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සියලු ම හිමිකම් ඇවිරිණි / KOg; gjpg;GupikAilaJ.

/ All Rights Reserved] OL/2023(2024)/34/E-II

අධ්‍යයන පොද ු පහතික පදිරප(හ ම යපොද )පවිභ ගයන,ප2023(2024)

fy;tpg; nghJj; juhjug; gj;jpu (rhjhuz ju)g; guPl;ir, 2023(2024)
General Certificate of Education (Ord. Level) Examination, 2023(2024)

විද්‍ය ව II දැයනපිු යනක

tpQ;Qhzk; II %d;W kzpj;jpahyk;
34 E II
Science II Three hours

අමිරප කයනවීම්ප ලයන - මි කි්ිුප10පයනක

Use additional reading time to go through the
Nkyjpf thrpg;G Neuk; - 10 epkplq;fs; question paper, select the questions you will answer
and decide which of them you will prioritise.
Additional Reading Time - 10 minutes

Instructions :

 Write your answers in neat handwriting.

 Answer the four questions in Part A, in the space provided.
 Of the five questions in Part B answer three questions only.
 After answering, tie Part A and the answer script of Part B together and hand over.

Part A
01. (A) Atmospheric composition of earth changes due to factors like establishment of animal farms, combustion
of fossil fuels, deforestation, etc. Accordingly, during the years 1994 – 2024 how the concentration of atmospheric
carbon dioxide (CO2) has been changed and how it has affected the global temperature are demonstrated in the
following table.

Year Atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppm) Increase of earth’s temperature (°C)

1994 346 0.1

2004 358 0.3
2014 373 0.5
2024 400 0.8

(i) According to the above description, what is the main reason which has caused for the atmospheric CO 2
concentration to increase from year 1984 to 2024?
(ii) According to data given in the table, find the additional amount of CO2 added to the atmosphere in ppm during
2014 – 2024 than during 1994 – 2004.
(iii) As the atmospheric CO2 increases, temperature of the earth has also increased. How is this phenomenon
known as?
(iv) Sustainable development aims to maintain human life standards better while minimizing the impact on
environment. State an action which can be taken to make the functioning of each following field sustainable.
(a) Generation of energy: …………………………………..…………………………………..…………………..
(b) Agriculture: …………………………………..…………………………………..……………………………

(B) Improper management of solid waste accumulated in the environment has caused a number of environmental
(i) Name a heavy metal released to the environment by disposed Compact Fluorescent Lamps.

(ii) Which human organ is mostly affected due to entering of heavy metals into the body?

(iii) Name a modern concept used for effective waste management.


(iv) Petrol can be produced using disposed polythene. Which step of the above concept does this measure fall

(C) An environment where all the organisms and non-living components interact with each other is known as an
(i) How are the organisms living in an ecosystem known as?

(ii) Write down a living – non living relationship observable in a pond ecosystem.

(iii) Several organisms living in a pond ecosystem are given below. Fill in the blanks of the given food chain using
( water snake, tadpole, hydra, water strider )
Aquatic plants → (x)………………………. → Perch → (y)……………………..
(iv) The amount of energy transferred to an organism in a lower trophic level is always lower than the energy in
the higher trophic level. What is this process called?

(v) Accordingly if the perch obtained an energy of 20 J by consuming the organism (x), find the enrgy stored in
the organism (x).

02. (A) Following chart shows how a particular nutrient gets digested in the digestive tract and some biochemical
reactions related to its process.

Cell organelle (S) Protein

Nutrient (A) Amino Acid
Release with
Organ (T) Urea Kidney

(i) Name the Nutrient (A) in the above chart.


(ii) Which enzyme in the pancreatic juice helps its digestion?


(iii) Name the organelle (S) and the organ (T).

S : ………………………………………………… T : ……………………………………………….

සියලු ම හිමිකම් ඇවිරිණි / KOg; gjpg;GupikAilaJ. / All Rights Reserved] OL/2023(2024)/34/E-II

(iv) Production of urine within nephrons in kidneys takes place in three stages.
(a) What is the first stage of urine production?

(b) Name a solid substance which is not filtered in the first stage.


(B) P, Q, R and S are four different types of organisms.

(R) (S)
(i) Name an organism from the above, which has each of the following characteristics.

(a) Possess a chitinous exoskeleton - …………………………………………………………...

(b) Possess a vertebral column - …………………………………………………………...

