
Committee, led by Rep. James F. Wil- the committee,’’ he continued, ‘‘and
son of Iowa, took the position that very likely this House participated in
there could be no impeachment be- the disappointment, that there was no
cause the President had committed no specific, heinous, novel offense charged
crime: upon and proved against the President
In approaching a conclusion, we do of the United States.’’ And again, ‘‘It
not fail to recognize two standpoints may not be possible, by specific charge,
from which this case can be to arraign him for this great crime, but
viewed—the legal and the political. is he therefore to escape?’’


The House of Representatives an- to his removal of Secretary Stanton, al-

swered this question the next day, legedly in deliberate violation of the
when the majority resolution recom- Tenure-of-Office Act, the Constitution,
mending, impeachment was defeated and certain other related statutes. The
by a vote of 57 to 108. The issue of im- vote had failed less than three months
peachment was thus laid to rest for the before; and except for Stanton’s re-
time being. moval and related matters, nothing in
Earlier in 1867, the Congress had the new Articles charged Johnson with
passed the Tenure-of-Office Act, which any act committed subsequent to the
took away the President’s authority to previous vote.
remove members of his own Cabinet, The only other case of impeachment
and provided that violation of the Act of an officer of the executive branch is
should be punishable by imprisonment that of Secretary of War William W.
of up to five years and a fine of up to Belknap in 1876. All five articles al-
ten thousand dollars and ‘‘shall be leged that Belknap ‘‘corruptly’’ accept-
deemed a high misdemeanor’’—fair no- ed and received considerable sums of
tice that Congress would consider vio- money in exchange for exercising his
lation of the statute an impeachable, authority to appoint a certain person
as well as a criminal, offense. It was as a military post trader. The facts al-
generally known that Johnson’s policy leged would have sufficed to constitute
toward Reconstruction was not shared the crime of bribery. Belknap resigned
by his Secretary of War, Edwin M. before the adoption of the Articles and
Stanton. Although Johnson believed was subsequently indicted for the con-
the Tenure-of-Office Act to be unconsti- duct alleged.
tutional, he had not infringed its provi- It may be acknowledged that in the
sions at the time the 1867 impeach- impeachment of federal judges, as op-
ment attempt against him failed by posed to executive officers, the actual
such a decisive margin. commission of a crime does not appear
Two and a half months later, how- always to have been thought essential.
ever, Johnson removed Stanton from However, the debates in the House and
office, in apparent disregard of the opinions filed by Senators have made
Tenure-of-Office Act. The response of it clear that in the impeachments of
Congress was immediate: Johnson was federal judges, Congress has placed
impeached three days later, on Feb- great reliance upon the ‘‘good behavior’’
ruary 24, 1868, by a vote of 128 to clause. The distinction between officers
47—an even greater margin than that tenured during good behavior and
by which the first impeachment vote elected officers, for purposes of grounds
had failed. for impeachment, was stressed by
The reversal is a dramatic dem- Rufus King at the Constitutional Con-
onstration that the House of Rep- vention of 1787. A judge’s impeach-
resentatives believed it had to find the ment or conviction resting upon ‘‘gen-
President guilty of a crime before im- eral misbehavior,’’ in whatever degree,
peaching him. The nine articles of im- cannot be an appropriate guide for the
peachment which were adopted against impeachment or conviction of an elect-
Johnson, on March 2, 1868, all related ed officer serving for a fixed term.


The impeachments of federal judges written Constitution. It is hardly con-

are also different from the case of a ceivable that the Framers wished the
President for other reasons: (1) Some new Congress to adopt as a starting
of the President’s duties e.g., as chief of point the record of all the excesses to
a political party, are sufficiently dis- which desperate struggles for power
similar to those of the judiciary that had driven Parliament, or to use the
conduct perfectly appropriate for him, impeachment power freely whenever
such as making a partisan political Congress might deem it desirable. The
speech, would be grossly improper for whole tenor of the Framers’ discus-
a judge. An officer charged with the sions, the whole purpose of their many
continual adjudication of disputes la- careful departures from English im-
bors under a more stringent injunction peachment practice, was in the direc-
against the appearance of partisanship tion of limits and of standards. An im-
than an officer directly charged with peachment power exercised without ex-
the formulation and negotiation of pub- trinsic and objective standards would
lic policy in the political arena—a fact be tantamount to the use of bills of at-
reflected in the adoption of Canons of tainder and ex post facto laws, which
Judicial Ethics. (2) The phrase ‘‘and all are expressly forbidden by the Con-
civil Officers’’ was not added until after stitution and are contrary to the Amer-
the debates on the impeachment clause ican spirit of justice.
had taken place. The words ‘‘high It is beyond argument that a viola-
crimes and misdemeanors’’ were added tion of the President’s oath or a viola-
while the Framers were debating a tion of his duty to take care that the
clause concerned exclusively with the laws be faithfully executed, must be
impeachment of the President. There impeachable conduct or there would be
was no discussion during the Conven- no means of enforcing the Constitution.
tion as to what would constitute im- However, this elementary proposition
peachable conduct for judges. (3) Fi- is inadequate to define the impeach-
nally, the removal of a President from ment power. It remains to determine
office would obviously have a far great- what kind of conduct constitutes a vio-
er impact upon the equilibrium of our lation of the oath or the duty. Further-
system of government than the re- more, reliance on the summary phrase,
moval of a single federal judge. ‘‘violation of the Constitution,’’ would
not always be appropriate as a stand-
d. The need for a standard: criminal
ard, because actions constituting an
apparent violation of one provision of
When the Framers included the the Constitution may be justified or
power to impeach the President in our even required by other provisions of
Constitution, they desired to ‘‘provide the Constitution.
some mode that will not make him de- There are types of misconduct by
pendent on the Legislature.’’ To this public officials—for example, inepti-
end, they withheld from the Congress tude, or unintentional or ‘‘technical’’
many of the powers enjoyed by Par- violations of rules or statutes, or ‘‘mal-
liament in England; and they defined administration’’—which would not be
the grounds for impeachment in their criminal; nor could they be made crimi-


nal, consonant with the Constitution, ground that criminal conduct was
because the element of criminal intent alleged therein and sustained by
or mens rea would be lacking. Without
a requirement of criminal acts or at
the evidence; but found no im-
least criminal intent, Congress would peachable offenses constituted in
be free to impeach these officials. The Articles II and III:
loss of this freedom should not be (1) With respect to proposed Article
mourned; such a use of the impeach- I, we believe that the charges of con-
ment power was never intended by the spiracy to obstruct justice, and obstruc-
Framers, is not supported by the lan-
tion of justice, which are contained in
guage of our Constitution, and, if his-
the Article in essence, if not in terms,
tory is to guide us, would be seriously
may be taken as substantially con-
unwise as well.
fessed by Mr. Nixon on August 5, 1974,
As Alexander Simpson stated in his and corroborated by ample other evi-
Treatise on Federal Impeachments dence in the record. Prior to Mr. Nix-
(1916): on’s revelation of the contents of three
The Senate must find an intent to conversations between him and his
do wrong. It is, of course, admitted former Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman,
that a party will be presumed to in- that took place on June 23, 1972, we
tend the natural and necessary re-
sults of his voluntary acts, but that did not, and still do not, believe that
is a presumption only, and it is not the evidence of presidential involve-
always inferable from the act done. ment in the Watergate cover-up con-
So ancient is this principle, and so spiracy, as developed at that time, was
universal is its application, that it sufficient to warrant Members of the
has long since ripened into the
maxim, Actus non facit reun, [nisi] House, or dispassionate jurors in the
mens sit rea, and has come to be re- Senate, in finding Mr. Nixon guilty of
garded as one of the fundamental an impeachable offense beyond a rea-
legal principles of our system of ju- sonable doubt, which we believe to be
risprudence. (p. 29). the appropriate standard.
The point was thus stated by (2) With respect to proposed Article
James Iredell in the North Caro- II, we find sufficient evidence to war-
lina ratifying convention: ‘‘I beg rant a belief that isolated instances of
unlawful conduct by presidential aides
leave to observe that, when any
and subordinates did occur during the
man is impeached, it must be for five-and-one-half years of the Nixon
an error of the heart, and not of Administration, with varying degrees
the head. God forbid that a man, of direct personal knowledge or in-
in any country in the world, volvement of the President in these re-
should be liable to be punished for spective illegal episodes. We roundly
condemn such abuses and unreservedly
want of judgment. This is not the
favor the invocation of existing legal
case here. sanctions, or the creation of new ones,
The minority views did support where needed, to deter such reprehen-
a portion of Article I on the sible official conduct in the future, no


matter in whose Administration, or by have been asserted in defense of non-

what brand or partisan, it might be production of the subpoenaed mate-
perpetrated. rials, and the validity of those claims
Nevertheless, we cannot join with has not been adjudicated in any estab-
those who claim to perceive an invid- lished, lawful adversary proceeding be-
ious, pervasive ‘‘pattern’’ of illegality in fore the House is called upon to decide
the conduct of official government busi- whether to impeach a President on
ness generally by President Nixon. In grounds of noncompliance with sub-
some instances, as noted below, we dis- poenas issued by a Committee inquir-
agree with the majority’s interpreta- ing into the existence of sufficient
tion of the evidence regarding either grounds for impeachment.(20)
the intrinsic illegality of the conduct
studied or the linkage of Mr. Nixon Grounds for Impeachment of
personally to it. Moreover, even as to Federal Judges
those acts which we would concur in
characterizing as abusive and which § 3.9 Following introduction
the President appeared to direct or
and referral of impeachment
countenance, neither singly nor in the
aggregate do they impress us as being resolutions against a Su-
offenses for which Richard Nixon, or preme Court Justice in the
any President, should be impeached or 91st Congress, when grounds
removed from office, when considered, for impeachment of federal
as they must be, on their own footing, judges were discussed at
apart from the obstruction of justice
charge under proposed Article I which
length in the House, the view
we believe to be sustained by the evi- was taken that federal civil
dence. officers may be impeached
(3) Likewise, with respect to pro- for less than indictable of-
posed Article III, we believe that this fenses; that an impeachable
charge, standing alone, affords insuffi- offense is what a majority of
cient grounds for impeachment. Our
concern here, as explicated in the dis- the House considers it to be;
cussion below, is that the Congres- and that a higher standard of
sional subpoena power itself not be too conduct is expected of fed-
easily abused as a means of achieving eral judges than of other fed-
the impeachment and removal of a eral civil officers.
President against whom no other sub-
stantive impeachable offense has been On Apr. 15, 1970, resolutions
proved by sufficient evidence derived relating to the impeachment of
from sources other than the President
himself. We believe it is particularly 20. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at pp. 360,
important for the House to refrain 361, Committee on the Judiciary,
from impeachment on the sole basis of printed in the Record at 120 CONG.
noncompliance with subpoenas where, REC. 29311, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug.
as here, colorable claims of privilege 20, 1974.


Associate Justice William O. ceedings of the Convention detail, cho-

Douglas of the Supreme Court sen with exceedingly great care and
were introduced and referred, fol- precision. Note, for example, the word
‘‘behaviour.’’ It relates to action, not
lowing a special-order speech by merely to thoughts or opinions; fur-
the Minority Leader, Gerald R. ther, it refers not to a single act but to
Ford, of Michigan. Mr. Ford dis- a pattern or continuing sequence of ac-
cussed the grounds for impeach- tion. We cannot and should not remove
ment of a federal judge, saying in a Federal judge for the legal views he
part: (1) holds—this would be as contemptible
as to exclude him from serving on the
No, the Constitution does not guar- Supreme Court for his ideology or past
antee a lifetime of power and authority
decisions. Nor should we remove him
to any public official. The terms of
for a minor or isolated mistake—this
Members of the House are fixed at 2
years; of the President and Vice Presi- does not constitute behaviour in the
dent at 4; of U.S. Senators at 6. Mem- common meaning.
bers of the Federal judiciary hold their What we should scrutinize in sitting
offices only ‘‘during good behaviour.’’ Judges is their continuing pattern of
Let me read the first section of arti- action, their behaviour. The Constitu-
cle III of the Constitution in full: tion does not demand that it be ‘‘exem-
plary’’ or ‘‘perfect.’’ But it does have to
The judicial power of the United
States shall be vested in one su- be ‘‘good.’’
preme Court, and in such inferior Naturally, there must be orderly pro-
Courts as the Congress may from cedure for determining whether or not
time to time ordain and establish. a Federal judge’s behaviour is good.
The Judges, both of the supreme and The courts, arbiters in most such ques-
inferior Courts, shall hold their Of-
fices during good Behaviour, and tions of judgment, cannot judge them-
shall, at stated Times, receive for selves. So the Founding Fathers vested
their Services, a Compensation, this ultimate power where the ultimate
which shall not be diminished during sovereignty of our system is most di-
their Continuance in Office. . . . rectly reflected—in the Congress, in
. . . Thus, we come quickly to the the elected Representatives of the peo-
central question: What constitutes ple and of the States.
‘‘good behaviour’’ or, conversely, In this seldom-used procedure, called
ungood or disqualifying behaviour? impeachment, the legislative branch
The words employed by the Framers exercises both executive and judicial
of the Constitution were, as the pro- functions. The roles of the two bodies
differ dramatically. The House serves
1. 116 CONG. REC. 11912–14, 91st as prosecutor and grand jury; the Sen-
Cong. 2d Sess. Charges against Jus- ate serves as judge and trial jury.
tice Douglas were investigated by a Article I of the Constitution has this
subcommittee of the Committee on to say about the impeachment process:
the Judiciary, which recommended The House of Representatives—
against impeachment (see §§ 14.14, shall have the sole power of Im-
14.15, infra). peachment.


The Senate shall have the sole Judgment in Cases of Impeach-

Power to try all Impeachments. ment shall not extend further than
When sitting for that Purpose, they to removal from Office, and disquali-
shall be on Oath or Affirmation. fication to hold and enjoy any office
When the President of the United of honor, Trust or Profit under the
States is tried, the Chief Justice United States: but the Party con-
shall preside: And no Person shall be victed shall nevertheless be liable
convicted without the Concurrence of and subject to Indictment, Trial,
two-thirds of the Members present. Judgment and Punishment, accord-
ing to Law. . . .
Article II, dealing with the executive
branch, states in section 4: With this brief review of the law, of
the constitutional background for im-
The President, Vice President, and peachment, I have endeavored to cor-
all civil Officers of the United States
shall be removed from office on im- rect two common misconceptions: first,
peachment for, and conviction of, that Federal judges are appointed for
Treason, Bribery or other high life and, second, that they can be re-
crimes and misdemeanors. moved only by being convicted, with all
ordinary protections and presumptions
This has been the most controversial of innocence to which an accused is en-
of the constitutional references to the titled, of violating the law.
impeachment process. No consensus
This is not the case. Federal judges
exists as to whether, in the case of can be and have been impeached for
Federal judges, impeachment must de- improper personal habits such as
pend upon conviction of one of the two chronic intoxication on the bench, and
specified crimes of treason or bribery one of the charges brought against
or be within the nebulous category of President Andrew Johnson was that he
‘‘other high crimes and misdemeanors.’’ delivered ‘‘intemperate, inflammatory,
There are pages upon pages of learned and scandalous harangues.’’
argument whether the adjective ‘‘high’’ I have studied the principal im-
modifies ‘‘misdemeanors’’ as well as peachment actions that have been ini-
‘‘crimes,’’ and over what, indeed, con- tiated over the years and frankly,
stitutes a ‘‘high misdemeanor.’’ there are too few cases to make very
In my view, one of the specific or good law. About the only thing the au-
general offenses cited in article II is re- thorities can agree upon in recent his-
quired for removal of the indirectly tory, though it was hotly argued up to
elected President and Vice President President Johnson’s impeachment and
and all appointed civil officers of the the trial of Judge Swayne, is that an
executive branch of the Federal Gov- offense need not be indictable to be im-
ernment, whatever their terms of of- peachable. In other words, something
fice. But in the case of members of the less than a criminal act or criminal
judicial branch, Federal judges and dereliction of duty may nevertheless be
Justices, I believe an additional and sufficient grounds for impeachment
much stricter requirement is imposed and removal from public office.
by article II, namely, ‘‘good behaviour.’’ What, then, is an impeachable of-
Finally, and this is a most signifi- fense?
cant provision, article I of the Con- The only honest answer is that an
stitution specifies: impeachable offense is whatever a ma-


jority of the House of Representatives This case was in the context of F.D.R.’s
considers to be at a given moment in effort to pack the Supreme Court with
history; conviction results from what- Justices more to his liking; Judge Rit-
ever offense or offenses two-thirds of ter was a transplanted conservative
the other body considers to be suffi- Colorado Republican appointed to the
ciently serious to require removal of Federal bench in solidly Democratic
the accused from office. Again, the his- Florida by President Coolidge. He was
torical context and political climate are convicted by a coalition of liberal Re-
important; there are few fixed prin- publicans, New Deal Democrats, and
ciples among the handful of prece- Farmer-Labor and Progressive Party
dents. Senators in what might be called the
I think it is fair to come to one con- northwestern strategy of that era. Nev-
clusion, however, from our history of ertheless, the arguments were persua-
impeachments: a higher standard is sive:
expected of Federal judges than of any In a joint statement, Senators Borah,
other ‘‘civil officers’’ of the United La Follette, Frazier, and Shipstead
States. said:
The President and Vice President,
and all persons holding office at the We therefore did not, in passing
upon the facts presented to us in the
pleasure of the President, can be matter of the impeachment pro-
thrown out of office by the voters at ceedings against Judge Halsted L.
least every 4 years. To remove them in Ritter, seek to satisfy ourselves as to
midterm—it has been tried only twice whether technically a crime or
and never done—would indeed require crimes had been committed, or as to
crimes of the magnitude of treason and whether the acts charged and proved
disclosed criminal intent or corrupt
bribery. Other elective officials, such as motive: we sought only to ascertain
Members of the Congress, are so vul- from these facts whether his conduct
nerable to public displeasure that their had been such as to amount to mis-
removal by the complicated impeach- behavior, misconduct—as to whether
ment route has not even been tried he had conducted himself in a way
since 1798. But nine Federal judges, that was calculated to undermine
public confidence in the courts and
including one Associate Justice of the to create a sense of scandal.
Supreme Court, have been impeached There are a great many things
by this House and tried by the Senate; which one must readily admit would
four were acquitted; four convicted and be wholly unbecoming, wholly intol-
removed from office; and one resigned erable, in the conduct of a judge, and
during trial and the impeachment was yet these things might not amount to
a crime.
In the most recent impeachment Senator Elbert Thomas of Utah, cit-
trial conducted by the other body, that ing the Jeffersonian and colonial ante-
of U.S. Judge Halsted L. Ritter of the cedents of the impeachment process,
southern district of Florida who was bluntly declared:
removed in 1936, the point of judicial Tenure during good behavior . . .
behavior was paramount, since the is in no sense a guaranty of a life
criminal charges were admittedly thin. job, and misbehavior in the ordinary,


dictionary sense of the term will must be as exacting in our concep-

cause it to be cut short on the vote, tion of the obligations of a judicial of-
under special oath, of two-thirds of ficer as Mr. Justice Cardozo defined
the Senate, if charges are first them when he said, in connection
brought by the House of Representa- with fiduciaries, that they should be
tives. . . . To assume that good be- held ‘‘to something stricter than the
havior means anything but good be- morals of the market-place. Not hon-
havior would be to cast a reflection esty alone, but the punctilio of an
upon the ability of the fathers to ex- honor the most sensitive, is then the
press themselves in understandable standard of behavior.’’ (Meinhard v.
language. Solmon, 249 N.Y. 458.)
But the best summary, in my opin-
ion, was that of Senator William G.
§ 3.10 The view has been taken
McAdoo of California, son-in-law of that the term ‘‘good behav-
Woodrow Wilson and his Secretary of ior,’’ as a requirement for
the Treasury: federal judges remaining in
I approach this subject from the office, must be read in con-
standpoint of the general conduct of
this judge while on the bench, as junction with the standard of
portrayed by the various counts in ‘‘high crimes and mis-
the impeachment and the evidence demeanors,’’ and that the
submitted in the trial. The picture
thus presented is, to my mind, that conduct of federal judges to
of a man who is so lacking in any constitute an impeachable of-
proper conception of professional eth-
ics and those high standards of judi- fense must be either criminal
cial character and conduct as to con- conduct or serious judicial
stitute misbehavior in its most seri- misconduct.
ous aspects, and to render him unfit
to hold a judicial office . . . On Apr. 21, 1970, Mr. Paul N.
Good behavior, as it is used in the McCloskey, Jr., of California, took
Constitution, exacts of a judge the
highest standards of public and pri- the floor for a special-order speech
vate rectitude. No judge can be- in which he challenged the hy-
smirch the robes he wears by relax- pothesis of Mr. Gerald R. Ford, of
ing these standards, by compro- Michigan (see § 3.9, supra), as to
mising them through conduct which
brings reproach upon himself person- the grounds for impeachment of
ally, or upon the great office he federal judges: (2)
holds. No more sacred trust is com-
mitted to the bench of the United I respectfully disagree with the basic
States than to keep shining with un- premise ‘‘that an impeachable offense
dimmed effulgence the brightest is whatever a majority of the House of
jewel in the crown of democracy— Representatives considers it to be at a
justice. given moment in history.’’
However disagreeable the duty To accept this view, in my judgment,
may be to those of us who constitute would do grave damage to one of the
this great body in determining the
guilt of those who are entrusted
under the Constitution with the high 2. 116 CONG. REC. 12569–71, 91st
responsibilities of judicial office, we Cong. 2d Sess.


most treasured cornerstones of our lib- In the debates which took place in
erties, the constitutional principle of the Constitutional Convention 11 years
an independent judiciary, free not only later, this concern was expressed in
from public passions and emotions, but both of the major proposals presented
also free from fear of executive or legis- to the delegates. The Virginia and New
lative disfavor except under already- Jersey plans both contained language
defined rules and precedents. . . . substantively similar to that finally
First, I should like to discuss the adopted, as follows:
concept of an impeachable offense as Article III, Section 1 states ‘‘The
‘‘whatever the majority of the House of Judges, both of the Supreme and in-
Representatives considers it to be at ferior Courts, shall hold their offices
any given time in history.’’ If this con- during good Behavior, and shall, at
cept is accurate, then of course there stated times, receive for their Serv-
are no limitations on what a political ices, a Compensation, which shall
majority might determine to be less not be diminished during their Con-
tinuance in Office.’’
than good behavior. It follows that
judges of the Court could conceivably The ‘‘good behavior’’ standard thus
be removed whenever the majority of does not stand alone. It must be read
the House and two-thirds of the Senate with reference to the clear intention of
agreed that a better judge might fill the framers to protect the independ-
the position. But this concept has no ence of the judiciary against executive
basis, either in our constitutional his- or legislative action on their compensa-
tory or in actual case precedent. tion, presumably because of the danger
The intent of the framers of the Con- of political disagreement.
stitution was clearly to protect judges If, in order to protect judicial inde-
from political disagreement, rather pendence, Congress is specifically pre-
than to simplify their ease of removal. cluded from terminating or reducing
The Original Colonies had had a the salaries of Judges, it seems clear
long history of difficulties with the ad- that Congress was not intended to
ministration of justice under the Brit- have the power to designate ‘‘as an im-
ish Crown. The Declaration of Inde- peachable offense whatever a majority
pendence listed as one of its grievances of the House of Representatives con-
against the King: siders it to be at a given moment.’’
He has made Judges dependent on If an independent judiciary is to be
his Will alone, for the tenure of their preserved, the House must exercise de-
offices and the amount and payment cent restraint and caution in its defini-
of their salaries. tion of what is less than good behavior.
The signers of the Declaration of As we honor the Court’s self-imposed
Independence were primarily con- doctrine of judicial restraint, so we
cerned about preserving the independ- might likewise honor the principle of
ence of the judiciary from direct or in- legislative restraint in considering seri-
direct pressures, and particularly from ous charges against members of a co-
the pressure of discretionary termi- equal branch of Government which we
nation of their jobs or diminution of have wished to keep free from political
their salaries. tensions and emotions. . . .


The term ‘‘good behavior,’’ as the District Judge Charles Swayne,

Founding Fathers considered it, must 1905: Padding expense accounts, living
be taken together with the specific pro- outside his district, misuse of property
visions limiting cause for impeachment and of the contempt power.
of executive branch personnel to trea- Associate Court of Commerce Judge
son, bribery or other high crimes and Robert Archbald, 1913: Improper use of
misdemeanors. The higher standard of influence, and accepting favors from
good behavior required of Judges litigants.
might well be considered as applicable District Judge George W. English,
solely to their judicial performance and 1926: Tyranny, oppression, and parti-
capacity and not to their private and ality.
nonjudicial conduct unless the same is District Judge Harold Louderback,
violative of the law. Alcoholism, arro- 1933: Favoritism, and conspiracy.
gance, nonjudicial temperament, and District Judge Halsted L. Ritter,
senility of course interfere with judicial 1936: Judicial improprieties, accepting
performance and properly justify im- legal fees while on the bench, bringing
peachment. I can find no precedent, his court into scandal and disrepute,
however, for impeachment of a Judge and failure to pay his income tax.
for nonjudicial conduct which falls The bulk of these challenges to the
short of violation of law. court were thus on judicial misconduct,
In looking to the nine cases of im- with scattered instances of nonjudicial
peachment of Judges spanning 181 behavior. In all cases, however, insofar
years of our national history, in every as I have been able to thus far deter-
case involved, the impeachment was mine, the nonjudicial behavior involved
based on either improper judicial con- clear violation of criminal or civil law,
duct or nonjudicial conduct which was and not just a ‘‘pattern of behavior’’
considered as criminal in nature. . . . that others might find less than
From the brief research I have been ‘‘good.’’
able to do on these nine cases, and as If the House accepts precedent as a
reflected in the Congressional Quar- guide, then, an impeachment of a Jus-
terly of April 17, 1970, the charges tice of the Supreme Court based on
were as follows: charges which are neither unlawful in
District Judge John Pickering, 1804: nature nor connected with the perform-
Loose morals, intemperance, and irreg- ance of his judicial duties would rep-
ular judicial procedure. resent a highly dubious break with
Associate Supreme Court Justice custom and tradition at a time when,
Samuel Chase, 1805: Partisan, harsh, as the gentleman from New York (Mr.
and unfair conduct during trials. Horton), stated last Wednesday:
District Judge James H. Peck, 1831: We are living in an era when the
Imposing an unreasonably harsh pen- institutions of government and the
alty for contempt of court. people who man them are under-
going the severest tests in history.
District Judge West H. Humphreys,
1862: Supported secession and served There is merit, I think, in a strict
as a Confederate judge. construction of the words ‘‘good behav-


ior’’ as including conduct which com- gan, inserted in the Congressional

plies with judicial ethics while on the Record a legal memorandum on
bench and with the criminal and civil
laws while off the bench. Any other impeachment of a federal judge
construction of the term would make for ‘‘misbehavior,’’ the memo-
judges vulnerable to any majority randum was prepared by a pri-
group in the Congress which held a vate attorney and reviewed con-
common view of impropriety of conduct
stitutional provisions, views of
which was admittedly lawful. If lawful
conduct can nevertheless be deemed an commentators, and the precedents
impeachable offense by a majority of of the House and Senate in im-
the House, how can any Judge feel free peachment proceedings. The
to express opinions on controversial memorandum concluded with the
subjects off the bench? Is there any-
following analysis: (3)
thing in our history to indicate that
the framers of our Constitution in- A review of the past impeachment
tended to preclude a judge from stating proceedings has clearly established lit-
political views publicly, either orally or tle constitutional basis to the argu-
in writing? I have been unable to find ment that an impeachable offense
any constitutional history to so indi- must be indictable as well. If this were
cate. to be the case, the Constitution would
The gentleman from New Hampshire then merely provide an additional or
(Mr. Wyman) suggests that a judge alternate method of punishment, in
should not publicly declare his per- specific instances, to the traditional
sonal views on controversies likely to criminal law violator. If the framers
come before the Court. This is cer- had meant to remove from office only
tainly true. But it certainly does not those officials who violated the crimi-
preclude a judge from voicing personal nal law, a much simpler method than
political views, since political issues impeachment could have been devised.
are not within the jurisdiction of the Since impeachment is such a complex
court and thus a judge’s opinions on
and cumbersome procedure, it must
political matters would generally not
have been directed at conduct which
be prejudicial to interpretations of the
would be outside the purview of the
law which his jurisdiction is properly
criminal law. Moreover, the tradition-
ally accepted purpose of impeachment
§ 3.11 The view has been taken would seem to work against such a
construction. By restricting the punish-
that a federal judge may be ment for impeachment to removal and
impeached for misbehavior disqualification from office, impeach-
of such nature as to cast sub- ment seems to be a protective, rather
stantial doubt upon his in- than a punitive, device. It is meant to
tegrity. protect the public from conduct by high

On Aug. 10, 1970, Minority 3. 116 CONG. REC. 28091–96, 91st

Leader Gerald R. Ford, of Michi- Cong. 2d Sess.


public officials that undermines public though this construction has been criti-
confidence. Since that is the case, the cized by one writer as being logically
nature of impeachment must be broad- fallacious, See Simpson, Federal Im-
er than this argument would make it. peachments, 64 U. of Penn. L. Rev.
[Such] conduct on the part of a judge, 651, 806–08 (1916), it seems to be the
while not criminal, would be detri- construction adopted by the Senate in
mental to the public welfare. Therefore the Archbald and Ritter cases. Even
it seems clear that impeachment will Simpson, who criticized the approach,
lie for conduct not indictable nor even reaches the same result because he ar-
criminal in nature. It will be remem- gues that ‘‘misdemeanor’’ must, by def-
bered that Judge Archbald was re- inition, include misbehavior in office.
moved from office for conduct which, in Supra at 812–13.
at least one commentator’s view, would In determining what constitutes im-
have been blameless if done by a pri- peachable judicial misbehavior, re-
vate citizen. See Brown, The Impeach- course must be had to the previous im-
ment of the Federal Judiciary, 26 Har. peachment proceedings. Those pro-
L. Rev. 684, 704–05 (1913). ceedings fall mainly into two cat-
A sound approach to the Constitu- egories, misconduct in the actual ad-
tional provisions relating to the im- ministration of justice and financial
peachment power appears to be that improprieties off the bench. Pickering
which was made during the impeach- was charged with holding court while
ment of Judge Archbald. Article I, Sec- intoxicated and with mishandling
tions 2 and 3 give Congress jurisdic- cases. Chase and Peck were charged
tion to try impeachments. Article II, with misconduct which was prejudicial
Section 4, is a mandatory provision to the impartial administration of jus-
which requires removal of officials con- tice and with oppressive and corrupt
victed of ‘‘treason, bribery or other use of their office to punish individuals
high crimes and misdemeanors’’. The critical of their actions. Swayne,
latter phrase is meant to include con- Archbald, Louderback and Ritter were
duct, which, while not indictable by the all accused of using their office for per-
criminal law, has at least the charac- sonal profit and with various types of
teristics of a crime. However, this pro- financial indiscretions. English was
vision is not conclusively restrictive. impeached both for oppressive mis-
Congress may look elsewhere in the conduct while on the bench and for fi-
Constitution to determine if an im- nancial misdealings. The impeachment
peachable offense has occurred. In the of Humphries is the only one which
case of judges, such additional grounds does not fall within this pattern and
of impeachment may be found in Arti- the charges brought against him prob-
cle III, Section 1 where the judicial ably amounted to treason. See Brown,
tenure is fixed at ‘‘good behavior’’. The Impeachment of the Federal Judi-
Since good behavior is the limit of the ciary, 26 Har. L. Rev. 684, 704 (1913).
judicial tenure, some method of re- While various definitions of impeach-
moval must be available where a judge able misbehavior have been advanced,
breaches that condition of his office. the unifying factor in these definitions
That method is impeachment. Even is the notion that there must be such


misconduct as to cast doubt on the in- sible to go further and imagine . . .

tegrity and impartiality of the Federal such willingness to use his office to
judiciary. Brown has defined that mis- serve his personal ends as to be
behavior as follows: within reach of no branch of the
criminal law, yet calculated with ab-
It must act directly or by reflected solute certainty to bring the court
influence react upon the welfare of into public obloquy and contempt
the State. It may constitute an in- and to seriously affect the adminis-
tentional violation of positive law, or tration of justice. 6 Cannon 647.
it may be an official dereliction of
commission or omission, a serious Representative Summers, one of the
breach of moral obligation, or other managers in the Louderback impeach-
gross impropriety of personal con- ment gave this definition:
duct which, in its natural con-
sequences, tends to bring an office When the facts proven with ref-
into contempt and disrepute . . . An erence to a respondent are such as
act or course of misbehavior which are reasonably calculated to arouse a
renders scandalous the personal life substantial doubt in the minds of the
of a public officer, shakes the con- people over whom that respondent
fidence of the people in his adminis- exercises authority that he is not
tration of the public affairs, and thus brave, candid, honest, and true,
impairs his official usefulness. there is no other alternative than to
Brown, supra at 692–93. remove such a judge from the bench,
because wherever doubt resides, con-
As Simpson stated with respect to fidence cannot be present.
the outcome of the Archbald impeach- Louderback Proceedings 815.
It determined that a judge ought
not only be impartial, but he ought In conclusion, the history of the con-
so demean himself, both in and out stitutional provisions relating to the
of court, that litigants will have no impeachment of Federal judges dem-
reason to suspect his impartiality
and that repeatedly failing in that onstrates that only the Congress has
respect constitutes a ‘‘high mis- the power and duty to remove from of-
demeanor’’ in regard to his office. If fice any judge whose proven conduct,
such be considered the result of that either in the administration of justice
case, everyone must agree that it es- or in his personal behavior, casts doubt
tablished a much needed precedent.
Simpson, Federal Impeachments, 64 on his personal integrity and thereby
U. of Penn. L. Rev. 651, 813 (1916). on the integrity of the entire judiciary.
Federal judges must maintain the
John W. Davis, House Manager in highest standards of conduct to pre-
the Impeachment of Judge Archbald,
serve the independence of and respect
defined judicial misbehavior as follows:
for the judicial system and the rule of
Usurpation of power, the entering law. As Representative Summers stat-
and enforcement of orders beyond ed during the Ritter impeachment:
his jurisdiction, disregard or disobe-
dience of the rulings of superior tri- Where a judge on the bench, by
bunals, unblushing and notorious his own conduct, arouses a substan-
partiality and favoritism, indolence tial doubt as to his judicial integrity
and neglect, are all violations of his he commits the highest crime that a
official oath . . . And it is easily pos- judge can commit under the Con-


stitution. Ritter Proceedings 611 ment proceedings and concluded

as follows: (4)
Finally, the application of the prin-
In summary, the charges against
ciples of the impeachment process is
Justice William O. Douglas are unique
left solely to the Congress. There is no
in our history of impeachment. The
appeal from Congress’ ultimate judg- House has stood ready to impeach
ment. Thus, it can fairly be said that it judges for Treason, Bribery, and re-
is the conscience of Congress—acting lated financial crimes and mis-
in accordance with the constitutional demeanors. It has refused to impeach
limitations—which determines whether judges charged with on-the-job mis-
conduct of a judge constitutes mis- conduct when that behavior is not also
behavior requiring impeachment and an indictable criminal offense. Only
removal from office. If a judge’s mis- once before has a judge even been
behavior is so grave as to cast substan- charged with impeachment for non-job-
tial doubt upon his integrity, he must related activities—in 1921, when
be removed from office regardless of all Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis was
other considerations. If a judge has not charged with accepting the job as Com-
abused his trust, Congress has the missioner of big-league baseball—and
duty to reaffirm public trust and con- the House Judiciary Committee re-
fidence in his actions. fused to dignify the charge with a re-
Respectfully submitted, port pro or con. Never in our impeach-
BETHEL B. KELLEY, ment history, until Congressman Ford
DANIEL G. WYLLIE. leveled his charges against Mr. Justice
Douglas, has it ever been suggested
§ 3.12 The view has been taken that a judge could be impeached be-
that the House impeaches cause, while off the bench, he exercised
federal judges only for mis- his First Amendment rights to speak
conduct that is both criminal and write on issues of the day, to asso-
in nature and related to the ciate with others in educational enter-
prises. . . .
performance of the judicial This brief history of Congressional
function. impeachment shows several things.
On Nov. 16, 1970, Mr. Frank First, it shows that it works. It is not
Thompson, Jr., of New Jersey, in- a rusty, unused power. Since 1796,
fifty-five judges have been charged on
serted into the Congressional the Floor of the House of Representa-
Record a study by a professor of tives, approximately one in every three
constitutional law of impeachment to four years. Presumably, most of the
proceedings against federal judges federal judges who should be im-
and the grounds for such pro- peached, are impeached. Thirty-three
judges have been charged with ‘‘Trea-
ceedings. The memorandum dis-
cussed in detail the substance of 4. 116 CONG. REC. 37464–70, 91st
such charges in all prior impeach- Cong. 2d Sess.


son, Bribery, or other High Crimes and was contradictory to judicial tenure
Misdemeanors.’’ Three of them have during good behavior, because it would
been found guilty by the Senate and make the judiciary ‘‘dangerously de-
removed from office; twenty-two addi- pendent’’ on the legislature.
tional judges have resigned rather During the Jeffersonian purge of the
than face Senate trial and public expo- federal bench, Senate leader William
sure. This is one ‘‘corrupt’’ judge for Giles proclaimed that ‘‘removal by im-
approximately every seven years— peachment’’ is nothing more than a
hopefully, all there are. declaration by both Houses of Congress
Second, by its deeds and actions, to the judge that ‘‘you hold dangerous
Congress has recognized what Chief opinions.’’ This theory of the impeach-
Justice Burger recently described as ment power was rejected in 1804 be-
‘‘the imperative need for total and ab- cause it would put in peril ‘‘the integ-
solute independence of judges in decid- rity of the whole national judicial es-
ing cases or in any phase of the tablishment.’’
decisional function.’’ With a few aber-
Now Congressman Ford suggests
rations in the early 1800’s, a period of
that ‘‘an impeachable offense’’ is noth-
unprecedented political upheaval, Con-
ing more than ‘‘whatever a majority of
gress has refused to impeach a judge
the House of Representatives considers
for lack of ‘‘good behaviour’’ unless the
behavior is both job-related and crimi- it to be at a given moment in history.’’
nal. This is true whether the judge Does he really mean that Chief Jus-
gets drunk on the bench, whether the tice Warren might have been im-
judge exploits and abuses the authority peached because ‘‘at a given moment in
of his robes, or whether the judge history’’ a majority of the House and
hands down unpopular or wrong deci- two-thirds of the Senate objected
sions. strongly to his opinion ordering an end
How could it be otherwise? The pur- to school-segregation, or to his equally
pose of an ‘‘independent judiciary’’ in controversial decision against school
our system of government by separa- prayer? Does he really mean that
tion of powers, is to check the excesses Judge Julius Hoffman is impeachable
of the legislative and executive if a majority of this or the next Con-
branches of the government, to cry a gress decides that he was wrong in his
halt when popular passions grip the handling of the Chicago Seven? Does
Congress and laws are adopted which he really want a situation where fed-
abridge and infringe upon the rights eral judges must keep one eye on the
guaranteed to all citizens by the Con- mood of Congress and the other on the
stitution. The judges must be strong proceedings before them in court, in
and secure if they are to do this job order to maintain their tenure in of-
well. fice?
John Dickinson proposed at the Con- If Congressman Ford is right, it
stitutional Convention that federal bodes ill for the concept of an inde-
judges should be removed upon a peti- pendent judiciary and the corollary
tion by the majority of each House of doctrine of a Constitutional govern-
Congress. This was rejected, because it ment of laws.


In 1835, the French observer de § 3.13 A special subcommittee

Tocqueville wrote that: of the Committee on the Ju-
A decline of public morals in the diciary found in its final re-
United States will probably be
marked by the abuse of the power of port on charges of impeach-
impeachment as a means of crushing ment against Associate Jus-
political adversaries or ejecting them tice William O. Douglas of
from office.
the Supreme Court, that (1) a
Let us hope that that day has not judge could be impeached for
yet arrived.
judicial conduct which was
Mr. Thompson summarized the criminal or which was a seri-
study as follows: ous dereliction of public
. . . [I] requested Daniel H. Pollitt, a duty; (2) that a judge could
professor of constitutional law at the be impeached for nonjudicial
University of North Carolina to survey conduct which was criminal;
the 51 impeachment proceedings in
this House during the intervening
and (3) that the evidence
years. gathered did not warrant the
I want to make several comments on impeachment of Justice
this survey. Douglas.
First, it shows that impeachment On Sept. 17, 1970, the special
works. Thirty-three judges have been
charged in this body with ‘‘treason,
subcommittee of the Committee
bribery, or other high crimes and mis-
on the Judiciary, which had been
demeanors.’’ Twenty-two of them re- created to investigate and report
signed rather than face Senate trial; on charges of impeachment
three chose to fight it out in the Sen- against Associate Justice Douglas
ate; and seven were acquitted by the of the Supreme Court, submitted
vote of this Chamber against further its final report to the full com-
impeachment proceedings. mittee. The report reviewed the
Second, it shows that never since the grounds for impeachment and
earliest days of this Republic has the found the evidence insufficient.
House impeached a judge for conduct The report provided in part: (5)
which was not both job-related and
criminal. This body has consistently re- II. CONCEPTS OF IMPEACHMENT

fused to impeach a judge unless he The Constitution grants and defines

was guilty of an indictable offense. the authority for the use of impeach-
Third, it shows that never before Mr.
Ford leveled his charges against Jus- 5. Final report by the special sub-
tice Douglas has it ever been suggested committee on H. Res. 920 (Impeach-
that a judge could be impeached be- ment of Associate Justice Douglas) of
cause, while off the bench, he exercised the Committee on the Judiciary,
his first amendment rights to speak Committee Print, 91st Cong. 2d
and write on issues of the day. Sess., Sept. 17, 1970.


ment procedures to remove officials of trial and punishment for the same of-
the Federal Government. Offenses sub- fense in a court of law. Article III, Sec-
ject to impeachment are set forth in tion 3 in this regard provides:
Article II, Section 4: Judgment in Cases of Impeach-
The President, Vice President and ment shall not extend further than
all civil Officers of the United States, to removal from Office, and disquali-
shall be removed from office on im- fication to hold and enjoy any Office
peachment for and Conviction of, of honor, Trust or Profit under the
Treason, Bribery, or other high United States: but the Party con-
Crimes and Misdemeanors. victed shall nevertheless be liable
and subject to Indictment, Trial,
An Associate Justice of the Supreme Judgment and Punishment, accord-
Court is a civil officer of the United ing to Law.
States and is a person subject to im- Other provisions of the Constitution
peachment. Article II, Section 2, au- underscore the exceptional nature of
thorizes the President to appoint ‘‘. . . the unique legislative trial. The Presi-
Ambassadors, other public Ministers dent’s power to grant reprieves and
and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme pardons for offenses against the United
Court, and all other Officers of the States does not extend to impeach-
United States . . .’’ ments. Article 2, Section 2, provides:
Procedures established in the Con- ‘‘The President . . . shall have the
stitution vest responsibility for im- power to grant Reprieves and Pardons
peachment in the Legislative Branch of for Offenses against the United States,
the government and require both the except in Cases of Impeachment.’’ Inas-
House of Representatives and the Sen- much as the Senate itself hears the
ate to participate in the trial and de- evidence and tries the case, the Con-
termination of removal from office. Ar- stitutional right to a trial by jury when
ticle I, Section 1, provides: ‘‘The House a crime has been charged is not avail-
of Representatives shall chuse their able. Article III, Section 2 provides:
Speaker and other Officers; and shall ‘‘The Trial of all Crimes, except in
have the sole Power of Impeachment.’’ Cases of Impeachment, shall be by
After the House of Representatives jury. . . .’’
votes to approve Articles of Impeach- The Constitution provides only one
ment, the Senate must hear and decide instrument to remove judges of both
the issue. Article I, Section 3 provides: the Supreme and inferior courts, and
The Senate shall have the sole that instrument is impeachment. The
Power to try all Impeachments. provisions of Article II, Section 4, de-
When sitting for that Purpose, they fines the conduct that render federal
shall be on Oath or Affirmation.
When the President of the United officials subject to impeachment proce-
States is tried, the Chief Justice dures. For a judge to be impeachable,
shall preside: And no Person shall be his conduct must constitute ‘‘. . . Trea-
convicted without the Concurrence of son, Bribery, or other High Crimes and
two thirds of the Members present. Misdemeanors.’’
Decision for removal in an impeach- Some authorities on constitutional
ment proceeding does not preclude law have contended that the impeach-


ment device is a cumbersome proce- The judicial Power of the United

dure. Characterized by a high degree States shall be vested in one su-
of formality, when used it preempts preme Court, and in such inferior
valuable time in both the House and Courts as the Congress may from
time to time ordain and establish.
Senate and obstructs accomplishment The Judges, both of the supreme and
of the law making function of the legis- inferior Courts, shall hold their Of-
lative branch. In addition to dis- fices during good Behaviour, and
tracting the attention of Congress from shall, at stated Times, receive for
its other responsibilities, impeach- their Services, a Compensation,
ments invariably are divisive in nature which shall not be diminished during
and generate intense controversy in their Continuance in Office
Congress and in the country at large. The content of the phrase ‘‘during
Since the adoption of the Constitu- good Behaviour’’ and its relationship to
tion in 1787, there have been only 12 Article II, Section 4’s requirement for
impeachment proceedings, nine of conduct that amounts to ‘‘treason, brib-
which have involved Federal judges. ery, or other high crimes and mis-
There have been only four convictions, demeanors’’ have been matters of dis-
all Federal judges. pute in each of the impeachment pro-
The time devoted by the House and ceedings that have involved Federal
Senate to the impeachments that re- judges. The four decided cases do not
sulted in the trials of the nine Federal resolve the problems and disputes that
judges varied substantially. The im- this relationship has generated. Dif-
peachment of Robert Archbald in 1912 ferences in impeachment concepts as to
consumed the shortest time. The the meaning of the phrase ‘‘good be-
Archbald case required three months
havior’’ in Article III and its relation-
to be processed in the House, and six
ship to the meaning of the word ‘‘mis-
months in the Senate. The impeach-
demeanors’’ in Article II are apparent
ment of James H. Peck required the
most time for trial of a Federal judge. in the discussions of the charges that
The House took three years and five have been made against Associate Jus-
months to complete its action, and the tice Douglas.
Senate was occupied for nine months A primary concern of the Founding
with the trial. The most recent case, Fathers was to assure the creation of
Halsted Ritter, in 1933, received the an independent judiciary. Alexander
attention of the House for two years Hamilton in The Federalist Papers (No.
and eight months, and required one 78) stated this objective:
month and seven days for trial in the The complete independence of the
Senate. courts of justice is peculiarly essen-
Although the provisions of Article II, tial in a limited Constitution. By a
Section 4 define conduct that is subject limited Constitution, I understand
to impeachment, and Article I estab- one which contains certain specified
lishes the impeachment procedure, im- exceptions to the legislative author-
ity; such for instance, as that it shall
peachments of Federal judges have pass no bills of attainder, no ex post
been complicated by the tenure provi- facto laws, and the like. Limitations
sion in Article III, Section 1. Article of this kind can be preserved in prac-
III, Section 1, provides: tice no other way than through the


medium of courts of justice, whose and to emphasize the exalted station

duty it must be to declare all acts assigned to the judge by our society,
contrary to the manifest tenor of the have erected pervasive constitutional
Constitution void. Without this, all
the reservations of particular rights and statutory safeguards. The judge of
or privileges would amount to noth- a United States court holds office ‘‘dur-
ing. ing good behavior.’’ Further his salary
may not be reduced while he is in of-
The Federalist Papers (No. 79) dis- fice by any branch of Government. A
cusses the relationship of the impeach- judge may be removed from office only
ment procedures to judicial independ- by the cumbersome procedure of im-
ence: peachment.
The precautions for their responsi- Accordingly, when the public is con-
bility are comprised in the article re- fronted with allegations of dishonesty
specting impeachments. They are or venality, and is forced to recognize
liable to be impeached for
malconduct by the House of Rep- that judges are human, and hence fal-
resentatives and tried by the Senate; lible, the impact is severe. Exposure of
and, if convicted, may be dismissed infirmities in the judicial system is un-
from office and disqualified for hold- dertaken only with reluctance. It is an
ing any other. This is the only provi- area in which the bar, the judiciary,
sion on the point which is consistent and the executive and legislative
with the necessary independence of
the judicial character, and is the branches alike have seen fit to move
only one which we find in our own cautiously and painstakingly. There
Constitution in respect to our own must be full recognition of the neces-
judges. sity to proceed in such a manner that
The want of a provision for remov- will result in the least damage possible
ing the judges on account of inability to judicial independence, but which, at
has been a subject of complaint. But
all considerate men will be sensible the same time, will result in correction
that such a provision would either or elimination of any condition that
not be practiced upon or would be brings discredit to the judicial system.
more liable to abuse than calculated Removal of a Federal judge, for
to answer any good purpose. The whatever reason, historically has been
mensuration of the faculties of the
mind has, I believe, no place in the difficult. Constitutional safeguards to
catalog of known arts. An attempt to assure a free and independent judici-
fix the boundary between the regions ary make it difficult to remove a Fed-
of ability and inability would much eral judge who may be unfit, whether
oftener give scope to personal and through incompetence, insanity, senil-
party attachments and enmities ity, alcoholism, or corruption.
than advance the interests of justice
or the public good. The result, except For a judge to be impeached, it must
in the case of insanity, must for the be shown that he has committed trea-
most part be arbitrary; and insanity, son, accepted a bribe, or has committed
without any formal or express provi- a high crime or misdemeanor. All con-
sion, may be safely pronounced to be duct that can be impeached must at
a virtual disqualification.
least be a ‘‘misdemeanor.’’ A judge is
The desire of the American people to entitled to remain a judge as long as
assure independence of the judiciary he holds his office ‘‘during good behav-


ior.’’ The content of the word ‘‘mis- requires the removal of a judge,
demeanor’’ must encompass some ac- which is the highest punishment
tivities which fall below the standard that could be administered such an
officer. The Senate, sitting as a
of ‘‘good behavior.’’ Conduct which fails court, is required to conduct its pro-
to meet the standard of ‘‘good behav- ceedings and reach its decisions in
ior’’ but which does not come within accordance with the customs of our
the definition of ‘‘misdemeanor’’ is not law. In all criminal cases the defend-
subject to impeachment. ant comes into court enjoying the
presumption of innocence, which pre-
In each of the nine impeachments in- sumption continues until he is prov-
volving judges, there has been con- en guilty beyond a reasonable
troversy as to the meaning of the word doubt.’’
‘‘misdemeanor.’’ Primarily the con- And again we find this: ‘‘Impeach-
troversy concerned whether the activi- ment, though, must be considered as
a criminal proceeding.’’
ties being attacked must be criminal or
whether the word ‘‘misdemeanor’’ en- In his April 15, 1970, speech, Rep-
compasses less serious departures from resentative Ford articulated the con-
society norms. cept that an impeachable offense need
In his memorandum ‘‘Opinion on the not be indictable and may be some-
Impeachment of Halsted L. Ritter,’’ thing less than a criminal act or crimi-
Senator H. W. Johnson described the nal dereliction of duty. He said:
confusion of thought prevailing in the What, then, is an impeachable of-
Senate on these concepts. He stated: fense?
The confusion of thought pre- The only honest answer is that an
vailing among Senators is evidenced impeachable offense is whatever a
by their varying expressions. One majority of the House of Representa-
group eloquently argued any gift to a tives considers to be at a given mo-
judge, under any circumstances, con- ment in history; conviction results
stituted misbehavior, for which he from whatever offense or offenses
should be removed from office—and two-thirds of the other body con-
moreover that neither corrupt motive siders to be sufficiently serious to re-
or evil intent need be shown in the quire removal of the accused from of-
acceptance of a gift or in any so- fice. Again, the historical context and
called misbehavior. Another prefaced political climate are important; there
his opinion with the statement: ‘‘I do are few fixed principles among the
not take the view that an impeach- handful of precedents.
ment proceeding of a judge of the in- I think it is fair to come to one
ferior Federal courts under the Con- conclusion, however, from our his-
stitution of the United States is a tory of impeachments: a higher
criminal proceeding. The Constitu- standard is expected of Federal
tion itself has expressly denuded im- judges than of any other ‘‘civil offi-
peachment proceedings of every as- cers’’ of the United States. (First Re-
pect or characteristic of a criminal port, p. 31).
proceeding.’’ The ‘‘Kelley Memorandum’’ sub-
And yet another flatly takes a con- mitted by Mr. Ford enforces this posi-
trary view, and states although find-
ing the defendant guilty on the sev- tion. The Kelley Memorandum asserts
enth count: ‘‘The procedure is crimi- that misbehavior by a Federal judge
nal in its nature, for upon conviction, may constitute an impeachable offense


though the conduct may not be an in- into the behavior of judges. There
dictable crime or misdemeanor. The has developed the consistent prac-
Kelley Memorandum concludes: tice, rigorously followed in every case
in this century, of impeaching fed-
In conclusion, the history of the eral judges only when criminal of-
constitutional provisions relating to fenses have been charged. Indeed,
the impeachment of Federal judges the House has never impeached a
demonstrates that only the Congress judge except with respect to a ‘‘high
has the power and duty to remove Crime’’ or ‘‘Misdemeanor.’’ Charac-
from office any judge whose proven teristically, the basis for impeach-
conduct, either in the administration ment has been the soliciting of
of justice or in his personal behavior, bribes, selling of votes, manipulation
casts doubt on his personal integrity of receivers’ fees, misappropriation of
and thereby on the integrity of the properties in receivership, and will-
entire judiciary. Federal judges must ful income tax evasion.
maintain the highest standards of
conduct to preserve the independ- A vast body of literature has been
ence of and respect for the judicial developed concerning the scope of the
system and the rule of law. impeachment power as it pertains to
On the other hand, Counsel for Asso- federal judges. The precedents show
ciate Justice Douglas, Simon H. that the House of Representatives, par-
Rifkind, has submitted a memorandum ticularly in the arguments made by its
that contends that a Federal judge Managers in the Senate trials, favors
may not be impeached for anything the conclusion that the phrase ‘‘high
short of criminal conduct. Mr. Rifkind crimes and misdemeanors’’ encom-
also contends that the other provisions passes activity which is not necessarily
of the Constitution, i.e., the prohibition criminal in nature.
of ex post facto laws, due process notice Although there may be divergence of
requirement and the protection of the opinion as to whether impeachment of
First Amendment prevent the employ- a judge requires conduct that is crimi-
ment of any other standard in im- nal in nature in that it is proscribed by
peachment proceedings. In conclusion specific statutory or common law pro-
Mr. Rifkind stated: hibition, all authorities hold that for a
judge to be impeached, the term ‘‘mis-
The constitutional language, in demeanors’’ requires a showing of mis-
plain terms, confines impeachment
to ‘‘Treason, Bribery, or other high conduct which is inherently serious in
Crimes and Misdemeanors.’’ The his- relation to social standards. No re-
tory of those provisions reinforces spectable argument can be made to
their plain meaning. Even when the support the concept that a judge could
Jeffersonians sought to purge the
federal bench of all Federalist be impeached if his conduct did not
judges, they felt compelled to at least amount at least to a serious dereliction
assert that their political victims of his duty as a member of society.
were guilty of ‘‘high Crimes and Mis- The punishment imposed by the
demeanors.’’ The unsuccessful at- Constitution measures how serious
tempt to remove Justice Chase firm-
ly established the proposition that misconduct need be to be impeachable.
impeachment is for criminal offenses Only serious derelictions of duty owed
only, and is not a ‘‘general inquest’’ to society would warrant the punish-


ment provided. An impeachment pro- the challenged activity must constitute

ceeding is a trial which results in pun- ‘‘. . . Treason, Bribery or High Crimes
ishment after an appropriate finding and Misdemeanors.’’
by the trier of facts, the Senate. Depri- Both concepts would allow a judge to
vation of office is a punishment. Dis- be impeached for acts which occur in
qualification to hold any future office the exercise of judicial office that (1)
of honor, trust and profit is a greater involve criminal conduct in violation of
punishment. The judgment of the Sen- law, or (2) that involve serious derelic-
ate confers upon that body discretion, tion from public duty, but not nec-
in the words of the Federalist Papers essarily in violation of positive statu-
‘‘. . . to doom to honor or to infamy the tory law or forbidden by the common
most influential and the most distin- law. Sloth, drunkenness on the bench
guished characters of the community. or unwarranted and unreasonable im-
. . . partiality manifest for a prolonged pe-
Reconciliation of the differences be- riod are examples of misconduct, not
tween the concept that a judge has a necessarily criminal in nature that
right to his office during ‘‘good behav- would support impeachment. When
ior’’ and the concept that the legisla- such misbehavior occurs in connection
ture has a duty to remove him if his with the federal office, actual criminal
conduct constitutes a ‘‘misdemeanor’’ is conduct should not be a requisite to
facilitated by distinguishing conduct impeachment of a judge or any other
that occurs in connection with the ex- federal official. While such conduct
ercise of his judicial office from conduct need not be criminal, it nonetheless
that is non-judicially connected. Such a must be sufficiently serious to be of-
distinction permits recognition that the fenses against good morals and inju-
content of the word ‘‘misdemeanor’’ for rious to the social body.
conduct that occurs in the course of ex- Both concepts would allow a judge to
ercise of the power of the judicial office be impeached for conduct not con-
includes a broader spectrum of action nected with the duties and responsibil-
than is the case when non-judicial ac- ities of the judicial office which involve
tivities are involved. criminal acts in violation of law.
When such a distinction is made, the The two concepts differ only with re-
two concepts on the necessity for judi- spect to impeachability of judicial be-
cial conduct to be criminal in nature to havior not connected with the duties
be subject to impeachment becomes de- and responsibilities of the judicial of-
fined and may be reconciled under the fice. Concept 2 would define ‘‘mis-
overriding requirement that to be a demeanor’’ to permit impeachment for
‘‘misdemeanor’’, and hence impeach- serious derelictions of public duty but
able, conduct must amount to a serious not necessarily violations of statutory
dereliction of an obligation owed to so- or common law.
ciety. In summary, an outline of the two
To facilitate exposition, the two con- concepts would look this way:
cepts may be summarized as follows: A judge may be impeached for ‘‘. . .
Both concepts must satisfy the re- Treason, Bribery, or High Crimes or
quirements of Article II, Section 4, that Misdemeanors.’’


A. Behavior, connected with judicial violative of the law. Alcoholism, arro-

office or exercise of judicial power. gance, nonjudicial temperament, and
Concept I senility of course interfere with judi-
cial performance and properly justify
1. Criminal conduct. impeachment. I can find no prece-
2. Serious dereliction from public dent, however, for impeachment of a
duty. Judge for nonjudicial conduct which
falls short of violation of law.
Concept II
In looking to the nine cases of im-
1. Criminal conduct. peachment of Judges spanning 181
2. Serious dereliction from public years of our national history, in
duty. every case involved, the impeach-
B. Behavior not connected with the ment was based on either improper
judicial conduct or non-judicial con-
duties and responsibilities of the judi- duct which was considered as crimi-
cial office. nal in nature. CONG. REC. 91st
Concept I Cong., 2nd Sess., H 3327.
1. Criminal conduct. In his August 18, 1970, letter to the
Concept II Special Subcommittee embodying his
1. Criminal conduct. comments on the ‘‘Kelley Memo-
2. Serious dereliction from public randum’’, Mr. McCloskey reaffirmed
duty. this concept. He stated:
Chapter III, Disposition of Charges Conduct of a Judge, while it may
sets forth the Special Subcommittee’s be less than criminal in nature to
analysis of the charges that involve ac- constitute ‘‘less than good behavior’’,
has never resulted in a successful
tivities of Associate Justice William O. impeachment unless the judge was
Douglas. Under this analysis it is not acting in his judicial capacity or mis-
necessary for the members of the Judi- using his judicial power. In other
ciary Committee to choose between words the precedents suggest that
Concept I and II. misconduct must either be ‘‘judicial
misconduct’’ or conduct which con-
The theories embodied in Concept I stitutes a crime. There is no basis for
have been articulated by Representa- impeachment on charges of non-judi-
tive Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. In his cial misconduct which occurs off the
speech to the House on April 21, 1970, bench and does not constitute a
Mr. McCloskey stated: crime. . . .

The term ‘‘good behavior,’’ as the IV. RECOMMENDATIONS OF SPECIAL

Founding Fathers considered it, SUBCOMMITTEE TO JUDICIARY COM-
must be taken together with the spe- MITTEE
cific provisions limiting cause for im-
peachment of executive branch per- 1. It is not necessary for the mem-
sonnel to treason, bribery or other bers of the Judiciary Committee to
high crimes and misdemeanors. The take a position on either of the con-
higher standard of good behavior re- cepts of impeachment that are dis-
quired of judges might well be con-
sidered as applicable solely to their cussed in Chapter II.
judicial performance and capacity 2. Intensive investigation of the Spe-
and not to their private and non- cial Subcommittee has not disclosed
judicial conduct unless the same is creditable evidence that would warrant


preparation of charges on any accept- Offenses Committed Prior to

able concept of an impeachable offense. Term of Office
JACK BROOKS. § 3.14 The Speaker and the
House declined to take any
The minority views of Mr. Ed-
ward Hutchinson, of Michigan, a action on a request by the
member of the special sub- Vice President for an inves-
committee, concluded as follows tigation into possible im-
on the ‘‘concepts of impeachment’’: peachable offenses against
him, where the offenses were
The report contains a chapter on the
Concepts of Impeachment. At the same not related to his term of of-
time, it takes the position that it is un- fice as Vice President and
necessary to choose among the con- where the charges were
cepts mentioned because it finds no
impeachable offense under any. It is
pending before the courts.
evident, therefore, that while a discus- On Sept. 25, 1973,(7) Speaker
sion of the theory of impeachment is Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, laid be-
interesting, it is unnecessary to a reso-
lution of the case as the Subcommittee
fore the House a communication
views it. This chapter on Concepts is from Vice President Spiro T.
nothing more than dicta under the cir- Agnew requesting that the House
cumstances. Certainly the Sub- investigate offenses charged to the
committee should not even indirectly Vice President in an investigation
narrow the power of the House to im-
peach through a recitation of two or being conducted by a U.S. Attor-
three theories and a very apparent ney. The alleged offenses related
choice of one over the others, while at to the Vice President’s conduct be-
the same time asserting that no choice fore he became a civil officer
is necessary. The Subcommittee’s re-
port adopts the view that a Federal under the United States. No ac-
judge cannot be impeached unless he is tion was taken on the request.
found to have committed a crime, or a Parliamentarian’s Note: The
serious indiscretion in his judicially Vice President cited in his letter a
connected activities. Although it is
purely dicta, inclusion of this chapter request made by Vice President
in the report may be mischievous since John C. Calhoun in 1826 (dis-
it might unjustifiably restrict the scope cussed at 3 Hinds’ Precedents
of further investigation. § 1736). On that occasion, the al-
Following the submission of the leged charges related to the Vice
report, further proceedings President’s prior service as Sec-
against Justice Douglas were dis- retary of War. The communication
7. 119 CONG. REC. 31368, 93d Cong. 1st
6. See § 14.16 infra. Sess.


was referred on motion to a select The practice at the time of the

committee which investigated the Pickering impeachment was to
charges and subsequently re- present a resolution of impeach-
ported to the House that no im- ment to the Senate and then to
propriety had been found in the prepare and adopt articles of im-
Vice President’s former conduct as peachment for presentation to the
a civil officer under the United Senate. In that case, impeach-
States. The report of the select ment proceedings begun in the
committee was ordered to lie on 7th Congress were resumed by the
the table and the House took no House in the 8th Congress.(10)
further action thereon. The Vice
President’s letter did not cite the The question arose in the 73d
Committee on the Judiciary’s rec- Congress whether the appoint-
ommendation to the House (dis- ment in the 72d Congress of
cussed in 3 Hinds’ Precedents House managers to conduct im-
§ 2510) that conduct of Vice Presi- peachment proceedings against
dent Colfax allegedly occurring Judge Louderback was such as to
prior to his term as Vice President permit them to act in that func-
was not grounds for impeachment, tion in the 73d Congress without
since not ‘‘an act done or omitted a further grant of authority. The
while the officer was in office.’’ House adopted in the 73d Con-
(See § 5.14, infra). gress a resolution filling vacan-
cies, making reappointments, and
vesting the managers with powers
§ 4. Effect of Adjournment and granting them funds.(11)
In the case of Judge Halsted L.
Under parliamentary law, as Ritter, the House authorized and
stated in Jefferson’s Manual, ‘‘an the Committee on the Judiciary
impeachment is not discontinued conducted an impeachment inves-
by the dissolution of Parliament, tigation in the 73d Congress, with
but may be resumed by the new
Parliament.’’ (8) Both Judge John olution impeaching Judge Pickering,
Pickering and Judge Harold and § 4.1, infra, for the presentation
Louderback were impeached by to the Senate of the resolution im-
the House in one Congress and peaching Judge Louderback.
tried by the Senate in the next.(9) 10. See 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2321. For
the later practice of presenting to
8. House Rules and Manual § 620 (Jef- the Senate a resolution together
ferson’s Manual) (1973). with articles of impeachment, see
9. See 3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 2319, § 8.1, infra.
2320, for the presentation of the res- 11. See § 4.2, infra.


the resolution and articles of im- on the part of the House in the
peachment being reported and Louderback impeachment pro-
adopted in the 74th Congress. ceeding appeared before the Sen-
Charges of impeachment were of- ate and read the resolution and
fered and referred anew to the articles of impeachment. The Sen-
Committee on the Judiciary in the ate adopted a motion that the pro-
74th Congress, but the resolution ceedings be made a special order
reported and adopted by the of business on the first day of the
House specifically referred to the
first session of the 73d Con-
evidence gathered during the 73d
Congress as the basis for im- gress.(13)
peachment.(12) The only other occasion where
impeachment proceedings contin-
Cross References ued into a new Congress occurred
Adjournments generally and their effect in 1803–04, the resolution of im-
on business, see Ch. 40, infra. peachment of Judge John Pick-
Resumption of business in a new Con-
gress, see Ch. 1, supra.
ering being carried to the Senate
Resumption of committee investigation by a House committee of two
into conduct of Judge Ritter, see § 18, members on Mar. 3, 1803, the
infra. final day of the 7th Congress. The
Resumption of proceedings against Judge Senate organized for and con-
Louderback in succeeding Congress,
see § 17, infra. ducted the trial in the 8th Con-
It should be noted that in nei-
Impeachment in One Congress ther the Louderback nor Pickering
and Trial in the Next impeachments did the trial in the
Senate begin before the adjourn-
§ 4.1 The managers on the part ment sine die of the Congress. The
of the House presented arti- issue whether the Senate could
cles of impeachment against conduct a bifurcated trial, part in
Judge Harold Louderback on one Congress and part in the
the final day of the 72d Con- next, has not been presented.(15)
gress, and the Senate orga-
13. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 515.
nized for and conducted the
14. 3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 2319, 2320.
trial in the 73d Congress. Managers had not been appointed
On Mar. 3, 1933, the last day of nor articles considered in the House
the 72d Congress, the managers by the end of the 7th Congress.
15. For a memorandum as to whether an
12. See §§ 4.3, 4.4, infra. impeachment trial begun in one Con-


Authority of Managers Fol- the House, being those Members

lowing Expiration of Con- appointed in the 72d Congress to
gress conduct the inquiry and re-elected
to the 73d Congress, appeared for
§ 4.2 Where the House had im- the proceedings of the Senate sit-
peached Judge Louderback ting as a Court of Impeach-
in the 72d Congress but the ment.(16)
Senate did not organize for On Mar. 22, the House adopted
or conduct the trial until the a resolution electing successors for
73d Congress, the House in those managers elected in the 72d
the 73d Congress adopted Congress who were no longer
resolutions (1) appointing Members of the House, and re-
Members to fill vacancies for appointing the former managers.
managers not re-elected and The House discussed the power of
reappointing managers elect- the House to appoint managers to
ed in the 72d Congress and continue in office in that capacity
(2) granting the managers after the expiration of the term to
powers and funds. which elected to the House.(17)
On Mar. 9, 1933, the first day of
Investigation in One Congress
the 73d Congress, the Senate sit-
and Impeachment in the Next
ting as a Court of Impeachment
for the trial of Judge Harold § 4.3 The Committee on the Ju-
Louderback met at 2 p.m., articles diciary determined in the
of impeachment having been pre- 74th Congress that its au-
sented in the Senate on the last thority to report out a reso-
day of the 72d Congress. On Mar. lution impeaching a federal
13, the managers on the part of judge expired with the termi-
gress could be continued into the nation of the Congress in
next, see 120 CONG. REC. 31346–48, which the resolution con-
93d Cong. 2d Sess., Sept. 17, 1974 taining charges was intro-
(insertion by Michael J. Mansfield duced and referred to the
[Mont.], Majority Leader of the Sen- committee.
Under parliamentary law, an im- On Mar. 2, 1936, in the 74th
peachment is not discontinued by the Congress, the House was consid-
dissolution of Parliament but may be ering a resolution and articles of
resumed by the new Parliament. See
House Rules and Manual § 620 (Jef- 16. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 516.
ferson’s Manual) (1973). 17. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 517.


impeachment, reported by the duced any more than it did in connec-

Committee on the Judiciary, tion with any other bill or resolution
that might have been introduced in a
against Judge Halsted L. Ritter, previous Congress. Therefore, when
an investigation of his conduct the question came up as to voting im-
having been made in the 73d Con- peachment charges upon a resolution
gress. Mr. William V. Gregory, of which was introduced in the Seventy-
Kentucky, a member of the com- third Congress, I voted against such
mittee, remarked on the effect, in action, and I think other Members
voted the same way. But when the
the 74th Congress, of an author- matter was properly presented at this
izing resolution passed in the 73d session of Congress and impeachment
Congress: (18) charges were made on this floor on the
MR. GREGORY: Mr. Speaker, in view responsibility of the gentleman from
of the statement made by the gen- Florida [Mr. Green], the matter came
tleman from Florida [Mr. Wilcox], and before the committee again in regular
more recently by the gentleman from and proper form, and I then voted to
New York [Mr. Hancock], with ref- report out this resolution of impeach-
erence to what happened in committee, ment.
I think it proper I should make a I want the Members of the House to
statement at this time. understand that the Committee on the
The first proceedings in this matter Judiciary has not changed its position
were instituted in the Seventy-third on this proposition at any time. These
Congress. A simple resolution of inves- are the facts.
tigation was introduced by the gen-
tleman from Florida [Mr. Wilcox]. No § 4.4 Where the Committee on
one during that session of Congress at- the Judiciary investigated
tempted by resolution or upon his own charges of impeachable of-
authority on the floor of the House to fenses against a federal
prefer impeachment charges against judge in one Congress and
the judge. The Seventy-third Congress
died, and the gentleman from Florida reported to the House a reso-
[Mr. Green] came before the Seventy- lution of impeachment in the
fourth Congress and wanted some ac- next, the resolution indi-
tion taken upon the resolution which cated that impeachment was
had been introduced in the Seventy- warranted by the evidence
third Congress. I took the position be-
fore the Committee—and I think oth- gathered in the investigation
ers agreed with me—that with the conducted in the preceding
passing of the Seventy-third Congress Congress.
it had no power over the resolution of
On Feb. 20, 1936, the Com-
investigation which had been intro-
mittee on the Judiciary submitted
18. 80 CONG. REC. 3089, 74th Cong. 2d a privileged report (H. Rept. No.
Sess. 74–2025) on the impeachment of

District Judge Halsted L. Ritter to for the southern district of Florida, be

the House. The report and the ac- impeached for misbehavior, and for
high crimes and misdemeanors; and
companying resolution recited
that the evidence heretofore taken by
that the evidence taken by the the subcommittee of the Committee on
Committee on the Judiciary in the the Judiciary of the House of Rep-
prior Congress, the 73d Congress, resentatives under House Resolution
pursuant to authorizing resolu- 163 of the Seventy-third Congress sus-
tion, sustained articles of im- tains articles of impeachment, which
peachment (the charges of im- are hereinafter set out; and that the
peachable offenses had been pre- said articles be, and they are hereby,
adopted by the House of Representa-
sented anew in the 74th Congress
tives, and that the same shall be ex-
and referred to the committee): hibited to the Senate in the following
The Committee on the Judiciary, words and figures, to wit: . . .(19)
having had under consideration
Parliamentarian’s Note: No res-
charges of official misconduct against
Halsted L. Ritter, a district judge of olution was adopted in the 74th
the United States for the Southern Congress to specifically authorize
District of Florida, and having taken an investigation in that Congress
testimony with regard to the official by the Committee on the Judici-
conduct of said judge under the author-
ary of charges of impeachment
ity of House Resolution 163 of the Sev-
enty-third Congress, report the accom- against Judge Ritter, the inves-
panying resolution of impeachment tigation apparently having been
and articles of impeachment against completed in the 73d Congress but
Halsted L. Ritter to the House of Rep- not reported on to the House.
resentatives with the recommendation Charges were introduced in the
that the same be adopted by the House
and presented to the Senate.
74th Congress against Judge Rit-
ter and referred to the committee,
[H. Res. 422, 74th Cong., 2d sess. since the committee could not re-
(Rept. No. 2025)]
port resolutions and charges re-
RESOLUTION ferred in the 73d Congress, all
Resolved, That Halsted L. Ritter, business expiring in the House
who is a United States district judge with a Congress.(20)
19. 80 CONG. REC. 2528, 74th Cong. 2d the Ritter impeachment proceedings,
Sess. (report submitted); 80 CONG. see §§ 18.1–18.4, infra.
REC. 3066, 74th Cong. 2d Sess., Mar.
20. For introduction of charges and a
2, 1936 (report considered in the
House). resolution impeaching Judge Ritter
For detailed discussion of com- in the 74th Congress, see §§ 18.2,
mittee consideration and report in 18.3, infra.



§ 5. Introduction and Re- Where a Member raises a ques-

ferral of Charges tion of constitutional privilege to
present impeachment proceedings
In the majority of cases, im- on the floor of the House, he must
peachment proceedings in the in the first instance offer a resolu-
House have been initiated either tion, which resolution must di-
by introducing resolutions of im- rectly call for impeachment, rath-
peachment by placing them in the er than call for an investigation.(2)
hopper, or by offering charges on Impeachment proceedings in the
the floor of the House under a House have been set in motion by
memorial or petition, (3) and on
question of constitutional privi-
one occasion by message from the
lege. Resolutions dropped in the
President.(4) In the 93d Congress
hopper were used to initiate im-
the Vice President sought to ini-
peachment proceedings against
tiate an investigation by the
Associate Justice William O. House into charges pending
Douglas and President Richard M.
Nixon. Where such resolutions charges, without the adoption by the
have directly impeached federal House of a resolution specifically au-
civil officers, they have been re- thorizing an investigation (see § 6.11,
infra). In the case of President
ferred by the Speaker to the Com-
Nixon, the Committee on the Judici-
mittee on the Judiciary, which ary reported a resolution which was
has jurisdiction over federal adopted by the House, specifically
judges and presidential succes- conferring on the committee the
sion; where they have called for power to investigate the charges (see
an investigation into such charges § 6.2, infra).
by the Committee on the Judici- 2. See § 5.4, infra. But see § 18.2, infra,
for one occasion where a Member
ary or by a select committee they gained the floor under a question of
have been referred by the Speaker privilege and offered charges but not
to the Committee on Rules, which a resolution of impeachment.
has had jurisdiction over resolu- 3. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § § 2364, 2469
tions authorizing investigations by (memorial from state legislature ini-
committees of the House.(1) tiating proceedings against Judge
Charles Swayne, resulting in his im-
1. See § § 5.10, 5.11, infra. In the case peachment), 2491, 2494, 2496; 6
of Justice Douglas, the Committee on Cannon’s Precedents § 552.
the Judiciary authorized a special 4. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2294 (Senator
subcommittee to investigate the William Blount).


against him in the courts, but no Andrew W. Mellon, and offered a

action was taken on his request resolution authorizing an inves-
(by letter to the Speaker).(5) tigation:
Initiation of specific impeachment pro-
ceedings, see §§ 15–18, infra. MR. PATMAN: Mr. Speaker, I rise to
Jurisdiction of House committees gen- a question of constitutional privilege.
On my own responsibility as a Member
erally, see Ch. 17, infra.
of this House, I impeach Andrew Wil-
Privilege for consideration of amend- liam Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury
ments to articles of impeachment, see of the United States, for high crimes
§ 10, infra. and misdemeanors, and offer the fol-
Privilege of reports on impeachment, see lowing resolution:
§ 8, infra.
Whereas . . .
Questions of privilege of the House, rais- Resolved, That the Committee on
ing and substance of, see Ch. 11, the Judiciary is authorized and di-
supra. rected, as a whole or by sub-
Resolutions, petitions and memorials committee, to investigate the official
conduct of Andrew W. Mellon, Sec-
generally, see Ch. 24, infra. retary of the Treasury, to determine
whether, in its opinion, he has been
guilty of any high crime or mis-
demeanor which, in the contempla-
Privilege of Impeachment tion of the Constitution, requires the
Charges and Resolutions interposition of the constitutional
powers of the House. Such com-
mittee shall report its findings to the
§ 5.1 A proposition impeaching House, together with such resolution
a federal civil officer is privi- of impeachment or other rec-
ommendation as it deems proper.
leged when offered on the
floor of the House. Sec. 2. For the purposes of this reso-
lution, the committee is authorized to
On Jan. 6, 1932,(6) Mr. Wright sit and act during the present Con-
Patman, of Texas, rose to a ques- gress at such times and places in the
tion of constitutional privilege, im- District of Columbia or elsewhere,
whether or not the House is sitting,
peached Secretary of the Treasury has recessed, or has adjourned, to hold
such hearings, to employ such experts,
5. See § 5.14, infra, for Vice President
and such clerical, stenographic, and
Spiro T. Agnew’s request and for a
other assistants, to require the attend-
discussion of other cases where fed- ance of such witnesses and the produc-
eral civil officers have sought to ini- tion of such books, papers, and docu-
tiate investigations into charges ments, to take such testimony, to have
against them. such printing and binding done, and to
6. 75 CONG. REC. 1400, 72d Cong. 1st make such expenditures not exceeding
Sess. $5,000, as it deems necessary.


§ 5.2 Although a resolution of THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: (8) The

impeachment is privileged, it gentleman from New Hampshire has
the floor.
may not be called up in the MR. WYMAN: I did not yield for that
House while another Member purpose.
has the floor and does not THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
yield for that purpose, but it gentleman from Indiana has intro-
may be introduced for ref- duced a resolution.(9)
erence through the hopper at
§ 5.3 The Speaker ruled that
the Clerk’s desk.
whether or not a resolution
On Apr. 15, 1970, Mr. Louis C. of impeachment was privi-
Wyman, of New Hampshire, had leged was a constitutional
the floor for a special-order speech question for the House and
and yielded to Mr. Andrew Jacobs,
not the Chair to decide,
Jr., of Indiana:
where the resolution in-
MR. JACOBS: Mr. Speaker, will the cluded charges against
gentleman yield for a three-sentence
statement? former civil officers.
MR. WYMAN: I yield to the gen- On May 23, 1933, Mr. Louis T.
tleman from Indiana. McFadden, of Pennsylvania, rose
MR. JACOBS: Mr. Speaker, the gen-
tleman from Michigan has stated pub-
to a question of constitutional
licly that he favors impeachment of privilege and offered House Reso-
Justice Douglas. lution 158, impeaching numerous
He, therefore, has a duty to this members and former members of
House and this country to file a resolu- the Federal Reserve Board. Dur-
tion of impeachment.
ing the reading of the resolution
Since he refuses to do so and since
he raises grave questions, the answers Mr. Carl E. Mapes, of Michigan,
to which I do not know, but every made a point of order against the
American is entitled to know, I intro- resolution:
duce at this time the resolution of im-
peachment in order that a proper and I wish to submit the question to the
dignified inquiry into this matter Speaker as to whether or not a person
might be held. who is not now in office is subject to
impeachment? This resolution of the
Mr. Jacobs then introduced his gentleman from Pennsylvania refers to
resolution (H. Res. 920) through several people who are no longer hold-
the hopper and it was subse- ing any public office. They are not now
quently referred to the Committee at least civil officers. The Constitution
on the Judiciary.(7)
8. Charles M. Price (Ill.).
7. 116 CONG. REC. 11942, 91st Cong. 2d 9. 116 CONG. REC. 11920, 91st Cong. 2d
Sess. Sess.


provides that the ‘‘President, Vice QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE

President, and all civil officers shall be
MR. MCFADDEN: Mr. Speaker, I rise
removed from office on impeachment’’,
to a question of constitutional privi-
and so forth. I have had no opportunity
to examine the precedents since this
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will
matter came up, but it occurs to me
state it.
that the resolution takes in too much
territory to make it privileged. MR. MCFADDEN: Mr. Speaker, on De-
cember 13, 1932——
Speaker Henry T. Rainey, of Il- MR. [ROBERT] LUCE [of Massachu-
linois, ruled as follows: setts: Mr. Speaker, a point of order.
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will
That is a constitutional question
state it.
which the Chair cannot pass upon, but
should be passed upon by the House. MR. LUCE: Mr. Speaker, the raising
of a question of constitutional privilege
The resolution was referred on mo-
must be preceded by a resolution or
tion to the Committee on the Judici-
THE SPEAKER: As the Chair under-
stands it, the gentleman is stating his
Initiation of Impeachment constitutional question. Has the gen-
Charges by Motion or Resolu- tleman a resolution?
tion MR. MCFADDEN: I am trying to com-
municate to the House what I propose
§ 5.4 In impeaching an officer to do here, Mr. Speaker.
of the United States as a mat- MR. LUCE: I insist on the point of
ter of constitutional privi- order, Mr. Speaker.
lege, a Member must in the THE SPEAKER: The rules of the
first instance present a mo- House provide that the gentleman
must send a resolution to the Clerk’s
tion or resolution.
desk in raising a question of constitu-
On Jan. 18, 1933, Mr. Louis T. tional privilege.
McFadden, of Pennsylvania, at- MR. MCFADDEN: If the Speaker will
tempted to impeach President permit, I am attempting to make a
Herbert Hoover by presenting a privileged statement to the House, and
I believe I am within my rights in
question of constitutional privi- doing this.
lege. Speaker John N. Garner, of THE SPEAKER: In order for the gen-
Texas, ruled that a resolution or tleman to have the right to make such
motion must first be presented: (11) a statement to the House, he must
send a resolution to the Clerk’s desk
10. 77 CONG. REC. 4055, 73d Cong. 1st and have it read, on which the House
Sess. may then act. The gentleman would
11. 76 CONG. REC. 2041, 2042, 72d Cong. then have one hour in which to ad-
2d Sess. dress the House, if he presented a


question of constitutional privilege. he is entitled to under the rules of the

That is the only way the gentleman House, but at the same time it is the
can obtain the floor. duty of the Chair to maintain the
MR. MCFADDEN: Mr. Speaker, I be- rules, and it is the impression of the
lieve under the rules I am entitled to Chair from observation during the last
make a statement. 20 years that whenever a Member
THE SPEAKER: Not prior to the sub- states a question of constitutional
mission of a resolution. privilege it must be done in the form of
MR. MCFADDEN: If the Speaker will a resolution. If a Member raises a
pardon me, I have not offered a resolu- question of personal privilege, the
tion. I rise to a question of constitu- Member may then state the question of
tional privilege, and I believe I have personal privilege and is entitled to an
the right to communicate to the House hour. Questions of personal privilege
a constitutional privilege. are on a different footing from a con-
MR. [THOMAS L.] BLANTON [of stitutional question of privilege.
Texas]: Mr. Speaker, I make the point MR. MCFADDEN: Mr. Speaker, I am
of order that if the integrity of the gen- still of the opinion that I am within my
tleman has been impugned in any way constitutional rights and am entitled to
by anyone, this would give him a con- communicate a statement to the House
stitutional privilege, and he has the of Representatives.
right to rise to that privilege and state THE SPEAKER: The Parliamentarian
it without offering a resolution. has just called the attention of the
THE SPEAKER: That is true of a ques- Chair to a decision by Speaker Long-
tion of personal privilege, but the gen- worth, of February 16, 1929 (70th
tleman rises to a question of constitu- Cong., 2d sess., Record, p. 3602), in
tional privilege. This can only be done, which he says:
as the Chair understands it, by the In presenting a question of the
presentation of a resolution upon privilege of the House a Member, in
which the constitutional question is the first instance, must present a
based. A mere statement by the gen- motion or resolution. Of course, this
tleman does not comply with the rules rule does not apply to a Member ris-
of the House. If the gentleman has no ing to a question of personal privi-
resolution involving a constitutional
question, the Chair thinks he is not en- This is a decision of Speaker Long-
titled to recognition. worth, rendered in 1929, which is on
MR. MCFADDEN: May I point out, all fours with this situation. The gen-
Mr. Speaker, that impeachment pro- tleman is not presenting a question of
ceedings are brought by other ways personal privilege but a question of
than formal whereases. It has been constitutional privilege, and, in the in-
done at times by a memorial. I insist, stance referred to, following a number
Mr. Speaker, I am within my rights in of precedents, it was held that the
communicating my statement to the Member must present a resolution in
House of Representatives. the first instance on which to base his
THE SPEAKER: The Chair wants to statement to the House, and then
give the gentleman all the privileges would be entitled to one hour.


MR. MCFADDEN: Mr. Speaker, I Member need not offer arti-

again call attention to the fact that im- cles of impeachment, which
peachments may be brought by memo-
rials and by other methods than that
are prepared by the appro-
which has been stated in the decision priate committee.
referred to. On May 7, 1935,(12) Mr. Everett
THE SPEAKER: When such memorials M. Dirksen, of Illinois, rose to a
and petitions are presented to the question of constitutional privilege
House they are referred to the com-
mittee having jurisdiction of the par-
and impeached Judge Samuel
ticular subject. If a Member of the Alschuler; he offered House Reso-
House bases his question of privilege lution 214, authorizing an inves-
on a memorial or petition, the memo- tigation by the Committee on the
rial or petition must first be reported Judiciary. During his remarks,
by the Clerk, and then the House may Speaker Joseph W. Byrns, of Ten-
take such action as it sees fit. nessee, upheld the privileged na-
MR. MCFADDEN: May not a Member
ture of the charges:
of the House, under the right given
him by the Constitution, present a MR. [DONALD C.] DOBBINS [of Illi-
communication to the House of Rep- nois]: Mr. Speaker, a point of order. I
resentatives which might later result have heard no articles of impeachment
in an impeachment? read. As I have listened to the matter
THE SPEAKER: If the gentleman has presented by the gentleman from Illi-
a communication of that character, let nois [Mr. Dirksen], it is nothing more
him send it to the Clerk’s desk and the nor less than a resolution asking for an
Clerk will report it. Then the House inquiry, and not articles of impeach-
can take such action as it deems prop- ment. It seems to me that it is not a
er. The Chair wants to be perfectly privileged matter, and the gentleman
frank, and if the gentleman from Penn- is not entitled to occupy the time of the
House in this manner. The gentleman
sylvania is undertaking to address the
has not offered any articles of impeach-
House for one hour, the Chair has no
objection to that; but the Chair must
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman has of-
maintain the rules and precedents of
fered no articles of impeachment. He is
the House as the Chair finds them,
simply making charges.
and the gentleman can not get the
floor under the proposition he has pre- MR. DOBBINS: I assumed he had fin-
ished. There have been no articles of
sented at the present time unless he
impeachment presented.
sends up a resolution or motion.
THE SPEAKER: Charges of impeach-
ment; not articles of impeachment.
Offering Articles of Impeach- MR. DOBBINS: I have heard no arti-
ment cles of impeachment read.

