Data Collection Format & Bioethics

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Data Collection Format & Bioethics

Informed Consent Form for Participation in a Social Experiment

You are being invited to participate in a social experiment that involves an important research study,w
analyzing the impact of parenting styles on children in primary grades and their academic
performance. Your insights will contribute to a better understanding of how parenting practices
influence a child's educational journey. The experiment will take place during April, consisting of a
single session per participant. Each session is anticipated to last approximately 1 to 1.5 hours,
allowing for a comprehensive exploration of the impact of parenting styles on children's academic
performance. During the experiment, you will be required to engage in the Gottman Institute's
parenting styles questionnaire, provide insights on academic performance, share experiences, and
offer feedback. Sessions last 1-1.5 hours with optional follow-up.

Participation in this experiment involves the following risks and benefits:

- You might be subject to extensive questioning about your family and your parenting style
which may make you feel slightly uncomfortable.

- Get to know and be aware of your parenting style.
- Be responsive about your children's academic performance due to your parenting style.
- Being able to take action regarding the breeding of the children.

Any information collected during the experiment will be kept strictly confidential. Your identity will
be protected, and data will be anonymized in any reports or publications resulting from the

Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this experiment is voluntary. You have the right to refuse to participate or to
withdraw from the experiment at any time without penalty or consequence.

Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about the experiment or your participation in it, please feel free
to contact Juan Carlos Arevalo at

I have read and understand the information provided in this consent form. I have had the opportunity
to ask questions, and any questions I have asked have been answered satisfactorily. By signing below,
I voluntarily consent to participate in this social experiment.

Participant's Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________

Researcher's Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________


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