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Herbal components Organical components Alchemical components

1. Wolfsthistle Dragon’s Bile Quicksilver

2. Auril’s Tear Pig Milk Ground Garnet

3. Old Man’s Whiskers Mirror Eye Fleur de Sel

4. Snowsage Giant’s Toe Pure Oil

5. Serpentroot Powdered Leech Sulphur

6. Lady’s Keys Boar Gut Crystal Shard

7. Common Flamecup Witches’ Wart Black Ink

8. Dead Man’s Finger Raptor’s Flight Purified Spring Water

9. Elderweed Dragonscale Charcoal

10. Fey’s Wort Bonedust Magnesium Dust

11. Maiden’s Lament Bezoar Aqua Fortis

12. Malar’s Claw Ground Antlers Verdigris

13. Balduran’s Lily Human Heart Lunar Stone

14. Wyvern’s Tongue Fish Gills Gold ore

15. Flamefern Primordial Goo Bismuth

16. Granny’s Beard Grouse’s Egg Spirit of Wine

17. Raven’s Foot Vermintail Black Vitriol

18. Fool’s Bread Vampire’s Ashes Dry Cobalt

19. Pauper’s Crown Wolf Tongue Diamond

20. Selkie’s Kelp Auroch’s Udder Chalk

List of Potions

1. Common Healing Potion

2. Potion of Waterbreathing

3. Lingering Poison

4. Potion of Tongues (spell: Comprehend Languages)

5. Potion of A Thousand Garbs (spell: Disguise Self)

6. Potion of Expeditious Retreat

7. Grease

8. Potion of Heroism

9. Invisible Ink (spell: Illusionary Script)

10. Alchemist’s Fire

11. Potion of Unseen Presence (spell: Invisibility)

12. Grandmother Holly’s All-Purpose Balm (spell: Lesser Restoration)

13. Bottled Will-o-Wisp (spell: light)

14. Dust of Tracelessness (spell: Pass without a trace)

15. Essence of Purity (spell: Purify food and drink)

16. Resistant Salve (spell: Resistance)

17. Mordecai’s Tonic of the Crystal Eye (spell: See Invisibility)

18. Tincture of Drowsiness (spell: Sleep)

19. Tasha’s Narcoticum (spell: Tasha’s Hideous Laughter)

20. Potion of Spider Climb (spell: spider Climb)

The Common Healing Potion
- 4 petals of Auril’s Tear
- 1 Grouse’s Egg
- 1 vial of Spirit of Wine

Add the petals and the egg yolk to a vial of Spirit of Wine, allowing it to simmer over
a gentle flame, while stirring, until the liquid changes into a reddish hue. Stop stirring
and allow it to boil gently for another five minutes or so, before taking the potion off the
flame and allowing it to cool down naturally. Once cooled, transfer the liquid to a
suitable vial and cork it until further use.
The potion will have a minor healing effect upon imbibing and will heal suffered wounds
almost immediately upon use.
Potion of Waterbreathing
- 5 fish gills
- 3 Selkie’s Kelp
- 1 flask of Pure Oil
Lingering Poison
- 3 serpenroots
- 1 vermintail
- 1 vial of black vitriol
Potion of Tongues
- 4 Wyvern’s Tongue
- 2 Wolf Tongues
- 1 lump of charcoal
Potion of a Thousand Garbs
- 6 Old Man’s Whiskers
- 2 Mirror Eye
- 3 Fleur de Sel
Potion of Expeditious Retreat
- 4 Raven’s Foot
- 1 Boar Gut
- 1 Quicksilver
- 5 Elderweed
- 1 Primordial Goo
- 1 Ground Garnet
Potion of Heroism
- 2 Balduran’s Lily
- 1 Human Heart
- 1 Lunar Stone
Invisible Ink
- 3 Snowsage
- 2 Pig Milk
- 5 Vials of Black Ink
Alchemist’s Fire
- 5 Flamefern
- 1 vial of Dragon’s Bile
- 3 vials of Sulphur
Potion of Unseen Presence
- 2 Fey’s Wort
- 10 powdered leech
- 1 diamond
Grandmother Holly’s All-Purpose Balm
- 3 Granny’s Beard
- 1 Bezoar
- 2 Crystal Shards