§ 5.5 In presenting impeach- 12. 79 CONG. REC. 7081–86, 74th Cong.

ment charges as privileged, a 1st Sess.


MR. DIRKSEN: It seems to me this present impeachment

was in its entirety articles of impeach- charges against an officer of
the government is entitled to
MR. DOBBINS: It is nothing more
that a resolution of inquiry. an hour for debate.
MR. DIRKSEN: Perhaps the gen- On Jan. 14, 1936, Mr. Robert A.
tleman did not hear the first part of Green, of Florida, rose to a ques-
my remarks. I will read the first para- tion of constitutional privilege and
graph of this report: presented charges of impeachment
Samuel Alschuler, justice of the against Judge Halsted L. Ritter.
Circuit Court of Appeals, Seventh
Circuit, is impeached for high crimes During the course of his remarks,
and misdemeanors in said office Speaker Joseph W. Byrns, of Ten-
upon the following specific charges. nessee, ruled as follows on rec-
MR. DOBBINS: As I understand arti- ognition and time for debate:
cles of impeachment, Mr. Speaker, that THE SPEAKER: The Chair will state
does not amount to an impeachment at to the gentleman from Michigan [Mr.
all. Carl E. Mapes] that the gentleman
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman does from Florida having raised a question
not prepare articles of impeachment. of privilege and having made these
That is done by the committee. charges is entitled to 1 hour on the
MR. DOBBINS: It is simply a resolu- charges. The gentleman has been rec-
tion of inquiry such as we have offered ognized and may use all or any portion
here every day, and is not a privileged of the hour he sees fit.(13)
THE SPEAKER: The Chair can only § 5.7 In presenting impeach-
state what the gentleman said when ment charges as privileged, a
he took the floor; that is, that he was Member is not necessarily
preferring charges of impeachment confined to a bare statement
against a certain United States circuit of the facts but may supple-
ment them with argumen-
MR. DOBBINS: But there have been
no such charges; simply a resolution of tative statements.
inquiry. On May 7, 1935, Mr. Everett M.
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman is Dirksen, of Illinois, rose to a ques-
making his charges now. tion of constitutional privilege and
impeached Circuit Judge Samuel
Debate on Question of Privi- Alschuler. He was recognized for
lege to Present Impeachment an hour and during his remarks
Charges Speaker Joseph W. Byrns, of Ten-
§ 5.6 A Member recognized on 13. 80 CONG. REC. 404, 406, 74th Cong.
a question of privilege to 2d Sess.


nessee, overruled a point of order nois so far as the propriety of his state-
against the content of his re- ment is concerned.
MR. DIRKSEN: I do not want to vio-
marks: (14)
late any of the proprieties of the
MR. [HATTON W.] SUMNERS of Texas: House, Mr. Speaker.
I am not familiar with the precedents, MR. SUMNERS of Texas: I do not
but I have the impression that in pre- know what they are myself.
ferring charges of impeachment, argu- THE SPEAKER: The gentleman from
mentative statements should be avoid- Illinois is making his statement on his
ed as much as possible. If I am wrong own responsibility as a Member of the
in that statement with reference to House.
what the precedents and custom have
established, I of course withdraw the On Jan. 14, 1936, Mr. Robert A.
observation. Green, of Florida, rose to a ques-
MR. DIRKSEN: Mr. Speaker, I have tion of constitutional privilege and
no desire to violate the precedents, and presented charges of impeachment
if I have done so it is only because I against Judge Halsted L. Ritter.
have not had an opportunity to exam- During the course of his remarks,
ine them thoroughly, but if the objec-
tion is well taken, I should prefer not
Speaker Byrns overruled a point
to present argumentative matters to of order against the personal na-
the House. ture of Mr. Green’s remarks: (15)
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: I am sure MR. [CARL E.] MAPES [of Michigan]:
the gentleman does not propose to vio- Mr. Speaker, as I understand, the gen-
late the precedents, and unfortunately tleman has made his impeachment
I do not know about the matter myself. charges, and for the last 10 minutes
I am not advised as to what the prece- has been proceeding almost entirely
dents establish, but without looking with an argument and a personal
them up, merely from the standpoint of statement which I do not think are in
what would seem to be proper proce- order under the circumstances. I think
dure, it occurs to me that all argumen- I will make the point of order, Mr.
tative statements be omitted in prefer- Speaker.
ring impeachment charges. THE SPEAKER: The Chair will state
MR. DIRKSEN: Mr. Speaker, there are to the gentleman from Michigan that
two more pages of explanatory matter the gentleman from Florida having
which perhaps I should not present to raised a question of privilege and hav-
the House at this time if the point is ing made these charges is entitled to 1
well taken. I would, however, like to hour on the charges. The gentleman
put them into the Record as elabo- has been recognized and may use all or
rating the statement of specific charges any portion of the hour he sees fit.
that have been made. MR. MAPES: Is the gentleman enti-
THE SPEAKER: The Chair thinks it is tled during that hour to engage in a
entirely up to the gentleman from Illi- general discussion of the charges?

14. 79 CONG. REC. 7081–86, 74th Cong. 15. 80 CONG. REC. 404, 406, 74th Cong.
1st Sess. 2d Sess.


THE SPEAKER: He is, under all the pena power and resolutions fund-
precedents with which the Chair is fa- ing such investigations from the
contingent fund of the House are
Privilege of Questions Inci- normally only privileged when re-
dental to Impeachment spectively reported and called up
by the Committee on Rules or the
§ 5.8 Where privileged resolu- Committee on House Administra-
tions for the impeachment of tion.(17) But a committee to which
a federal civil officer have resolutions of impeachment have
been referred to a com- been referred may report and call
mittee, that committee may up as privileged resolutions inci-
report and call up as privi- dental to the consideration of the
leged resolutions incidental impeachment question. For exam-
to consideration of the im- ple, charges of impeachable of-
peachment question, includ- fenses were referred to the Com-
ing those pertaining to sub- mittee on the Judiciary in 1927,
pena authority and funding in relation to the conduct of Dis-
of an investigation. trict Judge Frank Cooper. The
Committee on the Judiciary sub-
On Feb. 6, 1974, Peter W. Ro- sequently called up as privileged a
dino, Jr., of New Jersey, Chair- resolution authorizing an inves-
man of the Committee on the Ju- tigation by the committee and
diciary, called up as privileged
funding such investigation from
House Resolution 803, authorizing
the contingent fund of the House.
that committee to investigate the
In response to a parliamentary in-
sufficiency of grounds for im-
quiry, Speaker Nicholas Long-
peachment of President Richard
worth, of Ohio, ruled that the res-
Nixon. Various resolutions of im-
olution was privileged ‘‘because it
peachment of the President had
relates to impeachment pro-
previously been referred to the
ceedings.’’ (18) If, however, such a
Parliamentarian’s Note: Resolu- 17. See Rule XI clause 22, House Rules
tions authorizing a committee to and Manual § 726 (1973), giving
conduct investigations with sub- privileged status to reports of the
Committee on House Administration
16. 120 CONG. REC. 2349, 2350, 93d on matters of expenditure of the con-
Cong. 2d Sess. For the events lead- tingent fund.
ing up to the presentation and adop- 18. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 549. For
tion of H. Res. 803, and the reasons other occasions where the Committee
for its presentation, see § 15, infra. on the Judiciary has reported and


resolution is offered on the floor ment proceeding, was privileged

by a Member on his own initiative for immediate consideration: (1)
and not reported from the com- THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will report
mittee to which the impeachment the resolution.
has been referred, it is not privi- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol-
leged for immediate consideration, lows:
since not directly calling for im-
Resolved, That the evidence sub-
§ 5.9 Resolutions proposing the mitted on the charges against Hon.
Harold Louderback, district judge for
discontinuation of impeach- the northern district of California,
ment proceedings are privi- does not warrant the interposition of
leged for immediate consid- the constitutional powers of im-
peachment of the House.
eration when reported from
the committee charged with MR. [BERTRAND H.] SNELL [of New
York]: Mr. Speaker, when they report
the investigation. back a resolution of that kind, is it a
On Feb. 13, 1932, Mr. Hatton privileged matter?
W. Sumners, of Texas, offered THE SPEAKER: It is not only a privi-
House Report No. 444 and House leged matter but a highly privileged
Resolution 143, discontinuing im- matter.
peachment proceedings against MR. [LEONIDAS C.] DYER [of Mis-
souri]: Mr. Speaker, this is the first in-
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew
stance to my knowledge, in my service
W. Mellon. He offered the report here, where the committee has re-
as privileged and it was imme- ported adversely on an impeachment
diately considered and adopted by charge.
the House.(20) THE SPEAKER: The gentleman’s
On Feb. 24, 1933, Speaker John memory should be refreshed. The Mel-
N. Garner, of Texas, held that a lon case was reported back from the
resolution reported from the Com- committee, recommending that im-
peachment proceedings be discon-
mittee on the Judiciary, proposing
the discontinuance of an impeach- MR. SNELL: Was that taken up on
called up as privileged resolutions the floor as a privileged matter?
authorizing the committee to conduct THE SPEAKER: It was.
impeachment investigations, see 3 On Mar. 24, 1939, Mr. Sam
Hinds’ Precedents § 2029 and 6 Can- Hobbs, of Alabama, called up a re-
non’s Precedents §§ 498, 528.
19. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 468. 1. 76 CONG. REC. 4913, 72d Cong. 2d
20. 75 CONG. REC. 3850, 72d Cong. 1st Sess. (also cited at 6 Cannon’s Prece-
Sess. dents § 514).


port of the Committee on the Ju- By Mr. Long of Maryland:

diciary on House Resolution 67, H. Con. Res. 365. Concurrent resolu-
tion of censureship without prejudice
which report recommended to impeachment; to the Committee on
against the impeachment of Sec- the Judiciary.
retary of Labor Frances Perkins. By Ms. Abzug:
The report was called up as privi- H. Res. 625. Resolution impeaching
leged and the House immediately Richard M. Nixon, President of the
agreed to Mr. Hobbs’ motion to United States, for high crimes and
misdemeanors; to the Committee on
lay the report on the table.(2) the Judiciary.
By Mr. Ashley:
Referral of Resolutions Intro- H. Res. 626. Resolution directing the
duced Through Hopper Committee on the Judiciary to inves-
tigate whether there are grounds for
§ 5.10 Resolutions introduced the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon;
through the hopper under to the Committee on Rules.
Rule XXII which directly By Mr. Bingham:
called for the impeachment H. Res. 627. Resolution directing the
Committee on the Judiciary to inquire
or censure of President Rich- into and investigate whether grounds
ard Nixon in the 93d Con- exist for the impeachment of Richard
gress were referred by the M. Nixon; to the Committee on Rules.
Speaker to the Committee on By Mr. Burton (for himself, Ms.
the Judiciary, while resolu- Abzug, Mr. Anderson of Cali-
fornia, Mr. Aspin, Mr. Bergland,
tions calling for an investiga- Mr. Bingham, Mr. Brasco, Mr.
tion by that committee or by Brown of California, Mr. Boland,
a select committee with a Mr. Brademas, Mrs. Chisholm,
view toward impeachment Mr. Culver, Mr. Conyers, Mr.
were referred to the Com- Dellums, Mr. Drinan, Mr.
Eckhardt, Mr. Edwards of Cali-
mittee on Rules. fornia, Mr. Evans of Colorado,
On Oct. 23, 1973, resolutions re- Mr. Fascell, Mr. Fauntroy, Mr.
lating to the impeachment of Foley, Mr. William D. Ford, Mr.
Fraser, Mr. Giaimo, and Ms.
President Nixon were introduced Grasso):
(placed in the hopper pursuant to
Rule XXII clause 4) and severally 11941, 11942, 91st Cong. 2d Sess.,
referred as follows: (3) Apr. 15, 1970 (resolution impeaching
Associate Justice William O. Douglas
2. 84 CONG. REC. 3273, 76th Cong. 1st of the Supreme Court, referred to
Sess. the Committee on the Judiciary). See
3. 119 CONG. REC. 34873, 93d Cong. 1st also House Rules and Manual § 854
Sess. See also 116 CONG. REC. (1973) .


H. Res. 628. Resolution directing the tions authorizing the Com-

Committee on the Judiciary to inquire mittee on the Judiciary to in-
into and investigate whether grounds
exist for the impeachment of Richard vestigate the conduct of fed-
M. Nixon; to the Committee on Rules. eral officials and directing
. . . said committee to report its
By Mr. Hechler of West Virginia: findings to the House ‘‘to-
H. Res. 631. Resolution that Richard gether with such resolutions
M. Nixon, President of the United
States, is impeached of high crimes of impeachment as it deems
and misdemeanors; to the Committee proper.’’
on the Judiciary. On Feb. 22, 1966,(4) a resolution
By Mrs. Heckler of Massachusetts:
(H. Res. 739) ‘‘authorizing the
H. Res. 632. Resolution to appoint a
Special Prosecutor; to the Committee Committee on the Judiciary to
on the Judiciary. . . . conduct certain investigations’’
By Mr. McCloskey: was referred to the Committee on
H. Res. 634. Resolution of inquiry; to Rules. The resolution called for an
the Committee on the Judiciary. investigation into the official con-
H. Res. 635. Resolution for the im- duct of Federal District Court
peachment of Richard M. Nixon; to the
Committee on the Judiciary.
Judges Alfred P. Murrah, Stephen
By Mr. Mazzoli: S. Chandler, and Luther
H. Res. 636. Resolution: an inquiry Bohannon, in Oklahoma, and di-
into the existence of grounds for the rected the Committee on the Judi-
impeachment of Richard M. Nixon, ciary to report its findings to the
President of the United States; to the House ‘‘together with such resolu-
Committee on Rules.
tions of impeachment as it deems
By Mr. Milford:
H. Res. 637. Resolution providing for
the establishment of an Investigative
Committee to investigate alleged Presi- Motions to Lay on the Table or
dential misconduct; to the Committee to Refer
on Rules.
By Mr. Mitchell of Maryland (for § 5.12 The motion to lay on the
himself, Mr. Burton, and Mr. table applies to resolutions
proposing impeachment and
H. Res. 638. Resolution impeaching
Richard M. Nixon, President of the may deprive a Member who
United States, of high crimes and mis- has offered such a resolution
demeanors; to the Committee on the of recognition for debate
Judiciary. thereon.
§ 5.11 The Committee on Rules 4. 112 CONG. REC. 3665, 89th Cong. 2d
has jurisdiction of resolu- Sess.


On Jan. 17, 1933,(5) Speaker a matter from the table by proceeding

John N. Garner, of Texas, held with a second movement of the same
that the motion to table applied to
THE SPEAKER: The Chair, of course,
resolutions of impeachment and has not heard the resolution read.
could deprive the proponent of de- Probably if it was identical with the
bate on such a resolution: resolution submitted some time ago
MR. [LOUIS T.] MCFADDEN [of Penn- and laid on the table there would be
sylvania]: On my own responsibility, as some question whether or not a second
a Member of the House of Representa- impeachment could be had. But the
tives, I impeach Herbert Hoover, Presi- President can be impeached, or any
dent of the United States, for high person provided for by the Constitu-
crimes and misdemeanors. tion, a second time, and the Chair
THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will report thinks the better policy would be to
the resolutions. have the resolution read and deter-
mine whether or not it is the same.
MR. MCFADDEN: Mr. Speaker, a par-
liamentary inquiry. MR. [FRED A.] BRITTEN [of Illinois]:
Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry.
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will
state it. THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will
state it.
MR. MCFADDEN: Am I not entitled to
an hour to discuss the resolution? MR. BRITTEN: Would a motion be in
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman is en- order at this time?
titled to an hour, but first the Clerk THE SPEAKER: No. The Chair would
must report the resolution of impeach- not recognize any Member to make a
ment. motion until the resolution is read.
MR. MCFADDEN: I offer the following MR. BRITTEN: Mr. Speaker, I ask
resolution. unanimous consent that the resolution
THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will report be considered as having been read.
the resolution. THE SPEAKER: The Chair thinks the
The Clerk read as follows: . . . resolution should be read.
MR. [ROBERT] LUCE [of Massachu- MR. MCFADDEN (again interrupting
setts] (interrupting the reading of the the reading of the resolution): Mr.
resolution): Mr. Speaker, a parliamen- Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry.
tary inquiry. THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will state it.
state it. MR. MCFADDEN: I understand that
MR. LUCE: On a previous occasion at the completion of the reading of this
charges apparently of the same pur- resolution it is planned——
port were laid on the table by the THE SPEAKER: That is not a par-
House. Is it within the province of any liamentary inquiry. That is a state-
Member to evade the rules and to take ment.
MR. MCFADDEN: I am attempting to
5. 76 CONG. REC. 1965–68, 72d Cong. state a parliamentary inquiry, Mr.
2d Sess. Speaker.


THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will House. Therefore the motion is in

state it. The Chair will hear the gen- order.
tleman. MR. [BERTRAND H.] SNELL [of New
MR. MCFADDEN: During the opening York]: Mr. Speaker, I demand the yeas
I addressed the Speaker to ascertain and nays.
whether or not I would be protected in Parliamentarian’s Note: Under
one hour time for debate. I am pre-
pared to debate. I understand a certain
Rule XVI clause 4, the motion to
motion will be made which will deprive lay on the table may be offered
me of that right. while a question is under debate,
THE SPEAKER: The Chair can not including a question of privilege,
control 434 Members of the House in and is not debatable. The motion
the motions they will make. The Chair to refer is also in order under the
must recognize them and interpret the rule and is debatable within nar-
rules as they are written. That is what
row limits. The question of consid-
the Chair intends to do. The gen-
tleman from Pennsylvania would have
eration may also be raised under
an opportunity to discuss this matter Rule XVI clause 3; it is not debat-
for an hour under the rules of the able, but may be demanded before
House, if some gentleman did not take debate on the pending question,
him off his feet by a proper motion. and may be raised against a ques-
[Applause.] tion of the highest privilege.(6)
MR. MCFADDEN: That is what I was
attempting to ascertain. § 5.13 Resolutions authorizing
The Clerk concluded the reading of investigations into charges of
the resolution.
impeachment have been re-
MR. [HENRY T.] RAINEY [of Illinois]:
Mr. Speaker, I move to lay the resolu-
ferred, on motion, to the
tion of impeachment on the table. Committee on the Judiciary.
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman from On Jan. 24, 1939,(7) a Member
Illinois moves to lay the resolution of declared his impeachment of cer-
impeachment on the table. tain officials of the executive
May the Chair be permitted to make
branch, including Secretary of
a statement with reference to the rule
applying to that motion? The Parlia-
Labor Frances Perkins:
mentarian has examined the prece- MR. [J. PARNELL] THOMAS of New
dents with reference to the motion. Jersey: Mr. Speaker, on my own re-
Speaker Clark and Speaker Gillette, sponsibility as a Member of the House
under identical conditions, held that a
motion to lay on the table took a Mem- 6. See Rule XVI clauses 3, 4 and notes
ber off the floor of the House, although thereto, House Rules and Manual
the general rules granted him one hour §§ 778–787 (1973).
in which to discuss the resolution of 7. 84 CONG. REC. 702–11, 76th Cong.
impeachment or privileges of the 1st Sess.


of Representatives, I impeach Frances rected to sit and act, during the

Perkins, Secretary of Labor of the present session of Congress, at such
United States; James L. Houghteling, times and places in the District of Co-
Commissioner of the Immigration and lumbia, or elsewhere, whether or not
Naturalization Service of the Depart- the House is sitting, has recessed, or
ment of Labor; and Gerard D. Reilly, has adjourned; to hold hearings; to em-
ploy such experts and such clerical,
Solicitor of the Department of Labor,
stenographic and other assistance; and
as civil officers of the United States, to require the attendance of such wit-
for high crimes and misdemeanors in nesses and the production of such
violation of the Constitution and laws books, papers, and documents; and to
of the United States, and I charge that take such testimony and to have such
the aforesaid Frances Perkins, James printing and binding done; and to
L. Houghteling, and Gerard D. Reilly, make such expenditures not exceeding
as civil officers of the United States, $10,000, as it deems necessary. . . .
were and are guilty of high crimes and MR. [SAM] RAYBURN [of Texas]: Mr.
misdemeanors in office in manner and Speaker, I move that the resolution be
form as follows, to wit: . . . referred to the Committee on the Judi-
ciary of the House and upon that I de-
Mr. Thomas offered a resolution sire to say just a word. A great many
authorizing an investigation of suggestions have been made as to what
charges, which resolution was re- should be done with this resolution,
but I think this would be the orderly
ferred, on motion, to the Com- procedure so that the facts may be de-
mittee on the Judiciary: veloped. The resolution will come out
of that committee or remain in it ac-
Resolved, That the Committee on the cording to the testimony adduced.
Judiciary be and is hereby authorized
I therefore move the previous ques-
and directed, as a whole or by sub- tion on my motion to refer, Mr. Speak-
committee, to investigate the official er.
conduct of Frances Perkins, Secretary The previous question was ordered.
of Labor; James L. Houghteling, Com- The motion was agreed to.
missioner of Immigration and Natu-
ralization Service, Department of On Jan. 6, 1932,(8) a privileged
Labor; and Gerard D. Reilly, Solicitor, resolution proposing an investiga-
Department of Labor, to determine tion directed towards impeach-
whether, in its opinion, they have been ment, offered as privileged on the
guilty of any high crimes or mis- floor, was on motion referred to
demeanors which, in the contemplation the Committee on the Judiciary:
of the Constitution, requires the inter-
position of the constitutional powers of IMPEACHMENT OF ANDREW W. MELLON,
the House. Such committee shall re- SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY
port its findings to the House together MR. [WRIGHT] PATMAN [of Texas]:
with such articles of impeachment as Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of
the facts may warrant.
For the purposes of this resolution 8. 75 CONG. REC. 1400, 72d Cong. 1st
the committee is authorized and di- Sess.


constitutional privilege. On my own re- nessee, that the articles be referred to

sponsibility as a Member of this the Committee on the Judiciary. The
House, I impeach Andrew William motion was agreed to.
Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury of
the United States for high crimes and
misdemeanors, and offer the following
Initiation of Investigation by
resolution: . . . Accused
Resolved, That the Committee on
the Judiciary is authorized and di- § 5.14 The Vice President
rected, as a whole or by sub- sought to initiate an inves-
committee, to investigate the official tigation by the House of cer-
conduct of Andrew W. Mellon, Sec-
retary of the Treasury, to determine tain charges brought against
whether, in its opinion, he has been him, but the House took no
guilty of any high crime or mis-
demeanor which, in the contempla- action on the request.
tion of the Constitution, requires the On Sept. 25, 1973,(10) Speaker
interposition of the constitutional
powers of the House. Such com- Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, laid be-
mittee shall report its findings to the fore the House a communication
House together with such resolution from Vice President Spiro T.
of impeachment or other rec-
ommendation as it deems proper. Agnew requesting that the House
Sec. 2. For the purposes of this investigate charges which might
resolution, the committee is author- ‘‘assume the character of impeach-
ized to sit and act during the present
Congress at such times and places in able offenses’’ made against him
the District of Columbia or else- by a U.S. Attorney in the course
where, whether or not the House is of a criminal investigation. The
sitting, has recessed, or has ad- House took no action on the re-
journed, to hold such hearings, to
employ such experts and such cler- quest by motion or otherwise.
ical, stenographic, and other assist- Parliamentarian’s Note: Several
ants, to require the attendance of
such witnesses and the production of resolutions were introduced on
such books, papers, and documents, Sept. 26, 1973, to authorize inves-
to take such testimony, to have such tigations into the charges referred
printing and binding done, and to to, both by the Committee on the
make such expenditures not exceed-
ing $5,000, as it deems necessary. Judiciary and by a select com-
MR. [JOSEPH W.] BYRNS [of Ten-
mittee. The resolutions were re-
nessee]: Mr. Speaker, I move that the ferred to the Committee on
articles just read be referred to the Rules.(11)
Committee on the Judiciary, and upon The Vice President cited in his
that motion I demand the previous
question. letter a request made by Vice
The previous question was ordered.
THE SPEAKER: (9) The question is on 10. 119 CONG. REC. 31368, 93d Cong. 1st
the motion of the gentleman from Ten- Sess.
11. See H. Res. 566 and H. Res. 567,
9. John N. Garner (Tex.). 93d Cong. 1st Sess.


President John C. Calhoun in whether the receipt of a bribe by a per-

son who afterwards becomes a civil of-
1826 and discussed at 3 Hinds’ ficer of the United States, even while
Precedents § 1736. On that occa- holding another official position, is an
sion, the alleged charges related act upon which an impeachment can
be grounded to subject him to removal
to the Vice President’s former ten- from an office which he afterwards
ure as Secretary of War. The com- holds. To elucidate this we first turn to
munication was referred on mo- the precedents.
tion to a select committee which Your committee find that in all cases
of impeachment or attempted impeach-
investigated the charges and sub- ment under our Constitution there is
sequently reported to the House no instance where the accusation was
that no impropriety had been not in regard to an act done or omitted
to be done while the officer was in of-
found in the Vice President’s fice. In every case it has been here-
former conduct as a civil officer tofore considered material that the ar-
under the United States. The re- ticles of impeachment should allege in
substance that, being such officer, and
port of the select committee was while in the exercise of the duties of
ordered to lie on the table and the his office, the accused committed the
House took no further action acts of alleged inculpation.
thereon. The report was never finally
Vice President Agnew did not acted upon by the House.
cite a precedent occurring in 1873,
however, where the Committee on
the Judiciary reported that a civil § 6. Committee Investiga-
officer—Vice President Schuyler tions
Colfax—could not be impeached
for offenses allegedly committed The conduct of impeachment in-
prior to his term of office as a civil vestigations is governed by those
officer under the United States. portions of Rule XI relating to
committee investigatory and hear-
The committee had investigated
ing procedure, and by any rules
at his request whether Vice Presi- and special procedures adopted by
dent Colfax had, during his prior the committee for the inquiry.(12)
term as Speaker of the House, An investigatory subcommittee
been involved in bribes of Mem- charged with an impeachment in-
bers. As reported in 3 Hinds’ quiry is limited to the powers ex-
Precedents § 2510, the committee pressly authorized by the com-
concluded as follows in its report mittee.(13)
to the House: 12. See §§ 6.3 et seq.
But we are to consider, taking the 13. See § 6.11, infra, for the creation of a
harshest construction of the evidence, subcommittee to investigate and to


Forms (B) the production of such things;

Form of resolution authorizing (2) by interrogatory, the furnishing
an investigation of the sufficiency of such information;
of grounds for impeachment (of
as it deems necessary to such inves-
President Richard Nixon) and con- tigation.
ferring subpena power and au-
thority to take testimony: (14) (b) Such authority of the committee
may be exercised—
H. RES. 803 (1) by the chairman and the ranking
Resolved, That the Committee on the minority member acting jointly, or, if
Judiciary, acting as a whole or by any either declines to act, by the other act-
subcommittee thereof appointed by the ing alone, except that in the event ei-
chairman for the purposes hereof and ther so declines, either shall have the
in accordance with the rules of the right to refer to the committee for deci-
committee, is authorized and directed sion the question whether such author-
to investigate fully and completely ity shall be so exercised and the com-
whether sufficient grounds exist for mittee shall be convened promptly to
the House of Representatives to exer- render that decision; or
cise its constitutional power to im- (2) by the committee acting as a
peach Richard M. Nixon, President of whole or by subcommittee.
the United States of America. The Subpenas and interrogatories so au-
committee shall report to the House of thorized may be issued over the signa-
Representatives such resolutions, arti- ture of the chairman, or ranking mi-
cles of impeachment, or other rec- nority member, or any member des-
ommendations as it deems proper. ignated by either of them, and may be
Sec. 2. (a) For the purpose of making served by any person designated by the
such investigation, the committee is chairman, or ranking minority mem-
authorized to require— ber, or any member designated by ei-
(1) by subpena or otherwise— ther of them. The chairman, or rank-
(A) the attendance and testimony of ing minority member, or any member
any person (including at a taking of a designated by either of them (or, with
deposition by counsel for the com- respect to any deposition, answer to in-
mittee); and terrogatory, or affidavit, any person
authorized by law to administer oaths)
report to the Committee on the Judi- may administer oaths to any witness.
ciary on charges against Justice Wil- For the purposes of this section,
liam O. Douglas. No authorizing res- ‘‘things’’ includes, without limitation,
olution for a committee investigation books, records, correspondence, logs,
had been adopted by the House, but journals, memorandums, papers, docu-
resolutions of impeachment had been ments, writings, drawings, graphs,
referred to the committee. charts, photographs, reproductions, re-
14. 120 CONG. REC. 2349, 2350, 93d cordings, tapes, transcripts, printouts,
Cong. 2d Sess., Feb. 6, 1974. data compilations from which informa-


tion can be obtained (translated if nec- Court for the Southern District of Flor-
essary, through detection devices into ida, to determine whether in the opin-
reasonably usable form), tangible ob- ion of said committee he has been
jects, and other things of any kind. guilty of any high crime or mis-
demeanor which in the contemplation
Sec. 3. For the purpose of making of the Constitution requires the inter-
such investigation, the committee, and position of the Constitutional powers of
any subcommittee thereof, are author- the House. Said committee shall report
ized to sit and act, without regard to its findings to the House, together with
clause 31 of rule XI of the Rules of the such resolution of impeachment or
House of Representatives, during the other recommendation as it deems
present Congress at such times and proper.
places within or without the United Sec. 2. For the purpose of this reso-
States, whether the House is meeting, lution, the committee is authorized to
has recessed, or has adjourned, and to sit and act during the present Con-
hold such hearings, as it deems nec- gress at such times and places in the
essary. District of Columbia and elsewhere,
Sec. 4. Any funds made available to whether or not the House is sitting,
the Committee on the Judiciary under has recessed, or has adjourned, to hold
House Resolution 702 of the Ninety- such hearing, to employ such clerical,
third Congress, adopted November 15, stenographic, and other assistance, to
1973, or made available for the pur- require the attendance of such wit-
pose hereafter, may be expended for nesses and the production of such
the purpose of carrying out the inves- books, papers, and documents, and to
tigation authorized and directed by take such testimony, to have such
this resolution. printing and binding done, and to
make such expenditures, not exceeding
Form of resolution authorizing a $5,000, as it deems necessary.
committee to investigate whether With the following committee
a judge (Halsted Ritter) has been amendments:
guilty of high crimes or mis- Page 2, line 5, strike out the words
‘‘to employ such clerical, stenographic,
demeanors requiring impeach- and other assistance’’; and in line 9, on
ment: (15) page 2, strike out ‘‘to have such print-
HOUSE RESOLUTION 163 ing and binding done, and to make
such expenditures, not exceeding
Resolved, That the Committee on the $5,000.’’
Judiciary is authorized and directed,
as a whole or by subcommittee, to in-
Form of subpena issued by the
quire into and investigate the official Committee on the Judiciary (to
conduct of Halsted L. Ritter, a district President Richard Nixon) in the
judge for the United States District course of its impeachment in-
quiry: (16)
15. H. Res. 163, 77 CONG. REC. 4784,
4785, 73d Cong. 1st Sess., June 1, 16. Impeachment of Richard Nixon,
1933. President of the United States, H.


BY AUTHORITY OF THE HOUSE OF REP- Referral of Resolutions Author-

RESENTATIVES OF THE CONGRESS OF izing Impeachment Investiga-
To Benjamin Marshall, or his duly
authorized representative: § 6.1 Resolutions introduced
You are hereby commanded to sum- which directly called for the
mon Richard M. Nixon, President of
the United States of America, or any
impeachment or censure of
subordinate officer, official or employee President Richard Nixon in
with custody or control of the things the 93d Congress were re-
described in the attached schedule, to ferred by the Speaker to the
be and appear before the Committee Committee on the Judiciary,
on the Judiciary of the House of Rep-
resentatives of the United States, of whereas resolutions calling
which the Hon. Peter W. Rodino, Jr. is for an investigation by that
chairman, and to bring with him the committee or by a select
things specified in the schedule at- committee with a view to-
tached hereto and made a part hereof,
in their chamber in the city of Wash-
ward impeachment were re-
ington, on or before April 25, 1974, at ferred to the Committee on
the hour of 10:00 a.m. then and there Rules.
to produce and deliver said things to
said Committee, or their duly author- On Oct. 23, 1973, several reso-
ized representative, in connection with lutions relating to the impeach-
the Committee’s investigation author- ment of President Nixon were in-
ized and directed by H. Res. 803, troduced and referred. Examples
adopted February 6, 1974.
of those referrals are as fol-
Herein fail not, and make return of
this summons. lows: (17)
By Mr. Long of Maryland:
Cross References
H. Con. Res. 365. Concurrent resolu-
House inquiries and the executive
branch, see Ch. 15, infra. tion of censureship without prejudice
to impeachment; to the Committee on
Power of the House to punish for con-
tempt, see Ch. 13, supra. the Judiciary.
Referral of charges and resolutions au- By Ms. Abzug:
thorizing investigations, see § 5, supra.
17. 119 CONG. REC. 34873, 93d Cong. 1st
REPT. NO. 93–1305, p. 234 (see pp. Sess. For a comprehensive listing,
234–78), Committee on the Judici- see §§ 5.10, supra (resolutions au-
ary, printed in the Record at 120 thorizing investigations referred to
CONG. REC. 29282, 93d Cong. 2d Committee on Rules) and 5.13, supra
Sess., Aug. 20, 1974. For complete (resolutions authorizing investiga-
text of H. REPT. No. 93–1305, see id. tions referred, on motion, to the
at pp. 29219–361. Committee on the Judiciary).


H. Res. 625. Resolution impeaching On Feb. 6, 1974, Peter W. Ro-

Richard M. Nixon, President of the dino, Jr., of New Jersey, Chair-
United States, for high crimes and
man of the Committee on the Ju-
misdemeanors; to the Committee on
the Judiciary.
diciary, called up for immediate
consideration House Resolution
By Mr. Ashley: 803, authorizing the Committee
H. Res. 626. Resolution directing the on the Judiciary to investigate the
Committee on the Judiciary to inves- sufficiency of grounds for the im-
tigate whether there are grounds for peachment of President Nixon,
the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon;
which resolution had been re-
to the Committee on Rules.
ported by the committee on Feb.
Report and Consideration of 1, 1974. The resolution read as
Resolutions Authorizing Im- follows: (18)
peachment Investigations H. RES. 803
Resolved, That the Committee on the
§ 6.2 Although the House had
Judiciary, acting as a whole or by any
adopted a resolution author- subcommittee thereof appointed by the
izing the Committee on the chairman for the purposes hereof and
Judiciary to conduct inves- in accordance with the rules of the
tigations within its area of committee, is authorized and directed
jurisdiction as defined in to investigate fully and completely
whether sufficient grounds exist for
Rule XI clause 13, and al- the House of Representatives to exer-
though the House had adopt- cise its constitutional power to im-
ed a resolution intended to peach Richard M. Nixon, President of
fund expenses of the Richard the United States of America. The
Nixon impeachment inquiry committee shall report to the House of
by the committee, the Com- Representatives such resolutions, arti-
cles of impeachment, or other rec-
mittee on the Judiciary re- ommendations as it deems proper.
ported and called up as priv- Sec. 2. (a) For the purpose of making
ileged a subsequent resolu- such investigation, the committee is
tion specifically mandating authorized to require—
an impeachment investiga- (1) by subpena or otherwise—
tion and continuing the (A) the attendance and testimony of
availability of funds, in order any person (including at a taking of a
deposition by counsel for the com-
to confirm the delegation of
mittee); and
authority from the House to
that committee to conduct 18. 120 CONG. REC. 2349–51, 93d Cong.
the investigation. 2d Sess.


(B) the production of such things; tion can be obtained (translated if nec-
and essary, through detection devices into
(2) by interrogatory, the furnishing reasonably usable form), tangible ob-
of such information; jects, and other things of any kind.
as it deems necessary to such inves- Sec. 3. For the purpose of making
tigation. such investigation, the committee, and
any subcommittee thereof, are author-
(b) Such authority of the committee ized to sit and act, without regard to
may be exercised— clause 31 of rule XI of the Rules of the
(1) by the chairman and the ranking House of Representatives, during the
minority member acting jointly, or, if present Congress at such times and
either declines to act, by the other act- places within or without the United
ing alone, except that in the event ei- States, whether the House is meeting,
ther so declines, either shall have the has recessed, or has adjourned, and to
right to refer to the committee for deci- hold such hearings, as it deems nec-
sion the question whether such author- essary.
ity shall be so exercised and the com- Sec. 4. Any funds made available to
mittee shall be convened promptly to the Committee on the Judiciary under
render that decision; or House Resolution 702 of the Ninety-
(2) by the committee acting as a third Congress, adopted November 15,
whole or by subcommittee. 1973, or made available for the pur-
Subpenas and interrogatories so au- pose hereafter, may be expended for
thorized may be issued over the signa- the purpose of carrying out the inves-
ture of the chairman, or ranking mi- tigation authorized and directed by
nority member, or any member des- this resolution.
ignated by either of them, and may be Chairman Rodino and Mr. Ed-
served by any person designated by the ward Hutchinson, of Michigan,
chairman, or ranking minority mem-
ber, or any member designated by ei-
ranking minority member of the
ther of them. The chairman, or rank- Committee on the Judiciary, ex-
ing minority member, or any member plained the purpose of the resolu-
designated by either of them (or, with tion, which had been adopted
respect to any deposition, answer to in- unanimously by the committee, as
terrogatory, or affidavit, any person follows:
authorized by law to administer oaths)
may administer oaths to any witness. MR. RODINO: Mr. Speaker, I yield
For the purposes of this section, myself such time as I may consume.
‘‘things’’ includes, without limitation, Mr. Speaker, the English statesman
books, records, correspondence, logs, Edmund Burke said, in addressing an
journals, memorandums, papers, docu- important constitutional question,
ments, writings, drawings, graphs, more than 200 years ago:
charts, photographs, reproductions, re- We stand in a situation very hon-
cordings, tapes, transcripts, printouts, orable to ourselves and very useful
data compilations from which informa- to our country, if we do not abuse or


abandon the trust that is placed in MR. HUTCHINSON: Mr. Speaker, the
us. first section of this resolution author-
We stand in such a position now, izes and directs your Judiciary Com-
and—whatever the result—we are mittee to investigate fully whether suf-
going to be just, and honorable, and ficient grounds exist to impeach the
worthy of the public trust. President of the United States. This
Our responsibility in this is clear. constitutes the first explicit and formal
The Constitution says, in article I, sec- action in the whole House to authorize
tion 2, clause 5: such an inquiry.
The last section of the resolution
The House of Representatives,
shall have the sole power of im- validates the use by the committee of
peachment. that million dollars allotted to it last
November for purposes of the impeach-
A number of impeachment resolu- ment inquiry. Members will recall that
tions were introduced by Members of the million dollar resolution made no
the House in the last session of the reference to the impeachment inquiry
Congress. They were referred to the
but merely allotted that sum of money
Judiciary Committee by the Speaker.
to the committee to be expended on
We have reached the point when it is
matters within its jurisdiction. All
important that the House explicitly
Members of the House understood its
confirm our responsibility under the
intended purpose.
But the rule of the House defining
We are asking the House of Rep-
resentatives, by this resolution, to au- the jurisdiction of committees does not
thorize and direct the Committee on place jurisdiction over impeachment
the Judiciary to investigate the con- matters in the Judiciary Committee. In
duct of the President of the United fact, it does not place such jurisdiction
States, to determine whether or not anywhere. So this resolution vests ju-
evidence exists that the President is risdiction in the committee over this
responsible for any acts that in the particular impeachment matter, and it
contemplation of the Constitution are ratifies the authority of the committee
grounds for impeachment, and if such to expend for the purpose those funds
evidence exists, whether or not it is allocated to it last November, as well
sufficient to require the House to exer- as whatever additional funds may be
cise its constitutional powers. hereafter authorized.
As part of that resolution, we are
Parliamentarian’s Note: Prior to
asking the House to give the Judiciary
Committee the power of subpena in its the passage of House Resolution
investigations. 803, the Committee on the Judici-
Such a resolution has always been ary had been conducting an inves-
passed by the House. The committee tigation into the charges of im-
has voted unanimously to recommend peachment against President
that the House of Representatives
adopt this resolution. It is a necessary Nixon under its general investiga-
step if we are to meet our obligations. tory authority, as extended by res-
. . . olution (H. Res. 74) of the House


on Feb. 28, 1973. House Resolu- Interrogations and Depositions

tion 74 authorized the Committee of Witnesses
on the Judiciary to conduct inves-
tigations, and to issue subpenas § 6.3 The House agreed to a
during such investigations, within resolution authorizing the
its jurisdiction ‘‘as set forth in counsel to the Committee on
clause 13 of Rule XI of the Rules the Judiciary to take deposi-
of the House of Representatives’’ tions of witnesses in an im-
[House Rules and Manual § 707 peachment investigation
(1973)]. That clause did not spe- when authorized by the
cifically mention impeachments as chairman and ranking mi-
within the jurisdiction of the Com- nority member of the com-
mittee on the Judiciary. The mittee, notwithstanding a
House had provided for payment, House rule requiring at least
from the contingent fund, of fur- two committee members to
ther expenses of the Committee be present during the taking
on the Judiciary in conducting in- of testimony at a formal com-
vestigations, following the intro- mittee hearing.
duction and referral to the com- On Feb. 6, 1974, the House
mittee of various resolutions pro- agreed to House Resolution 803,
posing the impeachment of Presi- called up as privileged by the
dent Nixon. Debate on those reso- Committee on the Judiciary, au-
lutions and the reports of the thorizing it to investigate the suf-
Committee on House Administra- ficiency of grounds for the im-
tion, which had reported them to peachment of President Richard
the House, indicated that the ad- Nixon. The resolution authorized
ditional funds for the investiga- the taking of depositions as fol-
tions of the Committee on the Ju- lows: (1)
diciary were intended in part for Sec. 2. (a) For the purpose of making
use in conducting an impeach- such investigation, the committee is
ment inquiry in relation to the authorized to require—
dino, of the Committee on the Judici-
19. See H. Res. 702, 93d Cong. 1st Sess., ary, on the status of the impeach-
Nov. 15, 1973, and H. Res. 1027, 93d ment investigation and on the funds
Cong. 2d Sess., Apr. 29, 1974, and H. required to defray the expenses and
REPT. NO. 93–1009, Committee on salaries of the impeachment inquiry
House Administration, to accompany staff.
the latter resolution. The report in- 1. 120 CONG. REC. 2349, 2350, 93d
cluded a statement by Chairman Ro- Cong. 2d Sess.


(1) by subpena or otherwise— the rules and agree to a reso-

(A) the attendance and testimony of lution authorizing the Com-
any person (including at a taking of a
deposition by counsel for the com- mittee on the Judiciary, in
mittee); and holding hearings in its im-
(B) the production of such things; peachment inquiry into the
and conduct of President Richard
(2) by interrogatory, the furnishing Nixon, to proceed without re-
of such information as it deems nec-
essary to such investigation. gard to the House rule re-
(b) Such authority of the committee quiring the application of
may be exercised— the five-minute rule in the
(1) by the chairman and the ranking interrogation of witnesses.
minority member acting jointly, or, if
either declines to act, by the other act- On July 1, 1974, Chairman
ing alone, except that in the event ei- Peter W. Rodino, Jr., of New Jer-
ther so declines, either shall have the sey, moved to suspend the rules
right to refer to the committee for deci- and sought agreement to a resolu-
sion the question whether such author-
ity shall be so exercised and the com- tion governing the Committee on
mittee shall be convened promptly to the Judiciary in hearings con-
render that decision; or ducted in its impeachment inquiry
(2) by the committee acting as a against President Nixon:
whole or by subcommittee.
H. RES. 1210
In explanation of the provisions
of the resolution, Chairman Peter Resolved, That in conducting hear-
W. Rodino, Jr., of New Jersey, of ings held pursuant to House Resolu-
the Committee on the Judiciary, tion 803, 93d Congress, the Committee
on the Judiciary is authorized to pro-
stated that the taking of deposi- ceed without regard to the second sen-
tions by counsel was intended to tence of clause 27(f) (4) of rule XI of
expedite the proceedings and in- the rules of the House.
Mr. Rodino explained the pur-
Parliamentarian’s Note: Rule XI
pose of the resolution:
clause 27(h) House Rules and
Manual § 735 (1973), provided MR. RODINO: Mr. Speaker, this is a
that each committee may fix the simple resolution which was voted by
the House Committee on the Judiciary
number of its members to con-
by an overwhelming vote of 31 to 6.
stitute a quorum for taking testi- The committee is attempting to meet
mony and receiving evidence, its responsibilities and to exercise its
which shall not be less than two. responsibilities under House Resolu-
tion 803 with an eye toward achieving
§ 6.4 The House in the 93d two objectives: conducting the fairest
Congress failed to suspend and most thorough inquiry, and arriv-


ing at the same time at a prompt con- adopted procedures for presenting
clusion to that inquiry as is consistent evidentiary materials to the com-
with our responsibility.
I believe this resolution authorizing mittee in hearings during its in-
the committee to proceed without re- quiry into charges of impeachable
gard to the 5-minute rule in the inter- conduct against President
rogation of witnesses would greatly fa- Nixon: (3)
cilitate the achievement of those objec-
tives. It would permit both probing and IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY PROCEDURES
orderly examination of witnesses and
still provide great flexibility to Mem- The Committee on the Judiciary
bers seeking answers to specific rel- states the following procedures appli-
evant questions. cable to the presentation of evidence in
the impeachment inquiry pursuant to
Mr. David W. Dennis, of Indi- H. Res. 803, subject to modification by
ana, also of the Committee on the the Committee as it deems proper as
Judiciary, demanded a second on the presentation proceeds.
the motion and opposed it on the A. The Committee shall receive from
ground that abrogating the five- Committee counsel at a hearing an ini-
minute rule for witness interroga- tial presentation consisting of (i) a
tion derogated the privileges and written statement detailing, in para-
graph form, information believed by
duties of the individual Members
the staff to be pertinent to the inquiry,
of the House. (ii) a general description of the scope
On a recorded vote, two-thirds and manner of the presentation of evi-
did not vote in favor of the motion dence, and (iii) a detailed presentation
to suspend the rules, and it was of the evidentiary material, other than
rejected.(2) the testimony of witnesses.
1. Each Member of the Committee
Evidentiary Hearing Proce- shall receive a copy of (i) the statement
dures of information, (ii) the related docu-
ments and other evidentiary material,
§ 6.5 The Committee on the Ju- and (iii) an index of all testimony, pa-
pers, and things that have been ob-
diciary adopted procedures tained by the Committee, whether or
in the 93d Congress for pre- not relied upon in the statement of in-
senting evidence and holding formation.
hearings in its inquiry into 2. Each paragraph of the statement
the conduct of President of information shall be annotated to re-
lated evidentiary material (e.g., docu-
Richard Nixon.
ments, recordings and transcripts
On May 2, 1974, the Committee
on the Judiciary unanimously 3. See H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at p. 8,
Committee on the Judiciary, 93d
2. 120 CONG. REC. 21849–55, 93d Cong. Cong. 2d Sess., reported Aug. 20,
2d Sess. 1974.


thereof, transcripts of grand jury or he would propose to show, and in the

congressional testimony, or affidavits). case of a witness precisely and in de-
Where applicable, the annotations will tail what it is expected the testimony
identify witnesses believed by the staff of the witness would be, if called. On
to be sources of additional information the basis of such requests and sum-
important to the Committee’s under- maries and of the record then before it,
standing of the subject matter of the the Committee shall determine wheth-
paragraph in question. er the suggested evidence is necessary
3. On the commencement of the or desirable to a full and fair record in
presentation, each Member of the Com- the inquiry, and, if so, whether the
mittee and full Committee staff, major- summaries shall be accepted as part of
ity and minority, as designated by the the record or additional testimony or
Chairman and the Ranking Minority evidence in some other form shall be
Member, shall be given access to and received.
the opportunity to examine all testi- C. If and when witnesses are to be
mony, papers and things that have called, the following additional proce-
been obtained by the inquiry staff, dures shall be applicable to hearings
whether or not relied upon in the held for that purpose:
statement of information. 1. The President and his counsel
4. The President’s counsel shall be shall be invited to attend all hearings,
furnished a copy of the statement of in- including any held in executive ses-
formation and related documents and sion.
other evidentiary material at the time 2. Objections relating to the exam-
that those materials are furnished to ination of witnesses or to the admissi-
the Members and the President and bility of testimony and evidence may
his counsel shall be invited to attend be raised only by a witness or his
and observe the presentation. counsel, a Member of the Committee,
B. Following that presentation the Committee counsel or the President’s
Committee shall determine whether it counsel and shall be ruled upon [by]
desires additional evidence, after op- the Chairman or presiding Member.
portunity for the following has been Such rulings shall be final, unless
provided: overruled by a vote of a majority of the
1. Any Committee Member may Members present. In the case of a tie
bring additional evidence to the Com- vote, the ruling of the Chair shall pre-
mittee’s attention. vail.
2. The President’s counsel shall be 3. Committee Counsel shall com-
invited to respond to the presentation, mence the questioning of each witness
orally or in writing as shall be deter- and may also be permitted by the
mined by the Committee. Chairman or presiding Member to
3. Should the President’s counsel question a witness at any point during
wish the Committee to receive addi- the appearance of the witness.
tional testimony or other evidence, he 4. The President’s counsel may ques-
shall be invited to submit written re- tion any witness called before the Com-
quests and precise summaries of what mittee, subject to instructions from the


Chairman or presiding Member re- held hearings in executive

specting the time, scope and duration session for the presentation
of the examination.
of statements of information
D. The Committee shall determine,
pursuant to the Rules of the House, and supporting evidentiary
whether and to what extent the evi- material by the inquiry staff
dence to be presented shall be received and for the presentation of
in executive session. materials by the President’s
E. Any portion of the hearings open counsel.
to the public may be covered by tele-
vision broadcast, radio broadcast, still In its final report recom-
photography, or by any of such meth- mending the impeachment of
ods of coverage in accord with the President Nixon in the 93d Con-
Rules of the House and the Rules of gress, the Committee on the Judi-
Procedure of the Committee as amend- ciary summarized the proceedings
ed on November 13, 1973.
of the committee which had been
F. The Chairman shall make public
announcement of the date, time, place conducted in executive session: (4)
and subject matter of any Committee From May 9, 1974 through June 21,
hearing as soon as practicable and in 1974, the Committee considered in ex-
no event less than twenty-four hours ecutive session approximately six hun-
before the commencement of the hear- dred fifty ‘‘statements of information’’
ing. and more than 7,200 pages of sup-
G. The Chairman is authorized to porting evidentiary material presented
promulgate additional procedures as by the inquiry staff. The statements of
he deems necessary for the fair and ef- information and supporting evidentiary
ficient conduct of Committee hearings material, furnished to each Member of
held pursuant to H. Res. 803, provided the Committee in 36 notebooks, pre-
that the additional procedures are not sented material on several subjects of
inconsistent with these Procedures, the the inquiry: the Watergate break-in
Rules of the Committee, and the Rules and its aftermath, ITT, dairy price
of the House. Such procedures shall supports, domestic surveillance, abuse
govern the conduct of the hearings, un- of the IRS, and the activities of the
less overruled by a vote of a majority Special Prosecutor. The staff also pre-
of the Members present. sented to the Committee written re-
H. For purposes of hearings held ports on President Nixon’s income
pursuant to these rules, a quorum taxes, presidential impoundment of
shall consist of ten Members of the funds appropriated by Congress, and
the bombing of Cambodia.
4. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at p. 9, Com-
§ 6.6 In its impeachment in- mittee on the Judiciary, 93d Cong.
quiry into the conduct of 2d Sess., reported Aug. 20, 1974,
President Richard Nixon, the printed at 120 CONG. REC. 29221,
Committee on the Judiciary 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 1974.


In each notebook, a statement of in- and inspect federal tax data,

formation relating to a particular and the President promul-
phase of the investigation was imme-
diately followed by supporting evi- gated an executive order per-
dentiary material, which included cop- mitting such inspection.
ies of documents and testimony (much On May 26, 1970, the Com-
of it already on public record), tran-
scripts of presidential conversations,
mittee on the Judiciary authorized
and affidavits. A deliberate and scru- by resolution a subcommittee in-
pulous abstention from conclusions, vestigation of federal tax records
even by implication, was observed. of Justice William O. Douglas and
The Committee heard recordings of others:
nineteen presidential conversations
and dictabelt recollections. The presi- RESOLUTION FOR SPECIAL SUB-
dential conversations were neither COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER HOUSE
paraphrased nor summarized by the RESOLUTION 920
inquiry staff. Thus, no inferences or Resolved, That the Special Sub-
conclusions were drawn for the Com- committee to consider H. Res. 920, a
mittee. During the course of the hear- resolution impeaching William O.
ings, Members of the Committee lis- Douglas, Associate Justice of the Su-
tened to each recording and simulta- preme Court of the United States, of
neously followed transcripts prepared high crimes and misdemeanors in of-
by the inquiry staff. fice, hereby is authorized and directed
On June 27 and 28, 1974, Mr. James to obtain and inspect from the Internal
St. Clair, Special Counsel to the Presi- Revenue Service any and all materials
dent made a further presentation in a and information relevant to its inves-
similar manner and form as the in- tigation in the files of the Internal
quiry staff’s initial presentation. The Revenue Service, including tax re-
Committee voted to make public the turns, investigative reports, or other
initial presentation by the inquiry documents, that the Special Sub-
staff, including substantially all of the committee to consider H. Res. 920 de-
supporting materials presented at the termines to be within the scope of H.
hearings, as well as the President’s re- Res. 920 and the various related reso-
sponse. lutions that have been introduced into
the House of Representatives.
Evidence in Impeachment In- The Special Subcommittee on H.
quiries Res. 920 is authorized to make such
requests to the Internal Revenue Serv-
§ 6.7 During an investigation ice as the Subcommittee determines to
into charges of impeachable be appropriate, and the Subcommittee
offenses against a Supreme is authorized to amend its requests to
designate such additional persons, tax-
Court Justice, the Committee payers, tax returns, investigative re-
on the Judiciary authorized ports, and other documents as the Sub-
its subcommittee to request committee determines to be appro-


priate during the course of this inves- Internal Revenue Code of 1939, as
tigation. amended (26 U.S.C. (1952 Ed.) 55(a),
The Special Subcommittee on H. 1604(c)), and by sections 6103(a) and
Res. 920 may designate agents to ex- 6106 of the Internal Revenue Code of
amine and receive information from 1954, as amended (26 U.S.C. 6103(a),
the Internal Revenue Service. 6106), it is hereby ordered that any in-
This resolution specifically author- come, excess-profits, estate, gift, unem-
izes and directs the Special Sub- ployment, or excise tax return, includ-
committee to obtain and inspect from ing all reports, documents, or other
the Internal Revenue Service the docu- factual data relating thereto, shall,
ments and other file materials de- during the Ninety-first Congress, be
scribed in the letter dated May 12, open to inspection by the Committee
1970, from Chairman Emanuel Celler on the Judiciary, House of Representa-
to the Honorable Randolph Thrower. tives, or any duly authorized sub-
The tax returns for the following tax- committee thereof, in connection with
payers, and the returns for such addi- its consideration of House Resolution
tional taxpayers as the Subcommittee 920, a resolution impeaching William
subsequently may request, are in-
O. Douglas, Associate Justice of the
cluded in this resolution:
Supreme Court of the United States.
Associate Justice William O. Doug- Whenever a return is open to inspec-
las, Supreme Court of the United tion by such Committee or sub-
States, Washington, D.C. 20036.
committee, a copy thereof shall, upon
Albert Parvin, 1900 Avenue of the
Stars, Suite 1790, Century City, request, be furnished to such Com-
Calif. 90067. mittee or subcommittee. Such inspec-
Albert Parvin Foundation, c/o Ar- tion shall be in accordance and upon
nold & Porter, 1229 19th Street, compliance with the rules and regula-
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. tions prescribed by the Secretary of the
The Center for the Study of Demo- Treasury in Treasury Decisions 6132
cratic Institutions, Box 4068, Santa
Barbara, Calif. 93103. and 6133, relating to the inspection of
Fund for the Republic, 136 East returns by committees of the Congress,
57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022. approved by the President on May 3,
Parvin-Dohrmann Corp. (Now 1955.(5)
Recrion Corp.), 120 N. Robertson
Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90048. § 6.8 During an impeachment
On June 12, 1970, President investigation in the House
Richard Nixon promulgated Exec- into the conduct of the Presi-
utive Order No. 11535 to allow dent, the Senate adopted a
such inspection: resolution releasing records
INSPECTION OF TAX RETURNS BY THE 5. See first report by the special sub-
COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, committee on H. Res. 920 of the
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee on the Judiciary, com-
By virtue of the authority vested in mittee print, 91st Cong. 2d Sess.,
me by sections 55(a) and 1604(c) of the June 20, 1970, at pp. 14–20.


of a Senate select committee gress the Senate Committee on Rules

on Presidential campaign ac- and Administration shall control the
access to the records and either by spe-
tivities to congressional com- cial orders or by general regulations
mittees and other persons shall make the records available to
and agencies with a legiti- courts, congressional committees, con-
mate need therefore. gressional subcommittees, Federal de-
partments and agencies, and any other
On July 29, 1974,(6) Senator persons who may satisfy the Senate
Samuel J. Ervin, Jr., of North Committee on Rules and Administra-
Carolina, offered in the Senate a tion that they have a legitimate need
resolution (S. Res. 369), relative to for the records.
the records of a Senate select com- It provides that the records shall be
mittee. The Senate adopted the maintained intact and that none of the
resolution following Senator original records shall be released to
any agency or any person.
Ervin’s explanation as to the
It provides further that pending the
needs and requests of the Com- transfer of the records to the Library of
mittee on the Judiciary of the Congress and the assumption of such
House: control by the Senate Committee on
Rules and Administration, that the Se-
MR. ERVIN: Mr. President, under its
lect Committee, acting through its
present charter, the Senate Select
chairman or through its vice chairman,
Committee on Presidential Campaign
Activities has 90 days after the 28th can make these records available to
day of June of this year in which to courts or to congressional committees
wind up its affairs. This resolution is or subcommittees or to other persons
proposed with the consent of the com- showing a legitimate need for them.
mittee, and its immediate consider- I might state this is placed in here
ation has been cleared by the leader- because of the fact that we have had
ship on both sides of the aisle. many requests from congressional com-
The purpose of this resolution is to mittees for the records. We have had
facilitate the winding up of the affairs requests from the Special Prosecutor
of the Senate Select Committee. The and from the courts. . . .
resolution provides that all of the I might state in the past the com-
records of the committee shall be mittee has made available some of the
transferred to the Library of Congress records to the House Judiciary Com-
which shall hold them subject to the mittee, at its request, and to the Spe-
control of the Senate Committee on cial Prosecutor at his request. The res-
Rules and Administration. olution also provides that the action of
It provides that after these records the committee in doing so is ratified by
are transferred to the Library of Con- the Senate.

6. 120 CONG. REC. 25392, 25393, 93d § 6.9 In its inquiry into
Cong. 2d Sess. charges of impeachable of-

fenses against President heard or papers and things considered,

Richard Nixon, the Com- each committee member will be fur-
nished with a list of all papers and
mittee on the Judiciary things that have been obtained by the
adopted procedures which committee by subpena or otherwise. No
ensured the confidentiality member shall make the list or any part
of impeachment inquiry ma- thereof public unless authorized by a
terials and which limited ac- majority vote of the committee, a
cess to such materials. quorum being present.
3. The special counsel and the coun-
On Feb. 22, 1974, the Com- sel to the minority, after discussion
mittee on the Judiciary unani- with the chairman and the ranking mi-
mously adopted a set of proce- nority member, shall initially rec-
dures to preserve the confiden- ommend to the committee the testi-
tiality of evidentiary and other mony, papers, and things to be pre-
materials compiled in its impeach- sented to the committee. The deter-
ment inquiry relating to the con- mination as to whether such testi-
duct of President Nixon: (7) mony, papers, and things shall be pre-
sented in open or executive session
PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING shall be made pursuant to the rules of
1. The chairman, the ranking minor- 4. Before the committee is called
ity member, the special counsel, and upon to make any disposition with re-
the counsel to the minority shall at all spect to the testimony or papers and
times have access to and be respon- things presented to it, the committee
sible for all papers and things received members shall have a reasonable op-
from any source by subpena or other- portunity to examine all testimony, pa-
wise. Other members of the committee pers, and things that have been ob-
shall have access in accordance with
tained by the inquiry staff. No member
the procedures hereafter set forth.
shall make any of that testimony or
2. At the commencement of any pres-
entation at which testimony will be those papers or things public unless
authorized by a majority vote of the
7. See H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at p. 8, committee, a quorum being present.
Committee on the Judiciary, printed 5. All examination of papers and
in the Record at 120 CONG. REC. things other than in a presentation
29219, 29221, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., shall be made in a secure area des-
Aug. 20, 1974, for brief discussion of ignated for that purpose. Copying, du-
the adoption of the procedures. plicating, or removal is prohibited.
The House had authorized the 6. Any committee member may bring
printing of additional copies of the additional testimony, papers, or things
procedures for handling impeach- to the committee’s attention.
ment inquiry materials. See H. Res. 7. Only testimony, papers, or things
1072, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., May 23, that are included in the record will be
1974. reported to the House; all other testi-


mony, papers, or things will be consid- Parliamentarian’s Note: On

ered as executive session material. June 21, 1974, a Member, John N.
RULES FOR THE IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY Erlenborn, of Illinois, took the
STAFF floor to allege that he was being
1. The staff of the impeachment in- denied permission to study files
quiry shall not discuss with anyone and records gathered by the Com-
outside the staff either the substance mittee on the Judiciary in its im-
or procedure of their work or that of peachment inquiry into the con-
the committee. duct of the President, in violation
2. Staff offices on the second floor of of Rule XI clause 27(c) of the
the Congressional Annex shall operate
under strict security precautions. One
House rules.(8) Rule XI clause
guard shall be on duty at all times by 27(c) provided that committee
the elevator to control entry. All per- hearings and records are to be
sons entering the floor shall identify kept separate from the records of
themselves. An additional guard shall the committee chairman and that
be posted at night for surveillance of
all Members of the House have ac-
the secure area where sensitive docu-
ments are kept. cess to such records. Other provi-
3. Sensitive documents and other sions of the rule require that a
things shall be segregated in a secure committee may receive testimony
storage area. They may be examined or evidence in executive session,
only at supervised reading facilities and that the proceedings of such
within the secure area. Copying or du-
sessions may not be released un-
plicating of such documents and other
things is prohibited. less the committee so determines.
4. Access to classified information And non-committee Members of
supplied to the committee shall be lim- the House are not permitted to at-
ited by the special counsel and the tend executive committee ses-
counsel to the minority to those staff sions.(9)
members with appropriate security
clearances and a need to know. 8. 120 CONG. REC. 20624, 93d Cong. 2d
5. Testimony taken or papers and Sess.
things received by the staff shall not 9. Although Jefferson’s Manual states
be disclosed or made public by the staff that any Member may be present at
unless authorized by a majority of the ‘‘any select committee’’ (House Rules
committee. and Manual § 410 [1973]), a select
6. Executive session transcripts and committee appointed in 1834 held
records shall be available to designated that its proceedings should be con-
committee staff for inspection in per- fidential, not to be attended by any
son but may not be released or dis- person not invited or required. 3
closed to any other person without the Hinds’ Precedents § 1732. See also 4
consent of a majority of the committee. Hinds’ Precedents § 4540 for the


§ 6.10 The Speaker laid before tives adopted H. Res. 803, which au-
thorized and directed the Committee
the House a communication on the Judiciary to investigate fully
from the Chairman of the and completely whether sufficient
Committee on the Judiciary, grounds exist for the House of Rep-
resentatives to exercise under Article
submitting to the House a I, Section 2 of the Constitution, its
‘‘statement of information’’ power to impeach President Richard
M. Nixon.
concerning the income tax In carrying out its responsibility
returns of President Richard under H. Res. 803, the Judiciary
Nixon examined by that com- Committee investigated allegations
regarding President Nixon’s income
mittee in executive session tax returns. The Committee re-
during its impeachment in- quested access to the President’s re-
turns and reports on those returns
quiry, in order to comply in the files of the Internal Revenue
with a Treasury Department Service. This access was granted by
regulation requiring submis- the President in Executive Order
11786, dated June 7, 1974, and in-
sion of Internal Revenue formation from the returns and IRS
Service files to the House documents was subsequently pre-
sented to the Committee in executive
prior to public release. session.
On July 25, 1974, Speaker Carl The Committee is now publicly de-
Albert, of Oklahoma, laid before bating whether to report various ar-
ticles of impeachment to the House.
the House a communication from In the course of this debate reference
Chairman Peter W. Rodino, Jr., of will surely be made to income tax in-
New Jersey, of the Committee on formation regarding the President.
the Judiciary: (10) Under the Constitution and H. Res.
803, it is appropriate, indeed nec-
COMMUNICATTON FROM THE CHAIRMAN essary, to refer to this information in
a debate which is of the highest Con-
stitutional significance.
The Speaker laid before the House Commissioner Donald Alexander
the following communication from the of the Internal Revenue Service has
chairman of the Committee on the Ju- requested that before information
diciary: from IRS files is released publicly it
be submitted to the House, thus
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 26, 1974. complying with Treasury Depart-
Hon. CARL ALBERT, ment regulations. While this proce-
Speaker, House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C. dure is undoubtedly unnecessary in
view of this Committee’s Constitu-
DEAR MR. SPEAKER: On February tional responsibility and the author-
6, 1974, the House of Representa- ity granted it by H. Res. 803, in con-
sideration of the Commissioner’s po-
principle that committees may make sition, I am herewith submitting the
their sessions executive and exclude enclosed Statement of Information,
Book X. This Book will be part of the
persons not members thereof. Committee’s record when it makes
10. 120 CONG. REC. 25306, 25307, 93d its recommendation to the House.
Cong. 2d Sess. Sincerely,


PETER W. RODINO, Jr., under the Rules of the House of Rep-

Chairman. resentatives. Rule XI 13(f) empowers
the Committee on the Judiciary to act
Subcommittee Procedures on all proposed legislation, messages,
petitions, memorials, or other matters
§ 6.11 The Committee on the relating to ‘‘. . . Federal courts and
Judiciary authorized a spe- judges.’’ In the 91st Congress, Rule XI
cial subcommittee to inves- has been implemented by H. Res. 93,
February 5, 1969. H. Res. 93 author-
tigate and report on charges izes the Committee on the Judiciary,
of impeachable offenses acting as a whole or by subcommittee,
against a federal judge. to conduct full and complete investiga-
tions and studies on the matters com-
On June 20, 1970, a special sub-
ing within its jurisdiction, specifically
committee of the Committee on ‘‘. . . (4) relating to judicial pro-
the Judiciary, investigating ceedings and the administration of
charges of impeachment against Federal courts and personnel thereof,
Associate Justice William O. including local courts in territories and
Douglas, made an interim report possessions’’.
to the committee as to its author- H. Res. 93 empowers the Committee
ity and procedures: (11) to issue subpenas, over the signature
of the Chairman of the Committee or
I. AUTHORITY any Member of the Committee des-
On April 21, 1970, the Committee on ignated by him. Subpenas issued by
the Judiciary adopted a resolution to the Committee may be served by any
authorize the appointment of a Special person designated by the Chairman or
Subcommittee on H. Res. 920, a resolu- such designated Member.
tion impeaching William O. Douglas, On April 28, 1970, the Special Sub-
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court committee on H. Res. 920 held its or-
of the United States, of high crimes ganization meeting, appointed staff,
and misdemeanors in office. Pursuant and adopted procedures to be applied
to this resolution, the following mem- during the investigation. Although the
bers were appointed: Emanuel Celler power to issue subpenas is available,
(New York), Chairman; Byron G. Rog- and the Subcommittee is prepared to
ers (Colorado); Jack Brooks (Texas); use subpenas if necessary to carry out
William M. McCulloch (Ohio); and Ed- this investigation, thus far all potential
ward Hutchinson (Michigan). witnesses have been cooperative and it
The Special Subcommittee on H. has not been necessary to employ this
Res. 920 is appointed and operates investigatory tool. The Special Sub-
committee operates under procedures
11. First report of the special sub- established in paragraph 27, Rules of
committee on H. Res. 920 of the Committee Procedure, of Rule XI of the
Committee on the Judiciary, com- House of Representatives. These proce-
mittee print, 91st Cong. 2d Sess., dures will be followed until additional
June 20, 1970. rules are adopted, which, on the basis


of precedent in other impeachment Parliamentarian’s Note: The

proceedings, are determined by the House has in the past considered
Special Subcommittee to be appro-
the question whether a federal
civil officer was subject to con-
Issuance of Subpenas; Effect of tempt proceedings for declining to
Noncompliance honor a subpena issued in the
course of an impeachment inves-
§ 6.12 The Committee on the tigation or investigation directed
Judiciary determined in the toward impeachment. In 1879, a
93d Congress that a federal committee of the House was con-
civil officer could be im- ducting an investigation, as au-
peached for failing to comply thorized by the House, into the
with duly authorized sub- conduct of the then Minister to
penas issued by the com- China, George Seward. In the
mittee in the course of its in- course of its impeachment inquiry,
vestigation into impeach- the committee issued subpenas to
ment charges against him. Mr. Seward commanding him to
produce papers in relation to the
On Aug. 20, 1974, the Com- inquiry. Upon his refusal, he was
mittee on the Judiciary submitted arraigned at the bar of the House
to the House a report (H. Rept. for contempt. The contempt
No. 93–1305) recommending the charge was referred to the inves-
impeachment of President Richard tigating committee, which con-
Nixon on three articles of im- cluded in its report (not consid-
peachment, without an accom- ered by the House) that an official
panying resolution of impeach- threatened with impeachment was
ment, the President having re- not in contempt for declining to be
signed. Article III, adopted by the sworn as a witness or to produce
committee on July 30, 1974, im- documentary evidence.(13) Like-
peached the former President for wise, in 1837, a committee was in-
failing without lawful cause or ex- vestigating expenditures in cer-
cuse to comply with subpenas
issued by the committee for things 361, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20,
and papers relative to the im- 1974. For the articles impeaching
peachment inquiry.(12) President Nixon, see § 3.1, supra.
The minority views challenge such a
12. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, Committee on refusal to comply with a subpena as
the Judiciary, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., grounds for impeachment (see § 3.8,
Aug. 20, 1974, printed in full in the supra).
Record at 120 CONG. REC. 29219– 13. 3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 1699, 1700.


tain executive departments, with fore the House subpenas issued by

a view towards impeachment (of a federal district court in a crimi-
heads of departments or of Presi- nal case, requesting certain evi-
dent Andrew Jackson). The com- dence gathered by the Committee
mittee adopted a resolution re-
on the Judiciary and its sub-
questing papers from the Presi-
dent, who declined to produce committee on impeachment, in the
them and submitted a letter criti- inquiry into the conduct of Presi-
cizing the committee for request- dent Richard Nixon. The House
ing that he and the department adopted a resolution (H. Res.
heads ‘‘become our own accusers.’’ 1341) which granted such limited
The committee laid on the table access to the evidence as would
resolutions censuring the Presi- not violate the privileges or con-
dent for such action and the com- stitutional powers of the House.
mittee report concluded that there
The resolution read as follows:
was no privilege of the House to
compel public officers to furnish H. RES. 1341
evidence against themselves.(14)
Whereas in the case of United States
of America against John N. Mitchell et
Court Access to Committee Evi- al. (Criminal Case No. 74–110), pend-
dence ing in the United States District Court
for the District of Columbia, subpenas
§ 6.13 Where a federal court duces tecum were issued by the said
subpenaed in a criminal case court and addressed to Representative
certain evidence gathered by Peter W. Rodino, United States House
the Committee on the Judici- of Representatives, and to John Doar,
ary in an impeachment in- Chief Counsel, House Judicial Sub-
committee on Impeachment, House of
quiry, the House adopted a
Representatives, directing them to ap-
resolution granting such lim- pear as witnesses before said court at
ited access to the evidence as 10:00 antemeridian on the 9th day of
would not violate the privi- September, 1974, and to bring with
leges of the House or its sole them certain and sundry papers in the
power of impeachment under possession and under the control of the
House of Representatives: Therefore be
the United States Constitu- it
tion. Resolved, That by the privileges of
On Aug. 22, 1974,(15) Speaker this House no evidence of a documen-
Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, laid be- tary character under the control and in
the possession of the House of Rep-
14. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 1737. resentatives can, by the mandate of
15. 120 CONG REC. 30026, 93d Cong. 2d process of the ordinary courts of jus-
Sess. tice, be taken from such control or pos-


session but by its permission; be it fur- authorized to supply certified copies of

ther such documents and papers in posses-
Resolved, That the House of Rep- sion or control of the House of Rep-
resentatives under Article I, Section 2 resentatives that the court has found
of the Constitution has the sole power to be material and relevant (except
of impeachment and has the sole that under no circumstances shall any
power to investigate and gather evi- minutes or transcripts of executive ses-
dence to determine whether the House sions, or any evidence of witnesses in
of Representatives shall exercise its respect thereto, be disclosed or copied)
constitutional power of impeachment; and which the court or other proper of-
be it further ficer thereof shall desire, so as, how-
Resolved, That when it appears by ever, the possession of said papers,
the order of the court or of the judge documents, and records by the House
thereof, or of any legal officer charged of Representatives shall not be dis-
with the administration of the orders turbed, or the same shall not be re-
of such court or judge, that documen- moved from their place of file or cus-
tary evidence in the possession and tody under any Members, officer, or
under the control of the House is need- employee of the House of Representa-
ful for use in any court of justice, or tives; and be it further
before any judge or such legal officer, Resolved, That a copy of these reso-
for the promotion of justice, this House lutions be transmitted to the said court
will take such action thereon as will as a respectful answer to the subpenas
promote the ends of justice consistently aforementioned.
with the privileges and rights of this
House; be it further
Resolved, That when said court de-
termines upon the materiality and the § 7. Committee Consider-
relevancy of the papers and documents ation; Reports
called for in the subpenas duces tecum,
then the said court, through any of its Under Rule XI, the rules of the
officers or agents, have full permission
House are the rules of its commit-
to attend with all proper parties to the
proceeding and then always at any tees and subcommittees where ap-
place under the orders and control of plicable.(1) Consideration by com-
this House and take copies of all mittees of impeachment propo-
memoranda and notes, in the files of sitions to be reported to the House
the Committee on the Judiciary, of is therefore generally governed by
interviews with those persons who sub-
sequently appeared as witnesses in the
the principles of consideration and
proceedings before the full Committee debate that are normally followed
pursuant to House Resolution 803, in taking up any proposition.
such limited access in this instance not Thus, in the 93d Congress, the
being an interference with the Con-
stitutional impeachment power of the 1. Rule XI clause 27(a), House Rules
House, and the Clerk of the House is and Manual § 735 (1973).


Committee on the Judiciary Consideration of Resolution

adopted a resolution for the con- and Articles of Impeachment
sideration of articles impeaching
§ 7.1 Under the modern prac-
President Richard Nixon, pro-
tice, the Committee on the
viding for general debate, and per-
Judiciary may report to the
mitting amendment under the House, when recommending
five-minute rule.(2) impeachment, both a resolu-
Cross References tion and articles of impeach-
ment, to be considered to-
Committee consideration and reports
generally, see Ch. 17, infra.
gether by the House.
Committee powers and procedures as to On July 8, 1912, Mr. Henry D.
impeachment investigations, see § 6, Clayton, of Alabama, of the Com-
supra. mittee on the Judiciary reported
Committee procedure generally, see Ch. to the House a resolution (H. Res.
17, infra. 524) impeaching Judge Robert
Committee reports on grounds for im- Archbald. The resolution not only
peachment, see § 3, supra. impeached but set out articles of
Management by reporting committee of impeachment which the resolution
impeachment propositions in the stated were sustained by the evi-
House, see § 8, infra. dence.(3) A similar procedure was
Collateral References
followed in the impeachment of
certain other judges—George
Debates on Articles of Impeachment, English,(4) Harold Louderback,(5)
Hearings of the Committee on the Ju- and Halsted Ritter. The resolution
diciary pursuant to H. Res. 803, July of impeachment in the Ritter case
24, 25, 26, 27, 29, and 30, 1974, 93d
incorporated the articles (the arti-
Cong. 2d Sess.
cles themselves which followed
Impeachment of Richard M. Nixon,
the text below have been omit-
President of the United States, H.
ted): (6)
REPT. NO. 93–1305, Committee on the
Judiciary, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 3. 48 CONG. REC. 8697, 8698, 62d Cong.
1974. 2d Sess. (report and resolution print-
Associate Justice William O. Douglas, ed in full in the Record).
final report by the Special Sub- 4. 67 CONG. REC. 6280, 69th Cong. 1st
committee on H. Res. 920, Committee Sess., Mar. 25, 1926.
on the Judiciary, 91st Cong. 2d Sess., 5. 76 CONG. REC. 4913, 4914, 72d Cong.
Sept. 17 1970. 2d Sess., Feb. 24, 1933.
6. 80 CONG. REC. 3066, 74th Cong. 2d
2. See § 7.2. infra. Sess., Mar. 2, 1936.


[H. RES. 422, 74TH CONG., 2D SESS. Richard Nixon; the resolu-
(Rept. No. 2025)] tion provided for general de-
RESOLUTION bate on the resolution, read-
Resolved, That Halsted L. Ritter, ing the articles for amend-
who is a United States district judge ment under the five-minute
for the southern district of Florida, be rule, and considering the
impeached for misbehavior, and for original motion as adopted
high crimes and misdemeanors; and should any article be agreed
that the evidence heretofore taken by
the subcommittee of the Committee on
the Judiciary of the House of Rep- On July 23, 1974, the Com-
resentatives under House Resolution mittee on the Judiciary adopted a
163 of the Seventy-third Congress sus- resolution providing that on July
tains articles of impeachment, which
24 the committee should com-
are hereinafter set out, and that the
said articles be, and they are hereby,
mence general debate on reporting
adopted by the House of Representa- to the House a resolution and ar-
tives, and that the same shall be ex- ticles of impeachment against
hibited to the Senate in the following President Nixon; the resolution
words and figures, to wit: provided for general debate and
Articles of impeachment of the reading of the articles for amend-
House of Representatives of the United ment under the five-minute
States of America in the name of them-
rule: (7)
selves and of all of the people of the
United States of America against Hal- Resolved, That at a business meeting
sted L. Ritter, who was appointed, duly on July 24, 1974, the Committee shall
qualified, and commissioned to serve, commence general debate on a motion
during good behavior in office, as to report to the House a Resolution, to-
United States district judge for the gether with articles of impeachment,
southern district of Florida, on Feb- impeaching Richard M. Nixon, Presi-
ruary 15, 1929. dent of the United States. Such gen-
eral debate shall consume no more
than ten hours, during which time no
Resolutions for Committee Member shall be recognized for a pe-
Consideration riod to exceed 15 minutes. At the con-
clusion of general debate, the proposed
§ 7.2 The Committee on the Ju- articles shall be read for amendment
diciary adopted in the 93d and Members shall be recognized for a
Congress a resolution gov- period of five minutes to speak on each
erning its consideration of a 7. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at p. 10,
motion to report to the Committee on the Judiciary, 93d
House a resolution and arti- Cong. 2d Sess., reported Aug. 20, 1
cles impeaching President 1974.


proposed article and on any and all resolution (H. Res. 1107) amend-
amendments thereto, unless by motion ing the rules of the House.(8)
debate is terminated thereon. Each
Debate on the resolution indi-
proposed article, and any additional ar-
ticle, shall be separately considered for
cated that it was intended to clar-
amendment and immediately there- ify the rules of the House to per-
after voted upon as amended for rec- mit all committees to allow broad-
ommendation to the House. At the con- casting of their meetings as well
clusion of consideration of the articles as hearings by majority vote, but
for amendment and recommendation to that its immediate purpose was to
the House, if any article has been allow the broadcasting of the pro-
agreed to, the original motion shall be ceedings of the Committee on the
considered as adopted and the Chair- Judiciary in considering a resolu-
man shall report to the House said
Resolution of impeachment, together
tion and articles of impeachment
with such articles as have been agreed against President Nixon (to com-
to, or if no article is agreed to, the mence on July 24, 1974). The
Committee shall consider such resolu- House discussed the advisability
tions or other recommendations as it of, and procedures for, televising
deems proper. the proceedings of the Committee
on the Judiciary, and adopted the
Broadcasting Committee Meet- resolution.(9)
ings During Consideration of
Impeachment Privilege of Reports on Im-
peachment Questions
§ 7.3 The House in the 93d
Congress amended Rule XI of § 7.4 The reports of a com-
the rules of the House to pro- mittee to which has been re-
vide for broadcasting of ferred resolutions for the im-
meetings, as well as hear- peachment of a federal civil
ings, of committees, thereby officer are privileged for im-
permitting radio and tele- mediate consideration.
vision coverage of the con-
8. 120 CONG. REC. 24436, 93d Cong. 2d
sideration by the Committee Sess.
on the Judiciary of a resolu- 9. Speaker Carl Albert (Okla.) over-
tion and articles of impeach- ruled a point of order against consid-
ment against President Rich- eration of the resolution and held
ard Nixon. that the question whether a com-
mittee meeting was properly called
On July 22, 1974, Mr. B.F. Sisk, was a matter for the committee and
of California, called up by direc- not the House to consider. 120 CONG.
tion of the Committee on Rules a REC. 24437, 93d Con. 2d Sess.