(c) Being diploblastic - …………………………………………………………...

(ii) Write the letter corresponding to the organism which shows evolutionary relationships to the phylum of
organisms to which organism Q belong.


(C) The following table shows several characteristics of some selected permanent plant tissues.

Type of tissue Characteristics

S Corners of cell wall are thickened with cellulose.

T Consists of dead cells only.

U Consists of several different types of cells.

V Possesses a large central vacuole and intercellular spaces.

(i) Which tissue is adapted for translocation?


(ii) Name a plant sample from which the tissue T can be obtained.


(iii) Mention two functions of the tissue V.



(iv) Name another difference between cells contained in the tissues T and V.



03. (A) Given below are five elements in the second and third periods of the periodic table. The given symbols
are not standard symbols of the elements. Element Q has the highest electronegativity.

(i) Write down the electronic configuration of the element S.

P Q …………………………………..…………………………………..……………………

(ii) To which group do P and R belong?


(iii) Which element of the above has the highest first ionization energy?


(iv) Is the compound that element Q makes with hydrogen polar or non – polar?


(B) Chromatography can be used to check whether the colourings in a food item are recommended or not.

X – Food sample with recommended colourings

Y – Food sample which was checked

p, q, r – Colourings present in food sample Y

(a) Which colouring/s present in the food sample Y is/are recommended?

…………………………………..…………………………………..…………………… X Y

(b) Name another instance where chromatography technique is used.


(C) The figure indicates an apparatus set up to prepare carbon dioxide gas in the laboratory.

(i) Name the equipment D.


(ii) Write down an observation that can be seen during the reaction in E.


(iii) Given below is the equation for the chemical reaction between calcium
carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid.

CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + X + CO2

Name X. …………………………………..…………………………………..……………………

(iv) The mass of carbon dioxide gas collected at F by the end of this experiment was 2.2 g.

(a) Find the number of moles of carbon dioxide collected at F. (C = 12, O = 16)


(b) How many molecules of carbon dioxide were collected there?

(Avogadro constant = 6.022 × 1023 mol-1)



04. (A) A hand lens is a simple microscope used to view magnified images of objects.

(i) Which type of lens is used in a hand lens?


(ii) An incomplete ray diagram drawn to get the image of an object kept in front of a hand lens is given below.
Complete it.

(iii) The ray diagram given shows how a light ray travelling in air undergoes refraction upon entering into water
at point X.

(a) Find the magnitude of the incident angle.

44° (b) According to the figure, write an expression for the refractive
water index of water relative to air.
32° …………………………………………………………………………

(B) A train starting from rest travels in a straight path for 10 seconds and acquires a velocity of 30 ms -1.

(i) Draw the velocity – time graph relevant for the above 35
Velocity (ms-1)

(ii) Calculate the displacement of the train during the 10 s. 25

(iii) Describe the motion of the train during that time 10
interval. 5
…………………………………………………………… 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(iv) Find the velocity of the train during first 5 seconds. Time (s)


(v) If the mass of the train is 30000 kg, compute the momentum of the train at the 5 th second.


(vi) Is velocity, a vector quantity or a scalar quantity?


(vii) Mention the reason for the answer you stated in (vi) above.



Part B

 Answer only three questions from Question No. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

05. (A) A part of a concept map prepared on ‘Chemical Basis of Life’ is given below.

 P is a compound which helps growth of the body.

 The building unit of compound Q is monosaccharide.

 C
 C Nucleic 
 H
R Organism
 O
 O  N
 (X)

(i) Name the element marked as (X) which is a constituent element of nucleic acid.

(ii) Name the bio-molecule P and its building unit.

(iii) The bio-molecule Q exists in different forms as storage elements in organisms. Write separately the types of
compound Q in which it is stored in plants and animals.

(iv) Name a reagent which can be used in the laboratory to experimentally identify the compound R and mention
its observations.

(v) Fill in the blanks of the following table.

Vitamin / Mineral Deficiency A food item rich in relevant vitamin / mineral

Calcium (b) (d)

(a) Scurvy (e)

Iodine (c) Iodized salt

(B) A human somatic cell consists of 46 chromosomes. Out of them, 22 pairs are autosomal chromosomes.

(i) How is the 23rd pair of chromosomes known as?

(ii) Sex determination of human depends on the chromosomes received from both maternal and paternal cells.

