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The NCIP is the primary government agency mandated to

formulate and implement policies, plans, and measures

affecting the indigenous peoples. Notwithstanding calls for
its abolition, the NCIP remains to be a relevant institutional
mechanism that implements the Indigenous People's
Rights Act (IPRA) which recognizes, protects, and
promotes the rights and well-being of the indigenous
peoples. As I speak today, the NCIP, despite its
limitations, continues to open more gates for the IPs
thereby allowing more opportunities for development
inside the ancestral domains.
IP discrimination of all sorts, among others, had always
been a burning issue involving the IPs including the
Tinggians of Abra. This must stop. Any and all future
similar attitudes towards the IPs must necessarily fail.
The Iloko-Tinggian Fellowship, celebrated through songs
and dances, is a means to an end. It seeks to foster
solidarity notwithstanding cultural differences among all
Abrenios, Tinggians, and Ilocanos, without distinction. This
fellowship should bring us closer to each other and should
create in us the responsibility to respect and take good
care of each other as one Abrenio. Together, we condemn
discrimination as it has no place in our province. May this
fellowship send a strong message to the whole world that
IPs must not be discriminated but whose integrity and
dignity must be upheld, instead.
Today, we come to celebrate not only our cultural identity
as Abrenios but also, today, we paint the town red for our
victories having hurdled the test of the pandemic and the
massive earthquake that centered in our province. Just
like the kawayan, Tinggians and Ilokanos are resilient and
we will always rise no matter what. We, therefore, thank
our leaders and all the front liners for their unparalleled
hard work during those times. Above all, we thank
Kabunyan for his protection.
Happy Iloko-Tinggian Fellowship kindatako am-in!
Matatago tako!

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