Resolutions impeaching federal proceedings are privileged

civil officers, or resolutions inci- for immediate consideration
dental to an impeachment ques- when reported from the
tion, are highly privileged under Committee on the Judiciary.
the U.S. Constitution (§ 5, supra);
reports thereon are likewise con- On Feb. 13, 1932, Mr. Hatton
sidered as privileged.(10) W. Sumners, of Texas, offered
House Report No. 444 and House
Privilege of Reports as to Dis- Resolution 143, discontinuing im-
continuance of Impeachment peachment proceedings against
Proceedings Secretary of the Treasury Andrew
Mellon. He offered the report as
§ 7.5 Reports proposing dis-
privileged and it was immediately
continuance of impeachment
considered and adopted by the
10. Rule XI clause 27 (d) (4), House House.(11)
Rules and Manual § 735 (1973) re- On Mar. 24, 1939, Mr. Sam
quires that, with certain exceptions, Hobbs, of Alabama, called up a
a measure not be considered in the
House until the third calendar day privileged report of the Committee
on which the report thereon has on the Judiciary on House Resolu-
been available to Members. How- tion 67, which report rec-
ever, on July 13, 1971, Speaker Carl ommended against the impeach-
Albert (Okla.) held that a committee
report relating to the refusal of a
ment of Secretary of Labor
witness to respond to a subpena was Frances Perkins. The report was
not subject to the three-day rule. See called up as privileged and the
117 CONG. REC. 24720–23, 92d Cong. House immediately agreed to Mr.
1st Sess. (H. REPT. NO. 92–349). The Hobbs’ motion to lay the report on
Speaker held in that case that ‘‘the
report is of such high privilege under the table.(12)
the inherent constitutional powers of
the House and under Rule IX that Calendaring and Printing of
the provisions of clause 27(d) (4) of Impeachment Reports
Rule XI are not applicable.’’
See also the dicta of Speaker Fred- § 7.6 Reports of the Committee
erick H. Gillett (Mass.), at 6 Can- on the Judiciary recom-
non’s Precedents § 48, that impeach-
ment charges were privileged for im- mending impeachment of
mediate consideration due to their civil officers and judges of
particularly privileged status under
the U.S. Constitution. 11. 75 CONG. REC. 3850, 72d Cong. 1st
These arguments seem persuasive Sess.
with respect to impeachment cases 12. 84 CONG. REC. 3273, 76th Cong. 1st
when reported. Sess.


the United States are re- peachment against President

ferred to the House Calendar Nixon and adopted articles, as
and ordered printed. amended, on July 27, 29, and 30,
A committee report on the im- 1974. Before the committee report
peachment of a federal civil officer with articles of impeachment were
is referred to the House Calendar, reported to the House, the Presi-
ordered printed, and may be dent resigned his office. The com-
printed in full in the Record ei- mittee’s report was therefore sub-
ther by resolution or pursuant to mitted to the House without an
a unanimous consent request.(13) accompanying resolution of im-
peachment. The report summa-
Report Submitted Without Res- rized in detail the evidence
olution of impeachment against the President and the
committee’s investigation and con-
§ 7.7 President Richard Nixon sideration of impeachment
having resigned following charges, and included supple-
the decision of the Com- mental, additional, separate, dis-
mittee on the Judiciary to re- senting, minority, and concurring
port to the House recom- views as to the separate articles,
mending his impeachment, the evidence before the committee
the committee’s report, with- and its sufficiency for impeach-
out an accompanying resolu- ment, and the standards and
grounds for impeachment of fed-
tion, was submitted to and
eral and civil officers.
accepted by the House.
The committee’s recommenda-
The Committee on the Judiciary tion read as follows:
considered proposed articles of im-
The Committee on the Judiciary, to
13. 48 CONG. REC. 8697, 8698, 62d Cong. whom was referred the consideration
2d Sess., July 8, 1912 (Judge Robert of recommendations concerning the ex-
ercise of the constitutional power to
Archbald); see also H. REPT. No. 653,
impeach Richard M. Nixon, President
67 CONG. REC. 6280, 69th Cong. 1st
of the United States, having considered
Sess., Mar. 25, 1926 (Judge George the same, reports thereon pursuant to
English), printed in full in the H. Res. 803 as follows and recommends
Record by unanimous consent; H. that the House exercise its constitu-
REPT. No. 2025, 80 CONG. REC. 2528, tional power to impeach Richard M.
74th Cong. 2d Sess., Feb. 20, 1936 Nixon, President of the United States,
(Judge Halsted Ritter); H. REPT. No. and that articles of impeachment be
1305, 120 CONG. REC. 29219, 93d exhibited to the Senate as follows:
Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 1974 (Presi- . . .(14)
dent Richard Nixon), printed in full
in the Record pursuant to H. Res. 14. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at p. 1, Com-
1333, 120 CONG. REC. 29361, 29362. mittee on the Judiciary, printed in


The report was referred by the 93–1305) and authorizes and directs
that the said report, together with sup-
Speaker to the House Calendar, plemental, additional, separate, dis-
and accepted and ordered printed senting, minority, individual and con-
in full in the Record pursuant to curring views, be printed in full in the
the following resolution, agreed to Congressional Record and as a House
Document; and
under suspension of the rules, (3) commends the chairman and
which acknowledged the inter- other members of the Committee on
vening resignation of the Presi- the Judiciary for their conscientious
and capable efforts in carrying out the
dent: Committee’s responsibilities under
H. RES. 1333 House Resolution 803.(15)

Resolved, That the House of Rep- Reports Discontinuing Im-

resentatives peachment Proceedings
(1) takes notice that
(a) the House of Representatives, by § 7.8 The Committee on the Ju-
House Resolution 803, approved Feb- diciary unanimously agreed
ruary 6, 1974, authorized and directed
the Committee on the Judiciary to in-
to report adversely a resolu-
vestigate fully and completely whether tion authorizing an impeach-
sufficient grounds existed for the ment investigation into the
House of Representatives to exercise conduct of the Secretary of
its constitutional power to impeach Labor.
Richard M. Nixon, President of the
United States of America; and On Mar. 24, 1939,(16) a privi-
(b) the Committee on the Judiciary, leged report of the Committee on
after conducting a full and complete in- the Judiciary was presented to the
vestigation pursuant to House Resolu- House; the report was adverse to
tion 803, voted on July 27, 29, and 30, a resolution (H. Res. 67) author-
1974 to recommend Articles of im- izing an investigation of impeach-
peachment against Richard M. Nixon, ment charges against Secretary of
President of the United States of Labor Frances Perkins and two
America; and other officials of the Labor De-
(c) Richard M. Nixon on August 9, partment:
1974 resigned the Office of President of
(2) accepts the report submitted by PERKINS
the Committee on the Judiciary pursu- MR. [SAM] HOBBS [of Alabama]: Mr.
ant to House Resolution 803 (H. Rept. Speaker, by direction of the Committee

the Record at 120 CONG. REC. 29219, 15. 120 CONG. REC. 29361, 93d Cong. 2d
93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 1974. Sess., Aug. 20, 1974.
For complete text of H. REPT. No. 16. 84 CONG. REC. 3273, 76th Cong. 1st
93–1305, see id. at pp 29219–361. Sess.


on the Judiciary I present a privileged THE SPEAKER: (19) The gentleman

report upon House Resolution 67, from Texas offers a report, which the
which I send to the desk. Clerk will read.
THE SPEAKER: (17) The Clerk will re- The Clerk read the report, as fol-
port the resolution. lows:
The Clerk read House Resolution 67. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—REL-
unanimous report from the Committee MITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY WITH
on the Judiciary adversing this resolu- REFERENCE TO HOUSE RESOLUTION
tion. I move to lay the resolution on 92
the table. Mr. Sumners of Texas, from the
THE SPEAKER: The question is on the Committee on the Judiciary, sub-
motion of the gentleman from Alabama mitted the following report (to ac-
to lay the resolution on the table. company H. Res. 143):
The motion was agreed to. I am directed by the Committee on
the Judiciary to submit to the
House, as its report to the House,
§ 7.9 Where an impeachment the following resolution adopted by
resolution was pending be- the Committee on the Judiciary indi-
cating its action with reference to
fore the Committee on the House Resolution No. 92 heretofore
Judiciary, and the official referred by the House to the Com-
charged resigned, the com- mittee on the Judiciary:
Whereas Hon. Wright Patman,
mittee reported out a resolu- Member of the House of Representa-
tion recommending that the tives, filed certain impeachment
charges against Hon. Andrew W.
further consideration of the Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury,
charges be discontinued. which were referred to this com-
mittee; and
On Feb. 13, 1932,(18) the Com- Whereas pending the investigation
mittee on the Judiciary reported of said charges by said committee,
adversely on impeachment and before said investigation had
been completed, the said Hon. An-
charges and its resolution was drew W. Mellon was nominated by
adopted by the House: the President of the United States
for the post of ambassador to the
IMPEACHMENT CHARGES—REPORT Court of St. James and the said
FROM COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY nomination was duly confirmed by
the United States Senate pursuant
MR. [HATTON W.] SUMNERS of Texas: to law, and the said Andrew W. Mel-
Mr. Speaker, I offer a report from the lon has resigned the position of Sec-
Committee on the Judiciary, and I retary of the Treasury: Be it
would like to give notice that imme- Resolved by this committee, That
diately upon the reading of the report the further consideration of the said
I shall move the previous question. charges made against the said An-
drew W. Mellon, as Secretary of the
Treasury, be, and the same are here-
17. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). by discontinued.
18. 75 CONG. REC. 3850, 72d Cong. 1st
Sess. 19. John N. Garner (Tex.).


MINORITY VIEWS (H. Rept. No. 2065) from the Com-

We can not join in the majority mittee on the Judiciary, which in-
views and findings. While we concur cluded the finding that charges
in the conclusions of the majority
that section 243 of the Revised Stat- against Judge Harold Louderback
utes, upon which the proceedings did not warrant impeachment.
herein were based, provides for ac- Under a previous unanimous-con-
tion in the nature of an ouster pro-
ceeding, it is our view that the Hon. sent agreement, an amendment in
Andrew W. Mellon, the former Sec- the nature of a substitute, rec-
retary of the Treasury, having re-
moved himself from that office, no ommended by the minority of the
useful purpose would be served by committee and impeaching the ac-
continuing the investigation of the cused, was offered. The previous
charges filed by the Hon. Wright
Patman. We desire to stress that the question was ordered on the
action of the undersigned is based on amendment and it was adopted by
that reason alone, particularly when the House.(20)
the prohibition contained in said sec-
tion 243 is not applicable to the of-
fice now held by Mr. Mellon.
FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA. § 8. Consideration and De-
M. C. TARVER. bate in the House
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker Reports on impeachment are
I think the resolution is fairly explana- privileged for immediate consider-
tory of the views held by the different ation in the House.(1) Unless the
members of the committee. No useful
purpose could be served by the con- House otherwise provides by spe-
sumption of the usual 40 minutes, so I cial order, propositions of im-
move the previous question. peachment are considered under
The previous question was ordered.
THE SPEAKER: The question is on 20. 76 CONG. REC. 4913–25, 72d Cong.
agreeing to the resolution. 2d Sess. For analyses of the
The resolution was agreed to. Louderback proceedings in the
House, see §§ 17.1–17.4, infra, and 6
§ 7.10 On one occasion, the Cannon’s Precedents § 514.
Committee on the Judiciary 1. See § 8.2, infra, for the privilege of
reported adversely on im- impeachment reports and § 7.6,
peachment charges, finding supra, for their referral to the House
the evidence did not warrant Calendar. Impeachment reports have
impeachment, but the House usually been printed in full in the
Congressional Record and have laid
rejected the report and voted
over for a period of days before con-
for impeachment. sideration by the House, so that
On Feb. 24, 1933, the House Members could acquaint themselves
considered House Resolution 387 with the contents of the reports.


the general rules of the House ap- Consideration of resolutions electing

plicable to other simple House managers, granting them powers and
funds, and notifying the Senate, see
resolutions. Since 1912, the House
§ 9, infra.
has considered together the reso- Consideration and debate in Committee
lution and articles of impeach- of the Whole generally, see Ch. 19,
ment, although prior practice was infra.
to adopt a resolution of impeach- Consideration and debate in the House
ment and later to consider sepa- generally, see Ch. 29, infra.
rate articles of impeachment.(2) Division of the question for voting, see
The House has typically consid- Ch. 30, infra.
Privileged questions and reports inter-
ered the resolution and articles
rupting regular order of business, see
under unanimous-consent agree- Ch. 21, infra.
ments, providing for a certain Summary of House consideration of spe-
number of hours of debate, equal- cific impeachment resolutions, see
ly divided and controlled by the §§ 14–18, infra.
proponents and opposition, at the
conclusion of which the previous
question was considered as or- Controlling Time for Debate
dered. In one case, an amendment
was specifically made in order § 8.1 Under the later practice,
under the unanimous-consent resolutions and articles of
agreement governing consider- impeachment have been con-
ation of the resolution.(3) sidered together in the
The motion for the previous House pursuant to unani-
question and the motion to recom- mous-consent agreements
mit are applicable to a resolution fixing the time for and con-
and articles of impeachment being trol of debate.
considered in the House, and a
On Mar. 2, 1936, the House con-
separate vote may be demanded
sidered House Resolution 422, im-
on substantive propositions con-
peaching Judge Halsted Ritter,
tained in the resolution.(4)
pursuant to a unanimous-consent
Cross References agreement propounded by Chair-
Amendments generally, see Ch. 27, infra. man Hatton W. Sumners, of
Consideration in the House of amend- Texas, of the Committee on the
ments to articles, see § 10, infra. Judiciary, who had called up the
report: (5)
2. See § 8.1, infra.
3. §§ 8.1, 8.4, infra. 5. 80 CONG. REC. 3066, 3069, 74th
4. See §§ 8.8–8.10, infra. Cong. 2d Sess.


THE SPEAKER: (6) The gentleman Oklahoma, that at the end of that time
from Texas asks unanimous consent the previous question shall be consid-
that debate on this resolution be con- ered as ordered, with the privilege,
tinued for 41⁄2 hours, 21⁄2 hours to be however, of a substitute resolution
controlled by himself and 2 hours by being offered, to be included in the pre-
the gentleman from New York [Mr. vious question. Is there objection?
Hancock]; and at the expiration of the MR. [WILLIAM B.] BANKHEAD [of Ala-
time the previous question shall be bama]: Mr. Speaker, reserving the
considered as ordered. Is there objec- right to object for the purpose of get-
tion? ting the parliamentary situation clari-
There was no objection. fied before we get to the merits, is
there any question in the mind of the
On Feb. 24, 1933, House Reso- Speaker, if it is fair to submit such a
lution 387, recommending against suggestion, as to whether or not the
the impeachment of Judge Harold substitute providing for absolute im-
Louderback, was considered pur- peachment would be in order as a sub-
suant to a unanimous-consent stitute for this report?
agreement, propounded by Mr. THE SPEAKER: That is the under-
standing of the Chair, that the unani-
Thomas D. McKeown, of Okla- mous-consent agreement is, that the
homa, who called up the resolu- gentleman from New York [Mr.
tion, to allow a substitute amend- LaGuardia] may offer a substitute, the
ment recommending impeachment previous question to be considered as
to be offered: (7) ordered on the substitute and the origi-
nal resolution at the expiration of the
MR. MCKEOWN: Mr. Speaker, I ask two hours. Is there objection?
unanimous consent that the time for There was no objection.
debate be limited to two hours to be
controlled by myself, that during that On Mar. 30, 1926, the House by
time the gentleman from New York unanimous consent agreed to a
[Mr. La Guardia] be permitted to offer procedure for the consideration of
a substitute for the resolution and at a resolution impeaching Judge
the conclusion of the time for debate George English; the request was
the previous question be considered as
propounded by Chairman George
THE SPEAKER: (8) Then the Chair S. Graham, of Pennsylvania, of
submits this: The gentleman from the Committee on the Judiciary:
Oklahoma asks unanimous consent THE SPEAKER: (9) The gentleman
that debate be limited to two hours, to from Pennsylvania [Mr. Graham] asks
be controlled by the gentleman from unanimous consent that during today
the debate be equally divided between
6. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.). the affirmative and the negative, and
7. 76 CONG. REC. 4914, 72d Cong. 2d that he control one-half of the time and
8. John N. Garner (Tex.). 9. Nicholas Longworth (Ohio).


that the other half be controlled by the articles of impeachment together

gentleman from Alabama [Mr. Bowl- in the House, as opposed to the
Committee of the Whole.(14)
In earlier practice, resolutions
and articles were considered sepa- Reports Privileged for Imme-
rately, the articles being consid- diate Consideration
ered in the Committee of the
Whole on occasion. For example, § 8.2 Resolutions of impeach-
the articles of impeachment ment, resolutions proposing
against Justice Samuel Chase abatement of proceedings,
were considered in the Committee and resolutions incidental to
of the Whole and were read for the question of impeachment
amendment, although the resolu- are privileged for immediate
tion to impeach was earlier con- consideration when reported
sidered in the House.(11) Again, from the committee to which
during proceedings against Presi- propositions of impeachment
dent Andrew Johnson, the House have been referred
adopted a resolution which pro- On Mar. 2, 1936, Chairman
vided for consideration and Hatton W. Sumners, of Texas, of
amendment of the articles in the the Committee on the Judiciary,
Committee of the Whole under the called up as privileged House Res-
five-minute rule, at the conclusion olution 422, impeaching Judge
of general debate.(12) Halsted Ritter, and the House
The resolution and the articles proceeded to its immediate consid-
of impeachment against Judge eration.(15)
Charles Swayne (1904, 1905) were On Feb. 24, 1933, Speaker John
considered separately but were N. Garner, of Texas, held that a
both considered in the House.(13) resolution reported from the Com-
In the impeachment of Judge mittee on the Judiciary, proposing
Robert Archbald (1912) the House discontinuance of impeachment
instituted the modern practice of proceedings, was privileged for
considering the resolution and the immediate consideration:
THE SPEAKER: The Clerk will report
10. 67 CONG. REC. 6585–90, 69th Cong. the resolution.
1st Sess. New agreements were ob- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol-
tained on each succeeding day dur- lows:
ing debate on the resolution.
11. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § § 2343, 2344. 14. 6 Cannon’s Precedents §§ 499, 500.
12. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2414. 15. 80 CONG. REC. 3066, 74th Cong. 2d
13. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § § 2472, 2474. Sess.


HOUSE RESOLUTION 387 House immediately agreed to Mr.

Resolved, That the evidence sub- Hobbs’ motion to lay the resolu-
mitted on the charges against Hon. tion on the table.(17)
Harold Louderback, district judge for On Feb. 6, 1974, Chairman
the northern district of California, does
Peter W. Rodino, Jr., of New Jer-
not warrant the interposition of the
constitutional powers of impeachment sey, of the Committee on the Judi-
of the House. ciary, called up as privileged
MR. [BERTRAND H.] SNELL [of New House Resolution 803, authorizing
York]: Mr. Speaker, when they report that committee to investigate the
back a resolution of that kind, is it a sufficiency of grounds for im-
privileged matter?
peachment of President Richard
THE SPEAKER: It is not only a privi-
leged matter but a highly privileged
Nixon, various resolutions of im-
matter. peachment having been referred
MR. [LEONIDAS C.] DYER [of Mis- to the committee. The House pro-
souri]: Mr. Speaker, this is the first in- ceeded to its immediate consider-
stance to my knowledge, in my service ation.(18)
here, where the committee has re-
ported adversely on an impeachment Motion to Discharge Committee
From Consideration of Im-
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman’s
memory should be refreshed. The Mel- peachment Proposal
lon case was reported back from the
committee, recommending that im- § 8.3 A Member announced his
peachment proceedings be discon- filing of a motion to dis-
tinued. charge the Committee on the
MR. SNELL: Was that taken up on Judiciary from further con-
the floor as a privileged matter? sideration of a resolution
THE SPEAKER: It was.(16) proposing impeachment of
On Mar. 24, 1939, Mr. Sam the President.
Hobbs, of Alabama, called up a re-
port of the Committee on the Ju- 17. 84 CONG. REC. 3273, 76th Cong. 1st
diciary, which report was adverse
18. 120 CONG. REC. 2349–63, 93d Cong.
to House Resolution 67, on the im- 2d Sess. For additional discussion as
peachment of Secretary of Labor to high privilege for consideration of
Frances Perkins. The report was impeachment resolutions notwith-
called up as privileged and the standing the normal application of
House rules, and of other resolutions
16. 76 CONG. REC. 4913, 72d Cong. 2d incidental to impeachment called up
Sess. (See also 6 Cannon’s Prece- by the investigating committee, see
dents § 514.) § 7.4, supra.


On June 17, 1952,(19) a Member the Court, prior to the Court decision
made an announcement relating he reasserted his claim to the powers
then in question, and subsequent to
to impeachment charges against that decision he has contemptuously
President Harry S. Truman: called into question ‘‘the intention of
MR. [PAUL W.] SHAFER [of Michigan]: the Court’s majority’’ and contemp-
Mr. Speaker, on April 28 of this year I tuously attributed the limits set on the
introduced House Resolution 614, to President’s powers not to Congress, or
impeach Harry S. Truman, President to the Court, or to the Constitution,
of the United States, of high crimes but to ‘‘the Court’s majority.’’
and misdemeanors in office. This reso- Third. The Court, in its finding in
lution was referred to the Committee the steel case, emphasized not only the
on the Judiciary, which committee has unconstitutionality of the Presidential
failed to take action thereon. seizure but also stressed his failure to
Thirty legislative days having now utilize and exhaust existing and avail-
elapsed since introduction of this reso- able legal resources for dealing with
lution, I today have placed on the the situation, including the Taft-Hart-
Clerk’s desk a petition to discharge the ley law.
committee from further consideration Fourth. The President’s failure and
of the resolution. refusal to utilize and exhaust existing
In my judgment, developments since and available legal resources for deal-
I introduced the Resolution April 28 ing with the emergency has persisted
have immeasurably enlarged and since the Court decision and in spite of
strengthened the case for impeachment clear and unmistakable evidences of
and have added new urgency for such the will and intent of Congress given
action by this House. in response to his latest request for
First. Since the introduction of this special legislation authorizing seizure
resolution, the United States Supreme or other special procedures.
Court, by a 6-to-3 vote, has held that The discharge petition did not
in his seizure of the steel mills Harry
gain the requisite number of sig-
S. Truman, President of the United
States, exceeded his authority and natures for its consideration by
powers, violated the Constitution of the House.
the United States, and flouted the ex-
pressed will and intent of the Con- Amendment of Resolution and
gress—and, in so finding, the Court Articles
gave unprecedented warnings against
the threat to freedom and constitu- § 8.4 A resolution with articles
tional government implicit in his act. of impeachment, being con-
Second. Despite the President’s tech- sidered in the House under a
nical compliance with the finding of
unanimous-consent agree-
19. 98 CONG. REC. 7424, 82d Cong. 2d ment fixing control of de-
Sess. bate, is not subject to amend-

ment unless the agreement specifically allowed the substitute

allows an amendment to be resolution to be offered and voted
offered, or the Member in upon.(1)
control offers an amendment In the Charles Swayne im-
or yields for amendment. peachment, Mr. Henry W. Palmer,
On Apr. 1, 1926, the House was of Pennsylvania, of the Committee
considering a resolution impeach- on the Judiciary called up the res-
ing Judge George English. Pursu- olution of impeachment and con-
ant to a unanimous-consent agree- trolled the time thereon. Before
ment, the time for debate was moving the previous question, he
being controlled by two Members. offered an amendment to the reso-
Following the ordering of the pre- lution of impeachment, to add
vious question on the resolution, clarifying and technical changes.
Speaker Nicholas Longworth, of The amendment was agreed to.(2)
Ohio, answered a parliamentary
inquiry propounded by Mr. Tom Debate on Impeachment Reso-
T. Connally, of Texas: lutions and Articles
Under the rules of the House would § 8.5 In debating articles of im-
not this resolution be subject to consid- peachment, a Member may
eration under the five-minute rule for
refer to the political, social,
THE SPEAKER: The Chair thinks and family background of
not.(20) the accused.
In the Harold Louderback im- On Mar. 2, 1936,(3) the House
peachment proceedings in the was debating articles of impeach-
House, the resolution reported by ment against Judge Halsted Rit-
the Committee on the Judiciary ter. Mr. Louis Ludlow, of Indiana,
recommended against impeach- had the floor, and Speaker Joseph
ment, but the minority of the com- W. Byrns, of Tennessee, overruled
mittee proposed a resolution im-
1. 76 CONG. REC. 4913, 4914, 72d Cong.
peaching Judge Louderback. The 2d Sess., Feb. 24, 1933. For a com-
substitute impeaching the accused plete analysis of the procedure fol-
was offered and adopted by the lowed for consideration of the
House, pursuant to a unanimous- Louderback impeachment, see
consent agreement which fixed §§ 17.1 et seq., infra.
control and time of debate, but 2. 39 CONG. REC. 248, 58th Cong. 3d
Sess., Dec. 13, 1904.
20. 67 CONG. REC. 6733, 69th Cong. 1st 3. 80 CONG. REC. 3069, 74th Cong. 2d
Sess. Sess.


a point of order based on the whom these impeachment proceedings

irrelevancy of his remarks. The are pending. He is referring to some-
thing that should not affect the judg-
proceedings were as follows: ment of the House one way or the
MR. LUDLOW: . . . I feel there is im- other, and, in my judgment, it is highly
posed upon me today a duty and a re- improper, and the gentleman should
sponsibility to raise my voice in this not be allowed to continue.
case if for no other purpose than to THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
present myself as a character wit- chairman understands the gentleman
ness—a duty which I could not con- is proceeding under the order of the
scientiously avoid and which I am very House, which provided for two hours
glad to perform. Judge Ritter was born and a half on one side and 2 hours on
in Indianapolis, Ind. He springs from a the other. Of course, the Chair cannot
long and honored Hoosier ancestry, dictate to the gentleman just how he
rooted in the pioneer life of our Com- shall proceed in his discussion of this
monwealth. There are no better people resolution.
than those who comprised his ances- MR. TARVER: It is then the ruling of
tral train. People do not come any bet- the Speaker that during the time for
ter anywhere on this globe. Rugged general debate Members may address
honesty, outspoken truthfulness, and themselves to whatever subject they
high ideals are characteristics of his desire.
family. His father, Col. Eli F. Ritter, THE SPEAKER: Members must ad-
was a man of outstanding character dress themselves to the resolution.
and personality, one of the most pub- MR. LUDLOW: That is what I am try-
lic-spirited men I ever have known, a ing to do, Mr. Speaker.
lawyer of distinction, ranking high in a THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will
bar of great brilliancy that included proceed in order.
such stellar lights as Thomas A. Hen-
dricks, Joseph E. McDonald, and Ben- § 8.6 During debate on a reso-
jamin Harrison, an unofficial advocate lution of impeachment, the
of the people’s cause in many a fight Speaker ruled that unparlia-
against vice and privilege, for whom mentary language, even if a
even those who felt his steel had a
recitation of testimony or
wholesome respect because of his mili-
tant ardor on the side of right and civic evidence, could not be used
virtue. in debate.
MR. [MALCOLM C.] TARVER [of Geor- On Mar. 30, 1926, during de-
gia]: Mr. Speaker, I rise to a point of bate on the resolution and articles
of impeachment against Judge
gentleman will state it.
George English, Speaker Nicholas
MR. TARVER: The gentleman is en- Longworth, of Ohio, delivered a
deavoring to read into the Record a ruling on the use of unparliamen-
statement with regard to the pro- tary language in debate, and the
genitors of the gentleman against House discussed his decision:

THE SPEAKER: The Chair desires to precedent in the future. The House, as
make a statement. The Chair has been I understand it, at the present moment
in doubt on one or two occasions this is proceeding as an inquisitorial body,
afternoon whether he should permit somewhat as a grand jury, as in a
the use of certain language even by semijudicial proceeding; and if we have
way of quotation. The Chair at the unpleasant matters in court, the court
time realized, of course, that the mem- can not avoid its duty because they are
bers of the majority of the committee unpleasant, and if it becomes nec-
might think the use of this language essary in this Chamber for Members to
would be material in describing an in- properly present this case or to quote
dividual. The Chair hopes that it will the testimony in the record to use un-
not be used further during this debate pleasant and offensive language to es-
and suggests also that those words be tablish the truth, I think the House
stricken from the Record. [Applause.] ought to hear it. It is neither wise nor
MR. [JOHN N.] TILLMAN [of Arkan- safe to censor the evidence. We must
sas]: I think the Speaker will remem- hear it, good or bad, because it is the
ber I stated when I put the speech in evidence. If it is suppressed or colored,
the Record that I intended to strike it is no longer the true evidence in the
out those words. case. I sympathize with the Chair’s po-
THE SPEAKER: There were other oc- sition, and I know he is prompted by
casions besides that to which the gen- the best motives, by a sense of delicacy
tleman refers. and consideration for the galleries. I
think it is well for the House and
MR. [EDWARD J.] KING [of Illinois]:
Chair now to understand that the rul-
Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry.
ing of the Chair ought not to be re-
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will garded as a precedent in the future
state it. which might operate to exclude com-
MR. KING: Will the language also be petent evidence, because when we are
stricken out of the evidence in the case dealing with a matter of this kind, se-
and in the report of the committee? rious and important as it is, we want
THE SPEAKER: The Chair does not to know the truth, whatever it may be,
think that has anything to do with the and those who come here to hear these
use of language on the floor of the proceedings of course do so at their
House. own risk. [Laughter.]
MR. [TOM T.] CONNALLY of Texas: THE SPEAKER: The Chair thinks his
Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. ruling ought to be regarded as a prece-
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will dent as far as these proceedings in the
state it. House are concerned. If the Chair
MR. CONNALLY of Texas: Without should be officially advised that the
taking any exception to the Chair’s use of this language is actually nec-
views as to striking from the printed essary, he might order the galleries
Record what has already happened, it cleared.
seems to me the Chair ought to make MR. [FIORELLO H.] LAGUARDIA [of
clear his ruling so that we may know New York]: Mr. Speaker, a parliamen-
as to how far it shall be regarded as a tary inquiry.


THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will spired and what was said.’’ He in-
state it. dicated that no objection would be
MR. LAGUARDIA: The Chair’s ruling, made to the extension of remarks
as I understand it, is that under the
after the vote had occurred on the
rules of the House language that is not
parliamentary should not be used; but resolution of impeachment.(5)
that does not prevent the consideration
of whether or not a particular judge Motion for Previous Question
whose case we are trying used the lan-
guage or not? § 8.8 The motion for the pre-
THE SPEAKER: Not at all. It is simply vious question is applicable
the use of certain language on the floor to a resolution of impeach-
of the House. ment.
MR. [CHARLES R.] CRISP [of Georgia]:
Mr. Speaker, I want to enter my ap-
On Dec. 13, 1904, the House
proval of the course the Speaker has was considering a resolution im-
taken. Members of this House, if they peaching Judge Charles Swayne
desire to know what the language is, of high crimes and misdemeanors.
can read the record, and I thoroughly The manager of the resolution,
endorse the course the Speaker pur- Mr. Henry W. Palmer, of Pennsyl-
sued. vania, moved the previous ques-
tion on the resolution at the con-
§ 8.7 During debate in the clusion of debate thereon. Mr.
House objection was made to Richard Wayne Parker, of New
extensions of remarks in the Jersey, made a point of order
Congressional Record in against the offering of the motion,
order that an accurate on the ground that the previous
record of impeachment pro- question should not be directly or-
ceedings be preserved. dered upon a question of high
In April 1926,(4) the House was privilege such as impeachment.
considering a resolution impeach- Speaker Joseph G. Cannon, of Illi-
ing Judge George English. When nois, ruled that under the prece-
dents the previous question was
a Member asked unanimous con-
in order.(6)
sent to revise and extend his re-
marks in the Record, Mr. C. Wil- Motion to Recommit
liam Ramseyer, of Iowa, objected
stating that his object was to § 8.9 After the previous ques-
‘‘have the Record, preceding the tion has been ordered on a
vote, show exactly what tran-
5. Id. at p. 6717.
4. 67 CONG. REC. 6602, 69th Cong. 1st 6. 39 CONG. REC. 248, 58th Cong. 3d
Sess. Sess.


resolution of impeachment, a stantive proposition con-

motion to recommit, with or tained in a resolution of im-
without instructions, is in peachment, when the ques-
order, but is not debatable. tion recurs on the resolution.
On Apr. 1, 1926, the House was On Mar. 30, 1926, the House
considering House Resolution 195, was considering a resolution and
impeaching Judge George English, articles of impeachment against
United States District Judge for Judge George English. Mr.
the Eastern District of Illinois.
After the previous question was Charles R. Crisp, of Georgia, in-
ordered, a motion was offered to quired whether, under Rule XVI
recommit the resolution with in- clause 6, a separate vote could be
structions. The instructions di- demanded on any substantive
rected the Committee on the Judi- proposition contained in the reso-
ciary to take the testimony of cer- lution of impeachment. Speaker
tain persons and authorized the Nicholas Longworth, of Ohio, re-
committee to send for persons and sponded in the affirmative.(9)
papers, administer oaths, and re- When the vote recurred on the
port at any time.
resolution of impeachment, on
The motion was rejected on a
yea and nay vote.(7) Apr. 1, 1926, a separate vote was
Parliamentarian’s Note: A mo- demanded on Article I. The House
tion to recommit, with or without rejected the motion to strike the
instructions, on a resolution of im- article.(10)
peachment, is not debatable. Rule Parliamentarian’s Note: A divi-
XVI clause 4, House Rules and sion of the question may be de-
Manual § 782 (1973), amended in manded at any time before the
the 92d Congress to allow debate question is put on the resolution.
on certain motions to recommit During the Judge English pro-
with instructions, does not apply ceedings, the Speaker put the
to simple resolutions but only to
question on the resolution and an-
bills or joint resolutions.(8)
nounced that it was adopted. A
Division of the Question Member objected that he had
meant to ask for a separate vote
§ 8.10 A separate vote may be and the Speaker allowed such a
demanded on any sub-
9. 67 CONG. REC. 6589, 6590, 69th
7. 67 CONG. REC. 6734, 69th Cong. 1st Cong. 1st Sess. See House Rules and
Sess. Manual § 791 (1973).
8. See Ch. 23, infra, for the motion to 10. 67 CONG. REC. 6734, 69th Cong. 1st
recommit and debate thereon. Sess.


demand (thereby vacating the pro- ceedings in the Chamber of the House
ceedings by unanimous consent) of Representatives relating to the reso-
lution reported from the Committee on
because of confusion in the Cham- the Judiciary, recommending the im-
ber, although he stated that the peachment of Richard M. Nixon, Presi-
demand was untimely.(11) dent of the United States, may be
broadcast by radio and television and
Broadcasting House Pro- may be open to photographic coverage,
subject to the provisions of section 2 of
ceedings this resolution.
Sec. 2. A special committee of four
§ 8.11 The House adopted a members, composed of the majority
resolution in the 93d Con- and minority leaders of the House, and
gress authorizing television, the majority and minority whips of the
radio, and photographic cov- House, is hereby authorized to arrange
for the coverage made in order by this
erage of projected House resolution and to establish such regu-
consideration of a resolution lations as they may deem necessary
impeaching President Rich- and appropriate with respect to such
broadcast or photographic coverage:
ard Nixon, thereby waiving Provided, however, That any such ar-
rulings of the Speaker pro- rangements or regulations shall be
hibiting such coverage of subject to the final approval of the
House proceedings. Speaker; and if the special committee
or the Speaker shall determine that
On Aug. 7, 1974,(12) Mr. Ray J. the actual coverage is not in con-
Madden, of Indiana, called up by formity with such arrangements and
direction of the Committee on regulations, the Speaker is authorized
and directed to terminate or limit such
Rules House Resolution 802, with coverage in such manner as may pro-
committee amendments, for the tect the interests of the House of Rep-
broadcasting of House proceedings resentatives.
on the impeachment of President The House briefly debated the
Nixon, the Committee on the Ju- resolution before adopting it, and
diciary having decided on July 27, discussed suitable restrictions on
29, and 30 to report to the House broadcast coverage as well as the
recommending the President’s im- broadcasting of the Committee on
peachment. The House agreed to the Judiciary meetings on the res-
the resolution as amended by the olution and articles of impeach-
committee amendments: ment pursuant to House Resolu-
That, notwithstanding any rule, rul- tion 1107, adopted on July 18,
ing, or custom to the contrary, the pro- 1974.(13)
11. Id. at pp. 6734, 6735. 13. See § 7.3, Supra, for the adoption of
12. 120 CONG. REC. 27266–69, 93d Cong. H. Res. 1107, amending the rules of
2d Sess. the House.


Parliamentarian’s Note: The to the articles impeaching him,

Speaker of the House has consist- and may prepare the replication
ently ruled that coverage of House of the House to the respondent’s
proceedings, either by radio, tele- answer. The replication has not in
vision or still photography, was the last two impeachment cases
prohibited under the rules and been submitted to the House for
precedents of the House. See for approval.(16)
example, the statements of Speak- In the Harold Louderback pro-
er Sam Rayburn, of Texas, on ceedings, where the accused was
Feb. 25, 1952, and on Jan. 24, impeached in one Congress and
1955.(14) tried in the next, the issue arose
as to the authority of the man-
agers beyond the expiration of the
§ 9. Presentation to Sen- Congress in which elected. In that
ate; Managers case, the resolution authorizing
the managers powers and funds
Following the adoption of a res- was not offered and adopted until
olution and articles of impeach- the succeeding Congress.(17)
ment, the House proceeds to the
adoption of privileged resolutions Forms
(1) appointing managers to con- Form of resolution appointing
duct the trial on the part of the managers to conduct an impeach-
House and directing them to ment trial: (18)
present the articles to the Senate;
(2) notifying the Senate of the
adoption of articles and appoint- Resolved, That Hatton W. Sumners,
ment of managers; and (3) grant- Randolph Perkins, and Sam Hobbs,
Members of this House, be, and they
ing the managers necessary pow-
are hereby, appointed managers to con-
ers and funds.(15) duct the impeachment against Halsted
The managers have jurisdiction L. Ritter, United States district judge
over the answer of the respondent for the southern district of Florida;
that said managers are hereby in-
14. 98 CONG. REC. 1334, 1335, 82d Cong. structed to appear before the Senate of
2d Sess.; 101 CONG. REC. 628, 629, the United States and at the bar there-
84th Cong. 1st Sess. of in the name of the House of Rep-
15. See § 9.1, infra.
In former Congresses, managers 16. See § 10, infra.
were elected by ballot or appointed 17. See § 4.2, supra.
by the Speaker pursuant to an au- 18. 80 CONG. REC. 3393, 74th Cong. 2d
thorizing resolution (see § 9.3, infra). Sess., Mar. 6, 1936.


resentatives and of all the people of impeachment of Halsted L. Ritter,

the United States to impeach the said United States district judge for the
Halsted L. Ritter of high crimes and southern district of Florida, be, and
misdemeanors in office and to exhibit they are hereby, authorized to employ
to the Senate of the United States the legal, clerical, and other necessary as-
articles of impeachment against said sistants and to incur such expenses as
judge which have been agreed upon by may be necessary in the preparation
this House; and that the said man- and conduct of the case, to be paid out
agers do demand that the Senate take of the contingent fund of the House on
order for the appearance of said Hal- vouchers approved by the managers,
sted L. Ritter to answer said impeach- and the managers have power to send
ment, and demand his impeachment, for persons and papers, and also that
conviction, and removal from office. the managers have authority to file
with the Secretary of the Senate, on
Form of resolution notifying the the part of the House of Representa-
Senate of the adoption of articles tives, any subsequent pleadings which
and the appointment of man- they shall deem necessary: Provided,
agers: (19) That the total expenditures authorized
by this resolution shall not exceed
Resolved, That a message be sent to Cross References
the Senate to inform them that this
House has impeached for high crimes Arguments and conduct of trial by man-
and misdemeanors Halsted L. Ritter, agers, see § 12, infra.
United States District Judge for the Effect of adjournment on managers’ au-
southern district of Florida, and that thority, see § 4, supra.
the House adopted articles of impeach- Managers’ appearance and functions in
ment against said Halsted L. Ritter, the Senate sitting as a Court of Im-
judge as aforesaid, which the man- peachment, see §§ 11–13, infra.
agers on the part of the House have Managers’ jurisdiction over replication
been directed to carry to the Senate, and amendments to articles, see § 10,
and that Hatton W. Sumners, Ran- infra.
dolph Perkins, and Sam Hobbs, Mem-
bers of this House, have been ap-
pointed such managers.
Electing and Empowering
Form of resolution empowering Managers; Notifying the Sen-
managers: (20) ate
§ 9.1 After the House has
Resolved, That the managers on the
part of the House in the matter of the
adopted a resolution and ar-
ticles of impeachment, the
19. Id. House considers resolutions
20. Id. at p. 3394. appointing managers to ap-

pear before the Senate, noti- House of Representatives and of all

the people of the United States to
fying the Senate of the adop- impeach the said Harold Louderback
tion of articles and election of misdemeanors in office and to ex-
of managers, and authorizing hibit to the Senate of the United
States the articles of impeachment
the managers to prepare for against said judge which have been
and conduct the trial in the agreed upon by the House; and that
the said managers do demand the
Senate, to employ assistants, Senate take order for the appearance
and to incur expenses pay- of said Harold Louderback to answer
said impeachment, and demand his
able from the contingent impeachment, conviction, and re-
fund of the House. moval from office.
On Feb. 27, 1933, the House THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
question is on agreeing to the resolu-
having adopted articles of im- tion. . . .
peachment against Judge Harold The resolution was agreed to.
Louderback on Feb. 24, Mr. Hat- A motion to reconsider the vote by
ton W. Sumners, of Texas, offered which the resolution was agreed to was
laid on the table.
resolutions electing managers and MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker,
notifying the Senate of House ac- I desire to present a privileged resolu-
tion: tion.
The Clerk read as follows:
Resolved, That a message be sent
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker, to the Senate to inform them that
I offer the following privileged report this House has impeached Harold
from the Committee on the Judiciary, Louderback, United States district
which I send to the desk and ask to judge for the Northern District of
have read, and ask its immediate California, for misdemeanors in of-
fice, and that the House has adopted
adoption. articles of impeachment against said
The Clerk read as follows: Harold Louderback, judge as afore-
said, which the managers on the
HOUSE RESOLUTION 402 part of the House have been directed
to carry to the Senate, and that Hat-
Resolved, That Hatton W. Sum- ton W. Sumners, Gordon Browning,
ners, Gordon Browning, Malcolm C. Malcolm C. Tarver, Fiorello H.
Tarver, Fiorello H. LaGuardia, and LaGuardia, and Charles I. Sparks,
Charles I. Sparks, Members of this Members of this House, have been
House, be, and they are hereby, ap- appointed such managers.
pointed managers to conduct the im-
peachment against Harold The resolution was agreed to.(1)
Louderback, United States district
judge for the northern district of On Mar. 6, 1936, Mr. Sumners
California; and said managers are offered three resolutions relating
hereby instructed to appear before
the Senate of the United States and 1. 76 CONG. REC. 5177, 5178, 72d Cong.
at the bar thereof in the name of the 2d Sess.


to the impeachment proceedings his impeachment, conviction, and re-

moval from office.
against Judge Halsted Ritter, the
House having adopted articles of HOUSE RESOLUTION 440
impeachment on Mar. 2. The reso- Resolved, That a message be sent
lutions elected managers, in- to the Senate to inform them that
formed the Senate that articles this House has impeached for high
crimes and misdemeanors Halsted L.
had been adopted and managers Ritter, United States district judge
appointed, and gave the managers for the southern district of Florida,
and that the House adopted articles
powers and funds: (2) of impeachment against said Halsted
L. Ritter, judge as aforesaid, which
IMPEACHMENT OF HALSTED L. RITTER the managers on the part of the
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker, House have been directed to carry to
I send to the desk the three resolutions the Senate, and that Hatton W.
Sumners, Randolph Perkins, and
which are the usual resolutions offered Sam Hobbs, Members of this House,
when an impeachment has been voted have been appointed such managers.
by the House, and I ask unanimous
consent that they may be read and HOUSE RESOLUTION 441
considered en bloc. . . . Resolved, That the managers on
the part of the House in the matter
HOUSE RESOLUTION 439 of the impeachment of Halsted L.
Resolved, That Hatton W. Sum- Ritter, United States district judge
ners, Randolph Perkins, and Sam for the southern district of Florida,
Hobbs, Members of this House, be, be, and they are hereby, authorized
and they are hereby, appointed man- to employ legal, clerical, and other
agers to conduct the impeachment necessary assistants and to incur
against Halsted L. Ritter, United such expenses as may be necessary
States district judge for the southern in the preparation and conduct of
district of Florida; that said man- the case, to be paid out of the contin-
agers are hereby instructed to ap- gent fund of the House on vouchers
pear before the Senate of the United approved by the managers, and the
States and at the bar thereof in the managers have power to send for
name of the House of Representa- persons and papers, and also that
tives and of all the people of the the managers have authority to file
United States to impeach the said with the Secretary of the Senate, on
Halsted L. Ritter of high crimes and the part of the House of Representa-
misdemeanors in office and to ex- tives, any subsequent pleadings
hibit to the Senate of the United which they shall deem necessary:
States the articles of impeachment Provided, That the total expendi-
against said judge which have been tures authorized by this resolution
agreed upon by this House; and that shall not exceed $2,500.
the said managers do demand that MR. [BERTRAND H.] SNELL [of New
the Senate take order for the appear-
ance of said Halsted L. Ritter to an- York]: Mr. Speaker, may I ask the gen-
swer said impeachment, and demand tleman from Texas one further ques-
tion? Is this exactly the procedure that
2. 80 CONG. REC. 3393, 3394, 74th has always been followed by the House
Cong. 2d Sess. under similar conditions?


MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Insofar as I tion—all from the Committee on

know, it does not vary from the proce- the Judiciary—three from the ma-
dure that has been followed since the jority party and two from the mi-
beginning of the Government.
nority party.(4) In the Halsted Rit-
MR. SNELL: If that is true, while, of
course, I think the House made a mis-
ter impeachment in 1936, three
take, I have no desire to delay carrying managers were elected from the
out the will of the majority of the Committee on the Judiciary, two
House in the matter. from the majority party and one
MR. [THOMAS L.] BLANTON [of from the minority party.(5) In both
Texas]: Mr. Speaker, will the gen- the Louderback and Ritter im-
tleman yield? peachments, the Chairman of the
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: I yield to the Committee on the Judiciary, Hat-
gentleman from Texas. ton W. Sumners, of Texas, was
MR. BLANTON: The only difference elected as a manager. Ordinarily,
between this and other such cases is
the managers are chosen from
that our colleague from Texas has
asked only for $2,500, which is very among those Members who have
small in comparison with amounts voted for the resolution and arti-
heretofore appropriated under such cles of impeachment.(6)
Appointment of Managers by
The resolutions were agreed to.
Composition and Number of § 9.3 In the later practice,
Managers managers on the part of the
§ 9.2 Managers elected by the House to conduct impeach-
House, or appointed by the ment trials have been ap-
Speaker, have always been pointed by resolution.
Members of the House and On Mar. 6, 1936, the House
have always constituted an adopted a resolution offered by
odd number.(3)
4. Cannon’s Precedents § 514.
In 1933, in the Harold 5. 80 CONG. REC. 3393, 74th Cong. 2d
Louderback impeachment five Sess.
managers were elected by resolu- 6. During the Belknap proceedings, it
was proposed to elect a minority
3. For a summary of the composition of Member to fill a vacancy created
managers from the William Blount when a manager was excused from
impeachment in 1797 through the service. The House discussed the
Robert Archbald impeachment in principle that managers should be in
1912, see 6 Cannon’s Precedents accord with the sentiments of the
§ 467. House. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2448.


Hatton W. Sumners, of Texas, On two occasions, in the

Chairman of the Committee on Charles Swayne and West Hum-
the Judiciary, appointing Mem- phreys impeachments, managers
bers of the House to serve as man- were appointed by the Speaker
agers in the impeachment trial of pursuant to authorizing resolu-
Judge Halsted Ritter: tion.(9)
HOUSE RESOLUTION 439 In other impeachments, man-
Resolved, That Hatton W. Sumners, agers were elected by ballot, a
Randolph Perkins, and Sam Hobbs, procedure largely obsolete in the
Members of this House, be, and they House, its last use having been for
are hereby, appointed managers to con-
duct the impeachment against Halsted the election of managers in the
L. Ritter, United States district judge Andrew Johnson impeachment. In
for the southern district of Florida; that case, the motion adopted by
that said managers are hereby in-
structed to appear before the Senate of
the House providing for the con-
the United States and at the bar there- sideration of the articles against
of in the name of the House of Rep- President Johnson provided that
resentatives and of all the people of in the event any articles were
the United States to impeach the said
Halsted L. Ritter of high crimes and adopted, the House was to proceed
misdemeanors in office and to exhibit by ballot to elect managers.(10)
to the Senate of the United States the
articles of impeachment against said Managers, Excused From At-
judge which have been agreed upon by
this House; and that the said man-
tending House Sessions
agers do demand that the Senate take
order for the appearance of said Hal- § 9.4 Managers on the part of
sted L. Ritter to answer said impeach- the House to conduct im-
ment, and demand his impeachment, peachment proceedings may
conviction, and removal from office.(7)
be excused from attending
This method, of appointing the sessions of the House by
managers by House resolution, unanimous consent.
was also used in 1912 in the Rob-
ert Archbald impeachment, in On Apr. 10, 1933, Mr. Hatton
1926 in the George English im- W. Sumners, of Texas, one of the
peachment, and in 1933 in the managers on the part of the
Harold Louderback impeach- House for impeachment pro-
Secretary of War William Belknap
7. 80 CONG. REC. 3393, 74th Cong. 2d were also chosen by resolution. See 3
Sess. Hinds’ Precedents § 2448.
8. 6 Cannon’s Precedents §§ 500, 514, 9. 3 Hinds’ Precedents §§ 2388, 2475.
545. Managers for the trial of former 10. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2414.


ceedings against Judge Harold the managers appointed by the

House for the purpose of exhibiting
Louderback, made a unanimous- articles of impeachment against Hal-
consent request: (11) sted L. Ritter, United States district
judge for the southern district of
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker, Florida, agreeably to the notice com-
I ask unanimous consent that the municated to the Senate, and that at
managers on the part of the House in the hour of 1 o’clock p.m. on Tues-
the Louderback impeachment matter day, March 10, 1936, the Senate will
be excused from attending upon the receive the honorable managers on
sessions of the House during this the part of the House of Representa-
tives, in order that they may present
week. and exhibit the said articles of im-
THE SPEAKER: (12) Is there objection peachment against the said Halsted
to the request of the gentleman from L. Ritter, United States district
Texas? judge for the southern district of
There was no objection. Florida.(14)

Appearance of Managers in Jurisdiction of Managers Over

Senate Related Matters

§ 9.5 The managers on the part § 9.6 Where the House has em-
of the House appear in the powered its managers in an
Senate for the opening of an impeachment proceeding to
impeachment trial on the take all steps necessary in
date messaged by the Senate. the prosecution of the case,
the managers may report to
On Mar. 9, 1936,(13) the Senate the House a resolution pro-
messaged to the House the date
posing to amend the original
the Senate would be ready to re-
articles of impeachment.
ceive the managers on the part of
the House for the impeachment On Mar. 30, 1936,(15) Mr. Hat-
trial of Judge Halsted Ritter: ton W. Sumners, of Texas, one of
the managers on the part of the
A message from the Senate, by Mr.
Horne, its enrolling clerk, announced House to conduct the impeach-
that the Senate had— ment trial against Judge Halsted
Ordered, That the Secretary in- Ritter, reported House Resolution
form the House of Representatives 471, which amended the articles
that the Senate is ready to receive
14. For the proceedings in the Senate
11. 77 CONG. REC. 1449, 73d Cong. 1st upon the appearance of the man-
Sess. agers for the presentation of articles,
12. Henry T. Rainey (Ill.). see § 11.4, infra (Ritter proceedings).
13. 80 CONG. REC. 3449, 74th Cong. 2d 15. 80 CONG. REC. 4597–99, 74th Cong.
Sess. 2d Sess.


originally voted by the House on formation that has come to you as

Mar. 2, 1936. Mr. Sumners dis- managers that never was presented to
cussed the power and jurisdiction the Committee on the Judiciary?
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Perhaps it
of the managers to consider and
would not be true to answer that en-
report amendments to the original tirely in the affirmative, but the
articles: changes are made largely by reason of
MR. [BERTRAND H.] SNELL [of New new evidence which has come to the
York]: Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman attention of the committee, and some
yield? of these changes, more or less changes
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Yes. in form, have resulted from further ex-
MR. SNELL: I may not be entirely fa- amination of the question. This is
miliar with all this procedure, but as I somewhat as lawyers do in their plead-
understand, what the gentleman is ings. They often ask the privilege of
doing here today, is to amend the origi- making an amendment.
nal articles of impeachment passed by MR. SNELL: And the gentleman’s po-
the House. sition is that as agents of the House it
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: That is cor- is not necessary to have the approval
rect. of his committee, which made the
MR. SNELL: The original articles of original impeachment charges?
impeachment came to the House as a MR. SUMNERS of Texas: I have no
result of the evidence before the gen- doubt about that; I have no doubt
tleman’s committee. Has the gentle- about the accuracy of that state-
man’s committee had anything to do ment.(16)
with the change or amendment of
these charges? Parliamentarian’s Note: After
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: No; just the articles of impeachment had been
managers. adopted against President Andrew
MR. SNELL: As a matter of proce-
Johnson in 1868, the managers on
dure, would not that be the proper
thing to do? the part of the House reported to
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: I do not the House, as privileged, an addi-
think it is at all necessary, for this rea- tional article of impeachment. A
son: The managers are now acting as point of order was made that the
the agents of the House, and not as the
managers could not so report,
agents of the Committee on the Judici-
ary. Mr. Manager Perkins and Mr. their functions being different
Manager Hobbs have recently ex- from those of a standing com-
tended the investigation made by the mittee. Speaker Schuyler Colfax,
MR. SNELL: Mr. Speaker, will the 16. See also 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 520
gentleman yield further? (amendment to articles of impeach-
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Yes. ment against Judge Harold Louder
MR. SNELL: Do I understand that the back prepared and called up by
amendments come because of new in- House managers).


of Indiana, overruled the point of swer to the articles of impeach-

order on two grounds: (1) the an- ment. In recent instances, the
swer of the respondent is always, managers on the part of the
when messaged to the House, re- House have submitted the replica-
ferred to the managers, who then tion to the Senate on their own
prepare a replication to the House initiative, without the House vot-
and (2) any Member of the House, ing thereon.(19)
whether a manager or not, may The House has always reserved
propose additional articles of im- the right to amend the articles of
peachment.(17) impeachment presented to the
Senate and has frequently so
§ 9.7 The answer of the re- amended the articles pursuant to
spondent to articles of im- the recommendations of the man-
peachment, and supple- agers on the part of the House.(20)
mental rules to govern the
trial, are messaged to the Cross References
House by the Senate and re- Managers and their powers generally,
ferred to the managers on see § 9, supra.
the part of the House. Motions to strike articles of impeachment
in the Senate, see § 12, infra.
On Apr. 6, 1936, the answer of Respondent’s answer filed in the Senate,
respondent Judge Halsted Ritter see § 11, infra.
to the articles of impeachment
against him, and supplemental
Senate rules, were messaged to Reservation of Right to Amend
the House by the Senate and re- Articles
ferred to the managers on the
part of the House.(18) § 10.1 In the later practice, the
reservation by the House of
the right to amend articles of
§ 10. Replication; Amend- impeachment presented to
ing Adopted Articles the Senate has been deliv-
ered orally in the Senate by
The replication is the answer of the House managers, and has
the House to the respondents’ an-
19. See § 10.3, infra.
17. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2418. 20. See § 10.1, infra, for the reservation
For preparation of the replication of the right to amend articles and
in the later practice see § 10.3, infra. §§ 10.4–10.6, infra, for the procedure
18. See 110.2, infra. in so amending them.


not been included in the res- have just been read to the Senate, do
olution of impeachment. now demand that the Senate take
order for the appearance of the said
On Mar. 10, 1936, the managers Halsted L. Ritter to answer said im-
on the part of the House to con- peachment, and do now demand his
impeachment, conviction, and removal
duct the trial of impeachment from office.(1)
against Judge Halsted Ritter ap-
peared in the Senate. After the ar- A similar procedure had been
followed in the Robert Archbald
ticles of impeachment adopted by
and Harold Louderback impeach-
the House had been read to the
ment proceedings, with the man-
Senate, Manager Hatton W. Sum- agers orally reserving in the Sen-
ners, of Texas, orally reserved the ate the right of the House to
right of the House to further amend articles, without such res-
amend or supplement them: ervation being included in the res-
MR. MANAGER SUMNERS: Mr. Presi- olution and articles of impeach-
dent, the House of Representatives, by ment.(2)
protestation, saving themselves the lib- Prior to the Archbald impeach-
erty of exhibiting at any time hereafter ment, language reserving the
any further articles of accusation or right of the House to amend arti-
impeachment against the said Halsted
cles was voted on by the House
L. Ritter, district judge of the United
States for the southern district of Flor-
and included at the end of the ar-
ida, and also of replying to his answers ticles presented to the Senate. For
which he shall make unto the articles example, the House in the An-
preferred against him, and of offering drew Johnson impeachment
proof to the same and every part there- agreed to a reservation-of-amend-
of, and to all and every other article of ment clause by unanimous con-
accusation or impeachment which shall sent following the adoption of arti-
be exhibited by them as the case shall cles against the President, and it
require, do demand that the said Hal- was included in the formal arti-
sted L. Ritter may be put to answer
cles presented to the Senate.(3)
the misdemeanors in office which have
been charged against him in the arti-
cles which have been exhibited to the Answer of Respondent and
Senate, and that such proceedings, ex- Replication of House
aminations, trials, and judgments may
be thereupon had and given as may be § 10.2 The answer of the re-
agreeable to law and justice. spondent in impeachment
Mr. President, the managers on the
part of the House of Representatives, 1. 80 CONG. REC. 3488, 74th Cong. 2d
in pursuance of the action of the House Sess.
of Representatives by the adoption of 2. 6 Cannon’s Precedents §§ 501, 515.
the articles of impeachment which 3. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2416.


proceedings is messaged by were referred to the House managers

the Senate to the House to- and ordered printed.
gether with any supple- § 10.3 In the Halsted Ritter
mental Senate rules there- and Harold Louderback im-
fore, and are referred to the peachments, the managers
managers on the part of the on the part of the House pre-
House. pared the replication of the
On Apr. 6, 1936,(4) the answer House to the respondent’s
of respondent Judge Halsted Rit- answer; in contrast to earlier
ter to the articles of impeachment practice, the replication was
against him and the supplemental submitted to the Senate
rules adopted by the Senate for without being voted on by
the trial were messaged to the the House.
House by the Senate and referred
to the managers on the part of the On Apr. 6, 1936, Mr. Hatton W.
House: Sumners, of Texas, one of the
managers on the part of the
House in the impeachment trial of
The Speaker laid before the House Judge Ritter, filed in the Senate
the following order from the Senate of the replication of the House to the
the United States:
answer filed by the respondent,
In the Senate of the United States sit-
the answer having been referred
ting for the trial of the impeachment of
Halsted L. Ritter, United States dis- in the House to the managers.
trict judge for the southern district of The replication had been prepared
Florida and submitted to the Senate by
APRIL 3, 1936.
the managers alone, and it was
Ordered, That the Secretary of the not reported to or considered by
Senate communicate to the House of
Representatives an attested copy of the House for adoption.(5)
the answer of Halsted L. Ritter Similarly, the replication in the
United States district judge for the
southern district of Florida, to the impeachment of Judge
articles of impeachment, as amend- Louderback was filed in the Sen-
ed, and also a copy of the order en- ate by the managers without
tered on the 12th ultimo prescribing
supplemental rules for the said im- being reported to or considered by
peachment trial. the House.(6) In the impeachment
The answer and the supplemental trial of Judge Robert Archbald in
rules to govern the impeachment trial
5. 80 CONG. REC. 4971, 4972, 74th
4. 80 CONG. REC. 5020, 74th Cong. 2d Cong. 2d Sess.
Sess. 6. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 522.


1912, however, the replication was new articles deal with income taxes,
reported by the managers to the and one with practicing law by Judge
Ritter, after he went on the bench. In
House where it was considered the original resolution, the charge is
and adopted.(7) made that Judge Ritter received cer-
tain fees or gratuities and had written
Procedure in Amending Arti- a letter, and so forth. No change is pro-
cles of Impeachment posed in articles 1 and 2. In article 3,
as stated, Judge Ritter is charged with
§ 10.4 Articles of impeachment practicing law after he went on the
bench. That same thing, in effect, was
which have been exhibited to
charged, as members of the committee
the Senate may be subse- will remember, in the original resolu-
quently modified or amended tion, but the form of the charge, in the
by the adoption of a resolu- judgment of the managers, could be
improved. These charges go further
tion in the House.
and charge that in the matter con-
On Mar. 30, 1936,(8) a resolu- nected with G.R. Francis, the judge
tion (H. Res. 471) was offered in acted as counsel in two transactions
the House by Mr. Hatton W. Sum- after he went on the bench, and re-
ceived $7,500 in compensation. Article
ners, of Texas, a manager on the 7 is amended to include a reference to
part of the House for the impeach- these new charges. There is a change
ment trial against Judge Halsted in the tense used with reference to the
Ritter. The resolution amended effect of the conduct alleged. It is
charged, in the resolution pending at
the articles voted by the House the desk, that the reasonable and prob-
against Judge Ritter on Mar. 2, able consequence of the alleged con-
1936, by adding three new arti- duct is to injure the confidence of the
cles. The House agreed to the res- people in the courts—I am not at-
olution after a discussion by Mr. tempting to quote the exact language—
which is a matter of form, I think,
Sumners of the nature of the more than a matter of substance.(9)
changes and of the power of the
managers to report amendments § 10.5 A resolution reported by
to the articles. Mr. Sumners sum- the managers proposing
marized the changes as follows: amendments to the articles
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker, of impeachment previously
the resolution which has just been adopted by the House is priv-
read proposes three new articles. The ileged.
change is not as important as that
statement would indicate. Two of the 9. For discussion of the power of the
managers on the part of the House
7. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 506. to prepare amendments to the arti-
8. 80 CONG. REC. 4597–99, 74th Cong. cles and to report them to the House,
2d Sess. see § 9, supra.


On Mar. 30, 1936,(10) Mr. Hat- adopted a privileged resolution in-

ton W. Sumners, of Texas, one of forming the Senate of such action:
the managers on the part of the MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker,
House for the Halsted Ritter im- I offer the following privileged resolu-
peachment trial, offered as privi- tion.
leged a resolution amending the The Clerk read as follows:
articles of impeachment that had HOUSE RESOLUTION 472
been adopted by the House.(11) Resolved, That a message be sent
to the Senate by the Clerk of the
§ 10.6 Where the House agrees House informing the Senate that the
to an amendment to articles House of Representatives has adopt-
ed an amendment to the articles of
of impeachment it has adopt- impeachment heretofore exhibited
ed, the House directs the against Halsted L. Ritter, United
States district judge for the southern
Clerk by resolution to so in- district of Florida, and that the same
form the Senate. will be presented to the Senate by
the managers on the part of the
On Mar. 30, 1936,(12) the House House.
adopted amendments to the arti- And also, that the managers have
cles previously adopted in the im- authority to file with the Secretary
of the Senate, on the part of the
peachment of Judge Halsted Rit- House any subsequent pleadings
ter. Mr. Hatton W. Sumners, of they shall deem necessary.
Texas, offered and the House The resolution was agreed to.


§ 11. Organization and Congress unless amended; the

Rules rules are set forth in the Senate
Manual as ‘‘Rules of Procedure
The standing Senate rules gov- and Practice in the Senate When
erning procedure in impeachment Sitting on Impeachment
trials originally date from 1804 Trials.’’ (13) The last amendment to
and continue from Congress to the impeachment trial rules was
10. 80 CONG. REC. 4597, 74th Cong. 2d 13. See Senate Manual §§ 100–126
Sess. (1973). The rules are set out in full
11. For a discussion of the power of the
managers to prepare and report to below.
the House amendments to the arti- For adoption of rules to govern im-
cles of impeachment, see § 9, supra.
12. 80 CONG. REC. 4601, 74th Cong. 2d peachment trials in 1804, see 3
Sess. Hinds’ Precedents § 2099.


adopted in 1935, to allow the ap- proceeds as on a plea of not guilty

pointment of a committee to re- if the respondent does not appear
ceive evidence (Rule XI). Amend- either in person or by attorney.(17)
ments to the rules were also re- Under Rule III, the Senate pro-
ported in the 93d Congress, pend- ceeds to consider the articles of
ing impeachment proceedings in impeachment on the day following
the House in relation to President the presentation of articles. Orga-
Richard Nixon, but the Senate did nizational questions arising before
not formally consider them.(14) the actual commencement of an
The Senate has also, when com- impeachment trial have been held
mencing a particular impeach- debatable and not subject to Rule
ment trial, adopted supplemental XXIV of the rules for impeach-
rules governing pleadings, re- ment trials, which prohibits de-
quests, stipulations, and mo- bate except when the doors of the
tions.(15) Senate are closed for delibera-
When the Senate is notified by tion.(18)
the House of the adoption of a res-
olution and articles of impeach- Senate Rules for Impeachment
ment, the Senate messages to the Trials
House, pursuant to Rule I of the Senate Manual §§ 100–126 (1973). For
impeachment trial rules, its readi- amendments to the rules for impeach-
ness to receive the managers for ment trials, reported in the 93d Con-
gress but not considered by the Senate,
the presentation of articles; Rule
see § 11.2, infra.
II provides the procedure for the
appearance of the managers and I. Whensoever the Senate shall re-
exhibition of the articles to the ceive notice from the House of Rep-
resentatives that managers are ap-
Senate.(16) pointed on their part to conduct an im-
Rules VIII through X of the peachment against any person and are
rules for impeachment trials pro- directed to carry articles of impeach-
vide that a summons be issued to ment to the Senate, the Secretary of
the person impeached, that the the Senate shall immediately inform
summons be returned, and that the House of Representatives that the
the respondent appear and an- 17. See §§ 11.5, 11.9, infra, for the sum-
swer the articles against him. mons and its return. As indicated in
Under Rules VIII and X, the trial § 11.9, the respondent has not al-
ways appeared in person before the
14. See § 11.2, infra. Senate sitting as a Court of Im-
15. See §§ 11.7, 11.8, infra. peachment.
16. See § 111.4, infra. 18. See § 11.11, infra.


Senate is ready to receive the man- appear, whose duty it shall be to take
agers for the purpose of exhibiting the same.
such articles of impeachment, IV. When the President of the
agreeably to such notice. United States or the Vice President of
II. When the managers of an im- the United States, upon whom the
peachment shall be introduced at the powers and duties of the office of Presi-
bar of the Senate and shall signify that dent shall have devolved, shall be im-
they are ready to exhibit articles of im- peached, the Chief Justice of the Su-
peachment against any person, the preme Court of the United States shall
Presiding Officer of the Senate shall preside; and in a case requiring the
direct the Sergeant at Arms to make said Chief Justice to preside notice
proclamation, who shall, after making shall be given to him by the Presiding
proclamation, repeat the following Officer of the Senate of the time and
words, viz: ‘‘All persons are com- place fixed for the consideration of the
manded to keep silence, on pain of im- articles of impeachment, as aforesaid,
prisonment, while the House of Rep- with a request to attend; and the said
resentatives is exhibiting to the Senate Chief Justice shall preside over the
of the United States articles of im- Senate during the consideration of said
peachment against ——— ———’’: articles and upon the trial of the per-
after which the articles shall be exhib- son impeached therein.
ited, and then the Presiding Officer of V. The Presiding Officer shall have
the Senate shall inform the managers power to make and issue, by himself or
that the Senate will take proper order by the Secretary of the Senate, all or-
on the subject of the impeachment, of ders, mandates, writs, and precepts
which due notice shall be given to the authorized by these rules or by the
House of Representatives. Senate, and to make and enforce such
III. Upon such articles being pre- other regulations and orders in the
sented to the Senate, the Senate shall, premises as the Senate may authorize
at 1 o’clock afternoon of the day (Sun- or provide.
day excepted) following such presen- VI. The Senate shall have power to
tation, or sooner if ordered by the Sen- compel the attendance of witnesses, to
ate, proceed to the consideration of enforce obedience to its orders, man-
such articles and shall continue in ses- dates, writs, precepts, and judgments,
sion from day to day (Sundays ex- to preserve order, and to punish in a
cepted) after the trial shall commence summary way contempts of, and dis-
(unless otherwise ordered by the Sen- obedience to, its authority, orders,
ate) until final judgment shall be ren- mandates, writs, precepts, or judg-
dered, and so much longer as may, in ments, and to make all lawful orders,
its judgment, be needful. Before pro- rules, and regulations which it may
ceeding to the consideration of the arti- deem essential or conducive to the
cles of impeachment, the Presiding Of- ends of justice. And the Sergeant at
ficer shall administer the oath herein- Arms, under the direction of the Sen-
after provided to the members of the ate, may employ such aid and assist-
Senate then present and to the other ance as may be necessary to enforce,
members of the Senate as they shall execute, and carry into effect the law-


ful orders, mandates, writs, and pre- conveniently be done, by leaving such
cepts of the Senate. copy at the last known place of abode
VII. The Presiding Officer of the of such person, or at his usual place of
Senate shall direct all necessary prep- business in some conspicuous place
arations in the Senate Chamber, and therein; or if such service shall be, in
the Presiding Officer on the trial shall the judgment of the Senate, impracti-
direct all the forms of proceedings cable, notice to the accused to appear
while the Senate is sitting for the pur- shall be given in such other manner,
pose of trying an impeachment, and all by publication or otherwise, as shall be
forms during the trial not otherwise deemed just; and if the writ aforesaid
specially provided for. And the Pre- shall fail of service in the manner
siding Officer on the trial may rule all aforesaid, the proceedings shall not
questions of evidence and incidental thereby abate, but further service may
questions, which ruling shall stand as be made in such manner as the Senate
the judgment of the Senate, unless shall direct. If the accused, after serv-
some member of the Senate shall ask ice, shall fail to appear, either in per-
that a formal vote be taken thereon, in son or by attorney, on the day so fixed
which case it shall be submitted to the therefore as aforesaid, or, appearing,
Senate for decision; or he may at his shall fail to file his answer to such ar-
option, in the first instance, submit ticles of impeachment, the trial shall
any such question to a vote of the proceed, nevertheless, as upon a plea
members of the Senate. Upon all such of not guilty. If a plea of guilty shall be
questions the vote shall be without a entered, judgment may be entered
division, unless the yeas and nays be thereon without further proceedings.
demanded by one-fifth of the members IX. At 12:30 o’clock afternoon of the
present, when the same shall be taken. day appointed for the return of the
VIII. Upon the presentation of arti- summons against the person im-
cles of impeachment and the organiza- peached, the legislative and executive
tion of the Senate as hereinbefore pro- business of the Senate shall be sus-
vided, a writ of summons shall issue to pended, and the Secretary of the Sen-
the accused, reciting said articles, and ate shall administer an oath to the re-
notifying him to appear before the Sen- turning officer in the form following,
ate upon a day and at a place to be viz: ‘‘I, ——— ———, do solemnly
fixed by the Senate and named in such swear that the return made by me
writ, and file his answer to said arti- upon the process issued on the ———
cles of impeachment, and to stand to day of ———, by the Senate of the
and abide the orders and judgments of United States, against ——— ———,
the Senate thereon; which writ shall be is truly made, and that I have per-
served by such officer or person as formed such service as therein de-
shall be named in the precept thereof, scribed: So help me God.’’ Which oath
such number of days prior to the day shall be entered at large on the
fixed for such appearance as shall be records.
named in such precept, either by the X. The person impeached shall then
delivery of an attested copy thereof to be called to appear and answer the ar-
the person accused, or if that can not ticles of impeachment against him. If


he appear, or any person for him, the witness and hearing his testimony in
appearance shall be recorded, stating open Senate, or by order of the Senate
particularly if by himself, or by agent having the entire trial in open Senate.
or attorney, naming the person appear- XII. At 12:30 o’clock afternoon of the
ing and the capacity in which he ap- day appointed for the trial of an im-
pears. If he do not appear, either per- peachment, the legislative and execu-
sonally or by agent or attorney, the tive business of the Senate shall be
same shall be recorded. suspended, and the Secretary shall
XI. That in the trial of any impeach- give notice to the House of Representa-
ment the Presiding Officer of the Sen- tives that the Senate is ready to pro-
ate, upon the order of the Senate, shall ceed upon the impeachment of ———
appoint a committee of twelve Senators ———, in the Senate Chamber, which
to receive evidence and take testimony chamber is prepared with accommoda-
at such times and places as the com- tions for the reception of the House of
mittee may determine, and for such Representatives.
purpose the committee so appointed XIII. The hour of the day at which
and the chairman thereof, to be elected the Senate shall sit upon the trial of
by the committee, shall (unless other- an impeachment shall be (unless other-
wise ordered by the Senate) exercise wise ordered) 12 o’clock m.; and when
all the powers and functions conferred
the hour for such thing shall arrive,
upon the Senate and the Presiding Of-
the Presiding Officer of the Senate
ficer of the Senate, respectively, under
shall so announce; and thereupon the
the rules of procedure and practice in
Presiding Officer upon such trial shall
the Senate when sitting on impeach-
cause proclamation to be made, and
ment trials.
the business of the trial shall proceed.
Unless otherwise ordered by the
The adjournment of the Senate sitting
Senate, the rules of procedure and
in said trial shall not operate as an ad-
practice in the Senate when sitting on
journment of the Senate; but on such
impeachment trials shall govern the
adjournment the Senate shall resume
procedure and practice of the com-
the consideration of its legislative and
mittee so appointed. The committee so
executive business.
appointed shall report to the Senate in
writing a certified copy of the tran- XIV. The Secretary of the Senate
script of the proceedings and testimony shall record the proceedings in cases of
had and given before such committee, impeachment as in the case of legisla-
and such report shall be received by tive proceedings, and the same shall be
the Senate and the evidence so re- reported in the same manner as the
ceived and the testimony so taken legislative proceedings of the Senate.
shall be considered to all intents and XV. Counsel for the parties shall be
purposes, subject to the right of the admitted to appear and be heard upon
Senate to determine competency, rel- an impeachment.
evancy, and materiality, as having XVI. All motions made by the parties
been received and taken before the or their counsel shall be addressed to
Senate, but nothing herein shall pre- the Presiding Officer, and if he, or any
vent the Senate from sending for any Senator, shall require it, they shall be


committed to writing, and read at the ticles by the votes of two-thirds of the
Secretary’s table. members present, the Senate shall pro-
XVII. Witnesses shall be examined ceed to pronounce judgment, and a cer-
by one person on behalf of the party tified copy of such judgment shall be
producing them, and then cross-exam- deposited in the office of the Secretary
ined by one person on the other side. of State.
XVIII. If a Senator is called as a wit- XXIV. All the orders and decisions
shall be made and had by yeas and
ness, he shall be sworn, and give his
nays, which shall be entered on the
testimony standing in his place.
record, and without debate, subject,
XIX. If a Senator wishes a question however, to the operation of Rule VII,
to be put to a witness, or to offer a mo- except when the doors shall be closed
tion or order (except a motion to ad- for deliberation, and in that case no
journ), it shall be reduced to writing, member shall speak more than once on
and put by the Presiding Officer. one question, and for not more than
XX. At all times while the Senate is ten minutes on an interlocutory ques-
sitting upon the trial of an impeach- tion, and for not more than fifteen
ment the doors of the Senate shall be minutes on the final question, unless
kept open, unless the Senate shall di- by consent of the Senate, to be had
rect the doors to be closed while delib- without debate; but a motion to ad-
erating upon its decisions. journ may be decided without the yeas
XXI. All preliminary or interlocutory and nays, unless they be demanded by
questions, and all motions, shall be ar- one-fifth of the members present. The
gued for not exceeding one hour on fifteen minutes herein allowed shall be
for the whole deliberation on the final
each side, unless the Senate shall, by
question, and not on the final question
order, extend the time.
on each article of impeachment.
XXII. The case, on each side, shall be XXV. Witnesses shall be sworn in
opened by one person. The final argu- the following form, viz: ‘‘You, ———
ment on the merits may be made by ———, do swear (or affirm, as the case
two persons on each side (unless other- may be) that the evidence you shall
wise ordered by the Senate upon appli- give in the case now pending between
cation for that purpose), and the argu- the United States and ——— ———,
ment shall be opened and closed on the shall be the truth, the whole truth,
part of the House of Representatives. and nothing but the truth: So help you
XXIII. On the final question whether God.’’ Which oath shall be adminis-
the impeachment is sustained, the tered by the Secretary, or any other
yeas and nays shall be taken on each duly authorized person.
article of impeachment separately; and
Form of a subpena be issued on the ap-
if the impeachment shall not, upon any
plication of the managers of the im-
of the articles presented, be sustained
peachment, or of the party im-
by the votes of two-thirds of the mem-
peached, or of his counsel
bers present, a judgment of acquittal
shall be entered; but if the person ac- To ——— ———, greeting:
cused in such articles of impeachment You and each of you are hereby com-
shall be convicted upon any of said ar- manded to appear before the Senate of


the United States, on the ——— day of did, on the ——— day of ———, ex-
———, at the Senate Chamber in the hibit to the Senate articles of impeach-
city of Washington, then and there to ment against you, the said ———
testify your knowledge in the cause ———, in the words following:
which is before the Senate in which
the House of Representatives have im- [Here insert the articles]
peached ——— ———.
Fail not. And demand that you, the said ———
Witness ——— ———, and Presiding ———, should be put to answer the ac-
Officer of the Senate, at the city of cusations as set forth in said articles,
Washington, this ——— day of ———, and that such proceedings, examina-
in the year of our Lord ———, and of tions, trials, and judgments might be
the Independence of the United States thereupon had as are agreeable to law
the ———.
——— ———, and justice.
Presiding Officer of the Senate.
You, the said ——— ———, are
Form of direction for the service of said therefore hereby summoned to be and
subpena appear before the Senate of the United
The Senate of the United States to States of America, at their Chamber in
——— ———, greeting: the city of Washington, on the ———
You are hereby commanded to serve day of ———, at 12:30 o’clock after-
and return the within subpena accord- noon, then and there to answer to the
ing to law. said articles of impeachment, and then
Dated at Washington, this ——— and there to abide by, obey, and per-
day of ———, in the year of our Lord form such orders, directions, and judg-
———, and of the Independence of the ments as the Senate of the United
United States the ———. States shall make in the premises ac-
——— ———,
Secretary of the Senate. cording to the Constitution and laws of
the United States.
Form of oath to be administered to the Hereof you are not to fail.
members of the Senate sitting in the
Witness ——— ———, and Presiding
trial of impeachments
Officer of the said Senate, at the city of
‘‘I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the Washington, this ——— day of ———,
case may be) that in all things apper- in the year of our Lord ———, and of
taining to the trial of the impeachment the Independence of the United States
of ——— ———, now pending, I will the ———.
do impartial justice according to the ——— ———,
Constitution and laws: So help me Presiding Officer of the Senate.
Form of precept to be indorsed on said
Form of summons to be issued and
writ of summons
served upon the person impeached
The Senate of the United States to The Senate of the United States to
——— ———, greeting: ——— ———, greeting:
Whereas the House of Representa- You are hereby commanded to de-
tives of the United States of America liver to and leave with ——— ———, if


conveniently to be found, or if not, to Procedure 495–504, S. Doc. No. 93–21,

leave at his usual place of abode, or at 93d Cong. 1st Sess. (1973); Riddick,
his usual place of business in some Procedure and Guidelines for Impeach-
conspicuous place, a true and attested ment Trials in the United States Sen-
copy of the within writ of summons, to- ate, S. Doc. No. 93–102, 93d Cong. 2d
gether with a like copy of this precept; Sess. (1974).
and in whichsoever way you perform Standing rules of the Senate generally,
the service, let it be done at least
see Riddick, Senate Procedure 774–
——— days before the appearance day
779, S. Doc. No. 93–21, 93d Cong. 1st
mentioned in the said writ of sum-
mons. Sess. (1973).
Fail not, and make return of this
writ of summons and precept, with
your proceedings thereon indorsed, on Senate Rules for Impeachment
or before the appearance day men-
tioned in the said writ of summons. Trials
Witness ——— ———, and Presiding
Officer of the Senate, at the city of § 11.1 After impeachment pro-
Washington, this ——— day of ———, ceedings had been instituted
in the year of our Lord ———, and of in the House against Presi-
the Independence of the United States
the ———. dent Richard Nixon, the Sen-
——— ———, ate adopted a resolution for
Presiding Officer of the Senate.
the study and review of Sen-
All process shall be served by the ate rules and precedents ap-
Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, unless
otherwise ordered by the court.
plicable to impeachment
XXVI. If the Senate shall at any trials.
time fail to sit for the consideration of On July 29, 1974,(19) during the
articles of impeachment on the day or
hour fixed therefor, the Senate may, by
pendency of an investigation in
an order to be adopted without debate, the House of alleged impeachable
fix a day and hour for resuming such offenses committed by President
consideration. Nixon, the Senate adopted a reso-
Cross References lution related to its rules on im-
Functions of the Senate in impeachment
generally, see § 1, supra. MR. [MICHAEL J.] MANSFIELD [of
House-Senate relations generally, see Montana]: Mr. President, I have at the
Ch. 32, infra. desk a resolution, submitted on behalf
Senate notified of adoption of impeach- of the distinguished Republican leader,
ment resolution and election of man- the Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr.
agers by the House, see § 9, supra. Hugh Scott), the assistant majority
leader, the distinguished Senator from
Collateral References
Functions and practice of the Senate in 19. 120 CONG. REC. 25468, 93d Cong. 2d
impeachments, see Riddick, Senate Sess.


West Virginia (Mr. Robert C. Byrd), § 11.2 The Senate having di-
the assistant Republican leader, the
distinguished Senator from Michigan rected its Committee on
(Mr. Griffin), and myself, and I ask Rules and Administration to
that it be called up and given imme- review Senate rules and
diate consideration.
precedents applicable to im-
clerk will state the resolution. peachment trials (pending
The legislative clerk read as follows: impeachment proceedings in
S. RES. 370 the House against President
Resolved, That the Committee on
Richard Nixon), the com-
Rules and Administration is directed mittee reported back various
to review any and all existing rules amendments to those Senate
and precedents that apply to im-
peachment trials with a view to rec- rules, which amendments
ommending any revisions, if nec- were not considered in the
essary, which may be required if the
Senate is called upon to conduct Senate.
such a trial. On July 29, 1974, during the
Resolved further, That the Com-
mittee on Rules and Administration pendency of an investigation in
is instructed to report back no later the House of alleged impeachable
than 1 September 1974, or on such offenses committed by President
earlier date as the Majority and Mi-
nority Leaders may designate, and Nixon, the Senate adopted Senate
Resolved further, That such review Resolution 370, directing its Com-
by that Committee shall be held en-
tirely in executive sessions. mittee on Rules and Administra-
tion to review any and all existing
jection, the Senate will proceed to its rules and precedents that apply to
immediate consideration. impeachment trials, with a view
The question is on agreeing to the to recommending any necessary
The resolution (S. 370) was agreed
to. The Committee on Rules and
Parliamentarian’s Note: The Administration reported (S. Rept.
Senate, unlike the House, is a No. 93–1125) on Aug. 22, 1974, a
continuing legislative body. There- resolution (S. Res. 390) amending
fore, the standing rules of the the Rules of Procedure and Prac-
Senate, including the rules for im- tice in the Senate when Sitting on
peachment trials, continue from Impeachment Trials. The resolu-
Congress to Congress unless tion was not considered by the
amended.(21) Senate.
20. Jesse Helms (N.C.). The amendments provided: (1)
21. See Rule XXXII, Senate Manual that the Chief Justice, when pre-
§ 32.2 (1973). siding over impeachment trials of

the President or Vice President, and if he, or any Senator, shall require
be administered the oath by the it, they shall be committed to writing,
and read at the Secretary’s table. . . .
Presiding Officer; (2) that the
XIX. If a Senator wishes a question
term ‘‘person accused’’ in reference to be put to a witness, or to a manager,
to the respondent, be changed in or to counsel of the person impeached,
all cases to ‘‘person impeached’’; or to offer a motion or order (except a
(3) that the Presiding Officer rule motion to adjourn), it shall be reduced
on all questions of evidence ‘‘in- to writing, and put by the Presiding
cluding, but not limited to, ques- Officer. The parties or their counsel
may interpose objections to witnesses
tions of relevancy, materiality,
answering questions propounded at the
and redundancy,’’ such decision to request of any Senator and the merits
be voted upon on demand ‘‘with- of any such objection may be argued by
out debate’’ and such vote to be the parties or their counsel. Ruling on
‘‘taken in accordance with the any such objection shall be made as
Standing Rules of the Senate’’; (4) provided in Rule VII. It shall not be in
that a committee of 12 Senators order for any Senator to engage in col-
may receive evidence ‘‘if the Sen-
XX. At all times while the Senate is
ate so orders’’ the appointment of sitting upon the trial of an impeach-
such a committee by the Presiding ment the doors of the Senate shall be
Officer; (5) that the Senate may kept open, unless the Senate shall di-
order another hour than 12:30 m. rect the doors to be closed while delib-
o’clock for commencing impeach- erating upon its decisions. A motion to
ment proceedings; and other clari- close the doors may be acted upon
without objection, or, if objection is
fying changes. Other amendments
heard, the motions shall be voted on
proposed certain rules governing without debate by the yeas and nays,
the trial and procedures for voting which shall be entered on the record.
on the articles: (1) XXI. All preliminary or interlocutory
XVI. All motions, objections, re- questions, and all motions, shall be ar-
quests, or applications whether relat- gued for not exceeding one hour (un-
ing to the procedure of the Senate or less the Senate otherwise orders) on
relating immediately to the trial (in- each side. . . .
cluding questions with respect to ad- XXIII. An article of impeachment
mission of evidence or other questions shall not be divisible for the purpose of
arising during the trial) made by the voting thereon at any time during the
parties or their counsel shall be ad- trial. Once voting has commenced on
dressed to the Presiding Officer only, an article of impeachment, voting shall
be continued until voting has been
1. S. Res. 390, 120 CONG. REC. 29811– completed on all articles of impeach-
13, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 22, ment unless the Senate adjourns for a
1974. period not to exceed one day or ad-


journs sine die. On the final question decided without the yeas and nays, un-
whether the impeachment is sustained, less they be demanded by one-fifth of
the yeas and nays shall be taken on the members present. The fifteen min-
each article of impeachment sepa- utes here in allowed shall be for the
rately; and if the impeachment shall whole deliberation on the final ques-
not, upon any of the articles presented, tion, and not on the final question on
be sustained by the votes of two-thirds each article of impeachment.
of the members present, a judgment of
acquittal shall be entered; but if the § 11.3 The Senate amended its
person impeached shall be convicted rules for impeachment trials
upon any such article by the votes of
two-thirds of the members present, the in the 74th Congress to allow
Senate may proceed to the consider- a committee of 12 Senators to
ation of such other matters as may be receive evidence and take
determined to be appropriate prior to testimony.
pronouncing judgment. Upon pro-
nouncing judgment, a certified copy of On May 28, 1935, the Senate
such judgment shall be deposited in considered and agreed to a resolu-
the office of the Secretary of State. A tion (S. Res. 18) amending the
motion to reconsider the vote by which rules of procedure and practice in
any article of impeachment is sus-
tained or rejected shall not be in order.
the Senate when sitting on im-
peachment trials. The resolution
FORM OF PUTTING THE QUESTION ON added a new rule relating to the
EACH ARTICLE OF IMPEACHMENT reception of evidence by a com-
The Presiding Officer shall first state mittee appointed by the Presiding
the question; thereafter each Senator, Officer:
as his name is called, shall rise in his
place and answer: guilty or not guilty. Resolved, That in the trial of any im-
XXIV. All the orders and decisions peachment the Presiding Officer of the
may be acted upon without objection, Senate, upon the order of the Senate,
or, if objection is heard, the orders and shall appoint a committee of twelve
decisions shall be voted on without de- Senators to receive evidence and take
bate by yeas and nays, which shall be testimony at such times and places as
entered on the record, subject, how- the committee may determine, and for
ever, to the operation of Rule VII, ex- such purpose the committee so ap-
cept when the doors shall be closed for pointed and the chairman thereof, to
deliberation, and in that case no mem- be elected by the committee, shall (un-
ber shall speak more than once on one less otherwise ordered by the Senate)
question, and for not more than ten exercise all the powers and functions
minutes on an interlocutory question, conferred upon the Senate and the Pre-
and for not more than fifteen minutes siding Officer of the Senate, respec-
on the final question, unless by con- tively, under the rules of procedure
sent of the Senate, to be had without and practice in the Senate when sit-
debate; but a motion to adjourn may be ting on impeachment trials.