Bottled Will-O-Wisp
- 3 Common Flamecup
- 5 Raptor’s Flight
- 3 vials of Magnesium Dust
Dust of Tracelessness
- 3 Fool’s Bread
- 2 Giant’s Toe
- 1 vial of Aqua Fortis
Essence of Purity
- 3 Maiden’s Lament
- 2 Ground Antlers
- 3 Verdigris
Resistant Salve
- 4 Wolfthistle
- 3 Bonedust
- 1 Gold Ore
Mordecai’s Tonic of the Crystal Eye
- 3 Lady’s Keys
- 1 Vampire’s Ashes
- 2 Purified Spring Water
Tincture of Drowsiness
- 2 Pauper’s Crown
- 3 Witches Wart
- 1 Bismuth

Tasha’s Narcoticum
- 6 Malar’s Claw
- 1 Dragonscale
- 2 Dry Cobalt
Potion of Spider Climb
- 3 Dead Man’s Finger
- 1 Auroch’s Udder
- 5 Chalk
Experimentation table
1. BOOM ~ 2d6 area damage

2. Pearl with light swirls and a smooth texture, contained in a bone flask. The potion smells
somewhat like baking bread and tastes like a tangerine. Side-affects may include a slight aphrodisiac

3. Light yellow-green with gold sparkles and scalding hot, contained in a flask inset with silver. The
potion smells like fresh dirt and tastes minty. Side-affects may include fatigue. Take one point of

4. Sea green and hot, contained in a plain vial. The potion smells somewhat like raw meat and tastes
somewhat like campfire smoke. Side-affects may include insomnia and mild paranoia.

5. Pale yellow with silvery swirls and boiling, contained in a metal flask. The potion smells like river
water and tastes decent. Side-affects may include sneezing.

6. Violet with semi-transparent swirls and lukewarm, contained in a flask with strange decorations.
The potion smells very good and tastes somewhat like raw meat. Side-affects may include mild

7. Smokey grey with varicolored layers and a syrupy texture, contained in a glass vial. The potion
smells minty and tastes like cinnamon. Side-affects may include a strong aftertaste.

8. Light orange with blue swirls and scalding hot, contained in a flask inset with bone. The potion
smells like apples and tastes terrifying. Side-affects may include pain and dizziness. Disadvantage on
all skill tests until next Rest

9. Medium blue with dark swirls and warm, contained in an oddly-stained vial. The potion smells like
ooze and tastes like blood. Side-affects may include violent mood swings.

10. Reddish-brown with silver sparkles and a smooth texture, contained in a plain vial. The potion
smells like flowers and tastes like oranges. Side-affects may include hunger and thirst.

11. Light red with dark swirls and a slimy texture, contained in a very fancy vial. The potion smells like
apples and tastes very good. Side-affects may include a temporary loss of the sense of smell.

12. Aquamarine with gold flecks and boiling intensely, contained in a flask inset with iron. The potion
smells like hot chocolate and tastes excellent. Side-affects may include mild dizziness.

13. Pale yellow with gold swirls and an oily texture, contained in a flask with runes drawn on the side.
The potion smells like grapes and tastes odd. Side-affects may include slowed reaction time.
-3 to Initiative rolls and no reactions are possible until the next Rest.

14. Dark amber and steaming slightly, contained in a plain vial. The potion smells strange and tastes
hellish. Side-affects may include muscle weakness. -2 to damage rolls with melee weapons.

15. Light red and warm, contained in a tall tumbler. The potion smells like orc spit and tastes
somewhat like cheese. Side-affects may include numbness and tingling in extremities. Disadvantage
on all dexterity-based skill checks or skills that rely on nimble fingerwork.

16. Medium brown and frothing, contained in a plain vial. The potion smells like apples and tastes
somewhat like fine wine. Side-affects may include discolored teeth.
17. Dark amber with yellow-orange swirls and smoking intensely, contained in a plain flask. The
potion smells somewhat like milk and tastes strange. Side-affects may include increased confidence.

18. Golden with light swirls and warm, contained in a bloodstained flask. The potion smells like
peaches and tastes like fountain-pen ink. Side-affects may include mild euphoria.

19. Sea green with spots of another color and frothing, contained in a small cup. The potion smells
scary and tastes like pinecones. Side-affects may include temporarily glowing eyes.

20. Luck of the experiment: obtain a new recipe, DM’s discretion.

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