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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
Senior High School Department
Nieves Villarica National High School
Island Garden City of Samal

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for

Jone Marie Bonjibon

Romeo Barnizo III
Keann Joven
Marvin Lasio
Denmar Luy

February 2020

Approval Sheet

This research paper entitled ‘‘VERBAL BULLYING AND ACADEMIC

HIGH SCHOOL”, prepared and submitted by, Jone Marie Bonjibon, in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES
(HUMSS), has been examined and is hereby recommended for approval and






APPROVED by the Panel of Examiners on Oral Examination with a grade





Member Member

ACCEPTED in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the HUMANITIES



Principal III


The researchers would like to express profound gratitude to the following

person, who made contributions in the creation of this undertaking success:

Dr. Elizabeth A. Lacorte, Principal III of Nieves Villarica National High

School for the support on allowing the researchers to conduct their study

To the panel of examiners chaired by Dr. Elizabeth A. Lacorte and the

members namely: Mrs. Siene M. Daloz MA T- Math, Gellie Mae Dacay MAST,

and Mr. Gail B. Varquez LPT for their constructive comments and suggestions

that led to the betterment of this manuscript.

To Ms. Mary Grace G. Macosang, LPT, MAED, the researchers’ adviser

for her guidance, endless support and relentless technical assistance in

conforming to the standards of the research.

To Ms. Shella Mae L. Banua, LPT, the researchers’ adviser for imparting

her knowledge and giving her guidance, unending support and unrelenting

technical succour in completing the standards of this research.

Moreover, the research would like to thank their families for providing their

necessities in financial matters and for giving motivation to finish this manuscript.

The researchers would also like to express their gratitude towards their

classmates and friends for lending support and motivation in finishing this

manuscript within the limited time frame. And to their beloved respondents, they

would like to give their thanks for offering their willingness to participate and for

giving their time despite of hectic schedules.


Lastly, the researchers would like to give tribute and thanksgiving to God

because of the wisdom and knowledge He poured among them, for His care and

for His unending love.

- The Researchers


Verbal bullying is an act of insulting, mocking, or humiliating anybody

through verbal language. This action usually happens at school and the students

are commonly the victims. In this study, the researchers identify the independent

variable which is the self-confidence, socialization, and moral behavior of the

students who experienced verbal bullying. The students’ academic behavior

which are the comprehension, class participation and the academic eagerness

are the dependent variable. The objective of this study is to distinguish the level

of academic behavior of the students who experienced verbal bullying through

the use of survey questionnaire by the means of purposive sampling technique.

The set of questions were given to fifty (50) Grade 11 students of Nieves Villarica

National High School. The researchers correlate the two variables to distinguish

whether the two variables show significant relationship between each other by

using correlational technique, validated questionnaire, Mean & Standard

Deviation and Person r. The study shows that there is no significant relationship

between the level of verbal bullying and academic behavior of the Grade 11


Table of Contents

Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v-vi
List of figure vii
List of Tables viii


1 The Problem and Its Setting 1-4

Rationale 4-5

Review of Related Literature 6-18

Statement of the Problem 5-6

Hypothesis 6

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 21

2 Method 22

Research Design 22-23

Research Respondents 23-24

Research Locale 23

Research Instrument 24-25

Data Gathering Procedure 26


Data Analysis 26-27

3 Results and Discussions 28-35

4 Conclusion and recommendation 36

Conclusion 36-37

Recommendation 38

References 39-40








Curriculum Vitae

List of Figures

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study 21

List of Tables

Distribution of Respondents 32

Value Scale 25

Table 1.1 Level of Verbal Bullying in Terms of Self- Confidence 28

Table 1.2 Level of Verbal Bullying in Terms of Socialization 29

Table 1.3 Level of Verbal Bullying Towards Moral Behavior 30

Table 2.1 Level of Academic Behavior towards Comprehension 31

Table 2.1 Level of Academic Behavior towards Comprehension 31-32

Table 2.2 Level of Academic Behavior towards Class 32


Table 2.3 Level of Academic Behavior in terms of Academic 33


Table 3. Significance 34


The Problem and Its Scope

Nowadays, verbal bullying is very rampant. Verbal bullying includes

insulting, mocking or humiliating someone using verbal language. It usually

happens at school and to the teenagers. Studies signify that bullying makes

schools to be unsafe places for students and it contributes in the belief that some

schools become not safe anymore. There are a lot of reasons why students

experience verbal bullying and it has negative impacts towards a student. One of

these, is the loss of self- confidence. Since confidence plays an important role to

a person, losing it will greatly affect one’s life. Lack of self- confidence will

influence a person’s capacity of having socialization which means the victim will

be incline to isolating his or herself. When a student separates his or herself

towards others, he or she will not be eager to participate in class or worse, leave

classes. Not participating and absences in class will certainly affect a student’s

grade. His or her performance in academics will decrease because of being

bullied. Negative academic behavior will affect the student’s academic

performance. Academic performance plays a vital role in a student’s future. The

result of the student’s performance at school or the general average affects the

capability of a person in finding a good employment in the future.

Both variables, the verbal bullying and academic behavior are connected

with each other. Due to some impacts of verbal bullying towards the victim, he or

she might experience undesirable consequence in terms of his or her actions in

school regarding on academics.


Research shows that in a public school study at United States of America,

50% of the students in grades 4 through 12 experience bullying within a given

month and more than 70% of the students confess that bullying usually happens

at school (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). The survey

shows that 160,000 children miss school because of the fear of bullying by other

students. 280,000 students are physically attack in schools and some are

dropping school due to the experience of being bullied. In her study, Barrington

(2018), uses these statistics as evidences to suggest that bullying affects the

student’s educational experience not just causing to absent in class but also to

drop school which negatively affects a lot to the academic performance of a

student. In some public schools in Taiwan, verbal bullying is more practice with a

percentage of 53 from the total population rather than physical bullying which is

just 38.7%. In the study of His-Sheng (2019), verbal bullying brings negative

impacts towards the student’s academic behavior as well as his or her interaction

with others.

The same result was shown in the study of Najam and Kashif (2018) in

Iqra University in Pakistan. They found out that bullying significantly impact the

students’ behavioral engagement. It also shows that due to bullying, the students

can’t fully concentrate on their work activities, did not participate in class and did

not follow the teacher’s instructions.

