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Lesson 13
Lesson 14

Factors that contributed to independence

Essay movement to independence

Study this on your own time

Lesson 15
'I'm so sorry' says Dr. Sawh over his racist, abusive rant | News Extra |
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Sensation. Period. But is it bad?That's an ethnic groups have a strani relationship between
them. So we have three relationship between ethnic groups. All right, you are correct. That's
one. Anyone else?I would like to do Modern Caribbean Lane.Sir um, you could say that it's
reflected through things like housing, jobs and education because we can still see in the in
modern in the modern Caribbean society hold lighter skinned. People tend to enjoy like the
better like aspects of these things. So like they have better housing they're probably more than
likely have more wealth.And their children go to like better school, you know, with top
schools.Alright, very good point. Very good observation also.Anyone else?How is the plantation
reflected in modern Caribbean man?
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
That said
Adjudication and creolization they are the same.Accreditation is more of a western concept of
mixing. So for North Americans and Europeans others, they use the concept of advertising
somewhere. Cultures tend to mix together or the syncretism of culture. It's all syncretism, I
realization.Creolization. All of these three concepts are basically saying.Call target mix. Yes,
different groups coming together to meet before and I are integrated together to form a union
culture.However, criminalization is only applied to the Caribbean because Brathwaite use this
conceptualization in application to.Plantations. Artist.So always remember that advertises on on the RC and the very see what cruizin is directly linked to the cabin it is our
concept of speaking about our pictorial or unique form of cultural mixing i'm not
Geographical Phenomena (Volcano and Earthquakes)
Part 1
Coral reefs
shanique myrie case was So. Without any prejudice because.Hard Rock.The reason?A couple
of years.Government.And she said that they would have read her the information officer would
agree. But something to that antibiotic Barbados support to see that her right to freedom of
movement in children with diabetes under the Treaty of Sarama. And she won that team. So
that is the original.And then there's the other side. So that is one function of the CCJ.The other
is not designed to ensure that the truth we are trading rules, are freedom of movement, are
followed according to the cheating by member states, those countries who signed the treaty.
And then the next jurisdiction is the appellate court in which it acts as a final point for some
policy. So instead of.The second is that after that final, CJ has two functions.Now all these
countries are countries that you.In original piece with transaction.Right Antigua, Bahamas.
Barbados.Jamaica.Contract.Ever.That.and replace it with the country as its appellate for these
countries are barbados dominica and
Societal Institutions (Justice System) Opt A (
Caribbean Art forms and Popular Culture Presentations Part 2 E1 (
Regional Integration
Development Presentation Part 1 (OptE1)


Jamaica 55% one of the lowest
Antigua 80.8 %
Aruba 93.5
Bahamas 64.4
Barbados 69.1
Curcos 91.8
Grenada 65
Cuba 58
Dominica 52
Cayman Island 88.7
Haiti 31
Turks and cacos 73
Virgin us 74

Most island are smaller that jamaica but they still have access to the internet.
Explain one reason why economic growth indicators only have a limited understanding of

N/b: GNP and per capita tends to disguise the inequality in a country not just brazil but also
other caribbean countries

They are only displaying an estimate and not an accurate figure.

What are the different concepts of developments :

Human developments develops on developing the human being health care


having penetration when it comes to the internet across the entire country then that can

limit our individuals in the country having access to certain businesses

right now a lot of the different companies in the

uh utilities companies telling you that they need to pay a bill online or encouraging us to pr build no we have

internet banking if you have internet if you don't have

good internet quality internet our people are excluded from

say two reasons why internet penetration is a good measure of development
use the covet situation that we're going through how internet penetration
indicates to us if our country is developed foreign
sir go ahead um maybe because like when it comes to the
internet we know that that's like a big source of wherever most people get their
information so when it comes to internet penetration it would aid in
education and so that is a big thing when it comes to
development education so maybe that's where it comes in
yes that is true so but when we look at in as the group
member the group that presented on this would have mentioned
that for internet penetration when you look at
internet penetration it also reflects productivity because
people use the internet to produce goods and services
especially when we come to he e-commerce where people is doing a lot of business online
and with e-commerce that is taking place now and the entire world is going online
when it comes to business if we are not
having penetration when it comes to the internet across the entire country then that can
limit our individuals in the country having access to certain businesses
right now a lot of the different companies in the
uh utilities companies telling you that they need to pay a bill online or encouraging us to pr build no we have
internet banking if you have internet if you don't have
good internet quality internet our people are excluded from
having internet then one it is going to be very difficult for
people to pay their bills right and you can't live in a developed country where
you have to leave from the top of blue mountain to go to

Caribbean Integration Lecture by Dr. Wende Grenade

so why does caricom exist it exists because historically we share
an identity historically we have come from a common
place through through enslavement and indentureship
through native genocide we have come through and there are bonds that connect and
unite us curriculum exists because it is important for us
to cooperate in functional areas like health like education like sports and culture
like disaster management it is important for us to coordinate our foreign policies
as we deal with the rest of the world and as we engage in international affairs
it is important for us to ensure we manage security collectively
so we cooperate in terms of security because every young boy and girl in jamaica mustn't
have to be afraid
we must come up with policies and laws and regimes regionally that will protect you so
regionalism is important for you as we come up with regional policies that could then be
domestically and of course economic integration there are opportunities available where
we can reduce unemployment we could enjoy reduce underemployment we could enlarge
our market for goods
and services freedom of movement so people could move whether you speak about a
worker whether you speak about a artisan a musician a sports person
a university graduate people can move to another country and set up businesses
and this becomes important so that we could bring hope to hopelessness in the caribbean
regionalism is about bringing hope it is about ensuring that every young child
sees a future of hope and not despair because we are searching for common
solutions for common problems how does car come operate we have a car come
secretariat in guyana
there are number of organs of caricom a number of institutions and and mr hall could go
through this in more detail with you i mentioned some of our institutions like the caribbean
development bank
um cxc the car com disaster um management agency the caribbean public
health agency we have a number of institutions a network of institutions
that that help to solve common problems for our common good so my question to you
what does caracon
mean to you if before i started this lecture you said to yourself that
what this thing name carricom i don't know what it is if after you've heard this lecture if you
are to say to somebody in new king tongue a new king stone or
Tourism and Development in the Caribbean
Pj patterson created the tourism enhancement fund (tourist has to pay 20 usd )
Ship $2 goose to tourist enchantment fund and is use to develop many tourists areas
in the country
They have to pay landing fees
Tourist will pay taxes
Regional Integration Group Part 1 Presentations Opt

MCQ Review Opt A

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