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Schools Division Office


Alvarez St., Sta. Cruz, Manila

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Technology and Livelihood Education 7 (Exploratory)
Mechanical Drafting

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students will be able to:
a. discuss the basic and common electrical splices and joints.
b. Recognize the unique characteristics of each splices and joints
c. Identify the specific uses of discussed splices and joints
Common Wire Splices and Joints
LCD Monitor, Chalk, Board, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Activity sheets
a. Prayer
b. greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review of Past Lessons
The instructor will call randomly from the pool of students and ask whether they
have prior knowledge of Measuring instrument, Mensuration, and calculation, and/or
what comes to mind when they hear the word Mensuration, and calculation and/or
their experiences regarding Mensuration, and calculation
e. Motivation
Title: Electric Current Game
Instructions: All of the students are split into two groups and they are instructed to form
two lines and their representatives will be the ones standing next to the instructor. The
student then will be asked to interlock their hands and the instructor flips a coin, if the
coin go heads, the instructor would pinch the shoulder of the representatives and the
representatives would then have to squeeze the hands of the person next to them, and
pass it to the next one, so on so forth.. The first one to take the ball at the end of the
lines of two groups scores a point, the first group to score three points wins.

f. Lesson Proper

Common Wire Splices and Joints

Wire Spices and Joints - When two electric wires are joined together, the joint formed is
normally called a splice. A good splice should not only be mechanically secure, it must also
form an electrical connection which is just as efficient a conductor as the wire itself.

 Rat Tail or Pig Tail - This kind of joint is commonly used to join two or more
conductors inside the junction box. It is suitable for service where there is no
mechanical stress when wires are to be connected in an outlet box, switch, or
conduit fitting.
 Knotted Tap - This is used where the tap wire is under heavy tensile stress.

 Plain Tap Joint - This is used where the tap wire is under considerable tensile stress

 Aerial Tap - This is used as a temporary tap usually done in constructions sites. The
easy twist will facilitate tap wire movement.

 Western Union Long-tie Splice - This is used extensively for outside wiring to
extend the length of wire from one end to another.

g. Activity
Title: Splice girls and Joints boys

Instructions: The students are grouped into 3 and are assigned at least 3 splices and
joints. They are tasked to do a little dance or gesture to reenact how a splice or a joint
would dance or move if it were a person.

h. Generalization
Students will be called randomly to give their thoughts, reflections, and/or takeaways
from the lessons and encourage them to ask questions if they have any.

INSTRUCTION: Read the following questions carefully and choose the best answer
among the given choices.

______1. What kind of joint is commonly used to join two or more conductors inside the
junction box?
1. Rat Tail or Pig Tail
a. Rat tail
b. Aerial tap
c. Plain tap joint
______2. What kind of joint is used where the tap wire is under heavy tensile stress?
2. Knotted tap
a. Pig tail
b. Knotted Tap
c. Splices
______3. What kind of joint is used where the tap wire is under considerable tensile stress
3. Plain tap joint
a. Splices
b. Plain tap joint
c. Tap plain joint
______4. What kind of joint is used as a temporary tap usually done in constructions sites?
4. Aerial tap
a. Plane tap
b. Aerial tap
c. Knotted tap
______5. What is the method of joining two members of wires from end to end?
5. Wire Splicing/Joint
a. Soldering
b. Combining/Joining
c. Wire Splicing/joint
______6. What kind of joint is used extensively for outside wiring to extend the length of wire
from one end to another?
6. Western Union Long-tie Splice
a. Cebuana lhuillier Long-tie splice
b. Villarica Long-tie splice
c. Western union Long-tie splice
______7. What kind of hand tool is used by the left hand when splicing the wires?
7. Pliers
a. Hammer
b. Screwdriver
c. pliers
______8. What kind of joint is used extensively for outside wiring to reduce the length of wire
from one end to another
8. Wester Union Short-tie splice
a. Cebuana lhuillier Long-tie splice
b. Villarica Long-tie splice
c. Western union short-tie splice
______9. What kind of material is used to bend and join when doing splicing?
9. Wire
a. Wire
b. Cord
c. Umbilical cord
______10. Which of the following tools is NOT used when splicing?
10. Flathead screwdriver
a. Wire stripper
b. Electrician Knife
c. Flathead screwdriver

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Teacher II

Noted by:

Head Teacher VI

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