According to the established report of Department of Education (DepEd,

2014), bullying cases on elementary and high school of both private and public

schools in the Philippines rise by 21% or a total of 6,363 cases. In the study of

Laus (2016), bullying affects 50% of the students at UP High Cebu. In his study,

he found out that the most practice bullying is the verbal bullying which reach up

to 41% of the respondents experiencing it. The bullying usually lasts for months

and usually happens at school and home which leads to depression, anxiety,

lack of self- confidence, and aggressive behavior. Such negative behaviors

affects the students’ performance at school. It does not only affect their grades

but also their enthusiasm to go to school.

On the contrary, based on an interview of one of the victims of verbal

bullying in Nieves Villarica National High School, his academic performance is

good and verbal bullying does not somewhat affect his academic performance.

Correspondingly, the victim addressed that he is active in class participation and

very eager to participate in oral recitations. Although, he says that he suffers from

suicidal thoughts because of hearing detrimental words form his peers which is

not good if he will experience it consistently because it will absolutely affect his

mental state.

In conclusion to these, verbal bullying commonly happens at school which

brings a high risk of danger towards the students including the damage in their

academic performance though there are some cases that students who

experienced verbal bullying are not affected at all in their academics. Since

verbal bullying cases are increasing today, Nieves Villarica National High School

of Island Garden City of Samal is not excluded in the said occurrence thus, the

researchers are eager to find out the relationship between the two variables with

an empirical evidence of the said school. This study concerns about the

academic track Grade 11 students and their experiences of being bullied verbally

at school by their fellow classmates, schoolmates, and teachers or even at their

own homes. It encompasses to determine the academic performance of the

students who are being bullied. The researchers intend to know how verbal

bullying affects the student’s performance at school.


The significance of this study is to gain knowledge about the effects of

verbal bullying towards the student’s academic behavior in order to make

recommendations and generate solutions regarding the problem. It is necessary

to determine the academic behavior of the victims because without paying

attention to such problems could possibly lead to negative effects on their

academic performance and in the future as well.

This study intends to contribute benefactions to the following:

Administrators. This study is favourable to the school administration

because it will help them assess the students’ performance and can come up

with a solution based on the study.

Teachers. The teachers will obtain an advantage in this study for the

reason that they will know the impact of verbal bullying towards their students

and can create strategies in their way of teaching, in such a way, students will

enable to comprehend and adapt their lessons.

Parents. This study will enable the parents to know how verbal bullying

affects their child’s learnings and performance at school and can immediate help

their child. Moreover, the parents of those who bully will benefit in this study

because it will serve as the basis of teaching their children to stop their immoral

behavior which creates impact towards the victim.

Students. The students who are experiencing or not experiencing verbal

bullying and students who bully will gain benefit in this study because it help

them have cognizance to the outcomes of verbal bullying towards their academic


Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the academic behavior of academic track Grade

11 students experiencing verbal bullying. Specifically, it will answer the following


1. What is the level of verbal bullying in academic track Grade 11 students in

terms of:

1.1. Self- confidence

1.2. Socialization

1.3. Moral Behavior

2. What is the level of academic behavior of academic track Grade 11 students

who experience verbal bullying in terms of:

2.1. Comprehension

2.2. Class participation

2.3. Academic eagerness


3. Is there a significant difference between verbal bullying and the academic

behavior of academic track Grade 11 students?


In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, the following null

hypothesis is tested at 0.05 level of significance.

Ho1. There is no significant relationship between the levels of verbal

bullying and the academic behavior of Grade 11 students.

Review of the Related Literature

Verbal Bullying

Any assault or an attack by verbal means is called verbal bullying. It could

be criticizing, insulting or denouncing other people or the intention of humiliating

them (Robichahud, 2017). It is often less harmful than physical bullying but the

consequences are also dangerous (Talbot, 2019). Verbal bullying greatly affects

the brain and may cause psychiatric illnesses towards a person who is

experiencing this. Base on a research by Martin Teicher, M.D., Ph.D. together

with his colleagues, people who are subjects of verbal abuse are most likely the

one who are experiencing anxiety, depression, dissociation and drug use which

only proves that verbal bullying affects the person’s mind.

Self- confidence. It is a term used referring to a person’s belief on his or

her own self and to their own abilities of doing something. Self- confidence is a

veritable concept that is associated with mental health, wellbeing and a positive

way of being in the world (Peterson, 2019). In addition to these, self- confidence

is influenced by the situation a person is currently in and a response towards the

events that he or she is experiencing.

If a person lacks self- confidence, it affects almost every aspect of life,

from how person thinks about his or herself to the way a person thinks about how

to react on the situations in life (Venzin, 2019). If a person loses self- confidence,

it could lead to health mental issues such as anxiety and depressions. Venzin

(2019) also stated that one of the causes of low self- confidence is the

experience of being bullied.

Venzin’s statement is supported with Deljević statement. Daljević (2014)

also stated that a person might lose his or her self-confidence when he or she

experiences verbal bullying because the person tend to withdraw or lose their

interest and become depressed. Victims decline to believe in their capabilities

and drop their confidence. They easily get discouraged and shows unwillingness

to accept new challenges, fearing that they will not be able to meet the

expectations and become successful.

Furthermore, negative experiences with peers such as the experience of

being bullied, may deform the self- perception, self- image and self-esteem of an

adolescent for the years to come (Brinthaupt & Lipka 2002).

Both Venzin and Deljević statements were prove through the 2018 study

of Nazir, Wasif and Muhammad Ali in Assessing the Bullying and Confidence

Nexus among Students, the variables bullying and lack of self- confidence has a

significant relationship towards each other. It was statistically proven that bullying

which is done verbally affects the students’ confidence and also cause them to

experience insecurities, distress, unassertiveness, confusion, anger, and lower


Self-esteem and the relationship to bullying behavior was also studied by

O’Moore in 2001 which demonstrates that there is a significant connection

between self-esteem and bullying behavior. The study manifested that bullying is

associated with low self- esteem of the victim. The results show that those who

were bullied have significantly lower self- esteem than to those who have never

been bullied. The same results were presented by other researchers such as Je-

Yeon et al. in their 2019 study of Verbal Abuse Related to Self-Esteem Damage

and Unjust Blame Harms Mental Health And Social Interaction in College

Population, students who are experiencing verbal bullying has a fear of

assertiveness or self- assurance and a difficulty in remembering appointments or

obligations. Moreover, they are experiencing depressive mood- anxiety response

such as the feeling of being blamed and worthless. Victims of verbal bullying

also shown psychological adjustments of self- concept and self- perception

(Spade, 2017).

