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My next vacations

Those who would love it are people who enjoy
unfamiliar experiences, stepping outside their
comfort zones, and learning something
new. Those who would find this type of vacation
an exercise in frustration are people who prefer
the expected, staying closer to home, and aren’t
crazy about gastro-experimentation.
-The ability to experience other cultures, history,
and architecture.
Discovering new foods, traditions, and someone
else’s “normal”
-Witnessing things, you’ve only ever read about
-Often involves much longer flights.
-You may discover some of the local food doesn’t
agree with you (always fun)
-Requires some extra preparation like getting
passports, power converters, and learning basic
phrases in another language (and no, screaming at
someone in English while playing a one-man
game of charades isn’t the same as knowing their
native tongue)


Oftentimes, when you hear the word “vacation”
you instantly think of a white sand beach. The
waves lapping against the shore as the wind gently
sways the neighboring palms. Those who relish in
this type of vacation are people looking to relax,
unwind, and not have to think about anything but
when to re-apply the sunscreen and what
magazines to read while they lounge. Those who
might hate this type of vacation (me) are travelers
who get bored easily, prefer a destination with
intellectual stimulation.
-Recharging the battery in a tropical paradise --
Great seafood and delicious drinks with little
-A fabulous tan that’s the envy of all your friends
upon your return.
-Bugs the size of a dinner plate, and humidity that
wreaks havoc on your hair
-Sand in places you should never get sand, and
which you’ll continue to find in your belongings
for weeks.
Reconnecting with nature is a great way to spend
some much-deserved time off. And an obvious
choice for spending time with Mother Nature is on
a camping trip. This type of vacation is ideal for
those who aren’t afraid to get a little dirty, enjoy
channeling their inner Paul Bunyan, and love the
great outdoors.
-Getting back to basics surrounded by stunning
natural beauty.
-Sleeping under an infinite blanket of stars with
the moon as your nightlight
-The opportunity to roast the perfect marshmallow
sitting around a crackling fire
-Vacation in the lack of luxury (no shower,
sleeping on the ground, and peeing in the bushes)
-Being kept up by the frigid temperatures and
every little sound you’re convinced is a bear (or
any other number of wild animals eager to eat
-Testing your patience with the loathsome task of
setting up your tent.


On the opposite end of the spectrum is a trip to the
big city. Car horns, construction noise, and
muffled chatter create a soundtrack for an
amazing metropolitan adventure.
This type of vacation is perfect for those who love
the wilds of the concrete jungle, enjoys dinner and
a show, or wants to channel their inner Carrie
-A veritable plethora of activities, from dining to
shows to museums and more.
-The convenience of plentiful flights and easy
-The awe of feeling impossibly small and
endlessly entertained
-Crowds. Lots of them (which become
exponentially worse around major holidays)
-Like any busy destination, big cities tend to have
higher crime rates.
-The shimmering lights don’t come without a
price tag, so be prepared for a little sticker shock
when it comes to the cost of things.

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