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Professional Education

Child and Adolescent Development

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1. Which best illustrates the concept of growth?

A. A Grade 5 pupil has learned to play piano.
B. A teacher education student gains knowledge on assessment of learning
C. An elementary pupil gains 1 % pounds every month.
D. A high school student gets a score of 80 in a mental test

2. What concept can best describe Marjorie's ability to walk without a support at the age of 12 months because
of the "internal ripening" that occurred in her muscles, bones, and nervous system development?
A. Development C. Maturation
B. Learning D. Growth

3. What does maturationist theory advance?

A. Development is a product of maturation and learning as these two constantly interact with one another.
B. Development is a biological process that on curs automatically on predictable, sequential stage Overtime.
C. Socio cultural factors should provide the basis for the education of young children
D. Development universals exist and that the developing child should be the focus of educational planning

4. ldentical twins are more alike than fraternal twins. Which of the following statements/principles is supported by this?
A. Intelligence is determined party by pre-natal nutrition.
B. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins.
C. Intelligence hinges in physical structure
D. Heredity has a part in determining physical appearance.

5. A developmental issue concerned with whether an individual is a product of his/her genes or of his/her culture
A. Prenatal and postnatal C. Continuity and stage
B Nature and nurture D. Stability and change

6. The teacher must be aware that both heredity and environment represent complex factors, exerting many
specific influences on an individual's growth. Which of the following statements best represents the influence
of heredity and environment?
A. Heredity counts, environment is less important.
B. In the long run, both tend to cancel each other's influences.
C. If the environment is changed, heredity becomes less important
D. The relative influences of heredity and environment can vary widely in an individual's growth.

7. Sequence the steps in prenatal growth,

I. Fertilization
II. Male and Female sperm and egg cell unite
III. Attaches to the wall of uterus
IV. Zygote divides from two, four, etc.
B.) II, I, IV, III D. IV, III, II, I

8. The term for the developing organism from 2 weeks to 8 weeks of conception
A. Zygote C. Embryo
B. Fetus D. Chromosomes

9. Sequence the steps of zygote becoming an embryo.

I. Life support of the cell develop for the embryo
II. Cell differentiation intensify
III. Layers develop into organ systems
IV. Organs appear
10. This stage of development is known as the questioning age or exploratory because the child is constantly
asking so many questions.
A. Babyhood C. Early childhood
B. Infancy D. Late childhood

11. What is the most accurate definition of the puberty stage?

A. Rapid physical growth and sexual maturation that ends childhood.
B. Stage when sexual maturation is achieved.
C. Stage when adolescents establish identities separate from their parents.
D. Rapid physical growth that occurs during adolescence.

12. It is the first stage of language acquisition where by the child uses a single word to represent a sentence or
A. Holophrase C. Bootstrapping
B. Fast mapping D. Code switching
13. On cognitive development, what can0 to 6 months old infant be capable of doing?
A. Say meaningful words C. Use animal sounds
B. Speak single words D Giggle, coo and babble

14. This is the transition period between childhood to adulthood where rapid physical changes and sexual
maturity occur resulting in changes in ways of feeling, thinking, and acting.
A. Early adulthood C. Middle adulthood
B. Puberty D. Adolescence

15. The degradation of synapses and dying off of neurons that are not strengthened by experience
A. Retardation C. Forgetting
B Pruning D. Aging

16. It is the brain's ability to change from experience

A. Learning C. Tabula rasa
B. Growth D. Plasticity
17. During the first day of school, crying children are a common sight especially in the pre-school department.
What explains this?
A. Object permanence C. Separation anxiety
B. Stranger shyness D. Temper tantrums

18. What development task best displays adolescence 13 to 18 years?

A. Learning social modesty
B. Achieving masculine and feminine roles
C. Assuming civic responsibility
D. Leaning to get along well with age mates

19. In what developmental stage is the pre-school child?

A. Infancy C. Early childhood
B. Babyhood D. Late childhood

20. Researches established that complete coordination of motor activities is attained at,
A. Childhood stage C. Pre-natal stage
B. Infancy D. Adolescence stage

21. Teachers should bear in mind that the period of greatest mental development is from
A. 3 to 6 years old C. 9 to 12 years old
B. 8 to 9 years old D. 12 to 15 years old

22. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine monitor skills of the 4-year-olds. Which
of the following should be best to consider?
A. Ask the children to do repeated writings drill every day
B. Provide daily coloring book activities.
C. Conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles daily
D. Encourage children to eat independently.

