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Nowadays many things have happened on Facebook .We may often heard some people
say that Facebook can cause a lot of disadvantages to a person. We do not deny that
Facebook more bring a lot of disadvantages .However, Facebook can gives many benefits
to the community at this age .In this cases, we cannot blame Facebook solely due to the
application of this can lead cons. However, eligible blamed in this cases should be the
abuse of social media so that can harm themselves and public. Since many people abuse
Facebook on bad purposes with betrayed and oppress innocent people in social media.
Therefore, we as a Facebook’s users also should be careful so that not susceptible to
things that harm us caused by the act of people who abuse Facebook. Furthermore,
women in particular have to alert often so as not to be a victim of the person who not

Therefore, we must benefits the goods and the advantages that exist on Facebook.
Between the advantages that we are able to get by using Facebook is we are able to
connect with others whether long-distance or close range. That’s why Facebook’s users
can connect with their relatives, friends, parents and anyone they know recently or they
were adding new friends through Facebook. Through the use of keywords such as name,
age, school, universities, college and residence. We can find and add new friends and we
are also able to get in touch with friends when school age that has been cut off for years.
Allah (SWT) says: “O mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a
female, and made you into nation and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the
most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. Surely
Allah has full knowledge and is well-acquainted (with all things),” (Al Hujurat, 49: 13).
Besides knowing each other in this verse, through the connections of Facebook, users
also can help each other. If we smart in choosing a good friend through Facebook, we are
able to share a problem with them without worries and they also able to help us solving
our problem. Therefore, we must looks for a good friends that can help and load us to the
direction of kindness and truth path. Although we only get acquainted with them via
social media only.

Next, the advantages of Facebook to its users are free only if we use it individually
without any charge. Facebook is free to use because the company makes a lot more
money charging advertisers than it would by charging users. Other form of media, such
as radio and television, operate under the same premise. They offer a free form of
entertainment of the public to sell advertising. Facebook can reach out to potential
advertisers with incite them and offer to put their products and services. Facebook also
can be place for business and it’s one of the way to earn money. Those who like to do
business need to know how to make a business via social media namely Facebook. They
need to create an appealing Facebook profile. That’s mean when someone knows, likes
and trust you, they are more willing to know about your business. Your profiles pictures
give you an opportunity when you use profile pictures, cover images and snapshot.
Choose a professional pictures so that buyers can make insight into your personality and
they also feeling confident as well to buy your product. That’s why many entrepreneurs
who do business through Facebook able to succeed and obtain a lot of profit.

In addition, Facebook also useful for knowing information. Facebook is a tools for
Da’wah (calling to Islam). Through Facebook, users can learn more about the culture,
values, customs and news of other countries. Through Facebook also, Muslims users can
invite non-Muslims users to receive the Islam with tell them about the beuties and the
truth of Islam. They also can educate their Muslim’s friends and other Islamic users to
comply with Islamic law or Islamic shari’ah in every aspect of their life in order to
protect the religion of Islam from being tarnished by non-Muslims. Through Facebook
also, we can promote Brotherhoods and unity in Islam among Muslims and non-Muslims
around the world. This is because, through the Brotherhoods and unity among Muslims,
we are able to show our strength to our enemy. That’s why the enemy cannot destroy and
defeat the Muslims.
Furthermore, Facebook also serves group internet. Through Facebook, various types
of groups can be created consisting of communities such as university group students
groups, college groups, school groups and groups of workers. This because through this
group, members of the group can shared an information or knowledge that related
between them freely and easily. When this group created, the group members also can
communicate with their leaders, boss, and lecturers. Group internet also established for
an organization fan club of an artists. Through it, group members can shared news
including the breaking news and the latest news about their favorites and lovely artists as
well as pictures of the artists.

Lastly, Facebook also can could be used on charity purposes. Facebook created
special sites or pages for people who are sincerely want to donate and help those who are
poor and need our help as a more capable person. Help given in the form of financial,
food, clothing, and daily necessities such as rice. In conclusion, if we are able to exploit
the advantages that are on Facebook well, then Facebook abuse will not exist.

Suggestion for upgrading Facebook to be based on Islamic law so that Muslim’s users
can use it easily without hesitation and worry. This is such as Islamic researchers
suggested that the Muslim’s expert should develop the correct ethics and based on
Islamic law in using Facebook.

Firstly, guidelines and ethics in the use of social media especially Facebook must be
taught in the subjects of school students, colleges and universities across Islamic
countries. This allows students to understand how to use social media especially
Facebook properly according to Shari’ah Islam. This allows students to differentiate
between good things and bad things. Secondly, Facebook also should be improved by the
availability of filtration system and screening censor’s false information and designed
exclusively and porn content that exist in the information transmitted by public. This is
due to Facebook at this time not censor negative content that found in the information
sent directly. So many people are exposed to the technology now that there is no limit on
the use of society and we are able to it at anytime and anywhere.

Furthermore, Facebook authorities should be fair in issuing a pamphlet or a picture so

as not to touch the sensitivities of other religions such as Islam, Buddhism, Christianity,
and others as well as their culture and customs. Facebook need more responsible to avoid
published news affecting the sensitivity of religion and racism. This because Facebook
often issues a negative statements that cause a fight and a situation that is not harmonious
with each other. But this matter raises the people’s anger to the government without a
solid proof. Next, all Islamic governments must enforce appropriate laws for Facebook
users who commit such offense by uploading or distributing false news and statements
relating to something that could jeopardize national security. After that, mosque priests
around the world should always remind their congregation to follow the ethics and
guidelines of Facebook usage.

In conclusion, Islamic experts need to develop ethics and guidelines that are based on
the right Islamic law in the use of Facebook. If the suggestion to improve this Facebook
cannot be implemented at present by Islamic experts. Then it would be a vanity thing
developed by an Islamic expert because this proposal can be implemented on other social
media or other website that may be created by the Islamic experts on the future.

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