Unless otherwise ordered by the U.S. District Judge Halsted Ritter

Senate, the rules of procedure and at a specified time:
practice in the Senate when sitting on
impeachment trials shall govern the A message from the Senate, by Mr.
procedure and practice of the com- Horne, its enrolling clerk, announced
that the Senate had—
mittee so appointed. The committee so
appointed shall report to the Senate in Ordered, That the Secretary in-
writing a certified copy of the tran- form the House of Representatives
script of the proceedings and testimony that the Senate is ready to receive
the managers appointed by the
had and given before such committee, House for the purpose of exhibiting
and such report shall be received by articles of impeachment against Hal-
the Senate and the evidence so re- sted L. Ritter, United States district
ceived and the testimony so taken judge for the southern district of
shall be considered to all intents and Florida, agreeably to the notice com-
purposes, subject to the right of the municated to the Senate and that at
the hour of 1 o’clock p.m. on Tues-
Senate to determine competency, rel- day, March 10, 1936, the Senate will
evancy, and materiality, as having receive the honorable managers on
been received and taken before the the part of the House of Representa-
Senate, but nothing herein shall pre- tives, in order that they may present
vent the Senate from sending for any and exhibit the said articles of im-
witness and hearing his testimony in peachment against the said Halsted
L. Ritter, United States district
open Senate, or by order of the Senate judge for the southern district of
having the entire trial in open Sen- Florida.
On Mar. 10, the managers on
Appearance of Managers the part of the House appeared in
the Senate pursuant to the order
§ 11.4 The managers on the and the following proceedings took
part of the House appear in place:
the Senate to exhibit the ar- THE VICE PRESIDENT: (4) Will the
ticles of impeachment at the Senator from North Carolina suspend
in order to permit the managers on the
time messaged for that pur- part of the House of Representatives in
pose by the Senate. the impeachment proceedings to ap-
pear and present the articles of im-
On Mar. 9, 1936,(3) the Senate peachment?
messaged to the House its readi- MR. [JOSIAH W.] BAILEY [of North
ness to receive the managers on Carolina]: Mr. President, may I take
the part of the House to present my seat with the right to resume at
the end of the impeachment pro-
articles of impeachment against ceedings?
2. 79 CONG. REC. 8309, 8310, 74th will have the floor when the Senate re-
Cong. 1st Sess. sumes legislative session.
3. 80 CONG. REC. 3449, 74th Cong. 2d
Sess. 4. John N. Garner (Tex.).



call the roll.
At 1 o’clock p.m. the managers on
the part of the House of Representa- The legislative clerk (Emery L.
tives of the impeachment of Halsted L. Frazier) galled the roll, and the fol-
Ritter appeared below the bar of the lowing Senators answered to their
Senate, and the secretary to the major- names. . . .
ity, Leslie L. Biffle, announced their THE VICE PRESIDENT: Eighty-six
presence, as follows: Senators have answered to their
I have the honor to announce the names. A quorum is present. The man-
managers on the part of the House of agers on the part of the House will
Representatives to conduct the pro- proceed.
ceedings in the impeachment of Hal- MR. MANAGER [HATTON W.] SUM-
sted L. Ritter, United States district NERS [of Texas]: Mr. President, the
judge in and for the southern district managers on the part of the House of
of Florida. Representatives are here present and
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The managers ready to present the articles of im-
on the part of the House will be re- peachment which have been preferred
ceived and assigned their seats. by the House of Representatives
The managers, accompanied by the against Halsted L. Ritter, a district
Deputy Sergeant at Arms of the House judge of the United States for the
of Representatives, William K. Weber, southern district of Florida.
were thereupon escorted by the sec- The House adopted the following res-
retary to the majority to the seats as- olution, which, with the permission of
signed to them in the area in front and the Senate, I will read:
to the left of the Chair.
derstands the managers on the part of IN THE HOUSE
the House of Representatives are ready
March 6, 1936.
to proceed with the impeachment. The
Sergeant at Arms will make proclama- Resolved, That Hatton W. Sum-
tion. ners, Randolph Perkins, and Sam
Hobbs, Members of this House, be,
The Sergeant at Arms, Chesley W. and they are hereby, appointed man-
Jurney, made proclamation, as follows: agers to conduct the impeachment
Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! All per- against Halsted L. Ritter, United
sons are commanded to keep silent, on States district judge for the southern
pain of imprisonment, while the House district of Florida; that said man-
agers are hereby instructed to ap-
of Representatives is exhibiting to the pear before the Senate of the United
Senate of the United States articles of States and at the bar thereof in the
impeachment against Halsted L. Rit- name of the House of Representa-
ter, United States district judge in and tives and of all the people of the
for the southern district of Florida. United States to impeach the said
Halsted L. Ritter of high crimes and
MR. [JOSEPH T.] ROBINSON [of Ar- misdemeanors in office and to ex-
kansas]: I suggest the absence of a hibit to the Senate of the United
quorum. States the articles of impeachment


against said judge which have been States for the southern district of Flor-
agreed upon by this House; and that ida, and also of replying to his answers
the said managers do demand that which he shall make unto the articles
the Senate take order for the appear-
ance of said Halsted L. Ritter to an- preferred against him, and of offering
swer said impeachment, and demand proof to the same and every part there-
his impeachment, conviction, and re- of, and to all and every other article of
moval from office. accusation or impeachment which shall
JOSEPH W. BYRNS, be exhibited by them as the case shall
Speaker of the require, do demand that the said Hal-
House of Representatives.
sted L. Ritter may be put to answer
Attest: the misdemeanors in office which have
SOUTH TRIMBLE, Clerk. been charged against him in the arti-
[Seal of the House of Representa- cles which have been exhibited to the
tives.] Senate, and that such proceedings, ex-
aminations, trials, and judgments may
Mr. President, with the permission
be thereupon had and given as may be
of the Vice President and the Senate, I
agreeable to law and justice.
will ask Mr. Manager Hobbs to read
Mr. President, the managers on the
the articles of impeachment.
part of the House of Representatives,
in pursuance of the action of the House
Hobbs will proceed, and the Chair will
of Representatives by the adoption of
take the liberty of suggesting that he the articles of impeachment which
stand at the desk in front of the Chair, have just been read to the Senate, do
as from that position the Senate will now demand that the Senate take
probably be able to hear him better. order for the appearance of the said
Mr. Manager Hobbs, from the place Halsted L. Ritter to answer said im-
suggested by the Vice President, said: peachment, and do now demand his
Mr. President and gentlemen of the impeachment, conviction, and removal
Senate: from office.
will take proper order and notify the
House of Representatives.(5)
House Resolution 422, Seventy-fourth
Congress, second session, Congress
Organization of Senate as
of the United States of America
Court of Impeachment
[Mr. Hobbs read the resolution
and articles of impeachment]. § 11.5 Following the appear-
ance of the managers and
dent, the House of Representatives, by their presentation of the arti-
protestation, saving themselves the lib- cles of impeachment to the
erty of exhibiting at any time hereafter Senate, the oath is adminis-
any further articles of accusation or
impeachment against the said Halsted 5. 80 CONG. REC. 3485–89, 74th Cong.
L. Ritter, district judge of the United 2d Sess.


tered, the Senate organizes to all the Senators, but I should make
for the trial of impeachment the observation that if any Senator de-
sires to be excused from this service,
and notifies the House there- now is the appropriate time to make
of, the articles are printed known such desire. If there be no Sen-
for the use of the Senate, a ator who desires to be excused, I move
summons is issued for the that the Presiding Officer administer
appearance of the respond- the oath to the Senators, so that they
may form a Court of Impeachment.
ent, and provision is made
THE VICE PRESIDENT: (7) Is there ob-
for payment of trial ex- jection? The Chair hears none, and it
penses. is so ordered. Senators will now be
On Mar. 10, 1936,(6) imme- sworn.
diately following the presentation Thereupon the Vice President ad-
of articles of impeachment against ministered the oath to the Senators
present, as follows:
Judge Halsted Ritter by the man-
agers on the part of the House to You do each solemnly swear that
in all things appertaining to the trial
the Senate, the following pro- of the impeachment of Halsted L.
ceedings took place in the Senate: Ritter, United States district judge
for the southern district of Florida,
MR. [HENRY F.] ASHURST [of Ari- now pending, you will do impartial
zona]: Mr. President, I move that the justice according to the Constitution
senior Senator from Idaho [Mr. Borah], and laws. So help you God.
who is the senior Senator in point of
service in the Senate, be now des- THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Sergeant
ignated by the Senate to administer at Arms will now make proclamation
the oath to the Presiding Officer of the that the Senate is sitting as a Court of
Court of Impeachment. Impeachment.
The motion was agreed to; and Mr. THE SERGEANT AT ARMS: Hear ye!
Borah advanced to the Vice President’s Hear ye! Hear ye! All persons are com-
desk and administered the oath to Vice manded to keep silence on pain of im-
President Garner as Presiding Officer,
prisonment while the Senate of the
as follows:
United States is sitting for the trial of
You do solemnly swear that in all the articles of impeachment exhibited
things appertaining to the trial of by the House of Representatives
the impeachment of Halsted L. Rit-
ter, United States district judge for against Halsted L. Ritter, United
the southern district of Florida, now States district judge for the southern
pending, you will do impartial justice district of Florida.
according to the Constitution and MR. ASHURST: Mr. President, I send
laws. So help you God. to the desk an order, which I ask to
MR. ASHURST: Mr. President, at this have read and agreed to.
time the oath should be administered THE VICE PRESIDENT: The clerk will
6. 80 CONG. REC. 3488, 3489, 74th
Cong. 2d Sess. 7. John N. Garner (Tex.).


The Chief Clerk (John C. Crockett) THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Senator
read as follows: will make it.
Ordered, That the Secretary notify MR. MCNARY: What record is being
the House of Representatives that made of the Senators who have taken
the Senate is now organized for the their oaths as jurors?
trial of articles of impeachment THE VICE PRESIDENT: No record has
against Halsted L. Ritter, United been made so far as the Chair knows;
States district judge for the southern
district of Florida. but the Chair assumes that any Sen-
ator who was not in the Senate Cham-
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Without objec- ber at the time the oath was adminis-
tion, the order will be entered. tered to Senators en bloc will make the
MR. ASHURST: Mr. President, I send fact known to the Chair, so that he
another proposed order to the desk, may take the oath at some future time.
and ask for its adoption.
MR. ASHURST: The Chair is correct
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The clerk will
read the proposed order. in his statement in that any Senator
The Chief Clerk read as follows: who was not I resent when the oath
was taken en bloc, and who desires to
Ordered, That the articles of im- take the oath, may do so at any time
peachment presented against Hal- before the admission of evidence be-
sted L. Ritter, United States district
judge for the southern district of gins.
Florida, be printed for the use of the MR. MCNARY subsequently said: Mr.
Senate. President, I am advised that the able
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Without objec- Senator from New Jersey [Mr.
tion, the order will be entered. Barbour] will be absent from the city
MR. ASHURST: Mr. President, I send on next Thursday, and would like to be
a further order to the desk, and ask for sworn at this time.
its adoption. THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Senator
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The clerk will from Oregon asks unanimous consent
read the proposed order. that the Senator from New Jersey may
The Chief Clerk read as follows: take the oath at this time as a juror in
Ordered, That a summons to the the impeachment trial of Halsted L.
accused be issued as required by the Ritter.
rules of procedure and practice in MR. [ELLISON D.] SMITH [of South
the Senate, when sitting for the trial Carolina]: Mr. President, in order to
of the impeachment against Halsted save time, I ask the same privilege. I
L. Ritter, United States district
judge for the southern district of was absent when Senators were sworn
Florida, returnable on Thursday, the as jurors en bloc.
12th day of March 1936, at 1 o’clock THE VICE PRESIDENT: If there are
in the afternoon. any other Senators in the Senate
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Is there objec- Chamber at the moment who did not
tion? Without objection, the order will take their oaths as jurors when Sen-
be entered. ators were sworn en bloc, it would be
MR. [CHARLES L.] MCNARY [of Or- advisable that they make it known;
egon]: Mr. President, permit me to and, if agreeable to the Senate, they
make an inquiry. may all be sworn as jurors at one time.


MR. ASHURST: The Senator from Resolved, That not to exceed

Texas [Mr. Sheppard], who was not $5,000 is authorized to be expended
present when other Senators were from the appropriation for miscella-
sworn, is now present, and wishes to neous items, contingent expenses of
the Senate, to defray the expenses of
be sworn. the Senate in the impeachment trial
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Is there objec- of Halsted L. Ritter.
tion to such action being taken at this
time? The Chair hears none. Such Sen- § 11.6 Senators who have not
ators as are in the Chamber at this taken the oath following the
time who were not present when Sen-
commencement of the trial
ators were sworn en bloc as jurors will
raise their right hands and be sworn. take the oath not in legisla-
Mr. Barbour, Mr. Overton, Mr. tive session but while the
Sheppard, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Town- Senate is sitting as a Court
send rose, and the oath was adminis- of Impeachment, and the
tered to them by the Vice President. Journal Clerk maintains
MR. ASHURST: Mr. President, I move
that the Senate, sitting as a Court of
records of those Senators
Impeachment, adjourn until Thursday who have taken the oath.
next at 1 p.m. On Mar. 12, 1936, the Senate
The motion was agreed to; and (at 1 was conducting legislative busi-
o’clock and 50 minutes p.m.) the Sen- ness before resolving itself into a
ate, sitting as a Court of Impeachment, Court of Impeachment for further
adjourned until Thursday, March 12, proceedings in the trial of Judge
1936, at 1 p.m.
Halsted L. Ritter. When a Senator
IMPEACHMENT OF HALSTED L. RITTER— who had not yet taken the oath
EXPENSES OF TRIAL for the impeachment trial indi-
cated he wished to be sworn at
MR. [JAMES F.] BYRNES [of South
Carolina]: From the Committee to
that time, Vice President John N.
Audit and Control the Contingent Ex- Garner, of Texas, ruled as follows:
penses of the Senate, I report back fa- THE VICE PRESIDENT: After a thor-
vorably, without amendment, Senate ough survey of the situation, the best
Resolution 244, providing for defraying judgment of the Chair is that Sen-
ators who have not heretofore taken
the expenses of the impeachment pro- the oath as jurors of the court should
ceedings relative to Halsted L. Ritter. I take it after the Senate resolves
ask unanimous consent for the present itself into a court; all Senators who
consideration of the resolution. have not as yet taken the oath as ju-
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The resolution rors will take the oath at that
will be read. time.(8)
The Chief Clerk read Senate Resolu- Later on the same day, it was
tion 244, submitted by Mr. Ashurst on announced that the Journal Clerk
the 9th instant, and it was considered
by unanimous consent and agreed to, 8. 80 CONG. REC. 3641, 74th Cong. 2d
as follows: Sess.


had the duty to record the names 1. In all matters relating to the
procedure of the Senate, whether as
of those Senators already having to form or otherwise, the managers
taken the oath, there being no on the part of the House or the coun-
other record thereof.(9) sel representing the respondent may
submit a request or application oral-
ly to the Presiding Officer, or, if re-
Supplemental Rules for Trial quired by him or requested by any
Senator, shall submit the same in
§ 11.7 For the Halsted Ritter writing.
2. In all matters relating imme-
impeachment trial, the Sen- diately to the trial, such as the ad-
ate sitting as a Court of Im- mission, rejection, or striking out of
evidence, or other questions usually
peachment adopted supple- arising in the trial of causes in
mental rules similar to those courts of justice, if the managers on
in the Harold Louderback the part of the House or counsel rep-
resenting the respondent desire to
trial. make any application, request, or ob-
jection, the same shall be addressed
On Mar. 12, 1936, the Court of directly to the Presiding Officer and
Impeachment in the impeachment not otherwise.
trial of Judge Ritter adopted sup- 3. It shall not be in order for any
Senator, except as provided in the
plemental rules: rules of procedure and practice in
the Senate when sitting on impeach-
MR. [HENRY F.] ASHURST [of Ari- ment trials, to engage in colloquy or
zona]: . . . Mr. President, in order that to address questions either to the
Senators, sitting as judges and jurors, managers on the part of the House
may have an opportunity to study this or to counsel for the respondent, nor
matter, I ask for the adoption, after it shall it be in order for Senators to
address each other; but they shall
shall have been read, of the order address their remarks directly to the
which I send to the desk. This is in Presiding Officer and not otherwise.
haec verba the same order that was 4. The parties may, by stipulation
adopted in the Louderback case. in writing filed with the Secretary of
THE VICE PRESIDENT: (10) The clerk the Senate and by him laid before
the Senate or presented at the trial,
will read. agree upon any facts involved in the
The Chief Clerk read as follows: trial; and such stipulation shall be
Ordered, That in addition to the received by the Senate for all intents
rules of procedure and practice in and purposes as though the facts
the Senate when sitting on impeach- therein agreed upon had been estab-
ment trials, heretofore adopted, and lished by legal evidence adduced at
supplementary to such rules, the fol- the trial.
lowing rules shall be applicable in 5. The parties or their counsel may
the trial of the impeachment of Hal- interpose objection to witnesses an-
sted L. Ritter, United States judge swering questions propounded at the
for the southern district of Florida: request of any Senator, and the mer-
its of any such objection may be ar-
gued by the parties or their counsel;
9. Id. at p. 3646. and the Presiding Officer may rule
10. John N. Garner (Tex.). on any such objection, which ruling


shall stand as the judgment of the Ordered, That the Secretary of the
Senate, unless some Member of the Senate communicate to the House of
Senate shall ask that a formal vote Representatives an attested copy of
be taken thereon, in which case it the answer of Halsted L. Ritter,
shall be submitted to the Senate for United States district judge for the
decision; or he may, at his option, in southern district of Florida, to the
the first instance submit any such articles of impeachment, as amend-
question to a vote of the Members of ed, and also a copy of the order en-
the Senate. Upon all such questions tered on the 12th ultimo prescribing
the vote shall be without debate and supplemental rules for the said im-
without a division, unless the ayes peachment trial.
and nays be demanded by one-fifth
of the Members present, when the The answer and the supplemental
same shall be taken.(11) rules to govern the impeachment trial
were referred to the House managers
§ 11.8 Supplemental rules and ordered printed.
adopted by the Senate for an
impeachment trial are mes- Appearance and Answer of Re-
saged to the House and re- spondent
ferred to the managers on
the part of the House. § 11.9 When and if the re-
spondent appears before the
On Apr. 6, 1936,(12) there was
laid before the House a message Court of Impeachment, the
from the Senate informing the return of the summons by
House of the adoption of supple- the Sergeant at Arms is pre-
mental rules to govern the im- sented and the respondent
peachment trial against Judge files an entry of appearance.
Halsted Ritter. They were re-
ferred to the managers: On Mar. 12, 1936,(13) the fol-
lowing proceedings took place be-
The Speaker laid before the House
the following order from the Senate of fore the Court of Impeachment in
the United States: the Halsted Ritter case:
In the Senate of the United States THE VICE PRESIDENT: (14) . . . The
sitting for the trial of the impeach- Secretary will read the return of the
ment of Halsted L. Ritter, United Sergeant at Arms.
States district judge for the south-
ern district of Florida The Chief Clerk read as follows:
11. 80 CONG. REC. 3648, 3649, 74th SERGEANT AT ARMS.
Cong. 2d Sess. For the adoption of The foregoing writ of summons ad-
identical supplemental rules in the dressed to Halsted L. Ritter and the
Louderback case, see 6 Cannon’s
Precedents § 519. 13. 80 CONG. REC. 3646, 3647, 74th
12. 80 CONG. REC. 5020, 74th Cong. 2d Cong. 2d Sess.
Sess. 14. John N. Garner (Tex.).


foregoing precept, addressed to me, THE VICE PRESIDENT: Counsel for

were duly served upon the said Hal- the respondent are advised that the
sted L. Ritter by me by delivering Senate is now sitting for the trial of ar-
true and attested copies of the same
to the said Halsted L. Ritter at the ticles of impeachment exhibited by the
Carlton Hotel, Washington, D.C., on House of Representatives against Hal-
Thursday, the 12th day of March sted L. Ritter, United States district
1936, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of judge for the southern district of Flor-
that day. ida.
Sergeant at Arms, MR. WALSH (of counsel): May it
United States Senate. please you, Mr. President, and honor-
able Members of the Senate, I beg to
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Secretary inform you that, in response to your
of the Senate will administer the oath summons, the respondent, Halsted L.
to the Sergeant at Arms. Ritter, is now present with his counsel
The Secretary of the Senate, Edwin and asks leave to file a forma1 entry of
A. Halsey, administered the oath to appearance.
the Sergeant at Arms, as follows: THE VICE PRESIDENT: Is there objec-
You, Chesley W. Jurney, do sol- tion? The Chair hears none, and the
emnly swear that the return made appearance will be filed with the Sec-
by you upon the process issued on retary, and will be read.
the 10th day of March 1936 by the
Senate of the United States against The Chief Clerk read as follows:
Halsted L. Ritter, United States dis-
trict judge for the southern district IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED
of Florida, is truly made, and that STATES OF AMERICA SITTING AS A
you have performed such service as COURT OF IMPEACHMENT
therein described. So help you God. MARCH 12, 1936.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Sergeant The United States of America v.
at Arms will make proclamation. Halsted L. Ritter
The Sergeant at Arms made procla- The respondent, Halsted L. Ritter,
mation as follows: having this day been served with a
Halsted L. Ritter! Halsted L. Ritter! summons requiring him to appear
before the Senate of the United
Halsted L. Ritter! United States dis- States of America in the city of
trict judge for the southern district of Washington, D.C., on March 12,
Florida, appear and answer to the arti- 1936, at 1 o’clock afternoon to an-
cles of impeachment exhibited by the swer certain articles of impeachment
House of Representatives against you. presented against him by the House
of Representatives of the United
The respondent, Halsted L. Ritter, States of America, now appears in
and his counsel, Frank P. Walsh, Esq., his proper person and also by his
of New York City, N.Y., and Carl T. counsel, who are instructed by this
Hoffman, Esq., of Miami, Fla., entered respondent to inform the Senate that
respondent stands ready to file his
the Chamber and were conducted to pleadings to such articles of im-
the seats assigned them in the space in peachment within such reasonable
front of the Secretary’s desk, on the period of time as may be fixed.
right of the Chair. Dated March 12, 1936.


HALSTED L. RITTER, Debate on Organizational

CARL T. HOFFMAN, Questions
Counsel for Respondent. § 11.11 Where the Senate is sit-
Parliamentarian’s Note: The re- ting as a Court of Impeach-
spondent has not appeared in all ment, organizational ques-
cases before the Senate. In this tions arising prior to trial
century, Judges Ritter, Harold are debatable.
Louderback, and Robert Archbald On May 5, 1926, Vice President
appeared in person, but Judge Charles G. Dawes, of Illinois, held
Charles Swayne appeared by at- that debate was in order on a mo-
torney. President Andrew Johnson tion to fix the opening date of an
did not appear in 1868. Pursuant impeachment trial (of Judge
to Rule X of the Rules of Proce- George English), notwithstanding
dure and Practice in the Senate Rule XXIII (now Rule XIV), pre-
when Sitting on Impeachment cluding debate during impeach-
Trials, the respondent may appear ment trials:
by attorney, and if neither the re- The Chair will state that in im-
spondent or his counsel appear, peachment trials had heretofore such
the trial proceeds as upon a plea questions have been considered as de-
of not guilty, under Rule VIII. batable, and that Rule XXIII, which re-
fers to the decision of questions with-
§ 11.10 The answer of the re- out debate, has been held to apply
spondent in an impeachment after the trial has actually commenced.
The Senate has always debated the
proceeding is messaged to
question of the time at which the trial
the House and referred to should start, and the Chair is inclined
the managers on the part of to hold that debate is in order on a
the House. question of this sort.(16)
On Apr. 6, 1936,(15) the answer Likewise, the rule on debate
of Judge Halsted Ritter to the ar- was held not applicable to an or-
ticles of impeachment against him ganizational question preceding
was messaged by order from the the trial of President Andrew
Senate to the House. Johnson.(17)
The answer was referred to the On Mar. 3, 1933, however, fol-
managers on the part of the lowing the presentation to the
House and ordered printed.
16. 67 CONG. REC. 8725, 69th Cong. 1st
15. 80 CONG. REC. 5020, 74th Cong. 2d Sess.
Sess. 17. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2100.


Senate of articles of impeachment substitution in the case of either the

against Judge Harold Louderback Vice President or the President pro
tempore shall not extend beyond an
by the managers on the part of
adjournment or recess, except by unan-
the House, the Vice President, imous consent.(19)
Charles Curtis, of Kansas, held
that a motion to defer further con- Floor Privileges
sideration of the impeachment
charges was not debatable.(18) § 11.13 The Senate sitting as a
Court of Impeachment may
Appointment of Presiding Offi- allow floor privileges during
cer the trial to assistants and
clerks, to the managers, and
§ 11.12 The Senate adopted in
to the respondent’s counsel.
the Harold Louderback im-
peachment trial an order au- On Apr. 8, 1936, requests were
thorizing the Vice President made in the Senate, sitting as a
or President pro tempore to Court of Impeachment in the trial
name a Presiding Officer to of Judge Halsted Ritter, to allow
perform the duties of the certain assistants and others the
Chair. privilege of the Senate floor. By
unanimous consent, the Senate
On May 15, 1933, in the Senate extended floor privileges to the
sitting as a Court of Impeachment clerk of the House Committee on
for the trial of Judge Louderback, the Judiciary, a special agent of
the following order was adopted: the FBI, and an assistant to the
Ordered, That during the trial of the respondent’s counsel.(20)
impeachment of Harold Louderback, In the Louderback trial, re-
United States district judge for the
northern district of California, the Vice quests were made by the House
President, in the absence of the Presi- managers that the clerk of the
dent pro tempore, shall have the right House Committee on the Judici-
to name in open Senate, sitting for ary and a member of the bar be
said trial, a Senator to perform the du- permitted to sit with the man-
ties of the Chair.
agers during the trial. The Senate
The President pro tempore shall
likewise have the right to name in voted to allow the requests, after
open Senate, sitting for said trial, or, if the Presiding Officer of the Senate
absent, in writing, a Senator to per-
form the duties of the Chair; but such 19. 77 CONG. REC. 3394, 73d Cong. 1st
18. 76 CONG. REC. 5473, 72d Cong. 2d 20. 80 CONG. REC. 5132, 74th Cong. 2d
Sess. Sess.


indicated he wished to submit the The Presiding Officer rules on

question to the Senate.(1) questions of evidence and on inci-
Parliamentarian’s Note: In an dental questions subject to a de-
impeachment trial, the managers mand for a formal vote, or may
on the part of the House and submit questions in the first in-
counsel for the respondent have stance to the Senate under Rule
the privilege of the Senate floor
under the Senate rules for im- VII of the rules for impeachment
peachment trials. trials.(4)
The trial may be temporarily
suspended for the transaction of
§ 12. Conduct of Trial legislative business or for the re-
ception of messages.(5)
The conduct of an impeachment Collateral Reference
trial is governed by the standing
rules of the Senate on impeach- Riddick, Procedure and Guidelines for
ment trials and by any supple- Impeachment Trials in the United
mental rules or orders adopted by States Senate, S. Doc. No. 93–102 93d
the Senate for a particular trial.(2) Cong. 2d Sess. (1974).
An impeachment trial is a full
adversary proceeding, and counsel
are admitted to appear, to be Opening Arguments
heard, to argue on preliminary
and interlocutory questions, to de- § 12.1 The Senate sitting as a
liver opening and final arguments, Court of Impeachment cus-
to submit motions, and to present tomarily adopts an order
evidence and examine and cross- providing for opening argu-
examine witnesses.(3)
ments to be made by one per-
1. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 522. son on behalf of the man-
2. For the text of the rules for impeach-
ment trials, see § 11, supra. For sup- 4. See § 12.7, infra, for rulings on ad-
plemental rules adopted by the Sen- missibility of evidence and §§ 12.3,
ate, see §§ 11.7, 11.8, supra. For ex- 12.4, infra, for rulings on motions to
amples of orders adopted during or strike articles.
for the trial, see §§ 11.12, supra (ap- 5. See §§ 12.5, 12.6, infra. Rule XIII of
pointment of Presiding Officer), 12.1, the rules for impeachment trials pro-
infra (opening arguments), 12.9, vides that the adjournment of the
infra (return of evidence), and 12.12, Senate sitting as a Court of Im-
infra (final arguments). peachment shall not operate to ad-
3. See Rules XV–XXII of the rules for journ the Senate, but that the Sen-
impeachment trials set out in § 11, ate may then resume consideration
supra. of legislative and executive business.


agers and one person on be- desk in front of the Vice President):
half of the respondent. Mr. President, the suggestion which
the managers desire to make at this
On Apr. 6, 1936, the Senate sit- time has reference to specifications 1
ting as a Court of Impeachment and 2 of article VII. These two speci-
for the trial of Judge Halsted L. fications have reference to what I as-
Ritter adopted the following order sume counsel for respondent and the
on opening arguments: managers as well, recognize are rather
involved matters, which would possibly
Ordered, That the opening statement
require as much time to develop and to
on the part of the managers shall be
made by one person, to be immediately argue as would be required on the re-
followed by one person who shall make mainder of the case.
the opening statement on behalf of the The managers respectfully move that
respondent.(6) those two counts be stricken. If that
motion shall be sustained, the man-
Identical orders had been adopt- agers will stand upon the other speci-
ed in past impeachment trials.(7) fications in article VII to establish arti-
cle VII. The suggestion on the part of
Motions to Strike the managers is that those two speci-
fications in article VII be stricken from
§ 12.2 During an impeachment the article.
trial, the managers on the THE PRESIDING OFFICER: (9) What is
part of the House made and the response of counsel for the re-
the Senate granted a motion spondent?
to strike certain specifica- MR. [CHARLES L.] MCNARY [of Or-
egon]: Mr. President, there was so
tions from an article of im- much rumbling and noise in the Cham-
peachment. ber that I did not hear the position
On Apr. 3, 1936,(8) the following taken by the managers on the part of
proceedings occurred on the floor the House.
of the Senate during the impeach- THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The man-
ment trial of Judge Halsted L. agers on the part of the House have
suggested that specifications 1 and 2 of
article VII be stricken on their motion.
NERS [of Texas] (speaking from the MR. HOFFMAN [of counsel]: Mr.
President, the respondent is ready to
6. 80 CONG. REC. 4971, 74th Cong. 2d file his answer to article I, to articles
Sess. II and III as amended, and to articles
7. See, for example, 6 Cannon’s Prece- IV, V, and VI. In view of the announce-
dents § 524 (Harold Louderback); 6 ment just made asking that specifica-
Cannon’s Precedents § 509 (Robert tions 1 and 2 of article VII be stricken,
Archbald). it will be necessary for us to revise our
8. 80 CONG. REC. 4899, 74th Cong. 2d
Sess. 9. Nathan L. Bachman (Tenn.).


answer to article VII and to eliminate The motion as duly filed by counsel
paragraphs 1 and 2 thereof. That can for the respondent is as follows:
be very speedily done with 15 or 20
minutes if it can be arranged for the IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED
Senate to indulge us for that length of COURT OF IMPEACHMENT. The
time. United States of America v Halsted
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: Is there ob- L. Ritter, respondent
jection to the motion submitted on the
part of the managers? MOTION TO STRIKE ARTICLE I, OR, IN
is made. Is there objection? The Chair VII
hears none, and the motion to strike is
The respondent, Halsted L. Ritter,
granted. moves the honorable Senate, sitting
as a Court of Impeachment, for an
§ 12.3 Where the respondent in order striking and dismissing article
an impeachment trial moves I of the articles of impeachment, or,
in the alternative, to require the
to strike certain articles or, honorable managers on the part of
in the alternative, to require the House of Representatives to elect
election as to which articles as to whether they will proceed upon
article I or upon article II, and for
the managers on the part of grounds of such motion respondent
the House will stand upon, says:
1. Article II reiterates and em-
the Presiding Officer may braces all the charges and allega-
rule on the motion in the tions of article I, and the respondent
first instance subject to the is thus and thereby twice charged in
separate articles with the same and
approval of the Senate. identical offense, and twice required
On Mar. 31, 1936, the respond- to defend against the charge pre-
sented in article I.
ent in an impeachment trial, 2. The presentation of the same
Judge Halsted Ritter, offered a and identical charge in the two arti-
motion to strike certain articles, cles in question tends to prejudice
the respondent in his defense, and
his purpose being to compel the tends to oppress the respondent in
House to proceed on the basis of that the articles are so framed as to
Article I or Article II, but not collect, or accumulate upon the sec-
ond article, the adverse votes, if any,
both. On Apr. 3, the Chair (Pre- upon the first article.
siding Officer Nathan L. 3. The Constitution of the United
Bachman, of Tennessee) ruled States contemplates but one vote of
that the motion was not well the Senate upon the charge con-
tained in each article of impeach-
taken and overruled it. The pro- ment, whereas articles I and II are
ceedings were as follows: (10) constructed and arranged in such

10. 80 CONG. REC. 4656, 4657, 74th 80 CONG. REC. 4898, 74th Cong. 2d
Cong. 2d Sess., Mar. 31, 1936, and Sess., Apr. 3, 1936.


form and manner as to require and native, to require the honorable man-
exact of the Senate a second vote agers on the part of the House to make
upon the subject matter of article I. an election as to whether they will
MOTION TO STRIKE ARTICLE VII stand upon article I or upon article II,
the Chair is ready to rule.
And the respondent further moves
the honorable Senate, sitting as a The Chair is clearly of the opinion
Court of Impeachment, for an order that the motion to strike article I or to
striking and dismissing article VII, require an election is not well taken
and for grounds of such motion, re- and should be overruled.
spondent says: His reason for such opinion is that
1. Article VII includes and em-
braces all the charges set forth in ar- articles I and II present entirely dif-
ticles I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. ferent bases for impeachment.
2. Article VII constitutes an accu- Article I alleges the illegal and cor-
mulation and massing of all charges rupt receipt by the respondent of
in preceding articles upon which the $4,500 from his former law partner,
Court is to pass judgment prior to Mr. Rankin.
the vote on article VII, and the pros-
ecution should be required to abide Article II sets out as a basis for im-
by the judgment of the Senate ren- peachment an alleged conspiracy be-
dered upon such prior articles and tween Judge Ritter; his former part-
the Senate ought not to countenance ner, Mr. Rankin; one Richardson,
the arrangement of pleading de-
signed to procure a second vote and Metcalf & Sweeney; and goes into de-
the collection or accumulation of ad- tail as to the means and manner em-
verse votes, if any, upon such mat- ployed whereby the respondent is al-
ters. leged to have corruptly received the
3. The presentation in article VII $4,500 above mentioned.
of more than one subject and the The two allegations, one of corrupt
charges arising out of a single sub-
ject is unjust and prejudicial to re- and illegal receipt and the other of con-
spondent. spiracy to effectuate the purpose, are,
4. In fairness and justice to re- in the judgment of the Chair, wholly
spondent, the Court ought to require distinct, and the respondent should be
separation and singleness of the sub- called to answer each of the articles.
ject matter of the charges in sepa-
rate and distinct articles, upon What is the judgment of the Court
which a single and final vote of the with reference to that particular phase
Senate upon each article and charge of the motion to strike?
can be had. MR. [WILLIAM H.] KING [of Utah]:
FRANK P. WALSH, Mr. President, if it be necessary, I
Of Counsel for Respondent. move that the ruling of the honorable
Presiding Officer be considered as and
RULING ON THE MOTION OF stand for the judgment of the Senate
RESPONDENT TO STRIKE OUT sitting as a Court of Impeachment.
tion of the honorable counsel for the jection? The Chair hears none, and the
respondent to strike article I of the ar- ruling of the Chair is sustained by the
ticles of impeachment or, in the alter- Senate.


§ 12.4 Where the respondent in tion and singleness of the subject mat-
an impeachment trial moves ter of the charges in separate and dis-
tinct articles, upon which a single and
to strike an article on final vote of the Senate upon each arti-
grounds that have not been cle and charge can be had.
previously presented in im- On Apr. 3, 1936, Presiding Offi-
peachment proceedings in cer Nathan L. Bachman, of Ten-
the Senate, the Presiding Of- nessee, submitted the motion to
ficer may submit the motion the Court of Impeachment for de-
to the Senate sitting as a cision: (12)
Court of Impeachment for
decision. reference to article VII of the articles
On Mar. 31, 1936,(11) Judge of impeachment, formerly article IV,
Halsted Ritter, the respondent in the Chair desires to exercise his pre-
an impeachment trial, moved to rogative of calling on the Court for a
determination of this question.
strike Article VII of the articles His reason for so doing is that an
presented against him, on the fol- impeachment proceeding before the
lowing grounds: Senate sitting as a Court is sui ge-
1. Article VII includes and embraces neris, partaking neither of the harsh-
all the charges set forth in articles I, ness and rigidity of the criminal law
II, III, IV, V, and VI. nor of the civil proceedings requiring
2. Article VII constitutes an accumu- less particularity.
lation and massing of all charges in The question of duplicity in impeach-
preceding articles upon which the ment proceedings presented by the
Court is to pass judgment prior to the honorable counsel for the respondent is
vote on article VII, and the prosecution a controversial one, and the Chair feels
should be required to abide by the that it is the right and duty of each
judgment of the Senate rendered upon Member of the Senate, sitting as a
such prior articles and the Senate Court, to express his views thereon.
ought not to countenance the arrange- Precedents in proceedings of this
ment of pleading designed to procure a character are rare and not binding
second vote and the collection or accu- upon this Court in any course that it
mulation of adverse votes, if any, upon might desire to pursue.
such matters. The question presented in the mo-
3. The presentation in article VII of tion to strike article VII on account of
more than one subject and the charges duplicity has not, so far as the Chair is
arising out of a single subject is unjust advised, been presented in any im-
and prejudicial to respondent. peachment proceeding heretofore had
4. In fairness and justice to respond- before this body.
ent, the Court ought to require separa- The Chair therefore submits the
question to the Court.
11. 80 CONG. REC. 4656, 4657, 74th
Cong. 2d Sess. 12. Id. at p. 4898.


MR. [HENRY F.] ASHURST [of Ari- the Court suspend its proceedings and
zona]: Mr. President, under the rules that the Senate proceed to the consid-
of the Senate, sitting as a Court of Im- eration of legislative business; and I
peachment, all such questions, when should like to make a brief statement
submitted by the Presiding Officer, as to the reasons for the motion. Some
shall be decided without debate and Senators have said that they desire an
without division, unless the yeas and opportunity to present amendments to
nays are demanded by one-fifth of the general appropriation bills which are
Members present, when the yeas and pending, and that it will be necessary
nays shall be taken. that the amendments be presented
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The Chair, today in order that they may be con-
therefore, will put the motion. All sidered by the committee having juris-
those in favor of the motion of counsel diction of the subject matter. I make
for the respondent to strike article VII the motion.
will say ‘‘aye.’’ Those opposed will say The motion was agreed to; and the
‘‘no.’’ Senate proceeded to the consideration
The noes have it, and the motion in of legislative business.(13)
its entirety is overruled.
§ 12.6 Impeachment pro-
Suspension of Trial for Mes- ceedings in the Senate, sit-
sages and Legislative Busi- ting as a Court of Impeach-
ness ment, may be suspended for
the reception of a message
§ 12.5 While the Senate is sit- from the House.
ting as a Court of Impeach- On Apr. 8, 1936, the Senate was
ment, the impeachment pro- sitting as a Court of Impeachment
ceedings may be suspended in the trial of Judge Halsted Rit-
by motion in order that legis- ter and examination of witnesses
lative business be consid- was in progress. A message was
ered. then received:
On Apr. 6, 1936, the Senate was MR. [JOSEPH T.] ROBINSON [of Ar-
sitting as a Court of Impeachment kansas]: Mr. President, may I inter-
in the trial of Judge Halsted Rit- rupt the proceedings for a moment? In
order that a message may be received
ter. A motion was made and from the House of Representatives, I
adopted to proceed to the consid- ask that the proceedings of the Senate
eration of legislative business, the sitting as a Court of Impeachment be
regular order for the termination suspended temporarily, and that the
of the session (5 :30 p.m.) not hav- Senate proceed with the consideration
of legislative business.
ing arrived:
MR. [JOSEPH T.] ROBINSON [of Ar- 13. 80 CONG. REC. 4994, 74th Cong. 2d
kansas]: Mr. President, I move that Sess.


THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: (14) Is which a general objection was

there objection? raised: (16)
There being no objection, the Senate
resumed the consideration of legisla- MR. WALSH (of counsel): For the sake
tive business. of saving time, we have these letters
(The message from the House of which have gotten into our possession,
Representatives appears elsewhere in which have been given to us, and I
the legislative proceedings of today’s suggest to the House managers that
RECORD.) we have copies of this entire cor-
respondence, a continuous list of them
IMPEACHMENT OF HALSTED L. RITTER chronologically copied. We are going to
ask you, if you will agree, that instead
MR. ROBINSON: I move that the Sen-
of reading these letters to Mr. Sweeny
ate, in legislative session, take a recess
we be permitted to offer them all in
in order that the Court may resume its
evidence and give you copies of them.
The motion was agreed to; and the
[of New Jersey]: Mr. President, the
Senate, sitting as a Court of Impeach-
ment, resumed the trial of the articles managers on the part of the House ob-
of impeachment against Halsted L. ject to that procedure. These letters
Ritter, United States district judge for are incompetent, immaterial, and irrel-
the southern district of Florida.(15) evant, and will only encumber the
MR. WALSH (of counsel): I desire to
Evidence say that these letters predate and
antedate this transaction. They show
§ 12.7 The Presiding Officer at the effort that was being made, and
an impeachment trial rules they throw a strong light upon the
on the admissibility of docu- proposition that this was not a
mentary evidence when a champertous proceeding, but that it
document is offered and spe- was a proceeding started by these men
who had invested their money, and
cific objection is made there-
upon whose names and credit these
to. bonds were sold. It is in answer to
During the impeachment trial of that.
Judge Halsted Ritter in the 74th THE PRESIDING OFFICER: (17) It is the
Congress, the Presiding Officer ruling of the Chair that the letters
shall be exhibited to the managers on
set out guidelines under which the part of the House, and that the
rulings on the admissibility of evi- managers on the part of the House
dence would be made. At issue may make specific objections to each
was a large number of letters, to document to which they wish to lodge

14. Key Pittman (Nev.). 16. 80 CONG. REC. 5245–53, 74th Cong.
15. 80 CONG. REC. 5129, 74th Cong. 2d 2d Sess., Apr. 9, 1936.
Sess. 17. Walter F. George (Ga.).


objection. There can be no ruling with witness knows matters that he himself
respect to a large number of docu- attended to, the original documents not
ments without specific objection. being in question, he has a right to an-
MR. WALSH (of counsel): Will you swer the question.
take that suggestion of the Presiding [JUDGE RITTER]: A. I have no inde-
Officer and go through these docu- pendent recollection of the matter at
ments? all. The official court records or this
MR. MANAGER PERKINS: Mr. Presi- memorandum would have to control.
dent, we understand that these letters
are to be offered, and objection made § 12.8 Exhibits in evidence in
as they are offered; or are we to exam- an impeachment trial should
ine the file and find out what docu-
ments we object to? be identified and printed in
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The ruling the Record if necessary.
of the Chair was that the letters shall On Apr. 8, 1936, a proposal was
be exhibited to the managers on the
made in the Senate, sitting as a
part of the House, and that specific ob-
jection shall be lodged to documents to Court of Impeachment in the Hal-
which the managers wish to lodge ob- sted Ritter trial, as to the identi-
jections. fication of certain exhibits: (19)
MR. WALSH (of counsel): Have you
dent, we will examine them during the
the letter that is referred to in that let-
recess and be prepared to follow that
procedure. . . .
bama]: . . . [of New Jersey]: I have not it at hand
at this moment, but I have it here
Q. Judge, I will ask you if the matter
of the requirement of a supersedeas
bond, and fixing the amount thereof, MR. WALSH (of counsel): I should like
was one of the questions which would to see the letter if it is here.
probably come up immediately after MR. MANAGER PERKINS: I understood
the final decree was rendered. that Mr. Rankin would resume the
MR. WALSH (of counsel): I wish to ob- stand at this time.
ject to that question for the reason MR. [SHERMAN] MINTON [of Indiana]:
that the record in the case and the pa- Mr. President, far be it from me to
pers in the case are the best evidence. suggest to eminent counsel engaged in
I should like to have them here. I this case how they should conduct a
should like to have them identified, so lawsuit, but I respectfully suggest that
that, if we thought it necessary, we they identify their exhibits in some
could interrogate the witness on cross- way, and also the papers that are in-
examination. troduced in the record, so that we may
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: (18) keep track of them.
The Presiding Officer thinks, if the
19. 80 CONG. REC. 5137, 74th Cong. 2d
18. Key Pittman (Nev.). Sess.


THE PRESIDING OFFICER: (20) The would be sufficient to advise those of

Chair takes the liberty of suggesting the Senators who have not heard it.
that the statement made by the Sen- However, as to this particular order, I
ator from Indiana is a wise one, and is will ask that it be printed in the
followed in court. The Chair sees no Record.
reason why identification should not be THE PRESIDING OFFICER: Is there ob-
made of the exhibits which are re- jection?
ceived in evidence. Counsel will pro-
ceed. Federal income-tax returns of
the respondent, offered in evi-
Certain exhibits were ordered dence by the managers, were
printed, while others were merely printed in full in the, Record.(2)
introduced in evidence. One ex-
hibit was printed in the Record by § 12.9 The Senate sitting as a
unanimous consent.(21) Court of Impeachment may
MR. [HOMER T.] BONE [of Wash- at the conclusion of the trial
ington]: Mr. President, may I inquire provide by order for the re-
of the Chair if all the exhibits counsel turn of evidence to proper
are introducing are to be printed in the
daily Record? owners or officials.
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: (1) The On Apr. 16, 1936, the Senate
Chair thinks not. sitting as a Court of Impeachment
MR. BONE: I am wondering how we in the trial of Judge Halsted Rit-
may later scrutinize them if counsel
are going to rely on them.
ter adopted, at the conclusion of
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: Some of the trial, orders for the return of evi-
exhibits are being ordered printed and dence: (3)
others are merely introduced in evi- Ordered, That the Secretary be, and
dence for the use of counsel upon argu- he is hereby, directed to return to A. L.
ment and consideration of the court. Rankin, a witness on the part of the
MR. WALSH (of counsel): I had sup- United States, the two documents
posed that all correspondence would be showing the lists of cases, pending and
printed in full in the Record. closed, in the law office of said A. L.
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The Chair Rankin, introduced in evidence during
assumes that all documents and cor- the trial of the impeachment of Hal-
respondence which have been read or sted L. Ritter, United States district
which have been ordered printed have judge for the southern district of Flor-
been or will be printed in the Record. ida. . . .
MR. WALSH (of counsel): I think per- Ordered, That the Secretary of the
haps a mere reference to this order Senate be, and he is hereby, directed

20. William H. King (Utah). 2. 80 CONG. REC. 5256–61, 74th Cong.

21. 80 CONG. REC. 5341, 74th Cong. 2d 2d Sess., Apr. 9, 1936.
Sess., Apr. 10, 1936. 3. 80 CONG. REC. 5558, 5559, 74th
1. Matthew M. Neely (W. Va.). Cong. 2d Sess.


to return to the clerk of the United The legislative clerk read as follows:
States District Court for the Southern
Ordered, That the witnesses shall
District of Florida and the clerk of the stand while giving their testimony.
circuit court, Palm Beach County, Fla.,
sitting in chancery, the original papers THE VICE PRESIDENT: Is there objec-
filed in said courts which were offered tion to the adoption of the order? The
in evidence during the proceedings of Chair hears none, and the order is en-
the Senate sitting for the trial of the tered.
impeachment of Halsted L. Ritter,
United States district judge for the § 12.11 The respondent may
southern district of Florida. take the stand and be exam-
In the Harold Louderback trial, ined and cross-examined at
the Senate returned papers by his impeachment trial.
order to a U.S. District Court.(4)
On Apr. 11, 1936, Judge Hal-
Witnesses sted Ritter, the respondent in a
trial of impeachment, was called
§ 12.10 The Senate sitting as a as a witness by his counsel. He
Court of Impeachment has was cross examined by the man-
adopted orders requiring agers on the part of the House
witnesses to stand while giv- and by Senators sitting on the
Court of Impeachment, who sub-
ing testimony during im-
mitted their questions in writ-
peachment trials.
On Apr. 6, 1936, during the Parliamentarian’s Note: The re-
trial of Judge Halsted Ritter be- spondent in an impeachment trial
fore the Senate sitting as a Court is not required to appear, and the
of Impeachment, an order was trial may proceed in his absence.
adopted as to the position of wit- Impeachment rules VIII and IX
nesses while testifying: (5) provide for appearance and an-
MR. [WILLIAM H.] KING [of Utah]: swer by attorney and provide for
Pursuant to the practice heretofore ob- continuance of trial in the absence
served in impeachment cases, I send to of any appearance. The respond-
the desk an order, and ask for its
adoption. ent first testified in his own be-
THE VICE PRESIDENT: (6) The order half in the Robert Archbald im-
will be stated. peachment trial in 1913, and
Judge Harold Louderback testified
4. 77 CONG. REC. 4142, 73d Cong. 1st at his trial in 1933.(8)
Sess., May 25, 1933.
5. 80 CONG. REC. 4971, 74th Cong. 2d 7. 80 CONG. REC. 5370–86, 74th Cong.
Sess. See also 6 Cannon’s Precedents 2d Sess.
§ 488. 8. See 6 Cannon’s Precedents §§ 511
6. John N. Garner (Tex.). (Archbald), 524 (Louderback).


Final Arguments § 13. Voting; Deliberation

and Judgment
§ 12.12 Following the presen-
tation of evidence in an im- The applicable rules on im-
peachment trial, the Court of peachment trials provide for delib-
Impeachment adopts an eration behind closed doors, for a
order setting the time to be vote on the articles of impeach-
allocated for final argu- ment, and for pronouncement of
ments. judgment. (See Rules XXIII and
XXIV.) (10) Except for organiza-
On Apr. 13, 1936, the Senate tional questions, debate is in
sitting as a Court of Impeachment order during an impeachment
in the trial of Judge Halsted Rit- trial only while the Senate is de-
ter adopted, at the close of the liberating behind closed doors, at
which time the respondent, his
presentation of evidence, an order counsel, and the managers are not
limiting final arguments: present. Rule XXIV, of the rules
for impeachment trials, provides
Ordered, That the time for final ar-
that orders and decisions shall be
gument of the case of Halsted L. Ritter
determined by the yeas and nays
shall be limited to 4 hours, which said without debate.(11)
time shall be divided equally between Under article I, section 3, clause
the managers on the part of the House 6 of the U.S. Constitution, a two-
of Representatives and the counsel for thirds vote is required to convict
the respondent, and the time thus as- the respondent on an article of
signed to each side shall be divided as impeachment, the articles being
each side for itself may determine.(9) voted on separately under Rule
XXIII of the rules for impeach-
9. 80 CONG. REC. 5401, 74th Cong. 2d ment trials.(12)
Sess. An identical order was adopted
in the Harold Louderback impeach- 10. The Senate rules on impeachment
ment trial (see 6 Cannon’s Prece- are set out in § 11, supra.
dents § 524). 11. For debate on organizational ques-
Orders for final arguments have tions before trial commences, see
varied as to the time and number of § 11.11, supra.
arguments permitted, although in 12. Overruled in the Ritter impeachment
one instance—the trial of President trial was a point of order that the re-
Andrew Johnson—no limitations spondent was not properly convicted,
were imposed as to the time for and a two-thirds vote having been ob-
number of final arguments. See 3 tained on an article which cumulated
Hinds’ Precedents § 2434. offenses (see §§ 13.5, 13.6, infra).


Article I, section 3, clause 7 pro- Deliberation Behind Closed

vides for removal from office upon Doors
conviction and also allows the fur-
ther judgment of disqualification § 13.1 Final arguments having
from holding and enjoying ‘‘any of- been presented to a Court of
fice of honor, trust or profit under Impeachment, the Senate
the United States.’’ In the most closes the doors in order to
recent conviction by the Senate, of deliberate in closed session,
Judge Ritter in 1936, it was held and the respondent, his
for the first time that no vote was counsel, and the managers
required on removal following con-
viction, inasmuch as removal fol- On Apr. 15, 1936, the Senate
lows automatically from conviction convened sitting as a Court of Im-
under article II, section 4.(13) But peachment in the trial of Judge
the further judgment of disquali- Halsted Ritter. Final arguments
fication requires a majority had been completed on the pre-
vote.(14) ceding day. The following pro-
ceedings took place:
Cross References
Constitutional provisions governing judg-
ment in impeachment trials, see § 1, The Senate, sitting for the trial of
supra. the articles of impeachment against
Deliberation, vote and judgment in the Halsted L. Ritter, judge of the United
Ritter impeachment trial, see § 18, States District Court for the Southern
infra. District of Florida, met at 12 o’clock
Grounds for impeachment and conviction meridian.
generally, see § 3, supra. The respondent, Halsted L. Ritter,
with his counsel, Frank P. Walsh, Esq.,
Judicial review of impeachment convic-
and Carl T. Hoffman, Esq., appeared
tions, see § 1, supra.
in the seats assigned them.
Trial and judgment where person im-
peached has resigned, see § 2, supra.
geant at Arms by proclamation will
Collateral Reference open the proceedings of the Senate sit-
ting for the trial of the articles of im-
Riddick, Procedure and Guidelines for peachment.
Impeachment Trials in the United The Sergeant at Arms made the
States Senate, S. Doc. No. 93–102, 93d usual proclamation.
Cong. 2d Sess. (1974).
On request of Mr. Ashurst, and by
unanimous consent, the reading of the
13. See § 13.9, infra.
14. See § 13.10, infra. 15. John N. Garner (Tex.).


Journal of the proceedings of the Sen- Rule XXIV provides for debate,
ate, sitting for the trial of the articles during impeachment trials, only
of impeachment, for Tuesday, April 14,
1936, was dispensed with, and the
when the Senate is deliberating in
Journal was approved. . . . closed session, wherein ‘‘no mem-
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Eighty-six ber shall speak more than once on
Senators have answered to their one question, and for not more
names. A quorum is present. than ten minutes on an interlocu-
DELIBERATION WITH CLOSED DOORS tory question, and for not more
than fifteen minutes on the final
zona]: I move that the doors of the
question, unless by consent of the
Senate be closed for deliberation. Senate, to be had without debate.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The question . . . The fifteen minutes herein
is on the motion of the Senator from allowed shall be for the whole de-
Arizona. liberation on the final question,
The motion was agreed to. and not on the final question on
The respondent and his counsel each article of impeachment.’’
withdrew from the Chamber.
The galleries having been previously
Orders for Time and Method of
cleared, the Senate (at 12 o’clock and 8
minutes p.m.) proceeded to deliberate Voting
with closed doors.
At 4 o’clock and 45 minutes p.m. the § 13.2 Following or during de-
doors were opened.(16) liberation behind closed
Rule XX of the rules of the Sen- doors, the Senate sitting as a
ate on impeachment trials pro- Court of Impeachment
vides: ‘‘At all times while the Sen- adopts orders to provide the
ate is sitting upon the trial of an time and method of voting.
impeachment the doors of the On Apr. 15, 1936, the Senate,
Senate shall be kept open, unless sitting as a Court of Impeachment
the Senate shall direct the doors in the trial of Judge Halsted Rit-
to be closed while deliberating ter, opened its doors after having
upon its decisions.’’ deliberated in closed session. By
unanimous consent, the order set-
16. 80 CONG. REC. 5505, 74th Cong. 2d
ting a date for the taking of a vote
Sess. In the Ritter case, the man-
agers on the part of the House were was published in the Record:
not present when the Senate closed Ordered, by unanimous consent,
its doors. Where they are present, That when the Senate, sitting as a
they withdraw. See, for example, 6 Court, concludes its session on today it
Cannon’s Precedents § 524 (Harold take a recess until 12 o’clock tomorrow,
Louderback). and that upon the convening of the


Court on Friday it proceed to vote Johnson trial Article XI was first

upon the various articles of impeach- voted on.(19)
The form of putting the ques-
Senate Majority Leader Joseph tion and calling the roll in the
T. Robinson, of Arkansas, ex- Johnson trial also differed from
plained the purpose of the agree- current practice, the Chief Justice
ment, which was to postpone the in that case putting the question
vote until Friday so that a num- ‘‘Mr. Senator ———, how say you?
ber of Senators who wished to Is the respondent, Andrew John-
vote could be present for that pur- son, President of the United
pose.(17) States, guilty or not guilty of a
On Apr. 16, 1936, the Senate, high misdemeanor, as charged in
after deliberating behind closed this article?’’ (20)
doors, agreed to an order pro-
viding a method of voting: Recognition of Pairs
Ordered, That upon the final vote in
the pending impeachment of Halsted § 13.3 Pairs are not recognized
L. Ritter, the Secretary shall read the during the vote by a Court of
articles of impeachment separately and Impeachment on articles of
successively, and when the reading of impeachment.
each article shall have been concluded
the Presiding Officer shall state the On Apr. 17, 1936, the Senate
question thereon as follows: sitting as a Court of Impeachment
‘‘Senators, how say you? Is the re- in the trial of Judge Halsted Rit-
spondent, Halsted L. Ritter, guilty or ter convened to vote on the arti-
not guilty?’’
cles of impeachment. Preceding
Thereupon the roll of the Senate
shall be called, and each Senator as his the vote, Senator Joseph T. Robin-
name is called, unless excused, shall son, of Arkansas, the Majority
arise in his place and answer ‘‘guilty’’ Leader, announced as follows:
or ‘‘not guilty.’’ (18)
I have been asked to announce also
This method of consideration— that pairs are not recognized in this
that of reading and voting on the proceeding. (1)
articles separately and in se- Likewise, it was announced on
quence—has been used consist- May 23, 1933, preceding the vote
ently in impeachment pro-
ceedings, though in the Andrew 19. See 3 Hinds’ Precedents § § 2439–
2443. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 524.
17. 80 CONG. REC. 5505, 74th Cong. 2d 20. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2440.
Sess. 1. 80 CONG. REC. 5602, 74th Cong. 2d
18. Id. at p. 5558. Sess.


on the articles impeaching Judge as Blount, of North Carolina, a

Harold Louderback, that pairs Member of the House, asked to be
would not be recognized.(2) excused from voting on any mat-
ter affecting his brother.(5)
Excuse or Disqualification In the impeachment of Judge
From Voting Harold Louderback, two Members
of the Senate were excused from
§ 13.4 Members of the House voting thereon since they had
and Senate have been ex- been Members of the House when
cused but not disqualified Judge Louderback was im-
from voting on articles of im- peached. (6)
peachment. The issue of disqualification
On Mar. 12, 1936, preceding the from voting either in the House on
appearance of respondent Judge impeachment or in the Senate on
Halsted Ritter before the Senate conviction has not been directly
sitting as a Court of Impeach- presented. During the trial of
ment, Senator Edward P. President Andrew Johnson, a Sen-
Costigan, of Colorado, asked to be ator offered and then withdrew a
excused from participation in the challenge to the competency of the
impeachment proceedings. He in- President pro tempore of the Sen-
serted in the Record a statement ate, Benjamin F. Wade, of Ohio, to
assigning the reasons for his re- preside over or vote in the trial of
quest, based on personal acquaint- the President. Before withdrawing
ance with the respondent.(3) Simi- his objection, Senator Thomas A.
larly, on Mar. 31, Senator Millard Hendricks, of Indiana, argued
E. Tydings, of Maryland, asked to that the President pro tempore
be excused from participating in was an interested party because
the proceedings and from voting of his possible succession to the
on the ground of family illness.(4) Presidency. The President pro
During the consideration in the tempore voted on that occasion.(7)
House of the resolution impeach- 5. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2295.
ing Senator William Blount, of 6. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 516.
Tennessee, his brother, Mr. Thom- 7. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2061.
During the Johnson impeachment,
2. 77 CONG. REC. 4083, 73d Cong. 1st succession to the Presidency was
Sess. governed by an Act of 1792 providing
3. 80 CONG. REC. 3646, 74th Cong. 2d that the President pro tempore and
Sess. then the Speaker of the House
4. Id. at p. 4654. should succeed to the Presidency,


Speaker Schuyler Colfax, of In- Points of Order Against Vote

diana, chose to vote on the resolu-
tion impeaching President John- § 13.5 In making a point of
son in 1868, and delivered the fol- order against the result of a
lowing explanatory statement: vote on an article of im-
The Speaker said: The occupant of
peachment, a Senator may
the Chair cannot consent that his con- state the grounds for his
stituents should be silent on so grave a point of order but debate or
question, and therefore, as a member argument thereon is not in
of this House, he votes ‘‘ay.’’ On agree-
ing to the resolution, there are—yeas order.
126, nays 47. So the resolution is On Apr. 17, 1936, following a
adopted.(8) two-thirds vote for conviction by
It has been generally deter- the Senate, sitting as a Court of
mined in the House that the indi- Impeachment in the trial of Judge
vidual Member should decide the Halsted Ritter, Senator Warren R.
question whether he is disquali- Austin, of Vermont, made a point
fied from voting because of a per- of order against the vote. The
President pro tempore, Key Pitt-
sonal interest in the vote.(9) man, of Nevada, subsequently
after the Vice President. 1 Stat. 239. ruled against allowing debate or
Presently, 3 USC § 19 provides for argument on that point of
the Speaker and then the President order: (10)
pro tempore to succeed to the Presi- MR. AUSTIN: Mr. President, a point
dency after the Vice President, but of order.
the 25th amendment to the U.S. THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The
Constitution provides a mechanism Senator will state the point of order.
for selection of a Vice President upon MR. AUSTIN: I make the point of
vacancy in that office, by succession order that the respondent is not guilty,
to the Presidency or otherwise. not having been found guilty by a vote
of two-thirds of the Senators present.
8. 66 CONG. GLOBE 1400, 40th Cong. 2d Article VII is an omnibus article, the
Sess., Feb. 24, 1868. ingredients of which, as stated on page
In the Johnson impeachment, the 36, paragraph 4, are——
minority party members generally
refrained from voting on the ballot In Senate practice, no rule re-
for the choice of managers following quires a Member of the Senate to
the adoption of articles, where a re- withdraw from voting because of per-
quest to excuse all who sought to be sonal interest, but a Member may be
excused had been objected to. 3 excused from voting under Rule XII
Hinds’ Precedents § 2417. clause 2, Senate Manual § 12.2
9. See Rule VIII clause 1 and com- (1973).
ments thereto, House Rules and 10. 80 CONG. REC. 5606, 74th Cong. 2d
Manual §§ 656–659 (1973). Sess.


MR. [ROBERT M.] LA FOLLETTE [Jr., MR. AUSTIN: Of which the respond-
of Wisconsin]: Mr. President, I rise to ent has been found innocent would be
a parliamentary inquiry. monstrous. I refer to the case of An-
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The drews v. King (77 Maine, 235).
Senator will state it. MR. [JOSEPH T.] ROBINSON [of Ar-
MR. LA FOLLETTE: Is debate upon kansas]: Mr. President, I rise to a
the point of order in order? point of order.
not in order. Senator from Arkansas will state the
MR. LA FOLLETTE: I ask for the reg- point of order.
ular order. MR. ROBINSON: The Senator from
MR. AUSTIN: Mr. President, a par- Vermont is not in order.
liamentary inquiry.
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The point of order is sustained. The Sen-
Senator will state it.
ator from Vermont is making an argu-
MR. AUSTIN: In stating a point of ment on the point of order he has
order, is it not appropriate to state the
grounds of the point of order?
viding the statement is not argument.
§ 13.6 During the Halsted Rit-
MR. AUSTIN: That is what the Sen- ter impeachment trial, the
ator from Vermont is undertaking to President pro tempore over-
do, and no more. ruled a point of order
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: If the against a vote of conviction
statement is argument, the point of
order may be made against the argu-
on the seventh article (charg-
ment. ing general misbehavior),
MR. AUSTIN: The first reason for the where the point of order was
point of order is that here is a com- based on the contention that
bination of facts in the indictment, the the article repeated and com-
ingredients of which are the several ar-
ticles which precede article VII, as bined facts, circumstances,
seen by paragraph marked 4 on page and charges contained in the
36. The second reason is contained in preceding articles.
the Constitution of the United States,
which provides that no person shall be On Apr. 17, 1936,(11) the Presi-
convicted without the concurrence of dent pro tempore, Key Pittman, of
two-thirds of the members present. Nevada, stated that the Senate
The third reason is that this matter had by a two-thirds vote adjudged
has been passed upon judicially, and it
has been held that an attempt to con-
the respondent Judge Ritter guilty
vict upon a combination of as charged in Article VII of the ar-
circumstances—— ticles of impeachment. He over-
MR. [GEORGE] MCGILL [of Kansas]:
Mr. President, a parliamentary in- 11. 80 CONG. REC. 5606, 74th Cong. 2d
quiry. Sess.


ruled a point of order that had MR. [JOSEPH T.] ROBINSON [of Ar-
been raised against the vote, as kansas]: Mr. President, I rise to a
point of order.
MR. [WARREN R.] AUSTIN [of Senator from Arkansas will state the
Vermont]: Mr. President, a point of point of order.
order. MR. ROBINSON: The Senator from
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The Vermont is not in order.
Senator will state the point of order. THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The
MR. AUSTIN: I make the point of point of order is sustained. The Sen-
order that the respondent is not guilty, ator from Vermont is making an argu-
not having been found guilty by a vote ment on the point of order he has
of two-thirds of the Senators present. made.
Article VII is an omnibus article, the MR. AUSTIN: Mr. President, I have
ingredients of which, as stated on page concluded my motion.
36, paragraph 4, are——
A point of order was made point of order is made as to article VII,
against debate or argument on the in which the respondent is charged
point of order.(12) with general misbehavior. It is a sepa-
rate charge from any other charge, and
MR. AUSTIN: The first reason for the the point of order is overruled.
point of order is that here is a com-
bination of facts in the indictment, the
ingredients of which are the several ar-
Judgment as Debatable
ticles which precede article VII, as
seen by paragraph marked 4 on page § 13.7 An order of judgment in
36. The second reason is contained in an impeachment trial is not
the Constitution of the United States, debatable.
which provides that no person shall be
convicted without the concurrence of
On Apr. 17, 1936, the President
two-thirds of the members present. pro tempore, Key Pittman, of Ne-
The third reason is that this matter vada, answered a parliamentary
has been passed upon judicially, and it inquiry relating to debate on an
has been held that an attempt to con- order of judgment in the impeach-
vict upon a combination of
circumstances—— ment trial of Halsted Ritter:
Mr. President, a parliamentary in- Senator from Arizona submits an
quiry. order, which will be read.
MR. AUSTIN: Of which the respond- The legislative clerk read as follows:
ent has been found innocent would be
Ordered further, That the respond-
monstrous. I refer to the case of An- ent, Halsted L. Ritter, United States
drews v. King (77 Maine, 235). district judge for the southern dis-
trict of Florida, be forever disquali-
12. See § 13.5 supra. fied from holding and enjoying any


office of honor, trust, or profit under The Senate hereby orders and de-
the United States. crees and it is hereby adjudged that
MR. [DANIEL O.] HASTINGS [of Dela- the respondent, Halsted L. Ritter,
United States district judge for the
ware]: Mr. President, I understand
southern district of Florida, be, and he
that matter is subject to debate.
is hereby, removed from office, and
MR. [HENRY F.] ASHURST [of Ari- that he be, and is hereby, forever dis-
zona]: No, Mr. President. The yeas and qualified to hold and enjoy any office of
nays are in order, if Senators wish, but honor, trust, or profit under the United
it is not subject to debate. States, and that the Secretary be di-
MR. HASTINGS: Will the Chair state rected to communicate to the President
just why it is not subject to debate? of the United States and to the House
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The of Representatives the foregoing order
Chair is of opinion that the rules gov- and judgment of the Senate, and trans-
erning impeachment proceedings re- mit a copy of same to each.
quire that all orders or decisions be de- MR. [ROBERT M.] LA FOLLETTE [Jr.,
termined without debate, but the yeas of Wisconsin]: Mr. President, I ask for
and nays may be ordered.(13) a division of the question.
MR. ASHURST: Mr. President, to di-
Divisibility of Order of Judg- vide the question is perfectly proper.
ment Any Senator who desires that the
order be divided is within his rights in
§ 13.8 An order of judgment on thus asking that it be divided. The
judgment of removal from office would
conviction in an impeach- ipso facto follow the vote of guilty.
ment trial is divisible where MR. [WILLIAM E.] BORAH [of Idaho]:
it contains provisions for re- Mr. President, do I understand there is
moval from office and for to be a division of the question?
disqualification of the re- MR. LA FOLLETTE: I have asked for a
spondent. division of the question.

On Apr. 17, 1936, Senator In the trial of Judge Robert

Henry F. Ashurst, of Arizona, of- Archbald, a division was demanded
fered an order of judgment fol- on the order of judgment, which both
removed and disqualified the re-
lowing the conviction of Halsted
spondent. 6 Cannon’s Precedents
Ritter on an article of impeach- § 512. A division of the question was
ment. It was agreed, before the likewise demanded in the West
order was withdrawn, that it was Humphreys impeachment. See 3
divisible: (14) Hinds’ Precedents § 2397. In the
John Pickering impeachment, the
13. 80 CONG. REC. 5607, 74th Cong. 2d Court of Impeachment voted on re-
Sess. moval but did not consider disquali-
14. 80 CONG. REC. 5606, 5607, 74th fication. See 3 Hinds’ Precedents
Cong. 2d Sess. § 2341.


MR. [GEORGE W.] NORRIS [of Ne- trict judge for the southern district
braska]: Mr. President, it seems to me of Florida, be removed from office.
the chairman of the Committee on the
Judiciary should submit two orders.
the yeas and nays desired on the ques-
One follows from what we have done.
The other does not follow, but we tion of agreeing to the order?
ought to vote on it. MR. [HENRY F.] ASHURST [of Ari-
MR. ASHURST: I accept the sugges- zona]: The yeas and nays are not nec-
tion. I believe the Senator from Ne- essary.
braska is correct. Therefore, I with- MR. [HIRAM W.] JOHNSON [of Cali-
draw the order sent to the desk. fornia]: Mr. President, how, affirma-
tively, do we adopt the order, unless it
Vote on Removal Following is put before the Senate, and unless
the roll be called upon it or the Senate
otherwise votes?
§ 13.9 On conviction of the re- THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The
Chair is of the opinion that the order
spondent on an article of im- would follow the final vote as a matter
peachment, no vote is re- of course, and no vote is required.
quired on judgment of re- MR. ASHURST: Mr. President, the
moval, since removal follows vote of guilty, in and of itself, is suffi-
automatically after convic- cient without the order, under the Con-
stitution, but to be precisely formal I
tion under section 4, article
have presented the order, in accord-
II, of the U.S. Constitution. ance with established precedent, and I
On Apr. 17, 1936, following the ask for a vote on its adoption.
conviction by the Senate, sitting MR. [DANIEL O.] HASTINGS [of Dela-
as a Court of Impeachment, of ware]: Mr. President, will the Senator
Halsted Ritter on Article VII of yield?
MR. ASHURST: I yield.
the articles of impeachment,
MR. HASTINGS: Just what is the lan-
President pro tempore Key Pitt-
guage in the Constitution as to what
man, of Nevada, ruled that no necessarily follows conviction on an ar-
vote was required on judgment of ticle of impeachment?
removal: (15) MR. [GEORGE] MCGILL, [of Kansas]:
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The It is found in section 4, article II, of
Senator from Arizona, having with- the Constitution.
drawn the first order, submits another MR. HASTINGS: What is the language
one, which the clerk will read. of the Constitution which makes re-
The legislative clerk read as follows: moval from office necessary, and to fol-
Ordered, That the respondent, low as a matter of course?
Halsted L. Ritter, United States dis- MR. MCGILL: Mr. President——
MR. ASHURST: If the Senator from
15. 80 CONG. REC. 5607, 74th Cong. 2d Kansas has the reference, I shall ask
Sess. him to read it.


MR. MCGILL: Section 4 of article II of impeachment trial, for automatic

the constitution reads: removal on conviction of at least
The President, Vice President, and one article of impeachment, differs
all civil officers of the United States
shall be removed from office on im- from the practice in three prior
peachment for, and conviction of cases where the Senate sitting as
treason, bribery, or other high a Court of Impeachment has voted
crimes and misdemeanors.
to convict. In the John Pickering
MR. HASTINGS: I thank the Senator.
Then may I suggest was not the Chair
trial, the vote was taken, in the
correct in the first instance? Does not affirmative, on the question of re-
the removal from office follow without moval, following the vote on the
any vote of the Senate? articles; the question of disquali-
was the opinion of the Chair.
fication was apparently not con-
MR. HASTINGS: I think the President sidered.(16) In the West Hum-
pro tempore was correct. phreys impeachment, following
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The conviction on five articles of im-
Chair will then direct that the order be peachment, the Court of Impeach-
ment proceeded to vote, under a
braska]: Mr. President, upon the action division of the question, on re-
of the Senate why does not the Chair moval and disqualification, both
make the proper declaration without decided in the affirmative.(17) And
anything further?
in the Robert Archbald impeach-
Chair was about to do so. The Chair ment, the Court of Impeachment
directs judgment to be entered in ac- voted first on removal and then on
cordance with the vote of the Senate, disqualification, under a division
as follows: of the question. Both orders were
JUDGMENT voted in the affirmative.(18)
The Senate having tried Halsted
L. Ritter, United States district Vote Required for Disqualifica-
judge for the southern district of tion
Florida, upon seven several articles
of impeachment exhibited against
him by the House of Representa- § 13.10 The question of dis-
tives, and two-thirds of the Senators qualification from holding an
present having found him guilty of
charges contained therein: It is office of honor, trust, or prof-
therefore it under the United States,
Ordered and adjudged, That the following conviction and
said Halsted L. Ritter be, and he is
hereby, removed from office. 16. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2341.
Parliamentarian’s Note: The 17. 3 Hinds’ Precedents § 2397.
procedure and ruling in the Ritter 18. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 512.


judgment of removal in an quiry, I may say that in the Archbald

impeachment trial, requires case that very question arose. A Sen-
ator asked that a question be divided,
only a majority vote of the and on the second part of the order,
Senate sitting as a Court of which was identical with the order now
Impeachment. proposed, the yeas and nays were or-
On Apr. 17, 1936, the Senate dered, and the result was yeas 39,
nays 35, so the order further disquali-
sitting as a Court of Impeachment fying respondent from holding any of-
in the trial of Halsted Ritter pro- fice of honor, trust, or profit under the
ceeded to consider an order dis- United States was entered. It requires
qualifying the respondent from only a majority vote.
ever holding an office of honor, THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The
trust, or profit under the United question is on agreeing to the order
States; the court had convicted submitted by the Senator from Ari-
the respondent and he had been zona.(20)
ordered removed from office. Parliamentarian’s Note: In the
A parliamentary inquiry was impeachment trial of Robert
propounded as to the vote re- Archbald, a division of the ques-
quired on the question of disquali- tion was demanded on an order
fication: removing and disqualifying the re-
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: (19) spondent. Removal was agreed to
The Senator from Arizona submits an by voice vote and disqualification
order, which will be read.
was agreed to by the yeas and
The legislative clerk read as follows:
nays—yeas 39, nays 35.(21)
Ordered further, That the respond-
ent, Halsted L. Ritter, United States
district judge for the southern dis- Filing of Separate Opinions
trict of Florida, be forever disquali-
fied from holding and enjoying any § 13.11 The Senate, sitting as a
office of honor, trust, or profit under Court of Impeachment, may
the United States. . . .
provide by order at the con-
MR. [F. RYAN] DUFFY [of Wisconsin]:
A parliamentary inquiry.
clusion of the trial for Sen-
THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The ators to file written opinions
Senator will state it. following the final vote.
MR. DUFFY: Upon this question is a On Apr. 16, 1936, the Senate
majority vote sufficient to adopt the
order, or must there be a two-thirds sitting as a Court of Impeachment
vote? in the trial of Judge Halsted Rit-
zona]: Mr. President, in reply to the in- 20. 80 CONG. REC. 5607, 74th Cong. 2d
19. Key Pittman (Nev.). 21. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 512.


ter adopted the following order at America, do hereby certify that the
hereto attached document is a true
the conclusion of the trial: and correct copy of the order and
Ordered, That upon the final vote in judgment of the Senate, sitting for
the pending impeachment of Halsted the trial of the impeachment of Hal-
L. Ritter each Senator may, within 4 sted L. Ritter, United States district
judge for the southern district of
days after the final vote, file his opin- Florida, entered in the said trial on
ion in writing, to be published in the April 17, 1936.
printed proceedings in the case.(22) In testimony whereof, I hereunto
subscribe my name and affix the seal
House Informed of Judgment of the Senate of the United States of
America, this the 18th day of April,
A. D. 1936.
§ 13.12 The Senate informs the
President and the House of EDWIN A. HALSEY,
Secretary of the Senate
the order and judgment of
of the United States.
the Senate in an impeach-
In the Senate of the United States of
ment trial. America, sitting for the trial of the
On Apr. 20, 1936,(1) a message impeachment of Halsted L. Ritter,
United States district judge for the
from the Senate was received in southern district of Florida
the House informing the House of
the order and judgment in the im- JUDGMENT
peachment trial of Judge Halsted APRIL 17, 1936.
The Senate having tried Halsted
MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE L. Ritter, United States district
judge for the southern district of
A message from the Senate, by Mr. Florida, upon seven several articles
Horne, its enrolling clerk, announced of impeachment exhibited against
that the Senate had ordered that the him by the House of Representa-
Secretary be directed to communicate tives, and two-thirds of the Senators
present having found him guilty of
to the President of the United States charges contained therein: It is
and to the House of Representatives therefore
the order and judgment of the Senate Ordered and adjudged, That the
in the case of Halsted L. Ritter, and said Halsted L. Ritter be, and he is
transmit a certified copy of same to hereby removed from office.
each, as follows: Attest:
I, Edwin A. Halsey, Secretary of EDWIN A. HALSEY,
the Senate of the United States of Secretary.

22. 80 CONG. REC. 5558, 74th Cong. 2d 1. 80 CONG. REC. 5703, 5704, 74th
Sess. Cong. 2d Sess.



§ 14. Charges Not Result- tigate the charges, which res-

ing in Impeachment olution was referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary.
The following is a compilation of On Jan. 6, 1932, Mr. Wright
impeachment charges made from Patman, of Texas, rose to impeach
1932 to the present which did not Mr. Mellon, Secretary of the
result in impeachment by the Treasury:
Committee reports adverse to impeach- MR. PATMAN: Mr. Speaker, I rise to
ment, their privilege and consider- a question of constitutional privilege.
ation, see §§ 7.8–7.10, 8.2, supra. On my own responsibility as a Member
House proceedings against Associate Jus- of this House, I impeach Andrew Wil-
tice Douglas, discussion in the House, liam Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury
and portions of final subcommittee re- of the United States for high crimes
port relative to grounds for impeach- and misdemeanors, and offer the fol-
ment of federal judges, see §§ 3.9–3.13, lowing resolution:
supra. Whereas the said Andrew William
House proceedings on impeachment dis- Mellon, of Pennsylvania, was nomi-
continued against President Nixon, fol- nated Secretary of the Treasury of
lowing his resignation, see § 15, infra. the United States by the then Chief
Executive of the Nation, Warren G.
Resignations and effect on impeachment Harding, March 4, 1921; his nomina-
and trial, see § 2, supra. tion was confirmed by the Senate of
Trial of Judge English dismissed fol- the United States on March 4, 1921;
lowing his resignation, see § 16, infra. he has held said office since March
4, 1921, without further nominations
or confirmations.
Whereas section 243 of title 5 of
the Code of Laws of the United
Charges Against Secretary of States provides:
the Treasury Mellon ‘‘Sec. 243. Restrictions upon Sec-
retary of Treasury: No person ap-
§ 14.1 In the 72d Congress a pointed to the office of Secretary of
the Treasury, or Treasurer, or reg-
Member rose to a question of ister, shall directly or indirectly be
constitutional privilege, im- concerned or interested in carrying
peached Secretary of the on the business of trade or com-
merce, or be owner in whole or in
Treasury Andrew Mellon, part of any sea vessel, or purchase
and submitted a resolution by himself, of another in trust for
him, any public lands or other public
authorizing the Committee property, or be concerned in the pur-
on the Judiciary to inves- chase or disposal of any public secu-


rities of any State, or of the United erties, bauxite, magnesium, carbon

States, or take or apply to his own electrodes, aluminum, sales, rail-
use any emolument or gain for nego- roads, Pullman cars, gas, electric
tiating or transacting any business light, street railways, copper, glass,
in the Treasury Department other brass, steel, tar, banking, loco-
than what shall be allowed by law; motives, water power, steamship,
and every person who offends shipbuilding, oil, coke, coal, and
against any of the prohibitions of many other different industries; said
this section shall be deemed guilty of corporations are directly interested
a high misdemeanor and forfeit to in the tariff, in the levying and col-
the United States the penalty of lections of Federal taxes, and in the
$3,000, and shall upon conviction be shipping of products upon the high
removed from office, and forever seas; many of the products of these
thereafter be incapable of holding corporations are protected by our
any office under the United States; tariff laws and the Secretary of the
and if any other person than a public Treasury has direct charge of the en-
prosecutor shall give information of forcement of these laws.
any such offense, upon which a pros-
ecution and conviction shall be had, MELLON’S OWNERSHIP OF SEA VES-
one-half the aforesaid penalty of SELS AND CONTROL OF UNITED
$3,000 when recovered shall be for STATES COAST GUARD
the use of the person giving such in- Whereas the Coast Guard (sec. 1,
formation. ch. 1, title 14, of the United States
Whereas the said Andrew William Code) is a part of the military forces
Mellon has not only been indirectly of the United States and is operated
concerned in carrying on the busi- under the Treasury Department in
ness of trade and commerce in viola- time of peace; that the Secretary of
tion of the above-quoted section of the Treasury directs the performance
the law but has been directly inter- of the Coast Guard (sec. 51, ch. 1,
ested in carrying on the business of title 14, of the Code of Laws of the
trade and commerce in that he is United States); that officers of the
now and has been since taking the Coast Guard are deemed officers of
oath of office as Secretary of the the customs (sec. 6, ch. 2, title 14,
Treasury of the United States the United States Code), and it is their
owner of a substantial interest in the duty to go on board the vessels
form of voting stock in more than which arrive within the United
300 corporations with resources ag- States, or within 4 leagues of the
gregating more than $3,000,000,000, coast thereof, and search and exam-
being some of the largest corpora- ine the same, and every part thereof,
tions on earth, and he and his family and shall demand, receive, and cer-
and close business associates in tify the manifests required to be on
many instances own a majority of board certain vessels shall affix and
the stock of said corporations and, in put proper fastenings on the hatches
some instances, constitute ownership and other communications with the
of practically the entire outstanding hold of any vessel, and shall remain
capital stock; said corporations are on board such vessels until they ar-
engaged in the business of trade and rive at the port of their destination;
commerce in every State, county, that the said Andrew William Mellon
and village in the United States, is now, and has been since becoming
every country in the world, and upon Secretary of the Treasury, the owner
the Seven Seas; said corporations in whole or in part of many sea ves-
are extensively engaged in the fol- sels operating to and from the
lowing businesses: Mining prop- United States, and in competition


with other steamship lines; that his Venezuelan flag: 14 tankers, of

interest in the sea vessels and his 36,654 gross tons.
control over the Coast Guard rep- United States flag: S. Haiti; 13
resent a violation of section 243 of general cargo vessels, Conemaugh,
title 5 of the Code of Laws of the Gulf of Mexico, Gulfbird, Gulfcoast,
United States.
Gulfgem, Gulfking, Gulflight,
Gulfoil, Gulfpoint, Gulfprince,
CUSTOMS OFFICERS Gulfstar, Gulfstream, Gulfwax, Har-
Whereas the Secretary of the mony, Ligonier, Ohio, Susquehanna,
Treasury of the United States super- Winifred, Currier, Gulf of Venezuela,
intends the collection of the duties Gulf breeze, Gulfcrest, Gulfhawk,
on imports (sec. 3, ch. 1, title 19, Gulfland, Gulfmaid, Gulfpenn,
Code of Laws of the United States); Gulfpride, Gulfqueen, Gulfstate,
he establishes and promulgates rules Gulftrade, Gulfwing, Juniata,
and regulations for the appraisement Monongahela, Supreme,
of imported merchandise and the Trinidadian.
classification and assessment of du-
ties thereon at various ports of entry
(sec. 382, ch. 3, title 19, Code of INCOME TAXES PAID BY MELLON
Laws of United States); that the COMPANIES AND REFUNDS MADE
present Secretary of the Treasury, TO THEM—BY HIMSELF
Andrew W. Mellon, is now and has
been since becoming Secretary of the Whereas section 1 (2), chapter 1,
Treasury personally interested in the title 26, of the Code of laws of the
importation of goods, wares, articles, United States, provides ‘‘The Com-
and merchandise in substantial missioner of Internal Revenue, under
quantities and large amounts; that it the direction of the Secretary of the
is repugnant to American principles Treasury, shall have general super-
and a violation of the laws of the intendence of the assessment and
United States for such an officer to collection of all duties and taxes im-
hold the dual position of serving two posed by any law providing internal
masters—himself and the United
States. revenue. . . .’’ The tax laws of the
United States, including the grant-
ing of refunds, credits, and abate-
OWNERSHIP OF SEA VESSELS ments, are administered in secret
Whereas the said Andrew W. Mel- under the direction of the Secretary
lon is now, and has been since be- of the Treasury; that income-tax re-
coming Secretary of the Treasury of turns and evidence upon which re-
the United States, holding said office funds are made, or granted, to tax-
in violation of that part of section payers are not subject to public in-
243 of title 5 of the Code of Laws of spection; that under the direction of
the United States, which provides the present Secretary of the Treas-
that ‘‘no person appointed to the of- ury, Andrew W. Mellon, many hun-
fice of Secretary of the Treasury . . .
shall be the owner in whole or in dred corporations that are substan-
part of any sea vessel,’’ in that he tially owned by him annually make
was and is now the owner in whole settlement for their taxes and many
or in part of the following sea ves- such corporations have been granted
sels: under his direction large tax refunds
Registered in Norway: Austvangen, amounting to tens of millions of dol-
Nordvangen, Sorvangen, Vestvangen. lars.


