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Grade(s): 10

Subject(s): Dance

Long-Term Students are beginning a hip hop unit. The first week students will
Sequencing and be working on the movements themselves, and the second week
Scaffolding: they will create a dance on their own in small groups. Thus,
following the “I do, we do, you do” model, this is the second class
where students will be following the teacher.


Curricular Locally developed curriculum from Red Deer:


1.1.1 model, at a basic level, safe practices in the dance

1.1.3 model, at a basic level, body alignment, as it applies to
specified dance genres.
1.1.4 demonstrate movements in response to dance vocabulary
1.1.5 model, at a basic level, dance movements, such as
stationary and traveling movements, turning, and steps of
elevation in various genres.


Music, Speakers


To begin the class, the teacher will lead a 10-15 minute warm-up (cardio, stretching,
isolations, etc.)

Cardio: (Lose Control — Missy Elliot)

● Students will begin with just swinging their bodies side to side, to get some
movement in.
● Students will then do little hops with the swing.
● Then they will do a sort of bounce hop, then bringing feet together going side to
side. Adding double bounces as well
● The students will then start kick front bounces on one foot 8, 4, 2, and 1 times
switching between each foot before they decrease the amount of hops. They will
then repeat the same thing to the side.
Isolations: (Margarita — Sleepy Brown)
● Next, students will do step touches, with the chest pushing forward and back,
completing both sides.
● Then students will step side to side, pushing their hips out in the direction they’re
moving. Then they will do the same moving forwards and backwards, really
emphasizing the movement of the hips.
● Next, students will do shoulder isolations — pushing them up and dropping them
down together, then doing one at a time.
● The final move for isolations will be the head, looking side to side, up and down,
forward and background, then around.
Stretching: (Everything is Everything — Ms. Lauryn Hill)
● The dancers will do all the typical stretches, runners lunge, deep plie in second,
back stretch etc. They will be given a few minutes after this to continue stretching
as they need or to grab water before we begin the dance steps.

After the warm-up, the teacher will begin teaching the students a combination of steps that
they will use for a Pass/Fail assessment to finish off their week of Hip Hop.

Song: Feels So Good — Mase

& 8 (before the lyrics begin) feet in a second position, arms reach out to front, then pull in
to the chest, palms up.

1 & 2 & — hop feet together to R, arms come up to fists in front of the chest with elbows
out, then arms swing open and down in a small circle (elbows in), bounce when arms go
down. Repeat L

3 & 4 & — step R foot out, bounce down and back up to R, arms do a sort of small disco
arm push with fists to R. Repeat L

5, 6, 7, & 8 — Cabbage Patch (any arm variation) starting R, turning to L (steps on beats)

& 1, 2, 3, — grapevine L, R arm pushes out to right on first step

& 4 — feet come together and arms do goal post position flat to hands up

5, 6, 7, 8 — arms bounce up and down still in goal post position, legs bouncing switching
angles L/R

& 1, 2, & 3, 4 — Smurf R then L

5, 6, 7, — step R foot out to R, arms swing up, rocking/bouncing forward, L leg comes up
and arms shoot down. Step L to face the back

& 8 — head tilt isolation L, then shoulder push isolation L

1, & 2, & 3, & 4 — walk it out to face the front

5 & 6 — Monestary R leg

7 & 8 — Prep L leg (any arm variation)

1 & 2 — Step L, swing R leg forward, kick back and jump

3 & 4 — Biz Markie R

Once students have completed learning the combination they will begin working on
blocking changes, and an 8 count of additional steps to the end of the piece. They have all
the remaining time of this period, as well as the first 30 minutes of Friday to work on this
Songs in warm up/class playlist linked here

Students will then have the last 10 minutes of class time to cool down and get ready for
their next class.



Introduction / Hook Introduction to lesson

(5 mins)

10 min Warm-up

30 min Combination

10 min Students work on Assessment in groups of up to 4

Conclusion / Cool down

Wrap up (10 mins)


Formative Assessment:
Students’ ability to pick up dance choreography effectively, implementing the moves they
have been working on all week.
Keeping technique of dance steps while performing choreography.
Ability to retain dance steps and keeping on time with the music.
Ability to form effective groups and work together for a common goal.

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