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Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 07/12/2023

TASK 1: Retirement age by gender

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the average retirement age of males and females in six countries in 2003.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The given table illustrates the median age at which male and female employees in six nations retired in

Overall, women in all countries were able to retire at most 1 year and 6 months earlier than men.
Besides, it can be easily seen that the retirement age of Korean workers was the oldest while that of
French workers was the youngest.

In 2003, Korean male workers retired when they were 68 years and 8 months old. In second place were
the workforces of Japan and Italy, both of which retire when they were 67 years and 4 months old. Next,
US men retired at an average age of 65 years and 6 months, while Australian male retired 1 year and 5
months earlier at 64 years and 1 month. France was the place with the earliest retirement age with men
retiring from work at the age of 57 and 4 months in 2003.

In terms of women, French women retire the earliest and enter retirement at age 56 and 9 months.
Female in Australia stopped working at the age of 63 and 5 months, immediately after 9 months was the
time for women in the UK to retire. Japan and Italy had the same average retirement age for women.
They start retiring at age 66 and 10 months. South Korea was the country that requires workers to work
the longest until they were 67 years and 2 months.
Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 07/12/2023

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people suggest that the government should spend money putting more works of art like
paintings and statues into towns and cities to make them attractive places.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Write at least 250 words

The amount of money the government should invest in the arts sector to put them on display in the
streets has become a heated discussion in recent years.

Some people believe that this investment will make the cities more attractive and an ideal destination
for tourists. In my opinion, this idea could play a vital role in making residents' daily lives better but it is
not entirely reasonable.

It can be seen funding the arts can bring some benefits to citizens.

On the individual level, all people can easily access works of art, especially those who are passionate
about painting.

Underpriviledged people who can hardly afford admission to exhibitions they can get closer to their
dreams, be seen and pursue their passions thanks to public display.

In addition, with the author, they benefit both materially and spiritually. Works that are publicly
displayed easily attract the attention of passersby and by chance, they can catch the eye of buyers.
Furthermore, being exhibited is also considered a recognition for the artists and their reputation is also
widely known to the public.

Despite the benefits above, there are some reasons why the authorities should not focus too much on
investing in renovating the faces of cities. First and foremost, funding for art must be reallocated from
other state priorities, such as infrastructure, health care, and prisons. The massive expense of paying for
redecorating street will strain public finances which result in a budget deficit and tax increases.
Furthermore, public display can cause certain disadvantages for both individuals and society. Artworks
on display are at risk of being stolen without any protection measures. This facilitates an increase in
thieves and this acts as a precusor for a throw-away society.

Although many people think it is necessary for cities to have more pieces of art such as statues and
paintings, I do not think this is a good idea because of the resources it would require.

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