(a) Which type of cell division occurs during production of gametes?

(b) Express using a genetic chart how the sex of a human is determined.

(iii) Haemophilia is a disease condition which occurs due to sex linked recessive genes.

(a) What is the main symptom of haemophilia?

(b) Name another disease condition occurred due to sex linked inheritance.

(C) A diagram constructed based on human circulatory system to demonstrate the hierarchy of organizational
levels of human body is given below.

(i) Name the organizational level represented by D.

(ii) Name two tissues present in the structure C.

(iii) Name a unicellular organism which often survives in aquatic environments.

(iv) Write down two characteristics common to living beings, other than their cellular organization.

06. (A) Given below is a list of equipment and materials used to experimentally determine the heat change of the
reaction between NaOH (aq) and HCl (aq).

 50 cm3 of NaOH solution of concentration 1 moldm-3

 50 cm3 of HCl solution of concentration 1 moldm-3
 A thermometer calibrated in °C
 A thermally insulated container
 A stirrer / glass rod

(i) What observation could be made in the thermometer during above experiment?

(ii) According to above observation, which type of reactions does this reaction fall into?

(iii) The initial temperature of the solution is 30°C. If the heat change associated with the reaction is 4500 J,
calculate the final temperature of the reaction.

(specific heat capacity of water = 4200 Jkg-1°C-1, density of water = 1 gcm-3)

(iv) Mention one assumption you made when drawing conclusions from the above experiment.

(v) What is the significance of using a thermally insulated container?

(vi) Write down two chemical substances remaining in the solution at the end of the experiment.

(B) Given below is the activity series of elements given in order with some elements missing.

K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, Zn, Fe, _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _, H, Cu, Hg, Ag, Pt, Au

(i) Write down two elements which show no reaction with dilute acids.

(ii) Fill in the blanks of the above series.

(iii) Two beakers were set up to observe the reaction of CuSO 4 with Mg and Ag.

Beaker P Beaker Q
CuSO4 + Mg CuSO4 + Ag

(a) A colour change can be observed in which beaker?

(b) Write down the balanced chemical equation for the reaction you stated in (a) above.

(iv) Which method is used to extract metal gold from gold ores?

(v) Write down an advantage of using Coke in the blast furnace when extracting iron.


(C) Study the following chart of the first 20 elements of the periodic table of elements and answer the questions
that follow.

H He (i) Name an element with valency 1 but is not in the group I.

Li Be B C N O F Ne (ii) Write two properties common to elements in the group I but not
in the period 1.
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca (iii) Briefly explain the fluctuation of first ionization energy of
elements from left to right along a period.

(iv) Consider the homo-atomic molecule formed between two chlorine atoms.

(a) What is the type of chemical bond formed?

(b) Represent the bond using a dot cross diagram.

(v) Express using a half reaction, how an atom of Magnesium forms its ion.

07. (A) Light is the type of energy which creates visual senses. Light energy is mainly obtained by the sun. Sun
rays fallen to earth undergo reflection and refraction in different occasions. In laboratory, mirrors, lenses, prisms
and glass blocks are used to study the behaviour of light rays.

(i) In each of the following figures from (a) to (d), mention the type of optical device that is needed to
be used in place of X to obtain the given behaviour of rays.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(ii) Draw a ray diagram for the image of an object created by a concave mirror kept such that u = r.

(u = object distance, r = radius of the mirror)

(iii) By drawing a ray diagram or otherwise, identify and write down two properties of the images
formed by a hand lens.

(B) The following figure shows a rough diagram of a sliding boat that was built in a children’s park. A child of
mass 40 kg climbs up the ladder from A to B and slides down from B to
C. (g = 10 ms-2)

(i) Find the work done when the child climbs up the ladder.

(ii) Calculate the potential energy stored in the child at point B.

(iii) Assuming that there was no energy loss, find the velocity
of the child when he reaches point C.

(iv) Mention a strategy applied to minimise the friction along

the path BC.

(C) The given figure illustrates a particular transformer.

(i) What type of transformer is this?


(ii) Which phenomenon is used to induce a current in the output?

(iii) If there are 1000 turns in the primary coil, find the number of turns needed to be in the secondary
coil to obtain an output voltage of 12 V.

(iv) Name an example for an instance where this type of transformers are used.

(D) Given below is a goblet filled with water.

h = 20 cm
π = atmospheric pressure
density (𝜌) of water = 1000 kgm-3
(i) Write an expression for the pressure P at which water flows out the goblet
through the tap.

