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Radin’s Boilerplate

1. Modularity of Boilerplate in the Digital Age:

○ Radin highlights the increasing modularity of boilerplate contracts, drawing
parallels with the practice of constructing a whole by assembling preexisting
objects, akin to building blocks.
○ The significance of modularity is discussed in the context of physical architecture
in the early 20th century, the virtual architecture of computer science in the later
20th century, and its recent importance in the field of law.
2. Diminishing Role of Consent:
○ Radin argues that the modularity of boilerplate contributes to a reduction in the
significance of consent in contractual relationships. As contracts become more
standardized and modular, the individual's consent may play a diminished role in
the overall structure.
3. Productization of Contracts:
○ The commentary explores the concept of "productization" of contracts, where the
text of the contract is treated as part of the product itself. This shift reflects a
departure from traditional notions of private ordering.
4. Standardization and Customization:
○ Radin discusses the interplay between standardization and customization in the
context of contracts. The tension between creating standardized, modular
contracts and the need for customization to fit specific circumstances is
5. Dialectic of Rules and Standards:
○ The commentary touches upon the dialectic between rules and standards in
contractual relationships. This involves considering the balance between
providing clear rules for parties and allowing flexibility for unique situations.
6. Collapse of the Contract-Product Distinction:
○ Radin addresses the collapse of the traditional distinction between the contract
and the product it pertains to. The blending of these concepts raises questions
about the nature and enforceability of contractual obligations.
7. Challenges to Liberal Notions of Freedom of Will:
○ The article explores challenges to the liberal notion of freedom of the will within
the context of contractual relationships. This includes considerations about how
the changing landscape of contracts may impact individuals' autonomy and
8. Political Status of Private Ordering:
○ Radin touches upon the political implications of the evolving regime of private
ordering in contractual relationships. This involves examining the power
dynamics and political aspects associated with the changing nature of
contractual practices.

In summary, Radin's commentary critically engages with the contemporary shifts in contract law,
emphasizing the growing modularity of contracts, the diminishing role of consent, and the
broader implications for legal enforcement and individual autonomy.


In the context of legal agreements, "boilerplate" refers to standardized, routine, or generic

language that is often included in contracts. This language is typically used to address common
or recurring provisions, terms, and conditions. Boilerplate clauses are standard and do not vary
much from one contract to another.

These clauses are often considered standard industry practice or legal norms, and they serve to
expedite the drafting process by providing a consistent framework. Boilerplate language can
cover a variety of topics, including dispute resolution mechanisms, indemnification clauses,
force majeure provisions, confidentiality requirements, and more.

Margaret Jane Radin's discussion on the modularity of boilerplate in the digital age likely refers
to the increasing use of standardized and modular language in contracts, which may impact the
traditional role of consent and individual autonomy in contractual relationships. The term
"modularity" here suggests that these boilerplate clauses are like building blocks, assembled to
create a contract, and their standardization may have implications for how consent is
understood and enforced in modern contract law.

Implications of boilerplate on consent

The increasing use of standardized and modular boilerplate language in contracts may have
several implications for how consent is understood and enforced in modern contract law:

1. Reduced Individualized Consent:

○ Standardized and modular clauses may limit the degree to which parties can
negotiate and tailor contracts to their specific needs. This could result in a
reduction of individualized consent, as parties may feel constrained by boilerplate
language that does not reflect their unique circumstances or intentions.
2. Challenges to Meeting the Standard of Informed Consent:
○ Informed consent requires that parties have a clear understanding of the terms
and implications of a contract. The use of boilerplate clauses, especially if
complex or overly technical, may pose challenges to parties in fully grasping the
implications of the agreement, potentially undermining the standard of informed
3. Power Imbalances:
○ The prevalence of boilerplate language may exacerbate power imbalances
between parties. Larger, more sophisticated entities may have greater bargaining
power and influence over the terms of contracts, potentially leading to situations
where the party with less bargaining power is subjected to terms they do not fully
understand or may not have agreed to if given more negotiation leeway.
4. Enforceability of Unread Terms:
○ Courts generally uphold the enforceability of contracts, assuming that parties
have had the opportunity to read and understand the terms. However, the use of
boilerplate language, especially if voluminous, may raise questions about
whether parties actually read and comprehended the terms. This could impact
the enforceability of provisions that were not explicitly negotiated or understood.
5. Impacts on Autonomy and Freedom of Contract:
○ The shift toward modular, standardized contracts may raise concerns about the
impact on individual autonomy and freedom of contract. If parties have limited
ability to customize contracts to reflect their specific needs and preferences, it
could be argued that their freedom to contract has been restricted.
6. Role of Courts in Interpreting Contracts:
○ Courts may play an increasingly important role in interpreting contracts and
determining the enforceability of boilerplate clauses. The challenge lies in
balancing the need for standardized language with the recognition of fair and
meaningful consent. Courts may need to scrutinize the circumstances under
which contracts were formed, especially if there are allegations of unequal
bargaining power or lack of genuine consent.
7. Potential Legal Reforms:
○ The implications of boilerplate language on consent may prompt legal scholars
and policymakers to consider reforms in contract law. This could involve
initiatives to enhance transparency, encourage plain language in contracts, or
address issues related to the enforceability of standard terms.

In summary, the rise of modular and standardized boilerplate language in contracts raises
questions about the nature of consent in contractual relationships. It introduces challenges
related to individualized negotiations, understanding the terms, power imbalances, and the role
of courts in enforcing agreements. Addressing these issues may require a careful balancing act
between promoting efficiency and protecting the principles of informed and meaningful consent
in modern contract law.


Arguments in Favour of Boilerplate:

1. Efficiency and Standardization: ◦ Reasoning: Boilerplate language promotes efficiency

by providing standard terms that can be easily replicated across multiple contracts. This
streamlines the drafting process, saves time, and reduces costs for businesses.
Standardization also helps in creating a consistent and stable legal framework.
2. Reduced Ambiguity and Legal Certainty: ◦ Reasoning: Boilerplate clauses are often
carefully crafted and tested over time, contributing to legal certainty by reducing
ambiguity. Standardized language helps in creating clear and predictable contracts,
minimizing the likelihood of disputes and legal challenges. This benefits both parties by
providing a reliable basis for contractual relationships.
3. Industry Norms and Best Practices: ◦ Reasoning: Boilerplate language often reflects
industry norms and best practices. These standardized terms encapsulate the collective
wisdom of professionals within a specific field, ensuring that contracts align with
accepted standards. This contributes to the stability and coherence of contractual
relationships within an industry.
4. Facilitates Global Business Transactions: ◦ Reasoning: In an era of global business
transactions, boilerplate language helps bridge cultural and jurisdictional differences.
Standardized terms provide a common language that facilitates international commerce,
making it easier for parties from different regions to engage in transactions with a shared
understanding of contractual obligations.
5. Promotes Accessibility to Legal Services: ◦ Reasoning: The use of boilerplate language
can make legal services more accessible to a wider range of businesses. Standardized
contracts can be readily available and affordable, enabling smaller enterprises to engage
in contractual relationships without the need for extensive legal resources. | Arguments
Against Boilerplate:
6. Diminished Individual Autonomy and Consent: ◦ Reasoning: Boilerplate language may
limit the ability of parties to negotiate and customize contracts based on their unique
needs and preferences. This can result in a reduction of individual autonomy, as parties
may feel compelled to accept terms that are not tailored to their specific circumstances,
potentially diminishing the value of true consent.
7. Power Imbalances and Inequality: ◦ Reasoning: The prevalence of boilerplate clauses
can exacerbate power imbalances between parties, particularly in situations where one
party is significantly more sophisticated or has greater bargaining power. This can lead
to situations where the party with less negotiating power is subjected to terms they may
not fully understand or be able to challenge.
8. Potential for Unread or Unnoticed Terms: ◦ Reasoning: Long and complex boilerplate
clauses may contain terms that go unread or unnoticed by the parties. This raises
concerns about the enforceability of provisions that may be buried within voluminous
contracts. Parties may unknowingly agree to terms that could have significant
9. Inhibits Innovation and Creativity: ◦ Reasoning: Overreliance on boilerplate language
may stifle innovation and creativity in contract drafting. Parties may be discouraged from
thinking beyond standardized terms, potentially hindering the development of new and
more effective contractual structures that better suit the evolving needs of businesses.
10. Legal Uncertainty in Interpretation: ◦ Reasoning: Despite efforts to reduce ambiguity,
boilerplate language can sometimes lead to legal uncertainty in interpretation. Courts
may struggle with the application of standardized terms to unique circumstances,
potentially resulting in inconsistent rulings and the need for extensive legal analysis to
determine the parties' intentions.
11. Potential for Unfair Contract Terms: ◦ Reasoning: Boilerplate language, if not carefully
scrutinized, may include terms that are unfair or unduly favorable to one party. This can
lead to contracts that lack equity and may be considered unconscionable. Such terms
could be used to exploit parties with less bargaining power. | | --- | --- |