In the Philippines cases of verbal bullying and its effects towards self-

confidence is not absent. In his 2016 study, Reyes used indigenous people who

are students as his respondents. The results shows that the IP victims are

suffering from shameful insults which lead them to entertain the idea of dropping


Socialization. Socialization is define as interaction with others that creates

a stable and balance relation between an individual and the society. E. S.


Bogardus, a prominent American sociology stated that it is the process of

working together with other people that is guided by the welfare needs of others.

This process serves to integrate new members into the society sharing the same

norms, customs, values and the roles of the society in which they live (Cole

Ph.D., 2019). In peer groups of either gender, members tend to wear the same

styles or items of clothing, shoes and accessories and also hang out in the same


Socialization helps a person especially teenagers in terms of increasing

their self-awareness thus interaction is significant to develop such thing (Newport

Academy, 2017). Besides, it trains the brain to improve memory formation and

protects the brain from neurodegenerative disease and it helps regulate the

person’s response to stress and anxiety (Cohut, 2018).

However, socialization may be affected by a person’s traumatic

experience such as bullying. Verbal abuse cause to lower down a person’s self-

esteem which makes the victim finds difficulties to mingle with others (Daljević


People who are bullied are at risk of having less of a supportive network

during adulthood and are also risk for having attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder (Edwards MD, 2019). Victims of verbal bullying may suffer from social

anxiety disorder or antisocial behavior. They could be more vulnerable to

experiencing loneliness and depression.

When regularly targeted by bullies, people may often suffer both

emotionally and socially. They find it difficult to make friends and struggle to

maintain healthy friendships. They find hard time in trusting people which can

affect their personal and work relationships. Also, if bullying is not mediated it

could lead to the development that is known as “learned helplessness” which

means targets of bullying believe that they cannot do anything to change the

situation (Gordon, 2019).

Hemphill et al. (2011) also enumerate the effects of verbal bullying

towards a person. They specified that the victims usually feel disconnected from

school, have complications in/ terms of making quality of friends, have

depression, anxiety, feelings of loneliness and isolation, not accepted by peers

and socially withdrawn. Correspondingly, subjects to bullying suffer from

difficulties of socializing among other since the society they are in is not healthy

or does not shows norms and values a person must engage with.

A case of discrimination against LGBT youth in US schools was featured

by Dwedar (2016) in which the victims were verbally insulted by other students

and teachers that steered them to have social pressure and experienced trauma

in socializing among peers. Victims encounters persistent patterns of isolation,

exclusion and marginalization that made them feel unsafe or unwanted at school.

Another study shows the effects of verbal bullying towards socialization

was conducted by Dulii in 2006 entitled Primary Socialization Theory and

Bullying: The effects of Primary sources of Socialization on Bullying Behaviors

among Adolescents proves that bullying and socialization creates an effect

towards a person. She examined the relationship between family, peer and

school as variables and the adolescent bullying. As a result, it shows that


socialization affects the bullying in adolescents and vice versa. She also found

out that the victim’s experience led to loss of interest in having social interaction

in fear of experiencing the abuse again.

In conclusion, a person who experiences verbal bullying or being bullied

find it tough to engage in socialization since it is a balance relationship and a

positive interaction between an individual and the society. The victim encounters

an opposite criterion that affects his or her concept and mind set of socialization

(Cole, 2019). Thus, subjects to bullying, fail to trust others and mingle with peers

because of traumatic experiences.

Moral Behavior. Zahn (2015) stated that one of the most refine human

abilities is moral behavior. In a normative sense, it is doing the code of conduct

that would be agreed by anyone who meets certain intellectual and voluntary

conditions (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2016). To state it simply, moral

behavior is doing what is right based on the social norms or conforming the rule

of a group or society. Moral behavior is classified into four components (Termini

& Golden, 2007) which are the moral sensitivity, moral judgement, moral

motivation and moral character. The four components involve moral reasoning in

which a person uses logic to determine the difference between what is right and

wrong. It formulates assessment of considering the factors of consequences of

doing desired actions.

According to Dr Banerjee (2016), the sense of morality of a person can be

develop by the influence of the society. To prove his statement, he studied the

children’s behavior through observation and found out that parents, peers and

the other people around them impelled the children’s moral behavior.

One of the influence of the society towards a person is his or her

experience on being bullied by others. Bullying victims incline to experience an

extensive series of emotions such as the feeling of being angry, bitter,

vulnerable, helpless, frustrated, lonely and isolated from peers (Gordon, 2019).

Consequently, such feelings may lead to skipping of classes and using of drugs

and alcohol as a remedy to numb their pain. Furthermore, people experiencing

bullying has a high risk depression that may lead to suicide. Such actions shows

improper moral behavior because it does not follow the proper norms and right

conduct of the society.

Being bullied has a great impact on a person and includes his or her

perception of moral behavior and may change someone’s personality. Victims

has a chance of becoming irritable, withdrawn, increase consumption of tobacco

and other vices, has an obsessive dwelling on the bully and a having a feeling of

wanting to seek justice or revenge. According to the U. S. Department of Health

and Human Services (2017), bullies are people who also experience of being

bullied by others. These people are experiencing psychological problems, a

negative perception of themselves and others, poor social skills, conduct

problems and rejection by their peer group. Victims are influence and set their

minds on doing the same thing to others because it is what they perceived in the


Such statements are also proved by Tfofti et al. (2011) in their study.

They found out that bullying has a damaging effects towards a victim’s health

and behavior. Neuroscience research suggests, bullying build changes to the

person’s brain including the behavior. Victims suffer from stress that results to

negative feedbacks such as improper behavioral acts.

There are studies conducted by the researchers to determine the victim’s

response towards bullying. A study of bullying among high school students were

conducted by Nursel et al. (2013) and it statistically proved that victims of bullying

were engaged at performing bad conducts such as vices and doing misbehavior

acts to other students.

In addition to the study above, Najam and Kashif (2018) discovered that

bullying has an impact on students’ behavioral engagement. In their study,

victims seldom follows the teacher’s instruction. They usually disrespect their

classmates and other students. In addition to these, bullying damages the

teacher- student relationship in a classroom set up.

Academic Behavior

Academic behavior is the performance of the students in schools. Actions

such as the comprehension, class participation, and the eagerness of the

students to go to school are some examples of academic eagerness (Bell, 2019).