OWNERSHIP OF BANK STOCK embrace the following: Preparation

of drawings, estimates, specifica-
Whereas section 244, chapter 3, tions, etc., for and the superintend-
title 12, of the Code of Laws of the ence of the work of constructing, re-
United States, provides: building, extending, or repairing
‘‘Sec. 244. Chairman of the board; public buildings; under the super-
qualifications of members; vacan- vision of the Supervising Architect
cies.—The Secretary of the Treasury and subject to the direction and ap-
shall be ex officio chairman of the proval of the Secretary of the Treas-
Federal Reserve Board. No member ury the Government of the United
of the Federal Reserve Board shall States has spent and will soon spend
be an officer or director of any bank, several hundred million dollars in
banking institution, trust company, the construction of public buildings.
or Federal reserve bank, nor hold The said Andrew W. Mellon is the
stock in any bank, banking institu- principal owner and controls the
tion, or trust company. . . .’’ Aluminum Co. of America, which
That the present Secretary of the produces and markets practically all
Treasury, Andrew W. Mellon, is now of the aluminum in the United
and has been since-becoming Sec- States used for all purposes. The
retary of the Treasury the owner of said Andrew W. Mellon has, while
stock in a bank, banking institution, occupying the position as Secretary
and trust company in violation of of the Treasury, directly interested
this law. himself in the carrying on and pro-
motion of the business of the Alu-
WHISKY BUSINESS minum Co. of America by causing to
Whereas the said Andrew W. Mel- be published in Room 410 of the
lon has held the office of Secretary of Treasury Building of the United
the Treasury in violation of section States, located between the United
243 of title 5 of the Code of Laws of States Capitol and the White House,
the United States, in that from a magazine known as the Federal
March 4, 1921, to October 2, 1928, Architect, published quarterly, which
he was interested in and received his carries the pictures of public build-
share of the proceeds and profits ings in which aluminum is used in
from the sale of distilled whisky, their construction and carries arti-
which said whisky was sold as a cles concerning the use of aluminum
commodity in trade and commerce. in architecture which suggest how
aluminum can be used for different
ALUMINUM IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS purposes in the construction of pub-
lic buildings for the purpose of con-
Whereas the said Andrew W. Mel- vincing the architects who draw the
lon has further violated the law plans and specifications for public
which prohibits the Secretary of the buildings that aluminum can and
Treasury from being directly or indi- should be used for certain construc-
rectly interested or concerned in the tion work and ornamental purposes.
carrying on of business or trade or The use of aluminum in the con-
commerce, in that as Secretary of struction of public buildings dis-
the Treasury he controls the con- places materials which can be pur-
struction and maintenance of public chased on competitive bids, whereas
buildings; the Office of the Super- the Aluminum Co. of America holds
vising Architect is subject to the di- a monopoly and has no competitors.
rection and approval of the Secretary Said magazine is published by em-
of the Treasury; the duties per- ployees of the United States Govern-
formed by the Supervising Architect ment in the Office of the Supervising


Architect and distributed to the ar- ried into effect, and the said Andrew
chitects of the Nation, many of W. Mellon is financially interested in
whom have been or will be employed its success; that his interest in this
by the Supervising Architect to draw contract with the Soviet Union de-
plans and specifications for public stroys his impartiality as an officer
buildings in their local communities. of the United States to enforce the
More aluminum is now being used in above-quoted law; his interest in
the construction of public buildings, said company, which is engaged in
under the direction of the Secretary the business of carrying on trade and
of the Treasury, than has ever before commerce, disqualifies him as Sec-
been used, as a result of this advan- retary of the Treasury under section
tage. 243 of title 5 of the Code of Laws of
the United States and makes him
MELLON INTEREST IN SOVIET UNION guilty of a high misdemeanor and
(RUSSIA) subject to impeachment: Therefore
Whereas section 140 of title 19 of be it
the Code of Laws of the United Resolved, That the Committee on
States provides— the Judiciary is authorized and di-
‘‘Sec. 140. Goods manufactured by rected, as a whole or by sub-
convict labor prohibited.—All goods, committee, to investigate the official
wares, articles, and merchandise conduct of Andrew W. Mellon, Sec-
manufactured wholly or in part in retary of the Treasury, to determine
any foreign country by convict labor whether, in its opinion, he has been
shall not be entitled to entry at any guilty of any high crime or mis-
of the ports of the United States, and demeanor which, in the contempla-
the importation thereof is prohibited, tion of the Constitution, requires the
and the Secretary of the Treasury is interposition of the constitutional
authorized and directed to prescribe powers of the House. Such com-
such regulations as may be nec- mittee shall report its findings to the
essary for the enforcement of this House together with such resolution
provision’’— of impeachment or other rec-
ommendation as it deems proper.
charges are now being made that Sec. 2. For the purposes of this
goods, wares, articles, and merchan- resolution, the committee is author-
dise are being transported to the ized to sit and act during the present
United States from the Soviet Union Congress at such times and places in
(Russia) in violation of this act; the the District of Columbia or else-
present Secretary of the Treasury, where, whether or not the House is
Andrew W. Mellon, whose duty it is sitting, has recessed, or has ad-
to enforce this provision of the law, journed, to hold such hearings, to
is one of the principal owners of the employ such experts, and such cler-
Koppers Co., a company with re- ical, stenographic, and other assist-
sources amounting to $143,379,352, ants, to require the attendance of
which is carrying on trade and com- such witnesses and the production of
merce in all parts of the world; that such books, papers, and documents,
said company during the year 1930 to take such testimony, to have such
made a contract with the Soviet printing and binding done, and to
Union whereby the Koppers Co. obli- make such expenditures not exceed-
gated itself to build coke ovens and ing $5,000, as it deems necessary.
steel mills in the Soviet Union aggre-
gating in value $200,000,000, in fur- MR. [JOSEPH W.] BYRNS [of Ten-
therance of the Soviet’s 5-year plan; nessee]: Mr. Speaker, I move that the
that said contract is now being car- articles just read be referred to the


Committee on the Judiciary, and upon The Clerk read the report, as fol-
that motion I demand the previous lows:
The previous question was ordered. ATIVE TO THE ACTION OF THE COM-
the motion of the gentleman from Ten- REFERENCE TO HOUSE RESOLUTION
nessee, that the articles be referred to 92
the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Sumners of Texas, from the
The motion was agreed to.(3) Committee on the Judiciary, sub-
mitted the following report (to ac-
§ 14.2 The House discontinued company H. Res. 143):
I am directed by the Committee on
by resolution further pro- the Judiciary to submit to the
ceedings of impeachment House, as its report to the House,
the following resolution adopted by
against Secretary of the the Committee on the Judiciary indi-
Treasury Andrew Mellon, cating its action with reference to
after he had been nominated House Resolution No. 92 heretofore
referred by the House to the Com-
and confirmed for another mittee on the Judiciary:
position and had resigned Whereas Hon. Wright Patman,
Member of the House of Representa-
his Cabinet post. tives, filed certain impeachment
On Feb. 13, 1932, Mr. Hatton charges against Hon. Andrew W.
Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury,
W. Sumners, of Texas, presented which were referred to this com-
House Report No. 444 and House mittee; and
Resolution 143, discontinuing pro- Whereas pending the investigation
of said charges by said committee,
ceedings against Secretary of the and before said investigation had
Treasury Mellon: been completed, the said Hon. An-
drew W. Mellon was nominated by
IMPEACHMENT CHARGES—REPORT the President of the United States
FROM COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY for the post of ambassador to the
Court of St. James and the said
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker, nomination was duly confirmed by
I offer a report from the Committee on the United States Senate pursuant
the Judiciary, and I would like to give to law, and the said Andrew W. Mel-
lon has resigned the position of Sec-
notice that immediately upon the read- retary of the Treasury: Be it
ing of the report I shall move the pre- Resolved by this committee, That
vious question. the further consideration of the said
THE SPEAKER: (4) The gentleman charges made against the said An-
from Texas offers a report, which the drew W. Mellon, as Secretary of the
Clerk will read. Treasury, be, and the same are here-
by, discontinued.
2. John N. Garner (Tex.). MINORITY VIEWS
3. 75 CONG REC. 1400 72d Cong. 1st
We cannot join in the majority
Sess. views and findings. While we concur
4. John N. Garner (Tex.). in the conclusions of the majority


that section 243 of the Revised Stat- by the House or by com-

utes, upon which the proceedings
herein were based, provides for ac- mittee in the 72d Congress.
tion in the nature of an ouster pro- On Jan. 17, 1933, Mr. Louis T.
ceeding, it is our view that the Hon.
Andrew W. Mellon, the former Sec- McFadden, of Pennsylvania, rose
retary of the Treasury, having re- and on his own responsibility as a
moved himself from that office, no Member of the House impeached
useful purpose would be served by
continuing the investigation of the President Hoover as follows:
charges filed by the Hon. Wright
Patman. We desire to stress that the MR. MCFADDEN: On my own respon-
action of the undersigned is based on sibility, as a Member of the House of
that reason alone, particularly when Representatives, I impeach Herbert
the prohibition contained in said sec- Hoover, President of the United States,
tion 243 is not applicable to the of- for high crimes and misdemeanors.
fice now held by Mr. Mellon.
FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA. He offered a resolution with a
GORDON BROWNING. lengthy preamble, which con-
M. C. TARVER. cluded as follows:
Resolved, That the Committee on the
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker, Judiciary is authorized to investigate
I think the resolution is fairly explana- the official conduct of Herbert Hoover,
tory of the views held by the different President of the United States, and all
members of the committee. No useful matters related thereto, to determine
purpose could be served by the con- whether, in the opinion of the said
sumption of the usual 40 minutes, so I committee, he has been guilty of any
move the previous question. high crime or misdemeanor which, in
The previous question was ordered. the contemplation of the Constitution,
THE SPEAKER: The question is on requires the interposition of the con-
agreeing to the resolution. stitutional powers of the House. Such
The resolution was agreed to.(5) committee shall report its findings to
the House, together with such resolu-
tion of impeachment or other rec-
Charges Against President
ommendation as it deems proper, in
Hoover order that the House of Representa-
tives may, if necessary, present its
§ 14.3 Impeachment of Presi- complaint to the Senate, to the end
dent Herbert Hoover was that Herbert Hoover may be tried ac-
proposed but not considered cording to the manner prescribed for
the trial of the Executive by the Con-
5. 75 CONG. REC. 3850, 72d Cong. 1st stitution and the people be given their
Sess. constitutional remedy and be relieved
The House Journal (p. 382) for this of their present apprehension that a
date indicates that Mr. Sumners criminal may be in office.
called up H. Res. 143 which was de- For the purposes of this resolution
bated prior to its adoption. the committee is authorized to sit and


act during the present Congress at distinguished from a question of

such times and places in the District of personal privilege, could not be
Columbia or elsewhere, whether or not
the House is sitting, has recessed, or
presented until a motion or reso-
has adjourned, to hold such hearings, lution was submitted. He declined
to employ such experts, and such cler- to recognize Mr. McFadden since
ical, stenographic, and other assist- no resolution was presented.(7)
ants, to require the attendance of such
witnesses and the production of such Charges Against U.S. District
books, papers, and documents, to take Judge Lowell
such testimony, to have such printing
and binding done, and to make such § 14.4 In the 73d Congress the
expenditures as it deems necessary.
Committee on the Judiciary
Mr. Henry T. Rainey, of Illinois, conducted an investigation
moved that the resolution be laid into impeachment charges
on the table and the House adopt- against District Judge James
ed the motion, precluding any de- Lowell and later rec-
bate by Mr. McFadden on his res- ommended that further pro-
olution of impeachment. ceedings be discontinued.
Pending a vote on the motion, On Apr. 26, 1933, Mr. Howard
Speaker John N. Garner, of W. Smith, of Virginia, rose to a
Texas, stated in response to a par- question of constitutional privilege
liamentary inquiry that the lan- and impeached Mr. Lowell, a U.S.
guage which had transpired could District Judge for the District of
not be expunged from the Con- Massachusetts. He specified the
gressional Record by motion but following charges:
must be done by unanimous con-
First. I charge that the said James
sent since no unparliamentary
A. Lowell, having been nominated by
language was involved.(6) the President of the United States and
On Jan. 18, 1933, Mr. McFad- confirmed by the Senate of the United
den rose to state a question of States, duly qualified and commis-
privilege, with the intention of im- sioned, and while acting as district
peaching President Hoover. In re- judge for the district of Massachusetts,
did on divers and various occasions so
sponse to a point of order, Speak- abuse the powers of his high office and
er Garner held that a question of so misconduct himself as to be guilty of
constitutional privilege or a ques- favoritism, oppression, and judicial
tion of privilege of the House, as misconduct, whereby he has brought
the administration of justice in said
6. 76 CONG. REC. 1965–68, 72d Cong.
2d Sess. 7. Id. at pp. 2041, 2042.


district in the court of which he is diction thereof for the crime with
judge into disrepute by his aforesaid which he is charged, to which he had
misconduct and acts, and is guilty of confessed.
misbehavior and misconduct, falling Fifth. I charge that the said James
under the constitutional provision as A. Lowell did on the said 24th day of
ground for impeachment and removal April 1933 willfully, deliberately, and
from office. viciously attempt to nullify the oper-
Second. I charge that the said James ation of the laws for the punishment of
A. Lowell did knowingly and willfully crime of the State of Virginia and
violate his oath to support the Con- many other States in the Union, not-
stitution in his refusal to comply with withstanding numerous decisions di-
rectly to the contrary by the Supreme
the provisions of article IV, section 2,
Court of the United States, all of which
clause 2, of the Constitution of the
decisions were brought to the attention
United States, wherein it is provided:
of the said judge by the attorney gen-
A person charged in any State eral of Massachusetts and the Com-
with treason, felony, or other crime, monwealth’s attorney of Loudoun
who shall flee from justice and be County, Va., at the time of said action.
found in another State, shall, on de-
mand of the executive authority of Sixth. I further charge that the said
the State from which he fled, be de- James A. Lowell, on the said 24th day
livered up, to be removed to the of April 1933, in rendering said deci-
State having jurisdiction of the sion did use his judicial position for the
crime. unlawful purpose of casting aspersions
upon and attempting to bring disre-
Third. I charge that the said James
pute upon the administration of law in
A. Lowell did, on the 24th day of April,
the Commonwealth of Virginia and
1933, unlawfully, willfully, and con-
various other States in this Union, and
trary to well-established law, order the that in so doing he used the following
discharge from custody of one George language:
Crawford, who had been regularly in-
dicted for first-degree murder in I say this whole thing is absolutely
wrong. It goes against my Yankee
Loudoun County, Va., had confessed common sense to have a case go on
his crime, and whose extradition from trial for 2 or 3 years and then have
the State of Massachusetts had, after the whole thing thrown out by the
full hearing and investigation, been of- Supreme Court.
ficially ordered by Joseph B. Ely, Gov- They say justice is blind. Justice
ernor of the State of Massachusetts. should not be as blind as a bat. In
this case it would be if a writ of ha-
Fourth. I charge that the said James beas corpus were denied.
A. Lowell did deliberately and willfully Why should I send a negro back
by ordering the release of said George from Boston to Virginia, when I
Crawford, unlawfully and contrary to know and everybody knows that the
the law in such cases made and pro- Supreme Court will say that the
trial is illegal? The only persons who
vided, seek to defeat the ends of justice would get any good out of it would
and to prevent the said George be the lawyers.
Crawford from being duly and regu- Governor Ely in signing the extra-
larly tried in the tribunal having juris- dition papers was bound only by the


question of whether the indictment demeanor which in the contemplation

from Virginia is in order. But why of the Constitution requires the inter-
shouldn’t I, sitting here in this court, position of the constitutional powers of
have a different constitutional out-
look from the governor who sits on the House. Said committee shall report
the case merely to see if the indict- its findings to the House, together with
ment satisfies the law in Virginia? such resolution of impeachment or
I keep on good terms with Chief other recommendation as it deems
Justice Rugg, of the Massachusetts proper.
Supreme Court, but I don’t have to Sec. 2. For the purpose of this reso-
keep on good terms with the chief
justice of Virginia, because I don’t lution the committee is authorized to
have to see him. sit and act during the present Con-
I’d rather be wrong on my law gress at such times and places in the
than give my sanction to legal non- District of Columbia and elsewhere,
sense. whether or not the House is sitting,
Seventh. I further charge that the has recessed, or has adjourned, to hold
said James A. Lowell has been arbi- such hearings, to employ such clerical,
trary, capricious, and czarlike in the stenographic, and other assistance, to
administration of the duties of his high require the attendance of such wit-
office and has been grossly and will- nesses and the production of such
fully indifferent to the rights of liti- books, papers, and documents, and to
gants in his court, particularly in the take such testimony, to have such
case of George Crawford against Frank printing and binding done, and to
G. Hale.(8) make such expenditures, not exceeding
$5,000, as it deems necessary.(9)
The charges were referred to
the Committee on the Judiciary. On May 4, 1933, Mr. Smith of-
Mr. Smith then offered House fered House Resolution 132, pro-
Resolution 120, authorizing an in- viding for payment out of the con-
vestigation of such charges, which tingent fund for the expenses of
resolution was adopted by the the Committee on the Judiciary
House: incurred under House Resolution
120. The resolution was referred
Resolved, That the Committee on the
Judiciary is authorized and directed,
to the Committee on Accounts and
as a whole or by subcommittee, to in- was called up by that committee
quire into and investigate the official on May 8, when it was adopted by
conduct of James A. Lowell, a district the House.(10)
judge for the United States District On Feb. 6, 1934, the House
Court for the District of Massachu-
setts, to determine whether in the
agreed to House Resolution 226,
opinion of said committee he has been reported by Mr. Gordon Browning,
guilty of any high crime or mis- of Tennessee, of the Committee on
8. H. JOUR. 205, 206, 73d Cong. 1st 9. Id. at p. 206.
Sess. 10. Id. at pp. 233, 238.


the Judiciary, providing that no mittee took no action on the reso-

further proceedings be had under lution.
House Resolution 120: During debate on the resolution,
Resolved, That no further pro- Mr. Carl E. Mapes, of Michigan,
ceedings be had under H. Res. 120, rose to a point of order against
agreed to April 26, 1933, providing for the resolution, claiming it was not
an investigation of the official conduct privileged because it called for the
of James A. Lowell, United States dis-
trict judge for the district of Massachu-
impeachment of various persons
setts, and that the Committee on the who were no longer U.S. civil offi-
Judiciary be discharged.(11) cers. Speaker Henry T. Rainey, of
Illinois, held that the issue pre-
Charges Against Federal Re- sented was a constitutional ques-
serve Board Members tion upon which the House and
not the Chair should pass.(12)
§ 14.5 After a Member of the
House offered a resolution to Charges Against U.S. District
impeach various members Judge Molyneaux
and former members of the
Federal Reserve Board, and § 14.6 Impeachment of U.S.
Federal Reserve agents, his District Judge Joseph
resolution was referred to Molyneaux was proposed in
the Committee on the Judici- the 73d Congress but not
ary and not acted upon. acted upon by the House or
On May 23, 1933, Mr. Louis T. the Committee on the Judici-
McFadden, of Pennsylvania, rose ary, to which the charges
to a question of constitutional were referred.
privilege and impeached on his On Jan. 22, 1934, Mr. Francis
own responsibility Eugene Meyer, H. Shoemaker, of Minnesota, in-
former member of the Federal Re- troduced House Resolution 233,
serve Board, and a number of authorizing an investigation by
other former members, members, the Committee on the Judiciary
and Federal Reserve agents. His into the official conduct of Mr.
resolution, House Resolution 1458, Molyneaux, a U.S. District Judge
was referred to the Committee on for the District of Minnesota, to
the Judiciary, pursuant to a mo- determine whether he was guilty
tion to refer offered by Mr. Joseph of high crimes or misdemeanors
W. Byrns, of Tennessee. The com-
12. H. JOUR. 298–302, 73d Cong. 1st
11. H. JOUR. 137, 73d Cong. 2d Sess. Sess.


requiring the ‘‘interposition of the tion of ‘‘high constitutional privi-

constitutional powers of the lege’’ and impeached Samuel
House.’’ The resolution was re- Alschuler, U.S. Circuit Judge for
ferred to the Committee on the the seventh circuit. He discussed
Judiciary.(13) his charges (principally that the
The Committee on the Judiciary accused improperly favored a liti-
having taken no action on his res- gant before his court) and offered
olution, Mr. Shoemaker rose to a House Resolution 214, authorizing
an investigation by the Committee
question of constitutional privilege on the Judiciary. The resolution
on Apr. 20, 1934, and impeached was referred on motion of Mr.
Judge Molyneaux on his own re- Hatton W. Sumners, of Texas, to
sponsibility. He offered charges the Committee on the Judici-
and a resolution (H. Res. 344) im- ary.(15)
peaching the judge, which resolu- On Aug. 15, 1935, Mr. Sumners
tion was referred on motion to the reported adversely (H. Rept. No.
Committee on the Judiciary. The 1802) on House Resolution 214, by
resolution charged corruption in direction of the Committee on the
the appointment of receivers, in Judiciary. Mr. Sumners moved to
the disposal of estates, inter- lay the resolution on the table,
ference with justice, and mental and the House agreed to the mo-
senility, and dishonesty. The com- tion.(16)
mittee took no action thereon.(14)
Charges Against Secretary of
Charges Against U.S. Circuit Labor Perkins
Judge Alschuler § 14.8 In the 76th Congress, a
§ 14.7 A Member having im- resolution was offered im-
peached Judge Samuel peaching Secretary of Labor
Alschuler, a Circuit Judge Frances Perkins and two
for the seventh circuit, the other officials of the Depart-
Committee on the Judiciary ment of Labor, and was re-
reported adversely on the ferred on motion to the Com-
resolution authorizing an in- mittee on the Judiciary.
vestigation, and the resolu- On Jan. 24, 1939,(17) a Member
tion was laid on the table. impeached certain officials of the
On May 7, 1935, Mr. Everett M. 15. H. JOUR. 668–71, 74th Cong. 1st
Dirksen, of Illinois, rose to a ques- Sess.
16. Id. at p. 1093.
13. H. JOUR. 87, 73d Cong. 2d Sess. 17. 84 CONG. REC. 702–11, 76th Cong.
14. Id. at p. 423. 1st Sess.


executive branch and introduced a or affiliated with an organization, asso-

resolution authorizing an inves- ciation, society, or group that advises,
advocates, or teaches the overthrow by
tigation: force or violence of the Government of
IMPEACHMENT OF FRANCES PERKINS, the United States, or the unlawful
SECRETARY OF LABOR; JAMES L. damage, injury, or destruction of prop-
HOUGHTELING; AND GERARD D. erty, or sabotage; and that the afore-
said Frances Perkins, James L.
Houghteling, and Gerard D. Reilly
MR. [J. PARNELL] THOMAS of New have unlawfully conspired together to
Jersey: Mr. Speaker, on my own re- release said alien after his arrest on
sponsibility as a Member of the House his own recognizance, without requir-
of Representatives, I impeach Frances ing a bond of not less than $500; and
Perkins, Secretary of Labor of the that said Frances Perkins, James L.
United States; James L. Houghteling, Houghteling, and Gerard D. Reilly and
Commissioner of the Immigration and each of them have committed many
Naturalization Service of the Depart- overt acts to effect the object of said
ment of Labor; and Gerard D. Reilly, conspiracy, all in violation of the Con-
Solicitor of the Department of Labor, stitution of the United States in such
as civil officers of the United States, cases made and provided.
for high crimes and misdemeanors in And I further charge that Frances
violation of the Constitution and laws Perkins, James L. Houghteling, and
of the United States, and I charge that Gerard D. Reilly, as civil officers of the
the aforesaid Frances Perkins, James United States, were and are guilty of
L. Houghteling, and Gerard D. Reilly, high crimes and misdemeanors by un-
lawfully conspiring together to commit
as civil officers of the United States,
offenses against the United States and
were and are guilty of high crimes and
to defraud the United States by caus-
misdemeanors in office in manner and
ing the Strecker case to be appealed to
form as follows, to wit: That they did the Supreme Court of the United
willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously States, and by failing, neglecting, and
conspire, confederate, and agree to- refusing to enforce section 137, United
gether from on or about September 1, States Code, against other aliens ille-
1937, to and including this date, to gally within the United States contrary
commit offenses against the United to the Constitution of the United
States and to defraud the United States and the statutes of the United
States by failing, neglecting, and refus- States in such cases made and pro-
ing to enforce the immigration laws of vided.
the United States, including to wit sec- In support of the foregoing charges
tion 137, title 8, United States Code, and impeachment, I now present a res-
and section 156, title 8, United States olution setting forth specifically, facts,
Code, against Alfred Renton Bryant circumstances, and allegations with a
Bridges, alias Harry Renton Bridges, view to their consideration by a com-
alias Harry Dorgan, alias Canfield, mittee of the House and by the House
alias Rossi, an alien, who advises, ad- itself to determine their truth or fal-
vocates, or teaches and is a member of sity.


Mr. Speaker, I offer the following official conduct of Frances Perkins,

resolution and ask that it be consid- Secretary of Labor; James L.
ered at this time. Houghteling, Commissioner of Immi-
gration and Naturalization Service,
THE SPEAKER: (18) The Clerk will re- Department of Labor; and Gerard D.
port the resolution. Reilly, Solicitor, Department of
The Clerk read as follows: Labor, to determine whether, in its
opinion, they have been guilty of any
HOUSE RESOLUTION 67 high crimes or misdemeanors which,
Whereas Frances Perkins, of New in the contemplation of the Constitu-
tion, requires the interposition of the
York, was nominated by the Presi- constitutional powers of the House.
dent of the United States, confirmed Such committee shall report its find-
by the Senate of the United States, ings to the House, together with
duly qualified and commissioned on such articles of impeachment as the
March 4, 1933, and has since March facts may warrant.
4, 1933, without further nominations
or confirmations, acted as Secretary For the purposes of this resolution
of Labor and as a civil officer of the the committee is authorized and di-
United States. rected to sit and act, during the
present session of Congress, at such
Whereas James L. Houghteling, of times and places in the District of
Illinois, was nominated by the Presi- Columbia, or elsewhere, whether or
dent of the United States, confirmed not the House is sitting, has re-
by the Senate of the United States, cessed, or has adjourned; to hold
duly qualified and commissioned on hearings; to employ such experts and
August 4, 1937, as Commissioner of such clerical, stenographic and other
the Immigration and Naturalization assistance; and to require the at-
Service of the Department of Labor tendance of such witnesses and the
and has since August 4, 1937, with- production of such books, papers,
out further nominations or confirma- and documents; and to take such tes-
tions, acted as Commissioner of the timony and to have such printing
Immigration and Naturalization and binding done; and to make such
Service of the Department of Labor expenditures not exceeding $10,000,
and as a civil officer of the United as it deems necessary.
Whereas Gerard D. Reilly, of Mas- The resolution was referred as
sachusetts, was nominated by the follows:
President of the United States, con-
firmed by the Senate of the United MR. [SAM] RAYBURN [of Texas]: Mr.
States, duly qualified and commis- Speaker, I move that the resolution be
sioned on August 10, 1937, as Solic- referred to the Committee on the Judi-
itor of the Department of Labor, and ciary of the House and upon that I de-
has since August 10, 1937, without sire to say just a word. A great many
further nominations or confirma- suggestions have been made as to what
tions, acted as Solicitor of the De- should be done with this resolution,
partment of Labor and as a civil offi- but I think this would be the orderly
cer of the United States. procedure so that the facts may be de-
Resolved, That the Committee on veloped. The resolution will come out
the Judiciary be and is hereby au- of that committee or remain in it ac-
thorized and directed, as a whole or cording to the testimony adduced.
by subcommittee, to investigate the I therefore move the previous ques-
tion on my motion to refer, Mr. Speak-
18. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). er.


The previous question was ordered. Charges Against U.S. District

The motion was agreed to. Judges Johnson and Watson
§ 14.9 The Committee on the § 14.10 The House authorized
Judiciary agreed unani- the Committee on the Judici-
mously to report adversely ary to investigate allegations
the resolution urging an in- of impeachable offenses
vestigation of Secretary of charged against U.S. District
Labor Frances Perkins and Court Judges Johnson and
the House agreed to a motion Watson but no final report
to lay the resolution on the was submitted.
table. On Jan. 24, 1944, Mr. Hatton
On Mar. 24, 1939,(19) charges of W. Sumners, of Texas, introduced
impeachment against Secretary of House Resolution 406 authorizing
Labor Perkins were finally and an investigation by the Committee
adversely disposed of: on the Judiciary into the conduct
of U.S. District Court Judges Al-
from Pennsylvania. The resolution
MR. [SAM] HOBBS [of Alabama]: Mr. was referred to the Committee on
Speaker, by direction of the Committee the Judiciary. House Resolution
on the Judiciary I present a privileged 407, also introduced by Mr. Sum-
report upon House Resolution 67, ners and providing for the ex-
which I send to the desk. penses of the committee in con-
THE SPEAKER: (20) The Clerk will re- ducting such an investigation, was
port the resolution.
referred to the Committee on the
The Clerk read House Resolution 67.
MR. HOBBS: Mr. Speaker, this is a
unanimous report from the Committee
On Jan. 26, 1944, Mr. Sumners
on the Judiciary adversing this resolu- called up by direction of the Com-
tion. I move to lay the resolution on mittee on the Judiciary House
the table. Resolution 406, authorizing the
THE SPEAKER: The question is on the investigation and the House
motion of the gentleman from Alabama agreed thereto.(2)
to lay the resolution on the table. Parliamentarian’s Note: Exten-
The motion was agreed to. sive hearings, presided over by
Mr. Estes Kefauver, of Tennessee,
19. 84 CONG. REC. 3273, 76th Cong. 1st
Sess. 1. H. JOUR. 46, 78th Cong. 2d Sess.
20. William B. Bankhead (Ala.). 2. Id. at p. 57.


were held relative to the conduct the Judiciary from the fur-
of Judge Johnson. The sub- ther consideration of a reso-
committee report recommended lution impeaching President
impeachment based on evidence of Harry Truman but did not
corrupt practices and acts includ- gain the requisite number of
ing corrupt appointment to court signatures.
offices. Judge Johnson having re-
signed, the Committee on the Ju- On June 17, 1952, Mr. John C.
diciary discontinued the pro- Schafer, of Wisconsin, announced
ceedings. that he was filing a petition to
discharge the Committee on the
Charges Against President Judiciary from the further consid-
Truman eration of House Resolution 614,
impeaching President Truman: (4)
§ 14.11 In the 82d Congress, a
MR. SCHAFER: Mr. Speaker, on April
resolution proposing an in- 28 of this year I introduced House Res-
quiry as to whether Presi- olution 614, to impeach Harry S. Tru-
dent Harry Truman should man, President of the United States, of
be impeached was referred high crimes and misdemeanors in of-
to the Committee on the Ju- fice. This resolution was referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary, which
diciary, which took no action committee has failed to take action
thereon. thereon.
On Apr. 23, 1952,(3) a resolution Thirty legislative days having now
relating to impeachment was re- elapsed since introduction of this reso-
ferred to the Committee on the lution, I today have placed on the
Clerk’s desk a petition to discharge the
Judiciary, which took no action
committee from further consideration
thereon: of the resolution.
By Mr. [George H.] Bender [of In my judgment, developments since
Ohio]: I introduced the Resolution April 28
H. Res. 607. Resolution creating a have immeasurably enlarged and
select committee to inquire and report strengthened the case for impeachment
to the House whether Harry S. Tru- and have added new urgency for such
man, President of the United States, action by this House.
shall be impeached; to the Committee First. Since the introduction of this
on the Judiciary. resolution, the United States Supreme
Court, by a 6-to-3 vote, has held that
§ 14.12 A petition was filed to in his seizure of the steel mills Harry
discharge the Committee on S. Truman, President of the United

3. 98 CONG. REC. 4325, 82d Cong. 2d 4. 98 CONG. REC. 7424, 82d Cong. 2d
Sess. Sess.


States, exceeded his authority and Rule XXVII clause 4, House Rules
powers, violated the Constitution of and Manual § 908 (1973).
the United States, and flouted the ex-
pressed will and intent of the Con-
Charges Against Judges
gress—and, in so finding, the Court
gave unprecedented warnings against Murrah, Chandler, and
the threat to freedom and constitu- Bohanon
tional government implicit in his act.
Second. Despite the President’s tech- § 14.13 A resolution author-
nical compliance with the finding of izing an investigation in the
the Court, prior to the Court decision 89th Congress into the con-
he reasserted his claim to the powers duct of three federal judges
then in question, and subsequent to
was referred to the Com-
that decision he has contemptuously
called into question ‘‘the intention of mittee on Rules but not
the Court’s majority’’ and contemp- acted on.
tuously attributed the limits set on the On Feb. 22, 1966, Mr. H. R.
President’s powers not to Congress, or Gross, of Iowa, introduced House
to the Court, or to the Constitution,
but to ‘‘the Court’s majority.’’
Resolution 739, authorizing the
Third. The Court, in its finding in
Committee on the Judiciary to in-
the steel case, emphasized not only the quire into and investigate the con-
unconstitutionality of the Presidential duct of Alfred Murrah, Chief
seizure but also stressed his failure to Judge of the 10th Circuit, Stephen
utilize and exhaust existing and avail- Chandler, District Judge, Western
able legal resources for dealing with District of Oklahoma, and Luther
the situation, including the Taft-Hart-
Bohanon, District Judge, Eastern,
ley law.
Fourth. The President’s failure and
Northern, and Western Districts
refusal to utilize and exhaust existing of Oklahoma, in order to deter-
and available legal resources for deal- mine whether any of the three
ing with the emergency has persisted judges had been guilty of high
since the Court decision and in spite of crimes or misdemeanors. The res-
clear and unmistakable evidence of the olution was referred to the Com-
will and intent of Congress given in re-
mittee on Rules.(5)
sponse to his latest request for special
legislation authorizing seizure or other Mr. Gross stated the purpose of
special procedures. the resolution as follows:
The discharge petition, No. 14, Mr. Segal, Judge John Biggs, Jr., the
was not signed by a majority of chairman of the judicial conference
committee on court administration,
the Members of the House and
was therefore not eligible for con- 5. 112 CONG. REC. 3665, 89th Cong. 2d
sideration in the House under Sess.


and Mr. Joseph Borkin, Washington ment, the courts, or the Congress
attorney and author of the book, ‘‘The would initiate or suggest a proper legal
Corrupt Judge,’’ were in agreement investigation to clear the air and put
that impeachment is the only remedy an end to this outrageous situation in
available today for action against judi- the judiciary in the 10th circuit.
cial misconduct. There has been no effective action
Both Mr. Borkin and the chairman taken, or even started. Therefore, I am
of the subcommittee emphasized the today instituting the only action avail-
serious problem that has arisen in able to try to get to the bottom of this.
Oklahoma where the Judicial Council I have introduced a House resolution
of the 10th Judicial Circuit made an authorizing and directing the House
attempt to bar Judge Stephen S. Chan- Committee on the Judiciary to inves-
dler from handling cases because it tigate the conduct of the three Federal
was stated he was ‘‘either unwilling or judges in Oklahoma involved in this
unable’’ to perform his judicial func- controversy. Upon its finding of fact,
the House Judiciary Committee would
tions adequately.
be empowered to institute impeach-
Mr. Borkin, a man with an impres-
ment proceedings or make any other
sive background in the study of the recommendations it deems proper.
problems of corruption and misconduct
The committee would also be empow-
in the judiciary, pointed out that Judge
ered to require the attendance of wit-
Chandler, in return, has made serious nesses and the production of such
charges of attempted bribery and other books, papers, and documents—includ-
misconduct against two other judges— ing financial statements, contracts,
Alfred P. Murrah, chief judge, 10th and bank accounts—as it deems nec-
Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals, and Lu- essary.
ther Bohanon, district judge, U.S. Dis- The resolution in no way establishes
trict Court for the Eastern, Northern, the guilt of the principals involved. It
and Western Districts of Oklahoma. is necessary to the launching of an in-
Mr. Borkin stressed that this dispute vestigation for the purpose of deter-
in Oklahoma has been an upsetting mining the facts essential to an intel-
factor in the Federal courts in Okla- ligent conclusion and eliminating the
homa since 1962, and he declared that cloud now hanging over the Federal ju-
these charges should not be permitted diciary.(6)
to stand. He emphasized that there
can be no compromise short of a full
The Committee on Rules took
investigation to clear the judges or to no action on the resolution.
force their removal.
I agree with Mr. Borkin that great Charges Against Associate Su-
damage has been done because the preme Court Justice Douglas
courts, the executive branch, and the
Congress have taken no effective steps § 14.14 When the Minority
to clear up this scandalous situation. I Leader criticized the conduct
have waited patiently for months, and
I have hoped that the Justice Depart- 6. Id. at p. 3653.


of Associate Justice William yielded time to Mr. Andrew Ja-

O. Douglas of the U.S. Su- cobs, Jr., of Indiana, as follows:
preme Court during a special MR. JACOBS: Mr. Speaker, will the
order speech in the 91st Con- gentleman yield for a three-sentence
gress and suggested the cre- statement?
MR. WYMAN: I yield to the gen-
ation of a select committee to
tleman from Indiana.
investigate such conduct to MR. JACOBS: Mr. Speaker, the gen-
determine whether impeach- tleman from Michigan has stated pub-
ment was warranted, an- licly that he favors impeachment of
other Member announced on Justice Douglas.
He, therefore, has a duty to this
the floor that he was intro- House and this country to file a resolu-
ducing a resolution of im- tion of impeachment.
peachment; the resolution Since he refuses to do so and since
was referred to the Com- he raises grave questions, the answers
mittee on the Judiciary. to which I do not know, but every
American is entitled to know, I intro-
On Apr. 15, 1970, Minority duce at this time the resolution of im-
Leader Gerald R. Ford, of Michi- peachment in order that a proper and
gan, took the floor for a special dignified inquiry into this matter
might be held.
order speech in which he criticized
the conduct of Associate Justice At this point Mr. Jacobs intro-
Douglas of the U.S. Supreme duced the resolution by placing it
Court. Mr. Ford suggested that a in the hopper at the Clerk’s desk.
select committee of the House be THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: (8) The
created to investigate such con- gentleman from New Hampshire has
duct in order to determine wheth- the floor.
er impeachment proceedings MR. WYMAN: I did not yield for that
might be warranted.(7) purpose.
Mr. Louis C. Wyman, of New
gentleman from Indiana has intro-
Hampshire, then took the floor duced a resolution.(9)
under a special order speech to
discuss the same subject. He Mr. Jacobs’ resolution, House
Resolution 920, which was re-
7. 116 CONG. REC. 11912–17, 91st ferred to the Committee on the
Cong. 2d Sess. Mr. Ford discussed Judiciary (10) declared:
the standard for impeachable of-
fenses and concluded in part that 8. Charles M. Price (Ill.).
such an offense was ‘‘whatever a ma- 9. 116 CONG. REC. 11920, 91st Cong. 2d
jority of the House of Representa- Sess.
tives considers [it] to be at a given 10. Id. at p. 11942. For a similar resolu-
moment in history.’’ Id. at p. 11913. tion proposed in the 83d Congress,


Resolved, That William O. Douglas, Code (5 U.S.C. 16) prescribes the fol-
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court lowing form of oath which was taken
of the United States be impeached [for] and sworn to by William Orville Doug-
high crimes and misdemeanors and las prior to his accession to incum-
misbehavior in office. bency on the United States Supreme
Other resolutions, all of which
called for the creation of a select I, William Orville Douglas, do sol-
emnly swear that I will support and
committee to conduct an inves- defend the Constitution of the
tigation and to determine whether United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear
impeachment proceedings were true faith and allegiance to the
warranted, were referred to the same; that I take this obligation
Committee on Rules. For example, freely, without any mental reserva-
tion or purpose of evasion, and that
House Resolution 922, introduced I will well and faithfully discharge
by Mr. Wyman, with 24 cospon- the duties of the office on which I am
about to enter. So help me God.
sors, read as follows: (11)
Whereas, the Constitution of the
Whereas, integrity and objectivity in
United States provides in Article III,
respect to issues and causes to be pre-
Section 1, that Justices of the Supreme
sented to the United States Supreme
Court shall hold office only ‘‘during
Court for final determination make it
good behavior’’, and
mandatory that Members thereof re-
Whereas, the Constitution also pro- frain from public advocacy of a position
vides in Article II, Section 4, that Jus- on any matter that may come before
tices of the Supreme Court shall be re- the High Court lest public confidence
moved from Office on Impeachment for in this constitutionally co-equal judi-
High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and cial body be undermined, and
Whereas the Constitution also pro- Whereas, the said William Orville
vides in Article VI that Justices of the Douglas has, on frequent occasions in
Supreme Court shall be bound by published writings, speeches, lectures
‘‘Oath or Affirmation to support this and statements, declared a personal
Constitution’’ and the United States position on issues to come before the
United States Supreme Court indic-
but not acted upon, impeaching Jus- ative of a prejudiced and nonjudicial
tice Douglas, see H. Res. 290, intro- attitude incompatible with good behav-
duced June 17, 1953, 99 CONG. REC. ior and contrary to the requirements of
6760, 83d Cong. 1st Sess. judicial decorum obligatory upon the
11. H. Res. 922 was referred to the Com- Federal judiciary in general and mem-
mittee on Rules. 116 CONG. REC. bers of the United States Supreme
12130, 12131, 91st Cong. 2d Sess., Court in particular, and
Apr. 16, 1970. Whereas, by the aforementioned con-
See also H. Res. 923, H. Res. 924, duct and writings, the said William
H. Res. 925, H. Res. 926, H. Res. Orville Douglas has established him-
927, H. Res. 928, 91st Cong. 2d Sess. self before the public, including liti-


gants whose lives, rights and future People march and protest but they
are seriously affected by decisions of are not heard (ibid, p. 88).
the Court of which the said William Where there is a persistent sense
Orville Douglas is a member, as a par- of futility, there is violence; and that
is where we are today (ibid, p. 56).
tisan advocate and not as a judge, and
The two parties have become al-
Whereas, by indicating in advance of most indistinguishable; and each is
Supreme Court decisions, on the basis controlled by the Establishment. The
of declared, printed, or quoted convic- modern day dissenters and pro-
tions, how he would decide matters in testers are functioning as the loyal
controversy pending and to become opposition functions in England.
pending before the Court of which he They are the mounting voice of polit-
ical opposition to the status quo,
is a member, the said William Orville calling for revolutionary changes in
Douglas has committed the high mis- our institutions. Yet the powers-that-
demeanor of undermining the integrity be faintly echo Adolph Hitler (ibid, p.
of the highest constitutional Court in 57).
America, and has willfully and delib- Yet American protesters need not
erately undermined public confidence be submissive. A speaker who resists
in the said Court as an institution, and arrest is acting as a free man (ibid,
p. 6).
Whereas, contrary to his Oath of Of- We must realize that today’s Es-
fice as well as patently in conflict with tablishment is the new George III.
the Canons of Ethics for the Judiciary Whether it will continue to adhere to
of the American Bar Association, the his tactics, we do not know. If it
said William Orville Douglas neverthe- does, the redress, honored in tradi-
less on February 19, 1970, did publish tion, is also revolution (ibid, p. 95).
and publicly distribute throughout the and thus willfully and deliberately
United States, statements encouraging, fanned the fires of unrest, rebellion, and
aggravating and inciting violence, an- revolution in the United States, and
archy and civil unrest in the form of a Whereas, in the April 1970 issue of
book entitled ‘‘Points of Rebellion’’ in Evergreen Magazine, the said William
which the said William Orville Doug-
Orville Douglas for pay did, while an
las, all the while an incumbent on the
incumbent on the United States Su-
Highest Court of last resort in the
preme Court, publish an article enti-
United States, stated, among other
things, that: tled Redress and Revolution, appearing
on page 41 of said issue immediately
But where grievances pile high following a malicious caricature of the
and most of the elected spokesmen
represent the Establishment, vio- President of the United States as
lence may be the only effective re- George III, as well as photographs of
sponse. (pp. 88–89, ‘‘Points of Rebel- nudes engaging in various acts of sex-
lion,’’ Random House, Inc., February ual intercourse, in which article the
19, 1970, William O. Douglas.) said William Orville Douglas again
The special interests that control wrote for pay that:
government use its powers to favor
themselves and to perpetuate re- George III was the symbol against
gimes of oppression, exploitation, which our Founders made a revolu-
and discrimination against the many tion now considered bright and glo-
(ibid, p. 92). rious. . . . We must realize that to-


day’s Establishment is the new violation of the Logan Act, sponsored

George III. Whether it will continue and financed a ‘‘Pacem in Terris II
to adhere to his tactics, we do not Convocation’’ at Geneva, Switzerland,
know. If it does, the redress, honored
in tradition, is also Revolution. May 28–31, 1967, to discuss foreign af-
fairs and U.S. foreign policy including
and the ‘‘Case of Vietnam’’ and the ‘‘Case of
Whereas, the said William Orville Germany’’, to which Ho Chi Minh was
Douglas, prepared, authored, and re- publicly invited, and all while the
ceived payment for an article which United States was in the midst of war
appeared in the March 1969 issue of in which Communists directed by the
the magazine, Avant Garde, published same Ho Chi Minh were killing Amer-
ican boys fighting to give South Viet-
by Ralph Ginzburg, previously con-
nam the independence and freedom
victed of sending obscene literature
from aggression we had promised that
through the United States Mails, (see
Nation, and from this same Center
383 U.S. 463) at a time when the said
there were paid to the said William
Ralph Ginzburg was actively pursuing
Orville Douglas fees of $500 per day
an appeal from his conviction upon a
for Seminars and Articles, and
charge of malicious libel before the Su-
Whereas, paid activity of this type
preme Court of the United States, yet
by a sitting Justice of the Supreme
nevertheless the said William Orville
Court of the United States is contrary
Douglas, as a sitting member of the
to his Oath of Office to uphold the
Supreme Court of the United States,
United States Constitution, violative
knowing full well his own financial re-
the Canons of Ethics of the American
lationship with this litigant before the
Bar Association and is believed to con-
Court, sat in judgment on the stitute misdemeanors of the most fun-
Ginzburg appeal, all in clear violation damental type in the context in which
and conflict with his Oath of Office, that term appears in the United States
the Canons of Judicial Ethics, and Fed- Constitution (Article II, Section 4) as
eral law (396 U.S. 1049), and well as failing to constitute ‘‘good be-
Whereas, while an incumbent on the havior’’ as that term appears in the
United States Supreme Court the said Constitution (Article III, Section 1),
William Orville Douglas for hire has upon which the tenure of all Federal
served and is reported to still serve as judges is expressly conditioned, and
a Director and as Chairman of the Ex- Whereas, moneys paid to the said
ecutive Committee of the Center for William Orville Douglas from and by
the Study of Democratic Institutions in the aforementioned Center are at least
Santa Barbara, California, a politically as follows: 1962, $900; 1963, $800;
oriented action organization which, 1965, $1,000; 1966, $1,000; 1968,
among other things, has organized na- $1,100; 1969, $2,000; all during tenure
tional conferences designed to seek de- on the United States Supreme Court,
tente with the Soviet Union and openly and all while a Director on a Board of
encouraged student radicalism, and Directors that meets (and met) bian-
Whereas, the said Center for the nually to determine the general poli-
Study of Democratic Institutions, in cies of the Center, and


Whereas, the said William Orville was and is a member, the tenure of the
Douglas, contrary to his sworn obliga- said William Orville Douglas with the
tion to refrain therefrom and in viola- Parvin Foundation being reported to
tion of the Canons of Ethics, has re- have existed since 1960 in the capacity
peatedly engaged in political activity of President, and resulting in the re-
while an incumbent of the High Court, ceipt by the said William Orville Doug-
evidenced in part by his authorization las from the Parvin Foundation of fees
for the use of his name in a recent po- aggregating at least $85,000, all while
litical fund-raising letter, has contin- a member of the United States Su-
ued public advocacy of the recognition preme Court, and all while referring to
of Red China by the United States, has Internal Revenue Service investigation
publicly criticized the military posture of the Parvin Foundation while a Jus-
of the United States, has authored for tice of the United States Supreme
pay several articles on subjects pat- Court as a ‘‘manufactured case’’ in-
ently related to causes pending or to be tended to force him to leave the bench
pending before the United States Su- all while he was still President and Di-
rector of the said Foundation and was
preme Court in Playboy Magazine on
earning a $12,000 annual salary in
such subjects as invasions of privacy
those posts, a patent conflict of inter-
and civil liberties, and most recently
est, and
has expressed in Brazil public criticism
Whereas, it has been repeatedly al-
of United States foreign policy while on
leged that the said William Orville
a visit to Brazil in 1969, plainly de-
Douglas in his position as President of
signed to undermine public confidence
the Parvin Foundation did in fact give
in South and Latin American countries
the said Foundation tax advice, with
in the motives and objectives of the
particular reference to matters known
foreign policy of the United States in by the said William Orville Douglas at
Latin America, and the time to have been under investiga-
Whereas, in addition to the fore- tion by the United States Internal Rev-
going, and while a sitting Justice on enue Service, all contrary to the basic
the Supreme Court of the United legal and judicial requirement that a
States, the said William Orville Doug- Supreme Court Justice may not give
las has charged, been paid and re- legal advice, and particularly not for a
ceived $12,000 per annum as President fee, and
and Director of the Parvin Foundation Whereas, the said William Orville
from 1960 to 1969, which Foundation Douglas has, from time to time over
received substantial income from gam- the past ten years, had dealings with,
bling interests in the Freemont Casino involved himself with, and may actu-
at Las Vegas, Nevada, as well as the ally have received fees and travel ex-
Flamingo at the same location, accom- penses, either directly or indirectly,
panied by innumerable conflicts of in- from known criminals, gamblers, and
terest and overlapping financial ma- gangsters or their representatives and
neuvers frequently involved in litiga- associates, for services, both within the
tion the ultimate appeal from which United States and abroad, and
could only be to the Supreme Court of Whereas, the foregoing conduct on
which the said William Orville Douglas the part of the said William Orville


Douglas while a Justice of the Su- (1) The Speaker of the House shall
preme Court is incompatible with his within fourteen days hereafter appoint
constitutional obligation to refrain a select committee of six Members of
from non-judicial activity of a patently the House, equally divided between the
unethical nature, and majority and the minority parties and
Whereas, the foregoing conduct and shall designate one member to serve as
other activities on the part of the said chairman, which select committee shall
William Orville Douglas while a sitting proceed to investigate and determine
Justice on the United States Supreme whether Associate Justice William
Court, establishes that the said Wil- Orville Douglas has committed high
liam Orville Douglas in the conduct of crimes and misdemeanors as that
his solemn judicial responsibilities has phrase appears in the Constitution, Ar-
become a prejudiced advocate of pre- ticle II, Section 4, or has, while an in-
determined position on matters in con- cumbent, failed to be of the good be-
troversy or to become in controversy havior upon which his Commission as
before the High Court to the dem- said Justice is conditioned by the Con-
onstrated detriment of American juris- stitution, Article III, Section 1. The se-
prudence, and lect committee shall report to the
Whereas, from the foregoing, and House the results of its investigation,
without reference to whatever addi- together with its recommendations on
tional relevant information may be de- this resolution for impeachment of the
veloped through investigation under said William Orville Douglas not later
oath, it appears that the said William than ninety days following the designa-
Orville Douglas, among other things, tion of its full membership by the
has sat in judgment on a case involv- Speaker.
ing a party from whom the said Wil- (2) For the purpose of carrying out
liam Orville Douglas to his knowledge this resolution the committee, or any
received financial gain, as well as that subcommittee thereof, is authorized to
the said William Orville Douglas for sit and act during the present Con-
personal financial gain, while a mem- gress at such times and places within
ber of the United States Supreme the United States whether the House
Court, has encouraged violence to alter is sitting, has recessed, or has ad-
the present form of government of the journed, to hold such hearings, and to
United States of America, and has re- require by subpena or otherwise, the
ceived and accepted substantial finan- attendance and testimony of such wit-
cial compensation from various sources nesses and the production of such
for various duties incompatible with books, records, correspondence, memo-
his judicial position and constitutional randums, papers, and documents as it
obligation, and has publicly and re- deems necessary. Subpenas may be
peatedly, both orally and in writings, issued under the signature of the
declared himself a partisan on issues chairman of the committee or any
pending or likely to become pending member of the committee designated
before the Court of which he is a mem- by him, and may be served by any per-
ber: Now, therefore, be it son designated by such chairman or
Resolved, That— member.


Parliamentarian’s Note: On Apr. scope of its authority was set out

24, 1970, Chairman William M. on the first page of the report:
Colmer, of Mississippi, of the I. AUTHORITY
Committee on Rules stated that
On April 21, 1970, the Committee on
pursuant to the statement of the Judiciary adopted a resolution to
Emanuel Celler, of New York, authorize the appointment of a Special
Chairman of the Committee on Subcommittee on H. Res. 920, a resolu-
the Judiciary, that the latter com- tion impeaching William O. Douglas,
mittee would hold hearings and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
of the United States, of high crimes
take action on the impeachment and misdemeanors in office. Pursuant
within 60 days, he would not pro- to this resolution, the following mem-
gram for consideration by the bers were appointed: Emanuel Celler
Committee on Rules the resolu- (New York), Chairman; Byron G. Rog-
tions creating a select committee ers (Colorado); Jack Brooks (Texas);
William M. McCulloch (Ohio); and Ed-
to study the charges of impeach- ward Hutchinson (Michigan).
ment. The Special Subcommittee on H.
Res. 920 is appointed and operates
§ 14.15 A subcommittee of the under the Rules of the House of Rep-
Committee on the Judiciary resentatives. Rule XI, 13(f) empowers
investigated charges of im- the Committee on the Judiciary to act
peachable offenses against on all proposed legislation, messages,
petitions, memorials, or other matters
Associate Justice William O. relating to ‘‘. . . Federal courts and
Douglas and issued an in- judges.’’ In the 91st Congress, Rule XI
terim report. has been implemented by H. Res. 93,
On June 20, 1970, the special February 5, 1969. H. Res. 93 author-
izes the Committee on the Judiciary,
subcommittee of the Committee acting as a whole or by subcommittee,
on the Judiciary on House Resolu- to conduct full and complete investiga-
tion 920, impeaching Associate tions and studies on the matters com-
Justice Douglas, issued an interim ing within its jurisdiction, specifically
‘‘. . . (4) relating to judicial pro-
report on the progress of its inves-
ceedings and the administration of
tigation of the charges.(12) The cre- Federal courts and personnel thereof,
ation of the subcommittee and including local courts in territories and
12. First report by the special sub- H. Res. 93 empowers the Committee
committee on H. Res. 920 of the to issue subpenas, over the signature
Committee on the Judiciary, com- of the Chairman of the Committee or
mittee print, 91st Cong; 2d Sess., any Member of the Committee des-
June 20, 1970. ignated by him. Subpenas issued by


the Committee may be served by any resolution impeaching William O.

person designated by the Chairman or Douglas, Associate Justice of the Su-
such designated Member. preme Court of the United States, of
On April 28, 1970, the Special Sub- high crimes and misdemeanors in of-
committee on H. Res. 920 held its or- fice, hereby is authorized and directed
ganization meeting, appointed staff, to obtain and inspect from the Internal
and adopted procedures to be applied Revenue Service any and all materials
during the investigation. Although the and information relevant to its inves-
power to issue subpenas is available, tigation in the files of the Internal
and the Subcommittee is prepared to Revenue Service, including tax re-
use subpenas if necessary to carry out turns, investigative reports, or other
this investigation, thus far all potential
documents, that the Special Sub-
witnesses have been cooperative and it
committee to consider H. Res. 920 de-
has not been necessary to employ this
investigatory tool. The Special Sub- termines to be within the scope of H.
committee operates under procedures Res. 920 and the various related reso-
established in paragraph 27, Rules of lutions that have been introduced into
Committee Procedure, of Rule XI of the the House of Representatives.
House of Representatives. These proce- The Special Subcommittee on H.
dures will be followed until additional Res. 920 is authorized to make such
rules are adopted, which, on the basis requests to the Internal Revenue Serv-
of precedent in other impeachment ice as the Subcommittee determines to
proceedings, are determined by the be appropriate, and the Subcommittee
Special Subcommittee to be appro- is authorized to amend its requests to
priate. designate such additional persons, tax-
The subcommittee held no hear- payers, tax returns, investigative re-
ings but gathered information on ports, and other documents as the Sub-
committee determines to be appro-
the various charges contained in priate during the course of this inves-
House Resolution 922. As stated tigation.
in the report, the subcommittee The Special Subcommittee on H.
requested inspection of tax re- Res. 920 may designate agents to ex-
turns of Justice Douglas. Pursu- amine and receive information from
ant to advice by the Internal Rev- the Internal Revenue Service.
enue Service that a special resolu- This resolution specifically author-
tion of the full committee would izes and directs the Special Sub-
be required, as well as an execu- committee to obtain and inspect from
the Internal Revenue Service the docu-
tive order by the President, the ments and other file materials de-
committee adopted the following scribed in the letter dated May 12,
resolution on May 26, 1970: 1970, from Chairman Emanuel Celler
to the Honorable Randolph Thrower.
The tax returns for the following tax-
payers, and the returns for such addi-
RESOLUTION 920 tional taxpayers as the Subcommittee
Resolved, That the Special Sub- subsequently may request, are in-
committee to consider H. Res. 920, a cluded in this resolution:


Associate Justice William O. Doug- Supreme Court of the United States.

las, Supreme Court of the United Whenever a return is open to inspec-
States, Washington, D. C. 20036. tion by such Committee or sub-
Albert Parvin, 1900 Avenue of the committee, a copy thereof shall, upon
Stars, Suite 1790, Century City,
Calif. 90067. request, be furnished to such Com-
Albert Parvin Foundation, c/o Ar- mittee or subcommittee. Such inspec-
nold & Porter, 1229–19th Street, N. tion shall be in accordance and upon
W., Washington, D.C. 20036. compliance with the rules and regula-
The Center for the Study of Demo- tions prescribed by the Secretary of the
cratic Institutions, Box 4068, Santa Treasury in Treasury Decisions 6132
Barbara, Calif. 93103.
and 6133, relating to the inspection of
Fund for the Republic, 136 East
57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022. returns by committees of the Congress,
Parvin-Dohrmann Corp., (Now approved by the President on May 3,
Recrion Corp.), 120 N. Robertson 1955.(14)
Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90048.(13)
The subcommittee rec-
The President subsequently ommended in its first report that
issued the following executive the Committee on the Judiciary
order: authorize an additional 60 days
INSPECTION OF TAX RETURNS BY THE for the subcommittee to complete
COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, its investigation.(15)
§ 14.16 In its final report on its
By virtue of the authority vested in
me by sections 55(a) and 1604(c) of the
investigation into charges of
Internal Revenue Code of 1939, as impeachment against Asso-
amended (26 U.S.C. (1952 ea.) 55(a), ciate Justice William O.
1604(c)), and by sections 6103(a) and Douglas, a subcommittee of
6106 of the Internal Revenue Code of the Committee on the Judici-
1954, as amended (26 U.S.C. 6103(a),
ary concluded that a federal
6106), it is hereby ordered that any in-
come, excess-profits, estate, gift, unem- judge could be impeached (1)
ployment, or excise tax return, includ- for judicial conduct which is
ing all reports, documents, or other criminal or which is a seri-
factual data relating thereto, shall, ous dereliction from public
during the Ninety-first Congress, be duty, and (2) for nonjudicial
open to inspection by the Committee
on the Judiciary, House of Representa-
conduct which is criminal;
tives, or any duly authorized sub- the subcommittee rec-
committee thereof, in connection with ommended that the evidence
its consideration of House Resolution
920, a resolution impeaching William 14. Exec. Order No. 11535, issued June
O. Douglas, Associate Justice of the 12, 1970, subcommittee report at p.
13. Subcommittee report at pp. 18, 19. 15. Subcommittee report at pp. 25, 26.


against Justice Douglas did The report discussed concepts of

not warrant impeachment. impeachment and grounds for im-
On Sept. 17, 1970, the Special peachment of federal civil officers
Subcommittee on House Resolu- and of federal judges in par-
tion 920 of the Committee on the ticular. The report concluded as
Judiciary, which subcommittee follows on the grounds for im-
had been created by the com- peachment of a federal judge:
mittee to investigate and report Reconciliation of the differences be-
on charges of impeachment tween the concept that a judge has a
right to his office during ‘‘good behav-
against Associate Justice Douglas
ior’’ and the concept that the legisla-
of the Supreme Court, submitted ture has a duty to remove him if his
its final report to the com- conduct constitutes a ‘‘misdemeanor’’ is
mittee.(16) facilitated by distinguishing conduct
The report cited the 60-day ex- that occurs in connection with the ex-
ercise of his judicial office from conduct
tension granted the subcommittee
that is non-judicially connected. Such a
by the Committee on the Judici- distinction permits recognition that the
ary on June 24, 1970, to complete content of the word ‘‘misdemeanor’’ for
its investigation. The report sum- conduct that occurs in the course of ex-
marized the further investigation ercise of the power of the judicial office
undertaken during the 60-day pe- includes a broader spectrum of action
than is the case when nonjudicial ac-
riod and the additional requests tivities are involved.
for information from the Depart- When such a distinction is made, the
ment of State, the Central Intel- two concepts on the necessity for judi-
ligence Agency, and various indi- cial conduct to be criminal in nature to
viduals.(17) be subject to impeachment becomes de-
fined and may be reconciled under the
16. Final report by the Special Sub- overriding requirement that to be a
committee on H. Res. 920 of the ‘‘misdemeanor,’’ and hence impeach-
Committee on the Judiciary, com- able, conduct must amount to a serious
mittee print, Committee on the Judi- dereliction of an obligation owed to so-
ciary, 91st Cong. 2d Sess., Sept. 17, ciety.
1970. To facilitate exposition, the two con-
17. The subcommittee issued on Aug. 11, cepts may be summarized as follows:
1970, a special subcommittee publi- Both concepts must satisfy the re-
cation entitled ‘‘Legal Materials on quirements of Article II, Section 4,
Impeachment,’’ containing briefs on that the challenged activity must
the impeachment of Justice Douglas, constitute ‘‘. . . Treason, Bribery or
High Crimes and Misdemeanors.’’
information from the Library of Con- Both concepts would allow a judge
gress, and relevant extracts from to be impeached for acts which occur
Hinds’ and Cannon’s Precedents. in the exercise of judicial office that


(1) involve criminal conduct in viola- Concept I

tion of law, or (2) that involve seri-
ous dereliction from public duty, but 1. Criminal conduct.
not necessarily in violation of posi- Concept II
tive statutory law or forbidden by
the common law. . . . When such 1. Criminal conduct.
misbehavior occurs in connection 2. Serious dereliction from public
with the federal office, actual crimi- duty.
nal conduct should not be a requisite
to impeachment of a judge or any Chapter III, Disposition of Charges
other federal official. While such con- sets forth the Special Subcommittee’s
duct need not be criminal, it none- analysis of the charges that involve ac-
theless must be sufficiently serious tivities of Associate Justice William O.
to be offenses [sic] against good mor- Douglas. Under this analysis it is not
als and injurious to the social body.
necessary for the members of the Judi-
Both concepts would allow a judge
to be impeached for conduct not con- ciary Committee to choose between
nected with the duties and respon- Concept I and II.(18)
sibilities of the judicial office which
involve criminal acts in violation of The subcommittee’s rec-
law. ommendation to the full com-
The two concepts differ only with mittee read as follows:
respect to impeachability of judicial
behavior not connected with the du- IV. RECOMMENDATIONS OF SPECIAL
ties and responsibilities of the judi- SUBCOMMITTEE TO JUDICIARY COM-
cial office. Concept 2 would define
‘‘misdemeanor’’ to permit impeach-
ment for serious derelictions of pub- 1. It is not necessary for the mem-
lic duty but not necessarily viola- bers of the Judiciary Committee to
tions of statutory or common law.
take a position on either of the con-
In summary, an outline of the two cepts of impeachment that are dis-
concepts would look this way: cussed in Chapter II.
A judge may be impeached for ‘‘. . . 2. Intensive investigation of the Spe-
Treason, Bribery, or High Crimes or cial Subcommittee has not disclosed
creditable evidence that would warrant
A. Behavior, connected with judicial
preparation of charges on any accept-
office or exercise of judicial power.
able concept of an impeachable of-
Concept I
1. Criminal conduct. EMANUEL CELLER,
2. Serious dereliction from public BYRON G. ROGERS,

Concept II 18. Special subcommittee report at pp.

1. Criminal conduct. 37–39. For the entire portion of the
2. Serious dereliction from public subcommittee report entitled ‘‘Con-
duty. cepts of Impeachment’’, see § 3.13,
B. Behavior not connected with the supra.
duties and responsibilities of the judi- 19. Special subcommittee report at p.
cial office. 349.


The report included minority only to the question of impeachment.

views of Mr. Edward Hutchinson, Admittedly no investigation has been
undertaken to determine whether
of Michigan, stating (1) that the
some of the Justice’s activities, if not
portion of the report on concepts impeachable, seem so improper as to
of impeachment was mere dicta merit congressional censure or other
under the circumstances and (2) official criticism by the House. There is
that the investigation was incom- considerable precedent for censure or
plete and should have been fur- other official rebuke even though a
ther pursued, not only as to im- particular activity, while improper,
was found not impeachable. This Sub-
peachment for improper conduct committee, however, did not inves-
but also as to other action such as tigate with the thoroughness requisite
censure or official rebuke: for judging questionable activities
The report contains a chapter on the short of impeachment. The majority
Concepts of Impeachment. At the same concludes that it finds no grounds for
time, it takes the position that it is un- impeachment and stops there. In my
necessary to choose among the con- opinion, it should have pursued the
cepts mentioned because it finds no matter further. (20)
impeachable offense under any. It is The Committee on the Judiciary
evident, therefore, that while a discus-
sion of the theory of impeachment is
discontinued further proceedings
interesting, it is unnecessary to a reso- against Justice Douglas, and the
lution of the case as the Subcommittee matter was not further considered
views it. This chapter on Concepts is by the House.(1)
nothing more than dicta under the cir-
cumstances. Certainly the Sub- Charges Against Vice Presi-
committee should not even indirectly
narrow the power of the House to im-
dent Agnew
peach through a recitation of two or
three theories and a very apparent
§ 14.17 The Speaker laid before
choice of one over the others, while at the House in the 93d Con-
the same time asserting that no choice
is necessary. The Subcommittee’s re- 20. Id. at pp. 351, 352.
port adopts the view that a Federal 1. For remarks on the final sub-
judge cannot be impeached unless he is committee report and the Judiciary
found to have committed a crime, or a Committee’s failure to act on the
serious indiscretion in his judicially final report, see 116 CONG. REC.
connected activities. Although it is 43147, 43148, 91st Cong. 2d Sess.,
purely dicta, inclusion of this chapter Dec. 21, 1970 (remarks of Mr. David
in the report may be mischievous since W. Dennis [Ind.]). For the minority
it might unjustifiably restrict the scope views on the report of Mr. Hutch-
of further investigation. inson, printed in the Record, see 116
The Subcommittee’s report, which is CONG. REC. 43486, 91st Cong. 2d
called a final report, addresses itself Sess., Dec. 22, 1970.


gress a communication from After the most careful study, my

counsel have advised me that the
Vice President Spiro Agnew Constitution bars a criminal pro-
requesting the House to ini- ceeding of any kind—federal or state,
tiate an investigation of county or town—against a President
or Vice President while he holds of-
charges which might ‘‘as- fice.
sume the character of im- Accordingly, I cannot acquiesce in
any criminal proceeding being lodged
peachable offenses,’’ made against me in Maryland or else-
against him during an inves- where. And I cannot look to any such
tigation by a U.S. Attorney, proceeding for vindication.
In these circumstances, I believe,
and offering the House full it is the right and duty of the Vice
cooperation in such a House President to turn to the House. A
closely parallel precedent so sug-
investigation. No action was gests.
taken on the request. Almost a century and a half ago,
Vice President Calhoun was beset
On Sept. 25, 1973,(2) Speaker with charges of improper participa-
Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, laid be- tion in the profits of an Army con-
fore the House a communication tract made while he had been Sec-
from Vice President Agnew re- retary of War. On December 29,
1826, he addressed to your Body a
questing that the House inves- communication whose eloquent lan-
tigate certain charges brought guage I can better quote than rival:
against him by a U.S. Attorney: ‘‘An imperious sense of duty, and a
sacred regard to the honor of the sta-
The Speaker laid before the House tion which I occupy, compel me to
the following communication from the approach your body in its high char-
Vice President of the United States: acter of grand inquest of the nation.
THE VICE PRESIDENT, ‘‘Charges have been made against
Washington, September 25, 1973. me of the most serious nature, and
Hon. CARL ALBERT, which, if true ought to degrade me
Speaker of the House of Representa- from the high station in which I
tives, the House of Representa- have been placed by the choice of my
tives, Washington, D.C. fellow-citizens, and to consign my
DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I respectfully name to perpetual infamy.
request that the House of Represent- ‘‘In claiming the investigation of
atives undertake a full inquiry into the House, I am sensible that, under
the charges which have apparently our free and happy institutions, the
been made against me in the course conduct of public servants is a fair
of an investigation by the United subject of the closest scrutiny and
States Attorney for the District of the freest remarks, and that a firm
Maryland. and faithful discharge of duty af-
This request is made in the dual fords, ordinarily, ample protection
interests of preserving the Constitu- against political attacks; but, when
tional stature of my Office and ac- such attacks assume the character of
complishing my personal vindication. impeachable offenses, and become, in
some degree, official, by being placed
among the public records, an officer
2. 119 CONG. REC. 31368, 93d Cong. 1st thus assailed, however base the in-
Sess. strument used, if conscious of inno-


cence, can look for refuge only to the jury could fairly consider this matter
Hall of the immediate Representa- on the merits.
tives of the People.’’ I therefore respectfully call upon
Vice President Calhoun concluded the House to discharge its Constitu-
his communication with a ‘‘chal- tional obligation.
lenge’’ to ‘‘the freest investigation of I shall, of course, cooperate fully.
the House, as the only means effec- As I have said before, I have nothing
tively to repel this premeditated at- to hide. I have directed my counsel
tack.’’ Your Body responded at once to deliver forthwith to the Clerk of
by establishing a select committee, the House all of my original records
which subpoenaed witnesses and of which copies have previously been
documents, held exhaustive hear- furnished to the United States Attor-
ings, and submitted a Report on Feb- ney. If there is any other way in
ruary 13, 1827. The Report, exon- which I can be of aid, I am wholly at
erating the Vice President of any the disposal of the House.
wrongdoing, was laid on the table I am confident that, like Vice
(together with minority views even President Calhoun, I shall be vindi-
more strongly in his favor) and the cated by the House.
accusations were thereby put to rest. Respectfully yours
Like my predecessor Calhoun I am SPIRO T. AGNEW.
the subject of public attacks that
may ‘‘assume the character of im- On Sept. 26, 1973,(3) Majority
peachable offenses,’’ and thus re- Leader Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr., of
quire investigation by the House as Massachusetts, made an an-
the repository of ‘‘the sole Power of
Impeachment’’ and the ‘‘grand in- nouncement in relation to Vice
quest of the nation.’’ No investiga- President Agnew’s request for an
tion in any other forum could either
substitute for the investigation by investigation into possible im-
the House contemplated by Article I, peachable offenses against him:
Section 2, Clause 5 of the Constitu-
tion or lay to rest in a timely and de- (Mr. O’Neill asked and was given
finitive manner the unfounded permission to address the House for 1
charges whose currency unavoidably minute and to revise and extend his
jeopardizes the functions of my Of- remarks.)
MR. O’NEILL: Mr. Speaker, I rise at
The wisdom of the Framers of the
Constitution in making the House this time merely to make an announce-
the only proper agency to investigate ment to the House that in the press
the conduct of a President or Vice conference the Speaker made the fol-
President has been borne out by re- lowing statement:
cent events. Since the Maryland in-
vestigation became a matter of pub- The Vice President’s letter relates
lic knowledge some seven weeks ago, to matters before the courts. In view
there has been a constant and ever- of that fact, I, as Speaker, will not
broadening stream of rumors, accu- take any action on the letter at this
sations and speculations aimed at time.
me. I regret to say that the source, The House took no action on the
in many instances, can have been
only the prosecutors themselves. Vice President’s request, although
The result has been so to foul the
atmosphere that no grand or petit 3. Id. at p. 31453.


resolutions were introduced on cer under the United States. The

Sept. 26, 1973, calling for inves- committee had investigated
tigation of the charges referred to whether Vice President Colfax
by the Vice President, such had, during his prior term as
charges to be investigated by the Speaker of the House, been in-
Committee on the Judiciary or by volved in bribes of Members. As
a select committee.(4) reported in 3 Hinds’ Precedents
Parliamentarian’s Note: The re- § 2510, the committee concluded
quest cited by the Vice President as follows in its report to the
in his letter was made by Vice House:
President John Calhoun in 1826 But we are to consider, taking the
and is discussed at 3 Hinds’ harshest construction of the evidence,
Precedents § 1736. On that occa- whether the receipt of a bribe by a per-
sion, the alleged charges related son who afterwards becomes a civil of-
to the Vice President’s former ten- ficer of the United States, even while
holding another official position, is an
ure as Secretary of War. The com- act upon which an impeachment can
munication was referred on mo- be grounded to subject him to removal
tion to a select committee which from an office which he afterwards
investigated the charges and sub- holds. To elucidate this we first turn to
sequently reported to the House the precedents.
that no impropriety had been Your committee find that in all cases
found in the Vice President’s of impeachment or attempted impeach-
ment under our Constitution there is
former conduct as a civil officer no instance where the accusation was
under the United States. The re- not in regard to an act done or omitted
port of the select committee was to be done while the officer was in of-
ordered to lie on the table and the fice. In every case it has been here-
House took no further action tofore considered material that the ar-
thereon. ticles of impeachment should allege in
substance that, being such officer, and
In 1873, however, the Com- while in the exercise of the duties of
mittee on the Judiciary reported his office, the accused committed the
that a civil officer, in that case acts of alleged inculpation.
Vice President Schuyler Colfax, Vice President Agnew resigned
could not be impeached for of- his office as Vice President on
fenses allegedly committed prior Oct. 10, 1973. A resolution of in-
to his term of office as a civil offi- quiry (H. Res. 572), referred to
4. See H. Res. 566, H. Res. 567, H. Res. the Committee on the Judiciary
569, H. Res. 570, referred to the on Oct. 1, 1973, and directing the
Committee on Rules. Attorney General to inform the


House of facts relating to Vice Committee Print, 93d Cong. 2d Sess.,

President Agnew’s conduct, was Jan. 1974.
discharged by unanimous consent
on Oct. 10, 1973, and laid on the
table.(5) Introduction of Impeachment
Charges Against the Presi-
§ 15. Impeachment Pro- § 15.1 Various resolutions were
ceedings Against Presi- introduced in the 93d Con-
dent Nixon gress, first session, relating
to the impeachment of Presi-
Cross Reference dent Richard M. Nixon, some
Portions of the final report of the Com- directly calling for his cen-
mittee on the Judiciary, pursuant to sure or impeachment and
its investigation into the conduct of the
some calling for an investiga-
President, relating to grounds for Pres-
idential impeachment and forms of ar- tion by the Committee on the
ticles of impeachment, see § § 3.3, 3.7, Judiciary or by a select com-
3.8, supra. mittee; the former were re-
Collateral References
ferred to the Committee on
the Judiciary and the latter
Debate on Articles of Impeachment, were referred to the Com-
Hearings of the Committee on the Ju-
diciary pursuant to House Resolution mittee on Rules.
803, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., July 24, 25, On Oct. 23, 1973, resolutions
26, 27, 29, and 30, 1974. calling for the impeachment of
Impeachment of Richard M. Nixon, President Nixon or for investiga-
President of the United States, Report tions towards that end were intro-
of the Committee on the Judiciary, H. duced in the House by their being
REPT. No. 93-1305, 93d Cong. 2d Sess.,
placed in the hopper pursuant to
Aug. 20, 1974, printed in full in the
Congressional Record, 120 CONG. REC.
Rule XXII clause 4. The resolu-
29219-361, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. tions were referred as follows:
20, 1974. By Mr. Long of Maryland:
Impeachment, Selected Materials, Com-
H. Con. Res. 365. Concurrent resolu-
mittee on the Judiciary, H. Doc. No. tion of censureship without prejudice
93-7, 93d Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 1973. to impeachment; to the Committee on
Impeachment, Selected Materials on Pro- the Judiciary.
cedure, Committee on the Judiciary,
By Ms. Abzug:
5. 119 CONG. REC. 33687, 93d Cong. 1st H. Res. 625. Resolution impeaching
Sess. Richard M. Nixon, President of the


United States, for high crimes and H. Res. 632. Resolution to appoint a
misdemeanors; to the Committee on Special Prosecutor; to the Committee
the Judiciary. on the Judiciary. . . .
By Mr. Ashley: By Mr. McCloskey:
H. Res. 626. Resolution directing the H. Res. 634. Resolution of inquiry; to
Committee on the Judiciary to inves- the Committee on the Judiciary.
tigate whether there are grounds for H. Res. 635. Resolution for the im-
the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon; peachment of Richard M. Nixon; to the
to the Committee on Rules. Committee on the Judiciary.
By Mr. Bingham: By Mr. Mazzoli:
H. Res. 627. Resolution directing the H. Res. 636. Resolution: an inquiry
Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the existence of grounds for the
into and investigate whether grounds impeachment of Richard M. Nixon,
exist for the impeachment of Richard President of the United States; to the
M. Nixon; to the Committee on Rules. Committee on Rules.
By Mr. Burton (for himself, Ms. By Mr. Milford:
Abzug, Mr. Anderson of Cali-
H. Res. 637. Resolution providing for
fornia, Mr. Aspin, Mr. Bergland,
the establishment of an Investigative
Mr. Bingham, Mr. Brasco, Mr.
Committee to investigate alleged Presi-
Brown of California, Mr. Boland,
dential misconduct; to the Committee
Mr. Brademas, Mrs. Chisholm,
on Rules.
Mr. Culver, Mr. Conyers, Mr.
Dellums, Mr. Drinan, Mr. By Mr. Mitchell of Maryland (for
Eckhardt, Mr. Edwards of Cali- himself, Mr. Burton, and Mr.
fornia, Mr. Evans of Colorado, Fauntroy):
Mr. Fascell, Mr. Fauntroy, Mr.
H. Res. 638. Resolution impeaching
Foley, Mr. William D. Ford, Mr.
Richard M. Nixon, President of the
Fraser, Mr. Giaimo, and Ms. United States, of high crimes and mis-
Grasso): demeanors; to the Committee on the
H. Res. 628. Resolution directing the Judiciary.(6)
Committee on the Judiciary to inquire
into and investigate whether grounds 6. 119 CONG. REC. 34873, 93d Cong. 1st
exist for the impeachment of Richard Sess.
M. Nixon; to the Committee on Rules. The first resolution in the 93d
. . . Congress calling for President Nix-
By Mr. Hechler of West Virginia: on’s impeachment was introduced by
Mr. Robert F. Drinan (Mass.), on
H. Res. 631. Resolution that Richard July 31, 1973, H. Res. 513, 93d
M. Nixon, President of the United Cong. 1st Sess. (placed in hopper
States, is impeached of high crimes and referred to Committee on the
and misdemeanors; to the Committee Judiciary).
on the Judiciary.
In the 92d Congress, second ses-
By Mrs. Heckler of Massachusetts: sion, resolutions were introduced im-


Parliamentarian’s Note: The mittee reported and called

resolutions were introduced fol- up as privileged a subse-
lowing the President’s dismissal of quent resolution specifically
Special Prosecutor Cox, of the Wa- mandating an impeachment
tergate Special Prosecution Force investigation and continuing
investigating Presidential cam-
the availability of funds, in
paign activities, and the resigna-
tion of Attorney General Richard- order to confirm the delega-
son.(7) tion of authority from the
House to that committee to
Authority for Judiciary Com- conduct the investigation.
mittee Investigation On Feb. 6, 1974, Peter W. Ro-
dino, Jr., of New Jersey, Chair-
§ 15.2 Although the House had man of the Committee on the Ju-
adopted a resolution author- diciary, called up for immediate
izing the Committee on the consideration House Resolution
Judiciary, to which had been 803, authorizing the committee to
referred resolutions im- investigate the sufficiency of
peaching President Richard grounds for the impeachment of
M. Nixon, to conduct inves- President Nixon, which resolution
tigations (with subpena had been reported by the com-
power) within its jurisdiction mittee on Feb. 1, 1974.
as such jurisdiction was de- The resolution read as follows:
fined in Rule XI clause 13, H. RES. 803
and although the House had Resolved, That the Committee on the
adopted a resolution in- Judiciary, acting as a whole or by any
tended to fund expenses of subcommittee thereof appointed by the
chairman for the purposes hereof and
the impeachment inquiry by in accordance with the rules of the
the committee, the com- committee, is authorized and directed
to investigate fully and completely
peaching the President for his con- whether sufficient grounds exist for
duct of the Vietnam conflict. See H. the House of Representatives to exer-
Res. 976 and H. Res. 989, 92d Cong. cise its constitutional power to im-
2d Sess. peach Richard M. Nixon, President of
the United States of America. The
7. Comments were delivered in the
committee shall report to the House of
House on Oct. 23, 1973, on actions of Representatives such resolutions, arti-
the President. See, for example, the cles of impeachment, or other rec-
comments of Majority Leader Thom- ommendations as it deems proper.
as P. O’Neill, Jr. (Mass.), at 119 Sec. 2. (a) For the purpose of making
CONG. REC. 34819, 93d Cong. 1st such investigation, the committee is
Sess. authorized to require—


(1) by subpena or otherwise— photographs, reproductions, recordings,

(A) the attendance and testimony of tapes, transcripts, printouts, data com-
any person (including at a taking of a pilations from which information can
deposition by counsel for the com- be obtained (translated if necessary,
mittee); and through detection devices into reason-
(B) the production of such things; ably usable form), tangible objects, and
and other things of any kind.
(2) by interrogatory, the furnishing Sec. 3. For the purpose of making
of such information; as it deems nec- such investigation, the committee, and
essary to such investigation. any subcommittee thereof, are author-
(b) Such authority of the committee ized to sit and act, without regard to
may be exercised— clause 31 of rule XI of the Rules of the
(1) by the chairman and the ranking House of Representatives, during the
minority member acting jointly, or, if present Congress at such times and
either declines to act, by the other act- places within or without the United
ing alone, except that in the event ei- States, whether the House is meeting,
ther so declines, either shall have the has recessed, or has adjourned, and to
right to refer to the committee for deci- hold such hearings, as it deems nec-
sion the question whether such author- essary.
ity shall be so exercised and the com- Sec. 4. Any funds made available to
mittee shall be convened promptly to the Committee on the Judiciary under
render that decision; or House Resolution 702 of the Ninety-
(2) by the committee acting as a third Congress, adopted November 15,
whole or by subcommittee. Subpenas 1973, or made available for the pur-
and interrogatories so authorized may pose hereafter, may be expended for
be issued over the signature of the the purpose of carrying out the inves-
chairman, or ranking minority mem- tigation authorized and directed by
ber, or any member designated by ei- this resolution.
ther of them, and may be served by Mr. Rodino and Mr. Edward
any person designated by the chair-
Hutchinson, of Michigan, the
man, or ranking minority member, or
any member designated by either of ranking minority member of the
them. The chairman, or ranking minor- Committee on the Jucliciary, ex-
ity member, or any member designated plained the purpose of the resolu-
by either of them (or, with respect to tion, which had been adopted
any deposition, answer to interrog- unanimously by the committee, as
atory, or affidavit, any person author-
ized by law to administer oaths) may
administer oaths to any witness. For MR. RODINO: Mr. Speaker, I yield
the purposes of this section, ‘‘things’’ myself such time as I may consume.
includes, without limitation, books, Mr. Speaker, the English statesman
records, correspondence, logs, journals, Edmund Burke said, in addressing an
memorandums, papers, documents, important constitutional question,
writings, drawings, graphs, charts, more than 200 years ago:


We stand in a situation very hon- that the House of Representatives

orable to ourselves and very useful adopt this resolution. It is a necessary
to our country, if we do not abuse or step if we are to meet our obligations.
abandon the trust that is placed in
us. . . .
MR. HUTCHINSON: Mr. Speaker, the
We stand in such a position now, first section of this resolution author-
and—whatever the result—we are izes and directs your Judiciary Com-
going to be just, and honorable, and mittee to investigate fully whether suf-
worthy of the public trust. ficient grounds exist to impeach the
Our responsibility in this is clear. President of the United States. This
The Constitution says, in article I; sec- constitutes the first explicit and formal
tion 2, clause 5: action in the whole House to authorize
The House of Representatives, such an inquiry.
shall have the sole power of im- The last section of the resolution
peachment. validates the use by the committee of
A number of impeachment resolu- that million dollars allotted to it last
tions were introduced by Members of November for purposes of the impeach-
the House in the last session of the ment inquiry. Members will recall that
Congress. They were referred to the the million dollar resolution made no
Judiciary Committee by the Speaker. reference to the impeachment inquiry
but merely allotted that sum of money
We have reached the point when it is
to the committee to be expended on
important that the House explicitly
matters within its jurisdiction. All
confirm our responsibility under the
Members of the House understood its
intended purpose.
We are asking the House of Rep-
But the rule of the House defining
resentatives, by this resolution, to au-
the jurisdiction of committees does not
thorize and direct the Committee on
place jurisdiction over impeachment
the Judiciary to investigate the con-
matters in the Judiciary Committee. In
duct of the President of the United
fact, it does not place such jurisdiction
States, to determine whether or not
anywhere. So this resolution vests ju-
evidence exists that the President is
risdiction in the committee over this
responsible for any acts that in the
particular impeachment matter, and it
contemplation of the Constitution are
ratifies the authority of the committee
grounds for impeachment, and if such
to expend for the purpose those funds
evidence exists, whether or not it is
allocated to it last November, as well
sufficient to require the House to exer- as whatever additional funds may be
cise its constitutional powers. hereafter authorized.8
As part of that resolution, we are
asking the House to give the Judiciary Parliamentarian’s Note: Until
Committee the power of subpena in its the adoption of House Resolution
investigations. 803, the Committee on the Judici-
Such a resolution has always been
passed by the House. The committee 8. 120 CONG. REC. 2349–51, 93d Cong.
has voted unanimously to recommend 2d Sess.


ary had been conducting an inves- part for use in conducting an im-
tigation into the charges of im- peachment inquiry in relation to
peachment against President the President.(9)
Nixon under its general investiga- It was considered necessary for
tory authority, granted by the the House to specifically vest the
House on Feb. 28, 1973 (H. Res. Committee on the Judiciary with
74). The committee had hired spe- the investigatory and subpena
cial counsel for the impeachment power to conduct the impeach-
inquiry on Dec. 20, 1973, and had ment investigation and to specifi-
authorized the chairman to issue cally provide for payment of re-
subpenas in relation to the in- sultant expenses from the contin-
quiry on Oct. 30, 1973. House gent fund of the House.(10)
Resolution 74 authorized the As discussed in section 6, supra,
Committee on the Judiciary to House Resolution 803 was privi-
conduct investigations, and to leged, since reported by the com-
issue subpenas during such inves- mittee to which resolutions of im-
tigations, within its jurisdiction peachment had been referred and
‘‘as set forth in clause 13 of rule since incidental to consideration of
XI of the Rules of the House of the impeachment question, al-
Representatives.’’ though resolutions providing for
That clause did not specifically funding from the contingent fund
include impeachments within the of the House are normally only
jurisdiction of the Committee on 9. See H. Res. 702, 93d Cong. 1st Sess.,
the Judiciary. Nov. 15, 1973.
The House had provided for the 10. On Apr. 29, 1974, subsequent to the
payment, from the contingent adoption of H. Res. 803, the House
fund, of further expenses of the adopted H. Res. 1027, authorizing
Committee on the Judiciary, in further funds from the contingent
fund for the expenses of the im-
conducting investigations, fol- peachment inquiry and other inves-
lowing the introduction and refer- tigations within the jurisdiction of
ral to the committee of various the Committee on the Judiciary. The
resolutions proposing the im- report on the resolution, from the
peachment of President Nixon. Committee on House Administration
Debate on one such resolution, (H. REPT. NO. 93–1009) included a
statement by Mr. Rodino on the sta-
House Resolution 702, indicated tus of the impeachment inquiry and
that the additional funds for the on the funds required for expenses
investigations of the Committee and salaries of the impeachment in-
on the Judiciary were intended in quiry staff.


privileged when called up by the work product of the inquiry

Committee on House Administra- staff.(11)
tion, and resolutions authorizing
investigations are normally only Determining Grounds for Pres-
privileged when called up by the idential Impeachment
Committee on Rules.
§ 15.4 During the inquiry into
Preserving Confidentiality of charges against President
Inquiry Materials Richard M. Nixon by the
Committee on the Judiciary,
§ 15.3 The Committee on the the impeachment inquiry
Judiciary adopted Proce- staff reported to the com-
dures preserving the con- mittee on the constitutional
fidentiality of impeachment grounds for Presidential im-
inquiry materials. peachment, as drawn from
On Feb. 22, 1974, the Com- the historical origins of im-
mittee on the Judiciary unani- peachment and the American
mously adopted procedures gov- impeachment cases.
erning the confidentiality of the On Feb. 22, 1974, Peter W. Ro-
materials gathered in the im- dino, Jr., of New Jersey, Chair-
peachment inquiry into the con- man of the Committee on the Ju-
duct of President Richard Nixon. diciary, made available a report
The first set of procedures, enti- by the inquiry staff on the conduct
tled ‘‘Procedures for Handling Im- of President Nixon. The report,
peachment Inquiry Material,’’ lim- entitled ‘‘Constitutional Grounds
ited access to such materials to for Presidential Impeachment,’’
the chairman, ranking minority summarized the historical origins
member, special counsel, and spe- and constitutional bases for im-
cial counsel to the minority of the peachment and chronicled the
committee, until the actual pres- American impeachment cases.
entation of evidence at hearings. The report, printed as a com-
Confidentiality was to be strictly mittee print, did not necessarily
preserved. reflect the views of the committee
The second set of procedures, or its members, but was entirely a
entitled ‘‘Rules for the Impeach- staff report. The staff concluded,
ment Inquiry Staff,’’ provided for in reviewing the issue whether
security and nondisclosure of im- 11. For the text of the rules, see § 6.9,
peachment inquiry materials and supra.


impeachable offenses were re- A. Allegations concerning domestic

quired to be criminal or indictable surveillance activities conducted by or
offenses, that such was not the at the direction of the White House.
case under the English and Amer- B. Allegations concerning intel-
ligence activities conducted by or at
ican impeachment precedents.(12) the direction of the White House for
the purpose of the Presidential election
Status Reports of 1972.
C. Allegations concerning the Water-
§ 15.5 During the impeachment gate break-in and related activities, in-
inquiry involving President cluding alleged efforts by persons in
Richard M. Nixon, the in- the White House and others to ‘‘cover
quiry staff of the Committee up’’ such activities and others.
D. Allegations concerning impropri-
on the Judiciary reported to eties in connection with the personal
the committee on the status finances of the President.
of its investigation. E. Allegations concerning efforts by
On Mar. 1, 1974, the staff for the White House to use agencies of the
the impeachment inquiry reported executive branch for political purposes,
and alleged White House involvement
to the Committee on the Judiciary with election campaign contributions.
on the status of its investigative F. Allegations concerning other mis-
work (summarized in the commit- conduct.(13)
tee’s final report) with respect to
specified allegations: Presenting Evidence and Ex-
12. For the text of the report, see the ap- amining Witnesses
pendix to this chapter, infra.
The conclusion of the staff report § 15.6 In the Nixon impeach-
was included in the final report of ment inquiry, the Committee
the Committee on the Judiciary rec-
ommending impeachment of the 13. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at p. 8, Com-
President. (H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, by mittee on the Judiciary, 93d Cong.
the Committee on the Judiciary.) See 2d Sess., reported Aug. 20, 1974.
120 CONG. REC. 29220, 29221, 93d On May 23, 1974, the House au-
Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 1974. thorized by resolution the printing of
The minority views included in the 2,000 additional copies of a com-
committee report reached an oppo- mittee print containing the staff re-
site conclusion from that of the staff port. H. Res. 1074, 93d Cong. 2d
report and from that of the majority Sess.
of the committee, which determined The House also adopted on May
to impeach the President for both 23, H. Res. 1073, authorizing the
criminal and noncriminal conduct printing of additional copies of a
(see § 3.8, supra, for the minority committee print on the work of the
views and § 3.7, supra, for the major- impeachment inquiry staff as of Feb.
ity views on the issue). 5, 1974.


on the Judiciary adopted by the inquiry staff. The statements of

certain procedures to be fol- information and supporting evidentiary
material, furnished to each Member of
lowed in presenting evidence the Committee in 36 notebooks, pre-
and hearing witnesses. sented material on several subjects of
On May 2, 1974, the Committee the inquiry: the Watergate break-in
and its aftermath, ITT, dairy price
on the Judiciary unanimously
supports, domestic surveillance, abuse
adopted special procedures for of the IRS, and the activities of the
presenting the evidence compiled Special Prosecutor. The staff also pre-
by the committee staff to the full sented to the Committee written re-
committee in hearings. The proce- ports on President Nixon’s income
dures provided for a statement of taxes, presidential impoundment of
funds appropriated by Congress and
information to be presented, with
the bombing of Cambodia.
annotated evidentiary materials, In each notebook, a statement of in-
to committee members and to the formation relating to a particular
President’s counsel.(14) phase of the investigation was imme-
The procedures allowed for the diately followed by supporting evi-
compilation and presentation of dentiary material, which included cop-
ies of documents and testimony (much
additional evidence by committee of it already on public record), tran-
members or on request of the scripts of presidential conversations,
President’s counsel. and affidavits. A deliberate and scru-
Procedures were also adopted pulous abstention from conclusions,
for holding hearings to examine even by implication, was observed.
witnesses. Under the procedures, The Committee heard recordings of
nineteen presidential conversations
hearings were to be attended by
and dictabelt recollections. The presi-
the President’s counsel, and he dential conversations were neither
was permitted to examine wit- paraphrased nor summarized by the
nesses. inquiry staff. Thus, no inferences or
The procedures followed in the conclusions were drawn for the Com-
presentation of evidence are re- mittee. During the course of the hear-
ings, Members of the Committee lis-
flected in the summary from the tened to each recording and simulta-
committee’s final report: neously followed transcripts prepared
From May 9, 1974 through June 21, by the inquiry staff.
1974, the Committee considered in ex- On June 27 and 28, 1974, Mr. James
ecutive session approximately six hun- St. Clair, Special Counsel to the Presi-
dred fifty ‘‘statements of information’’ dent made a further presentation in a
and more than 7,200 pages of sup- similar manner and form as the in-
porting evidentiary material presented quiry staff’s initial presentation. The
Committee voted to make public the
14. See § 6.5, supra. initial presentation by the inquiry


staff, including substantially all of the § 735 (1973), requiring the appli-
supporting materials presented at the cation of the five-minute rule for
hearings, as well as the President’s re-
interrogation of witnesses by com-
Between July 2, 1974, and July 17,
mittees. The House had rejected
1974, after the initial presentation, the the motion to suspend the rules
Committee heard testimony from nine and thereby denied to the com-
witnesses, including all the witnesses mittee the authorization to dis-
proposed by the President’s counsel. pense with the five-minute rule in
The witnesses were interrogated by the interrogation of witnesses.(16)
counsel for the Committee, by Special
counsel to the President pursuant to
the rules of the Committee, and by
Committee Consideration of
Members of the Committee. The Com- Resolution and Articles Im-
mittee then heard an oral summation peaching the President
by Mr. St. Clair and received a written
brief in support of the President’s posi- § 15.7 Consideration by the
tion. Committee on the Judiciary
The Committee concluded its hear- of the resolution and articles
ings on July 17, a week in advance of of impeachment against
its public debate on whether or not to
recommend to the House that it exer-
President Richard M. Nixon
cise its constitutional power of im- was made in order by com-
peachment. In preparation for that de- mittee resolution.
bate the majority and minority mem- On July 23, 1974, the Com-
bers of the impeachment inquiry staff
presented to the Committee ‘‘sum-
mittee on the Judiciary adopted a
maries of information.’’ (15) resolution making in order its con-
sideration of a motion to report a
The Committee on the Judiciary resolution and articles of impeach-
had previously adopted a resolu- ment to the House. The resolution
tion which was called up in the provided:
House under a motion to suspend
the rules, on July 1, 1974, to au- Resolved, That at a business meeting
on July 24, 1974, the Committee shall
thorize the committee to proceed commence general debate on a motion
without regard to Rule XI clause to report to the House a Resolution, to-
27(f)(4), House Rules and Manual gether with articles of impeachment,
impeaching Richard M. Nixon, Presi-
15. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305 at p. 9, Com- dent of the United States. Such gen-
mittee on the Judiciary, 93d Cong. eral debate shall consume no more
2d Sess., reported Aug. 20, 1974, than ten hours, during which time no
printed in the Record at 120 CONG.
REC. 29221, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 16. 120 CONG. REC. 21849–55, 93d Cong.
20, 1974. 2d Sess.


