1st Assigment Statistics

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Section A: Demographic Background

Table 1: Gender

Items f (n=50) Percentage (%)

Male 23 46
Female 27 54
Total 50 100

Table 2: Age

Items f (n=50) Percentage (%)

13-18 3 6
19-24 11 22
25-30 14 28
31-36 7 14
37-42 7 14
43-48 6 12
49-56 2 4
Total 50 100

Table 3: Educational Level

Items f (n=50) Percentage (%)

SPM 13 26
Diploma/Certificate 16 32
Bachelor Degree 13 27
Master 6 12
Others 2 4
Total 50 100
Table 4: Races

Items f (n=50) Percentage (%)

Malay 32 64
Indian 10 20
Chinese 8 16
Total 50 100

Table 5: Based on your experience in the past ONE year, how many cases that you directly

No. Cases Involve f (n=50) Percentage (%)

1 to 5 19 38
6 to 10 16 32
11 to 15 11 22
16 to 20 4 8
Total 50 100

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