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Brenda Nunez

Teressa Jackson

EDUC 2210

17 April 2024


Throughout the semester I felt very connected to the students and to the environment of

teaching. Therefore, I put many hours of thought into the possibly of making that my career.

After the first semester of my senior year, I came to realize that education was not for me. Over

the two years of working with the students and the teaching environment I realized I was not

going to be able to do it for the rest of my life. I did know that I love kids and I would still love

to continue working with them, therefore I have decided to become a substitute teacher next

year. All these decisions were hard to make because deep down I know I would love to be

teaching the future leaders, but I also know that helping people in healthcare is my passion.

As to my experience in my internship, I was able to work with kids that were loving and

caring and I came to love spending time with them. Most of the students were new to me but

others I had already known from the past year. Therefore, I knew how to work with them, on the

other hand I had to learn how the other students learn and work. Over the semester I worked with

every single student and got to learn a bit about them which made being in the classroom

extremely comfortable. Mrs.Richardson has always been an amazing teacher and showed me

numerous things about the education field and for that I am incredibly grateful for. She has

helped me when I am struggling with something and has given me all the support from choosing

my career.
Therefore, this internship has shown me so many things and I am so grateful I was able to

experience this opportunity. It gave me the chance to properly understand the educational career

and that teaching is not an easy job. It also helps me make my final decisions about teaching and

how I will manage to continue working with children in the future. All that said, this internship

was a great experience and eye opening for many reasons, and I am very grateful for it.

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