It is significant to assess the academic behavior of the students in order to adopt

improvements and make full use of the learning process.

Academic behavior perform by the students in school reflects on their

academic performance. Williams (2018), defines academic performance as the


scholarly achievement and skills of a student. It does not only measure the

capability of a student inside a classroom but as well as it extends out

succeeding from music to athletics which mastered various set of skills that

exemplifies intelligence, curiosity and persistence.

Academic performance may be affected by a student’s experiences in his

or her environment. Experiences such as being bullied at school is one of the

factors that may affect the academic performance of student. According to the

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2017) in their study, 50% of the

respondents experience bullying inside the school which greatly disturb the

performance of the victim in terms of academics. Students who are prone to

bullying have low score in the given standardized test which only shows that

being bullied may affect the student’s academic performance.

Comprehension. Comprehension is the ability to understand and get

meaning from spoken and written language (National Institute for Literacy, 2001).

It is also define as the process of concurrently extracting and constructing the

meaning through interaction and involvement with written language.

Comprehension involves processing, understanding, and making connections

between the text and what the student’s knowledge about it.

There are two types of assessing the student’s level of comprehension

(Bales, 2018). To evaluate a student’s comprehension, it could be a formal

assessment like giving reading passages followed by questions. Informal

assessment can also be used to measure the level of comprehension of a


student like asking the students about what they understand in the passage they

are reading.

Nevertheless, comprehension may be affected if the student’s mind is

suffering from depressive factors such as being bullied verbally (Nursel et al.,

2013). The statement was proved in their study. Victims of bullying shows least

scores in the given standardized test compared to those who have not been

bullied which only proves that bullying has a negative impact of the academic

performance of a student.

The child’s test score is low because bullying causes trauma that disrupt

the brain’s developmental processes. Developmental process of children who are

being bullied may be affected including the capacity to adopt the lessons they

had heard thus, comprehension of the victims are marginal (Zeigler, 2002).

An analysis was concluded by Norris (2010) in her study. Based on the

results, students that are victims of bullying show low comprehension and have

difficulties solving mathematical problems. In addition to this, a study among

secondary level students shows that there is a significant negative impact in the

academic performance of the students subjected to bullying (Ali-Ali & Shattnawi,

2018). Although it does not specifically refers to comprehension, the data is

exposing that the performance of the victims are low.

Another study is indicating that students who experience verbal bullying

performs at minimal level in school in terms of academics. In the study of Al-

Raqqad et al. (2017), he confirms that there is a high level of indication resulted

to a very low performance of the students including their level of comprehension



In the Philippines, Legazpi (2015) studied about the bullying and school

connectedness among high school. Data shows that students who usually

experience verbal bullying had the same results presented by Norris and Al-

Raqqad et al.

Class Participation. Dr Shore (2016) describes class participation as an

important aspect of learning wherein students express their ideas in a way that

others can understand. In a recent study of Dallimore PhD, Herteinstein DBA,

and Platt PhD (2016), 246 students shared their understanding of how

participation in class discussion affects their learning. Result says that 70% of

students perceive a positive relationship between their own participation and

learning. Some of the students also said that participation actually increases their

learning for it deepens their understanding and provides clarification of their

previous learning.

Class participation also leads to interesting connections being made by

the students and can build a high level of energy and enthusiasm in the

classroom learning environment (Dr Shore, 2016). Moreover, class participation

is a tool for the teachers to adjust their instruction accordingly because students

usually ask what they do not understand.

Nonetheless, there are students who do not actively participate in class.

Murphy (2018), proves such statement in her study in which factor such as the

lack of interest or motivation is visible in the students. Consequently, this factor is

initiated due to classroom climate. Some students perceived the environment as

not supportive and they feel marginalized.

According to Barrington (2018), one of the reasons why students feel

marginalize because they are being bullied. It does not only affect their

confidence and self-esteem but it also brings their academic performance at a

great disadvantage. A professor of psychology at UCLA named Jaana Juvonen

stated that, “students who are repeatedly bullied receive poorer grades and

participate less in class discussions… students may get mislabelled as low

achievers because they do not want to speak up in class for fear of getting

bullied.” He also mention that students who get labelled as ‘dumb’ get picked on

and perform even worse.

Spade (2017) also agreed to what Barrington said by stating that the

victims of bullying are having a loss of self-confidence which influences the

student’s capacity to participate in class because they feel helpless in doing such

thing. The trauma of being mock by others is one of the reason why students

lose their interest in participating in the class (Hemphill et al., 2011).

In the 2015 study of Al Talahin et al (2015) on the impact of school

bullying on student’s academic achievements from teacher’s point of view,

bullying is considered to be the problem in academic setting in all parts of the

world. They found that bullying has a big negative impact on academic

performance like class participation. They also concluded that bullying is present

in almost every school either from government or private.


On the other hand, Oliveira (2017) compared the students who experience

bullying and the students who did not suffer from bullying. In her study, the

outcome reveals that bullying has a negative impact on the performance of the

students in mathematics and their social emotional skills. She gathered the data

through Propensity Score Matching (PSM) of the test scores of both victims and

non- victims.

The same results was gathered in the study of Block (2014) In her study

about the impact of bullying in the academic success for students with and

without exceptionalities, there is a significant relationship between bullying and

the academic performance of the students. Using a face to face interview with

two teachers, findings show that students who are bullied perform less in the

class and they are unable to concentrate in the class therefore, their academic

performance is disturb.

Academic Eagerness. Eagerness refers to the desire or having interest in

doing a certain thing (Cambridge Dictionary). It is also define as wanting to do

something in an enjoyable manner (Merriam Dictionary). Definitely, academic

eagerness is the interest of doing anything related to academics (Binns, 2018).

For instance, the eagerness to come to school, to study, to participate in class

and such. According to Puderbaugh (2018), in her documentary study to an

Indian student, the society in which a person lives, affects his or her eagerness in

terms of academics.

Verbal bullying, on the other hand, is one of the factors that affects the

person’ eagerness to come to school including cutting classes or to the extent of


dropping in school (Hurley, 2018). According to the survey of U.S Department of

Health and Human Services (2017), students who are bullied are performing less

in school. Victims has a high truancy risk or high failure of attending in school

due to the fear of being bullied.