Member shall be recognized for a pe- that the proposed article of impeach-
riod to exceed 15 minutes. At the con- ment was not sufficiently specific. Pro-
clusion of general debate, the proposed ponents of the substitute argued that
articles shall be read for amendment it met the requirements of specificity
and Members shall be recognized for a under modern pleading practice in
period of five minutes to speak on each both criminal and civil litigation,
proposed article and on any and all which provide for notice pleading. They
amendments thereto, unless by motion further argued that the President had
debate is terminated thereon. Each notice of the charge, that his counsel
proposed article, and any additional ar- had participated in the Committee’s
ticle, shall be separately considered for deliberations, and that the factual de-
amendment and immediately there- tails would be provided in the Commit-
after voted upon as amended for rec- tee’s report.
ommendation to the House. At the con- On July 27, the Committee agreed to
clusion of consideration of the articles the amendment in the nature of a sub-
for amendment and recommendation to stitute for Article I by a vote of 27 to
the House, if any article has been 11. The Committee then adopted Arti-
agreed to, the original motion shall be cle I, as amended, by a vote of 27 to
considered as adopted and the Chair- 11. Article I, as adopted by the Com-
man shall report to the House said mittee charged that President Nixon,
Resolution of impeachment, together using the power of his high office, en-
with such articles as have been agreed gaged, personally and through his sub-
to, or if no article is agreed to, the ordinates and agents, in a course of
Committee shall consider such resolu- conduct or plan designed to delay, im-
tions or other recommendations as it pede, and obstruct the investigation of
deems proper.(17) the unlawful entry into the head-
quarters of the Democratic National
As stated in the committee’s Committee in Washington, D.C., for
final report, consideration of the the purpose of securing political intel-
motion to report and of the arti- ligence; to cover up, conceal and pro-
cles of impeachment proceeded as tect those responsible; and to conceal
follows on July 24 through July the existence and scope of other unlaw-
ful covert activities.
On July 29, an amendment in the
On July 24, at the commencement of nature of a substitute was offered for
general debate, a resolution was of- Article II of the proposed resolution.
fered including two articles of impeach- After debate, the substitute was agreed
ment. On July 26, an amendment in to by a vote of 28 to 10. The Com-
the nature of a substitute was offered mittee then adopted Article II, as
to Article I. In the course of the debate amended, by a vote of 28 to 10. Article
on the substitute, it was contended II, as amended, charged that President
Nixon, using the power of the office of
17. H. REPT. No. 93–1305, at p. 10, Com- President of the United States, repeat-
mittee on the Judiciary, 93d Cong. edly engaged in conduct which violated
2d Sess., reported Aug. 20, 1974. the constitutional rights of citizens;


which impaired the due and proper ad- Also on July 30, the Committee con-
ministration of justice and the conduct sidered an amendment to add a pro-
of lawful inquiries, or which con- posed Article, charging that President
travened the laws governing agencies Nixon knowingly and fraudulently
of the executive branch and the pur- failed to report income and claimed de-
poses of these agencies. ductions that were not authorized by
On July 30, an additional article was law on his Federal income tax returns
for the years 1969 through 1972. In ad-
offered as an amendment to the resolu-
dition, the proposed Article charged
tion. After debate, this amendment
that, in violation of Article II, Section
was adopted by a vote of 21 to 17 and 1 of the Constitution, President Nixon
became Article III. Article III charged had unlawfully received emoluments,
that President Nixon, by failing, with- in excess of the compensation provided
out lawful cause or excuse and in will- by law, in the form of government ex-
ful disobedience of the subpoenas of penditures at his privately owned
the House, to produce papers and properties at San Clemente, California,
things that the Committee had subpoe- and Key Biscayne, Florida. By a vote
naed in the course of its impeachment of 26 to 12, the amendment to add the
inquiry, assumed to himself functions article was not agreed to.
and judgments necessary to the exer- The Committee on the Judiciary
cise of the constitutional power of im- based its decision to recommend that
peachment vested in the House. The the House of Representatives exercise
subpoenaed papers and things had its constitutional power to impeach
been deemed necessary by the Com- Richard M. Nixon, President of the
mittee in order to resolve, by direct United States, on evidence which is
evidence, fundamental, factual ques- summarized in the following report.
. . .(18)
tions related to presidential direction,
knowledge, or approval of actions dem- The debate on the resolution
onstrated by other evidence to be sub- and articles of impeachment were
stantial grounds for impeachment. televised pursuant to House Reso-
On July 30, the Committee consid- lution 1107, adopted by the House
ered an amendment to add a proposed on July 22, 1974, amending Rule
Article, which charged that President
Nixon authorized, ordered and ratified
XI clause 34 of the rules of the
the concealment of information from House to permit committee meet-
the Congress and supplied to Congress ings, as well as hearings, to be
false and misleading statements con- broadcast by live coverage.(19)
cerning the existence, scope and nature
of American bombing operations in 18. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, at pp. 10, 11,
Cambodia. The proposed Article stated Committee on the Judiciary, 93d
that these acts were in derogation of Cong. 2d Sess., reported Aug. 20,
the powers of Congress to declare war, 1974, printed in the Record at 120
make appropriations, and raise and CONG. REC. 29221, 29222, 93d Cong.
support armies. By a vote of 26 to 12, 2d Sess., Aug. 20, 1974.
the amendment to add this Article was 19. 120 CONG. REC. 24436–48, 93d Cong.
not agreed to. 2d Sess.


The transcript of the debate by distinguished Senator from Michigan

the Committee on the Judiciary (Mr. Griffin), and myself, and I ask
that it be called up and given imme-
was printed in full as a public doc- diate consideration.
ument.(20) THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The clerk
will state the resolution.
Senate Review of Impeachment The legislative clerk read as follows:
Trial Rules
S. RES. 370
§ 15.8 After impeachment pro- Resolved, That the Committee on
ceedings had been instituted Rules and Administration is directed
to review any and all existing rules
in the House against Presi- and precedents that apply to im-
dent Richard M. Nixon, the peachment trials with a view to rec-
Senate adopted a resolution ommending any revisions, if nec-
essary, which may be required if the
for the study and review of Senate is called upon to conduct
Senate rules and precedents such a trial.
Resolved further, That the Com-
applicable to impeachment mittee on Rules and Administration
trials. is instructed to report back no later
than 1 September 1974, or on such
On July 29, l974,(1) during the earlier date as the Majority and Mi-
pendency of an investigation in nority Leaders may designate, and
the House of alleged impeachable Resolved further, That such review
by that Committee shall be held en-
offenses committed by President tirely in executive sessions.
Nixon, the Senate adopted a reso-
lution related to its rules on im- THE PRESIDING OFFICER: Without ob-
jection, the Senate will proceed to its
peachment: immediate consideration.
MR. [MICHAEL J.] MANSFIELD [of The question is on agreeing to the
Montana]: Mr. President, I have at the resolution.
desk a resolution, submitted on behalf The resolution (S. Res. 370) was
of the distinguished Republican leader, agreed to.(2)
the Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr.
Hugh Scott), the assistant majority The Committee on Rules and
leader, the distinguished Senator from Administration reported out Sen-
West Virginia (Mr. Robert C. Byrd), ate Resolution 390, amending the
the assistant Republican leader, the
2. The Senate Parliamentarian pre-
20. See Debate on Articles of Impeach- pared and published, at the request
ment, Hearings of the Committee on of Senator Robert C. Byrd (W. Va.) a
the Judiciary pursuant to H. Res. study entitled ‘‘Procedure and Guide-
803, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., July 24, 25, lines for Impeachment Trials in the
26, 29, and 30, 1974. United States Senate,’’ S. Doc. No.
1. 120 CONG. REC. 25468, 93d Cong. 2d 102, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 8,
Sess. 1974.


Rules and Procedure and Practice Committee on Presidential Campaign

in the Senate when Sitting on Im- Activities has 90 days after the 28th
peachment Trials, which was not day of June of this year in which to
wind up its affairs. This resolution is
acted on by the Senate. The
proposed with the consent of the com-
amendments reported were clari- mittee, and its immediate consider-
fying and modernizing changes.(3) ation has been cleared by the leader-
ship on both sides of the aisle.
Disclosure of Evidence of Presi- The purpose of this resolution is to
dential Activities facilitate the winding up of the affairs
of the Senate Select Committee. The
§ 15.9 Pending the investiga- resolution provides that all of the
tion by the House Committee records of the committee shall be
on the Judiciary into con- transferred to the Library of Congress
duct of the President, the which shall hold them subject to the
control of the Senate Committee on
Senate adopted a resolution
Rules and Administration.
releasing records of a Senate It provides that after these records
select committee on Presi- are transferred to the Library of Con-
dential activities to congres- gress the Senate Committee on Rules
sional committees and other and Administration shall control the
agencies and persons with a access to the records and either by spe-
legitimate need therefor. cial orders or by general regulations
shall make the records available to
On July 29, 1974,(4) Senator courts, congressional committees, con-
Samuel J. Ervin, Jr., of North gressional subcommittees, Federal de-
Carolina, offered in the Senate partments and agencies, and any other
Senate Resolution 369, relating to persons who may satisfy the Senate
the records of a Senate select com- Committee on Rules and Administra-
mittee. The Senate adopted the tion that they have a legitimate need
resolution, following Senator for the records.
Ervin’s remarks thereon, in which It provides that the records shall be
maintained intact and that none of the
he mentioned the needs and re- original records shall be released to
quests of the Committee on the any agency or any person.
Judiciary of the House: It provides further that pending the
MR. ERVIN: Mr. President, under its transfer of the records to the Library of
present charter, the Senate Select Congress and the assumption of such
control by the Senate Committee on
3. See § 11.2, supra, for the committee Rules and Administration, that the Se-
amendments to the rules for im- lect Committee, acting through its
peachment trials. chairman or through its vice chairman,
4. 120 CONG. REC. 25392, 25393, 93d can make these records available to
Cong. 2d Sess. courts or to congressional committees


or subcommittees or to other persons lution (with committee amend-

showing a legitimate need for them. ments), cited the prior action of
I might state this is placed in here the House in changing the rules of
because of the fact that we have had
many requests from congressional com-
the House to permit the delibera-
mittees for the records. We have had tions of the Committee on the Ju-
requests from the Special Prosecutor diciary to be televised.(5)
and from the courts. . . .
I might state in the past the com- § 15.11 After impeachment pro-
mittee has made available some of the ceedings had been instituted
records to the House Judiciary Com- in the House against Presi-
mittee, at its request, and to the Spe- dent Richard M. Nixon, the
cial Prosecutor at his request. The res-
olution also provides that the action of
Senate Committee on Rules
the committee in doing so is ratified by and Administration reported
the Senate. a resolution for televising
any resultant trial.
Broadcasting Impeachment On Aug. 8, 1974,(6) Senator
Proceedings Howard W. Cannon, of Nevada,
§ 15.10 The House adopted a reported in the Senate, from the
Committee on Rules and Adminis-
resolution providing for the
tration, Senate Resolution 371, to
broadcast of the proceedings
permit television and radio cov-
in the House in which it was erage of any impeachment trial
to consider the resolution that might occur with respect to
and articles of impeachment President Nixon. The resolution
against President Richard M. was subsequently laid on the
Nixon. table.
On Aug. 7, 1974, the Committee
on the Judiciary, having pre- Procedures for Consideration
viously determined to report af- by the House
firmatively to the House on the
§ 15.12 The House leadership
impeachment of the President, the
considered a number of spe-
House adopted House Resolution
802, called up by direction of the cial procedures to be fol-
Committee on Rules, authorizing lowed in the consideration of
the broadcast of the anticipated a resolution and articles im-
impeachment proceedings in the 5. 120 CONG. REC. 27266–69, 93d Cong.
House. Ray J. Madden, of Indi- 2d Sess.
ana, Chairman of the Committee 6. 120 CONG. REC. 27325, 93d Cong. 2d
on Rules, who called up the reso- Sess.


peaching President Richard Although the bipartisan gathering

M. Nixon. reached no official decision, there was
agreement that after the Judiciary
On Aug. 2, 1974, Ray J. Mad- Committee files its report on the im-
den, of Indiana, Chairman of the peachment proceedings next week, Au-
Committee on Rules, addressed gust 8, the Committee on Rules will
then convene—on August 13 for the
the House on a recent meeting of purpose of defining the rules and pro-
the leadership as to the proposed cedures for House debate. It was also
hearings of the committee relative agreed by the members of the Demo-
to the consideration by the House cratic and Republican leadership
present that the impeachment debate
of the impeachment of President will begin on the floor of the House on
Nixon: Monday, August 19.
CONFERENCE OF HOUSE RULES Among the impeachment procedures
COMMITTEE ON IMPEACHMENT DEBATE to be given consideration by the Com-
mittee on Rules will be: The overall
(Mr. Madden asked and was given time of debate; division of debate time
permission to address the House for 1 during the floor discussion; the control
minute and to revise and extend his of the time; the question of whether
remarks, and include extraneous mat- the three articles of impeachment rec-
ter.) ommended by the Judiciary Committee
MR. MADDEN: Mr. Speaker, the com- should be amended; and whether or
ing Presidential impeachment debate not the electronic media should be al-
calls for the House to adopt certain lowed to broadcast the proceedings of
special procedures which are not other- the House floor.(7)
wise necessary when considering reg- Later on that day, Thomas P.
ular congressional business. O’Neill, Jr., of Massachusetts, the
The members of the Rules Com- Majority Leader, and Peter W. Ro-
mittee, Speaker Carl Albert, House
Majority Leader Tip O’Neill, House
dino, Jr., of New Jersey, the
Majority Whip John McFall, House Mi- Chairman of the Committee on
nority Leader John Rhodes, House Mi- the Judiciary, discussed tentative
nority Whip Les Arends, Judiciary scheduling of the resolution of im-
Committee Chairman Peter Rodino, peachment and arrangements for
and Representative Edward Hutch- Members of the House to listen to
inson, the ranking minority member of tape recordings containing evi-
the Judiciary Committee, met in an
dence relating to the impeach-
unofficial capacity Thursday afternoon,
August 1. In the 21⁄2 hour meeting ment inquiry:
thoughts were exchanged and rec- (Mr. [Leslie C.] Arends [of Illinois]
ommendations made regarding the asked and was given permission to ad-
rules and procedures which would be dress the House for 1 minute.)
most practical in allowing the entire
House membership participation in 7. 120 CONG. REC. 26489, 93d Cong. 2d
this historical legislative event. Sess.


MR. ARENDS: Mr. Speaker, I take will not be somehow or other just laid
this time to ask the majority leader if aside. I think the Members are going
he will kindly advise us of the program to be interested in seeing it and know-
for next week. ing that there is a schedule for them,
MR. O’NEILL: Mr. Speaker, will the and we will allow them sufficient time
gentleman yield to the gentleman from within which to be briefed regarding
these various materials that are avail-
New Jersey (Mr. Rodino), chairman of
able and the facilities that are avail-
the Committee on the Judiciary, so we able to them.
may have some indication of his plans? MR. O’NEILL: Mr. Speaker, will the
MR. ARENDS: I yield to the gen- gentleman yield?
tleman from New Jersey. MR. ARENDS: I yield to the distin-
MR. RODINO: I thank the gentleman guished majority leader.
for yielding. MR. O’NEILL: I thank the gentleman
I would really like to announce that for yielding.
today I have circulated a letter that I should like to address some re-
should be in the offices of each of the marks to the gentleman from New Jer-
Members which sets up a schedule so sey (Mr. Rodino), the chairman of the
that Members who are interested may Committee on the Judiciary, in view of
listen to the tapes that are going to be the fact that the leadership on both
available in the Congressional Building sides of the aisle met yesterday with
where the impeachment inquiry staff is members of the Committee on Rules
trying to put together a schedule,
located. There will be assistance pro-
which, of course, we understand is ten-
vided to all of the Members, and this is tative.
spelled out in this letter—the schedule It was my understanding from that
as to the time when the tapes will be meeting that the Judiciary Committee
available, together with the tran- would be planning to report next
scripts, and assistance will be provided Wednesday, and would be going to the
by members of the impeachment in- Rules Committee on Tuesday, August
quiry staff. 13, with the anticipation that the mat-
In addition to that, there is also in ter of impeachment would be on the
the letter pertinent information which floor on Monday, the 19th.
relates to the particular pieces of infor- Would the gentleman want to com-
mation or documents that are avail- ment on that?
able. All of the documents that have MR. RODINO: If the gentleman will
been printed and the President’s coun- yield, that is correct. That is the sched-
sel’s brief will be included. Members ule that we hope to follow. I have dis-
cussed this with the gentleman from
will have available to them all that the
Michigan, the ranking minority mem-
Committee on the Judiciary has pre-
ber, and we have agreed that the
sented and printed and published up to scheduling is the kind of scheduling
this particular time, which I am sure dates that we can meet. On Tuesday,
all Members will be interested in. the 13th, we would go before the Rules
I thought that I would make this an- Committee. I thank the gentleman.(8)
nouncement so that this letter will
come to the Members’ attention and 8. Id. at p. 26512.


Committee Report as to Im- the Committee on the Judiciary

peachment; Resignation of (H. Rept. No. 93–1305) to the
the President House. The report summarized
the committee’s investigation and
§ 15.13 After the Committee on included supplemental, additional,
the Judiciary had deter- separate, dissenting, minority, in-
mined to report to the House dividual, and concurring views.
a resolution and articles im- The committee’s recommendation
peaching President Richard and adopted articles of impeach-
M. Nixon, the President re- ment read as follows:
signed; the committee sub-
The Committee on the Judiciary, to
mitted its report recom-
whom was referred the consideration
mending impeachment to the of recommendations concerning the ex-
House, without an accom- ercise of the constitutional power to
panying resolution of im- impeach Richard M. Nixon, President
peachment. The House then of the United States, having considered
adopted a resolution under the same, reports thereon pursuant to
H. Res. 803 as follows and recommends
suspension of the rules ac- that the House exercise its constitu-
cepting the committee’s re- tional power to impeach Richard M.
port, noting the committee’s Nixon, President of the United States,
action and commending the and that articles of impeachment be
chairman and members of exhibited to the Senate as follows:
the committee for their ef- RESOLUTION
Impeaching Richard M. Nixon, Presi-
On Aug. 9, 1974, President Nix- dent of the United States, of high
on’s written resignation was re- crimes and misdemeanors.
ceived in the office of the Sec- Resolved, That Richard M. Nixon,
retary of State, pursuant to the President of the United States, is im-
provisions of the United States peached for high crimes and mis-
Code.(9) demeanors, and that the following arti-
On Aug. 20, 1974, Mr. Peter W. cles of impeachment be exhibited to
Rodino, Jr., of New Jersey, sub- the Senate:
mitted as privileged the report of Articles of impeachment exhibited by
the House of Representatives of the
9. 3 USC § 20 provides that the res- United States of America in the name
ignation of the office of the President of itself and of all of the people of the
shall be an instrument in writing, United States of America, against
subscribed by the person resigning, Richard M. Nixon, President of the
and delivered to the office of the Sec- United States of America, in mainte-
retary of State. nance and support of its impeachment


against him for high crimes and mis- (3) approving, condoning, acquiescing
demeanors. in, and counseling witnesses with re-
spect to the giving of false or mis-
ARTICLE I leading statements to lawfully author-
In his conduct of the office of Presi- ized investigative officers and employ-
dent of the United States, Richard M. ees of the United States and false or
Nixon, in violation of his constitutional misleading testimony in duly insti-
oath faithfully to execute the office of tuted judicial and congressional pro-
President of the United States and, to ceedings;
the best of his ability, preserve, pro- (4) interfering or endeavoring to
tect, and defend the Constitution of the interfere with the conduct of investiga-
United States, and in violation of his tions by the Department of Justice of
constitutional duty to take care that the United States, the Federal Bureau
the laws be faithfully executed, has of Investigation, the Office of Water-
prevented, obstructed, and impeded gate Special Prosecution Force, and
the administration of justice, in that: Congressional Committees;
On June 17, 1972, and prior thereto, (5) approving, condoning, and acqui-
agents of the Committee for the Re- escing in, the surreptitious payment of
election of the President committed un- substantial sums of money for the pur-
lawful entry of the headquarters of the pose of obtaining the silence or influ-
Democratic National Committee in encing the testimony of witnesses, po-
Washington, District of Columbia, for
tential witnesses or individuals who
the purpose of securing political intel-
participated in such unlawful entry
ligence. Subsequent thereto, Richard
and other illegal activities;
M. Nixon, using the powers of his high
office, engaged personally and through (6) endeavoring to misuse the Cen-
his subordinates and agents, in a tral Intelligence Agency, an agency of
course of conduct or plan designed to the United States;
delay, impede, and obstruct the inves- (7) disseminating information re-
tigation of such unlawful entry; to ceived from officers of the Department
cover up, conceal and protect those re- of Justice of the United States to sub-
sponsible; and to conceal the existence jects of investigations conducted by
and scope of other unlawful covert ac- lawfully authorized investigative offi-
tivities. cers and employees of the United
The means used to implement this States, for the purpose of aiding and
course of conduct or plan included one assisting such subjects in their at-
or more of the following: tempts to avoid criminal liability;
(1) making or causing to be made (8) making false or misleading public
false or misleading statements to law- statements for the purpose of deceiving
fully authorized investigative officers the people of the United States into be-
and employees of the United States; lieving that a thorough and complete
(2) withholding relevant and mate- investigation had been conducted with
rial evidence or information from law- respect to allegations of misconduct on
fully authorized investigative officers the part of personnel of the executive
and employees of the United States; branch of the United States and per-


sonnel of the Committee for the Reelec- endeavored to obtain from the Internal
tion of the President, and that there Revenue Service, in violation of the
was no involvement of such personnel constitutional rights of citizens, con-
in such misconduct; or fidential information contained in in-
(9) endeavoring to cause prospective come tax returns for purposes not au-
defendants, and individuals duly tried thorized by law, and to cause, in viola-
and convicted, to expect favored treat- tion of the constitutional rights of citi-
ment and consideration in return for zens, income tax audits or other in-
their silence or false testimony, or re- come tax investigations to be initiated
warding individuals for their silence or or conducted in a discriminatory man-
false testimony. ner.
In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has (2) He misused the Federal Bureau
acted in a manner contrary to his trust of Investigation, the Secret Service,
as President and subversive of con- and other executive personnel, in viola-
stitutional government, to the great tion or disregard of the constitutional
prejudice of the cause of law and jus- rights of citizens, by directing or au-
tice and to the manifest injury of the thorizing such agencies or personnel to
people of the United States. conduct or continue electronic surveil-
Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by lance or other investigations for pur-
such conduct, warrants impeachment poses unrelated to national security,
and trial, and removal from office. the enforcement of laws, or any other
lawful function of his office; he did di-
ARTICLE II rect, authorize, or permit the use of in-
formation obtained thereby for pur-
Using the powers of the office of poses unrelated to national security,
President of the United States, Rich- the enforcement of laws, or any other
ard M. Nixon, in violation of his con- lawful function of his office; and he did
stitutional oath faithfully to execute direct the concealment of certain
the office of President of the United records made by the Federal Bureau of
States and, to the best of his ability, Investigation of electronic surveillance.
preserve, protect, and defend the Con- (3) He has, acting personally and
stitution of the United States, and in through his subordinates and agents,
disregard of his constitutional duty to in violation or disregard of the con-
take care that the laws be faithfully stitutional rights of citizens, author-
executed, has repeatedly engaged in ized and permitted to be maintained a
conduct violating the constitutional secret investigative unit within the of-
rights of citizens, impairing the due fice of the President, financed in part
and proper administration of justice with money derived from campaign
and the conduct of lawful inquiries, or contributions, which unlawfully uti-
contravening the laws governing agen- lized the resources of the Central Intel-
cies of the executive branch and the ligence Agency, engaged in covert and
purposes of these agencies. unlawful activities, and attempted to
This conduct has included one or prejudice the constitutional right of an
more of the following: accused to a fair trial.
(1) He has, acting personally and (4) He has failed to take care that
through his subordinates and agents, the laws were faithfully executed by


failing to act when he knew or had execute the office of President of the
reason to know that his close subordi- United States and, to the best of his
nates endeavored to impede and frus- ability, preserve, protect, and defend
trate lawful inquiries by duly con- the Constitution of the United States,
stituted executive, judicial, and legisla- and in violation of his constitutional
tive entities concerning the unlawful duty to take care that the laws be
entry into the headquarters of the faithfully executed, has failed without
Democratic National Committee, and lawful cause or excuse to produce pa-
pers and things as directed by duly au-
the cover-up thereof, and concerning
thorized subpoenas issued by the Com-
other unlawful activities, including mittee on the Judiciary of the House of
those relating to the confirmation of Representatives on April 11, 1974,
Richard Kleindienst as Attorney Gen- May 15, 1974, May 30, 1974, and June
eral of the United States, the electronic 24, 1974, and willfully disobeyed such
surveillance of private citizens, the subpoenas. The subpoenaed papers
break-in into the offices of Dr. Lewis and things were deemed necessary by
Fielding, and the campaign financing the Committee in order to resolve by
practices of the Committee to Reelect direct evidence fundamental, factual
the President. questions relating to Presidential di-
(5) In disregard of the rule of law, he rection, knowledge, or approval of ac-
knowingly misused the executive tions demonstrated by other evidence
power by interfering with agencies of to be substantial grounds for impeach-
ment of the President. In refusing to
the executive branch, including the
produce these papers and things, Rich-
Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
ard M. Nixon, substituting his judg-
Criminal Division, and the Offlce of ment as to what materials were nec-
Watergate Special Prosecution Force, essary for the inquiry, interposed the
of the Department of Justice, and the powers of the Presidency against the
Central Intelligence Agency, in viola- lawful subpoenas of the House of Rep-
tion of his duty to take care that the resentatives, thereby assuming to him-
laws be faithfully executed. self functions and judgments necessary
In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has to the exercise of the sole power of im-
acted in a manner contrary to his trust peachment vested by the Constitution
as President and subversive of con- in the House of Representatives.
stitutional government, to the great In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has
prejudice of the cause of law and jus- acted in a manner contrary to his trust
tice and to the manifest injury of the as President and subversive of con-
people of the United States. stitutional government, to the great
prejudice of the cause of law and jus-
Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by
tice, and to the manifest injury of the
such conduct, warrants impeachment
people of the United States.
and trial, and removal from office.
Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by
ARTICLE III such conduct, warrants impeachment
and trial, and removal from office.(10)
In his conduct of the office of Presi-
dent of the United States, Richard M. 10. H. REPT. NO. 93–1305, pp. 1–4, Com-
Nixon, contrary to his oath faithfully to mittee on the Judiciary, printed in


The report was referred by the its constitutional power to impeach

Speaker to the House Calendar Richard M. Nixon, President of the
United States of America; and
and ordered printed. (b) the Committee on the Judiciary,
The Committee did not report a after conducting a full and complete in-
separate resolution and articles of vestigation pursuant to House Resolu-
impeachment for action by the tion 803, voted on July 27, 29, and 30,
1974 to recommend Articles of im-
House, the President having re- peachment against Richard M. Nixon,
signed. President of the United States of
Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr., of Mas- America; and
sachusetts, the Majority Leader, (c) Richard M. Nixon on August 9,
1974 resigned the Office of President of
moved to suspend the rules and
the United States of America;
adopt House Resolution 1333, ac- (2) accepts the report submitted by
cepting the report of the Com- the Committee on the Judiciary pursu-
mittee on the Judiciary and pro- ant to House Resolution 803 (H. Rept.
viding for its printing, and the 93–1305) and authorizes and directs
that the said report, together with sup-
House adopted the resolution plemental, additional, separate, dis-
without debate—yeas 412, nays 3, senting, minority, individual and con-
not voting 19: curring views, be printed in full in the
Congressional Record and as a House
H. RES. 1333 Document; and
Resolved, That the House of Rep- (3) commends the chairman and
resentatives: other members of the Committee on
(1) takes notice that the Judiciary for their conscientious
and capable efforts in carrying out the
(a) the House of Representatives, by
Committee’s responsibilities under
House Resolution 803, approved Feb- House Resolution 803.
ruary 6, 1974, authorized and directed
the Committee on the Judiciary to in- Following the adoption of House
vestigate fully and completely whether Resolution 1333, Mr. O’Neill
sufficient grounds existed for the asked unanimous consent that all
House of Representatives to exercise Members have five legislative
days in which to revise and ex-
the Record at 120 CONG. REC. 29219,
29220, 93d Cong. 2d Sess., Aug. 20, tend their remarks on House Res-
1974. For complete text of H. REPT. olution 1333, but Mr. Robert E.
NO. 93–1305, see id. at pp. 29219– Bauman, of Maryland, objected to
361. the request on the ground that no
Pursuant to H. Con. Res. 566, 93d debate had been had on the re-
Cong. 2d Sess., 10,000 additional port.(11)
copies of the report were printed for
the use of the Committee on the Ju- 11. 120 CONG. REC. 29361, 29362, 93d
diciary. Cong. 2d Sess. The Majority Leader


Neither the House nor the Com- fore the House a communication
mittee on the Judiciary took any and subpoena from the Chairman
further action on the matter of the of the Committee on the Judiciary
impeachment of former President as follows:
Nixon in the 93d Congress.
Impeachment Inquiry Evidence OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY
Subpoenaed by Courts The Speaker laid before the House
§ 15.14 The Speaker laid before the following communication and sub-
poena from the chairman of the Com-
the House subpoenas duces
mittee on the Judiciary, which was
tecum from a federal district read and ordered to be printed:
court in a criminal case, ad- WASHINGTON, D.C.,
dressed to the Chairman of August 21, 1974.
the Committee on the Judici- Hon. CARL ALBERT,
ary and to the chief counsel Speaker, House of Representatives,
of its subcommittee on im- Washington, D.C.
peachment. The subpoenas DEAR MR. SPEAKER: On July 29,
1974 two subpoenas duces tecum
sought evidence gathered by issued by the United States District
the committee in its im- Court for the District of Columbia,
peachment inquiry into the one naming myself and one naming
Mr. John Doar, an employee of the
conduct of President Richard Committee, were served com-
M. Nixon. The House adopted manding appearance in the United
States District Court on September
a resolution granting such 9, 1974 and the production of all
limited access as would not tapes and other electronic and/or me-
violate the privileges of the chanical recordings or reproductions,
and any memoranda, papers, tran-
House or its sole power of scripts, and other writings, relating
impeachment under the U.S. to all nonpublic statements, testi-
mony and interviews of witnesses re-
Constitution. lating to the matters being inves-
On Aug. 22, 1974,(12) Speaker tigated pursuant to House Resolu-
tion No. 803.
Carl Albert, of Oklahoma, laid be- The subpoenas were issued upon
application of defendant H. R.
had announced on the previous day, Haldeman in the case of U. S. v
Aug. 19, his intention to offer the John Mitchell, et al.
resolution, and had read the text of The subpoenas in question are for-
the resolution on the floor of the warded herewith and the matter pre-
sented for such action as the House
House. 120 CONG. REC. 29005, deems appropriate.
29006, 93d Cong. 2d Sess. Sincerely,
12. 120 CONG. REC. 30025, 30026, 93d PETER W. RODINO, Jr.,
Cong. 2d Sess. Chairman.


—— The Clerk read the resolution, as fol-

[Subpoena] lows:

[U.S. District Court for the District H. RES. 1341

of Columbia, No. 74–110] Whereas in the case of United
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. JOHN States of America against John N.
N. MITCHELL, ET AL., DEFENDANTS Mitchell et al. (Criminal Case No.
74–110), pending in the United
To: Congressman Peter W. Rodino, States District Court for the District
United States House of Represent- of Columbia, subpoenas duces tecum
atives, Washington, D.C. were issued by the said court and
addressed to Representative Peter
You are hereby commanded to ap- W. Rodino, United States House of
pear in the United States District Representatives, and to John Doar,
Court for the District of Columbia at Chief Counsel, House Judicial Sub-
Constitution Avenue and John Mar- committee on Impeachment, House
shall Place, N.W. in the city of of Representatives, directing them to
Washington on the 9th day of Sep- appear as witnesses before said court
tember 1974 at 10 o’clock A.M. to at 10:00 antemeridian on the 9th
testify in the case of United States v. day of September, 1974, and to bring
John N. Mitchell, et al., and bring with them certain and sundry papers
with you all tapes and other elec- in the possession and under the con-
tronic and/or mechanical recordings trol of the House of Representatives:
or reproductions, and any memo- Therefore be it
randa, papers, transcripts, and other Resolved, That by the privileges of
writings, relating to: this House no evidence of a docu-
All non-public statements and tes- mentary character under the control
timony of witnesses relating to the and in the possession of the House of
matters being investigated pursuant Representatives can, by the mandate
to House Resolution No. 803. of process of the ordinary courts of
This subpoena is issued upon ap- justice, be taken from such control or
plication of the Defendant, H. R. possession but by its permission; be
Haldeman, 1974. it further
FRANK H. STRUTH, Resolved, That the House of Rep-
Attorney for Defendant,
H. R. Haldeman. resentatives under Article I, Section
JAMES F. DAVEY, 2 of the Constitution has the sole
Clerk. power of impeachment and has the
By ROBERT L. LINE, sole power to investigate and gather
Deputy Clerk. evidence to determine whether the
The following resolution, in re- House of Representatives shall exer-
cise its constitutional power of im-
sponse to such subpoenas, was of- peachment; be it further
fered by Mr. Thomas P. O’Neill, Resolved, That when it appears by
Jr., of Massachusetts: the order of the court or of the judge
thereof, or of any legal officer
CONCERNING SUBPOENAS ISSUED IN charged with the administration of
UNITED STATES VERSUS JOHN N. the orders of such court or judge,
MITCHELL, ET AL. that documentary evidence in the
possession and under the control of
MR. O’NEILL: Mr. Speaker, I call up the House is needful for use in any
House Resolution 1341 and ask for its court of justice, or before any judge
immediate consideration. or such legal officer, for the pro-


motion of justice, this House will Pardon of the Former Presi-

take such action thereon as will pro-
mote the ends of justice consistently dent
with the privileges and rights of this
House; he it further § 15.15 The House having dis-
Resolved, That when said court de-
termines upon the materiality and continued impeachment pro-
the relevancy of the papers and doc- ceedings against former
uments called for in the subpoenas
duces tecum, then the said court, President Richard M. Nixon
through any of its officers or agents, following his resignation,
have full permission to attend with President Gerald R. Ford
all proper parties to the proceeding
and then always at any place under granted a full pardon to the
the orders and control of this House former President for all of-
and take copies of all memoranda
and notes, in the files of the Com- fenses against the United
mittee on the Judiciary, of inter- States committed by him
views with those persons who subse- during his terms in office.
quently appeared as witnesses in the
proceedings before the full Com-
mittee pursuant to House Resolution On Sept. 8, 1974, President
803, such limited access in this in- Ford issued Proclamation 4311,
stance not being an interference with granting a pardon to Richard
the Constitutional impeachment
power of the House, and the Clerk of Nixon:
the House is authorized to supply
certified copies of such documents GRANTING PARDON TO RICHARD NIXON
and papers in possession or control BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED
of the House of Representatives that STATES OF AMERICA
the court has found to be material
and relevant (except that under no A PROCLAMATION
circumstances shall any minutes or
transcripts of executive sessions, or Richard Nixon became the thirty-
any evidence of witnesses in respect seventh President of the United States
thereto, be disclosed or copied) and on January 20, 1969 and was reelected
which the court or other proper offi-
cer thereof shall desire, so as, how- in 1972 for a second term by the elec-
ever, the possession of said papers, tors of forty-nine of the fifty states. His
documents, and records by the term in office continued until his res-
House of Representatives shall not ignation on August 9, 1974.
be disturbed, or the same shall not
be removed from their place of file or Pursuant to resolutions of the House
custody under any Members, officer, of Representatives, its Committee on
or employee of the House of Rep- the Judiciary conducted an inquiry and
resentatives, and be it further investigation on the impeachment of
Resolved, That a copy of these res- the President extending over more
olutions be transmitted to the said than eight months. The hearings of the
court as a respectful answer to the
subpoenas aforementioned. Committee and its deliberations, which
received wide national publicity over
The House adopted the resolu- television, radio, and in printed media,
tion. resulted in votes adverse to Richard


Nixon on recommended Articles of Im- In witness whereof, I have hereunto

peachment. set my hand this eighth day of Sep-
As a result of certain acts or omis- tember, in the year of our Lord nine-
sions occurring before his resignation teen hundred and seventy-four, and of
from the Office of President, Richard the Independence of the United States
Nixon has become liable to possible in- of America the one hundred and nine-
dictment and trial for offenses against ty-ninth.(13)
the United States. Whether or not he
Some Members of the House
shall be so prosecuted depends on find-
ings of the appropriate grand jury and suggested in debate that impeach-
on the discretion of the authorized ment proceedings be resumed,
prosecutor. Should an indictment notwithstanding the resignation of
ensue, the accused shall then be enti- the President; for example on
tled to a fair trial by an impartial jury, Sept. 11, 1974, Mr. Ralph H.
as guaranteed to every individual by
the Constitution.
Metcalfe, of Illinois, declared:
It is believed that a trial of Richard On August 20, 1974, Mr. Speaker,
Nixon, if it became necessary, could the House adopted House Resolution
not fairly begin until a year or more 1033. This resolution took notice of the
has elapsed. In the meantime, the fact that on February 6, 1974, the
tranquility to which this nation has House, by adoption of House Resolu-
been restored by the events of recent tion 803, authorized and directed the
weeks could be irreparably lost by the Judiciary Committee ‘‘to investigate
prospects of bringing to trial a former fully and completely whether sufficient
President of the United States. The grounds existed for the House of Rep-
prospects of such trial will cause pro- resentatives to exercise its constitu-
longed and divisive debate over the tional power to impeach Richard M.
propriety of exposing to further pun- Nixon’’; further, House Resolution 1033
ishment and degradation a man who noted that the Committee on the Judi-
has already paid the unprecedented ciary recommended articles of im-
penalty of relinquishing the highest peachment; that Richard M. Nixon re-
elective office of the United States. signed the office of President of the
Now, therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, United States; and further, this resolu-
President of the United States, pursu- tion accepted the report submitted by
ant to the pardon power conferred the Committee on the Judiciary pursu-
upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the ant to House Resolution 803.
Constitution, have granted and by The articles of impeachment voted
these presents do grant a full, free, out by the full committee, Mr. Speaker,
and absolute pardon unto Richard were never debated and voted upon by
Nixon for all offenses against the the full House. At that time there was
United States which he, Richard the strong possibility that the former
Nixon, has committed or may have President would be indicted, and that
committed or taken part in during the
period from January 20, 1969 through 13. 39 FED. REG. 32601, 32602 (Sept. 10,
August 9, 1974. 1974).


the President would be held account- Bestor specifically cites the constitu-
able for his actions in a court of law. tions of two States-Virginia and Dela-
President Ford’s action on September ware-which were adopted in 1776.
8, 1974, has effectively nullified that Bestor also cites a statement of John
course of action. . . . Quincy Adams, made in 1846 after he
Is there a precedent for the impeach- left the White House, made on the
ment of a civil officer after his resigna- Floor of the House:
tion? I think there is. I hold myself, so long as I have the
In Federalist Paper 65, Hamilton breath of life in my body, amenable
states: to impeachment by this House for
everything I did during the time I
The Model from which the idea of held any public office.
this institution (Impeachment) has
been borrowed pointed out that Another historical precedent is that
course to the convention. of William W. Belknap, Secretary of
The model that Hamilton refers to is War in President Grant’s cabinet. As
Bestor summarizes it:
clearly that of Great Britain. The
course of action that Hamilton refers Belknap resigned at 10:20 a.m. on
to is impeachment by the House of the 2nd of March (1876), a few hours
Commons and trial before the Lords. before the House of Representatives
voted to impeach him, the latter de-
And, consequently, it is to the English cision being officially notified to the
precedent that we must first turn. Senate at 12:55 p.m. on the 3rd . . .
Contemporaneous with the drafting on May 27, 1876, in a roll-call vote of
and adopting of our own Constitution 37 to 29 (with seven not voting) the
was the impeachment trial of Warren Senate ruled that Belknap was ame-
Hastings in Great Britain. Hastings re- nable to trial by impeachment for
acts done as Secretary of War, not-
signed the governor-generalship of withstanding his resignation of said
India before he left India in February office before he was impeached.
1785, 2 years before articles of im-
peachment were voted by the House of Mr. Speaker, there is precedent for
Commons for his conduct in India. The the impeachment of a civil officer after
impeachment of Hastings was cer- he has resigned.
tainly a fact known to the drafters of Another point to make, Mr. Speaker,
the Constitution. is that article I of section 3 of the Con-
stitution states, inter alia:
George Mason, in discussing the im-
peachment provision on September 8, Judgment in Cases of Impeach-
1787, in the Constitutional Conven- ment shall not extend further than
tion, makes a clear reference to the to removal from Office, and disquali-
fication to hold and enjoy any Office
trial of Hastings. Further, Prof. Arthur of honor, Trust or Profit under the
Bestor states that— United States.
American constitutional docu- There is a twofold penalty provided
ments adopted prior to the Federal for in this article and removal from of-
Convention of 1787 . . . refute the
notion that officials no longer in of- fice is but one part of the penalty.
fice were supposed by the framers to Mr. Speaker, the former President
be beyond the reach of impeachment. has not been held accountable for his


actions. He has avoided accountability furnish the House, within ten days,
through the impeachment process by with the following information:
resigning, and he has avoided trial on 1. What are the specific offenses
charges of alleged criminal misconduct against the United States for which a
as contained in the first article of im-
pardon was granted to Richard M.
peachment through the Presidential
pardon of his successor. Nixon on September 8, 1974?
Mr. Speaker, history can conclude 2. What are the certain acts or omis-
that the Congress of the United States sions occurring before his resignation
was confronted with a series of actions from the office of President for which
by the Chief Executive, actions which Richard Nixon had become liable to
constituted a serious danger to our po- possible indictment and trial for of-
litical processes and that we did noth- fenses against the United States, as
ing. The proper forum, and now the stated in your Proclamation of Pardon?
only forum, for a debate and a vote on
these most serious charges is here in 3. Did you or your representatives
the House. We have no other recourse have specific knowledge of any formal
but to proceed if we are to assure that criminal charges pending against Rich-
all future Presidents will be held ac- ard M. Nixon prior to issuance of the
countable for their actions whether pardon? If so, what were these
such future Chief Executives resign or charges?
not. 4. Did Alexander Haig refer to or
Mr. Speaker, I urge that the im- discuss a pardon with Richard M.
peachment report of the House Judici- Nixon or representatives of Mr. Nixon
ary Committee be debated and that we at any time during the week of August
proceed to vote on the articles of im-
peachment.(14) 4, 1974 or at any subsequent time? If
so, what promises were made or condi-
On Sept. 12, 1974, Ms. Bella S. tions set for a pardon, if any? If so,
Abzug, of New York, introduced a were tapes or transcriptions of any
resolution of inquiry related to the kind made of these conversations or
pardon: (15) were any notes taken? If so, please
provide such tapes, transcriptions or
H. RES. 1363 notes.
Resolved, That the President of the 5. When was a pardon for Richard
United States is hereby requested to M. Nixon first referred to or discussed
with Mr. Nixon, or representatives of
14. 120 CONG. REC. 30695, 30696, 93d Mr. Nixon, by you or your representa-
Cong. 2d Sess. (footnotes omitted). tives or aides, including the period
For a memo inserted in the Record when you were a member of Congress
by Senate Majority Leader Michael or Vice President?
J. Mansfield (Mont.) on the power of 6. Who participated in these and
Congress to impeach and try a Presi- subsequent discussions or negotiations
dent after he has resigned, see 120 with Richard M. Nixon or his rep-
CONG. REC. 31346–48, 93d Cong. 2d resentatives regarding a pardon, and
Sess., Sept. 17, 1974. at what specific times and locations?
15. 120 CONG. REC. 30964, 30965, 93d 7. Did you consult with Attorney
Cong. 2d Sess. General William Saxbe or Special


Prosecutor Leon Jaworski before mak- and President Ford appeared in

ing the decision to pardon Richard M. person and testified before such
Nixon and, if so, what facts and legal subcommittee on Oct. 17, 1974.
authorities did they give to you?
8. Did you consult with the Vice
Presidential nominee, Nelson Rocke-
feller, before making the decision to § 16. Impeachment of
pardon Richard M. Nixon and, if so, Judge English
what facts and legal authorities did he
give to you? Committee Report on Resolu-
9. Did you consult with any other at- tion and Articles of Impeach-
torneys or professors of law before ment
making the decision to pardon Richard
M. Nixon, and, if so, what facts or § 16.1 In the 69th Congress, the
legal authorities did they give to you? Committee on the Judiciary
10. Did you or your representatives
reported a resolution of im-
ask Richard M. Nixon to make a con-
fession or statement of criminal guilt, peachment accompanied
and, if so, what language was sug- with five articles of impeach-
gested or requested by you, your rep- ment against Judge George
resentatives, Mr. Nixon, or his rep- English, which report was re-
resentatives? Was any statement of ferred to the House Cal-
any kind requested from Mr. Nixon in
endar, ordered printed, and
exchange for the pardon, and, if so,
please provide the suggested or re- printed in full in the Con-
quested language. gressional Record.
11. Was the statement issued by On Mar. 25, 1926, Mr. George
Richard M. Nixon immediately subse- S. Graham, of Pennsylvania, of-
quent to announcement of the pardon fered a privileged report from the
made known to you or your representa- Committee on the Judiciary in the
tives prior to its announcement, and impeachment case against George
was it approved by you or your rep- English, U.S. District Judge for
resentatives? the Eastern District of Illinois.
12. Did you receive any report from Speaker Nicholas Longworth, of
a psychiatrist or other physician stat- Ohio, ordered the report printed
ing that Richard M. Nixon was in and referred to the House Cal-
other than good health? If so, please endar.(16) By unanimous consent,
provide such reports
the entire report (H. Rept. No.
The resolution of inquiry was 653) was printed in the Congres-
referred to the Committee on the sional Record.(17)
Judiciary. A subcommittee thereof
16. 67 CONG. REC. 6280, 69th Cong. 1st
held hearings on the matter of the Sess.
pardon of former President Nixon, 17. Id. at pp. 6280–87.


The committee’s recommenda- House Consideration and De-

tion and resolution read as fol- bate
§ 16.2 The resolution and arti-
cles of impeachment in the
Your committee reports herewith the George English impeachment
accompanying resolution and articles were considered in the
of impeachment against Judge George
W. English, and recommends that they House pursuant to unani-
be adopted by the House and that they mous-consent agreements
be presented to the Senate with a de- fixing the control and dis-
mand for the conviction and removal tribution of debate.
from office of said George W. English,
United States district judge for the On Mar. 30, 1926, Mr. George
eastern district of Illinois. S. Graham, of Pennsylvania,
called up for consideration in the
House the resolution impeaching
Resolved, That George W. English, Judge English. By unanimous
United States district judge for the
eastern district of Illinois, be im- consent, the House agreed to pro-
peached of misdemeanors in office; and cedures for the control and dis-
that the evidence heretofore taken by tribution of debate, thereby allow-
the special committee of the House of ing every Member who wished to
Representatives under House Joint speak to do so:
Resolution 347, sustains five articles of
impeachment, which are hereinafter THE SPEAKER: (19) The gentleman
set out; and that said articles be, and from Pennsylvania [Mr. Graham] asks
they are hereby, adopted by the House unanimous consent that during today
of Representatives, and that the same the debate be equally divided between
shall be exhibited to the Senate in the the affirmative and the negative, and
following words and figures, to wit: that he control one-half of the time and
the other half be controlled by the gen-
Articles of impeachment of the House
tleman from Alabama [Mr. Bowl-
of Representatives of the United
States of America in the name of
themselves and of all of the people of On Mar. 31, the second day of
the United States of America against debate on the resolution, debate
George W. English, who was ap- proceeded under a unanimous-
pointed, duly qualified, and commis-
sioned to serve during good behavior consent agreement that debate
in office, as United States District
Judge for the Eastern District of Illi- against Judge English, see 6 Can-
nois, on May 3, 1918 (18) non’s Precedents §§ 544–547.
19. Nicholas Longworth (Ohio).
18. For a more comprehensive discussion 20. 67 CONG. REC. 6585–90, 69th Cong.
of the impeachment proceedings 1st Sess.


continue to be equally divided be- Texas, stated a parliamentary in-

tween Mr. Graham and Mr. Wil- quiry:
liam B. Bowling.(1) Mr. Graham Under the rules of the House, would
obtained unanimous consent that not this resolution be subject to consid-
debate be concluded in 71⁄2 hours, eration under the five-minute rule for
such time to be equally divided as amendment?
before.(2) Speaker Nicholas Longworth, of
Ohio, responded, ‘‘The Chair
Voting; Motions thinks not.’’ (4)
§ 16.3 The previous question Following the rejection of the
having been ordered on the motion to recommit, the Speaker
resolution of impeachment put the question on the resolution
against Judge George of impeachment and stated that it
English, a motion to recom- was agreed to. Mr. William B.
mit with instructions was of- Bowling, of Alabama, objected and
fered and rejected, and a sep- stated that his attention had been
arate vote was demanded on diverted and that he had meant to
the first article, followed by ask for a separate vote on the first
a vote on the resolution. article of impeachment. The
Speaker stated that the demand
On Apr. 1, 1926, Mr. George S.
for a separate vote then came too
Graham, of Pennsylvania, moved
the previous question and it was late, since the demand was in
ordered on the resolution im- order when the question recurred
peaching Judge English. A motion on the resolution. Because of the
to recommit the resolution with apparent confusion in the Cham-
instructions was offered, the in- ber, the Speaker allowed Mr.
structions directing the Com- Bowling to ask for a separate vote
mittee on the Judiciary to take (thereby vacating, by unanimous
further testimony. The motion consent, the proceedings whereby
was rejected on a division vote- the resolution had been agreed
yeas 101, noes 260.(3) to).
Pending the motion to recom- The Speaker put the question
mit, Mr. Tom T. Connally, of on Mr. Bowling’s motion to strike
out Article I, which motion was
1. Id. at p. 6645. rejected. The vote then recurred
2. Id. at pp. 6662, 6663. on the resolution, which was
3. 67 CONG. REC. 6733, 6734, 69th
Cong. 1st Sess. 4. Id. at p. 6733.


adopted by the yeas and nays— said cause, and advise the Senate that
yeas 306, nays 62.(5) in consideration of the fact that said
George W. English is no longer a civil
The Speaker had previously officer of the United States, having
stated, in response to a par- ceased to be a district judge of the
liamentary inquiry by Mr. Charles United States for the eastern district
R. Crisp, of Georgia, that pursu- of Illinois, the House of Representa-
ant to Rule XVI clause 6, a sepa- tives does not desire further to urge
the articles of impeachment heretofore
rate vote could be demanded on
filed in the Senate against said George
any substantive proposition con- W. English.(7)
tained in the resolution of im-
peachment.(6) On Dec. 13, 1926, the Senate
adjourned sine die as a court of
Discontinuance of Proceedings impeachment after agreeing to the
following order, which was mes-
§ 16.4 Judge George English saged to the House:
having resigned from the Ordered, That the impeachment pro-
bench, the House adopted a ceedings against George W. English,
resolution instructing the late judge of the District Court of the
managers to advise the Sen- United States for the Eastern District
ate that the House declined of Illinois, be and the same are, duly
to further prosecute charges
of impeachment.
On Dec. 11, 1926, the House § 17. Impeachment of
adopted the following resolution Judge Louderback
in relation to the impeachment
proceedings against Judge Consideration of Committee
English: Report
Resolved, That the managers on the
part of the House of Representatives in § 17.1 The House considered
the impeachment proceedings now the matter of the impeach-
pending in the Senate against George ment of U.S. District Judge
W. English, late judge of the District
Harold Louderback under a
Court of the United States for the
Eastern District of Illinois, be in- unanimous-consent agree-
structed to appear before the Senate, ment which allowed the mi-
sitting as a court of impeachment in nority of the Committee on
5. Id. at pp. 6734, 6735. 7. 68 CONG. REC. 297, 69th Cong. 2d
6. Id. at pp. 6589, 6590, see House Sess.
Rules and Manual § 791 (1973). 8. Id. at p. 344.


the Judiciary to offer, to the Committee on the Judiciary finds those

reported resolution recom- facts exist, then the Committee on the
Judiciary makes a report to the House
mending abatement of pro- recommending impeachment, and that
ceedings, a substitute amend- undoubtedly is privileged. However, a
ment impeaching Judge custom has grown up recently in the
Louderback and setting forth Committee on the Judiciary of includ-
ing in the report a censure. I do not be-
articles of impeachment. lieve that the constitutional power of
On Feb. 24, 1933, Speaker John impeachment includes censure. We
N. Garner, of Texas, recognized have but one duty, and that is to im-
peach or not to impeach. Today we find
Mr. Thomas D. McKeown, of a committee report censuring the
Oklahoma, to call up a resolution, judge. The resolution before the House
reported by the Committee on the presented by a majority of the com-
Judiciary, recommending that mittee is against impeachment. The
charges against Harold minority members have filed a minor-
ity report, recommending impeach-
Louderback, U.S. District Judge ment. I am making this observation
for the Northern District of Cali- with the hope that we may get back to
fornia, did not merit impeachment the constitutional power of impeach-
(H. Res. 387; H. Rept. No. 2065). ment.(10)
The minority report dissented Discussion ensued as to control-
from that recommendation and ling debate on the resolution so as
proposed a resolution and articles to effectuate the understanding
of impeachment.(9) agreed on in committee that the
Mr. Earl C. Michener, of Michi- previous question not be ordered
gan, commented on the fact that until the minority had an oppor-
the report of the committee rec- tunity to offer an amendment in
ommended censure of the judge, the nature of a substitute for the
rather than impeachment: resolution.
MR. MICHENER. Mr. Speaker, in an- The House agreed to the fol-
swer to the gentleman from Alabama, lowing unanimous-consent request
let me make this observation. The pur-
pose of referring a matter of this kind 10. Id. at p. 4914. The committee report
to the Committee on the Judiciary is to stated ‘‘the committee censures the
determine whether or not in the opin- judge for conduct prejudicial to the
ion of the Committee on the Judiciary dignity of the judiciary in appointing
there is sufficient evidence to warrant incompetent receivers . . . for allow-
impeachment by the House. If the ing fees that seem excessive, and for
a high degree of indifference to the
9. 76 CONG. REC. 4913, 4914, 72d Cong. interest of litigants in receiverships.’’
2d Sess. See, generally, 6 Cannon’s H. REPT. NO. 2065, Committee on
Precedents § 514. the Judiciary, 72d Cong. 2d Sess.


propounded by Mr. McKeown (and MR. MCKEOWN: I want one-half of

suggested by Speaker Garner): my time to be yielded to the gentleman
from Missouri, and that the other hour
THE SPEAKER: Under the rules of the shall be controlled by the gentleman
House the gentleman from Oklahoma from Texas.
[Mr. McKeown] has one hour in which THE SPEAKER: Then the Chair sug-
to discuss this resolution, unless some gests that the gentleman from Okla-
other arrangement is made. homa control all of the time.
MR. MCKEOWN: Mr. Speaker, I ask MR. [HATTON W.] SUMNERS [of
unanimous consent that two hours’ Texas]: Mr. Speaker, I am quite willing
time be granted on a side. One-half of that the gentleman from Oklahoma
mine I shall yield to the gentleman may control the time, because I am
from Missouri [Mr. Dyer]. At the end sure that he will make a fair distribu-
of the two hours’ time, that the pre- tion of it.
vious question shall be considered as MR. MCKEOWN: Mr. Speaker, I ask
ordered. unanimous consent that the time for
MR. [FIORELLO H.] LAGUARDIA [of debate be limited to two hours to be
New York]: Mr. Speaker, will the gen- controlled by myself, that during that
tleman yield? time the gentleman from New York
MR. MCKEOWN: Yes. [Mr. La Guardia] be permitted to offer
MR. LAGUARDIA: The gentleman will a substitute for the resolution and at
remember that the committee unani- the conclusion of the time for debate
mously voted that the previous ques- the previous question be considered as
tion should not be considered as or- ordered.
dered until the majority had oppor- THE SPEAKER: Then the Chair sub-
tunity to offer the articles of impeach- mits this: The gentleman from Okla-
ment. homa asks unanimous consent that de-
MR. MCKEOWN: I yield now to the bate be limited to two hours, to be con-
gentleman for that purpose. trolled by the gentleman from Okla-
THE SPEAKER: If gentlemen will per- homa, that at the end of that time the
mit, let the Chair make a suggestion. previous question shall be considered
The Chair understands that the com- as ordered, with the privilege, how-
mittee has something of an under- ever, of a substitute resolution being
standing that there would be an oppor- offered, to be included in the previous
tunity to vote upon the substitute for question. Is there objection?
the majority resolution. Is that correct? MR. [WILLIAM B.] BANKHEAD [of Ala-
MR. MCKEOWN: Yes. bama]: Mr. Speaker, reserving the
THE SPEAKER: Then the Chair sug- right to object for the purpose of get-
gests to the gentleman from Oklahoma ting the parliamentary situation clari-
that he ask unanimous consent that fied before we get to the merits, is
general debate be limited to two hours, there any question in the mind of the
one-half to be controlled by himself, Speaker, if it is fair to submit such a
and one-half to be controlled by the suggestion, as to whether or not the
gentleman from New York. substitute providing for absolute im-


peachment would be in order as a sub- previous question shall be considered

stitute for this report? as ordered, with the privilege, how-
THE SPEAKER: That is the under- ever, of a substitute resolution being
standing of the Chair, that the unani- offered, to be included in the previous
mous-consent agreement is, that the question. . . .
gentleman from New York [Mr. There was no objection.(13)
LaGuardia] may offer a substitute, the
At the conclusion of the two
previous question to be considered as
ordered on the substitute and the origi- hours’ debate on the resolution
nal resolution at the expiration of the abating the impeachment pro-
two hours. Is there objection? ceedings and on the amendment
There was no objection.(11) in the nature of a substitute, the
Speaker put the question on the
Voting substitute and answered a par-
liamentary inquiry as to the effect
§ 17.2 At the conclusion of de- of the vote:
bate on the resolution and
THE SPEAKER: The question is on the
substitute therefor, in the
substitute of the gentleman from New
Harold Louderback impeach- York [Mr. LaGuardia].
ment proceedings, a yea and The question was taken, and the
nay vote was taken on the Chair announced that he was in doubt.
substitute, which was agreed MR. [THOMAS D.] MCKEOWN of Okla-
to. homa]: Mr. Speaker, a division.
On Feb. 24, 1933, the House Virginia]: Mr. Speaker, I ask for the
had under consideration a resolu- yeas and nays.
tion abating impeachment pro- The yeas and nays were ordered.
ceedings against Judge MR. [EARL C.] MICHENER [of Michi-
Louderback. A unanimous-consent gan]: Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary in-
agreement was adopted, as fol- quiry.
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman will
state it.
THE SPEAKER: (12) . . . The gen- MR. MICHENER: As I understand, a
tleman from Oklahoma (Mr. Thomas vote of ‘‘aye’’ is a vote for impeachment
D. McKeown] asks unanimous consent and a vote of ‘‘no’’ is against impeach-
that debate be limited to two hours ment; is that correct?
. . . that at the end of that time the THE SPEAKER: An aye vote on the
substitute of the gentleman from New
11. Id. For more comprehensive treat- York is a vote to impeach and a ‘‘no’’
ment of impeachment proceedings vote is a vote against impeachment.
against Judge Louderback, see 6
Cannon’s Precedents §§ 513–524. 13. 76 CONG. REC. 4914, 72d Cong. 2d
12. John N. Garner (Tex.). Sess.


The Clerk will call the roll. IMPEACHMENT OF JUDGE HAROLD

The question was taken; and there LOUDERBACK
were—yeas 183, nays 142, answered MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker,
‘‘present’’ 4, not voting 97.(14) I offer the following privileged report
from the Committee on the Judiciary,
Election of Managers; Continu- which I send to the desk and ask to
ation of Proceedings Into have read, and ask its immediate
New Congress
The Clerk read as follows:
§ 17.3 The House having adopt- HOUSE RESOLUTION 402
ed articles of impeachment Resolved, That Hatton W. Sum-
against Judge Harold ners, Gordon Browning, Malcolm C.
Louderback, the House Tarver, Fiorello H. LaGuardia, and
Charles I. Sparks, Members of this
adopted resolutions appoint- House, be, and they are hereby, ap-
ing managers and notifying pointed managers to conduct the im-
peachment against Harold
the Senate of its actions, but Louderback, United States district
did not resolve the question judge for the northern district of
whether such managers California; and said managers are
hereby instructed to appear before
could, without further au- the Senate of the United States and
thority, continue to rep- at the bar thereof in the name of the
House of Representatives and of all
resent the House in the suc- the people of the United States to
ceeding Congress. impeach the said Harold Louderback
of misdemeanors in office and to ex-
The House having adopted the hibit to the Senate of the United
articles of impeachment against States the articles of impeachment
Judge Louderback on Feb. 24, against said judge which have been
agreed upon by the House; and that
1933, Chairman Hatton W. Sum- the said managers do demand the
ners, of Texas, of the Committee Senate take order for the appearance
of said Harold Louderback to answer
on the Judiciary, called up on Feb. said impeachment, and demand his
27, 1933, resolutions appointing impeachment, conviction, and re-
managers and notifying the Sen- moval from office.
ate of the action of the House. THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
Discussion ensued as to the power question is on agreeing to the resolu-
of the managers beyond the termi- tion.
nation of the Congress (the Con- Texas]: Mr. Speaker, will the gen-
gress was to expire on Mar. 3): tleman yield?
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Yes.
14. Id. at p. 4925. The resolution, as MR. BLANTON: Is it not usual in such
amended by the substitute, was then cases to provide for the managers on
agreed to. H. JOUR. 306, 72d Cong. the part of the House to interrogate
2d Sess., Feb. 24, 1933. witnesses?


MR. SUMNERS of Texas: This is the Members of this Congress from serving
usual resolution which is adopted. as representatives of this House before
MR. BLANTON: But this resolution the Senate in the next Congress, even
does embrace that power and author- though they be not Members of that
ity? Congress.
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Yes. It is the MR. SUMNERS of Texas: I hope my
usual resolution. friend will excuse me for not taking
MR. [WILLIAM H.] STAFFORD [of Wis- the time of the House to discuss that
consin]: Mr. Speaker, will the gen- feature of the matter.
tleman yield? MR. STAFFORD: It is quite an impor-
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Yes. tant subject.
MR. STAFFORD: This House, which is MR. SUMNERS of Texas: It is an un-
about to expire, has leveled impeach- settled subject, and one we have tried
ment articles against a sitting judge. It to avoid.
is impracticable to have the trial of THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE: The
that judge in the expiring days of the
question is on agreeing to the resolu-
Congress. Has the gentleman consid-
ered what the procedure will be in re-
The resolution was agreed to.
spect to having the trial before the
Senate in the next Congress? A motion to reconsider the vote by
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: The Com- which the resolution was agreed to was
mittee on the Judiciary today gave full laid on the table.
consideration to all of the angles that MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker,
suggested themselves to the committee I desire to present a privileged resolu-
for consideration, and this arrange- tion.
ment seems to be more in line with the The Clerk read as follows:
precedents and to be most definitely
suggested by the situation in which we HOUSE RESOLUTION 403

find ourselves. Resolved, That a message be sent

MR. STAFFORD: Then, I assume, from to the Senate to inform them that
this House has impeached Harold
the gentleman’s statement, that it is Louderback, United States district
the purpose that the gentlemen named judge for the Northern District of
in the resolution shall represent the California, for misdemeanors in of-
House in the next Congress? fice, and that the House has adopted
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: No; I believe articles of impeachment against said
Harold Louderback, judge as afore-
not. I think it is pretty well agreed said, which the managers on the
that the next Congress will probably part of the House have been directed
have to appoint new managers before to carry to the Senate, and that Hat-
they may proceed. I think gentlemen ton W. Sumners, Gordon Browning,
on each side agree substantially with Malcolm C. Tarver, Fiorello H.
LaGuardia, and Charles I. Sparks,
that statement as to what probably Members of this House, have been
would be required. appointed such managers.
MR. STAFFORD: There is nothing in
the Constitution that would prevent The resolution was agreed to.


A motion to reconsider the vote by in a succeeding Congress, Chair-

which the resolution was agreed to was man Sumners referred to the
laid on the table.(15) lengthy period of time that could
Parliamentarian’s Note: In the occur between the appointment of
succeeding Congress, an issue managers, the adjournment of
arose as to the power of managers Congress, and the commencement
elected in one Congress to con- of a trial.(17)
tinue their functions in a new
§ 17.4 The resolution of im-
Congress. On Mar. 13, 1933, the
peachment against Judge
73d Congress having convened,
the Senate convened as a Court of Louderback having been pre-
Impeachment and received the sented to the Senate on the
managers on the part of the last day of the 72d Congress,
House, who were those Members the Senate conducted the
re-elected to the House who had trial in the 73d Congress.
been appointed as managers in On Mar. 3, 1933, the last day of
the 72d Congress (two of the five the 72d Congress under constitu-
managers were not reelected to tional practice prior to the adop-
the House). On Mar. 22, Mr. Sum- tion of the 20th amendment, the
ners called up a resolution ap- managers on the part of the
pointing two new Members, and House in the Harold Louderback
reappointing the three re-elected impeachment appeared before the
Senate and read the resolution
Members, as managers on the
and articles of impeachment. The
part of the House to conduct the
Senate adopted a special order
impeachment trial of Judge that the Senate begin sitting for
Louderback. Nevertheless, Mr. trial on the first day of the 73d
Sumners asserted that the man- Congress.(18)
agers elected in one Congress had President Franklin D. Roosevelt
the capacity to continue in that convened the 73d Congress on
function in a new Congress with- Mar. 9,1933, prior to the constitu-
out reappointment.(16) tional day of the first Monday in
In arguing that the impeach- December, and the Senate orga-
ment managers elected by one nized for trial on that date, pursu-
House should retain their powers ant to its special order.(19)
15. 76 CONG. REC. 5177, 5178, 72d Cong. 17. See 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 517.
2d Sess. 18. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 515.
16. See 6 Cannon’s Precedents §§ 516, 19. 6 Cannon’s Precedents § 516. For the
517. proclamation convening the 73d Con-


§ 18. Impeachment of On June 1, 1933, the Committee

Judge Ritter on the Judiciary reported House
Resolution 163 (H. Rept. No. 191)
Authorization of Investigation with committee amendments; the
resolution was referred to the
§ 18.1 The Committee on the Committee of the Whole House on
Judiciary reported in the 73d the state of the Union, since the
Congress a resolution au- original resolution contained an
thorizing an investigation appropriation.(21)
into the conduct of Halsted On the same day, Hatton W.
Ritter, a U.S. District Court Sumners, of Texas, Chairman of
judge; the resolution was re- the Committee on the Judiciary,
ferred to the Union Calendar asked unanimous consent to con-
and considered and adopted sider House Resolution 163 in the
in the House as in the Com- House as in the Committee of the
mittee of the Whole by unani- Whole. The resolution and com-
mous consent. mittee amendments read as fol-
On May 29, 1933, Mr. J. Mark lows:
Wilcox, of Florida, placed in the HOUSE RESOLUTION 163
hopper a resolution (H. Res. 163)
Resolved, That the Committee on the
authorizing the Committee on the Judiciary is authorized and directed,
Judiciary to investigate the con- as a whole or by subcommittee, to in-
duct of Halsted Ritter, District quire into and investigate the official
Judge for the U.S. District Court conduct of Halsted L. Ritter, a district
for the Southern District of Flor- judge for the United States District
ida, to determine whether in the Court for the Southern District of Flor-
opinion of the committee he had ida, to determine whether in the opin-
ion of said committee he has been
been guilty of any high crime or
guilty of any high crime or mis-
misdemeanor. The resolution was demeanor which in the contemplation
referred to the Committee on the of the Constitution requires the inter-
Judiciary.(20) position of the Constitutional powers of
the House. Said committee shall report
gress, see H. JOUR. 3, 73d Cong. 1st its findings to the House, together with
Sess., Mar. 9, 1933. such resolution of impeachment or
On May 24, 1933, the Senate ac- other recommendation as it deems
quitted Judge Louderback on all ar- proper.
ticles. See 6 Cannon’s Precedents Sec. 2. For the purpose of this reso-
§ 524. lution, the committee is authorized to
20. 77 CONG. REC. 4575, 73d Cong. 1st
Sess. 21. Id. at p. 4796.


sit and act during the present Con- against Judge Ritter, but a sub-
gress at such times and places in the committee of the committee inves-
District of Columbia and elsewhere,
whether or not the House is sitting,
tigated the charges and gathered
has recessed, or has adjourned, to hold testimony and evidence pursuant
such hearing, to employ such clerical, to House Resolution 163.
stenographic, and other assistance, to The evidence gathered was the
require the attendance of such wit- basis for House Resolution 422 in
nesses and the production of such
the 74th Congress, impeaching
books, papers, and documents, and to
take such testimony, to have such Judge Ritter, and both that reso-
printing and binding done, and to lution and the report of the Com-
make such expenditures not exceeding mittee on the Judiciary in the
$5,000, as it deems necessary. 74th Congress (H. Rept. No. 2025)
With the following committee referred to the investigation con-
amendments: ducted under House Resolution
Page 2, line 5, strike out the words
163, 73d Congress.
‘‘to employ such clerical, stenographic,
and other assistance’’; and in line 9, on The Chairman of the sub-
page 2, strike out ‘‘to have such print- committee, Malcolm C. Tarver, of
ing and binding done, and to make Georgia, made a report recom-
such expenditures, not exceeding mending impeachment to the full
$5,000.’’ committee; the report was printed
After brief debate, the House as in the Record in the 74th Con-
in the Committee of the Whole gress.(2)
adopted the resolution as amend-
ed by the committee amend- Presentation of Charges
The Committee on the Judiciary § 18.2 In the 74th Congress, a
made no report to the House, Member rose to a question of
prior to the expiration of the 73d constitutional privilege and
Congress, in the matter of charges presented charges against
Judge Ritter, which were re-
1. Id. at pp. 4784, 4785. ferred to the Committee on
The House adopted a resolution, the Judiciary.
reported by the Committee on Ac-
counts, authorizing payment out of On Jan. 14, 1936, Mr. Robert A.
the contingent fund for expenses of Green, of Florida, a member of the
the Committee on the Judiciary in Committee on the Judiciary, rose
conducting its investigation under H. to a question of constitutional
Res. 163; see H. Res. 172, 77 CONG.
REC. 5429, 5430, 73d Cong. 1st Sess., 2. 80 CONG. REC. 408–10, 74th Cong.
June 9. 1933. 2d Sess., Jan. 14, 1936.


privilege and on his own responsi- MR. BLANTON: What action was
bility impeached Judge Halsted taken on the Tarver report? If this offi-
cial is the kind of judge the Tarver re-
Ritter for high crimes and mis-
port indicates, why was he not then
demeanors. Although he pre- impeached and tried by the Senate?
sented no resolution, he delivered MR. GREEN: That is the question
lengthy and specific charges that is now foremost in my mind. Since
against the accused. He indicated Judge Tarver’s service as chairman of
his intention to read, as part of the Judiciary Subcommittee he has
his speech, a report submitted to been transferred from the House Judi-
ciary Committee to the House Com-
the Committee on the Judiciary mittee on Appropriations. He is not
by Malcolm C. Tarver, of Georgia, now a member of the Judiciary Com-
past Chairman of a subcommittee mittee.
of the Committee on the Judici- I firmly believe that when our col-
ary, which subcommittee had in- leagues understand the situation thor-
vestigated the charges against oughly, there will be no hesitancy in
bringing about Ritter’s impeachment
Judge Ritter pursuant to House by a direct vote on the floor of the
Resolution 163, adopted by the House. My purpose in this is to get it
House in the 73d Congress. in concrete form, in compliance with
In response to inquiries, Mr. the rules of the House, so that the di-
Green summarized the status of rect impeachment will be handled by
the Committee on the Judiciary. At
the investigation and his reason
present impeachment is not before the
for rising to a question of constitu- committee. This will give the Judiciary
tional privilege: something to act upon.
MR. [JOHN J.] O’CONNOR [of New MR. BLANTON: Was he not im-
York]: Of course, ordinarily the matter peached in the House before when the
would be referred to the Committee on Tarver investigation was made?
the Judiciary. Does the gentleman Mr. Green: No. He was never im-
think he must proceed longer in the peached. There was a resolution
matter at this time? passed by the House directing an in-
MR. GREEN: My understanding is, I vestigation to be made by the Judiciary
may say to the chairman of the Rules Committee.
Committee, that the articles of im- MR. BLANTON: Was that not a reso-
peachment will be referred to the Com- lution that followed just such impeach-
mittee on the Judiciary for its further ment charges in the House as the gen-
consideration and action. I do not in- tleman from Florida is now making?
tend to consume any more time than is MR. GREEN: I understand that arti-
absolutely necessary. cles of impeachment have not been
MR. [THOMAS L.] BLANTON [of heretofore filed in this case.
Texas]: Will the gentleman yield? MR. BLANTON: Was the Tarver re-
Mr. Green: I yield. port, to which the gentleman has re-


ferred, filed with the Judiciary Com- conduct against Judge Ritter (H.
mittee? Rept. No. 2025). The report, which
MR. GREEN: It is my understanding
that it is now in their hands.(3)
was referred to the House Cal-
endar and ordered printed, read
Mr. Green inserted the text of as follows:
the Tarver report, which rec-
ommended impeachment, in his The Committee on the Judiciary,
having had under consideration
charges of official misconduct against
At the conclusion of Mr. Green’s Halsted L. Ritter, a district judge of
remarks, Mr. O’Connor moved the United States for the Southern
that ‘‘the proceedings be referred District of Florida, and having taken
to the Committee on the Judici- testimony with regard to the official
ary.’’ The motion was agreed to.(5) conduct of said judge under the author-
ity of House Resolution 163 of the Sev-
§ 18.3 The Committee on the enty-third Congress, report the accom-
Judiciary reported in the panying resolution of impeachment
and articles of impeachment against
74th Congress a resolution Halsted L. Ritter to the House of Rep-
impeaching Judge Halsted resentatives with the recommendation
Ritter on four articles of im- that the same be adopted by the House
peachment; the resolution re- and presented to the Senate.(7)
ferred to the investigation The resolving clause of the reso-
undertaken pursuant to au- lution recited that the evidence
thorizing resolution in the taken by a subcommittee of the
73d Congress. Committee on the Judiciary under
On Feb. 20, 1936, Mr. Hatton House Resolution 163 of the 73d
W. Sumners, of Texas, introduced Congress sustained impeach-
House Resolution 422, impeaching ment. (8)

Judge Ritter; the resolution was

referred to the Committee on the Consideration and Adoption of
Judiciary.(6) On the same day, Mr. Articles of Impeachment
Sumners, Chairman of the com-
mittee, submitted a privileged re- § 18.4 The House considered
port on the charges of official mis- and adopted a resolution and
articles of impeachment
3. 80 CONG. REC. 404, 405, 74th Cong. against Judge Halsted Ritter,
2d Sess.
4. Id. at pp. 408–410. 7. Id. at p. 2528.
5. Id. at p. 410. 8. For the text of the resolution and ar-
6. 80 CONG. REC. 2534, 74th Cong. 2d ticles of impeachment, see § 18.7,
Sess. infra.


pursuant to a unanimous- the subcommittee of the Committee on

consent agreement fixing the the Judiciary of the House of Rep-
resentatives under House Resolution
time for and control of de- 163 of the Seventy-third Congress sus-
bate. tains articles of impeachment, which
On Mar. 2, 1936, Mr. Hatton W. are hereinafter set out; and that the
Sumners, of Texas, called up for said articles be, and they are hereby,
adopted by the House of Representa-
immediate consideration a resolu- tives, and that the same shall be ex-
tion (H. Res. 422), which the hibited to the Senate in the following
Clerk read at the direction of words and figures, to wit: . . . (10)
Speaker Joseph W. Byrns, of Ten- The House then discussed the
nessee. Mr. Sumners indicated his maintenance of order during de-
intention to conclude the pro- bate on the resolution:
ceedings and have a vote on the
resolution before adjournment. MR. [WILLIAM B.] BANKHEAD [of Ala-
bama]: Mr. Speaker, I realize that
The House agreed to his unani- there is a full membership of the
mous-consent request for consider- House here today, and properly so, be-
ation of the resolution:(9) cause impeachment proceedings are a
THE SPEAKER: The gentleman from matter of grave importance.
Texas asks unanimous consent that de- The proceedings are inquisitorial,
bate on this resolution be continued for and in order that we may arrive at a
41⁄2 hours, 21⁄2 hours to be controlled correct judgment with reference to the
by himself and 2 hours by the gen- matter and form an intelligent opinion
tleman from New York [Mr. Hancock]; as to how we shall vote, it is absolutely
and at the expiration of the time the necessary and essential that we have
previous question shall be considered order in the Chamber during the pro-
as ordered. Is there objection? ceedings.
There was no objection. I know it is difficult at all times to
get gentlemen to refrain from con-
The resolving clause to the arti- versation, but I make a special appeal
cles read as follows: to the membership of the House on
this occasion, in view of the serious im-
RESOLUTION portance of the proceedings, that they
Resolved, That Halsted L. Ritter, will be quiet and listen to the speakers
who is a United States district judge so that we may vote intelligently on
for the southern district of Florida, be this matter. [Applause.]
impeached for misbehavior, and for THE SPEAKER: The Chair wishes to
high crimes and misdemeanors; and emphasize what the gentleman from
that the evidence heretofore taken by
10. Id. at p. 3066. For the full text of the
9. 80 CONG. REC. 3066–69, 74th Cong. resolution and articles, see § 18.7,
2d Sess. infra.