(ii) If the atmospheric pressure is 103 360 Pa, find the pressure exerted on the point X.

(iii) Briefly define what is meant by ‘Archimedes’ Principle”.

(iv) Name an instance where transferring of pressure through liquids is usefully applied.

08. (A) Given below is a longitudinal section of a flower, the structure adapted for sexual reproduction in plants.

(i) From the parts A – D, name a part where photosynthesis is

likely to occur.

(ii) Name the process marked as X.

(iii) If this is a zoophilous flower, name an adaptation shown by it

for successful pollination.

(iv) Write down why this flower can be regarded as bisexual.

(B) The structure of human respiratory system is given below.

(i) Name the parts A, B, C and D.

(ii) What is the process taking place inside D?

(iii) What is the respiratory surface of human?

(iv) Name an adaptation shown by the respiratory surface of human

for successful respiration.

(v) Mention one change that inhaled air undergoes in the nasal

(C) The figure shows a model set up to demonstrate the function of a DC motor.

(i) Name the part(s) marked by P and Q in the figure.

(ii) Does the current flows in the direction P – Q or Q – P?

(iii) Name the theory / principle of physics you used to get the answer in (ii)

(iv) What can be done to change the rotational direction of the motor?


(D) An aluminium vessel placed under room temperature (30°C) weighs 200 g. It is filled with 500 g of water
and the water is boiled up to 100°C. (specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg-1K-1)

(i) Calculate the total amount of heat absorbed by this apparatus.

(ii) At 100°C, though heat is supplied continuously, there is no visible increase in temperature level of
the water. How is the heat absorbed in this manner known as?

(iii) Write down two factors that affect the heat capacity of a substance.

(iv) Name two methods of heat transfer possible in liquid media.

09. (A) The following apparatus is used to electrolyse an aqueous solution of copper sulphate using carbon

(i) Name the type of ions attracted towards the cathode.

(ii) What can you observe at the cathode?

Carbon Carbon (iii) Write the half reaction occurring at the anode.
electrode electrode
(iv) What is the colour change happening in the solution?

CuSO4 (v) Write one change that needs to be done in this set up to
electroplate copper on an iron nail.

(B) P, Q and R are three different chemical compounds.

P – A crystalline ionic solid. Dissolves readily in Q.

Q – A colourless liquid with a boiling point of 100°C

R – A volatile substance with a low boiling point and insoluble in P, Q

The compound P mixed with impurities was dissolved well in compound Q at 80°C to prepare a highly
concentrated solution. Then the solution was filtered and cooled.

(i) What can you observe when the solution is cooled?

(ii) What is the name of the separation technique used in this scenario?

(iii) When a few drops of compound R was mixed with compound Q in a test tube, a translucent mixture
was obtained. What type of a mixture is it?

(iv) 10 g of solute P is mixed in solvent Q and a solution of volume 1 dm3 was prepared. Express the
concentration of the solution in standard units.

(v) Rearrange the salts CaCO3, NaCl, CaSO4 which are precipitated in each tank during salt production
in ascending order of their solubility.

(C) George Simon Ohm presented a relationship between the potential difference of two terminals of a current
carrying conductor and the current flow. The given circuit can be used to prove the applicability of Ohm’s law.

(i) After taking each record in the experiment, the switch S should be
immediately opened. Why?

(ii) What is the purpose of using a variable resistor (rheostat) in the


(iii) Draw the graph obtained by your readings in your answer script.

(iv) If the voltmeter reading is 6 V and the ammeter reading is 1.2 A,

calculate the resistance of the Nichrome wire coil.



(i) Newton’s laws of motion are usefully applied in a number of day-to-day activities.

(a) Find the acceleration at which an object of mass 500 g would traverse if it is exerted a force of 7.5 N.

(b) Which Newton’s law did you use to get the answer in (i) above?

(ii) Mention 2 factors that need to be fulfilled for an object to be in equilibrium under the action of two forces.

(iii) Which following unit would be the most appropriate to measure the amount of work? (Select and write the
correct answer in your answer script with the relevant letter.)

(a) kg m s -1 (c) kg m -1 s -1

(b) kg m s -2 (d) kg m 2 s -2


Prepared by:

Kusal Damsara
[Diploma in English and ICT (IMBS Green Campus)]


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