Beran (2019) also added that low academic achievement were performed

by the students that are exposed to bullying. The reason of the student’s low

academic performance were the class absences, poor class participation and low

test scores. In the study of Bidhendi et al. (2018) regarding the academic

eagerness of students, they stated that the emotional incapacity of a student

influences their academic eagerness. Most of the respondents are exposed from

bullying thus, their emotion is affected by what they are experiencing.

Francisco (2015), studied the student’s perspectives of bullying in schools.

In his research, he discovered that most of the students who were victims of

bullying had a record of low performance in school, school absences, skipping

classes, and the idea of dropping out.


To sum up, the following related literature are some basis of the effects of

bullying towards the student and the student’s academic behavior. It negatively

presents that bullying affects the student’s self- confidence, socialization, and

moral behavior. Base on the data above, the three indicators shows validity upon

adversely affecting the student’s personality for instance, not having a confidence

in facing the crowd, having difficulties in participating due to timidity, being alone,

not having friends, lacks social interaction, the practice of vices and worse is

ending his or her life for being depress. Furthermore, bullying influences the

academic behavior of a student. Since bullying affects the person’s self-

confidence, socialization and moral behavior the student finds it hard to

participate in class because of the fear of being bullied again or making the case

even worse. Also, bullying disturbs the person’s mind thus comprehension is

minimal or least possible to be achieved by the student. Another negative effect

of bullying is the loss of eagerness of a student in terms of academics. It could be

the lack of enthusiasm in participating class activities, the practice of cutting or

missing classes, frequently absences, and dropping school.


Conceptual Framework


Level of Verbal Bullying in terms Academic Behavior of Grade 12

of: students in terms of:
• Self- confidence • Comprehension
• Socialization • Class participation
• Moral behavior • Academic Eagerness

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study




This chapter describes the methods and procedure used in this study. It

includes the research design, respondents, research locale, research

instruments, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

Quantitative research method using descriptive survey design was utilized

in this study. As published by the University of Southern California (2017),

quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical,

mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls,

questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using

computational techniques. The study is an example of a quantitative research

since it focused on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of

people and explaining a particular phenomenon. On the other hand, descriptive

research designs help to provide answers to the questions of who, what, when,

where, and how associated with a particular research problem (Lynn University,


Purposive sampling technique is also used in the study. According to

Crossman (2019), a purposive sample is a non- probability sample that is

selected based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study.


Research Locale

This study is conducted in Nieves Villarica National High School at

Barangay Villarica, Babak District, Island Garden City of Samal. The school has

a total land area of 10, 000 sq. meters with 50 classrooms and has a total

population around 2,500, 2,133 from junior high and 367 from senior high school

students. The school is headed by Dr. Elizabeth A. Lacorte, Ed.D. Nieves

Villarica National High School offers regular program, Alternative Learning

System (ALS), Special Science Program (SSP), and Special Program for Sports

(SPS). In addition, it has three strands for academic track which includes Science

Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS), and Accountancy and Business Management (ABM).

The school is located near the public highway therefore it is accessible

with any means of transportations such as tricycles, motorcycles, buses, cars,

and even walking.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the 50 Senior High School students from

different strands of Grade 11 among 367 total population of senior of Grade 11

and 12 senior students’ academic track. They are selected through purposive

sampling technique in which the respondents are chosen with a purpose in mind

and that are included in the people of interest and those who do not suit in the

purpose are excluded. Each student is given with a survey questionnaire that is

the basis upon choosing a respondent that is a victim or is experiencing verbal


Distribution of Research Respondents

Strand and Sections Number of Students Sample Size

Accountancy and Business Management 32 10


Humanities and Social Sciences – A 49 10


Humanities and Social Sciences – B 46 10


Humanities and Social Sciences – C 44 10


Science Technology Engineering 24 10

and Mathematics (STEM)

Total 195 50

Ten students are chosen from each of the five different sections of Grade

11 academic track to be the respondents of the study.


Research Instrument

The research instrument was made of a number of items in makeup

questionnaire allocated to students. The questionnaire is based on the need to

lessen variability in the content collected in the questions as a path of securing

similarity of answer.

Questions that were used to collect data checklist survey questionnaire

wherein students are asked to check the level of their experiences towards his or

her peers or families in terms of verbal bullying. Their answers were being write

down properly. Structured questions were allocated to the students to arbitrate

the level of verbal bullying they had encountered in terms of self- confidence,

socialization and moral behavior. Also, questions related to their comprehension,

class participation, and academic eagerness were also allocated. The

percentage of the outcome of the questionnaire was registered accurately. The

last year general average of the selected Grade 11 students in Nieves Villarica

National High School were recorded and computed.

To ensure that this research use the appropriate tool and have taken right

measurement, fair mood was build and elevated. The questionnaire was certified

by experts in the study. The result of this research must be coherent with the two

major criteria for measuring quality known as coherent and dependability.

The Likert Scale Range below was given to students to assess the

questionnaire for the level of verbal bullying they had experienced.


Value Scale

Range Level Interpretation

4.21 to 5.00 Always The respondents experience extreme level of verbal

bullying which leads to very poor performance at school.

3.41 to 4.20 Sometimes The respondents experience severe level of verbal

bullying which leads to poor performance at school.

2.61 to 3.40 Oftentimes The respondents experience average level of verbal

bullying which leads to slightly poor performance at


1.81 to 2.60 Seldom The respondents experience minimal level of verbal

bullying which leads to extreme slightly poor

performance at school.

1.00 to 1.80 Never The respondents do not experience or only experience at

very minimal level of verbal bullying leads to fair

performance at school.

Data Gathering Procedure

Asking authorization to operate the study. The researchers asked

permission to their research adviser, Ms. Shella Mae L. Banua to operate the

study through giving a letter of authorization. After getting an authorization, the

researchers ask for authorization to the Senior High School Coordinatior, Mrs.

Siene M. Daloz, then ask the principal, Dr. Elizabeth A. Lacorte Ed. D –

Secondary School Principal II. After asking permission from them, the

researchers ask the advisers of the five sections in Grade 11 to let them operate

the study and finally, the researchers let the students know that they are going to

conduct survey to them.

Administration of questionnaires. Upon answering the test, the

researchers distribute the questionnaires to the Grade 11 Accountancy and

Business Management (ABM), Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences A, B,

C (HUMSS A, B, C) and Grade 11 Science Technology Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM).

Retrieval of questionnaires and data processing. The researchers

gathered the responded questionnaire personally and appreciation was

expresses to the respondents. The answers were compared and the outcomes

were checked multiple times. It was registered, recorded and subjected to

statistical examination.

