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Research Genre 2 Research Analysis

Research Genre 2 Peer Review Workshop: Content

Directions: Mark your responses directly onto the paper you are editing. Or, you can write your answers here. If you
are unsure, simply state that something seems off but you are unsure of what.

1. Is the essay in MLA format? If not, what suggestions can you make to the author to get it to MLA format?
Here is the link to OWL Purdue MLA so you can check:


Yes the essay is in MLA format.

2. Does the author make a claim (thesis statement) about the connections and disagreements of the

research in the field on their chosen topic? Does this claim reveal something about the varying

perspectives on the topic? What is the thesis statement? Mark it in the essay.

Author does not make a claim about the connections and disagreements.

3. Is the author’s thesis statement clear and direct? Does it make a claim about the findings and

come at the end of the literature review? If not, give the author suggestions for revision.

No thesis statement.

4. Does the author present an argument for the topic? Or, does the author present an argument for

the differing perspectives of the topic? If they argue the topic, offer revision suggestions so s/he

can present the differing viewpoints on this topic.

Author presents an argument for the differing perspective on his topic.

5. Does the author use correctly cited paraphrases, summaries, or direct quotations from his/her

sources as evidence? Where could the author use more?

The author correctly cited all quotes summaries and paraphrases, good amount of them no need for more

or less.

6. Are the sources peer-reviewed? Mark them in the text. Tell the author if the sources are not

peer-reviewed so they know to find other sources.

All sources are peer-reviewed.

7. Where could the author use more detail to further illustrate his/her claim? Where could the

author use examples to demonstrate his/her point? Mark these in the text.


Research Genre 2 Research Analysis

The claim made is backed up by a good amount of detail, no further detail required. The amount of

examples used is a good amount, no need to add more and run the risk of the essay to be flooded by too

many examples/

8. Does the author maintain objectivity during his/her essay? Does the author establish his/her ethos

as an author? How can he/she be more reliable? Mark in the text where the author tends to be


The author maintains objectivity throughout his essay. The author himself doesnt establish his ethos, but

does establish the ethos of the authors of his sources. I think with the amount of statistics and data the

author provides is enough,does not need to be more reliable.

9. Does the author have solid topic sentences that contain only one main point? Does the author

maintain that focus throughout the paragraph? Give revision suggestions to the author so that

s/he can revise for cohesion.

Author has good solid topic sentences and maintains focus throughout the paragraph. No suggestions

cohesion is good.

10. How is the essay organized? Did the author organize it based upon the articles or did the author

organize the essay based upon ideas? Remember, that the author should organize his/her essay so

that the perspectives in the research are in conversation with each other. Give revision suggestions

to the author so that s/he can revise for cohesion.

Author organized essay based on similar/agreeing ideas. Two opposing main ideas are being talked

about as in conversation with each other.

11. What are three things that this author does very well?

● Very connection between information and statistics

● Good amount of detailed research

● Flow of the essay, paragraph to paragraph

12. What are three revision suggestions you have for the writer?

● Add claim/thesis

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