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Sophia Skorupski

Professor Sullivan

Child Psychology

17 April 2024

Assignment 10

For this module please answer the following questions in a bullet format.
Sternberg and Gardner are two contemporary psychologists in the field of
Intelligence. They each believe we have "multiple" intelligence and therefore we are not
limited to analytical intelligence (ie, book smarts!). Gardner had NINE types and Sternerg
had THREE. Please choose which types of intelligence (from each theory !) you are
strongest in, and why? Please be sure to include how in school these types of intelligence
helped you to learn.
EXAMPLE: Sternberg had THREE types of intelligence in his theory. Analytical ,
Creative and Practical. If you are strongest in creative, then you would have enjoyed and
learned better when your teachers assigned an art project where you were able to draw or
color or build something. If you have an actual example, please include it. Do this for each
theory, the ones that resonate with you and your abilities.

● I’m more familiar with Gardner’s theory on multiple intelligences and he is honestly one

of my favorite psychologists. It feels like I have taken his test a billion times for various

classes and I even did a presentation on his theory in my public speaking class last spring.

Every time I take the test, my top intelligence is always verbal/linguistic and it’s usually a

second-place tie between interpersonal and intrapersonal.

● Verbal intelligence being my highest score never has and never will surprise me. I love

reading and writing and it is definitely why I succeeded in school as much as I did. I

mentioned this in a paper I wrote for Professor Aria just a few weeks ago, that I literally

did not realize that not everyone was intrinsically drawn to reading/writing and that it was

actually kind of rare. I’m not saying I’m the only person on the planet who likes to pick
up a book every once in a while, but I legitimately learn best when I am listening to a

teacher speak and I’m taking notes down with a pen on paper.

● I feel very lucky to have this type of intelligence and learning style because realistically

most teachers, especially when I was younger (maybe not so much anymore), design their

classrooms and lessons with these types of activities in mind.

● I am very aware and sympathetic toward students who fell between the cracks or failed

because they had spatial or kinesthetic intelligence and it was not being catered to in their

classes, so I always want to make sure that I will keep the options open in my own

classroom when I become a teacher.

● My first instinct when I need to either study or figure out a problem (for anything, even a

personal issue) is to take out a piece of paper and start writing an outline. I am not

kidding when I say that I have written entire essays with multiple drafts about guys I was

dating (and/or breaking up with), for only myself to read just so I can understand the

situation fully. This is where intrapersonal intelligence comes in because I use linguistics

to help me understand myself.

● My second instinct when I have a problem that I could not solve by making notes or

writing it down is to sit down and talk it out with another person. This is where my

interpersonal intelligence comes in. It’s usually my dad but it could be literally anyone. I

would say it is rare that I have a problem I still can’t understand after writing about it, but

when it does happen I always opt to have a conversation so I can organize my thoughts

that way. It helps me to understand what other people think about my own situations and

it is also very helpful to know if they have had anything similar in their own lives so I

always love discussing those things with others.

● I am less familiar with Sternberg’s theory on intelligence, but after reading a quick article

about it, I would say that I am probably mostly practical with a hint of creativity. I think

it’s normal to be able to see yourself in multiple categories, that’s kind of the whole point

in the theories on MULTIPLE intelligences, but I don’t resonate with analytical


● My brain is very clearly more language-oriented as opposed to math/science so I just feel

like most of my day is spent coming up with solutions using just my wits instead of

trying to calculate anything.

● I definitely think I have common sense because I find myself to be very observant and

intuitive, I feel like I can walk into any room and immediately pick up any and all vibes

and know exactly what my next step has to be. I use my knowledge of what I know about

human interactions and just know what I have to do to make sure everything is in order in

the room.

● When it really comes down to it, I know I can be creative but it’s just not a way I would

ever choose to describe myself as, for whatever reason.

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