23. A newborn baby can move her whole body at one time Instead of moving a part of it. Which of the
following principles is illustrated by his behavior?
A. Development follows a general pattern.
B) Development proceeds from general to specific
C. Development follows an orderly pattern
D. Development proceeds from specific to general
24. Which principle is NOT TRUE?
A. Development is a function of nature and nurture B. Development occurs at different rates.
C. Development occurs in a predictable manner D. Development occurs in an unpredictable manner.
25. A child learns the word FRUITS before she can name guava, mango, apple, and orange because
development ____________________________.
A. is cephalocaudal in nature
B. proceeds from general to specific
C. follows a pattern
D. is a continuous process

26. One research-based principle of child development is that Early experiences have strong effects on children's
development and learning'". What is an implication of this to teaching-learning?
A. Enrich early childhood with favourable experiences
B. Assist their development by bringing them to tutorial centers.
C. Enroll them in preschool.
D. Teach them academic lessons early.

27. Which teaching practice gives primary consideration to individual differences?

A. Preparing two different sets of examination, one for the fast learners and another for the slow learners.
B. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in away where they feel most comfortable
except by lecturing.
C. Allowing children to show that they learned the stages of mitosis in a way where they feel most comfortable.
D. Applying two sets of different standards.

28. Which statement is not true of human growth and development?

A. Development is a product of maturation and learning.
B. The rate of development is the same of every one.
C. Individual undergoes similar stages and development.
D. Development follows pattern.

29. When a little girl who says she wants her mother to go on vacation so that she can marry her father, Freud
believes that she is voicing a fantasy consistent with
A. Electra complex C. Theory of the mind
B. Oedipus complex D. Crisis of initiative vs guilt

30. What is represented by wonder what sort of person really am?" in Erikson's Theory of Development?
A. Autonomy C. identity
B. Initiative D. Industry

31. A student follows his teacher and receives star as reward. According to Kohlberg, to what level of moral
development does the student belong to?
A. Post-conventional
B. Conventional
C. Between preconventional and conventional
D. Preconventional

32. Early childhood, the pre-operational stage, centration is proven by children's lack of conservation. This
means that children:
A. are not able to understand that changing a substance's appearance does not change its basic properties.
B. exhibit primitive reasoning
C. are not able to distinguish their perspective from others' perspective.
D. believe that objects have lifelike qualities.

33. What is the most ideal stage of moral development?

A. Social contract orientation
B. Universal ethical principle
C. Law and order orientation
D. Good boy/nice girl orientation

34. Research says that children use private speech more when tasks are difficult, after they have made errors and
when they are not sure how to proceed. What does this imply?
I. Insist on silence or no talking rule when children are occupied with a task.
II. Allow children to engage in private talk while taking the written test
III. Encourage children to do private talk to improve their performance.
A. I and II C. I and III
B. II and III D. I, II and III
35. In which cognitive development stage is a child unable to distinguish between his own perspective and
someone else's?
A. Pre-operational stage
B. Concrete operational stage
C. Sensorimotor stage
D. Formal operational stage

36. Which is an example of a child's mesosystem that does NOT work favorably for the chiid?
A. The child is not in good terms with his peers
B There is so much hostility at home.
C. The child's parent and teacher are at odds.
D. The child is sickly.

37. Lino goes with his father in school. He enjoys the workplace of his father. Which of the following ecological
systems is illustrated by the situation?
A Microsystem C. Macrosystem
B. Exosystem D. Chronosystem

38. When a child says that the sun is sleeping at night, the child is in the pre-operational stage, particularly
A. Animism C. Egocentrism
B. Centration D. Reversibility

39. Science Teacher Iza showed her class a glass of water with an egg in it. She asked the class: "What happens
to the egg if l add three tablespoon salt to the glass of water? This is hypothesis formulation. What can you
infer about the cognitive developmental stage of Teacher Iza's class?
A Pre-operational stage C. Formal operational stage
B. Concrete operational stage D. Between concrete and formal operational stage

40. In what level of moral development are judgments based on the norms or expectations of the group?
A Pre-conventional morality
B. Conventional morality
C. Post-conventional morality
D. Universal ethical principles