Data Analysis

The data collected in the research were analysed and demonstrated using

mean and Pearson r.

According to Lane (2018), Pearson r refers to a test statistics that

measure the statistical relationship, or association between two variables. It is

known as the best method of measuring the relationship between two variables

of interest because it is based on the method of covariance. It gives information

about the magnitude of the association, or correlation, as well as the direction of

the relationship. It is represented by the lower case ‘r and its value varies

between -1 and1:1 means perfect correlation, 0 means no correlation, positive

values means the relationship is positive (when one goes up so does the other),

and negative values means the relationship is negative (when one goes up and

the other goes down).

On the other hand, mean refers to the average obtained by dividing the

sum of the data by the number of data in the set (Reed, 2007). Mean are used to

identify the level of verbal bullying toward the academic performance of the



Results and Discussion

This chapter indicates the results and discussions based on the gathered

data by the researchers that demonstrate the effect of verbal bullying towards the

academic behavior of the students. The acquired data were interpreted and

discussed by the researchers.

Level of Verbal Bullying Experienced by the Students

To determine the level of verbal bullying, researchers asked questions to

the respondents regarding their self- confidence, socialization and moral

behavior. Results were shown on Tables 1.1, 1.2, 1.3.

Table 1.1 Level of Verbal Bullying in Terms of Self- Confidence

Variable Mean Description

I feel shy when I’m in front of many

1 3.96 Sometimes

2 I don’t have confidence every time I talk. 3.38 Oftentimes

3 I feel nervous of giving a speech. 3.96 Sometimes

I feel uncomfortable in public areas or

4 3.46 Sometimes

I’m not confident in asking questions to

5 3.14 Oftentimes

OVERALL MEAN 3.58 Sometimes


SD 0.37

1.00-1.80 Never, 1.81-2.60 Seldom, 2.61-3.40 Oftentimes, 3.41-4.20 Sometimes, 4.21-5.00 Always

The table shows the level of students’ experience in verbal bullying in

terms of self-confidence. It shows that the students sometimes experience verbal

bullying as the table shows an average of 3.58 and deviates at 0.37.

The finding shows that students sometimes experienced verbal bullying

based on the level of their self-confidence. It indicates that mostly of the students

who had experienced verbal bullying had issues regarding on their confidence.

The result is similar to the study of Nazer et al., (2018) who proved that bullying

which is done verbally affects the students’ confidence and cause them to

experience insecurities, distress, unassertiveness, confusion, anger, and lower


Table 1.2 Level of Verbal Bullying in Terms of Socialization

Item # Variable Mean Description

1 I do not talk with other people. 4.42 Always

2 I don’t join school- based activities. 3.22 Oftentimes

3 I don’t mingle with other people. 3.72 Sometimes

4 I don’t participate in school clubs. 3.4 Oftentimes

5 I don’t join barangay activities. 2.66 Oftentimes


SD 0.65

1.00-1.80 Never, 1.81-2.60 Seldom, 2.61-3.40 Oftentimes, 3.41-4.20 Sometimes, 4.21-5.00 Always

The table shows the level of students’ experience in verbal bullying in terms

of socialization. It shows that the students sometimes experience verbal bullying

in socialization as the table shows an average of 3.48 and deviates at 0.65.

The result indicates that mostly of the students who were not socially

interactive were the ones who experienced verbal bullying. Based in the given

data above, students sometimes experienced verbal bullying because they show

a little interaction among others. This finding is parallel to the study of Hemphill et

al., (2011) who specified the effects of verbal bullying towards a person’s

socialization towards others. He stated that those who are being bullied felt

disconnected in school, had difficulties in making friends and as well as isolates

themselves among others.

Table 1.3 Level of Verbal Bullying Towards Moral Behavior

Item # Variable Mean Description

I shows disrespect towards my classmates and

1 4.72 Always
fellow students.

2 I don’t listen to what others say. 4.14 Sometimes

3 I don’t help in classroom chores. 4.48 Always

I don’t listen to my teachers and does not follow

4 3.98 Sometimes
their instructions.

I am always late and cannot attend flag

5 4.34 Always


SD 0.29

1.00-1.80 Never, 1.81-2.60 Seldom, 2.61-3.40 Oftentimes, 3.41-4.20 Sometimes, 4.21-5.00 Always

The table shows the level of students’ experience in verbal bullying in terms

of moral behavior. It shows that the students always experience verbal bullying in

moral behavior as the table shows an average of 4.33 and deviates at 0.29 which

implies that the deviation of the students’ scores were too low.

The finding shows that students experienced a high level of verbal bullying

that affects their moral behaviour. Behaviour such as disrespecting others, failure

to follow instructions, neglecting school duties and not attending flag ceremony

were mostly practiced by the students who encountered bullying in a verbal

manner. Similar results were found out in the study of Najam and Kashif (2018).

They had discovered that bullying has an impact on students’ behavioral

engagement because victims seldom follows the teacher’s instruction and they

usually disrespect their classmates and other students. They also added that

bullying damages the teacher- student relationship in a classroom set up.

Level of Academic Behavior of Students who Experienced Verbal Bullying

To analyse the level of the students’ academic behaviour who

experienced bullying, the researchers asked some questions related to

comprehension, class participation, and academic eagerness in the form of

survey questionnaire. The results were shown at tables 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 below.

Table 2.1 Level of Academic Behavior towards Comprehension

Item # Variable Mean Description

1 I understand the lessons well. 3.9 Sometimes


2 I easily cope up to what others say. 3.74 Sometimes

I can immediately answer questions that is

given to me. 3.48 Sometimes

I can understand to everything the teachers

discussed. 3.66 Sometimes

5 I can understand every group discussions. 3.66 Sometimes


SD 0.15

1.00-1.80 Never, 1.81-2.60 Seldom, 2.61-3.40 Oftentimes, 3.41-4.20 Sometimes, 4.21-5.00 Always

The table shows the level of students’ academic performance in terms of

comprehension. It shows that the students display comprehension on their

academic performance but sometimes only which shown on the table that has an

average of 3.69 and deviates at 0.15

Table 2.1 indicates that students can comprehend even though they were

subjects to bullying. The results show that there is only a minimal effect of the

students’ understanding and intellectual capacity despite of being verbally

bullied. However, the finding shows contradiction to the study of Nursel et al.,

(2013) since students who were verbally bullied had suffered from depressive

factors that affect their minds. The result of their study shows that students who

are being bullied had low scores on the given standardized test.

