01 Ing Sem 23 1.pmd

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Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I

Boletín Práctico 1 Inglés

Singular and
1 Plural Nouns

To state a noun in a singular or plural form.


Plural Noun Spelling Rules

01 Ing Sem 23 1.pmd

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I

• There is an apple./There are some apples.

• There isn't a bus./There aren't any buses.
• Is there a knife?/Are there any knives?

I. Complete with the correct plural noun.

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I

01 Ing Sem 23 1.pmd

II. Follow the correct plural noun form to reach the end of the maze.

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I
III. Choose the correct plural noun form. 8. Please make twenty ________ for lunch.

1. She took part in all of the many ________ a) sandwich b) sandwices

on the holiday. c) sandwiches d) sandwichies

a) activities b) activityies 9. The three ______ flew in the sky.

c) activertes d) activityes
a) gooses b) geeses
2. He put all of the _______ in order. c) geese d) goosses

a) discs b) disces 10. The ______ were all different.

c) discess d) disc's
a) roves b) roofes
3. Both the ________ had flat tires. c) roofves d) roofs

a) bycyclies b) bicycles 11. He put the two ______ under his pillow.
c) bicycls d) bicycils
a) tooths b) teeths
4. The castle was many _________ old. c) teeth d) teethes

a) centuryes b) centuries 12. The two bank _____ were open when the
c) centries d) centurys police arrived.

a) saves b) safies
5. We visited four ____________ before we
c) safies d) safes
found the right one.

13. He wanted twenty ___ of the photograph!

a) nurserys b) nurserees
c) nurseryes d) nurseries
a) copy b) copies
c) copyies d) cops
6. She had many different coloured _____
to choose from.
14. You can have three ______ at the answer.

a) lens b) lenses
a) guess b) guessens
c) lensies d) lensesies
c) gueses d) guesses

7. There was a group of ________ standing

15. She had left him five ___________ in the
under the tree.
sink to wash up.

a) deered b) deers
a) saucepanes b) saucespan
c) deeries d) deer
c) saucepans d) sauc

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I

2 Quantifiers

A and An


To state the singular quantity of a noun.

01 Ing Sem 23 1.pmd


There is a banana/an apple.

There isn’t a banana/an apple.
Is there a banana/an apple?

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I
Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Some and Any


To state the plural or uncountable quantity of a noun.


Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I

There are some bananas/is some water.

There aren’t any bananas/isn’t any water.
Are there any bananas/Is there any water?

I. Complete the activity.

1. Write C for countable and U for uncountable.

01 Ing Sem 23 1.pmd

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I
II. Complete the activity.

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I
III. Choose the correct quantifier. 9. Why don't you try ....… soup? Okay.
Yummy! It's delicious.
1. I want to put … sugar in my coffee.
a) some b) any c) a
a) some b) any c) a
10. There are … candies on the table. Let's
2. … people are waiting outside the movie have ….
a) some / some b) any / any
a) Some b) Any c) A c) a / a

3. There is … white car next to the 11. I need … minute to finish my work, and
then I can leave.
a) some b) any c) a
a) some b) any c) a
4. Are there … supermarkets in your neigh-
borhood? 12. Stewart bought … dozen eggs and … to-
a) some b) any c) a
a) some / a b) any / some
5. Can I have … cookies, please? Sure. Help c) a / some
13. Do you have … pets, like cats or dogs?
a) some b) any c) a
a) some b) any c) a
6. I don't have … tests on Monday, but I have
… test on Wednesday. 14. Many programs on TV are quite boring,
but … programs are okay
a) some / any b) any / a
c) a / some a) some b) any c) a

7. (a) Are there … birds in the tree? 15. I have … really good friend. Her name is
(b) No, there aren't …. Cathy.

a) some / some b) any / any c) a / a a) some b) any c) a

01 Ing Sem 23 1.pmd

8. Thomas needs … box of colored pencils 16. Albert Einstein had . . . fascinating ideas
to finish his picture. about time and space.

a) some b) any c) a a) some b) any c) a

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I

3 Quantifiers
Few/A Few and Little/A Little
Few A Few

Use Use

To state a very small quantity that is not To state a small quantity that is sufficient
sufficient and considered negative. and considered positive.

Structure Structure

few + plural noun a few + plural noun

I had a great time. There were a few of
There are few faithful men.
my friends at the party.

Little A Little

Use Use

To state a very small quantity that is not To state a small quantity that is sufficient
sufficient and considered negative. and considered positive.

Structure Structure

little + uncountable noun a little + uncountable noun

Example Example

There is little snow on Mount Let’s go to the movie theatre. I have a

Huaytapallana. little money left.

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I

Many/Much and A lot of

01 Ing Sem 23 1.pmd

Inglés 11
Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I

I. Read the clues and then complete with the correct clothing and fashion vocabulary.

01. Wear this outside when it’s cold. j __ c k __ __

02. Wear them on your feet when you go out. __ __ __ e s

03. They have two legs. p __ __ t s

04. Do you wear this size? __ __ d i __ m

05. Wear them on your hands. g __ o __ e s

06. Wear it if your pants fall down. b __ __ t

07. Wear them on your feet (not shoes). s __ __ k __

08. You pull it up . . . or down. __ __ p p __ r

09. Is your neck cold? s c __ __ f

10. Wear them on your feet in rain or snow. __ o o __ __

11. It’s small and round. b __ t __ __ n

12. It has two arms (called sleeves). __ __ __ r t

13. Wear them on your feet at home. __ __ __ p p __ r s

14. Wear it on your head. c __ __

15. They help you to see better. __ l __ __ s __ s

16. A necklace is an example. __ __ w __ l l __ y

Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I
II. Classify the nouns by countability.

II. Complete the sentences with few, a few, little or a little.

1. We have _____________ time left. Let's try to get finished quickly.

2. You have _____________ ideas left, so let's hear them.

3. I have got very _____________ friends, so I'm alone most of the time.

4. What you need is _____________ more self-confidence. You can do it.

5. I'm sorry, but I speak _____________ Spanish. Can't we communicate in English?

01 Ing Sem 23 1.pmd

6. She saves _____ money every month because she wants to go on a cruise next summer.

7. There are ____________ posts that are really worth reading. Most of them are rubbish.

8. I have drunk _____________ water today, so I guess that's why I'm so thirsty.

Inglés 13
Ciclo Semestral 2023 – I
9. There was _____________ time to finish the project, so we had to work on weekends.

10. I made very _____________ mistakes, so I got a very good mark.

IV. Complete the sentences with many, much or a lot of.

1. There aren't ________ apples in the basket. More than half are pears.

2. Is there ________ snow on the mountains? Yes, there is. We can go skiing.

3. There are a lot of vegetables, but there isn't ________ meat in the market. It would be
a vegetarian's dream.

4. There isn't ________ water in your cup. Add some more please.

5. I have got ________ books in my library. I've been collecting them for years.

6. There isn't ________ sugar in her coffee. That's because she doesn't like it too sweet.

7. Is there ________ poverty in the slums of Brazil? Yes, there is.

8. Loren has got ________ money in the bank. She's rich.

9. Have you got ________ friends in Roma? No, I don't. Zero.

10.There are ________ flies in the garbage. It's an infestation!


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