41. The Freudian stages when the child isn't aware of or concern with sexual impulses, instead he is more
interested in developing friendship with other children of the same sex.
A. Anal C. Latency
B. Phallic D. Genital

42. According to Piaget's cognitive theory, what is the ability to determine that a quantity will remain the same
despite adjustment of the container shape's apparent size?
A. Conservation C. Assimilation
B. Conversion D. Accommodation

43. In Erikson's psychosocial theory of development, what is applicable to the statement "I am confident of
carrying out my plans to a successful conclusion?
A. Initiative C. Intimacy
B. ldentity D. Trust

44. In Piaget's Concrete-Operational stage in cognitive development, which refers to the ability to order or
arrange things logically on dimension such as weigh, volume, or size?
A. Conservation C. Intimacy
B. Reversibility D. Seriation

45. In Piaget's stages of cognitive development, which is the tendency of the child to only see his point of view
and to assume that everyone has the same point of view?
A. Reversibility C. Egocentrism
B. Symbolic function D. Centration

46. A child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain what basic goal based on
Erikson's Psychosocial development theory?
A. Trust C. Initiative
B. Autonomy D. Industry

47. In Piaget's stages of cognitive development, which is the tendency of the child to only see his point of view
and to assume that everyone has the same point of view?
A. Reversibility C. Egocentrism
B. Symbolic function D. Centration

48. Which does Noam Chomsky assert about language learning for children?
I. Young children lean and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to them.
II. Begin formal teaching and grammatical rules to children as early as possible.
III. Do not require initial formal language teaching for children.
A. Il only C. I and II
B. only D. I and III

49. Every person strives to satisfy physical needs. He/she progressed materially if he/she increases the capacity
to meet those needs and lives in material comfort, in addition, he also seeks social acceptance, prestige,
status or superiority over other people. How does this point about human?
I. Psychological growth and spiritual program only begin when a person rises above the mere
satisfaction for physical and social needs
II. Life is more than material satisfaction
II. One should belong to church to satisfy those needs
A. I and III C. I and II
B. Il only D. I, Il and III

50. If a teacher accepts Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs, he/she will probably structure objectives to:
A. Eliminate testing
B. Meet both physiological and intellectual needs of the students
C. Maintain a certain level of anxiety for increased composition
D. Eliminate extrinsic motivations

51. If one is asked to develop himself to the fullest, what need is he trying to satisfy according to Maslows
hierarchy of needs?
A. Safety arid security needs C. Physiological needs
B. Love and belongingness needs D. Self-actualization

52 Which parenting style contributes to the development of children who have low level of responsibility?
A. Authoritative C. Permissive
B. Authoritarian D. Neglecting

53. Studies on delinquent students recommend which effective parenting style for adolescents?
A. Authoritative C. Democrat
B. Neglectful D. Laizzes faire

54.1t is a type of play in which children observe the play of other children, while not actually playing
A. Solitary Play C. Onlooker Play
B. Parallel Play D. Associative Play

55. What field of education manages children with behavioural problems like attention-deficit disorders?
A. Distance education
B. Skills and technology training
C. Special education
D. Early childhood education
56. __________ is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and
communication and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
A. ADHD C. Mental retardation
B. Physical Disabilities D. Autism

57. A student reads WAS for SAW of D for P or B. From his reading behavior, one can say that the student has
A. Dyslexia C. Dysphasia
B. Dysgraphia D. Dyspraxia

58. Certain injury to the language area of the brain cause the total loss of the ability to produce and/or
understand language, this condition is known as:
A. Asperger C. Aphasia
B. Mutism D. Dyslexia

59. Some children are more active than others, as everyone knows, extremely high levels of activity or
hyperactivity are considered problematic. How may a teacher help a child who is problematic?
A. Make him the leader of the class
B. Transfer him to another class.
C. Give him challenging activities that are appropriate to his ability level and interests.
D. Allow him to spend longer time at the playground until he gets tired.

60. "Mainstreaming in the classroom means___________________?

A. Pupils formerly enrolled in special education classes are now integrated in to regular classes.
B. Teacher in Special Education (SPED) centers are now teaching in regular classroom.
C. Teachers in regular classes are now teaching children with disabilities in special education centers.
D. Pupils in regular classes are now accepted in special education centers.

****** Good luck!, Future Teacher ******

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