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Madhav Institute of technology and Science

Image Processing
Submitted by:
Submitted to:
Aashutosh Savita
Dr. Sunil Kumar Shukla
Table of contents


Types of Segmentation
Image segmentation is a computer vision technique that involves dividing
an image into multiple segments or regions to simplify its representation
and make it easier to analyze. The goal is to partition the image into
meaningful parts based on certain characteristics, such as color,
intensity, or texture, to extract valuable information or features for
further processing or analysis.


•Thresholding •Region-based Segmentation. •Edge-based Segmentation
Thresholding is a method in image
processing where you convert a
grayscale image into a binary image by
selecting a threshold value. Pixels
below the threshold become black, and
pixels above become white. It's used to
separate objects from the background
in images.
Region-based Segmentation
This process involves dividing the image into smaller segments that have a
certain set of rules. This technique employs an algorithm that divides the
image into several components with common pixel characteristics. The
process looks out for chunks of segments within the image. Small
segments can include similar pixes from neighboring pixels and
subsequently grow in size. The algorithm can pick up the gray level from
surrounding pixels.
Edge Detection
Edges are significant local changes of
intensity in a digital image. An edge
can be defined as a set of connected
pixels that forms a boundary between
two disjoint regions.

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