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Tiago de Souza

da Silva
Brazilian –33years old.
Cellphone number:11-981066930

Customer Care Coordinator.


Analysis and systems development

Microsoft Office - Advanced knowledge
Advanced English Skills

Work experience:

- Uber do Brasil tecnologia Ltda.

Community Support Team Lead (2018/07 - current)
Agents coaching, development and people management. Weekly
feedbacks and meetings focused on operation healthiness and team
success as well
KPI's follow-ups
Supported "Uber Tuk Tuk" implementation in Brazil

Xerox (Affiliated Computer Services)

PSA Back office Senior Team Lead (2017/09 - 2018/06)

iOS and OS Support Team Lead (2015/06 - 2017/09)

Team management of T2 Apple support team

iOS and OS agent support (2014/03 - 2015/06)

Provide excellence support to Apple customers

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