Table 2.2 Level of Academic Behavior towards Class Participation

Item # Variable Mean Description

1 I recite during oral recitation. 3.84 Sometimes

2 I cooperate during class activity. 4.22 Always

3 I listen to class discussions. 4.24 Always

I answer every time my teacher ask

4 4.16 Sometimes
me to.

I join with my classmates’

5 4.14 Sometimes


SD 0.16

1.00-1.80 Never, 1.81-2.60 Seldom, 2.61-3.40 Oftentimes, 3.41-4.20 Sometimes, 4.21-5.00 Always

The table shows the level of students’ academic performance in terms of

class participation. It shows that the students show participation on class but

sometimes only which shown on the table that has an average of 4.12 and

deviates at 0.16.

The table reveals that students who had experienced verbal bullying

sometimes participates in any class activities. This indicates that students’

participation at school is not totally affected when he or she experiences verbal

bullying. The result is contrast to Barrington’s statement (2018) in which he said

that bullying affects the students’ confidence thus they might participate less in

school and results to a low academic performance. Block (2014) also found out

that verbal bullying has an effect towards the students’ performance at school.

Nevertheless, he stated that students were only unable to concentrate in class

and their academic performance were somewhat disturbed.

Table 2.3 Level of Academic Behavior in terms of Academic Eagerness

Item # Variable Mean Description

1 I attend classes. 4.82 Always

2 I go to school early. 4.06 Sometimes

3 I aim to have high grades 4.44 Sometimes

4 I avoid skipping classes 4.72 Always

5 I want to always participate in

class. 4.44 Always

MEAN 4.50
SD 0.30

1.00-1.80 Never, 1.81-2.60 Seldom, 2.61-3.40 Oftentimes, 3.41-4.20 Sometimes, 4.21-5.00 Always

The table shows the level of students’ academic performance in terms of

academic eagerness. It shows that the students always show the eagerness to

learn in class which shown on the table that has an average of 4.50 and deviates

at 0.30.

The results indicate that students who experienced verbal bullying do not

perform any negative impact in terms of their academic interest such as failure

on attending classes, not going to school early, not aiming high grades, skipping

of classes and not showing interest on participating on class. However, the

findings show dissimilarity on the study of Francisco (2015) wherein he


discovered that most of the students who were victims of bullying had a very low

performance in school, frequently practice absences, and do not participate in

school. Another study (Beran, 2019) shows contrasting outcome in which

students who experienced bullying had shown poor performance at school.

Table 3. Significance

VARIABLE MEAN Significance (P-Value) Decision

Verbal Bullying 3.80 Not

Academic Behavior 4.10

The table shows the significant relationship between the academic

behavior of the students and the bullying they experienced. It shows that there is

no significant relationship between the two as the table shows a level of

significance which is equal to 0.79 at 95% level of confidence.

Table 3 shows that there is no significant relationship between the

independent variable (level of verbal bullying in terms of self-confidence,

socialization, and moral behavior) and dependent variable (level of academic

behavior of the students in terms of comprehension, class participation,

academic eagerness). The result of this study is contrast to the outcome of the

related studies such as the study of Norris (2010) who analysed that students

who experienced being bullied in a verbal manner had low comprehension that

negatively affect the result of their academic performance. Another study showed

that students who experienced verbal bullying show no interest in school that

negatively affect their academic performance (Al Talahin et al., 2015). Mostly of

the related studies demonstrate that verbal bullying negatively affect one’s

performance at school however, the result of this study indicates that being

verbally bullied does not affect the students’ academic behaviour as well as

academic performance.



This chapter provides the conclusion and recommendations of the

researchers in the study about the effects of verbal bullying towards the

academic behaviour of the senior high school students of Nieves Villarica

National High School based on the gathered data by the researchers.

Verbal bullying is the act of insulting, mocking or degrading someone in

verbal means. The mean rating of the level of verbal bullying and the students’

academic behavior were determined after accomplishing subsequent methods.

Students sometimes go through verbal bullying based on the level of the

confidence they are showing. Students exposed low self-confidence in the public

which is one of the grounds of experiencing verbal bullying. They show timidity

and fear on engaging towards others in terms of speaking, giving a speech or

simply facing them.

In addition to these, students experienced being bullied in verbal means

because of the level of socialization they are showing. They tend not to talk with

people they do not know, sometimes do not mingle with others or join any

activities. To put it simply, students experienced verbal bullying because they

lessened themselves on involving with others. Their low level of socialization is

connected to their self- confidence. Since their self- confidence is at minimum

level their socialization is poor as well.

Furthermore, their moral behavior shows an extreme poor performance

because they are exposed to bullying. The students neglect to follow their

teacher’s instruction and do not show respect unto other. They also fail to listen

to others attentively and do not usually attend and respect flag ceremony. This

indicates that being exposed to verbal bullying affects the victim’s moral


However, students’ academic behavior in terms of comprehension is not

affected despite of being victims of verbal bullying. They show understanding

towards the lessons and interaction among their fellow classmates and as well as

to their teacher.

Also, students are actively participating in school. They actively participate

in the class discussion and sometimes recite. They involved themselves on

group activities as well as brainstorming. This indicate that being verbally bullied

do not affect their performance in school.

The students’ academic eagerness is likewise to their participation at

school. Regardless of their experience on being verbally bullied, they are still

keen on attending school and have enthusiasm in complying school

requirements. They are able to attend classes every day and have the

willingness to participate in any academic activities.

To sum up, verbal bullying does not affect the student’s academic

behavior in terms of comprehension, class participation and academic



The researchers recommend the teachers to determine the students who

are bullied by any means in order to generate solutions in preventing the

situation to get worse. Also, the researchers suggest that the teachers must give

attention to the students who are victims of bullying to give assistance in

academics in case the students cannot cope up with the lessons because of

mental and emotional stress.

The researchers also give recommendations to the parents of the victims

of bullying to always check their child’s situation and to give comfort to them so

that they can feel motivated in doing well at school. Also, the researchers

suggest the parents of the bullies should give their children advice about their

behavior in order to avoid further negative effects towards others. In addition to

these, the researchers propose that every parent should give attention to their

child with the purpose of knowing what is happening to their child at school.

For the students, the researchers recommend them to avoid insulting,

mocking, or degrading others to produce a healthy and good environment for

learning. As for the student who are experiencing bully, the researchers suggest

that they should continue to maintain their academic eagerness and to disregard

others who are bullying them.

