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I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported me

during my time at Starlee Company of Appliances. To the dedicated staff whose

unwavering teamwork and collaboration have enriched my experience, thank you

for your guidance and camaraderie.

A special acknowledgment goes to my esteemed teacher Ms. Kaye C. Teo,

whose mentorship and wisdom have been invaluable throughout my journey.

Your encouragement and belief in my potential have been a driving force behind

my growth.

I am also deeply grateful to my cherished friends, who have stood by me with

unwavering support and understanding. Your encouragement and laughter have

lightened my load and made every challenge more manageable.

To my family, the foundation of my strength and resilienced, thank you for your

endless love and encouragement. Your unwavering support has been my

anchor, and I am forever grateful for your belief in me.

Lastly, I acknowledged the divine presence in my life, for guiding me through

every step of this journey and blessing me with the strength to overcome

obstacles. Together, you have all played an integral role in shaping my journey at

Starlee Company of Appliances, and for that, I am profoundly grateful.

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