Alabama has said. There is but one lated to impeachment proceedings

way to maintain order, and that is for against Judge Ritter:
Members to cease conversation, be-
cause a little conversation here and a IMPEACHMENT OF HALSTED L. RITTER
little there creates confusion that MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker,
makes it difficult for speakers to be I send to the desk the three resolutions
heard.(11) which are the usual resolutions offered
when an impeachment has been voted
Time for debate having expired, by the House, and I ask unanimous
Speaker Byrns stated that pursu- consent that they may be read and
ant to the order of the House the considered en bloc.
previous question was ordered. By MR. [BERTRAND H.] SNELL [of New
York]: Mr. Speaker, reserving the right
the yeas and nays, the House to object, I do not know that I under-
agreed to the resolution of im- stand the situation we are in at the
peachment—yeas 181, nays 146, present time. Will the gentleman re-
present 7, not voting 96.(12) state his request?
THE SPEAKER: (14) The request is to
Election of Managers have read the three resolutions and
have them considered en bloc.
§ 18.5 The House adopted reso- MR. SUMNERS of Texas: I may say to
the gentleman from New York, they
lutions appointing managers are the three resolutions usually of-
to conduct the impeachment fered and they are in the language
trial, empowering the man- used when the House has voted an im-
agers to employ staff and to peachment.
prepare and conduct im- MR. SNELL: And the gentleman from
peachment proceedings, and Texas wants them considered at one
notifying the Senate that the
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Yes.
House had adopted articles There being no objection, the Clerk
and appointed managers. read the resolutions, as follows:
On Mar. 6, 1936,(13) following HOUSE RESOLUTION 439
the adoption of articles of im- Resolved, That Hatton W. Sum-
peachment on Mar. 2, Mr. Hatton ners, Randolph Perkins, and Sam
W. Sumners, of Texas, offered res- Hobbs, Members of this House, be,
and they are hereby, appointed man-
olutions of a privileged nature re- agers to conduct the impeachment
against Halsted L. Ritter, United
11. Id. at p. 3069. States district judge for the southern
district of Florida; that said man-
12. Id. at p. 3091. agers are hereby instructed to ap-
13. 80 CONG. REC. 3393, 3394, 74th
Cong. 2d Sess. 14. Joseph W. Byrns (Tenn.).


pear before the Senate of the United with the Secretary of the Senate, on
States and at the bar thereof in the the part of the House of Representa-
name of the House of Representa- tives, any subsequent pleadings
tives and of all the people of the which they shall deem necessary:
United States to impeach the said Provided, That the total expendi-
Halsted L. Ritter of high crimes and tures authorized by this resolution
misdemeanors in office and to ex- shall not exceed $2,500.
hibit to the Senate of the United
States the articles of impeachment MR. SNELL: Mr. Speaker, may I ask
against said judge which have been the gentleman from Texas one further
agreed upon by this House; and that question? Is this exactly the procedure
the said managers do demand that that has always been followed by the
the Senate take order for the appear-
ance of said Halsted L. Ritter to an- House under similar conditions?
swer said impeachment, and demand MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Insofar as I
his impeachment, conviction, and re- know, it does not vary from the proce-
moval from office. dure that has been followed since the
beginning of the Government.
Resolved, That a message be sent The resolutions were agreed to.
to the Senate to inform them that
this House has impeached for high House-Senate Communications
crimes and misdemeanors Halsted L.
Ritter, United States district judge
for the southern district of Florida, § 18.6 The House having noti-
and that the House adopted articles fied the Senate of its im-
of impeachment against said Halsted peachment of Judge Halsted
L. Ritter, judge as aforesaid, which
the managers on the part of the Ritter, the Senate commu-
House have been directed to carry to nicated its readiness to re-
the Senate, and that Hatton W.
Sumners, Randolph Perkins, and ceive the House managers
Sam Hobbs, Members of this House, and discussed the Senate
have been appointed such managers. rules for impeachment trials.
HOUSE RESOLUTION 441 On Mar. 9, 1936, Vice President
Resolved, That the managers on John N. Garner laid before the
the part of the House in the matter Senate a communication from the
of the impeachment of Halsted L.
Ritter, United States district judge House of Representatives:
for the southern district of Florida, HOUSE RESOLUTION 440
be, and they are hereby, authorized IN THE HOUSE
to employ legal, clerical, and other OF REPRESENTATIVES,
necessary assistants and to incur United States, March 6, 1936.
such expenses as may be necessary
in the preparation and conduct of Resolved, That a message be sent to
the case, to be paid out of the contin- the Senate to inform them that this
gent fund of the House on vouchers House has impeached for high crimes
approved by the managers, and the
managers have power to send for and misdemeanors Halsted L. Ritter,
persons and papers, and also that United States district judge for the
the managers have authority to file southern district of Florida, and that


the House adopted articles of impeach- Senator Henry F. Ashurst, of

ment against said Halsted L. Ritter, Arizona, responded that the Sen-
judge as aforesaid, which the man-
agers on the part of the House have
ate Committee on the Judiciary
been directed to carry to the Senate, had considered the rules and cited
and that Hatton W. Sumners, Ran- a change recently made in the
dolph Perkins, and Sam Hobbs, Mem- rules for impeachment trials:
bers of this House, have been ap-
It will be remembered that in the
pointed such managers.
trial of the Louderback case it was
The Senate adopted the fol- suggested that the trial was dreary, in-
lowing order: volved, and protracted, and that it was
not according to public policy to have
Ordered, That the Secretary inform 96 Senators sit and take testimony.
the House of Representatives that the Subsequently, not a dozen, not 20, but
Senate is ready to receive the man- at least 40 Senators urged that the
agers appointed by the House for the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
purpose of exhibiting articles of im- give its attention to the question
peachment against Halsted L. Ritter, whether or not a committee appointed
United States district judge for the by the Presiding Officer could take the
southern district of Florida, agreeably testimony in impeachment trials,
to the notice communicated to the Sen- whereupon a resolution was introduced
ate, and that at the hour of 1 o’clock by the chairman of the Senate Com-
p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, 1936, the mittee on the Judiciary and was adopt-
Senate will receive the honorable man- ed. I ask that that resolution be incor-
agers on the part of the House of Rep- porated in my remarks at this point.
resentatives, in order that they may THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE:(16)
present and exhibit the said articles of Without objection, it is so ordered.
impeachment against the said Halsted
The resolution is as follows (Sub-
L. Ritter, United States district judge
mitted by Mr. Ashurst):
for the southern district of Florida.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Secretary Resolved, That in the trial of any
will carry out the order of the sen- impeachment the Presiding Officer
of the Senate, upon the order of the
ate (15) Senate, shall appoint a committee of
Senator Elbert D. Thomas, of 12 Senators to receive evidence and
take testimony at such times and
Utah, discussed the function of places as the committee may deter-
the Senate in sitting as a court of mine, and for such purpose the com-
mittee so appointed and the chair-
impeachment and inquired wheth- man thereof, to be elected by the
er any review was being under- committee, shall (unless otherwise
taken of the Senate rules for im- ordered by the Senate) exercise all
the powers and functions conferred
peachment trials. upon the Senate and the Presiding
Officer of the Senate, respectively,
15. 80 CONG. REC. 3423, 3424, 74th
Cong. 2d Sess. 16. Key Pittman (Nev.).


under the rules of procedure and quently decline to defend it, but I am
practice in the Senate when sitting not defending it more than to say that,
on impeachment trials. in my opinion, it is perfectly constitu-
Unless otherwise ordered by the tional to do what the resolution pro-
Senate, the rules of procedure and vides. If the Senate so desired, it could
practice in the Senate when sitting
on impeachment trials shall govern appoint a committee to take the testi-
the procedure and practice of the mony, which would be reduced to writ-
committee so appointed. The com- ing, and be laid before the Senators
mittee so appointed shall report to the next morning in the Congressional
the Senate in writing a certified copy Record. If a Senator were absent dur-
of the transcript of the proceedings ing one day of the trial, he could read
and testimony had and given before the testimony as printed the next
such committee, and such report
shall be received by the Senate and morning.(17)
the evidence so received and the tes- Senator Warren R. Austin, of
timony so taken shall be considered
to all intents and purposes, subject Vermont, of the Committee on the
to the right of the Senate to deter- Judiciary, asked unanimous con-
mine competency, relevancy, and sent to have printed in the Record
materiality, as having been received
and taken before the Senate, but a ruling, cited in 3 Hinds’ Prece-
nothing herein shall prevent the dents section 2006, that an im-
Senate from sending for any witness peachment trial could only pro-
and hearing his testimony in open
Senate, or by order of the Senate ceed when Congress was in ses-
having the entire trial in open Sen- sion.(18)
MR. ASHURST: The resolution was Initiation of Impeachment
agreed to by the Senate. It does not Trial
provide for a trial by 12 Senators. It
simply provides that a committee of § 18.7 The managers on the
12, appointed by the Presiding Officer
of the Senate, may take the testimony,
part of the House appeared
the Senate declaring and determining in the Senate, read the arti-
in advance whether it desires that pro- cles, reserved their right to
cedure, or otherwise, and that after amend them, and demanded
such evidence is taken by this com- that Judge Halsted Ritter be
mittee of 12, the Senate reviews the
testimony in its printed form, and the put to answer the charges;
Senate may take additional testimony the Senate organized for
or may then rehear the testimony of
any of the witnesses heard by the com- 17. 80 CONG. REC. 3424, 3425, 74th
mittee. The Senate reserves to itself Cong. 2d Sess. For the adoption of
every power and every authority it has the change referred to by Senator
under the Constitution. Ashurst, see 79 CONG. REC. 8309,
It could not be expected that I would 8310, 74th Cong. 1st Sess., May 28,
draw, present, and urge the Senate to 1935.
pass such resolution and then subse- 18. Id. at p. 3426.


trial as a Court of Impeach- stand at the desk in front of the

ment. Chair: (20)
On Mar. 10, 1936, pursuant to Mr. Manager Hobbs, from the place
the Senate’s order of Mar. 9, the suggested by the Vice President, said:
managers on the part of the Mr. President and gentlemen of the
House appeared before the bar of
the Senate and were announced ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT AGAINST
by the Secretary to the majority, HALSTED L. RITTER
who escorted them to their as- House Resolution 422, Seventy-
signed seats. fourth Congress, second session
Vice President John N. Garner Congress of the United States of
directed the Sergeant at Arms to America
The Sergeant at Arms, Chesley W. UNITED STATES
Jurney, made proclamation, as follows: March 2, 1936.
Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! All per- Resolved, That Halsted L. Ritter,
sons are commanded to keep silent, on who is a United States district judge
pain of imprisonment, while the House for the southern district of Florida,
of Representatives is exhibiting to the be impeached for misbehavior and
Senate of the United States articles of for high crimes and misdemeanors;
impeachment against Halsted L. Rit- and that the evidence heretofore
taken by the subcommittee of the
ter, United States district judge in and Committee on the Judiciary of the
for the southern district of Florida.(19) House of Representatives under
House Resolution 163 of the Sev-
Representative Hatton W. Sum- enty-third Congress sustains articles
ners, of Texas, read the resolution of impeachment, which are herein-
adopted by the House (H. Res. after set out; and that the said arti-
cles be, and they are hereby, adopted
439) which directed the managers by the House of Representatives, and
to appear before the bar of the that the same shall be exhibited to
Senate. Representative Sam the Senate in the following words
and figures, to wit:
Hobbs, of Alabama, read the arti-
Articles of impeachment of the
cles of impeachment, the Vice House of Representatives of the
President requesting that he United States of America in the
name of themselves and of all of
19. 80 CONG. REC. 3485, 74th Cong. 2d the people of the United States of
Sess. America against Halsted L. Ritter,
who was appointed, duly qualified,
For the text of the proceedings in and commissioned to serve, during
the Senate upon the appearance of good behavior in office, as United
the managers to present the articles
of impeachment against Judge Rit- 20. 80 CONG. REC. 3486–88, 74th Cong.
ter, see § 11.4, supra. 2d Sess.


States district judge for the south- Thereafterward, notwithstanding

ern district of Florida, on February the said Judge Akerman, in compli-
15, 1929. ance with Judge Ritter’s request, al-
lowed the said Rankin a fee of
ARTICLE I $15,000 for his services in said case,
from which sum the said $2,500
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, theretofore allowed the said Rankin
having been nominated by the Presi- by Judge Ritter as an advance on his
dent of the United States, confirmed fee was deducted, the said Judge Rit-
by the Senate of the United States, ter, well knowing that at his request
duly qualified and commissioned, compensation had been fixed by
and while acting as a United States Judge Akerman for the said Rankin’s
district judge for the southern dis- services in said case, and notwith-
trict of Florida, was and is guilty of standing the restraint of propriety
misbehavior and of a high crime and expressed in his said letter to Judge
misdemeanor in office in manner Akerman, and ignoring the danger of
and form as follows, to wit: On or embarrassment mentioned in said
about October 11, 1929, A. L. Rankin letter, did fix an additional and exor-
(who had been a law partner of said bitant fee for the said Rankin in said
judge immediately before said case. On or about December 24,
judge’s appointment as judge), as so- 1930, when the final decree in said
licitor for the plaintiff, filed in the case was signed, the said Judge Rit-
court of the said Judge Ritter a cer- ter allowed the said Rankin, addi-
tain foreclosure suit and receivership tional to the total allowance of
proceeding, the same being styled $15,000 theretofore allowed by Judge
‘‘Bert E. Holland and others against Akerman, a fee of $75,000 for his
Whitehall Building and Operating services in said case, out of which al-
Company and others’’ (No. 678–M– lowance the said Judge Ritter di-
Eq.). On or about May 15, 1930, the rectly profited. On the same day, De-
said Judge Ritter allowed the said cember 24, 1930, the receiver in said
Rankin an advance of $2,500 on his case paid the said Rankin, as part of
fee for his services in said case. On his said additional fee, the sum of
or about July 2, 1930, the said Judge $25,000, and the said Rankin on the
Ritter by letter requested another same day privately paid and deliv-
judge of the United States District ered to the said Judge Ritter the
Court for the Southern District of sum of $2,500 in cash; $2,000 of said
Florida, to wit, Hon. Alexander $2,500 was deposited in bank by
Akerman, to fix and determine the Judge Ritter on, to wit, December
total allowance for the said Rankin 29, 1930, the remaining $500 being
for his services in said case for the kept by Judge Ritter and not depos-
reason as stated by Judge Ritter in ited in bank until, to wit, July 10,
said letter, that the said Rankin had 1931. Between the time of such ini-
formerly been the law partner of the tial payment on said additional fee
said Judge Ritter, and he did not feel and April 6, 1931, the said receiver
that he should pass upon the total paid said Rankin thereon $5,000. On
allowance made said Rankin in that or about April 6, 1931, the said
case, and that if Judge Akerman Rankin received the balance of the
would fix the allowance it would re- said additional fee allowed him by
lieve the writer, Judge Ritter, from Judge Ritter, said balance amount-
any embarrassment if thereafter any ing to $45,000. Shortly thereafter, on
question should arise as to his, or about April 14, 1931, the said
Judge Ritter’s favoring said Rankin Rankin paid and delivered to the
with an exorbitant fee. said Judge Ritter, privately, in cash,


an additional sum of $2,000. The said appointment until its sale on

said Judge Halsted L. Ritter cor- the 3d of January 1929, under the
ruptly and unlawfully accepted and foreclosure of a third mortgage
received for his own use and benefit thereon. On the 1st of November and
from the said A. L. Rankin the afore- the 13th of December 1929, the said
said sums of money, amounting to Judge Ritter made orders in said
$4,500. bankruptcy proceedings allowing the
Wherefore the said Judge Halsted said Walter S. Richardson as trustee
L. Ritter was and is guilty of mis- the sum of $16,500 as compensation
behavior and was and is guilty of a for his services as trustee. That be-
high crime and misdemeanor. fore the discharge of said Walter S.
Richardson as such trustee, said
ARTICLE II Richardson, together with said A. L.
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, Rankin, one Ernest Metcalf, one
while holding the office of United Martin Sweeney, and the said Hal-
States district judge for the southern sted L. Ritter, entered into an ar-
district of Florida, having been nomi- rangement to secure permission of
nated by the President of the United the holder or holders of at least
States, confirmed by the Senate of $50,000 of first-mortgage bonds on
the United States, duly qualified and said hotel property for the purpose of
commissioned, and while acting as a filing a bill to foreclose the first
United States district judge for the mortgage on said premises in the
southern district of Florida, was and court of said Halsted L. Ritter, by
is guilty of misbehavior and of high which means the said Richardson,
crimes and misdemeanors in office in Rankin, Metcalf, Sweeney, and Rit-
manner and form as follows, to wit: ter were to continue said property in
On the 15th day of February 1929 litigation before said Ritter. On the
the said Halsted L. Ritter, having 30th day of August 1929, the said
been appointed as United States dis- Walter S. Richardson, in furtherance
trict judge for the southern district of said arrangement and under-
of Florida, was duly qualified and standing, wrote a letter to the said
commissioned to serve as such dur- Martin Sweeney, in New York, sug-
ing good behavior in office. Imme- gesting the desirability of contacting
diately prior thereto and for several as many first mortgage bondholders
years the said Halsted L. Ritter had as possible in order that their co-
practiced law in said district in part- operation might be secured, directing
nership with one A. L. Rankin, special attention to Mr. Bert E. Hol-
which partnership was dissolved land, an attorney, whose address
upon the appointment of said Ritter was in the Tremont Building in Bos-
as said United States district judge. ton, and who, as cotrustee, was the
On the 18th day of July 1928 one holder of $50,000 of first-mortgage
Walter S. Richardson was elected bonds, the amount of bonds required
trustee in bankruptcy of the White- to institute the contemplated pro-
hall Building & Operating Co., which ceedings in Judge Ritter’s court.
company had been adjudicated in On October 3, 1929, the said Bert
said district as a bankrupt, and as E. Holland, being solicited by the
such trustee took charge of the as- said Sweeney, requested the said
sets of said Whitehall Building & Rankin and Metcalf to prepare a
Operating Co., which consisted of a complaint to file in said Judge Rit-
hotel property located in Palm Beach ter’s court for foreclosure of said first
in said district. That the said Rich- mortgage and the appointment of a
ardson as such trustee operated said receiver. At this time Judge Ritter
hotel property from the time of his was holding court in Brooklyn, N.Y.,


and the said Rankin and Richardson hereinbefore recited, wrongfully and
went from West Palm Beach, Fla., to oppressively exercised the powers of
Brooklyn, N.Y., and called upon said his office to carry into execution said
Judge Ritter a short time previous to plan and agreement theretofore ar-
filing the bill for foreclosure and ap- rived at, and refused to grant the re-
pointment of a receiver of said hotel quest of the said Holland and made
property. effective the champertous under-
On October 10, 1929, and before taking of the said Richardson and
the filing of said bill for foreclosure Rankin and appointed the said Rich-
and receiver, the said Holland with- ardson receiver of the said hotel
drew his authority to said Rankin property, notwithstanding that objec-
and Metcalf to file said bill and noti- tion was made to Judge Ritter that
fied the said Rankin not to file the said Richardson had been active in
said bill. Notwithstanding the said fomenting this litigation and was not
instructions to said Rankin not to a proper person to act as receiver.
file said bill, said Rankin, on the On October 15, 1929, said Rankin
11th day of October, 1929, filed said made oath to each of the bills for in-
bill with the clerk of the United tervenors which were filed the next
States District Court for the South- day.
ern District of Florida, but with the On October 16, 1929, bills for
specific request to said clerk to lock intervention in said foreclosure suit
up the said bill as soon as it was were filed by said Rankin and
filed and hold until Judge Ritter’s re- Metcalf in the names of holders of
turn so that there would be no news- approximately $5,000 of said first-
paper publicity before the matter mortgage bonds, which intervenors
was heard by Judge Ritter for the did not possess the said requisite
appointment of a receiver, which re- $50,000 in bonds required by said
quest on the part of the said Rankin first mortgage to bring foreclosure
was complied with by the said clerk. proceedings on the part of the bond-
On October 16, 1929, the said Hol- holders.
land telegraphed to the said Rankin, The said Rankin and Metcalf ap-
referring to his previous wire re- peared as attorneys for complainants
questing him to refrain from filing and intervenors, and in response to a
the bill and insisting that the matter suggestion of the said Judge Ritter,
remain in its then status until fur- the said Metcalf withdrew as attor-
ther instruction was given; and on ney for complainants and interve-
October 17, 1929, the said Rankin nors and said Judge Ritter there-
wired to Holland that he would not upon appointed said Metcalf as at-
make an application on his behalf for torney for the said Richardson, the
the appointment of a receiver. On receiver.
October 28, 1929, a hearing on the And in the further carrying out of
complaint and petition for receiver- said arrangement and under-
ship was heard before Judge Halsted standing, the said Richardson em-
L. Ritter at Miami, at which hearing ployed the said Martin Sweeney and
the said Bert E. Holland appeared in one Bemis, together with Ed
person before said Judge Ritter and Sweeney, as managers of said prop-
advised the judge that he wished to erty, for which they were paid the
withdraw the suit and asked for dis- sum of $60,000 for the management
missal of the bill of complaint on the of said hotel for the two seasons the
ground that the bill was filed with- property remained in the custody of
out his authority. said Richardson as receiver.
But the said Judge Ritter, fully ad- On or about the 15th of May 1930
vised of the facts and circumstances the said Judge Ritter allowed the


said Rankin an advance on his fee of the $2,500 theretofore allowed by

$2,500 for his services in said case. Judge Ritter, making a total of
On or about July 2, 1930, the said $15,000 as the fee of the said Rankin
Judge Ritter requested Judge Alex- in the said case.
ander Akerman, also a judge of the But notwithstanding the said re-
United States District Court for the quest on the part of said Ritter and
Southern District of Florida, to fix the compliance by the said Judge
the total allowance for the said Akerman and the reasons for the
Rankin for his services in said case, making of said request by said Judge
said request and the reasons there- Ritter of Judge Akerman, the said
for being set forth in a letter by the Judge Ritter, on the 24th day of De-
said Judge Ritter, in words and fig- cember 1930, allowed the said
ures as follows, to wit: Rankin an additional fee of $75,000.
JULY 2, 1930. And on the same date when the
Hon. ALEXANDER AKERMAN, receiver in said case paid to the said
United States District Judge, Rankin as a part of said additional
Tampa, Fla. fee the sum of $25,000, said Rankin
privately paid and delivered to said
MY DEAR JUDGE: In the case of Judge Ritter out of the said $25,000
Holland et al. v. Whitehall Building the sum of $2,500 in cash, $2,000 of
& Operating Co. (No. 678–M–Eq.), which the said Judge Ritter depos-
pending in my division, my former ited in a bank and $500 of which
law partner, Judge A. L. Rankin, of was put in a tin box and not depos-
West Palm Beach, has filed a peti- ited until the 10th day of July 1931,
tion for an order allowing compensa- when it was deposited in a bank
tion for his services on behalf of the with an additional sum of $600.
plaintiff. On or about the 6th day of April
I do not feel that I should pass, 1931, the said Rankin received as a
under the circumstances, upon the part of the $75,000 additional fee the
total allowance to be made Judge sum of $45,000, and shortly there-
Rankin in this matter. I did issue an after, on or before the 14th day of
order, which Judge Rankin will ex- April 1931, the said Rankin paid and
hibit to you, approving an advance of delivered to said Judge Ritter, pri-
$2,500 on his claim, which was ap- vately and in cash, out of said
proved by all attorneys. $45,000 the sum of $2,000.
You will appreciate my position in The said Judge Halsted L. Ritter
the matter, and I request you to pass corruptly and unlawfully accepted
upon the total allowance which and received for his own use and
should be made Judge Rankin in the benefit from the said Rankin the
premises as an accommodation to aforesaid sums of $2,500 in cash and
me. This will relieve me from any $2,000 in cash, amounting in all to
embarrassment hereafter if the ques- $4,500.
tion should arise as to my favoring
Judge Rankin in this matter by an Of the total allowance made to
exorbitant allowance. said A. L. Rankin in said foreclosure
suit, amounting in all to $90,000, the
Appreciating very much your kind-
ness in this matter, I am, following sums were paid out by said
Rankin with the knowledge and con-
Yours sincerely, sent of said Judge Ritter, to wit, to
said Walter S. Richardson, the sum
In compliance with said request of $5,000; to said Metcalf, the sum of
the said Judge Akerman allowed the $10,000; to Shutts and Bowen, also
said Rankin $12,500 in addition to attorneys for the receiver, the sum of


$25,000; and to said Halsted L. Rit- tion of its assets, to the loss and
ter, the sum of $4,500. damage of the creditors of said cor-
In addition to the said sum of poration, and was a party to the
$5,000 received by the said Richard- waste and dissipation of such assets
son, as aforesaid, said Ritter by while under the control of his said
order in said proceedings allowed court, and personally profited there-
said Richardson a fee of $30,000 for by, in the manner and form herein-
services as such receiver. above specifically set out.
The said fees allowed by said Wherefore the said Judge Halsted
Judge Ritter to A. L. Rankin (who L. Ritter was and is guilty of mis-
had been a law partner of said judge behavior and was and is guilty of a
immediately before said judge’s ap- high crime and misdemeanor in of-
pointment as judge) as solicitor for fice.
the plaintiff in said case were exces-
sive and unwarranted, and said ARTICLE III
judge profited personally thereby in That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
that out of the money so allowed having been nominated by the Presi-
said solicitor he received personally, dent of the United States, confirmed
privately, and in cash $4,500 for his by the Senate of the United States,
own use and benefit. duly qualified and commissioned,
While the Whitehall Hotel was and while acting as a United States
being operated in receivership under district judge for the southern dis-
said proceeding pending in said court trict of Florida, was and is guilty of
(and in which proceeding the re- a high crime and misdemeanor in of-
ceiver in charge of said hotel by ap- fice in manner and form as follows,
pointment of said judge was allowed to wit:
large compensation by said judge) That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
the said judge stayed at said hotel while such judge, was guilty of a vio-
from time to time without cost to lation of section 258 of the Judicial
himself and received free rooms, free Code of the United States of America
meals, and free valet service, and, (U.S.C. Annotated, title 28, sec. 373),
with the knowledge and consent of making it unlawful for any judge ap-
said judge, members of his family, pointed under the authority of the
including his wife, his son, Thurston United States to exercise the profes-
Ritter, his daughter, Mrs. M. R. sion or employment of counsel or at-
Walker, his secretary, Mrs. Lloyd C. torney, or to be engaged in the prac-
Hooks, and her husband, Lloyd C. tice of the law, in that after the em-
Hooks, each likewise on various oc- ployment of the law firm of Ritter &
casions stayed at said hotel without Rankin (which, at the time of the ap-
cost to themselves or to said judge, pointment of Halsted L. Ritter to be
and received free rooms, and some or judge of the United States District
all of them received from said hotel Court for the Southern District of
free meals and free valet service; all Florida, was composed of Halsted L.
of which expenses were borne by the Ritter and A. L. Rankin) in the case
said receivership to the loss and of Trust Co. of Georgia and Robert
damage of the creditors whose inter- G. Stephens, trustees, against Bra-
ests were involved therein. zilian Court Building Corporation
The said judge willfully failed and and others, No. 5704 in the Circuit
neglected to perform his duty to con- Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Cir-
serve the assets of the Whitehall cuit of Florida, and after the final
Building & Operating Co. in receiv- decree had been entered in said
ership in his court, but to the con- cause, and after the fee of $4,000
trary, permitted waste and dissipa- which had been agreed upon at the


outset of said employment had been ter’’ for $2,000, and which was duly
fully paid to the firm of Ritter & endorsed ‘‘Hon. Halsted L. Ritter. H.
Rankin, and after Halsted L. Ritter L. Ritter’’ and was paid on, to wit,
had on, to wit, February 15, 1929, April 4, 1929, and the proceeds
become judge of the United States thereof were received and appro-
District Court for the Southern Dis- priated by Judge Ritter to his own
trict of Florida, Judge Ritter on, to individual use and benefit, without
wit, March 11, 1929, wrote a letter advising his said former partner that
to Charles A. Brodek, of counsel for said $2,000 had been received, with-
Mulford Realty Corporation (the cli- out consulting with his said former
ent which his former law firm had partner thereabout, and without the
been representing in said litigation), knowledge or consent of his said
stating that there had been much former partner, appropriated the en-
extra and unanticipated work in the tire amount thus solicited and re-
case; that he was then a Federal ceived to the use and benefit of him-
judge; that his partner, A. L. self, the said Judge Ritter.
Rankin, would carry through further At the time said letter was written
proceedings in the case, but that he, by Judge Ritter and said $2,000 re-
Judge Ritter, would be consulted ceived by him, Mulford Realty Cor-
about the matter until the case was poration held and owned large inter-
all closed up; and that ‘‘this matter ests in Florida real estate and citrus
is one among very few which I am groves, and a large amount of securi-
assuming to continue my interest in ties of the Olympia Improvement
until finally closed up’’; and stating Corporation, which was a company
specifically in said letter: organized to develop and promote
‘‘I do not know whether any appeal Olympia, Fla., said holdings being
will be taken in the case or not; but within the territorial jurisdiction of
if so, we hope to get Mr. Howard the United States district court, of
Paschal or some other person as re- which Judge Ritter was a judge from
ceiver who will be amenable to our February 15, 1929.
directions, and the hotel can be oper- Which acts of said judge were cal-
ated at a profit, of course, pending culated to bring his office into disre-
the appeal. We shall demand a very pute, constitute a violation of section
heavy supersedeas bond, which I 258 of the Judicial Code of the
doubt whether D’Esterre can give.’’ United States of America (U.S.C.,
And further that he was ‘‘of Annotated, title 28, sec. 373), and
course, primarily interested in get- constitute a high crime and mis-
ting some money in the case,’’ and demeanor within the meaning and
that he thought ‘‘$2,000 more by way intent of section 4 of article II of the
of attorneys’ fees should be allowed’’; Constitution of the United States.
and asked that he be communicated Wherefore, the said Judge Halsted
with direct about the matter, giving L. Ritter was and is guilty of a high
his post-office box number. On, to misdemeanor in office.
wit, March 13, 1929, said Brodek re- ARTICLE IV
plied favorably, and on March 30,
1929, a check of Brodek, Raphael & That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
Eisner, a law firm of New York City, while holding the office of United
representing Mulford Realty Cor- States district judge for the southern
poration, in which Charles A. district of Florida, having been nomi-
Brodek, senior member of the firm of nated by the President of the United
Brodek, Raphael & Eisner, was one States, confirmed by the Senate of
of the directors, was drawn, payable the United States, duly qualified and
to the order of ‘‘Hon. Halsted L. Rit- commissioned, and while acting as a


United States district judge for the ment was carried out by the parties
southern district of Florida, was and thereto, and said judge, after the
is guilty of misbehavior and of high passage of such resolution, recused
crimes and misdemeanors in office in himself from sitting as judge in said
manner and form as follows, to wit: power suit, thereby bartering his ju-
The said Judge Ritter by his ac- dicial authority in said case for a
tions and conduct, as an individual vote of confidence. Nevertheless, the
and as such judge, has brought his succeeding judge allowed said
court into scandal and disrepute, to Hutchinson as special master in
the prejudice of said court and public chancery in said case a fee of $5,000,
confidence in the administration of although he performed little, if any,
justice in his said court, and to the service as such, and in the order
prejudice of public respect for and making such allowance recited: ‘‘And
confidence in the Federal judiciary: it appearing to the court that a min-
1. In that in the Florida Power Co. imum fee of $5,000 was approved by
case (Florida Power & Light Co. the court for the said Cary T. Hutch-
against City of Miami and others, inson, special master in this cause.’’
No. 1183–M–Eq.), which was a case 2. In that in the Trust Co. of Flor-
wherein said judge had granted the ida cases (Illick against Trust Co. of
complainant power company a tem- Florida et al., No. 1043–M–Eq., and
porary injunction restraining the en- Edmunds Committee et al. against
forcement of an ordinance of the city Marlon Mortgage Co. et al., No.
of Miami, which ordinance pre- 1124–M–Eq.) after the State banking
scribed a reduction in the rates for department of Florida, through its
electric current being charged in said comptroller, Honorable Ernest Amos,
city, said judge improperly appointed had closed the doors of the Trust Co.
one Cary T. Hutchinson, who had of Florida and appointed J. H.
long been associated with and em- Therrell liquidator for said trust
ployed by power and utility interests, company, and had interviewed in the
special master in chancery in said said Illick case, said Judge Ritter
suit, and refused to revoke his order wrongfully and erroneously refused
so appointing said Hutchinson. to recognize the right of said State
Thereafter, when criticism of such authority to administer the affairs of
action had become current in the city the said trust company, and ap-
of Miami, and within 2 weeks after a pointed Julian S. Eaton and Clark
resolution (H. Res. 163, 73d Cong.) D. Stearns as receivers of the prop-
had been agreed to in the House of erty of said trust company. On ap-
Representatives of the Congress of peal, the United States Circuit Court
the United States authorizing and of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit re-
directing the Judiciary Committee versed the said order or decree of
thereof to investigate the official con- Judge Ritter, and ordered the said
duct of said judge and to make a re- property surrendered to the State
port concerning said conduct to said liquidator. Thereafter, on, to wit,
House of Representatives, an ar- September 12, 1932, there was filed
rangement was entered into with the in the United States District Court
city commissioners of the city of for the Southern District of Florida
Miami or with the city attorney of the Edmunds Committee case,
said city by which the said city com- supra. Marion Mortgage Co. was a
missioners were to pass a resolution subsidiary of the Trust Co. of Flor-
expressing faith and confidence in ida. Judge Ritter being absent from
the integrity of said judge, and the his district at the time of the filing of
said judge recuse himself as judge said case, an application for the ap-
[in] said power suit. The said agree- pointment of receivers therein was


presented to another judge of said to wit, January ], 1933, Honorable J.

district, namely, Honorable Alex- M. Lee succeeded Honorable Ernest
ander Akerman. Judge Ritter, how- Amos as comptroller of the State of
ever, prior to the appointment of Florida and appointed M. A. Smith
such receivers, telegraphed Judge liquidator in said Trust Co. of Flor-
Akerman, requesting him to appoint ida cases to succeed J. H. Therrell.
the aforesaid Eaton and Stearns as An appeal was again taken to the
receivers in said case, which appoint- United States Circuit Court of Ap-
ments were made by Judge peals for the Fifth Circuit from the
Akerman. Thereafter the United then latest order or decree of Judge
States Circuit Court of Appeals for Ritter, and again the order or decree
the Fifth Circuit reversed the order of Judge Ritter appealed from was
of Judge Akerman, appointing said reversed by the said circuit court of
Eaton and Stearns as receivers in appeals, which held that Judge Rit-
said case. In November 1932 J. H. ter, or the court in which he pre-
Therrell, as liquidator, filed a bill of sided, had been without jurisdiction
complaint in the Circuit Court of in the matter of the appointment of
Dade County, Fla.—a court of the said Eaton and Stearns as receivers.
State of Florida—alleging that the Thereafter, and with the knowledge
various trust properties of the Trust of the decision of the said circuit
Co. of Florida were burdensome to court of appeals, Judge Ritter wrong-
the liquidator to keep, and asking fully and improperly allowed said
that the court appoint a succeeding Eaton and Stearns and their attor-
trustee. Upon petition for removal of neys some $26,000 as fees out of said
said cause from said State court into trust-estate properties, and endeav-
the United States District Court for ored to require, as a condition prece-
the Southern District of Florida, dent to releasing said trust prop-
Judge Ritter took jurisdiction, not- erties from the control of his court, a
withstanding the previous rulings of promise from counsel for the said
the United States Circuit Court of State liquidator not to appeal from
Appeals above referred to, and again his order allowing the said fees to
appointed the said Eaton and said Eaton and Stearns and their at-
Stearns as the receivers of the said torneys.
trust properties. In December 1932 3. In that the said Halsted L. Rit-
the said Therrell surrendered all of ter, while such Federal judge, accept-
the trust properties to said Eaton ed, in addition to $4,500 from his
and Stearns as receivers, together former law partner as alleged in ar-
with all records of the Trust Co. of ticle I hereof, other large fees or gra-
Florida pertaining thereto. During tuities, to wit, $7,500 from J. R.
the time said Eaton and Stearns, as Francis, on or about April 19, 1929,
such receivers, were in control of J. R. Francis at this said time hav-
said trust properties, Judge Ritter ing large property interests within
wrongfully and improperly approved the territorial jurisdiction of the
their accounts without notice or op- court of which Judge Ritter was a
portunity for objection thereto to be judge. On, to wit, the 4th day of
heard. With the knowledge of Judge April 1929 the said Judge Ritter ac-
Ritter, said receivers appointed the cepted the sum of $2,000 from said
sister-in-law of Judge Ritter, namely, Brodek, Raphael & Eisner, rep-
Mrs. G. M. Wickard, who had had no resenting Mulford Realty Corpora-
previous hotel-management experi- tion, through his attorney, Charles
ence, to be manager of the Julia A. Brodek, as a fee or gratuity, at
Tuttle Hotel and Apartment Build- which time the said Mulford Realty
ing, one of said trust properties. On, Corporation held and owned large


interests in Florida real estate and the misdemeanors in office which have
citrus groves, and a large amount of been charged against him in the arti-
securities of the Olympia Improve- cles which have been exhibited to the
ment Corporation, which was a com- Senate, and that such proceedings, ex-
pany organized to develop and pro- aminations, trials, and judgments may
mote Olympia, Fla., said holdings
being within the territorial jurisdic- be thereupon had and given as may be
tion of the United States District agreeable to law and justice.
Court of which Judge Ritter was a Mr. President, the managers on the
judge from February 15, 1929. part of the House of Representatives,
4. By his conduct as detailed in ar- in pursuance of the action of the House
ticles I and II hereof. of Representatives by the adoption of
Wherefore, the said Judge Halsted the articles of impeachment which
L. Ritter was and is guilty of mis- have just been read to the Senate, do
behavior, and was and is guilty of now demand that the Senate take
high crimes and misdemeanors in of- order for the appearance of the said
Halsted L. Ritter to answer said im-
JOSEPH W. BYRNS, peachment, and do now demand his
Speaker of the impeachment, conviction, and removal
House of Representatives. from office.
Clerk. wild take proper order and notify the
House of Representatives.(1)
Representative Sumners en-
tered a reservation of the right of The most senior Member of the
the House to amend or supple- Senate, Senator William E. Borah,
ment the articles and demanded of Idaho, then administered the
that the respondent be put to oath to Vice President Garner,
trial: who administered the oath to the
other Senators present.
MR. MANAGER SUMNERS: Mr. Presi- The Sergeant at Arms made
dent, the House of Representatives, by proclamation that the Senate was
protestation, saving themselves the lib-
erty of exhibiting at any time hereafter
then sitting as a Court of Im-
any further articles of accusation or peachment. Orders were adopted
impeachment against the said Halsted notifying the House of the organi-
L. Ritter, district judge of the United zation of the court and issuing a
States for the southern district of Flor- summons to the respondent.(2)
ida, and also of replying to his answers
which he shall make unto the articles § 18.8 In response to a sum-
preferred against him, and of offering mons, Judge Halsted Ritter
proof to the same and every part there-
of, and to all and every other article of 1. Id. at p. 3488.
accusation or impeachment which shall 2. Id. at pp. 3488, 3489. For the text of
be exhibited by them as the case shall the proceedings whereby the Senate
require, do demand that the said Hal- organized for the Ritter impeach-
sted L. Ritter may be put to answer ment trial, see § 11.5, supra.


appeared before the Senate Senate of the United States against

Halsted L. Ritter, United States dis-
sitting as a Court of Im- trict judge for the southern district
peachment. of Florida, is truly made, and that
you have performed such service as
On Mar. 12, 1936, respondent therein described. So help you God.
Halsted Ritter appeared before THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Sergeant
the Court of Impeachment pursu- at Arms will make proclamation.
ant to the summons previously The Sergeant at Arms made procla-
issued, and filed an entry of ap- mation as follows:
pearance: (3) Halsted L. Ritter! Halsted L. Ritter!
Halsted L. Ritter! United States dis-
THE VICE PRESIDENT: (4) . . . The trict judge for the southern district of
Secretary will read the return of the Florida, appear and answer to the arti-
Sergeant at Arms. cles of impeachment exhibited by the
The Chief Clerk read as follows: House of Representatives against you.
SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, The respondent, Halsted L. Ritter,
OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT AT ARMS. and his counsel, Frank P. Walsh, Esq.,
of New York City, N.Y., and Carl T.
The foregoing writ of summons ad- Hoffman, Esq., of Miami, Fla., entered
dressed to Halsted L. Ritter, and the
foregoing precept, addressed to me, the Chamber and were conducted to
were duly served upon the said Hal- the seats assigned them in the space in
sted L. Ritter by me by delivering front of the Secretary’s desk, on the
true and attested copies of the same right of the Chair.
to the said Halsted L. Ritter at the THE VICE PRESIDENT: Counsel for
Carlton Hotel, Washington, D.C., on
Thursday, the 12th day of March the respondent are advised that the
1936, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of Senate is now sitting for the trial of ar-
that day. ticles of impeachment exhibited by the
CHESLEY W. JURNEY, House of Representatives against Hal-
Sergeant at Arms, sted L. Ritter, United States district
United States Senate. judge for the southern district of Flor-
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Secretary ida.
of the Senate will administer the oath MR. WALSH (of counsel): May it
to the Sergeant at Arms. please you, Mr. President, and honor-
The Secretary of the Senate, Edwin able Members of the Senate, I beg to
A. Halsey, administered the oath to inform you that, in response to your
the Sergeant at Arms, as follows: summons, the respondent, Halsted L.
Ritter, is now present with his counsel
You, Chesley W. Jurney, do sol-
emnly swear that the return made and asks leave to file a formal entry of
by you upon the process issued on appearance.
the 10th day of March 1936 by the THE VICE PRESIDENT: Is there objec-
tion? The Chair hears none, and the
3. 80 CONG. REC. 3646, 3647, 74th appearance will be filed with the Sec-
Cong. 2d Sess. retary, and will be read.
4. John N. Garner (Tex.). The Chief Clerk read as follows:


IN THESENATE OF THE UNITED STATES caused to be printed in the Record

OF AMERICA SITTING AS A COURT OF the reasons for his request, based
on a long personal acquaintance
MARCH 12, 1936.
with the respondent.(5)
The United States of America v. The Senate ratified an agree-
Halsted L. Ritter
ment, between the managers and
The respondent, Halsted L. Ritter, counsel for the respondent, as to
having this day been served with a
summons requiring him to appear the time permitted the respondent
before the Senate of the United to file his answer with the Court
States of America in the city of
Washington, D.C., on March 12, of Impeachment:
1936, at 1 o’clock afternoon to an- MR. [JOSEPH T.] ROBINSON [of Ar-
swer certain articles of impeachment
presented against him by the House kansas]: Mr. President, I think there is
of Representatives of the United not a clear understanding as to the ar-
States of America, now appears in rangement which has been entered
his proper person and also by his into between the managers and the
counsel, who are instructed by this counsel for the respondent. It is my
respondent to inform the Senate that understanding, and if I am in error
respondent stands ready to file his
pleadings to such articles of im- someone who is better informed will
peachment within such reasonable please correct me, that the agreement
period of time as may be fixed. is that counsel for the respondent will
Dated March 12, 1936. place their response in the possession
of the managers on the part of the
§ 18.9 The Senate, sitting as a House not later than the 26th instant,
Court of Impeachment, ex- and that the Court may reconvene
cused a Senator from service again on the 30th when the response
will be filed in the Senate.
at his request, fixed a trial
THE VICE PRESIDENT: (6) Is there ob-
date, allowed respondent 18 jection to that agreement?
days to file his answer, and
adopted supplemental rules There was no objection.(7)
for trial. The Court of Impeachment
adopted a motion fixing the trial
On Mar. 12, 1936, the Senate date at Apr. 6, 1936.(8)
convened as a Court of Impeach-
The court adopted supplemental
ment in the Halsted Ritter case.
rules, which Senator Henry F.
Preceding the administration of
the oath to members not thereto- 5. 80 CONG. REC. 3646, 74th Cong. 2d
fore sworn, the court granted the Sess.
request of Senator Edward P. 6. John N. Garner (Tex.).
Costigan, of Colorado, that he be 7. 80 CONG. REC. 3647, 74th Cong. 2d
excused from service on the Court Sess.
of Impeachment. Senator Costigan 8. Id. at p. 3648.


Ashurst, of Arizona, stated to be 4. The parties may, by stipulation in

the same as those adopted in the writing filed with the Secretary of the
Senate and by him laid before the Sen-
trial of Judge Harold Louderback: ate or presented at the trial, agree
Ordered, That in addition to the upon any facts involved in the trial;
rules of procedure and practice in the and such stipulation shall be received
Senate when sitting on impeachment by the Senate for all intents and pur-
trials, heretofore adopted, and supple- poses as though the facts therein
mentary to such rules, the following agreed upon had been established by
rules shall be applicable in the trial of legal evidence adduced at the trial.
the impeachment of Halsted L. Ritter, 5. The parties or their counsel may
United States judge for the southern interpose objection to witnesses an-
district of Florida: swering questions propounded at the
1. In all matters relating to the pro- request of any Senator, and the merits
cedure of the Senate, whether as to of any such objection may be argued by
form or otherwise, the managers on the parties or their counsel; and the
the part of the House or the counsel Presiding Officer may rule on any such
representing the respondent may sub- objection, which ruling shall stand as
mit a request or application orally to the judgment of the Senate, unless
the Presiding Officer, or, if required by some Member of the Senate shall ask
him or requested by any Senator, shall that a formal vote be taken thereon, in
submit the same in writing. which case it shall be submitted to the
2. In all matters relating imme- Senate for decision; or he may, at his
diately to the trial, such as the admis- option, in the first instance submit any
sion, rejection, or striking out of evi- such question to a vote of the Members
dence, or other questions usually aris- of the Senate. Upon all such questions
ing in the trial of causes in courts of the vote shall be without debate and
justice, if the managers on the part of without a division, unless the ayes and
the House or counsel representing the nays be demanded by one-fifth of the
respondent desire to make any applica- Members present when the same shall
tion, request, or objection, the same be taken.(9)
shall be addressed directly to the Pre-
siding Officer and not otherwise. Amendment of Articles of Im-
3. It shall not be in order for any peachment
Senator, except as provided in the
rules of procedure and practice in the § 18.10 The House adopted a
Senate when sitting on impeachment resolution, reported as privi-
trials, to engage in colloquy or to ad- leged by the managers on the
dress questions either to the managers
on the part of the House or to counsel
part of the House in the Hal-
for the respondent, nor shall it be in sted Ritter impeachment,
order for Senators to address each amending the articles pre-
other; but they shall address their re- viously voted by the House.
marks directly to the Presiding Officer
and not otherwise. 9. Id.


On Mar. 30, 1936,(10) Mr. Hat- case of Trust Co. of Georgia and
Robert G. Stephens, Trustee v. Bra-
ton W. Sumners, of Texas, called zilian Court Building Corporation et
up the following privileged resolu- al., no. 5704, in the Circuit Court of
tion (H. Res. 471) amending the the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Flor-
ida, and after the fee of $4,000 which
articles of impeachment against had been agreed upon at the outset
Judge Ritter: of said employment had been fully
paid to the firm of Ritter & Rankin,
Resolved, That the articles of im- and after Halsted L. Ritter had, on,
peachment heretofore adopted by the to wit, February 15, 1929, become
House of Representatives in and by judge of the United States District
House Resolution 422, House Calendar Court for the Southern District of
No. 279, be, and they are hereby, Florida, Judge Ritter on, to wit,
March 11, 1929, wrote a letter to
amended as follows: Charles A. Brodek, of counsel for
Article III is amended so as to read Mulford Realty Corporation (the cli-
as follows: ent which his former law firm had
been representing in said litigation),
ARTICLE II stating that there had been much
extra and unanticipated work in the
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, case, that he was then a Federal
having been nominated by the Presi- judge; that his partner, A. L.
dent of the United States, confirmed Rankin, would carry through further
by the Senate of the United States, proceedings in the case, but that he,
duly qualified and commissioned, Judge Ritter, would be consulted
and, while acting as a United States about the matter until the case was
district judge for the southern dis- all closed up; and that ‘‘this matter
trict of Florida, was and is guilty of is one among very few which I am
a high crime and misdemeanor in of- assuming to continue my interest in
fice in manner and form as follows, until finally closed up’’; and stating
to wit: specifically in said letter:
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, ‘‘I do not know whether any appeal
while such judge, was guilty of a vio- will be taken in the case or not, but,
lation of section 258 of the Judicial if so, we hope to get Mr. Howard
Code of the United States of America Paschal or some other person as re-
(U.S.C., Annotated, title 28, sec. ceiver who will be amenable to our
373), making it unlawful for any directions, and the hotel can be oper-
judge appointed under the authority ated at a profit, of course, pending
of the United States to exercise the the appeal. We shall demand a very
profession or employment of counsel heavy supersedeas bond, which I
or attorney, or to be engaged in the doubt whether D’Esterre can give’’;
practice of the law, in that after the and further that he was ‘‘of course
employment of the law firm of Ritter primarily interested in getting some
& Rankin (which at the time of the money in the case’’, and that he
appointment of Halsted L. Ritter to thought ‘‘$2,000 more by way of at-
be judge of the United States Dis- torney’s fees should be allowed’’; and
trict Court for the Southern District asked that he be communicated with
of Florida, was composed of Halsted direct about the matter, giving his
L. Ritter and A. L. Rankin) in the post-office box number. On, to wit,
March 13, 1929, said Brodek replied
10. 80 CONG. REC. 4597–99. 74th Cong. favorably, and on March 30, 1929, a
2d Sess. check of Brodek, Raphael & Eisner,


a law firm of New York City, rep- Wherefore, the said Judge Halsted
resenting Mulford Realty Corpora- L. Ritter was and is guilty of a high
tion, in which Charles A. Brodek, misdemeanor in office.
senior member of the firm of Brodek,
Raphael & Eisner, was one of the di- By adding the following articles im-
rectors, was drawn, payable to the mediately after article III as amended:
order of ‘‘Hon. Halsted L. Ritter’’ for
$2,000 and which was duly endorsed ARTICLE IV
‘‘Hon. Halsted L. Ritter. H. L. Ritter’’ That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
and was paid on, to wit, April 4, having been nominated by the Presi-
1929, and the proceeds thereof were dent of the United States, confirmed
received and appropriated by Judge by the Senate of the United States,
Ritter to his own individual use and duly qualified and commissioned,
benefit, without advising his said and, while acting as a United States
former partner that said $2,000 had district judge for the southern dis-
been received, without consulting trict of Florida, was and is guilty of
with his former partner thereabout, a high crime and misdemeanor in of-
and without the knowledge or con- fice in manner and form as follows,
sent of his said former partner, ap- to wit:
propriated the entire amount thus That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
solicited and received to the use and while such judge, was guilty of a vio-
benefit of himself, the said Judge lation of section 258 of the Judicial
Ritter. Code of the United States of America
At the time said letter was written (U.S.C., Annotated, title 28, sec.
by Judge Ritter and said $2,000 re- 373), making it unlawful for any
ceived by him, Mulford Realty Cor- judge appointed under the authority
poration held and owned large inter- of the United States to exercise the
ests in Florida real estate and citrus profession or employment of counsel
groves, and a large amount of securi- or attorney, or to be engaged in the
ties of the Olympia Improvement practice of the law, in that Judge
Corporation, which was a company Ritter did exercise the profession or
organized to develop and promote employment of counsel or attorney,
Olympia, Fla., said holdings being or engaged in the practice of the law,
within the territorial jurisdiction of representing J. R. Francis, with rela-
the United States district court, of tion to the Boca Raton matter and
which Judge Ritter was a judge the segregation and saving of the in-
from, to wit, February 15, 1929. terest of J. R. Francis therein, or in
After writing said letter of March obtaining a deed or deeds to J. R.
11, 1929, Judge Ritter further exer- Francis from the Spanish River
cised the profession or employment Land Co. to certain pieces of realty,
of counsel or attorney, or engaged in and in the Edgewater Ocean Beach
the practice of the law, with relation Development Co. matter, for which
to said case. services the said Judge Ritter re-
Which acts of said judge were cal- ceived from the said J. R. Francis
culated to bring his office into disre- the sum of $7,500.
pute, constitute a violation of section Which acts of said judge were cal-
258 of the Judicial Code of the culated to bring his office into disre-
United States of America (U.S.C., pute, constitute a violation of the
Annotated, title 28, sec. 373), and law above recited, and constitute a
constitute a high crime and mis- high crime and misdemeanor within
demeanor within the meaning and the meaning and intent of section 4
intent of section 4 of article II of the of article II of the Constitution of the
Constitution of the United States. United States.


Wherefore the said Judge Halsted fice in manner and form as follows,
L. Ritter was and is guilty of a high to wit:
misdemeanor in office. That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
while such judge, was guilty of viola-
ARTICLE V tion of section 146(b) of the Revenue
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, Act of 1928, making it unlawful for
having been nominated by the Presi- any person willfully to attempt in
dent of the United States, confirmed any manner to evade or defeat the
by the Senate of the United States, payment of the income tax levied in
duly qualified and commissioned, and by said Revenue Act of 1928, in
and, while acting as a United States that during the year 1930 the said
district judge for the southern dis- Judge Ritter received gross taxable
trict of Florida, was and is guilty of income—over and above his salary
a high crime and misdemeanor in of- as judge—to the amount of, to wit,
fice in manner and form as follows, $5,300, yet failed to report any part
to wit: thereof in his income-tax return for
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, the year 1930, and paid no income
while such judge, was guilty of viola- tax thereon.
tion of section 146(b) of the Revenue Two thousand five hundred dollars
Act of 1928, making it unlawful for of said gross taxable income for 1930
any person willfully to attempt in was that amount of cash paid Judge
any manner to evade or defeat the Ritter by A. L. Rankin on December
payment of the income tax levied in 24, 1930, as described in article I.
and by said Revenue Act of 1928, in Wherefore the said Judge Halsted
that during the year 1929 said Judge L. Ritter was and is guilty of a high
Ritter received gross taxable in- misdemeanor in office.
come—over and above his salary as Original article IV is amended so
judge—to the amount of some as to read as follows:
$12,000, yet paid no income tax
thereon. ‘‘ARTICLE VII
Among the fees included in said ‘‘That the said Halsted L. Ritter,
gross taxable income for 1929 were while holding the office of United
the extra fee of $2,000 solicited and States district judge for the southern
received by Judge Ritter in the Bra- district of Florida, having been nomi-
zilian Court case, as described in ar- nated by the President of the United
ticle III, and the fee of $7,500 re- States, confirmed by the Senate of
ceived by Judge Ritter from J. R. the United States, duly qualified and
Francis. commissioned, and, while acting as a
Wherefore the said Judge Halsted United States district judge for the
L. Ritter was and is guilty of a high southern district of Florida, was and
misdemeanor in office. is guilty of misbehavior and of high
ARTICLE VI crimes and misdemeanors in office in
manner and form as follows, to wit:
That the said Halsted L. Ritter, ‘‘The reasonable and probable con-
having been nominated by the Presi- sequence of the actions or conduct of
dent of the United States, confirmed Halsted L. Ritter, hereunder speci-
by the Senate of the United States, fied or indicated in this article, since
duly qualified and commissioned, he became judge of said court, as an
and, while acting as a United States individual or as such judge, is to
district judge for the southern dis- bring his court into scandal and dis-
trict of Florida, was and is guilty of repute, to the prejudice of said court
a high crime and misdemeanor in of- and public confidence in the admin-


istration of justice therein, and to in said case a fee of $5,000, although

the prejudice of public respect for he performed little, if any, service as
and confidence in the Federal judici- such, and in the order making such
ary, and to render him unfit to con- allowance recited: ‘And it appearing
tinue to serve as such judge: to the court that a minimum fee of
‘‘1. In that in the Florida Power $5,000 was approved by the court for
Co. case (Florida Power & Light Co. the said Cary T. Hutchinson, special
v. City of Miami et al., no. 1183–M– master in this cause.’
Eq.), which was a case wherein said ‘‘2. In that in the Trust Co. of Flor-
judge had granted the complainant ida cases (Illick v. Trust Co. of Flor-
power company a temporary injunc- ida et al., no. 1043–M–Eq., and
tion restraining the enforcement of Edmunds Committee et al. v. Marion
an ordinance of the city of Miami, Mortgage Co. et al., no. 1124–M–
which ordinance prescribed a reduc- Eq.), after the State Banking De-
tion in the rates for electric current partment of Florida, through its
being charged in said city, said judge comptroller, Hon. Ernest Amos, had
improperly appointed one Cary T. closed the doors of the Trust Co. of
Hutchinson, who had long been asso- Florida and appointed J. H. Therrell
ciated with and employed by power liquidator for said trust company,
and utility interests, special master and had intervened in the said Illick
in chancery in said suit, and refused case, said Judge Ritter wrongfully
to revoke his order so appointing and erroneously refused to recognize
said Hutchinson. Thereafter, when the right of said State authority to
criticism of such action had become administer the affairs of the said
current in the city of Miami, and trust company and appointed Julian
within 2 weeks after a resolution (H. S. Eaton and Clark D. Stearns as re-
Res. 163, 73d Cong.) had been ceivers of the property of said trust
agreed to in the House of Represent- company. On appeal the United
atives of the Congress of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for
States, authorizing and directing the the Fifth Circuit reversed the said
Judiciary Committee thereof to in- order or decree of Judge Ritter and
vestigate the official conduct of said ordered the said property surren-
judge and to make a report con- dered to the State liquidator. There-
cerning said conduct to said House of after, on, to wit, September 12, 1932,
Representatives, an arrangement there was filed in the United States
was entered into with the city com- District Court for the Southern Dis-
missioners of the city of Miami or trict of Florida the Edmunds Com-
with the city attorney of said city by mittee case, supra. Marion Mortgage
which the said city commissioners Co. was a subsidiary of the Trust Co.
were to pass a resolution expressing of Florida. Judge Ritter being absent
faith and confidence in the integrity from his district at the time of the
of said judge, and the said judge filing of said case, an application for
recuse himself as judge in said the appointment of receivers therein
power suit. The said agreement was was presented to another judge of
carried out by the parties thereto, said district, namely, Hon. Alex-
and said judge; after the passage of ander Akerman. Judge Ritter, how-
such resolution, recused himself ever, prior to the appointment of
from sitting as judge in said power such receivers, telegraphed Judge
suit, thereby bartering his judicial Akerman, requesting him to appoint
authority in said case for a vote of the aforesaid Eaton and Stearns as
confidence. Nevertheless, the suc- receivers in said case, which appoint-
ceeding judge allowed said Hutch- ments were made by Judge
inson as special master in chancery Akerman. Thereafter the United


States Circuit Court of Appeals for Ritter, and again the order or decree
the Fifth Circuit reversed the order of Judge Ritter appealed from was
of Judge Akerman, appointing said reversed by the said circuit court of
Eaton and Stearns as receivers in appeals which held that the State of-
said case. In November 1932 J. H. ficer was entitled to the custody of
Therrell, as liquidator, filed a bill of the property involved and that said
complaint in the Circuit Court of Eaton and Stearns as receivers were
Dade County, Fla.—a court of the not entitled to such custody. There-
State of Florida—alleging that the after, and with the knowledge of the
various trust properties of the Trust decision of the-said circuit court of
Co. of Florida were burdensome to appeals, Judge Ritter wrongfully and
the liquidator to keep, and asking improperly allowed said Eaton and
that the court appoint a succeeding Stearns and their attorneys some
trustee. Upon petition for removal of $26,000 as fees out of said trust-es-
said cause from said State court into tate properties and endeavored to re-
the United States District Court for quire, as a condition precedent to re-
the Southern District of Florida, leasing said trust properties from
Judge Ritter took jurisdiction, not- the control of his court, a promise
withstanding the previous rulings of from counsel for the said State liqui-
the United States Circuit Court of dator not to appeal from his order al-
Appeals above referred to, and again lowing the said fees to said Eaton
appointed the said Eaton and and Stearns and their attorneys.
Stearns as the receivers of the said
trust properties. In December 1932 ‘‘3. In that the said Halsted L. Rit-
the said Therrell surrendered all of ter, while such Federal judge, accept-
the trust properties to said Eaton ed, in addition to $4,500 from his
and Stearns as receivers, together former law partner, as alleged in ar-
with all records of the Trust Co. of ticle I hereof, other large fees or gra-
Florida pertaining thereto. During tuities, to wit, $7,500 from J. R.
the time said Eaton and Stearns, as Francis, on or about April 19, 1929,
such receivers, were in control of J. R. Francis at this said time hav-
said trust properties. Judge Ritter ing large property interests within
wrongfully and improperly approved the territorial jurisdiction of the
their accounts without notice or op- court of which Judge Ritter was a
portunity for objection thereto to be judge; and on, to wit, the 4th day of
heard. With the knowledge of Judge April 1929 the said Judge Ritter ac-
Ritter, said receivers appointed the cepted the sum of $2,000 from
sister-in-law of Judge Ritter, namely, Brodek, Raphael & Eisner, rep-
Mrs. G. M. Wickard, who had had no resenting Mulford Realty Corpora-
previous hotel-management experi- tion as its attorneys, through
ence, to be manager of the Julia Charles A. Brodek, senior member of
Tuttle Hotel and Apartment Build- said firm and a director of said cor-
ing, one of said trust properties. On, poration, as a fee or gratuity, at
to wit, January 1, 1933, Hon. J. M. which time the said Mulford Realty
Lee succeeded Hon. Ernest Amos as Corporation held and owned large
comptroller of the State of Florida interests in Florida real estate and
and appointed M. A. Smith liqui- citrus groves and a large amount of
dator in said Trust Co. of Florida securities of the Olympia Improve-
cases to succeed J. H. Therrell. An ment Corporation, which was a com-
appeal was again taken to the pany organized to develop and pro-
United States Circuit Court of Ap- mote Olympia, Florida, said holdings
peals for the Fifth Circuit from the being within the territorial jurisdic-
then latest order or decree of Judge tion of the United States District


Court of which Ritter was a judge these new charges. There is a change
from, to wit, February 15, 1929. in the tense used with reference to the
‘‘4. By his conduct as detailed in effect of the conduct alleged. It is
articles I, II, III, and IV hereof, and charged, in the resolution pending at
by his income-tax evasions as set
forth in articles V and VI hereof. the desk, that the reasonable and prob-
‘‘Wherefore the said Judge Halsted able consequence of the alleged con-
L. Ritter was and is guilty of mis- duct is to injure the confidence of the
behavior, and was and is guilty of people in the courts—I am not at-
high crimes and misdemeanors in of- tempting to quote the exact language—
which is a matter of form, I think,
The House adopted the resolu- more than a matter of substance.
tion amending the articles after MR. [BERTRAND H.] SNELL [of New
Mr. Sumners discussed its provi- York]: Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman
sions and stated his opinion that
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Yes.
the managers had the power to re- MR. SNELL: I may not be entirely fa-
port amendments to the articles: miliar with all this procedure, but as I
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Mr. Speaker, understand, what the gentleman is
the resolution which has just been doing here today, is to amend the origi-
read proposes three new articles. The nal articles of impeachment passed by
change is not as important as that the House.
statement would indicate. Two of the MR. SUMNERS of Texas: That is cor-
new articles deal with income taxes, rect.
and one with practicing law by Judge MR. SNELL: The original articles of
Ritter, after he went on the bench. In impeachment came to the House as a
the original resolution, the charge is result of the evidence before the gen-
made that Judge Ritter received cer- tleman’s committee. Has the gentle-
tain fees or gratuities and had written man’s committee had anything to do
a letter, and so forth. No change is pro- with the change or amendment of
posed in articles 1 and 2. In article 3, these charges?
as stated, Judge Ritter is charged with MR. SUMNERS of Texas: No; just the
practicing law after he went on the managers.
bench. That same thing, in effect, was MR. SNELL: As a matter of proce-
charged, as members of the committee dure, would not that be the proper
will remember, in the original resolu- thing to do?
tion, but the form of the charge, in the MR. SUMNERS of Texas: I do not
judgment of the managers, could be think it is at all necessary, for this rea-
improved. These charges go further son: The managers are now acting as
and charge that in the matter con- the agents of the House, and not as the
nected with J. R. Francis, the judge agents of the Committee on the Judici-
acted as counsel in two transactions ary. Mr. Manager Perkins and Mr.
after he went on the bench, and re- Manager Hobbs have recently ex-
ceived $7,500 in compensation. Article tended the investigation made by the
7 is amended to include a reference to committee.


MR. SNELL: Mr. Speaker, will the was informed by resolution there-
gentleman yield further? of:
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Yes.
MR. SNELL: Do I understand that the
Mr. Speaker, I offer the following privi-
amendments come because of new in-
leged resolution.
formation that has come to you as
The Clerk read as follows:
managers that never was presented to
the Committee on the Judiciary? HOUSE RESOLUTION 472
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: Perhaps it
Resolved, That a message be sent
would not be true to answer that en- to the Senate by the Clerk of the
tirely in the affirmative, but the House informing the Senate that the
changes are made largely by reason of House of Representatives has adopt-
new evidence which has come to the ed an amendment to the articles of
impeachment heretofore exhibited
attention of the committee, and some against Halsted L. Ritter, United
of these changes, more or less changes States district judge for the southern
in form, have resulted from further ex- district of Florida, and that the same
amination of the question. This is will be presented to the Senate by
somewhat as lawyers do in their plead- the managers on the part of the
ings. They often ask the privilege of
And also, that the managers have
making an amendment. authority to file with the Secretary
MR. SNELL: And the gentleman’s po- of the Senate, on the part of the
sition is that as agents of the House it House any subsequent pleadings
is not necessary to have the approval they shall deem necessary.
of his committee, which made the The resolution was agreed to.
original impeachment charges? A motion to reconsider was laid on
MR. SUMNERS of Texas: I have no the table.
doubt about that; I have no doubt
about the accuracy of that statement. On Mar. 31, the amendments to
the articles were presented to the
§ 18.11 Following the amend- Court of Impeachment and print-
ment of the articles of im- ed in the Record; (12) counsel for
peachment against Judge the respondent was granted 48
Halsted Ritter, the House hours to file his response to the
adopted a resolution to in- new articles.
form the Senate thereof.
Motions to Strike Articles
On Mar. 30, 1936,(11) following
the amendment by the House of § 18.12 During the impeach-
the articles in the impeachment ment trial of Judge Halsted
against Judge Ritter, the Senate Ritter, the respondent moved
to strike Article I or, in the
11. 80 CONG. REC. 4601, 74th Cong. 2d
Sess. 12. Id. at pp. 4654–56.


alternative, to require elec- oppress the respondent in that the ar-

tion as to Articles I and II, ticles are so framed as to collect, or ac-
cumulate upon the second article, the
and moved to strike Article adverse votes, if any, upon the first ar-
VII. ticle.
On Mar. 31, 1936,(13) the re- 3. The Constitution of the United
spondent, Judge Ritter, filed the States contemplates but one vote of the
following motion: Senate upon the charge contained in
each article of impeachment, whereas
In the Senate of the United States of articles I and II are constructed and
America sitting as a Court of Im- arranged in such form and manner as
peachment. The United States of to require and exact of the Senate a
America v. Halsted L. Ritter, re- second vote upon the subject matter of
spondent article I.
ELECTION AS TO ARTICLES I AND II; And the respondent further moves
AND MOTION TO STRIKE ARTICLE VII the honorable Senate, sitting as a
Court of Impeachment, for an order
The respondent, Halsted L. Ritter, striking and dismissing article VII,
moves the honorable Senate, sitting as and for grounds of such motion, re-
a Court of Impeachment, for an order spondent says:
striking and dismissing article I of the
1. Article VII includes and embraces
articles of impeachment, or, in the al-
all the charges set forth in articles I,
ternative, to require the honorable
II, III, IV, V, and VI.
managers on the part of the House of
Representatives to elect as to whether 2. Article VII constitutes an accumu-
they will proceed upon article I or lation and massing of all charges in
upon article II, and for grounds of such preceding articles upon which the
motion respondent says: Court is to pass judgment prior to the
vote on article VII, and the prosecution
1. Article II reiterates and embraces
all the charges and allegations of arti- should be required to abide by the
cle I, and the respondent is thus and judgment of the Senate rendered upon
thereby twice charged in separate arti- such prior articles and the Senate
cles with the same and identical of- ought not to countenance the arrange-
fense, and twice required to defend ment of pleading designed to procure a
against the charge presented in article second vote and the collection or accu-
I. mulation of adverse votes, if any, upon
2. The presentation of the same and such matters.
identical charge in the two articles in 3. The presentation in article VII of
question tends to prejudice the re- more than one subject and the charges
spondent in his defense, and tends to arising out of a single subject is unjust
and prejudicial to respondent.
13. 80 CONG. REC. 4656, 4657, 74th 4. In fairness and justice to respond-
Cong. 2d Sess. ent, the Court ought to require separa-


tion and singleness of the subject mat- At the suggestion of the Chair,
ter of the charges in separate and dis- decision on the motions of re-
tinct articles, upon which a single and
spondent were reserved for inves-
final vote of the Senate upon each arti-
cle and charge can be had. tigation and deliberation:
(Signed) FRANK P. WALSH, MR. [HENRY F.] ASHURST [of Ari-
CARL T. HOFFMAN, zona]: Mr. President, I assume that the
Of Counsel for Respondent. Presiding Officer will desire to take
Mr. Hoffman, counsel for re- some time to examine all the pleadings
spondent, argued that Article II and will not be prepared to announce a
decision on this point until the next
duplicated charges set forth in Ar- session of the Court?
ticle I. He also contended that the THE PRESIDING OFFICER [NATHAN L.
rule of duplicity, or the principle BACHMAN (Tenn.)]: It is the opinion of
of civil and criminal pleading that the present occupant of the chair that
one count should contain no more while the necessity for early decision is
apparent, the importance of the matter
than one charge or cause of ac-
would justify the occupant of the chair
tion, was violated by Article VII. in saying that no decision should be
Mr. Sumners argued in re- made until the proceedings are printed
sponse that Article II was clearly and every member of the Court has an
not a duplication of Article I, two opportunity to investigate and consider
them. Is there objection to that sugges-
distinct charges being presented. tion of the Chair? The Chair hears
As to Article VII, Mr. Sumners none.(15)
contended that impeachment was
essentially an ouster proceeding § 18.13 On the respondent’s
as opposed to a criminal pro- motion to strike, the Chair
ceeding. He referred to the fact overruled that part of the
that the articles of impeachment motion which sought to
against Judge Harold Louderback strike Article I or to require
had contained a similar article election between Articles I
charging that ‘‘by specifically al- and II; the Chair submitted
leged conduct’’ the respondent that part of the motion
‘‘has done those things the reason- which sought to strike Arti-
able and probable consequences of cle VII to the Court of Im-
which are to arouse a substantial peachment, which overruled
doubt as to his judicial integ- that part of the motion.
such conduct as to destroy public
14. Id. at p. 4658. confidence in the court, see 6 Can-
For Article V, as amended, in the non’s Precedents § 520.
Louderback impeachment, charging 15. Id. at p. 4659.


On Apr. 3, 1936,(16) the fol- What is the judgment of the Court

lowing disposition was made of with reference to that particular phase
of the motion to strike?
the motion of the respondent,
MR. [WILLIAM H.] KING [of Utah]:
Judge Halsted Ritter, to strike Mr. President, if it be necessary, I
certain articles: move that the ruling of the honorable
THE PRESIDING OFFICER [NATHAN L. Presiding Officer be considered as and
BACHMAN (Tenn.)]: On the motion of stand for the judgment of the Senate
the honorable counsel for the respond- sitting as a Court of Impeachment.
ent to strike article I of the articles of THE PRESIDING OFFICER: Is there ob-
impeachment or, in the alternative, to jection? The Chair hears none, and the
require the honorable managers on the ruling of the Chair is sustained, by the
part of the House to make an election Senate.
as to whether they will stand upon ar- With reference to article VII of the
ticle I or upon article II, the Chair is articles of impeachment, formerly arti-
ready to rule. cle IV, the Chair desires to exercise his
The Chair is clearly of the opinion prerogative of calling on the Court for
that the motion to strike article I or to a determination of this question.
require an election is not well taken His reason for so doing is that an
and should be overruled. impeachment proceeding before the
His reason for such opinion is that Senate sitting as a Court is sui ge-
articles I and II present entirely dif- neris, partaking neither of the harsh-
ferent bases for impeachment. ness and rigidity of the criminal law
Article I alleges the illegal and cor- nor of the civil proceedings requiring
rupt receipt by the respondent of less particularity.
$4,500 from his former law partner,
The question of duplicity in impeach-
Mr. Rankin.
ment proceedings presented by the
Article II sets out as a basis for im- honorable counsel for the respondent is
peachment an alleged conspiracy be- a controversial one, and the Chair feels
tween Judge Ritter; his former part-
that it is the right and duty of each
ner, Mr. Rankin; one Richardson,
Member of the Senate, sitting as a
Metcalf & Sweeny; and goes into detail
Court, to express his views thereon.
as to the means and manner employed
whereby the respondent is alleged to Precedents in proceedings of this
have corruptly received the $4,500 character are rare and not binding
above mentioned. upon this Court in any course that it
The two allegations, one of corrupt might desire to pursue.
and illegal receipt and the other of con- The question presented in the mo-
spiracy to effectuate the purpose, are, tion to strike article VII on account of
in the judgment of the Chair, wholly duplicity has not, so far as the Chair is
distinct, and the respondent should be advised, been presented in any im-
called to answer each of the articles. peachment proceeding heretofore had
before this body.
16. 80 CONG. REC. 4898, 74th Cong. 2d The Chair therefore submits the
Sess. question to the Court.


MR. [HENRY F.] ASHURST [of Ari- and 2 of article VII. These two speci-
zona]: Mr. President, under the rules fications have reference to what I as-
of the Senate, sitting as a Court of Im- sume counsel for respondent and the
peachment, all such questions, when managers as well, recognize are rather
submitted by the Presiding Officer, involved matters, which would possibly
shall be decided without debate and require as much time to develop and to
without division, unless the yeas and argue as would be required on the re-
nays are demanded by one-fifth of the mainder of the case.
Members present, when the yeas and The managers respectfully move that
nays shall be taken. those two counts be stricken. If that
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The Chair motion shall be sustained, the man-
therefore, will put the motion. All agers will stand upon the other speci-
those in favor of the motion of counsel fications in article VII to establish arti-
for the respondent to strike article VII cle VII. The suggestion on the part of
will say ‘‘aye.’’ Those opposed will say the managers is that those two speci-
‘‘no.’’ fications in article VII be stricken from
The noes have it, and the motion in the article.
its entirety is overruled. THE PRESIDING OFFICER: (18) What is
the response of counsel for the re-
§ 18.14 During the impeach- spondent?
ment trial of Judge Halsted MR. [CHARLES L.] MCNARY [of Or-
Ritter, the managers on the egon]: Mr. President, there was so
much rumbling and noise in the Cham-
part of the House made and ber that I did not hear the position
the Senate granted a motion taken by the managers on the part of
to strike certain specifica- the House.
tions from an article of im- THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The man-
peachment. agers on the part of the House have
suggested that specifications 1 and 2 of
On Apr. 3, 1936,(17) during the article VII be stricken on their motion.
impeachment trial of Judge Rit- . . .
ter, the managers on the part of MR. HOFFMAN [of counsel]: Mr.
the House moved that two counts President, the respondent is ready to
be stricken. The motion was file his answer to article I, to articles
II and III as amended, and to articles
granted by the Senate: IV, V, and VI. In view of the announce-
MR. MANAGER [HATTON W.] SUM- ment just made asking that specifica-
NERS [of Texas] (speaking from the tions 1 and 2 of article VII be stricken,
desk in front of the Vice President): it will be necessary for us to revise our
Mr. President, the suggestion which answer to article VII and to eliminate
the managers desire to make at this paragraphs 1 and 2 thereof. That can
time has reference to specifications 1 be very speedily done with 15 or 20
minutes if it can be arranged for the
17. 80 CONG. REC. 4899, 74th Cong. 2d
Sess. 18. Nathan L. Bachman (Tenn.).


Senate to indulge us for that length of On Apr. 6, the respondent’s an-

time. swer was laid before the House
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: Is there ob- and referred to the managers on
jection to the motion submitted on the
part of the managers? the part of the House.(20) On the
MR. HOFFMAN: We have no objection. same day, the managers filed a
THE PRESIDING OFFICER: The motion replication in the Senate, sitting
is made. Is there objection? The Chair as a Court of Impeachment, to the
hears none, and the motion to strike is answer of the respondent Judge
granted. Ritter. The replication was pre-
MR. [JOSEPH T.] ROBINSON [of Ar- pared and submitted by the man-
kansas]: Mr. President, it would seem
that in the interest of the conservation agers on their own initiative, the
of time and for the convenience of the House not having voted thereon:(1)
Court, the motion should have been
made prior to the decision on the ques-
tion involved in the motion of counsel RESENTATIVES OF UNITED

to strike certain articles. I merely STATES OF AMERICA TO THE ANSWER

make that observation for the consider- OF HALSTED L. RITTER, DISTRICT

Answer and Replication IDA, TO THE ARTICLES OF IMPEACH-

§ 18.15 In the Ritter impeach- AGAINST HIM BY THE HOUSE OF REP-
ment trial, an answer to the RESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED
charges was filed by the re-
spondent, and a replication The House of Representatives of the
United States of America, having con-
thereto was submitted by the sidered the several answers of Halsted
managers. L. Ritter, district judge of the United
On Apr. 3, 1936, the answer of States for the southern district of Flor-
ida, to the several articles of impeach-
the respondent in the Ritter im- ment, as amended, against him by
peachment was read in the Sen- them exhibited in the name of them-
ate, ordered printed, and mes- selves and of all the people of the
saged to the House. The answer United States, and reserving to them-
stated that the facts set forth selves all advantages of exception to
therein did not constitute im- the insufficiency, irrelevancy, and im-
pertinency of his answer to each and
peachable high crimes and mis- all of the several articles of impeach-
demeanors and that the respond- ment, as amended, so exhibited against
ent was not guilty of the offenses the said Halsted L. Ritter, judge as
charged.(19) aforesaid, do say:

19. 80 CONG. REC. 4899–4906, 74th 20. Id. at p. 5020.

Cong. 2d Sess. 1. Id. at pp. 4971, 4972.