The result of this study may be used for other research purposes and

studies that encompass the same interest.



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Zone 7, Brgy. Villarica, Babak District, Island Garden City of Samal

October 2019

The researchers from section: Grade 12 HUMSS B are now

conducting a study entitled: VERBAL BULLYING AND ACADEMIC

Respectfully endorsed to DR. ELIZABETH A. LACORTE,

Principal in Nieves Villarica National High School., the
communication herein for certification to conduct the said study.

This study will benefit the students, the teachers and the
school as a whole.

SHS - Coordinator


Principal III


Zone 7, Brgy. Villarica, Babak District, Island Garden City of Samal

October 2019
Principal III


Senior High School Coordinator

Dear Dr.Lacorte,

Greetings of peace and prosperity.

The grade 12 researchers from section HUMSS – B Group

conduct a quantitative research study entitled: VERBAL BULLYING
evaluate the significant relationship between VERBAL BULLYING
this, I am glad to inform you that your Senior High School students
are the chosen respondents of this study.

This endeavour must be arrange with your respective

coordinator to avoid disruption of classes and no school fund shall
be used in the course of study.



Principal - III


Zone 7, Brgy. Villarica, Babak District, Island Garden City of Samal





To the evaluators: Kindly check the appropriate box for your rating
Points Equivalent:
5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor

The vocabulary level, language structure and
conceptual level of the question suit the level of
participants/respondents. The item are written in
clear understandable manner
The items are organized in logical manner.
The items appropriately represent the substance of
research. The questions are designed to determine
the conditions, knowledge, skills, and attitudes that
are supposed to be gathered
The items represent the coverage of the research
adequately. The number of questions per category is
represented enough to all the questions for the
The instrument as a whole fulfils the objectives for
which it was constructed.
Each item question requires only one specific

answer that measures only one behaviour and no

aspect of the questionnaire has been suggested by
the researcher.
The scale adapted is appropriate for the items.


Signature of Evaluator: _____



Zone 7, Brgy. Villarica, Babak District, Island Garden City of Samal


Dear Respondent:
In this section you will find items related to verbal bullying
and academic performance. Please evaluate each item honestly by
checking the number that corresponds to your observation using the scale
below. All answers will be kept with utmost confidentiality.


5 Always
4 Sometimes
3 Oftentimes
2 Seldom
1 Never

1 I feel shy when I’m in front of many people.
2 I don’t have confidence every time I talk.
3 I feel nervous of giving a speech.
4 I feel uncomfortable in public areas or places.
5 I’m not confident in asking questions to anybody.

1 I does not talk with other people.
2 I doesn’t join school- based activities.
3 I doesn’t mingle with other people.
4 I doesn’t participate in school clubs.
5 I doesn’t join barangay activities.

1 I shows disrespect towards my classmates and fellow

2 I doesn’t listen to what others say.

3 I doesn’t help in classroom chores.
4 I doesn’t listen to my teachers and does not follow
their instructions.
5 I am always late and cannot attend flag ceremony.



1 Always
2 Sometimes
3 Oftentimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
1 I understand the lessons well.
2 I easily cope up to what others say.
3 I can immediately answer questions that is given to
4 I can understand to everything the teachers
5 I can understand every group discussions.

1 I recite during oral recitation.
2 I cooperate during group activities.
3 I listen to class discussions.
4 I answer every time my teacher ask me to.
5 I join with my classmates’ brainstorming.

1 I attend classes.
2 I go to school early.
3 I aim to have high grades.
4 I avoid skipping classes
5 I want to always participate in class.

About the Researchers

Jone Marie M. Bonjibon

Purok – 6, Sitio Kaimito, Miranda, Babak District

Island Garden City of Samal



Date of Birth : December 03, 2001

Birth Place : Toril, Davao City

Age : 18 years old

Parents/Guardian : Joie Anne M. Bonjibon


Elementary : Angel Villarica Central School

Miranda, Babak, IGaCoS

2013 – 2014

Junior High School : La Libertad National High School

Libertad, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

2017 – 2018

Senior High School : Nieves Villarica National High School

Zone 7, Villarica, Babak District,


2019 – Present

Keann D. Joven

Purok – 6, Sitio Kaimito, Miranda, Babak District

Island Garden City of Samal



Date of Birth : November 19, 2000

Birth Place : Davao City

Age : 19 years old

Parents/Guardian : Marian I. Joven


Elementary : Angel Villarica Central School

Miranda, Babak, IGaCoS

2013 – 2014

Junior High School : Nieves Villarica National High School

Zone 7, Villarica, National High School

2017 – 2018

Senior High School : Nieves Villarica National High School

Zone 7, Villarica, Babak, IGaCoS

2019 – Present

Marvin C. Lasio

Purok – 6, Sitio Kaimito, Miranda, Babak District

Island Garden City of Samal



Date of Birth : March 16, 2001

Birth Place : Davao City

Age : 18 years old

Parents/ Guardian : Rose R. Lasio


Elementary : Angel Villarica National High School

Miranda, Babak, IGaCoS

2013 – 2014

Junior High School : Nieves Villarica National High School

Zone 7, Villarica, IGaCoS

2017 – 2018

Senior High School : Nieves Villarica National High School

Zone 7, Villarica, IGaCoS

2019 – Present

Den Mar Luy

Purok 5, Malacuma, San Antonio, Babak District

Island Garden City of Samal



Date of Birth : February 11, 2001

Birth Place : General Santos City

Age : 19 years old

Parents/ Guardian : Jessica Luy


Elementary : V.L Angliongto Elementary School

Damosa, Bangoy, Davao City

2013 – 2014

Junior High School : Davao City National High School

F. Torres, Davao City

2017 – 2018

Senior High School : Nieves Villarica National High School

Zone 7, Villarica, National High School

2019 – Present

Romeo B. Barnizo III

Purok – 6, Sitio Tuguak, Cogon, Babak District

Island Garden City of Samal



Date of Birth : November 25, 1998

Birth Place : North Cotabato

Age : 21 years old

Parents/ Guardian : Editha B. Barnizo


Elementary : Cogon Elementary School

Cogon, Babak District, IGaCoS

2013 – 2014

Junior High School : F. Banggoy NHS

Sasa, Davao del Norte

2017 – 2018

Senior High School : Nieves Villarica National High School

Zone 7, VIllarica, IGaCoS

2019 – Present

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