Arguments in Favor of Boilerplate:

1. Efficiency and Standardization:

○ Reasoning: Boilerplate language promotes efficiency by providing standard terms
that can be easily replicated across multiple contracts. This streamlines the
drafting process, saves time, and reduces costs for businesses. Standardization
also helps in creating a consistent and stable legal framework.
2. Reduced Ambiguity and Legal Certainty:
○ Reasoning: Boilerplate clauses are often carefully crafted and tested over time,
contributing to legal certainty by reducing ambiguity. Standardized language
helps in creating clear and predictable contracts, minimizing the likelihood of
disputes and legal challenges. This benefits both parties by providing a reliable
basis for contractual relationships.
3. Industry Norms and Best Practices:
○ Reasoning: Boilerplate language often reflects industry norms and best practices.
These standardized terms encapsulate the collective wisdom of professionals
within a specific field, ensuring that contracts align with accepted standards. This
contributes to the stability and coherence of contractual relationships within an
4. Facilitates Global Business Transactions:
○ Reasoning: In an era of global business transactions, boilerplate language helps
bridge cultural and jurisdictional differences. Standardized terms provide a
common language that facilitates international commerce, making it easier for
parties from different regions to engage in transactions with a shared
understanding of contractual obligations.
5. Promotes Accessibility to Legal Services:
○ Reasoning: The use of boilerplate language can make legal services more
accessible to a wider range of businesses. Standardized contracts can be readily
available and affordable, enabling smaller enterprises to engage in contractual
relationships without the need for extensive legal resources.

Arguments Against Boilerplate:

1. Diminished Individual Autonomy and Consent:

○ Reasoning: Boilerplate language may limit the ability of parties to negotiate and
customize contracts based on their unique needs and preferences. This can
result in a reduction of individual autonomy, as parties may feel compelled to
accept terms that are not tailored to their specific circumstances, potentially
diminishing the value of true consent.
2. Power Imbalances and Inequality:
○ Reasoning: The prevalence of boilerplate clauses can exacerbate power
imbalances between parties, particularly in situations where one party is
significantly more sophisticated or has greater bargaining power. This can lead to
situations where the party with less negotiating power is subjected to terms they
may not fully understand or be able to challenge.
3. Potential for Unread or Unnoticed Terms:
○ Reasoning: Long and complex boilerplate clauses may contain terms that go
unread or unnoticed by the parties. This raises concerns about the enforceability
of provisions that may be buried within voluminous contracts. Parties may
unknowingly agree to terms that could have significant consequences.
4. Inhibits Innovation and Creativity:
○ Reasoning: Overreliance on boilerplate language may stifle innovation and
creativity in contract drafting. Parties may be discouraged from thinking beyond
standardized terms, potentially hindering the development of new and more
effective contractual structures that better suit the evolving needs of businesses.
5. Legal Uncertainty in Interpretation:
○ Reasoning: Despite efforts to reduce ambiguity, boilerplate language can
sometimes lead to legal uncertainty in interpretation. Courts may struggle with
the application of standardized terms to unique circumstances, potentially
resulting in inconsistent rulings and the need for extensive legal analysis to
determine the parties' intentions.
6. Potential for Unfair Contract Terms:
○ Reasoning: Boilerplate language, if not carefully scrutinized, may include terms
that are unfair or unduly favorable to one party. This can lead to contracts that
lack equity and may be considered unconscionable. Such terms could be used to
exploit parties with less bargaining power.

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