(1) That the said articles, as amend- Ritter, opening statements were
ed do severally set forth impeachable made in the Senate by the man-
offenses, misbehaviors, and mis-
demeanors as defined in the Constitu- agers on the part of the House
tion of the United States, and that the and by counsel for the accused.(3)
same are proper to be answered unto The respondent himself testified
by the said Halsted L. Ritter, judge as before the Court of Impeach-
aforesaid, and sufficient to be enter-
tained and adjudicated by the Senate ment.(4) Final arguments were
sitting as a Court of Impeachment. made on Apr. 13 and 14 first by
(2) That the said House of Rep- Mr. Sam Hobbs, of Alabama, for
resentatives of the United States of the managers, then by Mr. Walsh
America do deny each and every aver-
ment in said several answers, or either
for the respondent, and finally by
of them, which denies or traverses the Mr. Hatton W. Sumners, of Texas,
acts, intents, misbehaviors, or mis- for the managers, the arguments
demeanors charged against the said being limited by an order adopted
Halsted L. Ritter in said articles of im-
on Apr. 13:
peachment, as amended, or either of
them, and for replication to said an- Ordered, That the time for final ar-
swers do say that Halsted L. Ritter, gument of the case of Halsted L. Ritter
district judge of the United States for shall be limited to 4 hours, which said
the southern district of Florida, is time shall be divided equally between
guilty of the impeachable offenses, mis- the managers on the part of the House
behaviors, and misdemeanors charged of Representatives and the counsel for
in said articles, as amended, and that the respondent, and the time thus as-
the House of Representatives are ready
signed to each side shall be divided as
to prove the same.
HATTON W. SUMNERS, each side for itself may determine.(5)
On behalf of the Managers.
Mr. Hobbs argued three prin-
The Trial; Arguments ciples bearing on the weight of
evidence and burden of proof in
§ 18.16 Opening statements an impeachment trial:
and closing arguments in an The statement of the law of the case,
impeachment trial may con- as we see it, will largely be left to the
sist of statements by the distinguished chairman of the Judici-
managers on the part of the
3. For precedents during the trial as to
House and statements by the evidence, see §§ 12.7–12.9, supra.
counsel for the accused. 4. 80 CONG. REC. 5370–86, 74th Cong.
On Apr. 6, 1936,(2) in the im- 2d Sess., Apr. 11 and Apr. 13, 1936.
peachment trial of Judge Halsted 5. Id. at p. 5401.
For final arguments on Apr. 13,
2. 80 CONG. REC. 4972–82, 74th Cong. 1936, see id. at pp. 5401–10; for Apr.
2d Sess. 14, 1936, see id. at pp. 5464–73.


ary Committee of the House [Mr. Man- Mr. Walsh concluded his argu-
ager Sumners], the chairman of the ment based on the lack of evi-
managers on the part of the House in
this case, and I will not attempt to go dence of charges and on the good
into that, save to observe these three character and reputation of the
points which, to my mind, should be in respondent:
the minds of the Members of this high
Court of Impeachment at all times in Gentlemen, all I can say to you is
weighing this evidence: that if this case were being tried in an
First, that impeachment trials are ordinary court a demurrer to the evi-
not criminal trials in any sense of the dence would be sustained. The law is
word. that those bringing these charges must
Second, that the burden of proof in prove the receipt of income; they must
this case is not ‘‘beyond a reasonable prove the amount that was paid out
doubt’’, as it is in criminal cases. against that income; they must prove
Third, that the presumption of inno- what his exemptions were; they must
cence, which attends a defendant in a prove what his allowances were; they
criminal case, is not to be indulged in must prove a tax liability. Those mat-
behalf of the respondent in an im- ters would all have been looked into,
peachment trial. Those three principles and as we look into them in this case
of law, I believe, are well recognized, there is no tax liability. When Judge
and we respectfully ask the Members Ritter swears he did not defraud the
of this high Court of Impeachment to Government of a dollar, when he says
bear them in mind. that the $6.25 tax was not due because
The present distinguished senior his exemptions exceeded that sum, the
Senator from Nebraska [Mr. Norris], court would direct a verdict in his
when acting as one of the managers on favor.
the part of the House in the impeach- In 1930 Judge Ritter had a loss
ment trial of Judge Robert W.
which, added to his taxes and other ex-
Archbald, made as clear and cogent a
penditures, gave him a leeway of
statement as has ever been made upon
the subject of impeachable conduct. $4,600 over and above the income that
With his kind permission, I should like he could be charged with having re-
to take that as my text, so to speak, for ceived. He testified to this, and you
the remarks that will follow: ought to believe that he testified to the
truth, for a charge must be supported
If judges can hold their offices only by something greater, I say, than the
during good behavior, then it nec-
essarily and logically follows that mere assertion of counsel, and nothing
they cannot hold their offices when else has been introduced in this case in
they have been convicted of any be- support of that charge. If Judge Ritter
havior that is not good. If good be- were found guilty upon that charge,
havior is an essential of holding the which was filed in this Court on March
office, then misbehavior is a suffi-
cient reason for removal from of- 30, 1936—after he came here to defend
fice.(6) himself against the other charges—
that would be a monstrous thing.
6. Id. at p. 5401. Those bringing the charge did not, nor


could they, make proof that Judge Rit- is known to criminal jurisprudence. We
ter owed his Government a cent of in- do assume the responsibility of bring-
come taxes or that Judge Ritter did ing before you a case, proven facts, the
anything improper in the filing of his reasonable and probable consequences
return. It ought to be the pleasure of of which are to cause the people to
this body to acquit him of the charges doubt the integrity of the respondent
with respect to income taxes, because presiding as a judge among a free peo-
the law protects him, because he is in- ple.
nocent of any offense in that regard. We take the position, first, that jus-
Take this whole case in its entirety, tice must be done to the respondent.
gentlemen. I have tried to argue it on The respondent must be protected
the facts. I have drawn no conclusions against those who would make him
which I did not honestly believe came afraid. But we take the position also
from these facts. My argument is that when a judge on the bench, by his
backed up by the belief that you must own conduct, does that which makes
recognize and accept his innocence as an ordinary person doubt his integrity,
he stood here, a brave and manly man, doubt whether his court is a fair place
to go, doubt whether he, that ordinary
testifying in opposition to these
person, will get a square deal there;
charges which have been made against
doubt whether the judge will be influ-
him. It will not do to say that he un-
enced by something other than the
dermined the dignity or the honor of
sworn testimony, that judge must go.
the court. He did nothing in his whole
This august body writes the code of
career in Florida, according to the wit-
judicial ethics. This Court fixes the
nesses, which would belittle that dig-
standard of permissible judicial con-
nity or besmirch his honor.
duct. It will not be, it cannot be, that
There is another thing I wish to call someone on the street corner will de-
to your attention. I know and you stroy the confidence of the American
know that a judge ought to have a people in the courts of this country.
good reputation. In this case, however, That cannot happen if the courts are
where a charge is made against his in- kept clean. If confidence in the courts
tegrity, where a charge of corruption is of this country is destroyed it is going
made against him, he put his reputa- to be destroyed from within by the
tion in that community in evidence be- judges themselves. I declare to you,
fore this body.(7) standing in my place of responsibility,
Mr. Sumners began and con- that that is one thing which neither
the House nor the Senate can permit
cluded his argument, the final ar-
to be tampered with or which they can
gument in the case, as follows: be easy about. . . .
We do not assume the responsibility, Now, let us look at this case. I do not
Members of this distinguished Court, know anything about what happened
of proving that the respondent in this in Colorado, but when we see this re-
case is guilty of a crime as that term spondent in this record he is down
there in Florida as the secretary of a
7. Id. at p. 5468. real-estate concern. After that he forms


a copartnership with Mr. Rankin. Two dalusia, Ala.’’ Why did he do that? Be-
years and three months after that time cause the job Rankin was trying to get
he occupies a position on the Federal was in Alabama. Just think of that,
bench, and when the Government put and weigh it.
him there, when the people put him In another letter he said:
there, they said to him, ‘‘All we ask of
I want to say that Judge Rankin is
you is to behave yourself.’’ Good behav- a man of the highest character and
ior! What does that mean? It means integrity. He is one of the ablest
obey the law, keep yourself free from common-law lawyers in the South.
questionable conduct, free from embar-
That is a statement made by a judge
rassing entanglements, free from acts
upon his responsibility.
which justify suspicion; hold in clean
hands the scales of justice. That means We were partners in the practice
that he shall not take chances that of law in West Palm Beach before
would tend to cause the people to ques- my appointment on the bench. I
know of no man better qualified from
tion the integrity of the court, because the standpoint of experience, ability,
where doubt enters confidence departs. and character for the position.
Is not that sound? When a judge on
the bench, by his own conduct, arouses And so forth. Then he writes again
a substantial doubt as to his judicial in another letter that if he is appointed
integrity he commits the highest crime he will raise the bench to a high place.
that a judge can commit under the I say a man who will not speak the
Constitution. It is not essential to truth above his signed name will not
prove guilt. There is nothing in the swear it, and a man who will not state
Constitution and nothing in the philos- the truth, and who does those things
ophy of a free government that holds which arouse doubt as to his integrity
that a man shall continue to occupy of- must go from the bench.
fice until it can be established beyond I appreciate profoundly the attention
a reasonable doubt that he is not fit for which the Members of this honorable
the office. It is the other way. When Court have given the case.
there is resulting from the judge’s con- There ought to be a unanimous judg-
duct a reasonable doubt as to his integ- ment in this case, and let it ring out
rity he has no right to stay longer. He from this Chamber all over the Nation
has forfeited his right. It is the high that from now on men who hold posi-
duty of this Court to write the judg- tions in the Federal judiciary must be
ment and make effective the terms of obedient to the high principles which
that contract. . . .(8) in the nature of things it is essential
MR. MANAGER SUMNERS: I do not for a judge to manifest.
want to be tedious, but this is very im- A few Federal judges can reflect
portant, because these things go down upon the great body of honorable men
to the depths of this man’s character. who hold these high positions.
When he wrote this letter he re- There is another thing I was about
ferred to him as ‘‘A. L. Rankin, of An- to forget. Of course, the bondholders in
Chicago did not protest the $90,000 fee
8. Id. at p. 5469. to Rankin. The attorneys for the bond-


holders and Mr. Holland were in the I thank this honorable Court for the
respondent’s court at the same time. courtesy and consideration which have
They came to represent 93 percent of been shown to my colleagues and to
the $2,500,000 of the first-mortgage me as we have tried to discharge our
bonds. They heard the respondent ad- constitutional duty in this matter.(9)
vised of the champertous conduct of
Richardson, Rankin et al., and they Deliberation and Judgment
saw the respondent approve. They
were virtually kicked out of the court. § 18.17 Deliberation was fol-
They wanted the case out of that court
and away from Rankin and the re-
lowed by conviction on a
spondent just as quickly as they could general article of impeach-
get it out, and they would have stood ment and by judgment of re-
not only for that fee of $90,000 but for moval from office in the trial
more; and any of you practicing law of Judge Halsted Ritter.
would have done the same thing under
the circumstances. You remember Final arguments in the Ritter
McPherson said respondent was posi- trial having been concluded on
tive, very positive, about Mr. Holland. Apr. 14, 1936, the Court of Im-
Respondent was a great deal stronger
with regard to the attorney for the
peachment adjourned until Apr.
bondholders. Remember the judge 15, when the doors of the Senate
asked Holland, ‘‘Who bought you off?’’ were closed for deliberation on
of course they were glad to get out at motion of Senator Henry F.
almost any price. Ashurst, of Arizona. The Senate
Members of the Court, there is a deliberated with closed doors for 4
great deal more which ought to be
said, but you have the record and my hours and 37 minutes. A unani-
time has about expired. I have a duty mous-consent agreement entered
to perform and you have yours. Mine is into while the Senate was delib-
finished. erating with closed doors was
The House has done all the House printed in the Record; the order
can do toward protecting the judiciary
provided for a vote on the articles
of the country. The people have trusted
in you. Counsel for the respondent of impeachment on Friday, Apr.
kept emphasizing the fact that this re- 17.(10)
spondent stood and swore, stood and Deliberation with closed doors
swore, stood and swore. I remember was continued on Apr. 16, 1936,
that I saw the Members of this honor-
able Court lift their hands to God Al-
for 5 hours and 48 minutes. When
mighty, and, in that oath which they the doors were opened, the Senate
took, pledge themselves to rise above adopted orders to return evidence
section and party entanglements and
to be true to the people of the Nation 9. Id. at pp. 5472, 5473.
in the exercise of this high power. I 10. 80 CONG. REC. 5505, 74th Cong. 2d
have no doubt you will do it. Sess.


to proper persons, to allow each was insufficient to convict on the

Senator to file written opinions first six articles: Article I: 55
within four days after the final ‘‘guilty’’;—29 ‘‘not guilty’’; Article
vote, and to provide a method of II: 52 ‘‘guilty’’—32 ‘‘not guilty’’;
vote. The latter order read as fol- Article III: 44 ‘‘guilty’’—39 ‘‘not
lows: guilty’’; Article IV: 36 ‘‘guilty’’—48
Ordered, That upon the final vote in
‘‘not guilty’’; Article V: 36
the pending impeachment of Halsted ‘‘guilty’’—48 ‘‘not guilty’’; Article
L. Ritter, the Secretary shall read the VI: 46 ‘‘guilty’’—37 ‘‘not guilty.’’
articles of impeachment separately and But on the final Article, Article
successively, and when the reading of VII, the vote was: 56 ‘‘guilty’’—28
each article shall have been concluded ‘‘not guilty.’’ So the Senate con-
the Presiding Officer shall state the
victed Judge Ritter on the seventh
question thereon as follows:
‘‘Senators, how say you? Is the re-
article of impeachment, charging
spondent, Halsted L. Ritter, guilty or general misbehavior and conduct
not guilty?’’ that brought his court into scan-
Thereupon the roll of the Senate dal and disrepute.
shall be called, and each Senator as his Senator Warren R. Austin, of
name is called, unless excused, shall Vermont, made a point of order
arise in his place and answer ‘‘guilty’’
against the vote on the ground
or ‘‘not guilty.’’ (11)
that two-thirds had not voted to
On Apr. 17, 1936, the Senate convict, Article VII being an accu-
convened as a Court of Impeach- mulation of facts and cir-
ment to vote on the articles cumstances. The President pro
against Judge Ritter. Senator Jo- tempore sustained a point of order
seph T. Robinson, of Arkansas, that Senator Austin was indulging
announced those Senators absent in argument rather than stating
and excused and announced that the grounds for his point of order,
pairs would not be recognized in and overruled Senator Austin’s
the proceedings. Eighty-four Sen- point of order.(12)
ators answered to their names on Senator Ashurst submitted an
the quorum call. order both removing Judge Ritter
President pro tempore Key Pitt- from office and disqualifying him
man, of Nevada, proceeded to put from holding and enjoying any of-
the vote on the articles of im- fice of honor, trust, or profit under
peachment, a two-thirds vote the United States. Senator Robert
being required to convict. The vote M. La Follette, Jr., of Wisconsin,
11. Id. at pp. 5558, 5559. 12. Id. at p. 5606.


asked for a division of the ques- The order for disqualification

tion, but Senator George W. Nor- failed on a yea and nay vote—
ris, of Nebraska, suggested that yeas 0, nays 76.
Senator Ashurst should submit The Senate adopted an order
two orders, since removal followed communicating the order and
from conviction but disqualifica- judgment to the House, and the
tion did not. Senator Ashurst Senate adjourned sine die from
thereupon withdrew the original the Court of Impeachment.(13)
order and submitted an order re- Subsequent to his conviction
moving Judge Ritter from office. and removal from office, the re-
The President pro tempore ruled spondent brought an action in the
that no vote was required on the U.S. Court of Claims for back sal-
order, removal automatically fol- ary, claiming that the Senate had
exceeded its jurisdiction in trying
lowing conviction for high crimes
him for nonimpeachable charges.
and misdemeanors under section
The Court of Claims dismissed the
4 of article II of the U.S. Constitu- claim for want of jurisdiction on
tion. The President pro tempore the ground that the impeachment
then pronounced judgment: power was vested in Congress and
JUDGMENT was not subject to judicial re-
The Senate having tried Halsted L.
Ritter, United States district judge for § 18.18 The order and judg-
the southern district of Florida, upon
seven several articles of impeachment ment of the Senate in the
exhibited against him by the House of Ritter impeachment trial
Representatives, and two-thirds of the were messaged to the House.
Senators present having found him On Apr. 20, 1936,(15) the order
guilty of charges contained therein: It
is therefore
and judgment in the Halsted Rit-
Ordered and adjudged, That the said 13. Id. at pp. 5606, 5607.
Halsted L. Ritter be, and he is hereby,
14. Ritter v United States, 84 Ct. Cl 293
removed from office.
(1936), cert. denied, 300 U.S. 668
Senator Ashurst submitted a (1937). The opinion of the Court of
second order disqualifying the re- Claims cited dicta in the case of Mis-
spondent from holding an office of sissippi v Johnson, 71 U.S. 475
(1866), to support the conclusion
honor, trust, or profit under the
that the impeachment power was po-
United States. It was agreed, in litical in nature and not subject to
reliance on the Robert Archbald judicial review.
proceedings, that only a majority 15. 80 CONG. REC. 5703, 5704, 74th
vote was required for passage. Cong. 2d Sess.


ter impeachment trial were re- America, this the 18th day of April,
A.D. 1936.
ceived in the House: EDWIN A. HALSEY,
MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Secretary of the Senate
of the United States.
A message from the Senate, by Mr.
In the Senate of the United States of
Home, its enrolling clerk, announced America, sitting for the trial of the
that the Senate had ordered that the impeachment of Halsted L. Ritter,
Secretary be directed to communicate United States district judge for the
to the President of the United States southern district of Florida
and the House of Representatives the
order and judgment of the Senate in JUDGMENT
the case of Halsted L. Ritter, and APRIL 17, 1936.
transmit a certified copy of same to
The Senate having tried Halsted
each, as follows: L. Ritter, United States district
I, Edwin A. Halsey, Secretary of judge for the southern district of
the Senate of the United States of Florida, upon seven several articles
America, do hereby certify that the of impeachment exhibited against
hereto attached document is a true him by the House of Representa-
and correct copy of the order and tives, and two-thirds of the Senators
judgment of the Senate, sitting for present having found him guilty of
the trial of the impeachment of Hal- charges contained therein: It is
sted L. Ritter, United States district therefore
judge for the southern district of Ordered and adjudged, That the
Florida, entered in the said trial on said Halsted L. Ritter be, and he is
April 17, 1936. hereby, removed from office.
In testimony whereof, I hereunto Attest:
subscribe my name and affix the seal EDWIN A. HALSEY
of the Senate of the United States of Secretary.


Report by the Staff of the Impeachment Inquiry on the

Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment,
Committee Print, Committee on the Judiciary, 93d Cong. 2d
Sess., Feb. 1974
I. Introduction

The Constitution deals with the subject moval from Office, and disqualification
of impeachment and conviction at six to hold and enjoy any Office of honor,
places. The scope of the power is set out Trust or Profit under the United
in Article II, Section 4: States: but the Party convicted shall
nevertheless be liable and subject to
The President, Vice President and Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Pun-
all civil Officers of the United States, ishment, according to Law.
shall be removed from Office on Im-
peachment for, and Conviction of, Of lesser significance, although men-
Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes tioning the subject, are: Article II, Sec-
and Misdemeanors. tion 2:

Other provisions deal with procedures The President . . . shall have Power
and consequences. Article I, Section 2 to grant Reprieves and Pardons for
states: Offences against the United States, ex-
cept in Cases of Impeachment.
The House of Representatives . . .
Article III, Section 2:
shall have the sole Power of Impeach-
ment. The Trial of all Crimes, except in
Cases of Impeachment, shall be by
Similarly, Article I, Section 3, de-
Jury. . . .
scribes the Senate’s role:
Before November 15, 1973 a number of
The Senate shall have the sole Resolutions calling for the impeachment
Power to try all Impeachments. When of President Richard M. Nixon had been
sitting for that Purpose, they shall be introduced in the House of Representa-
on Oath or Affirmation. When the tives, and had been referred by the
President of the United States is tried, Speaker of the House, Hon. Carl Albert,
the Chief Justice shall preside: And no to the Committee on the Judiciary for
Person shall be convicted without the consideration, investigation and report.
Concurrence of two thirds of the Mem- On November 15, anticipating the mag-
bers present. nitude of the Committee’s task, the
House voted funds to enable the Com-
The same section limits the con-
mittee to carry out its assignment and in
sequences of judgment in cases of im-
that regard to select an inquiry staff to
assist the Committee.
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment On February 6, 1974, the House of
shall not extend further than to re- Representatives by a vote of 410 to 4


‘‘authorized and directed’’ the Committee ticular facts in terms of the Constitution.
on the Judiciary ‘‘to investigate fully and Similarly, the House does not engage in
completely whether sufficient grounds abstract, advisory or hypothetical de-
exist for the House of Representatives to bates about the precise nature of conduct
exercise its constitutional power to im- that calls for the exercise of its constitu-
peach Richard M. Nixon, President of the tional powers; rather, it must await full
United States of America.’’ development of the facts and under-
To implement the authorization (H. standing of the events to which those
Res. 803) the House also provided that facts relate.
‘‘For the purpose of making such inves- What is said here does not reflect any
tigation, the committee is authorized to prejudgment of the facts or any opinion
require . . . by subpoena or otherwise or inference respecting the allegations
. . . the attendance and testimony of any being investigated. This memorandum is
person . . . and . . . the production of written before completion of the full and
such things; and . . . by interrogatory, fair factual investigation the House di-
the furnishing of such information, as it rected be undertaken. It is intended to be
deems necessary to such investigation.’’ a review of the precedents and available
This was but the second time in the interpretive materials, seeking general
history of the United States that the principles to guide the Committee.
House of Representatives resolved to in- This memorandum offers no fixed
vestigate the possibility of impeachment standards for determining whether
of a President. Some 107 years earlier grounds for impeachment exist. The
the House had investigated whether framers did not write a fixed standard.
President Andrew Johnson should be im- Instead they adopted from English his-
peached. Understandably, little attention tory a standard sufficiently general and
or thought has been given the subject of flexible to meet future circumstances and
the presidential impeachment process events, the nature and character of
during the intervening years. The In- which they could not foresee.
quiry Staff, at the request of the Judici- The House has set in motion an un-
ary Committee, has prepared this memo- usual constitutional process, conferred
randum on constitutional grounds for solely upon it by the Constitution, by di-
presidential impeachment. As the factual recting the Judiciary Committee to ‘‘in-
investigation progresses, it will become vestigate fully and completely whether
possible to state more specifically the sufficient grounds exist for the House of
constitutional, legal and conceptual Representatives to exercise its constitu-
framework within which the staff and tional power to impeach.’’ This action
the Committee work. was not partisan. It was supported by
Delicate issues of basic constitutional the overwhelming majority of both polit-
law are involved. Those issues cannot be ical parties. Nor was it intended to ob-
defined in detail in advance of full inves- struct or weaken the presidency. It was
tigation of the facts. The Supreme Court supported by Members firmly committed
of the United States does not reach out, to the need for a strong presidency and
in the abstract, to rule on the constitu- a healthy executive branch of our govern-
tionality of statutes or of conduct. Cases ment. The House of Representatives
must be brought and adjudicated on par- acted out of a clear sense of constitu-


tional duty to resolve issues of a kind reports upon the history, purpose and
that more familiar constitutional proc- meaning of the constitutional phrase,
esses are unable to resolve.
To assist the Committee in working to- ‘‘Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes
ward that resolution, this memorandum and Misdemeanors.’’

II. The Historical Origins of Impeachment

The Constitution provides that the Parliament developed the impeach-

President ‘‘. . . shall be removed from ment process as a means to exercise
Office on Impeachment for, and Convic- some measure of control over the power
tion of, Treason, Bribery, or other high of the King. An impeachment proceeding
Crimes and Misdemeanors.’’ The framers in England was a direct method of bring-
could have written simply ‘‘or other ing to account the King’s ministers and
crimes’’—as indeed they did in the provi- favorites—men who might otherwise
sion for extradition of criminal offenders have been beyond reach. Impeachment,
from one state to another. They did not at least in its early history, has been
do that. If they had meant simply to de- called ‘‘the most powerful weapon in the
note seriousness, they could have done so political armoury, short of civil war.’’ (1) It
directly. They did not do that either. played a continuing role in the struggles
They adopted instead a unique phrase between King and Parliament that re-
used for centuries in English parliamen- sulted in the formation of the unwritten
tary impeachments, for the meaning of English constitution. In this respect im-
which one must look to history. peachment was one of the tools used by
The origins and use of impeachment in the English Parliament to create more
England, the circumstances under which responsive and responsible government
impeachment became a part of the Amer- and to redress imbalances when they oc-
ican constitutional system, and the curred.(2)
American experience with impeachment The long struggle by Parliament to as-
are the best available sources for devel- sert legal restraints over the unbridled
oping an understanding of the function of will of the King ultimately reached a cli-
impeachment and the circumstances in max with the execution of Charles I in
which it may become appropriate in rela- 1649 and the establishment of the Com-
tion to the presidency. monwealth under Oliver Cromwell. In
the course of that struggle, Parliament
sought to exert restraints over the King
PRACTICE by removing those of his ministers who
Alexander Hamilton wrote, in No. 65 of most effectively advanced the King’s ab-
The Federalist, that Great Britain had solutist purposes. Chief among them was
served as ‘‘the model from which [im-
peachment] has been borrowed.’’ Accord- 1. Plucknett, ‘‘Presidential Address’’ reproduced
in 3 Transactions, Royal Historical Society, 5th
ingly, its history in England is useful to Series, 145 (1952).
an understanding of the purpose and 2. See generally C. Roberts, The Growth of Re-
scope of impeachment in the United sponsible Government in Stuart England (Cam-
States. bridge 1966).


Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. fenses, as perceived by Parliament,

The House of Commons impeached him against the system of government. The
in 1640. As with earlier impeachments, charges, variously denominated ‘‘trea-
the thrust of the charge was damage to son,’’ ‘‘high treason,’’ ‘‘misdemeanors,’’
the state.(3) The first article of impeach- ‘‘malversations,’’ and ‘‘high Crimes and
ment alleged.(4)
Misdemeanors,’’ thus included allega-
That he . . . hath traiterously en- tions of misconduct as various as the
deavored to subvert the Fundamental kings (or their ministers) were ingenious
Laws and Government of the Realms in devising means of expanding royal
. . . and in stead thereof, to introduce power.
Arbitrary and Tyrannical Government
against Law. . . . At the time of the Constitutional (Con-
vention the phrase ‘‘high Crimes and
The other articles against Strafford in- Misdemeanors’’ had been in use for over
cluded charges ranging from the allega- 400 years in impeachment proceedings in
tion that he had assumed regal power Parliament.(6) It first appears in 1386 in
and exercised it tyrannically to the the impeachment of the King’s Chan-
charge that he had subverted the rights cellor, Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suf-
of Parliament.(5) folk.(7) Some of the charges may have in-
Characteristically, impeachment was volved common law offenses.(8) Others
used in individual cases to reach of-
6. See generally A. Simpson, A Treatise on Fed-
3. Strafford was charged with treason, a term de- eral Impeachments 81–190 (Philadelphia, 1916)
fined in 1352 by the Statute of Treasons. 25 (Appendix of English Impeachment Trials); M.
Edw. 3, stat. 5, c. 2 (1352). The particular V. Clarke, ‘‘The Origin of Impeachment’’ in Ox-
charges against him presumably would have ford Essays in Medieval History 164 (Oxford,
been within the compass of the general, or 1934). Reading and analyzing the early history
‘‘salvo,’’ clause of that statute, but did not fall of English impeachments is complicated by the
within any of the enumerated acts of treason. paucity and ambiguity of the records. The anal-
Strafford rested his defense in part on that fail- ysis that follows in this section has been drawn
ure; his eloquence on the question of retrospec- largely from the scholarship of others, checked
tive treasons (‘‘Beware you do not awake these against the original records where possible.
sleeping lions, by the searching out some ne- The basis for what became the impeachment
glected moth-eaten records, they may one day procedure apparently originated in 1341, when
tear you and your posterity in pieces: it was the King and Parliament alike accepted the
your ancestors’ care to chain them up within principle that the King’s ministers were to an-
the barricadoes of statutes; be not you ambi- swer in Parliament for their misdeeds. C. Rob-
tious to be more skillful and curious than your erts, supra n. 2, at 7. Offenses against Magna
forefathers in the art of killing.’’ Celebrated Carta, for example, were failing for technical-
Trials 518 [Phila. 1837]) may have dissuaded ities in the ordinary courts, and therefore Par-
the Commons from bringing the trial to a vote liament provided that offenders against Magna
in the House of Lords: instead they caused his Carta be declared in Parliament and judged by
execution by bill of attainder. their peers. Clarke, supra, at 173.
4. J. Rushworth, The Tryal of Thomas Earl of 7. Simpson, supra n. 6, at 86; Berger, supra n. 5,
Strafford, in 8 Historical Collections 8 (1686). at 61, Adams and Stevens, Select Documents of
5. Rushworth, supra n. 4, at 8–9. R. Berger, Im- English Constitutional History 148 (London,
peachment: The Constitutional Problems 30 1927).
(1973), states that the impeachment of Straf- 8. For example, de la Pole was charged with pur-
ford ‘‘. . . constitutes a great watershed in chasing property of great value from the King
English constitutional history of which the while using his position as Chancellor to have
Founders were aware.’’ the lands appraised at less than they were


plainly did not: de la Pole was charged case of Strafford; others charged high
with breaking a promise he made to the crimes and misdemeanors. The latter in-
full Parliament to execute in connection cluded both statutory offenses, particu-
with a parliamentary ordinance the ad- larly with respect to the Crown monopo-
vice of a committee of nine lords regard- lies, and nonstatutory offenses. For ex-
ing the improvement of the estate of the ample, Sir Henry Yelverton, the King’s
King and the realm; ‘‘this was not done, Attorney General, was impeached in
and it was the fault of himself as he was 1621 of high crimes and misdemeanors
then chief officer.’’ He was also charged in that he failed to prosecute after com-
with failing to expend a sum that Par- mencing suits, and exercised authority
liament had directed be used to ransom before it was properly vested in him.(13)
the town of Ghent, because of which ‘‘the There were no impeachments during
said town was lost.’’ (9) the Commonwealth (1649–1660). Fol-
The phrase does not reappear in im- lowing the end of the Commonwealth
peachment proceedings until 1450. In and the Restoration of Charles II (1660–
that year articles of impeachment 1685) a more powerful Parliament ex-
against William de la Pole, Duke of Suf- panded somewhat the scope of ‘‘high
folk (a descendant of Michael), charged Crimes and Misdemeanors’’ by impeach-
him with several acts of high treason, ing officers of the Crown for such things
but also with ‘‘high Crimes and Mis- as negligent discharge of duties (14) and
demeanors,’’ (10) including such various improprieties in office.(15)
offenses as ‘‘advising the King to grant The phrase ‘‘high Crimes and Mis-
liberties and privileges to certain persons demeanors’’ appears in nearly all of the
to the hindrance of the due execution of comparatively few impeachments that oc-
the laws’’ ‘‘procuring offices for persons curred in the eighteenth century. Many
who were unfit, and unworthy of them’’
of the charges involved abuse of official
and ‘‘squandering away the public treas-
power or trust. For example, Edward,
ure.’’ (11)
Earl of Oxford, was charged in 1701 with
Impeachment was used frequently dur- ‘‘violation of his duty and trust’’ in that,
ing the reigns of James I (1603–1625)
and Charles I (1628–1649). During the 13. 2 Howell State Trials 1135, 1136–37 (charges 1,
period from 1620 to 1649 over 100 im- 2 and 6). See generally Simpson, supra n. 6, at
peachments were voted by the House of 91–127; Berger, supra n. 5, at 67–73.
14. Peter Pett, Commissioner of the Navy, was
Commons.(12) Some of these impeach-
charged in 1668 with negligent preparation for
ments charged high treason, as in the an invasion by the Dutch, and negligent loss of
a ship. The latter charge was predicated on al-
worth, all in violation of his oath, in deceit of leged willful neglect in failing to insure that
the King and in neglect of the need of the the ship was brought to a mooring. 6 Howell
realm. Adams and Stevens, supra n. 7, at 148. State Trials 865, 866–67 (charges 1, 5).
9. Adams and Stevens, supra n. 7, at 148–150. 15. Chief Justice Scroggs was charged in 1680,
10. 4 Hatsell 67 (Shannon, Ireland, 1971, reprint among other things, with browbeating wit-
of London 1796, 1818). nesses and commenting on their credibility,
11. 4 Hatsell, supra n. 10, at 67, charges 2, 6 and and with cursing and drinking to excess, there-
12. by bringing ‘‘the highest scandal on the public
12. The Long Parliament (1640–48) alone im- justice of the kingdom.’’ 8 Howell State Trials
peached 98 persons. Roberts supra n. 2, at 133. 197, 200 (charges 7, 8).


while a member of the King’s privy coun- Two points emerge from the 400 years
cil, he took advantage of the ready access of English parliamentary experience with
he had to the King to secure various the phrase ‘‘high Crimes and Mis-
royal rents and revenues for his own use, demeanors.’’ First, the particular allega-
thereby greatly diminishing the revenues tions of misconduct alleged damage to
of the crown and subjecting the people of the state in such forms as misapplication
England to ‘‘grievous taxes.’’(16), Oxford of funds, abuse of official power, neglect
was also charged with procuring a naval of duty, encroachment on Parliament’s
commission for William Kidd, ‘‘known to prerogatives, corruption, and betrayal of
be a person of ill fame and reputation,’’ trust.(20) Second, the phrase ‘‘high
and ordering him ‘‘to pursue the in- Crimes and Misdemeanors’’ was confined
tended voyage, in which Kidd did commit to parliamentary impeachments; it had
diverse piracies . . . being thereto en- no roots in the ordinary criminal law,(21)
couraged through hopes of being pro- and the particular allegations of mis-
tected by the high station and interest of conduct under that heading were not
Oxford, in violation of the law of nations, necessarily limited to common law or
and the interruption and discouragement statutory derelictions or crimes.
of the trade of England.’’(17)
The impeachment of Warren Hastings,
first attempted in 1786 and concluded in The debates on impeachment at the
1795,(18) is particularly important be- Constitutional Convention in Philadel-
cause contemporaneous with the Amer- phia focus principally on its applicability
ican Convention debates. Hastings was to the President. The framers sought to
the first Governor-General of India. The create a responsible though strong execu-
articles indicate that Hastings was being tive; they hoped, in the words of Elbridge
charged with high crimes and mis- Gerry of Massachusetts, that ‘‘the maxim
demeanors in the form of gross mal- would never be adopted here that the
administration, corruption in office, and chief Magistrate could do [no] wrong.’’(22)
cruelty toward the people of India.(19) Impeachment was to be one of the cen-
tral elements of executive responsibility
16. Simpson, supra n. 6, at 144.
17. Simpson, supra n. 6, at 144. tinguished principles of good faith, equity, mod-
18. See generally Marshall, The Impeachment of eration and mildness.’’ Instead, continued the
Warren Hastings (Oxford, 1965). charge, Hastings provoked a revolt in Benares,
19. Of the original resolutions proposed by Ed- resulting in ‘‘the arrest of the rajah, three revo-
mund Burke in 1786 and accepted by the lutions in the country and great loss, whereby
House as articles of impeachment in 1787, both the said Hastings is guilty of a high crime and
criminal and non-criminal offenses appear. The misdemeanor in the destruction of the country
fourth article, for example, charging that aforesaid.’’ The Commons accepted this article,
Hastings had confiscated the landed income of voting 119–79 that these were grounds for im-
the Begums of Oudh, was described by Pitt as peachment. Simpson, supra n. 6, at 168–170;
that of all others that bore the strongest marks Marshall, supra n. 19, at xv, 46.
of criminality, Marshall, supra, n. 19, at 53. 20. See, e.g., Berger, supra n. 5, at 70–71.
The third article, on the other hand, known 21. Berger, supra n. 5, at 62.
as the Benares charge, claimed that cir- 22. The Records of the Federal Convention 66 (M.
cumstances imposed upon the Governor-Gen- Farrand ed. 1911) (brackets in original). Here-
eral duty to conduct himself ‘‘on the most dis- after cited as Farrand.


in the framework of the new government arate executive judiciary, and legisla-
as they conceived it. ture.(23) However, the framers sought to
The constitutional grounds for im- avoid the creation of a too-powerful exec-
peachment of the President received lit- utive. The Revolution had been fought
tle direct attention in the Convention; against the tyranny of a king and his
the phrase ‘‘other high Crimes and Mis- council, and the framers sought to build
demeanors’’ was ultimately added to in safeguards against executive abuse
‘‘Treason’’ and ‘‘Bribery’’ with virtually no and usurpation of power. They explicitly
debate. There is evidence, however, that rejected a plural executive, despite argu-
the framers were aware of the technical ments that they were creating ‘‘the foe-
meaning the phrase had acquired in tus of monarchy,’’(24) because a single
English impeachments. person would give the most responsibility
Ratification by nine states was re- to the office.(25) For the same reason,
they rejected proposals for a council of
quired to convert the Constitution from a
advice or privy council to the executive
proposed plan of government to the su-
(footnote omitted).
preme law of the land. The public de-
bates in the state ratifying conventions The provision for a single executive
offer evidence of the contemporaneous was vigorously defended at the time of
the state ratifying conventions as a pro-
understanding of the Constitution equal-
tection against executive tyranny and
ly as compelling as the secret delibera-
wrongdoing. Alexander Hamilton made
tions of the delegates in Philadelphia.
the most carefully reasoned argument in
That evidence, together with the evi-
Federalist No. 70, one of the series of
dence found in the debates during the
Federalist Papers prepared to advocate
First Congress on the power of the Presi-
the ratification of the Constitution by the
dent to discharge an executive officer ap-
State of New York. Hamilton criticized
pointed with the advice and consent of
both a plural executive and a council be-
the Senate, shows that the framers in-
cause they tend ‘‘to conceal faults and de-
tended impeachment to be a constitu- stroy responsibility.’’ A plural executive,
tional safeguard of the public trust, the he wrote, deprives the people of ‘‘the two
powers of government conferred upon the greatest securities they can have for the
President and other civil officers, and the faithful exercise of any delegated
division of powers among the legislative, power’’—‘‘[r]esponsibility . . . to censure
judicial and executive departments. and to punishment.’’ When censure is di-
vided and responsibility uncertain, ‘‘the
restraints of public opinion . . . lose
their efficacy’’ and ‘‘the opportunity of
Among the weaknesses of the Articles discovering with facility and clearness
of Confederation apparent to the dele-
gates to the Constitutional Convention 23. 1 Farrand 322.
was that they provided for a purely legis- 24. 1 Farrand 66.
25. This argument was made by James Wilson of
lative form of government whose min-
Pennsylvania, who also said that he preferred
isters were subservient to Congress. One a single executive as ‘‘giving most energy dis-
of the first decisions of the delegates was patch and responsibility to the office.’’ 1
that their new plan should include a sep- Farrand 65.


the misconduct of the persons [the pub- is to be . . . personally responsible for

lic] trust, in order either to their removal any abuse of the great trust reposed in
from office, or to their actual punish- him.’’ (29) In the same convention, Wil-
ment. in cases which admit of it’’ is liam R. Davie, who had been a delegate
lost.(26) A council, too, ‘‘would serve to de- in Philadelphia, explained that the ‘‘pre-
stroy, or would greatly diminish, the in- dominant principle’’ on which the Con-
tended and necessary responsibility of vention had provided for a single execu-
the (Chief Magistrate himself.’’(27) It is, tive was ‘‘the more obvious responsibility
Hamilton concluded, ‘‘far more safe [that] of one person.’’ When there was but one
there should be a single object for the man, said Davie, ‘‘the public were never
jealousy and watchfulness of the people; at a loss’’ to fix the blame.(30)
. . . all multiplication of the Executive is James Wilson, in the Pennsylvania
rather dangerous than friendly to lib- convention, described the security fur-
erty.’’ (28) nished by a single executive as one of its
James Iredell, who played a leading ‘‘very important advantages’’:
role in the North Carolina ratifying con-
The executive power is better to be
vention and later became a justice of the
trusted when it has no screen. Sir, we
Supreme Court, said that under the pro-
have a responsibility in the person of
posed Constitution the President ‘‘is of a
our President; he cannot act improp-
very different nature from a monarch. He
erly, and hide either his negligence or
26. The Federalist No. 70, at 459–61 (Modern Li- inattention; he cannot roll upon any
brary ea.) (A. Hamilton) (hereinafter cited as other person the weight of his crimi-
Federalist). The ‘‘multiplication of the Execu- nality; no appointment can take place
tive,’’ Hamilton wrote, ‘‘adds to the difficulty of without his nomination; and he is re-
The circumstances which may have led to
sponsible for every nomination he
any national miscarriage of misfortune are makes. . . . Add to all this, that offi-
sometimes so complicated that, where there cer is placed high, and is possessed of
are a number of actors who may have had power far from being contemptible, yet
different degrees and kinds of agency, though not a single privilege is annexed to his
we may clearly see upon the whole that there
character; far from being above the
has been mismanagement, yet it may be im-
practicable to pronounce to whose account laws, he is amenable to them in his
the evil which may have been incurred is private character as a citizen, and in
truly chargeable. his public character by impeach-
If there should be ‘‘collusion between the par- ment.(31)
ties concerned, how easy it is to clothe the cir- As Wilson’s statement suggests, the
cumstances with so much ambiguity, as to
render it uncertain what was the precise con-
impeachability of the President was con-
duct of any of those parties?’’ Id. at 460. sidered to be an important element of his
27. Federalist No. 70 at 461. Hamilton stated: responsibility. Impeachment had been in-
A council to a magistrate, who is himself
responsible for what he does, are generally 29. 4 J. Elliot, The Debates in the Several State
nothing better than a clog upon his good in- Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal
tentions, are often the instruments and ac- Constitution 74 (reprint of 2d ea.) (hereinafter
complices of his bad, and are almost always cited as Elliot.)
a cloak to his faults. Id. at 462–63. 30. Elliot 104.
28. Federalist No. 70 at 462. 31. 2 Elliot 480 (emphasis in original).


cluded in the proposals before the Con- executive could ‘‘do no criminal act with-
stitutional Convention from its begin- out Coadjutors [assistants] who may be
ning.(32) A specific provision, making the punished.’’ (36) Without his subordinates,
executive removable from office on im- it was asserted, the executive ‘‘can do
peachment and conviction for ‘‘mal-prac- nothing of consequence,’’ and they would
tice or neglect of duty,’’ was unanimously ‘‘be amenable by impeachment to the
adopted even before it was decided that public Justice.’’ (37)
the executive would be a single per- This latter argument was made by
son.(33) Gouverneur Morris of Pennsylvania, who
The only major debate on the desir- abandoned it during the course of the de-
ability of impeachment occurred when it bate, concluding that the executive
was moved that the provision for im- should be impeachable.(38) Before Morris
peachment be dropped, a motion that changed his position, however, George
was defeated by a vote of eight states to Mason had replied to his earlier argu-
two.(34) ment:
One of the arguments made against
the impeachability of the executive was Shall any man be above justice?
that he ‘‘would periodically be tried for Above all shall that man be above it,
his behavior by his electors’’ and ‘‘ought who can commit the most extensive in-
to be subject to no intermediate trial, by justice? When great crimes were com-
impeachment.’’ (35) Another was that the mitted he was for punishing the prin-
cipal as well as the Coadjutors.(39)
32. The Virginia Plan, fifteen resolutions proposed
by Edmund Randolph at the beginning of the not be impeachable ‘‘whilst in office’’—an ap-
Convention, served as the basis of its early de- parent allusion to the constitutions of Virginia
liberations. The ninth resolution gave the na- and Delaware, which then provided that the
tional judiciary jurisdiction over ‘‘impeach- governor (unlike other officers) could be im-
ments of any National officers.’’ 1 Farrand 22. peached only after he left office. Id. See 7
33. 1 Farrand 88. Just before the adoption of this Thorpe, The Federal and State Constitutions
provision, a proposal to make the executive re- 3818 (1909) and 1 Id. 566. In response to this
movable from office by the legislature upon re- position, it was argued that corrupt elections
quest of a majority of the state legislatures had would result, as an incumbent sought to keep
been overwhelmingly rejected. Id. 87. In the his office in order to maintain his immunity
course of debate on this proposal, it was sug- from impeachment. He will ‘‘spare no efforts or
gested that the legislature ‘‘should have power no means whatever to get himself reelected,’’
to remove the Executive at pleasure’’—a sug- contended William R. Davie of North Carolina.
gestion that was promptly criticized as making 2 Farrand 64. George Mason asserted that the
him ‘‘the mere creature of the Legislature’’ in danger of corrupting electors ‘‘furnished a pecu-
violation of ‘‘the fundamental principle of good liar reason in favor of impeachments whilst in
Government,’’ and was never formally proposed office’’: ‘‘Shall the man who has practised cor-
to the Convention. Id. 85–86. ruption & by that means procured his appoint-
34. 2 Farrand 64, 69. ment in the first instance, be suffered to escape
punishment, by repeating his guilt?’’ Id. 65.
35. 2 Farrand 67 (Rufus King). Similarly,
Gouverneur Morris contended that if an execu- 36. 2 Farrand 64.
tive charged with a criminal act were reelected, 37. 2 Farrand 54.
‘‘that will be sufficient proof of his innocence.’’ 38. ‘‘This Magistrate is not the King but the prime-
Id. 64. Minister. The people are the King.’’ 2 Farrand
It was also argued in opposition to the im- 69.
peachment provision, that the executive should 39. 2 Farrand 65.


James Madison of Virginia argued in That issue, which involved the forum for
favor of impeachment stating that some trying impeachments and the mode of
provision was ‘‘indispensable’’ to defend electing the executive, troubled the Con-
the community against ‘‘the incapacity, vention until its closing days. Through-
negligence or perfidy of the chief Mag- out its deliberations on ways to avoid ex-
istrate.’’ With a single executive, Madi- ecutive subservience to the legislature,
son argued, unlike a legislature whose however, the Convention never reconsid-
collective nature provided security, ‘‘loss ered its early decision to make the execu-
of capacity or corruption was more with- tive removable through the process of im-
in the compass of probable events, and peachment (footnote omitted).
either of them might be fatal to the Re-
public.’’ (40) Benjamin Franklin supported 2. ADOPTION OF ‘‘HIGH CRIMES AND
impeachment as ‘‘favorable to the execu- MISDEMEANORS’’
tive’’; where it was not available and the
Briefly, and late in the Convention, the
chief magistrate had ‘‘rendered himself
framers addressed the question how to
obnoxious,’’ recourse was had to assas-
describe the grounds for impeachment
sination. The Constitution should provide
consistent with its intended function.
for the ‘‘regular punishment of the Exec-
They did so only after the mode of the
utive when his misconduct should de-
President’s election was settled in a way
serve it, and for his honorable acquittal
that did not make him (in the words of
when he should be unjustly accused.(41)
James Wilson) ‘‘the Minion of the Sen-
Edmund Randolph also defended ‘‘the
ate.’’ (45)
propriety of impeachments’’:
The draft of the Constitution then be-
The Executive will have great oppor- fore the Convention provided for his re-
tunitys of abusing his power; particu- moval upon impeachment and conviction
larly in time of war when the military for ‘‘treason or bribery.’’ George Mason
force, and in some respects the public objected that these grounds were too lim-
money will be in his hands. Should no ited:
regular punishment be provided it will
be irregularly inflicted by tumults & Why is the provision restrained to
insurrections.(42) Treason & bribery only? Treason as de-
fined in the Constitution will not reach
The one argument made by the oppo- many great and dangerous offenses.
nents of impeachment to which no direct Hastings is not guilty of Treason. At-
response was made during the debate tempts to subvert the Constitution
was that the executive would be too de- may not be Treason as above defined—
pendent on the legislature—that, as As bills of attainder which have saved
Charles Pinckney put it, the legislature the British Constitution are forbidden,
would hold impeachment ‘‘as a rod over it is the more necessary to extend: the
the Executive and by that means effec- power of impeachments.(46)
tually destroy his independence.’’ (43)
Mason then moved to add the word ‘‘mal-
40. 2 Farrand 65–66. administration’’ to the other two grounds.
41. 2 Farrand 65.
42. 2 Farrand 67. 45. 2 Farrand 523.
43. 2 Farrand 66. 46. 2 Farrand 550.


Maladministration was a term in use in ‘‘high misdemeanor.’’ (51) A draft constitu-

six of the thirteen state constitutions as tion had used ‘‘high misdemeanor’’ in its
a ground for impeachment, including Ma- provision for the extradition of offenders
son’s home state of Virginia.(47) from one state to another.(52) The Con-
When James Madison objected that ‘‘so vention, apparently unanimously struck
vague a term will be equivalent to a ten- ‘‘high misdemeanor’’ and inserted ‘‘other
ure during pleasure of the Senate,’’ crime,’’ ‘‘in order to comprehend all prop-
Mason withdrew ‘‘maladministration’’ er cases: it being doubtful whether ‘high
and substituted ‘‘high crimes and mis- misdemeanor’ had not a technical mean-
demeanors agst. the State,’’ which was ing too limited.(53)
adopted eight states to three, apparently The ‘‘technical meaning’’ referred to is
with no further debate.(48) the parliamentary use of the term ‘‘high
That the framers were familiar with misdemeanor.’’ Blackstone’s Com-
English parliamentary impeachment pro- mentaries on the Laws of England—a
ceedings is clear. The impeachment of work cited by delegates in other portions
Warren Hastings, Governor-General of of the Convention’s deliberations and
India, for high crimes and misdemeanors which Madison later described (in the
was voted just a few weeks before the be- Virginia ratifying convention) as ‘‘a book
ginning of the Constitutional Convention which is in every man’s hand’’ (54)—in-
and George Mason referred to it in the cluded ‘‘high misdemeanors’’ as one term
debates.(49) Hamilton, in the Federalist
No. 65, referred to Great Britain as ‘‘the 51. As a technical term, a ‘‘high’’ crime signified a
model from which [impeachment] has crime against the system of government, not
been borrowed.’’ Furthermore, the fram- merely a serious crime. ‘‘This element of injury
ers were well-educated men. Many were to the commonwealth—that is, to the state
itself and to its constitution—was historically
also lawyers. Of these, at least nine had
the criterion for distinguishing a ‘high’ crime or
studied law in England.(50) misdemeanor from an ordinary one. The dis-
The Convention had earlier dem- tinction goes back to the ancient law of trea-
onstrated its familiarity with the term son, which differentiated ‘high’ from ‘petit’ trea-
son.’’ Bestor, Book Review, 49 Wash. L Rev.
47. The grounds for impeachment of the Governor 255, 263–64 (1973). See 4 W. Blackstone, Com-
of Virginia were ‘‘mal-administration, corrup- mentaries 75.
tion, or other means, by which the safety of the 52. The provision (article XV of Committee draft of
State may be endangered.’’ 7 Thorpe, The Fed- the Committee on Detail) originally read: ‘‘Any
eral and State Constitution 3818 (1909). person charged with treason, felony or high
48. 2 Farrand 550. Mason’s wording was unani- misdemeanor in any State, who shall flee from
mously changed later the same day from ‘‘agst. justice, and shall be found in any other State,
the State’’ to ‘‘against the United States’’ in shall, on demand of the Executive power of the
order to avoid ambiguity. This phrase was later State from which he fled, be delivered up and
dropped in the final draft of the Constitution removed to the State having jurisdiction of the
prepared by the Committee on Style and Revi- offence.’’ 2 Farrand 187–88.
sion, which was charged with arranging and This clause was virtually identical with the
improving the language of the articles adopted extradition clause contained in article IV of the
by the Convention without altering its sub- Articles of Confederation, which referred to
stance. ‘‘any Person guilty of, or charged with treason,
49. Id. felony, or other high misdemeanor in any state.
50. R. Berger, Impeachment: The Constitutional . . .’’
Problems 87, 89 and accompanying notes 53. 2 Farrand 443.
(1973). 54. 3 Elliott 501.


for positive offenses ‘‘against the king scribing the grounds for impeachment of
and government.’’ The ‘‘first and prin- the President. Mason’s objection to lim-
cipal’’ high misdemeanor, according to iting the grounds to treason and bribery
Blackstone, was ‘‘mal-administration of was that treason would ‘‘not reach many
such high officers, as are in public trust great and dangerous offences’’ including
and employment,’’ usually punished by ‘‘[a]ttempts to subvert the Constitu-
the method of parliamentary impeach- tion.’’ (58) His willingness to substitute
ment.(55) ‘‘high Crimes and Misdemeanors,’’ espe-
cially given his apparent familiarity with
‘‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors’’ has
the English use of the term as evidenced
traditionally been considered a ‘‘term of by his reference to the Warren Hastings
art,’’ like such other constitutional impeachment, suggests that he believed
phrases as ‘‘levying war’’ and ‘‘due proc- ‘‘high crimes and Misdemeanors’’ would
ess.’’ The Supreme Court has held that cover the offenses about which he was
such phrases must be construed, not ac- concerned.
cording to modern usage, but according Contemporaneous comments on the
to what the framers meant when they scope of impeachment are persuasive as
adopted them.(56) Chief Justice Marshall to the intention of the framers. In Fed-
wrote of another such phrase: eralist No. 65, Alexander Hamilton de-
scribed the subject of impeachment as:
It is a technical term. It is used in a
very old statute of that country whose those offences which proceed from the
language is our language, and whose misconduct of public men, or, in other
laws form the substratum of our laws. words, from the abuse or violation of
It is scarcely conceivable that the term some public trust. They are of a nature
was not employed by the framers of which may with peculiar propriety be
our constitution in the sense which denominated POLITICAL, as they re-
had been affixed to it by those from late chiefly to injuries done imme-
whom we borrowed it.(57) diately to the society itself.(59)
Comments in the state ratifying con-
ventions also suggest that those who
Mason’s suggestion to add ‘‘maladmin- adopted the Constitution viewed im-
istration,’’ Madison’s objection to it as peachment as a remedy for usurpation or
‘‘vague,’’ and Mason’s substitution of abuse of power or serious breach of trust.
‘‘high crimes and misdemeanors agst the Thus, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney of
State’’ are the only comments in the South Carolina stated that the impeach-
Philadelphia convention specifically di- ment power of the House reaches ‘‘those
who behave amiss, or betray their public
rected to the constitutional language de-
trust.’’ (60) Edmund Randolph said in the
55. 4 Blackstone’s Commentaries 121 (emphasis Virginia convention that the President
omitted). may be impeached if he ‘‘misbehaves.’’ (61)
56. See Murray v. Hoboken Land Co., 52 U.S. (18
How.) 272 (1856), Davidson v. New Orleans, 96 58. 2 Farrand 550.
U.S. 97 (1878); Smith v. Alabama, 124 U.S. 465 59. The Federalist No. 65 at 423–24 (Modern Li-
(1888). brary ed.) (A. Hamilton) (emphasis in original).
57. United States v. Burr, 25 Fed. Cas. 1, 159 (No. 60. 4 Elliot 281.
14, 693) (C.C.D. Va. 1807). 61. 3 Elliot 201.


He later cited the example of the Presi- It has too often happened that pow-
dent’s receipt of presents or emoluments ers delegated for the purpose of pro-
from a foreign power in violation of the moting the happiness of a community
constitutional prohibition of Article I, have been perverted to the advance-
section 9.(62) In the same convention ment of the personal emoluments of
George Mason argued that the President the agents of the people; but the pow-
might use his pardoning power to ‘‘par- ers of the President are too well guard-
don crimes which were advised by him- ed and checked to warrant this
self’’ or, before indictment or conviction, illiberal aspersion.(65)
‘‘to stop inquiry and prevent detection.’’ Randolph also asserted, however, that
James Madison responded: impeachment would not reach errors of
[I]f the President be connected, in judgment: ‘‘No man ever thought of im-
any suspicious manner, with any per- peaching a man for an opinion. It would
son, and there be grounds to believe he be impossible to discover whether the
will shelter him, the House of Rep- error in opinion resulted from a willful
resentatives can impeach him; they mistake of the heart, or an involuntary
can remove him if found guilty. . . .(63) fault of the head.’’ (66)
James Iredell made a similar distinc-
In reply to the suggestion that the Presi- tion in the North Carolina convention,
dent could summon the Senators of only and on the basis of this principle said, ‘‘I
a few states to ratify a treaty, Madison suppose the only instances, in which the
said, President would be liable to impeach-
ment, would be where he has received a
Were the President to commit any bribe, or had acted from some corrupt
thing so atrocious . . . he would be im- motive or other.’’ (67) But he went on to
peached and convicted, as a majority of argue that the President must certainly
the states would be affected by his be punishable for giving false informa-
misdemeanor.(64) tion to the Senate. He is to regulate all
Edmund Randolph referred to the checks intercourse with foreign powers, and it is
upon the President: his duty to impart to the Senate every
material intelligence he receives. If it
62. 3 Elliot 486. should appear that he has not given
63. 3 Elliot 497–98. Madison went on to say, con- them full information, but has concealed
trary to his position in the Philadelphia con-
vention, that the President could be suspended
important intelligence which he ought to
when suspected, and his powers would devolve have communicated, and by that means
on the Vice President, who could likewise be induced them to enter into measures in-
suspended until impeached and convicted, if he jurious to their country, and which they
were also suspected. Id. 498. would not have consented to had the true
64. 3 Elliot 500. John Rutledge of South Carolina state of things been disclosed to them—
made the same point, asking ‘‘whether gentle-
men seriously could suppose that a President,
in this case, I ask whether, upon an im-
who has a character at stake, would be such a peachment for a misdemeanor upon such
fool and knave as to join with ten others [two-
thirds of a minimal quorum of the Senate] to 65. 3 Elliot 117.
tear up liberty by the roots, when a full Senate 66. 3 Elliot 401.
were competent to impeach him.’’ 4 Elliot 268. 67. 4 Elliot 126.


an account, the Senate would probably Madison argued during the debate that
favor him.(68) the President would be subject to im-
In short, the framers who discussed peachment for ‘‘the wanton removal of
impeachment in the state ratifying con- meritorious officers.’’ (71) He also con-
ventions, as well as other delegates who tended that the power of the President
favored the Constitution,(69) implied that unilaterally to remove subordinates was
it reached offenses against the govern- ‘‘absolutely necessary’’ because ‘‘it will
ment, and especially abuses of constitu- make him in a peculiar manner, respon-
tional duties. The opponents did not sible for [the] conduct’’ of executive offi-
argue that the grounds for impeachment cers. It would, Madison said,
had been limited to criminal offenses.
subject him to impeachment himself, if
An extensive discussion of the scope of
he suffers them to perpetrate with im-
the impeachment power occurred in the
punity high crimes or misdemeanors
House of Representatives in the First
against the United States, or neglects
Session of the First Congress. The House
to superintend their conduct, so as to
was debating the power of the President
check their excesses.(72)
to remove the head of an executive de-
partment appointed by him with the ad- Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, who
vice and consent of the Senate, an issue had also been a framer though he had
on which it ultimately adopted the posi- opposed the ratification of the Constitu-
tion, urged primarily by James Madison, tion, disagreed with Madison’s conten-
that the Constitution vested the power tions about the impeachability of the
exclusively in the President. The discus- President. He could not be impeached for
sion in the House lends support to the dismissing a good officer, Gerry said, be-
view that the framers intended the im- cause he would be ‘‘doing an act which
peachment power to reach failure of the the Legislature has submitted to his dis-
President to discharge the responsibil- cretion.(73) And he should not be held re-
ities of his office.(70) sponsible for the acts of subordinate offi-
cers, who were themselves subject to im-
68. 4 Elliot 127.
69. For example, Wilson Nicholas in the Virginia
peachment and should bear their own re-
convention asserted that the President ‘‘is per- sponsibility.(74)
sonally amenable for his mal-administration’’
through impeachment, 3 Elliot 17; George tional decisions of the First Congress ‘‘have al-
Nicholas in the same convention referred to the ways been regarded, as they should be re-
President’s impeachability if he ‘‘deviates from garded, as of the greatest weight in the inter-
his duty,’’ id. 240. Archibald MacLaine in the pretation of that fundamental instrument.’’ 272
South Carolina convention also referred to the U.S. 52, 174–75 (1926).
President’s impeachability for ‘‘any maladmin- 71. 1 Annals of Cong. 498 (1789).
istration in his office,’’ 4 Elliot 47; and Rev- 72. Id. 372–73.
erend Samuel Stillman of Massachusetts re- 73. Id. 502.
ferred to his impeachability for ‘‘malconduct,’’ 74. Id. 535–36. Gerry also implied, perhaps rhe-
asking, ‘‘With such a prospect, who will dare to torically, that a violation of the Constitution
abuse the powers vested in him by the people?’’ was grounds for impeachment. If, he said, the
2 Elliot 169. Constitution failed to include provision for re-
70. Chief Justice Taft wrote with reference to the moval of executive officers, an attempt by the
removal power debate in the opinion for the legislature to cure the omission would be an at-
Court in Myers v. United States, that constitu- tempt to amend the Constitution. But the Con-


Another framer, Abraham Baldwin of dent’s removal power because ‘‘mere in-
Georgia, who supported Madison’s posi- tention [to do a mischief] would not be
tion on the power to remove subordi- cause of impeachment’’ and ‘‘there may
nates, spoke of the President’s be numerous causes for removal which
impeachability for failure to perform the do not amount to a crime.’’ (78) Later in
duties of the executive. If, said Baldwin, the same speech Ames suggested that
the President ‘‘in a fit of passion’’ re- impeachment was available if an officer
moved ‘‘all the good officers of the Gov- ‘‘misbehaves’’ (79) and for ‘‘mal-con-
ernment’’ and the Senate were unable to duct.’’ (80)
choose qualified successors, the con- One further piece of contemporary evi-
sequence would be that the President dence is provided by the Lectures on Law
‘‘would be obliged to do the duties him- delivered by James Wilson of Pennsyl-
self; or, if he did not, we would impeach vania in 1790 and 1791. Wilson described
him, and turn him out of office, as he impeachments in the United States as
had done others.’’ (75) ‘‘confined to political characters, to polit-
Those who asserted that the President ical crimes and misdemeanors, and to po-
has exclusive removal power suggested litical punishment.’’ (81) And, he said:
that it was necessary because impeach-
ment, as Elias Boudinot of New Jersey The doctrine of impeachments is of
contended, is ‘‘intended as a punishment high import in the constitutions of free
for a crime, and not intended as the ordi- states. On one hand, the most powerful
nary means of re-arranging the Depart- magistrates should be amenable to the
ments.’’ (76) Boudinot suggested that dis- law: on the other hand, elevated char-
ability resulting from sickness or acci- acters should not be sacrificed merely
dent ‘‘would not furnish any good ground on account of their elevation. No one
for impeachment; it could not be laid as should be secure while he violates the
treason or bribery, nor perhaps as a high constitution and the laws: every one
crime or misdemeanor.’’ (77) Fisher Ames should be secure while he observes
of Massachusetts argued for the Presi- them.(82)

stitution provided procedures for its amend- 78. Id. 474.

ment, and ‘‘an attempt to amend it in any 79. Id. 475.
other way may be a high crime or mis- 80. Id. 477. The proponents of the President’s re-
demeanor, or perhaps something worse.’’ Id. moval power were careful to preserve impeach-
503. ment as a supplementary method of removing
75. Id. John Vining of Delaware commented: ‘‘The executive officials. Madison said impeachment
President. What are his duties? To see the laws will reach a subordinate ‘‘whose bad actions
faithfully executed; if he does not do this effec- may be connived at or overlooked by the Presi-
tually, he is responsible. To whom? To the peo- dent.’’ Id. 372. Abraham Baldwin said:
ple. Have they the means of calling him to ac- ‘‘The Constitution provides for—what? That
count, and punishing him for neglect? They no bad man should come into office. . . . But
have secured it in the Constitution, by im- suppose that one such could be got in, he can
peachment, to be presented by their immediate be got out again in despite of the President. We
representatives; if they fail here, they have an- can impeach him, and drag him from his place
other check when the time of election comes . . . .’’ Id. 558.
round.’’ Id. 572. 81. Wilson, Lectures on Law, in 1 The Works of
76. Id. 375. James Wilson 426 (R. McCloskey ed. 1967).
77. Id. 82. Id. 425.


From the comments of the framers and removed from the reach of municipal
their contemporaries, the remarks of the jurisprudence.(83)
delegates to the state ratifying conven-
tions, and the removal power debate in
the First Congress, it is apparent that Thirteen officers have been impeached
the scope of impeachment was not by the House since 1787: one President,
viewed narrowly. It was intended to pro- one cabinet officer, one United States
vide a check on the President through Senator, and ten Federal judges.(84) In
impeachment, but not to make him de- addition there have been numerous reso-
pendent on the unbridled will of the Con- lutions and investigations in the House
gress. not resulting in impeachment. However,
the action of the House in declining to
Impeachment, as Justice Joseph Story
impeach an officer is not particularly il-
wrote in his Commentaries on the Con-
luminating. The reasons for failing to im-
stitution in 1833, applies to offenses of ‘‘a peach are generally not stated, and may
political character’’: have rested upon a failure of proof, legal
Not but that crimes of a strictly legal insufficiency of the grounds, political
character fall within the scope of the judgment, the press of legislative busi-
power . . . but that it has a more en- ness, or the closeness of the expiration of
larged operation, and reaches, what the session of Congress. On the other
are aptly termed political offenses, hand, when the House has voted to im-
peach an officer, a majority of the Mem-
growing out of personal misconduct or
bers necessarily have concluded that the
gross neglect, or usurpation, or habit-
conduct alleged constituted grounds for
ual disregard of the public interests, in impeachment.(85)
the discharge of the duties of political
Does Article III, Section 1 of the Con-
office. These are so various in their stitution, which states that judges ‘‘shall
character, and so indefinable in their
actual involutions, that it is almost im- 83. 1 J. Story Commentaries on the Constitution of
possible to provide systematically for the United States, § 764, at 559 (5th ed. 1905).
them by positive law. They must be ex- 84. Eleven of these officers were tried in the Sen-
amined upon very broad and com- ate. Articles of impeachment were presented to
the Senate against a twelfth (Judge English),
prehensive principles of public policy but he resigned shortly before the trial. The
and duty. They must be judged of by thirteenth (Judge Delahay) resigned before ar-
the habits and rules and principles of ticles could be drawn.
diplomacy, or departmental operations 85. Only four of the thirteen impeachments—all in-
and arrangements, of parliamentary volving judges—have resulted in conviction in
the Senate and removal from office. While con-
practice, of executive customs and ne-
viction and removal show that the Senate
gotiations of foreign as well as domes- agreed with the House that the charges on
tic political movements; and in short, which conviction occurred stated legally suffi-
by a great variety of circumstances, as cient grounds for impeachment, acquittals offer
well those which aggravate as those no guidance on this question, as they may have
resulted from a failure of proof, other factors,
which extenuate or justify the offensive
or a determination by more than one third of
acts which do not properly belong to the Senators (as in the Blount and Belknap im-
the judicial character in the ordinary peachments) that trial or conviction was inap-
administration of justice, and are far propriate for want of jurisdiction.


hold their Offices during good Behavior,’’ 1. EXCEEDING THE POWERS OF THE OFFICE
limit the relevance of the ten impeach- IN DEROGATION OF THOSE OF ANOTHER
ments of judges with respect to presi- BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT
dential impeachment standards as has
The first American impeachment, of
been argued by some? It does not. The
Senator William Blount in 1797, was
argument is that ‘‘good behavior’’ implies based on allegations that Blount at-
an additional ground for impeachment of tempted to incite the Creek and Cher-
judges not applicable to other civil offi- okee Indians to attack the Spanish set-
cers. However, the only impeachment tlers of Florida and Louisiana, in order
provision discussed in the Convention to capture the territory for the British.
and included in the Constitution is Arti- Blount was charged with engaging in a
cle II, Section 4, which by its expressed conspiracy to compromise the neutrality
terms, applies to all civil officers, includ- of the United States, in disregard of the
ing judges, and defines impeachment of- constitutional provisions for conduct of
fenses as ‘‘Treason, Bribery, and other foreign affairs. He was also charged, in
high Crimes and Misdemeanors.’’ effect, with attempting to oust the Presi-
In any event, the interpretation of the dent’s lawful appointee as principal
‘‘good behavior’’ clause adopted by the agent for Indian affairs and replace him
House has not been made clear in any of with a rival, thereby intruding upon the
the judicial impeachment cases. Which- President’s supervision of the executive
ever view is taken, the judicial impeach- branch.(87)
ments have involved an assessment of The impeachment of President Andrew
the conduct of the officer in terms of the Johnson in 1868 also rested on allega-
constitutional duties of his office. In this tions that he had exceeded the power of
respect, the impeachments of judges are his office and had failed to respect the
consistent with the three impeachments prerogatives of Congress. The Johnson
of nonjudicial officers. impeachment grew out of a bitter par-
Each of the thirteen American im- tisan struggle over the implementation of
peachments involved charges of mis- Reconstruction in the South following the
conduct incompatible with the official po- Civil War, Johnson was charged with
sition of the officeholder. This conduct violation of the Tenure of Office Act,
falls into three broad categories: (1) ex- which purported to take away the Presi-
ceeding the constitutional bounds of the dent’s authority to remove members of
his own cabinet and specifically provided
powers of the office in derogation of the
that violation would be a ‘‘high mis-
powers of another branch of government;
demeanor,’’ as well as a crime. Believing
(2) behaving in a manner grossly incom-
the Act unconstitutional, Johnson re-
patible with the proper function and pur-
pose of the office; and (3) employing the brought to trial in the Senate. Except for the
power of the office for an improper pur- impeachment of Judge Delahay, the discussion
pose or for personal gain.(86) of grounds here is based on the formal articles.
87. After Blount had been impeached by the
86. A procedural note may be useful. The House House, but before trial of the impeachment, the
votes both a resolution of impeachment against Senate expelled him for ‘‘having been guilty of
an officer and articles of impeachment con- a high misdemeanor, entirely inconsistent with
taining the specific charges that will be his public trust and duty as a Senator.’’


moved Secretary of War Edwin M. Stan- ment of the rebel States.’’ On its face,
ton and was impeached three days later. this article involved statutory violations,
Nine articles of impeachment were but it also reflected the underlying chal-
originally voted against Johnson, all lenge to all of Johnson’s post-war poli-
dealing with his removal of Stanton and cies.
the appointment of a successor without The removal of Stanton was more a
the advice and consent of the Senate. catalyst for the impeachment than a fun-
The first article, for example, charged damental cause.90 The issue between the
that President Johnson, President and Congress was which of
unmindful of the high duties of this of- them should have the constitutional—
fice, of his oath of office, and of the re- and ultimately even the military—power
quirement of the Constitution that he to make and enforce Reconstruction pol-
should take care that the laws be icy in the South. The Johnson impeach-
faithfully executed, did unlawfully, and ment, like the British impeachments of
in violation of the Constitution and great ministers, involved issues of state
laws of the United States, order in going to the heart of the constitutional
writing the removal of Edwin M. Stan- division of executive and legislative
ton from the office of Secretary for the power.
Department of War.(88) 2. BEHAVING IN A MANNER GROSSLY
Two more articles were adopted by the INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE PROPER
House the following day. Article Ten FUNCTION AND PURPOSE OF THE OFFICE
charged that Johnson, ‘‘unmindful of the
Judge John Pickering was impeached
high duties of his office, and the dignity
in 1803, largely for intoxication on the
and proprieties thereof,’’ had made in-
bench.(91) Three of the articles alleged er-
flammatory speeches that attempted to
rors in a trial in violation of his trust
ridicule and disgrace the Congress.89 Ar-
and duty as a judge; the fourth charged
ticle Eleven charged him with attempts
that Pickering, ‘‘being a man of loose
to prevent the execution of the Tenure of
morals and intemperate habits,’’ had ap-
Office Act, an Army appropriations act,
peared on the bench during the trial in a
and a Reconstruction act designed by
state of total intoxication and had used
Congress ‘‘for the more efficient govern-
profane language. Seventy-three years
88. Article one further alleged that Johnson’s re- later another judge, Mark Delahay, was
moval of Stanton was unlawful because the impeached for intoxication both on and
Senate had earlier rejected Johnson’s previous
suspension of him. 90. The Judiciary Committee had reported a reso-
89. Quoting from speeches which Johnson had lution of impeachment three months earlier
made in Washington, D.C., Cleveland, Ohio charging President Johnson in its report with
and St. Louis, Missouri, article ten pronounced omissions of duty, usurpations of power and
these speeches ‘‘censurable in any, [and] pecu- violations of his oath of office, the laws and the
liarly indecent and unbecoming in the Chief Constitution in his conflict of Reconstruction.
Magistrate of the United States.’’ By means of The House voted down the resolution.
these speeches, the article concluded, Johnson 91. The issue of Pickering’s insanity was raised at
had brought the high office of the presidency trial in the Senate, but was not discussed by
‘‘into contempt, ridicule, and disgrace. to the the House when it voted to impeach or to adopt
great scandal of all good citizens.’’ articles of impeachment.


off the bench but resigned before articles his federal judgeship.(92) Judicial preju-
of impeachment were adopted. dice against Union supporters was also
A similar concern with conduct incom- alleged.
patible with the proper exercise of judi- Judicial favoritism and failure to give
cial office appears in the decision of the impartial consideration to cases before
House to impeach Associate Supreme him were also among the allegations in
Court Justice Samuel Chase in 1804. The the impeachment of Judge George W.
House alleged that Justice Chase had English in 1926. The final article
permitted his partisan views to influence charged that his favoritism had created
his conduct of two trials held while he distrust of the disinterestedness of his of-
was conducting circuit court several ficial actions and destroyed public con-
years earlier. The first involved a Penn- fidence in his court.(93)
sylvania farmer who had led a rebellion
against a Federal tax collector in 1789 3. EMPLOYING THE POWER OF THE OFFICE
and was later charged with treason. The FOR AN IMPROPER PURPOSE OR PERSONAL
articles of impeachment alleged that ‘‘un- GAIN
mindful of the solemn duties of his office, Two types of official conduct for im-
and contrary to the sacred obligation’’ of proper purposes have been alleged in
his oath, Chase ‘‘did conduct himself in a past impeachments. The first type in-
manner highly arbitrary, oppressive, and volves vindictive use of their office by
unjust,’’ citing procedural rulings against federal judges; the second, the use of of-
the defense. fice for personal gain.
Similar language appeared in articles Judge James H. Peck was impeached
relating to the trial of a Virginia printer in 1826 for charging with contempt a
indicted under the Sedition Act of 1798. lawyer who had publicly criticized one of
Specific examples of Chase’s bias were his decisions, imprisoning him, and or-
alleged, and his conduct was character- dering his disbarment for 18 months.
ized as ‘‘an indecent solicitude . . . for The House debated whether this single
the conviction of the accused, unbecom- instance of vindictive abuse of power was
ing even a public prosecutor but highly sufficient to impeach, and decided that it
disgraceful to the character of a judge, as was, alleging that the conduct was un-
it was subversive of justice.’’ The eighth just, arbitrary, and beyond the scope of
article charged that Chase, ‘‘disregarding Peck’s duty.
the duties . . . of his judicial character.
Vindictive use of power also con-
. . . did . . . prevert his official right
stituted an element of the charges in two
and duty to address the grand jury’’ by
other impeachments. Judge George W.
delivering ‘‘an intemperate and inflam-
matory political harangue.’’ His conduct 92. Although some of the language in the articles
was alleged to be a serious breach of his suggested treason, only high crimes and mis-
duty to judge impartially and to reflect demeanors were alleged, and Humphrey’s of-
on his competence to continue to exercise fenses were characterized as a failure to dis-
charge his judicial duties.
the office.
93. Some of the allegations against Judges Harold
Judge West H. Humphreys was im- Louderback (1932) and Halsted Ritter (1936)
peached in 1862 on charges that he also involved judicial favoritism affecting public
joined the Confederacy without resigning confidence in their courts.


English was charged in 1926, among criminal conduct. Less than one-third of
other things, with threatening to jail a the eighty-three articles the House has
local newspaper editor for printing a crit- adopted have explicitly charged the viola-
ical editorial and with summoning local tion of a criminal statute or used the
officials into court in a non-existent case word ‘‘criminal’’ or ‘‘crime’’ to describe
to harangue them. Some of the articles in the conduct alleged, and ten of the arti-
the impeachment of Judge Charles cles that do were those involving the
Swayne (1903) alleged that he mali- Tenure of Office Act in the impeachment
ciously and unlawfully imprisoned two of President Andrew Johnson. The House
lawyers and a litigant for contempt. has not always used the technical lan-
Six impeachments have alleged the use guage of the criminal law even when the
of office for personal gain or the appear- conduct alleged fairly clearly constituted
ance of financial impropriety while in of- a criminal offense, as in the Humphreys
fice. Secretary of War William W. and Belknap impeachments. Moreover, a
Belknap was impeached in 1876 of high number of articles, even though they
crimes and misdemeanors for conduct may have alleged that the conduct was
that probably constituted bribery and unlawful, do not seem to state criminal
certainly involved the use of his office for conduct-including Article Ten against
highly improper purposes-receiving sub- President Andrew Johnson (charging in-
stantial annual payments through an flammatory speeches), and some of the
intermediary in return for his appointing charges against all of the judges except
a particular post trader at a frontier Humphreys.
military post in Indian territory. Much more common in the articles are
The impeachments of Judges Charles allegations that the officer has violated
Swayne (1903), Robert W. Archbald his duties or his oath or seriously under-
(1912), George W. English (1926), Harold mined public confidence in his ability to
Louderback (1932) and Halsted L. Ritter perform his official functions. Recitals
(1936) each involved charges of the use of that a judge has brought his court or the
office for direct or indirect personal mon- judicial system into disrepute are com-
etary gain.(94) In the Archbald and Ritter monplace. In the impeachment of Presi-
cases, a number of allegations of im- dent Johnson, nine of the articles allege
proper conduct were combined in a sin- that he acted ‘‘unmindful of the high du-
gle, final article, as well as being charged ties of his office and of his oath of office,’’
separately. and several specifically refer to his con-
In drawing up articles of impeachment, stitutional duty to take care that the
the House has placed little emphasis on laws be faithfully executed.
94. Judge Swayne was charged with falsifying ex-
The formal language of an article of
pense accounts and using a railroad car in the impeachment, however, is less significant
possession of a receiver he had appointed. than the nature of the allegations that it
Judge Archbald was charged with using his of- contains. All have involved charges of
fice to secure business favors from litigants and conduct incompatible with continued per-
potential litigants before his court. Judges
formance of the office; some have explic-
English, Louderback, and Ritter were charged
with misusing their power to appoint and set itly rested upon a ‘‘course of conduct’’ or
the fees of bankruptcy receivers for personal have combined disparate charges in a
profit. single, final article. Some of the indi-


vidual articles seem to have alleged con- ments. The first is to dismiss them too
duct that, taken alone, would not have readily because most have involved
been considered serious, such as two arti- judges. The second is to make too much
cles in the impeachment of Justice Chase of them. They do not all fit neatly and
that merely alleged procedural errors at
logically into categories. That, however,
trial. In the early impeachments, the ar-
is in keeping with the nature of the rem-
ticles were not prepared until after im-
peachment had been voted by the House, edy. It is intended to reach a broad vari-
and it seems probable that the decision ety of conduct by officers that is both se-
to impeach was made on the basis of all rious and incompatible with the duties of
the allegations viewed as a whole, rather the office.
than each separate charge. Unlike the Past impeachments are not precedents
Senate, which votes separately on each to be read with an eye for an article of
article after trial, and where conviction impeachment identical to allegations
on but one article is required for removal
that may be currently under consider-
from office, the House appears to have
considered the individual offenses less ation. The American impeachment cases
significant than what they said together demonstrate a common theme useful in
about the conduct of the official in the determining whether grounds for im-
performance of his duties. peachment exist-that the grounds are de-
Two tendencies should be avoided in rived from understanding the nature,
interpreting the American impeach- functions and duties of the office.

III. The Criminality Issue

The phrase ‘‘high Crimes and Mis- The central issue raised by these con-
demeanors’’ may connote ‘‘criminality’’ to cerns is whether requiring an indictable
some. This likely is the predicate for offense as an essential element of im-
some of the contentions that only an in- peachable conduct is consistent with the
dictable crime can constitute impeach- purposes and intent of the framers in es-
able conduct. Other advocates of an in- tablishing the impeachment power and
dictable-offense requirement would es- in setting a constitutional standard for
tablish a criminal standard of impeach- the exercise of that power. This issue
must be considered in light of the histor-
able conduct because that standard is ical evidence of the framers’ intent.(2) It
definite, can be known in advance and
reflects a contemporary legal view of gued that because Treason and Bribery are
what conduct should be punished. A re- crimes, ‘‘other high Crimes and Misdemeanors’’
quirement of criminality would require must refer to crimes under the ejusdem generis
resort to familiar criminal laws and con- rule of construction. But ejusdem generis mere-
cepts to serve as standards in the im- ly requires a unifying principle. The question
here is whether that principle is criminality or
peachment process. Furthermore, this
rather conduct subversive of our constitutional
would pose problems concerning the ap- institutions and form of government.
plicability of standards of proof and the 2. The rule of construction against redundancy in-
like pertaining to the trial of crimes.(1) dicates an intent not to require criminality. If
criminality is required, the word ‘‘Mis-
1. See A. Simpson, A Treatise on Federal Im- demeanors’’ would add nothing to ‘‘high
peachments 28–29 (1916). It has also been ar- Crimes.’’


is also useful to consider whether the criminal and non-criminal offenses

purposes of impeachment and criminal against the institutions and fundamental
law are such that indictable offenses can, principles of English government.(5)
consistent with the Constitution, be an There is evidence that the framers
essential element of grounds for im- were aware of this special, non-criminal
peachment. The impeachment of a Presi- meaning of the phrase ‘‘high Crimes and
dent must occur only for reasons at least Misdemeanors’’ in the English law of im-
as pressing as those needs of government peachment.(6) Not only did Hamilton ac-
that give rise to the creation of criminal knowledge Great Britain as ‘‘the model
offenses. But this does not mean that the from which [impeachment] has been bor-
various elements of proof, defenses, and rowed,’’ but George Mason referred in
other substantive concepts surrounding the debates to the impeachment of War-
an indictable offense control the im- ren Hastings, then pending before Par-
peachment process. Nor does it mean liament. Indeed, Mason, who proposed
that state or federal criminal codes are the phase ‘‘high Crimes and Mis-
necessarily the place to turn to provide a demeanors,’’ expressly stated his intent
standard under the United States Con- to encompass ‘‘[a]ttempts to subvert the
stitution. Impeachment is a constitu- Constitution.’’ (7)
tional remedy. The framers intended that The published records of the state rati-
the impeachment language they em- fying conventions do not reveal an inten-
ployed should reflect the grave mis- tion to limit the grounds of impeachment
conduct that so injures or abuses our to criminal offenses (8) James Iredell said
constitutional institutions and form of in the North Carolina debates on ratifi-
government as to justify impeachment. cation:
This view is supported by the histor- . . . the person convicted is further
ical evidence of the constitutional mean- liable to a trial at common law, and
ing of the words ‘‘high Crimes and Mis- may receive such common-law punish-
demeanors.’’ That evidence is set out ment as belongs to a description of
above.(3) It establishes that the phrase such offences if it be punishable by
‘‘high Clrimes and Misdemeanors’’— that law.(9)
which over a period of centuries evolved
into the English standard of impeachable Likewise, George Nicholas of Virginia
conduct—has a special historical mean- distinguished disqualification to hold of-
ing different from the ordinary meaning fice from conviction for criminal conduct:
of the terms ‘‘crimes’’ and ‘‘mis- If [the President] deviates from his
demeanors.(4) High misdemeanors’’ re- duty, he is responsible to his constitu-
ferred to a category of offenses that sub- ents. . . . He will be absolutely dis-
verted the system of government. Since qualified to hold any place of profit,
the fourteenth century the phrase ‘‘high honor, or trust, and liable to further
Crimes and Misdemeanors’’ had been
used in English impeachment cases to 5. See part II.A. supra.
charge officials with a wide range of 6. See part II.B.2. supra.
7. See Id.
3. See part II B. supra. 8. See part II.B.3. supra.
4. See part II B.2. supra. 9. 4 Elliot 114.


punishment if he has committed such possible disqualification from holding fu-

high crimes as are punishable at com- ture office. The purpose of impeachment
mon law.(10) is not personal punishment; (15) its func-
The post-convention statements and tion is primarily to maintain constitu-
writings of Alexander Hamilton, James tional government. Furthermore, the
Wilson, and James Madison—each a par- Constitution itself provides that im-
ticipant in the Constitutional Conven- peachment is no substitute for the ordi-
tion—show that they regarded impeach- nary process of criminal law since it
ment as an appropriate device to deal specifies that impeachment does not im-
with offenses against constitutional gov- munize the officer from criminal liability
ernment by those who hold civil office, for his wrongdoing.(16)
and not a device limited to criminal of- The general applicability of the crimi-
fenses.(11) Hamilton, in discussing the ad- nal law also makes it inappropriate as
vantages of a single rather than a plural the standard for a process applicable to a
executive, explained that a single execu- highly specific situation such as removal
tive gave the people ‘‘the opportunity of of a President. The criminal law sets a
discovering with facility and clearness general standard of conduct that all must
the misconduct of the persons they trust, follow. It does not address itself to the
in order either to their removal from of-
15. It has been argued that ‘‘[i]mpeachment is a
fice, or to their actual punishment in special form of punishment for crime,’’ but that
cases which admit of it.(12) Hamilton fur- gross and willful neglect of duty would be a
ther wrote: ‘‘Man, in public trust, will violation of the oath of office and ‘‘[s]uch viola-
much oftener act in such a manner as to tion, by criminal acts of commission or omis-
render him unworthy of being any longer sion, is the only nonindictable offense for which
the President, Vice President, judges or other
trusted, than in such a manner as to civil officers can be impeached.’’ I. Brant, Im-
make him obnoxious to legal punish- peachment, Trials and Errors 13, 20, 23 (1972).
ment.(13) While this approach might in particular in-
The American experience with im- stances lead to the same results as the ap-
proach to impeachment as a constitutional
peachment, which is summarized above,
remedy for action incompatible with constitu-
reflects the principle that impeachable tional government and the duties of constitu-
conduct need not be criminal. Of the thir- tional office, it is, for the reasons stated in this
teen impeachments voted by the House memorandum, the latter approach that best re-
since 1789, at least ten involved one or flects the intent of the framers and the con-
stitutional function of impeachment. At the
more allegations that did not charge a
time the Constitution was adopted, ‘‘crime’’ and
violation of criminal law.(l4) ‘‘punishment for crime’’ were terms used far
Impeachment and the criminal law more broadly than today. The seventh edition
serve fundamentally different purposes. of Samuel Johnson’s dictionary, published in
Impeachment is the first step in a reme- 1785, defines ‘‘crime’’ as ‘‘an act contrary to
right, an offense; a great fault; an act of wick-
dial process—removal from office and edness.’’ To the extent that the debates on the
Constitution and its ratification refer to im-
10. 3 Elliot 240. peachment as a form of ‘‘punishment’’ it is pun-
11. See part II.B 1. supra; part II.B.3. supra. ishment in the sense that today would be
12. Federalist No. 70, at 461. thought a noncriminal sanction, such as re-
13. Id. at 459. moval of a corporate officer for misconduct
14. See part II.C. supra. breaching his duties to the corporation.


abuses of presidential power. In an im- constitutional provision that ‘‘the sole

peachment proceeding a President is power’’ of impeachment is vested in the
called to account for abusing powers that House of Representatives?
only a President possesses. A requirement of criminality would be
Other characteristics of the criminal incompatible with the intent of the fram-
law make criminality inappropriate as ers to provide a mechanism broad
an essential element of impeachable con- enough to maintain the integrity of con-
duct. While the failure to act may be a stitutional government. Impeachment is
crime, the traditional focus of criminal a constitutional safety valve; to fulfill
law is prohibitory. Impeachable conduct, this function, it must be flexible enough
on the other hand, may include the seri- to cope with exigencies not now foresee-
ous failure to discharge the affirmative able. Congress has never undertaken to
duties imposed on the President by the define impeachable offenses in the crimi-
Constitution. Unlike a criminal case, the nal code. Even respecting bribery, which
cause for the removal of a President may is specifically identified in the Constitu-
be based on his entire course of conduct tion as grounds for impeachment, the
in office. In particular situations, it may federal statute establishing the criminal
be a course of conduct more than indi- offense for civil officers generally was en-
vidual acts that has a tendency to sub- acted over seventy-five years after the
vert constitutional government. Constitutional Convention.(17)
To confine impeachable conduct to in- In sum, to limit impeachable conduct
dictable offenses may well be to set a to criminal offenses would be incompat-
standard so restrictive as not to reach ible with the evidence concerning the
conduct that might adversely affect the constitutional meaning of the phrase
system of government. Some of the most ‘‘high Crimes and Misdemeanors’’ and
grievous offenses against our constitu- would frustrate the purpose that the
tional form of government may not entail framers intended for impeachment. State
violations of the criminal law.
If criminality is to be the basic element 16. It is sometimes suggested that various provi-
of impeachment conduct, what is the sions in the Constitution exempting cases of
impeachment from certain provisions relating
standard of criminal conduct to be? Is it
to the trial and punishment of crimes indicate
to be criminality as known to the com- an intention to require an indictable offense as
mon law, or as divined from the Federal an essential element of impeachable conduct.
Criminal Code, or from an amalgam of In addition to the provision referred to in the
State criminal statutes? If one is to turn text (Article I, Section 3), cases of impeachment
to State statutes, then which of those of are exempted from the power of pardon and
the right to trial by jury in Article II, Section
the States is to obtain? If the present 2 and Article III, Section 2 respectively. These
Federal Criminal Code is to be the stand- provisions were placed in the Constitution in
ard, then which of its provisions are to recognition that impeachable conduct may en-
apply? If there is to be new Federal legis- tail criminal conduct and to make it clear that
lation to define the criminal standard, even when criminal conduct is involved, the
trial of an impeachment was not intended to be
then presumably both the Senate and
a criminal proceeding. The sources quoted at
the President will take part in fixing notes 8–13, supra, show the understanding
that standard. How is this to be accom- that impeachable conduct may, but need not,
plished without encroachment upon the involve criminal conduct.


and federal criminal laws are not written tional provision for the impeachment of a
in order to preserve the nation against
President and that purpose gives mean-
serious abuse of the presidential office.
But this is the purpose of the constitu- ing to ‘‘high Orimes and Misdemeanors.’’

IV. Conclusion

Impeachment is a constitutional rem- be said of the merits of Hastings, con-

edy addressed to serious offenses against duct, the charges against him exempli-
the system of government. The purpose fied the central aspect of impeachment—
of impeachment under the Constitution the parliamentary effort to reach grave
is indicated by the limited scope of the abuses of governmental power.
remedy (removal from office and possible The framers understood quite clearly
disqualification from future office) and by that the constitutional system they were
the stated grounds for impeachment creating must include some ultimate
(treason, bribery and other high crimes check on the conduct of the executive,
and misdemeanors). It is not controlling particularly as they came to reject the
whether treason and bribery are crimi- suggested plural executive. While insist-
nal. More important, they are constitu- ent that balance between the executive
tional wrongs that subvert the structure and legislative branches be maintained
of government, or undermine the integ- so that the executive would not become
rity of office and even the Constitution the creature of the legislature,
itself, and thus are ‘‘high’’ offenses in the dismissable at its will, the framers also
sense that word was used in English im- recognized that some means would be
peachments. needed to deal with excesses by the exec-
The framers of our Constitution con- utive. Impeachment was familiar to
sciously adopted a particular phrase from them. They understood its essential con-
the English practice to help define the stitutional functions and perceived its
constitutional grounds for removal. The adaptability to the American contest.
content of the phrase ‘‘high Crimes and While it may be argued that some arti-
Misdemeanors’’ for the framers is to be cles of impeachment have charged con-
related to what the framers knew, on the duct that constituted crime and thus that
whole, about the English practice—the criminality is an essential ingredient, or
broad sweep of English constitutional that some have charged conduct that was
history and the vital role impeachment not criminal and thus that criminality is
had played in the limitation of royal pre- not essential, the fact remains that in
rogative and the control of abuses of min- the English practice and in several of the
isterial and judicial power. American impeachments the criminality
Impeachment was not a remote subject issue was not raised at all. The emphasis
for the framers. Even as they labored in has been on the significant effects of the
Philadelphia, the impeachment trial of conduct—undermining the integrity of of-
Warren Hastings, Governor-General of fice, disregard of constitutional duties
India, was pending in London, a fact to and oath of office, arrogation of power,
which George Mason made explicit ref- abuse of the governmental process, ad-
erence in the Convention. Whatever may verse impact on the system of govern-


ment. Clearly, these effects can be tionally prescribed oath that the Presi-
brought about in ways not anticipated by dent is required to take before he enters
the criminal law. Criminal standards and upon the execution of his office and are,
criminal courts were established to con- therefore, also expressly imposed by the
trol individual conduct. Impeachment Constitution.
was evolved by Parliament to cope with The duty to take care is affirmative. So
both the inadequacy of criminal stand- is the duty faithfully to execute the of-
ards and the impotence of courts to deal fice. A President must carry out the obli-
with the conduct of great public figures. gations of his office diligently and in
It would be anomalous if the framers, good faith. The elective character and po-
having barred criminal sanctions from litical role of a President make it difficult
the impeachment remedy and limited it to define faithful exercise of his powers
to removal and possible disqualification in the abstract. A President must make
from office, intended to restrict the policy and exercise discretion. This dis-
grounds for impeachment to conduct that
cretion necessarily is broad, especially in
was criminal.
emergency situations, but the constitu-
The longing for precise criteria is un- tional duties of a President impose limi-
derstandable; advance, precise definition tations on its exercise.
of objective limits would seemingly serve
The ‘‘take care’’ duty emphasizes the
both to direct future conduct and to in-
responsibility of a President for the over-
hibit arbitrary reaction to past conduct.
all conduct of the executive branch,
In private affairs the objective is the con-
which the Constitution vests in him
trol of personal behavior, in part through
alone. He must take care that the execu-
the punishment of misbehavior. In gen-
eral, advance definition of standards re- tive is so organized and operated that
specting private conduct works reason- this duty is performed.
ably well. However, where the issue is The duty of a President to ‘‘preserve,
presidential compliance with the con- protect, and defend the Constitution’’ to
stitutional requirements and limitations the best of his ability includes the duty
on the presidency, the crucial factor is not to abuse his powers or transgress
not the intrinsic quality of behavior but their limits—not to violate the rights of
the significance of its effect upon our con- citizens, such as those guaranteed by the
stitutional system or the functioning of Bill of Rights, and not to act in
our government. derogration of powers vested elsewhere
It is useful to note three major presi- by the Constitution.
dential duties of broad scope that are ex- Not all presidential misconduct is suf-
plicitly recited in the Constitution: ‘‘to ficient to constitute grounds for impeach-
take Care that the Laws be faithfully ex- ment. There is a further requirement—
ecuted,’’ to ‘‘faithfully execute the Office substantiality. In deciding whether this
of President of the United States’’ and to further requirement has been met, the
‘‘preserve, protect, and defend the Con- facts must be considered as a whole in
stitution of the United States’’ to the best the context of the office, not in terms of
of his ability. The first is directly im- separate or isolated events. Because im-
posed by the Constitution; the second peachment of a President is a grave step
and third are included in the constitu- for the nation, it is to be predicated only


upon conduct seriously incompatible with performance of constitutional duties of

either the constitutional form and prin-
ciples of our government or the proper the presidential office.


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