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"Hunger" - On day 5, we take a meal with our camp neighbors, and we get an

4. "Cycle" - We finish the game on "bad?" ending. For this you will need:
1. Look for a way out of the forest
2. Refuse the gifts of the forest
3. Refuse the meal for the achievement "Hunger"
4. Do not stress the character and choose the most optimistic and rational
options in dialogues and events
5. Do not die (Well, if you died, then go purely along the path of "fires", and
not "forests")
6. Well, or just spend the whole week in a hut)

5. "Forest" - We finish the game on the "true" ending. For this you will need:
1. Decide to stay in the forest
2. Accept ALL the gifts of the forest encountered (you will need to eat more
than 10 pieces at least)
3. Accept a meal for the "Hunger" achievement
4. We turn the character into a melancholic and choose the most pessimistic
options in dialogues and events
5. Do not die (Well, if you died, then go purely along the path of the "forest",
and not "lights")
6. Explore the forest as much as possible, every day

1. "Birds" - Scare more than 10 birds. (Just walk up to them)

4. "Pacifist" - Complete one cycle without using an axe. The easiest way is to just
skip the cycle in the hut and the achievement is yours.

5. "Survivor" - Defeat the bear at least once. The character can withstand exactly
3 hits from Mikhail. Tactics of victory - we are waiting for a blow from the mouse,
we dodge, we hit back. Repeat about seven times and the achievement is yours.

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